Jedi Knight II: Jedi Outcast Lightsaber Tactics & Stratagy Guide By: Dustin M. Kulwicki Chapter 1: Hidden Moves Chapter 2: Stances Chapter 3: Stratagies Chapter 1: Hidden Moves In this game, there is a variety of hidden moves for the player to discover while wielding the lightsaber in general is a great tool, and the game developers did a supreme job of showing off what it really is supposed to do. Its a laser, plain and simple, you dont have to swing to hurt someone, just walk up, and poke they're ass. Its that simple. Anyway, they incorperated a variety of extra moves and such, that.. well.. can just make the player look good. Spin-Slashing A Rather simple technique, It can only be done if your in the Blue or Yellow Stance, basically, Hold Forward OR backword, and a Strafe, this creats 4 different Spin attacks, The spin attack is generally MUCH stronger then a basic one, and allows you to move, beyond that, it looks fucking cool. Running Up a Wall Yes, you can run Up a wall, this is done by simply charging at a wall, and tapping jump as you touch, your character will run up it, and flip backwords, Note that you can also control how far your character jumps back by holding back to jump further and holding forward, to jump less, this is useful for dogging out your opponent, and if your in the Red lightsaber position, turn your saber off, and run up a wall, then Attack with it as your coming down for a good Follow-up attack. KickFlipping off a wall Yes, you can do this too, not from forward though, only run up a wall, To Flip up a wall, simply Strafe into the wall and tap jump, like above, and then hold left or right to determine the distance your character moves off the wall, another clever technique is to do this while being chased in a narrow hallway, and strike over your head as you flip. Flying Up a Wall Yes, you can do this too, its a combination of the above two techniques, you can Run WAY far up a wall, and it just looks fucking cool, simply Run alongside a wall while strafing against it, then Jump and hold jump to literally scale the wall. A good technique is to Run way up a wall, and when your about to hit the ground, hold crouch so your roll out of it, not only does it look cool, its a good way to fake out your opponent. Rolling A Very basic technique, yet, not very well used for how good it is, it serves as a speedup and a dodge utility, simply Crouch while running in 3rd person, any direction and your character can roll, If you roll against a downed Foe, your saber will roll against him, and damage him/her, a clever technique if you dont have time to slash. Sword Shield A more Advanced Technique, and a bit harder to do, but you can fake out your sword, and make it circle around you for a long time, infinite if you get good enough, simply throw the sword, and as it comes back, begin to strafe left, then tap up, then strafe right, then down and start over, your sword will circle around you, and Yes, it still CAN hit people. Running up your Opponent Yes, you can do this too. But you need a high level force Pull to do it, basically, you pull your opponent too you, and as he/she touches you, Jump, and your character will run up your foe, this not only looks badass, but if Floors your opponent, leaving him/her open to a lot of follow-up attacks if they dont speed get up. Quick Get Up If you fall over, Tap jump a million times to Super-get up, if you have enough force, sometimes your character will get up in a cool fashion, such as spinning around matrix style, or something. Spring Jump If you have lvl 2 or 3 Force jump, there is a way to get even higher, its called the spring jump, and basically, you get a running start, run forward, and Jump, HOLD jump, then let go of Forward Immediately, then Rehold it back down, instead of flipping, your character will hold out his/her arms, this looks SOooo cool, like Crouching/Hidden style, ya know?? But not only does it look cooler, it does infact grant you a VERY small ammount of extra Height, but also, it doesnt carry you as far forward. Leap Attack Left/Right If you have lvl 2 or 3 Force jump, there is a way to do a leaping side attack, that looks very cool, its the same thing as above, but substitute forward with a Strafe key (ie: left or right) your character will leap up and stick his/her elbow out, looks kinda like Superman if you ask me, but Very cool none the less, What makes this effective, is you can also slash while your doing it, for a totally unique slash with each style, They all look badass and though probably very hard to connect with, it just looks cool. Backflips More a Technique then a move, but just simply tapping back + jump and repeating as soon as you hit the ground, will look like cool handsprings in a way, you want to jump as low as possible here, so no force hoppin' Flying Saber Slash Though listed, its kinda sketchy in the book, Basically, When in the Yellow stance, your character can perform a flying saber attack, this attack by far is one of the best looking in the game, and its a good fake out. *ONLY* can be done when a target is directly infront of you, tap forward+jump+attack, hold none down, your character will do a leap, spin around and attack in a head-swipe. It looks AWSOME. Instant Kill This technique takes away 75-80 health a hit, its considered a finishing move and done just as the one above, but no opponent needs to be infront, it looks cool, your character flips, spins, and brings the saber down over his head. Oh, It can only be done if your in the Red stance, sorry. Crouching Strike By far one of the most Usefull attacks in the game, and it can only be done if your in the Blue fighting stance, Basicly, you hold Crouch, then You tap forward and attack at the same time, your character will spring up, and bring his saber low to high, its hard to hit someone with unless they're charging you (hint hint) but if you do hit them, its a VERY good technique to use. Taunting! Some people dont know how to taunt yet, and you have to bind it. Its fairly simple to do, when in a game, Bring down the console (Shift+~) and type: bind (key) +taunt Note: the key is what you press to taunt, and you can ignore the (). I think thats it for the Hidden Techniques... Chapter 2: Stances I Keep refering to Red, Blue, and Yellow Stances, basically, each color means a style of Jedi, they are as follows. Yellow: Classic Jedi Stance Your medium, not to fast, not to slow, and decent damage dealt here, While this is the medium between the three stances, i believe that it is also one of the coolest, it makes defending agaisnt attacks rather easy aslong as your not attacking, and it gives the user advantages including the Flying Saber Slash, which is one of the coolest looking things in the game. Its also worth noting that this contains the best looking Spinning Slashes also. This stance is all-around nicely put. Blue: Quick Jedi Stance This is that quick Speed stance, suited to players who want to attack quickly. It does succeed in being very fast, and its easy to attack, defend, and counterattack, but its also difficult to break an enemies defenses, and it deals a considerable ammount of less damage than any other stance. This stance allows you to defend rather easily aswell, like the Classic jedi Stance, A Final note, although this stance is considered weak, its unlocked technique, the Crouching Strike, Deals a Lot of damage, although its very hard to hit, if utilized effectively, it can be devistating. You should use this stance to counter the red stance, by dodging the heavy blows and counter-attacking them quickly while your opponents guard is down. Red: Heavy Jedi Stance The Strongest of the three, this stance your jedi holds the saber upright, and it makes it very easy for your opponent to determine if your in this stance, and use the Quick Stance to counter-attack it, so beware. Because of the Saber positioning, and the Extremely long recoil times, your going to have one hell of a time defending yourself using this stance, So id recommend some training in Evading blows, Such as Rolling, or Force Pushing/Pulling or Grabbing, to hault your opponents offensive, you want your opponent to be on the defending side when you switch to this stance. Although it leaves you open, the stances attacks are increadibly accurate and are extremely difficult to defend no matter what stance, in addition to that, the damage dealt is 10 fold, this stance has attacks that kills opponents in nearly one hit, making this stance Truely devistating. Final Notes: Stances are the most important thing in jedi duels, but the key lies in studying your opponent, You need to counter his stance by whatever means you can, if he switches to blue, you should switch to Yellow to defend. If he switches to Red, Switch to Blue and counter him, if he switches to Yellow, swap to red and crush him. Chapter 3: Stratagies - Maximum Defense - Force: Light Jedi Stance: Blue Force Powers: Jump(3), Throw(2-3), Defense(3), Heal(3), A Technique in which a Jedi can virtually become immunte to most forms of attacks and force powers, basically, you play "keep away" with your opponent, and Run up walls, and kickflip off of other walls, just Stay away, your opponent will get pissed, and when he charges again you Wait for that opening attack, and whip your Saber at him, this will stun him, and you repeat this little game, when you take damage, heal yourself. - Maximum Offense - Force: Dark Jedi Stance: Red Force Powers: Offense(3), Defense(1-3), Dark Rage(3), Speed(3) This is meant for a one-hit kill player, and it succeeds in the highest of fashions, your faster than anyone, & hit harder than anyone, but your life is being drained, basically, you can play with your opponent for awhile, or Start right off with this, Basically, Get AWAY from your opponent, and as he begins to follow up, Cast Speed, then Dark Rage on yourself at the same time, your attack speed is +150% Virtually, you can attack as fast as if you were in yellow stance, and if you touch your opponent, that fool is going to drop like nothing, no matter his stance. - Grip Death - Force: Dark Jedi Stance: Any Force Powers: Grip(3) Theres a whole stratagy when dealing with Gripping someone, The fact that you can move them allows for a Lot of options, standing on the edge, and just waiting for that charge, grabbing him, turning around, and dropping him. Also holding it out deals damage, which is painful within itself, you can play keep away and just occassionally grab, choke. - Pull-Kick Death - Force: Any Stance: Red Force Powers: Pull(3) Theres a hidden Technique in the Pulling Force when its at level 3, try pulling your opponent directly to you, then run into him while Jumping, your character will matrix-like Run up his face, and boot him over, while backflipping, The stratagy is Just that, then, if they get up slow, Charge'm with that big Red Swipe and Finish'm off. Easy kill. - Mind Trick Attack - Force: Light Stance: Red-Yellow Force Powers: Mind Trick(3) This is a Very powerful stratagy, simply because of the fact that no one ever carries the Detecting Force Power. which makes it very easy to vanish from your foe. This leaves a Lot open, including hiding yourself while invisable, then re-healing yourself, Or Suprising your opponent with a heavy strike, then running and turning invisable once more. - Saber Throwing - Force: Any Stance: Any Force Powers: Throw(2-3) Saber Throwing is an Extremely effective tool to play with, First off, its a good defensive technique, If your opponent is in a red stance, throw it at him often, because he'll need to move to dodge it generally. In addition to that, you wait for them to Charge and when they do, you Throw your saber JUST as they're about to attack, the attack will hit and stun them, this is a great stratagy to tag down your opponents health, works especially well on Dark Jedi, because they have a hard time healing dmg. - Drain, Then Kill - Force: Dark Jedi Stance: Any (Preferably Blue) Force Powers: Drain(3) This is a simplistic technique that allows you to fully handicap your opponent, keep him drained and you on top, this will make it so he can use NO force powers if you keep the offensive, and use the blue stance to keep him on guard, so he has to run from you, Chase him down and poke at his life, while continually poking his force down, to minimize his ability to fend you off, and you'll slowly win. - Speed Fighting - Force: Any Stance: Any (Preferably Yellow) Force Powers: Speed(3) This is a simple ability that multiplies your speed by 100%, your exactly double as fast as before that means you can get 2 attacks in where only one was possible, if your opponent is in Red Stance, Switch to blue, and speed up, and pound it into him. - Cheap Grip Drain - Force: Dark Stance: Red Force Powers: Drain(3), Grip(3) This tactic is a bit complex, and involves 3 phases, and it's viewed as CHEAP in a lot of people's eyes, but theyre are plenty of ways to escape for the advanced Jedi. Phase 1 is Force Draining ALL of your opponents Force, then immediately switching to Grip, and Grabbing him, lifting him directly HIGH up in the air, and RIGHT infront of you, then phase 3 is Madly clicking that heavy slash as they land, RIght into the slash, its basically an instant death, and its VERY hard to avoid if caught by the Grip beyind Throwing your saber. Questions/Comments: