Eternal Fighter Zero FAQ V 1.24 2004/06/09 Written by Yunari. Table of contents Topics that are marked with * are not finished yet, sorry about this. 1. Disclaimer 2. Update 3. Setting 4. *Moves 4.1 Basic Moves 4.2 Advanced Moves 4.3 *Command List 4.4 Combo System 5. Advanced tips 5.1 Recoil Guard mastering 5.2 Way to fight against recoil armor 6. Troubleshooting 7. MISC - What does the letter for a character in the Bad Moon Edition mean? 8. Link 9. Reference 10. Contact me 11. Special Thanks 1. Disclaimer This FAQ is copyrighted by Yunari. You may use this FAQ solely for non-profit use. You can distribute this FAQ if you want, but do not edit this FAQ. Moon and One ~Kagayakukisetsuhe~ are registered trademarks of Tactics. Kanon, Air and Clannad are registered trademarks of Key. 2. Update V 1.31 2004/06/09 - Fix several grammar mistake. Thanks for Shiester_Miester for edit this. V 1.26 2004/02/29 - Added Command list for Mishio. - Added names in additional commands from V.305 that missed. - Edited details about instant charge. - Added information about flicker instant charge. V 1.24 2004/01/22 - Added Command list that comes with version 3.04 and 3.05 - Added some comments to advanced tips and troubleshooting because of the Bad Moon Edition update. - Added comment for Akane's side hammer that need to be in air to excute. - Doujin Soft Competition 9th(2004/01/24) released. V 1.22 2003/09/07 - Added Command list that came with version 3.03 V 1.21 2003/09/03 - Added command list for Ikumi that came with version 3.02 - Added additional commands to previous characters in version 3.00 that I forgot. V 1.20 2003/08/25 - Added command list in Bad Moon Edition. - Added new system that come with Bad moon edition. - Changed cough to crouch.(Thanks for buggiefan) - Corrected the names of some characters.(Thanks for Fdm) - Corrected command "Inside of Barrel" for Misao.(Thanks for Fdm) - Added Misc section. - Added contact me section. V 1.13 2003/08/11 - Changed Minagi command that changed with update V.2.13. - Add command list for Kanna. - Improved detail of instant charge system in combo section. V 1.09 2003/06/05 - Added all of hidden commands for Air character. - Changed description of recoil guard system. - Added missed time in update version 2.12 V 1.07 2003/04/29 - Added commands that are included in V 2.10 - Added game release date. - Included back step system that came with V 2.10 V 1.053 2003/03/21 - Fixed some of update section - Fixed command list for kano V 1.052 2003/03/09 - Added control ability of lightning bolt. V 1.051 2003/03/08 - Spell checked. V 1.05 2003/03/08 - Added additional command list from update version 2.06. - Added some command list translation (Thank for Master Asia). - Added advanced tips. - Added setting for system that have ram below 64 MB in troubleshooting section. - Corrected written time in version 0.992 from 2003/03/08 to 2003/02/12 V 0.992 2003/02/08 - Fixed some corrupt japanese letters and lost sentences. V 0.991 2003/01/04 - Spell Checked - Add some translated command for Nayuki. - Game World Fair 2003 release. V 0.99 2002/12/14 - Corrected Mio name. - Removed question section since I have all the answers now. - Added several combo techniques I found later in the combo section. - Added additional usage of recoil guard. - Corrected several misspelt words and misused words. - Removed Akane's Air Carrier after Assault leap since it is unusable. - Translated commands a bit. One reason is that I will translate all of my FAQs to the Thai language soon. - Thailand comike 2002 fair release. V 0.961 2002/11/26 - Corrected Kano's name. - Corrected several commands for Kano (Thank for Thanit to mention these). V 0.96 2002/11/11 - Updated commands that come with game version 2.05. - Changed Mayu's command "I'm not alone" to 41236963+H. - Fixed Mai's commands where I mistakenly added a duplicate command. - Added some translated commands. - Added some trouble shooting that I got with Matrox G450. V 0.951 2002/10/05 - Added romaji names of Minagi and Misuzu. - QOH Sub meeting 1st release. V 0.95 2002/10/05 - Added command that was included in update version 2.04. - Corrected names of Minagi and Misuzu in romaji. - Added some troubleshooting about updates and blue sky edition update. V 0.941 2002/09/24 - Completed update and special thanks that I forgot. V 0.94 2002/09/08 - Add command list for characters that come with Blue Sky Edition (V2.00) update. - Added information about Sayuri's Magical Blade move. (Thanks to Ayu Kusanagi) - Translated some of the command list. V 0.92 2002/07/17 - Added additional commands from update version 1.20 - Corrected some missed characters names in kanji. V 0.91 2002/04/12 - Added some Japanese command names. - Added Sayuri's overdrive Magical on Stage. - Corrected commands for Makoto. V 0.90 2002/03/30 - Initial Release 3. Setting Run config.exe in game directory there will be a dialog box. 1P & 2P Control is the settings for the input device. OPTION CPU: Level of CPU difficulty FPS: 30 FPS or 60 FPS If your system slows down on some effects using 30 fps can help, but there will be a jerky image as drawback. Very useful for systems that have a slow graphic card (I mean slow for directdraw on a Pentium class system which is not graphic card nowadays.). Effect: Plain or Normal Changing effect to plain can double framerate on P166MMX on some effects. Change this first before changing to 30 FPS mode. Damage: Half, Normal or Double Use 640x480 resolution If you run the game and you end up with a black screen or a DirectX report saying can't initialize that resolution or you use TV out, using this option may help. 4. Moves 4.1 Basic Moves In command list the numbers are related to a direction on Numpad on keyboard. For 5 that mean you need to release D-pad to natural possition then resume rest command. ie. 2563+H that mean you have to press down, release d-pad, front and front/down + Heavy Attack. Abbreviations: L = Light Attack M = Medium Attack H = Heavy Attack A = Any Attack S = Special Button F = Front (towards enemy) B = Back (away from enemy) D = Down J = Jump C = crouch (air) When character is in air. - FF = Dash forward - BB = Dash backwards Unlike other games when you use back step you can still get hit. - BB at second tap release dpad immediatly = backstep (2.10 to 3.04) While back stepping you will not get hit with any attack. Be careful about the second tap, if you hold for too long it will become a back dash instead. - (air)FF = Air Dash - (air)BB = Air Back Dash - B+H/F+H = Throw - (air)F+H = During air throw.(3.00) You are unable to excute air throw while doing an air dash. However you could do an air throw after the dash is finished. - FF+A = Dash Attack Some characters can use this. Most dash attacks can use attack cancel. Some of them can use jump cancel (these will be described later). - Reinforce Attack Take a look at the reinforce gauge below the SP gauge (Gauge that has a number). Once the gauge is filled to red or light blue you can use a reinforce attack by executing a command with the heavy attack button. This will take the whole gauge when the gauge is red or take 25% of the gauge when the gauge islight blue. - Eterny Special Once you execute a command that is an eterny special attack it will use the SP gauge (the gauge that has a number) as a cost. Most ES attacks can have different levels of attack: L uses 1 gauge, M uses 2 gauges and H uses 3 gauges. For moves that use 3 gauges to excute from V.3.00 on, user must have less than 33% life. - Fall Recovery After being stunned or knocked over, you can do a fall recovery by pressing any attack button when the stun gauge is reduced to empty. For an attack that doesn'thave a stun gauge you can't do a fall recovery. 4.2 Advanced Moves - Jump Cancel Press jump at the same time that your attack hits the opponent and you will jump and can continue an air combo. Note that some attacks can do this and some attacks can't. - Recoil Guard When an attack is about to hit press back immediately (do not hold the button or it won't work). Different from a normal guard in that you won't stun after a guard and you can counter attack. And you can use a recoil guard anytime, even when you can't guard like a crouch attack while you're in the air or when you are frozen after some attacks like Sayuri's Magical Smash. Also, you won't receive damage with a recoil guard with almost attack. - Instant Charge While you're doing a combo press 22+H and you'll execute an instant charge. You can continue combos that normally can't continue and damage after the instant charge is increased a bit. Also, instant charge has the effect of stopping time for afraction of a second, giving you more time to execute lengthy moves like some eterny specials. 4.3 Command List All Japanese text is encoded in S-JIS code. If you can't view it I recommend you download Japanese text support for Internet Explorer 5 by clicking View->Encoding->Japanese. If you still don't have it IE will ask you to download the file. But for Windows 2000 and XP, windows will ask you to install from the cd. A bit sad for Windows XP that it might force you to install the whole Asian font which needs 240 MB of hdd space -_-. Thats probably why my friend calls this Windows eXtra Problem ^_^. Another way is to use a program to decode this text like njwin from If you are using Netscape Navigator, you can click on View->Character Coding->More->East Asian->Japanese (Shift_JIS) to display japanese characters correctly. Sorry, but some command translations are not so good since I am not good with both Japanese and English. Some translation help is welcome. List of comments that are used in commands. > You must execute command above the others first, then you can execute the commands with arrows. IE. Akane Assault Leap >Air Carrier >Air Sting >Stun Needle You can execute Air Carrier, Air Sting or Stun Needle after you execute Assault Leap. (close) You should be close to your opponent to use this move. (air) While character is in the air. (air+) This move can be used both in the air and on the ground. (ES) Eterny Special (OV) Overdrive Move Move that uses 3 gauge and undocumented. For version 3.00 and above you need to have 30% hp left, you can notice that your life is blinking red which means that you can use this. (RGC) Recoil Guard Counter (see 5.1 section for info) (number) Number of SP gauge that is needed for that move. If it's blank that means you can use L,M,H to choose which number of gauges to use. (NI) That move is not implemented. That's caused by a deadline time in Comic Market 62nd. If they didn't sell by that time they have to wait for the next comic market, which is 4 months later. (X.XX-) For version x.xx and below only. (X.XX) For version x.xx and above only. Ikumi Amasawa "V'• ^Š-½ (3.00) ?å"©'Þ?â'½? 236+A (3.02) OO?ä'á'Þ?\?s%Ó Bloody Cross 623+A (3.02) -?"V~O Skyscraper 214+A (3.02) %Ÿ'Þ-\'> 41236+A (3.02) OO'Þ?N?H (ES)2141236+A (3.04) <Oó'Þ<ó (ES)(1)236236+A (3.04) Ò-œ?@?@ (ES)4123641236+A(3.04) ÆJ'’'½'Ï-¬'ÞO Sword of Friendship (OV)236236236+H (3.05) - Unable to use Friendship sword when she is in genocide mode. Mizuka Nagamori 'ú?X ??%· ŸXŸ%ŸbŸVŸ.?ŸvŸ?Ÿ??[ŸO Slash & Prologue 623+A Ÿg?[Ÿ"?ŸZŸbŸgŸAŸbŸv Tone & Setup 214+A(AIR+) ŸXŸ?ŸE?ŸL?[ŸCŸ"ŸO Slow & Keying 236+A ŸXŸ}ŸbŸVŸ.?ŸVŸ"ŸpŸeŸB Smash & Symphaty 63214+A ŸsŸbŸ`?ŸxŸ"Ÿh Pitch & Bend (While not hold violin's stick) 236+A(1.10) ŸXŸyŸVŸŸŸ<"n?‘'Š-? (ES)236236+A Ÿg?[Ÿ"?ŸZŸbŸgŸAŸbŸv?{ Tone & Setup+ (ES)(1)214214+A ŸSŸo?[Ÿ"?ŸAŸEŸFŸCŸLŸ"ŸO Reverb & Awaking (ES)641236+A (3.05) %i%"'Þ?? Eterny Poem (OV)6,M,L,6,L Akane Satomura -½'§ ^¸ ???q'ü'¤"o?ˆ''ú Siko is entering 236+A ŸOŸCŸj?[ŸXŸsŸ" Rainy Spin 623+A ŸoŸbŸhŸ?ŸbŸtŸ< Bad Waffle (AIR)236+A ŸAŸTŸ<ŸgŸS?[Ÿv Assault Leap 214+A(AIR+) >ŸGŸAŸLŸŸŸSŸA >Air Carrier 4+H >ŸGŸAŸXŸeŸBŸ"ŸO >Air Sting (After reach highest position) H >ŸXŸ^Ÿ"Ÿj?[ŸhŸ< >Stun Needle (After reach highest position) 236+A ŸgŸSŸbŸNŸS?[Ÿv Trick Leap 412+A(AIR+) >ŸGŸAŸXŸeŸBŸ"ŸO >Air Sting (After reach highest position) H >ŸXŸ^Ÿ"Ÿj?[ŸhŸ< >Stun Needle (After reach highest position) 236+A >ŸpŸCŸ<Ÿ}ŸbŸVŸŸ?[ >Pile Maser 2+H ŸTŸCŸhŸnŸ"Ÿ}?[ Side Hammer (AIR)6+H ŸOŸCŸ"ŸIŸuŸeŸBŸA Rain of Tears (ES)236236+H ?ƒ'×<'"ê? € (ES)(1)214214+A ŸfŸ"Ÿv???qŸ??[Ÿ< (ES)641236+A OT?-?E (OV)L,L,6,M,H Mio Koutzuki ?ÆO? …Y <á<--œŸ'?[Ÿh?? Short Range Mode Sw?ôSi"ª%’ 6+M(1.0x-) -`Oî%’ Adventurer 236+A >^›'®-á'æ >Pull Back 236+A %A-z?t Yin-Yang Master 623+A -<--â Happy Hell Maiden 41236+A,41236+L(1.11-) >%ü?-ŸoŸ"Ÿg >Maiden Bunt 236+L(Sword) >"s-“ŸtŸ<ŸXŸCŸ"ŸO >Rapture Full Swing 236+M(Sword) >ŸrŸbŸOŸoŸ"'-@ >Big bang Hitting Method (OV)236+H(Sword) ?^'Þ%ü?-'ÞO? Truly of maiden fist (ES)236236+A(Hand) '¨'†'‰'¨'†'‰'ú'¤'Ô'Y'µ?I?I (ES)214214+H(Sword) %ü?-?ö Maiden Sakura (ES)4123641236+A (Sword)(1.20) 'Ø'Ý'‚%ü?-'Þ"Sw (OV)4123641236+S (Sword) - You are able to cancel from Maiden Fang to Maiden Sakura without using IC [Translation note] - I'm not sure if she uses Sakura flower in the Maiden Sakura move instead of flower in firework or not. "Firework" in Japanese comes from two words, hanabi(%â%×). Hana(%â) meaning flower and bi(%×) meaning fire. - Sakura means cherry blossom Misaki Kawana ?-¬ 'í'ü'® Ÿn?[ŸtŸKŸbŸVŸ. Half Gush 236+A ŸAŸTŸ<ŸgŸKŸbŸVŸ. Assault Gush 214+A ŸnŸCŸp?[ŸAŸNŸZŸ< Hyper Accel 623+A ŸSŸo?[ŸXŸGŸAŸOŸCŸh Reverse Air Raid 22+S (3.05) Ÿ_ŸEŸ"Ÿo?[ŸXŸg Down Burst (ES)236236+A(AIR) ŸnŸCŸXŸs?[ŸhŸ%Ÿ"Ÿ` High Speed Lunch (ES)236236+A Ÿ^?[Ÿ"ŸBŸ%Ÿ"ŸX Daby Lance (ES)6321463214+A ŸnŸCŸGŸ"Ÿh?EŸNŸ%ŸbŸVŸ. Highend Crush (OV)222+H,222+S(3.05) Mayu Shiina '-¬ -s 'ý'‰'ý'‰'ý'‰ Rolling Rolling Roling 236+A >ŸtŸFŸOŸbŸgŸAŸbŸp?[ŸJŸbŸg Fellet Uppercut Rolling(L)->L 'æ'¤'ð'Ï'’'¥'Ñ'ï'ø'Š Astro Flying Knee 623+A 'ó'½'ô' ?['¤'å?I I'm fine 214+A ~A'ñ"¾'í'¶'î 'Ï'š'’'¥ Leap Frog 63214+H (3.00) 'í'Æ?` 41236+A 'š'‚'¨'å'‚'Ø'¤'¨ Multiple Punch (ES)2141236+A 'í'Æ'œ'œ'œ'œ'œ'œ (ES)641236+A 'í'Æ?['í'Æ?['Ö'Š'î?['¤ Myu Myu Hurricane (ES)214214+A (3.05) 'Ñ'’'Š'ô' 'Ô'½'…'œ'¤ I'm not alone (OV)41236963+H Young Mizuka 'í'÷'¸ Press Special Button on Mizuka to use her(1.20) "•?s Fly S (RF Gauge drain) 'š'€'Þ'¯'’ Outside the Window 236+A(AIR+) 'ð'÷'ˆ'‚'û'¸'½ Rotten World 623+A ' '‚'ô?H'Ò'æ?H 214+A 'ù'…'¨' 'Þ'Ô'½'à Toy Knife 41236+A '¸'ð'ˆ'¤'é Hiding Playing 421+A(AIR+) '„'‡'á'ð'Ñ'¸'Š CPU Used 'ó'½'½'€'Ï Great Moving (ES)236236+A '«'‚'Þ'Ô'¸ Inside of Barrel (ES)641236+A '«'½'‘'Ï Big Sun (ES)(AIR)236236+A(3.05) '«'®'Þ'é'Š (OV)H,M,6,L,L ŸCŸh'ÞŸcŸ<ŸM (ES)CPU Used [Story note] - When Kouhei (main character in One) was young he called Mizuka Misao. So in my FAQS I will call her Misao. Doppel Nanase ŸhŸbŸyŸ %ü?-ŸtŸWŸ"Ÿ} > 236+M > %ü?-ŸNŸ%ŸbŸVŸ. > Maiden Crush 236+L > -üOŽ (ES)236+L(1) > %ü?-ŸtŸBŸ"ŸK?[ > Maiden Finger (ES)214214+L(1) > %§'Š%ü?- > Falling Maiden (ES)214214+M(1) > "s?k"?øO? > (ES)236+M(1) > ?lSâ?G<Ñ%×'Þý-?'® > (ES)236236+A(1) (3.03) > %ü?-Ÿ{Ÿ<ŸJŸmŸ" > (ES)236236+A(1) (3.03) %ü?-ŸtŸ@ŸCŸA?[ Maiden Fire 214+A %ü?-Ÿ^ŸCŸt?[Ÿ" Maiden Typhoon 623+A %ü?-ŸtŸBŸ"ŸK?[ Maiden Finger (ES)236236+A %ü?-Ÿ{Ÿ<ŸJŸmŸ" (ES)214214+A (3.03) %ü?-SJS  (OV)Auto use in final round and have 1/6 hp below. - Correct timing for Maiden Capture is when she raises her hand a 2nd time-> when she raises her face after crushing opponents face to the ground->anytime before 26th hit. - You can escape the chain after Maiden Capture by pressing the button corresponding to the move . EG. to escape from maiden crush press L at the correct chain timing, pressing reapeatedly is allowed. Then if you miss at the 2nd chain you have a chance either to escapewith L or M. So you have 3 chances to escape from the maiden finger. However pressing both L and M at the same time is not allowed and as a result you can't enter escape commands at all. PS. In version 3.03 and above use H to escape L instead. Ayu Tsukimiya O?<{ ' '„ 'ú'Ž'µ'å'®'µ'ð Step Kick 6+M '€'µ'¸'¤'Ö'Ó' 'µ'Ø?[ Crashing Upper Wing 6+H 'Ï'©'œ'å'ˆ'ú Ugu Press (AIR)2+H '¯'ñ'Þ'Ñ'’'€'½'Ž?` People dodge away 236+A Ÿ^ŸCŸ"ŸL"ÓO' Taiyaki Assault 214+A (3.00) '©'‚'Ö'ÓŸJŸbŸ^?[ Rolling Wing Cutter 214+A(2.13-) 'æ' '½''¤ŸAŸ??[ Shinning Arrow 623+A 'æ' '½''¤'©'‚'Ö'Ó'Ø'¤'¨ Shining Swing Wing Punch (ES)236236+A 'Ý'½'Ý'¤'Þ'ñ'Ï'Š'¤ Unlimited Radius (ES)214214+A Oä'Þ-Ÿ Wings of Light (ES)641236+A S‹?å'Þ?? Miracle Poem (OV)L,L,4,M,H [Story Note] - Ugu is the original word that Ayu uses. She doesn't want anyone to use this word too. Nayuki Minase ?.?œ -¬?  'Ô'„'¨' '¤ŸLŸbŸN'ó'ù?[ Nayu Chan Kick 623+A(1.10+)(Jam >=2) 'ñ'‰'¦'‚'¤'ó'ù?[ 41236+A(Jam >=1) 'î'‰'ã?['Ö'ñ'ñ Keropi is here 236+A 'î'‰'ã?['Ö'ñ'ñ' Keropi, just stay here 236+S ŸtŸFŸCŸ"ŸgŸWŸŸŸ? Faint Jam 2+S ŸCŸ`ŸSŸWŸŸŸ?'ù'½'æ'½ Strawberry Jam is Delicious S 'ð?[ 214+A >'Ï''Æ?H L >'ñ'‰'¦'‚'¤'ó'ù?[ (Jam >=3) M (1.11-) >'Ï''†?H (Jam >=6) H (1.11-) >'î'‰'ã?['Ö' '¯'ñ Keropi is there M (1.20+) >'Ï''Æ'Ï H (1.20+) >ŸCŸ`ŸSŸWŸŸŸ?'ù'½'æ'½ Strawberry Jam is Delicious S >Ÿ??[ŸSŸ"ŸO^é"© Rolling Move 4 or 6 +S (1.20+) 'ð'‰'½' 'ð'š'ó'ù?[ Black Demon (ES)236236+A '¥?['è?['ó'ù?[ Beam (ES)214214+A 'ï<%'ó'ù?["d%e'e (OV)H,236236 - Jam will decrease when you fall down. [Translation Comment] - 'ð?[ is sound when you are sleeping, like Zzzz in English. - 'Ï''Æ is sound that is made while you are almost sleeping. [Story note] - Keropi is the name of Nayuki's frog doll. Shiori Misaka "?ƒ ?x ŸAŸCŸXŸNŸS?[Ÿ?Ÿr?[Ÿ?''ú Ice-cream Beam 236+A(FIC) ŸXŸg?[Ÿ<%¤"]''ú Stole Swing 623+A <¢"•'â? 'ó'‚'š''ú Flying Snowman 214+A "¦?Æ''Ö'?^à''ú'‘ Please beware above 412+A ?v'µ'«'‘'Š?'ˆ'‚'¤''ú'‘ More slashable than you thought (AIR)412+A '¥'µ'ð'Š'æ'š'æ'«'¸?H Were you surprised? (ES)214214+A ? ?Î?¡K?Y-@''ú Way to certainly win in a S,(ES)463214+A(1.11-) snowball fight SÝ'½'Þ''ÖSæ'ˆ'Ž'š'ú Used to cold weather (ES)641236+A Sg?UŸ?ŸKŸoŸjŸ%-C Scattering Mega Vanilla (ES)2141236+A(1.20) Cannon ?×"'Š? <.ŸgŸ<Ÿl?[Ÿh"S-@ Tornado throw snow ball (ES)236236+M,H(3.04-) that have stone inside S©'S-ƒ"?-üS¦ŸXŸgŸ%ŸCŸN Perfect Freeze Tornado (ES)236236+M,H(3.05) Strike. Makoto Sawatari '•"n ?^<å 'Ó'÷'í%â%× Rat Firework 236+A(FIC) ?E'?ŸXŸ'?[ŸN 214+A(FIC) ŸTŸ}?[Ÿ\Ÿ<Ÿg' 'Ï?[ Somersault 623+A 'æ'e Spring Bullet 412+A 'š'ñŸS?[Ÿv 6+M 'n?Æ'|?Ó Ground Strafing (ES)214214+A '…'Þ'í'Þ?k'n'€?R Hold L(3.00) >?k'n'€?a Hold M(3.00) O€O? Lonely Moon 623+A(AIR+) ‚"Æ 214+A -Ö'Þ?s?g?E~AO' 236+A(3.00) -Ö'Þ?s?g?E"s"ð 623+A(3.00) -Ö'Þ?s?g?E-üS¦ 22+A (3.00) 'š'½?½S® Summon Mai S > Cancel Summon S (3.05) >-Ö'Þ'???E~AO' 236+S(3.05) >-Ö'Þ'???E"ÓO' 214+S(3.05) >-Ö'Þ'???E-üS¦ 22+S (3.05) >-Ö'Þ'???E"g"© 214+S(3.05) >-Ö'Þ'???E"j%¢ (ES)214214+A (3.05) >%iO? Lengthy Moon 6+S (2.13-) >%e?‡ Shadow blossom 4+S (2.13-) >??OÒ Archly Blow S (2.13-) >-'ù'Þ-Ö'SSJ£ Release the demon's power (ES)214214+A(2.13-) -Ö'Þ'???E"j%¢ (ES)214214+A(3.05) "?„"Æ (ES)236236+A So?µ Awakening (OV)236236+S >'S'Ž'Ð?¢'î"'ˆ'«?S (OV)236236+S Sayuri Kurata 'q"c ?ý-S-? Ÿ}ŸWŸJŸM->H Some attacks can do this more that once. IE. Makoto M->M->H->H->H And you can mix standing attacks and crouch attacks together. IE. Akane L->C+M->C+M->C+H 2. Attack Cancel While you do a chain combo, entering commands before combo is finished will continue to add new attacks onto the combo, making it longer in a queue-like method. You can use Eterny Special attacks too if you can enter it fast enough. (it helps a lot if you use instant charge) IE. Mai L->M->M->H->Dispersing (6+H) 3. Air Combo When your attack hits the opponent and they are stunned/fall over in the air you can seea stun gauge below them that tells you how long you can attack them for. This gauge will increase when the opponent is hit, and decrease when they are not. When the gauge is empty you can't attack the opponent anymore. However, some attacks don'thave a stun gauge at all, like Sayuri's RF Magical Press. This means you can attack opponent anytime before he/she falls to the ground. First change the cpu to jump by pressing F6, then try to determine which attack works best for that character. Most characters work with L->M->JC->M->H. IE. Nanase Jump->L->M->JC->M->H Then try to find an attack that lifts the opponent up, there are 2 ways to lift the opponent up, either lift the opponent up directly or flop the opponent to the edge of the screen and attack them when they bounce off. - Lift opponent up Some character's dash attack can do this. IE. Nanase(bare hand) Dash+C+H->JC->L->M->JC->M->H(1.10) Or use crouch then use Instant Charge then continue with L or M or use a dash attack. IE. Akane C+H->IC->Dash+M->JC->L->M->JC->M->H Or use a special attack then use Instant Charge immediately. IE. Nanase Blasting Iron Fist (214+L)->IC->Jump->L->M->M->H - Flop opponent into corner You can flop opponent by using a dash attack and some Reinforce attacks. After the opponent is flopped against the edge of the screen you can continue with an air combo, but it will only work when the opponent is not farther than 1/4 of the screen away. IE. Nanase(with bamboo sword) Dash+H->Jump->L->M->JC->M->H 4. Usage of Instant Charge You can use instant charge to extend your combo by. 1. Do a chain combo. You can also do an instant charge after just one attack, but it is more useful in a combo 2. Use instant charge by press 22+H (Reinforce gauge must be red or light blue) 3. While the screen is frozen from the instant charge you can enter any command you want to use. Either a regular attack, special attack, eterny special or even jumping. 4. Continue with a combo. Here's a few examples. Use during a combo and continue with the combo ie. Akane M->M->C+H->IC->Dash+M->Jump->L->M->Jump->M->H Sayuri (Corner) L->M->H(1hit)->Magical sword(623+L)->IC-> ->Jump->L->M->Jump->M->H Use before you use an eterny special level 3 You don't have to use the IC, but I recommend it. It can buy extra time for you to enter commands and it can increase the damage of combo as well. ie. Ayu L->M->M->H->IC->Shining Swing Wing Punch(236236+H) Mio (Long range mode) L->C+M->M->C+H->IC-> Vampire Hunter(214214+H) Misaki L->M->M->C+H->RF Assault Gush(214+H)(2 hit)->IC-> Down Burst(236236+H) Use after an Eterny Special ie. Nanase Truly of Maiden Fist LV 1 (236236+L)->IC->C+H->Jump->L ->M->Jump->M->H Nanase (Corner) Truly of Maiden Fist LV 1 (236236+L)->IC-> Truly of Maiden Fist LV 2 (236236+L) 5.Usage of air dash - Ground linear air dash You can do this by pressing 96 quickly. You will execute an air dash which is very close to the ground and can attack an opponent who is crouch guarding. An example is Mai. If you can execute a ground linear air dash which is low enough to hit with her medium attack that is ok. You may need to dash a bit higher if you want to evade a projectile. However this is a bit risky to do because you can't guard or attack at the start of the dash. So if the opponent guesses right he/she will use some sort of anti-air attack and continue with their own combo. The initial dash length varies depending on which character you use. This is great for Mai, whose initial range is very short but very risky for Sayuri whose initial range is very long. eg. Mai LA->M->(landed)L->M->H->Awakening Another way is to just do a linear air dash then use a throw attack. This is deadly for characters who have a special throw command like Sayuri. However this game has an anti-cheap-throw-system by not allowing you to throw when the opponent is stunned from guarding or when the opponent has just stood up after a fall. You should also enter commands quietly because some players can guess what are you going to do by hearing the typing sound when you enter commands. - Extend air combo with air dash eg. Nanase L->M->Blasting Iron Fist(214+L)->IC->JC->L->M->M->Dash->M - Air dash air combo. The name is a bit confused. I called it a basic air combo, which is mainly used on Watanabe Production's games as Double jump air combo. The difference is after the first set of attacks in the air, you have to executean air dash instead of a second jump. eg. Sayuri Magical Blade(3 hit)->IC->M->Dash->M->H Akane L->M->C+H->JC->L->Dash->L->M->Assault Leap(214+A)->Air Carrier(4+H)->Rain of Tear(236236+A) With right set attack and timing when you landed after first set of air dash air combo you can jump and execute another set again and again if you know right timing. eg. Sayuri Magical Blade(3 hit)->IC->M->Dash->M->H->(Landed)Jump->L ->M->(corner)->M->H->Magical Shot 6. Additonal combos with instant charge while breaking. When you are breaking (when reinforce gauge is light blue) instant charge will have addional effects which are: - 50% extra damage on next attack - Stun gauge becomes full again after next hit So if you use the right timing you could extend lots of combos with this. For example. Sayuri RF Magical Press(41236+H)->Dash->L->M->H->Landed->L->M->C+H-> Jump->L->M->H->Jump->L->M->h Note this is a very diffucult combo with a lot of timing so don`t worry if you can`t excute all of this. As long as you can see the effects of instant charge. Also, with some attacks you must not press the button after the first attack button is pressed like other games. Especially if you are used to Watanabe`s games. One important thing is the timing when you excute a dash. With correct timing you will be able to hit with L when landed without the need of walking after you've landed. If the dash is too short, H will miss at RF Magical Press(41236+H)->Dash->L->M->H->. If the dash istoo long Sayuri will use a short-range M instead of a long-range M (which is the correct attack).After this you have to learn the timing by yourself and find some way to increase damage or increase accuracy. 5. Advanced Tips 5.1 Recoil Guard Mastering This part may be a bit difficult and take a lot of time to train but you can get lots of advantages like: - You will not flop away from an opponent who wants to keep their distance from you. - You will not freeze like with a normal guard. - You will not get hit by an anti air attack. - Your HP will not reduce like with normal guard in most attacks. - You can Recoil Guard while you freeze after an attack. Thing you need to train for the recoil guard is the timing of the first hit and the consistent timing of successive hits. So who should you train with? First is Misao with her slow projectile. You can train some basic timing with her: - Outside of windows(1hit) To train some basic timing - Toy Knife(2 hit) Train some basic multiple hit Recoil Guard Then train with Shiori with these projectiles. - Beware above of you (3 hit) - Used to cold weather LV1(5 hit) If you could do a perfect Recoil Guard against these you should able to Recoil Guard almost any anti air attack now. You should ask one of your friends for a programmable joystick to help you recoil guard better. Nayuki - Beam LV3 With this you will learn the timing of the first hit with an instant-hit Eterny Special which is used a lot. - 'ï<%'ó'ù?["d%e'e You should learn how to Recoil Guard fast projectiles from this. Shiori - Stole Swing After this you should train to recoil guard any attack which you are usually trapped with. Time when recoil guard is enabled You can recoil guard after you attack and freeze time, and when you are not attacking. You are unable to recoil guard when you are attacking. Recoil Guard Counter attack After you recoil guard sucessfully you can counter attack with any command or regular attack, including throw commands. Just enter the command when the sound of the recoil guard stops. This is deadly for throwing characters which are able to throw around 80 percent. Also this is useful for countering multiple hit projectiles which some opponents like to use to sap HP when guarding. Some commands like Truly of Maiden Fist could counter that. A Nice example of this system is a thing which the AI does with Ayu. That`s why a novice player usually says that Ayu is cheap with her counter. But after you know the system well this is not a serious thing anymore. Recoil Counter After your attack gets recoil guarded you are still able to recoil guard back, just tap back in correct timing with your opponents attack. Then you are able to counter back and the opponent is able to recoil counter back and so on. So these are some ways to prevent your opponent from recoil countering back. - Use a throw command if available. - Don't counter immediately but wait a bit, then attack to ruin their timing. 5.2 Way to fight against Recoil Armor When you fight against Nanase you might have a hard time with her Recoil Armor if she uses it well, especially when she has eaten Kimuchi ramen. There are still other ways rather than escaping: - Throwing Doppel Nanase's Maiden Finger move. - Some normal crouch attacks - Past Mai`s attack - Makoto's 2nd heavy attack - Mio's RF adventurer move - A Multiple hit projectile like Magical Agent. For a current update, when Nanase's eaten Kimuchi ramen she can`t guard so that's a prime time to throw any projectile to her. 6. Trouble Shooting - I used config.exe to configure the game but it says to reinstall game from the cd and refuses to allow me to configure. Clear the read only attribute from key.ini in the game directory. The game installer didn't clear this attribute. - I tried to update the game to v 1.10 by running patchsetup.exe but it says "file copy error". That's caused by some missing files in your update directory, usually Ÿ}ŸjŸ.ŸAŸ<.htm that your OS may be unable to read or write. You have to copy the files from the EFZ directory to your game directory manually, then you need to ask people who have a Japanese supported OS for all character .dat files since patchsetup.exe appends data from XXX_sabun.dat to character.dat data too. If you can find a japanese file supported OS I have already uploaded updated .dat files to my homepage (see contact me section for address). Manually update the game by copying all files in the efz directory in the update and replace the .dat files that you got, then everything should work fine. - Stage on young Mizuka doesn't have any music That's caused by a fault in patchsetup.exe in version 1.10, it will not copy the music in that stage from that stage to game directory. You will have to copy it manually. In patch version 1.20 this bug is fixed. - When the game starts there's some error massage and the game quits back to the character select menu. - Does your system have enough resources to run? For Windows 98 this game needs a lot of resources to run which is about 75% or more. Close all unnecessary programs, then try again. - Did you update the game correctly? When this game updates, the installer doesn't just copy files from dat directory to the game directory, but appends xxx_sabun.dat to .dat files in the character directory too. If these have some errors occuring before the installer is finished, these files may still not be appended. Then when the game loads, it will end up without the needed data and show an error message. - When I run the game, it says "can't initialize xxx x xxx resolution" - Use 640x480 resolution instead. - For Matrox G450 card make sure you aren't using a monitor that's attached to the secondary connecter on the card as the primary monitor because the game is unable to switch to full screen. - How to run this game smoothly on a system that has less than 64 MB ram. If you have a lot of hardisk activity and the game runs slowly, especially while doing instant charge, this is probably because your computer doesn't have enough RAM, and the system is having to constantly read data from the hard drive (the slow way) instead of being able to read it from RAM (the fast way). To fix this: - Use windows 95 if possible Windows 98 wastes 5 mb of ram with Internet Explorer. Windows 2000 used 46 MB for the kernel data and there's 16 MB which won't page to the swapfile at all. (meaning that it's stubborn RAM that can't be used for games) - Close all programs that you don't absolutely need. Most programs for windows take 2mb or more to run. ALL programs use some amount of RAM. Run msconfig.exe and remove all programs that did not appear after a clean install of windows. Especially in the windows directory becauset his is where trojans and spyware usually hide. eg maintrickler.exe,"Timesink AD gateway monitor", because it's not needed at all. The only reason it's there is that you agreed with the EULA and know what they're doing with your privacy. Also close virus scan software, firewalls andother utilities you use. - For on board graphic chips try to set the shared memory as small as possible. Go to the bios setup menu and set to as little as possible. 2 MB is usually enough for 2D in most cases. - If you have a memory compression program like Magnaram or Softram 95 then use that. These programs compress used memory to make more memory available to the operating system. For gaming the compression is about 20-50% and this helps a lot. If you don't have these programs, ask someone who has a 486, they usually come with one. (or just look for them on the internet, search for "memory compression" on software sites like , and ) - Lower the sampling rate of the game music Because the game loads the whole music file to memory before playing it, lowering the sampling rate makes the file smaller which takes less RAM. This game uses 16 bit 22 khz which is about 4 to 12 MB. You can lower the sampling rate of the wave file with windows sound recorder, however to lower the sampling rate of a lot of files I recommend that you get a program that allows you to convert multiple files with once command, like EZ cd extracter. Drawback is that the music looping will restart at the end of the file instead because the programmer is delicate enough to check if the music is modified then disable looping from a specific point in the file. General setting for me. 48 MB of ram, ram compression enabled - Windows 98 Japanese Edition Second Edition 48 MB of ram, ram compression disabled - Windows 98 Japanese Edition Second Edition - 8 bit 22khz stereo music 32 MB of ram, ram compression enabled - Windows 98 Japanese Edition Second Edition - 8 bit 22khz mono music PS. These setting was tested on version 2.0X . Game version V.3.0X engine seem use more ram and these setting may not work anymore. - When I play a replay file the movements are screwed up. You're probably using the wrong version of the game. You have to keep the game versions 1.11,2.05 and 2.06 to play most replay files. For version 1.20 there seems to be nothing changed until version 2.06 so I assume that with some testing that you can replay version 1.20 with the game version 2.05 without problem. How do you know which version they used to make the replay? If you downloaded it and the site did not tell you, you can guess by the files datestamp. People shouldn'tplay an out-of-date version of the game, that's what updates are for! Update release dates. V 1.00 2001/12/23 20:44 V 1.03 2002/01/02 02:42 V 1.10 2002/02/24 13:47 V 1.11 2002/03/01 06:23 V 1.20 N/A V 2.00 2002/08/06 19:32 V 2.01 2002/08/23 00:45 V 2.03 2002/09/22 08:24 V 2.04 2002/09/28 00:22 V 2.05 2002/11/02 00:31 V 2.06 2003/03/03 03:15 V 2.10 2003/04/19 23:12 V 2.11 2003/04/22 21:41 V 2.12 2003/04/27 13:27 V 2.13 2003/07/05 14:43 V 3.01 2003/08/17 13:01 V 3.02 2003/08/25 23:23 V 3.03 2003/09/05 02:32 V 3.04 N/A V 3.05 2003/12/24 V 3.05F 2004/01/03 (Fixed Critical bug in 3.05) V 3.10 2004/02/12 7. MISC - What does the letter for a character in the Bad Moon Edition mean? (spoiler below!) Note: I got this informaion from someone else, so it may not be correct. This is a small part of the Bad Moon story line, it's the room number in the girl's dormitory. C room is for normal people who aren't that special and have nasty, unpleasant things done to them (which we cant mention here), while A room is for the girls who seem like a Goddess, and get better treatment. D room is even worse...(again, can't mention it) 8. Links Twilight Frontier Hp You can get demos and updates of this game from here. You can find lot of replays for EFZ here but unfortunately the whole site is in Japanese. (note...this site seems to be closing down) A handy translating site, can translate to and from 13 languages with 21 categories of subject matter. It can translate whole web pages or just plain text and you can even get a human professional to translate it for you. 9. Reference Manual that comes with the game for the command list. (Doujin Soft) [Watanabe Production] Airfli for characters names in Air. (MAD) [Shingei Factory International] Dearest ~for another ONE~ 2nd movement for character name in One. for additional command listing. for some Japanese names and additional commands for Sayuri. for info about the Magical Blade Move usage and Kano's "'„'Þ