================================ D/Generation Walkthrough ================================ Copyright 2003 Nathan Kuslis Version 1.10 2-24-04 Author: Naytie, aka Nate Kuslis E-Mail: Naytie@yahoo.com If you want to email me, please use the subject "D/Generation" so that I do not think it is junk mail. Note: This is my first FAQ that I have ever written, and I am trying to make it as professional as possible. Please bear with me and please point out any mistakes that I make. =============== Version History =============== -Version 1.10- Fixed password for level 84. Updated a strategy or two. -Version 1.00- Wrote walkthrough for level 89 and updated previous levels. This is it! -Version .90- Wrote walkthrough for level 88. -Version .70- Wrote walkthrough for level 87. -Version .60- Updates obstacles section. Created items section. Wrote walkthrough for level 86. -Version .50- Wrote walkthrough for level 84 and 85. Double whammy. Also updated obstacle section. -Version .40- Wrote walkthrough for level 83 after long break. School and college applications do that to you. -Version .30- Wrote the walkthrough for level 82. Updated controls. Updated obstacles. -Version .20- Wrote walkthrough for level 81 and added individual level stats. Revised some of the writing. -Version .10- Wrote introduction, game background, controls, obstacles, gameplay info, general gameplay strategies, and began the walkthrough. Wrote walkthrough for floor 80. Whew! ============ Introduction ============ Way back, many years ago when I was younger than twelve years old, my dad bought me a cd-rom challenge pack. One of the games was D/Generation. At the time, this game was awesome. Its graphics were amazing and the gameplay was captivating. I found this game on an abandonware site (I won't mention which one), and decided to download it. After playing the first level, I decided to check www.gamefaqs.com to see if there was an FAQ written for it, and to my surprise, there wasn't, so I took it upon myself to write a walkthrough for this game. I will try to guide you through each scene and level, and hopefully help you save each of the civilians inside the Genoq facility. Good luck and have fun! =============== Game Background =============== (Taken from the manual found at www.the-underdogs.org) Alone with your jetpack, you have flown from Finland across the Urals and the entire length of Asia to deliver a package to Genoq Biolabs in Singapore. You land on the building`s 80th floor setback, finding nobody there to greet you. When you enter the building, the main door snaps shut behind you, and you narrowly escape being killed by the building`s security system. You find the receptionist hiding behind her desk. She tells you that Genoq`s head scientist, Derrida, has been demanding the package you`re carrying. His last panicked message came over an hour ago. This package is more important than you could have thought. You realize that there is only one course of action, that you `must` bring the package to Derrida, and, if at all possible, rescue any survivors you find along the way. ---------- As the last paragraph states, your ultimate goal is to bring the mysterious package to Derrida on the 89th floor. Along the way, you will meet people that will help you on your mission. Others say nothing and only wish to leave. It is not absolutely imperative that you save these people, but for each person that you save, you get an extra life. As you will notice, there are also many hidden rooms that you can enter that are not essential to your mission, but I will try to include them to make the game complete. ======== Controls ======== Movement - You can use the arrow keys to move, but the game becomes quite difficult when you can only move in four directions. I suggest you use the numeric keypad in order to move since you have eight directions to move. It may take a while to get used to, I suggest you familiarize yourself with the movement controls in the first or second scene of the game, before you run off and get yourself killed. 8 moves up, 2 moves down, etc. Enter - Talk to people you meet in Genoq. I believe you MUST talk to certain characters, so I suggest that when you meet a character, press Enter when standing next to him or her just in case they have something to say. Spacebar - Fire your laser. You have infinite ammo once you find your laser, just be careful with it. You can kill some bad guys with it, but just be careful since you can also kill civilians. Your armor protects you from your laser, which is all it protects you from. You can use your laser to shoot wall buttons to open doors. T - Throws grenade, if you have any. Creates a projectile that will travel in a straight line until it hits something. Can destroy a security turret whereas a laser cannot. Also kills the C/Gens. Escape - Pauses and unpauses the game. S - Shows your status, including your lives, grenades, the floor number you are on, the number of people you have rescued, your security level, and the scene you are in. Almost all of them are self-explanatory. Your security level is the highest level key that you currently have for the level. The scene you are on will be used as reference, although I do not think they are in numerical order. For instance, I believe that there is a scene 24 on level 80 and a scene 12 on level 81. Strange how the programmers set this up, don't you think? U - Selects items or weapons, if you have any. Simply hit U and then use the arrow keys to select. Ctrl-A - If you are stuck, you can use this to restart the scene you are in, but it takes away one life, so either don't use it or use it sparingly! Ctrl-Q - Quits the game. Ctrl-R - Restarts the current level. Alt-R - Restores the previously saved game (only 1 slot!) Alt-P - Pauses the game. Ctrl-S - Switches sound on and off. Alt-S - Saves game. Note: Only saves the level you are on, not the scene. So if you save on a level, get far, and reload, you will start at the beginning of the level. You also only get one save "slot" (i.e. you can't choose which game to load. You either load or don't). Be careful about when and where you save. ========= Obstacles ========= In your perilous mission, you will encounter many obstacles, including electrified floors, monsters, and security turrets. This section describes each obstacle in depth. Doors - About 40% of the puzzles you will solve have to do with opening doors. Some are open when you enter a room, most are not. They can be triggered by pushing a wall button, securing a room, passing a security laser, security keys, and secret wall buttons. You can stand on an open door, fire your laser, and let it hit the wall button that triggers the door. It will turn a different color, but will close when you step off of it. Lasers do not go through doors and will bounce off of them if they hit one. Security turrets - These guys are found on every floor. They are little green pipes that are bent at a 90 degree angle and have a red "eye". Usually, they will spin around, searching for targets to destroy. If you or a person you are helping gets in the vision of the "eye", the turret will shoot what resembles one of your grenades at you. If it hits you, boom, you're dead. You can dodge the grenades and walk around the turret out of its view safely. Just keep moving. You can use grenades to destroy these. Electrified floors - Not very hard to recognize, a square in the floor will light up in red, green, and blue colors. It looks cool, but don't step on it! These are pretty easy to bypass unless there is a line of them. In that case, wait until the first or second square goes on and off, then attempt to cross the line. Mines - Black tiles with a red light going around the perimeter of the tile. They don't go on and off, so just completely avoid these at all costs. Lasers - Some rooms will contain lasers that bounce off the wall in a continuous path. Just try to find out when you can go by safely, time it right, and execute. It gets very hard when there are multiple lasers in the room. A/Generation - These are the red bouncy balls that you see. Not very harmful as long as you get them from long range. They will "turn invisible" when the see you (go from red to just a clear object with a green outline), and are not much harder to kill. One shot from the laser, they are dead. If they do catch you, they will bounce with you inside for about 2 seconds and then explode, and you die. You can shoot a laser, bounce it off the wall, get caught in the A/generation, and have the laser kill it and you will live. B/Generation - A blue pencil eraser. These guys will also bounce around, but when they see you, they can jump very far and hide in the floors. You can still see them by the green dotted-line in the floor, so to kill them, walk close enough for them to jump out and then immediately fire your laser. If they catch you, they will stomp you into a pulp. C/Generation - A bad guy that can disguise himself to look like a civilian or an object in the room. They turn black and red when you get close, and if they get close enough to you, they decapitate you. Be careful, because your laser cannot kill these guys, but grenades can, so make sure you save your grenades! ===== Items ===== Freezer - This looks like a stopwatch when you select it. Basically, anything that moves will stop, including any laser you shoot. Only useful in select situations. Package - You can't use it, but if you accidentally hit "u", just select this so you don't waste your precious items. Bomb - Looks like a little pink pyramid when you use it. It will puff up a few times then explode. It can kill you if you're close enough, so be careful. These babies can blast through doors, so you should conserve them for ones you can't open without them. Personal Shield - This thing rocks. It makes you appear blurry, but you can't be killed! Only lasts a short while, so conserve these too. ============= Gameplay Info ============= If a room has monsters in it, it is considered not secure. There is usually a blinking red panel somewhere on the wall to signify the status of the room. If it is blinking, the room is not secure. If it stays black, the room is secure. In order to secure the room, you must kill all non-human species present and seal the vents. Monsters such as A/Generations and B/Generations will spawn out of vents so that there is always one on the screen for each vent. After you kill the one, there is about a one to two second delay before another monster appears. In order to seal the vent, walk over it. When it is sealed, it will cover with either a red or green top. Red means that the room is not secure, green means the room is secure. Civilians will not get up, greet you, or move around if a room is insecure. So if someone is just sitting there, secure the room! A civilian is considered "rescued" when the run down the hall with the arrow and out of the room you are in. If a civilian is killed at any time in the room, they are dead. Gone. So the only way you can save them is if you restore your game or sacrifice a life and redo the room, which is pointless since you only get one life if you save him or her. Don't do it unless the person as essential info. Or if you want to save everyone. You kind hearted person you. Note: If a civilian begins to run down the hall with the arrow and you exit the room and return, they disappear. You do not get an extra life until it says "X People Rescued!," where X is the amount of people you have saved. So don't leave the room until it says this! =========================== General Gameplay Strategies =========================== Your laser is your best friend. Don't forget to get it on level 80 or you will be screwed. It can do anything from kill monsters to blow up stuff to hit wall buttons. If you fire your laser, the beam will bounce off reflect off of walls. Use this to your advantage! Kill monsters at long range to be safe! Hit inaccessible wall buttons! The laser will bounce off the wall 4 times before disappearing. Obviously, to activate wall buttons, either touch them or shoot them with your laser. Be careful about the number of times your laser can bounce off the wall. You can lock yourself in a room if you hit a monster. If you must, pit yourself in the laser bolt's path to stop it after it has hit a wall button. Nobody gets hurt and the button gets activated! I find that the best way to kill monsters is from long range. Line up on the diagonal axis (using 1, 3, 7, or 9 to move) and then fire. Works like a charm. In order to seal off most vents, I usually kill the monster, and if I'm close to the vent, I walk over it. If not, I line up on the diagonal axis and shoot as soon as I see anything pop out of it. Then I run over it and seal it. Watch out for electric eyes. They are very small pink dots on the wall that are easy to miss if you don't look closely. You can see an example in the second scene of a game. They usually activate a door, though some make security turrets pop up. Watch out and pay attention to what they do! They can be destroyed if you shoot them with the laser you can destroy them. Before you help a civilian, try to make sure the room is as safe as possible. You will notice that rooms are considered secure even though there are security turrets still active or lasers bouncing off the wall. They are not alive, so you must be careful when leading the civilian to safety. If you can, try to lure a monster into a path of a laser. Now that's killing two birds with one stone. Some wall buttons are hidden or invisible, so if there is a door that you just can't open in a room, try walking along and against the walls. There's bound to be an invisible wall button somewhere. Conserve your grenades. You will only find a limited amount, so only use them if you absolutely have to. This includes killing security turrets that just keep killing you or civilians. Computers! If you see a computer in a room, make sure you walk up to it. Sometimes they will display useful information, other times they will add to the plot, some are absolutely useless, and others require user names and passwords. So make sure you check them all out! When you talk to civilians, try to talk to them as much as possible and pay attention to what they say. Select all of the available dialogues, and if they say "Can we leave now?" or something to that extent, you know you've exhausted the dialogue. You may then lead them to safety. Security turrets are probably the most-encountered obstacle throughout the game. They are usually easy to bypass, although it's a little harder when you are leading a slowly moving civilian. Try to turn them off if possible when helping a person. They only have a small angle of view in the direction they are facing, so sometimes you can sneak around them. Otherwise, if you have to walk in front of them and don't want to use a grenade, just keep moving and hope that their shots don't hit you. I just found out something interesting. If you stand on top of a turret while it is being activated, it will stay deactivated, so you change the sequence when you hit the button that activates it. This is helpful when an A/Gen or B/Gen keeps hitting a button that activates/deactivates a turret. =========== Walkthrough =========== Note: When I give directions, I mean the actual direction they are. So if I say up, I mean the up arrow or 8 on the keypad. If I say up left or upper left, I mean 7 on the keypad. Note: This obviously contains spoilers to the plot, so I will divide the scenes and write a strategy for each room. You do not have to save everybody, although it is recommended for the bonus lives that you receive when you save them. Note: Remember, you can always check the level and scene you are in by pushing the S button to see your status. Note: I will try to do the rooms in the order that I think you should do them. Note: I suggest you read the walkthrough for the room before you attempt anything so that you don't have to stop and read. -------- Level 80 -------- "You had been in your apartment in Paris when the call came in. Hours later, after flying the length of Asia, over the Himalayas and the radioactive deserts of Kazakhstan, you arrive in Singapore carrying an urgent package for the scientist Derrida..." "Genoq brought in Derrida to head the special operations lab, the supersecret research wing charged with designing the next generation biomedicines. The message you received from Derrida was panicked and desperate. Perhaps there had been some accident, and the labs are now contaminated with a lethal virus or even worse..." *Note*: Sometimes I may say that you can pick up a freezer, but it could be a bomb or a shield, and vice versa. Total People: 6 Total Grenades: 2 Special Weapons/Items/Computers: None +++++++ Scene 1 +++++++ Try out the movement keys if you have to. When you're done messing around, hit the wall button (yellow triangle on the wall) which opens the door. Proceed to the upper right to the next scene. +++++++ Scene 6 +++++++ See the little flashing pink dot on the wall? It's on the bottom right. Once you pass this laser trip, the pink door will lock you in. Proceed into the Genoq facility to the upper right. +++++++ Scene 8 +++++++ This is your first test of courage. Wait in the hall with the arrow until the security turret looks away, then dash for the wall button and hit it. The turret will retreat into the floor. Now, go talk to the woman. She is hysterical, but you can get a little information out of her. Lead her to the escape hall (as they will be called henceforth) and she will show herself out. Check out the messages on the computer. When you're ready, wait until the electrified floor goes away, and then cross over and head to the upper left. +++++++ Scene 3 +++++++ You'll see a trapped person and a security turret. You're safe on against the upper wall in the escape hall, so when the turret faces away, run to the room to the upper left and stand next to the wall. When the turret faces down or down left, run around it clock-wise from the base and hit the button. It will open a door. Quickly run back towards the door and go into the newly accessible room. Get the key, which will give you security level 1. If you walk against the wall to the lower right, you'll hit the secret button that will open the blue door and give you access to the hall along the top of the screen. Hit the wall button and the turret will deactivate. Talk to the old man and find out some more information about Genoq and Derrida. Get the laser (the blue glowing thing behind the desk). Now you're armed. Cross over the electrified field and head down the hall to the lower left. ++++++++ Scene 43 ++++++++ You'll be safe from the turret as long as you stay against the upper wall of the escape hall. When it looks away, shoot the tall gray things and get your first grenade. Watch the turret! When you're done, go back two scenes to scene 8. Hit the gray wall button to open the security door. Head to the upper right. ++++++++ Scene 36 ++++++++ Check out the computer. Strange. Hit the wall button closest to you to open the door. Kill the A/Generation (From know on, I'll refer to them as A/Gen's) to your upper right and go hit the wall button in that room. Go kill the A/Gen in the bottom of the room and seal the vent. The room will become secured and the red door to the upper right will open. Proceed to the upper right. +++++++ Scene 9 +++++++ Hit the button at the end of the hall and cross the electrified floor. Kill the A/Gen. Hit the button near the desk to open the blue door. Stand on the blue door you just opened as far to the upper left as possible. Face right and fire your laser. You should hit the button which opens two doors. If you miss, reposition yourself and fire. *Alternate*: When the right most door is open, stand on it and fire at the button to the lower right. Hit the button to the upper right and all the doors should open. Head to the lower right. ++++++++ Scene 10 ++++++++ Shoot your laser right away to kill the A/Gen. Hit the only button you can to open the door. Go in and kill another A/Gen and seal the vent to secure the room. Stand on the open door and fire at the button you just hit. Head right into the room. Move clockwise around the turret and hit the button on the upper right wall. Pick up the grenade. The turret should deactivate. Talk to the civilian and walk against the wall to the lower right where you find him. You should hit an invisible button to open the pink door. Lead him into the room with the vent. Stand on the open door and fire your laser at the button on the wall to the upper left. Lead him to the escape hall and then go down the hall to the lower left. ++++++++ Scene 26 ++++++++ You'll see a turret and an A/Gen turning it on and off. Notice the little laser trip on the upper right wall near you. If you trip it, the turret will activate, so keep note of it. Wait until the turret is turned off and run to the wall the opposite of which the turret faces. Make sure you stay towards the top of the screen. Hit the button to open the door. Kill the A/Gen and deactivate the turret. Blast the chair with your laser and greet the man. (I don't know what hitting the button along the lower left wall does besides change the color of the door). Stand next to the lower right edge of the table at the top of the screen. When you're ready, run to the escape hall. The turret will reactivate, but hopefully you'll make it to the escape hall in time to be safe. Head back two scenes to scene 9. Go past the electrified floor to the upper right. ++++++++ Scene 11 ++++++++ Ignore the button to your left and walk around the turret and hit the button on the upper right wall. Go through the door that just opened and head to the lower right and hit the button. Go back up and stand to the right of where the first electrified turns on and off. As soon as it turns off, head to the upper left and get the key. Hit the button in front of you and go past the turret again and hit the button again. Head to the right. +++++++ Scene 7 +++++++ This room isn't that hard, just time it right and cross past the lasers. ++++++++ Scene 12 ++++++++ Hit the button that you can to open the door. Kill the A/Gen. Hit the button in the room you just entered. Kill the other A/Gen to secure the room. Hit the security button on the lower right wall and open the door to the civilian. Leader her to the escape hall and proceed to the upper right. ++++++++ Scene 13 ++++++++ Last room of floor 80. Kill the A/Gen and hit the lower button. Try to lure the A/Gen in the top of the room into the laser. If not, go up to the vent so another comes out, and repeat the process until the laser hits one. Hit the other button to open the door to the person and the teleporter. Lead him to the escape hall and enter the teleporter. You beat floor 80! -------- Level 81 -------- Total People: 5 Total Grenades: 1 Special Weapons/Items/Computers: 2 The bomb that a civilian gives you - Scene 23 The passworded computer - Scene 23 ++++++++ Scene 14 ++++++++ Just a few A/Gens. Hit the button to the upper right to open the door. Kill the A/Gen (2 if you trapped them both in there). Stand on the open door and shoot your laser at the button you just hit. Kill the other A/Gen(s) to secure the room and exit to the lower left. ++++++++ Scene 15 ++++++++ This room looks pretty crazy, but it's not. Just watch the electrified floor panels in the hall you are in and when the closest one shuts off, head towards the center of the room. There are electrified floor panels that go off around the four corners of the center part of the room. Seal the vent to secure the room and hit the lower wall button and head to the lower right. ++++++++ Scene 17 ++++++++ Head to the upper right and hit the button. Kill the A/Gen and seal the vent to secure the room. Be careful - hit the lower button to open the door to the civilian, but beware of the now activated security turrets. When the turrets face up, lead the person to safety. Now, go to the top of the room where neither turret can hit you. Walk above both turrets and come down to the right of the right turret. Go down the hallway to the lower right. ++++++++ Scene 18 ++++++++ Your first encounter with B/Gens. Hit the lower button to open the door and kill your first B/Gen. Seal the vent and hit the lowest button. Kill the other B/Gen and check out the computer. Quite a resume this Derrida has! Head to the lower left. ++++++++ Scene 46 ++++++++ This puzzle looks tough, but isn't. The red and green lines running across the floor mark the path of the lasers, so just time it right and walk between the floor between the lowest and middle red and green lines. Now walk all the way to the lower right. Repeat until you reach the nook with the key. Watch out for the electrified floor. Head back across the lasers and exit the room through the upper hall. You'll end up in scene 15, so just hit the button to open the door and head to the upper left. ++++++++ Scene 16 ++++++++ Kill all of the A/Gens and seal the vents. Open the security door and watch the electrified floor. Lead the civilian over the floor when it is safe and watch him run to safety. Head down the lower left hall. ++++++++ Scene 20 ++++++++ Kill the close A/Gen and seal off the close vent. Lure the other A/Gen in the room after the laser. Both the laser and the A/Gen disappear, so head in and seal the vent to secure the room. Hit the button to gain access to the civilian and save him. Head to the left. ++++++++ Scene 21 ++++++++ This room is simple. When the security turret faces away, hit the lower button to open the door, then run in and hit the other button. Head back to the right to scene 20 and head to the lower hall. ++++++++ Scene 22 ++++++++ Pick up the key when the floor isn't electrified. When the A/Gen opens the door, head through it. When the turret is deactivated, head up and hit the wall button. When safe, head back to the room with the A/Gen and kill it. Seal the vent to secure the room and make sure the turret is offline. If it isn't, hit the upper button and then head to the left. ++++++++ Scene 23 ++++++++ Watch out for the electrified floor. Walk to the middle of the room and kill the A/Gen and seal the vent. Hit the left button to open the door to the other A/Gen. Kill it and seal the vent. If the door to the civilian isn't open, hit the right button to open it. Check out the computer and talk to the civilian. Uh oh. He doesn't know the password. On the bright side he gives you a bomb. Save him. In the room where he was sitting, there's a yellow thing to the left. Shoot it and walk over where it was. The door to the left should open. Go down the hall to the left. +++++++ Scene 4 +++++++ Open the door to the civilian and talk to him. His name is Seth. He tells you the password is ostrich. Save him and head back to scene 23. Enter Seth for the username and ostrich for the password. The upper left door should open. Go through it and head up the hall. ++++++++ Scene 21 ++++++++ Kill the A/Gen and seal both vents. Open the security door when the floor is safe and head through it to the lower left. ++++++++ Scene 40 ++++++++ Your first encounter with teleporters. When the left turret faces down, go in the teleporter and head towards the left turret. Pick up the key and run around the turret. When it faces down, run to the middle of the room and up to the other turret. Repeat the process to get the grenade and head back to the teleporter. Exit the room through the left. ++++++++ Scene 25 ++++++++ Kill the close A/Gen and the far one when it heads to your side of the room. Seal the close vent and when safe, cross over the electrified floors. Seal the other vent and open the security door. Go up the tube. You beat floor 81! -------- Level 82 -------- Total People: 5 Total Grenades: 0 Special Weapons/Items/Computers: 1 A shield that a civilian gives you - Scene 35 ++++++++ Scene 30 ++++++++ Immediately run to the upper-left to avoid the security turret and go up the hall. As you may notice, you will need a lot of security keys to get by in this room. ++++++++ Scene 27 ++++++++ Hit the wall button to open the door. Pass over the electrified floor and kill the A/Gen. Seal the vent. Notice the mine in the left corner of the room. Hit the wall button on the left wall to open up the door to the lasers. Stand on top of the door you just opened. Shoot the button on the other side of the hall. When the lasers are heading to the lower right, as soon as they pass you, run to the hall at the top of the room. Head up. ++++++++ Scene 19 ++++++++ Stand next to the closest wall button. When the B/Gen hits the button to deactivate the right security turret, hit the button and run behind the now inactive security turret. Hit the button to the right. After the turret gets reactivated and deactivated, run to the left against the wall where the green floor meets the black floor. When the B/Gen deactivates the left turret, run into the top room with the desk and chairs. Hit the button on the wall. Make sure the left turret is deactivated, and when the B/Gen comes in view, kill it. Run across to the lower left and pick up the security key. *Note* If the left security turret is active when you want to run across, just run straight across and don't stop. It won't hit you. To open the red door on the right, walk up to the corner above the left security turret and walk against the wall to hit a secret button. Head behind the right security turret and down the hall to the right. New Stategy: If you stand on top of the right turret while the B/Gen activates it, you will switch the sequence. Now both turrets activate/deactivate together, so you don't have to waste a grenade on it! ++++++++ Scene 45 ++++++++ This room is very tricky. Immediately run to the upper room and pick up the grenade. When the laser heads up the hall to the left, run to the upper right room and pick up the grenade. You're safe in the upper two rooms because the laser will never go in there. When the laser is in the lower left room, run to the lower right room, pick up the grenade, and go back to the upper right room. When safe to do so, run back out the hall to the left. Head back three scenes to the first scene of the level with all of the security doors, scene 30. Hit the security wall button on the bottom of the screen and head down the lower hallway. ++++++++ Scene 34 ++++++++ Run past the laser and lure out an A/Gen into the laser. Seal the leftmost vent. Hit the button to the left. Go to the lower right and seal the vent. Stand on the open door and shoot the left button with your laser to open the right door. Go through the door you just opened and seal the vent. Stand on the open door, face right, and shoot the right button. Lead the civilian to safety and head down the hall to the right. ++++++++ Scene 35 ++++++++ Run past both lasers and hit the button to your right. Run into the top room and seal the vent. Stand on the open door and shoot the right button. Go into the lower room. The civilian won't talk to you until he is safe. Pick up the security key on top of the electrified floor. Go back to the top room and make sure the civilian goes in as well. Stand on the open door and shoot the left button. Lead the civilian past the lasers and into the hall with the black floor but not quite to the escape hall. Hit enter to talk to him. He says he doesn't know what's going on but he does give you a shield. Lead him to the escape hall and go back to scene 34. Now head down the hall to the left. ++++++++ Scene 33 ++++++++ Head around the security turret and push the button. Head into the small room to the left and push the other button. When the security turret faces to the lower left or left, lead the civilian to safety. Head back to the room with all of the security doors and hit the security button to the left. Head down the hall to the left. ++++++++ Scene 29 ++++++++ This room looks fun. Hit the button at the top of the screen. In order to seal the vents, I suggest going in Rambo style and just rapid firing your laser. You should probably seal the lower left vent first because B/Gens will spawn out of it. Remember: keep moving. Once you seal all of the vents, check out the computer. A low-down on A/Gens it seems. It makes them seem so useful and efficient. Too bad their target is you! Anyway, head down the hall to the lower right. ++++++++ Scene 33 ++++++++ Simply grab the key as soon as the laser goes by. Head back one scene and go down the hall to the left. ++++++++ Scene 28 ++++++++ Head to the bottom of the room when the security turret looks away and kill the A/Gen and B/Gen. Run across to the left room with the blonde man and lead him to safety when the turret looks away. Now, when safe, head down the lower hall and shoot the button. Lead the civilian to safety. Head back to the starting room with the security buttons and hit the rightmost button. Head up the hall to the upper right. ++++++++ Scene 31 ++++++++ This is just a run and gun room. Seal each vent as soon as possible so that the civilians aren't hurt. Seal the left one, then the top one, then quickly seal the right one so that the right civilian isn't killed. Finally, seal the bottom one and lead both civilians to safety. Go to the hall to the right. ++++++++ Scene 42 ++++++++ Mines and a turret. Immediately run to the left nook. When the turret faces up, run above the first mine, below the second, and above the turret. Just stay against the top wall and go down the hall to the right and you should be fine. ++++++++ Scene 32 ++++++++ Notice the laser trip at the very top of the screen. Go along the bottom of the screen and shoot the electric eye. Quickly run across the floor and seal the vent. Lead the civilian to safety. Get the key to the right. Head back to the first screen and open the door to the tube. Congratulations, you beat level 82! -------- Level 83 -------- Total People: 3 Total Grenades: 0 Special Weapons/Items/Computers: 1 A freezer - Scene 39 ++++++++ Scene 24 ++++++++ Go down and hit the close button while avoiding the electrified floor. Dodge the security turret and hit the second button. Head down the hall. ++++++++ Scene 39 ++++++++ Shoot the far button and kill the two A/Gens. B/Gens come out of the vent, so be careful and seal it. Stand at the lower button. As soon as you see the electrified floor near the civilian turn on, hit the button. He should safely cross the floor. Hit the button again and carefully lead the civilian over the other electrified floor. Get the freezer. Head to the upper right. ++++++++ Scene 41 ++++++++ You can't go by the mines, so just hit the button and head back down to scene 39. Go to the lower right. +++++++ Scene 2 +++++++ 3 vents to seal. The outside ones spawn B/Gens and the middle one spawns A/Gens. When your done killing all of them, hit the upper button. Enter the room, seal the B/Gen vent and stand on the top part of the door. Shoot the button and head over to the room with the civilians in it. Lead both of them to safety. Return to the first scene of the level, and head right. ++++++++ Scene 37 ++++++++ Hit the left button, go into the upper room and hit the top button. While dodging the wrath of the security turrets, hit the button on the upper wall in the lower room. Head to the lower right. ++++++++ Scene 41 ++++++++ Stand near the upper mines and shoot the wall. Your laser should bounce and hit the button to deactivate the security turret. Get the key and go back to scene 37. This time, head to the upper right. ++++++++ Scene 44 ++++++++ Open the door with the key. Use the computer to get the lowdown on the B/Gen. Pretty deadly. Don't bother hitting the button, just cross the lasers when safe and head to the upper right. +++++++ Scene 5 +++++++ Hit the button. Dodge the laser and pick up the key when safe to do so. Open the door with the key. Be careful: you'll have your first encounter with a C/Gen. Either let him walk into the laser or hit him with a grenade. Enter the tube. Congratulations, you beat level 83! -------- Level 84 -------- Total People: 5 Total Grenades: 0 Special Weapons/Items/Computers: 2 The freezer - Scene 63 The passworded computer - Scene 82 ++++++++ Scene 51 ++++++++ Hit the button and dodge the laser when walking out of the door. Stand directly below the button but outside the room and shoot at it to open the door to the right. Go through the newly opened door. ++++++++ Scene 77 ++++++++ Kill the close B/Gen. Hit the button, go in the room, kill all the B/Gens and seal the vent. Access the computer just for fun. These guys are really concerned about their employees, huh? Anyway, hit the lower button again and lead the guy to safety. Hit the lower button one more time and go in the hall to the right. ++++++++ Scene 78 ++++++++ Dodge the lower security turret and the laser to hit the left most button. This will deactivate the lower security turret. When the laser is in the lower room, shoot the right button to close the door. Destroy the laser eye in the upper room with your laser. Lead the civilian to the escape hall. Hit the top button to open the bottom door. Destroy the object in the left corner of the top room near the deactivated security turret and hit the invisible button near the corner to open the top door. Go to the right. ++++++++ Scene 81 ++++++++ Memorize the pattern of the electrified floors, and when safe, cross the hall up to the A/Gen and kill it. Hit the button. Head back down to the entrance to the hallway with the laser. Cross it and stand on the right side of the bottom door. Face left and shoot your laser. It should hit the button; if it doesn't, try again. Head up the newly accessible hall and dodge the rotating turret. Carefully maneuver past the electrified floors and pick up the key. Head back one scene and this time, go down. ++++++++ Scene 79 ++++++++ Wait until the security turret faces up or right. When the laser opens the door, go through and for now, go to the hall to the right. ++++++++ Scene 87 ++++++++ Kill the close A/Gen. Watch out, the security turret rotates extra fast. When the top A/Gen opens the lower door, kill it. Since you have the secret security key, you can open the door. Get the other key just for fun and head up the hall to the right. ++++++++ Scene 60 ++++++++ BE CAREFUL! There will be a C/Gen that rushes towards you. Just use a grenade on it to kill it and proceed up the hall. ++++++++ Scene 63 ++++++++ Get close enough to the turret but on a path with it and the lower left teleporter. When it shoots a few times, move to the lower right. One of its shots should kill it. Seal both vents and keep using the teleporters until you transport to the upper room. Get the object next to the guy, either a freezer or a grenade, and bring him back. Lead him to safety. Go back two scenes and head down. ++++++++ Scene 86 ++++++++ Kill the B/Gens and seal the vent. Pick up the grenade. Stand on the door to the room with the civilian and shoot the button. Get the key and stand right next to the door with the civilian. Shoot the button (make sure you don't kill the man) and immediately exit the room. You should safely dodge the security turret. Lead the man to safety and head to the left. ++++++++ Scene 85 ++++++++ Go to the bottom room, kill the A/Gen, and seal the vent. Hit the button. Go to the upper room and seal the vent. Stand on the left side of the door and shoot the button to the right. This should open the top two doors. Kill the B/Gen. Go through the upper door. ++++++++ Scene 79 ++++++++ Dodge the laser and seal the vent. Hit the button. Carefully lead the man to safety (make sure the turret is facing left or up when you attempt to cross the room). Get the grenade near the bottom of the room. Go back to the lower left. ++++++++ Scene 84 ++++++++ Kill both B/Gens and walk up to the man. Get the key. Talk to him. He says he is "John of Maryland. I am the bringer of famine." Then ask him the passcode. He says, "Hah! Yes. Quickly! I could see the black wings coming across the desert. They'll be here in a few minutes, and when I see you and you see me there will be a crater and thousands of dead." Interesting. Lead him to safety and go down the bottom hall. ++++++++ Scene 82 ++++++++ Wait for the B/Gen to open the door. Seal the bottom vent and open the room with the B/Gen. Kill it and seal the vent. Talk to the guy to get some plot and lead him to safety. Use the computer. Today's passcode? "Death". The door to the left will open, go through it. (For some reason, sometimes the password is "death." I guess it changes sometimes.) ++++++++ Scene 73 ++++++++ Go past the lasers one at a time (you can stop in between each one and advance when you are ready). Stand in the narrow spot past the last laser. Shoot at the button and run in the room with the security turret (make sure it is facing away. Use a grenade on it if you want). The laser should bounce enough times and grant you access to the tube. Congratulations, you beat level 84! -------- Level 85 -------- Total People: 4 Total Grenades: 1 Special Weapons/Items/Computers: 3 A freezer - Scene 83 A personal shield that Rivers gives you - Scene 75 A personal shield - Scene 57 ++++++++ Scene 74 ++++++++ Quickly seal the vents and kill the A/Gens. Go through the top door and pick up the key near the top of the room. Go back and go through the bottom door near the security turret. Squeeze around the bottom of it and hit the key button. The door opens and the security turret deactivates. Go to the left. ++++++++ Scene 62 ++++++++ The lasers bounce in a simple pattern. Dodge them by crossing at the top or the bottom of the room and go to the left. ++++++++ Scene 83 ++++++++ A C/Gen rushes towards you, so shoot a grenade immediately. When the B/Gen opens the door, go through it and go through the next door when it's opened. Shoot the left button and kill the B/Gen. Look at the doors that were being opened and closed by the B/Gen. Open the left one and stand inside the room. Stand directly between the two doors that were being opened and closed by the B/Gen, face left, and fire. You should hit the button to open the right door. If not, keep trying. Pick up the freezer at the top of the room. Head up the hall to the left. ++++++++ Scene 88 ++++++++ Walk to and touch the lower right side of the table in the middle of the room. Face upper right and shoot your laser to hit the button, and let your laser hit you. Make sure the civilian doesn't see you. Go near the entrance to the room with the rotating security turret. When it looks left or up, run to the teleporter. There is a secret button directly to the left of where you appear. Talk to the woman, and when the left turret faces left or up, get in the teleporter and quickly get out of the room with the woman following you. Once again, stand on the lower right side of the table and shoot the button to open the door. Lead the woman to safety and go down the lower left hall. ++++++++ Scene 56 ++++++++ This room has a tube that will bring you to the next level, but I strongly recommend that you ignore it and finish the level that you are on. Besides, you also get much less on the next level. Just dodge the lasers and pick up the grenade. Go back one seen and go to the upper left. ++++++++ Scene 75 ++++++++ When the A/Gen opens the right room, go past the laser and go into it. Let the A/Gen close it. Right after the A/Gen opens it again, hit the button and go stand in front of the laser bouncing rapidly in front of the narrow door. The A/Gen should come and die in the laser. Seal the vent. Talk to the civilian. She asks you if you thinks she is fat. Say no. Say it again and she makes you admit her ugliness. She gives you a personal shield. She just says useless things over and over again after that, so hit escape and lead her to safety. Go up the hall to the right. ++++++++ Scene 57 ++++++++ Good thing you have that personal shield. Hit "u" and select it to use it. Walk past the electrified floor and pick up the shield between the tale and the wall. Go right. ++++++++ Scene 92 ++++++++ When the turret faces right, kill the A/Gen and go to the bottom room. Kill the A/Gens and seal the vent. When safe, stand on the door and shoot the button to the right to open the right door. Hit the left button to open the left door. Go up the hall to the right. ++++++++ Scene 90 ++++++++ Ignore the top button for now. Without getting in the turrets field of view, shoot the B/Gen. When the left turret faces lower left, run to the vent and seal it. Dodge the top turret and hit the button. The door will open and the laser will kill the A/Gen. You may want to use a grenade on the left turret to make saving the man easier. Run back near the entrance and hit the top button. Run up to the man and lead him to the very top of the room before you talk to him. Talk to Kosygin to get some more plot line. Apparently Genoq is conducting illegal activities. Big surprise. Lead him to safety and go back one room. Go to the top hall. ++++++++ Scene 89 ++++++++ Face right and shoot the wall so your laser bounces and hits the button. The B/Gen will come and get killed in the laser. Kill the A/Gen. Seal both vents and talk to Andre to discover more about Genoq and its illegal activities. Open the security door and enter the tube. Congratulations, you beat level 85! -------- Level 86 -------- Total People: 3 Total Grenades: 1 Special Weapons/Items/Computers: 2 The strange computer where you run away from a C/Gen - Scene 69 A bomb - Scene 59 ++++++++ Scene 71 ++++++++ Immediately move up or down to dodge the laser. Go to the upper part of the room and you can safely cross to the right part. Dodge the laser again, and when the turret faces up or right, run past it into the hall and go to the right. ++++++++ Scene 70 ++++++++ Quickly run up to the woman and kill the A/Gen, OR hit the bottom button, right button, left button, then top button. Seal the vent and talk to her. She gives you some plot about Derrida, so when you're finished speaking with her, lead her past the turret to the escape hall. Go to the upper right. ++++++++ Scene 54 ++++++++ This room is tricky because I can't find any other way to beat it other than to use a bomb. So place a bomb directly next to the pink door and run to the hall near the entrance. Hit the button to open the other door, and run in and seal the vent. Be careful, a C/Gen appears and charges you. Kill it and lead the man to safety. Go back one scene and head to the left. ++++++++ Scene 69 ++++++++ Walk around the wall, kill the A/Gen, seal the vent, hit the button, and use the computer. Another strange part of the game, I don't know what to do other than let the guy hit you. I tried running away, but it didn't work. So let him hit you and you go back to the room. Hit the button and go stand in front of the laser. An A/Gen should come up and get killed. Seal the vent and carefully but quickly pick up the key. Head to the lower left. ++++++++ Scene 68 ++++++++ When the A/Gen activates the right turret, run up behind it. When the A/Gen deactivates it, run towards the button at the bottom of the room. Shoot at it and let the laser hit you. Hide in the recess of the door and when it opens, go in the room and kill the A/Gen. Seal the vent and open the security door. Go up to the left. ++++++++ Scene 55 ++++++++ This room is a little tricky. For now, you want to go to the left, but getting past those rotating turrets is difficult. If you can, have one shoot the other by standing near it when the other turret sees you (stand near the lower one, let the top one see you and shoot at you, then run out of the way). If you can't do it, either use a freezer or a grenade. Go to the left. ++++++++ Scene 59 ++++++++ Hit the button. Careful, there is a C/Gen disguised as an object, so be ready. Kill the B/Gen, and pick up the bomb and the grenade. Go back one seen and go to the top hall. ++++++++ Scene 76 ++++++++ This room isn't too hard. Just seal all the vents. This is where you would have come up if you took the shortcut tube on level 85. Proceed to the right. ++++++++ Scene 65 ++++++++ Hit the button at the bottom of the room. When the turret is deactivated, run to the top of the room and hit the button up there. When it is deactivated again, run in the door that you just opened. The top person is a C/Gen, but it will only attack you when you secure the room. Close the door by hitting the button in the room you are in. Stand next to the closed door leading to the room with the civilians and face the button you just hit. When the turret is deactivated, shoot at the button and run outside. The door to the room with the B/Gen should be open, so run in and kill it. Make sure you deactivate the turret, then hit the button at the top of the room. Kill the C/Gen and lead the civilian to safety. Go to the hall to the right. ++++++++ Scene 66 ++++++++ Mines block your path, but don't worry. Stand near them so that A/Gens come out of the vent. Shoot them when they are over the mines and the mines should explode. When you clear a path, make sure the turret is facing away, and seal the vent. Evade the turret and go to the hall to the right. ++++++++ Scene 67 ++++++++ This room is pretty easy. Just dodge the lasers and get the key. Go back one scene and open the security door. Go in the tube. Congratulations, you beat level 86! -------- Level 87 -------- Total People: 5 Total Grenades: 3 Special Weapons/Items/Computers: 1 A bomb - Scene 128 A freezer - Scene 127 +++++++++ Scene 101 +++++++++ Immediately run to the lower right. When the lower right turret faces away, hit the button, run around it, and hit the bottom button. Go back outside and hit the first button to safely close the door. If you want, you can open the door and have the turrets fire at you, dodge, and have them kill each other, but you don't have to. Go to the lower left room, evade the turret and get the key. Get the grenade to the upper left, open the security door, and go up to the upper right. +++++++++ Scene 128 +++++++++ When you're ready, go in the teleporter and rapid fire your laser. Hopefully, you'll seal them unscathed, but it may take a few tries. Hit the button and go down the hall to the lower right. +++++++++ Scene 118 +++++++++ There is a secret button on the wall directly to the right, so walk along the wall to you hit it. Open the security door and kill the B/Gen. Talk to Irislav to find out more about Genoq's cover up. Oh geeze, there's a bomber coming to destroy the building in 20 minutes. Don't worry, the timer doesn't start yet, so you don't have to rush until I say so. Get the key and head to the secret room to the lower left. +++++++++ Scene 132 +++++++++ Pick up the two grenades. Go back one scene and go to the lower right. +++++++++ Scene 120 +++++++++ A few vents to seal. Seal them and kill the B/Gens. Save the guys and go to the right. +++++++++ Scene 128 +++++++++ Pick up the item in the top of the room (I think it could be either a bomb or a freezer, but I think it's always a bomb). Open the security door, but don't go in it. See the electric eye at the top of the room? You have to kill it. Walk down by the bottom deactivated turret and fire at it. That should rid of it. Pick up the key and talk to the hysterical man. He doesn't want to go with you. Oh well. There's a secret button on the table right next to him, so hit it and go to the right. +++++++++ Scene 135 +++++++++ Quickly enter the right teleporter and be careful of the laser. Open the security door, get in the right teleporter, and go to the bottom right. +++++++++ Scene 124 +++++++++ I can't figure out how to beat this room without using a bomb, so close the right door and plant a bomb next to it. Run up near the entrance, so after it explodes, go down and talk to the guy. His name is Gonzo. He kind of serves as a prophet. I like the line "The technology you have seen in this building is serving to blur the distinction between the living and the merely animate." Wow. Scary. Apocalyptic. Anyway, he tells you that you're came to do more than deliver a package. OBVIOUSLY! Lead Gonzo to safety and go all the way back to Scene 128 and open the right security door and go in it. +++++++++ Scene 116 +++++++++ Another room that requires an item. Use a personal shield to get rid of the laser. Use a grenade on the turret if you have a few. Save the two guys and go to the right. +++++++++ Scene 117 +++++++++ Kill the two A/Gens. This looks interesting. The top right button, which I will call button 1, activates/deactivates the bottom turret. The button to the left of it, number 2, activates/deactivates the top and left turrets. The button below it, number 3, activates/deactivates the top and right turrets. Finally, the bottom button, number 4, activates/deactivates the top and bottom turret. It's not a hard puzzle to solve. If all four are activated, hit buttons 2, 3, and four. Get the key and go back 2 scenes. Open the left security door and go in. +++++++++ Scene 111 +++++++++ Right away you get a message that the bomber will attack in 20 minutes, so you have to hurry up. Stand right next to the button and hit it. The laser should go by you. Hit the top button and get the key. When the laser opens the door back up, run to the hall of the entrance. When it goes back in the room it started in, quickly hit the button to close the door behind it. Open the security door and go up the hall. +++++++++ Scene 109 +++++++++ Run around the rapidly rotating turret and get the grenade. Hit the button to open the door and go in the tube. Congratulations, you beat level 87! -------- Level 88 -------- Total People: 4 Total Grenades: 5 Special Weapons/Items/Computers: 1 A freezer - Scene 127 +++++++++ Scene 125 +++++++++ Stand still until the top turret shoots at you. Dodge the shots and make sure they hit the bottom turret. Repeat until the bottom turret is hit twice. Run down and into the room to the left. Pick up the grenade. Go in the left portal and hit the top button. Go back in the portal and stand on the top left side of the bottom teleporter. Face to the upper left and shoot your laser. It should go through the left teleporter and hit the button. Go in the bottom teleporter and go up the hall. +++++++++ Scene 126 +++++++++ This room is difficult but fun. I sealed the vents by rapidly firing my laser while running up the bottom row and then the top row. Kill any B/Gen left alive and pick up the key. Go to the right hall. +++++++++ Scene 119 +++++++++ Stand behind the middle turret when it looks away and let the right turret shoot at you to destroy the turret you're standing next to. Run up the hall to the upper right. +++++++++ Scene 112 +++++++++ Kill the B/Gen. Proceed to the hall to the right. +++++++++ Scene 115 +++++++++ You need to run by the turret. If you have any extra grenades, use it. Keep going up. +++++++++ Scene 125 +++++++++ There are four buttons on the left wall. Hit the second from the left, the left, then the right button. This should open the doors for the laser to hit the buttons. Go in and kill the B/Gen. When the right door opens, wait for the laser to go up to the top of the room, then hit the button in the room you're in. Go get the key. Stand on the right door, which is open, face right, and shoot the button. This will open the left door. Go back two scenes to scene 112. +++++++++ Scene 112 +++++++++ Hit the button on the top wall to open the door. Dodge the laser, and go in the bottom door when it's open. Wait for the laser to hit the door to the right, and when it does, dodge the turret and open the security door. Run into the room with the guy, Edward, and ask him everything you can. He's kind of dumb, but when the turret looks to the right, hit the button and open the door. Lead Edward into the bottom room, and when the laser opens the door, carefully lead him past the laser and into the escape hall. Go back one scene to scene 119. This time, go down. +++++++++ Scene 123 +++++++++ You need to dodge the outside laser and the electrified floors. If you wish, get the grenade, and then open the security door. Proceed to the right. +++++++++ Scene 110 +++++++++ When the turret looks away, lure the C/Gen towards you and kill him with a grenade. Hit the button and go in the room and talk to Robert. Ask him everything and then lead him around the turret and to the escape hall. Go in the hall at the bottom of the room. +++++++++ Scene 129 +++++++++ Hit the button on the left wall to deactivate the turret. Stand to the right of the teleporter and shoot a laser into it. This should hit the button in the bottom room and deactivate the turret. Go in the teleporter and hit the bottom button to open the top door. Stand on the open door and shoot the button to open the bottom door. Go in the hall to the bottom left. +++++++++ Scene 130 +++++++++ Kill the two A/Gens and go seal the B/Gen vent. Next to the civilian is an orange object. This is actually a C/Gen in disguise, so approach with caution and kill it. Rescue the man and go in the hall to the left. +++++++++ Scene 127 +++++++++ In the room with the turret, hit the top button to open the door. Kill the B/Gen and seal the vent. Pick up the freezer next to the table at the top of the room. Hit the button on the left wall to open the bottom door. Seal the vent, pick up the key, and when the guy is following you, go back towards the top room with the turret. Shoot or hit the bottom button to deactivate it and lead the guy to safety. Go to the right. +++++++++ Scene 102 +++++++++ Kill the bottom turret with a grenade. There is a secret button to the right of it, so walk along the wall until you hit it. Either kill the top turret or walk around it and pick up the 4 grenades. Go back two scenes and head to the bottom right. +++++++++ Scene 113 +++++++++ When you're ready, hit the button to open the door. Kill or dodge the turrets, kill the B/Gens, and seal the vent. Go down the bottom hall. +++++++++ Scene 131 +++++++++ Hit the button to open the door. Use a freezer if you want, otherwise, run behind the right row of turrets and get the key. Walk directly towards the door and you should dodge any shots coming your way. Go back one scene and go to the right. +++++++++ Scene 137 +++++++++ Stand close to the bottom right wall. The turrets should not shoot at you. Kill all of them with grenades, open the security door, and go in the tube. Congratulations, you beat level 88! -------- Level 89 -------- Total People: 0 Total Grenades: 0 Special Weapons/Items/Computers: 0 +++++++++ Scene 133 +++++++++ Well, here he is: Derrida. He claims to have a broken leg and needs help. If you touch him, exit the room, shoot your laser, shoot a grenade, or use an item, you automatically get teleported to a special room. Walk to the right and ignore the grenade looking items. In the room with the background of eyes, walk to the lower right then the upper right. You will enter a cross-shaped room with a discombobulated Derrida. Listen to his story. The D/Generation is a new age weapon that took over, but was paralyzed as a security measure, so it sent for you to bring the package so that it may move. All that work to help a monster. It is the perfect assassin. You have to kill it by luring it into the microwave antenna. Derrida tells you the password, "regeneration." Immediately run to the upper right. You only have a certain amount of time before the D/Gen escapes. Go to the upper right. +++++++++ Scene 104 +++++++++ Many turrets. Walk behind the top row so that the bottom row can shoot them and destroy them. Start at the bottom of the room and run and get the key and exit the room to the upper right. +++++++++ Scene 106 +++++++++ Go past the mines and shoot the button at the bottom of the room. Stand on the middle of the newly opened door, face left, and fire your laser. It should hit the button. Go to the lower room with the security turret and hit the left button. Stand on the door and shoot the bottom button. Go to the upper right. +++++++++ Scene 105 +++++++++ Dodge the laser and go to the right. +++++++++ Scene 121 +++++++++ Wow! The D/Gen. Don't let it catch you! Go back one scene and go to the bottom hall! +++++++++ Scene 122 +++++++++ Run down to the bottom of the room. When the D/Gen walks in front of the dish, hit the security button and watch the fireworks. Lots of blood. Go back to where you first saw the D/Gen in its real form, scene 121. +++++++++ Scene 137 +++++++++ The D/Gen already opened the door with the password regeneration. Walk up to the jetpack to get a happy ending. Congratulations, you beat level 89! You beat the game! ------------------ This FAQ should only be found on the following sites: www.gamefaqs.com www.neoseeker.com dlh.net www.cheats.de faqs.ign.com If you found this somewhere other than the aforementioned places, please email me. Thank you.