BUGS BUNNY BIRTHDAY BLOWOUT FAQ/Walkthrough v1.1 Complete with solutions and tips for all aspects of the game! (C) 2001 by Snow Dragon. All rights reserved. OUTLINE ======= 1. Story, Intro, and Notes 2. Updates 3. Walkthrough 4. Credits and Copyrights STORY, INTRO, AND NOTES ======================= First off, the story: It's Bugs Bunny's fiftieth birthday, and he goes outside to check his mailbox. He receives an invitation requesting him to show up at a party that his fan club is holding in his honor. Of course you know that Bugs is obviously thrilled to death, but his Looney Tune pals are not. In fact, they're downright jealous. So they're out to thwart Bugs's attempt to make it to his own birthday party. The story is always told at the start of the game. There's no way to skip it, so if you don't want to read it, don't. The game will start on the first level after the story is over. Now, a few things that might be important to know about my FAQ: ** Depending on my moods, I do walkthroughs in either step-by-step or paragraph form. I feel like doing paragraphs today. ** Levels are divided into stages and rounds. A stage is a group of levels, and a round is a single level. I will put a large indication up for a new stage, and then the individual rounds will be described in tiny subsections. You'll understand when you look at the document itself. ** The basic controls (just so I don't have to make a separate section for it): Left/right - move left/right Up/down - move up/down ladders Down - go into tunnels Start - pause the game A - jump B - swing your mallet ** I did a walkthrough for this game because it was one of the ten NES cartridges I owned as a kid. So sue me for being nostalgic. ** I can't believe I left this out of the first draft: if you need to contact me in terms of suggestions for this walkthrough or questions that need to be answered, or if you want my blessing to put this document on your website, I can be contacted at my e-mail address, which is . I have answered to all suggestions and questions I've been asked, even if it took about a month in some cases, but I always get around to it. So go ahead and ask. I still can't believe I didn't put this in the first time. Holy moly, what was I thinking??? That should be all, and there's nothing especially weird about this game that you need to know, so let's go on in! UPDATES ======= 11-18-01: Left some highly pertinent information off of this FAQ, for some crazy reason. I've added my e-mail address in case you need to contact me about something, and I've added one or two things to the Credits and Copyrights section. WALKTHROUGH =========== o---------o | Stage 1 | o---------o Round 1 ------- Just so I don't forget later: you'll want to pick up the carrots that you find. It is useful to know that once you pick one up, you can walk on the WB symbol that it turns into as a ledge. The little walking mallet in front of you can be killed with the mallet of your own, so take him out and go on. Enemies around you have extreme backtrack regeneration abilities. Once you kill them, they'll fall back out of the sky to torment you some more. The soap boxes shoot bubbles from their saponificated insides, and the fireballs just float around trying to hit you. Use the mallet with caution. It's not wise to be right up with an enemy when you swing it, because you'll end up getting hit even though you killed him. Learn to use it from a distance. If you need energy, kill a fireball -- they give out hearts. Keep going until you get to some hilly land. There should be rock platforms above with some carrots on top of them. Just go to the top of the highest hill and jump to get to them if you're having trouble. Some of these rock platforms break easily, but not all of them do, so you can still reach the carrots if need be. When you come to the heart symbol, it will refill your life completely when you get it. This is a sign that you're near the end of the level. Ahead is a seesaw. Hit the end that is pointing up with your mallet to catapult yourself into the air. This will help you get the carrots that are too high to jump to. When you get to the tunnel at the end, be careful. A rock levitates out of it occasionally. Press Down to go in when it is safe. Here, a few carrots are spread out and Daffy Duck is standing around. When you approach him, he will run around and try to get you -- don't fret, he only stays on the ground. You'll have to make some risky moves to get some of the carrots, but you shouldn't die. Touch the gigantic carrot to the right. It will turn into a balloon and you will float out of the level. Now, here's where it pays to have racked up the carrots. After every round (except the fourth of every stage) you will get to play a bonus game that lets you tally up some extra men. It's a bingo type game where numbers are pre-arranged on a board. One play costs ten carrots, so if you've got a lot of carrots, you might get a lot of extra men. You have to get at least three numbers in a horizontal, vertical, or diagonal row (in diagonal rows, one of the symbols has to be the star) to earn a 1-up; more in a row will result in more 1-ups. For four in a row, you can score a sweet five lives, and for five in a row, you'll get .... well, who knows? When you don't have enough carrots for another round of play, you'll be sent ahead to the next level. NOTE: A different bonus game is presented after the fourth round of every stage, which I will explain in greater detail at the end of stage 1, round 4. Round 2 ------- Some different new enemies are introduced to you here, among them being exploding alarm clocks, gray machines that shoot harmful liquid at you, and color-changing bouncy snakes. The snakes are okay to touch when they are not red. When they are red, they will hurt you. The ledge all the way to the right will send you speeding downward. In the new area, look for carrots. There are several opportunities and areas to explore, and luckily for you, I will try to point out all of them. For now, stay along the bottom of the cliffs. Jump across the waterfall and go right. You can use the seesaw to get up to the dirt tunnel. When you go in, you can get some more carrots. Go all the way to the right and get the carrots and the other icon that I think is Bugs moving fast. The music changes to a more upbeat, faster theme. It lasts until Bugs is hit. When you exit the tunnel across the room, you'll come out of the middle of three. Go in the one to the left. Get the three carrots in there and go in the tunnel at left. You'll exit out the far right of the three in the series. Go right. Move past the exploding clocks and find the snakes revolving around the rock ledges. Get the carrots they guard when they turn green so you don't chance getting hurt. If you keep going right, you'll see a pyramid of rocks and carrots to grab. Don't go in the tunnel to the right just yet though; move down. There are a few more carrots to get and a heart if you need it. When you do go in the tunnel, there will be nothing but a shrub below. Tweety is hiding behind it. You need to go near the bush to make him come out. When he does, quickly maneuver around him and beat him to death with your mallet. It takes three hits to defeat him. Grab the enormous carrot when it descends from the sky and play the bonus game for more extra lives. Round 3 ------- Get the carrots to your right without falling in the spikes. You'll need your health for the obstacle ahead, which is a bunch of boulders spilling from the heavens. Remain on the bottom moving ledge until you can get the carrots, then use the ledges the WB shields make to get to the safe ground. Crush the stone wall with your hammer to get a buttload of carrots. Up ahead, take a ride on the vertically-moving ledge to move on. Boulders will roll up the hill, the foot of which is next to a pit that you want to avoid. Do not go in the tunnel in the enclosed area below the bouncy snake. It's a shortcut and I know you're gonna want carrots for the bonus bingo at the end of the level. You will have to be careful of the ledges that appear and disappear. They don't stay visible for long, and a miscalculated jump could send you into the retractable spikes below. Use the seesaw for your catapulting needs. There are no noteworthy obstacles from here on out to the tunnel that leads to the end of the level. Once you go in that one, you'll meet up with Daffy Duck once again. Stay on either the moving ledge or the RABBIT SEASON sign for safety measures and use the WB symbols as stepping stones to get to the big carrot. Round 4 ------- There's a tunnel right in front of you that contains a nice handful of carrots. If you proceed further through the tunnel network, you can grab a mallet icon. You can't go any farther than that, so backtrack to the beginning. The ledges to the right disappear when you stand on them, so it's your obligation to keep jumping. If you go in the tunnel between these platforms, you will be in a very high area in the sky. You'll be forced to the ground eventually, so move left to get the carrots you missed while you were in the sky. You'll also find here a variant of the red soap boxes you've been seeing -- a gray soap box. This one turns into a bubble when you hit it, and the bubble can hurt you, so just avoid it. In the tunnel to the right, there is another network containing carrots and a life-refilling heart. Backtrack and go right. Get the carrots in the surrounding area (the cliffs and ladders) and dive through the tunnel in the upper right corner of the level. Wile E. Coyote is your opponent this time, and he's ravenously clutching a fork and knife. He will lunge at you with his flatware, and he has minimal jumping ability. It's no match for your rabbit-style leaps and bounds. Three hits with the mallet will destroy him. Seize the hyper-carrot that falls from the sky and prepare for a totally different bonus game. This is the "Willy the Weasel" game, and it's basically a rip-off of the Whack-a-Mole games you see in cheap arcades. Use the directional buttons to move to different holes and press either A or B to swing your hammer at a mole. Hitting so many moles will give you 1-ups; the more you hit, the more extra lives you will earn. A good tip for this game: stay on one row. Willys will pop up frequently enough that you can afford to stay near a few select weasels and still rack up quite a few extra men. This game is even better for stockpiling lives than that stupid random bingo game -- too bad this one only comes every four levels. It also costs substantially more carrots (20) for one round of play. o---------o | Stage 2 | o---------o Round 1 ------- After the normal grassy land that seems to be the standard first area for platform games of this nature, Bugs has relocated to a desert. Why he needs to cross an arid, sandy wasteland to get to his own birthday party is beyond me. That is one heck of a detour. The ground will start to collapse behind you once you clear the first pit, so keep on running or you'll fall to a miserable death. Jump over the turning spit covered in needles and make your way carefully through the tangled network of snakes (who turn blue in this stage). Quicksand is ahead, and if you happen to fall it, you will have to tap A _very_ rapidly in order to escape. As a special matter, do not fall into quicksand with little brown balls in it. Those can hurt you. When you get to the area where tumbleweeds roll at you, that's a landmark (or at least I'm calling it that) that serves to tell you that a brick tunnel is up ahead. Go in it and face Daffy. Jump over him while he's scrambling madly around and use the seesaw to propel yourself to safety. Round 2 ------- This round starts with quite the unpleasant earthquake. Farther to the right, tornadoes will chase you and harass you. Who knew the desert was so full of natural disasters? Find the brick tunnel to the right and get the carrots inside, and when you come back out, fall to the area directly below the ledge you're on (be careful not to hit the turning needles). Use the teeter-totter to grab the Bugs icon that changes the music. Go to the right and, so you don't get hit by needles, walk off the right edge of the first ledge above the ground. Get the lone carrot in the upper right corner before you go through the brick tunnel though. Another earthquake occurs in this cramped little area, but it doesn't affect your movement enough to make it any more difficult to get through here. You might be glad to see the heart refill at the beginning of the next small corridor. It's hard to get past the liquid-spitting machine without getting hit though. Once you're farther to the right and past him, you'll be blocked by some sphinxes. Use your mallet to break them and also take the carrots underneath them. You will have to go in the quicksand to the right. Jump as far across it as you can so that you won't have to struggle with wading through the mire. When you get to the seesaw, you will have to wait until the moving platform is low enough to leap to. The boulders and hammer dude are hard to avoid, but once you make it to the top you'll be at Stage 2's mini-boss, who is once again Tweety. The cloud acts as the bush that he hid behind in Stage 1. Use the same strategies as you did in 1-2 to get rid of him, but keep in mind that you will have to get closer to the bush than before to make him reveal himself. Round 3 ------- Boulders fall continuously in this level, as if it were raining almost, so only move ahead when it's safe. For this level you just need to keep moving forward and stay on the high road, because that's where all your carrots are going to be. Heart refillers are more frequent in this level than in previous levels, although if you move fast and with grace, you won't need them. Keep going until you find the first brick tunnel in this level. It should be about where the tornadoes start flying at you. There's nothing in there but carrots, so get them and leave. Continuing right, stay on the high road once more. Rocks will come cascading down the incline when you get to the hill after the sphinx. Don't bother with crushing them. In fact, it might be to your advantage to ride them. Just know that they do explode after a short time and the resultant debris will injure you. Once in the brick tunnel to the right, you will have to hammer your way through a pile of rocks to get to the mammoth carrot at the end. Round 4 ------- A little bit of the way into the level you can either keep walking down the sandy mountain or you can take the small detour into the cave below. Take the cave; it's a bit dangerous, but you can get several carrots and it is well worth your time. You'll end up back near the pit when you exit the tunnel. Stay on it so you can get a few carrots to the right. You should see some ledges above you that look tempting, but you can't get to them yet. Just go to the lower right tunnel. In this new area, there's a building that houses a lot of enemies. Move past it. You can't go in -- I've tried. To the right, smash the sphinxes for carrots and get all the carrots above the quicksand. You may have to take the plunge to obtain them all. Go in the brick tunnel to the right. These are the ledges you saw in the air a while ago. Move to the left and get the heart refiller -- you're going to need it. The boss here is Yosemite Sam. He's got a gun that shoots these dorky- looking bullets, but just because a bullet looks stupid doesn't mean it doesn't pack a punch. These things take off one entire heart a piece! So you're going to have to act fast and get hit as little as possible. Swing your hammer while you're falling from the top to get in one easy hit. Jump over as many bullets as you can. Yosemite Sam likes to dive into you to hurt you and temporarily disable your hammer. If you get through the fight, which is over when you hit him three times, you'll go on to Stage 3. o---------o | Stage 3 | o---------o Round 1 ------- Obstacles become much more detrimental to your health starting here. You'll meet the first regular enemy, a red frog with a heck of a jump, that takes more than one hit (three, as a matter of fact) to defeat, and the lava takes off one entire heart when you come into physical contact with it. Several of the enemies from Stage 1 make a return appearance here, including the fireballs, so if need help, kill one of them. The tunnels here are steel barrels. Enter the first one you see. Once you have the carrots and are out, take the high road until there's an opportunity for carrots along the low path. Huge, bombastic fireballs shoot up from below and can hurt you badly. The ground will collapse again at a later point, but it's easy to cross if you remain in the safety of the air. Carrots alternate between the upper and lower paths until the clear platform that sends you shooting upward. When you are sent up by the platform, you'll be face to face with Daffy. It's easier than ever to jump to the carrot that helps you beat the level. Round 2 ------- A new but useful enemy comes into play in this round - the 1-ton weight. It has a spring on it and can jump a little bit, but its true power is evidenced when you stand on it and hit it with your mallet. If it slides to the ledge below, it will cause a tremor that kills all surrounding enemies on the ground. Use him to your advantage as you go to the right. Eventually the path will lead down and to the left. You can use more of the 1-ton weights in your favor until you get to the steel barrel to the left. The next area is small and not difficult, so keep moving. When you go to the right, you'll discover ... volcanoes! Avoid the lava they spew out. Maybe it's best to stay up in the air (as usual). Go all the way to the right and go in the steel drum. You'll still be in this same area, but up in the sky. The blocks to the left can break at any time. Most are stable, but you'll have to be wary of which ones break and which ones don't. If you mess up, you'll have to start over by returning to this area. Once you make it to the steel barrel all the way to the left, you'll face Elmer Fudd. Elmer Fudd has a net gun. The nets themselves don't hurt you, and can be easily escaped from with a bit of button mashing, but Fudd himself can damage you if he runs into you. He's easier to kill than Yosemite Sam was, so you've gotta give him that. Like all other bosses, he'll be down for the count after three hammer whacks. Round 3 ------- This level is simple, straightforward action all the way up until the seesaw. The color-changing snakes are everywhere in this level, and they like to revolve around ledges instead of bounce back and forth across them. You will start to take a lot of hits later on, but fortunately there are fireballs to help out with life. There is nothing I can really say that is noteworthy about this level. You just move forward and before you know it, you've beaten it. To completely avoid Daffy at the end, step off the steel barrel and hold left. Round 4 ------- The large fireballs will plague you at the beginning, along with a volcano in front of the first steel barrel. When you go in the steel barrel, an earthquake occurs in the middle of the second area. Just as this shaking ends, you'll come upon three frogs on top of some dark red rocks. These can be broken, but to get through them, you'll need to guide a few of them away from you so your hammer doesn't keep getting stalled. If you can successfully pull this off and make it to the bottom, then go to the left. Jump on top of the frog to keep from getting hit, then when you're safe from him, go to the left. The combination of comet-like fire, disappearing and moving platforms, and an earthshaking quake will make for a difficult journey across. In the next area, make your way to the right. If you wait for the volcanoes to make one big blast, then the next few won't be quite as big and it'll be safer to cross. The steel barrel leads to this stage's main boss, Sylvester's son, whatever his name is. He goes back on forth on his skateboard, and that's all he does. He's easy to jump over and he takes three hits to kill. But that's not all! When you're through with him, you've got to deal with his equally retarded dad, who also only goes back and forth on his skateboard and also only takes three hits to kill. If you are looking for a game with a cerebral quality to it, then this, my friend, is probably not up your alley. o---------o | Stage 4 | o---------o Round 1 ------- This cave can be a little creepy at times. It's a good thing they decide not to bust any enemies out on you right from the start. At the oil drum, the lights will start to flicker on and off, making it impossible to see anything on the screen except you. You will have to wait for the waterfall to stop flowing to move past it. You will have to stay on the ground to get past later waterfalls; jumping from the air is not likely to work. Keep in mind that not all of the holes in the wall will release rivers of water on you. The tunnels here look like sewer pipes. After the first one, you'll have to cross a pit while icy spikes rain down on you from the ceiling. This isn't difficult, and they can be demolished with your mallet. You should soon have to cross another pit, this one being a little bit harder. Use the seesaw ahead to catapult yourself over the large waterfall and move on ahead. The cave starts to become smaller and easier to get through from here on out. Keep smashing icicles so that they fall at closer time intervals to each other. You should also encounter in this level a red 1-ton weight. It's best not to let him slam into the ground unless you want a horde of enemies on your butt. Some of these are enemies are fireballs though, and can be beneficial to you in the way of extra health. The level sort of affects an icicle- red weight-icicle-red weight pattern until the end, when you can get to the big carrot to escape the level. Round 2 ------- Little white apparitions with dumb smirks on their faces haunt this level. They can't be killed either, which is a major minus. The first major screen in this level is going to be the third one. You can ride the small geysers, which move slowly up and down periodically. Use them to get to higher ledges. You will have to use these little water spouts and the seesaws to maneuver through this area. In the next room, when you finally get there, there are a few carrots and a life refiller. You shouldn't need it, because the mini-boss is yet again Tweety. He can hide behind one of two stalagmites (as if that provides some variety -- or better yet, difficulty). Just hit him three times and get this tedious battle over with. Round 3 ------- The lights will go out when you get up to the second cliff, making it hard to find your way effectively up the zigzagging trail. The little ghosts will haunt you at the top, but keep moving to the right. The next region provides more fun with ghosts and waterfalls. The pipe leads to a path exactly like the one at the beginning of the level, save for there is a pipe at the bottom. Go through it. The fourth area is nearly identical to the second. At the start of this part of the level, the lights will go out. Proceed with caution all the way to the left side of the corridor and jump in the sewer pipe. Jump over Daffy and use the RABBIT SEASON sign to make it to the big carrot. Hmm. Short level. Round 4 ------- You'll encounter the first obstacle of this kind in this round: rickety bridges. They'll break when you stand on them, so jump across quickly. Ghosts like to hang around these bridges, so if you can, leap ahead of them and go for it. There also comes a point in this level where you will notice icicles falling down on top of geysers. Go for these carrots if at all possible, because if you will remember, this is one of the fun levels where you get to play "Willy the Weasel" at the end. Yay! After crossing one of the larger chasms in this stage, the ghosts really start to become annoying. Move past the waterfall that stretches from the top to the bottom of the screen and advance to the wobbling overpass up ahead. Icicles come down from the ceiling while you cross it, so be careful. The heart refill up ahead should tell you that you're about to come upon a boss. The boss is in fact through the next pipe, and he's Pepe Le Pew, the most romantic skunk in all of France. It takes quite a few more than three hits to kill this guy off though -- six, actually. He likes to fire skunk fumes at you from his butt. These can be hit away once with the mallet, but when you strike them twice they explode in a skunky mass of stink. Move through the stink clouds so you can get to the man himself and kill him. The big carrot will fall from the ceiling when you've dispatched him. o---------o | Stage 5 | o---------o Round 1 ------- What rocks so much about this stage is the fun things you get to climb besides just boring old ladders. (Boo! Ladders! Boo!) You can actually scale trees to get the carrots in them, and you'll have to jump from chain to chain over treacherous waters! Oooooh! The first real point to note here is the first time you have to go across the water on chains. This can be a tricky business, so let me tell you exactly what to do. Don't panic when you start sliding down the chain! Jump to one that's comin' at you and press Up to hang on to it. Bugs will slide down a little bit of the way but will otherwise be okay. If you panic and jump to get higher up on the chain, you'll fall in the water and lose a life out of sheer hysteria. You don't want that. Up ahead at the pink brick walls is a trash can. Don't touch it because it will hurt you. All it wants to do is release minor enemies one at a time. Skip it and keep going until you find the next watery pit over which to cross. There are several trees to climb and carrots to grab up ahead. Watch out for the frogs. For some reason they like to linger around these walls. Get close enough to them so that they jump off the side and you won't have to worry about them. Find the tree stump at the end of the level and go through it. You will have to get Daffy to chase after you if you want to reach the carrot this time. Round 2 ------- Scale the "castle walls" and make it to the top. It might be hard to get up there without getting smacked by a frog. Stay along the uppermost path until you get the mallet icon and are forced downward. Another castle comes up ready for you to cross over soon, and it's going to be hard to keep your power-up. This mallet allows you to kill anything destructible, even those annoying frogs, in one hit. When you're over the castle wall, look for carrots and then go to the lower right corner and go in the tree stump. A spider is in here ready to attack you by moving down slowly from his web string. Ooooh, real scary. What a dope. Elmer Fudd is the mini-boss here. His attack strategy with his net gun is no different than it was in 3-2, so just pack him a sack lunch and send him out. Round 3 ------- Get the frogs to move away from their standpoint on the brick wall. You'll need them out of your way in order to cross over the pit. Go from the first chain to the disappearing platform to the other chain. Find the mallet icon in the tree and grab it, then proceed to the chains over the water. You'll need to cross over three of them this time, but it's no harder than anything else you've done yet. Once past the pond, jump along the white bricks to the place where boulders fall and a bouncy snake lies. It is extremely hard to pass this point without taking a hit. The boulders come faster and more furious at this point, and it'll take everything you've got to keep your sanity intact. A heart refill is in the tree up ahead. When the next platform takes you up, cross the block path as fast as you can. The rocks, while plummeting as swiftly as before, are not as annoying as they have been. Another platform to the right will send you back down to the ground. Daffy is waiting and the carrot is in plain sight, but it does seem as though there's more to this level, doesn't it? Wait a minute! It's because there's a big pyramid of carrots behind Daffy! If you want them, get them. If you don't, touch the titanic vegetable and leave this round behind. Round 4 ------- My gosh, that's a huge wall right there! Go up it, but avoid the frogs because you don't have your super-mallet tool anymore. At the top is a platform that sends you up. There isn't much to see here except for some carrots. The platform to the right will send you back down. Run quickly when you touch the ground, because the tower "ceiling" will start collapsing below you. If you make it to the end, you might want to take a detour to the tree below. There's another part of the tower to cross after that tree. To the right should be another tall tower of frogs. Go to the tree to the right and climb all the way up to get back some of your lost hearts. Now, go to the left to the highest part of the tower. Hitch a ride on the frog up there and go to the series of varying platforms above. If you make it all the way to the right, you can snag a few unimportant last-minute carrots. Fall all the way to the ground and go in the tree stump. Now here come the weirdest bosses yet: Foghorn Leghorn and Henery Hawk (he's a chickenhawk! -- sorry, couldn't resist). This is a weird battle, and it might result in frustration if you try to go after Foghorn. Get the carrot in the middle of the screen so that it turns into a WB sign. When F.L. approaches you, jump on his head and use the new ledge to get to Henery Hawk. Stay on the top block and hit him three times. When the chickenhawk goes down, so does the rooster. Pretty weird, huh? o---------o | Stage 6 | o---------o Round 1 ------- Finally, the last stage! This one takes place in a grand old palace. Some of the stuff here is going to freak you out. Those annoying ghosts from Stage 4 are back, by the way. Start by finding the first seesaw and using it to go in the urn above. There are some carrots in here, but not many; once you have them, return to the original screen. Most of this first screen is going along several rows of blocks, seeing which ones will break, experimenting here and there. It's going to really baffle you when enemies are running around and you're trying to walk on stable ground. A new enemy shows up here as well, which I can only describe as a jukebox with thorns on its head. The only thing you can do is move forward cautiously. Kill fireballs for energy as needed. That's the only real room in the level. The vase at the end leads to Daffy, and as usual, he can be easily dodged. Round 2 ------- At the four long corridors after the beginning of this level, you'll notice that the jukebox things now move from side to side. Go through the hall below the top one and you'll only face one at the very end. Be ready to jump. There are some weird spikes up ahead. They are pointing diagonally and to the left. Hit the button before them to make them point to the right, and whatever you do, DON'T TURN AROUND WHILE YOU'RE IN THE SPIKES OR YOU WILL GET BADLY INJURED. Got that? Go on until you reach the conveyor belts, and then watch out up ahead for the sawblades. Hop into the vase to fight Elmer Fudd once again. Round 3 ------- The conveyor belts at the far right will send you into the spikes easily if you aren't concentrating. Once you finally arrive at the top though, jump to the left. Don't touch the springboard or you'll be launched into the spikes. Also at the foot of the stairs is an invisible floor. If you fall through you'll be forced to do this all over again. Find the basin to the right and press Down once on top of it. Give the alarm clock a run for his money in this next place, then make a quick, short hop over the springboard. A big hop will impale you on the spikes, and a miscalculated one will as well. Climb the ladders with caution, as you don't want loose needles to fall down on you, and head for the next vase. Compared to the rest of the rooms in this stage, this one is super-easy. The fourth room is exactly like the second, but with a few major changes. First of all, there's another time bomb toodlin' around. Second, the floor just before the final ladder leading up to the vase is invisible. More than likely you'll eat spikes if you fall for (through?) this trap. The fifth room is nothing difficult; the sixth room is the fourth room with _two_ invisible floors and _two_ springboards. I'm just warning you now. Daffy is in the next room, and for once is a little hard to get around. You'll have to get all the carrots to get past him. Jump from the uppermost carrot to the big one to make it out of here. Round 4 ------- Ah ha ... the day of reckoning is finally upon Bugs Bunny! Will he make it to the party or not? Here's where you find out... Run past the spikes falling from the ceiling at the beginning and then go up the conveyor belts. These are similar to the one from the first level in this stage but longer. Use the springboard to the left for a boost past the spikes and go in the urn. In this room, just head right and use the springboard to get to the next basin transport. Wait for all the clocks on the tiny conveyor belts to explode before heading on up. When you do, watch out for the massive rock bricks that come down from the ceiling. When you get all the way to the left and jump in the vase, it appears as though you're in the same room as the third room, but the rock bricks falling from the roof make it slightly different. There are only two at a time, so dash past and move it. Some of the blocks will break in the next room, landing you in the spikes below. You'll have to tough it out. There is absolutely nothing to hinder your progress in the next room, so hop in the urn and move, move, move! The Tasmanian Devil is the final boss in the game (showing you how randomly thrown together this game is). He's donning a pink football helmet and holding one football, though he has a never-ending supply with him. This couldn't be any easier. Go down to his arena and hit the footballs he throws with your hammer. They have to hit him to hurt him. If one football hits another they'll nullify each other. Six footballs to the gut will put this guy out of his misery. And now, to ruin the ending for you, Bugs, needless to say, arrives at the party, and all his Looney Tunes pals are there, and it says they were "playing some funny tricks" on him. I didn't find them particularly amusing, but hey, what can you do? It's a party, enjoy it. The game ends with Bugs celebrating his 50th birthday, and it is such a joyous occasion, and you can stop playing the game now, and go do something constructive. CREDITS AND COPYRIGHTS ====================== Just gotta give out my obligatory thanks: ** My cousin Chris for his bad-out computer. ** FCE Ultra, the coolest NES emulator out there. ** Anyone who posts this on their website. ** Dr Pepper, Cherry Coke, pizza rolls, and Doritos, which gave me adequate sustenance while writing this guide and playing this game. And now the legal stuff: Don't just copy this to your site without asking me first. I will have to give you my blessing before I let you do this, and you must also not modify it from this format. It will stay in this format, from now until eternity. Don't sell this to your friends. Give this freely to your friends if they need it (which I actually highly doubt they will). Above all, don't plagiarize. It's against the law, and you will have your butt in jail and you know all those stories you've heard about it are true. Also, do not link directly to this FAQ. Really, don't. This version of this walkthrough (C) November 18, 2001 by Snow Dragon. The latest version of this walkthrough can be always found at GameFAQs (gamefaqs.com). CJayC is the man. Remember to contact me at if you have questions concerning this or any of my other walkthroughs. Well, have a good day! And enjoy Bugs Bunny Birthday Blowout!