Note: If you want to use this guide anywhere, Please drop me a line. I don't usually mind but I do enjoy busting people who didn't ask ;) Eric Furjanic, A.K.A. Lothar, copyrights this document. If you steal this or any part of it you can look forward to meeting me in person, begging for mercy as I stab you repeatedly with a plastic fork. That said, sit back and enjoy... Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six: Rogue Spear Is copyrighted to Red Storm Entertainment 1999 ------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------- Rainbow Six: ;=- Rogue Spear --------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------- By -^-Lothar-^- Bnet Account: -^-Lothar-^- Email: Contents: 1-Intro 1.2-Revision History 2-Tips 2.1-General Missions 2.2-Multiplayer 2.3-Controls 3-Individual Missions 3.01-Pandora Trigger 3.02-Arctic Flare 3.03-Sand Hammer 3.04-Lost Thunder 3.05-Prefect Sword 3.06-Crystal Arc 3.07-Silent Drum 3.08-Feral Burn 3.09-Diamond Edge 3.10-Silver Snake 3.11-Oracle Stone 4-Closing Notes 4.1-Contact 4.2-Acknowledgements ---------------------- "Frank 'n' Furter, It's all over, Your mission is a failure, your lifestyle's too extreme, I'm your new commander, you now are my prisoner, As we return to Transylvania, Prepare the transit beam!" -Riff Raff, Rocky Horror Picture Show ---------------------- ************************************* Introduction ************************************* ...12/2/2000 10:37 PM EST... Yes, Lothar has entered the world of FAQs with a guide of the only game that has been able to pry me away from DiabloII. This guide is not meant to be a full walkthrough, but more as a cattle prod to keep you from loitering on the road of life. As a rule, I don't copy out of the instructions, there are already too many people doing that. I am also known to freaks as -^-Lothar-^-. If not playing I spend my time in Diablo Retail USA-1, the unofficial center of Bnet. --------------------------- Revision History --------------------------- Version . 09 More details, ditched my hotmail account for the time and added M11. Version . 08 Skipped it, Didn't like how .08 looks Version . 07 Finally published, I realized all the grammar errors and repeated words, spoiling my celebration... Version . 06 I just fixed some spacing and a few stupid mistakes, I'm gonna need to get an ASCII title soon too... ************************************* Tips, Hints, Ect... ************************************* --------------------------- Single Player --------------------------- Note: I never use the HQ's plan. *Don't trust your team's AI further then you can throw them. It's fine for most point A to point B movement, but be very wary of assigning them the more complicated tasks of opening doors, fraging rooms, sniping, or most of all door breaching. You can though have them help you clear an area quickly, as in Sand Hammer. In assault missions it's best to have at least two teams in the same area in opposite sides, you won't win this playing Rambo. *Maybe I was a little harsh on the computer AI, it's most useful for getting other teams in strategic positions for you to control and getting the enemy cleared out faster. In M10 you will need to take a house. This mission is a great example of how setting up a perimeter at key points can add years to your life. *Never, Never let an operative die. Uncle Sam only gives you so many. Protect them with your life, especially Chavez, Bogart, Novikov, and Galanos, You main leaders and sniper. These players are key. (Some exception may be made for the unnecessary but none the less effective grenade kamikaze reserve troops, used to personally deliver your regards) *Heartbeat Sensors are invaluable. Equip the leaders of your teams with them, as they are the only ones you can actively control. They work best with the map zoomed out (see control tips) and can see extremely far if your facing the right direction. *If you can, use go-codes to storm an area. Get it set so the others arrive at the same time from all available entrances. When you enter an area, always use multiple teams, and leave breaching and flash banging to you your controlled team. *Guns don't really matter in single player, I stick with the MP5SD for assault or the Benelli 12 Gauge Shotgun for kicks and giggles. --------------------------- Multiplayer --------------------------- *As far as weapons, I can't tell you what you'd like. I use an AK-47 single shot, partly because I like the trademark, mostly because it works best for me. All I can say is experiment, see what the other people, preferably the experienced players are using. *Newbies, don't camp. It's a surefire way to be ejected. *Many new players don't know this but when you load a game and see the "Waiting to start" send a blank message to all. This tells them your ready and aren't the person lagging the game up. *In a firefight, never stand still. You'll die half as fast if your target loses sight of you *If you're using a heartbeat sensor make sure to zoom the minimap out, you can see people well out of earshot and be ready for them. *When playing bunkers don't use the bunkers. That's about the most obvious place you could be. Try using the ramps near the doors and move often. *One last tip, frag everything. These are devastating in multiplayer. --------------------------- Controls --------------------------- Useful additional tips not found in instructions. [ or ] - Zoom minimap Page Up/Page down - Switch control, or view when dead in multiplayer. Right Alt + # - Voice messages, customizable in controls. B - Chance from Auto to semi or three shot burst. 5 - Night Vision ' - Message to all players U- Use commands during mission ************************************* Individual Missions ************************************* Note: I like to kill everything in a level ;) ---------------------- M01- Pandora Trigger ---------------------- This is an excellent starting mission, and one of my favorite mission code names. Get yourself four teams, With Chavez, Bogart, and another high stats leader as well as a sniper. Start one in front, three in back. Get the sniper outside the window, send one upstairs, and the others in their ground floor entrances. Clear the level as you'd like, but the most important step is to get your two main teams as close to the hostage room as you can. Use the go- codes to get an AI controlled team in to kill as you flash bang. Mission Complete. ---------------------- M02- Arctic Flare ---------------------- You'll need two assault teams, both with four people. Send your teams in a double helix pattern around the deck's crates. Equip leaders with heartbeat sensors, and forget planning. Just move through an area, put them in defend mode, and switch, in a sort of leapfrog pattern. Silenced handguns are useful for getting the hostages. ---------------------- M03-Sand Hammer ---------------------- A sniper, three assault teams. Use the waypoints to get the sniper in view of the bridge, and have him snipe. Get the three assault teams to each of the entrances. Get the back door team and the catwalk team to cover the entire first building, as your good team busts in the door, kills the man on the button, and moves to the bridge. Defend here. Surround the 2nd building in such a manner, controlling the team using the door nearest the hostages. ---------------------- M04-Lost Thunder ---------------------- A sniper, three assault teams. Try playing this one on your own first. Notice how everyone dies at that one fateful place. Set it to get all teams behind the sniper tower, one team covering just underneath at the huge swarms of terrorists, allowing safe passage for the others. Once everyone is in, send you sniper silently up the bell tower, finish the terrorist up there and replace it with one of your own. With go- codes, send your other three teams up the passageways to the church just ahead. Two cover at different locations, one enters, frags, flash bangs, and escorts out. ---------------------- M05-Prefect Sword ---------------------- Tired of rescuing hostages yet? Two assault, a sniper, and a recon if you feel like it. Get your two teams behind the truck, the specialists behind the hill, how considerate of the terrorists to give you such a prefect sniping opportunity. Let the computer move the assault teams and your recon, start out as the sniper. Get her to the top of the hill, kill off the guards, and send a cleanup crew in via the ramp and another from the cargo deck. Flash bang and frag. Mission Complete. ---------------------- M06-Crystal Arc ---------------------- Get "crazy" Pak Suo-Won, lock pick and heartbeat. This is a challenging mission. It's easy enough to get the guardhouse. Spend very little time inside Chalet, use the back stairs, and hide in the bathrooms if someone comes. The key is using heartbeat sensor and zooming far out on minimap. You can get a good view of surroundings with it. ---------------------- M07-Silent Drum ---------------------- A nice easy mission after the stress of Chalet Fall. Three assault teams. In a zigzag pattern clear the roof. Proceed down, clear what you need to. Again here, storm the triangular room, flash banging for the other teams. Now, wasn't that simple? ---------------------- M08-Feral Burn ---------------------- Now here's a fun mission. Two assault, one sacrificial reserve loaded with grenades. Send one to guard the boat, destroy it if you have time. Another team up furthest stairs, reserve lackey following third team. The reserve is the one to control. Destroy the Yugo in the garage (I don't think you need to but it's great fun) and practically walk a grenade to the boss's car under the cover of the 3rd team. Stealth is important to keep them from leaving you before you can kill em'. ---------------------- M09-Diamond Edge ---------------------- Great map... Three assault, one sniper with silenced pistol. For your green team get Filatov and a random other person to assist him. Give him a Benelli 12 Gauge. Set the other teams up as normal, with Chavez and Bogart. Start out with Filatov, acting like an arrogant a**hole busting open the door with his shotgun and killing everything that moves inside the guard towers. When cleared set him and his follower to cover the open area from the bridge. They will be needed there later. Send your other teams in to the sides, very carefully. Use the sniper from atop the nuclear shelters and then sneak in with a pistol. Don't mind when the alarm is set off, it's easier that way. Get all other teams to the side and switch to green. Remember Filatov? Toss a few frags into the passing truck as soon as it's in range (straightening itself out in the tunnel) the general should pop out to meet you. ---------------------- M-10 Silver Snake ---------------------- Note: This mission gets a little harder if you feel the need to kill the skinheads and mafia guests on the ground floor, but it's more fun Three assault teams, one recon. Yes, we return to Chalet again, bugs no longer serving any useful function, Rainbow's job is to crash a party. Don't worry much if someone is injured, the next mission is a recon so they will have time to heal. One team loops around the open left side, clear guardhouse, and position themselves just outside the door to the guestroom. Another team silently takes the basement. Someone is washing their pants so make sure he is taken care of. Set them in defend mode at bottom of stairs. Last team defends other, closer side of the house. Send your recon in the back stairs, frag the computer room. After he gets what he wanted he returns home. This is the tricky part. Set up the go-codes so your teams rush in, sealing off hall exits. Frag rooms. When you've killed enuff for one day get back to go for some hot chocolate and a pat on the back. ---------------------- M-11 Oracle Stone ---------------------- I can't help you much with this one. Another recon with objectives similar to Crystal Arc. Just use HS and zoom out. Don't be to hasty, and find safe area's (the small ledge room on the 2nd floor for example) to study the movement in that section. Always be careful in rooms with more than one layer. ---------------------- M12-M18 ---------------------- You've gotten this far, I think you'd rather not spoil it for yourself. If you need help just remember the basic rules. 1) Surround rooms in much the same way little girls do boy bands. 2) Frag and flash bang _Everything_ 3) Don't hold the computer AI to high mental standards ************************************* Closing Notes ************************************* If you feel the need to thank me, insult me, correct my grammar, or just need someone to listen to your f***ed up life, feel free to contact me at.. ------- Bnet Account: -^-Lothar-^- Mplayer Name: x-Lothar-x This page is not even close to finished, but you can check it out eventually... Http:// ------- ___________________ Special Thanks to... ___________________ KoRn, Eminem, and 105.7 The X for music to take the dull off sitting in front of a computer word processor for hours on end. Magus, for writing the first and only other GameFaqs Rogue Spear FAQ. The Folks at Red Storm for the hidden reference to Rocky Horror ("The shadow knows" An audience participation line) You, for continuing to read this well after the relevant information has ended. "A mental mind f*** can be nice" -Rocky Horror Picture Show Well, it's that time again. Until next week boys and girls Ta-Ta and good night...