Beginners' Guide to NeverWinter Nights This document is to help beginers play Neverwinter Nights, the AD&D game on America Online keyword "ADD". BEFORE YOU PLAY Go to keyword "download games" to download the game software. Then go to keyword "add" and under "upgrades & documentation" get the following things: The Adventure's Journal in zip format (which is the whole journal as a zipped text file), the Data Card and the Rule Book (which tell you how to use the software). These are all out of date, so be wary of the information you find there. Under "The Adventures' Journal" get the known bugs & the area descriptions of Windycliffs & Westbridge, which are missing from the big zipped text file. You should also read the known bugs & documentation errors which you can get from keyword ADD => the NWN help & information button => known bugs & documentation errors. The game requires 1.5 M space on your hard disk and cannot be run off floppies. For purposes of learning the game I suggest you become an elf f/mu (fighter/magic-user). GET A GOOD SPIN! Rerolling takes very little time, so keep at it till you get a good one! Once you start the game you will have 200 gp. Buy yourself the best one-handed weap for your class and a shield (see below). When humans spin the computer automatically lists what they will be able to dual to. Be careful when dualing! You will only regain the advantages of your first class after you have reached the level ABOVE the one you left off, so if you are a fighter that wants to become a mage, don't go to 15th level before dualing, go to the 10th level. About Neverwinter Square & Surrounding Areas NW Square is where you first start the game. There is no fighting in this area. To the west of the square proper is Lord Nasher's Palace. In here you can find out what Nasher needs done in the realms. Despite what is said in the Journal, Nasher does not give you rewards for completing the quests you find here. He gives rewards for certain things that are fixed, such as bringing back a brass button from the Gallant Prince. On the north side of the palace you can gain enterance to the great hall, not to be confused with the chat room where NWT Cayne gives out prizes. Next door to the great hall you find the enterance to the sewers. SIDE NOTE ON SEWERS: The gaurds will not let you in to the sewers unless you have a sewer worker's badge. These badges can be gotten on the Islands. You can try fighting your way past the gaurds, but they are very tough (see my guide to sewer crashing). North of the center of NW Square are the vaults. You can keep up to 16 items in the vaults at one time, and many thousands of gems & jewels (something like 35,000. Pray you have the problem of not being able to keep all your jewels in there :) ). An important feature of the vaults: you keep yours when you re-roll (kill your char and start over)! When you want to re-roll put all your stuff in there first. The Vault Row is a very convienent place. At the west end you have shops, and at the east end a training hall. East of the Square lies the Wharves. This is where you should start adventureing. There are no secret passages here. On the west of the river you usually find the easy fights, such as a single kobold. Use these to learn how to fight. You should learn how to use a bow, throw weapons, and melee weapons. Everything you find here should be sleepable. There is one fight of note, the Royal Guard fight. Find a locked door on the west side of the river. Behind it you will find four of Lord Nasher's finest, with over 500 xp for a single class charecter. This is the only place in the game you can find them. North of NW Square lies the Wharehouse District. There are no secret passages in this area. This area is divided up into two parts, the wood buildings and the brick buildings. In the north part of the brick buildings you can find skeletons (Clerics take note). A new cleric can turn the skeletons and take a swipe at them as they try to flee. NOTE ON FLEEING: Just like you, skels can't flee if they are withing line of sight of their enemy (you). If you don't want them to flee off the board stay within line of sight. If they flee you don't get the xp. END NOTE. In the south part of the brick area you can find an oger and an electric spider, and lots of other not-so-nice things I'm sure. The potters guild is hard to explore because it's made up of rooms that have the same shape that look like each other, which is confusing when using the regular 3d view. If you use the area view, you can't see the doors. You just can't win in the potters guild. South of the NW Square is Southwall. There are secret passages there. In the west is a secret passage where you can fight a minotaur wielding a battle-axe +1. This fight is very popular for starting fighters looking for a magic weapon. In the east you can find a troll. Be weary of trolls. They regenerate their wounds. If you hit a troll, then decide to take care of some pesky lesser creatures first, you will see the troll gain hp. Even though they are not supposed to regenerate wounds gotten from fire, they do. They can even come back from being all the way dead. (Other creatures seem to do this also sometimes, but that's just a bug in the game. I notice it in Windycliffs a lot.) There is a special secret passage system in Southwall that you can only find the enterance to if you have defeated the band of theives found in the eastern part. After you enter this system, you will be asked by a gaurd the secret password. The theives gave you a hint to the password, after you figure it out you must type it BACKWARD so the gaurd can read it (are these game designers sneaky or what? Most people never find these passages at all, let alone figure out to type the password backwards). NOTE ON DOORS: In the realms doors can be in the middle of nowhere, and when you enter them you will be transported to another area on the map (like the well in Floodblest). Secret passages are no different; do not only look for them on walls that you have never seen the other side of. Windycliffs is north of the wharehouse district. There are LOTS of secret passages here. There are even two areas that I couldn't find enterance to, and can't find anyone else that has either. There's even a secret passage withing one of the secret passages (I told you these game designers were sneaky!). Follow the road north out of NW. This road is infested with pyro snakes in the company of lizardmen. Sleep works on both snakes and lizardmen, & clerics can use snake charm on the snake. NOTE ON FIRE-BREATHING CREATURES: As you gain experience (real, not xp's) you will know how to use fire-breathers to your advantage. In their haste to kill you, fire breathers will often kill their own allies. END NOTE. As you get closer to town you will encounter packs of theives accompanied by the walking trees (giant kampfluts). Fireball will work wonders here, and sleep can also be very effective (sleep will effect those who inhabit the squares touching the square at which you aim, so you can put 9 theives to sleep if they are standing close together. If you are trying to sleep something which is on the square next to you do n't aim at him or you will sleep yourself (unless you are of a high enough level to be immune). Instead use manual aim to aim at the square on the other side of it unless there's a wall there, in which case you can sleep yourself and hope you wake up be4 he does :) The journal claims sleep can be aimed at 16 targets. This might have been true for the version of the software running at the time the journal was written, but it's not now.) The road will pass by the town briefly and continue north. To enter the town you must enter the street between the i nn and the shops. On the streets of the town you will meet the theives mentioned earlier, and inside the buildings you will encounter much more dangerous foes. Don't go into the town hall unless you are powerful of have lots of help! On the road north of town you will meet wolves in the company of a single great vilstrak (can be slept). After you pass into the Port Llask map you will meet packs of boars & giant rats (fireball again is most effective). Like I said, there are lots of secret passages in Windy. Creatures encountered in this map area include: harpies, cloud giants, giant lizards, rock lizards, carrion crawlers, basiliks, umber hulks, purple worms, banshees, ogers regular and the shaman and mage varieties, minotaurs (like encountered in southwall, but four of them each with a battleaxe +1 and accompanied by two poisonous snakes), owlbears, greenhags, and dracolith (undead dragons, good for a lot of xp but don't even think about taking them on alone!). North of Windy lies the Port Llast. East of Llast lies the harbor & the Gallant Prince. North lies the Luskan Outpost & Luskan (not reachable). East of the wharves lies Floodblest, east of which lies Nightsedge, north of which lies the Nightsedge Carvens and east of which lies the woods. The woods are divided into six parts: Northwest, West, Southwest, Northeast, East, and Southeast. They all connect to each adjacent section. Enter from Nightsedge to the West woods, cross over to the East woods, and go from there to Longsaddle. Longsaddle has an underground map called Longsaddle Under. South of Longsaddle is Berun, south of which lies Triboar. South of Triboar lie Westbridge and South of which lies Red Lark. Triboar has an under & Westbridge shares an under with Red Lark. South of Southwall lies Vilnask, south of which lies Crossergate. There is no area south of Crossergate as of version 2.22. East of Crossergate lies the lost hills, east of which lies Triboar. The northwest corner of the Triboar map is not connected to the rest of Triboar, much like the Gallant Prince & Port Llast harbor. Triboar is an interesting place. There you can get tickets to the islands. To use the ticket, bring it and 1000 Plat to the docks in NW. You must also know the password, which can also be found in the triboar map (watch out!! The password changes biweekly!). Triboar and Triboar Under compromise a 3D maze. In Triboar Under (like all unders) you do not get to view coordinates or compass directions. There is a special place in the Triboar Arena where if you die you lost your charecter. There is a teleport to Triboar in the sewers. COMBAT To fight, move into an enemy with a melee weapon. To use a distance weap ready the distance weap (such as darts, hammers, and bows) and use the aim menu to aim it. You will only be able to target the enemy if he's in range and within line of sight and you are not standing next to an enemy. Learn to go diagnally by using the PgUp, PgDn, Home & End keys (look at the numeric keypad to see which is which). If fighting together, try to hit the enemy from behind, even if you aren't a thief. Theives can backstab, fighters can hit from behind, but clerics & mu's can only hit. However if you are a cleric or mu you can set up the other guy to hit from behind by moving opposite him. Pressing any of the movement keys except the left & right arrows will automatically move you in that direction without pressing selecting "move" first. In the aim menu it works the same way except after you press it the cursor appears over you. When fighting outdoors, you can't move through the tops of trees. You can't see through them either, so take that in mind when aiming & fleeing. When you are outdoors, if you move over rocks or pubbles, you may take up 2 moves moving over them as if you moved diagonally. If you move over a stream it will take up 4 moves. Fighters use a long sword and a shield, and keep a bow ready. Clerics use a shield and a flail, and keep a staff sling ready. Mu's use a qstaff and keep some darts handy. Once you get an enchanted weap DON'T UNREADY IT! If you die anything that isn't readied might be taken from you, thus don't carry range weaps in case you lose control of yourself (banshees do this), because the system might unready your melee weap in favor of the range weap. Fighters can sweep, that is attack more than one creature in a single turn. The higher you go the more you can sweep. If you attack a low-level charecter like a kobold while you are standing next to other kobolds, you will first attack the kobold you attacked and then procede in a direction the computer chooses. Human mages can't cast in combat with armor on for some reason, though other races can. If you want to be able to cast mage spells while wearing armor, you can via the auto feature, but the computer fights really badly. Since mages can't use armor, they seek bracers. The mages in Port Llast are good for those. You want AC3 bracers, which make 3 your base ac, and any bonuses you get after that will lower it still further. Don't expect to get magic treasure unless you are battling some firce monsters. A banshee or a greenhag might get you a scroll or a potion, but you need to battle some big stuff if you expect to find enchanted armor (the dracs in Crossergate are known to be generous). Items used by the enemy will show up in your treasure, as well as some other items the computer throws in. If all you get are the items the enemy used against you don't even bother looking to see if they're magical. CAMPING In the three areas surrounding NW Square the computer will not let you camp outside. Once you leave these areas the computer will let you camp, but you won't go more than 5 minutes without triggering a fight. This leads to "gate fights" where a newbie dies, gets sent to the gate, and decides to camp there to heal. This immediately triggers a fight which keeps anyone else from using the gate. Only camp inside. If a cleric fixes he will gain a lot of hp at a time. Others however, will have to rest a full day to fix 1 hp. If you have just have won a fight you might fix 5 at a time. If you are in an inn you always fix 5 at a time (I found a spot which you can always fix 5 at a time on in Windy, but I'm not telling :P). Mage's can memorize their spells while fixing. Clerics will have to rest seperately though. The computer automatically puts in the right amount for you to rest. To mem your spells if you're not hurt, go alt+E alt+R alt+R alt+E (encamp, rest, rest, exit). Mu's come with some spells in their grimore. To see what they are go to camp then memorize. If it asks you "memorize these spells?" say no, which will bring up all the spells you can memorize and at the bottom how many of each you can memorize. STORES When you appraise a gem or jewel, sell it even if you don't like the price. You will only get half of the appraised price later on. Don't carry too many arrows because you don't need a lot and they are heavy when you have a lot. Short bows are good enough, I have never found that something was out of range of my short bow. Remember to take all your jewelery after you buy it! If you come up against undead you might need a silver or enchanted weapon. Banshees can be found in the Vilnask map (south of Southwall) so if travelling that way bring a silver weap. On general shops: they sell three itmes: oil, holy water, and mirrors. Oil is a throw weapon only good on frogs. There isn't much point in using it since frogs are easily killed with melee weaps. Water is used on the undead for 2-9 points of damage (if I remember correctly. An NWA told me that). Usually if you encounter undead you are facing skeletons which are easily killed with melee weaps, or you are in an advanced area by which time you have gotten an enchanted weap which you don't want to unready to get a throw weap (see note above). They are heavy and do little damage so don't bother to lug them around. Mirrors are used as shields. You must unready your regular shield before you can use the mirror. They do not help your ac at all. They are used to reflect the gazes of dracolith (windycliffs and vilnask), medusa (Gallant Prince), and basiliks (Windycliffs) as well as other creatures. TURNING & MAGIC Low level clerics can cause minor undead to flee, higher level clerics will kill them outright. To see what's on a scroll it must be id'd with a first level mu spell read magic or at a shop. If it's id'd it will say CL/MU SCROLL WITH x SPELL(S), if it's not it will just say xx SCROLL. To see what's on a scroll ready it, then in the view menu select use. If you can't ready the scroll you can camp => magic => scribe, but that will lump all your spells together in order they appear on the scrolls. The stinking cloud magic-user spell will create a cloud 2 squares on a side, with the targeted square being the upper-left corner. Therefore, don't target anything just above you or or to your above left or you will be enveloped in the cloud too. Instead use manual aiming. The spell will take effect anytime you (or an NPC) moves in the cloud. If you only cough don't move in the cloud. Keep this in mind when targeting, try to make it so that the NPC you aim at has to move through the cloud to get at you. When a banshee or yeti frightens you, you lose control over yourself and go into auto for two rounds. Pressing escape will not get you back to manual, but it will keep you from acting if you don't want to use your invis. However, when you have fear cast on you you can escape out of it, and in fact you must or you will be in fear forever, even after you die and get into another fight. ON YOUR FELLOW ADVENTURERS People get annoyed if you barge in on their fights, so ask first. There are exceptions to this. Fights you have to fight, such as the mamouth/strige fight in Vilnask, the theif fight in Southwall, or if the road is blocked by fighting on two adjacent squares (but ask if anyone is almost done before barging in). If someone gets annoyed that you barge in in these conditions that's their problem. Which brings me to my next point, that PVP areas are not enforced. There is nothing built into the game which keeps players from attacking each other in non-PVP areas. CHAT Just typing anything will send it out to anyone on your square & anyone on the 4 adjacent squares (unless there's a wall in the way or something). Some chat hints: `~!@#$%^ cannot be use in chat because if you press them a different pictures comes up, like a heart, a knife, or a smiley or sad face. Ctrl+E will put a solid block. When chatting use the following notations : Notations commonly used in NWN: <== to describe yourself, for example if you type: <== Is in fightthis will appear: YOURNAME: <== IS IN FIGHT. AI : All In AFK : Away From Keyboard ANY1 Anyone B4 Before CAD Ctrl+Alt+Delete DRAC DRAColith (undead dragon) ICx I see x (number of people) LOL Laughing Out Loud NH Need Help NI Not In NIBL Not In, But Late NT No Thanks PPL People QTS Quit To System (some fights are triggered by quitting & then coming back in). ROFL Rolling On The Floor Laughing RTFM Read The Manual R Ready Nasher itmes/Nasher quests There are certain items in the realms that if brought to Lord Nasher, will earn you a reward. These items can be gotten by completing a "Nasher quest". For example, if you solve the mystery of the Gallant Prince, you will earn a brass button to bring to Lord Nasher who will reward you with 100 gold and a misc. magic item. Often Nasher items can be readied to you don't have to risk losing them. An exception is the dagger of striking that Willo gives you for rescuing him, because that is a weapon too (Lord Nasher will give you 5 gems for that!). role playing That's where ye talk as if ye were still in da middle ages. punt monster/punting "Punting" refers to the game crashing. It can be a normal system crash or more often connection problems. When a person punts in a multi-player fight the rest are made to wait until the system realizes that the person has punted. There is a special type of punting where the game doesn't realize it has punted, see the documentation about vaults for more on that. If you are in your vault and your modem hangs up, DON'T LEAVE THE VAULT. Just reboot/reset your computer. THE ADD FORMUM, THE GOH, & NWA'S Lord Nasher's lounge is usually staffed by a NWA or NW. They also stay in the game in front of Lord Nasher's palace in NW Square proper. Their schedule can be found somewhere in the add forum, I disremember where, and also in the free area somewhere (go to "download games " and look from there. There is a special chat room for technical problems. You can access it by choosing Lord Nasher's Lounge from the add forum, and then clicking on the "PLAY NWN" button. NWA's were regular players who became staffers (there is an application in the goh). They have no knowledge of the game other than their personal experience, so if you would ask them a detailed question they might not be able to answer it (they probably won't answer it anyway since they want you to find out for yourself). You can find maps in the goh, but they are not 100% accurate and sometimes reflect an older version than the one that we are playing now. Instead try the KORT web site, a link to which can be found on the main page. In general, if you are offered pearls or goh access, take the pearls. All that's in the goh are 2 booths a month which are hard to get into anyway, and a monthly writing contest of short stories or submit questions for WWAI. TSR BOOKS Neverwinter Nights is taken from the Forgetten Realms book series published by TSR, who also publish DragonLance and RavenLoft. If you want to learn more about the realms I recommend "Once Around the Realms" by Brian Thomsen ISBN 0-7869-0119-5. It isn't that good of a story, and you get less for your money because they put the words in big type, but it's great for learning about the realms. I strongly recommend the Dark Elf books by R.A. Salvatore. As yet I have not found any books about NeverWinter, but one of R.A. Salvatore's books takes you through Longsaddle and Waterdeep (I believe it's "Streams of Silver" but I'm not sure, it might be another one of the books of the Icewind Dale trilogy). MISC You can speed up the game at certain times by pressing enter very fast, for example when memorizing/scribing, and when casting on a large group of PC's. The journal incorrectly states that if you choose LOOK from the main menu and you look at an adjacent square it will be the same as moving onto that square with search on. All it will do is list the players standing on that square. LOOKing HERE will be the same as moving onto the square with search on (and may trig a fight). NWCHK22 can be used to help diagnose problems. You can get it from keyword DOWNLOAD GAMES => Helpful files library. If you are in a vault and your hear your modem hang up, don't exit the vault! Instead CAD immediately. When you re-enter NWN your vault should be the same as before you left it. Questions, comments? Please email me at This page was written by Joseph Shraibman. Some terms I have used in this document are copyrighted by AOL, SSI, & TSR. Last updated Monday, January 20, 1997.