SYNDICATE: AMERICAN REVOLT STRATEGY GUIDE by Russell Webb M E M O R A N D U M Re: SYNDICATE: AMERICAN REVOLT Additional Mission Briefings To: North American Syndicate Operatives South American Syndicate Operatives From: Tactical Intelligence Division Report code: YMP-203C Report classification: SENSITIVE Our intelligence reports that the American resistance to our organization is better-armed and more deadly that we had initially thought. All company operatives are urged to take all necessary precautions when dealing with the opposition in the American Revolt. The Tactical Intelligence Division has unearthed some additional information on each of the probable scenarios you operatives will encounter. Please avail yourself of this information. A difficulty ranking is given for each scenario, followed by tactical information and a suggested weapons loadout. Scenarios are organized in roughly west-to-east and north-to-south order, approximately the order that you may encounter the missions. ALASKA: "Defend the Fortress" Easy. Take a single agent, number 4, armed with gauss guns and miniguns. Immediately go into panic mode and head due east to the edge of the building balcony. Quickly destroy the approaching military APC with laser fire or a gauss gun, then immediately dispatch the four approaching enemy agents before they get within minigun range of the advisor. Turn back into the courtyard of the building and clean up the four remaining agents, then blow up the fire truck outside to clear a passage for the advisor into the complex. If you still haven't had enough carnage for the day then note the two packs of unarmed agents to the northeast and southeast. Loadout: one agent with two miniguns, 2 gauss guns, and a laser or additional gauss. NORTHWEST TERRITORIES: "The Hitman" Moderate. The more difficult part of this mission is surviving the initial stream of minigun-equipped agents. Try to find a easily- defended position to bottle up the flow of enemy agents; one good spot is directly east of the drop point, on one of the fenced ledges that extend between the city sectors. Exercise caution when approaching guard buildings, as the concentrated laser fire from guard squads can be devastating. Loadout: 3 or 4 agents with 2 or 3 miniguns, with optional long-range weapons (lasers or gauss). NORTHEAST TERRITORIES: "Guardian Angels" Moderate. Just halt the executive by jumping into the ambulance and stopping it in front of his car with one of your agents. Use lasers or gauss guns to quickly nail the military APC through the car gates at the drop-off point, then station one or two agents on either side of the gate to pick off at long range the police car full of agents and the two or three squads that advance toward the executive's car. All that's left is a gauss guard and a stationary pack of agents at the executive's destination. Clean them up and lead the executive straight through the corpses. Chasing after the exec's car instead of leading a car in front of him makes this quite a bit more challenging. Loadout: miniguns are good, but longer-range weapons like gauss gun or lasers make it easier to nail the enemy agents before they get near the executive. GREENLAND: "Heal the World" Easy. Ramp up an agent's adrenaline, then chase and shoot the outgoing car with just a brief round of minigun fire. The frightened civilian will stop and run off. Kill him, then take an agent on a sniping trip around the perimeter fence of the compound, picking off wandering guards or platform gauss guards with miniguns. Blow up the black APC to the south, then take the car in to grab the ambulance before exiting back to the north. Loadout: one or more agents with at least 2 miniguns; a additional gauss gun makes the mission a bit simpler. NEWFOUNDLAND: "Hostile Takeover" Moderate. Several agents with miniguns can easily knock out the initial wave of agents; a good position is slightly south of the door that is near the west of the entry point. The gauss guards are pretty thick in the region of the executive; approach the target defensively and try to draw the guards towards the edges of buildings where you can hit them from outside with gauss guns. I've seen a rogue enemy agent or guard run for the executive and kill him before you could get there but haven't been able to repeat this; possibly it was just a trigger-happy gauss guard firing at an agent. Loadout: one or more agents with persuadertron, 2 miniguns, one or more gauss guns. YUKON: "Police Protection" Difficult. This is one of the trickier North America missions. Several squads of agents head straight for the C.I.U., so removing them even during the heated skirmish with other gauss-toting agents is still the top priority. Call an air strike on the southwestern platform island to wipe out the six or more agents there if you've run out of other ammo or just want to see some fireworks, as it's the final destination of the C.I.U. Good initial defense positions include just northwest of the drop point at the corner of the building, or due west across the plaza, hugging another building corner. These points provide a good line of fire towards the agents that head for the C.I.U. Loadout: four agents with at least three lasers and a minigun each. An air con and scanner are of definite use. CALIFORNIA: "We Need You" Difficult. The onslaught of agents is severe, but it might help to rapidly swap between lasers (to knock out APCs) and miniguns (to set off gauss guns or time bombs in the inventories of onrushing squads). If you can make it to the fenced compound to the south after knocking out a few initial agent squads, it's a simple matter to wait and gang up on agents as they come around the corner. The target is guarded heavily in the far northwest corner, but a careful approach with miniguns or lasers, or a simple air strike will assassinate him after opposing syndicate agents are gone. Loadout: 1-3 lasers, 1-3 miniguns. A scanner and air com are helpful. ROCKIES: "The Driver" Difficult. Destroy the agent waves with miniguns, then send an agent in with carefully-aimed minigun or lasers to pick off the guards surrounding the fire truck blocking the road. The operative will wait safely in the car if the fire truck is intact, so try to keep it in one piece and then send in agents to clear out the pockets of guards and police to the west and southwest. Air bombing is the easiest way to get rid of the buildings full of gauss-equipped guards, but a defensive approach by a single agent can also take them out. Be sure to draw out the four guards inside the complex to the southwest by hitting them with initial gunfire, then darting outside and destroying them as they come out of the door. Loadout: 2 or more miniguns, lasers or gauss guns as desired. MIDWEST: "Meat Grinder" Moderately easy. After the initial assault of agents, just be careful to keep your guns out of sight due to the strong police presence. If your agents can survive the initial wave with good defensive maneuvers and cover behind the buildings around the drop point, one or two agents might be sufficient. Loadout: lasers might help knock out the gauss agents, but otherwise the opposition is poorly equipped with uzis, shotguns, miniguns, and a few lasers; cost-effective miniguns should suffice. NEW ENGLAND: "Science Project" Difficult. Pack lasers and destroy the northern APC and its agents as soon as possible, then run back south to the building side to gain cover from approaching agents. As soon as things quiet down you could make a run for the ramped building top to the north and pick off agents and guards as they come near. When most aggressive agents are gone you could go on a persuadathon or just pick off the guards one by one. The target is in a building in the far northwestern corner, flanked by six or so aggressive guards. Loadout: lasers, miniguns, scanner. COLORADO: "There Goes The Cavalry" Difficult. Your initial position is difficult to defend while you're busy dodging air strikes; equip miniguns or lasers and run west until the air clears, then head back exactly to the drop point where you can hit agents running up the ramp or corner to the south. Clean up the western area with air strikes if you can afford it, otherwise just approach the laser and gauss guards defensively. You need to destroy all of the cars to complete the mission, but guard corpses are full of lasers and heavy weaponry. The real trick is surviving the first 30 seconds. Loadout: 4 agents with 2 miniguns, 1 or 2 lasers, scanner, air raid com. SOUTHERN STATES: "Grid Ruin" Moderately easy. Take care to get to the informant quickly, as the row of agents lining the far west perimeter of the complex rush to attack him after a minute or two. Haste or a well-placed air attack after the initial wave of agents will knock these western agents out quickly. Loadout: miniguns alone are almost suitable for this mission, but a few lasers can knock out the main concentration of agents in the informant's complex before they can aim their gauss guns. A scanner might help spot the gauss guards in the small buildings to the north. MEXICO: "Police Story" Easy. The police target is initially in the northeast corner of the map, in the western car of a pair next to a stretch of road. It doesn't start moving until a minute or so into the mission. The easy way to finish this is to immediately bomb this car. Sustained minigun and laser fire can get you past the agents, but the heavy concentration of guards to the north of the drop point is fairly deadly without a air strike there as well. For a real challenge, try to manage the assassination without air bombing. An approach to the road is difficult without having the time to isolate the guards. Loadout: air raid com, or as many miniguns as you can carry. ATLANTIC ACCELERATOR: "Guard Duty" Surprisingly easy (if you keep agent 3 on a sharp lookout). Make sure to deploy agent 3 with many miniguns, and ramp all agents to panic mode immediately. Then immediately air strike against the agents concentrated on the eastern platforms of the complex. Have agent 3 keep steady minigun fire against the agents rounding the corner to his/her southeast. Agent 2 can provide backup support, preferably with several lasers. The mission can be finished quickly if a good air strike is made initially with agents 2 and 3 being successful with their defense of the single walkway corner southeast of agent 3. Make sure to knock out military guards quickly to avoid air strikes. Most military guards round the same corner that agent 3 guards. Loadout: agent 3 with several miniguns, agent 2 with several lasers, agents 1 and 4 (if used) with miniguns or lasers in case the opposition slips through the initial defenses. COLUMBIA: "Madman Returns" Moderately easy. Don't waste your agents going after the car to the east of the drop point--it's unlikely they'll make it. You can still abduct the police car circling the compound, or just walk up to each gate and an agent truck might move through to intercept you. If you have enough money but mangle the mission by blowing up all of the cars, just use air strikes against the agents in the northern compound. Most of the agents are clearly visible amongst the barrel storage in the northwest sector. The most difficult portion of this mission is just staying alive near the beginning, so try not to charge into the middle of several enemy squads. Loadout: 2-3 miniguns, lasers or gauss as desired, scanner and air raid com. PERU: "All Quiet" Easy. Bring along between one to four agents and crank adrenaline to maximum with persuadertrons active. Simply persuade every roaming agent, policeman, and guard, then assault or air strike the exit point guards and agent-infested subway. Loadout: miniguns, gauss guns, whatever. You can persuade enough such ludicrous amounts of heavy firepower that it doesn't really matter. VENEZUELA: "S.O.P." Moderate. If you like dodging air strikes, then this is the mission for you. Just keep your agents pumped to max IPA with miniguns in hand. Immediately move toward the eastern fence away from the gauss guards that are to the west of the drop point. Keep agents pinned with minigun fire. Enough of them carry time bombs or other explosives that only a minigun is necessary to clean up entire squads at a time. Loadout: four agents with a minigun or two each. A scanner would be helpful to find up any remaining agents that aren't involved in the initial waves. BRAZIL: "Louder Than Words" Moderately easy. Brute force will wipe out the aggressive agents around the drop point: miniguns and a laser or two should be more than sufficient. Use air strikes against the western line of agents and the guards in the western sector to insure a trouble-free exit in the pod car near the drop point. Loadout: miniguns, air con. PARAGUAY: "Guardian Angels" Difficult. Immediately ramp your agents into panic mode, then send one agent to the northeast, chasing the executive into a building at the corner of the map. Quickly move back into group mode and move your squad to safe territory to the northeast out of the air strike area, then use miniguns and lasers to clean up the remaining agents. If you have the time to manage it, several pre-emptive air strikes on the agents to the south and far west can help protect the executive. Loadout: lasers, miniguns, air raid cons, and a scanner. ARGENTINA: "Refusable Offers" Difficult. The assassination is quick and simple if you can clear the area of agents. The gauss squadrons coming at you from two or three sides don't want to give you that breathing room, unfortunately. Try to keep the enemy pinned down before they get a chance to nail you with gauss fire. Many of the squadron members are weakly armed with long range r shotguns, but multiple gauss units make this mission into a real headache. Once you manage to give an early retirement to the opposition you can get a long-range fix on the primary target and bomb the walls out from around him or play with his guards using the neighboring buildings as cover. Loadout: miniguns are good at setting off explosives in enemy inventories as they fall, but you might need an agent covering with laser or gauss fire if you can't hit the enemy fast enough. A full squadron for this one. URUGUAY: "Medicine Man" Difficult. This might be the trickiest South American mission. Try to use building corners as cover for the initial assaults. Very fast reaction time and long-range scanning is necessary to knock out the southeastern squad of gauss agents. One tactic is to move immediately to the north of the drop point next to the building fence; keep setting off explosions amongst the advancing agents as they turn the building corner. After the first two squads, immediately shift to lasers or gauss guns and target the gauss agents advancing from the southeast, just beyond scanning range. The remaining agents can be cleaned up with the same defensive maneuvers around building corners and tight bursts of minigun fire. Precision air raids can knock out most of the 53 (!) laser-equipped guards that infest the doctor's complex, and persuadertron charges can overtake the remaining laser guards. Loadout: four agents with 2 miniguns, scanner, air raid con, persuadertron, and lasers or gauss guns. Gauss guns and lasers abound on dead agents, so only buy enough to get past the initial agent waves and save your hard-earned cash for air raids.