OPERATION FLASHPOINT: COLDWAR CRISIS FAQ. Am I surprising you? ERhm, I have a feeling that there won't be too many FAQs for this game. This is one of those games like the other realistic games, such as Delta force (no FAQs), Rogue Spear (no Unofficial FAQs), etc. There aren't a lot of FAQs for realistic games. The record is set by Counter-Strike, with about 3 FAQs, which isn't too bad. However, I feel it won't have too many. If I'm wrong ... I'll just have to delete this I suppose. Anyway, I'm FullBurst41, and for those who don't know me, be happy. You've just met the rudest and most annoying guy in galactic space, only known as FullBurst41, FullBurst for friends. :) NO that must be "full" for friends. Ahem, anyway, i hope I'm not that rude, I just flood some people on IRC when they lied/tricked/annoyed me, so that I can blast them off the net. If you know me, it must be from IRC, or from my other FAQ, for Red Alert 2. I got a lot of good responses from people, but some bad aswell. Although most of them were quite ... weird. I if you found my FAQ crap, I won't kill you or something, I am just a lousy author, let's blame it on that shall we? The Operation Flashpint FAQ I'm writing will certainly be quite large. I'm trying to make all of my FAQs as large and informative as possible. I don't want to keep anything from people, they need to know everything that I know, and that other people know. This FAQ may include informative chatlogs, how to edit, stuff like that, my own editor compositions etc. etc. Also, this guide will feature a sight-seeing tour (I hope at least). I'll try to tell you the interesting spots on islnads, so you can have some fun too. Also, walkthroughs and strategiies for multiplayer and singleplayer can't be forgotten. That'll be the main purpose for the FAQ. The rest? Oh weapon descriptions, Unit descriptions, island breakdowns, useful links, mods descriptions and in-depth look, links to my own created stuff (if it will come ... but it is quite probable), stories about my experience with the game... I like to ramble on about things that happened to me, and you'll have to share in the pain, sorry. More will be added as I feel like doing it. However, since the game is not released yet, I'll be limited to demo mission walkthrough, and maybe even a sight-seeing tour for the island. But of course, all the descriptions for units and weapons featured in the demo. I can't wait until the full version comes out ... but unfortunately I'll have to, and you will too. So bare with me and your comrades, as the Soviet slaughtering is getting closer (no offense meant...). Oh and before I forget, I'll add the classes you can play in the game, one of the cool gizmos in the game I guess. So ... until the full version, I'll be stuck with this demo of mine. Or maybe ... maybe I'll be able to get my hands on the press demo, but I guess I can't spoil anything with that thing ... but I'll certainly love it though. Okay Copyright blablabla, all the usual stuff, just don't make money with my FAQ, tell me where you want to post my FAQ (what the URL is), and I'll probably give you permission, except if I have something against you persoanally, and even then. Just ask, and I'll give you an answer. Man, now I'm writing 2 FAQs, meaning 2X the emails. And if my thoughts are true about this community of OFP being twice as large as that one of Red Alert 2, I'll have ........ a lot of emails. Dang! So enough rambling, let's take a look at what this game is all about! INTRODUCTION. ************ This is it ... It's finally here! OPERATION FLASHPOINT!!!!!! Demo. :( Shit dude! I want the full version of this frickin' game. This demo contains ... ONLY ONE MISSION!!!!!!!!!!! Whyyyy good god? Whyyyyyyyyyy! Why don't I get a press demo? Why? Oh my good God why? Give me a press demo, or I'll hack it off your servers! Common! Oh shit I'm wasting KBs, I have to think about the ADSL users among us hehehehehehe. Ahem, yeah well. So, what the heck is this game? Basically, it's 100X the size of Delta Force, combined with a Godlike UT AI, but then a little less agressive. With this I mean, If you shoot at somebody, they search for cover, they don't run at you, strafing around all your bullets. So what's in there for the rest? Uhm, a Mission Editor, which allows you to make single missions, or just make your own Campaign. If the mission editor is in the demo, it'll be my most joyful day yet. My first campaigns may pop out with the demo, but because I'm not sure if it will be in or not (haven't heard that it would be in, os probably not DAMN!), I can only plan things. I'll let you take a look at what I hope to acomplish, but please take note that there is still a big chance that I won't be able to do what I want to do, for reasons such as: ont-so-modfriendly game, not-too-good Island editor, etc. etc... So, here's some junk you've read before a lot, everywhere! This FAQ and all the stuff that isn't ripped off of any site/manual/official source, is Copyright 2001 FullBurst41. I would like to point out to webmasters that tactical information about weapons and vehicles is not "Copyrightable", since that information isn't one of their own inventions. This means, that if anybody would like to loot my view of the weapon, game-based, he'd have to ask me, but if I'd post something that I found at an official (military) source, he is free to rip it off, and I can't do a darned thing about it, because it isn't mine. This also applies to taking information from sites, that is official, and that can be found at military websites or in documentation. Just trying to make that clear. TABLE OF CONTENTS **************** I. Game Basics II. Vehicles III. Weapons and Equipment IV. Singleplayer: 1) Campaign Mission Walkthroughs. 2) Single Missions Walkthrough V. Multiplayer 1) Deathmatch and Variants 2) Capture the Flag 3) Co-Operative Missions 4) Available Multiplayer Missions (no game modes) VI. Advanced Field Tactics. VII. Mission Editor 1) How it works. 2) My own creations 3) Upcming VIII. Cheats. IX. Contact Information X. Credits and Final Junk ************************************* Good, now let's take a look. NOTE: This is still a very incomplete version of the FAQ, since only the demo is available right now. Once the full version is out, regular updates of this FAQ will fill in all the incomplete sections that are still present ... unless I find no junk to put in them that is. I. GAME BASICS *************** Ah, welcome newbies! No, that's a wrong term. There'll be a lot of people looking in this section, not necesarily because they are new to this kind of game, but because this game can be so frickin' hard due to the realism. I think you'd better go in the army for a moment, and when you feel you have the skill, try the game. Oh, then I'm a newbie too I suppose. That's fine. Ok. So, I'll go over the controls, all available Game Modes, both Singleplayer and Multiplayer. I'll also go over the classes with you, and what you can expect to see in the game. For weapons and vehicles, you can take a look in their respective sections. Also, some main tactics can be found here, to always keep in mind while crossing the battlefield. I advise you to memorize as much as you can, or hold a small paper with you, so you can refer to it if you're in trouble or in one of those tight spots you are bound to get into. Another thing to take note of, is that your tactics will defer as you gain control of vehicles, new weaponry and so on. If you slaughter a Russian sodlier, who carried a PK machinegun, it would be wise to take it off of him if you were carrying an M16. Not that an M16A2 is impressively bad or something, but a PK can rip through things like a mad bull. Ratatatatatata! In general, a PK is better than an M60, but that's entirely up to your taste, so I won't interfere if you prefer your old-school M60. It's a very cool gun I'll grant you that. Also, taking over Soviet vehicles is something different than your main US junk. In most cases, a russian vehicle is better armed than its US counterpart, excluding the Abrams of course. The US do have some advantages though, like the A-10, PBRs, Cobras, and Abrams Tanks. Ok, let's start with the FAQ shall we? CONTROLS -------- GAME MODES ---------- SINGLE PLAYER ------------- Campaign: This is the main storyline bit of te game. Basically it's a series of linear missions, where your main goal will be to clear out all three islands of Soviets; You will pilot a variety of vehicles throughout the campaign. In one missions, you'll have to be a helicopter pilot, in another you'll have to steer tanks around and decimate enemy forces via ground. Or just run around as standard infantry soldier, as part of a squad or alone. Don't think you're going to do a Delta Force mission if you are alone. Don't try to pick fights, rather avoid them. Try to keep the enemies you fight to a minimum, and never engage vehicles unless you have the means to destroy them (weaponry or another vehicle you are commanding). You can make new campaigns with the Mission Editor, to keep the game fresh. Single Missions: These are stand-alone, non-linear missions, having no real connection to eachother. These can be seen as the Quick Missions in Delta Force, or any Single MIssions in Jane's Combat Simulations games. Want to know anything else? It's interesting to know that one of the Single MIssions will be D-Day, not really the original Operation Overlord beach- storming, but a 1985 modern version, which will probably be everybody's favorite mission, or one of their favorites. You can read some more about the D-Day mission in a preview made by the now-famous DnA and Sith. Check it out! And although they got killed in the end, they still have some intersting information. :) MULTI PLAYER ------------ Deathmatch: Oh common! Do I have to explain this to ya? Ok if you insist: It's basically, Free For All. You don't work in teams or anything, just shoot at anything that isn't you, yeah it's basically that! Run people over with your 5-Ton truck, kick their asses with the guns of a BMP-1. You have the island as your battlefield ... and Im' not sure how that will be done yet, I mean ... you can't run around the whole island searching your enemies. One little piece of advice for you: Don't have mercy with anybody. This is a bad world ... they'll take advantage of you before you know it! Ahem yeah what am I rambling about anyway, I didn't have to tell you that, you already knew. However, this mode is only for fun, or for the doom-newbies among us. But please, don't make this your primary mode of play, PLEASE!!!!! It is NOT what tis game is all about. Team Deathmatch: Guess this will be in, the little more intellegent version of Deathmatch, but still quite mindless. You are part of a team and you hve to kill off all the members of the enemy team. Only thing to keep in mind is that you may never get seperated from your team members, unless some tactic of yourse demands it. You're stronger in group then alone, don't ever forget that. Capture the Flag: Aaahhhhh, I hate this game mode. In every game that has multiplayer feature in it, there's this. And I hate it! It's not the team thing, but the mindless concept of having to capture a flag and bringing it back to your own base! Ugh! Luckily, Operation Flashpoint makes it a little less harsh for me... Their mode is like this: You start in your base, lots o' Ammo Crates and stuff. This is your base, but there is NO flag here. However, your flag is located in a base a little further from your camp. There are also vehicles around in your strongholds. The enemy has the same outline. They also start witha respawning base and flag base. Your job will be to bring the enemy flag to your flag base to score a point. In UT and Q3, even HL, the CTF games were quite boring. ONly thing that set them apart was the map, and the placement of flags, that was all. Here, you can take all sorts of vehicles, and weapons don't lie around mindlessly. They are put in bases, not scattered around the map, in the most unlikely places. It will still not be my favorite, but I'll certainly play it a lot more. Don't bother with Quake, just take OFP and you ave it all! That's what I always say... Take the Town: Good Heavens! Finally! Woooooohoooooo! The mode I'm looking forward to soooooooooooo badly. You start off with your buds in a town on the island. Your job is ot take over the other people's town marked on the map. It will require a lot of strategy to take towns, and to complete the game. Much better than Deathmatch! I don't know how the towns are outfitted yet, what fortifications are in and such. I guess I'll find out soon enough. I look forward to doing air raids ont heir pethetic towns, and then bring in my best men and take over the whole thing, backing them up with some tanks (may not work ... we'll see). Co-Operative Campaign: This is basically you and a bunch of friends playing through a campaign. I'm not sure if this campaign is different from the singleplayer one, in terms of missions, but I think so. This will enable you to use the skill of your friends if you need the extra power. More info on this mode coming as soon as I get it. NOTE: This is not all. Multiplayer isn't just a bunch of modes you get and play with it. Multiplayer matches are usually missions wit 2 teams with oposing goals. It's a little like counter-Strike but different, because they still have the rules of the mode they are playing on. In OFP, rules are dictated by the objectives bound to that mission. Maybe it's easier to compare it a little to Assault in Unreal Tournament, but then the OFP manner. The good thing about the missions, is that they are rather small, and that they are easily transferable. They have a mximum size of something around 100KB, which makes online transfer of missions a piece of cake. That will be it for now folks! CLASSES ------- Actually, fro what I understand, for human players there isn't much difference of taking a specific class, only that they get their hands on their favorite country weapons easier. This is because humans can basically pilot everything and do everyting available to you. AI however, is a different story. If they want to pilot a certain aircraft, they will need apilot to play around with the vehicle. Here are the different classes: NOTE: All classes get binoculars, do not listen to people that tell you that only officers get them, that's rubbish. Soldier ------- Cannonfodder. That's the shortest description I can give you. What's the use of a soldier? No one knows. At least in unrealistic games they aren't any use, as there is always something better then a simple measily soldier. Everything that is alone in OFP, can be considered quite dead. Soldiers in OFP will be needed in several situations, ranging from scouting, to main defense and offense jobs. Other classes get limitations and extras to what they can do, while the soldier stays a non-mutated class, which basically means he can do a lot of jobs that don't require specific expertise. A soldier gets standard weaponry, being an Assault Rifle (M16A2/AK74). Don't underestimate these, but don't overestimate them either... They are good for the main jobs, bu vs. armor, they are quite hard to keep alive. If the people were so stupid to expose themselves to enemy fire, and you killed the gunner(s) and Commander quickly, you'll have an advantage over your opponent. He'll have to rearrange his positions inside the vehicle, giving you some spare time to flee, or to try to destroy/kill everybody inside the vehicle. Another good use for the soldier, is suppressive fire. When other classes need to reach an objective, and don't have the means necesary to get there, soldiers can draw some considerable attention away from them, allowing the other class to do what they have to do. And tell me, who's so crazy to stay in the line of sight of a soldier delivering suppressive fire??? That's why I would like to have an M249 in this game, but it won't be... so, if you aren't really a crack at anything, or your clan/team tactic demands it, take a soldier, you'll always be able to help someone. AT Soldier ---------- Ahahaha, now you thought you were invincible in that APC eh? You thought you could kill every and all infantry units oposing you eh? Think again, as these will kill you faster than you can say "What the FUCK?" While they still carry automatci rifles, their main purpose is to take on armored units. Their weapons vary from AT4s to RPGs, depending on thier country, US and Russia respectively. They can destroy light vehicles (APCs, Jeeps) with a single rocket, in most cases that is. It will be the other's duty (especially the Soldiers) to protect these infantry units from normal soldiers, as they are quite vulnerable to them. Remember, these are no Quake Rocket Launchers! They don't just gib everything you shoot at! These weapons are mainly used to take out ARMORED targets!!!!!!!! While they are still quite able to kill enemy soldiers, but I wouldn't waste my rockets on soldiers, while there are more dangerous targets to take out with these weapons. however, MOrtar Soldiers are more effective against infantry, but are quite inacurate, so this leads us to another critical point in OFP. DO NOT GO INTO A BATTLE UNPREPARED. DO NOT GO IN A GAME BEFORE YOU HAVE PLANNED WHAT EVERYBODY CHOOSES TO BE, WHAT VEHICLES YOU WILL USE, ETC. ETC. Please, keep this in mind!!!!! Machinegunner ------------- This is your man! What he does? Basically kick other people's butts, that's it! They are the dudes with the heavy (both in power and weight) weapons. They are THE class of choice for suppressive fire. They are quite essential to a squad, to cover the more qpzxialized classes in the game, while still BEING covered by soldiers or snipers. They can deliver a lot of suppressive fire while a medic is doing the best he can to heal a certain unit. And another thing, they can cover the presence of snipers! One thing to take note of though, they divert a lot of attention to them, which makes them bound to get shot at, and probably one of the first of the squad to get killed. This is because, they can take on almost everything, including some light transport vehicles. If you want the best results for a machinegunner, I'd take a few snipers, some bodyguard soldiers and the MG. While the snipers wreak some havoc, the MG gives cover fire, to mask (or try to mask) the Sniper's presence, which will let the Sniper take out more targets without diverting unnecesary attention to him. This is a quite important class, so don't overlook it. Weapons: The MG carries the heaviest automatic infantry-weapons in the game. The Americans stick with thier old-fashoined M60, which is a belt-fed macinegun, very loud, very powerful. It is known that the M60 strikes fear in the hearts of its enemies, because it makes such a "frightning" noise! Well, beware if some guy with his M60 comes rushing to ya, better take cover and pick him off ... if you can. The Russians however, have the PKT general purpose machinegun. This is my baby! It's lighter than the M60, and doesn't have to loose any power for it. It is my personal choice for a machinegun. If you are an American machinegunner, and you (or your squad) takes out a machinegunner, drop your M60 for one of the soldiers, while you take the PKT, it's a good adition to your forces. One more thing. If you are a different class than a Machinegunner, and you can get your hands on a machinegun (especially for soldiers and other heavy-action classes), TAKE IT!!! Don't leet it just lie there, taking the chance some other dude smarter than you will grab it! This game ma be real, it's still not SO real thatyou can get killed, so take everything you want, don't bother thinking about your comrades weapons, unless they have none (that's a little stupid standpoint though...). Medic ----- The most essential class in OFP. You can ramble along about your frickin' gun, but who will be there to help you out if you get shot yourself? If you are so lucky to stay alive, because the wound isn't that severe, you'll want to get treatment, to get you running again. While it isn't just possible to heal you up to full strength like in those unrealistic combat games, the medic might be able to heal you enough so that you can fight. The medic has its own defensive weapon, but it's bound to get targeted (don't let that uniform of yours think that you are invincible), because the enemy army will try to get the advantage the bastardy way ... killing your Medic of course. Try to keep this pal alive as long as possible. Keep him out of the battles, but medics may try to pick off some people with his weapon. As a medic, seach for cover as much as you can, to keep out of the sight of a sniper, whic will be your primary enemy in the field. You must do your best to stay alive, as your squad depends on you. This is probably the most adrenaline-rushing class of all, as if you die, it's a big disadvantage for your team, and by the way ... you're dead too. Sniper ------ Another very important class. These aren't really present in the squad at the time of combat, but they rather camp in deep cover, trying to take out any targets of oportunity, without drawing unnecesary attention to themselves. Or, snipers can have missions alone, or in special Sniper Teams, which are given specific orders and must do their best to find a superb place to deploy their rifles and take out designated targets, which takes me to the next note. In most situations, snipers are given specific targets to take out. However, in OFP, unless your mission demands it, you'd better try to help out your squad anyway you can, blowing enemy soldiers to hell as fast as you can, as silently as you can. Teh weapons for Snipers are outfitted with scopes, which help them zoop in on targets in the distance. However, Sniping is not what it was in other FPS games. You'll have to check it out to see what I mean. It's not the usual sniping techniques that will help you out this time, you'll have to adapt to the new (but the REAL) techniques. These rifles come with "targets", which show you how you have to aim to hit a certain target. The NATO gets the M21, an old-fashoined rifle, while the Soviets snipe with the Dragunov Standard Issue Sniper Rifle. Another thing that snipers must look out for, is that they don't get killed by other Snipers, but in the mean time, try to eliminate any snipers that threaten your soldiers. Oh and one more thing. The AI responds very intellegently to snipers. First off, they'll try to locate you by searching forthe way the bullets came from, taking cover, and supplying suppressive fire for any teams that might still be under threat of the sniper(s). This makes being a sniper no easy task, as the AI will be crawling up to your position, or vehicles might creep up behind you, as you are concenterating on getting enemy soldiers. That's another thing you have to worry about: Vehicles. Youa ren't really able to take on full-sized tanks yourself, unless you can take out a Commander or gunner if they are standing out of their cover (hatches are open). Anti-Aircraft Soldier --------------------- Another soldier you'll need in certain situations. there's nothing more irritating then a Hind wizzing over your head, trying to locate you. And when it does, unleashing its deadly cannons upon your filthy heads. Those cannons can sweep an area quicly, due to their high rate of fire, and the speed of the helicopter. Also, I'd get the fuck out of the way when it drops a few rocket pods near your position, as that would mean certain death for you. Anyways, what are you dupposed to do about htese pests? Well, you have your Anti-Aircraft Soldier standing there, waiting to be used. And finally, it gets the opportunity. While I'm not absolutely positive on what the Russians will get, the NATO gets the allmighty Stinger. I hate this weapon. You know why? Because it is so effective. NOw you say: Why the hell is he complaining about a gun if it is so effective? Well, it's simple: I remember the old days, flying my F/A-18 Hornet in one of those state-of-the-art Combat Flight Simulators, when suddenly, without warning, I see a missile coming right at me. Totally shocked (didn't know infantry could fire SAMs yet), I tried to evade, still not knowing where the darned missile came from. I couldn't detect any SAM launchers, and certainly not any aircraft in the direct area. Then, BAAAAAM! Eject. Booom. Parachute wouldn't work. Shiiiiiiit. Then ... I suddenly saw this sneaky bastard, a Russian soldier (bad graphics in those days...) with that stupid thing in his hands. I could've smashed the screen to pieces! Beaten by a soldier!!! Common! I destroyed 25 T-72s with my group of 4, but then suddenly some stupid I-don't-know- anything nerdy came in and shot me down! Arrgh! And since I was shot down by Russians, it can very well be that in OFP the Russians also get Stingers... However, I think they'll get some SA superb missile launcher of theirs. It will probably a GRAIL, GREMLIN or GROUSE, but I can't confirm any of those. So, just to make it short, use these to take out helicopters and possibly A-10s if you are on the Russian side. Taking out the A-10s is especially essential, as they are faster than the other aircraft, and are a nightmare to any armored vehicle. Also, those bastards have imense guns (6 barrels), so I wouldn't try to get it gun to gun with you, as it won't care about your AK74 a lot, it will just mow you down, and laugh at your foolishness. Also, taking out troop transports can save you a lot of mess later on. Take out the Mi-17s/Mi-24s or Black Hawks to make sort work of the soldiers inside (except if they are VERY low). Don't overlook this class, call upon it if you need it, you can't survive without it if the enemy calls upon its helicopters and airplanes (for the NATO that is). Mine Soldier ------------ This is another class that can affect the whole mission. How? Well, he has teh job of mining roads that the enemy will probably take. If you indeed know these roads, I'd say that this is a good defensee against tanks, but everybody knows that the enemy will try to take the off-road trajects. The disadvantage the vehicles have in those spots however, is that they cannot move at high speed, often going very slow. This is excelent for AT soldiers or helicopters. And if the enemy takes the main roads, he'll stumble upon your mines. Cabam! Die! No more armored vehicle! You get a few AT mines as this class, not sure of the different types yet... I'll fill this in later. Pilot ----- The pilot is the guy that controls the aircraft present in OFP. Available ari units are: NATO: - Ah1 Cobra: A very deadly and powerful helicopter, mainly used for anti- tank missions, but can defend itself against other helicopters with its Sidewinder missiles. It has a powerful cannon too. overall, a very dangerous enemy if you are Russian, you must try to take it down as fast as you can, before it takes out your armor. - A-10 Warthog: I LOVE this one. It is ideal for taking out helicopters, and of course, tanks all the way! With its powerful cannon, it can destroy anything it comes across. Don't spare anyone! They also have Sidewinder air-to-air missiles, together with a variety of bombs they can carry. All in all, this one's even tougher than the Cobra, because its added speed. This craft can also be used to destroy buildings, it's a better choice than the Cobra for that. - UH-60 Black Hawk: The NATO transport heli. You can use this chopper to take control of the doorguns, which is a special feature of the Black Hawk. It can carry up to 8 soldiers, and carry them at god speed around the islands. It isn't quite good as a combat helicopter, but it is ideal for transportation. And of course, you can parachute out of a Black Hawk, which is really cool. SOVIETS - Mi-24 Hind: This is the main helicopters for the Russians. It has the advantage ofer the Cobra because it can carry soldiers aswell. It is an overall good craft to take out ground targets, but can defend itself against aircraft. Just don't try to take on A-10s with your cannon, they'll shoot you out of the skies nicely, there won'g be much left of that Hind of yours... This helicopter has the advantage over the Black Hawk, because it can carry its passengers into dangerous situations, while still being able to survive most cases. - Mi-17 HIP: Thi is the first real error I've found in Seventh's awesome webpage, that is that it says that the Mi-17 is primarily a transport helicopter, and he constantly talks about the Mi-8. While the Mi-8 is the direct predecesor of the Mi-17, it doesn't mean it isn't different from the Mi- 8. First off, let me tell you that this is somewhat a more specialized version of the Mi-24. It has a lot of loadouts, and can do basically everything, from jamming to recovery. In most situations, it will come armed with dual 7.62mm cannons, but sometimes it may come with dual 23mm cannons, which is great help of course. It can transport troops and they can use their machineguns to fire at enemy positions through the window aswell. They are good recovery helicopters, aswell as direct air support against heavy units like tanks and such. It has someheavy weaponry, including up to 20 81-mm rocket pods on each wing, SWATTER ATGMs, or other anti-tank rockets. So, I repeat, this is not a transport only helicopter! This babe is very capable in combat. So ... excited to take on this uniform yet? You also get your own weapon. While I still disagree with the choice of BI to NOT implement any handguns in the game (pilots always carry standard sidearms), I'll have to live with it. You get a nice little CAR-15 Carbine, isn'tthat nice? Talking about realism... You are absolutely important to your squad/army, if you are to take out enemy armor fast and decisively, without losing most of your own tanks/losing completely. Saboteur -------- This is your sneaky bastard. If you aren't familiar to sneaking, I wouldn't take this class just yet.This is one of th most difficult classes to master, and it's certainly an adrenaline-rushing one. The missions of the Saboteur are mainly to sneak into enemy bases, and destroy certain objectives, perform reconnisance duty, or to take out key targets (defenses) to let in your enemy without losing too much. If you want to get some experience, play stealth-oriented games, like No One Lives Forever (not realistic, but you still have to sneak, and you get maximum scores if you are), Rogue Spear (some missions MUST be done stealthily, and overall it is a better strategy), maybe even SWAT 3, but that's a more Assault-oriented game. I must caution you however, that sneaking doesn't just come, or can't just be practised. If you are the assault-type, you won't just learn to sneak, because you won't have the patience for it. Of course, you'll be able to sneak to some degree, but sometimes you'll have to stay in the same position for minutes, observing the movement of guards. I myself am an assault-type person. I can sneak to a certain extent, but I'm not patient enough to do it the Commandos style way (remember that game? That was the main reason I didn't like it, the guard evasion). He comes equiped with an MP5SD, which comes in handy for its sneaky shit, while he gets a bunch of Satchel Charges to blow stuff up with. It has a large blast radius 50 meters, and can blow up walls, vehicles and buildings (tents and stuff). That's about it. Enjoy! SQUAD COMMANDING. ----------------- Welcome Commander! In the event that you do make it to the top of a squad, you might consider this reading. When commanding a simple squad of soldiers, it is always important to keep the medic alive. While he can't just save your soldiers from anything, but when someone is wounded, he might be able to get him some fix-ups, depending on what wound he has. While a medic is important, this game is still about war, and war needs to be waged sometimes. Make sure to cover your AT and AA soldiers if they come under fire, as it is vital to you and any other nearby units that your heavy soldiers stay alive to fight the heavier foes. You must always remember: Just because you are infantry, doesn't mean you can't do anything. RuleZ of Engagement: - Never engage an enemy alone, always attack with others. If you spot an enemy soldier, it's allways safer to attack with more than one man. Of ocurse, there are those missions where you are left on your own. In those cases, you should make sure you are in deep cover, and your enemy(s) won't have enough time to retaliate until it's too late. In all ther cases, split up your squad if you have to, in groups of 2. Do it Rainbow Six style. You have an assault team, a sniper team etc. etc. - Don't play this game like you play Quake. Don't take your grenade launcher and shoot 2 meters in front of you, aiming at the ground. Use explosive weapons at long distance. Especially if you are using a LAW, it is very advisable for you to stay away from your warhead as it explodes, or you're dead (pretty much dead that is). - Send in Recons to get a good view of what's going on. you want to know the exact enemy positions. As a recon, you need to remember that you may not show yourself to your enemy, do it the Klingon way, CLOAK (or Romulan whatever you like). Yeah, I told you, this is no Quake-style game, so no cloaking devices/invisibility or whatever you like to call it. You want to know exact info on the placement of vehicles and troop deployment, so that you could send in Saboteurs with the information you acquired, or plan a quick but deeadly assault on the weakest portion of their stronghold. Never blindlesly go across enemy lines, praying you'll stay alive long enough to say "I love you" to your girlfriend as she is getting angree with you (social problems??? anyone?). Okay so OFP is not really a good social life builders, but who cares? Uhm. Yeah well. Also, this scouting can be done by fast aircraft, but this is far more "brutal", as the enemy knows what you're up to, and will no doubtedly strengthen everything up (as far as he can do that of course). - One golden piece of advice: Always remember, the AI must choose specific classes to be able to do a certain thing, but you can do anything you like. Even if you are a machinegunner, you can crawl into a helo and scratch some tankhull. Don't you ever forget that. - Cut off enemy convoys. In the event soldiers need immediate repairs or ammo, trucks are sent to the enemy's position. your job will be to take those out, crippling the enemy. Thing is, you must know his supply route, and try to stay hidden from any enemy defenders (if they are hidden), so that they would be completely surprised by your grenades/rockets. Or, you could take an aircraft and destroy them swiftly if you wish. But of course, since htis is the squad section, you should know that if you send grenadiers or other soldiers with explosives, try to send them alone under cover. Try to sneak them in there somehow. Another method of dealing with the convoy, is to mine the routes. Do that, and you'll have some spare time to do other things. Best thing is, if those mines go off under those trucks, and infantry men are stationed along the roads to defend them, big chance is they'll die too. This allows you to move in and take the supply routes yourself, defending them at all cost. Anything that tries to pass through, goes down. - Defend your supply routes whatever the cost. This is not a game ofrespawning weapons. If the resupply/repair trucks are destroyed, you'll be in a heap of trouble, waiting until the next few can arrive. Station some heavily armed soldiers there (MGs and AA soldiers would be nice), or keep a few lighter vehicles around. And for the more flight simish people, you can also use air patrols, another effecient way to protect your routes from the BIG targets. However, if you are hoping to defend them against infantry, they'll have to be very dumb to get discovered by you. you can't just see anything, you're limited to what you can see and what not. This is why I prefer the first 2 methods, except if the enemy is using heavy force to take your supply routes. Also, it's nice to have a quick force available for when the time comes that the enemy comes in with his forces to take your supplies. Have a few Black Hawks and Cobras/Mi24s to strike down your opponent. Losing your supplies, is undoubtedly one big step towards losing the mission. - Quick attack strategy: One thing I lke to do in realistic gameslike this, is to strike areas of the enemy's stronghold (like a city) that are of little importance to your initial attack. This way, you can spare you some valuable time, in which you can complete your assigned objectives, destroy assigned targets etc. etc. This is a often usedtactic in games that allow it. It's very hard to find a way to implement his strategy in Counter-Strike for example. However, this game really gives you the ability to exploit this tactic, and if the enemy has to defend a big area, this will probably work! The best defense against this, is to keep every part of your territory evenly protected. And when the enemy comes in, first check if you can be sure there are no extra forces that would surprise you, and then move in to help the heavily outnumbered forces. Don'tlet yourself be fooled to let an area be undefended, but as a human you should know what areas to critically defend, and where to keep your presence intermediate. - Town Defense: If in a mission you have to defend a town from enemy attack, a wise thing to do is to station troops in buildings. Use them as "Guard Towers" to say it that way. This will take some pressureoff your other forces which are still on the ground. However, keep your eyes open for aircraft, as they will make short work of your Guard Tower, very short work that is. Snipers should consider a roof of a building, as it doesn't really give them limitations of a window (if you can get up the roof of course). The problem is, you can't just shoot explosive weapons through a window. That just won't work! - The MOST important rule of them all: WHENEVER YOU DETECT ENEMY PRESENCE, SIGNAL YOUR BUDS TO TELL THEM WHERE EXACTLY THE ENEMY IS POSITIONED OR IS MOVING TO. IF YOU DO NOT DO THIS, YOU RISK COMPREMISING THE MISSION BECAUSE OF YOUR LACK OF INTELLEGENCE. ALSO IF YOU ARE VIEWING THE ENEMY BASE, TELL YOUR FELLOW SQUADS WHERE THE HEAVY DEFENSES ARE CONCENTRATED AND SO ON AND SO ON... IF YOU DO NOT STICK BY THIS RULE, YOU WILL HOPELESSLY DIE. VEHICLES -------- Not all about Flashpoint is squads and M16s! Actually, one of the biggest aspects of the game lies here, with the vehicles. Imagine this game without vehicles... Would you want to traverse 145 square KMs on foot? Or would you rather kill yourself? Anyways, vehicles are necesary to both transport and kill others, infantry and vehicle alike. There are both ground and air units, although the ground units are much vaster in number. However, air units are evenly, maybe even more, valuable than ground units. They are meant to deliver quick but heavy strikes, transport infantry quicly across the battlefield, while minimizing risk of getting killed. This section will detail certain tactics and rules you should take note of. Heavy transportation vehicles. These are those transports like trucks. They can carry supplies, weapons, and soldiers. - Keep in mind, don't just drive somewhere without you knowing where you are going, because these things don't go that fast, and tanks will pummel you before you know it. You do have some bullet proof windows, but anything that explodes will rip you to pieces. Therefore, superb intellegence is needed, you must know exactly what lies ahead, if there is any enemy, where is he? What is it? Vehicle, infantry? What class? This are all things you must keep in mind if you are to survive this game. - Protect these vehicles at all cost, especially if they are carrying equipment and weapons, because you'll need every piece of equipment you can get. Don't waste them! Protect the roads they are going to pass through, even use vehicles if you need to, the enemy is sure to want to destroy these trucks. I know I know, it would be far easier if they were transported by helicopter, but of course these games need to be a little difficutl... as if it wasn't difficult enough already! - MOve as fast as you can. While these babies don't go very fast, stay at top speed at all times when transporting infantry to dangerous ground. If you have to go off-road, try to hide yourself somehow, drive on small, bushy roads with lotsa trees and stuff, so that it is harder to spot you. Do everything you can to stay alive ... truckdriver is a dangerous job these days... - The roadblock: hehe! If you need something fun, and you have some trucks tospare, just put them as a roadblock, to get them destroyed by tanks for sure... Scratch this will ya? Light Transport Vehicles You know... jeeps and stuff. These are infantry-transports only, but there are some variants of these vehicles, like ambulances and stuff. Use these wisely, and take a look at what I made below: - Move fast: as with the trucks, you are not the strongest vehicle around, but you are far faster. Move at top speed when you can, but try to keep your vehicle away from trees will ya? Or you'll keep the thing out of service, and you'll have to go on foot right away, which isn't a nice thing when you're in the middle of nowhere... believe me. While you usually have an Mg to fire at enemy threats, you should be careful on what target you shoot. i wouldn't advise you to fire at tanks, because they'll aim their nice little gun at you and blow you to shreds. What you can do however, is quickly deploy your men when you know threats are nearby, and take on tanks with your AT soldiers when they get in range. - The better roadblock vehicle? Well yeah, but still not the best. It is good for anti-infantry defense though. Watch out for Grenadiers or AT soldiers, as they will make quick work of you. You can try it if you like... it may be worth it. - suppressive fire. When you deploy your men, keep a gunner inside, and let him give your comrades some extra firepower, by firing in the direction if enemy forces, hoping to take some out before your men reach the contact zone. This suppressive fire technique can help your ass when you are facing enemy armor, to divert some attention away from your infantry. While you are pinning the tanks down with your MG, the AT Soldier/LAW soldier goes in and destroys those vehicles (a LAW is pretty powerful, it won't be a problem). - Keep these vehicles handy. When your helos are unavailable at the time, this is the fastest vehicle to get your men out of tight situations ... or get them into such situations of course. If you look at the M113 of the NATO, you'll see that these vehicles can also go across water, while at a much slower speed, so you can get your infantry to a safe place. This makes the M113 a favorite for beach assaults with soldiers ... WWII style! IFVs (Infantry Fighting Vehicles) These are also able to transport infantry, but they are more meant to destroy than to transport. Take the BMP-1, a true killing machine. It has a nice little gun (BIG that is), an MG too, so ti can take on heavy armor single-handedly, while keeping some distance to increase your chance of survival. Look at these: - MOve fast: Again! Again! Again, again and again. Now it isn't for fleeing purposes, but to keep your chance of being hit by deadly tank shells and rockets minimal. While you can't fire your cannons at full speed, try to keep your speed as high as you possibly see thick, because tanks won't hesitate to blow you to hell with their sometimes bigger than 120MM cannons, which are certain death for an IFV. You are the spearhead of your attack force, you can kill infantry fast, hoping there isn't much in the ways of an AT soldier of course, and you can destroy light vehicles nicely. Tanks though, are a different matter. While you can still destroy them yourself, you must make sure you hit it, while it misses you. If that isn't the case, you're pretty much dead! - The "Sweep": OK, this is a sort of suppressive fire technique, so listen up. If you have several IFVs together, and an infantry group si about to move in to take down enemy soldiers, it may be wise to do the following, bombard the area. Aproach the target area, and start shelling in the direction of the designated targets. This way, you have a chance of killing enemy forces so that they are severely weakened when your squads arrive. However, if you want to completely surprise enemy soldiers, this might not be a good idea, as they will run for cover, and I mean RUN. - Some sort of roadblock technique for you: Place your IFV(s) to defend a certain area. Let the gunner's look very sharply ... and from the moment you see something, fire the main gun, and rain down bullets at them. It will be very hard to get past your roadblock, but tanks are still better. However, since you can use all tanks in the offensive you are planning, it might be cheaper to place IFVs instead of tanks, as they are still quite effective even at long range. ONly thing that will be better if you station tanks, is that they have better anti-air defenses than the usual IFV does. Heavy Armor Ok, now everybody knows these right? These are the tanks that role in on your position and blow you to bits with their imensily powerful cannons. They are mainly used for offensive measures, or for stationary defense. Tanks are both outfitted with a heavy cannon, and several MGs +possible anti-air support. Take a look at this: - The rush technique??? NOt so advisable, this is no RTs game remember. However, the thing that is smartest, is that you take acurate intellegence on the area you wish to attack, and strike at the enemy's weak point. This way you can spare both tanks and lives ... another important aspect of this game right? While tanks can sustain some damage, it is still wiser to strike strategically, instead of just rushing into enemy territory, hoping you'll destroy them all, that just won't work. - Stationary defense: This is another thing that you shouldn't do if you are nearsighted hehe. If you find a good position, a driver wouldn't really be necesary, but keep them available, if you need to change position. The only thing you'll do in this position, is monitor enemy activity. Once you see an enemy come into your line of fire, you shoot, with everything you have, everything. If you have a good number of tanks available to your defense, let them truly shell everything. These babies are also good to eliminate boats that are delivering suppressive fire that you want to get rid of. Another important thing you can do with your tanks, is kill enemy parachutists before they can get to the ground ... if you canaim acurately enough of course. Also, with AA MGs, you can take out helicopters easily, and you can always try bringing down an A-10 that is flying low. - Well ... last advice ... runover people! If you see some Soldiers firing their small arms at you, just run them over! It's cool! You know what I'm sayin'... Heavy Weaponry Simply put ... SCUD launchers. It's just to include these, there isn't anything important to say about tactics, escept for this one: - You just happen to have one of the deadliest weapons around, but it's also very easy to destroy if you let it undefended, as it can'tjust do anything defensive by itself. you'll have to put a good defensive position around your SCUD launcher, as it is very valuable to your forces. Remember that, and you'll be fine... Watch out for quick helo strikes, or A-10s coming in for a deadly cannon strafe... you'll be doomed! Sea Units These are basically the small boats you can toy around with, as they are very valuable in beach landings, to give that unmissable cover fire for your beach assaulters. And once they are on, fire your MGs to get some extra value!!! - Keep in mind, you are a suppressive fire deliverer, you are mainly around to help out infantry on shores and stuff. owever, this makes you a very tempting targets for heavy armor or IFVs, as they can probably reach you with their cannons. The only thing you can do, is try to stay as far as possible at first, only delivering cover fire on the edge and a little further of the beach, and once the infantry takes out some armor, move further ... but make sure the coast is clear before you move in to get your men a little more fire. - Oh ... just one thing you might want to keep in mind. In a beach landing, there'll be a lot of infantry, infantry of both sides. Just make sure you don't kill your own people, or you'll be in lots of pain. Aerial Units These are manily support units, but very important support units. You can't live without them. They are meant to take out key strong points of the enemy. - Just look at this as Longbow 2 or Falcon 4, it's not entirely a flight sim in OFP, but the same rules can help you further in the game. If you are a master of one of thse games, you have a good chance of surviving inside your plane/helo. Also, there's a new sim by Razorworks, Commanche vs. Ka-52, a very good but difficult sim. While the helicopters in OFP aren't as modern as those in that game, it can give you a head start in the flying skills. While I don't know of any SAM launchers in the game, there are a lot of anti-air weapons in the game, including Stingers, portable SAMs, and a large variety of MGs on armored vehicles. Try to avoid them, stay clear of them if you can. - One thing you can do, which is quite strategical, you might want to deliver heavy air raids on an enemy infested area before moving in armor and infantry units. This way, you can take out the heavy resistance before your heavy hitters come in, giving them a much higher chance of survival than they usually would. Also, ocasional air raids to destroy enemy key points won't hurt at all. - Defensive strikes are one of the most important thing int he game. When you know the enemy is moving towards your positions, have a capable aircraft go in and take out as much as it can, to seriously weakek their efforts. HOwever, keep in miond, just because you are in an aircraft, doesn't mean you are invincible. Anything can kill you however, you can kill everything, get the picture? - Of course, not all about aircraft is combat. there are some helicopters that can transport infantry across the battlefield. These are the Black Hawk, the Hind, and the HIP. If you want a good transport helicopter and combat capable chopper at the same time, take the Hind, it's the advantage the Soviets have over the NATO bastards. - If you know a good route to an enemy base which you can take with your chopper (transport chopper that is), use it so that you can deliver swift strikes to cripple certain positions. you can let an air raid take out some heavy defenses there first, it's all your choice, and what can be done or suits the mission best. - Something to A-10 pilots: If you are shot down, and you manage to eject from the aircraft, stay calm at all cost. You'll probably land behind enemy lines, which means you are incredibly outnumbered, and even more so outgunned. Try to get a rescue chopper there, but since your A-10 didn't really apreciate the way you flew, a chopper won't do it any better. If a chopper is not an option, you'd better find a way to get the fuck outta there. As a pilot, you have a carbine, which isn't bad, but you can't just kill everybody as if they were Delta Force AI infantry (no offense ... ahem). Consider your situation, and based on information obtained about the enemy defenses (if any was obtainedbefore you crashed), use this to your advantage and find a way out. That will be all ... goo dluck! That's about it for the newbie section... I'll update this if necesary. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------ II. Vehicles. ************* Welcome to the Vehicles section, where you will find detailed information on each of the vehicles in OFP. There are three main types of vehicles: ground-based vehicles, airborne vehicles, and sea-bound vehicles. While most of the vehicles are ground-based, the other types are certainly evenly important. NOTE: I use the WEG for information on vehicles and weapons, but because it doesn't have a lot of American weapons and vehicles, I'll have to take it from ofp.net. This means that the "Tactical Description" for each item is or from the WEG, or from Sevenths webpage. Last minute info: No more rippin' from Seventh. I've found my source, it is at www.military.com, good search engine through its resources. This solves the American problem, so that I can stick to the WEG for all Russian shit. There's only one thing still not really ... nice. I searched for a description of the M60 tank. When I compared it with that one of Seventh, I discovered that we had the same one. But since this just one case, and since I'm sure he didn'twrite it himself, I feel free to post it here aswell. Ground-Based Units ================== Transportation ============== NATO ==== 5T Truck -------- This 5-ton baby is mainly a transport vehicle for weapons and equipment, but it can also carry a good number of infantry. It doesn't go very fast (surprised?), but it has some durability. Because of its cargo, it is vital to protect it. If not, you risk losing very valuable suplies which you can ALWAYS use. Tactical Description: None at the moment. M113A1 ------ This is a very capable and all-purpose transport. It can hold a squad, has an MG to defend itself from light enemy resistance, goes fairly fast on main roads, and can also go amphibious to cross water. This allows it to get infantry out of tight situations to a safe place before they get all killed. This vehicle is very important in your war effort, treat them as you do any other valuable vehicle, with grace. Tactical Description: US Armored Personnel Carrier M113A1_____________________________________________________ _______ Weapons & Ammunition Types .50 cal cupola MG Slap, API, API-T, Ball, Ball-T, Incendiary, I-T Typical Combat Load 2,000 SYSTEM Alternative Designations: INA Date of Introduction: 1964 Proliferation: At least 46 countries Description: Crew: 2 Troop Capacity: 11 passengers Combat Weight (mt): 11.20 Chassis Length Overall (m): 4.90 Height Overall (m): 1.80 Width Overall (m): 2.70 Ground Pressure (kg/cm 2 ): .55 Automotive Performance: Engine Type: 215-hp Diesel Cruising Range (km): 483 Speed (km/h): Max Road: 64 Max Off-Road: INA Average Cross-Country: INA Max Swim: 5.8 Fording Depths (m): Amphibious Radio: Various, including intercom Protection: Armor, Turret Front (mm): N/AóNo turret Applique Armor (mm): Yesóanti-mine armor on bottom Explosive Reactive Armor (mm): Available Active Protective System: N/A Mineclearing Equipment: N/A Self-Entrenching Blade: N/A NBC Protection System: N/A Smoke Equipment: N/A ARMAMENT Main Armament: Caliber, Type, Name: .50 cal (12.7 x 99) heavy machinegun, M2HB Rate of Fire (rd/min): 450-550 cyclic Loader Type: Belt feed Ready/Stowed Rounds: 250/1750 Elevation (ø): -20/+60 Fire on Move: Yes Auxiliary Weapon: N/A ATGM Launcher: N/A Firing Ports: None FIRE CONTROL FCS Name: N/A Main Gun Stabilization: N/A Rangefinder: N/A Infrared Searchlight: N/A Sights w/Magnification: Gunner: Day: Open ladder sight, 1x Field of View (ø): INA Acquisition Range (m): 2,000 Night: N/A Commander Fire Main Gun: No VARIANTS More than 100 variants have been produced in numerous countries, with 7.62-mm MGs, 40-mm automatic grenade launchers, 90-mm recoilless rifles, and turrets with 20-to-76-mm cannons. The following are US variants. Command variants are M577 and M114 (C&R). Self-propelled mortars are M125 (81-mm) and M106A2 (4.2-inch). The M901/ ITV ATGM launcher vehicle is a common variant. The M163 SP air defense gun has a 20-mm Vulcan cannon; and M730 is a Chapparral AD missile launcher. Other variants include ambulances, recovery and engineer vehicles. M113A2: This multi-national variant features mobility improvements. One version is being developed with the Giat TS90 90-mm cannon. M113A3: Changes for this multi-national variant include a new power train and increased armor protection. AIFV: The multi-national IFV variant has M113A3 armor upgrades, a stabilized turret with 25-mm gun, and a 7.62-mm MG. VCC-1: Italian M113 copies are supplemented by this variant MAIN ARMAMENT AMMUNITION Caliber, Type, Name: .50 SLAP (sabot light armor penetrator) Maximum Aimed Range (m): 2,000 Max Effective Range (m): Day: 2,000 Night: INA Armor Penetration (mm): INA .50 Cal Ball Maximum Aimed Range (m): 2,000 Max Effective Range (m): Day: 1,000 Night: N/A Armor Penetration (mm): INA Other Ammunition Types: Ball-T, Incendiary, I-T, API, API-T NOTES The M113A1 is a variant of the gasoline-powered M113. Armors available include Rafael Enhanced Add-on Armor Kit (EAAK), Creusot-Marrel plate armor, and SNPE explosive reactive armor. Thermal and TV sights are also available. M-152 US Jeep ------------ Nothing reallys pecial here. It's a fast transport, but I prefer the M113. It is better suited for dangerous situations than this one. Still, if you want a quick getaway, you might consider taking this one for a ride Just make sure you don't smash the trees will ya? Tactical Description: None! That's it for now... Soviets ======= UAZ Transport Vehicle --------------------- You can compare this one wit the M113, but Soviet. It has good speed, better than the M113 as far as I know. It's a good vehicle if you don't have access to helicopters. Use it to its full potential. Tactical Description: Russian 0.6 mt 4 x 4 Utility Truck UAZ-469 _________________________________ SYSTEM Alternative Designations: INA Date of Introduction: 1973 Proliferation: Widespread Description: Troop Capacity: 2 in front, 5 in rear Weight (mt): Gross Vehicle Weight: 2.4 Curb: 1.6 Length Overall (m): 4 Height Overall (m): 2 Width Overall (m): 1.8 Payload on/off Highway (kg): 600 Number of Axles: 2 Ground Clearance (mm): 300 Turning Radius (m): 6.5 Wheels: Size (in): 8.40x15 Central Tire Pressure Regulation System: No Run Flat: No AUTOMOTIVE Engine: Inline 4, 70 hp, gasoline Cooling: Water Cruising Range (road) (km): 730 Speed (km/h): 100 Fuel Capacity (liters): Left Tank: 39 Right Tank: 39 Towing Capability (kg): Off Highway: 850 On Highway: 850 Gradient (loaded) (ø): 60 Fording Depths (m): .58 Trench Crossing Width (mm): INA CARGO SPACE Height (mm): 400 Width (mm): 1,400 Length (mm): 1,000 Cargo Bed Area (m 2 ): 1.6 VARIANTS UAZ-469B: Export; lower off-road performance Ambulance: 1 stretcher patient and 1 attendant NOTES The UAZ-469 replaces the earlier UAZ-69. URAL Truck ---------- This is basically the 5T-trucks of the NATO. Again, these are very vital to protect, so do your best, it can cost you both lives and valuable equipment, which you do not want to risk, do you? Tactical description: Russian 4.5 mt 6 x 6 Cargo Truck Ural-375D _______________________________ SYSTEM Alternative Designations: INA Date of Introduction: 1965 Proliferation: Widespread Description: Troop Capacity: 3 in cab, 24 in rear Weight (mt): Gross Vehicle Weight: 13.2 Curb: 8.4 Length Overall (m): 7.36 Height Overall (m): 2.68 Width Overall (m): 2.67 Number of Axles: 3 Ground Clearance (mm): 410 Turning Radius (m): 10.8 Side Slope (ø): 32 Vertical Step (mm): 800 Gradient (loaded) (ø): 65 Fording Depths (m): 1.49 Trench Crossing Width (mm): 875 Wheels: Size (in): 14x20 Central Tire Pressure Regulation System: Yes Run Flat: INA AUTOMOTIVE Engine: V8, 180 hp, gasoline Cooling: Liquid Cruising Range (road) (km): 650 Speed (km/h): 75 Fuel Capacity (liters): Main Tank: 300 Aux Tank: 60 Towing Capability (kg): Off Highway: 5,000 On Highway: 10,000 CARGO SPACE Height (mm): 872 Width (m): 2.43 Length (m): 3.9 Cargo Bed Area (m 2 ): 9.5 VARIANTS URAL-375: Observation hatch and unimproved powertrain URAL-375E: Decontamination vehicle URAL-375N: 2,000 kg additional payload URAL-375S: Truck-tractor URAL-375T: Equipped with winch NOTES Besides functioning as a general cargo carrier, the Ural-375D is used as a prime mover for light and medium artillery. The Ural-375 chassis also serves as a base for the BM-21 MRL, POL tankers, vans, and cranes. The Ural-4320 began to replace the Ural-375D around 1978. BMP-1 ----- While there are 2 succesors of this vehicle already, the BMP-2, and BMP-3, only the BMP-2 was released before the gametime. However, it was only a year old or something like that, while the original was and still is widely used. The BMP-1 can both transport infantry and protect them. There are also firing ports inside the BMP-1, which allows passengers to open fire on incoming targets, while still being protected by armor. Tihs makes it more of an IFV than a regular transport. It is mainly its job to pin down tanks, and it surely has the weapons for it. It has one main gun, which is quite powerful, and also a machinegun mounted on the vehicle. This makes it a good anti- infantry and anti-armor unit, while still allowing it to travel quite fast and transporting a number of soldier into battle, protecting it with more armor than any other regular transport vehicle for the Soviet Union. Overall, this is a fantastic choice. Of course, it doesn't have an all that big troop capacity (6), but that's only a small drawback if you look at its capabilities. Tactical Description: Russian Infantry Fighting Vehicle BMP-1P _________________________________ Weapons & Ammunition Types 73-mm gun HEAT-FS HE ATGM AT-4/-4B/-5/-5B 7.62-mm coax MG Typical Combat Load 40 (est) 16 24 4 2,000 SYSTEM Alternative Designations: BWP-1 (Poland), see NOTES Date of Introduction: 1974 Proliferation: At least 7 countries Description: Crew: 3 Troop Capacity: 6 passengers Combat Weight (mt): 13.3 Chassis Length Overall (m): 6.74 Height Overall (m): 2.15 Width Overall (m): 2.94 Ground Pressure (kg/cm 2 ): 0.57 Automotive Performance: Engine Type: 300-hp Diesel Cruising Range (km): 600 Speed (km/h): Max Road: 65 Max Off-Road: 40-45 Average Cross-Country: INA Max Swim: 7 Fording Depth (m): Amphibious Radio: R-123, or R-173 Protection: Armor, Turret Front (mm): 19-23 Applique Armor (mm): N/A Explosive Reactive Armor (mm): Available Active Protective System: N/A Mineclearing Equipment: KMT-8 plow available Self-Entrenching Blade: N/A NBC Protection System: Collective Smoke Equipment: Six 81-mm smoke grenade launchers, VEESS ARMAMENT Main Armament: Caliber, Type, Name: 73-mm smoothbore gun 2A28/Grom Rate of Fire (rd/min): 7-8 Loader Type: Autoloader Ready/Stowed Rounds: 40 / 0 Elevation (ø): -4/+33 Fire on Move: Yes, but only 10 km/h or less (est) Auxiliary Weapon: Caliber, Type, Name: 7.62-mm (7.62x 54R) machinegun, PKT Mount Type: Coax Maximum Aimed Range (m): 1,300 Max Effective Range (m): Day: 1,000 / 400-500 on the move Night: 800 Fire on Move: No Rate of Fire (rd/min): 250 practical / 650 cyclic, 2-10 round bursts ATGM Launcher: Name: 9P135M2 Launch Method: Tube-launched Guidance: SACLOS Command Link: Wire Launcher Dismountable: Yes Firing Ports: 4 on each side, 1 in left rear door FIRE CONTROL FCS Name: 1PN22M1 Main Gun Stabilization: N/A Rangefinder: Stadiametric Infrared Searchlight: OU-3GK Sights w/Magnification: Gunner: Day: 1PN22M1, 8 x Field of View (ø): 15 Acquisition Range (m): 1,300 Night: 1PN22M1, 6.7x Field of View (ø): 6 Acquisition Range (m): 800-1,000 based on light Commander Fire Main Gun: No VARIANTS BMP-1PG: This recently offered Russian upgrade is similar to BMP-1P with an added AG-17 30-mm automatic grenade launcher and other options, including thermal sights. BMP-1PK: Command variant, with addition of R-126 and R-107 transceiver. A small telescoping antenna is mounted on right rear. Firing ports and telescopes on right side are blocked off. MAIN ARMAMENT AMMUNITION Caliber, Type, Name: 73-mm HEAT-FS, PG-9 Maximum Aimed Range (m): 1,300 Max Effective Range (m): Day: 800, but 600 or less on the move in 2-4 round bursts Night: 800-1,000 Tactical AA Range: INA Armor Penetration (mm): 335 (RHA) 73-mm HEAT-FS, NFI Maximum Aimed Range (m): 1,300 Max Effective Range (m): Day: 1,000/ 600 or less on the move Night: 800-1,000 Tactical AA Range: INA Armor Penetration (mm): >400 (RHA) Russian Infantry Fighting Vehicle BMP-1P continued ________________________ Worldwide Equipment Guide 2-22 73-mm HE, OG-9M1 Maximum Aimed Range (m): 4,500 Max Effective Range (m): Day: 1,300/ 600-1,000 on the move Night: 800-1,000 Tactical AA Range: INA Armor penetration (mm): INA Other Ammunition Types: OG-9, OG-9M Antitank Guided Missiles: Name: AT-5/SPANDREL Warhead Type: Shaped charge (HEAT) Armor Penetration (mm): 650 (RHA) Range (m): 4,000 Name: AT-5B/Konkurs-M Warhead Type: Tandem shaped charge (HEAT) Armor Penetration (mm): 925 (RHA) Range (m): 4,000 Name: AT-4/SPIGOT Warhead Type: Shaped charge (HEAT) Armor Penetration (mm): 480 (RHA) Range (m): 2,000 Name: AT-4B/Factoria Warhead Type: Tandem Shaped charge (HEAT) Armor Penetration (mm): 550 (RHA) Range (m): 2,500 NOTES The prototype IFV, known as BMP, was not fielded. lnitial BMP production variant, BMP-A, was halted with insignificant numbers. The baseline production IFV, BMP-1, has an AT-3/SAGGER antitank guided missile. The BMP-1P upgrade is widely fielded, with an AT-4/-5 ATGM launcher replacing the AT-3 launcher. The vehicle also added smoke grenade launchers. This variant should generally be portrayed where OPFOR calls for the BMP-1. For applications where a robust and modernized OPFOR is expected, use AT-5B ATGM. The AT-4/-4B ATGMs are less likely to be employed on this vehicle. Other options are spall liners, air conditioning, and a more powerful engine. A French SNPE explosive reactive armor (ERA) kit and others are available for use on the BMD-1. However, during dismounted troop movement, ERA would be a hazard. Thus, passive armor is more likely; and ERA application is doubtful. Additional armor application may jeopardize amphibious capability. Russian AG-17 30-mm automatic grenade launcher modification is available for use on BMP-1P. Russian KBP offers a drop-in one man turret, called Kliver, with a stabilized 2A72 30-mm gun, a 4 Kornet ATGM launcher, thermal sights, and improved fire control system. The Russian Alis thermal gunner's sight is available. The Slovenian TS-F ATGM thermal night sight has a detection range of 4,500 m and a recognition range of 2,000 m. And here's an extra: BMP-1 Armored Personnel Carrier Function: Soviet Union's first tracked Armored Personnel Carrier. Description: The BMP-1 is a tracked, amphibious, fully enclosed armored personnel carrier armed with a 73mm smoothbore cannon, one 7.62mm coaxial machine gun and the AT-3 SAGGER antitank guided missile (ATGM). The BMP-1 represents a significant improvement over the wheeled BTR series in all aspects, including mobility, firepower, and survivability. Fielded in 1966, the BMP-1 has been modified to serve as a common chassis for a number of additional vehicle types. No longer in production, the BMP-1 has been surpassed by the BMP-2 and 3 in both service in the Russian army as well as export abroad. General Characteristics, BMP-1 Armored Personnel Carrier Transmission: Manual with five forward gears and one reverse Engine: 6 cylinder diesel engine producing 290 horsepower Length: 22 feet (6.7 meters) Width: 9 feet (2.74 meters) Height: 7 feet (2.13 meters) Combat Weight: 14 tons Cruising Range: 372 miles (600 kilometers) Speed: Maximum: 40 mph (65 kph), or 45 mph (70 kph) for limited periods Cross Country: 28 mph (45 kph) Obstacle Crossing: Trench: 8.2 feet (2.5 meters) Slope: 31 degrees Crew: Three: driver, gunner and commander (who serves as squad leader when the the infantry squad dismounts) Armament: Main: 73mm 2A20 smoothbore cannon Secondary: One AT-3 SAGGER ATGM, one 7.62mm PKT coaxial machine gun Ammunition: 40 73mm cannon rounds (fin stabilized HEAT only) 2,000 7.62mm machine gun rounds Introduction Date: 1966 Variants: BMP-A: Also known as the Model 1966, this was the original version of the BMP. It has a shorter bow compared to its successor, the BMP-1 and does not have a Nuclear, Biological, Chemical (NBC) protection system. BMP-1: Also known as the Model 1976 this was the base production model from which all variants were designed. BMP-1K: The command variant of the BMP-1. It differed from the BMP-1 in that it carried additional communications equipment and had the rifle firing ports welded shut. In addition the troop compartment was redesigned to accommodate folding tables and map charts. Can be used as a battalion level command vehicle. BMP-1P: The AT-3 SAGGER ATGM has been replaced by the AT-4 SPIGOT ATGM. Additionally, smoke grenade launchers have been mounted on the turret rear. BMP-1PK: Command variant of the BMP-1P. Similar to the BMP-1K, it has additional communications equipment and has been modified to serve as a command vehicle. BMP-R: Also known as the BRM, BRM-1 and BMP M1976, this variant serves as a cavalry recon vehicle. The turret is larger and has had ATGM launcher removed. The back deck of the hull has been redesigned with two smaller hatches rather than the four large ones found on the BMP-1. BRM-1K: Also known as the BMP M1976/2 this variant is based off of the BRM-1 with the PSNR-5K (NATO designation TALL MIKE) battlefield surveillance radar mounted in the rear section of the turret. Also included in the vehicle's sensor package are the DKRM-1 laser rangefinder, ARRS-1 location device, IMP mine detector and 1PN33B night vision devices. For navigation the BRM-1K uses the TNA-1, IG11N gyro-compass and the 1T25 survey device. BMP KShM: Also known as the BMP M1978 it is a heavily modified BMP-1K with additional communications gear and a telescoping radio antenna for increased transmission range. BMP-SON: Also known as the PRP-3, this is a BMP-1 modified to serve as an artillery reconnaissance and fire support vehicle. The turret has been redesigned to include two forward opening crew hatches equipped with observation periscopes as well as a large spotting optics. A large telescoping optical device is mounted on the left rear corner of the turret. The 73mm gun has been removed and replaced by a 7.62mm machine gun. Mounted on the rear of the vehicle is the SMALL FRED (NATO designation) battlefield surveillance radar. As with the command variants, the BMP-SON has an augmented communications package. The BMP-SON has a crew of 5. PRP-4: This is essentially an upgraded and improved version of the PRP-3 (BMP-SON). Externally, the only difference is an additional fairing on the right side of the turret. IRM: Amphibious Engineer Reconnaissance Vehicle. Based on the BMP-1, it uses the BMP-1 engine and suspension in a new hull design. Designed to perform specialized engineer missions such as mine detection and river bottom reconnaissance the IRM has two retractable mine detection devices mounted low on the bow and rapidly deployable snorkel. The IRM is propelled through the water via two shrouded propellers. BMP-PPO: A heavily modified BMP-1 designed to serve as a mobile training center. The turret has been removed and eight roof mounted cupolas each equipped with a TNPO-170 and type MK-4 observation device, have been installed for trainees under instruction. OT-90: Czechoslovakian version of the BMP-1. The turret has been replaced with the standard Czechoslovakian APC turret, equipped with a 14.5mm machine gun and a 7.62mm machine gun, found on the OT-64 8x8 wheeled APC. BVP-1: Czechoslovakian produced BMP-1. DP-90: Maintenance/recovery version of the OT-90. MP-31: Air defense version of the BMP-KShM mobile command post. MU-90: Mine laying version of the OT-90. The turret has been removed and the opening covered by sheet steel. SVO: Mine clearing version of the BMP-1. The turret has been removed and a hedgehog type launcher has been installed in the troop compartment. VPV: Maintenance/recovery version of the BMP-1. The turret and troop hatches have been removed and a crane has been installed on the roof of the troop compartment. VP-90: Reconnaissance version of the OT-90. Similar to the BMP-R in all other respects. BMD-1 IFV ---------- This is an air-transportable IFV. It has similar weapons to the BMP-1, the only difference being the 3 MGs it has, compared to only 1 on the BMP-1. It can carry about 6 troops. However, it isn't very fast, going at a maximum of 65 on a fine road. It's a good all-around IFV, has firing ports, so extra fire support can be given y infantry. Take a look to the tactical side, it's quite an interesting vehicle, a worthy concurrent to the BMP-1. Tactical Description: Russian Airborne Fighting Vehicle BMD-1 ______________________________________ Weapons & Ammunition Types 73-mm gun HEAT HE AT-3/a/b/c/Imp ATGM HEAT HE 7.62-mm coax MG 2x 7.62-mm bow MG Typical Combat Load 40 (est) 16 24 4 3 1 2,000 4,000 SYSTEM Alternative Designations: Date of Introduction: 1969 Proliferation: At least 1 country Description: Crew: 2 Troop Capacity: 5 passengers (+1) Combat Weight (mt): 13.3 Chassis Length Overall (m): 6.74 Height Overall (m): 2.15 Width Overall (m): 2.94 Ground Pressure (kg/cm 2 ): 0.57 Automotive Performance: Engine Type: 240-hp Diesel Cruising Range (km): 600 Speed (km/h): Max Road: 65 Max Off-Road: 40-45 Average Cross-Country: INA Max Swim: 7 Fording Depth (m): Amphibious Radio: R-123M Protection: Armor, Turret Front (mm): 23 or Antibullet Applique Armor (mm): See NOTES Explosive Reactive Armor (mm): See NOTES Active Protective System: N/A Mineclearing Equipment: N/A Self-Entrenching Blade: N/A NBC Protection System: Collective Smoke Equipment: VEESS ARMAMENT Main Armament: Caliber, Type, Name: 73-mm smoothbore gun, 2A28/Grom Rate of Fire(rd/min): 7-8 Loader Type: Autoloader Ready/Stowed Rounds: 40 / 0 Elevation (ø): -4/ +33 Fire on Move: Yes, but only 10 km/h or less (est) Auxiliary Weapons: Caliber, Type, Name: 7.62-mm (7.62x 54R) machinegun, PKT Mount Type: Coax Maximum Aimed Range (m): 1,300 Max Effective Range (m): Day: 1,000/400-500 on the move Night: 800 Fire on Move: Yes Rate of Fire (rd/min): 250 practical / 650 cyclic, 2-10 round bursts Caliber, Type, Name: 7.62-mm machinegun, PKT Mount Type: Bow (ball-mounted) Maximum Aimed Range (m): 1,000 Max Effective Range (m): Day: 1,000/ 400-500 on the move Night: N/A Fire on Move: Yes Rate of Fire (rd/min): 250 practical / 650 cyclic, 2-10 round bursts ATGM Launcher: Name: 9P111 Launch Method: Rail-launched Guidance: MCLOS Command Link: Wire Launcher Dismountable: Yes Firing Ports: 1 on each side, 1 in left rear door FIRE CONTROL FCS Name: INA Main Gun Stabilization: N/A Rangefinder: Stadiametric Infrared Searchlight: Yes Sights w/Magnification: Gunner: Day: 1PN22M1, 8x Field of View (ø): 15 Acquisition Range (m): Night: 1PN22M1, 6.7x Field of View (ø): 6 Acquisition Range (m): 800-1,000, based on light Commander Fire Main Gun: No VARIANTS BMD-1K: Command IFV (FSU), with added R-126 and R-107. BMD-1M: Variant with improved ventilation and road wheels. BMD-1P: Widely fielded IFV with AT-4/5 replacing AT-3. BMD-1PK: Company commander variant (FSU) of BMD-1P. BMD-2: Widely fielded variant with a 30-mm automatic gun and with AT-3 ATGM launcher replaced by AT-4/5 ATGM launcher. BTR-D: Stretched (6-road wheel) armored multipurpose transporter variant, with two 7.62-mm MGs but no turret. This chassis has been used for a variety of other airborne vehicles. Russian Airborne Fighting Vehicle BMD-1 continued ____________________________ Worldwide Equipment Guide 2-18 MAIN ARMAMENT AMMUNITION Caliber, Type, Name: 73-mm HEAT-FS, PG-9 Maximum Aimed Range (m): 1,300 Max Effective Range (m): Day: 800, but 600 or less on the move Night: 800 Tactical AA Range: INA Armor Penetration (mm): 335 (RHA) 73-mm HEAT-FS, NFI Maximum Aimed Range (m): 1,300 Max Effective Range (m): Day: 1,000, but 600 or less on the move Night: 800-1,000 Tactical AA Range: INA Armor Penetration (mm): >400 (RHA) 73-mm HE, OG-9 Maximum Aimed Range (m): 1,300, 600 or less on the move Max Effective Range (m): Day: 1,300, but 600 or less on the move Night: 800-1,000 Tactical AA Range: INA Armor penetration (mm): INA 73-mm HE, OG-9M1 Maximum Aimed Range (m): 4,500 Max Effective Range (m): Day: 1,300, but 600 or less on the move Night: 800-1,000 Tactical AA Range: INA Armor Penetration (mm): INA Other Ammunition Types: OG-9M Antitank Guided Missiles: Name: AT-3, -3A, -B Warhead Type: Tandem HEAT Armor Penetration (mm): 410 RHA Range (m): 3,000 Name: AT-3C Warhead Type: Tandem HEAT Armor Penetration (mm): 520 RHA Range (m): 3,000 Name: AT-3C Imp/ Polk (Slovenian) Warhead Type: Precursor with HEAT Armor Penetration (mm): 580 RHA Range (m): 3,000 Name: Malyutka-2 (Russian) Warhead Type: Tandem HEAT Armor Penetration (mm): 800 RHA Range (m): 3,000 Name: Malyutka HE (Russian) Warhead Type: Frag-HE Armor Penetration (mm): N/A Range (m): 3,000 NOTES Vehicle can be parachute landed with airborne troops onboard. Height can be lowered. Russian KBP offers a drop-in one-man turret, called Kliver, with a stabilized 2A72 30-mm gun, a 4-Kornet ATGM launcher, thermal sights, and improved fire control system. The Russian Volgorod Tractor Plant offers the B30 turret (a drop-in one-man turret with 2A42 30-mm gun, 7.62-mm coax MG, and a 9P135M launcher for AT-4/-5 ATGM). A Russian AG-17 30-mm automatic grenade launcher is available for BMD-1. Other options are spall liners, air conditioning, and a more powerful engine. A French SNPE explosive reactive armor (ERA) kit and others are available for use on the BMD-1. However, during dismounted troop movement, ERA would be a hazard. Thus, passive armor is more likely; and ERA application is doubtful. For amphibious use, additional armor application is unlikely. The Slovenian TS-M ATGM thermal night sight has a detection range of 4,500m and a recognition range of 2,000m. The AT-3 HE-Blast ATGM is used for killing personnel and destroying bunkers and other fortifications. The AT-3C Polk features a nose probe, an improved motor for increased velocity, lower smoke noise signature and a SACLOS launcher with improved sights. Tanks and Heavy Armored Vehicles ================================ NATO ==== M-60 US Tank. ------------- This is a very intermediate tank if you ask e. The Abrams has far more power than this one, and that's why the Abrams is clearly it's successor. While it gives protection to its ocupants quite well, don't plan on taking the fight to a bunch of T-80s, or you're going to be dead before you actually know what's going on. Tactical Description: M 60 Tank Profile The M60 Patton main battle tank is now primarily found in US Reserve and National Guard units, but served as the primary US main battle tank for two decades prior to the introduction of the M1. Developed from the M48 Patton series, the M60 was fitted with a 105mm main gun and manned by a four-man crew. Criticized for its high profile and limited cross-country mobility, this durable tank proved reliable and underwent many updates over its service life. Initially produced in 1960, over 15,000 M60s were built by Chrysler and first saw service in 1961. Production ended in 1983, but 5,400 older models were converted to the M60A3 variant ending in 1990. This tank saw action with the Israeli forces during the Yom Kippur War in both the Sinai and the Golan Heights. During Operation Desert Shield/Desert Storm the 1st Marine Expeditionary Force fielded 210 M60A1s to support the Saudi-Marine effort into Kuwait City. Besides its main gun, the M60 series tanks are equipped with a 7.62mm M240 coaxial machine gun and 12.7mm M85 antiaircraft gun. Power is provided by a Continental AVDS-1790-2C 750 hp V-12 engine and an Allison CD-850-6/6A powershift crossdrive transmission. Weight60 tons Length32'4" Width13'6" Height12'6" Ground Clearance18in Track Width 28in Forward speed30 mph Reverse speed10 mph Engine750 hp Continental AVDS-1790 V-12 diesel Vertical obstacle climb49 in Maximum width ditch108 in Fording Depth48 in Main Gun105mm/51cal M68 rifiled gun with 63 rounds Coaxial machinegunM240 - 7.62mm with 5,950 rounds Commander's machinegunM85 - .50 cal antiaircraft gun with 900 rounds Sensors and Fire ControlM21 solid state along ballistic computer, AN/VVG-2 ruby laser rangefinder usable by both commander and gunner, AN/vsg-2 Tank thermal Sights (TTS) withlaser rangerfinder and Mercury-Cadmium-Telluride (HgCdTe) IR detector for passive night and dust vision Variants: M60A1 (principal production model from 1963 to 1980) w/British-designed L7 105mm rifled gun w/thermal sleeve and fume extractor (63 rounds) M60A2 (production began in 1974) w/152mm Shillelagh gun/missile system (13 missiles and 33 rounds). Sarcastically referred to as the "Starship" by its crews due to its complexity, the M60A2 was an overall disappointment. During testing, numerous problems with the new turret arose, and production did not commence until 1973, and actually ceased in 1975. Eventually the new turrets were scrapped. Phase-out of the SHILLELAGH/M60A2 system from active Army units was completed in 1981. M60A3 w/Tank Thermal Sight (TTS), hybrid solid-state ballistic computer, laser rangefinder, and turret stabilization system M1A1 Abrams Main Battle Tank --------------------------- This is the powerhouse of the American armies. It houses a four-man crew: a driver, loader, gunner, and commander. There are a lot of mgs on this baby, compared to other tanks. One thing I find quite strange, is that the game states the Abrams is already in M1A1 form, while the M1A1 was just produced in that year. They must've gotten hold of some quite fast! Anyways, there's a good amount of info here, take a look, and enjoy! M1 Abrams Tank Function: Main battle tank (MBT). Description: The M1 has a very angular appearance, reflecting the modular nature of its armor components, with the turret mounted centrally on the hull. The M1 has a crew of four. The driver sits centered in the hull and forward of the turret, while the loader, gunner and tank commander occupy the turret, with the loader situated to the left of the main gun and the gunner and tank commander sitting in tandem on the right side. The driver's hatch has three periscope vision blocks which provide for forward vision. The center vision block may be removed and replaced with an AN/TVS-2 low-light periscope. The engine is mounted in the rear of the vehicle with the exhaust coming out from a louvered grill centrally mounted in the rear of the hull. The M1 utilizes a torsion bar suspension with seven pairs of cast aluminum road wheels and two return rollers. The drive sprocket is to the rear, an idler compensation wheel is located forward, and there is a gap between the first and second pair of road wheels. The M1 has armored skirts running the full length of the track. M1 track is made up of vulcanized rubber blocks (M156 variety) or removable rubber pads (M158.) The turret is also angular in appearance, with the main gun mounted in an exposed mantlet in the center of the turret face. The M68 rifled cannon is equipped with a metal thermal shroud, a bore gas evacuator located two-thirds of the way down on the barrel, and is equipped with a Muzzle Reference System collimator on the muzzle itself. The M240 coaxial (COAX) machine gun is located to the right of the main gun, with the flash tube extending through the main gun mantlet. The Gunner's Auxiliary Sight (GAS) aperture is located below the COAX flash tube on the right side of the main gun. The M1 has two turret access hatched, mounted side by side, in the middle of the turret roof. The loader's hatch, located on the left side, is equipped with a pintle mounted M240 7.62mm machine gun. The hatch itself is equipped with a single vision periscope on a rotating base. When not in use, the drivers AN/TVS-2 sight may be used in the loader's hatch vision block. The tank commander's hatch is ringed by vision periscopes and the Commander's Weapon Station cupola is equipped with an M2 HB caliber .50 machine gun. The M2 may be fired while the commander is "buttoned up" but the commander must be exposed to reload the weapon. The CWS can be reconfigured to fire an M240 as a replacement weapon. The Gunner's Primary Sight (GPS) is located forward of the commander's cupola. The GPS is housed in an armored box with hinged doors shielding the optics when not in use. The GPS is divided into two halves; a clear glass window for normal daylight viewing and an IR transparent Germanium coated window for the thermal imaging sight. The Laser Range Finder (LRF) is fired through the daylight window. There are individual sponson boxes located on either side of the turret for equipment storage. These boxes are approximately three feet (1m) long and are bracketed by a three-rail cargo rack which runs the length of the turret side. The smoke grenade launchers are located on either side of the turret, forward of the turret sponson boxes. There are mounting points for two radio antennae, one on either side of the turret rear, and the cross wind sensor is mounted upright in the center of the turret rear. A cargo bustle rack is mounted on the rear of the turret and runs the length of the turret rear (in early production M1s this rack was omitted and a fabric cargo net mounted in it's place. An Auxiliary Power Unit (APU) may be mounted in the turret bustle rack or on the rear of the hull. History: Fielded in February 1980, the M1 General Abrams main battle tank revolutionized armored warfare. Incorporating an advanced shoot-on-the-move fire control system, a thermal imaging sight, a 1500 horsepower gas turbine engine and an advanced armor design similar to the Chobham armor developed in England, the M1 was the most lethal armored vehicle in the world. Conceived in 1971 as a replacement for the aging M60 tank, which was itself an extension of the 1050s era M 47/48 program, the M1 was going to be of a completely new design, establishing a new family of American main battle tanks. Providing the Abrams with a true shoot on the move capability, the fire control system automatically corrects for range, turret slew (motion) rate, crosswind, and tank axial tilt (cant). In addition, the gunner manually enters ammunition or weapon type, air and ammunition temperatures, barometric pressure, and gun tube wear, while range is instantly calculated by a Nd:YAG (Neodymium doped Yttrium Aluminum Garnet) near infrared laser rangefinder. Lastly, the gunner can compensate for gun tube deformation (caused either by heat generated from firing the cannon or atmospheric changes) through the use of a muzzle reference system, which allows for a rapid realignment of the cannon and the gunner's primary sight. The Chobham armor built into the M1 represents a veritable leap in armor technology. Composed of layers of metal, ceramics, and spaces, this new armor is far superior to RHA (Rolled Homogeneous Armor) in defeating kinetic and chemical energy weapons. To increase crew safety and survivability, all of the M1's ammunition is stored in armored compartments which are designed vent dangerous gasses and fragments away from the crew in the event of an ammunition explosion. The crew and engine compartments are equipped with an automatic fire suppression system, utilizing numerous fire detection sensors and pressurized Halon gas, which can react to and suppress a compartment fire in less than 250 ms. To survive on the NBC (Nuclear, Biological, Chemical) battlefield the M1 is also equipped with both an over pressurization and air sterilization system which will protect the crew from these hazards and allow them to continue combat operations without having to wear protective overgarments and masks while buttoned up inside the vehicle. Lastly, the M1 was the first land combat vehicle to utilize a gas turbine multi fuel engine, which offers a higher power to weight ratio than any other contemporary tank power plant and gives the Abrams unparalleled tactical mobility and cross country speed. The M1 retains the M68 105mm rifled cannon used on the M60 series tanks, which was originally based on the British M7 105mm cannon design, and is capable of firing both rifled and fin stabilized ammunition. In addition, the M1 is equipped with two M240 7.62mm machine guns; one mounted coaxially with the main gun and fired by gunner, and the other mounted at the loader's station. The Commanders Weapon Station (CWS) is equipped with an M2 heavy barrel Caliber .50 machine gun. The CWS can be reconfigured to fire the M240 machine gun as a substitute.) The M1 is equipped with a pair of M250 red phosphorus smoke grenade launchers and is capable of generating smoke by injecting diesel fuel into the engine exhaust. Originally designated the XM1, the first production model was designated the M1, of which 2,374 were built between 1982 and 1985. In 1984 the M1IP (Improved Product) was introduced, which was outwardly identical to the M1, but which incorporated a number of internal automotive, electronic and armor improvements. Production of the M1IP was halted at 84 tanks in 1986, when the Lima and Detroit tank plants were reconfigured to produce the up-gunned 120mm M1A1. In 1992 a study was conducted evaluating the feasibility of upgrading the Army's fleet of M1s to M1A2 SEP (Standard Equipment Package) standard and low rate production was approved in 1994. Since then the Army had agreed to convert 547 M1s to the M1A2 SEP standard. M1A1 Main Battle Tank Function: Main battle tank (MBT). Description: The M1A1 is an improved version of the M1 Main Battle Tank (MBT). It includes a 120mm smoothbore main gun, an NBC overpressure protection system, improved suspension and powertrain and an improved armor package. In 1988 the M1A1 design was further improved by the addition of depleted uranium (DU) to the tank's armor matrix. M1A1s assigned to the Marine Corps' tank battalions were further modified to include a Position Location Reporting System (PLRS) as well as a Deep Water Fording Kit (DWFK.) As with all tanks in the M1 line, the M1A1 utilizes a 3x-10x primary sight with both ambient light and thermal (infra red) capabilities which allow the gunner to acquire, identify and engage targets in all weather conditions and at ranges out to 2.5 miles. Furthermore, crew safety is enhanced by storing all main gun ammunition in an armored compartment with specially built "blow out" panels which will redirect explosive energy away from the crew in the event the ammunition is damaged. General Characteristics, M1A1 Inventory: U.S. Army: 4,796 U.S. Marine Corps: 221 Manufacturer: General Dynamics (Land Systems Division) Transmission: Allison X-1100-3B hydrokinetic transmission, fully automatic with four forward and two reverse gear ratios. Engine: Lycoming Textron AGT-1500 (multi-fuel) gas turbine engine delivering 1500 horsepower Length, Gun Forward: 385 inches (9.78 meters) Width: 144 inches (3.66 meters) Height: 114 inches (2.89 meters) Combat Weight: 67.7 tons (61.4 metric tons) Cruising Range: 289 miles (465.29 kilometers) without NBC system 279 miles (449.19 kilometers) with NBC system Speed: Maximum: 42 mph (67.72 kph) Cross Country: 30 mph (48.3 kph) Obstacle crossing: Vertical: 42 inches (106.68 centimeters) Trench: 9 feet wide (2.74 meters) Slope: 60 degrees at 4.5 mph (7.24 kph) Crew: Four: driver, loader, gunner and tank commander Armament: Main: 120mm M256 main gun Secondary: .50 caliber .50 M2 machine gun 7.62mm M240 machine guns Ammunition: 40 120mm Cannon rounds (combination of kinetic energy (SABOT) and High Explosive Anti Tank (HEAT) shaped charge) 1,000 Caliber .50 machine gun rounds 12,400 7.62mm NATO machine gun rounds 24 M8 red phosphorus smoke grenades Sensors: Cant sensor Cross wind sensor Laser rangefinder Automatic lead input to ballistic fire control solution computer Secondary armament: TOW missile 7.62mm machine gun Sight radius: 8 degrees at 10 power Ground Clearance: 19 inches (48.26 centimeters) Introduction date: 1985 Unit Replacement Cost: $4,300,000 SOVIETS ======= T-55AMV ------- This is a very standard tank; It has a 100mm gun, anti-tank rocket launcher, Coax MG, and anti-air MG. The coax is 7.62, while the AA MG is 12.7mm. It doesn't really make a good tank compared to the T-80s, so watch your step in the battlefield with these. Take out targets of oportunity, but don't push it ok? Tactical Description: Russian Main Battle Tank T- 55AMV_______________________________________ Weapons & Ammunition Types 100-mm rifled gun APFSDS-T HEAT Frag-HE ATGM 7.62-mm coax PKT MG 12.7-mm AA MG Typical Combat Load (mix est) 43 14 3 21 5 1,250 500 SYSTEM Alternative Designations: INA Date of Introduction: 1983 Proliferation: At least 3 countries Description: Crew: 4 Combat Weight (mt): 40.5 Chassis Length Overall (m): 6.20 Height Overall (m): 2.32 Width Overall (m): 3.60 Ground Pressure (kg/cm 2 ): 0.89 Automotive Performance: Engine Type: 620-690 hp Diesel Cruising Range (km): 390/600 with extra tanks Speed (km/h): Max Road: 50 Max Off-Road: 35 Average Cross-Country: 25 Max Swim: N/A Fording Depths (m): 1.4 Unprepared, 5.5 with snorkel Radio: R-173, R-173P, R-124 intercom Protection: Armor, Turret Front (mm): 200 (base T-55 armor) Applique Armor (mm): Rubber screens and box armor Explosive Reactive Armor (mm): 1st Gen raises to KE/700-900 against HEAT; 2nd Gen raises to 450-480 KE/700-900 HEAT Active Protective System: Russian Drozd APS available Mineclearing Equipment: Roller-plow set, and plows available Self-Entrenching Blade: No NBC Protection System: Yes Smoke Equipment: Smoke grenade launchers (4x 81-mm each side of turret), and 24 grenades. Vehicle engine exhaust smoke system ARMAMENT Main Armaments: Caliber, Type, Name: 100-mm rifled gun, D-10T2S Rate of Fire (rd/min): 5-7 Loader Type: Manual Ready/Stowed Rounds: INA Elevation (ø): -5 to +18 Fire on Move: Yes (gun rounds only--ATGMs require a short halt) Auxiliary Weapon: Caliber, Type, Name: 7.62-mm (7.62x 54R) Machinegun PKT-T Mount Type: Turret coax Maximum Aimed Range (m): 2,000 Max Effective Range (m): Day: 800 Night: 800 Fire on Move: Yes Rate of Fire (rd/min): 250 rpm practical, 800 cyclic, 2-10 rd bursts Caliber, Type, Name: 12.7-mm (12.7x108) AA MG DShKM Mount Type: Turret top Maximum Aimed Range (m): 2,000 Max Effective Range (m): Day: 1,500 Night: N/A Fire on Move: Yes Rate of Fire (rd/min): 80-100 practical, 600 cyclic, 2-10 rd bursts ATGM Launcher : Name: D-10T2S gun Launch Method: Gun-launched Guidance: SACLOS, Infrared laser-beam rider Command Link: Encoded laser-beam Launcher Dismountable: No FIRE CONTROL FCS Name: Volna Main Gun Stabilization: M1 Tsiklon 2-plane Rangefinder: KDT-2 Laser Infrared Searchlight: L-4 Sights w/Magnification: Gunner: Day: TShSM-32PV, 3.5x and 7x Field of View (ø): 18 and 8 Acquisition Range (m): 4,000 Night: 1K13 Field of View (ø): INA Acquisition Range (m): 800-1,300, gun rounds only Commander Fire Main Gun: No VARIANTS More than a dozen countries have produced upgraded T-55 variants with similar capabilities in protection and lethality. Many countries have upgraded to a larger main gun. T-55AMV is derived from a line of variants of T-55 MBT. T-55A added an NBC protection system. T-55M added the Volna fire control system (with ATGM launcher), improved gun stabilization and sights, improved engine, new radio, and increased protection. That included side skirts, smoke grenade launchers, applique armor, and fire protection. T-55AM added bra armor, an armor band around the turret for 180ø coverage. The -AMV upgrade means substitution of ERA for the bra armor. Variants ending with -1 denote replacement of the engine w/V-46 engine from T-72 MBT. The Ukraine and Syria will upgrade to the T-55AMV standard. Russian Main Battle Tank T-55AMV continued______________________________ Worldwide Equipment Guide 4-12 T-55AM2B: Czech version of T-55AMV with Kladivo fire control. T-55AM2: Variant does not have ATGM capability or Volna FCS. T-55AM2P: Polish version of T-55AMV but with Merida FCS. T-55AMD: Variant with the Drozd APS instead of ERA. T-55AD Drozd: Variant with Drozd but not Volna FCS and ERA. MAIN ARMAMENT AMMUNITION Caliber, Type, Name: 100-mm BM-8 Russian Maximum Aimed Range (m): 2,500 Max Effective Range (m): Day: 1,500 Night: 800-1,300 Armor Penetration (mm): 200 at 1,000 meters 100-mm APFSDS-T, BM-25 Maximum Aimed Range (m): 2,500 Max Effective Range (m): Day: INA Night: 800-1,300 Armor Penetration (mm): INA 100-mm APFSDS-T, BM-412M, Romanian Maximum Aimed Range (m): 2,500 Max Effective Range (m): Day: 2, 000+ (est) Night: 800-1,300 Armor Penetration (mm): 418 at 2,000 m, 380 at 3,000 m 100-mm APFSDS-T, M1000, Belgian Maximum Aimed Range (m): 2,500 Max Effective Range (m): Day: 2,500 (est) Night: 800-1,300 Armor Penetration (mm): NATO triple heavy target, 4,500 m 100-mm HEAT, BK-17 Maximum Aimed Range (m): 2,500 Max Effective Range (m): Day: 1,000 (est) Night: 800-1,000 (est) Armor Penetration (mm): 380 100-mm Frag-HE, OF-32 Maximum Aimed Range (m): 4,000 Max Effective Range (m): Day: <2,500 Night: 800-1,300 Armor Penetration (mm): INA Other Ammunition Types: A variety of other rounds within the range noted above are available. They include the GIAT NR 322/ NR 352 APFSDS-T and Slovak JPrSv AP-T with ranges beyond 2,000 m. Antitank Guided Missiles: Name: AT-10/BASTION Warhead Type: Shaped charge (HEAT) Armor Penetration (mm): 650 (RHA) Range (m): 4,000 (day only, see NOTES) Name: AT-10 Improved Warhead Type: Tandem shaped charge Armor Penetration (mm): 700 (RHA) behind ERA Range (m): 4,000 (day only, see NOTES) NOTES The 1K13 sight is both night sight and ATGM launcher sight; however, it cannot be used for both functions simultaneously. T-55s with "bra armor", semi-circular add-on armor, have turret protection increased to 330 mm (KE) and 400-450 mm (CE). Other improvements available include a hull bottom reinforced against mines, better engines, rubber track pads, and a thermal sleeve for the gun. Optional sights and fire control systems include the Israeli El-Op Red Tiger and Matador FCS, Swedish NobelTech T-series sight, and German Atlas MOLF. The Serbian SUV-T55A FCS, British Marconi Digital FCS, South African Tiger, and Belgian SABCA Titan offer upgraded function. One of the best is the Slovenian EFCS-3 integrated FCS. A variety of thermal sights is available. They include the Russian/French ALIS and Namut-type sight from Peleng. There are thermal sights available for installation which permit night launch of ATGMs. T-72 ---- Ah, that's a lot better. While still not as good as the T-80, it is a very capable and dangerous tank. It is getting quite old now, and it has received some updates, which you can see in the tactical description below. If you can snatch one of these, I suggest you use it as you should use it, to kill. Teh tank has a nice 125mm main gun, ATGM launcher, coax MG, and the AA gun we all know. This makes for a very capable tank, altogether being able to attack all kinds of targets, both ground and air targets. Tactical Description: Russian Main Battle Tank T-72B _________________________________________ T-72B w/Kontakt ERA Weapons & Ammunition Types 125-mm smoothbore gun APFSDS-T HEAT Frag-HE ATGM 7.62-mm coax MG 12.7-mm AA MG Typical Combat Load 45 (mix est) 15 3 21 6 2,000 300 SYSTEM Alternative Designations: T-72S (export), SMT M1988 Date of Introduction: 1985 Proliferation: At least 2 countries Description: Crew: 3 Combat Weight (mt): 44.5 Chassis Length Overall (m): 6.91 Height Overall (m): 2.19 Width Overall (m): 3.58 Ground Pressure (kg/cm 2 ): 0.90 Automotive Performance: Engine Type: 840-hp Diesel Cruising Range (km): 500/ 900 with external tanks Speed (km/h): Max Road: 60 Max Off-Road: 45 Average Cross-Country: 35 Max Swim: N/A Fording Depths (m): 1.2 Unprepared/5.0 with snorkel Radio: R-173 and R-134 Protection: Armor, Turret Front (mm): 520/950 against HEAT Applique Armor (mm): Side of hull over track skirt, turret top Explosive Reactive Armor (mm): Kontakt or Kontakt-5 ERA Active Protective System: Arena available Mineclearing Equipment: Roller-plow set, and plows available Self-Entrenching Blade: Yes NBC Protection System: Yes Smoke Equipment: Smoke grenade launchers (8x 81-mm left side of turret), and 32 grenades. Vehicle engine exhaust smoke system. ARMAMENT Main Armament: Caliber, Type, Name: 125-mm smoothbore gun 2A46M/ D-81TM Rate of Fire (rd/min): 4-6/2 in manual mode Loader Type: Autoloader (separate loading) and manual Ready/Stowed Rounds: 22/23 Elevation (ø): -6 to +14 Fire on Move: Yes, up to 25 km/h. Depending on the road and distance to the target, most crews may halt before firing. Auxiliary Weapon: Caliber, Type, Name: 7.62-mm (7.62x 54R) Machinegun PKT Mount Type: Turret coax Maximum Aimed Range (m): 2,000 Max Effective Range (m): Day: 1,000 Night: 800 Fire on Move: Yes Rate of Fire (rd/min): 250 practical, 600 cyclic in 2-10 round bursts Caliber, Type, Name: 12.7-mm (12.7x108) AA MG NSVT Mount Type: Turret top Maximum Aimed Range (m): 2,000 Max Effective Range (m): Day: 1,500/1,000 antiaircraft Night: N/A Fire on Move: Yes Rate of Fire (rd/min): 200 practical, 600 cyclic in bursts ATGM Launcher: Name: 2A46M Launch Method: Gun-launched Guidance: SACLOS, Laser beam rider Command Link: Encoded infrared laser beam Launcher Dismountable: No FIRE CONTROL FCS Name: 1A40-1 Main Gun Stabilization: 2E42-2, 2-plane Rangefinder: TPD-K1M laser rangefinder Infrared Searchlight: Yes Sights w/Magnification: Gunner: Day: TPD-K1, 8 Field of View (ø): 9 Acquisition Range (m): 3,000 with LRF, 5,000 without ATGM/Night: 1K13-495 5.6x (8x ATGM) Field of View (ø): 6, 40 min (5 ATGM) Acquisition Range (m): INA Commander Fire Main Gun: No VARIANTS T-72BK: Commander's variant with additional radios T-72BM: Version with Kontakt-5 explosive reactive armor. This system is being fielded and is available for export. T-72S/Shilden: Russian export T-72A upgraded to be comparable to the T-72BM standard. Although similar to the T-72BM, it may have less turret front protection. The early T-72S tank has Kontakt ERA, as shown above. T-90: Successor to T-72BM. This tank has been tentatively approved for production and adoption as a standard tank, alongside the T-80U, for the Russian army. The T-90 uses the gun and 1G46 gunner sights from T-80U, a new engine, and thermal sights. Protective measures include Kontakt-5 ERA, laser warning receivers, and the SHTORA infrared ATGM jamming system. Russian Main Battle Tank T-72B continued ________________________________ Worldwide Equipment Guide 4-16 MAIN ARMAMENT AMMUNITION Caliber, Type, Name: 125-mm APFSDS-T, BM-42M Maximum Aimed Range (m): 3,000 Max Effective Range (m): Day: 2,000-3,000 Night: 850-1,300 Armor Penetration (mm): 590-630 at 2,000 meters 125-mm Frag-HE-T, OF-26 Maximum Aimed Range (m): 5,000 Max Effective Range (m): Day: INA Night: 850-1,300 Armor Penetration (mm): INA 125-mm HEAT-MP, BK-29M Maximum Aimed Range (m): 3,000 Max Effective Range (m): Day: INA Night: 850-1300 Armor Penetration (mm): 650-750 125-mm HEAT, BK-27 Maximum Aimed Range (m): 3,000 Max Effective Range (m): Day: INA Night: 850-1,300 Armor Penetration (mm): 700-800 Other Ammunition Types: Giat 125G1 APFSDS-T, Russian BM-42 and BM-32 APFSDS-T. Note: The Russians may have a version of the BM-42M with a DU penetrator. Antitank Guided Missiles: Name: AT-11/SVIR Warhead Type: Shaped charge (HEAT) Armor Penetration (mm ): 700 behind ERA/800 conventional Range (m): 4,000 Name: AT-11B/INVAR Warhead Type: Tandem Shaped charge (HEAT) Armor Penetration (mm ): 800 behind ERA /870 conventional Range (m): 4,000 NOTES The T-72B is the second main variant from the original Russian T-72 tank (after T-72A). The 1K13-49 sight is both night sight and ATGM launch sight. However, it cannot be used for both functions simultaneously. A variety of thermal sights is available. They include the Russian Agava-2, French SAGEM- produced ALIS and Namut sight from Peleng. Thermal gunner night sights are available which permit night launch of ATGMs. The more recent BK-27 HEAT round offers a triple-shaped charge warhead and increased penetration against conventional armors and ERA. The BK-29 round, with a hard penetrator in the nose is designed for use against reactive armor, and as an MP round has fragmentation effects. If the BK-29 HEAT-MP is used, it may substitute for Frag-HE (as with NATO countries) or complement Frag-HE. With three round natures (APFSDS-T, HEAT-MP, ATGMs) in the autoloader vs four, more antitank rounds would available for the higher rate of fire. I'd also like to give you piece of info, on a special version of the T-72, the T- 72M1, used by Polish and Czech forces. Polish/Czechoslovakian Main Battle Tank T- 72M1___________________________ Weapons & Ammunition Types 125-mm smoothbore gun APFSDS-T HEAT Frag-HE 7.62-mm coax MG 12.7-mm AA MG Typical Combat Load 44 (mix est) 15 7 22 2,000 300 SYSTEM Alternative Designations: Russian T-72A Date of Introduction: 1975 Proliferation: At least 7 countries Description: Crew: 3 Combat Weight (mt): 41.5 (without ERA) Chassis Length Overall (m): 6.91 Height Overall (m): 2.19 Width Overall (m): 3.59 Ground Pressure (kg/cm 2 ): 0.90 Automotive Performance: Engine Type: 780-hp Diesel Cruising Range (km): 460/700 with extra tanks Speed (km/h): Max Road: 60 Max Off-Road: 45 Average Cross-Country: 35 Max Swim: N/A Fording Depths (m): 1.2 Unprepared/5.0 with snorkel Radio: R-173M Protection: Armor, Turret Front (mm): 500/560 against HEAT Applique Armor (mm): Side of hull over track skirt, turret top Explosive Reactive Armor (mm): 1st or 2nd Gen ERA available Active Protective System: Arena or Drozd available Mineclearing Equipment: Roller-plow set, and plows available Self-Entrenching Blade: Yes NBC Protection System: Yes Smoke Equipment: Smoke grenade launchers (6x 81-mm each side of turret), and 24 grenades. Vehicle engine exhaust smoke system. ARMAMENT Main Armaments: Caliber, Type, Name: 125-mm smoothbore gun 2A46M/ D-81TM Rate of Fire (rd/min): 4-6/2 in manual mode Loader Type: Autoloader (separate loading) and manual Ready/Stowed Rounds: 22/22 (22 in carousel) Elevation (ø): -6 to +14 Fire on Move: Yes, up to 25 km/h. Depending on the road and distance to the target, most crews may halt before firing. Auxiliary Weapon: Caliber, Type, Name: 7.62-mm (7.62x 54R) Machinegun PKT Mount Type: Turret coax Maximum Aimed Range (m): 1,800 Max Effective Range (m): Day: 1,000 Night: 800 Fire on Move: Yes Rate of Fire (rd/min): 250 practical, 600 cyclic in 2-10 round bursts Caliber, Type, Name: 12.7-mm (12.7x108) AA MG NSVT Mount Type: Turret top Maximum Aimed Range (m): 2,000 Max Effective Range (m): Day: 1,500, 1,000 AA Night: N/A Fire on Move: Yes Rate of Fire (rd/min): 200 practical, 600 cyclic in bursts ATGM Launcher: N/A FIRE CONTROL FCS Name: INA Main Gun Stabilization: 2E28M, 2-plane Rangefinder: TPD-K1 laser rangefinder Infrared Searchlight: Yes Sights w/Magnification: Gunner: Day: TPD-K1 laser rangefinder sight, 8 x Field of View (ø): 9 Acquisition Range (m): 3,000 with LRF, 5000 without Night: TPN-1-49, 5.5 x Field of View (ø): 6 Acquisition Range (m): 800 Commander Fire Main Gun: No VARIANTS T-72: Original Russian tank from which T-72 variants were derived. T-72M: Original Polish and former-Czechoslovakian T-72-series tank from which Polish/Czechoslovakian T-72M1 was derived. T-72M differs from T-72 in replacing the right-side coincident rangefinder with a centerline-mounted TPDK-1 LRF. T-72A: The Russian variant differs from T-72 with the TPDK-1 LRF, added sideskirts, additional armor on the turret front and top, smoke grenade launchers, internal changes, and a slight weight increase. The Russian export version and Polish/Czechoslovakian counterparts are called T-72M1. Versions with Kontact ERA are known as T-72AV /T-72 M1V. Please note that some countries have inventories of T-72, T-72M and T-72M1, with different versions of each variant. Also, many variants were upgraded or modified. Some T-72M1s do not have smoke grenade launchers or track skirts. Some T-72s/T-72Ms have smoke grenade launchers. More reliable discriminators are armor and rangefinder/FCS. Polish/Czechoslovakian Main Battle Tank T-72M1 continued__________________ Worldwide Equipment Guide 4-18 T-72AK/7T-2M1K: Commander's variant with additional radios T-72AM/Banan: Ukrainian T-72A upgrade with ERA, a new engine, and additional smoke grenade launchers. The T-72AG upgrade has a 1200-hp engine, Shtora-1 ATGM jammer, and 1G46 (T-80U) FCS with thermal night sights. T-72M1M: T-72M1 variant upgraded to T-72B standard. T-72M2/Moderna. Slovakian T-72M upgrade with new engine and fire control, SFIM thermal sight, laser warning receiver, ERA, and 2 x 20-mm AA guns on turret T-72M4CZ: Czech variant with TURMS FCS with thermal sight, new engine, increased protection ERA, and 48t weight. T72M3CZ ia a less radical upgrade-- for instance existing engine is modified. T-72MP: Ukrainian upgrade with a 1,000-hp engine, added armor, Shtora-1, and SAGEM FCS and thermal sights. T-72S/Shilden: Russian export T-72A upgraded to T-72B standard. M-84: Former Yugoslavian tank upgraded to T-72M1 standard, but with indigenous sights. With an upgraded engine, the tank is M-84A. A Croatian improved version of M-84 is M84A4/Sniper, with improved fire control and thermal night sights. A Slovenian upgrade uses the state-of-the-art and the well-marketed EFCS-3 FCS. PT-91/Twardy: Polish upgrade tank with ERA, laser warning receiver, smoke grenade launchers, and Tiger fire control system. Sights include a thermal gunner night sight. MAIN ARMAMENT AMMUNITION Caliber, Type, Name: 125-mm APFSDS-T, BM-42M Maximum Aimed Range (m): 3,000 Max Effective Range (m): Day: 2,000-3,000 Night: 850-1,300 Armor Penetration (mm): 590-630 at 2,000 meters 125-mm Frag-HE-T, OF-26 Maximum Aimed Range (m): 5,000 Max Effective Range (m): Day: INA Night: 850-1,300 Armor Penetration (mm): INA 125-mm HEAT-MP, BK-29M Maximum Aimed Range (m): 3,000 Max Effective Range (m): Day: INA Night: 850-1300 Armor Penetration (mm): 650-750 125-mm HEAT, BK-27 Maximum Aimed Range (m): 3,000 Max Effective Range (m): Day: INA Night: 850-1,300 Armor Penetration (mm): 700-800 Other Ammunition Types: Giat 125G1 APFSDS-T, Russian BM-42 and BM-32 APFSDS-T. Note: The Russians may have a version of the BM-42M with a DU penetrator. NOTES A variety of thermal sights is available. They include the Russian Agava-2, French SAGEM-produced ALIS and Namut sight from Peleng. The more recent BK-27 HEAT round offers a triple-shaped charge warhead and increased penetration against conventional armors and ERA. The BK-29 round, with a hard penetrator in the nose is designed for use against reactive armor, and as an MP round has fragmentation effects. If the BK-29 HEAT-MP is used, it may substitute for Frag-HE (as with NATO countries) or complement Frag-HE. With three round natures (APFSDS-T, HEAT-MP, ATGMs) in the autoloader vs four, more antitank rounds would available for the higher rate of fire. I like that Ukraine version ... 1000 horsepower, sounds good enough for me! And here's some more!: T-72 Main Battle Tank Function: Soviet and Warsaw Pact Cold War main battle tank (MBT). Description: Where the T-64 was never exported from the Soviet Union the T-72 was a parallel design intended for distribution throughout the Soviet Bloc as well as exported through arms sales to other nations. Similar to the T-64, the T-72 has the low, round turret made from cast steel as well as the 2A46M 125mm smoothbore cannon, which, at the time, was the largest mounted on an MBT. In addition, the T-72 mounts a 12.7mm antiaircraft machine gun in the commander's station and a single 7.62mm machine-gun coaxial to the main gun. Though outclassed by the T-80 and T-90 tanks which followed it, the T-72 is currently still in service with the Russian army as well as being produced for export. General Characteristics, T-72 Main Battle Tank Manufacturer: Malyshev HMB Plant, Kharkov, Ukraine UKBM Nizhny Tagil, Russian Federation Transmission: Automatic Engine: V-12 air cooled diesel producing 840 horsepower Length. Gun Forward: 31.70 feet (9.66 meters) Width: 11.75 feet (3.58 meters) Height: 7.20 feet (2.19 meters) Combat Weight: 44.5 metric tons Cruising Range: 310 miles (500 kilometers); 403 miles (650 km) with additional fuel tanks Speed: Maximum: 37 mph (60 kph) Cross Country: 21 mph (35 kph) Obstacle Crossing: Trench: 2.85 meters Slope: 32 degrees Fording: Without preparation: 3.9 feet (1.2 meters) With Snorkel: 16.5 feet (5 meters) Crew: A three-man crew composed of a driver, gunner, and tank commander Armament: Main: 125mm 2A46M main gun Secondary: One 12.7mm NSV antiaircraft machine gun (commander's station); one 7.62mm PKT coaxial machine gun; 9K120 Svir (NATO designation AT-11 SNIPER) cannon launched, laser guided Anti Tank Guided Missile (ATGM) (T-72S, SK, BM) Ammunition: 45 125mm cannon rounds (combination of kinetic energy (SABOT), High Explosive Anti Tank (HEAT) shaped charge, High Explosive-Fragmentation (HE-FRAG), cannon launched AT-11 ATGM) 300 12.7mm machine gun rounds 2,000 7.62mm machine gun rounds Introduction Date: 1971 Variants: T-72: Original production version from which all variants are derived. Fielded in 1971, equipped with 780 horsepower diesel V-12 engine. Tank is equipped with a 7.62mm PKT machine gun coaxially mounted on the right side of the cannon and a 12.7mm NSV machine gun mounted in the commander's cupola. T-72A: Basic Russian model. Differs from basic T-72 in that it incorporates a laser rangefinder, track sideskirts, additional armor on the turret top and front, smoke grenade launchers and is slightly heavier. Went out of production in 1985. T-72AV: A model equipped with first generation explosive reactive armor. T-72B: Entered production in 1985. Incorporates increased frontal armor in the turret. Known in the U.S. as the "Dolly Parton" version. Additionally, engine output is improved to 840 horsepower. The T-72BK is the command variant of the T- 72B with additional communications equipment. T-72BV: T-72B model equipped with first generation ERA. T-72BM: T-72 B model with Kontakt-5 second generation explosive reactive armor. All T-72s produced for export are currently being built to this standard. T-72M: Polish-Czechoslovakian version of the basic T-72 tank. The T-72M differs from the T-72 in that the coincident rangefinder has been replaced with a laser rangefinder. Went out of production in 1985. T-72M1: Export version of the T-72M. Equivalent to the Soviet built T-72A. Produced in Poland and Czechoslovakia. Went out of production in 1985. T-72M1V: M1 model equipped with reactive armor. Equivalent to the T-72AV. T-72S: T-72A model upgraded to be on comparable with the T-72BM though lacking increased turret armor. May be equipped with first generation ERA. T-72SK is the command variant with additional communications equipment. T-72CZ: Czechoslovakian M1 models upgraded with western automotive, fire control and weapon system components. T-80 Main Battle Tank. ---------------------- Now this is it. This is one of the most powerful tanks, together with the US Abrams. If you look at the weapons loadout, the T-80 resembles the good load of the T-72. Only difference here? It has an NSV for AA targetting, which was different on the T-72. Still a nice 12.7mm gun. Main gun is the same. However, the engine on the T-80 is far stronger than its T-72 counterpart. The T-80 has a 1000-hp (!) horsepower engine. Therefore, its overall speed is faster. It has strong armor too, it can withstand a 120mm round. Take a look at the tactical stuff for the T-80 battle tank. Tactical Description: Russian Main Battle Tank T-80B _________________________________________ Weapons & Ammunition Types 125-mm smoothbore gun APFSDS-T HEAT Frag-HE ATGM 7.62-mm coax MG 12.7-mm NSVT AA MG Typical Combat Load 45 (mix est) 15 3 21 6 1,250 500 SYSTEM Alternative Designations: See NOTES Date of Introduction: 1978 Proliferation: At least 1 country Description: Crew: 3 Combat Weight (mt): 44.5 Chassis Length Overall (m): 6.98 Height Overall (m): 2.22 Width Overall (m): 3.58 Ground Pressure (kg/cm 2 ): 0.87 Automotive Performance: Engine Type: 1,000-hp or 1,100-hpGas turbine (multifuel), Cruising Range (km): 370/ 500 with extra tanks Speed (km/h): Max Road: 70 Max Off-Road: 48 Average Cross-Country: 40 Max Swim: N/A Fording Depths (m): 1.8 Unprepared, 5.0 w/snorkel, 12.0 with BROD-M system Radio: R-173, R-174 intercom Protection: Armor, Turret Front (mm): Defeat 120-mm rounds (triple layer) Applique Armor (mm): N/A Explosive Reactive Armor (mm): 1st Generation ERA available Active Protective System: Available Mineclearing Equipment: Mine rollers and plows available Self-Entrenching Blade: Yes NBC Protection System: Yes Smoke Equipment: Smoke grenade launchers (4x 81-mm each side of turret), and 24 grenades. Vehicle engine exhaust smoke system ARMAMENT Main Armaments: Caliber, Type, Name: 125-mm smoothbore gun 2A46-2 Rate of Fire (rd/min): 6-8 (lower in manual mode) Loader Type: KORZINA separate-loading autoloader and manual Ready/Stowed Rounds: 28 in carousel/17 rounds stowed but readily available for manual loading Elevation (Ý): -7 to +20 Fire on Move: Yes (30 km/h gun rounds/low speed or stop ATGMs) Auxiliary Weapon: Caliber, Type, Name: 7.62-mm (7.62x 54R) Machinegun PKT Mount Type: Turret coax Maximum Aimed Range (m): 2,000 Max Effective Range (m): Day: 1,000 Night: 850-1,300 Fire on Move: Yes Rate of Fire (rd/min): 250 practical / 650 cyclic, 2-10 round bursts Caliber, Type, Name: 12.7-mm (12.7x108) AA MG NSVT Mount Type: Turret top Maximum Aimed Range (m): 2,000 Max Effective Range (m): Day: 1,500 ground/1,600 for air targets (APDS) Night: 800-1,300 Fire on Move: Yes Rate of Fire (rd/min): 210 practical/ 800 air targets in bursts ATGM Launcher: Name: 2A46-2 tank gun Launch Method: Gun-launched Guidance: SACLOS Command Link: Encoded radio frequency Launcher Dismountable: No FIRE CONTROL FCS Name: FCS 1A33 Main Gun Stabilization: 2E26M 2-plane Rangefinder: Laser Infrared Searchlight: Yes Sights w/Magnification: Gunner: Day: 1G42 Field of View (Ý): INA Acquisition Range (m): 5,000 Night: 1-4A Field of View (Ý): INA Acquisition Range (m): 800-1,300 (est) Commander Fire Main Gun: No VARIANTS T-80BV: Variant noted in the above line drawing has ERA mounted. This variant is more likely for encounter by US forces. MAIN ARMAMENT AMMUNITION Caliber, Type, Name: 125-mm APFSDS-T, BM-42M Maximum Aimed Range (m): 3,000-4,000 Max Effective Range (m): Day: 2,000-3,000 Night: 850-1,300 Armor Penetration (mm): 590-630 at 2,000 meters Russian Main Battle Tank T-80B continued ________________________________ Worldwide Equipment Guide 4-20 125-mm Frag-HE-T, OF-26 Maximum Aimed Range (m): 5,000 Max Effective Range (m): Day: INA Night: 850-1,300 Armor Penetration (mm): INA 125-mm HEAT-MP, BK-29M Maximum Aimed Range (m): 4,000 Max Effective Range (m): Day: 2,000-3,000 Night: 850-1300 Armor Penetration (mm): 650-750 125-mm HEAT, BK-27 Maximum Aimed Range (m): 4,000 Max Effective Range (m): Day: 2,000-3,000 Night: 850-1,300 Armor Penetration (mm): 700-800 Other Ammunition Types: Giat 125G1 APFSDS-T, Russian BM-42 and BM-32 APFSDS-T. Note: The Russians may have a version of the BM-42M with a DU penetrator. Antitank Guided Missile: Name: AT-8/SONGSTER Warhead Type: Shaped charge (HEAT) Armor Penetration (mm): 700 (RHA) conventional Range (m): 4,000 NOTES The T-80B and -BV variants are often misidentified as T-80. They are visibly different and bear other distinctions, such as T-80B/-BV capability for launching AT-8/ Songster ATGM. The night sight cannot be used to launch the ATGM. The daysight can be used at night for launching ATGMs if the target is illuminated. A variety of thermal sights is available. They include the Russian Agava-2, French SAGEM-produced ALIS and Namut sight from Peleng. There are thermal sights available for installation which permit night launch of ATGMs. The 12.7-mm MG NSVT has both remote electronically operated sight PZU-5 and gun- mounted K10-T reflex sight. The more recent BK-27 HEAT round offers a triple-shaped charge warhead and increased penetration against conventional armors and ERA. The BK-29 round, with a hard penetrator in the nose is designed for use against reactive armor, and as an MP round has fragmentation effects. If the BK-29 HEAT-MP is used, it may substitute for Frag-HE (as with NATO countries) or complement Frag-HE. With three round natures (APFSDS-T, HEAT-MP, ATGMs) in the autoloader vs four, more antitank rounds would available for the higher rate of fire. The ATGM may be launched while moving slowly (NFI). The AT-8 can be auto-loaded with the two halves mated during ramming; but the stub charge is manually loaded. I'll post the explanation for the true T-80 here too, but only variants are in use today, so also the T-80U. The engine of this monster is even better. Russian Main Battle Tank T-80U _________________________________________ Weapons & Ammunition Types 125-mm smoothbore gun APFSDS-T HEAT Frag-HE ATGM 7.62-mm coax MG 12.7-mm NSVT AA MG Typical Combat Load 45 (mix est) 15 3 21 6 1,250 500 SYSTEM Alternative Designations: SMT (Soviet Medium Tank) M1989 Date of Introduction: 1987 Proliferation: At least 3 countries Description: Crew: 3 Combat Weight (mt): 46.0 Chassis Length Overall (m): 7.01 Height Overall (m): 2.20 Width Overall (m): 3.60 Ground Pressure (kg/cm 2 ): 0.92 Automotive Performance: Engine Type: 1250-hp Gas turbine (multi-fuel), diesel on T-80UD Cruising Range (km): 335 km/600 km with extra tanks Speed (km/h): Max Road: 70 Max Off-Road: 48 Average Cross-Country: 40 Max Swim: N/A Fording Depths (m): 1.8 Unprepared, 5.0 w/snorkel, 12.0 with BROD-M system Radio: R-173, R-174 intercom Protection: Armor, Turret Front (mm): Against 120-mm ammunition Applique Armor (mm): Side of hull , over track skirt Explosive Reactive Armor (mm): Kontakt-5 2nd Generation ERA Active Protective System: ARENA is available Mineclearing Equipment: Roller-plow set and plows available Self-Entrenching Blade: Yes NBC Protection System: Yes Smoke Equipment: Smoke grenade launchers (4x 81-mm each side of turret), and 24 grenades. Vehicle engine exhaust smoke system. ARMAMENT Main Armaments: Caliber, Type, Name: 125-mm smoothbore gun 2A46M-1 Rate of Fire (rd/min): 7-8 (lower in manual mode) Loader Type: KORZINA separate-loading autoloader, and manual Ready/Stowed Rounds: 28 in carousel/17 stowed (manual loaded) Elevation (Ý): -4 to +18 Fire on Move: Yes (gun rounds and ATGMs) Auxiliary Weapon: Caliber, Type, Name: 7.62-mm (7.62x 54R) Machinegun PKT Mount Type: Turret coaxial Maximum Aimed Range (m): 2,000 Max Effective Range (m): Day: 800 Night: 800 Fire on Move: Yes Rate of Fire (rd/min): 250 practical / 650 cyclic, 2-10 round bursts Caliber, Type, Name: 12.7-mm (12.7x108) AA MG NSVT Mount Type: Turret top Maximum Aimed Range (m): 2,000 Max Effective Range (m): Day: 1,500 Night: 800-1,300 Fire on Move: Yes Rate of Fire (rd/min): 210 practical/ 800 air targets in bursts ATGM Launcher: Name: 2A46M-1 tank gun Launch Method: Gun-launched Guidance: SACLOS, Laser-beam rider Command Link: Encoded infrared laser-beam Launcher Dismountable: No FIRE CONTROL FCS Name: FCS 1A42 Main Gun Stabilization: 2342, 2-plane Rangefinder: Laser Infrared Searchlight: Yes Sights w/Magnification: Gunner: Day: 1G46/PERFECT, 3.6/12x Field of View (Ý): INA Acquisition Range (m): 5,000 (70%P-hit for ATGM) Night: AGAVA-2 Field of View (Ý): INA Acquisition Range (m): 2,600 (gun rounds only) Commander Fire Main Gun: Yes VARIANTS T-80UD: Version produced in the Ukraine with a 1000-hp diesel engine instead of the turbine engine, and 1st generation ERA. T-80UK: Command version with R-163-50K and R-163-U radios, TNA-4 land navigation system, and an electronic fuze-setting device that permits use of Ainet Shrapnel Round. The AGAVA thermal sight provides a 2,600-meter night acquisition range. T-84: Recent Ukrainian upgrade of T-80UD with a welded turret, a French ALIS thermal sight, a more powerful engine, optional use of ARENA active protection system (APS) and SHTORA-1 active IR ATGM jammer system. Prototypes have been demonstrated, and the tank is available for export. Russian Main Battle Tank T-80U continued ________________________________ Worldwide Equipment Guide 4-22 MAIN ARMAMENT AMMUNITION Caliber, Type, Name: 125-mm APFSDS-T, BM-42M Maximum Aimed Range (m): 3,000-4,000 Max Effective Range (m): Day: 2,000-3,000 Night: 800-1,300 Armor Penetration (mm): 590-630 at 2,000 meters 125-mm HE-Shapnel Focused-fragmentation, Ainet Maximum Aimed Range (m): 5,000 Max Effective Range (m): Day: 4,000 Night: 800-1,300 Tactical AA Range: 4,000-5,000 Armor Penetration (mm): INA 125-mm Frag-HE-T, OF-26 Maximum Aimed Range (m): 5,000 Max Effective Range (m): Day: INA Night: 800-1,300 Armor Penetration (mm): INA 125-mm HEAT-MP, BK-29M Maximum Aimed Range (m): 4,000 Max Effective Range (m): Day: INA Night: 800-1300 Armor Penetration (mm): 650-750 125-mm HEAT, BK-27 Maximum Aimed Range (m): 4,000 Max Effective Range (m): Day: INA Night: 800-1,300 Armor Penetration (mm): 700-800 Other Ammunition Types: Giat 125G1 APFSDS-T, Russian BM-42 and BM-32 APFSDS-T. Note: The Russians may have a version of the BM-42M with a DU penetrator. Antitank Guided Missiles: Name: AT-11/SVIR Warhead Type: Shaped charge (HEAT) Armor Penetration (mm): 700 (RHA) behind ERA/800 conventional Range (m): 5,000 Name: AT-11B/INVAR Warhead Type: Tandem shaped charge Armor Penetration (mm): 800 (RHA) behind ERA /870 conventional Range (m): 5,000 NOTES Line drawing is a T-80UD. GTA-18A Auxiliary Power Unit is used when the engine is off. The BK-29 round, with a hard penetrator in the nose is designed for use against reactive armor, and as an MP round has fragmentation effects. The more recent BK-27 HEAT round offers a triple-shaped charge warhead and 50 mm more penetration. The electronic round fuzing system for Ainet rounds is available for other tanks. This round uses technology similar to that for French Oerlikon's AHEAD rouns. The round is specially designed to defeat targets by firing fragmentation patterns forward and radially, based on computer calculated settings from the laser range-finder and other inputs. Targets are helicopters and dug in or defilade priority ground threats, such as ATGM positions. Rate of fire is 4 rd/min. The 12.7-mm MG NSVT has both remote electronically operated sight PZU-5 and gun- mounted K10-T reflex sight. The original night sight is the II Buran-PA (800-1300 meters range). The sight cannot be used to launch the ATGM. The daysight can be used at night for launching ATGMs if the target is illuminated. A variety of thermal sights is available. They include the Russian Agava-2, French SAGEM- produced ALIS and Namut sight from Peleng. There are thermal sights available for installation which permit night launch of ATGMs. ANTI-AIR UNITS ============= SOVIETS ======= ZSU "Shilka" anti-aircraft vehicle ---------------------------------- Wooooooow! I wouldn't like to fly low over these! The ZSU is an old buddy of the Soviet armoy still in use. It is the perfect anti-helicopter weapon, and if jet planes fly low enough, they can be shot down aswell. The ZSU has 4 23mm cannons, which fire at a firing rate of roughly 850 rounds per minute, which is deadly fast. This is an ideal weapon to prevent air strikes with bombs from happening. Actually, I think the A-10 is very easy to shoot down compared to the faster aircraft like the F-16, which goes more than 1200 mph faster than the A-10. Except if the A-10 stays at a distance and fires its mavericks. If loading options support it, it might be better if the A-10 fires its mavericks at the Shilkas, and once they are dead, come in with any bombs left and its gun (which is VERY deadly), to finish off any target it had to destroy. To sum it all up, a necessity for the Soviets, if they want to survive. Key positions to place them: Mix them in armor groups, or put them close to vital installations and vehicles. Also, putting them in convoys can't hurt. Tactical Description: Russian 23-mm SP AA Gun ZSU-23-4 _____________________________________ Weapons & Ammunition Types 4x 23-mm AA guns HE-I HEI-T API-T Typical Combat Load 2,000 SYSTEM Alternative Designation: Shilka Date of Introduction: 1965 Proliferation: At least 28 countries Description: Crew: 4 Combat Weight (mt): 20.5 Chassis: GM-575 Tracked, six road wheels, no track support rollers Length (m): 6.5 Height (m): Radar up: 3.75 Radar down: 2.60 Width (m): 3.1 Automotive Performance: Engine Type: V6R-1 diesel Cruising Range (km): 450 Speed (km/h): Max. Road: 50 Radio: R-123 Protection: NBC Protection System: Yes ARMAMENT Gun: Caliber, Type, Name: 23-mm liquid-cooled AA 2A7/2A7M Rate of Fire(rd/min): Practical: INA Cyclic: 850-1,000 Reload Time (min): 20 Elevation ( o ) (-/+):-4ø to +85ø Fire on Move: Yes Reaction Time (sec): 12-18 FIRE CONTROL Sights w/magnification: Day and night vision devices: Driver periscope: BMO-190 Driver IR periscope: INA Commander periscope: TPKU-2 Commander IR periscope: TKH-ITC IFF: INA Radar: 1RL33M1 Name: GUN DISH Function: Search and Tracking Detection Range (km): 20 Tracking Range (km): 10 Frequency: 14.8 to 15.6 GHz Frequency Band: J Optical-mechanical computing sight: Part of fire-control subsystem designated as RPK-2 VARIANTS (see NOTES) MAIN ARMAMENT AMMUNITION Types: HE-I, HEI-T, API-T Range (m): Max. Range: 2,500 Min. Range: INA Altitude (m): Max. Altitude: 5,100 (about 3,500 w/self-destruct fuzing) Min. Altitude: INA Projectile Weight (kg): HE-I: 0.18 HEI-T: 0.19 API-T: 0.189 Muzzle velocity (m/s): 950-1,000 Fuze Type: HE-I: Point detonating HEI-T: Point detonating APT-T: Base detonating NOTES Ammunition is normally loaded with a ratio of three HE rounds to one AP round. ZSU 23-4 Shilka, is capable of acquiring, tracking and engaging low-flying aircraft (as well as mobile ground targets while either in place or on the move). Resupply vehicles carry an estimated additional 3,000 rounds for each of the four ZSUs in a typical battery. Recent (October 1997) information details ZSU-23-4 updates/modernization being offered by the Ukrainians that include: a new radar system replacing the GUN DISH radar, plus a sensor pod believed to include day/night camera, and a laser rangefinder; and mounted above radar/sensor pod is a layer of six fire-and-forget SAMs, believed to be Russian SA-18/GROUSE. AIRCRAFT ======== AH-1W Cobra ----------- This is one big, tough cookie. It has a 3-barrel 20mm cannon, which isn't as good as that one of the A-10, but still kicks ass. On top of that, it can carry Sidewinder air-to-air missiles, which is good against any enemy helicopter that mightengage you. If the enemy would have planes, these would be even handier. And for anti-tank support, it has the oh-so-famous Hellfire missile, or the TOW missile (I prefer the Hellfire). It also has rocket pods to boot, which is a very handy mass-infantry killer. Attracted yet? NO? My god, this is the best chopper you'll find. While the Hind closely aproaches the Cobra, in terms of combat, the Cobra is still better than the Hind. And of course, the Hind can still transport troops, which makes it an evenly strong opponent. Tactical Description: The AH-1W Super Cobra forms the backbone of attack helicopter capability for the United States Marine Corps. The AH-1W provides close-in fire support, fire-support coordination, and assault-fire suppression to Marine landing forces during amphibious assaults and subsequent operations ashore. To fulfill its mission, the Super Cobra is armed with a three barrel 20mm gatling gun for close-in work and can engage targets at ranges up to 2 km. The 20mm gun is mounted in a fully maneuverable turret under the nose of the helicopter. The Super Cobra has a crew of two, a pilot and a gunner, both of which can sight and fire the 20mm gun through helmet mounted sights. It is also able to field TOW and Hellfire missiles on its outboard pylons. The TOW (BGM-71) has a range of more than 3km and is a wire-guided system. The Hellfire (AGM-114) uses a laser guidance system to direct itself on target and has a range of 7km. The crew of the Super Cobra can guide the Hellfire on target or it can be launched in the 'fire and forget' mode utilizing laser target illumination from ground forces or other air assets. Additional armament for the Super Cobra is the Sidewinder air-to-air missile. This missile is rail launched and has a range of more than 15km. The Super Cobra can also fire 70mm unguided rockets armed with 12.7 cm Zuni rocket bombs or submunition warheads. The Super Cobra is currently undergoing refurbishment of its onboard electronics and optics packages and by October 2000 will be equipped with a FLIR (Forward Looking Infrared Radar and a NTS (Night targeting System) which will provide improved automatic target racking capability and integrate a laser designator/rangefinder to enhance its role of close air support. In addition to its service in the United States Marine Corps, the Super Cobra is also flown by the defense forces of Taiwan and Turkey. SOVIETS ======= Mi-24/Hind Russian Attach Helicopter ------------------------------------- Ok, these are the best the Russians have. It carries good weaponry, can transport troops. On top of that, the troops can fire their weapons through the Hind window, which is cool. I think the Hind is a good attack chopper. While first I thought there was no use for the HIP in the game, the Russians really need a multi-purpose chopper like the HIP. The Hind on its part, can take out groups of armor, and deliver troops behind enemy lines safely. Just stay away from the Cobras and A-10s, because those will try to shoot you down with their sidewinders. You stand a chance in the cannon department though, so don't worry about that. Just keep low profile when you know enemy planes are nearby, and try to slip by ok? Tactical Description: Russian Attack Helicopter Mi-24/HIND ____________________________________ Weapon & Ammunition Types Combat Load 1x twin 30-mm gun or 12.7-mm 4 barrel turret gun Other Loading Options AT-2C or AT-6C ATGMs 80-mm S-8 rocket pods (20 ea.) 57-mm S-5 rocket pods (32 ea.) GSh-23L twin 23-mm MG pods 250-kg bombs 500-kg bombs External fuel tanks (liters) 750 1,470 2-12 2-4 2-4 940 4 2 500 SYSTEM Alternative Designations: INA Date of Introduction: 1976 (HIND D) Proliferation: At least 34 countries Description: Crew: 2 (pilots in tandem cockpits) Blades: Main rotor: 5 Tail rotor: 3 Engines: 2x 2,200-shp Klimov TV3-117VMA turboshaft Weight (kg): Maximum Gross: 11,500 Normal Takeoff: 11,100 Empty: 8,500 Speed (km/h): Maximum (level): 335 Cruise: 295 Max "G" Force: 1.75 g Ceiling (m): Service: 4,500 Hover (out of ground effect): 1,500 Hover (in ground effect): 2,200 Vertical Climb Rate (m/s): 15 Fuel (liters): Internal: 1,840 Internal Aux Tank (in cabin): 1,227 External Fuel Tank: 500 ea. Range (km): Normal Load: 450 With Aux Fuel: 950 Dimensions (m): Length (rotors turning): 21.6 Length (fuselage): 17.5 Width (including wing): 6.5 Height (gear extended): 6.5 Main Rotor Diameter: 17.3 Tail Rotor Diameter: 3.9 Cargo Compartment Dimensions (m): Floor Length: 2.5 Width: 1.5 Height: 1.2 Standard Payload: Internal load: 8 combat troops or 4 litters External weapons load: 1,500 kg External load (no weapons): 2,500 kg Survivability/Countermeasures: Main and tail rotors electrically deiced. Infrared signature suppressors can be mounted on engine exhausts. Radar warning receivers, IFF, Infrared jammer, rotor brake, chaff and flares. Armored cockpit. ARMAMENT Loaded combat troops can fire personal weapons through cabin windows. 12.7-mm 4x Barrel Machinegun, YaKB-12.7: Range (m): (practical) 1,500 Elevation/Traverse: 20ø up to 60ø down/ 120 o Ammo Type: HEFI, APT, Duplex, DuplexT Rate of Fire (rpm): up to 4,500 (pilot selectable) OR 30-mm Twin Barrel Cannon, GSh-30K: Range (m): (practical) 4,000 Elevation/Traverse: None (rigidly mounted) Ammo Type: HEFI, HEI, APT, APE, CC Rate of Fire (rpm): 300, or 2,000 to 2,600 Most Probable Armament: (HIND F pictured) HIND D: Turret-mounted 4-barrel 12.7-mm Gatling type machinegun, 57-mm rockets, AT-2C/ SWATTER ATGMs. HIND E: Turret-mounted 4-barrel 12.7-mm Gatling type machinegun or twin barrel 23-mm turret gun, 57-mm rockets, AT-6C/ SPIRAL ATGMs. HIND F: Fixed 30-mm twin gun on the right fuselage side, 57-mm rockets, AT-6C/ SPIRAL ATGMs. AVIONICS/SENSOR/OPTICS The ATGM targeting system uses a low-level light TV, a laser designator, FLIR, air data sensor, and a missile guidance transmitter. Night/Weather Capabilities: HIND D versions are primarily daytime aircraft only. Some HIND E and Mi-35 series export versions have upgraded night and weather capabilities, better avionics, weather radar, autopilot, HUD, GPS, NVG compatibility, more armor, and an increased weapons load provided by the French com-pany Sextant Avionique. VARIANTS Nearly all of the older HIND A, B and C variants have been upgraded or modified to the HIND D or E standard. Mi-24D/HIND D: Direct air support. Mi-24V/HIND E: Direct air support. Most proliferated version. Mi-24P/HIND F: Direct air support. The fixed twin gun cut the turret profile, and empty weight to 8,200 kg, while boosting maximum gross weight to 12,000 kg. Mi-24R/HIND G-1: NBC sampling. It has mechanisms to obtain soil and air samples, filter air, and place marker flares. Mi-24K/HIND G-2: Photo-recon, and artillery spotting. Has a camera in cabin, gun, rocket pods, but no targeting system. Mi-25: Export version of the HIND D. Mi-35: Export version of the HIND E. The Mi-35M has a twin barrel 23-mm gun. Mi-35P: Export version of the HIND F. NOTES Available munitions are shown above; not all may be employed at one time. Mission dictates weapon configuration. External stores are mounted on underwing external stores points. Each wing has three hardpoints for a total of six stations. A representative mix when targeting armor formations would be eight AT-6 ATGMs, 750x 30-mm rounds, and two 57-mm rocket pods. Additional missions include direct air support, antitank, armed escort, and air to air combat. The aircraft can store an additional ammunition basic load in the cargo compartment in lieu of carrying troops. Armored cockpits and titanium rotor head able to withstand 20-mm cannon hits. Every aircraft has an overpressurization system for operation in a NBC envi- ronment. The HIND's wings provide 22% to 28% of its lift in forward flight. In a steep banking turn at slower airspeeds, the low wing can lose lift while it is maintained on the upper wing, resulting in an excessive roll. This is countered by increasing forward airspeed to increase lift on the lower wing. Be-cause of this characteristic, and the aircraft's size and weight, it is not easily maneuverable. Therefore they usually attack in pairs or multiple pairs, and from various directions. Mi-17/HIP Multi-Purpose Helicopter ---------------------------------- Ok, everybody that even DARES to think this is a transport and recovery helicopter only, will die a hopeless death inside this chopper. While the HIND still has better anti-tank weaponry, the HIIP is able to do anything except for anti-aircraft missions. The HIP can carry a good number of troops, so it can deliver them safely almost anywhere. If youlook at its loading options, you'll be quite surprised. It can have the dual 23mm gunpods, bombs, anti-tank guided missiles, rocket pods... enough to take out anything that oposes you. I think this is a better extraction chopper than the HIND would be, because the HIND uses its troops as an attack measure, it isn't really made to get them out of tight situations. It is possible of oourse, but a HIP is far better. This makes for the perfect helicopter: the Mi-18 HIM, both able to strike enemy convoys and units, both infantry and armored, while being able to transport and recover troops it drops. I know I was wrong about the chopper first, I thought it was useless to the game, but it has its uses. Tactical Description: Russian Utility Helicopter Mi-17/HIP ______________________________________ Worldwide Equipment Guide 9-15 Weapon & Ammunition Types 2x 7.62-mm or 1x 12.7-mm MG Other Loading Options AT-2C or AT-3 ATGMs 57-mm rocket pods (16 each) 80-mm rocket pods (20 each) 250-kg bombs 500-kg bombs 12.7-mm MG pod Twin 23-mm gun pods Additional fuel tanks (liters) Combat Load 4-6 4-6 2 4 2 2 1,830 SYSTEM Alternative Designations: Mi-8MT HIP H Date of Introduction: 1981 (as Mi-17) Proliferation: At least 22 countries Description: Crew: 3 (2x pilots, 1x flight engineer) Blades: Main rotor: 5 Tail rotor: 3 Engines: 2x 1,950-shp Isotov TV3-117MT turboshaft Weight (kg): Maximum Gross: 13,000 Normal Takeoff: 11,100 Empty: 7,100-7,370 (variant dependant) Speed (km/h): Maximum (level): 250 Cruise: 240 Ceiling (m): Service: 5,000-5,700 (variant dependant) Hover (out of ground effect): 1,760 Hover (in ground effect): 1,900-3,980 (variant dependant) Vertical Climb Rate (m/s): 9 Fuel (liters): Internal: 445 Internal Aux Tank: 915 ea. External Fuel Tank: Port Tank: 745 Starboard Tank: 680 Range (km): Normal Load: 495 With Aux Fuel: 1,065 Dimensions (m): Length (rotors turning): 25.4 Length (fuselage): 18.4 Width: 2.5 Height: 5.7 Main Rotor Diameter: 21.3 Tail Rotor Diameter: 3.9 Cargo Compartment Dimensions (m): Floor Length: 5.3 Width: 2.3 Height: 1.8 Standard Payload (kg): Internal load: 4,000 External on sling only: 3,000 Transports 24 troops and cargo, or arma-ments on 6x external hardpoints. Survivability/Countermeasures: Main and tail rotor blades electrically deiced. Infrared jammer, chaff and flares. ARMAMENT Loaded combat troops can fire personal weapons through cabin windows from inside cabin. Most Probable Armament: HIP H: Fitted with 2x 7.62-mm machineguns or possibly 2x 23-mm GSh-23 gun packs in cabin, 57-mm rockets, and AT3/SAGGER ATGMs. AVIONICS/SENSOR/OPTICS Night/Weather Capabilities: The Mi-17 is equipped with instruments, avionics, Doppler radar, and a fully func-tioning autopilot for operation in day, night, and instrument meteorological conditions. VARIANTS Mi-17: A mid-life upgrade of the widely proliferated Mi-8 HIP H medium assault/ transport helicopter. Initially, only the ex-port version was known as the Mi-17. The only visible differences between this vari-ant and the older Mi-8s is that the tail rotor is on the portside rather than the starboard side, and crew armor plating. Mi-17P: A descendent of the HIP K airborne jamming platform characterized by large rectangular antennas along the aft fuse-lage. Mi-171/-17M/-17V: Also known as Mi-8MTV, and a descendent of the HIP H. The engines are upgraded to 2x 2,070-shp Klimov TV3-117VMAs to allow greater rates of climb and hover ceilings, yet performance char-acteristics remain virtually unchanged from the baseline Mi-17. Mi-8: See separate entry. NOTES Available munitions are shown above; not all may be employed at one time, mission dictates weapon configuration. External stores are mounted on weapons racks on each side of the fuselage. The Mi-17 has six external hardpoints. Additional missions include; attack, direct air support, electronic warfare, airborne early warning, medevac, search and rescue, and minelaying. Interior seats are removable for cargo carrying. The rear clamshell doors open, an internal winch facilitates loading of heavy freight. Floor has tiedown rings throughout. The aircraft carries a rescue hoist capable to 150 kg. The Mi-17 is capable of single-engine flight in the event of loss of power by one engine (depending on aircraft mission weight) because of an engine load sharing system. If one engine fails, the other engine's output is automatically increased to allow continued flight. See also Mi-8. III Weapons and Equipment. ************************** NATO Weapons. ============= Small Arms ========== M16A2 ------ This is the basic assault rifle for the US infantry in the 80s. It has medium range, has three action triggers too. You can set it to single-fire (most acurate), burst-fire (still quite acurate, but loses some, better for armored targets, however I don't think you should think about armored units with these weapons, leave that to the heavier soldiers), and full-automatic, which is the least acurate, and is more for suppressive fire. While this is certainly a quite capable gun, it has its disadvantages at burst and full-auto. If you are dealing with one target at a time, keep it at single-fire, butif you are in a full battle, bursts of three round might do you more good. Learn to master this gun, you'll use it very often in Oeration Flashpint as a US soldier. When a grenade launcher is attached to it, it becomes the M203. The M17A2 has a 30 round magazine. Tactical Description: M16A2 5.56mm Rifle Function: Infantry weapon. Description: The M16A2 5.56mm rifle is a lightweight, air-cooled, gas-operated, magazine-fed, shoulder- or hip-fired weapon designed for either automatic fire (3-round bursts) or semiautomatic fire (single shot) through the use of a selector lever. The weapon has a fully adjustable rear sight. The bottom of the trigger guard opens to provide access to the trigger while wearing winter mittens. The upper receiver/barrel assembly has a fully adjustable rear sight and a compensator which helps keep the muzzle down during firing. The steel bolt group and barrel extension are designed with locking lugs which lock the bolt group to the barrel extension allowing the rifle to have a lightweight aluminum receiver. Background: The M16A2 rifle is a product improvement of the M16A1 rifle. The improvements are: - a heavier, stiffer barrel than the barrel of the M16A1; - a redesigned handguard, using two identical halves, with a round contour which is sturdier and provides a better grip when holding the rifle; - a new buttstock and pistol grip made of a tougher injection moldable plastic that provides much greater resistance to breakage; - an improved rear sight which can be easily adjusted for windage and range; - a modified upper receiver design to deflect ejected cartridges, and preclude the possibility of the ejected cartridges hitting the face of a left-handed firer; - a burst control device, that limits the number of rounds fired in the automatic mode to three per trigger pull, which increases accuracy while reducing ammunition expenditure; - a muzzle compensator, designed to reduce position disclosure and improve controllability and accuracy in both burst and rapid semi-automatic fire; - a heavier barrel with a 1 in 7 twist to fire NATO standard SS 109 type (M855) ammunition which is also fired from the M249 Squad Automatic Weapon (SAW). This further increases the effective range and penetration of the rifle cartridge. The M16A2 will also shoot the older M193 ammunition designed for a 1 in 12 twist. General Characteristics, M16A2 5.56mm Rifle Manufacturer: Colt Manufacturing and Fabrique Nationale Manufacturing Inc. Length: 39.63 inches (100.66 centimeters) Weight With 30 Round Magazine: 8.79 pounds (3.99 kilograms) Bore Diameter: 5.56mm (.233 inches) Maximum Effective Range: Area target: 2,624.8 feet (800 meters) Point target: 1,804.5 feet (550 meters) Muzzle Velocity: 2,800 feet (853 meters) per second Cyclic Rate of Fire: Cyclic: 800 rounds per minute Sustained: 12-15 rounds per minute Semiautomatic: 45 rounds per minute Burst: 90 rounds per minute Magazine Capacity: 30 rounds Unit Replacement Cost: $586 M-60 Machinegun ---------------- You really want a description for this one? Who doesn't know the feared M60 machinegun eh? Well if you don't we can always go over it again... ok! The M60 is a belt-fed, body-ripping machinegun. I think it's a little too heavy to be an assault rifle, don't you? I mean, the bullet is the 7.62 NATO amunition, which is very deadly for human targets. However, I think there is something wrong in the game (in the demo at least). The M-60 seems to fire too fast. normally, if you'd fire an M-60 rapidly, ou'd come to a fireing rate of about 550 rounds per minute. But in the demo, it's almost as fast as an M-16, maybe even equal or faster (not sure about yet). Everything I've looked at, says the M-60 should fire at a 550 rounds per minute speed, and those sources are official. So my guess is, or they made a little error in the firing rate statistics of the ame's weapon, or they just have a lousy source of information (although that the first real error I've found)! :) Ok, so now that we have this straightened out, let's get back to the gun. It is carried by one guy, so not with 2 like my tactical shit suggests (it says it can be done both, in OFP it's carried by one individual), and they are vital to yourr suppressive fire needs, as they are the way to do it. And because of this error, it makes it even better! It can spray bullets all over the place, and it'll take some time before the gun rus out of ammunition, so you're basically in good hands with this one. However, I still think the PKM is better in many aspects. However, this is purely my personal feeling, and you are free to question that. Tactical Description: M60 7.62mm Machine Gun Description: The M-60 series general purpose machine gun is a light weight, belt fed, gas operated, air cooled weapon with fixed headspace and timing to allow for the rapid exchange of barrels during sustained firing situations. The M-60 can be carried and operated by one individual, though it is common practice to assign the weapon to a fire team (gunner and assistant gunner, who carries an additional barrel and ammunition). The M-60 is equipped with an integral bipod assembly which can be used to stabilize the weapon during offensive operations. Optionally, the M-60 can be set up on a tripod for increased stability and long range accuracy. In addition to the basic M-60 there are two variant models; the M-60 C/D (for use on helicopters) and the M-60E3, a lighter version of the basic model used by the Marine Corps and U.S. Special Operations Forces. General Characteristics, M60 7.62mm Machine Gun Length: 42.4 inches (107.70 centimeters) Weight: Weight: 18.75 pounds (8.51 kilograms) Bore Diameter: 7.62mm (.308 inches) Maximum Effective Range: 3609.1 feet (1,100 meters) Maximum Range: 2.3 miles (3725 meters) Muzzle Velocity: 2,800 feet (853 meters) per second Rates of Fire: Cyclic: 550 rounds per minute Rapid: 100 rounds per minute* Sustained: 100 rounds per minute* (* with barrel changes at each 100 rounds) Unit Replacement Cost: $6,000 M60E3 Description: M60E3 - 7.62x51mm NATO - USA - 550 RPM - The M60 was developed from two German WWII weapons: the MG42 and FG42. In the earliest prototypes, the belt feed mechanism of the MG42 machinegun was welded onto the FG42 automatic rifle. Feeding from a disintegrating belt, the M60 is best used for suppressive fire. The main advantage over the smaller M249 is that the M60 fires 7.62mm NATO ammunition, thus penetrating even the heaviest body armor. Tactics: Oso Vega's weapon of choice. Use short bursts to control the recoil. The high power 7.62x51mm will drop anything in it's path and it's unique sound will let your enemies know you mean business. Heavy and not as many rounds as the FN Minimi (M249). Iron sights. CAR-15 US Carbine ----------------- I can imagine many fo you haven't heard of this gun, maybe if you hear M4, you'll know what I'm talking about. The CAR-15 is mainly an older version of the M4 as far as I know. While the M4 is very famous for its compactness, and still being very deadly, so was the CAR-15. Because it was so compact, it was used by special forces and vehicle crews. That's why the pilot gets this one. While I strongly disagree with Bohemia Intneractive not letting in handguns, the CAR-15 is still an excellent weapon for a pilot if he would be downed by anti-air. However, it would still be more realistic if pilots get the standard sidearm of the US army, which is if I'm not mistaking, the Berreta 92FS or something. It was certainly a Berreta pistol, not sure what type exactly though. Te Berreta replaced the M1911 which was getting very old, but still in use by some organisations. So anyways, I'm still happy there's an M4 in the game, I'll call it the M4, because I'll be fair and tell you: Inever in my 14-year long life heard about a CAR-15, I think it's just another name for the M4, isn't it? I mean, you have one in Rogue Spear, but it's called the M4 there too, somebody please shine some light on this? thanks. For now, I'll do as if the CAR-15 is the same as the M4 until I am proved otherwise. So everybody that every played Delta Force 2, wave your hands because finally you get your chance to fire an M4 in a realistic game (ok now Delta Force may have been realistic if you look at the damage system, but it wasn't realistic in terms of AI). Back to the M4. It is actually a more compact version of the M16, but it certainly doesn't have to suffer because of it. There are silnecers for thsi gun, but this is an army game, no silencers allowed. :) Now I am sure, the M4 is a modernized version of the CAR-15, but who cares. They are basically the same, fire fast, can attach M203, have great acuracy, and are quite lightweight. This all makes for a decent to very good weapon, especially for a pilot. I think other people should get them, leave the pistols to pilots! Or give them a small but lousy weapon... I dunno, let's just give a reason like ... the US Army doesn't give lousy weapons to its soldiers! Yes sir! Now I'm going to give you a description for a very modern weapons compared to the original CAR-15, the M4A1. And that's not all... You get a special version of it, some extra kit stuff. It is called: the M4A1 SOPMOD. Take a look! Tactical Description: Colt M4A1 SOPMOD - 5.56x45mm NATO - USA - 825 RPM - The M4A1 (Colt Model 927) is the most recent variant of the CAR15 family. The barrel length was specially selected to provide compactness without sacrificing reliability. The barrel is also contoured to provide for the attachment of a M203 grenade launcher. In addition, improved handguards with double heat shields have been added to prevent the uncomfortable heating properties of earlier CAR15s during rapid fire. The Special Operations Particular Modification to the M4 Carbine Accessory Kit (SOPMOD M4) was developed by the Crane Division, Naval Surface Weapons Center. The SOPMOD M4 kit allows the end- user to configure his/her weapon to individual preferences and mission requirements. It is composed of mostly non-developmental and commercial off-the-shelf accessories packaged together to support four M4/M4A1 carbines. The kit includes four: Knight Armament Company's Rail Interface System (RIS) forearm along with an optional vertical foregrip, the Trijicon Model TA01NSN 4x32mm Advanced Combat Optic Sight (ACOG) as the Day Optical Scope, KAC's backup iron sights in case of scope failure, and an improved combat sling which allows for secure cross body / patrol carry. Only two of following are included per kit: the Insight Technologies AN/PEQ2 Infrared Target Pointer/Illuminator for use with night vision goggles, Insight Technologies Visible Light Illuminator (mil-speak for flashlight), Trijicon's ACOG Model RX01M4A1 Reflex Sight, KAC's Quick Attach sound suppressor which provides a 28db reduction in sound signature even with M855 service ammunition, and an enhanced sliding buttstock which is contoured for user comfort and even has compartments for storing spare batteries for the other accessories. Only one of the following is included per kit: KAC's Quick Attach M203 Grenade Launcher Mount, a quick attach sight for use with the M203, a M203 with a 9" barrel, a Insight Technologies AN/PEQ5 visible laser, a 2.25x Miniature Night Vision Sight (MNVS), and a carrying/storage case for kit accessories. If more of the accessories are needed it is not uncommon for units to cannibalize the kits of inactive teams. The documentation for the kit does not require a rewrite if improved replacements for any of the current items can be found. As a result, this content list may have and probably will change in the future. M203 Grenade Launcher --------------------- This is a grenade launcher attached to an M16A2 or CAR-15 (although I am not sure you'll actually be able to attach one in OFP to the CAR-15). This one's for area clearing (for infantry), or some anti-armor support if needed. However, keep in mind that you can not fire these babies from long range, as the max range is 400 meters. If you would look at these weapons, you'd say they are quite powerful, and they are. Use these both often, and carefully, because if you shoot it less than 31 meters away from you, you risk being killed or severely wounded by your own grenade. Remember: These are grenades, no Unreal Tournament Flak Grenades, these are REAL grenades. People you played UT will certainly know what I mean. All in all, a good adition in the field, a good adition to your M16 that is. Try to snatch one if you can (if you're a soldier), from a dead companion or something... who knows. And if you find yourself under attack by some BMP-1s, you could try and shoot some grenades at them, see how they'll like that. AT soldiers are still better to do the job, but if you haven't got them, it's not a poor excuse atall. Tactical Description: M203 40mm Grenade Launcher Description: The M203 40mm Grenade Launcher is used while attached to an M16A2 5.56mm rifle. It is a lightweight, compact, breech loading, pump action, single shot launcher. The launcher consists of a hand guard and sight assembly with an adjustable metallic folding, short-range blade sight assembly, and an aluminum receiver assembly which houses the barrel latch, barrel stop and firing mechanism. The launcher is capable of firing a variety of low velocity 40mm ammunition. The launcher also has a quadrant sight which may be attached to the M16A2 carrying handle and is used when precision is required out to the maximum effective range of the weapon. History: The M203 was designed and procured as the replacement for the M79 grenade launcher of the Vietnam era. General Characteristics, M203 40mm Grenade Launcher Weight: Launcher: 3 pounds (1.36 kilograms) Rifle (M16A2): 8.79 pounds (3.99 kilograms) Total (including 30 rounds): 11.79 pounds (5.35 kilograms) Bore Diameter: 40mm Maximum Effective Range: Area target: 1148.35 feet (350 meters) Point target: 492.15 feet (150 meters) Maximum Range: 1312.4 feet (400 meters) Minimum Safe Range: Training: 426.53 feet (130 meters) Combat: 101.71 feet (31 meters) Inventory: 10,500 Unit Replacement Cost: $601 SOVIET WEAPONS ============== AK-74 Russian Assault Rifle --------------------------- I remember encountering this fella for the first time in Rainbow Six, I didn't eve know it existed (I'm not an army freak, well a little aircraft freak, not a weapons freak). I knew the all famous AK-47 Kalashnikov, but this was rather unfamiliar. It appeared that the AK74 was far superior to the AK-47, in that it had better firing rate (still not quite fast though) and greater acuracy. This is why the AK-47 is more like a terrorist weapon, and the AK- 74 is more like an army gun. I like this one, it is very acurate, is quite stable, and is easy to run around with. It is a very worthy concurrent of the M16A2, I like it better than the M16 though. Now you can say the M16 is still better because of its M203 capability, well the AK-74 has this ability aswell, same stuff as before, we'll come to that later in the FAQ. I tell you, the Soviets were a very powerful army back then, and even though they still are now, they've lost some ground in the last decade over the US. Whileno doubtedly the russian air force is great and all, the Americans have the better aircraft it seems. The MiX-29 still is a very hot baby to fly, but it's getting all aged over there in the russian Army. I visited a show-off of naval vessels in my country, and a Russian destroyer was there too, gosh that thing looked like a mess! I mean, the things aren't bad themselves, but the army there doesn't have enough money to keep their equipment in good shape, that's the problem! Ok, after this ramble, let's look at what the AK-74 has in store foryou. Pay close attention comrade, you will slaughter many US soldiers with these. Tactical Description: Russian 5.45-mm Assault Rifle AK-74 _____________________________________ Ammunition Types 5.45-mm cartridge Ball Ball-tracer Incendiary-T AP Typical Combat Load 300 SYSTEM Alternative Designations: INA Date of Introduction: 1974 Proliferation: Widespread Description: Weight (kg): Loaded (with magazine): 3.95 Empty (w/o magazine): 3.4 Length (mm): Overall: 880 (937 including muzzle brake) Barrel: 415 Rate of Fire (rd/min): Cyclic: 600 Practical: Automatic: 100 Semiautomatic: 40 Operation: Gas Feed: 30-rd detachable box magazine (40-rd used by RPK-74 LMG is interchangeable) Fire Mode: Selective, automatic or semi-automatic SIGHTS Name: INA Type: Fore, pillar; rear, U-notch Magnification: None Night Sights Available: Yes. AK-74M N3 mounts an NSPU-3 VARIANTS AKS-74: Folding-stock version with a Y-shaped, tubular stock. AK-74M: Improves the basic AK-74 design by adding a folding plastic stock, an improved mount for night vision or other sights. AKS-74U: Submachinegun: modified version with a much shorter barrel (207-mm) and a conical flash suppressor instead of a muzzle break. Its overall length is 492 with stock folded. AK-101: 5.56x45-mm (NATO) variant of the AK-74M. AK-102: 5.56x45-mm (NATO) short-barrel (314-mm) variant of the AK-74M. AK-103: 7.62x39-mm variant of the AK-74M. AK-104: 7.62x39-mm short-barrel (314-mm) variant of the AK-74M. AK-105: 5.45x39-mm short-barrel (314-mm) variant of the AK-74M. AMMUNITION Name: 7N6 Caliber/length: 5.45x39-mm Type: Ball Range (m): Effective: 500 Maximum: 800 Armor Penetration: INA Muzzle Velocity (m/s): 880 Name: 7N10 Caliber/length: 5.45x39-mm Type: Armor piercing Range (m): Effective: INA for AK-74 (800 for RPK-74) Armor Penetration (mm): 16 @ 100 m 80% of time Muzzle Velocity (m/s): INA for AK-74 (960 for RPK-74) NOTES The AK-74 is basically an AKM rechambered and rebored to fire a 5.45-mm cartridge. The AK-74 can mount a 40-mm under-barrel grenade launcher and a passive image intensifier night sight. The AK-74 is also the basis for other 5.45-mm infantry weapons including the RPK-74 light machinegun. PKM General Purpose Machingegun ------------------------------- This is it, the most powerful infantry-carryable MG in the game. Its counterpart, the M-60, fires slower, is heavier, but they carry the same ammunition though. A 7.62mm round, capable of penetrating any body armor. If you find these on a dead buddy, or you are a US soldier and you just shot a machinegunner in the head, keep it around! It'll save your ass a lot. Just go prone with this baby, zoom and kick some ass! As with the AK- 74, you have a good effective range. I highly suggest you take this weapon as a soldier (if you find it), or take it if you are a US machiegunner and you kill an enemy machinegunner (good luck!). The PKM also has a tank- mounted variant, present on many tanks, IFVs, and APCs ot the Russian army: the PKT. Tactical Description: Russian 7.62-mm General Purpose Machinegun PKM________________________ Ammunition Types 7.62-mm cartridge Ball Ball-tracer Incendiary-ranging API API-T Typical Combat Load INA SYSTEM Alternative Designations: (see VARIANTS) Date of Introduction (PKM/PKT): 1971/1968 Proliferation: Widespread Description: Weight (kg): Empty (w/o magazine) (PKM/PKT) (kg): 8.4/10.66 Loaded (with magazine): Varies with magazine Ammo box (only) with 100/200-rd belt (kg): 3.9/8.0 Tripod (lightweight) (kg): 4.75 Length (mm): Overall (PKM/PKT): 1,160/1,080 On tripod (PKS): 1,267 Barrel: 658 Barrel Change: Yes Mount Type: Pintle, coaxial, bipod or tripod (Stepanov) Mounted On: (see VARIANTS) Rate of Fire (rd/min): Cyclic: 650 Practical: 250 Fire Mode: Automatic Operation: Gas Feed: Belt, 100-rd belt carried in a box fastened to the right side of the receiver. 25-rd belts can be joined in several combination lengths (100/200/250) SIGHTS Name: INA Type: Open iron sights Sighting range (PKM/PKT) (m): 1,500/2,000 Magnification: None Night Sights Available: Yes VARIANTS PKM: Squad machinegun PKT: Tank-mounted coaxial, lacks stock, sights, bipod, has solenoid electric trigger, longer heavier barrel. PKS: Lightweight tripod-mounted infantry weapon PKMS: Lightweight tripod-mounted variant of the PKS PKB (PKBM): Pintle-mounted on APCs, SP guns, BRDM, BTRs, has butterfly trigger rather than solenoid, double space grips, and front and rear sights AMMUNITION Name: INA Caliber and Length: 7.62x54-mm rimmed Type: Ball Max Range (PKM/PKT) (m): 3,800/4,000 Practical Range (PKM/PKT) (m): Day: 1,000/2,000 Night: 300/INA Armor Penetration @ 0 o obliquity @ 500 range (mm): 8 Muzzle Velocity (PKM/PKT) (m/s): 825/855 NOTES The 7.62-mm general-purpose machinegun (PKM) is a gas-operated, belt- fed, sustained-fire weapon. The basic PKM is bipod-mounted but can also fit in vehicle firing ports. It is constructed partly of stamped metal and partly of forged steel. Compared to the US M-60, the PK-series machineguns are easier to handle during firing, easier to care for, and lighter. The 7.62x54R is a more powerful cartridge than the US with a slightly shorter effective range. NSV 12.7 Heavy Machinegun ------------------------ This isn't really used by infantry units, it's a mounted heavy MG. You can find these on some tanks and APCs, for AA protection. Not much to say about these but fire and kill! One thing to keep in mind though, is that you won't be able to shoot down aricraft faster than helicopters. So don't even think about trying to destroy an A-10 with this thing, because it is very improbable that you will hit the craft. Tactical Description: Russian 12.7-mm Heavy Machinegun NSV/NSV-T ___________________________ Ammunition Types 12.7-mm cartridge API (B-32) API-T (BZT-44) HEI Typical Combat Load 300 SYSTEM Alternative Designations: NSVS (tripod-stand mounted), Utyos Date of Introduction: Early 1970s Proliferation: Widespread Description: Weight (kg): Total System (w/6T7): 43 Empty: 25 Loaded: INA Tripod (6T7 tripod): 16 Length (mm): Overall: 1,560 On 6T7 Tripod: 1,900 Width (on 6T7 tripod) (mm): 860 Height (on 6T7 tripod) (mm): 380 Barrel Life (rds): 5,000 Barrel Change Time (sec): 5 Barrel Weight (kg): 9.2 Mount Type: 6T7 (infantry) tripod or 6U6 (w/seat) universal tripod Mounted On: (see VARIANTS) Traverse (ø): 360 Elevation (ø): -5 to +75 Rate of Fire (rd/min): Cyclic: 680-800 Practical: 100 Fire Mode: Automatic; short bursts (four to six) or long bursts (10 to 15) or continuously Operation: Gas Feed: Left or right from metal link belt from 50-rd boxes SIGHTS Name: INA Type: Metallic sights, (tangent leaf rear and folding front post) Sight Range (m): 2,000 Name: 10P50 Optical Type: Day optical sight Magnification: 3-6x Name: 1PN52-1 Type: Night sight Magnification: 5.3x Name: 10P80 (used w/ 6U6 mount) Type: AA collimating sight (aircraft speed to 300 km/h) Name: 10P81 (used w/ 6U6 mount) Type: Ground target sight Name: K10-T (on NSVT for T-72/T-80) Type: Reflex AA sight VARIANTS NSVT: Tank-mounted, (see NOTES) AMMUNITION Name: B-32 Caliber and Length: 12.7x108-mm Type: Armor Piercing Incendiary Max Range (ground) (m): 7,850 Effective Range (m): AA: 1,000 Ground: 2,000 Armor: 800 Night (w/1PN52-1): 1,000 Armor Penetration @ 0 o obliquity @ 500/1,000m range (mm): 20/13.2 Muzzle Velocity (m/s): 860 NOTES A tripod-mount (6T7) version is available for infantry use in a ground role. However, the NSVT appears more commonly mounted on the turrets of tanks as an antiaircraft machinegun. On the T-72 and the T-80, it has a rotating mount and can be fired from within the tank. The tank commander employs the K10-T reflex sight to engage aircraft. On the T-72/T-80 mount he engages ground targets with metallic sights on the gun itself. The T-64 tank mounts a modified version with a fixed mount on the commander's cupola. It fires by means of an electrical solenoid when the tank is buttoned up. An optic serves this purpose. Instead of the normal 50-round ammunition belt container, the NSVT on the T-64 may use a larger belt container holding 200 rounds. Russian Under-barrel Grenade Launcher GP-30 ------------------------------------- This is basically the counterpart to the M203. These can be attached to the AK-74s you'll probably carry around. More coming soon... ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ IV. Singleplayer. ***************** Because of the game not being released yet, only thing I can give you at the moment is a demo mission walkthrough. However, the mission is very fun and quite challenging at times, so you won't get tired of the game by playing it once. Also, you can roam around the island at your leasure, so do it if you want, it's 145 square kilometers for you to explore and love... Demo Mission: Rearguard. Quick Overview: In this mission you have to engage an enemy position in a village, destroy everything and kill everyone. Of course, there'll be a good amount of surprises in this mission, like heavy tank assault and the end is a complete surprise ... it was to me. Vehicles: M113, 5T-Truck, UH-60 Black Hawk, URAL truck, BMP-1, T-72, ZSU. (that's about it I think). Enemy resistance: Quite heavy at times. The BMP-1 is still killable, but if you wait to move on to an objective, a bunch of T-72s will show up, and that ain't pretty! IX. Contact Information. ************************ While I was doing this project alone at first, yesterday afternoon somebody offered to help me, I accepted of course. I'll give his e-mail in this FAQ too, in case you want to contact him for help that I can't give you. My e-mail will also be posted here of course. Contacting the Authors: By e-mail: FullBurst41: bloodfreak@hotmail.com DeathSpawn: kris_dea@yahoo.com At IRC: Go to the server irc.gamesnet.net, and join channel #operationflashpoint. There's a shitload of cool people in there, check it out. And I'm around there in the weekends, Wednesdayand Friday sometimes. When I have cable, I'll be there constantly, but I don't have that yet so... Forum: Uhm actually Message Board, but it's quite the same ain't it? Anyway, the GameFAQs message board of Operation Flashpoint will probably get quite crowded as teh game wins popularity (it's already quite popular, only need to get a FAQ up there). I'll be there too if I find the time, os check that out if you're stuck somewhere, or just want to discuss something. X. Credits and final Junk. ************************* First off, I'd like to give a lot of thanks to DeathSpawn, who's going to help me on this FAQ, lotsa thanks for that mate! Secondly, I have a few people to thank erhm, you know the guyz who are part of websites that post my FAQ and stuff, ahem here we go: DnA, Sith, and Seventh of The Operation Flashpoint Network, DnA, and Sith for being cool people over at IRC (coolest ops if you ask me), I never catch Seventh, and if I catch him, he's busy with other things, so... I can't say anything about him being bad or good or whatever, all I know is his site is superb. Never actually talked to that guy... sheeeee. CJayC: The boss at GameFAQs (http://www.gamefaqs.com), who's been willing to accept my junk without complaints, congrats CJayC! Also, I'd like to greet all the regulars over at the Operation Flashpoint channel, great guyz ... except for some, but that wouldn't fit in a Credits section so... Rhino for being my best bud for about 3 years now, great guy. My brother for getting some stuff for my FAQ when I'm not around, thanx. NO I'm not going to thank God, it's not scientifically proven that this dirtbag even exists, so why would I? Erhm yeah, ok I'll pull this back. I don't want to loose half of my readers because of this combination of words ... hehe. Which brings me to the next one: All the people who dare reading this FAQ, thanks for reading it, and I hope you'll want to keep checking back for updates, I'll apreciate it. Tell me what you think of this FAQ, is it good? Does it suck? What do you think, and don't be afraid to say that it sucks, I won't mind, just don't start flaming bigtime, or I'll try to get hold of your IP... NObody says I will, I'll try. That's about it I think. If you feel you/someone else was forgotten, please let me know and I'll take a look if this is truly the case. Contributors: If you knew my Red Alert 2 FAQ, then you know that I never actually came to putting the extras people mailed to me, certain problems made it even more difficult. I'm planning to change all that. This time, I want to try and put everybody's shit in, good or bad. Just send! Ok, maybe I'll still take a look if it wasn't already said, and if it's really crap, I may just delete it. That'll be all for now, next update will be here soon, next week. I expect to add a lot of the descriptions, I hope to finish most of it. I'll also add the main strategies for the walkthrough, and who knows what else! FullBurst41, helped by DeathSpawn (please refer to the Contact Information section to find out how to contact the authors)