Level Passwords: The level passwords always have something to do with the level, decoding the letters 3 for E, V sometimes for U, 4 for A, and numerical 1 for I. Ex.: The first level is NTRO, phonetically Intro. Level 6, the one where you get fang in your group is WOLF (need I explain..) And so on. But! If you decode the 3rd set of passwords you get BESV R3TO DRNK YOVR OV4L T1N3, becoming: Be Sure To Drink Your Ovaltine???? No subliminal messages here... Submission: Chris Matthews (chrism@maoregon.com) Invincibility: For invulnerability, enter the password "CH3T". Level Passwords: 1. NTR0 7. BR4T 13. B3SV 2. 1STS 8. B0MB 14. R3T0 3. 2NDS 9. WZRD 15. DRNK 4. TRSH 10. BLKS 16. Y0VR 5. SW1M 11. TLPT 17. 0V4L 6. W0LF 12. GYSR 18. T1N3 19. D4RK 25. SHCK 20. H4RD 26. TNNL 21. HRDR 27. H3LL 22. L0ST 28. 4RGH 23. 0B0Y 29. B4DD 24. H0M3