K I N G ' S Q U E S T I I I : The Solution Written By: Kloey Detect (c)1986 --------------------------------------------- Special thanks to the following for all their help in solving this radical adventure: Balboa Sam Brown CatchClaw The Shadow The Game Master The Undefined Being Happy Hacker The Guardian Mr.Wonderful Mickey Mouse Bleu Beard PC Pirate Once again, thank you very much for all of your help in solving King's Quest III. All of the above helped in one way or another. Not all provided valid or even intelligent thoughts to the solution, and you know who you are! But if it was not for the support of the following on the Gallifrey, King's Quest III would have taken much longer to solve. Once again thank you and enjoy this tutorial help guide. -Five O Special Thanks To SPI for cracking King's Quest III. Special Thanks to Kloey Jr. for his insight and thoughts !!!!! This Tutorial is dedicated to my sister, who is now mourning the death of her pet guinea pig, Max, who left us while I solved King's Quesy III in the wee hours of the morning. ..............Amen. "Hot damn! I beat your ass.........Jesus-H, it is 4:58 AM. I will write the tutorial tomorrow night." You have just witnessed the past events of December 7....1941, a day that will live in infamy, whoops, wrong story. You have just witness the events of last night or this morning as the case may be. I have now sat down, after three hours or so, of re-writting my maps so that people, other than ostriches, could read my handwriting. If you would like a formal map, please leave e-mail for Kloey Detect on a BBS near you. Well, Sierra On-Line topped themselves again. This is the best of the King's Quest series yet, as far as the toughness goes, but I still feel that King's Quest II was more based on fairy tales and mythology like King's Quest. Well a different guy did this one. Look for King's Quest IV between June and July!!! OBJECT <*><*><*> You have been captured by the evil homosexual wizard Manannan, who if you can't tell by the name, probably lives in Greenwitch Village and skips to work wearing a pink flowing gown. You must escape from Manannan, rescue your sister, and take her back to Daventry in time, or the kingdom will suffer further ruin and be destroyed, which we would not want to happen! Because King's Quest III is so large [actually smaller than King's Quest II], but a bitch to map, it makes it very difficult to explain step-by-step how to solve it, so I am going to help you solve this adventure, but not really: I will provide the information necessary to do so, but for those of you who do not want to take the cheaters way out, you will only get the hints that you need. Here we go................... -------- * NOTE * -------- The following maps are the most "conceptual" maps that there are: You may be at a poin and go south, when you go north to return to the beginning, you will not return to the point you started at, but instead be to the left or right of the starting point. There is a wrap-around effect in the game and it applies only to the north/south borders. * - Magical item which you may not possess while Manannan is still in the house, unless you enjoy being killed! O - Ocean, which you can not swim across completely or defend yourself against sharks! # - Non-accessible area which is between/in the cliffs, chasms, walls, mountains, etc. You have exactly 30 minutes on the game clock in which to either gather your stuff together and solve the adventure or return to the house, stash the stuff under your bed (pay attention, clue #1) and then wait for Manannan to blow off. ---Remember to ALWAYS put the wand back when you return home. --| | ---Remember to ALWAYS shut the trap door & move the book back. | | |----------If you do not do this then Manannan will blow you into cocaine dust. Manannan's House - 1st Level ---------------------------- 8 6 2 | | \1 -- 7 | 5 | 11 | 12 | 13 Manannan's House - 2nd Level ---------------------------- 3 4 | / 2 -- 10 Manannan's Laboratory --------------------- 8 | | 9 "The World Below The Castle" Greenwitch Village ! -------------------- _______ / \ E D 26 -- 25 12 24/23 -- 19 OOOOOOOOOOO N E | | ######## | | | OOOOOOOOOOO D S 27 -- 31 ######## 21 --- 20 OOOOOOOOOOO L E | | ######## | | | OOOOOOOOOOO E R 28-- 30 -- 13 ---- 14 --- 15 -- 16 -- 17 O S T | | | | | OOOOOOOOOOO S 29 -- 32 -- 33 ---- 22 --- 18 OOOOOOOOOOO Pirate Ship (U.S.S. Five O) -------------------------- 42 -- 41 -- 43 | 44 -- 39 -- 40 | 37 -- 38 Ladder Tree (Robber's Home) -------------------------- 34 -- Outside The House | 30 Bear's House ------------ 36 | 35 Daventry! - The Beach/Mountain Scenario --------------------------------------- 54 | 51 -- 52 -- 53 | | 49 -- 50 55 -- 56 | | | 47-48 57 | | | 45-46 | \/ Down Only to #58 Daventry! - The Return Home .......... -------------------------------------- 68 -- 67 -- 66 -- 65 | | \ 61 -- 62 ###### 64 | ######### / 60 ######## 63 | / 59 -- 58 Just as a brief note: The majority, 99%, of these maps have been drawn as an overhead/cross-section view, but I guess by now you have seen that! In the following pages you will have the numeric key to the above maps. To understand them you must be at least 10 years in age and be able to read 3 syllable words. I will list the # of the map location followed by the description of the location, and then all the things that should be done on the screen. Now bear in mind that you may have to complete certain conditions in order to perform certain commands. Example: 666 - Satan's Party Hole [1]Sacrafice virgin [2]Get pitchfork Comprende !!??!! [*][*][*][*][*][*][*] Extra Hints: 1] To poison the porridge, place the cookie in it. 2] To get the cat fur: a)Hold cat b)Get fur 3] To stay safe during the journey to Daventry while on the Pirate's ship, remain at the rear of the ship untill you reach land. You have to figure it out from there. 4] SAVE YOUR GAME FREQUENTLY!!!!! I used the following format when I saved a game:> 136/210 : Captn.Room : 1:26:23 This is the score I have : Location : Time used 5] The eagle will drop the feather randomly, so GET IT ! Before we continue let me just say I finished King's Quest III, but did NOT have all the points, which I don't give a crap about. I attribute the loss in points to the following: Failure to complete the folowing spells: ---------------------------------------- Understanding the Language of creatures(10 pts) Causing a deep sleep(10 pts) Failure to gain the following objects: -------------------------------------- Reptile skins Acorns I needed the above two objects to complete the above two spells, simple, isn't it! If you could leave e-mail to me, I would appreciate it to soothe my desire for knowledge. Points not listed in Map/Tutorial --------------------------------- Leaving the pirate ship and making it to Daventry(5 pts) Evading abominable snowman(4 pts) *Cat fur(1 pt) *Eagle feather(2 pts) Dropping fish powder(4 pts) Poisoning Manannan with porridge(10 pts) IMPORTANT: When Manannan first appears, he will ask you to go do something, DO IT, you get now points, but then you won't get turned to cocaine either!! Numerical key to the maps in the above: --------------------------------------- 1 - Starting place 2 - Top of staircase 3 - Manannan's bedroom [1] Get pot (To humor Manannan) [2] Open drawer (by mirror) [a] Given *mirror(1 pt) [3] Open dresser (right hand side) [a] Given *Rose essence(1 pt) [4] Move clothes [a] Given *map(7 pts) [5] Look top cabinet [a] Given *key(3 pts) 4 - Observatory [1] Get *fly(1 pt) 5 - Feed chickens (To humor Manannan) [1] Get chicken [2] Get *feather(1 pt) 6 - Get broom (To humor Manannan) [1] Get bowl(1 pt) [2] Get spoon(1 pt) [3] Get knife(1 pt) [4] Get bread(1 pt) [5] Get fruit(1 pt) [6] Get mutton(1 pt) 7 - Manannan's dinner room [1] Get cup(1 pt) 8 - Manannan's study [1] Unlock cabinet [a] Gives you *wand(4 pts) [2] Move book [3] Pull lever(5 pts) [*] The stairs lead down into the lab. 9 - Manannan's laboratory [1] Get *powdered fish bone(1 pt) [2] Get *nightshade juice(1 pt) [3] Get *mandrake root powder(1 pt) [4] Get *saffron(1 pt) [5] Get *toad spittle(1 pt) [6] Get *toadstool powder(1 pt) [*] Toad cast spells you must "Turn to page 'x' " [a] Where 'x' is the page the spell is located on. [b] Spells are at the end of the tutorial. [c] You gain ten(10 pts)points for every spell done. 10 - Your bedroom [1] Hide all 11 - Winding Path (SAVE GAME FREQUENTLY) 12 - Bottom of Path 13 - End of path 14 - Stores [1] General Store [a] Buy *leather pouch(1 pt) [b] Buy *salt(1 pt) [c] Buy *fish oil(1 pt) [d] Buy *lard(1 pt) [e] Pet Dog [1]Gives you *dog hair(1 pt) [2] Tavern [a] Talk man [b] Give coin(3 pts) 15 - Docks [1] Get water(1 pt) 16 - Extension of docks [1] Get on ship(2 pts) 17 - End of docks 18 - Beach at the docks 19 - Beach 20 - Stream 21 - White trees with stream leading north 22 - Trees on beach [1] Get *mistletoe(1 pt) 23 - Cave [1] Dip feather in essence [2] Fly towards cave entrance [3] Enter cave [4] Get *stone(3 pts) 24 - Waterfall [1] Get mud(1 pt) 25 - Forest/desert 26 - Medusa [1] Enter the screen and face away from the way you entered [2] Wave mirror when Medusa is VERY close to you(5 pts) 27 - Curved desert basin 28 - Desert with cattle bones [1] Get *cactus(1 pt) 29 - Crackled desert floor 30 - Ladder Tree(Robbers Hideout) [1] Place hand in tree(4 pts) [2] Climb ladder [3] Get off ladder(2 pts) 31 - Large rock with trees 32 - Tall tree 33 - Bear's house [1] Knock on door [2] Walk over flowers [3] Open door 34 - Robber's house [1] Get *purse(4 pts) 35 - Bear's main room [1] Get porridge(2 pts) 36 - Bear's bedroom [1] Open drawer [2] Get *thimble(1 pt) [*] Leave house and go into garden and fill thimble(1 pt) 37 - Holding pen [1] Drop crate(2 pts) [2] Jump crate [3] Jump crate [4] Jump 38 - Storage room [1] Get crate(? pts) 39 - Captain's room [1] Open chest [2] Get all(3 pts) 40 - Store room [1] Get shovel(1 pt) 41 - Main Deck 42 - Galley 43 - Front of ship [1] Dip feather in essence(5 pts) 44 - Back of ship 45 - Beach 46 - Beach 47 - Foot of mountain 48 - Foot of mountain 49 - Path to mountain 50 - Path with waterfall 51 - Mountain caps with snow 52 - Path with cave at right 53 - End of path and mountain 54 - Abominable snowman's house 55 - Cliff and caves 56 - Cliff path 57 - Cliff path down 58 - Old house 59 - Old well 60 - Gnome's house 61 - Castle(left half) [1] Open doors(4 pts) 62 - Castle(right half) 63 - Stairs 64 - Stairs 65 - Stairs 66 - Cave entrance 67 - Dragon [1] Screen before(#66) rub ointment on body [2] Stir brew with finger [3] Cast storm spell(7 pts) [4] Untie girl(3 pts) [*] Take girl back to castle and you will win ! \/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/ That's all folks /\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\ It took me about 10 hours to complete the thing and to map it all out and put the above info in a decent order. I only got 169/210 points, and I have allready discussed why. I have only provided you with 80% of the solution. What I mean by this is that you must perform certain actions before others can obviously take place. i.e.:You must open a brew to drink it, unless you are a conehead, or on a more understandable basis, you must have the key in order to open the wizard's safe. Well....have fun....live long.....and remember to save your game frequently......and look for King's Quest IV !!!! Kloey Detect of Five O S p e c i a l T h a n k s T o: _-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_- Mr. Camaro Xpax The Magician EXTRA SPECIAL THANKS TO: oooooooooooooooooooooooo Augie, Veronica, Ursula, Onika and SUPER DUCK For listening to my problems! KINGS QUEST III MAGIC SPELLS UNDERSTANDING THE LANGUAGE OF CREATURES Page II INGREDIENTS : ONE SMALL FEATHER FROM A BIRD ONE TUFT OF FUR FROM ANY ANIMAL ONE DRIED REPTILE SKIN ONE ROUNDED SPOONFUL OF POWERDED FISH BONE ONE THIMBLE FULL OF DEW ONE MAGIC WAND DIRECTIONS: I) PUT THE SMALL FEATHER IN A BOWL II) PUT THE FUR IN THE BOWL III) PUT THE REPTILE SKIN IN THE BOWL IV) ADD A SPOONFUL OF POWEDERED FISH BONE V) PUT THE THIMBLE FULL OF DEW IN THE BOWL VI) MIX WITH HANDS (MIXTURE WILL BE DOUGHY) VII) SEPERATE MIXTURE INTO TWO PIECES VIII) PUT DOUGH PIECES INTO YOUR EARS IX) RECITE THIS VERSE : FEATHER OF FOWL AND BONE OF FISH, MOLDED TOGETHER IN THIS DISH, GIVE ME WISDOM TO UNDERSTAND CREATURES OF AIR,SEA AND LAND X) WAVE THE MAGIC WAND YOU WILL NOW BE ABLE TO UNDERSTAND THE SPEECH OF ANIMALS, BIRDS AND FISH. YOU WILL NOT, HOWEVER, BE ABLE TO SPEAK TO THEM. THE SPELL WILL LAST AS LONG AS THE DOUGH IS IN YOUR EARS. FLYING LIKE AN EAGLE OR A FLY Page IV INGREDIENTS: ONE TAIL FEATHER OF ANY EAGLE (TO FLY LIKE AN EAGLE) ONE PAIR OF FLY WINGS (TO BECOME A FLY) ONE PINCH OF SAFFRON ROSE PETAL ESSENCE ONE MAGIC WAND DIRECTIONS: I) PUT A PINCH OF SAFFRON IN ESSENCE II) RECITE THIS VERSE: OH WINGED SPIRITS, SET ME FREE OF EARTHLY BINDINGS, JUST LIKE THEE IN THIS ESSENCE, BEHOLD THE MIGHT TO GRANT THE PRECIOUS GIFT OF FLIGHT III) WAVE THE MAGIC WAND YOU NOW HAVE A POTION WHICH WILL ALLOW YOU TO CAST THE TRANSFORMATION SPELL. TO CAST THE SPELL ANY TIME LATER: DIP THE EAGLE FEATHER IN THE ESSENCE (IF YOU WANT TO BECOME AN EAGLE) OR DIP THE FLY WINGS IN THE ESSENCE (IF YOU WANT TO BECOME A FLY). YOU WILL TURN INTO AN EAGLE OR A FLY. IF YOU DO NOT TRANSFORM BACK INTO YOURSELF, THE SPELL WILL WEAR OFF AFTER SOME TIME HAS PASSED. YOU CAN USE THIS SPELL UNTIL YOUR ROSE PETAL/SAFFRON POTION IS GONE. TO RETURN TO YOUR OWN FORM BEFORE THE SPELL WEARS OFF, RECITE THIS VERSE: EAGLE BEGONE! MYSELF, RETURN! OR FLY BEGONE! MYSELF, RETURN! TELEPORTATION AT RANDOM Page VII INGREDIENTS: ONE SPOONFUL OF SALT GRAINS ONE SPRIG OF DRIED MISTLETOE ONE SMOOTH ROUNDED STONE OF UNUSUAL COLOUR ONE MAGIC WAND DIRECTIONS: I) GRIND A SPOONFUL SALT IN A MORTAR (WITH A PESTLE) II) GRIND THE MISTLETOE IN THE MORTAR III) RUB THE STONE IN THE MIXTURE IV) KISS THE STONE V) RECITE THIS VERSE: WITH THIS KISS, I THEE IMPART, POWER MOST DEAR TO MY HEART. TAKE ME NOW FROM THIS PLACE HITHER, TO ANOTHER PLACE FAR THITHER. VI) WAVE MAGIC WAND YOU NOW OWN A CHARM WHICH WILL ALLOW YOU TO CAST THE RANDOM TELEPORTATION SPELL. TO CAST THE SPELL, RUB THE STONE. IT WILL INSTANTLY WISK YOU AWAY FROM WHERE YOU ARE. REMAIN ALERT, HOWEVER --EVEN THOUGH YOU USE THE SPELL TO RUN AWAY FROM DANGER, NOTHING GUARANTEES THAT YOU WILL NOT ARRIVE IN A MORE PRECARIOUS SITUATIONTHAN THE ONE YOU LEFT. THE POWER OF THE CHARM REMAINSF- OR AS LONG AS YOU CAN RETAIN THE STONE. CAUSING A DEEP SLEEP Page XIV INGREDIENTS: THREE DRIED ACORNS 1 CUP NIGHTSHADE JUICE 1 MAGIC WAND 1 EMPTY POUCH DIRECTIONS: I. GRIND THE ACORNS IN A MORTAR [WITH A PESTLE] II. PUT THE ACORN POWDER IN A BOWL III. PUT THE NIGHTSHADE JUICE IN THE BOWL IV. STIR THE MIXTURE WITH A SPOON V. LIGHT A CHARCOAL BRAZIER VI. HEAT THE MIXTURE ON THE BRAZIER [BOIL THE MIXTURE UNTIL THE NIGHSHADE JUICE IS ALMOST GONE, THEN REMOVE FROM HEAT] VII. SPREAD THE MIXTURE ON A TABLE [WAIT UNTIL DRY] VIII. RECITE THIS VERSE: ACORN POWDER GROUND SO FINE NIGHTSHADE JUICE LIKE BITTER WINE, SILENTLY IN DARKNESS YOU CREEP TO BRING A SOPORIFIC SLEEP IX. WAVE THE MAGIC WAND X. PUT THE SLEEP POWDER IN THE POUCH [4 SAFEKEEPING] YOU HAVE NOW MIXED A POWDER FOR CASTING A SLEEP SPELL OVER WHOEVER IS NEARBY. TO CAST THE SPELL, POUR THE SLEEP POWDER ON THE GROUND [OR FLOOR] IN A DANK, DARK PLACE. THEN RECITE : SLUMBER, HENCEFORTH! TRANSFORMING ANOTHER INTO A CAT Page XXV INGREDIENTS: 1/2 CUP MANDRAKE ROOT POWDER 1 SMALL BALL OF CAT HAIR 2 SPOONFULS OF FISH OIL 1 MAGIC WAND DIRECTIONS: I. PUT MANDRAKE ROOT POWDER IN A BOWL II. PUT THE CAT HAIR IN THE BOWL III. PUT 2 SPOONS OF FISH OIL IN BOWL IV. STIR MIXTURE WITH A SPOON [DOUGH WILL BE OILY] V. PUT THE DOUGH ON THE TABLE VI. PAT DOUGH INTO A COOKIE [LET HARDEN ON TABLE] VII. RECITE THIS VERSE: MANDRAKE ROOT AND HAIR OF CAT MIX OIL OF FISH AND GIVE A PAT A FELINE FROM THE ONE WHO EATS THIS APPETIZING MAGIC TREAT VIII. WAVE THE MAGIC WAND YOU HAVE JUST CREATED A COOKIE THAT,WHEN EATEN, WILL TURN THE VICTIM INTO A CAT. FOREVER! BREWING A STORM Page LXXXIV INGREDIENTS: 1 CUP OF OCEAN WATER 1 SPOONFUL OF MUD 1 PINCH OF TOADSTOOL POWDER 1 MAGIC WAND 1 EMPTY JAR DIRECTIONS: I. PUT A CUP OF OCEAN WATER IN BOWL II. LIGHT A CHARCOAL BRAZIER III. HEAT THE BOWL ON THE BRAZIER [HEAT SLOWLY, BUT NOT TO BOILING, THEN REMOVE FROM HEAT] IV. PUT A SPOON OF MUD IN THE BOWL V. ADD A PINCH OF TOADSTOOL POWDER VI. BLOW INTO THE HOT BREW VII. RECITE THIS VERSE: ELEMENTS FROM THE EARTH AND SEA, COMBINE TO SET THE HEAVENS FREE. WHEN I STIR THIS MAGIC BREW, GREAT GOD THOR, I CALL ON YOU. VIII. WAVE THE MAGIC WAND IX. POUR THE STORM BREW INTO THE JAR [TO STORE] YOU HAVE MIXED A POTION THAT YOU CAN USE TO BREW A STORM. TO ACTIVATE THE SPELL, STIR THE STORM BREW WITH YOUR FINGER AND RECITE : BREW OF STORMS, CHURN IT UP! OUTDOORS, A RAINSTORM COMPLETE WITH THUNDER AND LIGHTNING WILL OCCUR. IT WILL LAST FOR SOME ITME, BUT WILL EVENTUALLY RAIN IT SELF OUT . IF YOU WISH IT TO SUBSIDE EARLIER, RECITE: BREW OF STORMS, CLEAR IT UP! BECOMEING INVISIBLE Page CLXIX INGREDIENTS: 1 JAR OF LARD 1 CACTUS 1 SPOONFUL OF CACTUS JUICE 2 DROPS OF TOAD SPITTLE 1 MAGIC WAND DIRECTIONS: I. CUT THE CACTUS WITH A KNIFE II. SQUEEZE THE CACTUS JUICE ON SPOON III. PUT THE CACTUS JUICE IN A BOWL IV. PUT THE LARD IN THE BOWL V. ADD 2 DROPS OF TAOD SPITTLE VI. STIR THE MIXTURE WITH A SPOON VII. RECITE THIS VERSE: CACTUS PLANT AND HORNY TOAD I NOW START DOWN A DANGEROUS ROAD COMBINE WITH FIRE AND MIST TO MAKE ME DISAPPEAR WITHOUT A TRACE VIII. WAVE MAGIC WAND IX. PUT OINTMENT IN THE EMPTY LARD JAR YOU NOW HAVE A MAGIC OINTMENT THAT WILL ALLOW YOU TO TURN INVISIBLE [BUT BEWARE, THE OINTMENT ONLY WORKS IN A PLACE WHERE THERE IS BOTH FIRE AND MIST]. TO CAST THE INVISIBILITY SPELL, RUB THE OINTMENT ON YOUR BODY. YOU WILL BE INVISIBLE FOR A SHORT WHILE. YOU HAVE ENOUGH FOR ONE APPLICATION. ETS/12.86