Dragon Quest 1-2 Remix Dragon Quest 2 FAQ Version 1.0 Christopher Lee Boger leslumens@yahoo.com FAQ HOME http://darken.0catch.com/goblin/ggdomain.htm (The Goblin's Domain) FINE DRAGON QUEST COMMUNITY SITES http://www.dqshrine.com (Dustin's DW/DQ Shrine) Remember to link from each of these sites to the other fine locales for pursuing Dragon Quest on the internet. As always, if you find any errors in this FAQ (other than the fact I'm a treasure hunter and like to power up way more than is necessary before performing any quest) feel free to e-mail me and you'll be credited in the revised FAQ. Likewise, any contributions to the contents will be much welcomed and credited. You may use and distribute this FAQ as you see fit, so long as the original contents remain un-edited. Addendums may be added, provided none of the original content is changed, but I would prefer you send any such addendums to me. These would then be worked into the "official" FAQ and re-posted at all the FAQ's homes so it can be available to the public at large. There is (or will be, depends on how quickly you got ahold of this after I completed it ^_^) an online version of this FAQ with descriptive pictures and some more specific sections available at the Goblin's Domain. You'll notice there are some blanks and question marks here and there in the charts section. That's because I missed that information on the run-through where I was writing the FAQ. I went ahead and released this because I've been working on it forever and working on it straight for several days now. I need a break from DW2 and DQ2!!!! LOL This information will go in as soon as I pick the game back up and play through again to acquire it. If you wish to contribute, once again, feel free to send me information. Screenshots would be nice as well if you can get them. **************** *** CONTENTS *** **************** (I) Some notes about play on emulators (1) My stance on emulation (2) Notes about playing this game via emulation (II) Menu Translations for the Japanese Impaired (1) Main Game menus (a) Select which DQ you want to play (b) "Continue your Quest" menus (2) Command menus (a) Main Command Menu (b) Item Menu (c) Status Menu (d) Equip Menu (e) Spell Menu (3) Inn, Shop, Etc., Menus (a) Inn Menus (b) Item/Weapon Shop Menus (c) Vault Menus (4) Battle Menus (a) Main Battle Menu (b) Spell Battle Menu (III) Some notes about the Remix (IV) Various Charts (1) Weapon Stats (2) Armor Stats (3) Shield Stats (4) Spell descriptions (5) Item descriptions (6) Enemy Charts (7) Experience chart (8) Travel door destinations (V) Walkthrough (VI) Shout Outs!! ********************************************** *** (I) Some notes about play on emulators *** ********************************************** ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~(1) My stance on emulation~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ First and foremost, if you are playing the game and enjoying it, you should be doing your utmost to pay for the fun you are having. The best case scenario is that you are playing the game on an emulator in order to use English patches released by Translation Groups on the 'Net because you can't read Japanese, not because you don't have the actual physical cart. There is absolutely nothing illegal about having a copy of a cart you own on your computer. Now having it on your web site or downloading it from one is a different matter..... Considering the extreme limitations on obtaining some of the older and more popular games (which DQ1-2 definitely fits in) another scenario of which I approve is to have downloaded the game in order to play something you could not have otherwise obtained. This does NOT mean you should stop looking for a copy of the original cart. You should be making every effort to pay the wonderful people who made the game for their efforts. Basically, it boils down to this. If you downloaded the game simply so you could get it for free, we're at odds. I hate that whole stinkin' "WaReZ" scene garbage and the people it attracts. Now I'm done ranting. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~(2) Notes about playing this game via emulation~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ At the original time of this FAQ's writing, there was no complete translation of the game. There has since been a complete translation, which I have unfortunately had no opportunity to play, as well as an official release on the color Gameboy by Enix. You can find the translation patch wherever translations are distributed, and you should still be able to find the cgb cart in stores or online stores. The following issues mostly deal with the ancient incomplete patch by RPGe. Next.... READ THE README FILES THAT COME WITH YOUR EMULATOR OF CHOICE!!!!! Ninety percent of the time reading those and a little bit of experimentation will teach you what you need to know about these fascinating little programs and how to run them. Don't harass page maintainers with questions about emulators if you don't want to get flamed. I will be posting a FAQ on this on my page sometime, so you might check and see if I've uploaded it yet. Next on the agenda.... I'm not sure if this is a problem with the patch, or the original rom, or just emulation in general, but this game tends to crash on occasion. If the music stalls in one long note, it's crashed. I recommend that you use the "Save State" often to avoid losing progress due to a crash. By "often" I mean near constantly. Every two or three battles, or every foot or so you walk on the overworld. The game has a BAD tendency to crash, and if you get in the habit of keeping your save state updated you will find yourself screaming a lot less often. If you don't know how to use "Save State" and "Restore State", read the documentation! It differs depending upon which emulator you are using. You should be on a system with AT LEAST a 100 MHZ processor or better to play this game via emulation. With that speed and the sound turned "off" the game will run at a speed that is somewhat bearable. It can be played on slower systems (I can run it on a 486 50 MHZ) but the speed will drive you batty most likely. For full sound and speed, I'd say go for something in the 200 MHZ + range. That's what I run it on and I don't have any frame skip whatsoever. Final notes..... Disappointed with the boost a Defense Seed or Lifeforce Acorn has given you? Make sure you "save state" before you use any of these items. Then just keep hitting restore until it gives you a boost that makes you smile (6 is max). But remember, this is cheating and I highly discourage this unless you have already beaten the game and are just playing around (or writing a FAQ and trying to stay a step above the monsters ^_^) ******************************************************** *** (II) Menu Translations for the Japanese Impaired *** ******************************************************** NOTE: I use the original Dragon Warrior 2 terms or a logical English word for all sections of this FAQ. These are not, nor are they meant to be, direct Japanese translations. I felt this would allow people who have played in the world of Dragon Warrior before to identify with the commands better. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~(1) Main Game menus~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ (a)---Select which DQ you want to play.---(a) I don't even know why I'm putting this on here, except for fear that somebody won't figure it out and will ask me about it. At the opening title screen, there will be a menu at the bottom. The top choice is "Dragon Quest 1" and the bottom choice is "Dragon Quest 2". Now that wasn't so hard, was it ^_^ (b)---"Continue your Quest" menus---(b) The first thing you should know is that the first time you start the cart (or the rom in the emulator) there will be no data saved, so only the "Begin a New Quest" option will be present. Likewise, if all the slots are full, there will be no "Begin a new Quest" or "Copy a Quest" option available. These are the menus in a standard configuration where a game is saved on the cart. With that out of the way, here are the options of the main screen as they appear..... CONTINUE A QUEST CHANGE MESSAGE SPEED BEGIN A NEW QUEST COPY A QUEST ERASE A QUEST I'm not typing up a manual here, so you can figure out what these options represent ^_^ When you select "Continue" "Copy" or "Erase" You will then be prompted with a menu listing the saved games which these functions may be performed on. When you select "Change message speed" you will first be prompted for a saved game to change the message speed for, then the actual message speed. Move the cursor left for faster text, or right for slower text. When you select "New Quest" You will first be prompted for a name, then a message speed. The option to end the name selection is the one in the bottom right corner, but with only four letters to enter, most of you will find your cursor there very quickly anyway ^_^ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~(2) Command menus~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ (a)---Main Command Menu---(a) When you press the "A" Button, this menu will appear. *'s indicate an option which expands into another menu. Here then, is the main command menu screen..... TALK SPELLS* STATUS* ITEM* DOOR SEARCH You should take note that there is no need to ever use the command menu to talk, search, or open a door. Simply stand in front of what you want to perform one of these options on and press the X button. Depending upon what is in front of you, or lack thereof, the game will select the appropriate action to perform automatically. (b)---Item Menus---(b) If you select "Item" a menu of your three characters will appear and a list of the items they are carrying next to it. Use the cursor to select which character you wish to perform actions on concerning items, then select the item. Hope you can recognize them so you know what you're trying to use ^_^ Once you have selected an item, you will be offered the a menu offering three choices USE TRANSFER DROP When you select use you will be offered a menu of your characters to choose who to use it on. If the item cannot be used on a character then a message will be displayed noting such. The exception is Seeds and Nuts. Whoever chooses to use these will get the benefits without being offered a choice. So trade the seed or nut to whoever you want to receive it's benefits before using it. When you select transfer, you'll be offered a menu of your characters to choose who to give it to. If you try to give an item to a character who's backpack is full, you will receive a message saying that character cannot hold more items. If the item you are attempting to transfer is a normal item, then the small pop-up window will simply tell you that it is an item. If you are trading a piece of equipment, the window will note how much it will change your attack or defense powers. If you move the cursor over your characters, the window changes to reflect that character's abilities. If no number appears in this window, then that character cannot equip that item. Be careful of that drop command. Once you drop something, it's gone forever! (c)---Status Menu---(c) When you select "Status" a second menu will appear which asks which of the following you wish to do... EQUIP* STATUS If you select "Status" the game will show many important statistics of your character. Select which character you wish to view the stats for first. If you look in the upper right hand corner you should see a window showing how much Gold you have. Here is what appears in the status windows when you select this command. The left window, from top to bottom, lists the following things about your character: Name (and last name Roto or Erdrick if you prefer), Your level, Your current HP, Your current MP, and the four listings below that are the Weapon, Armor, Shield and Helm you are currently equipped with. The right window, from top to bottom, lists the following things about your character: Strength, Agility, Defense, Max HP, Max MP, Attack %, Defense %, Experience. There will also be a pictorial representation of any of the five crests you have gathered at the bottom. Now, if you press the A button, the screen will change. (Except on the Hero who has no spells to use in the game) Displayed in the window will be the spells you can use in battle. Now, if you press the A button again, the screen will change again. Displayed in the window will be the spells you can use on the overworld. Press A again to exit the status screen. (d)---Equip Menu---(d) When you select "Equip" from the "Status" menu above, the game will scroll through several windows of equipment. You may use the "B" key to go back a menu at any time, and if you do so in the first window, it will cancel your equip operation. The first window to appear is for equipping weapons. At the top of the list will be shown all the weapons you possess. The bottom option is always "none" if you choose to fight with your bare hands. The second window to appear is for equipping armor. It will function in exactly the same manner as the weapon window. The third window is the Shield window, and it is used in the same manner as the previous two. The fourth window is the Helm window, and it is used in the same manner as the previous three. The fifth window is for your accessories. If you have any accessories which can be equipped, they will be listed at the top of the menu. The bottom option on this window ends your equip operation. In order to equip, or remove, an accessory you simply press the a button while the cursor is in front of the item. An "E" will appear next to the item when it is equipped. (e)---Spell Menu---(e) When you select "Spells" a second menu will appear listing the spells which you can cast (If you have learned any such spells. If you have no spells, no menu will appear) The spell menu appears in this order, and any spells you have not yet learned will be replaced by Question Marks on the menu screen. (((PRINCE))) (((PRINCESS)) HEAL HEALMORE ANTIDOTE REPEL RETURN ANTIDOTE OUTSIDE HEALALL HEALMORE OUTSIDE STEPGUARD REVIVE REVIVE OPEN ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~(3) Inn, Shop, Etc., Menus~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ (a)---Inn Menus---(a) The inn is pretty simple. It displays a message saying how much the Inn costs (you should be able to read the number, even if you can't read the text) and there will be a simple Yes/No menu where you can decide whether to sleep at the Inn or not. (b)---Item/Weapon Shop Menus---(b) The first menu you will get when talking to a shopkeeper is the following.... BUY SELL EXIT When you select "Buy", you will then be presented with a list of available items for purchase. Refer to the sections for each town to see what the menus in each individual town will look like. In the case of weapon shops, once you have purchased a piece of equipment, the shopkeeper will ask if you wish to equip the item. Top option is Yes and bottom one is No. In all shops, if your backpack is full, you will receive a message that you cannot hold any more items. Sell some items or store some in the Vault if you don't want to get rid of them. When you select "Sell", a window will open showing the items in your backpack. You then select the item you wish to sell with the cursor and press "A" to sell it. The shopkeeper will then ask a simple Yes/No question of whether it is OK to sell the item at the price listed in the text window. The "Exit" option simply exits the shop. This can also be accomplished just as easily by hitting the "B" button repeatedly until you exit the shop. (c)---Vault Menus---(c) The vault is a place to store your excess gold and items. They are located throughout the world in many towns. This useful addition in the Remix allows you to grab quest items at any time and then store them so that they are not clogging up your backpack. The first menu you receive in the Vault is the following. GIVE TAKE EXIT Selecting Exit will end your business in the Vault, but the "B" button works just as well. If you have nothing stored in the Vault, selecting the "Take" option will result in a message that says the Vault doesn't have anything that belongs to you. Selecting "Give" or "Take" brings up another menu which looks like this. GOLD ITEM EXIT Once again Exit just exits the menu and is easily replaced by the "B" button. Gold may be stored in the vault in increments of 1000. When you select "Gold" a window will be displayed with a cursor. Move the cursor to a digit position and press up or down to change the number until you have selected how much GP you wish to store in the Vault. Likewise the same for taking gold from the vault, but the total you have stored will be displayed in the text window. If you have no GP stored and you have selected "Take" then "Gold", you will receive a message saying that the Vault has no Gold stored for you. Selecting "Item" opens your backpack and allows you to select items to be stored in the Vault. Simply move the cursor to the item and press the "A" button to store it. Likewise taking items from the Vault, except the stored items will be displayed instead of your backpack. After storing or taking an item from the Vault, the keeper will ask you if you wish to store/take some more with a simple Yes/No question. If you have no items stored and try to select "Take" then "Item", you will receive a message saying the Vault doesn't have any of your things. Also, if your backpack is full, you cannot take any items from the Vault. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~(3) Battle Command Menus~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ When you encounter an enemy on the overworld or in a dungeon, you will automatically snap into battle mode and the battle menu will be displayed. Note that your quick status window showing your current HP and MP is displayed as well, keep track of it if you want to be a successful warrior! (a)---Main Battle Menu---(a) Following is the battle window which pops up when you encounter the enemy. (((HERO))) (((PRINCE))) (((PRINCESS)) ATTACK ATTACK ATTACK RUN SPELLS* SPELLS* PARRY PARRY PARRY ITEM* ITEM* ITEM* If the Hero is asleep or dead, then the Prince's "Parry" command will change to "Run". Likewise if both Hero and Prince are dead, then the Princess' Parry will change to Run. Selecting "Item" will display the items you have in your backpack, select which one to use with the cursor and press "A" to activate. You will then be offered the opportunity to either use the item, or equip it if it is an item which can be equipped. The top choice is use, and the bottom choice is equip in this menu. If you attempt to use an item you will then be asked to choose which character or monster you wish to use it on. Selecting "Run" makes your character attempt to flee from the monster. This does not always work, and some creatures cannot be run from under any circumstances. Selecting "Attack" causes your character to lash out with whatever weapon they are equipped with at the enemy. Selecting "Parry" causes your character to go on the defensive, giving up their attack that round but increasing their defensive power for that round. (b)----Spell Battle Menu---(b) When you select "Spell" from the main battle menu, a list of available spells is displayed. Any spells you have not yet learned will be replaced by Question marks in the menu, which appears below. Press right or left farther than the menu goes to scroll back and forth between the two spell menu windows for each character. (((PRINCE WINDOW 1))) (((PRINCE WINDOW 2))) HEAL FIREBAL DEFEAT REVIVE STOPSPELL HEALMORE SACRIFICE FIREBANE INCREASE (((PRINCESS WINDOW 1))) (((PRINCESS WINDOW 2))) HEALMORE SLEEP EXPLODET REVIVE INFERNOS SURROUND DEFENCE HEALALL ************************************** ***(III) Some notes about the Remix*** ************************************** The battles in the Remix are generally more balanced than they were in the original Dragon Warrior. You'll find you spend a lot less time wandering in circles trying to build up GP and XP in this game than you did in the classic version. It's not nearly as noticeable in DQ2 as it is in DQ1, but the added balance is there. Magic seems to be more effective than it was in the original for one thing. The biggest help, however, has to be this. If you command one of your characters to attack a monster, and someone else kills it first (or it runs away), your character will attack another monster instead of wasting a shot. This allows you to team up heavily on dangerous enemies without wasting rounds smacking empty air. This applies to spells cast as well. If you target an enemy with a spell and they die before the spell goes off, your character will make a standard physical attack on a monster that is still alive. Offensive and Defensive powers of some of the equipment has been increased, mainly to make the Prince and Princess more effective fighters. You'll also find that the Prince can equip a few more weapons than he could in DW2 making him a much more effective fighter. There are added shops, like the Vaults throughout the game and the weapon shop in Cannock Castle. Some shops have added items in them that save you long walks as well. Basically it corrects a lot of annoying things that you had to do in the original game. There are items hidden in pots, dressers, etc. in the remix. So as you've become accustomed to in more recent RPG's, search everywhere for bonus items that don't cost you anything. One of the most significant things added to the game are the "Seeds" and "Acorns". These are like the items in Dragon Warrior 4 and increase your stats when used. They are hidden in dressers and such, but also replace a lot of the more useless treasure chests that were in the original game. Searching for and acquiring every treasure chest is actually worth your time in the Remix. You'll even find rare items like the Mysterious Hat and Wizard's Ring in Chests. Look in the status box with your HP and MP during battle. If there is a pinkish colored notation near your name, then you are affected by a status condition. You'll just have to learn to recognize which is which or remember what monsters use what attacks to know which one you've been hit with. Some monsters (Evil Clown in Midenhall jail) have had their HP significantly increased. To balance this out, they give you a huge load of XP when you beat them! There are a few other differences, but they are mainly in dungeon design and graphics quality. The overworld is identical, so you can wander about on it exactly as you did before. Unlike DQ1, the dungeon floorplans are not significantly changed, so your memory of DW2 dungeon maps will serve you well in the Remix. One extremely helpful thing in the cave to Rhone is the pits stay visible once you trigger them, so it's not as hard to find your way back through once you've splattered a couple of times on the floor below ^_^ ************************* ***(IV) VARIOUS CHARTS*** ************************* ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~(1) Weapon Statistics~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ In the "Who Use" section, (A) Refers to the Hero (B) Refers to the Prince of Cannok (C) Refers to the Princess of Moonbrooke. "ATP" means Attack Power. NAME COST SELL WHO USE ATP FIND SPECIAL ==== ==== ==== ======= === ==== ======= Bamboo Stick 0 15 ABC 2 Chests Club 60 45 AB 8 Leftwyne Copper Sword 100 75 AB 10 Leftwyne Hamlin Magic Knife 200 150 ABC 12 Leftwyne Chain Sickle 390 247 AB 15 Leftwyne Hamlin Iron Spear 770 480 AB 20 Hamlin Broad Sword 1500 1125 A 30 Tantegel Lianport Hamlin Osterfair Giant Hammer 4000 3000 A 40 Tantegel Beran Wellgarth Osterfair Dragon Killer 8000 6000 A 55 Beran Wellgarth Osterfair Tuhn Light Sword 16000 12000 AB 70 Wellgarth "Use" For Attack Similar To the Surround Spell Falcon Sword 25000 18750 AB 7 Tuhn 2 Attacks Per Round Sword of Erdrick 0 0 AB 40 Chest Wizard's Wand 2500 1875 ABC 27 Lianport "Use" For Attack Similar Beran To the Firebal Spell Tuhn Staff of Thunder 0 19500 ABC 45 Chest "Use" For Attack Similar To the Infernos Spell Thunder Sword 0 375 A 95 Chest "Use" For Attack on Enemy Group with Strength Similar to Firebane Sword of Destruction 0 11250 A 105 Chest Cursed... Causes Equipped Ally to Freeze Up In Battle and Be Unable to Act ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~(2) Armor Statistics~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ In the "Who Use" section, (A) Refers to the Hero (B) Refers to the Prince of Cannok (C) Refers to the Princess of Moonbrooke. "DFP" means Defense Power NAME COST SELL WHO USE DFP FIND SPECIAL ==== ==== ==== ======= === ==== ======= Clothes 0 23 ABC 2 Chest Leather Armor 0 113 AB 6 Chest Chain Mail 480 292 AB 12 Hamlin Leftwyne Clothes Hiding 1250 938 ABC 35 Lianport Tantegel Osterfair Full Plate Armor 1000 750 A 25 Hamlin Lianport Magic Armor 4300 3225 AB 35 Osterfair Strong vs. Fire Tuhn Mink Coat 65000 48750 ABC 60 Wellgarth Strong vs. Fire Armor of Gaia 0 ?? A ?? Chest Armor of Erdrick 0 0 A 75 Chest Protects From Damage of Swamps, Lava and Barriers Gremlin's Armor 0 4800 AB ?? Chest Cursed.... Causes the Wearer to Freeze up in Battle and Be Unable to Act Water Flying Cloth 0 0 ABC 65 Don Mahone Strong vs. Fire, Protects In Tuhn From Damage of Swamps and Lava. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~(3) Shield And Helm Statistics~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ In the "Who Use" section, (A) Refers to the Hero (B) Refers to the Prince of Cannok (C) Refers to the Princess of Moonbrooke. "DFP" means Defense Power NAME COST SELL WHO USE DFP FIND SPECIAL ==== ==== ==== ======= === ==== ======= Leather Shield 90 68 AB 4 Leftwyne Steel Shield 2000 1500 A 10 Hamlin Lianport Tantegel Beran Shield of Strength 21500 16125 AB 18 Beran May be "Use"d as an Item in Wellgarth Battle to Duplicate the Tuhn Effect of the Healmore Spell Upon the User. Shield of Erdrick 0 15 A 30 Chest Evil Shield 0 6600 A 10 Chest Cursed... Causes the Wearer to Freeze up in Battle and be Unable to Act. Iron Helmet 3150 2363 A 6 Tantegel Beran Wellgarth Osterfair Helmet of Erdrick 0 0 A 20 Chest Mysterious Hat 0 15000 ABC 8 Chest Reduces MP Needed For Spells By a Bit ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~(4) Spell Descriptions~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ In the "Caster" section... (A) Refers to the Prince of Cannok and (B) Refers to the Princess of Moonbrooke. Level section is divided the same way where both Prince and Princess can cast a listed spell. In the "Cast" section..... (W) Refers to Walkabout Mode and (B) Refers to Battle Mode NAME CASTER LEVEL MP CAST EFFECT DESCRIPTION ==== ====== ======= == ==== ============= ============================== Antidote A & B 6 & 12 3 WB One Ally Removes the Poison Condition Defeat A 23 4 B Enemy Group Snuffs out Enemy Life Instantly Doesn't Always work Defence B 10 2 B All Enemies Lowers Enemy Defense Power Explodet B 19 8 B All Enemies Damages Enemies About 50-80 Pts Firebal A 3 2 B One Enemy Damages Enemy About 15-25 Pts Firebane A 18 4 B Enemy Group Damages Enemies about 30-50 Pts Heal A 1 3 WB One Ally Heals Up to About 20 Pts Damage Healall B 15 8 WB One Ally Heals ALL HP to Max Healmore A & B 14 & 1 5 WB One Ally Heals Up to About 50 Pts Damage Increase A 20 2 B All Allies Increase Ally Defensive Powers Infernos B 4 4 B Enemy Group Damages Enemies about 15-25 Pts Open B 23 2 W One Door Opens Doors Without a Key Outside A & B 12 & 17 6 W All Allies Warps Party Out of a Dungeon Repel B 8 2 W All Allies Weak Enemies Will Not Attack Party Return A 10 6 W All Allies Warps Party To Last Save Location Revive A & B 25 & ?? 15 WB One Ally Revives a Dead Party Member to 1 HP Sacrifice A 28 1 B All Enemies Destroys All Enemies, But Kills The Caster of the Spell Sleep B 2 2 B Enemy Group Puts Enemies to Sleep, Unable to Act Stepguard A & B 17 & 21 4 W All Allies Prevents Damage from Barriers Stopspell A 8 3 B Enemy Group Blocks Enemies Spell Casting Ability Surround B 6 2 B Enemy Group Confuses Enemies, Causing Them to Miss Allies With Physical Attacks ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~(5) Item Descriptions~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ NAME COST SELL DESCRIPTION ==== ==== ==== =========== Antidote Herb 8 6 Cures the Poison Condition of an Ally Agility Seed 0 ? Use to increase a characters agility Charm of Rubiss 0 0 Found on Rubiss' Island Once All Crests Have Been Obtained. Dispells Illusions of Hargon's Castle Cloak of the Wind 0 53 Found in Tower of Wind. Allows Party to Fall From Towers and Glide a Short Distance "Use" to Equip. Defense Seed 0 ? Use to increase a characters defense power Dew's Yarn 0 ?? Found in the Dragon's Horn Towers. Used to Make Water Flying Cloth by Don Mahone of Tuhn. Dragon's Bane 640 480 Can be won in Lottery. Reduces the Effectiveness Of Enemy Spells Against the Wearer. "Use" to Equip. Dragon's Potion 0 ?? Found Very Rarely in the Treasure Chests of Metal Babbles, This Item Tells you Your XP Needed For Next Level and Allows You to Save the Game Anywhere. Echoing Flute 0 0 When Played Near the Location of one of the Crests You Will Hear The Flute's Music Echo Back. Eye of Malroth 0 0 Found in the Sea Cave, Opens the Way to the Cave of Rhone. Also Allows Passage to Lower Floors of the Castle of Hargon Fairy Water 40 30 When Used by a Party Member, This Causes Weaker Monsters to Avoid the Party, Not Attacking. Golden Card 0 ?? Won in the Lottery, This Item Reduces the Costs of ALL Items in Shops by 25%. Golden Key 0 0 Opens Gold Key Doors. Gremlin's Tail 0 1125 Cursed.... Causes Enemy Spells to Be More Effective Against the Wearer. Jailor's Key 2000 1500 Opens Jail Doors Leaf of the World Tree 0 ? Revives Dead Party Members to full HP. Life Crest 0 0 One of the Five Crests Lifeforce Nut 0 ? Use to increase a characters max HP Lottery Ticket 0 53 Allows Bearer to Play Lottery. Magic Acorn 0 ? Use to increase a characters max MP. Magic Loom 0 ?? Used By Don Mahone in Tuhn to Make the Water Flying Cloth. Medical Herb 10 8 Heals HP damage of an Ally when Used. Mirror of Ra 0 0 Reveals Those Disguised by Magic. Used to Free Princess of Moonbrooke. Moon Crest 0 0 One of the Five Crests. Moon Fragment 0 ?? Found in the Tower of the Moon, Raises the Sea Level around Sea Cave to Cover Shoals and Allow Entry to the Cave. Silver Key 0 0 Opens Silver Key Doors. Star Crest 0 0 One of the Five Crests Strength Seed 0 ? Use to increase a characters strength Sun Crest 0 0 One of the Five Crests. Token of Erdrick 0 ? Found in Tantegel Castle, and Traded For Erdrick's Helm at the Monolith of Holy. Treasures 0 0 Traded at Lianport for the Echoing Flute Water Crest 0 0 One of the Five Crests. Watergate Key 0 0 Found in Wellgarth and Used In Tuhn to Open the Watergate Allowing Entrance to the Tower of the Moon. Wing of Wyvern 25 19 When Used Transports the Party Back to the Last Location Where the Game Was Saved. Wizard's Ring 0 1950 When Used This Restores Up to 30 MP to the User. May Break After Being Used. World Map 0 0 Use on the overworld to view a map of the world. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~(6) Enemy Charts~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ _______________ ((((--ENEMY CHART--))) --------------- The HP listings I have here are approximated, because I didn't take the time to check these critters down to the last HP with weak weapons. The HP also seems to vary a bit for the monsters. The listing should be fairly accurate to tell you about how much you're going to have to beat on a critter to finish it off. The treasures listed on this chart are the ones I discovered while writing my DW2 FAQ. I have found that every treasure chest I have obtained thusfar has matched the DW2 chests, so I've listed them as if they matched perfectly. If anyone notices a monster who's chest has changed, please alert me. And...... I have not personally received all the treasures listed while playing the game, but these were sent in e-mail to me over the years and I've found other documents which say the same thing for almost every one listed. Therefore I consider these to be more or less accurate. I've put an (*) on the ones I've personally seen and noted, and a (?) on those I'm pretty sure to have received myself but did not make a note of in the reams of notebooks that contain my gaming notes. Those without any entry are tips from various sources. The Evil Clown with the (*) is the one in Midenhall Jail. He has more HP than the standard member of his breed. That said and done, here is the chart. Following is a list of terms used in the "Powers" section of the chart. If a spell name is listed (Hurt, Firebal, Firebane, Sleep, Stopspell, Explodet, Sacrifice, Defeat, Defence, Increase, Revive, Surround) then the enemy is capable of casting the spell against your party. Multiple effect spells always affect your entire party, as you are considered a "group" by the games engine. Call- This means the monster can summon more enemies of the same kind to attack you 2 Attacks- This enemy may attack physically twice in a round Guard- This enemy goes "On Guard" reducing damage you can do to it Immune- This enemy is immune to magical spells Poison- This enemy can poison you with it's touch or breath Sweet- This enemy has a group breath attack that puts you to sleep Flame- This enemy can breathe flames to damage your whole party Jig- This enemy can dance a strange dance and sap your MP Heroic- This enemy has a high probability of striking a "Tremendous Blow" against you Faint- This enemy can hit you hard enough to render you unconscious for a round FlameX2- Malroth's Flame Breath is much more powerful than any other enemies NAME |HP |XP |GP |POWERS |TREASURE ================|=====|=======|=====|=========================================|=============== Army Ant | 12 | 4 | 2 | Call | *Herb Attackbot | | 554 | 114 | 2 Attacks | *Steel Shield Babble | 12 | 8 | 4 | Poison | *Copper Sword Baboon | 24 | 33 | 45 | | *Club Basilisk | 35 | 41 | 58 | Poison | *Fairy Water Berserker | 70 | 147 | 126 | | *Giant Hammer Big Cobra | 12 | 9 | 9 | Poison | *Antidote Big Rat | 14 | 7 | 5 | | *Wing Big Slug | 7 | 2 | 3 | | *Herb Blizzard | 89 | 412 | 113 | Defeat, Defence | *Wizards Wand Bullwog | | 1475 | 235 | Explodet, Flame, 2 Attacks | *Wizards Ring Carnivog | 26 | 29 | 50 | Sweet | *Lottery Ticket Centipod | 20 | 14 | 30 | Poison | *Leather Armor Cyclops | | 257 | 99 | Heroic | ?Dragon's Bane Dark Eye | | | | | Evil Shield Demighost | 38 | 44 | 50 | 2 Attacks | *Chain Sickle Dragon Fly | 38 | 59 | 43 | Flame | *Dragon's Bane Drakee | 8 | 3 | 3 | | *Club Enchanter | 36 | 37 | 30 | Firebal, Sleep, Increase | Dragon's Bane Evil Clown | 65 | 107 | 132 | Firebane, Defence, Increase | ?Wizards Wand Evil Clown(*) | 150 | 734 | 170 | Firebane, Defence, Increase | *Staff Thunder Evil Eye | 46 | 92 | 88 | Jig, Sweet | Full Plate Arm Evil Tree | | | | | *Fairy Water Flame | | | | | ?Magic Armor Gargoyle | | | | | *Iron Helm Gas | 48 | 42 | 62 | Sleep, Surround, Stopspell | *Clothes Hiding Ghost Mouse | 8 | 6 | 6 | | *Clothes Ghost Rat | 20 | 23 | 25 | Call | *Herb Ghoul | 70 | 91 | 100 | Firebal | *Chain Sickle Giant | 140 | 580 | 85 | Heroic | *Sword Destruc. Gold Batboon | 130 | 542 | 100 | Sacrifice, Sweet, Flame, Firebane | *Gremlin's Arm Gold Orc | 95 | 85 | 255 | Heal | *Dragon's Bane Goopi | | | | | Wizards Ring Gorgon | 25 | 50 | 62 | Surround, Sleep, Increase, Defence | *Fairy Water Grabgoopi | 58 | 48 | 30 | Call | *Copper Sword Green Dragon | | | | | *Sword Destruc. Gremlin | 56 | 52 | 47 | Flame, Sleep, Heal | ?Wing Wyvern Hargon's Knight | 64 | 115 | 80 | Defence, 2 Attacks, Healmore | Thunder Sword Hawk Man | 50 | 64 | 45 | Heal, Stopspell | ?Gremlin's Tail Healer | 24 | 15 | 5 | Heal | *Lottery Ticket Hibabango | 60 | 81 | 83 | Defence, Surround | *Chain Mail Hork | 78 | 61 | 51 | Poison, Sweet | Wizards Ring Hunter | 60 | 76 | 97 | | ?Iron Spear Iron Ant | 7 | 2 | 4 | | *Herb Lizard Fly | 13 | 27 | 20 | Firebal | *Lottery Ticket Mace Master | | | | Defence, Explodet, Revive, Defeat, | ?Staff Thunder | | | | Increase | Magic Ant | 13 | 4 | 2 | Sleep | *Lottery Ticket Magic Baboon | 36 | 40 | 45 | Call | *Herb Magic Vampirus | | 182 | 106 | Sleep, Defence, Flame | Mysterious Hat Magician | 14 | 9 | 9 | Firebal | *Bamboo Stick Magidrakee | 12 | 12 | 10 | Defence | *Club Man O' War | 18 | 24 | 50 | Faint | ?Wing Wyvern Medusa Ball | 36 | 36 | 29 | Sleep, 2 Attacks, Defence | *Antidote Mega Knight | | | | | Evil Shield Megapede | 20 | 33 | 24 | Poison | *Leather Shield Metal Babble | 5 | 10150 | 255 | Surround, Firebll, Immune | *Dragons Potion Metal Hunter | | | | | ?Broad Sword Metal Slime | | | | | ?Iron Helmet Mud Man | 26 | 32 | 35 | Jig | *Fairy Water Mummy | 72 | 62 | 60 | Faint | *Clothes Mummy Man | 45 | 44 | 40 | | *Clothes Orc | | | | | *Iron Spear Orc King | 115 | 204 | 175 | Healmore | *Lottery Ticket Ozwarg | 60 | 159 | 121 | Firebane, Healmore, Sleep, Stopspell, | *Gremlin's Tail | | | | Flame, Call | Poison Lilly | | | | | *Antidote Puppet Man | 58 | 75 | 100 | Jig, Increase | Wizards Ring Saber Lion | 80 | 128 | 55 | | *Iron Spear Saber Tiger | 30 | 45 | 55 | 2 Attacks | *Copper Sword Sea Slug | 30 | 34 | 80 | Poison, Call, Faint, Sweet | ?Copper Sword Silver Batboon | | 321 | 96 | Sweet, Firebane, Healall | *Dragon Killer Slime | 5 | 1 | 2 | | *Herb Smoke | 15 | 18 | 14 | Stopspell | *Clothes Sorceror | 54 | 72 | 110 | Firebane, Stopspell | ?Clothes Hiding Titan Tree | 50 | 50 | 80 | Jig | ?Wizards Wand Undead | | 45 | 82 | | ?Lottery Ticket Vampirus | 54 | 95 | 83 | 2 Attacks, Call | ?Wing of Wyvern Wild Mouse | 9 | 5 | 5 | | *Herb Zombie | 55 | 40 | 25 | Guard, Surround | *Leather Armor ================|=====|=======|=====|=========================================|=============== BOSS NAME |HP |XP |GP |POWERS |TREASURE ================|=====|=======|=====|=========================================|=============== Atlas | 250 | 2500 | 250 | 2 Attacks | ?Sword Destruc. Bazuzu | 250 | 3350 | 240 | Explodet, Firebane, Sleep, Defeat, | ?Mysterious Hat | | | | Healall, Stopspell | Zarlox | 320 | 4750 | 255 | Explodet, 2 Attacks, Flame, Increase | Staff Thunder | | | | Healall | Hargon | 450 | 0 | 0 | Sweet Breath, 2 Attacks, Explodet, | | | | | Flame | Malroth | | 0 | 0 | FlameX2, 2 Attacks, Increase, Defence | ============================================================================================== ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~(7) Experience Chart~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Note: This is DW2's experience chart, but I have thusfar noticed no deviance between the two charts up to level-30 on the hero, so I should imagine the two charts are the same. Drop me a line (and a screenshot if possible) if you find any difference in the two charts. LEVEL HERO PRINCE PRINCESS ===== ======= ======= ======== 1 0 0 0 2 12 24 100 3 32 60 300 4 72 110 600 5 130 200 1200 6 280 380 2400 7 560 700 4200 8 1000 1300 6400 9 1800 2400 9000 10 2800 4000 12000 11 3910 6000 16000 12 5300 8200 20000 13 7600 11000 25000 14 10000 15000 31000 15 13000 19000 39000 16 17000 24000 50000 17 21000 30000 65000 18 26000 37000 83000 19 32000 46000 103000 20 40000 57000 125000 21 50000 70000 150000 22 62000 85000 180000 23 75000 100000 220000 24 90000 116000 270000 25 107000 134000 300000 26 127000 155000 330000 27 150000 182000 360000 28 175000 210000 400000 29 200000 240000 450000 30 230000 280000 540000 31 260000 310000 630000 32 290000 340000 730000 33 320000 380000 820000 34 350000 430000 910000 35 380000 480000 1000000 36 410000 520000 35 Is Max! 37 440000 580000 38 470000 640000 39 500000 700000 40 530000 760000 41 570000 820000 42 620000 840000 43 670000 900000 44 720000 960000 45 770000 1000000 46 820000 45 Is Max! 47 870000 48 920000 49 970000 50 1000000 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~(7) Travel Door Destinations~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Monolith North of Beran: West Portal--------} Monolith Southwest of Cannok Center Portal------} Fire Monolith Central Portal (Near World Tree Island) East Portal--------} Monolith West of Moonbrooke Fire Monolith (Near World Tree Island): West Portal--------} Monolith North of Lianport Center Portal------} Monolith North of Beran Central Portal East Portal--------} Monolith of Holy (Alefgard) Monolith of Zahan: Only Portal--------} Midenhall Monolith South of Midenhall: Only Portal--------} Osterfair Portal of Beran House of Healing: Only Portal--------} Monolith South of Rhone Final Refuge (Monolith of Rhone): Only Portal--------} Monolith South of Rhone (One way only) ******************************************* ***(V) The Walkthrough of Dragon Quest 2*** ******************************************* Watch the excellent new opening sequence. If you have RPGe's .37 patch, it's all in English. Be prepared to save state during the opening, just in case, because of the game's annoying tendency to crash under emulation. _________________ {{{MIDENHALL CASTLE}}} ----------------- Treasures: Gold, Copper Sword Save Game: Yes Shops: -Item Shop- -Inn- Herb 10 4 GP Antidote 8 Leather Shield 90 Take the treasure chest to obtain 50G and a Copper Sword. Equip the sword immediately. Gather info if you can read the text. If you exit the castle and return, you can save your game here. You can then save your game here any time thereafter. Go out and earn levels and GP near the castle. Get the 90 GP required for the Leather Shield and equip it. When you buy a piece of equippable armor or a weapon the shop owner will ask if you wish to equip the item after you purchase it. That is what the simple Yes/No question asked is. Then heal up and save the game. You should be about level-3 before striking out, and buying an herb or two might not be a bad idea either. Head North from the castle, then go West. Stay on the grassy plains and you should soon see a ridge of mountains and a desert. Near here you will find Leftwyne. ________ {{{LEFTWYNE}}} -------- Treasures: Lottery Ticket Save Game: No Shops: -Weapon Shop- -Item Shop- -Inn- Club 60 Herb 10 6 GP Copper Sword 100 Antidote 8 Magic Knife 200 Wing of Wyvern 25 -Vault- Chain Sickle 330 Chain Mail 390 -Healer- Leather Shield 90 -Lottery- The Vault is within the item shop. The Lottery is behind a locked door, and you can't access it right now. Search upstairs above the weapon shop. In a dresser you will find a lottery ticket. You might want to leave it there for the time being and collect it later when you can access a lottery office. If you wish, you can stay nearby and try to get some new equipment. Or you can proceed on to the next destination. Head North to reach Cannok Castle. Beware Wild Mice and Babbles as you make the journey. Might be wise to have an antidote in your inventory, even though the babbles are fairly rare. _____________ {{{CANNOK CASTLE}}} ------------- Treasures: None Save Game: Yes Shops: -Weapon Shop- -Item Shop- -Inn- Copper Sword 100 Herb 10 8 GP Magic Knife 200 Antidote 8 Chain Sickle 330 Fairy Water 40 Leather Shield 90 Wing of Wyvern 25 Chain Mail 390 Talk to people in town. The King will give you some information, then you can save your game here. Gather more information if you can read the text. Now stay in this area or near Leftwyne and gather XP and GP. You'll want to be about level-6 and have the Chain Mail before you continue on. You should also purchase a couple of antidotes and keep them in your inventory. Once you are ready, head East from Cannok Castle. You'll come to a bridge, cross it. Shortly you should see the cave that is the Spring of Bravery. _________________ {{{SPRING OF BRAVERY}}} ----------------- Treasures: Herb, GP, Antidote You'll want to watch out for the fact that Big Cobras can poison you. If you get poisoned and don't have an antidote to cure it, you could be in big trouble. This is a simple dungeon of one level. _________ |Level-1| ========= Head North. Near a pool of water is a path South that leads to a chest with an Herb. A little East of this is another path South. If you follow this one it will lead to a chest of GP. Just North of these two paths is a dark path leading East. In the NE corner of the dead end is a staircase leading down to a soldier who speaks of the Spring. Continue North, you'll enter a darkened path. Follow this around to the Spring. Near the spring is a chest containing an antidote. Talk to the old man at the Spring. He will anoint you with the waters, restoring your HP. He also tells you the prince went to Midenhall. Exit the cave. Go to Midenhall and talk to the King. He'll tell you the prince has already left. Head out to Leftwyne. In the Inn you'll find the Prince sitting at a table. Talk to him and he'll join the party. He begins the game with the Heal Spell. I now usually buy a Leather Shield and a Chain Sickle for the Prince to make him more effective in combat. You can go visit the Monolith South of Midenhall if you can understand what the old man says. I usually raise the prince up to level-6 for the Antidote spell before I continue on. You should have earned enough GP to equip the Prince with Chain Mail and perhaps the Hero with a Chain Sickle by this time as well. Head Northwest from Cannok and you should find a bridge going West. Cross it and follow the path between the mountains. Once you come out of the narrow path, head due West. You should see the Cave of the Lake just NW of you. ________________ {{{CAVE OF THE LAKE}}} ---------------- Treasures: Agility Seed, Lottery Ticket, Lifeforce Acorn, Antidote, Wing of Wyvern, GP, Silver Key _________ |Level-1| ========= If you go South you can acquire an Agility seed from a chest. Continue on and you will find a small body of water. South of this is a dark path leading East. A chest here contains a Lottery Ticket. Head West from the body of water to find stairs leading to the next floor. _________ |Level-2| ========= A darkened path East will yield a Lifeforce Acorn. The path directly across from it is a dead end. A bit farther South, you can find a chest with an Antidote. A bit farther South you can find a passage leading West to two chests. The lower one is a Wing of Wyvern, and the other one contains GP. Finally, take the last path to the South and obtain the Silver Key from the floor. Head back to Cannok and save your game. You can now open the Silver Key door in the Weapons Shop of Leftwyne and use your Lottery Tickets to play lottery. There seems to be a high chance of getting the Dragon's Bane in this lottery. Once you are done, head to Cannok and save your game. Then head due West of Cannok until you reach the lake. Head south and you should see a monolith. Inside the monolith dungeon, head South and follow the path to the stairs. It's a simple travel tunnel, and not a real dungeon, though you will be attacked inside. Once you exit the Monolith, travel South for quite a ways to reach the town of Hamlin. ______ {{{HAMLIN}}} ------ Treasures: None Save Game: Yes Shops: -Weapon Shop- -Item Shop- -Inn- Chain Sickle 330 Herb 10 12GP Iron Spear 770 Antidote 8 Broad Sword 1500 Fairy Water 40 -Vault- Chain Mail 390 Wing of Wyvern 25 Full Plate Armor 1000 Leather Shield 90 -Healer- Steel Shield 2000 Magic Knife 200 -Lottery- The lottery here seems to have a low chance of winning, but when you do win, it seems the Wizard's Wand more than any other combination comes up. You should stay in the area and get the Prince the Iron Spear and the Hero the Full Plate Armor and Broadsword before continuing on. You should also be levels 10 and 9. Carry Herbs and a Wing of the Wyvern with you as well! Head South across the bridge, then West on the grassy plains. You'll soon come to see some mountains and a swamp in the south near a lake. Moonbrooke is here. If you choose to enter Moonbrooke, the chests are empty and the only reason to go in is to gather info about how to acquire the Princess (Or see new graphics ^_^ The Guard in the basement is a good example) Zombies appear in large groups here and their Surround Spell is very effective, making them dangerous foes. Baboons still pack a massive wallop (encountered along the way on the overworld in this area) but their HP are reduced in the remix, fortunately. If you want, explore Moonbrooke. If you do, I suggest heading back to town afterwards and recharging yourself before returning here to continue on your journey. Now head East again, staying South of the lake and river this time. Keep following the river East and you should come to a bridge in the North. Cross this and head to the square swamp. Search the Northeast corner of this swamp to acquire the Mirror of Ra. Now head back to Hamlin. Walk up to the dog and use the Mirror of Ra. The curse on the Princess will be broken and she will join the party. She's equipped with the Bamboo Stick and Clothes. She begins with the Healmore Spell. You should head to the Item Shop in town and get the Princess a Magic Knife so she can contribute in battle a bit. Now power up the Princess. You should get her up to at least level-4, possibly 5 before beginning the next journey. Head North from Hamlin, staying on the Eastern side of the craggy mountains. Pass up the first bridge you see and continue North to another bridge. Follow the long twisting path South. You'll come to a couple of bridges in the process. Eventually you'll be blocked by craggy mountains and forced West. Here you will find the Tower of Wind. _____________ {{{TOWER OF WIND}}} ------------- Treasures: Herb, GP, Cloak of Wind, Wizards Ring _________ |Level-1| ========= In the Southeast corner of this floor you can find a chest containing an Herb if you need it. Only one set of stairs in this tower lead you up the tower to a productive place. Use the stairs in the Northeast corner (Actually outside the walls of the tower) to ascend the tower. _________ |Level-2| ========= Be careful and don't fall off the edge of the tower or you'll have to start again at the bottom of the tower all over again. Head West and ascend the stairs. _________ |Level-3| ========= Head South. You can grab a chest of GP in the East before hitting the stairs if you wish to. _________ |Level-4| ========= Hit the first set of stairs you come to in the middle of the floor. Then just follow the one path you can deep into the tower and acquire the Cloak of Wind. Now make your way back up to the fourth floor again. Head East past the stairs and make your way to the top of the tower. Collect the Wizard's Ring from the chest. Now make your way down to somewhere you can leap off the edge of the tower and do so. Since you now possess (and have equipped!!! Use to equip!!!) the Cloak of Wind, you can jump off the edge of towers safely. Now return to Hamlin. Rest up and restock your supplies. You might wish to put that Wizard's Ring in the Vault, as they are difficult to acquire and come in extremely handy at the end of the game. Wizard's Rings restore MP when used, but after a while they break. I've seen them work for two uses, and I've seen them survive with pretty high use throughout a game before. So you can try your luck and use it throughout the game if you wish. MP restoration deep in a dungeon could save your hide sometime. If you haven't already done so, I'd get the Steel Shield for the Hero while you're in town with GP in your pocket. I recommend about levels 12, 11, 6, before continuing on. Head for the Monolith West of Moonbrooke. It's actually a bit Southwest of Moonbrooke. Inside the West Monolith is a Priest who performs normal House of Healing services. Pass through the monolith to the other side of the river. Beware enemies on this side who have high damage attacks and magical breath weapons which Stopspell doesn't affect. Make your way Northwest (More North than West) to the Dragon's Horn. It's a very long journey to reach these twin towers. ___________________ {{{SOUTH DRAGON'S HORN}}} ------------------- This tower is simple. No treasures and no distractions. Just climb to the top, avoiding the hole in the middle. Once at the top, jump off to the North to cross to the other side of the River near the North Dragon's Horn. Head North, then East along the Eastern coast to reach the town of Lianport. ________ {{{LIANPORT}}} -------- Treasures: None Save Game: Yes Shops: -Weapon Shop- -Item Shop- -Inn- Wizard's Wand 2500 Herb 10 20GP Magic Knife 200 Antidote 8 Broad Sword 1500 Fairy Water 40 -Vault- Clothes of Hiding 1250 Wing of Wyvern 25 Full Plate Armor 1000 Dragon's Bane 640 -Healer- Steel Shield 2000 -Lottery- I recommend you purchase the Clothes of Hiding for the Prince and Princess. Get Dragon's Bane for anyone who doesn't have it if you can afford it. This item helps block enemy spells and may be equipped by "Use"ing it from the item menu or through the Equip Menu like any other item. Now head for the monsters in the Northwest corner of town. I recommend you Stopspell and Surround the Gremlins. I haven't had time to translate the question she asks, but Yes or No both seem to have the same results. You'll be granted the ship for saving the old man's granddaughter. Sail it to the door in the South. This man talks about the pirate ship and it's treasure. Remember him, as you'll be returning. Now sail out through the dock and head toward Tantegel Castle. Go South around the land mass to the East and once you're on the South side, look for the way North into the interior sea of Alefgard. You should have no trouble finding Tantegel. _______________ {{{TANTEGEL CASTLE}}} --------------- Treasures: Fairy Water Save Game: Yes Shops: -Weapon Shop- -Item Shop- -Inn- Wizard's Wand 2500 Herb 10 2GP Broad Sword 1500 Antidote 8 Giant Hammer 4000 Fairy Water 40 -Healer- Clothes of Hiding 1250 Wing of Wyvern 25 Full Plate Armor 1000 Dragon's Bane 640 Iron Helm 3150 You can save your game by talking to the Priest behind the desk in the shop. A man in a small house with a pot next to him will remove curses for free. Search his pot for some fairy water. The "Light Shine Upon Thee" dude is here, and talking to him will restore all your MP just as it does in all of the first 3 DQ's in whatever incarnation. Make sure you have acquired Dragon's Bane for everyone. The Prince and Princess should both have the Clothes of Hiding while you're in the area. You should get the Hero the Iron Helm. It's probably wise to get the Princess the Wizard's Wand. "Use" this as an item in battle to perform a spell similar to Firebal. Make sure and save your game while you're here, because you haven't saved in a while. Get into the ship and sail to the sea between Alefgard and Lianport. Sail more or less North and you should find a sparkling spot in the sea. Search this and you'll find the treasures on the wreck of the pirate ship. Return to Lianport, and the man behind the locked doors. He will exchange the treasures for the Echoing Flute. Now sail around Alefgard to the South. You are trying to find a passage East around the Eastern continent, which is fairly far North. The passage you are looking for is a narrow strait right near the Monolith West of Cannok. You'll see the 2 caves on islands when you're in the area too. Once you pass the straits, follow the coast of the land to your West far to the South. It will eventually terminate in a point covered in craggy mountains. Beware Vampirus which appear as you make this journey! Once you reach the point, you will see a couple of rocky shoals. There will also be an island with a single tree in the center. Search this tree and you will find the Leaf of the World Tree. The Leaf of the World Tree works like a Revive Spell and returns a fallen warrior to life with full HP! Now sail South from World Tree Island until it is just barely visible in the North. Then sail due East. You should soon find two small islands. There is a monolith on one and the town of Zahan is on the other. Enter the town of Zahan. _____ {{{ZAHAN}}} ----- Treasures: Golden Key Save Game: No Shops: -Item Shop- Herb 10 Fairy Water 40 Wing of Wyvern 25 Dragon's Bane 640 Go find the dog in town. When it runs off, barks and points, search where it's pointing and you'll find the Golden Key. Now sail back toward World Tree Island. Sail West from here, staying South of the craggy mountain peninsula. If you stick close tot eh shore you'll soon see Wellgarth in the North. It may appear that only one person lives here, but use your Gold Key and enter his house and you'll soon find the rest of the town. _________ {{{WELLGARTH}}} --------- Treasures: Watergate Key Save Game: No Shops: -Weapon Shop- -Item Shop 1- -Inn- Giant Hammer 4000 (Near Lottery) 40GP Dragon Killer 8000 Herb 10 Light Sword 16000 Antidote 8 -Vault- Mink Coat 65000 Wing of Wyvern 25 Shield of Strength 21500 Dragon's Bane 640 -Healer- Iron Helm 5150 -Item Shop 2- -Lottery- Herb 10 Antidote 8 *Blank* 2000 Wing of Wyvern 25 Go to the Item Shop on the West side of town. Select the blank spot and purchase the Jailor's Key for 2000 GP. Now head to the East side of town. Enter the building with a roof, which is the jail. Enter the Eastern cell. You should see some debris on the East side of the cell. Press against the Eastern wall to find the secret passage here. Talk to Roge Fastfinger and you'll acquire the Watergate Key. Now use your Return spell, heal up and save your game. I recommend leaving your save and Return spot at Tantegel for a while. Now head to Midenhall. Enter the treasure room and take Lifeforce Acorn, Herb, GP, Magic Acorn, Erdrick's Token, Strength Seed from the chests. Make sure you're healed to max and you saved the game before you came here. Then open the other door near the treasure room and enter the prison. Enter the Southern cell, watching your HP on the barrier. Talk to the person here and fight the Evil Clown. Use Stopspell and Surround him to help you win. You might also hit him with the Defence Spell if you have it. He'll drop the Staff of Thunder most times when he's defeated. If you're too weak to survive his Firebane Spell, come back and defeat him later when you're stronger. You'll want the Thunder Staff for the Princess, as it is her strongest weapon. It also does an attack that behaves like Infernos but damages like Firebane when used as an item in battle. Head to Cannok Castle. Open the door to the old wizard and the treasure chests behind it to acquire Erdrick's Shield for the Hero. Equip it and sell his old Shield. Now return to Alefgard. Go to the Shrine of Holy, which is on the Southeastern most point of the landmass of Alefgard. The man here will give you Erdrick's Helm in exchange for Erdrick's Token. Now head back to Tantegel, rest and save, then enter Charlock Castle. _______________ {{{CHARLOCK CASTLE}}} --------------- Treasures: Sword of Erdrick, GP, Plate Armor, World Map, Strength Seed You should be at least level-10 on the Princess before entering here, because you're very likely to need her Defence spell in here. Make sure to Stopspell Gorgons and use the Defence Spell on them if you aren't doing any real damage. The Staff of Thunder is very handy in here. _________ |LEVEL-1| ========= No fancy guesswork in here. Just make your way to the North and find the stairs, then use them. _________ |LEVEL-2| ========= Once again, make your way to the stairs and use them. _________ |LEVEL-3| ========= Starting to sound familiar? Head for the stairs and use them. _________ |LEVEL-4| ========= Make your way to the Northeast corner of this floor and use the stairs you find to the South of the corner of the floor. _________ |LEVEL-5| ========= Inside the "W" use the Southern stairs and make your way up to Erdrick's Sword. The Prince can (and most certainly should!!) equip this sword. Make your way back up to level-5 and use the Northern stairs inside the "W" this time. _________ |LEVEL-6| ========= Make your way around the U shaped hall and use the stairs. _________ |LEVEL-7| ========= Straight across the hall and use the stairs. _________ |LEVEL-8| ========= You can cross the barrier and open the door to collect GP, Plate Armor, World Map, and Strength Seed. You can go talk to the Dragonlord here if you can understand what he's saying. Use the World Map from the item menu while on the overworld and you'll be able to view it. The feather points to your current location when you use the map. Head back to Tantegel and do your standard town business. Make sure you save your game while you're here. Sail between the two Dragon's Horn Towers on the river, then turn South and follow the coast. Eventually you'll find a river inland. Follow this as far North as you can. Exit the boat and make your way North. Eventually you'll be turned East. Follow this path through the foothills and you'll soon reach Tuhn. ____ {{{TUHN}}} ---- Treasures: None Save Game: No Shops: -Weapon Shop- -Item Shop- -Inn- Wizard's Wand 2500 Fairy Water 40 40GP Giant Hammer 8000 Wing of Wyvern 25 Falcon Sword 25000 Dragon's Bane 640 -Healer- Magic Armor 4300 Wing of Wyvern 25 Shield of Strength 21500 Dragon's Bane 640 Iron Helm 3150 If you have the GP, buy the Prince a Shield of Strength. It's a strong defensive item and can be used as an item in battle to perform a Healmore Spell on the user. Behind the Gold Key door is Don Mahone (Mohamme actually, right Nick? LOL), who will make the Water Flying Clothes for you if you bring him the Magic Loom and Dew's Yarn. Head up by the Item Shop and go North until you reach the body builder looking guy standing here. Then turn West and locate the Watergate. Use the Watergate Key and the dry riverbed will fill up. You can now reach the Tower of the Moon, and have a shorter (safer) route to reach Tuhn by sailing on rivers. Make your way back to Zahan. Go across the barrier to the Western door. Collect the Magic Loom here. If the Prince is not yet level-17 for the Stepguard Spell, it's going to take quite a few Healmore Spells to survive this journey. Head to the Dragon's Horn Towers. Climb to the third floor of the North Dragon's Horn Tower and search the floor for Dew's Yarn. You'll usually find this on the Northern half of the floor. Now return to Tuhn. If you go the same way you did last time, you can skip the first river and sail up the second passable river. This will eventually come out near the Moon Tower and very close to Tuhn, saving you a long dangerous walk overland. Go talk to Don Mahone and give him the items so he can make the Water Flying Clothes. Go somewhere and save the game, then turn it off. Then turn it back on and sail to Tuhn. Go into Don Mahone's house and collect the Water Flying Clothes. Equip the Princess with these. Now head to Osterfair. You might want to stop at Midenhall to rest and save your game along the way. Then sail South to the Western Peninsula (Not the one the monolith is on) and sail due South from here. You'll pass a tiny island with a monolith on it (Remember where this is!!!). You'll then come to the large island that Osterfair Castle is on. Sail to the West side of the island and up the river to reach the Castle. ________________ {{{OSTERFAIR CASTLE}}} ---------------- Treasures: Armor of Gaia, Magic Knife, Moon Crest Save Game: No Shops: -Weapon Shop- -Inn- Broad Sword 1500 25GP Giant Hammer 4000 Dragon Killer 8000 -Vault- Clothes of Hiding 1250 Magic Armor 4300 -Healer- Iron Helm 3150 Now circle around the hallway within the Castle walls. You'll come to a teleporter in the Southwest corner. Use the Gold Key on the Eastern wall here to open a door. Search the chests for the Armor of Gaia and a Magic Knife. Equip the Armor on the Hero. Now head back into the central area of the Castle and talk to the King. Say "Yes" to his question and walk South to the center of the Arena. Fight the Saver Lion which attacks you here. Once you defeat the Saber Lion, go talk to the King again and he will give you the Moon Crest for your show of strength. If you haven't been spending too frivolously, you should be close to the GP for a Light Sword. As soon as you have the 16000 GP, stop by Wellgarth and buy one. Equip this on the Hero. If you use this item in battle, it will perform a Surround Spell on your enemies. Now you want to head over near Tuhn again. Near the river you entered that first took you to Tuhn, you should see an island to the West. Sail to the West side of this island and you should see the town of Beran. Beware strong enemies and MP stealers here! _____ {{{BERAN}}} ----- Treasures: None Save Game: Yes Shops: -Weapon Shop- -Item Shop- -Inn- Wizard's Wand 2500 Herb 10 20GP Giant Hammer 4000 Antidote 8 Dragon Killer 8000 Fairy Water 40 -Vault- Steel Shield 2000 Wing of Wyvern 25 Shield of Strength 11250 -Healer- Iron Helm 3150 -Lottery- If you sleep at the Inn here (The first time) the Prince will lay down and not get up. Use a Leaf of the World Tree on him to restore his failing body and he'll rejoin the party. This caused me no end of nightmares when it happened to me. I wanted to beat the living tar out of the Prince for pulling this little stunt =P Now sail up the river you made passable when you opened the Watergate (East of the one you originally reached Tuhn by) It would probably be wise to stop at Tuhn and use the Inn there before you enter the Tower of the Moon to make sure you are as strong as possible for the dangerous ascent. _________________ {{{TOWER OF THE MOON}}} ----------------- Treasures: Strength Seed, Magic Acorn, GP, Defense Seed, Moon Fragment, GP, Defense Seed, Wizard's Ring Some enemies such as Evil Eyes and Mummies here are especially dangerous, so I'm going to detail the path straight to the Moon Fragment and leave out of the way chests at the end of this section as optional. You could perhaps return later to acquire them when you are higher in level or simply go out and recharge your strength after acquiring the Moon Fragment before returning for these optional chests. They are worth your trouble regardless of when you decide to go after them. The enemies here are not as dangerous as they were in the original Dragon Warrior II, but they still warrant careful battle planning. Don't Stopspell Ghouls.... You'll be sorry!!! ~_^ _________ |LEVEL-1| ========= You should see some stairs just to the West. The nearby chest contains a Strength Seed. Grab the chest and use the stairs. _________ |LEVEL-2| ========= Pass up a set of stairs just to the South of you and head toward the center of the floor. Use the stairs up you see here. Just North of these stairs is a chest containing a Magic Acorn if you want to go grab it before ascending higher. _________ |LEVEL-3| ========= Use the stairs just to the North of you on this floor. _________ |LEVEL-4| ========= Two chests just South of where you arrive on this floor contain GP and a Defense Seed. Head East from where you arrive on this floor and use the stairs up to ascend. _________ |LEVEL-5| ========= Open the door and use the stairs down. Now just keep going down and collect the Moon Fragment from the chest on the first floor. _________________ |OPTIONAL CHESTS| ================= On level-2, the set of stairs up West of the ones leading to the Moon Fragment lead to a chest containing a large amount of GP. Also on level-2, the stairs down in the Southeast corner of the floor lead to a chest containing a Defense Seed. On level-5, instead of using the stairs down behind the doors, use the stairs up and climb to the top of the tower to acquire a Wizard's Ring from the chest there. Time to pick up some more crests. Make your way to World Tree Island. Sail East from it and you should see a monolith to the North. Inside the monolith are three burning fires and three teleporters. Exit the monolith one step by the Eastern door. Then go North and search beside the tree to acquire the Sun Crest. Now make your way to Hamlin. Open the Gold Key door in the center of town and go down the stairs. Then enter the cell and fight the Ozwargs. Stopspell, Defence, and Surround are all helpful against these enemies. Then search the Northeast corner of the cell to find the Water Crest. Now head for the Lighthouse, which is more or less due South of Tantegel on a small island near the monolith West of Moonbrooke (Northwest of it actually). __________ {{{LIGHTHOUSE}}} ---------- Treasures: GP, Chain Sickle GP, Lifeforce Acorn, Star Crest _________ |LEVEL-1| ========= Climb up and enter the Lighthouse. Head East upon entering. Now stay on paths that are as close to the outer edge of the tower as you can get. Keep following this all the way around the tower until you can enter the center area of the tower from the South. Then head East and circle around the roofed area until you find a place to enter it in the Northeast. If you go out the North doorway in this area you can obtain a chest of GP. From the original roofed room, you can reach four sets of stairs up. The ones which are South of the original room lead to a dead end, but you can acquire a Chain Sickle along the way if you really want it. The stairs in the original room and the ones West of it don't really go anywhere, and there are no chests to obtain. The ones you want are the stairs in the Southwest corner. Use them and head for level-2. _________ |LEVEL-2| ========= Head South, then East a short distance to some stairs up and use them. _________ |LEVEL-3| ========= Use the first set of stairs up you come to. There is another set farther North behind a Gold Key door, but they just lead to the top of the tower and a guy you can talk to. _________ |LEVEL-4| ========= This first little bit is optional. Head South upon arriving on this floor. You'll see some stairs up and a chest of GP East of the stairs. Climb the stairs to level-5. There's only one way to go on this section of level-5, so follow the path to the stairs and use them. On level-6, use the stairs down. On level-5, you can collect a chest with a Lifeforce Acorn. Then make your way back up to the fourth floor where you originally arrived on the floor. Head East and stay on the visible path until you reach a set of stairs up in the Northwest corner of the tower. (There's another set of stairs East of these, but they lead to a dead end). _________ |LEVEL-5| ========= Only one way to go, so head for the Northwest corner and use the stairs you find there. _________ |LEVEL-6| ========= Open the Gold Key door and head for the Northwest corner and the stairs you find there. _________ |LEVEL-7| ========= Follow the Demon, then talk to the old man when you see him. Then follow the old man as he leads you down several levels and stops on level-2 Search the chest and fight the Gremlins which emerge. Once you defeat them, you'll obtain the Star Crest. Head back to town and do your standard town business. Then head back toward the Island of Osterfair. From the river entrance of Osterfair, sail 15-20 clicks due West (Remember you only move have a square per button tap!). Then turn and sail due South. You should see the shoals and the Sea Cave. Position yourself in front of the cave at the shoals and use the Moon Fragment to gain entrance to Sea Cave. ________ {{{SEA CAVE}}} -------- Treasures: GP, Magic Acorn, Strength Seed, Magic Armor, Eye of Malroth _________ |LEVEL-1| ========= If you choose to go through the lava West and North you can get a chest of GP, but it's of questionable value to waste the valuable MP going after it right now. I'd just head South, avoiding the lava as much as possible and head West when the opportunity presents itself. Once you turn West, there will be a small room to the North. (Not the darkened one, the next one West) And you can find a chest containing a Magic Acorn there. Now turn South and follow this path to the stairs down. _________ |LEVEL-2| ========= There is a darkened room to the South which contains a chest, but it's a poison trap, so skip it. Head West. You'll see lots of stairs down, but they ones you want are in the far Northwest corner, and you'll have to walk through a lava filled passageway to reach them. _________ |LEVEL-3| ========= Open the Gold Key door. The chest in the Northwest corner is a Strength Seed, but the other one is a poison trap. Head South into the dark path from the Northwest corner. Follow this path to a large room full of lava and stairs down. There is Magic Armor in a chest in the Northwest corner of this room. The best set of stairs to take are the ones which are the second set you can reach without stepping on any lava as you enter the room. _________ |LEVEL-4| ========= Head due West and go North when you hit the Western wall. Use the stairs down you find here. _________ |LEVEL-5| ========= Follow the path. Make sure you're healed up and ready for battle! As you near the first Evil Clown you see you'll be forced into battle with two of them. Proceed North and collect the Eye of Malroth from the alter once you defeat the Evil Clowns. Now head back to Beran and do your standard town business. You're getting ready for the journey to Rhone, so it might be a good idea to put a Shield of Strength in the Princess' inventory. She can't equip it, but she can use it as an item in battle to heal her wounds. You might want to upgrade the Prince's weapon to the Light Sword as well if you haven't already. Drop the Moon Fragment in the vault, you're done with it. Go to the House of Healing in Beran. Open the Jail door at the back and cast Stepguard. Then head forward and step on the teleporter. You can go upstairs and talk to the old man, but there's nothing to steal here or anything really worth your trouble. Cast Stepguard and go due South to find the door out of the Shrine. Head West into the swamp. Stay along the North edge of it. At the third craggy mountain from the Western edge of the swamp, face North and use the Eye of Malroth. The Cave to Rhone will open to you. This is just a quick jaunt into the cave to grab the final Crest. Head East on the first floor, hugging the Southern wall as you make your way that direction to avoid pit traps. As soon as you go around the first wall blocking your way East you'll find some stairs down to use, do so. Head East and collect the Life Crest from the chest, then exit the cave and return to Beran. Now hop in the boat and sail to Midenhall. Then sail South like you are headed toward Osterfair again. Remember that monolith on the small island I told you to remember? This is the island of Rubiss and is where you are headed. Enter the monolith and make your way to the lowest floor. Then walk forward and stand on the white square at the center of the floor. You'll receive the Charm of Rubiss. Now exit the Monolith and return to Beran. Heal up and save your game, then head back to the Cave to Rhone. _____________ {{{CAVE TO RHONE}}} ------------- Treasures: Lottery Ticket, Erdrick's Armor, Mysterious Hat, GP, GP, Evil Shield, Thunder Sword _________ |LEVEL-1| ========= Make your way to the Southeast corner of the floor and climb the stairs up. Hug the Southern wall to avoid the pits, but don't forget to miss the stairs down you used to reach the Life Crest as you do. _________ |LEVEL-2| ========= Go East until offered a path South, then South until offered a path East, then repeat until you find the stairs to level-3. _________ |LEVEL-3| ========= Head South first. Collect the Lottery Ticket from the chest if you wish, but your goal is the stairs in the Southeast corner of the floor (Not down the dark path!). _________ |LEVEL-4| ========= Use the stairs and go to level-5 _________ |LEVEL-5| ========= Collect Erdrick's Armor from the chest and equip the Hero with it. Now head back to where you started on the third floor. _______________ |LEVEL-3 AGAIN| =============== If you follow the first dark path West from the original stairs you can collect a Mysterious Hat which even the Prince and Princess can wear at the end of the path on the fifth floor. The Mysterious Hat provides some added defense power as well as reducing the MP needed to cast a spell by the wearer. Now head North. Collect the GP from the chest if you wish, then continue North. The path West is a dead end room, as is the dark path East not long afterward. The path will fork at it's end East and West. If you follow the path West to it's end on the fifth floor you can collect some GP and an Evil Shield (Cursed). Head East and climb the stairs up to the continue on. _______________ |LEVEL-4 AGAIN| =============== Yet another short boring trip through a part of the fourth floor. Use the stairs and continue to level-5. _______________ |LEVEL-5 AGAIN| =============== Walk due North until you hit the wall, then due West until you fall down a pit. _______________ |LEVEL-4 AGAIN| =============== A bigger boring section of the fourth floor. Head for the Southwest corner of the floor and you'll find a pit to fall down to the third floor. _______________ |LEVEL-3 AGAIN| =============== Collect the Thunder Sword from the chest and equip it on the Hero. Then head South and West and fall down a pit you can find here. _______________ |LEVEL-2 AGAIN| =============== Head North and fall down the pitfall you can find at the end of the path. _______________ |LEVEL-1 AGAIN| =============== Now is a good time to escape the cave, recharge, and sell any useless items off. You're on the first floor anyhow and probably in need of a recharge. Once you've done your town business and saved your game, head back to the cave and to the fifth floor where you dropped down the pit to begin the fall to the Thunder Sword. _______________ |LEVEL-5 AGAIN| =============== Now you want to avoid those pitfalls. First walk North until you're around the stone block to your West. then turn due West and walk until you bump into another stone block. Head due South until you hit a stone block, then go around it on t he west side and go East until you are under it only one step. Now head due South until you hit the wall and then go due East to take the stairs up. _________ |LEVEL-6| ========= This floor is full of traps that will send you back to the beginning if you don't follow the path in the exact correct order. In the first area you are presented with paths in all four directions. Take the Eastern one to continue on. Now you are presented with an East/West choice. You want to go West. East/West choice again, go East this time. North/South/East this time. Go East again. This area presents two paths going East. Take the Northern of the two paths to continue to the next area. This area presents two paths going North. Take the Western of the two paths to continue on to the next area. East/West choice again, Go East. Follow this path until you find the stairs up to the surface and Rhone. Head North staying on the snow. When you reach the water head East and cross the bridges you see to the Final Refuge (The Monolith of Rhone). Talk to the man here, he'll heal you to maximum power, raise dead if necessary, and save your game. Now you want the following equipment for your party before making the journey to Hargon's Castle. Hero: Thunder Sword, Erdrick's Armor, Erdrick's Shield, Erdrick's Helm, Dragon's Bane, and he should be carrying a Shield of Strength to heal himself if necessary in battle. The Hero should also carry your Leaf of the World Tree. Prince: Light Sword, Mink Coat, Shield of Strength, Dragon's Bane, and should be carrying all of your three keys. Princess: Staff of Thunder, Water Flying Cloth, Dragon's Bane, and should be carrying a Shield of Strength to heal herself as well as the Charm of Rubiss and the Eye of Malroth. The Prince or Princess (Your choice) should also be equipped with the Mysterious Hat found in the Cave to Rhone to up their defense power and reduce MP cost of spells. You should also be at least level-25 on the Prince before setting out on the final journey, as his Revive Spell will likely prove a necessity. I usually prefer to level up a couple of levels beyond this myself until the Prince is about level-27. Decide when you are ready, then strike out for the final battle. Throughout this journey, and through the Castle itself, use your Shields of Strength to good advantage to save MP for the final battles. Head West across the Bridge, then North to the mountains. Turn West and stay in the trees here. You'll be forced to turn South after a time. You'll be presented with two choices after going South for a short while. You can either go West through forest or East through foothills. Go East, as weaker monsters live in this area and every drop of MP you can save will be helpful. Once you've looped through the Eastern path and made your way to the South, you'll see a path North through some foothills. Follow this to Hargon's Castle. _______________ {{{HARGON'S CASTLE}}} --------------- Treasures: None _________ |LEVEL-1| ========= Use the Charm of Rubiss to dispell the illusions that make this look like Midenhall. None of the shops, etc., are real. Don't waste time trying to use the inn or anything. No head North toward the throne and as far Northwest as you can get without stepping on the barrier. Cast Stepguard and walk North onto the barrier. Face North and open the door here and walk through it. Cast Stepguard again and walk onto the barrier East. When you reach the darkened spot to the North, open the door here and pass through. Cast Stepguard again and walk North to the center of the white cross. Here use the Eye of Malroth to warp you to the next floor. _________ |LEVEL-2| ========= Beware Mace Masters from now on. These dangerous enemies hit hard and cast many annoying spells. They have the Defeat Spell, Explodet, and the most dangerous power is that they cast the Revive Spell to bring enemies you have already killed back to life to attack you again. Walk North and enter the enclosed room. Use the stairs you find here to reach the next floor. _________ |LEVEL-3| ========= There's really only one way to go, so make your way through this floor to the stairs in the room at the Northwest corner of the floor. _________ |LEVEL-4| ========= Only one way to go again. When you enter the room with the 4 blue tiles in the floor you'll face Atlas. Have the Prince cast Increase a couple of times. Otherwise the Prince and Princess should both parry or heal weak party members. The Hero should concentrate on beating on Atlas with the Thunder Sword. Once you defeat Atlas, use the stairs on the East side of the room. _________ |LEVEL-5| ========= Head for the Northwest corner of the floor. Enter the room here and you'll face Bazuzu. Same thing as last time except don't bother with the Increase Spell from the Prince. Once you defeat Bazuzu, enter the room and use the stairs to reach the next floor. _________ |LEVEL-6| ========= Only one way to go. Cross the bridge and you'll encounter Zarlox in the room across the way. Use the same pattern once again, except the Princess should cast Defence every so often to counter Zarlox's Increase Spell. Once you defeat Zarlox, hit the stairs across the way. _________ |LEVEL-7| ========= Cast Stepguard and head for the Throne Room in the center of the floor. Before you approach Hargon, you had better heal to max HP. If you have the Wizard's Ring, restore to max MP as well. Approach Hargon and talk to him. The answer to the question doesn't matter, you'll end up in battle with the evil wizard. Hero should spend all his rounds attacking as usual. The Prince should cast Stopspell and keep trying until it works. The Princess should parry and keep the party healed up. Once you defeat Hargon, don't move!!!! Heal to max HP and restore to max MP if you can. Then turn around and try to leave. Malroth will appear. The Princess should cast Defence and the Prince should cast Increase. Try to keep these spells about 2 levels (2 castings) stronger than initial powers. Malroth will use Defence and Increase, so be prepared to re-cast them. The Princess' fire defense is stronger than the Prince's, so after a flame blast, have the Prince parry and let the Princess heal him. Use the Shields of Strength to heal the Hero when you do this. When you finally beat Malroth (Looooooong battle!) Rubiss will speak, praise you, and restore you to max power. He will then teleport you outside the Castle. You can roam around listening to the people praise you, but your ultimate goal is to return to Midenhall Castle. Go to the King's Chambers and walk forward to talk to him. Answer Yes when asked, as you don't really have a choice =P Now sit back and watch the ending, because you have proven yourself a true descendant of Erdrick, the DRAGON WARRIOR! !!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!Shout Outs!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!! Thanks to Metal Babble for letting me know I'd reversed the Status/Equip Menus! Thanks to AWJ on the WWWboard for letting me know about the pits in Rhone since my crappy monitor is so dark I couldn't even tell the difference ^_^ Thanks to Halla on the WWWboard for letting me know I'd made an Ass out of U and Me when I assumed you'd die if you fell off a tower without the Cloak of Wind in the remix like you did in DW2 without testing it. Thanks to Mohamme for continually praising and encouraging me to continue this long and arduous task ^_^ Thanks to Dustin, Cie, Dwaine, Neil_ and everybody else in the DQ Community for always encouraging me and for getting me started in the first place. Check out my DW2 FAQ for some more thankyoutypethingies. Most of the thanks I have on there apply to this document as well. And most importantly, Big Thankyou's to my sweetie Robin. You're the wind in my sails love ^_^ Full speed ahead Mr. Cohen! hehehe