Dracula: Resurrection Walkthrough ================================= This is the complete, game-spoiling walkthrough of Dracula: resurrection. For those of you who have played Zork: Nemesis, the interface is similar. This is one game where you do not need the keyboard at all! Please note that you can rotate 360 degrees and look up and down. "Forward Arrow" - move forward "Upside-down-U arrow" - to "back off" one screen "2-gear symbol" - means that you can use an item from your inventory here (whether you have it or not) "gear+hand symbol" - use/operate object (no need items from inventory) "magnifying glass symbol" - Examine/zoom in for closer look -You cannot use one item (from inventory) on another item (from inventory). i.e. you cannot/"don't have to" combine items in this game. You are Jonathan Harker. You supposed to find your wife Mina before its too late. Relax, unlike Prince of Persia, you don't have to rush and save your bride within a certain amount of time! So, just take your time to familiarize yourself with your surroundings. I strongly suggest you get used to the interface and how to navigate your way around. If you get lost trying to follow this walkthrough, it is very difficult to get you back on track because there is no compass or other means to get your bearings. So normally if there is a fork in the road I will describe the direction of the path you have to face to go to, and after that I'll describe the screen you'll be in after you have moved to it. If that screen doesn't match my description then most likely you have taken the wrong path, turn back and choose the other one. If neither path matches my description, then you're probably playing a different game! Just kidding. Alright, no compass...and oh yes, the items in your inventory have no descriptions on them (text/speech) so there might be some confusion and to which "key" in the inventory I'm referring to, but if you notice, the easiest way is to look at your inventory screen (Right-click or press Tab). You will notice that your inventory has 20 item slots and each item has its own position on the "20 item wheel" of your inventory. No doubt during later stages of the game other new items will use the same inventory slots as items before, but it doesn't matter. When I mention eg. (Item#12) It means the item which you should have currently in inventory slot number 12. So, numbering your items from the top-most item (North) and going around clock-wise, you get the following items: For example, (I won't list out all it'll spoil the fun!) Item# Item description (in my own words) ----- ---------------------------------- 1. 2. slingshot (No, its not a sling+2 vs. birds!) 3. Dragon Ring 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. Lighter 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. NOTE: to exit out of the inventory screen you must click on the "Upside-down-U arrow" on the bottom-left to "back off" to the game screen. (You can't press Esc) Okay! After that long drive from London to Transylvania, you arrive infront of this arch with the words "The golden crown" on it. In case you're wondering why this is so is because pass this arch is the Inn called "The golden crown". Duh! Anyway, don't approach the Inn yet, because there is very little you can do there until you get certain items first. So here's the more optimal route. Note that if you are new at this interface then you might get a tiny bit lost! But, never fear! I will use my verbose skills in long-winded descriptions to guide you through it. (If you still can't find it, tough! ..For me and you!) Now, after all these words you should not have moved an inch! That's a good thing. Now from this screen, (facing the arch) turn 180 degrees around. You should see a snowy path (*duh! Its all snowy!) with a sign at the far end (middle of screen) and the moon should be at the top left corner of your screen. Your cursor should be an "Arrow", click to go forward. Look at the sign (cursor-magnifying glass). The sign pointing left says "PONS" and the one on the right "LACUS". Now I know very few people can read/write Transylvanian but here's what all the signs mean (in case you decide to do some exploring and end up getting lost!) PONS - refers to the bridge (with the "bum" warming his hands at the barrel with fire) No, it doesn't describe all that in one word! LACUS - refers to the lodge (not the "golden crown" Inn) (Its got a "Beverly Hillbilly" at the front porch) CUEMETERIUM - refers to the cemetery. (maybe they misspelled it? Nah!) CALVARIUM - refers to a cross on a stone platform with a (yucky) crucified bird on it. METALLUM - refers to the mine. AUREAL CORONAE CAUPONA - the golden crown Inn. Go down the path to the left (PONS). You should be looking down a path facing the moon. Go forward again. You should be at the end of the path and at a junction. Behind you there should be a signpost with a lantern hanging on it and it has 2 directions (one to PONS and the other to AUREAL CORONAE CAUPONA or "the golden crown" Inn) Note you cannot zoom in to this sign. To the left of that, there is another sign (you can zoom in to this one - its to the CUEMETERIUM) Go down this path. You should now be facing another signpost. Examine it (Left to CALVARIUM and right to CUEMETERIUM) Go left to CALVARIUM path. Go forward again for 2 screens. You should be right up against a stone platform with a cross sticking out of it the moon should be on the top-left of your screen. Now don't move (rotate your view or other wise) unless I tell you if you find it hard navigating (I know its not that bad but just in case your new at this!) turn to the left until moon is at top-right of screen, click to go forward. Turn right until moon is at top-middle-left of screen and go forward. Go forward again. Turn right 90 degrees and go forward. Now look DIRECTLY down, there is a magnifying glass there! Just kidding. Click to zoom in to item on the floor. It's a slingshot. Get it. (cursor-hand symbol). Back off one screen (cursor-"Upside-down-U arrow") If you right click and view you inventory you'll notice that the slingshot is in item slot#2 (according to the way I number the items on my list) I might refer to items as Item#2 eg. for the sligshot. (NOTE: The following procedure is just a long-winded way of saying, "go back the base of this stone platform" {Now turn back around 180 degrees and go forward. Turn 90 degrees left and go forward. Go forward again. Turn about 45 degrees left you should be able to go down. You're at the base of the platform.} Turn 45 degrees right and go back down the path you came from (there's only one). Go forward. Go forward. STOP! You should be at the signpost (Left to CALVARIUM and right to CUEMETERIUM) Go right to CUEMETERIUM. Go forward. Go forward. You should be at gates to cemetery (don't wet yourself, there's no undead here!) Go forward. *HELP*!! Just kidding! Go forward. Go forward. Note 90 degrees to your left, there is a grave with a "hand holding a dagger" sticking out of it, its got no significance whatsoever, I just mentioned it so you'll know where you should be at this point. Now face back the way you were going, and go forward you'll "hit" the wall. Turn 90 degrees right and go forward. In the middle of the screen there is a pickaxe (Item#5) Get it (cursor-hand symbol). Turn 180 degrees and go forward. Turn 90 degrees left, go forward. Go forward. Go forward. Turn 90 degrees left (90øL). You will notice a "white energy cloud thingy in over a grave" to the right. Go forward. Now, at this screen you might have to turn a little to the left before going forward again. Now, turn (90øR). You'll see the "white energy cloud thingy in over the grave" AND a picture/painting on the alcove of the grave behind a grill, you can look at this if you like. Move your cursor over the "white energy cloud thingy in over the grave" Your cursor should be a "double-gear symbol" Use the pickaxe (Item#5) on it. (Right-click, bring up inventory menu, click on pickaxe, cursor changes to symbol of pickaxe with green circle around it. Click that on it.) (cutscene) Get the Dragon Ring (Item#3) (middle of screen). Back off one screen. Turn (90øR). Go forward. Go forward. Turn (90øL) and go forward. Go forward, (you might have to search for the "Arrow" a bit). Go forward. You're back at signpost (L:CALVARIUM,R:CUEMETERIUM). Go forward (the path neither sign points to). You should be at signpost (one to PONS and the other to AUREAL CORONAE CAUPONA) Go down AUREAL CORONAE CAUPONA path. Go forward. So should be able to see the AUREAL CORONAE CAUPONA - the golden crown Inn. So just walk up to the front door! (3 screens forward). You should be at front door. Go in (forward). (cutscene) (cutscene, Innkeeper talks to you) Now turn 180ø and go forward. Turn (90øL) and talk to man sitting at table (burn him with magnifying glass!). Now in case you're wondering why this guy is sitting there, stiff as a board, and staring as if you're fly was open, its because your looking at a still picture and in order to talk to him you need to click on the dialogue options (the icons on the right side of the screen) Click on all of them (one at a time, of course!) to talk to him about all the above. (Each dialogue is a cutscene) If you did not notice the icons on the right for the dialogue, you'd probably think this guy died from a stroke while drinking at the table! (After a dialogue has been chosen the icon will have "rolled edges") Make sure you talk to him about everything you have so far. Notice he's got 5 dialogue icons means there are only 5 topics/cutscenes this guy responds to. NOTE: Btw, to skip any cutscene you can press [spacebar]. Get out of his face (back off one screen) and turn (90øL) and go 3 screens forward. You should be facing a big red cabinet. Turn (90øR) and talk to Innkeeper. Turn (90øR) and go forward. Turn (90øR) and go forward. Turn (90øR) and go forward (through door). You should be looking at a grating in the wall near the floor with an unlit candle in it. Turn (90øR) and go forward. Wow, that took you a grand total of 1-meter closer to the stairs! Go forward down the stairs (cutscene). Go forward. Turn right and Examine cupboard door. Click on the lock (cursor-"gear+hand symbol") to open it. Get the telescope (Item#16) inside. Back off 2 screens. Click on stairs to the right. Go back up stairs. Go forward 1metre. Go forward. Turn (90øL) and go forward. Turn (90øL) and go forward. Turn (90øR) and go forward. Turn (90øL) and go forward (to upstairs). Go forward/go upstairs. (cutscene). Keep going forward 4 screens to your room (there's only one room down the hall). Go in. Go 2 screens forward. Turn (90øL) and click on chest-of-drawers to see what's in it (cursor-"gear+hand symbol"). Whoa! Jonathan seems to have other ideas! (cutscene, pushes chest-of-drawers under the "trapdoor on the ceiling) Turn (90øL) and go forward. Turn (90øR) and go forward (climb up chest-of-drawers. There's a door knob (Item#8) infront of you, get it. Turn (90øL) and look up (cursor-"2-gear symbol"). Use door knob (Item#8) here. Open the trapdoor (cursor-"Arrow") and go up trapdoor. Go forward. Use telescope (Item#16) on tripod stand on the floor slightly to the left. Btw, just in case you're wondering what that thing is hanging from the pulley, it's the sign for the golden crown Inn (a heavy, rusty, cast-iron, crown). Turn 180ø and go forward. You can inspect the hole in the wall above the trapdoor if you like. Go back down the trapdoor. Get off the chest-of-drawers (turn (45øR) and go forward). Go back out of your room through the same door you came in (the other door is inaccessible right now). Go down the hall, down the stairs and out the front door. Okay you should be just outside the Inn again (facing the moon). Go forward 3 screens. You're at junction with 2 signs (L:PONS,R:LACUS) Go down LACUS path. You're at 2 signs (L:LACUS,R:METALLUM) Go down LACUS path. Go forward (you might have to turn a bit left). You're at a path outside the lodge, but IF you try to step on his porch the "Beverly Hillbilly w/o shotgun" tell you to leave. Instead, from here (you shouldn't have moved), turn (90øR) and face the other "dug-out-snow path", go forward. Turn (90øL), go forward. You should be infront of the lodge with a ladder on your right. Go forward (on the ladder) (cutscene) Now, see the birds flying in the distance to your right? Use your slingshot and..you know...KILL THEM ALL!!! (cutscene) (Jonathan awarded marksmanship plaque!) Now turn 180ø and go down ladder. Go forward. Turn (90øR) and go forward. Turn (90øR) and go forward. Go forward. Now look down a bit and to the left you should find a baseball bat (Item#6) leaning against the wall, get it. Go forward and Turn left to see the "Beverly Hillbilly w/o shotgun" with his back turned to you. (He doesn't even notice you! Jonathan-Hide in Shadows Succeeded.) Use baseball bat (Item#6) on "Beverly Hillbilly w/o shotgun" (cutscene) Now who's the badass mudder? Go forward onto the pier and get the knife (Item#7) from the stump. Turn around and go forward (to previous screen). Look down and look in the barrel. Get the musical instrument(Item#4). Turn to your right (back down the porch) and from this screen (the barrel), go forward 4 screens. You should be infront of 2 signs (L:AUREAL CORONAE CAUPONA, R:LACUS) Go down AUREAL CORONAE CAUPONA path. You're at 2 signs (L:LACUS, R:METALLUM). Go down the path not marked by either. Go forward 4 screens. You should already be in Inn next to the man at the table. Talk to him, ask about musical instrument(Item#4). Turn (90øL) and go forward 3 screens. Turn (90øR) and talk to Innkeeper. (NOTE: The following procedure is just a long-winded way of saying "go upstairs to your room and up to the attic with the telescope) {Turn (90øR) and go forward 2 screens. Turn (90øL) and go forward. Go upstairs. (cutscene) Go forward 5 screens. Turn (90øL) and go forward. Turn (90øL) and look up. Use door knob (Item#8) here. Open the trapdoor (cursor-"Arrow") and go up trapdoor. Go forward. } Use "telescope already on tripod stand" You'll see the "bum", warming his hands at the barrel with fire. In this screen, use the musical instrument(Item#4) on the "bum". (cutscene). Back off from the telescope view. Now face the Inn's sign (to the right of telescope) and go forward. Now notice the diagonal rope sloping down from the pulley. In the middle of this rope you can "Examine" it and use the knife (Item#7) to cut the rope and..eh, "crown" the "bum" standing conveniently below it. (cutscene) Now turn 180ø and go down the trapdoor. Get off the chest-of-drawers (turn (45øR) and go forward). (cutscene, Innkeeper barges into your room from the balcony door, for no apparent reason than to tell you the obvious, and leaves by the front room door.) Go forward and through the balcony door (the one she came in from, its accessible now, its also quicker than your front door) Step onto the balcony and go forward. You will notice a hole in the floor at the end. (Now look around, there are no other doors than your balcony door, there is no other way up except this hole in the floor, so how on earth did the Innkeeper, in her current state of physical fitness, manage to get up here?? Go figure!) Go down through the hole in the floor. Turn (90øL) and go forward. Turn (90øL) and go forward. Turn (90øL) and inspect the corpse (I say "corpse" for obvious reasons!) and get the keys (Item#9 and Item#10). Turn (90øR) and go forward. Go forward. Go forward (left side of well). turn right and examine the well. Use key (Item#9) to unlock the grating on top of the well and go down the well. Wow! Didn't break my leg! Go forward 3 screens. You should be next to some stairs. Turn right a bit and go around to the base of the stairs. Go up the stairs and into the small back room with the lantern. Get the lantern (Item#1), there's also the hole that you peeped thorough at the attic here(not important, it's to show you the geographical correctness of the game!). Turn around and go back down to the base of the stairs. Turn (90øR) and go forward. You should be infront of a dark alcove. AH!! A WEREWOLF!! Nope, I'm wrong, just a lantern holder (its to the middle-left of the screen, where the light meets the shadow). Look at, then Use the lantern (Item#1) on the lantern holder. Back off 1 screen and look at the bottom-right corner...AH!!! A SNAKE!! Oops! Just a grapnel and rope (Item#12). Oh, it's safe to get it. Hehehe! Now go back the way you came to the bottom of the well and look up. go forward to exit the well the same way you came in. Wow! I can FLY too?? Now back off 1 screen from the well. While facing the well, turn (90øL) and go forward. Go forward to where the "bum" was. Go forward 2 screens more to cross the bridge. (cutscene, the bridge collapses) And I'm not even the one who is overweight in this game! DOH!! After all that work!! Now turn 180ø and go 7 screens forward, pass the well, pass the "crowned-bum". Turn (90øR) and go forward. Turn (90øL) and look up. Use grapnel and rope (Item#12) here. (cutscene) Go back into your room, back down stairs to the man at the table. Note: the Innkeeper has locked the front door, so you had to go by this way. Talk to man at the table, ask all the remaining topics. Go to Innkeeper, talk to her, ask all the remaining topics. After that, get the key (Item#13) on the bar and back off 2 screens. Turn (90øL) and open the big red cabinet. Open it (click on handle (cursor-"gear+hand symbol") (cutscene, that's on noisy cupboard!) Use key (Item#13) on the drawer in the cabinet. Get the key (Item#14) on the book AND the lighter (Item#11) to the right of the book. Then click on the book (cursor-"gear+hand symbol") to read it. (cutscene) Back off 2 screens and turn 180ø and go forward. Turn (90øR) and go forward. Turn (90øR) and go forward. Turn (90øR) and go forward (through door). You should be looking at a grating in the wall near the floor with an unlit candle in it. Look at then use lighter (Item#11) to light the candle. Back off 1 screen. Turn (90øR) and go forward. Go forward down the stairs (cutscene). Go forward. Turn (90øL) and go forward. Turn (45øL) and go forward. Turn right to face the barrel. Examine the center of the barrel and use the key (Item#14) on the keyhole. (cutscene). Then use the Dragon Ring (Item#3) on the "gear". (cutscene) Take back the Dragon Ring (Item#3). Go forward. (cutscene). Go forward 4 screens. you should be infront of a mine cart with the words "666 D.R. 3.14" on it. Turn (90øL) and go forward 3 screens. Look to your right when facing the door. Examine the circular "lock" on the wall with the dragon symbol on it. In the zoomed in view, click on this dragon symbol (cursor-"gear+hand symbol") to expose the locking mechanism.(cutscene). Use the Dragon Ring (Item#3) on the "gear". (cutscene) Take back the Dragon Ring (Item#3). Back off 1 screen. Turn (90øL) and go forward to get out. You'll be outside the mines or METALLUM. Basically, you want to go to the lodge now. So, if you go 2 screens forward from the door of the mines (you can't go back in anyway), you should be at 2 signs (L:LACUS,R:METALLUM) Go down LACUS path. Go forward (you might have to turn a bit left). You're at a path outside the lodge. Go forward 3 screens until you're at the barrel. Turn (90øL) and use key (Item#10) to unlock the door (which you automatically step through). Turn (90øL) and go forward. You are standing infront of an elevator filled/stacked/propped up with barrel which are held up by a crowbar (Item#15) (Its at the bottom of the "doorframe" if the lift and infront of the barrels on the floor, its sticking out and currently "pointing" to you. Examine and get the crowbar which dislodges all the barrels (cutscene), including the ones on the floor at the bottom of the stack! Go figure! Back off 1 screen and go into elevator. To prove that it IS an elevator, turn around and on the left of the "doorframe" of the lift (when you're inside) there are controls (cursor-"gear+hand symbol"), which you should use now, that take you down. (cutscene, kids, don't try this at home!). Wow! After the freefall I didn't break any bones! Voice of Sean Connery in head, "You can't die McCloud, you're IMMORTAL!!!" You are at the base of the elevator shaft or what's left of it! Turn (90øL) and go forward. Turn (45øR) and go forward. Now, turn about (45øL) and look slightly down, you should see 2 chains infront of you one horizontal, and the other vertical (perpendicular to the first). Where the 2 chains meet (cursor-"2-gear symbol"), use the crowbar (Item#15) on it. (cutscene). AHH!!! I'm buried alive! Wait a sec.. I'm immortal right? right??!! I've got strong legs as well as a HARD head! Turn about (90øL) and look down a bit, where (cursor-hand symbol) you can pickup one of the wide, heavy, wooden beams! Hercules!! Try fitting THAT in your pockets! Wooden beam (Item#16). Turn 180ø and go forward. Turn (90øL) and go forward. You're facing a hole/passage way (cursor-"2-gear symbol") use wooden beam on it. Cross the wooden beam (or bridge in this case) by going forward (nice dissolve). Go forward (towards the barrel in the distance). You should see a passage blocked by rocks. go forward towards it. Use crowbar on the rocks to dislodge it. Eek! Oh, its not undead! (You can't pick up the skull! Sorry, no souvenirs!) But you CAN shake the skeleton's right hand, Oops! Came off! Skeleton arm (Item#17). Go forward (towards grill). Right in front of you should be this little oil holder, use lighter (Item#11) on it to light up the place behind the grill. Look down. Eek! Oh another one! There is a metal bar thingy (Item#18) its infront of the second skeleton (the one with the skull!) If you can't find it, look infront of you, the grill has 5 vertical bars, the metal bar thingy is between vertical bars 3 & 4 (left to right). Use the skeleton arm (Item#17) on it to get it (Item#18). Turn 180ø and go forward 3 screens (cutscene, I think he walks like Robocop!). You should be standing infront of, what a surprise..a bridge that's ALREADY broken! Go forward and at this point you have 2 choices, you can either Turn (45øL) or (45øR), either side there will be a chain where your (cursor-"2-gear symbol") Use the metal bar thingy (Item#18) on it. (cutscene, WEE! Umph!) Now you're across. Infront of you there is a BIG lantern (its big because its close to you!) to your left. Anyway, there's a metal bar door on your right, which you can't enter. So, instead turn left and go down the stairs (cutscene). You should be infront of another metal bar door on your right, which you can't enter also. Turn 180ø and go DOWN (not back up) the stairs to the right (next to the stairs you just took down). You should be at the bottom of the stairs. (I think it would be easier just to jump down at the broken bridge, after all you're immortal, right??) Turn around and face the stairs. Go forward towards the stone bricks stacked up (left of stairs you walked down). Turn to your right, there is a table with a lantern on it. Go forward. Turn (45øL) (right of stone bricks) and go forward. Go forward into dark, spooky corridor (dissolve). You are standing on some mine cart tracks, go forward. Turn about (45øR) facing the lantern on the barrel and go forward. Turn (45øR) and go forward (up the tracks). Go forward 2 screens. You should be looking at the lantern hanging on the wall at the end of the tunnel. Turn 180ø and look on the left side of the mine cart for the brake release handle of the mine cart (this is a little hard to spot) Its on the left side of the mine cart near where the cart and the tracks meet (cursor-"gear+hand symbol") click on it to ride it back to the previous screen (cutscene). Go forward where you're facing. Turn (90øR) and look up. There is a pulley up there which you can examine. Get the hook (Item#19) at the bottom of the pulley. Back off 1 screen and turn 180ø and go forward. Turn (45øR) and go forward. You should see the table again on your left. Go forward to the table and go back to the same dark passage on the right of the stone bricks again. After going down again, you should be at the tracks again. Go forward 2 screens you should be a mine cart on your left (I know that there are 2 carts in this room but the one I'm referring to is the one that's upright, the other is kind of toppled over) Turn 180ø and look down you should see the "track-switching" switch/lever on the floor. Examine it (below the handle of the lever). Use the hook (Item#19) at the bottom of the "zoomed-in" screen. Then back off 1 screen and pull the lever by clicking on the area just above where you clicked to examine and attach the hook (cursor-"gear+hand symbol", NOT the magnifying glass symbol, above that). (cutscene, tracks switch) Now look up from the lever and go straight at where you're facing. Go forward (turn left a bit). Turn left and go forward (upstairs) (dissolve). You should see the table again. Go forward. Turn (90øR) and go forward. Go forward (turn right a bit). Look down and turn left a bit (cursor-"Arrow") and go forward. You should be under the pulley again. Now the tricky task of finding the brake release handle on the mine cart again. Look directly down from where you're facing, your cursor should become ("gear+hand symbol") somewhere along the way. Click on that to ride the mine cart again. (cutscene, Dracula's amusement funpark-mine cart ride). You should be standing on the track, looking down the hall, you can see that the track is broken over a pit in the distance. Go forward. Turn left and a little behind you, there is a "loose door" leaning infront of the passage way ("gear+hand symbol"). Click on it to get rid of it. Go inside passageway. Now note that you are currently facing down and looking DOWN some stairs. The illusion might make it seem that you are looking up a flight of stairs. Go forward, down the stairs. Go forward again. Turn (90øL) and go forward. Turn left again and Examine the gear thingy. At the center of the screen (cursor-"gear+hand symbol"), click to open the thingy-whatever you call it! (cutscene) Use the Dragon Ring (Item#3) on the part that's open now. Take back the Dragon Ring (Item#3) (cutscene, bridge lifts) Go back up the stairs and back to the screen with the door on the floor. Face the pit (the one where your mine cart (what's left of it) is and go forward. Turn (45øL) and look down. At the base of this wooden post, there is a place to examine. Click on it and you'll see a lantern on the floor. Use the lighter (Item#11) on it and Get the lantern (Item#20). Now if you step onto the screen where you are standing directly above the pit, then try to go forward to the next screen, there will be a cutscene (It seems that the immortal, freefalling, hard-headed, caber tossing hero, Jonathan is afraid of bats!) Well I got stuck at this point of the game for the LONGEST time! UNTIL I managed to stumble on "why". When standing above the pit, you will notice that the barrel at the bottom is leaking out oil (you know the highly convenient barrel that conveniently fell into the mine cart, which you conveniently brought all the way with you??). Anyway I figured that maybe I was supposed to light the oil somehow, for some reason. But if you notice there is no way to "use" anything on the barrel or the oil or anything in the screen where you are standing above the pit. AARRGGHH!! So I went back 1 screen (there's only one direction you CAN go!) and furiously looked back at the barrel at the bottom of the pit. AH-HUH!! In this screen (the screen before stepping on top of the pit), if you look down, to the left, above where the track just leaves the ground and goes over the pit, you can see the barrel and (cursor-"2-gear symbol") Use the lantern (Item#20) to FRY THE BATS!! (cutscene). Aww now, you can go across without those nasty bats trying to hurt you! Go forward 2 screens across the pit. There no point going any more forward because apparently Dracula didn't have time to finish the amusement funpark-mine cart ride. Turn (90øR) and go forward to the room ahead. Go all the way in (there's only 1 way to go in) and pull the lever that's at the end (on top of the small flight of stairs) (cursor-"gear+hand symbol"). (cutscene, Dracula amusement funpark-cable car ride). CD2: Now there's only place to go here but there are 2 directions to go from, it's not important which way you chose. Turn (90øL) and go forward 4 screens. You should be infront of 2 stone dogs/wolves (I think they're wolves, unless Dracula's into pedigrees). Turn (90øR) and go forward 2 screens. Turn left and go into the door. Now go downstairs (cutscene). Turn left and Examine the lock (you know the standard one!) and (you know the drill..) Use the Dragon Ring (Item#3) on the lock, watch it unlock, take the Dragon Ring (Item#3) back, door is open. Go through the door. Turn (90øR) and go forward 2 screens. Turn (90øL) and go forward. Turn (90øL) and go forward. Turn left a bit, Examine the lamp hanging on the pillar. Use the lighter (Item#11) on the lamp. cutscene, the lonely eh..undead hag talks to you) Go forward. Turn (90øR) and talk to the "lonely undead hag". Ask about Mina. She'll tell you that you need to get some amulet kept in the crypt and the Medal of the Dragon Brotherhood. Go out of here and back to the spiral stairs you came down from. Go up the stairs. Turn right and go up the stairs to the top. You'll be facing the "invisible door to the crypt". Turn 180ø. Bwwaah!! Oh, its just the horrible, "lonely undead hag". Go forward towards her. You'll turn around and she open the door for you (chivalry is dead). Go forward. The door closes behind you. Go forward. Turn (90øR) and go forward. Turn (90øL) and go forward. Turn (90øR) and go forward. Turn left and go in the doorway. Examine the door and rip the key (Item#1) off the door! Turn 180øand go forward. Turn left and go towards the stairs. Go forward 2 screens to top of the stairs. Go forward through the door. Turn (90øR) and go forward. Turn (90øL) and go forward through the door (that's one sqeeeeeky door!). Notice you entered through the door opposite the bed (or the door on the wall without the bed against it). Turn (45øL) and go forward (click on the "bed curtain"). Turn (45øL) and examine the pedestal. Click on the ball first (cutscene) THEN get the ball (Item#4). Back off 1 screen. Turn (45øR) and go forward. Turn (45øR) and go forward (towards large chest). Turn left and look down. Open the chest by clicking on the middle of the chest (cursor-"gear+hand symbol"). Inside the chest, get the picture/painting (Item#6) on the right and Examine the book on the left. Examine the book again to open it and get the Lens (Item#5). Back off 3 screens. Turn left and go forward. Turn (90øL) and go forward. Turn (90øR) and go forward. Turn left to the wall and look up. You'll notice its full of "white patches". Use the picture/painting (Item#6) on the center "white patch". There is nothing else that you can do now here. So, Turn (90øL) and go forward 2 screens through the door (NOT the one you came in) (cutscene). You are on top of a library. First things first, Turn (90øR) and go forward. Turn (90øR) and go forward through the door. Infront of you is a kind of machine. Look down and a bit right, you should notice a very obvious, shiny, handle. Examine it then use it (cursor-"gear+hand symbol"). (cutscene) Turn around and go out the door you came in. Turn (90øL) and go forward. Turn (90øR) and go forward 3 screens (through the door) (cutscene). You are at the bottom level of the library. Turn (90øR) and look up the ladder. Examine the top of the ladder (cutscene). Use the handle on the top-right of the ladder (cursor-"gear+hand symbol") (cutscene, Wee! can't normally do this with the librarian around). You are still on the ladder looking at shelf number 25. You can click on the yellow circle thingy that got exposed behind the books (Smile! You're on Candid Camera!) Back off from the screen to get down from the ladder. Turn (90øL) and go forward. Now make your way to the table. If you turn to your right and a little bit behind you, you can see a table near the main library door. Click on the area between the table and the left side of the main door (cursor-"Arrow"). Now turn left to the table and go forward to the table. Click on the small shiny globe thingy on the table to expose the chart below. Examine the chart. Use the Dragon Ring (Item#3) on the chart. You'll notice that there are 8 positions that you can place it on the chart. The one that fits (the position where the "Dragon Ring"'s hand and feet or front claw and rear claw actually point out 2 values) is on the left-most bottom. It basically points out to a blue "moon": 40 and red "sun": 25. (What could it mean??) Back off from this screen (you'll automatically take back the Dragon Ring. Turn right and go out the main library door. Go forward through the door infront of you. Turn (90øR) and go forward 2 screens. Turn (90øL) and go forward 3 screens. Turn (90øL) and go forward 3 screen down to the base of the stairs. Turn (90øL) and go forward. Examine the middle of the "junk pile". Click on the metal shield to lift it up (cursor-"gear+hand symbol"). Don't worry, it's not a severed hand! Get the Metal Gauntlet/glove and click on the metal shield (cursor-"gear+hand symbol") to put it back down. Back off from this screen. Turn 180ø and go forward. Go back up the stairs on your right. On the top of the stairs you should be facing the door to the bedroom (the one with the painting and the large chest). Turn (90øR) and go forward 3 screens. Go into the doorway to the left. Go forward to go down the stairs. Go forward 2 screens. Turn (90øL) and go forward. Use key (Item#1) on the lock of the door. Go forward through the door. You are currently outside above the stairs with the 2 stone dogs/wolves. Turn (90øL) and go forward 4 screen down the stairs and to the doorway leading to the spiral stairs. Go in the doorway and go downstairs. The "lonely undead hag" is in her usual position. Go in and make your way around to her and talk to her about your bal.. I mean the red sphere (Item#4) that you are carrying (She'll change it to a crystal ball). Go back all the way you came in and go upstairs (one level),go outside and back to the stairs above the 2 wolves (should be easy to find). You should be at the top of the "wolf stairs". Go in through the door. Turn a bit right and go forward. Turn a bit right and go 2 screens. Go up the stairs. Go forward from where you're facing. turn right and go forward 3 screens. Turn (90øR) and go forward through the door. Turn (90øR) and go forward. Turn (90øL) and go forward through the *sqeeeeky* door. Turn (45øL) and go forward (click on the "bed curtain"). Turn (45øL) and examine the pedestal. Use the crystal ball (Item#3) on the pedestal (cutscene, it shows you the 3 cards in order from left to right). Back off 1 screen. Turn (45øR) and go forward. Turn around and face the pedestal again. From this angle, you can Examine the pedestal also but instead you can pull out a drawer from under it (cursor-"gear+hand symbol"). Check out the cards and match them with the corresponding symbols from the crystal ball. Close the drawer by clicking on the drawer handle (cursor-"gear+hand symbol"). Back off this screen. Turn 180ø and Examine the circular thingy above the fireplace. It's a zodiac. Okay just like the way I numbered the inventory items, lets take the top-most zodiac symbol "Ares (Ram)" as #1, going clockwise, you get "Taurus (bull)", etc. According to the cards, click on symbols #5 , #10 and #6 on this zodiac thingy. They MUST be entered in that order. (cutscene, door behind, next to painting, opens) (I knew it was there all along!) Back off this screen and turn around. Go forward (pass left side of pedestal). Turn right and go towards the now-opened *SECRET* door. Go through the door 3 screens to the end of the hall. You should be infront of a cylindrical pillar with, I think, a self-portrait of Dracula, or close relative. To the left of that is your standard Dragon Ring lock. (You know the drill..) Use the Dragon Ring (Item#3) on the lock, watch it unlock, take the Dragon Ring (Item#3) back. (cutscene, the sphinx, or whatever, statue will move back revealing a dagger) No wait! It's a short sword! No its a long dagger!... Turn 180ø and go forward. Turn (90øL) and Examine the dagger at the base of the statue. Get the dagger (Item#12). Back off this screen. Turn (90øR) and go forward 3 screens through the *SECRET* door. Go forward again to go upstairs. Go forward 2 screens. Go forward to go downstairs to the bottom of the library. Go forward 2 screens to the end of the shelves. Now turn (90øR) and look up at the shelves. Now this part is very difficult to spot if you don't know what to look for. You should be able to see small "white ovals" with numbers on them -numbers of the shelves, above that is the "yellow rail" which the ladder slides on, and above that is another row of "white ovals". The table with the shiny globe thingy is 180ø behind you (just in case you got the wrong shelf). Now what you are looking for is a MISSING "white oval". you can see the way the shelves are numbered and should be able to see that there is one missing (on the right-side of your screen, where you are facing) If you still can't see it, then look up at the shelf, you'll see a row of "white ovals" with numbers, then the "yellow rail" on top of that and then more "white ovals" with numbers on top of that. Now place your cursor on the bottom row of "white ovals" and turn right (If you count the "white ovals" from left to right it supposed to be the 4th one) If you say, "its missing..", you found it! (cursor-"magnifying glass symbol"). Examine (whatever that is) Click on it to open it and place the Lens (Item#5) in it, then click on the cover to close it back. Now go back to the ladder and climb up again and Use the "Candid Camera" thingy again (cutscene). Make your way to the writing desk (the beam is shooting at it). Examine the "cabinet area" on top of the desk (at your eye-level). Click on the latch to open the "cabinet area" on top of the desk. You can examine the "family tree" that is now on display. Note: The guy somewhere in the center, his portrait is of him wearing a red crown facing left, is ALSO the guy in the painting to the left of the grandfather clock which is to the left of the desk. He's also carrying a dagger in the painting. Ah-huh..) The more important thing however is to Examine the desk's drawer (its below the "family tree" at about the same height off the ground as the arms of the big chair, looks like a quarter of a horizontal cylinder). Click on the drawer to open it. Get the key (Item#9), the rusty metal circle with the cross in the center (Item#8), the picture/painting (Item#7) and the Medal of the Dragon Brotherhood(scratched) (Item#10). Now leave the library and go out the main Library door. (Note: This part says go back to talk to the "lonely undead hag") {Turn (90øR) and go forward 2 screens. Go forward to go down the stairs. Go forward 2 screens. Turn (90øL) and go forward. Go forward through the door. You are currently outside above the stairs with the 2 stone dogs/wolves. Turn (90øL) and go forward 4 screen down the stairs and to the doorway leading to the spiral stairs. Go in the doorway and go downstairs. The "lonely undead hag" is in her usual position. Go in and make your way around to her and talk to her.} Ask her about everything else (She fixes the Medal of the Dragon Brotherhood (Item#10). Go back out of here to the top of the "wolf stairs" (you should know how to go there by now!) You should be at the top of the "wolf stairs". Go in through the door. Turn a bit right and go forward. Turn a bit right and go 2 screens. Go up the stairs. Go forward from where you're facing. turn right and go forward 3 screens. Turn (90øR) and go forward through the door. Turn (90øR) and go forward. Turn (90øL) and go forward through the *sqeeeeky* door. Turn (90øL) and go into the *SECRET* door and go all the way down the hall to the cylindrical pillar. Now Examine the standard Dragon Ring lock to the left again, but instead, Use the dagger (Item#12) on the lock. Then click on the handle of the dagger to "pull" it like a switch (cutscene). Now take back the dagger (Item#12) and back off the screen. Face the cylindrical pillar and use the metal gauntlet to wedge/jam open, the open mouth of the metal head on the cylindrical pillar (whoever it supposed to be!) (cutscene). Click on the "ring" in its mouth (cutscene). Use the picture/painting (Item#7) on the recessed area with the same shape (cutscene, a golden-looking er..container thingy pops out). Examine the (wha-ja-might-call-it)that popped up, then Examine the sphere inside the (wha-ja-might-call-it). Use the key (Item#9) on the left guy's face (cutscene, sphere opens, etc). Get the white..er Blue Gem (Item#13) on the top lid of the sphere AND get the windup key (Item#14) from the "musical box" (lower half of sphere). Back off 2 screens. Turn 180ø and go forward 5 screens (Through *SECRET door and up the stairs). Go forward 3 screens (down stairs to bottom of library). Turn (90øL) and go forward 2 screens. Look up and Examine the grandfather clock. Click on the face of the clock to open it. Use the windup key (Item#14) on the keyhole (between the center of the clock face and the "6 o'clock mark") (a few cutscenes). Turn (90øR) and go forward to the desk. Turn left and Examine the "family tree" again. Use the Medal of the Dragon Brotherhood (Item#10) on where the "very significant guy so far, whose picture has been appearing all over the place"'s mini portrait has been turned around. Turn around and face the BIG shiny globe thingy. Then turn (45øR) and go forward. Then turn and face the BIG shiny globe thingy. Examine it. You'll be given 2 dials. Ah-huh! that's what the blue "moon": 40 and red "sun": 25, you got from the chart on the table (with the small shiny globe thingy). So, enter (click when cursor-plus(+) symbol) the value 40 on the left dial and 25 on the right. Then click on the BIG shiny globe thingy to accept the values (cutscene). Use the dagger (Item#12) on the sphinx (In my opinion, it still looks like a sphinx!) STAB IT!! HAHA! Oh..sorry! (cutscene) Now stay in this view, Examine the handle of the dagger (when it's stabbing the sphinx, heeheee..*ahem..) The "butt" of the dagger will open and you should use the Blue Gem (Item#13) and place it on it (cutscene, "door" to crypt opens). Facing the BIG shiny globe thingy, turn (45øR) and go forward. turn (45øL) and go forward. Turn (90øR) and go forward to the crypt area. Turn (90øR) and go forward up the stairs. Turn (45øL) and go forward. Now there are 2 tables here on either the side of a kind of stand with an open book on it. Examine the table on the right of the stand with the book. Then Click on the book(closed, upright on the left of the screen) (cutscene). A bottle of poison..no acid..no poisonous acid...no acidic poison! Well since it "ate" through the metal chain, let's call it bottle of "metal chain eating" acid (Item#17), oh yes, its safe to get it. ('spill'...arggghhh..I'm melting...melting..) You can Examine the note that's on the table to the left of the "stand with the open book" if you want. Examine the "stand with the open book" now. Use the rusty metal circle with the cross in the center (Item#8) on the carved out slot above the open book. Get the hexagonal plaque (Item#15). Click on the wooden "knob" on the top-most middle of the screen (cursor-"gear+hand symbol") to open a puzzle. Now the word you have to spell out is "SATOR" (whatever that is, I think I'd rather not know!) It's supposed to spell out that in circles around the puzzle. Okay, the short, short cut: -The top-left letters below go to the top-left slot on top. -The bottom-left letters below go to the top-right slot on top. -The top-right letters below go to the bottom-right slot on top. -The bottom-right letters below go to the bottom-left slot on top. (cutscene, the center cross-piece pops up) I'll just call it the puzzle cross (catchy, eh?). Get the puzzle cross (Item#16). Now turn around and go back all the way, down the stairs you came up from. After reaching the base of the stairs, right infront of you, should be a place where you should use the puzzle cross (Item#16). (cutscene, stairs sink down) Turn around and go forward down the stairs. Go forward. Turn (90øL) and go forward. Turn (45øR) and go forward. Turn (45øR) and go forward. Turn left and Examine the eh..stone display case. Use the bottle of "metal chain eating" acid (Item#17) on the metal chain (bottom-left of screen). Get the Amulet (Item#18) next to the candle. (cutscene, hello..3 sisters). Turn (90øL) and go forward. Turn right and use the switch (cursor-gear+hand symbol"). (cutscene, gratuitous beaver shot!) Turn (90øL) and go forward. Turn (45øL) and go forward 2 screens. Turn (90øL) and go forward. Turn right and use the puzzle cross (Item#16) on the (whatever) stone panel (cutscene, stairs get lifted exposing spiral stairs behind. Turn (90øR) and go forward. Turn (90øR) and go forward. Turn (90øL) and go forward 2 screens. Go forward up the spiral stairs. (a few cutscenes, "lonely undead hag" talks to you, I think her name supposed to be Dorkoh or door-koh, she's still a hag!) (blah..blah..) Turn (45øL) and go forward (towards Mina). Turn (45øL) and go forward. Turn (45øR) and go forward. Turn a bit left and go forward. Turn a bit left and Examine the panel on the wall there. Use the hexagonal plaque (Item#15) here. Then Click on it (cursor-"gear+hand symbol") to open it up. Then finally Use the Dragon Ring (Item#3). (cutscene) Back off the screen and turn around 180ø and go forward. Turn (45øR) and go forward. Turn (90øL) and go forward. Turn left and get Mina (Item#er..nevermind). (cutscene, finale!) THAT'S IT?? Hey, you forgot to kick Dracula's butt!!! Come back here and fight like a fang-less vampire!! ************************************************************************ Brought to you by Bounty Hacker ************************************************************************