You can make the pig cops fly like the predator things by altering the game.con file. All you have to do is copy the Troop Jetpack data. Just follow the instructions below and hopefully it should work. Also I've noticed that when you change the .con file you have to start a new game as the saved games have there own .con file. ************************************************************ action APIGJETPACK 30 1 5 1 1 action APIGJETPACKILL 30 2 5 1 50 move PIGJETPACKVELS 64 -84 move PIGJETPACKILLVELS 192 -38 ai AIPIGJETPACK APIGJETPACK PIGJETPACKVELS seekplayer // ***** INSERT THE ABOVE CODE ****** // ***** AND REPLACE THE state pigseekenemystate with the one below ***** state pigseekenemystate ifcansee ifp phigher { ifceilingdistl 128 { } else ifactornotstayput ai AIPIGJETPACK break } ifai AIPIGCHARGE { ifcansee ifpdistl 3084 { ifnotmoving ai AIPIGSEEKENEMY else ai AIPIGDIVING } break } else iffloordistl 32 { ifpdistg 4096 { ifactornotstayput ai AIPIGCHARGE } ifrnd 8 { ifbulletnear ai AIPIGDODGE } } ifrnd 128 ifcansee { ifai AIPIGDODGE { ifcount 32 ai AIPIGCHARGE break } iffloordistl 32 { ifpdistl 1024 ifp palive ifcanshoottarget { ai AIPIGSHOOTENEMY break } ifcount 48 { ifrnd 8 ifp palive ifcanshoottarget { ifrnd 192 ai AIPIGSHOOTENEMY else ai AIPIGDIVING break } } } } ends // ***** Insert the state pigjetpackstate as well ***** state pigjetpackstate ifaction APIGJETPACKILL { ifcansee ifactioncount 2 { resetactioncount sound PIG_ATTACK shoot SHOTGUN } ifp phigher ai AIPIGJETPACK else ifinwater ai AIPIGJETPACK ifcount 26 iffloordistl 32 ai AIPIGSEEKENEMY } else ifcount 48 ifcansee { action APIGJETPACKILL move PIGJETPACKILLVELS seekplayer } ends // ***** And replace the actor PIGCOP with the code below **** actor PIGCOP PIGCOPSTRENGTH APIGSTAND fall state checksquished ifaction APIGSTAND ai AIPIGSEEKENEMY else ifaction APIGDEAD { ifrespawn ifcount RESPAWNTIME { spawn TRANSPORTERSTAR cstat 257 strength PIGCOPSTRENGTH ai AIPIGSEEKENEMY } else { strength 0 ifhitweapon ifwasweapon RADIUSEXPLOSION { sound SQUISHED state standard_jibs state delete_enemy } break } } else ifai AIPIGDYING state pigdyingstate else ifai AIPIGHIT { ifactioncount 3 ai AIPIGSEEKENEMY } else ifai AIPIGSHRINK state pigshrinkstate else { ifai AIPIGSEEKENEMY state pigseekenemystate else ifai AIPIGJETPACK { state pigjetpackstate soundonce DUKE_JETPACK_IDLE } else ifai AIPIGDODGE state pigseekenemystate else ifai AIPIGSHOOTENEMY state pigshootenemystate else ifai AIPIGFLEEENEMY state pigfleeenemystate else ifai AIPIGDIVING state pigdivestate else ifai AIPIGCHARGE state pigseekenemystate ifhitweapon state checkpighitstate ifrnd 1 { ifrnd 32 soundonce PIG_ROAM else ifrnd 64 soundonce PIG_ROAM2 else soundonce PIG_ROAM3 } } /*