--------------------------------------------------------------------------- =========================================================================== Deus Ex Skills FAQ --------------------------------------------------------------------------- =========================================================================== Created by (]=-The@N-=[) Arno Middelkoop =========================================================================== --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -----------=-=-=----------- 0.0 Version -----------=-=-=----------- Version 1.00: - The submitted "Deus Ex Sills" FAQ 06-29-2004 Version 1.03: - Altered Version Date from 1.00. 06-30-2004 - Maked some changes in my use of words. I'm not from the U.S or Great Brittain, so it's difficult for me. - Added this section to the Table of Contents. Version 1.05: - Added some + signs to procentual numbers. 07-01-2004 - Added the Credits by putting Eidos for publishing and Ion Storm for creating. - Added the Credits by putting a friend of mine in the credits who fully conformed me about the "Lockpicking/Electronics" cheat. Version 1.15: - Added information about Hacking, see under 4.10: Computer 07-02-2004 and 4.10.1: "The Thief Strategy". - Still fully verifying the subject. - Changed "below" to "above" in the Weapons: Pistol Trained section, I forgot I put the bugs above by guide instead of below. Version 1.25: - Fully verified the Hacking section and updated. 07-02-2004 Version 1.4: - Verified all Skills by changing the Lockpicking and 07-02-2004 Electronics to the rigth amount. - Added in the "Aquire Skill Points" section about Accomplishment. - The Final version, for now. Version 1.5: - A few final updates I forgot, added "Infinite Skill Points" 07-03-2004 bug, 3.3. - Changed Medicine, toxin damage isn't reduced in any way. - Now everything is verified, no new updates within at least two weeks. - Version 2.00 will be the next one, after a full spell and grammar check. -----------=-=-=----------- 1.1 Introduction -----------=-=-=----------- Hi there folks, this is a FAQ of (]=-The@N-=[), known as TheaN on Gamefaqs messageboards. My real name is Arno Middelkoop and i'm from the Netherlands. Well, that for the my introduction, on to the subject of this FAQ: =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 1.2 Subject Introduction =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= This FAQ is about Deus Ex, a perfect game, and for it's time it was and still is, very unique. I enjoyed playing this game three times, and in the three times, I learned that the use of Skill Points, to upgrade your Skills, surely is effective to what Weapons or Items you use. I this FAQ I will give precise information on how the Skills upgrade: from Untrained to Master, from total new features to only accuracy upgrades. I will also give you the amounts that are given for your efforts in the game. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 1.4 Copyright =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= This FAQ is made for personal usage only. You can not use it for what magazine, site, paper or whatsoever. You can't copy and paste pieces from this Walkthrough/FAQ for own usage. This is plagiarism. You can not use this Walkthrough/FAQ as an example to make your own. You must do everything there is to do in the game yourself or have others give information about your game in order to make a Walkthrough/FAQ. You are allowed to copy the layout though. You can put this Walkthrough/FAQ on your non-commercial or non-profit web site provided that not a single character has been edited or removed, you MUST have permission from me in order to do so. -----------=-=-=----------- 2.0 Table of Contents -----------=-=-=----------- ======================================================================== Current Version 0.0 ======================================================================== Introduction 1.0 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ My introduction 1.1 Subject Introduction 1.2 Copyright 1.3 ======================================================================== Table of Contents 2.0 ======================================================================== General info 3.0 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Weapons: Pistol bug 3.1 Lockpicking/Electronics bug 3.2 Infinite Skill Points bug 3.3 ======================================================================== Deus Ex Skills 4.0 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Weapons: Heavy 4.1 Weapons: Pistol 4.2 Weapons: Rifle 4.3 Weapons: Low-Tech 4.4 Weapons: Demolition 4.5 Environmental Training 4.6 Lockpicking 4.7 Electronics 4.8 Medicine 4.9 Computer 4.10 "The Thief Strategy" 4.10.1 Swimming 4.11 ======================================================================== Acquire Skill Points 5.0 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Exploring 5.1 Area Location 5.2 Character Interaction 5.3 Progress 5.4 Secondary Objective 5.5 Critical Location/Primary Objective 5.6 Accomplishment 5.7 ======================================================================== Credits 6.0 ======================================================================== -----------=-=-=----------- 3.0 General info -----------=-=-=----------- - Skill Points can be acquired in different places and ways, see 5.0. - You can upgrade a Skill if you have suffient Skill Points, see 4.0. - Used Skill Points will be instantly reduced from your stockpile. - Any upgraded Skill CANNOT be undone!!! Use wisely. - Only with a New Game the "Downgrade" ability can be used. It's 100% of the used Skill Points. - An upgraded Skill will only give advantages from that Skill, which is the opposite of the Augmentations, which can be used for almost all Weapons and Items. See 4.0. - Weapons: Pistol will always be Trained, see 3.1 and 4.2. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 3.1 Weapons: Pistol Bug =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= This will spare you 1575 Skill Points: - When entering a New Game, difficult is irrelevant, you can "Downgrade" your abilities. - Weapons: Pistol starts at Trained. - Downgrade it, then start a New Game. - Now you will have 6575 Skill Points, instead of 5000. - But, the Skill is still upgraded. If you don't want to use it, just use your points or start, but don't Downgrade Weapons: Pistol. I can understand if you don't, it's still the same as cheating, eventually. But bugs are there to bug you, but as you can see, they can help you as well. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 3.2 Lockpicking/Electronics Bug =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= This hasn't really to do anything with the same Skills, but it could prevent you from upgrading them. - Upgrading these Skills makes you use less Lockpicks or Multitools. - For example: Lockpicking = Untrained, lock strength is 60%, you need 6 Picks. - If you upgrade it to Trained, you will only need 3 Pics. But, use this does the same. But I see it as cheating, which I DON'T from the above bug: - Start picking the lock. - Press F1 to enter the Inventory Screen. - After a while, for about 10 seconds, depends on the lock's strength, you return to the game. - How great the lock was doesn't matter, you picked the lock with 1 lockpick. - The same counts for Bypassing. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 3.3 Infinite Skill Points Bug =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Maybe for the game the worst bug, but I used it in my last game, because it's near the end of the game: - Save Tiffany Savage at the Gas Station. - Proceed with the game. - When you uploaded the UC components, go back to where Jock and Savage are, talk to Savage with full inventory. - He gives you an Augmentation Upgrade Canister, but you can't carry it. - You recieve 500 Skill Points. - Talk to him again and the same lines are said. - You recieve 500 Skill Points again. - Repeat this until you have enough, drop some inventory, talk again. - You recieve the Canister and get a last 500 Skill Points, go in the Helicopter to proceed with the game. -----------=-=-=----------- 4.0 Deus Ex Skills -----------=-=-=----------- I will give them always in the same order: ------------------------------------------------------------------------ =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= number "skill name" =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Used items and weapons: - - Skill Points Needed: Trained = Advanced = Master = New features: Untrained: Trained: Advanced: Master: Usage upgrades: Untrained: - Trained: - Advanced: - Master: - When to upgrade: - - Best Skill = Untrained/Trained/Advanced/Master: ------------------------------------------------------------------------ VERY IMPORTANT NOTE: When I give "Usage upgrades" or "New features", the skill upgrades from it's last level. So if the speed with Heavy Weapons is the same in Master as in Advanced, I won't give any Speed upgrades at the Master rate. VERY IMPORTANT NOTE 2: Hacking is a bit different. I added a section about the Bank Terminals, called "The Thief Strategy", below Hacking to make sure you fully understand the hacking system. NOTE: With most Weapon Upgrades, they say that "reload time is reduced" in the Skill Screen, this is not true. NOTE 2: I give the "Best Skill" not only to give my opinion, but for most of them it's very useful to get them to that Level. This surely counts for Weapons: Heavy, Weapons: Demolition and Swimming =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 4.1 Weapons: Heavy =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Used items and weapons: - GEP Guns - Plasma Rifles - Flamethrowers - LAW's Skill Points Needed: Trained = 1350 Advanced = 2700 Master = 4500 New features: Untrained: You can use Heavy Weapons. Trained: None. Advanced: You can now run with Heavy Weapons. Master: None. Usage upgrades: Untrained: - Speed reduced to a normal walk rate. - Lock on a target with the GEP Gun requires about 5 seconds. - Basic accuracy - Basic damage Trained: - Lock on a target with the GEP Gun requires about 4 seconds. - Basic accuracy + 4% - Basic damage +10% Advanced: - Speed is now normal run speed. - Lock on a target with the GEP Gun requires about 3 seconds. - Basic accuracy +12% - Basic damage +25% Master: - Lock on a target with the GEP Gun requires about 1 second. - Basic accuracy +25%, this makes always 100%. - Basic damage +50% When to upgrade: - With at least two Heavy Weapons, or else it is a waste of points. - When using Heavy Weapons, he will only be useful at Advanced, because of the speed reducing. Best Skill = Advanced: now the Heavy Weapons will be worth it, because ` you can run with them. Master only gives accuracy and damage upgrades. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 4.2 Weapons: Pistol =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Used items and weapons: - Pistols - Stealth Pistols - Mini-Crossbows Skill Points Needed: Trained = None, it's a bug. It's upgraded always when starting a New Game, but because you can Downgrade, see above, you can retrieve the 1575 Skill Points, which gives you then 6575 Skill Points. But no matter what you do, if you start the game, Weapons: Pistol is at Trained. Advanced = 3150 Master = 5250 New features: Trained: You can use Pistols, Crossbows and Stealth Pistols. Advanced: None. Master: None. Usage upgrades: Untrained - Basic accuracy - Basic damage Trained: - Basic accuracy + 4% - Basic damage +10% Advanced: - Basic accuracy +12% - Basic damage +25% Master: - Basic accuracy +25% - Basic damage +50% When to upgrade: - When still using the Mini-Crossbow and the Stealth Pistol. But as the game proceeds, you mostly won't be using these anymore. Best Skill = Trained: it's basic amount is good enough. The problem with Weapons: Pistol is, that it's only used for 2 different kind of weapons, a Pistol and a Crossbow, thats why Advanced/Master would be a waste of Skill Points. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 4.4 Weapons: Rifle =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Used items and weapons: - Assault Rifles - Assault Shotguns - Sawed-off Shotguns - Sniper Rifles Skill Points Needed: Trained = 1575 Advanced = 3150 Master = 5250 New features: Untrained: You can use rifles. Trained: None. Advanced: None. Master: None. Usage upgrades: Untrained: - Basic accuracy - Basic damage Trained: - Basic accuracy + 5% - Basic damage +10% Advanced: - Basic accuracy +12% - Basic damage +25% Master: - Basic accuracy +25%, the Sniper is always at 100%. - Basic damage +50% When to upgrade: - Just a general good upgrade. The Sniper Rifle is a weapon to keep always, and you will come across several Shotguns and an Assault Rifle, which also make profit from this upgrade. Best Skill = Master: really i'm not kidding. When you really only use the Sniper, he can be upgraded only to Advanced. But then the Accuracy Modifications must be put on the Sniper Rifle to make him max his Accuracy, or else he is worthless. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 4.4 Weapons: Low-Tech =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Used items and weapons: - Electric Prods - Pepper Guns - Throwing Knives - Combat Knives - Swords - Crowbars - Batons Skill Points Needed: Trained = 1350 Advanced = 2700 Master = 4500 New features: Untrained: You can use the Low-Tech weapons. Trained: None. Advanced: None. Master: None. Usage upgrades: Untrained: - Basic accuracy - Basic damage Trained: - Basic accuracy + 5% - Basic damage +10% Advanced: - Basic accuracy +12% - Basic damage +25% Master: - Basic accuracy +25% - Basic damage +50% When to upgrade: - With some spare Skill Points it can be useful, in the beginning the Crowbar gets stronger, that isn't so useful. But more important, in Hong Kong you obtain the Dragon Tooth Sword, he Is extremely strong, but gets more and more stronger with the upgrades. Best Skill = Trained, just to improve their accuracy. Only needed from Hong Kong, because of the Greasels and the Greys, but can be useful any time of the game. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 4.5 Weapons: Demolition =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Used items and weapons: - LAM's - EMP Grenades - Gas Grenades - Scramble Grenades Skill Points Needed: Trained = 900 Advanced = 1800 Master = 3000 New features: Untrained: You can use, plant and disarm proximity devices. Trained: None. Advanced: None. Master: None. Usage upgrades: Untrained - Basic accuracy - Basic damage - The planted devices give 3 beeps before exploding. Trained: - Basic accuracy + 4% - Basic damage +10% - The planted devices give 6 beeps before exploding. Advanced: - Basic accuracy +12% - Basic damage +25% - The planted devices give 18 beeps before exploding. Master: - Basic accuracy +25% - Basic damage +50% - The planted devices give 36 beeps before exploding. When to upgrade: - Where a lot of LAM's are put on the wall. Then it makes you saver from the detonation. - When using the four grenades a lot. Best Skill = Advanced: your usage is highly increased and you have 18 beeps to disarm the LAM's, Gas Grenades or EMP Grenades. Master is unnecessary and a waste of Points. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 4.6 Environmental Training =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Used items and weapons: - Hazmat Suits - Thermatic Camo's - Balastic Armors - Rebreathers Skill Points Needed: Trained = 675 Advanced = 1350 Master = 2250 New features: Untrained: You can wear any of the suits. Trained: None. Advanced: None. Master: None. Usage upgrades: Untrained: - Tested with the Hazmat Suit - Lasts 50 seconds. - Absorbs 25% damage. Trained: - Tested with the Hazmat Suit - Lasts 75 seconds. - Absorbs 43% damage. Advanced: - Tested with the Hazmat Suit - Lasts 100 seconds. - Absorbs 62% damage. Master: - Tested with the Hazmat Suit - Lasts 200 seconds. - Absorbs 81% damage. When to upgrade: - I never really used a suit, so I didn't upgrade them. If you are near toxin you can use the Hazmat Suit, and then a higher SKill can be useful. - Useful for the Rebreathers. But that has to do with swimming, so use the Skill Points at Swimming. Best Skill = Untrained: believe me, I never used armor. It's a waste of Inventory and it costs Skill Points. Get it to Trained if you really want to use suits. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 4.7 Lockpicking =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Used items and weapons: - Lockpicks - Doors Skill Points Needed: Trained = 1800 Advanced = 3600 Master = 6000 New features: Untrained: You can pick locks. Trained: None. Advanced: None. Master: None. Usage upgrades: Untrained: - Lockpick = 10% Strength. 10 Lockpicks pick any lock, when not Infinite. Trained: - Lockpick = 25% Strength. 4 Lockpicks pick any lock, when not Infinite. Advanced: - Lockpick = 40% Strength. 3 Lockpicks pick any lock, when not Infinite. Master: - Lockpick = 75% Strength. 2 Lockpicks pick any lock, when not Infinite. When to upgrade: - When low on them, and you need to open a lock. - When standing before a lock that needs 5 or more, you can better upgrade it one level, find the Nanokey if there is one, blow it up or leave it alone. Best Skill = Trained: Advanced is way too much Skill Points, and 4 maximum is not so much either, although you should watch out to bypass a system with 100%, mostly there is a key available, check it by using your Keyring on it, when it says: - "It's locked", then there is no key. - "Your Nano-Keyring doesn't has the right code", then you don't have the key yet. - "Unlocked", you already had it. NOTE: Use the bug from 3.2 if you want to cheat. NOTE 2: Anything with Infinite lock strength has either a button or a key. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 4.8 Electronics =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Used items and weapons: - Multitools - Security keypads. - Security cameras. - Security turrets. Skill Points Needed: Trained = 1800 Advanced = 3600 Master = 6000 New features: Untrained: You can bypass security keypads, cameras and turrets. Trained: None. Advanced: None. Master: None. Usage upgrades: Untrained: - Multitool = 10% Strength. 10 Multitools bypass any security, when not Infinite. Trained: - Multitool = 25% Strength. 4 Multitools bypass any security, when not Infinite. Advanced: - Multitool = 40% Strength. 3 Multitools bypass any security, when not Infinite. Master: - Multitool = 75% Strength. 2 Multitools bypass any security, when not Infinite. When to upgrade: - When low on them, and you need bypass a security system. - When standing before a security device that needs 5 or more, you can better upgrade it one level, find the code, hack a security panel, blow it up or leave it alone. When there really is no other way, use 5 or more. Best Skill = Trained: Advanced is way too much Skill Points, and 4 maximum is not so much either, although you should watch out to bypass a system with 100%, mostly there is a code or password available. NOTE: Use the bug from 3.2 if you want to cheat. NOTE 2: Anything with Infinite bypass strength needs a code or password. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 4.9 Medicine =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Used items and weapons: - Medkits - Greasels - Grays - Tranquilizer Darts Skill Points Needed: Trained = 900 Advanced = 1800 Master = 3000 New features: Untrained: You can use medkits. Trained: None. Advanced: None. Master: None. Usage upgrades: Untrained: Medkit = 30HP Trained: Medkit = 60HP Advanced: Medkit = 75HP Master: Medkit = 90HP When to upgrade: - Low on HP, high on Skill Points, low to medium on Medkits and in a lot of trouble. - Or else you can just find a Medbot. Best Skill = Trained: 60HP is enough. After Trained, the rate which the HP recovery of Medkits raises isn't worth it to upgrade: Untrained -> Trained = +100% Trained -> Advanced = + 25% Advanced -> Master = + 20% NOTE: The toxin, what is said in the Skill Screen, isn't reduced in any way. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 4.10 Computer =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Used items and weapons: - Bank Terminals - Security Panels - Computer Terminals Skill Points Needed: Trained = 1125 Advanced = 2250 Master = 3750 New features: Untrained: You can use Bank Terminals, Security Panels and Computer Panels, but only hack them by getting a user and password. Trained: You now can start the Ice Breaker to hack any of the above systems without a password. Advanced: When hacking a Security Panel, you can now control the Turrets. Master: None. Usage upgrades: Untrained: - Depends on your finding Skill and typing speed how long it will take you to hack a system. Trained: - System hacked in 10 seconds. - Detected in 25 seconds. - When detected, all your bio-energy is drained. - Money from the Bank Terminals when hacked will be 50% of the total amount if you use all the accounts. - Any accounts used will be reduced from the total, what's left will become 50%, so you can better use accounts at this Level. - After a Bank Terminal is hacked, it cannot be used anymore. - It doesn't matter if you withdrawn all credits or one, when hacking, the amount will be 0 or less, see below. Advanced: - System hacked in 5 seconds. - Detected in 35 seconds. - When detected, all your bio-energy is drained. - Money from the Bank Terminals when hacked will be the total amount if you use all the accounts. - Any accounts used will be reduced from the total, what's left will be 100%, so it doesn't matter if you use accounts or hack it, but hacking is faster. - After a Bank Terminal is hacked, it cannot be used anymore. Master: - System hacked in 2.5 seconds. - Detected in 60 seconds. - When detected, 50 points of your bio-energy is drained. - Money from the Bank Terminals when hacked will be 150% of amount if you use all the accounts. - Any accounts used will be reduced from the total, what's left will become 150%, so you can better not use accounts at this Level. See below a full version of the Terminals System. - After a Bank Terminal is hacked, it cannot be used anymore. When to upgrade: - As fast as possible. You can simply hack security panels to disable the security. - Bank Terminals are useful to hack, but only at Advanced or Master. Best Skill = Master: this makes rich and very save. Do as soon as possible. You could better upgrade it already to Advanced in the beginning of the game. See below to see the full system of the Bank Terminals. ------------------------- 4.10.1 "The Thief Strategy" ------------------------- The full strategy about Bank Terminal Hacking: Any Bank Terminal is the same in a "Saving/Loading" area. I tested this in Paris. Amount on Advanced/Account amount = 750C (100%) Amount on Master = 1125C (150%) When Hacked at Master and withdrawn everything: Another Bank Terminal = -562C: 750 - 1125 = -375, logical. At Master, you hack for 150%. 150% of -375 = -562. Advanced would make: = -375C, the negative 100%. Trained would make: = -187C, the negative 50%. This means the 375C is taken from money that never was there. That is what you can call "Invisible Money": You cannot take more money by withdrawing less: Hack the first: 1125C: withdrawn 200C, left 925. Hack another: 925 + 50% = 1387C. It would work without precaution, but the game is programmed that when you hack a Terminal, the amount you withdrawn is taken from the standard amount, the same as hacking on Advanced, not from the Master amount, see above. An example I came across in the Underworld Tavern: Trained = 205C Advanced = 411C Master = 616C Hack at Master, withdrawn = 211c Hack the other, Credits left = 300C (411 - 211 = 200, 150% OF 200) The conclusion is simple. Everything you withdrawn less than the extra amount, above between 0C and 411C, is just taken for 100%. If you withdrawn 411C, 411 - 411 = 0C left. But if you withdrawn 616 makes, which makes you take the extra 205C: 411 - 616 = -205C 150% of -205 = -307C Conclusion: Hack at Master, and withdrawn everything in one time. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 4.11 Swimming =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Used items and weapons: - Underwater Skill Points Needed: Trained = 675 Advanced = 1350 Master = 2250 New features: Untrained: You can swim underwater. Trained: None. Advanced: None. Master: None. Usage upgrades: Untrained: - You can stay underwater for 20 seconds, then your Torso's HP is dropping with 10HP every second. - You swim with the speed like your walking. Trained: - You can stay underwater for 30 seconds, then your Torso's HP is dropping with 10HP every second. - You swim with the speed like your running. Advanced: - You can stay underwater for 40 seconds, then your Torso's HP is dropping with 10HP every second. - You swim with the speed like your running with Speed Enhancement Level 2. Master: - You can stay underwater for 50 seconds, then your Torso's HP is dropping with 10HP every second. - You swim with the speed like your running with Speed Enhancement Level 4. When to upgrade: - Just do it to Trained anywhere you want, but it's recommended to do it before New York, because then you will be confronted by water for the first real time. Best Skill = Trained: You can be underwater long enough and you swim fast enough to get up again. But if you want to use the Skill points for Advanced, which are very low, do it. You will get a lot of swimming in Hong Kong. -----------=-=-=----------- 5.0 Acquire Skill Points -----------=-=-=----------- Now you know what happens if you upgrade them, but how do you get the Skill Points for them? I won't give every location of every one point, but I will give the general amount for completing something or locate something. This is the set-up: ------------------------------------------------------------------------ =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= number name =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= - How to get it. - General amount of Skill Points. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ NOTE: The amount can be different from whats standing here. These are general amounts, and some objectives or places can be worth more Points. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 5.1 Exploring =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= - For finding very small places that are somewhat hidden from the level. Secrets have this as well. - 30 to 75 Skill Points. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 5.2 Area Location =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= - For finding important areas, eventually their connected to Goals. - 50 to 200 Skill Points. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 5.3 Character Interaction =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= - When meeting important people for the first time. This does not include most of your friends. - 50 to 225 Skill Points. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 5.4 Progess =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= - Given rigth before you go to a new, "Saving/Loading", area, for your progess of the storyline. - 100 to 300 Skill Points. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 5.5 Secondary Goal =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= - This will almost always be: "Character Interaction", "Area Location" or "Critical Area Location" - 150 to 400 Skill Points. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 5.6 Critical Area Location Primary Goal =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= - Or you get Skill Points for the Area, or for the Objective. - 400 to 1000 Skill Points. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 5.7 Accomplishment =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= - The one that gets all six above together. Mostly acquired in an important area and rigth before a goal. - 400 to 800 Skill Points. -----------=-=-=----------- 6.0 Credits -----------=-=-=----------- - I thank Ion Storm for creating this game. - I thank Eidos Interactive for publishing this game. - I thank Tijmen "Engra" vd B. for conformation on the "Lockpicking/Electronics" cheat. - Further more i'm thanking myself for creating this FAQ. If there are any questions, improvements, additional info or info I forgot, get in this list my mailing me at: arnomiddelkoop_1@hotmail.com Yours truly, Arno Middelkoop