Paladin's Quest Walkthrough By Eternal Night *Note: This is my first walkthrough! I noticed there was no walkthrough for Paladin's Quest on the net, so I played Paladin's Quest and beat it quite easily. What else can you expect from an RPG God such as myself?! Visit the greatest RPG web page on the planet at: Useful Info =========== Starting Point Don't forget to buy Magic for the hero. Magic is VERY important in the beginning of the game. You must us it to defeat enemies to gain exp and gold. With the gold, buy better armor and weapons. Level 7 is about the level you want to be at to face the first boss in the Cave of Rester Island. Items Medicine - Fills up the bottles that you have. (Minibl, Highbl, Megabl, Gigabl, and Bombbl) Fl Dor - An escape spell from dungeons Home Dor - Sends you to the nearest town (Not to be used in dungeons) ProBall - Lowers the amount of enemies you meet S Tavern - Lets you hire a mercenary from almost anywhere (doesn't work in dungeons or towns) Magic Cards - There is Earth Cd, Water Cd, Sph Cd, Fire Cd, Heart Cd, Sky Cd, Air Cd, and Light Cd. They increase the strength of your magic permenantly Magic Storm - A huge blizzard hits all enemies FireA - Unleashes fire on all enemies MGWall - Increases magical defense of all party members Blowup - A huge explosion damaging a random amount of enemies MGDown - Increases magical defense of all party members (weaker than MGWall) DFDown - Lowers the the enemy's defense FireS - Casts fire on one enemy Warp - Sends you to the nearest town (Not to be used in dungeons) LStorm - Tornados ravage the enemies BreakG - Breaks a group of enemies DFup - Increases the defense of one party member takeHP - Takes HPs from the enemy and heals the caster Dft S - A black hole appears and sucks the enemies away Peace - Lowers the amount of enemies you meet SPup - Increases your agility in battle Bury - Calls upon the land to send waves of earth hurling towards all enemies STRup - Increases the Strength on one party member Wall - Increases the defense of all party member Spirit - The most powerful spell in the game, the only spell that can defeat Doth the Immortal Heat - Extreme heat burns all enemies to a crisp BoltA - Lightning bolts attack all enemies Freeze - Freeze a group of enemies, they can't attack, cast spells, etc. FireG - Casts fire on a group of enemies BoltS - A bolt of lightning hits one enemy BoltG - Bolts of lightning hit a group of enemies BreakS - Break one enemy Escape - An escape spell from dungeons Daze - Causes Confusion Hire - Same as an S Tavern, lets you hire a mercenary from almost anywhere (doesn't work in dungeons or towns) BreakA - Breaks all enemies ATback - Causes the enemy's attack to backfire causing damage to the caster and the enemy. (only works on the caster) Crush - Crushes the enemies Dft P - Sacrifices the caster and heals all party members fully Healup - Heal all aliments such as Paralyze, Confusion, and Freeze AT S - Causes the enemy to focus all attacks on the caster AntiPS - Cures Poison Mercenaries When you hire mercenaries, if they die in battle they leave you and return to the place where you got them. Here are a few tips about the mercs. Destry is a thief. If you hire him, he will steal a lot of gold from you and run away. MeanMa will not leave when you ask her to. She must be kill out or ran out of the party by Chill (I will talk about Chill later in the walkthrough). JRazav and GRazav are brothers. The strong one, JRazav will not join you without his weakling brother, GRazav. GRazav is useless! Don't hire them. Lilie.... Honestly, she is a bitch. She makes you buy her 29,000G worth of items before she will join you. That is a waste of money! Nails is cool! And WOW! He has 3,000 HP! But Nails can't be healed by medicine and I am sure he cannot be cured in the inn. He is useful for a while. Hawk, he is the best damn merc you can hire! Get him in Ratsurk after you go through Zaygos' Castle! Finding Items There are hidden items in the game. You must search the shelves in the houses. Usually the hidden items are Magic Cards that increase your magic abilities. The most important item is the Gigabl (This heals all party members fully. It is found in the Mayor's Mansion of Grantsurk on a shelf and on the beach in Naskuot due north of the Northern Checkpoint). The Strongest Sword in the Game??? The most powerful sword for the hero, the Gomutai Sword, can be found randomly by the ghosts that follow you (you have to get something to put the spirits at ease, then they end up being almost taken over). It's 2-handed, but I found it much better to have than having a one handed weapon and a shield. *Note: This fact is yet unproven. I still believe the Wind Sword is more powerful do to the fact that it attacks twice. This sword information was provided by Jim Vedro ( Magic School ============ You start out in the Magic School. Talk to Duke and accept his proposal to climb the tower. When you reach the top of the tower, go to the computer control and turn on the Dal Gren. All hell breaks loose! You get wasted by the Dal Gren. You wake up and the Magic School is destroyed. Talk to your master waiting for you at town exit. Go west to Ratsurk. Ratsurk ======= Talk to a man in the northwest area of the town. He will tell you that the elder needs your help. Find the elder and talk him. The elder's house is the house next to the man you spoke with about the elder. The elder will tell you to go to Rester Island and save the female hero. Go south over two bridges to Rester Island. Enter the trees. Rester Island ============= Be sure to get the antidote bottle in the chest. it will come in handy later. Head through the forest to the house. There you will meet Fritz. He will join you. Oh no! All of the sudden three hidious Goblins break into the room. Defeat the Goblins and exit the house. The house and the trees are on fire. The trees burn down revealing a way to the cave where the female hero is. Go to the Cave of Rester Island. Cave of Rester Island ===================== Go through the cave and reach the boss. The boss is quite easy. Just be sure to heal if necessary. Now go to the female hero and save her. Exit the cave and head for Ratsurk. Fritz leaves you. Go to the town elder. He thanks you and offers you a place to stay. In the middle of the night, the female hero comes in and says she wants to go with you. Go downstair and the elder stops you on the way out. He gives the female hero Sophie's Crown. Head west of town. You find yourself at a little hut. Sleep there and save. Go to the Flying Camp. Flying Camp =========== Talk to the elder. He wants you to defeat the leader of the Purp Birds on Denebra Mountain. He tells you to take Tiger with you. Tiger flys you to Denebra Mountain. Denebra Mountain ================ Head up the mountain. The bridge breaks and you fall down the river. Head up the mountain. A boulder tumbles down, almost hits you and stops the river. Go down, get the tools. Now go fix the bridge and head up to the bird boss. Defeat him and head back to the Flying Camp. Flying Camp Revisited ===================== Talk to the elder and he tells Tiger to take you to the way to Jurayn. He drops you off. Head to the Cave to Jurayn. The Cave to Jurayn ================== Go through the cave and you end up at the cave town of Hagudo. Hagudo is plagued by molten lava. Talk to the elder. He says the mine foreman. Talk to the mine foreman in the tavern, he will only help you if the piano player plays a certaintune. Go to the inn to get the dancers. One of the dancers are sick. You have to get the Glowing Scales. Go down the well and retreive the glowing scales. (Note: They are not in a treasure chest.) Give the sick dancer the glowing scales. She is cured. Head back to the tavern. What's this? The way is blocked by lava! Go down the well and head east go up the rope to the tavern. Talk to the piano player, then talk to the mine foreman. He will join you. Go down into the well again and go to the lava source. The mine foreman will blow the hole up and stop the flow of lava. Go back to town. The lava is gone! Talk to the elder, then head up the stair on the west side of town. Go to Jurayn. Jurayn ====== Go talk to the Mayor of Jurayn. He is in the Floating Temple behind the tavern. The mayor wants you to save Jurayn. Go down into the basement of the Floating Temple. Use the Sophie's Crown on the idol. Then go upstairs and to the other idol, but two Renegades block the way! Eliminate the Renegades! Use the Sophie's Crown on the idol. You saved the floating temple! Talk to the Mayor and receive the Navdex. Now you can go past the north checkpoint. It is a long journey from here. Head northwest to Doubor. Doubor ====== Go to the top house. Cure the boy with the antidote bottle found on Rester Island. Talk to the man that says he has nothing to sell you find your own stuff. Press A, A, B, X, Y at the blank screen after he is done saying that. You will hear little tones indicating the right button was pressed. A man there says Daphne went to the equator and it is a long journey there. Journey southwest to the equator where you will find the Home of Daphne. Daphne's Home ============= Talk to Daphne to find out where the Kormu Items are. Sword of Kormu: Naskuot Helm of Kormu: Saskuot Armor of Kormu: Throne of Immortals Go through the east door and go to Naskuot's Town of Lagon. Lagon ===== Get ready for the Dragon Cave. Head north to reach it. Dragon Cave =========== Go through the cave. Meet Strabo the Monster of Dal Gren. He will help you. Go get the Sword of Kormu. He will take you to Saskuot. Strabo then dies... Finally after 10,000 years of suffering! Go east to Barsas. Barsas ====== Nobody likes you in Barsas because you stink. Go visit the Traveling Minstrels in their tent. Minstrels' Tent =============== Talk to the girl. She says she wants to see the Helm of Kormu. It is east. Go east to the Temple of Kormu. Temple of Komru =============== Go get the Helm of Kormu. Here you will face The Guardian. Freeze the Guardian to stop him from calling for help. When you defeat the Guardian and bring the Helm back to the girl. Minstrels' Tent Revisited ========================= The girl is amazed that you have the Helm of Kormu. She gives you the actor clothes some you can use the rope network to go to Rekuon. Use the actor clothes, talk to the guard. He will let you through. Rekuon ====== Rekuon is the location where the Throne of the Immortals is located. Climb the Throne of Immortals for 100G. Talk to the high priest. He will tell you it is not safe there. Give him the actor clothes. He will direct you to the nearest canoe outta there. Guess where the canoe takes you! Daphne's Home at the equator. Daphne's Home Revisited ======================= Talk to Daphne. She will tell you of Zaygos' Plan. Go through the west door and head through the cave. Upon exiting the cave, go southeast to Misiuto. Misuto ====== Talk to Joyce in the upper right hand house. She will tell you of the grain called Kaiyowa. It will mask the stink. As you exit Joyce's house you will be attacked. Zaran is easily defeated. Go northeast to the Kaiyowa Cave. Kaiyowa Cave ============ In the cave you will see plants growing. You assume that you must search all of the plants to find the Kaiyowa seed. If you try to take the green plants a Fake will attack you. The Real Kaiyowa grain is brown! This will save you a lot of time. Now, I will give you exact directions through the cave. Go north until you reach four green plants. Head west until you can no longer go west, then travel north. Now go east until you reach the rock. It is a small path, barely noticable. Now, go south! Get the brown Kaiyowa grain and go back to Joyce. Misuto Revisited ================ Give the grain to Joyce. She will cook it and you will no longer stink! Take Rope Network from Mishuto. Oh no! It is cut and you are captured by the resistance. They take you to the Resistance Cave. The Resistance Cave =================== Talk to Grunt. He is the leader of that resistance group. He says his girl, Wind was captured by Zaygos troops. He must hold the female hero captive to make sure you are not spies. He joins you. Go to the town of Corshiuto. Corshiuto ========= Chill meets you at the entrance of the town and forcefully enters your party. This kicks out one of your mercs. Head to the prison where Wind is captive. Break her out. Chill is a Zaygos supporter. She attacks you and calls the guards. Battle your way through the town, exit and head back to the Resistance Cave. The Resistance Cave Revisited ============================= Talk to Grunt. He thanks you and gives you a Scout Message. Talk to the female hero. She will rejoin you. Go back outside. The resistance fixed the rope network. Now go west to Karon. Karon ===== Talk to the girl at the inn. Hey it's Joyce! She tells you to show the scoout message to the inn keeper. The inn keeper asks you to get the glow seeds in the Southwest Tower. Go get the glow seeds and return to Karon. You give the glow seeds to the inn keeper and he laughs at you and tells you he is one of Zaygos' minions. Go outside the inn to the center of town and beat Garana. After he is defeated go southeast to the Resistance Hideout. The Resistance Hideout ====================== Give the guard the scout message. He will let you in the hideout. Talk to the leader there. He will give you a canoe to go to Roki. Roki ==== Talk to the Mayor of Roki. You need to get Ragni's spirit. Go to the temple in the south. To empty the water, use the computer controls. On the last computer control you will fight Bubbley. He is tough. Attack with the Sword of Kormu and lots of magic. Heal often! Bring the Ragni's spirit back to the mayor and he will let you join the parade. Go east to the castle of Zaygos. Castle of Zaygos ================ Talk to Zaygos. He greets you by dropping you in a pit, taking the Kormu items and your medicine, along with your mercenaries Then the Noi Gren Monster appears. He will easily bury you in three hits. When you wake up you are in prison. Talk to the people there. Go to the east wall and BOOM! Fiery has come to save you. Don't forget to invite Chen to join you. He is one of the prisoners. Go through the wall, fill up your medicine bottles, and save. Don't go south it is a dead end. Go east. Follow the path. Don't go in the first room. There is nothing there. The next room will contain the Kormu Sword. Continue on and go in each room and retreive the Kormu helm and armor. Now, face the Noi Gren Monster. The Sword of Kormu is the only thing that damages him. Use the others to heal and to suffer the horrific damage that the Noi Gren Monster unleashes. It will hit you for a minimum of 250 damage and a maximum of 650. It can also attack all party members for about 300 a piece. So heal away and destroy him! After the Noi Gren is dead. Zaygos will try to attack. Fiery protects you and tells you to go down the hole behind the Noi Gren. Now to explore the large Castle of Zaygos. Use the Sophie's Crown on the Fire Door. Head to the large room with the Item and Save Robots. Go straight up to the stair and go up them. Find the Sophie's Ring, Sword, and Gown. Sophie's Gown opens the Water Door (Door #2), Sophie's Ring opens the Wind Door (Door #1), and Sophie's Boots opens the the Earth Door (Door #3). Go through the Wind Door (Door #1). Find Sophie's Boots. Go to the Water Door (Door #2). You end up at the Magic School. Talk to the Master. Go back through the Water Door in Magic School. Now go to the Earth Door (Door #3). Go through to Reiyold. Large Room Doors =============== Door #1 Stairs Door #2 Door #3 Door #4 Reiynold ======== Talk to you mother. She says the to talk to the captain to get a boat. Get the boat and go south to the little island. Dasdan Island ============= Go in the hole. Get all the items there. Go back to Reiynold. Reiynold Revisited ================== Damn that Zaygos! His men are attack the town. Go to your mother's house. Kill the boss. Talk to your mother. She tells you to look under the bed. Hey! A secret passage! Take the ship and head east. Use the map by pressing Y. Go to the large island out in the eastern ocean. Go to the Unknown Island. Unknown Island ============= Enter the Tower. Go to the top. Talk to the man. He has been waiting 10,000 years for you. He will send you 10,000 years in the past. Lennus - 10,000 years ago ==================== Go in the hut. Talk to Sophie and Kormu. Kormu will transport you to Grantsurk. Talk to the Mayor of Grantsurk. He says Gabnid is psycho. Go to the Tower and talk to Gabnid. Gabnid revives Strabo! Fight Gabnid on Strabo. After you defeat him, stab Strabo with the Kormu Sword. He will crash near Kormu's hut. Talk to Kormu and Sophie again. Sophie sends you to the Labyrinth of Crystal. You need to use strategy here. Labyrinth of Crystal ================ Hahahahaha.... Now it is time to use your head! This Labyrinth is hard. You can defeat it on your own! It is possible. Avoid Doth and head to the end of the maze. The answers to the two questions are: Question #1: F and Question #2: E. Now it is time to defeat Doth. Cast Spirit on him. He is dead instantly! Talk to Sophie and Kormu, then leave on the Time Traveler. Go back to the Tower on Unknown Island. Tower of Unknown Island ======================= Talk to the man at the top of the tower again. He tells you about Kaymat. Get in the Time Traveler and fly around to find the Dal Gren. The Dal Gren ============ The Dal Gren is located at the Throne of Immortals in Rekuon. Go back to the Magic School talk to the Master. Remember Zygos' Castle? The one with all of the passage ways? Enter the Water Door in Magic School with the Sophie's Gown. Now enter the large room. Go up the stairs. Find your way through and you will end up at the top of the Throne of the Immortals! Enter the Dal Gren. Hey it is your old friend, Duke. What is god's name is this crap!? It was Zaygos all along! He wanted you to activate the Dal Gren. Now, you must fight Zaygos! After, you defeat Zaygos, he joins with Kaymat and they attack. The Zaygos/Kaymat team are quite powerful. Once you defeat them, the Dal Gren is destroy and victory is yours! *Note: For defeating the game I recommend about level 55 or higher. These last battles are pretty tough. Cast tons of Defensive Magic such as ATback (This will cause the enemy's attack to backfire), SpeedUp (This will insure that you get the first attack), Wall, MGWall, DefUp, etc... ATback, SpeedUp, and Wall are the most important. The others are optional. Attack with the spell of Spirit and heal every round with Gigabl (This heals all party members fully. It is found in the Mayor's Mansion of Grantsurk on a shelf and on the beach in Naskuot due north of the Northern Checkpoint). And last but not least, you need some better weapons and armor. Remember the town earlier in the game where people said they had the best weapons and armor in the world. Alas, you couldn't buy them because the shop owners said you smelled like you were from Naskuot. Now, go to Barsas and buy the Storm Armor, Good Shield, and Rage Helm. These items will increase your defense +50 from the Cosmo items! Don't bother getting the Rgn Sword. It may be more powerful than the Wind Sword, but the Wind Sword can attack twice making it the strongest sword in the game. Author Notes ============ I am proud of my walkthrough. I hope you find it useful. I have to give a shout out to the other great RPG God, Ryan "The Beast" Alford! We once rented Paladin's Quest, but we ended up not playing it because the graphics were kinda cheesy. We played Breath of Fire II instead. I decided to rent Paladin's Quest and beat it myself. The story line was great and the fun factor was definitely high. This game is damn good! FAQ contributed by Gabriel Teodorescu -