Noir Walkthru (Note: Due to the multiple cases in Noir this walkthrough is broken out into 6 parts for ease of use, each part is labeled by its case title. [Winthrop Case, Watkins Case, etc.] The opening section will be the same for all six cases. In order to find out what happened to Slayton you will need to solve all six cases.) Opening At the start of the game you will be in Slaytonís office. First thing to do is go to the desk. The intercom will begin buzzing at random intervals. Turn to the intercom, which is behind the desk, and switch it on. You will hear the secretary give you instructions before she leaves the office. Jack Slayton is missing and the answer to his disappearance may lie in the cases he was working on. (Note: Once Secretary Premise is set to TRUE you can leave the office through the office door or go to another location via the map.) Open the right top desk drawer and get the rolodex key. Now use the key and open the rolodex. Flip the cards until the ìHelpî telephone number comes up. Go to the phone and pick up the receiver, you will hear the first message from the Informant. After hearing the first Informant massage open the center desk drawer and remove the coin purse. Now you will be able to call the Informant from any pay phone. Open the middle right drawer and remove the flash light. Open the desk return all the way (two pulls are required) to get the combination to the wall safe (hidden behind the picture): open the safe and get the gun. (Note: Now you are ready to investigate the cases in any order you like [with some exceptions - see case descriptions below]) Winthrop Case Slaytonís Office Read Winthrop file (right lower drawer of desk) and you learn that he hired Slayton to investigate the death of his prize race horse ëPegasus.í Leave the office and go to the Race Track. Race Track: At the Race Track go to the stable doors. Look away from the stable doors and down to find the muddy footprints. Now go find Pegasusí stall door and discover that itís locked. A video of Eddie the Jockey tells you that Pegasus was too healthy to die of natural causes and he gives you permission to look in his stall. Unlock Pegasusí stall and enter. Turn on the light and look at the close-up of Pegasusí feed schedule. Now look at the bulletin board and see the close up of Mannieís business card, also look at the close-up of the newspaper article about Winthrop Mansion. Find the saddle and look down to find the syringe hidden in the hay. Hmmm? Go to Winthrop Mansion. Winthrop Mansion: Look up immediately after entering through the gate and wait for the upstairs light to turn off. Enter the mansion through the window. Open the kitchen door to see a video of the staff discussing how Winthrop canít think straight since Pegasusí death and he is having financial problems as a result. Now find Winthropís desk and discover several thank you letters from various charities. Look in the left desk drawer to find an insurance policy on Pegasus. Find the prescription for Pegasusí medicine on the desk. In the right desk drawer you will find Winthropís contract with Pollock which states that if Winthrop defaults everything goes to Pollock. Go to the construction shack and knock on the door - see a video of a guard telling you to ìScram!î Go back to Slaytonís office, open the closet and get the bourbon bottle. Go to Manorwood. Manorwood Enter the construction shack and find the guard sleeping. Look at the second pair of boots from the left. Locate Pollockís desk and read the survey letter saying that there are vast oil deposits here, but money is needed to develop them. Find the bank letter on the desk denying Pollock a loan. Read the note telling us that Winthrop is backing out of the deal due to his being upset about Pegasusí death. Find the medicine vile hidden in Pollockís desk. Receive Informantís phone call that Pollock is coming ... (Note: there are three different endingís to this case depending on your actions here, they are listed as A, B and C) A. Enter the closet and see video of Pollock discovering the missing vial of medicine and running away. Back at Slaytonís office you will see a newspaper headline about ìPegasus Killer Escaping to U.K.î B. If after you receive the warning about Pollock coming you attempt to leave the shack without the gun Pollock will see you and the guard will shoot you. Back at Slaytonís office you will see a newspaper headline saying ìDetective found in Gutter.î (Note: depending on the difficulty level setting you will loose your memory of this case) C. If after you receive the warning about Pollock you attempt to leave the shack with the gun Pollock will see you but you will win the shoot-out with the guard. Back at Slaytonís office you will see a newspaper heading saying the same as in option A. Charlie Case Slaytonís Office: Read Charlie file which is in the briefcase under the wall map, learn that he is one of Slaytonís snitches. Get Charlie Kwanís wire recording from Slaytonís safe and listen to it to learn that the Tong is upset over the loss of one of its shipments from Hong Kong. Go to Chinatown. Chinatown Open door to the opium den in the underground passages and look at the opium in the lab. See video of Charlie saying that the missing crate is in a warehouse. Discover the Warehouse address on the calendar. (Note: If you knock on the opium den door without the gun the Chinese thugs will shoot you. You will go to the newspaper headline which says ìChinese Tong Wage War.î However you will not loose your memory of this case) Go to Warehouse from map in Jackís briefcase. Warehouse Release the hand brake on the truck so that it rolls under the warehouse window. Climb on to the truck bed and enter through warehouse window. Inside turn on a Geiger counter found in the tool box. Take the Geiger counter. Examine the crate and discover that it is empty. Now look at the crateís shipping label, it shows that it was shipped aboard a Chinese freighter. Go to the shipyards from map in Jackís briefcase. Cargo Ship Enter the hold of the cargo ship and discover the radioactive crate. Lift the netting off of the radioactive crate and examine the shipping label to discover that the uranium is being shipped to Germany. Enter valve room. Turn large valve covered in cobwebs to sink ship. (Note: if you attempt to go through the door of the cargo shipís super structure after hearing the Chinese shipmate approaching he will shoot you. You will go to the newspaper headline which reads ìDetective Found In Gutter.î Depending on the difficulty level setting you will loose your memory of this case.) Slaytonís Office You will see the newspaper headline about a sunken Chinese ship. Watkins Case Slaytonís Office Read Watkins file in the right lower drawer of the desk to learn that Watkins hired Slayton to test his companyís security by breaking into his office. Get the Security badge and Watkinsí wire recording from the wall safe. Listen to the recording of Watkins requesting Slayton to investigate a security breach in his office. Go to Bradbury. Bradbury Find Watkins office and enter it, this requires the right code on the door for the current day and the pattern listed on the security badge. Day Security Badge Sun (Day=1) ---*- Mon (Day=2) *---* Tue (Day=3) -**-- Wed (Day=4) *-**- Thur (Day=5)---** Fri (Day=6) -*--* Sat (Day=7) *-*-* Turn on the light in Watkinsí office. Look up and see the broken skylight. Go up to the roof and look down through the lit skylight to see a dogís footprints on a bookcase in Watkinsí office. (Note: You can not proceed further until after you get a confession from watkins for the ëmax caseí and nileís photo in the ëagnes case!í) After you take care of the other two cases (at least as much as you can) and return here the Informant calls you in Watkinsí office to tell you to hide because the Nazis are coming. Turn off the office light and hide in the closet. You will then see Wo-Tan (the dog from the Agnes Case) retrieve one of the code books. Go to Mannieís bookstore. (Itís around the corner from Slaytonís office) Mannieís Bookstore See video of Mannie showing you his two books. Examine the two books to see the combination of the other two dials for Watkinsí safe. Watch the video of Mannie offering you cash for your book. Pick up the cash and Mannie lets you explore the book store. Go into the back room and throw the switch. Open the book case and the metal door behind it to discover the map room. Examine the map room and find a printing press for the phony charity organizations. Also look at the blue prints for Watkinsí office. Discover Wo-Tanís crate in the map room closet. (Note: If you turn on the radio or attempt to release Wo-Tan while in the bookstore map room the Nazis will hypnotize you. You will go to the newspaper headline saying ìDetective found In Gutter.î Depending on the difficulty level setting you will loose your memory of this case.) Go to Bradbury. Bradbury After discovering the secret combination from the three code books you saw in the bookstore unlock the vault and enter. Open the drawer in the vault desk and discover Joanís picture. Walk to the radio in the back of the vault. The Informant calls you in the vault to say that the Nazis are coming. Pick up the paper clip from the work bench. Now you need to stop the Nazis from entering the vault, insert the paper clip into the gears. (Note: If you fail to insert the paper clip into the gear in Watkinsí vault in time the Nazis will enter the vault. You will then see the headline saying ìNazis Gain Foothold in U.S.î and you will loose the game!) Slaytonís Office See the newspaper headline about the Nazis being defeated. You then get a call from the Mayor congratulating you. Harrison Case Slaytonís Office Read the Harrison file from the right lower desk drawer. You learn that Harrisonís daughter, Alicia, has been missing for a year. Slayton was going to ask Myer at Scheherezade what he knows. Take Aliciaís photo from Harrisonís file. Get Harrisonís wire recording from the safe and listen to it. Also take the Film Reel from the safe. Put the film reel on the projector found in the closet, turn on the motor and light switches. Now remove the painting over the projector port on the other side of the closet to see Aliciaís movie. Notice the brooch that Aliciaís father gave to her. Go back to the desk and open the center drawer and look at secret knock on Scheherezade matchbook. Get Slaytonís IOUís to Meyer Goolsby from the valuable papers booklet in Slaytonís briefcase. Go to Scheherezade. Scheherezade Use the secret knock to enter the night club. Show Aliciaís photo to the Bartender ... he wonít recognize it. He suggests you talk to Meyer instead. See a poster announcing that Joanís singing engagement at the night club has been canceled until further notice. Go and enter the hotel facility. Talk to Meyer at the reception desk and learn that you are accountable for Slaytonís IOUís. You canít come back until you pay up. Go back to Slaytonís office and get Joanís key from the upper left drawer of the desk. Go to Joanís apartment. Joanís Apartment Use the elevator key to gain access to Joanís floor. Go look at Joanís diary, it is in a drawer next to her bed. She writes that she took something from Meyer and is heading to San Diego. Inside Joanís closet is a brooch. Youíll see a brief clip from the home movie showing that Joanís and Aliciaís brooch are identical. Go back to Slaytonís Office and see a newspaper headline announcing that Joan is Alicia. Get the cash from the wall safe. Go to Scheherezade. Scheherezade Enter hotel side using the secret knock from the matchbook cover. See a video of Myer taking your money and allowing you to look around. Go upstairs. Watch a video of a thug as he walks into the room, sees you and turns around. Go to the bedroom and notice a big mirror overlooking the bed. Open the mirror. Now find the lion room and look behind the curtain to discover a secret door, go through and enter the mirror room. Turn on a speaker which allows you to listen in on a conversation between the Mayor and a lady who is not his wife .... Meyer is angry at your discovery of the mirror room and tosses you out. You canít get into the private area of Scheherezade again, although you can still go to the night club. Go back to Slaytonís Office. Slaytonís Office Hear a radio announcement about the scandals at Scheherezade and that torch singer Joan is really heiress Alicia. Max Case Slaytonís Office Read Maxís file which is in the right lower drawer of the desk. You learn that he has found a rare book that he wanted to get appraised at Mannieís bookstore. Get Maxís book from the wall safe. Look at the design inside the front cover. Go to Mannieís bookstore. Mannieís Bookstore See a video of Mannie showing you his book. Examine the one book to see the combination of the other two dials for Watkinsí safe. You know see a video of Mannie offering you cash for your book. Pick up Maxís book instead and Mannie kicks you out. Go to Maxís apartment. Maxís Apartment Enter Maxís apartment through the fire escape and find Max on the floor ... dead. Check his wallet and you verify that it is Max. Now look at the note in his hand, it is from Phillip Watkins demanding the return of his book. Check the apartment and in the bathroom waste basket you find a train ticket to San Diego. Go back to Slaytonís Office and get the baggage locker key from the upper left drawer of the desk. Go to Union Station. Union Station Open one of the lockers with the baggage key. Inside is a note from Joan saying that she bought a ticket for the Moonliner. Find the Conductor and bring up Joan. The Conductor recalls Joan getting onto the train after giving a book to Max for safekeeping. Go back to Slaytonís Office to see a newspaper headline about Max being found dead in his office. Return to Union Station and ask the Conductor of Track #5 about the Moonliner. He says that there are no more trains to San Diego tonight. Go to Joanís apartment where you will find burned love letters from Watkins in the bathtub. They reveal he gave her the book that got Max killed. Go to Watkins house where he confesses to having an affair with Joan after you confront him with the love letters. Agnes Case Slaytonís Office Read Agnes Simonís file in the right lower drawer of the desk. You learn that she is a former silent film star. Now her dog, Wo-Tan, is a movie star and has been kidnapped. Get Agnes wire recording from the safe and listen to hear the special call she used for Wo-Tan. Go to Agnes Simonís house. Agnesí House The butler lets you in only after Agnes insists. When you glance at the picture of Wo-Tan, Agnes appears and gives you a photo of Niles, her valet who supposedly died in a swimming accident. The butler then throws you out. Go to Scheherezade. Scheherezade Use the secret knock (found in the Harrison Case) to enter the night club. Show the Bartender the photo of Niles, he tells you however that he thinks itís a false lead. (Note: you can not continue with this case until after wo-tan steals the book in the watkinsí case nad myer kicks you out of the mirror room in the Harrison case.) Go back to Slaytonís office where Agnes calls and tells you that a ransom note for Wo-Tan has arrived. Go to Agnesí house. Agnesí House The butler again reluctantly lets you in. Agnes gives you the ransom note but the butler then throws you out. Go back to Slaytonís office. Slaytonís Office Your informant calls to remind you to take the wire recorder. Open the safe to get Agnesí wire and the wire recorder. Go to the Observatory. Observatory You discover that Wo-Tan is being held in a box up on the roof. The thug that you saw in Scheherezade (Harrison Case) brings you an extension cord so that you can work the wire recorder. Turning on the tape recorder plays the recording of Agnesí voice and Wo-Tan runs out of the box. (Note: If you attempt to open Wo-Tanís crate on the roof the Nazis will hypnotize you. You will then get the newspaper headline stating ìDetective found in Gutter.î Depending on the difficulty level setting you will loose your memory of this case) Go back to Slaytonís office and see a newspaper headline of Agnes re-united with her dog. Conclusion Slaytonís Office Once you have solved all six cases then go to the radio. Click the radio on and see a video of Jack Slayton explaining his disappearance and introducing Joan. End Game.