-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Herbal's Guide to the Legend of Red Dragon -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Three Parts I Playing Fair II Playing with an advantage III Cheating (Beta 3.26 only) Playing Fair... =============== Just TRY everything, some specific tips... Work up to the big stuff with Violet, don't try jumping straight into bed with her. The same goes for Seth if you are female. Use gems for vitality, this increases you defences. Use weapons for strength and your level for hit points, also use the old hag in the forest for hitpoints, if you ask her to heal you with a gem when you already have full health she will increase your hitpoints by one. If you are in an unregistered game at level 6, use gems for hitpoints and buy your defences. Don't be loud mouthed to higher players - befriend them and they might lend you what seem at levels 1 - 5 to be large amounts of cash. Be nice to younger warriors, soon they will be at the top and if you kill the dragon you will be at the bottom again! Stay in the Inn if you are vulnerable to attack from higher players, only people up to one level above you can attack you in the Inn, if you are level 11 or over it is only a deterrent and you might be better off in the fields getting experience from weak warriors who attack you and get killed in self-defence. Always leave your money in the bank. Carry out a cash transaction and hold some money in your hands when you ask Seth to sing, he is more likely to make magic happen in your bank account, remember, this will double your balance, make sure there is money in your account when you ask Seth to sing! To propose to a player of the opp. sex you need 100 charm, there are some blessings and advantages associated with marriage to other players but perhaps not quite as much as are associated to marryimg Violet. However, marriage to Violet does not last long and divorce with anybody costs you in the charm department. If you are married do not try to flirt with Violet, you can flatter her. For a coloured name place a `2 on each end og the whole name, this will stop colour corruption when you are dead. Playing with an advantage... ============================ Try not to let others know when you play dirty, here's a couple of tips for doing it... The deal with Jennie -------------------- Go into the forest and instead of pressing L for Look for something to kill press J then E then N then N then I then E, if it works you will be asked to describe Jennie Garth, use these words for a reward. foxy = 1 gem sexy = 1 user battle lady = some gold Going under-cover ----------------- Go into the Inn and talk to the Bar Keeper, ask to change your name, with the introduction of the ability to use colour in your name you can copy another persons name. If their name is in normal colour and suppose it is Heman then use the name `2Heman and it will look the same, however if you do it this way it you will be able to use the name whereas otherwise you will be told the name is already in use. You may have to try a few combinations to find one that will work. If you wish to stir up trouble do NOT write to people as replies will come to you, try not to be caught by other players on line while your name is changed, if you kill somebody with a false name and you have the most kills in the realm then your name in the dirt (slaughter warriors option) for the most kills will be the false one - a good clue as to what you have done - to stop this just attempt to kill another player, even if you are too tired. If you write something in the Inn in the conversation and then change your name back to your real name then a computer generated character might say something like Well met and use your REAL name instead of the one you used, you might like to write something with your real name before this happens as this could be a dangerous clue that you are cheating. The other use for using another players name is to get mail and gold that might be meant for them, if you are an older player than they are then when somebody goes to transfer funds or mail to them your name will appear first when they are asked to confirm the name - if you have been playing less time than the other person of that name it is not worth trying this. Robbing the Bank ---------------- This is not easy to do. First become a Death Knight and wait for a special event in the forest, ask for a blessing and hopefully you will get a horse. When you have a horse go to the Dark Tavern and change your profession to Magician. Wait for the next event in the forest and try to catch a fairy, if you succeed go back to the Dark Tavern again and become a thief. As a thief go to Ye Olde Bank in the town and press number 2 to rob the bank! Using Skills in a user battle ----------------------------- The only skills you can use in a user battle are Mystical Skills. In particular use (H)eat wave, (S)hatter - very good, (M)ind heal. Heat Wave is a bit stronger than a normal hit, Shatter is a LOT stronger than a normal hit and (M)ind heal will restore all your hit points during battle. You can use these skills on people of higher levels only! Cheating... =========== This will only work in the Beta version of 3.26 Go into the Dark Tavern and talk to Chance. Ask to practise the art of colour and try the following... `S raises skills by one `} raises charm by one `{ raises lays by one `k raises kids by one Of course, Sysops can cheat, but this is not wise as an innocent player might kill you and get lots of gold and gems that should not have been in the game. In my experience Sysops are fun to have in games, so long as they don't EVER cheat! Please send any further tips for 3.26 or above to me as Herbal in LORD on Sound & Vision BBS or by Email to jherbert@sv.span.com -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- RETURNING TO THE MUNDANE WORLD...