Hints for playing the CyberMage Demo Lots of people have loaded down the CM demo - and nearly all of them meet the same problems. This small collection of hints should help you through. 1. Downloading I used the www-page from or Origin (http://www.ea.com/origin.html) for downloading the 9.4 MB. The demo should be available on the most common ftp-servers also now. Some people (like me) are sitting on UNIX-machines and have to split the big file to make it fit on disks. This works like this: Type at your UNIX-prompt split -5300 cyber.zip c This will generate files caa, cab, ... Copy the files and take them home. Copy them onto your hard drive. Type (under DOS) copy /b caa+cab+cac+...+cag=Cyber.zip and here we are! --> Cyber.zip contains your original 9.4 MB file 2. Installing The game installed easily for me (there were not much problems reported) 3. Playing the Demo 3.1 General stuff - The demo is fairly large (I needed 4.5 hours to play the whole thing) and consists of many very different parts. There are no "levels" like in Doom, so you can come back everywhere you want all the time. - The game engine worked properly (bugfree), but it is not yet optimized. Expect pretty slow gameplay (a 486-DX2/66 seems to be appropriate for fullscreen VGA). Also the RPG/adventure/story elements were left out. This all adds up to a demo, where you can see some portion of the world, kill some baddies, and use some vehicles and magic powers. 3.2 Tips for gameplay - Type often '?' to remember the controls. You need crouching, jumping and very often Ctrl+Enter (open). - Save often, you need it. There were added almost randomly lots of bad guys everywhere, so it might get frustrating - you will die often. 3.3 Things you HAVE to do to finish the demo - Go downstairs and enter the tank - Drive out and kick butt! - Go into the elevator, where the other tank came out - Move down and again, kill them! - Jump over the fence and leave your tank behind - Now take the gun and shoot the enemies (use also your magic powers 'F2', it regenerates) and spare your ammo (its rare). You cannot enter the big building accross the bridge right now, but go around and kill the enemies. - Jump into the small river and swimm around until you find a small passage. Crouch through the passage and you are at the temple. - Kill the wizzards in the garden (difficult) and pick up the goodies lying around. - Use the daemons eye at the church door. As you step in use immediately the tetraeder (you find it outside in the garden), which guarantees temporarily invulnerability. Kill all those wizzards and take the keycard from the invisible wizzard. - Leave the temple (on the left side of the door is a tiny green button) and go back to the river. - Swim back to the big building ad swim into the building, where the cages are. Kill the ape-like creatures with grenades and find another key. With those two keys you can go everywhere now. - Fight your way up to the roof of the building (level 4) and find those 5 regeneration sets :-))). - Move south (second level) and fight further through the building. - Find the hovercraft in the south-east corner of the map. - Enter the hovercraft and fly out. Outside ignore the two tanks and fly through a small passenge, then save :-)) - Ignore the crowded battlefield and fly to the other side, where the cage is. Kill the wizzard on the plattform and enter the now open room, whit the face at the wall. You will hear some message and the demo will be over! 4. What else? The demo is an experiment (IMO). The CM-team gave away an early demo and they look for useful feedback. In the readme-file is a mail- address, so don't hesitate to write your comments. Since the game engine is not ready and the plot-elements were left out, the whole thing looks like an average Doom-Clone somehow. Its up to us game-players to generate useful suggestions besides of flames and maybe there will be a patched version of the demo ??? And last, but not least: the demo offers 5 hours of gameplay for free (just the downloading effort). Have fun Jochen jochen.heistermann@eiche.zfe.siemens.de