Passwords New Game & Final Area Passwords Enter the following at the password screen... Password Effect 21Z1C GZZZG UOOOU UYRZZ NTOZ3 All Weapons and Items GMMMM MMMMM MMMMM MMMMM MMMMM Cell, countdown started TOOOU TOOOU TOOOU TOOOU TOOOU End of the game "F-word"ME and the rest are all 1's Enter last part of game unequipped T1111 11611 11111 11111 11116 Final boss is dead, but you only are rank 1, with no weapons ELLEN DIANE JENNI FERBI GBOSS Final stage, but with few weapons and items. Still need to fight the final boss. 3LLLL LLLLL LLLLL LLLLL LLLLL Jail Stage WZRJZ QZZZD UJ51O UIQZZ NZRZE Same as first password, but stronger 511111111111111111111111F Start a New Game With a Four Star Rank 51222 22222 22222 22222 22222 Start as a 4 star general With some other items WZZZZ YZZZZ UOOOU UYRZZ VZZZK Start at final area with All Equipment (including All Key Cards)/All Weapons (full ammo)/Four Star Rank/Final Boss Defeated 5ZRZX OZZZG COO1U UYRZZ NZRZV Start at Final Boss 5LZLL LVZZZ UOOOU UORTZ TTTZZ Start game at jail with All Equipment (except Key Card #3)/All Weapons (full ammo)/Four Star Rank 21111 1ZZZZ 11111 111SS S1SRV Start new game with All Equipment (including All Key Cards) 21Z11 1ZZZZ UOOOU UYRSZ KSSZT Start new game with All Equipment (including All Key Cards)/All Weapons (full ammo) 5ZZZZ YZZZZ UOOOU UYRZZ VZZZS Start new game with All Equipment (including All Key Cards)/All Weapons (full ammo)/Four Star Rank 51111 1ZZZZ 11111 111SS K1SRQ Start new game with All Equipment (including All Key Cards)/Four Star Rank 21111 1Z111 11111 11111 111BI Start new game with All Key Cards 21Z11 11211 UOOOU UYR1B 1S1CJ Start new game with All Weapons (full ammo) 51Z11 11211 UOOOU UYR1B 1S1CM Start new game with All Weapons (full ammo)/Four Star Rank 5ZZZJ UZZJG 1CO3U UYRZR RPRZF Unlock Every Weapon and Piece of Equipment Glitches Reset the Timer When you escape the Final Level have your character smoke a cigarette and the time will be reset! Warp to final boss without battling the super computer When entering the Super Computer's room, stay in the door frame and push right on the control pad. You'll automatically warp to the final boss and won't have to worry about the base's self-destruc countdown that the computer's destruction usually starts. Now you have all the time you need to beat the last boss. Secrets Bypass expanding holes in the floor In the areas where the black holes quickly open up to swallow you just simply pause the game and unpause. When you return to game play the holes will be frozen in the state of expansion they were in when you paused. They will be invisible but smaller. Simply side step around where you saw them last and you will be in the clear. Easy Bull-Tank When fighting the Bull-Tank you can reset its position by accessing your Sub-menu. This comes in handy if it gets too close, due to it having a 1-touch kill on you. To defeat it, use your Grenade Launcher.