Last Update: 4/15/03 Version Final Please rate this guide. I want your opinions for my benefit. Thanks. The FAQ is now completed. Evil is here... ##@# &##&% %@@@@#! !&#@% ## ! %@#%% ##@ &#& #@#####&%#@#&&#@@@ #@@&&%@@#####&&@#%& #@%&%@#! ##& &@## #&#& #& #% !#! @@& ##! %#& %# &@# # !#@# ##& &@@@ %&#& #& % !#! #@@ ##! %#& % !@@ & &%@@ ##& & @#& &&&#& #& # !#! @# ##! %#& & %#! !& % @ ##& # @@##% &#& ###### !#! ## ##! %####@& @@ # %#!!@# ##& # @@@#& &#& ##%%%@ #! #& ##! %#&%%#& @@%%& #@@@@@! ##& & !#@& &#& #& % #! #% ##! %#& % !#@&& #% ### ##& # %# @#! &## ## && !#! #% ##! %#& # @@& %% #@ ### !% &@ @# ##@ ##% !#& %#& !%% ##% &#@ &# @@% %#% #@! ##@! !&#& &&&## !& &&&&#%##&&####&#&&###&& &&&##%&&&##### %& !&&#% &&&#%#&&&&&&#&% =============================================================================== !####@ !&#@# @@#### !@# @@# ##& ## @# !@# #@#@# % & !%&! #@& && &! % @ !# @% && !% % @ #% &# & && !# &# & @ %# && #@ & & @ #% %& & #% & &# #&@& %# #&&#%& #&@& ##@# & #@ ! &# & !@ !# & @& @#% & !@% #%@@ & !@# %& &# # ##!# & @% #& # ## #% @ %#&# !&#&% !&&#%##&& &&##&&&&! && !! #&& &&#!#&# @% ...for the PC ASCII By: Atom Edge ````````````````````````````````````````````````````` ^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^ Game: Medieval Total War FAQ/Walkthrough Version FINAL Platform: PC/Windows Author: nintendomaster14 (c) 2003 E-mail: bjsalari[at]hotmail[dot]com Start Date: 3/14/03 Finish Date: 4/15/03 ^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^ ````````````````````````````````````````````````````` <><><><><><><><><><><><><><> Table Of Contents <><><><><><><><><><><><><><> 1.0 Author's Note 2.0 Version History 3.0 Controls 4.0 Options ... 4.1 Quick Battle ... 4.2 Single Player ... 4.3 Multiplayer ... 4.4 Campaign Tutorial ... 4.5 Battle Tutorial ... 4.6 Options ... 4.7 Quit 5.0 Countries Information 6.0 FAQ's 7.0 Tips and Tricks 8.0 Strategy Walkthrough 9.0 Secrets 10.0 Units FAQ and Other Info 11.0 Legal Information 12.0 Credits Press ctrl+F to Find for quick navigation. Press ctrl+V to Paste for print outs on other sources. Press ctrl+C to Copy for print outs on other sources. <><><><><><><><><><><><><><> 1.0 Author's Note (Read!) <><><><><><><><><><><><><><> Hello and welcome to my Walkthrough on the PC game, Medieval Total War. It is designed to help people stuck in certain parts of the game. I will not be covering a certain mission for a particular country because the surrounding countries are likely going to change their strategy. So I will cover all of the aspects of the game in a general way. I will tell you when to use what and what each item does. I will also get to listing the men and their power points. Anyone wishing for an update will have to e-mail me on what you want to be heard. I will try my best to cover all of the topics in this game. Just ask general questions please. I can only give hints throughout your quest as it is different from all the others. Let's start this action and get on with the FAQ! <><><><><><><><><><><><><><> 2.0 Version History <><><><><><><><><><><><><><> 3/14/03 Version 1.00 Started the format of the FAQ. Updates to come. 3/15/03 Version 1.01 Finished Walkthrough. Added Danes FAQ. 3/17/03 Version 1.02 Updated country information. 3/18/03 Version 1.03 Province info and small addons to sections. Units FAQ and other info added. Huge update. 4/03/03 Version 1.5 The game is now completed. I also added a quicklist to the unit section. It is basically for easier navigation. After about one more update this FAQ will be Finalized. Any questions, please e-mail me. 4/16/03 Version Final Fixed the FAQ up and finalized it. <><><><><><><><><><><><><><> 3.0 Controls <><><><><><><><><><><><><><> Come on! This is a computer game. The controls are pretty basic but I might as well list them for obvious reasons. These are all used when playing a normal campaign. 1X. To move the world screen around, move the mouse cursor to the edge of the screen with the direction desired. 2X. To see your options or to create a building, go to the sub menu on the bottom of the screen and click the desired building or option. 3X. To exit the game you must press the Esc button on the top right of your keyboard. I'm pretty sure this is the only way to exit so really remember this. 4X. To select a province simply left click on it. 5X. To view certain information on areas of the world, right click on the selected province. Well, that is all of the useful information I can give you with controls. As I said, this is not a control type of game, it is strategy. Let's get into more detail with some option information. <><><><><><><><><><><><><><> 4.0 Options <><><><><><><><><><><><><><> As you first load the game you will be presented with many options. On this menu you should see the following. |Quick Battle |Single Player |Multiplayer |Campaign Tutorial |Battle Tutorial |Options |Quit Each of these options will lead you to different game modes. I will explore each game mode with you. These are the general options. Then, as you can see, there is a more detailed options. These I will get to later. For now let's explore the Quick Battle mode. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% 4.1 Quick Battle %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% This is exactly what it says. You are going to be randomly chosen into some battle. It is good for people in need of a challenge. You are to have a random amount of units. When you first start the battle it will ask you if you want to start the battle. It will also give you the weather. I would recommend you wait until the weather is calm. Once it is calm select OK. Now it is battle formation time. You will get a button that says "begin battle." Do not press it until you have chosen a wise battle formation. I would pick the loose formation. Though it was not used in the Medieval times, it should have been! Being close together makes your units an easier target. Anyway, pick the formation and click begin battle. Immediately in the beginning click on your men and make them charge to your enemy. Charging is more powerful and will give you an advantage. In general, keep your archers in the back and shooting. Have your knights, peasants or whatever you have fighting in the front. This is a very smart strategy when it comes to winning a battle. At the end of the battle you will be able to see your stats. You will see what men died and how many men a certain unit killed. This will determine the stronger units for your particular strategy. Now return to the main menu or play another battle. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% 4.2 Single Player %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% This is the "main" part of the game. From here you can start a new campaign. This is, in a nutshell, a quest to take over the world. I know it seems brutal but it is true. Here you can also create maps. It is nothing major, just another mode in this game that will make you more jubilant. Back to starting a new campaign. Click on this option. The next screen will give you a difficulty level. I would strongly recommend you play EASY first. If you are experienced then choose your own preference. Here you will get 2 sets of options. You can pick the age you want to play in and the way to win, or take over the world. The first set is the age or time period. Different countries occupy more land in different times so watch out! I would say that... Early Period- Starters High Period- Average Late Period- Experts Choose accordingly. Once selected you will get your list of countries, Each country will give you different land to start out with. This means, some countries are easier than others. Here is a brief list of the countries. Countries Difficulty --------- ---------- * The Almohads * Easy * The Byzantines * Easy * The Danes * Hard * The Egyptians * Easy * The English * Medium * The French * Medium * The Germans * Medium * The Italians * Medium * The Polish * Hard * The Spanish * Easy * The Russians * Easy * The Turkish * Medium Now pick the country that best suites you. My personal favorite are the Spanish. But all are fun and challenging. Once you pick your country, click START CAMPAIGN on the bottom of the screen. You are now about to enter the world of Medieval War. It is brutal with many strategies. *Important Note* I am going to cover the actual strategy of Single Player on the walkthrough. It would be far too long to explain it in this mini section. Visit the Strategy Walkthrough for more information. *End Note* The basic purpose of playing Campaign mode is to take over the world by attacking certain provinces. You can play the battles or simulate them. Again, check the strategy guide for more information. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% 4.3 Multiplayer %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% This is the online aspect of the game. You must be connected to the internet in some way to get access to multiplayer. Personally, I do not think that this is the greatest part to play. I would really only recommend people who are highly experienced to play online. I have tried it a few times but never really had the time nor interest to play much more. I don't have much else to say on this part of the game. On some future update I will get and give some tips for online play. Thanks for your patience. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% 4.4 Campaign Tutorial %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% This is simply designed for a small bit of practice before entering the Campaign stage. It really is pretty useful if you want to get used to the format of the game. They will pick a random country for you and will tell you to do certain objectives such as attack some place or defend some place. In my case, I had to defend from the British. I have three provinces and am to prevent them from being taken over by the northern British. In the tutorial you will experience clicking on armies to find out the number or units at a certain camp. Also to train a unit you are to go to a castle (you should have one to start) and click on it. In the left corner click on the train unit button. This will allow you to buy men for money. You will also me able to hire mercenaries from other countries to fight for you. It will also provide you with information on how to end years and build houses. If you want to continue with information keep on reading the tutorial. For now let us check the Battle Tutorial very briefly. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% 4.5 Battle Tutorial %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Here you practice those battle tactics I was talking about. There are 2 major battles that you can practice on right now. The Sicily Battle and the Bulgaria Battle. I am going to the Sicily Battle for this part of the guide. You will be told that knights are a major part of the battle. This is very true! They have great charge and are the most powerful units in the game. These particular knights are pretty common but you can obtain much harder and more powerful knights. From the start you should send your knights towards the peasants. This will easily kill the peasants as your knights are much stronger and have a huge charge force. This is a major advantage you should watch out for when fighting battles. This is generally an easier battle. Just charge your knights all over onto their enemy forces. Good luck on finishing them off. Look at your final statistics if you would like and then go back to the main menu. %%%%%%%%%%%%% 4.6 Options %%%%%%%%%%%%% Here are the real options. They are the more detailed and precise ones. Yes, I think you understand. Anyway, once you hit the button you will come across some general options. This is what it should look like. * Video * Audio * Performance * Controls * Game First click on Video. This is where you can change the screen resolution. I don't see how you would have to change this option but if you really have bad resolution change the scroll bar. Now go to the Audio button. Here you can mute the noise and change the volume of the music. Set it to your likings. You can also set the sound quality to whatever you want. Next go to the Performance button. This is where you can switch smoke on and off. The main option here is the unit size. Change it based on how big you want the units to be. Go to Controls. You can change the mouse speed and camera turning speed. Sometimes it is better to get a faster camera speed. The next part of the options is Game options. You can change realistic aspects of the game. This included fatigue and limited ammunition. Set all of these to your liking and let us get on out of the option part of this game. %%%%%%%%%%%%% 4.7 Quit %%%%%%%%%%%%% Yes, you have to press this to exit the game. I'm sure you all knew that, right? Let us go on to the country information. <><><><><><><><><><><><><><> 5.0 Countries Information <><><><><><><><><><><><><><> ____________ * *Early Period *____________ Country: The Almohads Difficulty: Easy King: Khalifah Yusuf I Info: Very powerful army. They have a lot of land to start out with. ---------------------------- Country: The Byzantines Difficulty: Easy King: Emperor Alexius I Info: I would say they are the easiest country in the game. They have very strong armies with powerful units to start. ---------------------------- Country: The Danes Difficulty: Hard King: King Olaf I Info: Very small land to start. They have easy surroundings though. ---------------------------- Country: The Egyptians Difficulty: Medium King: Sultan al Mustali I Info: Large land and powerful military. I don't think they have very resourceful land. ---------------------------- Country: The English Difficulty: Medium King: King William II Info: Decent sized land and pretty good army. The French, their surroundings, are pretty easy to defeat. ---------------------------- Country: The French Difficulty: Medium King: King Philippe I Info: Large amount of land. Easy surroundings but weak military. ---------------------------- Country: The Germans Difficulty: Easy King: Emperor Conrad II Info: Very Very strong army. Probably the best in the game. The land is pretty small and hard surroundings. ---------------------------- Country: The Italians Difficulty: Medium King: Doge Vital II Info: Small land but powerful government. People will easily ally you. ---------------------------- Country: The Polish Difficulty: Hard King: King Wladyslaw I Info: Very hard. They are very weak and have tuff surroundings. The byzantines make them one of the toughest countries in the game. ---------------------------- Country: The Spanish Difficulty: Easy King: King Alfonso VI Info: Easier as you get to the older periods. Crusades work well according to most people. ---------------------------- Country: The Turkish Difficulty: Medium King: Sultan Suleyman I Info: This is normal. I would recommend that you play them after you master the Spanish or Byzantines. They are a step closer to, say the Polish. ---------------------------- ____________ * *High Period *____________ Country: The Almohads Difficulty: Medium King: Khalifah Muhammud I ---------------------------- Country: The Byzantines Difficulty: Easy King: Emperor Constantine XI ---------------------------- Country: The Danes Difficulty: Hard King: King Valdemar III ---------------------------- Country: The Egyptians Difficulty: Medium King: Sultan al Adil ---------------------------- Country: The English Difficulty: Medium King: King John I ---------------------------- Country: The French Difficulty: Medium King: King Philippe II ---------------------------- Country: The Germans Difficulty: Medium King: Emperor Otto IV ---------------------------- Country: The Italians Difficulty: Medium King: Doge Enrico I ---------------------------- Country: The Polish Difficulty: Hard King: King Lezsek I ---------------------------- Country: The Spanish Difficulty: Easy King: King Alfonso VIII ---------------------------- Country: The Turkish Difficulty: Medium King: Sultan Aybak I ---------------------------- ____________ * *Late Period *____________ Country: The Almohads Difficulty: Hard King: Khalifah Ismail I ---------------------------- Country: The Byzantines Difficulty: Easy King: Emperor Andronicus II ---------------------------- Country: The Danes Difficulty: Hard King: King Christoffer II ---------------------------- Country: The Egyptians Difficulty: Medium King: Sultan Muhammud I ---------------------------- Country: The English Difficulty: Easy King: King Edward II ---------------------------- Country: The French Difficulty: Medium King: King Philippe V ---------------------------- Country: The Germans Difficulty: Easy King: Emperor Ludwig IV ---------------------------- Country: The Italians Difficulty: Medium King: Doge Giovanni VI ---------------------------- Country: The Polish Difficulty: Hard King: King Wladyslaw IV ---------------------------- Country: The Spanish Difficulty: Easy King: King Alfonso XI ---------------------------- Country: The Turkish Difficulty: Medium King: Sultan Osman I ---------------------------- /////////////// |Province List| \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ There is one major world in the game. It consists of many provinces. It is important to know each of these so I am going to list them out below... - 1. Algeria - 2. Anatolia - 3. Anjou - 4. Antioch - 5. Aquitaine - 6. Arabia - 7. Aragon - 8. Armenia - 9. Austria - 10. Bavaria - 11. Bohemia - 12. Brandenburg - 13. Brittany - 14. Bulgaria - 15. Burgundy - 16. Carpathia - 17. Castile - 18. Champagne - 19. Chernigov - 20. Constantinople - 21. Cordoba - 22. Corsica - 23. Crete - 24. Crimea - 25. Croatia - 26. Cyprus - 27. Denmark - 28. Edessa - 29. Egypt - 30. Finland - 31. Flanders - 32. Franconia - 33. Friesland - 34. Genoa - 35. Georgia - 36. Granada - 37. Greece - 38. Hungry - 39. Ile de France - 40. Ireland - 41. Jerusalem - 42. Khazar - 43. Kiev - 44. Leon - 45. Lesser Armenia - 46. Libya - 47. Lithuania - 48. Livonia - 49. Lorraine - 50. Malta - 51. Mercia - 52. Milan - 53. Moldavia - 54. Morocco - 55. Muscovy - 56. Naples - 57. Navarre - 58. Nicaea - 59. Normandy - 60. Northumbria - 61. Norway - 62. Novgorod - 63. Papal States - 64. Pereyaslvl - 65. Poland - 66. Pomerania - 67. Portugal - 68. Provence - 69. Prussia - 70. Rhodes - 71. Rome - 72. Rum - 73. Ryazan - 74. Sardinia - 75. Saxony - 76. Scotland - 77. Serbia - 78. Sicily - 79. Silesia - 80. Sinai - 81. Smolensk - 82. Swabia - 83. Sweden - 84. Switzerland - 85. Syria - 86. Toulouse - 87. Trebizond - 88. Tripoli - 89. Tunisia - 90. Tuscany - 91. Tryolia - 92. Valencia - 93. Venice - 94. Volga-Bulgaria - 95. Volhynai - 96. Wales - 97. Walachia - 98. Wessex ////////// Unit List ///////// AbyssinianGuard AlanMercenaryCavalry AlmohadUrbanMilitia Almughavars Arbalester Archers SBOW ArmenianHeavyCavalry Arquebusier BallistaCrew BedouinCamelWarriors BerberCamel Billmen BombardCrew Boyar BulgarianBrigands ByzantineCavalry ByzantineInfantry CatapultCrew CATAPULT ChivalricFootKnights ChivalricKnights ChivalricManAtArms ChivalricSergeants Crossbows CulverinCrew DemicannonCrew DemiculverinCrew DesertArchers EarlyRoyalGhulamKnights EarlyRoyalKnights FeudalFootKnights FeudalKnights FeudalManAtArms FeudalSergeants Futuwwa SBOW Gallowglass Gendarmes GenoeseSailors GhaziInfantry GhulamCavalry GoldenHordeHeavyCavalry GoldenHordeHorseArchers GoldenHordeWarriors GothicFootKnight GothicKnights GothicSergeants Halbardiers HandGun HGUN Hashishin HighlandClansman HighRoyalGhulamKnights HighRoyalKnights Hobilar NONE HorseArchers HospitallerFootKnights Housecarle ItalianLightInfantry JanissaryBows JanissaryHeavyInfantry JanissaryInfantry Kataphraktoi Kern KhwarazmianCavalry KnightsHospitaller KnightsSantiago KnightsTemplar Lancers LateRoyalGhulamKnights LateRoyalKnights LithuanianCavalry Longbows MamlukCavalry MamlukHandgun MamlukHorseArchers MangonelCrew MilitiaSergeants MortarCrew MountedCrossbows MountedSergeants MurabitinInfantry MuslimPeasants MuwahidFoot NapthaThrowers NegroSpearmen Nizari SBOW OrderFootsoldiers OttomanInfantry OttomanSipahi PaviseArbalester PaviseCrossbows Peasants Pikemen PolishRetainer PronoiaiAllagion ReligiousFanatics SaharanCavalry SaracenInfantry SerpentineCrew SiegecannonCrew SipahiofthePorte SpanishJinetes Spearmen SteppeCavalry SwissarmoredPikemen SwissHalbardiers SwissPikemen TeutonicKnights TeutonicSergeants TrebizondArchers TrebuchetCrew TurcomanFoot TurcomanHorse Turcopole UrbanMilitia VarangianGuard Woodsman <><><><><><><><><><><><><><> 6.0 FAQ's <><><><><><><><><><><><><><> Q: Are Tutorial's helpful? A: Yes. They display the formal way of playing and will explain in detail each step of the game. Q: Is this worth buying? A: Let's just put it this way. DON'T rent it. It is extremely long and displays excellent replay value. It is one of the best games ever. Q: Should I make a castle in each province? A: No. Only build one castle in a general area. This will make it a lot easier to make units. You will not have to wait as many years to make all those castles for each province. Q: Are any of the countries easier and/or harder? A: Yes. I would say that the location and amount of land matters. You don't want too much land but you don't want to little either. Q: What should I say when other countries offer an alley partnership? A: In the beginning you should always accept the offer. It prevents many battles and gives you time to set a well established economy up. At the end you can start to decline as you are trying to take over all of the provinces. Q: When should I invade a province? A: Don't in the beginning. Maybe one or two at most for a little more space but keep that as a lower priority. As you start to develop better and more skilled armies, start to invade all those smaller provinces. This is the smartest strategy. Q: What is a good country to start out with? A: I would start with the Spanish or Byzantines. They are probably the easiest. <><><><><><><><><><><><><><> 7.0 Tips and Tricks <><><><><><><><><><><><><><> I don't have a whole lot on this right now. I will update soon with anyone who gives me tips or tricks. Anyone who does will get credit. Just e-mail me. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Tips %%%%%%%%%%%%%%% 1. Alley all requests when given. 2. Make one castle in each certain area. 3. Don't spend so much time on each year. Sometimes you should simulate 2-3 years at a time. 4. Do not keep bunches of men in each province. This will increase the price for each province causing you to loose a lot of money. 5. Build Crusades as soon as you can to get it out of the way of the Pope. 6. Higher your taxes if your loyalty is above 100% 7. Don't waist time as your time is short to rule the world. 8. Sign missionaries as they are sometimes very good and are very cheap. They really build up your army to great numbers. They are highly recommended for crusades. 9. Do not have a king in a territory that will have a battle since the king will always become the general even if he has only 1 command compared to another general in the same territory with 9. This can cause you to lose. 10.The amount of men is not always the key but who is in the army. Always pay attention to this. 11.Build Inn's to make mercenaries. 12.Make farmland to increase the income for a province. It boosts your Florins. 13. Royal Palaces are something you should concentrate on early. They are your first actual GOOD knights. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Tricks %%%%%%%%%%%%%%% 1. To prevent yourself from losing, save and load your game whenever necessary. 2. Press P to pause a game during battle time. <><><><><><><><><><><><><><> 8.0 Strategy Walkthrough <><><><><><><><><><><><><><> Now for the cream of the crop. This is the juice. Call it whatever you want. Anyway, I am going to play as the SPANISH. You can choose them or any other country. Just do something similar. All of the strategies are similar. You will have to resolve some of your countries more complex problems. I would like to give credit to Daevy11 for the Danes guide. I will write a Spanish guide. Daevy11, I have tried to contact you but you have never gave a response. You did not indicate if your document could be shared. If you want it off this FAQ than please indicate that by e-mail. Thanks. \\\\///// |Spanish| \\\\\//// As I start as the Spanish I have the two provinces Castile and Leon. I would strongly recommend that you use Castile to create your units. In any other country take the province with the strongest castle. So you can make mercenaries, create an Inn on the build button on the lower left corner. This will take 2 years to make as it says on the screen. On the lower right hand corner is the button END YEAR. This will obviously end one year. Once you press it two times your Inn will be finished. Before pressing it create a group of warriors of your choice. Now hit end year. Take your people out of your castle by dragging. These are the ones that you just created. Now, where there are no units you should make that province farmland. So go to the province and increase the farm production. End the year or make some more units. Remember, this FAQ is very flexible. You can do more or less then what I am saying. Now be patient. Do not attack any countries yet. First go for making men and creating good food. Around now you will be giving birth to sons and daughters and will be offered alliances. Accept ALL of the alliances. If you are an ally of a country you will not be attacked by them. On Castile you should make a watch tower. This enables you to see the amount of men and info on the surrounding provinces of the watch towered province. Very useful. At this time you should continue to accept alliances. Also, keep improving your farmland. On the province in which you are making men, create a horse breeder. This is the first step in making knights. Once you get knights, you will be able to attack more easily. Pretty soon you will notice that your Florins or money will be going down. To check your balances, go to the bottom left and click on the gold coins. This will tell you your income and your expenses. If you are losing money then you should STOP making men. The more men you have the more expenses you have. Balance these by creating more buildings to earn income. Also, you should be thinking about upgrading to a higher castle. This will allow you to make more advanced buildings. Once you have upgraded more buildings you will notice a large cross on the training units part. It is a crusade. It will take four years to make but is very powerful. What you do is take the cross, after four years, and set it somewhere in the world. Once you set the cross somewhere you will be heading to destroy that place. The crusade will give you many men to work with. This is very effective when you want to take over farther away provinces. For now, concentrate on building horse breeder's. You need knights before you can start attacking. Just do it over time so that you don't lose all of your florins. Now get knights and look for rebel provinces first. These are the most reliable ones to attack. The pope will be mad but who cares? Now get out there and take over your first province. YEA! We are getting closer to ruling the world. Still, do not invade any countries. It really will hurt you early on. Keep making men. It is what you must do, trust me please. Now start to make a crusade. Wait four years and put it closer to your provinces. It is wiser because traveling longer distances is harder in case you come across some battles. %%%%%%%%% Crusades %%%%%%%%% In general, you will have to wait four years to make a crusade. Now, set the crusade where you choose and build it up to an enormous army. Keep adding royal knights. Soon it will be almost invincible. Aahhh! Refreshing isn't it? Go through the path to the desired crusade spot. Kill all that is in your path. Most countries will allow you to go by so don't worry so much. I would recommend that you make as many as you as later in the game the Pope may be against you disabling you from making Crusades. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Attack the Aergonese %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Ok, now take out the Aerogonese. Do this because the Pope will not be mad if Catholics are hurt. Mean people, the Pope. So take them out and the Rebels. The Rebels should be up North. This is where it gets tricky. You MUST stay allied to the French. But, the Germans, who always send Crusades for the Pope, will soon try to kill you. But, they first will have to go through the French. This they cannot do. So your expanding your provinces and keeping friends with all your previous allies. +=-~-=++=-~-=++=-~-=++=-~-=++=-~-=++=-~-=++=-~-=++=-~-=++=-~-=++=-~-=++=-~-=+ *!Warning!* -_-_-_-_-_-_ Do NOT attack the Almohads below you. I had tried this before and they will easily destroy you. They are not invincible, you just need stronger forces. +=-~-=++=-~-=++=-~-=++=-~-=++=-~-=++=-~-=++=-~-=++=-~-=++=-~-=++=-~-=++=-~-=+ Keep upgrading your houses. You should also make Royal Knights every other year. This helps make your money spread more flexible. Another thing you should start to look at is the Taxes. Higher your taxes if your loyalty is ABOVE 100%. If you do it lower, your people will likely rebel against you. This will cause your civilization to break down, thus you loose. We don't want that do we? --Future Goal-- We should try to save up as much men as possible. This is all you should concentrate on. The actual goal is take over the Almohads. They cause so much trouble down there! So, start to upgrade to a Keep and etc. This will some time allow you to make Chivalric Knights. This is your only hope really. This is where it gets very hard. Try to bear with me. My first major request, right now, is to SAVE your game. Press escape and save it. That is, when you, or if you die you can load your game back to this present position. You need to hope that the French King, which he probably will, will die. This is crucial so that you can become an ally with them. Also, as soon as the Pope dies start making Crusades. You can only make crusades if the Pope likes you, and now he doesn't. For me, the French King died. Now ally with them. Build strong forces and get prepared to kill the Almohads below. It is your only chance in gaining control in the World. From now until you fight the Almohads the only action that should take place is allying a proposing a marriage. So I will pick this Guide back onto attacking the Almohads. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Attack the Almohads %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Gather your prince armies and the Royal Knights. You should have very many by now. Go for Portugal first as it is certainly the easiest. Don't attack Camboda until the end. This is their main farm crop land and unit building land, therefore they will defend that the most. Portugal, for me was an easy victory. They then backed off onto Camboda. This is where you should surround them. Get men from all your provinces and attack all at once. Just make sure you have some men in each province so that they don't retreat into your unprotected colony. This will be a Victory if you have made enough men. I am serious. This is not as easy as it seems. You really need to get a LOT of men. Sooner or later the Almohads will give up or their King will die. Finally! Now take a small break because the Almos will be back soon! %%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Break Time %%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Now you can wait. I would wait until the Pope dies. If it seems to take a while then forget this. If he dies soon then start to build Crusades. With these you will be able to finish off the weaker part of the Almohads. If the Pope is still alive then just the Almohads out with your remaining army and some additional Knights. You should also try to get A Knight upgrade so your men will be stronger. Once either the Pope dies or you decide your army is stronger go to the pickup of the FAQ. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Finish of the Almohads %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Let us finish these tiring fools. From Camboda work your way south. Send all your men (and use the Pope's Crusades if possible) to each of the Almohad provinces. This will easily finish them off as they hardly have any men in any of the provinces. Yea! Take over the south east of the map all the way to Egypt. Egyptians are very powerful and should not be dealt with now. I would recommend you take them on at the end and go for France, England, and Germany. These are your best options. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Establish a new base %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Right now, to be sure we don't loose, start establishing more of a base on the south provinces you just conquered. These will provide a great deal of backup for you form the French and English. We do not want to go right in and start fighting the French yet. We need to space it out over a few years and regroup your economy. Start making another province for making units. This will make it a lot easier to make men faster and placed quicker in desired places. I would recommend that you make two Royal Palaces in opposite sides of your part of the world. This does two things. First of all, you will be able to make twice as many men as before. Second, you will be able to move men places in a faster pace. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% French and English duo %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Finally there is something easier. Really, the Spanish are very hard to fight with in the Early age. Now, we are faced with a much easier task. The French are probably the easiest to defeat. The English are harder to defeat but they won't interfere with your war against the French. This is what makes it a whole lot easier. Anyway, go collect all your men, as I told you to make, and bring ALL of them up to the North near the French. Invade the French as soon as you can. This will be your hardest battle against the French. I told you, they are not difficult to beat. You will take over Toulouse. Now quickly move to the right and battle in Provence. Take this over. Really, I did not lose one battle with the French. Just follow the blue markings and kill all of the French. After you conquer France take a short break. Regroup as you did after the Almohads. The British are your next target and are waiting hungrily to the left of where you are right now. Make more Royal Knights and bring them into the former French areas. Get prepared to surround the British colonies. Now take all the men surrounding the British and take a few out of the stacks and put them in the province you are currently in. Now put the remaining units into Aqutaine. Hope for a victory. Most likely, a lot of Royal Knights will do the trick. If you lose you probably didn't enough men or you did something wrong in the Walkthrough. Once you take care of Aqutaine, Normandy, and the Brittany, you will easily have destroyed the British. Just work your way North and take care of there lesser populated provinces without any skill. Congrats! You have destroyed 3 nations already. We are making very nice progress. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Italy the pathetic country %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% This part of the game is the easiest. The Italians are right next to you on the right. You will have to take your remaining battle troups and yet again regroup your provinces. This is really a procedure you should constantly do. Once you build up enough men, go towards the Italian peninsula. Now this is my favorite! There is no trick involved with the Italians. Just keep battling it up with them. Honestly, this is how it will be for pretty much the rest of the game. It isn't very hard after you get out of the flaw in the beginning. Attack all of the Italians and take over that peninsula. Good job. Not much work involved. %%%%%%%%%%% Here on out %%%%%%%%%%% I am getting very tired of saying the same thing. From now on out the battle sequence and formations are all identical. I will add a bit more on the FAQ in future updates but most of it is self explanatory. You can use this FAQ for almost all of the countries for all of the battles you face. They really are all identical. For now I will leave you from the Spanish FAQ. Enjoy the ending after completing the game! %%%%%% Danes %%%%%% I. General A. The Danes The Danes start out very modestly, with just 1 province, Denmark. Denmark is a solid province, and it is the only landroute to Sweden and Norway besides. Vikings and Longboats are available to the Danes right from the start, and alhought eclipsed later on they provide good buildingblocks for your early military. B. Weaknesses Your biggest weakness is the fact you have only 1 province, and a correspondingly low income and production base. You must reduce these two problems quickly if you are to have any hope of greatness. A weakness you will bump into later is your comparative lack of 'projected' power to the southern regions of the map, where the main plots are played out by the Papacy and the main catholic factions, Byzantium and the Islamic empires. You will barely be aware of what is going on there, let alone capable of intervention. This may result in the development of one or two southern superpowers, which will have massively superior resources to your northern empire. You want to keep the south divided if at all possible. Later on you can attempt to achieve this with your stealth units up to a point. C. Strenghts Fortunately you have several strong points to offset your weaknesses. The best of these is the security of your home province. As long as you play the diplomatic game smartly (more on that later) you should have no trouble at all maintaining your rule in Scandinavia at least. This gives you a secure, albeit small, base of power. You also have no real hereditary enemies and can keep out of the way of the major powers while still expanding your holdings for a good while. Secondly you have one of the better troop types of the early era at your disposal from the start, Vikings. Vikings are strong attackers, and can see off peasants with ease. Militia's and Spearmen are also inferior to them in a direct confrontation. Make the most of this quickly, because it wont last. As Men-at-arms and Sergeants appear, not to mention lance-armed cavalry, the vikings will be outclassed. Lastly, you get a cheap ship to assert your (vital) naval dominance with, the Longboat. As your empire will be spread across the north part of the map, having control of the seas is paramount to victory. D. General Tips * Use the titles. They increase taxes and happiness, so give titles to any (loyal) general with good Acumen. * Sea power is vital. Make sure your fleet is equipped to dominate the seas. * Use watchtowers, spies etc to check the opposing army before attacking. * Stealth units can be as vital for expansion as armies, and to keep what you have. II. Beginnings A. Buildings First thing, build a watchtower in Denmark. After that go for a Shipyard as quickly as possible, and ignore everything else until you have it. B. Troops Build a few Viking units to cover the losses you will suffer in Sweden and Norway, but dont overdo it. You dont need a defensive force just yet and you arent exactly rich so save the cash for now. C. Conquest Take Sweden right away. It is quite lightly defended, and you should have no trouble taking it. I'd advise to bring the King along on this one, as his 20 knights will make a big difference in the battle. He is also the most experienced commander you have and at this point it is worth minimizing casualties over letting a general develop. After Sweden is yours, you might be tempted to immediately go for Norway. Resist the temptation. Norway has a very limited value, and is hard to keep in line. The expense of the troops stationed there to keep the province in line will reduce the profit of holding it to almost nothing, and you will inevitably suffer casualties while taking it. Just hang on to Denmark and Sweden for now. D. Diplomacy Ally with the Holy Roman Empire as a first priority. They hold Saxony, which is the only province to threaten Denmark from the south. Cement this alliance with a few marriages if possible. Poland is also worth allying with, since they are one of the few nations which can contest your control over the baltic. Best to keep their attention focussed south and east and not to the north. An alliance with the Pope is always a good thing for any Catholic faction (except perhaps the Italians, but thats another guide ;P ). III. Expanding A. Buildings By now you should have your shipyard in Denmark. Follow this up with a Border Fort first thing, and then a merchant to shore up your meagre income. A Church will also be needed shortly. In Sweden build a mine for the same reason, followed by a Fort, Port and Merchant. B. Troops Start churning out Longboats in Denmark, you need at least two. A few extra units of Vikings wouldnt go amiss either, depending on how many Heirs (and thus units of knights) you have to support. Watch that income! C. Conquest Mop up Norway, and install a strong governor there (preferably one that increases happiness). Then use your ships to land an army in Finland. Make sure the army is up to the task, as there will be no retreat if you fail! Finland is also a low-income province, but more easily kept under control. It is also largely Pagan, so move some Bishops there once you have them. With a bit of luck the Church will grant you money for expanding it's religion, which you sorely need. With Finland and Norway your empire now covers 4 provinces, which are not threatened by any outside powers. This is a good time to halt for a bit and build your economy. Minimize your expenses by disbanding any units that are too small or too weak (like peasants) to do any good, and select governors with strong acumen to rule your provinces. D. Diplomacy An alliance with the English will be useful for the next stage, but keep in mind this will probably mean you end up facing the French sooner or later. Keep all other alliances. IIII. An Empire is taking shape A. Buildings An inn in Finland will be useful, and Denmark should be developing it's stealth units at this point. A Tavern and Brothel will need to be built, and you will ofcourse need to upgrade your Keep to do so. Sweden should concentrate on a particular type of troop development in the meantime, I favor Siege weaponry myself as it will come in very useful in England later on. B. Troops More Longboats will be required in this phase, so dont skimp on building them. You can build boats much cheaper than your rivals, so take advantage of this. Vikings supported by Royal Knights are still adequate for now, perhaps a few big blocks of Spearmen to take the cavalry attacks in the not-too-distant future. C. Conquest This is where the real choices start. Latvia might look tempting at the moment, but it isnt. It is a bitch to keep under control, and would suck far too much resources out of your empire to succesfully hold. You can prepare the way for taking Latvia later by sending in a few Bishops, to convert the region to christianity. This will make it a bit easier to hold on to in the future. If the polish haven't taken Prussia yet, this is a decent option as long as you remain allied to the Polish. If you were to go to war with the Polish, it would probably prove too expensive to hang on to for long. My favoured path of expansion is to take Scotland however. The Highlanders are fierce fighters, but so are your Vikings. If well-led, your Vikings should see off the Scots. Make sure you bring a large force though, because it will be required to keep the province under control the first few years. Build a Keep there and it will be your second home province, able to either support the war at sea or expand into English territory later. From Scotland, go to Ireland. It should also fall with ease to your troops, and is not too difficult to keep under control. The Irish special troops are worth having, so you might want to invest in facilities there if your economy can take it. D. Diplomacy Gauge the war between France and England that is almost certainly raging. If the French are winning, help the English. If the English are winning help the French. Your objective is to keep both parties fighting each other and not you, so use covert means where possible, such as using spies to forment rebellion and assassins to kill strong generals. Also send some spies south to check on the Iberian situation; make sure the Almohads arent steamrollering into europe, if they are use the same methods as mentioned above. A few good-old Viking raids to destroy infrastructure can be useful as well if your navy will strech that far. You will probably need to write off whatever units you send though, so dont send any heirs or exceptional generals. Mercenaries are ideal here. IIIII. Danelaw A. Buildings Continue building facilities that will give you access to more advanced units. Cavalry will be needed to expand your territories, as will Siege weaponry. A monastery will give you yet another useful Stealth unit to wage your covert wars in the south, and upgraded Merchants will fund your empire nicely. B. Troops You will need strong regiments by now, your Vikings are nearing the ned of their usefullness. Cavalry units supplemented by Irish specialist units and some Siege artillery work well. Crossbowmen are excellent on defense, and your Vikings can still be usefull running Provinces if they have good Generals leading them (they should by now). Equally the trusty longboats should be getting support from more advanced ships by now, or you risk losing naval superiority, and by extension the game. C. Conquest Latvia should be ripe for the taking by now, so take it. Make sure the loyalty of the population is sufficient, then take Lithuania and, if you feel confident, Novgorod. In the west you might expand to Northumbria if at war with whatever power holds it at that time (English or French), and Friesland is also ripe for the taking. Be wary of Flanders though, as it is the gateway to England through Wessex and will be sure to attract more attention than you would like. If you feel adventurous Aquitane is also not an impossibility. D. Diplomacy Keep up the diplomatic course you were sailing before, but make sure you stay allied to the Holy Roman Empire, either French or English, and probably the Polish. And as always the Papacy is a good friend to have. Thank you Daevy11. Congrats when you finally beat the game! Watch the glorious ending! <><><><><><><><><><><><><><> 9.0 Secrets <><><><><><><><><><><><><><> The following must be typed in during a campaign. They are used to CHEAT in the game. It is like a spoil. Only use these if you really like to cheat. I think that they basically ruin the game but oh well. People ask for them. 1. Fast Construction in one year. Type: .worksundays. 2. All buildings unlocked. Type: .badgerbunny. 3. Get 1,000,000 Florins Type: .deadringer. 4. Lots of Gold for provinces. Type: .mefoundsomeeau. 5. Lots of Copper for provinces. Type: .mefoundsomeecu. 6. Play as the rebels Type: .conan. !This can not be deactivated! 7. Full map Type: .matteosartori. 8. Iron for provinces Type: .viagra. <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><> 10.0 Units FAQ and Other Info <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><> Here is a table of the units of the game. You will see the stats basically. Quicklist| ///////// Highlight and press ctrl F to search for a unit. AbyssinianGuard AlanMercenaryCavalry AlmohadUrbanMilitia Almughavars Arbalester Archers SBOW ArmenianHeavyCavalry Arquebusier BallistaCrew BedouinCamelWarriors BerberCamel Billmen BombardCrew Boyar BulgarianBrigands ByzantineCavalry ByzantineInfantry CatapultCrew CATAPULT ChivalricFootKnights ChivalricKnights ChivalricManAtArms ChivalricSergeants Crossbows CulverinCrew DemicannonCrew DemiculverinCrew DesertArchers EarlyRoyalGhulamKnights EarlyRoyalKnights FeudalFootKnights FeudalKnights FeudalManAtArms FeudalSergeants Futuwwa SBOW Gallowglass Gendarmes GenoeseSailors GhaziInfantry GhulamCavalry GoldenHordeHeavyCavalry GoldenHordeHorseArchers GoldenHordeWarriors GothicFootKnight GothicKnights GothicSergeants Halbardiers HandGun HGUN Hashishin HighlandClansman HighRoyalGhulamKnights HighRoyalKnights Hobilar NONE HorseArchers HospitallerFootKnights Housecarle ItalianLightInfantry JanissaryBows JanissaryHeavyInfantry JanissaryInfantry Kataphraktoi Kern KhwarazmianCavalry KnightsHospitaller KnightsSantiago KnightsTemplar Lancers LateRoyalGhulamKnights LateRoyalKnights LithuanianCavalry Longbows MamlukCavalry MamlukHandgun MamlukHorseArchers MangonelCrew MilitiaSergeants MortarCrew MountedCrossbows MountedSergeants MurabitinInfantry MuslimPeasants MuwahidFoot NapthaThrowers NegroSpearmen Nizari SBOW OrderFootsoldiers OttomanInfantry OttomanSipahi PaviseArbalester PaviseCrossbows Peasants Pikemen PolishRetainer PronoiaiAllagion ReligiousFanatics SaharanCavalry SaracenInfantry SerpentineCrew SiegecannonCrew SipahiofthePorte SpanishJinetes Spearmen SteppeCavalry SwissarmoredPikemen SwissHalbardiers SwissPikemen TeutonicKnights TeutonicSergeants TrebizondArchers TrebuchetCrew TurcomanFoot TurcomanHorse Turcopole UrbanMilitia VarangianGuard Woodsman Legend ------ y=yes n=none Name Projectile Samuri Charge Melee Defence Armor Honor AbyssinianGuard NONE y 4 4 0 1 6 0 AlanMercenaryCavalry NONE n 6 3 1 3 4 AlmohadUrbanMilitia NONE n 3 3 3 4 2 Almughavars JAV n 6 3 0 2 8 4 Arbalester ARBALEST n 1 -1 2 3 0 Archers SBOW n 1 -1 -2 1 -1 28 3 ArmenianHeavyCavalry NONE y 8 3 3 4 4 Arquebusier ARQB n 1 -1 3 4 0 10 BallistaCrew BALISTA n 1 0 -2 1 2 40 BedouinCamelWarriors NONE n 6 2 0 2 0 BerberCamel MTLG n 2 0 0 2 0 28 Billmen NONE n 2 2 4 3 2 0 4 BombardCrew BOMBARDIER n 1 0 -2 1 2 Boyar MTLG y 4 3 5 5 6 28 4 BulgarianBrigands SBOW n 1 2 0 2 0 ByzantineCavalry MTLG y 2 3 3 4 4 ByzantineInfantry NONE n 3 2 2 3 0 CatapultCrew CATAPULT n 1 0 -2 1 2 ChivalricFootKnights NONE y 2 4 6 5 8 ChivalricKnights NONE y 8 5 5 7 8 ChivalricManAtArms NONE y 3 4 3 4 4 ChivalricSergeants NONE n 5 -1 3 3 0 Crossbows XBOW n 1 -1 2 3 0 28 CulverinCrew CULVERIN n 1 0 -2 1 2 DemicannonCrew DEMI_CANNON n 1 0 -2 1 2 DemiculverinCrew DEMI_CULVERIN n 1 0 -2 1 DesertArchers SBOW n 1 -1 -2 1 0 28 EarlyRoyalGhulamKnights NONE y 8 3 4 4 EarlyRoyalKnights NONE y 8 4 3 4 8 FeudalFootKnights NONE y 3 5 2 3 8 FeudalKnights NONE y 8 4 3 4 8 0 FeudalManAtArms NONE y 3 3 2 3 2 0 FeudalSergeants NONE n 5 0 -1 1 2 0 Futuwwa SBOW n 3 4 -2 1 4 28 4 Gallowglass NONE y 8 5 0 2 0 0 Gendarmes NONE y 4 3 5 7 4 0 GenoeseSailors SBOW n 1 0 -2 1 2 28 GhaziInfantry NONE n 6 5 -4 1 8 0 GhulamCavalry NONE y 6 3 3 4 4 0 GoldenHordeHeavyCavalry NONE y 6 3 6 7 GoldenHordeHorseArchers MTLG n 2 3 1 3 GoldenHordeWarriors SBOW n 2 3 0 2 2 GothicFootKnights NONE y 4 5 6 6 8 GothicKnights NONE y 4 4 7 9 8 0 GothicSergeants NONE n 5 0 5 5 2 0 Halbardiers NONE n 2 1 6 5 0 0 HandGun HGUN n 1 1 3 4 4 10 3 Hashishin SBOW n 2 6 3 2 12 28 HighlandClansman NONE n 6 5 -3 1 0 HighRoyalGhulamKnights NONE y 8 3 5 5 6 HighRoyalKnights NONE y 8 5 5 7 8 Hobilar NONE n 6 2 2 3 2 0 4 HorseArchers MTLG n 2 -1 0 2 -1 28 HospitallerFootKnights NONE y 3 5 5 6 8 Housecarle NONE n 3 3 0 2 4 0 ItalianLightInfantry NONE n 5 0 3 3 2 JanissaryBows SBOW y 1 1 0 2 4 28 JanissaryHeavyInfantry NONE y 4 5 3 3 8 JanissaryInfantry SBOW y 1 4 2 3 4 Kataphraktoi NONE y 8 3 5 7 4 0 Kern JAV n 3 2 -3 1 0 4 4 KhwarazmianCavalry NONE y 6 3 5 7 4 KnightsHospitaller NONE y 8 5 5 7 8 KnightsSantiago NONE y 8 5 5 7 8 0 KnightsTemplar NONE y 4 5 5 7 8 0 Lancers NONE y 8 5 7 9 8 0 4 LateRoyalGhulamKnights NONE y 8 3 7 7 6 LateRoyalKnights NONE y 8 5 7 9 8 LithuanianCavalry NONE n 6 2 3 4 2 Longbows LONG n 1 3 -2 1 4 28 MamlukCavalry NONE y 4 2 3 4 4 0 MamlukHandgun HGUN n 1 0 -2 1 2 10 MamlukHorseArchers MTLG y 2 3 1 3 4 MangonelCrew MANGONEL n 1 0 -2 1 2 MilitiaSergeants NONE n 4 2 3 3 0 MortarCrew MORTAR n 1 0 -2 1 2 40 MountedCrossbows XBOW n 2 0 2 3 2 MountedSergeants NONE n 8 2 2 3 2 MurabitinInfantry JAV n 2 1 -2 1 4 MuslimPeasants NONE n 4 -2 -4 1 -2 0 MuwahidFoot NONE n 7 1 -1 1 4 0 NapthaThrowers GREN n 1 0 2 3 2 3 NegroSpearmen NONE n 4 0 -1 1 2 0 Nizari SBOW n 7 6 -4 1 8 28 4 OrderFootsoldiers NONE n 5 0 3 3 2 OttomanInfantry SBOW n 2 1 0 2 0 28 OttomanSipahi NONE n 4 2 3 4 2 0 PaviseArbalester ARBALEST n 1 -1 2 3 PaviseCrossbows XBOW n 1 -1 2 3 0 28 Peasants NONE n 4 -2 -4 1 -2 0 Pikemen NONE n 4 1 -1 1 2 0 5 PolishRetainer NONE n 8 3 3 4 4 0 PronoiaiAllagion NONE y 6 4 3 5 8 ReligiousFanatics NONE n 6 3 -4 1 8 SaharanCavalry NONE n 4 2 0 2 0 0 SaracenInfantry NONE n 5 -1 3 3 0 0 SerpentineCrew SERPENTINE n 1 0 -2 1 2 SiegecannonCrew SIEGE_CANNON n 1 0 -2 1 2 SipahiofthePorte MTLG y 4 3 6 7 6 SpanishJinetes JAV n 2 2 2 3 2 4 Spearmen NONE n 5 -1 -1 1 0 0 SteppeCavalry NONE n 6 2 1 3 0 0 SwissarmoredPikemen NONE y 4 2 5 4 6 SwissHalbardiers NONE n 2 3 3 2 6 SwissPikemen NONE n 4 2 2 2 6 0 TeutonicKnights NONE y 8 5 5 7 8 0 TeutonicSergeants NONE n 4 3 5 6 4 TrebizondArchers SBOW n 1 3 -2 1 2 TrebuchetCrew TREBUCHE n 1 0 -2 1 2 TurcomanFoot SBOW n 1 -1 2 3 -1 28 TurcomanHorse MTLG n 2 1 0 2 -1 28 Turcopole MTLG n 2 -1 1 3 0 28 UrbanMilitia NONE n 4 2 -1 1 0 0 VarangianGuard NONE y 4 4 5 4 6 0 Woodsman NONE n 8 1 -1 2 -2 0 Farmland Management ------------------- The amortization period is the time needed to "pay back" something one has invested in. In terms of MTW, it is the time needed to recover the cost of upgrading a farm. It's a mental handle on how profitable a farm is. Use these tables to decide whether they're worth upgrading. Example: A province currently has a farm at the Improved 20% level, which has revenue of 119 florins. The game shows you that the 40% level will have a revenue of 139 florins, so you will be making 20 extra florin a year with the 40% upgrade. Since it costs 1000 florin to make the 40% upgrade, it will be amortized (paid off) in 50 years (1000/20) and everything past that is profit. The "New level of revenue" table below should be compared against the revenue of the NEW upgrade to be built (on the Build popup), not against the revenue of the existing farm (which would be a different table). "Am Yrs" is the Amortization Years. Level & Cost ------------ 20% 40% 60% 80% 600 1000 1500 2500 --- ---- ---- ---- Am Yrs NEW level of revenue needs to be: ------ --------------------------------- 10 374 694 1181 2286 25 150 278 472 915 40 94 174 295 572 50 75 139 236 457 60 62 116 197 381 75 50 93 157 305 100 37 69 118 229 Revenue Difference needs to be: ------------------------------- 10 60.0 100.0 150.0 250.0 25 24.0 40.0 60.0 100.0 40 15.0 25.0 37.5 62.5 50 12.0 20.0 30.0 50.0 60 10.0 16.7 25.0 41.7 75 8.0 13.3 20.0 33.3 100 6.0 10.0 15.0 25.0 It's hard to keep all the above numbers in your head, and I noticed that if one does a little rounding, a few Amortization Years will have numbers that are a lot easier to remember. So here it is... you might start by memorizing one line as a benchmark, then the others after you've learned it (and/or your game has progressed to where a different row is more relevant): Rounded Numbers -- Level & Cost ------------ 20% 40% 60% 80% 600 1000 1500 2500 --- ---- ---- ---- Am Yrs NEW level of revenue needs to be: ------ --------------------------------- 25 150 300 450 900 40 100 200 300 600 75 50 100 150 300 Note how 40% and 60% are 2 and 3 times the 20% value, and the 80% value is 2 times the 60% value. Also, the 40-Year row is 2x, and the 25-Year Row is 3x, the revenue of the 75-Year row. (Thanks to King Info --------- 1 "Great Warrior" "He has a natural talent for combat, making him less likely to die in battle. +5 health" 2 "Mighty Warrior" "His reputation for skill at arms is spreading as his fighting skills grow. +10 health, +2 valour" 3 "Famous Warrior" "He is famous for his skill on the battlefield. Few can match him in single combat. +20 health, +3 valour" 4 "Natural Leader" "He leads his men from the front, gaining much respect and inspiring his men. +2 morale, +1 loyalty" 5 "Fine Leader" "He leads from the front, taking risks but gaining much respect and inspiring his men. +4 morale, +2 loyalty" 6 "Great Leader" "He leads from the front with great courage, and all who follow him love him for it and are inspired. +6 morale, +3 loyalty" 7 "Legendary Leader" "He leads from the front magnificently, inspiring awe in his troops and pride in his people. +6 morale, +3 loyalty, +1 happiness" 8 "Killer Instinct" "He has a talent for killing, making him quite effective on the battlefield, and discomforting those who stand against him." 9 "Natural Born Killer" "He is so adept at killing in hand to hand combat that few can match him, and those that are wise fear him." 10 "Secret Killer" "He enjoys killing too much. He deliberately kills in practice tourneys, and tortures and kills any who offend him. So far he has managed to keep this vice secret." 11 "Murderer" "His habit of torturing and killing has become public knowledge. He is feared and hated because of it." 12 "Scarred" "He has been in the thick of things in battle and has some ugly scars as result, making him look quite intimidating. +1 dread" 13 "Impressive Scars" "His habit of putting himself in harm's way has given him some gruesome scars, and one or two war wounds that trouble him from time to time. -5 health, +2 dread" 14 "Hideous Scars" "His hideous scars make him terrible to behold, and have given him a matching temperament. He also is almost crippled by several old wounds, making combat difficult. -5 health, +3 dread, -3 valour" 15 "Not so Bold" "His reluctance to get directly involved in hand to hand combat has not gone unnoticed, and undermines the morale of his men. This reputation, however undeserved, is difficult to shake. -2 morale" 16 "Timorous" "He has fought many battles but seldom gets into combat himself. His men joke about this, but it also lurks at the back of their minds as they put themselves in harm's way. -4 morale, -1 valour" 17 "Cowardly" "His deliberate avoidance of combat in the past has become a source of ridicule. No efforts on his part can change this now. His men are reluctant to risk their lives when he will not. -6 morale, -2 valour" 18 "Good Runner" "He is remembered for the way he ran from the battlefield on more than one occasion. Perhaps he had no choice, but whispers among his men say otherwise. -3 morale" 19 "Doubtful Courage" "There are serious doubts about his courage in the face of the enemy. Reports of him screaming like a girl as he departed the field are not exaggerated. His men are not inspired. -6 morale" 20 "Coward" "He is considered by all to be a coward in battle, and men who serve him on the battlefield are just waiting for him to turn and run. It makes it hard for him to keep his army on the field. -9 morale." 21 "Captured" "He did not enjoy the process of being captured and ransomed, and instills a fear of being captured in all his men. This makes them less likely to rout, but makes them harder to command. +3 morale, -1 command" 22 "Tortured" "Having been captured and tortured, he is obsessed with avoiding capture. This makes his army harder to break, but seriously affects his judgement on the battlefield. +6 morale, -2 command" 23 "Traumatised" "His experiences as a prisoner have left him traumatised. He will kill any man who even considers surrender, and avoids danger in battle. Paradoxically this makes his capture more likely. +9 morale, -3 command" 24 "Nervous" "He is constantly worried about being assassinated, causing sleepless nights and troubled days. It is not good for his health. - 5 health" 25 "Very nervous" "His fear of assassins is so great he does not eat well, sleeps little, and rarely goes out in public. This does give him plenty of time for administrative duties. -5 health +1 acumen" 26 "Recluse" "His deep and constant fear of assassins has made him a recluse. He eats and sleeps little, and is rarely seen. The lack of exercise is affecting his combat ability. -5 health, +2 acumen, -1 valour" 27 "Secret Paranoia" "His efforts to test his own defences against potential assassins have caused the deaths of several food tasters and one or two guests. Fortunately he has managed to keep this quiet so far. -5 health, +2 acumen, -1 valour" 28 "Paranoid" "After poisoning several guests including a priest, he is now infamous as a scheming poisoner with little faith. In fact he is just paranoid about being poisoned himself. -5 health -4 piety +2 dread" 29 "Survivor" "Having survived an assassination attempt by killing the assassin with a cooking spit, he is very keen to practice combat with a wide variety of weapons, to the detriment of his other duties. +1 valour -1 acumen" 30 "Strong Security" "Repeated assassination attempts have led him to make security a high priority, with extra guards, constant training and incessant drills. It leaves little time for administration. +2 valour -2 acumen" 31 "High Security" "He spends much of his time devising ingenious new security measures to defend against assassins. He himself is now a master of self defence. +3 valour -3 acumen" 32 "Secret Paranoid Security" "His efforts to defend against potential assassins go to insane lengths. An important guest was recently killed by a pit trap while looking for the privy. He has not yet been missed. +3 valour -3 acumen" 33 "Paranoid Security" "The accidental death of a famous entertainer who was his guest has caused a public outcry. Claims that he fell down a spiked pit are not widely believed. +3 valour, -2 happiness, -3 acumen" 34 "Suspicious" "After surviving an assassination attempt he is suspicious of all around him, and his justice is swifter and harsher than most. +1 dread" 35 "Rough Justice" "After surviving more than one assassination attempt his deeply suspicious nature often manifests as harsh and summary justice. +2 dread" 36 "Secret Murderer" "His irrational fear of assassins has lead him to torture and execute a completely innocent visiting nobleman. Fortunately he has the signed confession. +2 dread" 37 "Murderer" "The confession of a visiting nobleman recently tortured and killed has been proved to be false, after his son successfully underwent a gruelling ordeal. +3 dread, -3 piety" 38 "Secret Murderer" "His paranoid fantasies about lurking assassins have caused him to torture and execute many men, including one nobleman, for little or no discernable cause. +3 dread -3 piety" 39 "Mass Murderer" "It has become widely known that he insanely believes all men with bald heads and brown beards are assassins, and has tortured and executed many men of that appearance unjustly. +4 dread -5 piety" 40 "Devout" "After a recent interview with the Inquisition he has taken to spending long hours in prayer, and is vociferous in his support for the Church. -2 dread, +2 piety" 41 "God Fearing" "He has attracted much interest from the Inquisition, despite spending most of his time praying and much of the rest engaged in good deeds. -4 dread, +4 piety" 42 "Born Again" "He has repented his sins and claims to be born again. He has taken a vow of poverty and donated his wealth to the Church. The Inquisition will find him hard to fault now. -6 dread, +6 piety" 43 "Resilient" "His constitution is robust and his vigilance constant making him a difficult man to assassinate. +2 valour vs Assassins" 44 "Hard to Kill" "His constitution is strong and his vigilance relentless, making him a very difficult man to assassinate. +4 valour vs Assassins" 45 "Invulnerable" "He regularly takes poison, building up considerable resistance, and his security measures are second to none. This makes him almost impossible to assassinate. +6 valour vs Assassins" 46 "Informants" "He has built up a local group of informants giving him some warning of plots against him. +2 valour vs Spies" 47 "Informant Network" "His network of informants stretches far and wide, often giving advanced warning of plots against him. +4 valour vs spies, -1 loyalty" 48 "Spy Network" "He has placed his agents in positions of power, giving him advanced warning of plots against him, even if they are sponsored by the state. +4 valour vs spies, -2 loyalty" 49 "Spy Network" "Despite the obvious disapproval this causes, he still maintains a comprehensive spy network which occasionally gets out of hand . +4 valour vs spies, -3 loyalty" 50 "Secret Assassinator" "His spy network includes assassins ready and able to pre-empt any plots against him. He has quietly removed a number of officials and local noteworthies. +6 valour vs spies, -4 loyalty, -2 happiness" 51 "Assassinator" "His network of assassins has been penetrated and exposed. The families of his victims clamour for vengeance. He is not a popular man. +2 valour vs spies, -5 loyalty, -4 happiness" 52 "Skilled Attacker" "He is particularly skilled in directing attacks in the field. +1 Command when attacking" 53 "Expert Attacker" "He is an expert in the art of attacking defensive positions. +2 Command when attacking" 54 "Specialist Attacker" "He specialises in conducting attacks against defensive positions. +3 Command when attacking" 55 "Skilled Defender" "He has a talent for selecting strong defensive positions and exploiting them well. +1 Command when defending" 56 "Expert Defender" "He is an expert in defence, well known for his ability to exploit terrain, lay ambushes, and force attackers in to unwise decisions. +2 Command when defending" 57 "Field Defence Specialist" "He specialises in defending in the field. +3 Command when defending" 58 "Skilled Sieger" "He is skilled in the art of taking castles by siege without resorting to an assault. -1 year to siege duration" 59 "Expert Sieger" "He is an expert in the art of sieging castles into submission without resorting to battle. -2 years to siege duration" 60 "Specialist Sieger" "His reputation for relentlessly reducing castles by siege is so great than many castles bow to the inevitable and surrender after token resistance. -3 years to siege duration" 61 "Skilled Siege Defender" "He is skilled in siege defence, organising supplies, maintaining morale, and harrying the enemy. +2 years to siege duration" 62 "Expert Siege Defender" "He is an expert at organising men and supplies, penetrating enemy lines and maintaining a disciplined garrison. +3 years to siege duration" 63 "Specialist Siege Defender" "He is a specialist in defending against a prolonged siege, bribing, deceiving and outsmarting his enemy to get supplies in. +4 years to siege duration" 64 "Skilled Poor Odds Attacker" "He is skilled at attacking when outnumbered. +1 to Command in this situation." 65 "Expert Poor Odds Attacker" "He is expert at attacking when outnumbered. +2 to Command in this situation." 66 "Superb Poor Odds Attacker" "He is a specialist in attacking when outnumbered. +2 to Command in this situation." 67 "Skilled Poor Odds Defender" "He is a specialist in defending when outnumbered more than 2 to 1. +1 to Command in this situation." 68 "Skilled Poor Odds Defender" "He is a specialist in defending when outnumbered more than 2 to 1. +2 to Command in this situation." 69 "Skilled Poor Odds Defender" "He is a specialist in defending when outnumbered more than 2 to 1. +3 to Command in this situation." 70 "Weak Attacker" "He does not like taking risks, which make his attacks predictable. -1 Command when attacking." 71 "Poor Attacker" "He hates taking risks, and is right to do so as when he does it does not often go well. -2 Command when attacking." 72 "Bad Attacker" "When attacking, all reason seems to escape him. His enemies are often confused by his tactics, regularly talking of them during their victory celebrations. -3 to Command when attacking." 73 "Weak Defender" "The rigid discipline and attention to detail required to effectively defend on the battlefield are not his strong points. -1 Command when defending." 74 "Poor Defender" "He is impetuous and impatient, often throwing away the advantage and taking the battle to the enemy. -2 Command when defending." 75 "Bad Defender" "He is incapable of sitting and waiting for the enemy to come to him. Attack is not always the best form of defence. -3 Command when defending." 76 "Weak Sieger" "He lacks the discipline required to conduct a siege well. +1 year to siege length" 77 "Poor Sieger" "He lacks the skills and discipline required to make sieges come to a swift conclusion. +2 years to siege length" 78 "Bad Sieger" "He is not cut out for sitting around sieging castles. +3 years to siege length" 79 "Weak Siege Defender" "He is not good at organising effective resistance to siege. -1 year to siege duration" 80 "Poor Siege Defender" "He is poor at organising effective resistance to siege. -2 years to siege duration" 81 "Bad Siege Defender" "He is very bad at organising effective resistance to siege. -3 years to siege duration" 82 "Poor Attacking Against the Odds" "He is not at his best when attacking numerically superior foes. -1 Command in this situation" 83 "Bad Attacking Against the Odds" "He is particularly bad at attacking stronger foes. -2 Command in this situation" 84 "Awful Attacking Against the Odds" "Attacking against the odds is always difficult, be he manages to make it a disaster almost every time. -3 Command in this situation." 85 "Weak Defending Against the Odds" "He does not perform well when defending against a superior force. -1 Command in this situation." 86 "Poor Defending Against the Odds" "He seems to always make mistakes when defending against a superior force. -2 Command in this situation." 87 "Bad Defending Against the Odds" "He makes hideous errors when defending against a superior force. -3 Command in this situation." 88 "Eager to Retreat" "He has a reputation for being very quick to decide retreat is the best strategy, perhaps because he is always put in difficult positions. -1 Loyalty, -2 Morale" 89 "Retreats often" "He seems to always be retreating, perhaps because he's always given impossible positions to defend. -1 Loyalty, -4 Morale" 90 "Retreats Very Often" "He retreats very regularly, perhaps because it's the only thing to do, but his men don't think so. -3 Loyalty, -6 Morale" 91 "Hesitant" "He has been known to call off attacks at the last minute, perhaps because ordered to. His men do not like this. -1 Loyalty, -2 Morale" 92 "Indecisive" "He often calls off attacks at the last minute, perhaps because ordered to. His men hate this. -2 Loyalty, -4 Morale" 93 "Vacillator" "He often finds himself ordered to abort attacks at the last minute. He hates this, and his men hate it more. -3 Loyalty, -6 Morale" 94 "Scant Mercy" "He has killed prisoners without hesitation when it looked like the battle might go against him. +1 Dread" 95 "No Mercy" "He shows no mercy and has killed many prisoners, but is possibly too eager to do so, which deprives his men of their share of the ransom. +2 Dread, -1 Morale" 96 "Merciless" "He has a reputation for killing prisoners even when there is no danger of losing the battle. His men hate this as a great deal of potential ransom money has been missed. +2 Dread, -2 Morale" 97 "Secret Blood Lover" "He kills prisoners even when it is not necessary, which causes discontent amongst his men. He secretly indulges his passion for blood, personally executing many captives. +3 Dread" 98 "Blood Lover" "It has become known that he kills prisoners for his own pleasure, denying his men their share of the ransom. +3 Dread, -3 Morale, -2 Piety" 99 "Butcher" "He is famous for the massacre of thousands of prisoners in a single battle. Few can match the horror of this deed. +2 Dread" 100 "Occasional Mercy" "He has shown mercy to captured rebels which has made him popular. +1 Happiness" 101 "Frequent Mercy" "He is known for showing mercy to captured rebels. +2 Happiness, -1 Dread" 102 "Merciful" "He is indeed merciful when dealing with captured rebels. +2 Happiness, -2 Dread" 103 "Most Merciful" "He is famous for showing mercy to captured rebels. +2 Happiness, -3 Dread" 104 "Swift Justice" "He has been known to execute every last rebel captured as an example to others. +1 Dread" 105 "Secret Rough Justice" "When suppressing rebellions, he secretly includes otherwise innocent petty enemies in the list of those to be arrested and executed. +1 Dread" 106 "Rough Justice" "When suppressing rebellions, he includes otherwise innocent petty enemies in the list of those to be arrested and executed. No one dares speak out against this. +2 Dread, -1 Happiness" 107 "Tough Justice" "He is draconian in his measures when suppressing rebellions, executing everyone involved and many innocents around him. No one is safe. +3 Dread, -1 Happiness" 108 "Secret Random Justice" "He has given up any pretence of justice when dealing with rebels, executing all those captured and randomly selecting other victims by rolling dice. So far no-one has noticed. +3 Dread, -2 Happiness" 109 "Random Justice" "Everyone now knows there is no justice in his rule. His methods for selecting who is accused of treason and executed are entirely random. The people hate him. +3 Dread, -5 Happiness" 110 "Authoritarian" "He is quick to use his power to enforce his commands, and brooks no disobedience. +1 Dread" 111 "Autocrat" "He is firmly in control, and takes measures to ensure his commands are obeyed without question or dissent. +2 Dread" 112 "Secret Tyrant" "He values obedience and his own opinions above all else, and will not tolerate any dissenters, sometimes resorting to assassination to remove them. +2 Dread" 113 "Tyrant" "He insists on complete obedience and has been known to have people who oppose him killed. Not a man to be argued with. +3 Dread - 2 Happiness" 114 "Despot" "He treats his advisors and opponents alike with brutal force. All who oppose him and many who he just doesn't like are arrested, imprisoned or assassinated. He is not popular. +4 Dread, -4 Happiness" 115 "Man of Principle" "He is not easily tempted to betray his principles for money. But everyone has their price. +50% to cost to bribe." 116 "Man of Honour" "He believes in loyalty and honour, and is very unlikely to accept any but the most outrageous of bribes. +100% to cost to bribe." 117 "Unbribable" "He is that rarest of things, an honest man. He cannot be bribed for less than a king's ransom. +200% to cost to bribe." 118 "Weak Principles" "He is not a man of strong principles and is easy to tempt. -20% to Bribery cost" 119 "Moral Flexibility" "He believes loyalty is a relative concept. Relative to the amount of money being offered. -30% to Bribery cost" 120 "No Principles" "He is entirely motivated by money, as his Grandmother will attest. -50% to Bribery cost" 121 "Builder" "His extensive program of building has brought prosperity to the people. +1 Happiness in all provinces" 122 "Great Builder" "His extensive program of building has brought prosperity to the people, and to the nobility. +1 Happiness in all provinces, +1 Loyalty to all Generals" 123 "Magnificent Builder" "His long and extensive program of building has caused a huge advance in the quality of life of the people and the prosperity of the nobility. +1 Happiness in all provinces, +2 Loyalty to all Generals" 124 "Steward" "His extensive program of developing farmlands has brought prosperity to the ordinary people and his regular attention to farming matters has increased agricultural output across the realm. +1 Happiness in all provinces, +10% to all agricultural production." 125 "Great Steward" "His extensive program of developing farmlands has brought prosperity to the ordinary people and his constant attention to farming matters has greatly increased agricultural output across the realm. +1 Happiness in all provinces, +20% to all agricultural production." 126 "Magnificent Steward" "His extraordinary program of developing farmlands has brought prosperity to the countryside and his agricultural policies have vastly increased agricultural output across the realm. +1 Happiness in all provinces, +30% to all agricultural production." 127 "Poor Steward" "He finds agricultural and estate management matters dull and pays them little attention. It is causing poverty in his estates. -1 Happiness, -10% Agricultural output." 128 "Bad Steward" "He neglects his duty to manage his estates well, causing poverty and discontent. -1 Happiness, -10% Agricultural output." 129 "Absentee Landlord" "He pays no attention whatsoever to his estates, leaving corrupt and incompetent lackeys to do this for him. It is causing widespread hunger and much discontent. -2 Happiness, -30% Agricultural output" 130 "Trader" "His policies have encouraged trade, bringing prosperity to the townsfolk and increasing trade income across the realm. +1 Happiness in all provinces, +10% to all trade income." 131 "Great Trader" "His policies have greatly encouraged trade in all provinces, bringing prosperity to the townsfolk and increasing trade income across the realm. +1 Happiness in all provinces, +20% to all trade income." 132 "Magnificent Trader" "His policies have created a trading boom, bringing wealth to many towns and greatly increasing trade income across the realm. +1 Happiness in all provinces, +30% to all trade income." 133 "Secret Dubious Accounting" "He secretly misappropriates a small portion of local taxes for his own use. -10% Agricultural output, -10% Trade Income" 134 "Dubious Accounting" "It is widely known that he misappropriates a small portion of local taxes for his own use. -10% Agricultural output, -10% Trade Income, -1 Happiness" 135 "Secret Embezzler" "Given the opportunity he embezzles a significant portion of local taxes. The full extent of his activities is not widely known. -20% Agricultural output, -20% Trade Income, -1 Happiness" 136 "Embezzler" "It is widely known that when governing he misappropriates a large portion of the funds under his control, to the detriment of the local economy. -20% Agricultural output, -20% Trade Income, -2 Happiness" 137 "Secret Kleptocracy" "When governing his whole administration is geared towards misappropriating as much cash as possible. It ruins the local economy. Everyone is aware of this, but no-one realises its full extent. -30% Agricultural output, -30% Trade Income, -2 Happiness" "Kleptocracy" "When governing his whole administration is geared towards misappropriating as much cash as possible. It ruins the local economy. Everyone is aware of this. -30% Agricultural output, -30% Trade Income, -3 Happiness" 138 "Outlaw" "He abuses his position to rob and cheat honest traders and merchants, taking goods and money with menaces. He has so far managed to hide his involvement in this thievery. -10% Agricultural output and -10% Trade Income." 139 "Brigand and Thief" "His position is a hollow sham to protect the widespread thievery he controls and encourages. Little is safe from his thievery, and his subjects know it. -10% Agricultural output, -10% Trade Income, and -2 Happiness." 140 "'Informal' Merchant" "He sees nothing wrong with indulging in trade that does not pay the necessary duties and taxes, always assuming that he is enriched in the process! -10% Agricultural output, -20% Trade Income. 141 "Smuggler" "He has little regard for the need to formally control trade, preferring instead to fill his own purse with the taxes that would be paid by more honest and regular merchants. -10% Agricultural output, -20% Trade Income." 142 "Connoisseur" "He enjoys life's little luxuries, and if these cost money, that's just too bad - regardless of whose money is actually being spent! -10% Agricultural output, -10% Trade Income." 143 "Pleasure Seeker" "Life's more expensive luxuries - the best of everything - are important to him, and if these are expensive, that's hardly his problem! -15% Agricultural output, -15% Trade Income." 144 "Voluptuary" "His existence is largely given over to the pursuit of his personal pleasures. There are few limits on the amount of money he will spend in this pursuit. -20% Agricultural output, -20% Trade Income." 145 "Utter Sybarite" "His quest for luxury, pleasure and sensual gratification drives his entire being. Only the very best, at whatever price, will do for his refined - or jaded - tastes. -25% Agricultural output, -25% Trade Income." 146 "Family Favourites" "While pretending that he chooses servants and aides by merit, he favours relatives on every possible occasion. Their poor abilities are less important to him than kinship. -20% Agricultural output, -10% Trade Income." 147 "Family Above All" "He shows loyalty to his family at all times. He gives them employment even when it is obvious that they are without talent and actually harmful. -20% Agricultural output, -10% Trade Income. 148 "Artistic Leanings" "While he recognizes that art is worthwhile, his tastes are not yet fully defined. He is confident when commissioning new works for his enjoyment. -5% Agricultural output, -5% Trade Income." 149 "Art Lover" "He believes that Great Art is worthy of support and encouragement wherever it is found. He has the confidence to spend money well, on the work of the very best artists. -10% Agricultural output, -10% Trade Income." 150 "Artistic Temperament" "While he would never publicly admit to it, his tastes in art are refined and precise. This interest is an expensive obsession. -20% Agricultural output, -20% Trade Income." 151 "Connoisseur of Art" "He has a finely developed taste in artwork, sculpture and architecture, and this helps encourage artists and artisans achieve truly great works. -20% Agricultural output, -20% Trade Income." 152 "Religious Leanings" "He has deep religious feelings that inform his every decision, regardless of whether or not the matter in hand is one of Faith. -10% Agricultural output, -10% Trade Income." 153 "Man of Heartfelt Faith" "His religion is important to him, perhaps more important than any secular duty, and properly takes precedence over other matters. -10% Agricultural output, -10% Trade Income." 154 "Deep Religious Urges" "His religious leanings are central to his character, and his faith leads him to support (financially and practically) religious authorities at all times. -15% Agricultural output, -15% Trade Income." 155 "Man of Abiding Belief" "Faith in God is a central feature of his life, and this informs his every choice. All other matters are secondary to his proper desire to help and support religious authorities. -15% Agricultural output, -15% Trade Income." 156 "Religious Compulsions" "His Faith is the overwhelming centre of his life. He has a driven need to support his beliefs in financial and practical ways, no matter what the cost. -20% Agricultural output, -20% Trade Income." 157 "Man of Deep Devotion" "His deep faith in the rightness religious authority has no boundaries. Quite rightly, it guides and moulds his every action, making him regard secular matters with proper disdain. -20% Agricultural output, -20% Trade Income." 158 "Publicly Generous" "He has the occasional desire to help his fellow man, always providing that his fellow man is worthy of the help! -5% Agricultural output, -5% Trade Income." 159 "Compulsively Charitable" "He has a deep need to do good works. Often this need overrides financial reality, and causes problems. -10% Agricultural output, -10% Trade Income." 160 "Generous To A Fault" "His generosity towards his fellow human beings has few bounds, and his natural nobility of spirit further encourages his charity. -10% Agricultural output, -10% Trade Income." 161 "Stupidly Charitable" "His need to do good works is a compulsion, and one that allows scant attention to fiscal reality! -20% Agricultural output, -20% Trade Income." 162 "Remarkably Generous" "His good works are legendary and his charitable nature makes him carry all such projects to a conclusion, regardless of petty matters like cost! -20% Agricultural output, -20% Trade Income." 163 "Philosophically Inclined" "He has an interest in matters of philosophy, and a desire to apply classical, rational ideas to all things. -5% Agricultural output, -5% Trade Income." 164 "Philosophical Bent" "His interests in philosophy go beyond the merely casual. He has studied, and now applies the fruits of his abstract studies to his practical duties. -10% Agricultural output, -10% Trade Income." 165 "Deep Thinker" "His is a more than passing acquaintance with the works of classical scholars, making him a properly educated, if sometimes impractical man. -10% Agricultural output, -10% Trade Income." 166 "Head In The Clouds" "His abiding and excessive interest in classical scholarship leads him to neglect his day-to-day duties. -20% Agricultural output, -20% Trade Income." 167 "Natural Philosopher" "His understanding of classical scholarship and current philosophical discussions is superb. His learning is exceptional, if sometimes impractical to his less erudite contemporaries! -20% Agricultural output, -20% Trade Income." 168 "Exclusive Trader" "He has a desire to be the best, if not only with mercantile power where he holds authority. Others wishing to trade are discouraged by whatever means necessary. -20% Trade Income." 169 "Dominant Trader" "He has a desire to be the sole trading power in his domain. No competitors can be allowed to flourish. -30% Trade Income." 170 "Monopoly Trader" "His need to completely dominate and control all trade is absolute. As far as he is concerned, no one else can be allowed to succeed in a trading enterprise. -40% Trade Income." 171 "Gambler" "He enjoys gambling, and will wager on the outcome of almost any chance event. For him, the money at stake is less important than the thrill. -10% Agricultural output, -10% Trade Income." 172 "Secret Gambler" "His gambling is getting out of hand, although so far he has managed to hide this from others. Few wagers are too trivial or stakes too large for him to resist. -15% Agricultural output, -15% Trade Income." 173 "Heavy Gambler" "Gambling is an obsession for this man. He enjoys staking large sums of money - from whatever source - in games of chance. Winning is an occasional pleasure for him. -15% Agricultural output, -15% Trade Income." 174 "Compulsive Gambler" "Although he manages to keep it quiet, his gambling is completely out of hand. Any money to which he has access will be rashly gambled away. -20% Agricultural output, -20% Trade Income." 175 "Degenerate Gambler" "He will wager on anything. Winning is secondary to the thrill of betting, although there is always the chance that this time he will win... -20% Agricultural output, -20% Trade Income." 176 "Administratively Greedy" "When he is involved in any activity, money usually changes hands and often ends up in his purse. -10% Agricultural output, -10% Trade Income." 177 "Corrupt" "He has a certain flexibility, and often accepts small bribes to speed up the carrying out of his duties. -10% Agricultural output, -10% Trade Income." 178 "Properly Greased Palms" "His attitude to his duties is simple: little will happen without the proper payments to grease the wheels of administration. -15% Agricultural output, -15% Trade Income." 179 "Foully Corrupt" "He sees corruption as a necessary evil, and forces himself to accept bribes when carrying out duties he should be doing anyway. He does little without an extra payment from somebody. -15% Agricultural output, -15% Trade Income." 180 "Venal" "He sees money, especially other people's money, as the essential lubricant in getting things done. Wealth flows into his purse merely for carrying out his obligations. -20% Agricultural output, -20% Trade Income." 181 "Utterly Corrupt" "He sees extra payments for doing his duties as his proper right and due for the responsibility he carries. He will do nothing without money going into his purse. -20% Agricultural output, -20% Trade Income." 182 "Fervent" "He applies religious doctrine to the way he lives his life and the way he governs. +1 Piety, +1 Zeal when Governing" 183 "Zealot" "He follows religious doctrine to the letter, and encourages those under his control to do likewise. +2 Zeal when Governing" 184 "True Zealot" "He follows religious doctrine to the letter, and uses his position to force others to do likewise. +3 Zeal when Governing" 185 "Secret Fanatic" "He follows religious doctrine to the letter, and when governing secretly misuses his position to eliminate heretics. +3 Zeal when Governing" 186 "Fanatic" "He follows religious doctrine to the letter, arresting and executing any he judges to be heretics. +4 Zeal when Governing, +1 Dread" 187 "Believer" "He is a true believer. +1 Piety" 188 "Devout" "He is a devout believer, and acts in accordance with his beliefs. +2 Piety" 189 "Pious" "He applies his strong religious principles to everything he does. +3 Piety" 190 "Truly Pious" "He applies his strong religious principles to everything he does, and surrounds himself with like minded people. +4 Piety" 191 "Eloquent" "He has a gift for being able to talk himself out of any difficulty, making it hard to fault his religious views, and making him a persuasive administrator. +1 Piety, +1 Acumen" 192 "Most Eloquent" "He has a gift for being able to talk himself out of any difficulty, making it almost impossible to fault his religious views, and making him a most persuasive administrator. +2 Piety, +2 Acumen" 193 "Secret Blackmailer" "He has a habit of using blackmail against his political enemies. Only the victims are aware of this, and they're not talking." 194 "Blackmailer" "He has been caught blackmailing a senior official, and fined a large sum. He is most unhappy about this and seeks revenge. -3 Loyalty" 195 "Secret Heretic" "He is a committed heretic, but has managed to conceal this so far." 196 "Heretic" "It has become widely know that he is a heretic. -5 Piety" 197 "Secret Atheist" "He just does not believe. He has succeeded in hiding it so far, but his passion for rational debate puts him in danger." 198 "Atheist" "He has been exposed as a non-believer in a world ruled by the Devout. It will be hard for him. -8 Piety" 199 "Honest" "He is basically an honest man. +1 Loyalty" 200 "Very Honest" "He is an honest man, and this makes him a popular leader. +1 Loyalty, +1 Morale" 201 "Most Honest" "He values honesty above all else, making him a popular leader, but he has scruples when it comes to business matters. +2 Loyalty, +1 Morale, -1 Acumen" 202 "Loyal" "His natural instinct is to be loyal. +1 Loyalty" 203 "Very Loyal" "He is very loyal, putting duty before personal gain. +2 Loyalty" 204 "Most Loyal" "He values loyalty above all else, but can be violently intolerant of lack of loyalty in others. +3 Loyalty, +1 Dread" 205 "Educated" "He has a good education, having a basic understanding of philosophy, theology, and the classics. +1 Acumen" 206 "Well Educated" "His good education makes him open-minded and adaptable. +1 Acumen, +1 Command" 207 "Highly Educated" "His excellent education makes him a good administrator and a fine leader, but he questions things just a little too much. +1 Acumen, +1 Command, -1 Piety" 208 "Charitable" "He believes it is his duty to make some effort to help the poor. +1 Happiness" 209 "Very Charitable" "He devotes some of his wealth to helping the poor. +1 Happiness, +1 Piety" 210 "Most Charitable" "He devotes a large portion of his wealth to good works, and encourages other to do similarly. +2 Happiness, +1 Piety" 211 "Drinker" "He enjoys drinking slightly more than is wise. Most things can wait until he sobers up. Battles cannot. -1 Command" 212 "Often Drunk" "He drinks too much and is often drunk, neglecting his duties. -1 Command, -1 Acumen" 213 "Always Drunk" "He drinks constantly and is very often drunk. Needless to say, this affects his ability to command. -2 Command, -1 Acumen" 214 "Alcoholic" "He engages in epic bouts of drinking lasting days at a time, punctuated by deep depressions and sudden violence. -3 Command, -2 Acumen, +1 Dread" 215 "Severe Alcoholic" "He is a legendary drunk, and his retainers now perform the majority of his duties. -2 Command, -2 Acumen, -10 Health" 216 "Drinking himself to Death" "He is mostly bedridden, but occasionally his retainers strap him to his horse and lead him out. His retainers are fairly competent now at making decisions for him. -20 Health" 217 "Hedonist" "He devotes much of his time to good food and other pleasures of the flesh. He is a little overweight. -1 Valour" 218 "Sybarite" "He enjoys luxury. Good food, fine wine, and fairly outrageous displays of wealth take their toll on his fitness. -2 Valour" 219 "Secret Gluttony" "He secretly binges on luxury foods, spending vast fortunes on rare delicacies while his peasants starve. He is becoming vastly overweight, which seriously affects his combat ability. -3 Valour" 220 "Gluttony" "He binges on luxury foods, spending vast fortunes on rare delicacies and huge feasts, while his peasants starve. They resent this greatly. He is so overweight he can hardly mount his horse. -4 Valour, -1 Happiness" 221 "Materialist" "He is motivated by material wealth, spending much of his efforts on acquiring more of it. +1 Acumen" 222 "Greed" "His desire for wealth makes him an unpopular master, as he squeezes every last florin out of his lands. +1 Acumen, -1 Happiness" 223 "Secret Avarice" "In his endless quest for riches, he secretly engages in complex plots to divest his subordinates of some of theirs. Some would call it fraud. +2 Acumen, -1 Happiness" 224 "Avarice" "His various dubious enterprises to make money at the expense of his subordinates have been exposed. +2 Acumen, -4 Happiness" 225 "Ambitious" "He seeks power and glory, and focuses much effort on political intrigue to achieve this. +1 Dread, -1 Loyalty" 226 "Secret Envy" "He so passionately wants power and glory, he cannot stand to see others enjoying it. He secretly engages spies and assassins to plot against them. +1 Dread, -2 Loyalty" 227 "Envy" "He so passionately wants power and glory, he cannot stand to see others enjoying it. He has been caught engaging spies and assassins to plot against them. +2 Dread, -3 Loyalty" 228 "Secret Perversion" "His preference is for young boys rather than young women. He has managed to keep this a secret so far." 229 "Perversion" "His preference for young boys rather than young women has been exposed. -4 Piety." 230 "Secret Adultery" "He has been having an adulterous affair with another noble's wife. They have been fortunate to keep this secret so far." 231 "Adultery" "Rumours have spread about his adulterous affair with another noble's wife. -2 Piety" 232 "Secret Pride" "He cannot admit being wrong, and has killed members of his staff who had the talent to prove him wrong. It does however give him great confidence in personal combat. -1 Command, +3 Valour." 233 "Pride" "His habit of killing staff members who prove him wrong is now widely known. He finds it impossible to get good staff. However, his legendary pride does make him formidable in combat. -2 Command, -2 Acumen, +3 Valour" 234 "Lazy" "He suffers from sloth, finding it difficult to attend to his duties. -1 Command, -1 Acumen" 235 "Very Lazy" "He is a master of sloth and procrastination, being most creative in devising excuses for putting off hard work. -2 Command, -2 Acumen" 236 "Irritable" "He is quick to anger, and slow to forget a grudge. +1 Dread" 237 "Argumentative" "He argues fiercely, often shouting and remonstrating wildly. His anger rises swiftly, simmers briefly, and then pours out in a torrent of violence. Useful on the battlefield. +1 Dread, +2 Valour" 238 "Secret Bad Temper" "He cannot control his temper. More than once a minor argument has ended with the red mist descending and his opponent moments later lying on the floor in a pool of his own blood. So far such incidents have been hushed up. +1 Dread, +2 Valour" 239 "Murderous Temper" "His murderous temper has been exposed. He could not cover up the death of an unarmed priest who disagreed with his choice of wine. +2 Dread, -2 Piety" 240 "Secret Incest" "He has an incestuous relationship with his daughter. If this were to become known the priests would be outraged." 241 "Incest" "He has an incestuous relationship with his daughter and this has become public knowledge. The priests are outraged with this and have demanded that action be taken (Thanks to <><><><><><><><><><><><><><> 11.0 Legal Information (Read)! <><><><><><><><><><><><><><> About the legal stuff, I do not want this FAQ formatted in a different way. No one should use this FAQ on any other site without my permission. If you are interested in this please e-mail me. Thanks for your time and please follow the rules. Sites allowed to use this: <><><><><><><><><><><><><><> 12.0 Credits <><><><><><><><><><><><><><> I would like to thank... -CjayC for hosting the one and only GOOD gaming sight. Nice job Jeff. -Daevy11 for the Danes FAQ. -You for reading this. for tips. You can be added if you e-mail me a tip, trick, or secret etc. E-mail: bjsalari[at]hotmail[dot]com Last Words: I hope that this helps you out. Thanks for all your support. E-mail me with questions and comments. If you like this FAQ please rate it. Thanks again and anyone intested in this please ask me first. ******************************************************************************* ******************************************************************************* ******************************************************************************* ******************************************************************************* *******************************End Of Document********************************* ******************************************************************************* ******************************************************************************* ******************************************************************************* *******************************************************************************