=============================================================================== FAQ/Walkthrough for KING'S QUEST I: QUEST FOR THE CROWN =============================================================================== ___________________ | GUIDE INFORMATION | оооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооо AUTHOR : Tom Hayes E-MAIL : tomhayes83(at)hotmail(dot)com SYSTEM : PC UPDATED : 22nd May, 2004 VERSION : 2.0 __________ | CONTENTS | оооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооо 1. Introduction 2. Walkthrough 3. Item List 4. Point List 5. Frequently Asked Questions 6. Copyright Information _________________ | VERSION HISTORY | оооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооо VERSION 2.0 : 22nd May, 2004 Updated the format. VERSION 1.0 : 24th March, 2000 First version. =============================================================================== 1. Introduction =============================================================================== King's Quest I is the first in a series of eight adventure games for the PC. In this game, Graham travels to the land of Daventry to meet the king, who gives him a quest to find three golden treasures. These are hidden in various dangerous places of the land, like the golden mirror near the dragon at the bottom of the well, or the golden chest in a magical land on top of the clouds where a ferocious giant walks. Like in most of Sierra's early adventures, a typing interface is used. The arrow keys move Graham to different points on screen, while verbs can be typed to interact with the surroundings. For example, "Look" would give a description of the area, while "Get (objectname)" would get the specified object on screen and add it to the item list, also known as the inventory. Overall, this is a good game which features a huge amount of locations to explore. =============================================================================== 2. Walkthrough =============================================================================== You start the game in an area near the castle. Cross the bridge and walk up to the doors of the castle. "Open doors". North. West. Walk up to the start of the steps. "Bow to king". "Talk king". East. South. South. West. Go behind the rock and type "push rock". "Get dagger". North. "Climb tree". Walk along the branch of the tree to the nest. "Get egg". Climb down from the tree. West. West. "Cut rope". Walk to the top-right corner of the well and "lower rope". "Climb rope". Climb down into the well. Climb down to the bottom of the rope and Graham will fall into the water. "Dive". Swim into the hole at the bottom-left corner of this area, and you should arrive in the cave of a dragon. Exit the cave to refill the bucket, and then enter the cave again. Walk close to the dragon, and type "throw water". "Get mirror". Walk into the water to refill the bucket, and then enter the cave again. West. West. South. South. "Look in stump". "Get pouch". "Open pouch". West. North. North. West. Walk over to the four-leaf clover. "Get clover". South. A fairy should show up and give you a spell that will protect you. West. Walk onto the garden. "Get carrot". North. North. West. "Get bowl". "Read bowl". West. "Get walnut". "Open walnut". North. East. "Get pebbles". North. West. West. West. Enter the house. "Give bowl". "Fill". "Get fiddle". Exit the house. South. South. "Eat house". "Open door". Enter the bedroom and wait for the witch to enter the house and move to the stove. Walk up to the witch, and type "push witch". "Open cupboard". "Get cheese". "Get note". "Read note". Exit the house. West. South. South. "Open gate". Walk near the goat and type "show carrot". Exit the pen, and the goat should be following. South. South. South. West. Start to cross the bridge and the goat will hit the troll out of the way. West. "Talk gnome". He will ask you to guess his name. "Ifnkovhgroghprm". "Get beans". East. East. "Plant beans". A huge beanstalk will grow from the ground. "Climb beanstalk". Up. Up. Up. Walk east along the clouds. East. South. East. East. "Look in hole". "Get sling". North. West. Try and get the giant caught behind the tree so that he can no longer follow you. Wait behind the tree until the giant falls asleep. "Get chest". East. Enter the cave and walk down all of the steps to the exit. East. Wait for the elf to appear. "Talk elf". North. East. East. South. East. East. Wait until the bird appears. Walk behind the rock on the east side of this area, and type "jump" when the bird is flying above Graham. The bird will take you to a new location. West. "Get mushroom". East. Fall down the hole. South. West. Walk close to the rat and type "give cheese to rat". "Open door". "Play fiddle". South. "Get sceptre". "Get shield". West. "Eat mushroom". Go through the hole. East. North. North. East. "Open door". North. West. "Bow" to complete the game. =============================================================================== 3. Item List =============================================================================== BEANS The gnome will give Graham the beans after he guesses his name. They are used to grow the beanstalk. BOWL The bowl is found two screens north and one screen west from the garden. It is given to the people in the old house for the fiddle. CARROT The carrot is found in the garden. It is shown to the goat in the pen. CHEESE The cheese is found in the cupboard in the witch's house. It is given to the rat. CHEST The chest is found in the area with the giant. It is not used. CLOVER The clover is found one screen north-east from the garden. It is not used. DAGGER The dagger is found under the rock west of the castle. It is used to cut the rope of the well. EGG The egg is found up the tree north-west of the castle. It is not used. FIDDLE The people in the old house will give Graham the fiddle for the bowl. It is played in the room after the rat. MIRROR The mirror is found behind the dragon in the well. It is not used. MUSHROOM The bird will drop Graham one screen east from the mushroom. It is eaten to walk through the hole near the castle. NOTE The note is found in the witch's house. It is not used. PEBBLES The pebbles are found one area north-east from the walnut. They are not used. POUCH The pouch is found in the stump two screens south-west from the well. It is not used. SCEPTRE The sceptre is found in the room after the rat. It is not used. SHIELD The shield is found in the room after the rat. It is not used. SLING The sling is found in the hole in the tree near the giant. It can be used to defeat the giant. WALNUT The walnut is found two screens north-west from the garden. It is not used. =============================================================================== 4. Point List =============================================================================== ____________ | 158 POINTS | оооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооо 1 : Open the doors to the castle. 3 : Bow to the king in the castle. 2 : Push the rock from the north side. 5 : Get the dagger from the hole. 2 : Climb the tree. 6 : Get the egg from the nest. 2 : Cut the rope at the well. 1 : Climb down the rope into the well. 4 : Dive into the water at the bottom of the well. 1 : Swim into the hole. 2 : Go back to the water and refill the bucket. 5 : Throw water at the dragon. 2 : Go back to the water and refill the bucket. 8 : Get the mirror from the dragon's cave. 1 : Look in the stump. 3 : Get the pouch from the stump. 3 : Open the pouch. 2 : Get the clover. 2 : Get the carrot from the garden. 3 : Get the bowl. 1 : Read the bowl. 3 : Get the walnut. 3 : Open the walnut. 1 : Get the pebbles. 3 : Give the bowl to the people in the house. 3 : Get the fiddle. 2 : Eat the witch's house. 7 : Push the witch. 2 : Open the cupboard. 2 : Get the cheese from the cupboard. 2 : Get the note. 1 : Read the note. 5 : Show the carrot to the goat. 4 : Use the goat on the troll. 5 : Say "ifnkovhghprm" to the gnome. 4 : Get the beans. 2 : Plant the beans to make the beanstalk grow. 2 : Get the sling on top of the clouds. 7 : Wait until the giant falls asleep. 8 : Get the chest near the giant. 3 : Talk to the elf. 3 : Grab onto the bird. 1 : Get the mushroom. 2 : Give the cheese to the rat. 3 : Play the fiddle. 6 : Get the sceptre. 8 : Get the shield. 2 : Eat the mushroom. 1 : Go through the hole. 1 : Open the doors to the castle. 3 : Bow to the king in the castle. =============================================================================== 5. Frequently Asked Questions =============================================================================== Q. I've arrived at an area with a giant. Should I use the sling on him, or wait until he falls asleep? A. While you can use the sling on the giant, you won't get as many points for it. The best way to defeat the giant is to make him fall asleep by getting him caught behind the tree. Q. I'm in the area with the bird, but it doesn't seem to be taking me to a new location. What should I do? A. Make sure you "jump" when Graham is standing directly under the bird. Q. How do I walk down the steps after defeating the giant? A. Although it can be done with the arrow keys, it's much easier to do by turning num lock off and using the 1, 3, 7 and 9 keys to walk diagonally down the steps. =============================================================================== 6. Copyright Information =============================================================================== This document is Copyright 2000-2004 Tom Hayes. It is not to be distributed in any form without the permission of the author. The author of this document is not affiliated with the creators of this game in any way. The latest version of this document can be found at www.gamefaqs.com.