Enter !when all else fails... , to activate the Cheats !A BETTER TOMORROW a mutated weapon !ACME DISCS mines !ALUMINIUM FOIL armor !ARMAGEDDON total destruction! !BEAUTIFUL NIKITA unlimited ammo for sniper gun !DOCTOR DOCTOR max. health !FOURTH OF JULY M80 !GERONIMO! 12 free air strikes !GNOMISH INVENTIONS bombs !GOD OF GAMBLERS a randomize thins !I GIVE UP restarte the mission !I HAVE A ROCK unlimited grenades !JUMPJETS teleport the Sarge !METAL SHEETING grey uniform !NIGHT OF WALKING DEAD All enemies mutate to ghouls !NINJA ARTS stealth for the sarge !NO ROCKET LAUNCHER unlimted ammo for a rocket launcher +a rocket launcher !PAPER DOLLS paratrooper !PATTON'S SPEACH motivation for the troops !PHOENIX! burning man !POOPER SCOOPER mine eliminator !ROACH SPRAY unlimited Can O Fire !RUBY RAY unlimited view through the binoculars !SANTINI god-mode !SHRINK WRAP camouflage suit !SMORFS blue uniform !SPIDEY SENSES TINGLING you can see all enemies on the map !SUICIDE KINGS the Sarge dies !SURPRISE PARTY many enemies attack you !VENI VIDI VICI mission completed !VILLAGE PEOPLE flamethrower with unlimited ammo !WATCHTOWER IN THE SKY air discovery translated by: Adrian Dahmen, Karlsruhe tOPz@dlh.net Stefan Laubel, Karlsruhe deurges@gmx.net