Ape Monster: To get the ape you need a magic banana which can be found in an adventure with Karn in the jungle. In the jungle, look for the place where the kings once lived. Have your monster check it out and eventually you'll find the banana. Once you have it you now need to have two spoiled monsters. The easiest way to spoil them is give them meat each month and let them rest all month. After you've spoiled two of them, freeze them both, the combine them with the magic banana. It will say the combination will creatan Asfar or a Boxer, but because of the magic bannana it will create an ape. Be warned: this monster is extremely lazy. Submission: Darksoul Dragon Monster: Work your way up to B class. There is a battle called the Trial Cup in the 4th week of April. There is a dragon at this match. Defeat that dragon and get up to A class as fast as you can. When you get there you should sometime get invited to the August invitational. It is the 4th week of August. Defeat the black dragon in that and recieve the DRAGON TUSK as your prize. Breed the DRAGON TUSK with the DINO-NAGA and NAGA-DINO to get the Dragon Monster. Submission: Weston Vander Kolk (SinglStill@aol.com) Henger Monster: To get HENGER you need to find the 5 DOLL PIECES during the DESERT EXPEDITION. Next,get your monster to A class and you will be invited to the WINTER INVITATIONAL with the DOLL HEAD as the prize. After you win, Tesca will put the 5 pieces together for you and give you the CLAY DOLL. he explains that you need to take an intelligent creature (550-999), along with the CLAY DOLL, to the previously unreadable STONE TABLET in the DESERT EXPEDITION. After reading the TABLET, that monster will have a circular mark on his back. combine that creature, along with any other one and use the CLAY DOLL. HENGER has high STR, SKI, SPD, INT and lives for 6-9 years. Submission: Weston Vander Kolk (SinglStill@aol.com) Magic Monster: First you must find a pure Gali and a pure Monol (this may have you going through a lot of CDs) then combine the two and add the item Old Mirror (which you can get on an expedition with Karn.) The lab man will say this is a bad combination, but go ahead with it. After they are combined, you should get the Magic monster. Submission: Monster Rancher Nya Monster: This is pretty simple to do. You just have to get to about the year 1026, checking the items shop periodically to get him to reveal his new items to you. The sixth or seventh new item he will get is called the cat doll. buy one for 1000G and use that when breeding any two monsters. You will receive the coveted Nya monster. Submission: Ben Greiner Secret Song: Put the CD in your CD player. Skip to track 2 and play it. You will be rewarded with some extremely bizarre music. Submission: Ben Greiner Secrets To A Long Life: There are 2 items found in the game that will increase your monster's life span. the first is the PLANT EGG, found in the jungle expedition, which increases your life span by 1-2 years. the second item is the GOLDEN PEACH, also found in the jungle but can only be found every 10 years, which increases your life span by anywhere from 1-5 years depending on your monster type and how well you've bred him. using a lot of pills/vitamins will cut your monster's life span by anywhere from 1-5 years. The better you treat your monster (give him meat the month of his birthday along with an apple cake, after you win a tourney, etc.) will increase his life span as well. if you combine 2 monsters who have been loaded up on drugs, your new monster will only live about 60-75% of the time he normally would. during your monster's first couple of years, you should only punish him every 3rd time he messes up. After his first couple of years, he should mess up only rarely. Submission: Weston Vander Kolk (SinglStill@aol.com)