Command&Conquer:Red Alert 2 F.A.Q./strategy guide¸ Written by Stoenescu Vlad ( Version 1.3 Contents: 1.Introduction 2.Notes and legal stuff 3.Allied units 4.Soviet units 5.Who's best? 6.Credits ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1.Introduction Please note that this is my first attempt of a F.A.Q., so please excuse some errors.I've started with RA2 (I know it's kind of old) because it is my favorite game and I want to start with what I know best. I will continue with other games like CS or Max Payne, depending on how know I know these games and, sure, what games will appear. So, Red Alert 2, in my opinion, is the best RTS game made in 2001.It's story is based on the Cold War between U.S.A. and USSR in the '50's.The story is a bit changed, the conflict appearing when Enstein invents Chronosphere. In this F.A.Q., you will enconter ranks: 3-very bad,4-bad,7-medium,9-good,10-excellent. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2.Notes and legal stuff In this version, I fixed some errors and added a note for the last Allied mission (READ THIS!!!!). This document is the property of Stoenescu Vlad and it's published only on If you find this on any other site, please let me know at -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ************************************************************************************************** 3.Allied units ************************************************************************************************** +++Infantry+++ a.G.I Cost:200$ Weapons:-Pistols -Machine Gun(deployed) Need(s):Barracks Rank:7 Comments:Much, much better than the soviet counter-part b.Engineer Cost:500$ Weapon(s):- Need(s):Barracks Rank:- Comments:- c.Attack Dog Cost:200$ Weapon(s):Teeth Need(s):Barracks Rank:7 Comments:Excellent on weak infantry (G.I., Conscript), engineers and Yuri d.Rocketeer Cost:600$ Weapon(s):Mini-Pistols Need(s):Barracks, Air Force Command Headquarters Rank:7 Comments:Very good on any infantry, a threath at the begining of the game, but weak on anti-air guns e.Sniper Cost:600$ Weapon(s):Sniper Rifle Need(s):Barracks, Air Force Command Headquarters - playing as Great Britaim Rank:9 Comments:Excelent on any infantry, weak on tanks and structures f.Spy Cost:1000$ Weapon(s):- Need(s):Barracks, Battle Lab Rank:7 Comments:Can provide you with useful things like money, time to destroy SW's, radar sabotages, promotions and hybrid units;dogs can sniff him out g.Tanya Cost:1000$ Weapon(s):-Dual Pistols -C4 Need(s):Barracks, Battle Lab Rank:10 Comments:In my opinion, the best infantry unit of the game:can C4 structures and ships, and a real "butcher" on infantry h.Chrono Leggionaire Cost:1500$ Weapon(s):Neutron Rifle Need(s):Barracks, Battle Lab Rank:10 Comments: Excellent on everything, but can only attack on thing at a time i.Chrono Commando Cost:2000$ Weapon(s):-MP5 -C4 Need(s):Barracks, Battle Lab, Spy infiltrating an allied Battle Lab Rank:10 Comments: A Chrono SEAL.... j.Psi Commando Cost:1000$ Weapon(s):-Mind Control -C4 Need(s):Barracks, Battle Lab, Spy infiltrating a soviet Battle Lab Rank:7 Comments:This unit is Yuri with C4, and nothing more... k.SEAL Cost:- Weapon(s):-Machine Gun -C4 Need(s): You need to play some allied campaigns to have the SEAL Rank:9 Comments:The male version of Tanya, but slower and weaker +++Vehicles+++ a.Grizzly Battle Tank Cost:700$ Weapon(s):105mm Cannon Need(s):War Factory Rank:9 Comments:The basic allied tank, weaker than the soviet one, bur much faster and cheaper b.Chrono Miner Cost:1400$ Weapon(s):- Need(s):War Factory;will be given when any Rafinery is built Rank:- Comments:The advantage of this miner is that it can teleport, the disadvantage is that it collects half less ore than the soviet one c.IFV Cost:600$ Weapon(s):-Hover Missiles -Machine Gun(when G.I., Conscript, SEAL, Tanya, Chrono Commando is inside) -Flak(when Flak Trooper is inside) -Sniper -Electric Bolt (when Tesla Trooper is inside) -Neutron Rifle (when Chrono Legionnaire is inside) -Psionic wave (when Yuri is inside) -Suicide explosion (when Crazy Ivan or Terrorist is inside) -Radiation beam (when Desolator inside) -Repair tool (when Engineer is inside) Need(s):War Factory Rank:7(Hover Missles,Machine Gun,Flak)-9(all other weapons) Comments:Excellent when elite,when high-tech level unit inside and when Sniper inside d.Mirage Tank Cost:1000$ Weapon(s):Flame gun Need(s):War Factory, Battle Lab Rank:9 Comments:Invisible to the enemy (the enemy see's a tree or a bush) and very good on infantry and armor e.Prism Tank Cost:1200$ Weapon(s):Comet laser beam Need(s):War Factory, Battle Lab Rank:7(when single)-10(in group) Comments:My personal favorite unit, the Prism Tank is super-effective on anything when in groups f.Tank Destroyer Cost:900$ Weapon(s):SABOT shells Need(s):War Factory - playing as Germany Rank:9 Comments:Excellent on tanks, weak on structures and infantry g.Harrier Cost:1200$ Weapon(s):Maverick air-to-ground missiles Need(s):Air Force Command Headquarters Rank:9 Comments:Great scout, excellent in groups for destroying everything h.Black Eagle Cost:1200$ Weapon(s):Upgraded Maverick air-to-ground missiles Need(s):Air Force Command Headquarters - playing as Korea Rank:9 Comments:Same as Harrier, but more stronger and powerful i.MCV Cost:3000$ Weapon(s):- Need(s):War Factory, Service Depot (you are given one at the start of the game) Rank:- Comments:Want a second CY?Build one of these! j.Night Hawk Transport Cost:1000$ Weapon(s):Light Cannon Need(s):War Factory Rank:7 Comments:Invisible on radar, can only carry infantry, weak armor and gun k.Amphibious Transport Cost:900$ Weapon(s):- Need(s):Naval yard Rank:- Comments:- l.Destroyer Cost:1000$ Weapon(s):-155mm Cannon -ASW helicopter Need(s):Naval yard Rank:10 Comments:Excellent-heavy armor, heavy gun, heavy damage m.Aegis Cruiser Cost:1200$ Weapon(s):Medusa ground-to-air missles Need(s):Naval yard, Air Force Command Headquarters Rank:10 Comments:This is the most powerful anti-air unit of the game - not any flying thing can escape from it's powerful missles n.Dolphin Cost:500$ Weapon(s):Sonar wave Need(s):Naval yard, Battle Lab Rank:7 Comments:This is unit is fast and cheap, can eliberate a ship from a squid, but it's very weak o.Aircraft Carrier Cost:2000$ (2500$ American Multiplayer Game) Weapon(s):Hornet jet planes Need(s):Naval yard, Battle Lab Rank:9.50 Comments:I am very undecided about the mark, because it's Hornets are very weak and it can't attack an underwatersub; stronger on multiplayer games, playing with America +++Structures+++ Please note that every structure needs the CY. a.CY Cost:3000$ Need(s):MCV Comments:- Power:0 b.Power Plant Cost:800$ Need(s):CY Comments:This Power Plant produces more power than the soviet one, but it costs more Power:200 c.Ore Rafinery Cost:2000$ Need(s):Power Plant Comments:- Power:-50 d.Barracks Cost:500$ Need(s):Power Plant Comments:- Power:-10 e.War factory Cost:2000$ Need(s):Barracks, Ore Rafinery Comments:- Power:-25 f.Air Force Command Headquarters Cost:1000 Need(s):Ore Rafinery Comments:It's the only structure in the game who can produce planes Power:-50 g.Naval Yard Cost:1000$ Need(s):Ore Rafinery Comments:- Power:-25 h.Service Depot Cost:800$ Need(s):War Factory Comments:It can repair all vehicles and remove terror drones from them Power:-25 i.Battle Lab Cost:2000$ Need(s):Air Force Command Headquarters, War Factory Comments:With this structure, you can produce the highest tech-level units of the game Power:-100 j.Ore Purifier Cost:2500$ Need(s):Battle Lab Comments:With this structure, you will get more cash by purifying the collected ore Power:-200 k.Fortress Wall Cost:100$ Need(s):Barracks Comments:These walls are stronger for France in multiplayer Power:0 l.Pill Box Cost:500$ Weapon(s):Semi-automatic rifle Need(s):Barracks Rank:7 Comments:Great on infantry and weak vehicles Power:0 m.Patriot Missile System Cost:1000$ Weapon(s):Patriot Missile Need(s):Barracks Rank:9 Comments: Excellent on any aircraft Power:-50 n.Prism Tower Cost:1500$ Weapon(s):Comet laser beam Need(s):Air Force Command Headquarters Rank:9(single)-10(groups) Comments:In groups of 3 or 4, the Prism Tower can take out any tank with one shot Power:-75 o.Spy Satellite Uplink Cost:1500$ Need(s):Battle Lab Rank:10 Comments:This structure, when powered, enables you to see the hole map Power:-100 p.Gap Generator Cost:1000$ Need(s):Battle Lab Rank:7 Comments:When a Gap Generator is built, it will create a shroud over a wide radius to hide the Allied base from Soviet radar thus enabling the Allies to do whatever they want in secret, without the Soviets knowing. Power:-100 r.Chronosphere Cost:2500$ Super-weapon:time-and-distance-traveling-chrono-sphere Need(s):Battle Lab Rank:9 Comments:"This building will allow a total of nine units (excluding infantry*) to anywhere around the map.Enemy units can also be "transported", such as teleporting enemy ships on land or dropping enemy vehicles in water to destroy them instantly."(Nadia Varkovsky) *The only infantry that can be teleported is the Chrono Legionaire, Chrono Ivan and Chrono Commando. Power:-200 s.Weather Control Device Cost:5000$ Super-weapon:lighting-bolt Need(s):Battle Lab Rank:10 Comments:My personal favorite SW of the game."This structure enables the Allies to gain control over the forces of nature. When activated, it will create a powerful lightning storm, which can be deployed anywhere on the map to cause incredible destruction in a wide radius."(Nadia Varkovsky) Power:-200 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ************************************************************************************ 3.Soviet units ************************************************************************************ +++Infantry+++ a.Conscript Cost:100 Weapon(s):M1Carbine rifle Need(s):Barracks Rank:3 Comments:":)" b.Engineer Cost:500$ Weapon(s):- Need(s):Barracks Rank:- Comments:- c.Attack Dog Cost:200$ Weapon(s):Teeth Need(s):Barracks Rank:7 Comments:Excellent on weak infantry (G.I., Conscript), engineers and Yuri d.Tesla Trooper Cost:500$ Weapon(s):Electric Bolt Need(s):Barracks Rank:9 Comments: Excellent on tanks and infantry; can have multiple targets when elite e.Crazy Ivan Cost:600$ Weapon(s):Dynamites Need(s):Barracks, Radar Tower Rank:4 Comments:This unit is pretty bad - his speed and his damage are very, very bad f.Flak Trooper Cost:300$ Weapon(s):Flak Gun Need(s):Barracks, Radar Tower Rank:4 Comments:Like Crazy Ivan - speed no, damage no, nothing no.I didn't give him 3 because he's good on air units, but nothing more g.Yuri Cost:1200$ Weapon(s):-Mind control -Psionic Wave Need(s):Barracks, Battle Lab Rank:7 Comments:You can make an allied unit or any any other unit yours, but not my favorite-Prism Tank h.Chrono Ivan Cost:1000$ Weapon(s):Dynamites Need(s):Barracks, Battle Lab, spy infiltrating an Allied Battle Lab Rank:7 Comments:I didn't rank him with 4 because he teleports, but nothing more i.Yuri Prime Cost:2000$ Weapon(s):-Super mind control -Psionic wave Need(s):Barracks, Battle Lab, spy infiltrating a Soviet Battle Lab Rank:9 Comments: A floating improved Yuri, but weak on dogs and snipers j.Desolator Cost:600$ Weapon(s):-Radiation beam (undeployed) -Radiation eruption (deployed) Need(s):Barracks, Radar Tower - playing as Iraq Rank:9 Comments:Great on close-range firing infantry and light vehicles k.Terrorist Cost:200$ Weapon(s):Terrorist Bomb Need(s):Barracks Rank:7 Comments:Hmmm... +++Vehicles+++ a.Rhino Heavy Tank Cost:900$ Weapon(s):120mm Cannon Need(s):War Factory Rank:9 Comments:More powerful then the allied counter-part, but slower and costly b.War Miner Cost:1400$ Weapon(s):- Need(s):War Factory;will be given when any Rafinery is built Rank:- Comments:The advantage of this miner is that it can collect double more ore than the allied one, the disadvantage is that it very slow and vulnerable, it's gun being good only for Terror Drones c.Flak Track Cost:500$ Weapon(s):Flak gun Need(s):War Factory Rank:7 Comments:I prefer the I.F.V. ... d.V3 Rocket Launcher Cost:800$ Weapon(s):V3 Rocket Need(s):War Factory, Radar Tower Rank:7 Comments:It's rockets have great damage, but the V3 Rockets and Launcher are very, very weak e.Terror Drone Cost:500$ Weapon(s):Drone jump Need(s):War Factory Rank:7 Comments:Great scout, it can destroy close tanks and infantry, but it is very weak in front of a Prism unit f.Tesla Tank Cost:1200$ Weapon(s):Electric Bolt Need(s):War Factory, Radar Tower - playing as Russia Rank:10 Comments: A "walking Tesla Coil" - great armour and damage g.Demolition Truck Cost:1500$ Weapon(s):Mini nuclear bomb Need(s):War Factory, Radar Tower - playing as Libya h.Apocalypse Assault Tank Cost:1750$ Weapon(s):Dual 120mm cannon and Mammoth ground-to-air-missiles Need(s):War Factory i.MCV Cost:3000$ Weapon(s):- Need(s):War Factory, Service Depot (you are given one at the start of the game) Rank:- Comments:Want a second CY?Build one of these! j.Kirov Airship Cost:2000$ Weapon(s):Blimp bombs Need(s):War Factory, Battle Lab Rank:9 Comments:Excellent damage and armor, but... reaaaaaalllly sloooooow k.Amphibious Transport Cost:900$ Weapon(s):- Need(s):Naval yard Rank:- Comments:- l.Typhoon Attack Sub Cost:1000$ Weapon(s):Torpedos Need(s):Naval Yard Rank:7 Comments:Undetectable, but not for the Destroyer, the Typhoon Attack Sub is much weaker than it's allied counter-part m.Sea Scorpion Cost:600$ Weapon(s):Flak gun Need(s):Naval Yard, Radar Tower Rank:7 Comments:Although it's ground-to-ground attack and it's speed, I prefer the Aegis Cruiser.There are other units for ground- -to-ground attack n.Giant Squid Cost:1000$ Weapon(s):Squid Tentacles Need(s):Naval Yard, Battle Lab Rank:7 Comments:This unit can squash any ship, but it takes a lot of time and the ship can be released by a dolphin o.Dreadnought Cost:2000$ (2500$ Russian Multiplayer Game) Weapon(s):Dred rockets Need(s):Naval Yard, Battle Lab Rank:9 Comments:I've ranked him lower than the Aircraft Carrier because he only has 2 rockets, and the Carrier has 3 hornets. +++Structures+++ Please note that every structure needs the CY. a.CY Cost:3000$ Need(s):MCV Comments:- Power:0 b.Power Plant Cost:600$ Need(s):CY Comments:This reactor produces less power than the allied one, but it's cheaper Power:200 c.Ore Rafinery Cost:2000$ Need(s):Power Plant Comments:- Power:-50 d.Barracks Cost:500$ Need(s):Power Plant Comments:- Power:-10 e.War factory Cost:2000$ Need(s):Barracks, Ore Rafinery Comments:- Power:-25 f.Radar Cost:1000 Need(s):Ore Rafinery Comments:It's the only structure in the game who can produce planes Power:-50 g.Naval Yard Cost:1000$ Need(s):Ore Rafinery Comments:- Power:-25 h.Service Depot Cost:800$ Need(s):War Factory Comments:It can repair all vehicles and remove terror drones from them Power:-25 i.Battle Lab Cost:2000$ Need(s):Radar Tower, War Factory Comments:With this structure, you can produce the highest tech-level units of the game Power:-100 j.Cloning Vats Cost:2500$ Need(s):Battle Lab Comments:With this structure, when you train any infantry, one will come out of the barracks and one from the cloning vats, for free. Power:-200 k.Nuclear Reactor Cost:1000$ Need(s):Battle Lab Comments:This structure produces a huge mass of power, but beware, if it's destroyed, it will like a Nuke on your base Power:2000 l.Fortress Wall Cost:100$ Need(s):Barracks Comments:- Power:0 m.Sentry Gun Cost:500$ Weapon(s):Semi-automatic gun Need(s):Barracks Rank:7 Comments:Great on infantry and weak vehicles Power:0 n.Flak Cannon Cost:1000$ Weapon(s):Flak gun Need(s):Barracks Rank:9 Comments: Good on any aircraft Power:-50 o.Tesla Coil Cost:1500$ Weapon(s):Electric bolt Need(s):Radar Tower Rank:9 Comments:It can be powered up by Tesla Troopers.I prefer 3 Prism Tower than 3 Tesla Coils Power:-75 p.Psyhic Sensor Cost:1000$ Need(s):Battle Lab Rank:9 Comments:This structure, when powered, enables you to see what unit is attacking you and what it attacks Power:-50 r.Iron Curtain Cost:2500$ Super-weapon:Iron Curtain Need(s):Battle Lab Rank:9 Comments:"The Iron Curtain is a fascinating piece of Soviet technology that can render any units or structures invulnerable over a short period of time. Terror Drones cannot attack invulnerable units so this is another advantage. The force of the Iron Curtain will kill infantries straight away, so it can be used as a weapon to eliminate enemy infantries." (Nadia Varkovsky) Power:-200 s.Nuclear Silo Cost:5000$ Super-weapon:Nuclear Missile Need(s):Battle Lab Rank:10 Comments:"This is the ultimate weapon for the Soviets. Once built, it will allow you to launch a huge nuclear missile intended to cause maximum carnage and destruction in a chosen area. The aftermath of the missile strike will leave the targeted area with a radiation that will kill any infantries and destroy any lightly armored vehicle unlucky enough to be caught in the blast radius."(Nadia Varkovsky) I personally prefer the Weather Control Device. Power:-200 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ************************************************************************************ 4.Who's best? ************************************************************************************ After reading the info about the units and my ranks I think you know who I consider best:The Allies. Here are the reasons: 1.Stronger or faster basic units - the G.I. or the rocketeer are more useful than the Conscript or the Flak Trooper, the Grizzly Tank can be a great early scout, and the I.F.V. is by far better than the Flak Track - more powerful and faster 2.A lot of units who can resolve the matter of armor - the Tank Destroyer, Mirage Tank, Prism Tower, Chrono Legionnaire don't any problem with armored units 3.Best infantry - starting with the G.I. and finishing with the Chrono Commando everyone can say that the Allied Infantry is by far stronger, faster and more powerful than the Soviet one;Tanya and the Sniper are cool 4.Best Anti-Air units - the Allies are full with elite anti-air units: Rocketeer, I.F.V., Aegis Cruiser, the best AA unit of the game and the Patriot Missle System 5.Prism Tank - these tanks are "butchers":if you have 10 of these you can erase everything on the map. In the campaigns, when I had them, there was no other unit I attacked with 6.Prism Tower - when you have 3 or 4 of these you can take out any tank with one shot, wich resolves the problem of the Apocalypse Tank, who can be also eliminated with the Grand Cannon 7.Chrono Units - I finished the last mission of the allied campaign using the two units: I took out the Apocalypse's with the Chronosphere, and with Chrono Legionnaire the Nuclear Reactor and the rest of the Kremlin's defence Well, I think I convinced you that the Allies are best with few reasons (there are much more, like ships, planes, etc.) Note: I saw in many walkthrough's that they say you can't destroy the Nuclear Silo, so build 2 War Factory. WRONG!!!! From the start, build 4 AFHQ and 16 Harriers. They should be enough to destroy the silo. Then, if you can, rebuild Harriers and the destroy the Curtain. When you are finally balanced, you should train a few Chrono Legionnaires to destroy the Nuclear Reactors (yes, the black ones too). Trust me, they will not be bothered by anyone. If you build more of them, you could take out the Sentry's and the Apocalypse's quite easy. That's how I did. Or, something else I did, and more easier, just take out the Apoc's with the Chronosphere. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ************************************************************************************ 5.Credits ************************************************************************************ Special thanks: God - For giving me the power to write this Bernd Wolffgramm - for giving a lot of help publishing this F.A.Q. Westwood - For creating such a great game For comments, suggests and questions, e-mail me at