The Journeyman Project Walkthrough By, L621 ( Last Updated 7/20/02 (Version 6.0 Final) *Search this document with Control-F* =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Table of Contents: ------------------ I. E-Mail Guidelines II. Version History/Updates III. Note IV. 2318 Caldoria North America (1) V. 2318 Temporal Security Annex VI. 199 BC Prehistoric VII. 2185 Morimoto Mars Colony VIII. World Science Center IX. Norad VI X. 2318 Caldoria North America (2) XI. FAQ's XII. Copyright Information =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= I. E-Mail Guidelines -------------------- If you would like to e-mail me about this game go ahead. Put Journeyman Project or something similar as the subject or I will probably delete it without checking to see what it is, nothing personal. If you see something that needs to be corrected please let me know. Don't send me chain letters, don't send me spam mail and don't send me links. If you do I will block you. Pretty much everything I know about this game is in the Walkthrough but if you have a question that isn't in here send it to me and I'll try to answer it. If I can't I'll add it to the FAQ's and someone else might be able to. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= II. Version History ------------------- Version 6.0 7/20/02 - Updated the sites that have my permission to use this. Version 5.0 7/16/02 - Minor things here and there. Version 4.0 2/23/02 - Found all answers to the questions in the FAQ section. Minor changes. Version 3.0 8/1/01 - Fixed a spelling error. Little changes. Added a FAQ's section for questions I get that I can't answer. Version 2.0 2/22/01 - Tried to make this look nicer. Added some little things here and there and made some changes. There won't be many updates for this Walkthrough unless I get some corrections or new information. Version 1.0 2/14/01 - First =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= III. Note --------- You really should save often. There are a lot of ways to be killed in this game and if you don't save your game you will either have to start over or do some missions (or parts) over again. You save with the Interface Biochip, which you have when the game starts. There is more than one way to beat the "levels" I have only added the ways I have beaten them. If you find another way that works better for you use it, just be sure you still get all the items you need. Also, if you do find other ways to get through levels and get all the items that I don't have listed, please send them to me and I'll give you full credit. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= IV. 2318 Caldoria North America: Caldoria Heights Apartments (1) -------------------------------- After you get up turn left and head forward to your desk. A message will appear at the left telling you to report to the Temporal Security Annex which is where you work. See the card sitting on top of the desk? It's the Transport Card you need to get to work. Pick it up by dragging it into your items box. Turn left again and you'll see two doors. The door on the left leads to your living room area, the door on you right leads to the bathroom. Click on doors to open them. You'll get another message telling you to report to work but don't worry about it. Look around some, turn on the lamp on your desk, turn on the sink, flush the toilet, and look in the mirror if you want. One thing you really should check out is the Hi Rez 4D Environ System in the living area. Walk into the purple chairs and choose from Mountain, Seascape, or Cosmos to be surrounded by a virtual environment. When you're done take the door leading out of your apartment into the hallway. You can walk around your floor to find out where your neighbors are by clicking the intercoms next to their doors or you can just go right and head to the elevator. Click the black box next to the doors to call the elevator. You'll hear it coming towards you then pass by to the roof before coming back. When it gets there step inside and turn around to pick your floor. If you go to the roof you'll find a locked door and a message telling you why the Rooftop Observatory is closed. You can't go to floors two or three but that's okay you're going to floor one. When you get off the elevator go right to reach the lobby. Another message telling you to get your butt to work, oh well. If you turn left you'll see the Global Transporter. You can walk around some more if you want. You get a nice view from the lobby window and you can learn more about Caldoria Heights by clicking the question mark on the Kiosk across from the Global Transporter. When you've finished exploring click on the Global Transporter then get in. You'll get a message telling you you're late for work. There is no way to get to work on time so don't beat yourself up about it. Put your Transport Card into the slot on the right when told to by dragging it over. You'll have four options, Hard Rock Tokyo, Flagstaff Beach AZ, Temporal Security Annex or Other. If you choose anywhere but the Temporal Security Annex you die, literally. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= V. 2318 Temporal Security Annex ------------------------------- After you get out of the Global Transporter walk down to the door and press 6894895 when asked for the code. Once the scanning is finished the door will open. Go down the hall and enter the Command Center on your left. There will be a red light flashing above the door to let you know which room to go to. Go over to the chair facing the screens and click the left monitor. Enter 0524133 when asked for the code. Click on Background to hear about the Time Machine, click on Theory to hear about how it works then click on Procedure to learn what you need to do. When you've listened to them all click RTN and an alarm will go off. Get up and go back out into the hall. See that flashing light on the door at the end? That's the Ready Room. Go down and into the room. Walk into the Biosupport Suit Generator on the far left. Next you need to get the Journeyman Key from behind the blue glass and the Biochips from the compartment under the blue glass. Click on the glass and compartment (with the handle) to open them then drag the items into your inventory. Don't forget anything because you can't get back in once you leave the room. Leave the room; do you see that hallway on the right? Go down there to the door at the end. Click the black square to open the door. Get in the Time Machine, click the date (199 BC) on the left then activate. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= VI. 199 BC Prehistoric ---------------------- Welcome to the past. If you walk forward you'll fall off a cliff and die so don't do that. Instead, turn around and follow the path. You'll see some dinosaur shadows but don't worry they can't get to you. When you get to the end click the Journeyman symbol then use the Journeyman Key to get the Log Disk. Once you have it use the Pegasus Biochip to return to the Temporal Security Annex. Head back to the Command Center and place the Log Disk into the drive on the right. Enter 0291384 when asked for the code. Watch all of the reports then click RTN when you're done. Things are quite different eh? Now it's time to put things back the way they should be. Go back to the Time Machine. You have a choice of 3 time periods, 2112 Norad VI, 2185 Morimoto Mars Colony or 2310 World Science Center. You need to go to Mars first, click it then click activate. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= VII. 2185 Morimoto Mars Colony ------------------------------ Turn around and go forward until you see the robot pass by. You will soon learn this robot is Ares and it is NOT your friend. Follow Ares to the left. There are blue screens on either side of the hall you just came out of where you can learn more about Mars and the Mars Colony by clicking on them. Go through the door on the right at the end of the (left) hall and you will find a cart. Step into it and turn left to get the Wire Cutters and the Maintenance Key then turn around and flip the switch to get to the other end of the tunnel. If you try to go back you will be killed. Exit the cart to your left and go through the door. Walk forward and drag the Oxygen Mask up to the groove at the top to fill it. It should now be in your inventory. Go back to the door you just came through but don't open it. QUICKLY go (press) right, right, forward immediately or Ares will kill you when you first turn. After you get out of his way he will pass by you so it's safe to go back. Go right to see what Ares was doing to in the Shield Generator. Go to the purple screen and Return to Last Position. When you get there lower the diagnostic screen and use the Maintenance Key to open the Access Panel Cover. Choose Run Diagnostics and you'll discover a bomb which you need to disarm by clicking Attempt Circuit Link to Detonator. A puzzle! Your job is to figure out which colors go in which of the three places. There are three Levels. At Level 1 there will be Red, Yellow and Green. At Level 2 there will be Red, Yellow, Green and Blue. At Level 3 there will be Red, Yellow, Green, Blue and Purple. You have 5 tries to get the correct order at each level and you have 7 minutes to do this so it's a good idea to save before you start. Take the Access Card Bomb and return to the hallway. Put on the Oxygen Mask by clicking it in your inventory then clicking Use in the message box. Go into the door (?) Ares went in, click Pressurize and wait for it to finish then click Spin. When it stops turn around and you'll see a red hallway. You might want to save again here. Use your Mapping Biochip before you walk out because this is a maze and the Biochip will show you where you've been if you get lost. I will tell you the way you need to go but if you follow my directions you have to watch the screen and not the Mapping Biochip or it will probably confuse you. Also note when I say turn left (or right) it means to go that way when there is an opening for you to go through NOT when there is nothing but wall to your left (or right) get it? Anyway here's where to go... Start out by walking down the hall and turning left, take the first right, then take another right when you can, then go left, then left again, you'll see an opening on your right but keep going past it until you get to the next opening on the right, take it then go left, then left again, then right, then right again, then right yet again, then left, then right one last time and you should see some crates (?) moving up on a conveyer belt. It might be easier for some of you if I write it like this... Left, Right, Right, Left, Left, 2nd Right, Left, Left, Right, Right, Right, Left, Right. Did it help? Okay, now that you are at the end you have to walk on top of one of the crates. Walk forward as soon as you see the floor coming down or you will fall off and die. Well, now that that's over with go forward, Pressurize then Spin. Turn around and follow Ares when you see him. You can still check out the blue information screens if you missed them before. Go down to shuttle dock 3 (this is where you started) and click the door to get in. Sit back and watch until you get out into space. The Graviton Cannon is on your left; the Energy Beam, Tractor Beam and Close Remote Transporter are all on the right. The Red Gage in the top left corner shows you how much energy Ares's shuttle has left. If you hit it with the Energy Beam once and the Graviton Cannon twice (i.e. Cannon, Beam, Cannon OR Cannon, Cannon, Beam OR Beam, Cannon, Cannon) you will do enough damage to use the Tractor Beam. Be careful because if you do too much damage the shuttle and Ares will explode. You really DON'T want that to happen, you'll see why. As I was saying, that should do enough damage to keep Ares from being able to break away from the Tractor Beam. Wait for Ares to fly into the center of the screen then click the shuttle to pull it closer to you. When it stops use the Close Remote Transporter to beam to the shuttle. Click Ares's head and QUICKLY drag the Trace and Optical Memory Biochips into your inventory, you need them. Aren't you glad you didn't blow Ares up? Back in the Time Machine check out the Optical Memory Biochip. So now you know why the timeline is screwed up. Ah well, time to go on our next mission. Go to 2310 Word Science Center. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= VIII. 2310 World Science Center Sydney, Australia ------------------------------------------------- What another robot? Yep, this one is Mercury and it's not happy to see you. After Mercury transforms into a scientist and leaves a message will appear asking you if you'd like to remove the dart. Click yes then turn around, click the monitor and put the dart into the analyzer. When it's finished turn back around take a step forward then turn right and click the blue screen. Another puzzle! This one is a type of memory game. To make an Antidote you have to drag all 6 of the molecules on the right onto the big mass of molecules on the left in the correct order. You will do this three times but they go on in the same order each time which is... 1 - The O looking molecule. 2 - The J looking molecule. 3 - The } looking molecule. 4 - The /_\ looking molecule. 5 - The C looking molecule. 6 - The Y looking molecule. When you put one on you will hear a ding if it's correct. If it's incorrect you will hear a buzz and have to start over. When you finish turn around and get the Antidote. Now you can look around if you'd like. There is a hologram of Ares, Dr. Elliot's video journal and a quite disgusting dissection video (click the machine next to Dr. Elliot's journal). When you're finished exit into the hall through the green door. Have your Wire Cutters ready and either equip the Trace Biochip or follow my directions below. If you are using the Trace Biochip just follow Mercury's footprints, if not go left down the hall then take the hall to the right then take the next hall to the left. Walk down until you see a gray door on your left. Make sure your Wire Cutters are showing in your inventory box because you need to use them fast. Open the door and enter the room. Either cut the cable on your right then touch the wires to the grating Mercury is standing on OR cut the lock off the box to your left, click the green screen then click TEST. Either way Mercury will come towards you and collapse at your feet. QUICKLY take the Optical Memory, Shield and Retinal Biochips from its head. After it disappears take the Stun Gun as well. Whew, two down one to go. Once again check out the Optical Memory Biochip then head to 2112 Norad VI. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= IX. 2112 Norad VI, SE. PAC RIM ------------------------------ Yep, another robot, Posiedon. Put on the Oxygen Mask as soon as you can. Check out the security if you'd like by clicking the screen to the left of the door. Don't click anything else in the room or you will be blown up. When you're ready to go use your Retinal Biochip then go through the door. Turn RIGHT and walk BACKWARDS up the hall as far as you can. You want to know why you did that right? Well, if you just walk right up the hall Posiedon will shoot you. Of course if you want to just go for it and get shot use the Shield Biochip first. If you walked backwards turn around and go through the door, if you decided to get shot just go through the door at the end of the hall where Posiedon was standing. (You can also go left of the door to see what Posiedon is up to if you'd like.) To get through this door you have to click and hold the down arrow until the pressure is even. The pressure gage is the red bars. Now go forward and through the door to the Control Room, remember how to get back here. Go left and through the doors until you reach a hallway leading to the left. If you used the Shield Biochip be sure to change to your Retinal Biochip then click on the door. After getting scanned you may want to save because this next part might take a few tries to get right. Go up to the globe and click the right monitor twice. It's another game! This one can be hard if you don't know much about the world. If you have an old Geography book or world map around the house you might want to find it and look for the places I list before trying this. Posiedon is going to send missiles to ten different places around the world and you have to override the command before it reaches each place. To make this even harder you have to use the white track ball on the desk to move a black cursor around the globe to each place and click the override button on the blue screen. To make this even harder still you have a time limit to find each place which goes down as you get closer to the end. To move the cursor around click on the track ball where you want the cursor to be on the globe. That probably confused you but I can't explain it any better. You'll get the hang of it pretty quickly after some trial and error. Here are the locations and the times you have to find them... 1 - Honolulu, Hawaii 2 minutes 2 - Dublin, Ireland 1 minute 50 seconds 3 - Addis Ababa, Ethiopia 1 minute 40 seconds 4 - San Antonio, Texas 1 minute 30 seconds 5 - Bangkok, Thailand 1 minute 20 seconds 6 - Bonn, Germany 1 minute 10 seconds 7 - Seoul, South Korea 1 minute 8 - Reykjavik, Iceland 50 seconds 9 - Svortalsk, Siberia 40 seconds 10 - Madrid, Spain 30 seconds After you're finally done with that Posiedon will be quite pissed and come after you. Head back to the Control Room and do one of two things to kill Posiedon. Either go to the Control Room door and raise the pressure all the way to crush him OR go over to the computers, click the right screen and use the loading arm (click Program then Activate) to squeeze him. Quickly take the Optical Memory Biochip from his head. Watch it when you exit the Time Machine. Now that things are back to normal you have to stop Dr. Elliot. Leave the Temporal Security Annex and get inside the Global Transporter. Put your Transport Card into the slot when asked and go back to Caldoria Heights Apartments. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= X. 2318 Caldoria North America: Caldoria Heights Apartments (2) ------------------------------- Remember when you were waiting for the elevator way back at the beginning of the game? Remember how it went up to the Rooftop Observatory before coming back to pick you up? Good. Go up to the roof and use the Access Card Bomb you disarmed at the Mars Colony to blow open the door to the Rooftop Observatory. You'll find Dr. Elliot getting ready to kill the alien ambassador. You better stop him! Use the Stun Gun you picked up from Mercury to stun him. Congratulations, you just beat the game. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= XI. FAQ's --------- Q: Where can I get a copy of the book that comes with the game? Q: I'm having problems saving or using saves I've made, what should I do? A: Use this link to go to the main site. There are links to the information that should help and a copy of the user manual. Q: Why is there a space for another Biochip? A: Presto says: There is an extra biochip slot because we planned to put another chip in there (I think it was going to be the "video" chip). But, we ran out of time and space on the cd-rom. Instead of re-designing the entire interface they left it that way. Sorry for all the confusion. You have all the biochips available to you. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= XII. Copyright Information -------------------------- This FAQ is for personal use only. You can print it or parts of it for that reason only. Do not copy any part of this document and claim it as your own or you will be guilty of plagiarism, which is punishable by law. If you post it on your site, publish it, use it in any kind of promotional way or use it in any way for personal gain, civil and/or criminal charges can and will be pressed against you. This FAQ/Walkthrough is only to appear at: This document is ¸ L621; 2001-2002