Battle Realms - Winter of the Wolf Wolf Clan FAQ TheManWhoCan ( this FAQ is Copyright Joe Soloway Version 1.00 This FAQ is geared only towards the Wolf Clan as it is in Winter Of The Wolf. It is basically an FAQ designed to enlighten people about the clan and how to use them. It is not a walkthrough for the entire game, but it deals with all units and upgrades, strategies and any info sent in by other people. Enjoy. ************************************************************************ ******* Table Of Contents : 1) Backround Information - history of the wolf clan 2) Beginning the game - how to first play battle realms 3) Wolf Units - all of the Wolf units - heros 4) Buildings - all of the buildings for the wolf 5) Upgrades for Units - all of the upgrades for the wolf 6) Starting an army - beginnings of a good wolf army 7) Strategies for using wolf against any opponnent - good strategies for using the wolf clan - in depth 8) Pros and Cons of Wolf Clan - pros and cons 9) Version History 10) Thanks *********************************************************************** 1) Backround Information - history of the wolf clan The wolf clan are nature loving people. They were enslaved by the Lotus clan years ago and had to fight for their freedom. They were forced to work for the Lotus and the Serpent in the mines (shale mines) in order to survive. If they did not do as they were told, they were punished. Grayback, the leader, organized his attack on the Lotus to free his clan. Longtooth (his friend and strong general) was right by his side in fighting for their freedom. Among others the Wolf clan set out their revenge. Succeeding in their goals, they are now a very powerful clan as they once were. 2) Beginning the game - how to first play Battle Realms Battle Realms is a very unique game. It's not like any other RTS (real time strategy) you will ever play. This game is different for a number of reasons : Rice and water are the only two resources collected and somehow , they create buildings? Yin/Yang is accumulated in the game. If you attack a far distance away or in an enemy base , you accumulate it faster then if you were camping in your own. It provides incentive for people because heros and upgrades cannot be gained without it. Peasants are the only way to train units. A unit starts as a pesant, then goes through numerous training exercises to become something better. So far , I have found that this game is the only game that focusses a lot of attention towards elevation. The higher you are, the farther you can see and the more damage you can do. This game is also especially challengeing. *********************************************************************** 3) Wolf Units - all of the Wolf units - heros This is where the best part of the game starts. The units are very cool in this game and they are also very unique. Once you start out, it seems a little confusing how to make certain units but the more you play, the more familiar it becomes. In my opinion, the Dragon is the most overpowered clan in the game. The Wolf are not especially hard all the time , but given a chance can be very devestating in any circumstance. I'm not sure if they are the strongest (damage wise) in the game but I think they might be since they tend to be slow producers of both buildings and units, and generally, the slower the builder, the stronger the units. If your finding it hard to follow the unit production, try checking out the buildings production first. Pesant - basic units for every clan. they collect rice and water, they build buildings and train to become your army. they have pretty good health and arent that bad in hand to hand combat when compared to other peasants. not a good idea to attack with these guys unless it is to save your base. Produced at Peasant Hut Usefullness - 10/10 (they are the foundation of any army) Damage (unit) - 4/10 Damage (building) - 2/10 Stamina - 5/10 Health - 4/10 Attack Speed - 4/10 Brawler - weilding two slabs of stone, the brawler is a good hand to hand combatant. they have quick attacks and are produced quickly. since they are the first unit produced, they are not too strong but can pretty much hold their own (especially with the Zen Counterpuch, formerly known as the Zen Master Blaster - severly damages an attacker or instantly kills a Zen Master [hero] in one blow). not a bad idea to keep some of these guys around just in case Produced in Combat Pit from Pesant Usefullness - 6/10 (good strength, fast) Damage (unit) - 5/10 Damage (building) - 4/10 Stamina - 6/10 Health - 6/10 Attack Speed - 6/10 Hurler - these guys have a giant hooked pitch fork that acts sort of like a slingshot. they hurl rocks and can hit multiple enemies as long as they are in a line becuase the rock bouces. these are the units that aren't too bad in hand to hand combat and aren't too bad at firing from a distance. They are better from a distance because they are meant to be positioned from a distance. They take more damage if they are in hand to hand (as does every balistic unit). good for starting out but the upgrades are much better Produced in Balistics Ground from Pesant Usefullness - 6/10 (hits multiple enemies, good range) Damage (unit) - 5/10 Damage (hand to hand) - 4/10 Damage (building) - 5/10 Stamina (not in hand to hand) - 6/10 Stamina (hand to hand) - 4/10 Health (not in hand to hand) - 5/10 Health (hand to hand) - 3/10 Attack Speed - 5/10 Mauler - they have big boulders chained to their hands and they attack by smashing anything near them. in theory they sound good, but their actually pretty bad (in my opinion) they seem to lack the intensity that other units have and they don't seem to have a lot of power. the upside is this, they can be upgraded into two of the most useful units of the Wolf Clan Produced in Quarry from Pesant Usefullness - 5/10 (not too good but can produce two great units) Damage (unit) - 5/10 Damage (building) - 5/10 Stamina - 6/10 Health - 6/10 Attack Speed - 5/10 Pack Master - masters of the wolves. they control wolves (three at a time) and are pretty good in hand to hand combat. the problem is, the strength with these guys lies in the wolves, and in order to get the wolves, you must attain horses to feed the wolves. unless you have wolves with the master, they are not useless, but not that great Produced in Wolves Den from Pesant Usefullness - 6/10 (great with wolves, not so great without) Damage (unit) - 5/10 Damage (building) - 4/10 Stamina - 6/10 Health - 6/10 Attack Speed - 6/10 Wolf - they usually hunt with the pack master but can be found roaming around some maps. ancestrial wolves are stronger, faster etc. then normal wolves Produced in Wolves Den by feeding horses to the Den Usefullness - 8/10 (they only get eight when they are in a pack of three) Damage (unit) - 4/10 Damage (building) - 3/10 Stamina - 4/10 Health - 4/10 Attack Speed - 6/10 Druidess - the basic magic of the Wolf Clan. the druidesses helped save the wolf clan in the story line. anyway, they use an entanglement spell that instantly gounds any attacker to the ground. the attacker can no longer move or attack for a short while. she can also recieve blessings from the Carin to bestow special powers among wolf units. if they are used though, the shale armor disappears from the wearer (more on the gifts later) Produced in Druidesses Garden from a male Pesant? Usefullness - 8/10 (stops enemies from attacking you) Damage (unit) - 4/10 Damage (hand to hand) - 3/10 Damage (building) - 3/10 Stamina (not in hand to hand) - 6/10 Stamina (hand to hand) - 4/10 Health (not in hand to hand) - 6/10 Health (hand to hand) - 3/10 Attack Speed - 5/10 Digger - they have very sharp claws on their hands and they can attack pretty quickly. they are not too powerful against buildings but have a good upgrade (able to burrow without enemy detecting it). they are produced pretty quick but again, there are stronger units so don't use these guys as anchors or life savers. With the damage upgrade, they are actually quite strong but they have low health. Produced in Forest Temple from Pesant Usefullness - 6/10 (fast attackers with good upgrade) Damage (unit) - 6/10 Damage (building) - 5/10 Stamina - 6/10 (with upgrade 8/10) Health - 4/10 Attack Speed - 6/10 Balistamen - carrying a giant crosbow on their back, balistamen attack heavily destroying units very quickly. they can also kill buildings but units are mainly what they should be killing while your stronger units are destroying the buildings. with the two upgrades from the balistics ground, balistamen are very fierceome opponents Produced in Balistics Ground from Brawler or Produced in Combat Pit from Hurler Usefullness - 9/10 (with upgrades, nearly unstopable in groups) Damage (unit) - 8/10 Damage (hand to hand) - 4/10 Damage (building) - 6/10 Stamina (not in hand to hand) - 4/10 Stamina (hand to hand) - 3/10 Health (not in hand to hand) - 6/10 Health (hand to hand) - 3/10 Attack Speed - 3/10 Pitch Slinger - thowing very hot stones at anything near them makes them rather efficient at destroying anything. even though they can kill enemies, the main purpose of these guys is to destroy buildings. they do a tonne of damage to buildings and sets them on fire. one pitch slinger can bring down a building in a very short amount of time. (look under strategies for a great tip on how to use these guys efficiently) Produced in Quarry from Hurler or Produced in Balistics Ground from Mauler Usefullness - 9/10 (destroys buildings faster than anything) Damage (unit) - 6/10 Damage (hand to hand) - 4/10 Damage (building) - 8/10 Stamina (not in hand to hand) - 5/10 Stamina (hand to hand) - 4/10 Health (not in hand to hand) - 6/10 Health (hand to hand) - 3/10 Attack Speed - 4/10 Dryad - not too effective in combat but has a good upgrade and it is still another unit that can be used effectively if used correctly, so don't disregard them right away. they can drain towers of their chage (with upgrade) which makes all units fight way better Produced in Forest Garden from Druidess Usefullness - 6/10 (good upgrade, good in combat) Damage (unit) - 4/10 Damage (building) - 4/10 Health - 5/10 Stamina - 5/10 Attack Speed - 5/10 Sledger - they carry an enormous hammer and they smash units and buildings to pices. very useful unit because of their strength and health. they are produced kinda slow, but for the usefullness of this unit, makes it well worth the wait. Produced in Quarry from Brawler or Produced in Combat Pit from Mauler Usefullness - 8/10 (great at smashing anything) Damage (unit) - 6/10 Damage (building) - 6/10 Health - 7/10 Stamina - 6/10 Attack Speek - 5/10 Berserker - slow to build but again, well worth the wait for a number of reasons. with no upgrades, the Berserker is very strong and attacks fast. with the upgrades, he is able to transform into a werewolf just before he dies, which he then regains fully. the werewolf can then be upgraded into doing critical damage on the next hit. if it kills, one or two wolves emerge from the body Produced in any one of the buildings because the Pesant must pass through every building (Combat Pit, Balistics Ground, and Quarry in any order to become Beserker) Usefullness - 9/10 (with upgrades nearly perfect, but slow to build) Damage (unit) - 7/10 Damage (building) - 6/10 Health - 8/10 Stamina - 7/10 Attack Speed - 6/10 Werewolf - an upgrade from Berserker available from Druidess blessing. very tough to beat in combat and generally gets elimated first because of their strength. they attract a lot of attention Produced from Berserker after blessing from Duridess Usefullness - 10/10 Damage (unit) - 8/10 Damage (building) - 7/10 Health - 7/10 Stamina - 8/10 Attack Speed - 6/10 Heros for the Wolf Clan - all heros are produced in the Keep Grayback - the Wolf clan leader. great in hand to hand combat and just as good in destroying buildings. Special Abilities - Howl - Grayback howls which gives nearby allies a temporary increase in damage. costs stamina Yin/Yang Cost - 2 Rice/Water Cost - 600/300 (around that) Usefullness - 10/10 (great hero for the wolf clan) Damage (unit) - 8/10 Damage (building) - 8/10 Health - 8/10 Stamina - 9/10 Attack Speed - 6/10 Longtooth - friend of Grayback and trusted general. weilds a magical boomerang. able to shoot from a tremendous distance away and is pretty good in hand to hand combat. Special Abilities - Industructible Boomerang - boomerang passes through buildings and enemies damaging anything that it touches. costs stamina Yin/Yang Cost - 1 Rice/Water Cost - 250/300 (around that) Usefullness - 9/10 (great in long range but not too deadly) Damage (unit) - 7/10 Damage (hand to hand) - 6/10 Damage (building) - 7/10 Stamina (not in hand to hand) - 10/10 Stamina (hand to hand) - 7/10 Health (not in hand to hand) - 8/10 Health (hand to hand) - 6/10 Attack Speed - 6/10 Shale Lord - a giant angry walking rock. tremendous damage against anything. need I say more Special Abilities - Shale Armor - gives shale armor to any nearby foe, excluding heros at the cost (small) of health. Yin/Yang Cost - 2 Rice/Water Cost - 500/250 (around that) Usefullness - 10/10 (very dangerous against anything but special ability is not so great) Damage (unit) - 9/10 Damage (building) - 10/10 Stamina - 8/10 Health - 9/10 Attack Speed - 5/10 Gaihla - a nymph with healing powers. she's the only unit that can heal, but it costs almost all of her stamina, but it heals almost all of the health of nearby enemies. a good idea to keep her away from the battle Special Abilities - Heal - nearby allies are healed at the cost of stamina Yin/Yang Cost - 1 Rice/Water Cost - 250/350 (around that) Usefullness - 8/10 (heals but just isn't that much of a threat) Damage (unit) - 6/10 Damage (building) - 5/10 Stamina - 7/10 Health - 6/10 Attack Speed - 7/10 Wildeye - a packmaster master. the ultimate master of the wolves. attacks quickly but main strength is within the ability Special Abiliey - Ancestrial Wolf - Wildeye summons a very powerful wolf to serve whoever he chooses. up to three can be active at once. costs nearly all of stamina Yin/Yang Cost - 1 Rice/Water Cost - 350/300 (don't quote me on that) Usefullness - 9/10 (wolves are very stong and not so bad himself) Damage (unit) - 7/10 Damage (building) - 6/10 Stamina - 8/10 Health - 7/10 Attack Speed - 8/10 Monk - a quick attacking monk. not much else Special Ability - Meditation - Monk stands still and regenerates very quickly but cannot attack Yin/Yang Cost - 1 Rice/Water Cost - 50/50 (around that) Usefullness- 6/10 (yin/yang points can be spent better) Damge (unit) - 6/10 Damage (building) - 5/10 Stamina - 8/10 Health - 7/10 Attack Speed - 7/10 *********************************************************************** 4) Buildings - all of the buildings for the wolf Buildings are just as important as the units. Without the proper knowledge or the proper buildings, you will be crushed, surely. It's a good idea to familiarize yourself with the buildings, just so making units becomes a routine. Note - I haven't given the price for the buildings for good reason, it will take too long and is generally not that important as long as you are not scavenging for resources. Don't qoute me on what you need to build the buildings because this is usually what I have built by the time I get the desired building. (ie, Carin - I usually have almost everything I need before I build this) Pesant Hut - this is where pesants are generated. pesants are automatically generated, and the speed at which they are generated is determined by how many people you have out of your total population. the higher the number, the slower the production rate. Combat Pit - this is the first building that should be produced next to the pesant hut. a lot of good units can come from here, and this is where your first units will come out of (Brawler) Requirements - Pesant Hut Balistics Ground - this is where units are trained in long range attacks. Hurlers are the first units that come out of here froma pesant. another important building and should be one of the first that you build. Requirements - Pesant Hut Quarry - units are trained here to become more powerful. a great building that produces many good units. again, build this one fast. when you have the other two buildings (combat pit, balistics ground), you're ready to make most of the units that you will need to win the game. Requirements - Pesant Hut Druidess Garden - produces Druidess. a vital building as Duridess are a very important unit. Requirements - Pesant Hut Well - a well that contains water. good idea to place it right next to a pesant hut so water is collected faster. needed to build other buildings so it's a good idea to get this out of the way soon. Requirements - Pesant Hut Wolves Den - a den that contains wolves only if you feed them horses. it trains pack masters, and is needed to build the Wolf Ball Cout Requirements - Pesant Hut (mabye something else) Wolf Ball Court - can be upgraded to Forest Temple. it increases the amount of rice you can hold and it increases the rate at which you accumulate Yin/Yang Requirements - Wolves Den Forest Temple - produces Diggers and Dryads. not an essential building but still something to upgrade anyway Requirements - Wolf Ball Court Shalery - an absoloutely necessary building for your survival. it gives all units armor that is made from rock (shale) and is particularily good against magic attacks although is still great against all forms of damage. always something to be used. Requirements - Well Carin - this is where the druidess can give her allies special abilities. if the ability is given to a unit wearing armor, then the armor disappears. three blessings are given at first to the druidess and can be upgraded to five later on. Requirements - Druidess Garden (I think) Keep - heros are summoned from here at the cost of Yin/Yang and resources. Requirements - Carin Tower - towers are very important in protecting you base. they have lots of health, a charge that has a special effect based on your clan chosen, and you can place a person in it. Requiremnts (1) - Pesant Hut Requirements (2 and 3) - Wolf Ball Court Requirements (4) - Keep *********************************************************************** 5) Upgrades for Units - all of the upgrades for the wolf The upgrades in this section involve every upgrade from the Druidess and from the building itself. They are quite important but they have to be used wisely because they get rid of armor and they cost Yin/Yang. Druidess Blessings : Brawler - Zen Counter Punch - Causes critical damage to the on the next hit or instantly kills a Zen Master (Hero) Hurler - Explosive Rocks - the Hurlers rocks now explode, causing splash damage to nearby enemies Mauler - Spinning Attack - Mauler spins in a circle causing damage to nearby enemies. costs stamina. Druidess - None - recieve blessing from Carin Digger - Burrow - able to burrow anywhere on the map. can burrow a pretty good distance and will stay burrowed until unburrowed, or runs out of stamina Dryad - Tower Drain - drains nearby enemy towers to make wolf units fight better Pack Master - Wolf Call - the Pack Master howls and calls wolves fromt the Den Balistamen - Totem - fires a wooden totem that sticks into the ground, slowing enemy units and improving the abilities of allies Sledger - Stun Slam - stuns nearby enemies for a short while Pitch Slinger - Sight Pitch - the Pitch Slinger throws a pitch in the desired location, it stays there and lights up the area as if someone were standing there. Berserker - Lycanthrope - Berserker transforms into a Werewolf which replenishes his health and stamina Werewolf - Wolves Bite - the next hit does critical damage, and if it kills an enemy, they transform into one or two wolves. Building Upgrades -each building has 3 upgrades that cost up to 4 Yin/Yang Combat Pit : Pesants have more health Reduce the Combat Pit's Training Costs Brawlers and Hurlers can run father Balistics Ground : Pitch Slingers , Balistamen and Hurlers can shoot farther Pitch Slingers , Balistamen and Hurlers do more damage from higher ground Brawlers and Hurlers are less likely to be hit by projectiles Quarry : Sledgers do more damage Maulers do more damage Pitch Slingers, Hurlers and Sledgers take less damage from explosives Druidess Garden: Druidess recieve 2 additional blessing from Carin Increases the rate of natural healing Increase the range of Druidess entanglement spell Wolves Den : Tamed Wolves have more health Pack Masters have more health Pack Masters , Berserkers and Werewolves do more damage Forest Temple : Diggers do more damage Diggers and Maulers have more stamina Dryads take less damage from ranged attacks *********************************************************************** 6) Starting an army - beginnings of a good wolf army This section of the FAQ is designed to give you and idea of how to START an army. It just tells the basics or beginnings of a good army. All of the suggestions are very open to change and do not need to be followed. There are tonnes of variation on how to start your army. A good idea : try a team battle in Battle Realms , and team yourself with a computer and share vision , then watch how the computer does things , then do them faster and better. Generally, it's a good idea to follow the computers actions since they have been programmed to do all the right moves very quickly, beating the compter is just a matter of doing the actions faster. 1) take all your pesants and build 1 pesant hut 2) start to collect rice when finished building 3) keep collecting rice until you can build a combat pit (should take about 1 trip) 4) when that's done, take one Pesant and start to collect water, take another and collect some rice, the take your Hurler (you started with) and build a Balistamen when combat pit is finished 5) build a Balistics Ground when you have enough water 6) any free Pesants should help building anything because the more pesants you have, the faster your job is, when buildings are complete, send the pesants back to collecting 7) Balistamen should be done soon, so then build a Brawler 8) build a Quarry (take 1 Pesant from water and one from rice) 9) Brawler is about done, send one to the Balistics Ground, and when the Quarry is complete, send your first Brawler to it to build a Sledger 10) I'm not sure what should come next but I think that you should be building a Well or a Druidess Garden. If your building a well : build it right next to a pesant hut as this saves a lot of time for pesants to collect water If you're building a Duridess Garden : get 3 or 4 to build it and when done, build 1 Druidess, one Mauler, one Brawler (if pesant is left over, send him to collect or build a Tower) 11) build pretty much anything you want but shortly you should have the following : 1 Druidess 2 Balistamen 1 Mauler 1 Sledger with that being said, do the following : take Mauler and build a Pitch Slinger build another Brawler and when that's done build another Sledger you should now have the following : 1 Druidess 2 Balistamen 1 Pitch Slinger 2 Sledger This is a pretty tough unit to beat for the following reasons : the druidess can help stop any incoming attack and save some of your lives the Balistamen do a crazy amount of damage and can easily take out a bunch of people the Pitch Slinger is ready to burn any building down that's in the area the Sledgers have a great health rating and do a good amount of damage to any unit Like I said, it's just a basic starting so it's not the greatest army in the world, yet. This is usually the plan that I end up following, with some variation. You don't have to follow it at all if you don't want to, it's just a beginning so use your discretion. *********************************************************************** 7) Strategies for using wolf against any opponnent - good strategies for using the wolf clan - in depth This is where the really good stuff is. It's strategies that usually work on anything, and generally helpful regardless of how you play the game. Enjoy. Pitch Slingers are incredible at burning buildings. Whatever squad you have, have at lest 3 pitch slingers in there somewhere. When you get near the enemy base, let the rest of your men worry about the enemy units, and take your Pitch Slingers right into the center of the base. Get them to attack the buildings (individually - each Pitch Slinger attacks a different one). This way, you get to attack multiple buildings at once, and it takes way longer to put out the fires that you have set. As long as eveyone is doing their job, your Pitch Slinger are in very little danger of being attacked because the enemy is too occupied with the rest of your guys. Use the upgrades a lot. First upgrade the Balistics Ground - Pitch Slinger Balistamen and Hurlers have a longer range and Pitch Slingers Balistamen and Hurlers do more damage from higher ground. With this upgrade, Balistamen can hit about as far away as Longtooth can and the Pitch Slinger can hit as far as Balistamen can without the upgrade. Place one in a tower and they are nearly unstopable because of the bonus for higher ground. Balistamen placed in towers with these upgrades can kill a Samurai in 3 to 4 shots easily. So in closing, upgrade things a lot. Towers are very important. Use them a lot and only place Balistamen in them. They do the most damage to units even though the fire slower, and they can hit people that are really far away. Lots of Druidess are a good idea. Trap the enemy as quickly as possible then use the rest of the units to kill them. If you are sending out 1 big squad to attack the enemy and you have no units left, build a Druidess to help protect your base. If you have towers armed with Balistamen, they will take care of the problem in no time because they wll be trying to hit a still target, which isn't a difficult task. Do not send all of one squad that has Druidess blessings into an attack. Even though they have blessings, the missing armor is still a huge drawback. Only bless some of your troops (1 Berserker, 1 Balistamen, 1 Hurler if you decided to use one, or 1 Brawler if you use them). The armor is incredibly important to every unit. Once you are out of blessings, go get armor for the Druidess. Armor should be equipped on every unit unless a blessing is given. Do not send units out without the armor. It takes way longer for you to be killed if you are wearing it. Attack with a lot of different people. Sending in one unit has lots of the same uint has obvous drawbacks. If the enemy has lots of ranged attacks, take a couple of your melee units and go send them to attack the shooters (one melee unit per ranged attacker.) this way, the ranged attacks are completely nullified, and , all ranged attackers that get into hand to hand against a melee fighter, are at a huge disadvantage. Only use the Keep after upgrading from buildings. Getting a Hero is not as good as upgrading every single unit that you create. A permanent upgrade is better than a temporary one as long as you use the unit that you upgraded. Upgrading Maulers to do more damage is useless if you never use Maulers. Heros are incredibly powerful people and should be used often as long as you are upgraded, and have lots of resources to spare. You should also send in at least 2 heros with your squad. Don't forget, Heros cannot be destroyed completely. Once they have died, they can come back after a short while. Have lots of ranged attackers in your army. The Wolf ranged attacks are great and are very usefull. But don't only take ranged attackers, for obvious reasons. I'm still looking for any sort of help for strategies so if anyone has any strategies, send them in to me using the e-mail at the top of the FAQ. Your strategies will be placed here, and you will recieve full credit for it. Thanks. *********************************************************************** 8) Pros and Cons of Wolf Clan - pros and cons This section is just to show the pros and cons of the Wolf. Pros : Very strong units Only clan that can regenerate Heros are very strong Great ranged attackers Armor is available for every unit and lowers damage against all attacks Druidess Blessings are very effective when used correctly Lots of health Can devestate buildings easily Cons : Slow builders Buildings are enormous Slow unit producers Expensive Can have low stamina Can be slow attackers Druidess Blessings remove Shale Armor Hope that helps put things into perspective. ********************************************************************* 9) Version History June 1st, FAQ is started June 4th, FAQ is complete *********************************************************************** 10) Thanks Thanks to Gamefaqs for using the FAQ. Thanks to for using the FAQ The following sites may use my FAQ - anyone else must e-mail me first Version 1.00 - FAQ complete Version 1.01 - changed Diggers stats