Melty Blood ReAct Miyako Arima Character FAQ by linalys Disclaimer: This may be not be reproduced under any circumstances except for personal, private use. It may not be placed on any web site or otherwise distributed publicly without advance written permission. Use of this guide on any other web site or as a part of any public display is strictly prohibited, and a violation of copyright. This FAQ is for GameFAQs, Neoseeker, and DLH only. It is not to be posted anywhere else without permission. If you want to use it, just e-mail me. I'll probably say yes, I'd just like to know beforehand. This guide is copyright 2004 linalys. Melty Blood ReAct is copyright Watanabe Production / French Bread Original Tsukihime story and characters are copyright Type-Moon. Version 0.80 October 11, 2004 Newest version 2.008 is out Miyako is greatly changed and I finally have some new info worth updating over. Damage scaling info added Removed Character Overview. Don't like it. Lots of move specifics updated v2.008 is out and Miyako cannot escaping from the down toning nearly everyone has been getting up to this point. At first the changes seemed really horrific, but after a bit of playtesting they weren't that bad. ----------Terminology------------------------------------------------ f = forward b = back d = down u = up df = down forward qcb = quarter-circle back qcf = quarter-circle forward hcf = half circle forward dp = dragon punch motion (f,d,df) EX = the C version of a special move MB = Melty Blood A = light attack B = medium attack C = heavy attack D = shield This guide will assume you know basic Melty Blood ReAct gameplay elements. If there's something you don't know refer to kalciane's excellent FAQ. Attack info is formatted like so: (Number of hits, Base Damage, Circuit Gained) All damage is 100% unscaled damage at default damage level 3. ----------Normal Moves----------------------------------------------- None of Miyako's normals can be charged. Standing A A quick jab, good for stuffing opponents' attacks and starting your combos. (1, 300, 5.1%) Jumping A A downwards palm strike that comes out quickly. Does more damage than it did in MB but still not that great. 78% damage scaling. (1, 300, 5.1%) Crouching A A downwards angled punch. Pretty bad range but necessary against short people like Ren and Neko-Arc. 78% damage scaling. (1, 300, 3.4%) Standing B Miyako takes a step and does an elbow strike. Comes out fast and is my main combo starter. 92% damage scaling. (1, 700, 11.9%) Jumping B Miyako does a palm strike to her left and right. This is the best crossup in the game. Comes out slightly slower than Jump A. (1, 700, 11.9%) Crouching B An uppercut. Good as a launcher from a sweep. Will NOT hit Neko-Arc on the ground. It will also not hit the following crouching characters: Hisui, Arcueid, Akiha, Aka Akiha, Mech Hisui, Ren and herself. (1, 1000, 17%) Standing C Miyako takes a step forward and does a shoulder check. Has a large hit box but takes a second to come out. Does chip damage. Will wallslam if it hits an airborne opponent. As of v2.008 this move can only be canceled into a special move. 88% damage scaling. (1, 1000, 17%) Jumping C A double palm strike steeply angled downwards. Compared to her other air attacks, this is slow to come out. 85% damage scaling. (1, 1000, 17%) Crouching C A standard sweep, not very good range as Miyako's short. Has significant recover time if it whiffs or isn't cancelled into something. 50% damage scaling. (1, 1000, 17%) ----------Command Moves---------------------------------------------- f + B Miyako dashes forward a fixed distance and does a stand B. She moves a shorter distance than in MB and this will now combo. Vital to keep Miyako up close for combos. Does chip damage. As of v2.008 this now knocks down and floats the opponent for an air combo. 75% damage scaling. (1, 550, 9.3%) f + C Miyako's launcher. Almost useless now as it is MUCH slower and will not combo from anything short of a wallslam. Does chip damage. (1, 1000, 17%) ----------Throws----------------------------------------------------- f + C Miyako's throw. Much different from MB, now she pushes the enemy forward a step leaving them open just long enough to start a combo with stand C. This throw also will NOT KO. 65% damage scaling. (1, 500) f + C (in air) Miyako's air throw. She does leap frog on the opponent and they drop straight down. She can no longer throw people standing on the ground. The enemy will recover instantly upon hitting the ground. (1, 1300) ----------Shield Moves----------------------------------------------- Shield Bunker qcb + D. Miyako will do a very slow f+C. As if it wasn't already slow enough. (1, 1000, 17%) Shield Counter Shield, then do qcf + D. -standing A stand C that will wallslam. There's no invicibility so not worth it IMO. (1, 1000, 8.5%) -jumping An EX Renkantai. Again no invicibility and if you whiff there's a combo waiting for you. Use with caution. (2, 2500) -crouching Miyako will dash a short distance forward. She can go behind the opponent if close enough. The only shield counter worth doing IMO, as she will go through attacks. Last Act Shield while standing in Blood Heat mode. Miyako will hop then do a Doukan. This changed from version 2.000 where she would do a normal Doukan. She appears to be invincible while hopping upwards but can be hit anytime after coming down from the hop. This move criticals quite often. (1, 3200/3500) ----------Special Moves---------------------------------------------- All moves were named after what I thought it sounded like Miyako said while doing them. Choshichu qcf + A/B, f + A/B Miyako will rush forward with an elbow strike. A version travels a short distance and will combo from a f + B, stand B, and d + C. B version has a bit of startup but travels a longer distance. If close enough Miyako will go through the opponent and hit from behind instead. If and only if the first hit connects (isn't blocked) you can do the follow up command for a second hit, Miyako's stand C. This hit has better recovery time than the first hit. If you try and do the A follow up after the B version it will whiff. Both hits are super cancelable. (A version 1st hit: 700, 13.6% 2nd hit: 500, 8.5%) (B version 1st hit: 1200,15.3% 2nd hit: 600, 8.5%) Doukan qcb + A/B Miyako will take a step forward and throw out a punch. This will knockdown and will wallslam if it hits an airborne opponent. A version will combo from a d + B, f + B, stand C, and sometimes a d + C. B version will not combo but goes further and has a lot of super armor. Will whiff against Neko-Arc, and crouching Ren and Miayko. Not super cancelable. (A version 1, 800, 17%) (B version 1, 1000, 17%) Renkantai dp + A/B (can be done in midair) Miyako hops up and does two kicks. A version is a short hop and does two hits. B ground version jumps higher and can hit three times if close enough. Both come out quickly and are super cancelable on the second kick in the air. Will combo from anything. The move is no longer unblockable in the air. (A version air 2, 1000, 10.2% ground 2, 1300, 22.1%) (B version air 2, 1500, 25.5% ground 3, 1900, 34%) Stomp d,d A/B Miyako does a stomp which knocks down the enemy. A version hits about a little under a quarter of the screen and will combo from a d + B, f + B, stand C, and a d + C. B version won't combo at all but hits a little over a quarter of the screen away and will launch the enemy for an air combo. Not super cancelable. B Version has 70% damage scaling. (A version 1, 800, 13.6%) (B version 1, 700, 11.9%) ----------EX and Super Moves----------------------------------------- Choshichu qcf + C Miyako will dash about 80% of the screen and hit the opponent with an elbow that will wallslam. Will combo from a d + B, stand C, and a normal Choshichu. Like the B version, it will cross up if Miyako is close enough. Has a bit of recovery time. This doesn't seem to be blockable in midair. After this hits the opponent will fall to the ground invincible, so no follow ups. 90% damage scaling. (1, 1800) Doukan qcb + C Miyako goes a bit shorter of a distance than the B version. Will combo from a d + B, stand C, and both hits of the normal Choshichu. Wallslams and has super armor. 65% damage scaling. (1, 2200) Renkantai dp + C (can be done in air) Exactly the same as the B version but with more damage. Knocks the opponent up high and they can recover almost instantly. Air version will wallslam. 3rd hit of the ground version has 60% damage scaling. Ground version (3 hits) does 3200. Air version (2 hits) does 2500. EX Stomp d,d + C Even more startup than the B version but will launch the enemy if they are anywhere on the ground. 80% damage scaling. (1, 1800) Aura Burst hcf + C (in heat mode) Miyako does an even bigger stomp than the EX version and is surrounded with an aura. Has been toned down from Melty Blood. It has more startup, less range, less damage, and more recovery time. This is unblockable in the air. (1, 3800) Aura Burst hcf + C (in blood heat mode) Has a different colored aura, comes out faster, does more damage, and has more range than the heat super. This is also unblockable in the air. Comboable from a d + B, f + B, stand C, and both hits of the normal Choshichu. If you get a chance to use it for anti-air go for it. Otherwise don't go out of your way to try using it. (1, 4800) ----------Move Analysis----------------------------------------------- This is all theory fighter as the only competition I have is the computer. If I ever get to see any Miyako v.s. replays I'll be sure to include any strategies I can glean from them. Doukan qcb + A/B/C A Version: It's comboable but it's also fast enough to be a random poke. Be careful however, the move is easily stuffed as Miyako doesn't punch until the last moment. The move is fast enough that it usually can't be punished on reaction but get predictable and you will be jabbed. With little to no recovery time this move is usually safe if blocked. A Counter hit with this will stun the opponent till they hit the ground, so make sure to follow up with a combo. B Version: It isn't completely protected by super armor but there's only a small window for her to be hit out of, not very likely to happen. Use it to regain the offensive but be careful not to absorb too much damage using this. Mix it up with A version to get them a bit confused if they should block and poke. EX Version: It has invincibility and super armor, you AREN'T getting hit out of this move no matter how badly you use it. As of v2.008 it has 65% damage scaling which is almost as strict as most trips in the game. But as it does so much damage, it's usually worth it anyway. Choshichu qcf + A/B/C A Version: The combo friendly version. It does alright damage but I usually prefer the knockdown from the doukan or try to setup the opponent with a Renkantai. The only ground super cancelable move though. With the newly tweaked throw, I use this a lot more. It seems to push back more on block in v2.008 and therefore is a bit safer. B Version: Not comboable, slow start up, and still not the best damage. If you throw these out randomly (there isn't any other way as they don't combo off anything short of a wallslam) then chances are the opponent will counter hit or throw you. This move is that slow. It can cross up but as Miyako pauses so many times in this move, I just don't see it being useful even crossing up. It is somewhat safer on block in v.2008. EX Version: This move was only really useful in combos before but now that it cannot be followed up by anything, it's that much more useless. It doesn't have any post flash invincibility and the damage isn't that high. Stomp d,d + A/B/C A Version: Comboable but has very little range. This move downs the opponent for a second, so you can use the time to set up a cross up or simply hit them OTG. This move is probably safe if blocked, but if they jump prepare to eat a combo. B Version: Has some start up, but more range and floats the opponent for an air combo. Not very useful because of the start up time. EX Version: A bit more start up time but will hit any grounded opponent and still floats for an air combo. Don't use this move, you have better uses for the circuit. Renkantai dp + A/B/C A Version: Fast and decent damage. Not much reason to use this move however. B Version does everything this does and more. Not a bad move though. If you had to try and use Renkantai as anti-air for some reason, this is the one you would use. Doesn't knock the opponent as high as the B version. B Version: Comes out fast and will combo off almost anything. This should be the special move of choice. It does good damage, combo friendly, and super cancelable if you need just a bit more damage. It's harder to setup anything with this now as you hit them up higher. EX Version: Still the most damaging EX move Miyako has but it lost the long stun time and so you can't combo after this anymore. Aura Burst hcf + C Heat Version: This super ends heat mode and leaves you with 150% circuit instead of 0% like previous versions. The move doesn't have much range and is very hard to combo into. It has some start up time and lots of recovery. So be careful using it. Blood Heat Version: This is just like the Heat version but faster, with more range and damage. This has less start up time but just as much recovery. Comboable from a d + B, f + B, and Stand C, not to mention wallslams. Because of the combability and the faster start up time and range, I recommend trying to use it to hit the opponent out of the air. Be careful though, there is no invincibility in this move. ----------Combos----------------------------------------------------- All these can be seen at Standard B&B Combos B&B #1 A,B,C,f+B,Renkantai B. 3511 Damage and 77.3% Circuit. Standard combo, I could do this in my sleep. B&B #2 d+A,C,f+B, Renkantai B. 2414 Damage and 63.7% Circuit. You can alter this combo depending on your distance from the opponent but this version will always hit no matter the distance. EX Combos (Needs 100% circuit) EX #1 A,B,C,f+B, EX Renkantai, jump B,C, double jump B,C, B Renkantai. 7066 Damage 7k damage anywhere on the screen for just 100% circuit and you gain most of it back. The hard part is getting used to the timing needed to combo after the EX Renkantai. EX #2 A,B,C, EX Doukan, C,f+C, jump cancel, B,C, double jump B, air throw. 7098 Damage Distance dependant as you need a little time to recover from the EX Doukan to continue comboing. Much easier though. EX #3 Jump C, land, B,C,f+B,d+B, EX Doukan, C,f+C, jump cancel B, C, double jump B,C, EX Renkantai. 9209 Damage Distance dependant and pretty similar to EX #2 but 9k damage for only 200% circuit and only 100% circuit needed to start. Very scary IMO. 100% Life Exhibition Combos These combos aren't at all practical but I like to try and make these. Miyako has it easier than most because of how easily she can abuse wallslams so she can continue comboing. All these combos require correct position so Miyako can combo after the EX Doukan. Miyako Combo #1 Needs 175%+ Circuit Jump C,B, land, B,C,f+B,d+B, EX Doukan, EX Doukan, f+C, jump cancel B, C, double jump B, C, EX Renkantai. 10115 Damage Not much to say, easiest and most possible exhibition combo to be pulled off in a real match. Miyako Combo #2 In Heat Mode B,C,f+B,d+B, EX Doukan, EX Doukan, EX Renkantai, jump B, C, double jump C, EX Renkantai. 10137 Damage Hard to do because of the timing needed to land the Renkantai then combo after it. But it doesn't have the jump C,B in the front. Miyako Combo #3 In Blood Heat Mode Jump C, B, land, B,C,f+B,d+B, EX Doukan, EX Doukan,d+B, True Stomp. Just be sure to wait a bit between the 2nd EX Doukan and the d+B otherwise the opponent will not be hit by the super. ----------Contact Info------------------------------------------------ If I have information wrong or you have something to contribute you can e-mail me at ----------Version History--------------------------------------------- Version 0.70 June 28, 2004 New patches came out v2.002 and v2.003 Fixed a few errors, I really need to proofread. Added some info - Comboing after EX Rentankai Ground version - Air throw changed - Choshichu A version faster? v2.002 - Seems slower again v2.003 - Choshichu follow up is just f+A/B not qcf+A/B Duh. Actually have combos in combo section. Yay. Changed Strategy into Move Analysis Version 0.65 June 13, 2004 Played Miyako more, changed opinion about some things Added missing attack data. Opps Changed some attack info Character Overview and Strategy got more info Version 0.60 June 8, 2004 Rewrote strategy section as I didn't like the way I had it before. Added more to strategy section. ReAct 2.001 came out, many things changed. Added attack data Version 0.55 June 6, 2004 Normals, Commands, and Special moves completed. Strategy and Combos need to be fleshed out. ----------Credits----------------------------------------------------- kalciane Chip damage info was taken from his massive FAQ. Links: The best English resource for all things Type-Moon.