------DISCIPLES II DARK PROPHECY------ Disciples II Dark Prophecy Quests FAQ Created by Ethel Copyright (c) Ethel.L gkane84@yahoo.com 1st August 2003-Version 1 3rd October 2003-Version 1.1 6th November 2003- Last updated Author's note: I'm sure all of you know how tedious it is to write an FAQ, how much effort and time is put in, so as long as you don't change any part of this FAQ and don't pass it off as your own or sell it for money(well no one would want to spend money buying it anyway), you can feel free to use it. This FAQ is to appear ONLY on GameFAQs(http://www.gamefaqs.com) and gamenotover site. -Introduction- Disciples II - Dark Prophecy is a turn-based strategy game that involved a lot of gameplay. Whilst there are a number of very informative FAQs posted on the sagas, I do not find any FAQs on the quests, therefore I decided to make one based on the them. Quests in Disciples II-Dark Prophecy are short individual chapters, and there are a total of 14 playable. This is my first attempt at writing an FAQ, and I would appreciate any comments and suggestions. Please kindly forgive me if I did not do a good job. Any mistakes, please email to me at gkane84@yahoo.com. Well then, let's get started. The 14 Quests: 1) Battle of the Yldram Isles 2) Crossing the Lucian 3) Drega Zul 4) Hellish Invasion 5) Hureth Valley 6) Ice-Mar 7) In Gold We Trust 8) Kadrath's Fall 9) Last Stand 10) Lunnark's Travels 11) Power to Corrupt 12) Terror in Moonsong 13) Vaglan 1- The Highlands 14) Vaglan 2- The Betrayal Points to take note before we start: A) When I did not list the enemy's immunities, that means it is not immune to any attack/elemental. B) Cities and unexplored Ruins listing E.g: Runia-Lv 2 1 Titan,1 Witch-Hunter Gives: Staff of Twilight This means that the city Runia is at Level 2 with 1 Titan and 1 Witch-Hunter in its defenses and that you get the Staff of Twilight from taking it over. E.g: Ruined Castle 1 Doomdrake, 1 Zombie Loot: Staff of Nightfall This means that there is 1 Doomdrake and 1 Zombie in the Ruin that you've to fight and that you get the Staff of Nightfall after defeating them. GP are not listed. C) Shops/Mercenaries/Towers Listing E.g: Jenbah's MarketPlace: Life Potion Potion of Restoration Potion of Healing This means that the shop sells Life potions, Potions of Restoration and Potions of Healing. E.g: Ice Breaker(Provide training for your troops) This means that this is a training camp and that you pay GP to increase your units' levels. E.g: Bildal's Tower: Healing Blizzard Summon II: Valkyrie This means that the Tower allows you to buy the spells Healing, Blizzard and Summon II: Valkyrie. E.g: Righon's camp(hiring): Man at Arms Spearman This means that the camp allows you to hire units of Man at Arms and Spearman (You must pay GP for them of course :D) D) Walkthrough Race listing In some quests, you'll see two parts, E.g 1: PART A: Using the Empire -------------------------------- PART B: Using the Mountain Clans Whereas in some other quests, E.g 2: Using the Legions/Empire/Undead The difference is due to my observation in events of the quests as well as my purpose in keeping the FAQ shorter and to avoid unnecessary repetitions. Let me explain. Let's take a quest where you get to play as the Undead or the Empire as an example, I will see whether the events of both differ much or not. If they don't I'll usually use E.g 2 format and list the individual events after the walkthrough. But in the case where they do, then I'll use E.g 1 format. Somewhere along the line, I changed the walkthrough's format as well. I don't elaborate on the ruins and cities anymore because I don't see the need for it as I've given required information at the end of each quest's walkthrough. I kept the elaboration on step by step exploring for the first few quests but after which I did not. This is because I hope to start you off getting familiar to what the quests are like, but as we progress, there's no need for me to tell you go south, go east, then north because you will most certainly want to explore on your own and in your own way and directions:) E) The game's way of direction on the map is different from mine( as in its North is my East, its South is my West and so on) so I've provided simple but readable maps with directions so you can refer to it while reading my FAQ(that way you'll know what I'm talking about). I've decided to keep to my way of direction :P F) Since there's plenty of flexibility in playing these quests, you can always explore the map in your own way, as well as fighting enemy units. An example being you using the Empire and you can always choose not to fight the human units on the map, or not to take over certain cities etc. In this FAQ, I've cleared all the maps so as to provide you with the information on the cities and stuff, but when you are playing the quests, you might not want to kill every single unit on the map, depending on your preference. G) I've included the difficulty value based on my PERSONAL opinion, this will serve as a guide to those who wish to plan their troops depending on the difficulty of the quest. '&' are used as indications, the higher the no. of '&', the harder the quest. No '&' means it's way too easy you don't even need to spend time building up your troops(Max no. of '&' :5) ============================================================================== 1) Battle of the Yldram Isles && - The Yldram Isles sector is one of the most strategic regions of the realm because of its high traffic of sea merchants and travelers. The Empire and the Undead Hordes are now fighting savagely for the control of this area. Your Objective: Take control of the Yldram Isles by crushing your opponent's troops and taking his capital In this quest you get to choose between using the Empire or the Undead Hordes (Pretty obvious isn't it?) Map Size: 48 x 48 North ----------------------- | E H | | | | | | | West | O G | East | S | | | | K | | A U | ------------------------- South E: Empire capital H: Hambourgh city G: Galdarth Clan city S: Sea Serpent O: Siria city K: Kraken A: Arkenaso city U: Undead Hordes capital ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ PART A: Using the Empire When your game starts, a Pegasus Knight appear and tell you that before the Empire and Undead Hordes came, the Marshdwellers and Barbarians are already fighting over this region and that they gained control of sea creatures to help them. Now get cracking! It's time to go slaughter some weaklings for experience points! After all, you'll need to upgrade your units greatly, but before that, you know that you'll ultimately need to take the capital of the Undead, and the guardian(as you always know)is extremely powerful. But this time, do not worry too much about the 900 HP guardian who can cause 250 damage to all your 6 units at one go. Ashgan(the guardian of the Undead Hordes) has been weakened much because the producer of the game pities all of us. -Stats of Ashgan HP : 190 Damage : 41 Armor : 0+50 Initiative: 34 Now, do you feel a little relieved? Good, but still, you can't really afford to be careless. So you will definitely want to choose your armies correctly. Now, let me give some recommendations from my experience. They are just based on my opinions, so you can always disagree with me and try new organizations for yourself. Now be sure to include Archers and Titans in your each of your hired unit, especially Archers. Why? you'd ask, because you can get archers to upgrade to imperial assassins and they are great because they can attack any unit and poison them as well, I use them for facing Ashgan, poison will deplete his HP every turn so you don't have to depend too much on your magician to hit him. You probably already know he is in the back row, and so your squires and whatever knights that can only aim at adjacent units won't be able to hit him at all. Titans have high HP, so she will be able to last longer in the battle, and lasting longer in that battle will cause more turns to pass, and so more HP depleted from our sweet Ashgan. If you can, forget about Squires, you can never get to upgrade them till they are very strong. If your leader manages to level up, choose leadership and you can get one more apprentice. A healer is okay, but it may not be that useful. Now try to save up money for building up your castle instead of hiring too much leaders and units. It would be good to hire Archangels to help you change territory with mines, you don't need to allocate any units under them(it's pointless, they've only got 1 leadership). Ok, now off you go clearing your map for XP and money and treasures. :) If you go a little south from your capital, you will come across the unexplored Outpost, there is only a Lizard Man guarding it, so just loot it and get the Boots of traveling. Continue your way and you should see the Arkenaso castle. However before you go near to the castle, most probably you will see a Kraken waiting there for you. Whether you want to fight it or not is up to you. It has 504 Hp and can do 120 damage so think twice, and also... (-look at the next part) Try attacking the castle and your scout will pop up to feed you some information on how the castle is one of the greatest marshdwellers cities before war with the Barbarians. He will also say that legends has it that there is a magical item that gives great control over the sea creatures. Attack it, once again there's just one lizard Man(slightly special in the sense that it has a name). After you defeat it, you will get the Holy Artifact, 1 life potion and 1 potion of restoration. Then the Kraken will be under your control all because you have the HOLY ARTIFACT!(Yay!) The Kraken is strong so make full use of it, however take note that it cannot go on land, so you might want to leave the enemies on the sea for it to take care of. The Barbarian and Wolf unit beside the city will give you a potion of restoration. To the east of the Arkenaso city, you will find another unexplored ruin. The Monastery Ruins is guarded by two Lizard Mans, after you defeat them, you get the Staff of Traveling. If you continue east, the capital of the Undead Hordes will be there, so just leave it until you are ready. East of your capital is another city called Hambourgh with 2 thugs, 1 master thug and 1 archer. You get two potions of healing after the battle. Proceed to the south and yet another city Siria awaits. As you near it, your scout will tell you that Siria is mainly inhabited by merchants and sailors who make stopovers there, but it is now under the control of the Marshdwellers. Kill them(1 Medusa and 1 Lizard Man) and you get 1 life potion, 1 potion of fortune and a tome of water. East of Siria is the Galdarth city under the Galdarth clan. A sole Babarian Chieftain guards it(he's the clan leader or something like that, now that's quite miserable isn't it? with no subordinates around) Your scout appears again and inform you about the city. He mentions that the Chieftain of the Galdarth clan owns a magical item that grants him control over a powerful beast. As expected you will have to beat him to see what it is. Your reward is 1 Doragon's Eye, 1 life potion and 1 potion of restoration. You also get to control the Sea Serpent beside the castle due to possession of the Doragon's Eye, hmmm so this is the magical item. Well same thing goes for the Sea Serpent, it's no landlubber, so use it for enemies on the sea. Now one point to make is that, I would choose to fight both the Kraken and the Sea Sepent if I were you. Okay, in my first attempt, I killed the Kraken before I take over Arkenaso so I didn't know what's the use of the Holy Artifact. But killing them gives experience points, and also if you manage to control them, you will most likely use them because even if you really don't want to, you can't help but use them because they are so much more stronger than your low level units. You will end up using them to kill all the sea enemies and how about your units that's going to go take over the capital of your enemy? They lost a whole lot of XP obtainable. But it's all up to you. Slightly north of Galdarth is the Outpost Ruins and it contains an etched circlet for you to grab. If you decided to attack the human unit who is the Empire convoy near the Outpost Ruins, I'd suggest no. If you kill them, the advisor will say that since the convoy is destroyed, you have lost all your goods. There's really not much effect as far as I can see, so it's your choice again. Around this part of the game, units will begin appearing on the ends of the map, they are merchant sailors. I waited for a few turns for them to see what is this all about, they will try to find the nearest city to them and take it, even if you kill them, it's alright, not much effect, but come on, they are just merchants and sailors, after all your mission is not to kill them, but to defeat the Undead, and killing them don't give much XP anyway. After one of them takes the city of Galdarth, the advisor appear next turn and tell you that one of the convoy needs assistance near Galdarth city. They have valuable load that requires you to ensure that it reaches its destination. So I moved one of my unit there.....nothing happened, I tried to click on the castle to see whether they will start telling me what can I do to help and stuff...I wound up attacking them instead, so nothing big actually, no bother. After you have explored enough, you can get ready to take on the enemy's capital. Once you defeat the capital's defenses(and get an amount of XP, I got 2698), the capital is fallen and you have conquered it. The mission ends. You get the Skeleton spell(which is no use at all coz you don't even get a chance to use it) and the quest ends. The ending: A 'Congratulations' screen telling you that you have defeated your enemy. Wow, cool ending huh? Haha well, don't expect much, it's just a quest anyway. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ PART B: Using the Undead Hordes Basically, using the Undead Hordes is no different from that of the Empire. You get the same events and the same stuff that your scout and advisor says. As for strategy, well do I need to say anything? The Undead Hordes are the best of all the four races, but in my case I used the computer's method during sagas, and that is: Hire Werewolves to occupy the front row and all powerful magicians to take up the back, it's so easy to play as the Undead. They are cool to play with anyway. Okay now everything is the same as playing as the Empire so I won't repeat them again. Again, the convoy units are up to you to decide what to do with them, but one interesting point is: when I killed the Empire Convoy unit, the Empire advisor showed his face and said the same thing about you losing the goods and stuff, funny huh? Well nevermind that though, it's a pretty short quest, and a very simple one at that. -Stats of Myzrael, Guardian of Empire's capital (note from author: he's cute isn't it?...oops sorry yeah this is a FAQ, sorry about that :P) HP : 190 Damage : 41 Armor : 0+50 Initiative: 34 After the Empire's capital has fallen, you acquire a potion of healing and the lightning spell. The ending: No Difference, same as that of the Empire's. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Cities Galdarth Clan City-Lv 1 1 Babarian Chieftain Siria-Lv 1 1 Medusa, 1 Lizard Man Arkenaso City-Lv 1 1 Lizard Man(Sybarh Maal) Hambourgh-Lv 1 1 Master Thug, 2 Thugs, 1 Archer Enemies on map Mermaid, Merman, Archer, Master Thug, Fighter, Templar, Lizard Man, Thug, Specter, Man at Arms, Medusa, Barbarian(Young Barbarian), Barbarian Chieftain, Kraken(if you fight it), Sea Serpent(if you fight it), Wolf, Spearman Shop/Mercenary/Tower Jenbah's Marketplace: Potion of Restoration Life potion Potion of Striking Potion of Swiftness Potion of Strength Potion of Might Clathum's shop: Potion of Restoration Life Potion Potion of Vigor Potion of Strength Potion of Accuracy Bildal's Tower: Shadow spell True sight spell Keriek's Camp(Hiring): Archer Spearman Man at Arms Items found in money bag/treasure chests: Chronos scroll Banner of Protection 2 Potion of Healing 2 Life Potion 2 Sliver ring Banner of resistance Skull Bracers ============================================================================== 2) Crossing the Lucian &&& -For centuries, Lucian is the border between the Legions of the Damned and the Empire. However, now both wanted to expand their territory. A fierce battle shall begin, if the capital guardian fall, the capital will fall too. There are three other races fighting to keep their share of land too. The Orcish Deathbringer clan, the Brotherhood of the North(one of the mountain clans) and the Koman Dun of the Barbarians. It will take nothing less than taking complete control of the enemy stronghold to win the battle. Your Objective: Capture the enemy's capital In this quest, you get to choose to either use the Empire or the Legions of the Damned. Map size: 48 x 48 North ----------------------- | E K D | | V | | P B | | T | West | | East | | | | | K D S L | | | ------------------------- South E: Empire capital V: Elves T: Truantia city P: Port Fenrir city K: Koman Dun Group D: DeathBringer Group B: Brotherhood of the North Group(Kalator city) S: Serune Outpost city L: Legions of the Damned capital ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ PART A: Using the Empire Once the game has started, your advisor will inform you that this region is plagued by Rangers and Priests who have betrayed the Empire and he suggests that you deal with them first before confronting the Legions so that they do not come back later to sting you. Okay, as usual, try to form your units appropriately, include archers I'd say! Your enemy capital's guardian this time is Ashkael of the Legions. -Stats of Ashkael HP : 190 Damage : 41 Armor : 0+50 Initiative: 90 So based on that, try forming your units that would work best at capturing the capital. When you have finished assembling your armies, you would want to take the suggestions of your advisor and start getting rid of the enemy units around your capital. If you click on the show banner icon, you'll see that they are under the empire as well, okay we already know they are traitors, so just punish them all! There are two corrupt priests groups blocking the way to the Ancient Temple as well as a prophetess and her 3 thug minions in the temple itself. After you defeat all of them, you'll get a life potion and the imperial priest will commend you for your actions, saying that the priests have paid the price for betraying the Highfather and that the battle has demonstrated the Empire's might. Go south a bit and the city of Truantia can be seen. Inside are 2 Lizard Man and 1 Ogre and you may have to prepare your troops well before taking it, after which you are then rewarded with a Skull of Thanatos(located in the city's inventory). When you clear the land of the Ranger betrayers, your Ranger advisor gives you assurance that now that you have taken care of this group of Rangers, recruiting Rangers will be an easier task, with that you move on to the Elves. As you approach them, another advisor of yours(wow, is this quest a gathering for advisors?) remind you that if you take time to pray to the Highfather near ancient statues, he may aid your quest. He added that there is such a statue to the east(which if you explore just a little further, you will see it, it's just right after the Elves). Near to the Empire statue is a city called Port Fenrir with 3 Spearman and 1 Titan guarding it, If you managed to take over the city(which isn't hard at all) and view the city's inventory, there is a Runestone artifact and a Diamond left behind for you. You might want to go north till the end and there are three units on sea. As you go near to them, one of them speaks. He say that he had arrived from his faraway land and has brought items that will help fight the demons. He will then join you while the other two units will leave the map. The items he had with him: Highfather's potion, Healing ointment and Banner of striking. Now you might want to go back to Port Fenrir and take the chance to heal all your units and equip them with whatever you have because to the east are the Deathbringer Clans, Koman Dun and Brotherhood of the North Clans. There are quite a bunch of them, so make sure you have enough potions and stuff to heal up when needed. You will meet up with the DeathBringer and Koman Dun first, all of their groups consist of Barbarians and Orcs, so I suggest concentrating on one clan first and after you rid yourself of them, then you deal with the other clan, in this case, I recommend the Deathbringer (they just comprises of Orcs,Orc Champions and Goblin Archers) because they have lower HP and are much easier to get rid of. When you go east till the end of the map and attempt to go up the slope to the higher plateau, one of the deathbringer unit stops you and order you not to go near and to go back where you belong, well who cares, just shut its mouth up. The Orcish Watch Tower ruin is up on the plateau guarded by 2 Orcs, 1 Orc champion and 3 Goblin Archers. You can get a Talisman of Vigor from it. Go down and south and another ruin is there. There are 3 Orcs in the Orc slave mine and should prove much easier to beat as compared to the former. You should probably see the city of Kalator near. It is owned by the Brotherhood of the North clan, try attacking it and a Brotherhood guard will come up with the you have no right to occupy our city blah blah blah crap, read what he said for yourself, I can't bother typing out words of a moron. Look in the city inventory once again after you took over the city, there should be 2 potions of healing, 1 life potion, and 1 boots of speed. Heal up and off we go again. Go south and you will spot the Legions territory, leave it be first, head east and there will be units of enemies for you to take on. 2 Giant black spiders, well good luck with them, if you can't defeat them as yet, pass them and proceed further west. There are mermaids and merman as well as a Kraken, nope, don't hope, this time you can't get to use the Kraken, so don't bother trying. When you defeat the Kraken, the Legions will cast a Nightfall spell, no problem with that, just move on. Head west while clearing your way and soon you will spot the Kassel ruin, it is guarded by just an ogre, which should not be a problem for you by now. You'll get the Banner of Protection upon looting the place. East of the ruin, more DeathBringer and Koman Dun lie in wait, so just slaughter them all for XP. There is a ruin(Pandemonium) which has a fiend in it and only provide you with a life potion, decide whether you want to waste your time with it. Now when you reach the city Serune Outpost and clear it of the orc and goblins inside, you will have the Dwarven Bracer and Gold ring, equip the Bracer and you can get ready to fight the Spiders. When the Spiders are dead meat, just prepare to fight the Legions. After you take the capital, the quest ends with the congrats screen again. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ PART B: Using the Legions of the Damned Your advisor tells you that now is the time to fulfill the ancient prophecy and spread the reign of the demons. But first you will have to take care of the demon traitors(is this story copyright? I wonder...) Gorgoth and Bhaarth. By now, you probably already know the assemble your troops thing, so I'm not going to say it again. Again, you are to take over the Empire's capital. -Stats of Myzrael *blink* :) HP : 190 Damage : 41 Armor : 0+50 Initiative: 90(oops, it has increased a LOT from last time) After the traitors have been punished, your advisor appears again and praise you, and as a token of appreciation, give you an Infernal Knight orb, and tell you to keep serving well and you will be greatly rewarded. Yes Sire! Thanks for the orb! Okay equip it on someone who has the skill and it will help much. If you go directly north from the capital, a demon by the name of erm...... Gorgoth(familiar name huh?) warps in and asks for your assistance to have his revenge on the Empire because he hated it for what it stands for...erm mister, are you out of your mind? What does hating what a country stands for have to do with having your revenge? Maybe he really screwed it up, oh well, anyway you get to control him and that's a pretty good addition I assume. Clear you way up north to occupy Kalator and loot the two orc ruins. West of the capital, you will find the Pandemonium ruin with the life potion and the city of Serune Outpost. Leave the Spiders for now, proceed west till the end and explore the ruin Kassel. Go up north from Kassel, and another city will be there. Truantia city should be fairly easy for you to take over. Further up north is the Empire's territory, but before going to clear the rest of the map, go to the Ancient Temple and get the life potion, it's the XP you don't want to miss out on. East of the ruin is Port Fenrir, easy to take care of. Heal your troops and continue, your other troops probably have taken out most of the DeathBringer and Brotherhood of North by now, what remains are the Spiders, Empire traitors, Elves and the Koman Dun. Is that good or bad news to you? Whichever, let's do it. Oh yeah, if you go meet up with the 3 northern convoy units on the map, the spearman will not join you(did I hear you say of course?) instead he will tell you not to think that by picking on a single merchant will you win the battle. Alright, the other two units beside him remain and you can attack them all. You can get the items of the merchant if you kill him so go ahead. Once you have gotten rid of all of your enemies, and you are confident about taking on the capital, go all out, it's the last battle after all. The ending is once again the congrats screen. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Cities Port Fenrir- Lv 1 3 Spearman, 1 Titan Truantia-Lv 3 2 Lizard Man, 1 Ogre Kalator-Lv 2 3 Dwalves, 1 Tenderfoot, 1 King's guard, 1 Veteran Serune Outpost-Lv 1 2 Goblins, 1 Orc Enemies on map Thug, Priests, Archer, Brown Bear, Master Thug, Scout, Centaur Lancer, Troll, Forest Elf, Ogre, Elf Ranger, Lizard Man, Goblin Archer, Goblin, Orc, Orc Champion, sea Serpent, Barbarian Warrior, Barbarian Chieftain, Merman, Mermaid, Kraken, Giant Black Spider, Demon, Cultish, Devil, Possessed Shop/Mercenary/Tower Mithiker's shop (This is the shop of the Spearman cum merchant guy): Life potion Potion of restoration Titan's might potion Banner of might The Mill Shop: Potion of restoration Life potion Boots of travelling Banner of resistance Kigger's camp(hiring): Air Elemental Elementalist Items found in money bags/treasure chests: 1 Ironskin potion 1 Lightning Scroll 1 Menta Minoris Scroll 1 Emerald 1 Staff of Invisibility 1 Royal Scepter 1 Potion of Restoration 2 Life Potion 1 Boots of Speed 1 Ruby 1 Healing Ointment 3 Potion of Healing 1 Titan's might potion ============================================================================== 3) Drega Zul && -Briefly said, the prologue is basically about this man called Joseph who died while he was escaping from the Undead Hordes, he had his child with him and he must bring her to the Empire, he was sure that the Empire could help them, it was also mentioned that his beloved was dead (she was an Undead) and now they wanted to kill him and take the child. Your Objective: Kill Vampire Krath'du. All races will lose if Drega Zul is killed. Finally, a rather special storyline I believe. You can get to use either the Empire or the Undead Hordes. Map Size: 48 x 48 North ----------------------- | C | | K L | | U | | | West | | East | | | | | R E | | F | ------------------------- South U: Undead Hordes capital K: Kekkut city L: Kalajit city C: Ruined castle R: Rivend city E: Empire capital F: Fendhill city ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ PART A: Using the Empire Game starts and a lady(looks a bit eerie) appears. She feels that after training with you and serving you loyally for so long, it's time she avenge her father's death. Her father was slaughtered years ago by the Nosferat who had made her the abervation she is now, she must make sure that she vindicate his death, and requests for your help in finding that demon. The Advisor agreed with her and added that the Undead Hordes have committed countless atrocities against your people and now they must feel your wrath. You start off with Drega Zul and a random leader(as always), since Drega must not die, and her HP is like only 200, leave her for smaller and easier battles instead(now why does she reminds me of Uther? Hmm....) One important point is, you won't find Krath'du at the Undead Hordes capital, so you don't need to fight their guardian. From your capital, go out through the west exit and soon you will meet a spearman and thug unit , slaughter them and you will get a Boots of Speed, continue to go west and there will be a city Rivend heavily guarded, approach it and Drega will tell you that it is heavily fortified and resisted for years the attacks of the undead and so it will not be easy to capture. Not quite true, they are not as strong as she said of them to be. There are two guard units outside the city. One unit has 1 Rivend Spearman(basically is just a Spearman) and 1 Spearman, the other unit includes a peasant(IMPRESSIVE isn't it?), 1 Man at arms, and 1 Rivend Spearman. City's moving party consists of a Mage, a Rogue Squire(he's just a Squire actually) and 1 Master Thug and city's defenses consists of 1 Archer, 1 Spearman and 1 Mage. If you kill one guarding unit, Drega Zul will recommend that you leave the area if you are not ready to take them all on, it's because they will most likely retaliate, and indeed they did, the next turn, the other guard unit will come after you, so be prepared. Take over the city and you get to hear a villager tell you about how he has heard of the name of Krath'du before and about how this Krath'du took pity on a young beautiful bride, and tried to convert her into an undead and so on, I don't wanna spoil it, read his story yourself. And of course Drega mentions that his story sounds too familiar. Right in the city's inventory is an orb of Nosferat. During the start of the second turn, the advisor informed you that one of the Empire's informant in the Undead has provided some news that a Nosferat called Krath'du has disappeared from the Undead Capital. Near the Rivend city is the Lookout Tower that gives you the Tome of Sorcery, there is a Rogue Squire guarding it denying your access, just clear your way. After looting the ruin, there will be a message of an inscription about Krath'du laying eyes on the lady blah blah, and you wonder what it means. If you continue to go west, you will come across more human and wolf units as well as the Abandoned Shelter ruin. I hope by now, your troops are strong enough to take them out, especially the unit with two Witch-Hunters and an Archmage. You can train your troops at the troops trainer for a while before you proceed even further. After looting the Abandoned Shelter, Drega Zul will give confirmation that a vampire has been there before. Now let's move on, as you attempt to enter the Undead territory(which is just north of the Abandoned Shelter), Drega Zul warns you about the danger. Proceed north and you'll see another city, this time under the Dwarves. The city Kekkut's defenses basically consists of only 1 Hill Giant, a dwarf and 1 Alchemist. After you took over it, a dwarf will curse you for what you have done. Finally you have reached the northern end of the map, you can go east, a hermit stops you from going further and casts a spell on you, it causes 15 hit points damage, it's up to you whether you want to heal, I chose not to. Explore the ruin just a little further away, it's the Alchemist's lab, clear it and Derga Zul says that it looks like Krath'du has no dealings with the dwarves. Now you might want to rest your troops a little while the rest take care of things, or you can just move on. Go south and there are two Giant Black Spiders waiting, your troops can manage them now I think, so just show them who's boss. Go south again(you should probably see your capital again, so let's say we are going in a circle) and something attractive caught your eye, non? yeah two treasure chests. Go take them, Drega warns you again about sightings of Krakens around this area, go nearer, and a kraken appear out of nowhere! And Miss Drega begin shouting about how you have awakened a monster! See? It's all your fault, who asks you to be so greedy? ;P South of your capital stands the Fendhill city. You will get the Spirit Staff from killing the guard unit in front of the city, and there'll only be a Man at Arms defending the city, how useless! Once the city is yours, a peasant will tell you that Krath'du's name brings horrible memories. Only a small part of fog that's not cleared, but you should see most of the stuff anyway, the wolf land(the area where groups of wolves await to devour you) and Drega Zul once again(she's pretty free isn't it, appearing here and there and everywhere) reminds you to be careful about the wolf-beast thing. The last unit of wolf blocking your way up the plateau will leave behind an Unholy Dagger Artifact when you destroy it. You will be stopped by a Rock giant when you try to go up the plateau with another city on it. He tells you to turn back or fact the consequences. Empty words for he has no reinforcements. The city is Kalajit owned by the Dwarves group. Bring it under your rule and your reward is an insult from the great and mighty dwarf villager! They are just eating sour grapes, how pathetic... So what remains is the Ruined Castle, and the name sure does sounds like the place where a vampire lives. Prepare your troops, heal them at Kalajit and get all the equipment and potions and whatever(I'm actually exagerrating haha) and attack the ruin. You will then fight 2 Initiates and 1 Deathdragon and you will get the staff of Nightmare after you beat them. Now where the heck is that Krath'du fellow? You vampire coward! Come out now! Alright he'll appear right away and tell you how he has been waiting and stuff, then he casts a spell on Drega Zul and she now has become your enemy. So your advisor suggests that you kill Krath'du to break the spell. Now it's up to you whether you want to kill Drega Zul or not, by now she is sort of redundant to the quest, I tried both methods, to kill her then Krath'du, as well as to kill Krath'du right away, leaving her unhurt. No difference at all, you'll still get the 'You have successfully completed the quest message' as well as the same old familiar congrats screen. But one thing is, since Drega is under Krath'du's control, she will come after your troops. She has 1 Shade and 2 Zombies in her unit. If you wait for the next turn after Drega has been transformed, a scout named Geldwin will appear just south of your capital saying that he will help you out(because you have lost a precious leader). No, don't look down on him, his unit is pretty strong- 1 Paladin, 1 Imperial Knight and 1 Imperial Assassin. -Krath'du's unit 1 Skeleton Warrior HP : 220 Damage : 75 Initiative: 50 Armor : 0 1 Phantom Warrior HP : 320 Damage : 125(Can paralyze as well) Initiative: 50 Armor : 0 Krath'du HP : 90 Damage : 14 to all 6 units Initiative: 50 Armor : 0 Wards : Fire and mind ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ PART B: Using the Undead Hordes When the game starts, a death knight will tell you that the Nosferat Krath'du has fled the capital with soldiers loyal to him and that he is seeking Drega Zul- the half human, half undead. Now you must stop him from spreading the dark gift. Get ready your troops and we are off! Now you only need to move a little(say, like 3 steps?) and a rogue squire will come up and call you flithy, nope he won't give you a chance to reply, he'll just attack you. He's too weak against your unit so don't worry at all. You might want to go north of your capital to explore the Alchemist's lab, and will find out that Krath'du isn't there. West of your capital locates a city Kekkut, you will get insults from a Dwarven villager when you take over it. Leave the spiders for now, you are still not strong enough for them. If you go south from your capital, you will find the Abandoned Shelter. Krath'du has been here, but there's no indications where he went. Continue and if you have the money, train your troops at the Troops training area. Now go east and try attacking the city Rivend, but it's not so easy, the people of Rivend will sound the alarm and alert the mages when you approach. A spell causing 50 HP damage is cast on your unit, so heal up, if not use another unit to fight them. It seems that Krath'du has infected more innocents than you know. Near the city Rivend is the Lookout Tower, loot it and proceed to take the two treasure chests on the sea. Your Advisor will warn you of the dangers involved(Krakens) and sure indeed, a Kraken pop up so get ready to fight it. From here, go south to take another city(You'll pass through the Empire's territory) Fendhill, still no news of Krath'du. At this point, you'll most likely see Drega Zul(remember she is working under the Empire now and so that makes her your enemy) wandering around, if you are strong enough, I believe she won't ever attack you, but it's highly unlikely that she will even if you are not because she's not supposed to die anyway. You'll find the boots of speed dropped by the Spearman and Thug unit near the Empire's capital. Now you can take the chance to take on the Spiders, one of them has a treasure so you might not want to miss out on that as well as the experience points. If you go east, you'll spot wolves so just clean them out and go up the plateau, the last wolf unit leading up to the plateau will give you an Unholy Dagger when defeated. Capture the city Kalajit and go on north to the Ruined Castle. Attack it but be prepared to face 1 Deathdragon and 2 Initiates. After you beat them, your Advisor will inform you that Krath'du is near, and indeed he is! He will show up and tell you how he is going to create a new, superior race with his Drega Zul, after which he will cast a spell on your unit, depleting 75 HP, so heal up again either by going into the city nearby(that's Kalajit) or by using potions. You can go after him once you gain back control, kill him and everything will end, the Undead's sacred blood will spread no longer. Congratulations! You have successfully completed the quest! -Krath'du's unit 1 Skeleton Warrior HP : 220 Damage : 75 Initiative: 50 Armor : 0 1 Phantom Warrior HP : 320 Damage : 125(Can paralyze as well) Initiative: 50 Armor : 0 Krath'du HP : 90 Damage : 14 to all 6 units Initiative: 50 Armor : 0 Wards : Fire and mind Now you must take note that because you are playing as the Undead and Krath'du is an undead as well so his unit is immune to death magic attacks, so use Lich Queens as they uses fire and even though Krath'du is able to ward against it the first time, he can't anymore after that, the others is up to you. My unit consists of Lich queens, Zombies as well as Doomdrakes. Krath'du has very low HP so it will probably take at most three turns to kill him using Lich Queen's magic attack. Then you can take care of the Phantom Warrior and Skeleton Warrior, but they are quite strong so beware and be prepared. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Cities Rivend-Lv 3 Guarding unit 1: 1 Rivend Spearman, 1 Spearman Guarding unit 2: 1 Peasant, 1 Man at Arms, 1 Rivend Spearman City's moving party: Mage, Rogue Squire, Master Thug City's defenses: Archer, Spearman, Mage Fendhill-Lv 1 1 Master Thug, 1 Spearman, 1 Archer 1 Man at Arms Kalajit-Lv 2 2 Dwarves, 1 Mountaineer, Druidress, Venerable Warrior Kekkut-Lv 2 1 Hill Giant, 1 Dwarf, 1 Alchemist Unexplored Ruins Lookout Tower 1 Spearman, 1 Archer Loot: 1 Tome of Sorcery Abandoned Shelter 1 Brown bear Loot: 1 Staff of invisibility Alchemist's lab 1 Druidress, 1 Warrior, 1 Alchemist Loot: Talisman of life Ruined Castle 1 Deathdragon ,2 Initiates Loot: 1 Staff of Nightfall Enemies on map Thug, Master Thug, Squire(Rogue), Man at Arms, Peasant, Spearman, Archer, Mage, Wolf, Polar Bear, Giant Black Spider, Werewolf The dwarves: Hermit, Hill Giant, Dwarf, Alchemist, Axe thrower, Druidress, Flame Caster, Warrior, Forge Guardian, Mountaineer, Rock Giant, Venarable Warrior Shop/Mercenary/Tower Rivend Market: Life potion Potion of Restoration Potion of Healing Treebark Potion Potion of Fortune Potion of Celerity Lizard Man orb Staff of Travelling Kekkut Blacksmith: Life potion Potion of Restoration Potion of Strength Elven Boots Potion of Might Healing Ointment Zimraan's Tower: Ignis mare Ignis Potens Deus Talonis Ignis carn Paraseus Troops training (Provide your troops with training to upgrade them) Items found in money bags/treasure chests: 1 Gold Ring 1 Banner of Strength 1 Silver Ring 1 Highfather's potion 1 Potion of Healing 1 Ironskin Potion 1 Potion of Swiftness 1 Ancient Relic 1 Tempest Scroll 1 Incantare HellHound Scroll 1 Emerald 1 Thanatos Blade 1 Treebark potion 1 Orb of Lychanthropy 1 Potion of Accuracy 1 Potion of Strength 1 Titan's Might potion 1 Chant of Arms 1 Orb of Freezing ============================================================================== 4) Hellish Invasion &&& -The Empire and Mountain Clans have lived peacefully for years. However, the Red Dragon has awoken from a long slumber and now exerts power and influence over the people of the Valley. Objective: Find the Unholy Portal and capture it so as to drive the demons away from the land. Wow, the Red dragon...I wonder will it be as beautiful as the Blue dragon? You can use either the Empire or Mountain Clans. (Seems like the Empire is involved in a lot of events huh?) Map Size: 48 x 48 North ----------------------- | M N E | | | | | | F | West | | East | | | | | A P I | | | ------------------------- South M: Mountain Clans capital N: North Keep city E: Empire capital F: March Fort city A: Avgrundskval city P: Unholy Portal I: Inferno city ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ PART A: Using the Empire A message will say of how the Empire and Mountain clans have lived side by side but then things changes, so now you must find the source of evil and destroy it. One important to take note, the enemies of this quest are very strong, so pay heed. After you have formed your armies, you can move out to increase their levels, you'll need to really gain every experience point possible, because if you do not, you are going to regret it deeply once you advance to the Demons' land. Okay, go west of the capital, the spearman unit will tell you that they can defend themselves from the demons since you can't(since when did I say I can't?), to proceed further, you'll need to get rid of them all, plus the XP you need to earn, no matter how little it may be. The city North Keep can be taken. They have 3 Spearman, 1 Archer and 1 Man at Arms guarding it. No items given though. Move on west and you'll reach the Mountain Clans' territory, forget about them and move on, though you might want to leave a unit to guard the way because they will most probably attempt to take over your unguarded cities. On the other hand, go east from your capital with your other troops. There's a ruin Tjuvhall so do what you need to, then proceed to go south. A peasant unit appear and asks for help, you can choose to attack him, your choice, he won't thank you even if you get rid of those demons for him. Clear your way south and a unit consisting of 3 Cultists warp in and join your cause, well they can't stand the Dragonlord anymore, okay but three Cultists can't do much against those strong enemies, I leave them to buy potions and spells for me, so you make your decision on how to use them. Alright back to your troops at the Mountain Clans territory, south of their capital is the Abandoned Farmhouse, after you're done with it, just continue going southeast, and take over MarchFort, you can gain a considerable amount of Xp there as well as the Titan's Might Potion and Life potion. After clearing everything, you can detour a bit and go straight down south. You'll find Perthin(an unexplored ruin) and the city Avgrundskval. Pretty tough enemies you have there so be careful and be prepared. Talk to the dwarf near near the city and get a Healing Ointment. Okay, now let's go back to your other batch of troops, go south and you'll pass through a place that which you hope to see so much you are dreaming of it the moment you face those Demons. Yeah, a Training Camp! Make full use of it, I suggest throwing all your money into it(okay please put healing and buying potions and stuff into consideration) and train and train and train! If you don't have that much money, wait for more turns to pass to get more $$ in your pocket and train and train and train! Okay I can't emphasize enough on how important it is to train your troops. Go southeast, and there's another city. Ah-har! It's Inferno city! Even its name sounds intimidating, and it indeed is! You'll definitely have to kill a Skeleton Champion in order to be able to attack the city. Two units in the city. The moving party unit consists of a Occultist, 1 Specter and 2 Imps. So you say not too much of a problem? Yeah sure thing buddy, wait till you meet up with the Bone Lord in battle, he/it is in the city's defenses. He/It has 400 HP and does 78 Damage, not to mention that he is immune to mind and death(good thing ya not using the Undead)attacks. After you manage to take over the city, look under the city's inventory to get the Staff of Necromancy and a Life Potion, okay not too much of a reward but let's just make do with it, heal up and proceed west to Demon's Den to meet up with the Beast, yeah 420 HP as well as causing damage of 70 to all 6 units. Great? Ho-ho, if you can't defeat him, then you can forget about completing the quest. Why? Because dear Mr Red Dragon is so much more powerful. Worry not though, no enemy is undefeatable, it just depends on how you plan the fight with it. Finally, by now all your troops are just waiting to attack the Unholy Portal. Need information on the enemy? No problem! I'll give you that, but before that, if you attack the city, a Demon will pops up, say some stuff and two Demon units appear in front of the city. Your unit suffers a spell damage of 75HP, so heal up and prepare to kill all of them to show your might!-cough- The two Demon units consist of just a Demon each so you can get rid of them quite easily I believe. The rest is up to you, I'll give you some suggestions, hope they will help you at least a little. Good luck, the Red Dragon is really awesome.(though I still prefer the Blue Dragon :P) P/S: Scroll down to after the section on using the Mountain Clans, and the information as well as comments are all there. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ PART B: Using the Mountain Clans Game starts and it will be said of how the Empire and the Mountain Clans have lived side by side for years, but now everything has changed due to the awakening of the Red Dragon, now you must find that evil and destroy it once and for all. Ah the Mountain Clans, this is the race that I always have problems with. YEAH their initiative is the main problem, why is it so low? Argh... you had better be prepared for the hard time you are going to have. But let me give you suggestions on the grouping of your troops if you want some help. Try to upgrade your Novices to Alchemists, giving one more attack is what you'll need. Include giants in some groups, giants are the best for fighting the Red Dragon as well as some other stronger enemies. I made the wrong choice by upgrading my Axethrowers into FlameCasters, so don't make that mistake. The rest is basically up to you to decide, forget about Yeti though, it's not as though it will cause more damage to flame-based enemies, in any case I don't use it at all, I'd rather hire more dwarves and upgrade them. Alright, now that everything is taken care of, let's move out! Once again, you might want to separate your troops into two groups and move in two different directions, that way you'll get to level all of them up, and also clear the map in a more systematic way. South of your capital is a ruin, Abandoned Farmhouse. After you are done with it, go southeast to take over the city March Fort, but before you even get to go near it, you'll get attacked by one of the human unit. Not a problem at all, make them regret the very fact they tried to mess around with you. Taking over March Fort will give you 1 Life potion and 1 Titan's Might potion, now don't complain too much, at least you get a place to heal up your troops. If you go east of your CAPITAL, very soon you'll see a city, North Keep. Humans are guarding it, they aren't very happy to see your face, and strictly warn you that clansman stay away, only humans.(Yeah buddy, when I was playing as the Empire, you told me to stay away as well, stop trying to act so BIG!) Slaughter them all. Now proceed on your way and very soon you will have reached the Empire's territory. If you don't mind your cities being taken over, then you can leave them be, but if you do, leave a unit(the weakest unit) to guard the small path that separates the territory of both races. Just beside the Empire's capital is the Tjuvhall ruin. Upon looting it, well south we go! Reaching the Demons' land(I call them Demons' land because it is flooded with Demons as well as all the little evil creatures that you find so familiar), you will most likely meet up with a peasant unit asking for help. Alright, now the best thing to do is to go heal up your troops at March Fort(which you have taken over earlier I assume). After equipping and healing process has taken place, south is the direction we head. Go along the pathway down west and there's a ruin Perthin as well as a city Avgrundskval, if you go along the pathway down east, there's also a city Inferno and a ruin Demon's Den, yeah and a training camp as well(just what you really need!!!!!!!). Do what you need to, and very soon, what remains is the Unholy Portal.......... Huh? Oh yeah I know I know you want to know more about those ruins and cities? Fine, Perthin and Avgrundskval shouldn't be a problem, just some Devils, a Demon and Fiend. Talk to the solo dwarf unit near Avgrundskval to get a Healing Ointment. However Inferno and Demon's Den are rather annoying. Demon's Den has only 1 Beast(you get a little dizzy) but has 420 HP and causes 70 damage to all 6 units in battle. Okay to even attack Inferno, you'll need to get rid of a Skeleton Champion(you scream). Inferno's moving party consists of just 2 Imps, 1 Occultist and 1 Specter. The city's defenses has only 1 Bone Lord. Bone Lord is not called Lord of the Bone for nothing, it/he has 400 HP and does 78 damage to 1 unit but is immune to mind and death attacks(you pull at your hair). Look under Inferno city's inventory, you will see a Life potion and also a Staff of Necromancy, erm okay not too much I guess, but better than nothing right? Now gather your troops, and be prepared to attack Unholy Portal. But take note of 1 thing: when you attempt to attack the city, a Demon will spout some intimidating words and attack you with a spell that depletes 75HP, at the same time, two units with a Demon each warp in, guarding the city. Heal up as and when you need for these final battles. When you've completed the quest, the lava pits/holes of the evil source will disappear and the land shall soon be transformed. Congratulations! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Unholy Portal(Level 5) Moving party unit: -Demon HP : 270 Initiative: 35 Armor : 0+30 Damage : 80 -Devil HP : 170 Initiative: 35 Armor : 0+30 Damage : 50 -Pandemoneus HP : 135 Initiative: 40 Armor : 0+30 Damage : -60 HP to all 6 units City's defenses: -Red Dragon HP :800 (WOW) Initiative:40(The game producers understand the plight of us gamers) Damage : -125 HP to all 6 units (Now now I was just wanting to thank them! But look at this!!) Armor : 0+30 Immune to Fire Now the real bad thing is that you can't use spells on the Red Dragon, unlike when you are facing Demon Uther(the Empire's saga last boss) even though the latter is stronger, huh? Why did I mention Uther? Oh well because the Red Dragon just reminds me of how I had a hard time completing that saga. Okay back to beating the Dragon, I recommend that you use summons. I always use them to check unexplored ruins as well as enemies' information because using my units are just too much of a risk. Bad when using them due to the fact that they don't do much damage and do not have very high HP either, and you had to waste so much mana to summon them. Good thing is you won't feel that pain when they die(in any case they die so easily) and they can give a little damage to the enemy, no matter how small, it's still something, though one thing I hate is when they miss in battle. So overall, try using summons to deplete however little HP from the Red Dragon, it will help somehow, trust me. Of course to use those summons, you need plenty of mana, so you might want to wait for turns to pass to gain more mana, no harm done right? Then gather your units and go after it one after another, as always, expect to lose troops, but it's part and parcel of each play isn't it? I always wound up losing at least few of my total troops when it comes to big and tough battles. If you are the kind of person who must complete the game without any casualties, well...all the best. ;) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Cities North Keep-Lv 1 3 Spearman, 1 Archer, 1 Man at Arms Inferno-Lv 1 1 Occultist, 1 Specter, 2 Imps, 1 Bone Lord Avgrundskval-Lv 2 1 Fiend, 1 Demon, 1 Devil March Fort-Lv 1 3 Spearman, 1 Peasant Unexplored Ruins Tjuvhall 2 Thugs, 1 Master Thug Loot: 1 Emerald Abandoned Farmhouse 3 Master Thug Loot: 1 Boots of Speed Demon's Den 1 Beast Loot: 1 Runic Blade Perthin 2 Devils Loot: 1 Horn of Awareness Enemies on map: Man at Arms, peasant, Spearman, Master Thug, Thug, Wolf, Squire, Archer, Zombie, Demon, Demonologist, Specter, Possessed, Cultist, Occultist, Devil, Fiend, Fat Imp, Ghouls, Anti-Paladin, Berzerker, Imp, Skeleton Champion Shop/Mercenary/Tower Warwick's shop: Life potion Potion of Healing Potion of Restoration Furren's shop: Life potion Potion of Healing Potion of Restoration Potion of Might Titan's Might Potion Potion of Fortune Sallat's shop: Life potion Potion of Restoration Potion of Healing Othon's Tower: Wrath of God Holy Strength Summon II: Valkyrie Tempest Ice Spirits Yggar's camp(Provide your troops with training to upgrade them) Items found in money bags/treasure chests: 1 Lich Orb 1 Banner of Restoration 1 Potion of Accuracy 1 Potion of Healing 2 Life Potion 1 Silver Ring 1 Incantare Berliarh Scroll 1 Potion of Striking 1 Diamond 1 Tome of Sorcery 1 Banner of Celerity 1 Orb of Restoration 1 Orb of Icefall 1 Potion of Fire Warding 1 Menta Minoris Scroll 1 Treebark Potion 1 Talisman of Bane 1 Potion of Celerity 1 Touch of Mortis Scroll ============================================================================== 5) Hureth Valley & -Before Dark Prophecy came, there lived a great witch Thalrisa who exerts her power and force over the greenskins to do her bidding until they could stand no more. They hunted her into a Valley known as Hureth. She thus imprisoned herself with 3 Elemental Guardians, who at the time, melted away into forms of mana crystals. In this quest, you choose either the Empire or Mountain Clans. Map Size: 48 x 48 North ----------------------- | | | M | | T | | | West | R | East | G | | | | E | | V | ------------------------- South T: Thalrisa's unit(the magic land) M: Mountain Clans capital R: Runia city G: Gnarthwood city E: Empire capital V: Entrance of the Valley ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ PART A: Using the Empire Your Objective: To capture the Mountain Clans' capital. This quest's purpose is rather unclear, but nevermind that. When the game starts, a Pegasus Knight will appear and begin telling you some stuff on how the Mountain Clans will send for help and so on and the Empire have laid a siege at the mouth of the Valley to force the Clans into submission, and how you have an experienced warrior Sir Glorcliff to lead the attack on their capital. Well this Sir Glorcliff is not really that experienced as you imagined him to be. He's only at level 1, but good thing is he had an Imperial Assassin with him. Now let me give you some information on the guardian of the Mountain Clans' capital. -Stats of Vithar HP : 98 Damage : 66 to all 6 units Initiative: 90 Armor : 0+50 Shouldn't be too much of a problem I believe. We can move out once preparations are complete. This is a rather short quest, not too many enemies around the map, all of them are Greenskins and Wolves. Only a small amount of events, and no particularly hard enemies. Relieved? Hope so. Let's get moving then. Start by going north from your capital and clear your way of all the Greenskins units and very soon you'll reach the city, Gnarthwood, you'll get a tome of war after taking it over. Further up is the Abandoned Farm, it gives the Talisman of Life when you defeat the Ogre inside. Okay, now you can choose to go east or continue north. North- the magical land, where you find plenty of mana resources(WOW), and also the witch Thalrisa(so she's just a specter huh?) If you attack her, she will go blabbling about revenge and cast a spell on you, and that does like only 30 damage? Eh oh well, she is just too weak(a specter only paralyses, remember?) but she had a Dreadwrym(450HP, 65 damage to all 6 units) with her, so that make things harder. After you defeat her, the path to Thalrisa's temple open up but I suggest you heal up first. Attack the temple and two Thalrisa's servants units appear, not too much of a hassle, just that there's a Doomdrake in one of them. Once you've cleared the whole area, Thalrisa is considered complete history, and now you'll go after the Greenskins! and the Mountain clans!(Eh? But I thought the Empire and Clans are allies!?) East- Wolves and Greenskins packed the land, but just kill them all, once in a while as you proceed, those Greenskins units will insult you and some will attack you as well. Abandoned Farm is just after them, as well as Runia(city). Heal up your troops at Runia once you've taken it over, you should be ready to attack the Clans' capital(which is just slightly north of Runia). Good luck in taking the capital. Basically the city defenses that you met with will be different from mine(I think the units are just randomly chosen) but it's very likely that the Clans will use tenderfoots to increase the attack strength of Vithar, so be prepared for that.(Vithar's attack damage will be something like: 66+16 to all 6 units) after a tenderfoot uses boost on him. Ending: Do I still need to say it? It's the all too familiar congrats screen. :) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ PART B: Using the Mountain Clans Your Objective: Get a scout past the Empire's siege at the mouth of the Valley Game starts and it is said of how you need to colonize the valley to collect large amounts of mana crystals. But the Greenskins that feared magic won't allow you to do so, and the Empire wants the land for themselves. Playing the Mountain Clans sure is hard, but this time, you get a real big bonus, because all you need to do is send a messenger to the Valley's entrance to seek reinforcements from neighboring Clans. You can even just go along the path down to the entrance of the Valley and clear just enemies along that path. No, that's not cheating, but you just won't get that feeling of satisfaction of exploring the whole map. And I suppose it's my responsibility to provide you the whole walkthrough(give myself a pat on shoulder) so here we go. Two directions to go from your capital: south and west. South- City Runia, guarded by the Greenskins. Take it over, heal up, and raid the unexplored ruin Abandoned Farm further south. Brace up and off we go, cleaning the land of Greenskins and wolves, quite a lot of them. One more thing is: there are werevolves as well so be sure you have magicians or something like that before you attack their unit. Very soon you'll reach the Empire's territory. West- The magic land, full of mana resources for you to take over, nope that's not the destination, but detouring off a bit and making them yours won't hurt. Unless you are so afraid of taking on Thalrisa and her few minions. Right, upon seeing you, Thalrisa promises revenge on you and casts a spell on you. It causes 75HP damage...hey it wasn't like that when I used the Empire!! :( Heal up and take care of her, she has a Dreadwyrm with her, and that Dreadwyrm has like 450 HP, so take your time depleting its HP. Cast whatever spell you have learned on it. AFter defeating Thalrisa's unit, the path to Thalrisa's temple cleared but when you approach the temple, two units warp in, they are Thalrisa's servants, and have come to avenge her. One of the unit has a Doomdrake, so be careful, the rest are just pushovers. After you are finished with the magical land, go south and you'll come to the Greenskin Outpost. Very near to the Greenskin Outpost is the city Gnarthwood, that which belongs to the Greenskins, now you can take over it and obtain a tome of war. If you go down south, you will reach the entrance of the Valley, and your mission for this quest is complete! (Easy isn't it?) No boss fights! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Cities Gnarthwood-Lv 2 1 Ogre, 1 Troll Runia-Lv 2 Moving party unit: 2 Orcs, 1 Goblin City Defenses: 1 Orc Champion, 1 Goblin Unexplored Ruins Greenskin Outpost 1 Orge Loot: 1 Talisman of Life Abandoned Farm 2 Orcs, 1 Goblin Loot: 1 Treebark Potion Thalrisa's Temple 3 Shades Loot: 1 Zombie Orb Enemies on map: Ogre, Goblin, Orc, Orc Champion, Polar bear, Troll, Goblin Archer, Wolf, Werewolf, Dreadwyrm, Specter(Thalrisa) Shop/Mercenary/Tower Gruntwort's Goods: Potion of Healing Life potion Potion of Restoration Potion of Striking Potion of Speed Yuggin's Tower: Holy Armor Mind Ward Stone Rain Summon II: Evil Ent Tralar's shop: Life Potion Potion of Restoration Potion of Healing Righon's Camp(hiring): Yeti Items found in moneybags/treasure chests: 1 Elven Boots 2 Potion of Protection 1 Staff of Nightfall 1 Soul Crystal 1 Summon II: Golem Scroll 1 Potion of Vigor 1 Healing Scroll 1 Orb of Restoration ============================================================================== 6) Ice-Mar &&& -Region of Rheal, the Ice-Mar, an offshoot of the Mountain Clans have declared war on the three races(Empire, Legions and Undead). Having gained allegiance of the Rheal Elves, they wanted total destruction of all that is foreign to them. Your Objective: Capture the city, Ice-Beacon. Three races for you to choose from: the Empire, the Legions of the Damned, as well as the Undead Hordes. Map Size: 72 x 72 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Using the Empire/Legions of the Damned/Undead Hordes The map for this quest is rather huge, so as expected there are plenty of enemy units around, you'll most likely be able to level up your units till they reached the last upgrade. One thing to keep in mind though, the enemy units are very strong, ensure that you make the correct choice in building your castle. Map: North ------------------------------ | | | D K E | | | | N | | R I | West | | East | | | G V | | | | | | U B | -------------------------------- South D: Legions of the Damned capital K: Khazan Keep city E: Empire capital N: Necropolis city R: Runia city I: City Ice-Beacon G: Gryshana city V: Elven city U: Undead Hordes capital B: Glory-Berg city Finished forming your troops? Let's go kick some butts then. Like always, you can clear the area around your capital before proceeding on to harder enemies, you don't get much events in this quest for all the three races, but I will list the differences below under the Events section. Since your aim is to take over Ice-Beacon, you actually can ignore other units and cities and go straight after it. Not only will it not affect the story, you'll find that in most cases, the events aren't really that important. Okay, let's get started. This map, though larger, is not much different from others that you've played through, there are Ice-Mar units spread throughout the whole map, as well as their ally the Rheal Elves. The elves and Ice-Mars themselves actually don't pose much threat, it's just the number of them, you'll need to be prepared to spend quite some time on this quest. There are also a considerable number of Greenskins around the map, not to mention the Legions and Undead. Try hiring more units to guard and explore simultaneously, things will become less tedious this way. There are a total of six cities on the map, so make full use of them to heal up. Along the way clearing up enemies whilst exploring, you'll meet up with units that attack you when you approach them, as well as units that blast you with tonnes of insults when you attempt to take over their cities, plenty of sarcasm but I'm sure we have all gotten pretty used to it right? One last thing is about the Dragons. There are a total of 4 Dragons on the map(excluding the white dragon which is in a city) 3 Green and 1 Red Dragon:) They are random in the sense that you can choose not to fight them because they are located at more desolate areas so they WON'T be blocking your path or way that makes you HAVE to attack them. I hope that's good news to you. When you are ready to capture Ice-Beacon, be sure to use whatever strengthening and guarding potions and spells on your units because the you've to fight the White Dragon. Use Summons if you have them. Good Luck. Ice-Beacon-Lv 5 1 Dwarf HP : 259 Armor : 0+30 Damage : 46 Initiative: 40 1 White Dragon HP : 700 Armor : 0+30 Damage : 100 HP to all 6 units Initiative: 40 Immune to Air IMPORTANT EVENTS: a)For all three races -Your advisor or someone from your troop will tell you about the secret of Khazan Keep. It is said that on the 25th of the month, the owner of the city will get a powerful beast/creature as an ally. For my case, nothing appeared on the 25th. -At the area around Ice-Beacon as well as Glory-Berg city where there are plenty of polar bears, spells will be cast on your units continuously as long as you are moving around in that area, the source remains unknown. The spell casting stuff will end once and for all when you've completely cleared that area of all the enemy units. From some of the conversations, I believe it has something to do with the weather there, but the exact reason remains unknown. -Units of Ice-Mar will keep on warping in on the map so don't leave your cities unguarded. b)For the Empire: -The Archangel Belle near just beside the capital will become your ally when you talk to her. She talked of how the witch-hunters have forced her out of the city Runia and asks that you help her get back to the city. Once you move her near the city, she will become neutral again, after which she'll tell you to take care of the witch-hunters then she will reward you. Once you've taken over the city, she disappears and Darius the Dark angel pops up and calls Belle a fool to ask for your help, she also says that the curse has been lifted. The witch-hunter Artemis will then question your actions and tell of how he and his group are loyal to the Empire and now they are being attacked by the Empire's soldiers(in his conversation he said 'brothers'). -South of the capital locates a sole wolf unit and when you attempt to attack it, an Acolyte will inform you about this rabid wolf mutilating bear cubs and that if you slay it, the animal trainers can tame the bears for the Empire's cause. So do as she says, and indeed you get to control the Polar Bear unit nearby. c) For the Legions: -If you slay the wolf unit south of the Empire's capital, the Polar Bear unit just behind will become the property of the Empire. Duh! =( d) For the Undead Hordes: -If you slay the wolf unit south of the Empire's capital, the Polar Bear unit just behind will become the property of the Empire. Argh! :( -Take over the city Necropolis and you get to control the Mantis Spider! =) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Cities Gryshana-Lv 2 1 Titan, 1 Witch-Hunter Gives: Orb of restoration Necropolis-Lv 1 1 Titan, 1 Witch-Hunter Gives: 1 Orb of Life Khazan Keep-Lv 1 2 Elf Rangers, 1 Forest Elf, 1 Centaur Lancer Gives: 1 Silver Ring and 1 Emerald Runia-Lv 1 1 Witch Hunter, 2 Squires Gives: 1 Life potion and 1 Ruby Glory-Berg-Lv 1 3 Dwarves, 1 Warrior Gives:1 Diamond,1 Ancient Relic and 1 Gold Ring Elven City-Lv 3 Moving Party unit:1 Forest Elf, 1 Centaur, 1 Centaur Lancer City Defense unit:1 SkyLord(420 HP, Damage 140), 1 Elf Ranger Gives: 1 Silver Ring, 1 Life Potion, Emerald, 1 Mjolnir's Crown Unexplored Ruins Spectrums 1 Ghouls, 1 Wyvern Loot: 1 Boot of traveling Ice Warrior 1 Warrior, 1 Novice Loot: Horn of Awareness Ice Tower 3 Yetis Loot: 1 Bethrezen's claw(Great Artifact!) Beggars Tower 2 Thugs, 1 Peasant No loot, just 350 GP(yeah I don't consider GoldPoints as loot) Lost Temple 1 Axethrower, 1 Warrior Loot: 1 Potion of Invulnerability Ice Hideout 1 Forge Guardian, 1 Dwarf No loot, just 150 GP Frozen Tower 1 Centaur Lancer, 1 Griffin No loot, just 400 GP Gryshana Prison 1 Dwarf, 1 Flamecaster, 1 Elf Ranger, 1 Centaur Lancer Loot: 1 Potion of Air Warding Dungeon 1 Orc King, 2 Goblin, 1 Goblin Archer Loot: Staff of Twilight Enemies on map: Demon, Forest Elf, Elf Ranger, Centaur, Centaur Lancer, Wolf, Kraken, Orc, Orc Champion, Spearman, Man at Arms, Griffin, Wizard, Squire, Devil, Archer, Berzerker, Goblin, Goblin Archer, Green Dragon, Red Dragon, White Dragon, Thug, Zombie, Initiate, Titan, Witch-Hunter, Fighter, Warlock, Mantis Spider, SkyLord, RockGiant, Alchemist, Dwarf, King's Guard, Hermit, Hill Giant, Polar Bear, Axethrower, Warrior, Novice Shop/Mercenary/Tower Kilgen's shop: Life Potion Potion of Restoration Potion of Healing Middle City Market: Tome of Fire Tome of Air Tome of Earth Ice Tower: Summon III: Stone Ancestor(Buy this if you can, helps a LOT in battles) Ice Spirits Tempest Healing Necropolis Spells: Forestwalk Ice shield Blizzard Vithar's Might Gryshana shop: Life Potion Potion of Protection Banner of Protection RuneStone Potion of Healing Ice Breaker(Provides training for your troops) Items found in moneybags/treasure chests, from enemies: 2 Potion of Fire Warding(Specially for use when you want to fight Dragons) 1 Boots of Seven Leagues 1 Orb of Water 1 Orb of Lightning 1 Potion of Might 1 Holy Chalice 1 Banner of Might 1 Unholy Chalice 1 Potion of Earth Warding 1 Staff of Earth Elemental Control 1 Banner of War 1 Banner of Striking 1 Orc Talisman 1 Potion of Strength 1 Etched Circlet 1 Potion of Swiftness 1 Orb of Frost ============================================================================== 7) In Gold We Trust && -The people of Bythazar were against Prince Daxam's rule because he was so different from his father. In order to protect his monarchy, Prince Daxam sent royal security officers into cities and continue control of all the gold resources as his own, that includes those belonging to the Legions and the Clans. (That punk!) Your Objective: Defeat Prince Daxam by capturing Bythazar castle. You can use either the Legions of the Damned or the Mountain Clans. Map Size: 48 x 48 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Using the Legions of the Damned/ Mountain Clans North ----------------------- | P B | | | | R | | | West | | East | | | M | | | | L C | ------------------------- South P: Phonycian city B: Bythazar castle R: Rottingdam city M: Mystash city L: Legions of the Damned capital C: Mountain Clans capital As you can see from the map, whether you are using the Legions or the Clans, Bythazar castle is quite a long way from your capital, but the good thing is that you don't have to worry about not having enough enemies to level up your troops :P Alright for both Legions and Clans, you'll find plenty of Greenskins units outside your capital, blocking your path. Your advisor will point out that those not-so-intelligent Greenskins won't be able to think of such a plan and that most likely it's that BRAT Daxam's doing! I'm going to kick his butt so hard he'd kiss the moon!(Eh? Does that sound familiar? ;P) As soon as you've finished preparing, you can start off by clearing all the Greenskins units surrounding your capital for XP, after which you can proceed to capture cities and gain resources. There's no extremely tough enemy here on this quest, and you can complete it in around 2 hours or so. Remember to train your troops whenever you get the chance and have the money. Like I've always said, waiting a few turns to earn some mana and GP isn't that bad an idea, as long as you stay out of the way of enemy units, they won't attack you, so don't worry about their movements. Right, as you go exploring around the map, you'll meet up with mainly two groups of enemies. Those supporting Daxam and those against him(Phonycians). You'll find that most Phonycian units are of Undead origin, and of course those supporting Daxam are of Human origin. Even though you are fighting against Daxam, the Phonycians won't incline themselves to you either. One thing to note is that at the Phonycian area, there is a Giant Spider, so make sure your troops are fairly strong before you go after it. When you are done with them, it's time to face Daxam and his minions, It shouldn't be a problem for you except that the defenses at Bythazar castle have high Armor protection, so take note of that. Now show that Daxam the punishment he must suffer for eyeing your gold resources. Ending: Congratulations! You've successfully completed the quest! (......) Bythazar castle-Lv 5 Prince Daxam(He's an imperial assassin hoho) HP : 108 Armor : 40+30 Damage : 60(can poison as well) Initiative: 60 Spearman HP : 112 Armor : 30+30 Damage : 45 Initiative: 50 Spearman(yeah there are 2 Spearman with slightly different stats) HP : 112 Armor : 30+30 Damage : 60 Initiative: 50 Priest HP : 60 Armor : 0+30 Heal : 40 Initiative: 10 Green Dragon(Probably the only that you should worry about) HP : 480 Armor : 0+30 Damage : 79 to all 6 units Initiative: 40 Immune to Fire Kill the Priest as soon as you can, you don't want some healer to back your enemy up. Include someone who can attack all 6 units at the same time, it will help a lot. Concentrate on killing those at the back row(the Priest and Daxam) first. The Spearmen should expire very fast, and what remains is just the Green Dragon. It will be pretty pointless to heal in this kind of battle because one attack from the Dragon and your unit is at least half-dead. Unless of course if you have scrolls or something that heals all 6 units at least 75 HP or more at one go, otherwise just keep on attacking. IMPORTANT EVENTS: a) For both races - As you approach the Phonycian area(where Phonycian city is), the Spearman unit guarding it will stop you from going further, saying that it is by order of Prince Daxam and King Virgil that the area is off-limits. -Inside the Phonycian area, as you go south, a Thug appears and tells you to pay him some money because he has been such a savior to you by blocking the path that leads to the Giant Spider. Yeah right....*gives Thug a punch to the face* -Your units will get blasted with all sorts of spells at the area near Bythazar castle. The highest damage that my unit suffered is a -60 HP spell. b) For the Mountain Clans -If you pass by the Obelisk statue, it will be said that the statue is only for the demons, only the Legions can use it, and that if anyone else goes near it, he'll get cursed. I don't know about the curse thing, but my unit got hit by a spell even though it's out of the Bythazar castle area. -Your advisor will give you some information on the heavy taxes that Daxam forces the people to pay, and so his elite guards had the finest armor(that gives a little clue to the HIGH Armor rating of his unit in the castle) c) For the Legions of the Damned -Ashkael, your Guardian(cool) will appear on two turns. First one informing you on the finest armor and weapon that Prince Daxam's elite guards are wearing. Second on the small kingdom of Bythazar having high concentration of gold, and also to teach Daxam what it means to insult the Legions. -This is not exactly an event, but I figured I'd put it down just in case anyone wants to know. I can't use Summons in this quest for whatever reason I don't know. I summoned an Avenger but he can't attack any enemy, and the strange thing is, after a turn has passed, he doesn't disappear. You people can try it for yourselves but just make sure you don't regret wasting mana as I did. =( ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Cities Mystash-Lv 1 2 Thug, 1 Master Thug, 1 Man at Arms Gives: 1 Ruby Rottingdam-Lv 2 Moving party unit: 2 Squire, 1 Archer, 1 Imperial Assassin City Defense unit: 1 Man at Arms, 1 Mage Gives: 1 Life Potion, 1 Emerald Phonycian-Lv 4 Moving party unit: 2 Zombies, 1 Ghost, 1 Warlock City Defense unit: 2 Fighters, 1 Doomdrake Gives: 1 Potion of Restoration, 1 Horn of Awareness Unexplored Ruins Zyamber 1 Squire, 1 Archer, 1 Apprentice Loot: 1 Potion of Strength Tygor Manor 1 Fighter, 1 Ghouls Loot: Potion of Strength Gothyck 1 Templar, 1 Warlock No loot, just 400 GP Orc Tower 1 Orc Champion, 2 Goblins No loot, just 300 GP Enemies on map: Necromancer, Doomdrake, Fighter, Warlock, Templar, Vampire, Orc, Orc Champion, Imperial Assassin, Thug, Master Thug, Marksman, Giant Spider, Priest, Wolf, Squire, Pegasus's Knight, Polar Bear, Goblin, Goblin Archer, Peasant, Archer, Man at Arms, Apprentice, Zombie, Lich Queen, Wyvern, Death Knight, Mage, Ghost, Werewolf, Witch-Hunter, Spearman, Green Dragon, Specter, Deathdragon Shop/Mercenary/Tower Zoltars's Camp (Provides training for your troops) Ebhon's shop: Potion of Healing Life Potion Potion of Strength Potion of Might Turion's Camp(hiring): Orc Orc Champion Items found in money bags/treasure chests, from enemies: 4 Potion of Healing 1 Silver Ring 1 Talisman of Healing 1 Bronze Ring 2 Emerald 1 Life Potion 1 Sapphire 1 Banner of Strength 1 Etched Circlet 1 Hecatomb Scroll 1 Diamond 1 Banner of War 2 Gold Ring 1 Vampire Talisman 1 Holy Chalice 1 Royal Scepter ============================================================================== 8) Kadrath's Fall &&&& -22 Years ago, Overlord Anthael came and declared war on the Empire and Clans. Many inhabitants surrender to Anthael. After the war, Anthael sent his great general Kadrath to maintain his reign. Kadrath sent his 3 spiritual children to spread his evil influence. They took over three cities and named them under their individual names- Babalon, Baphomet and Menkhaos. Legend has it that Kadrath's disciples took years to build a gigantic magic citadel, which is to be protected by an immortal Guardian and that Kadrath's power came from the magical sigil formed by the three cities. Your Objective: Destroy Kadrath to put an end to his reign You can choose to use the Empire or the Mountain Clans. Map Size: 72 x 72 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Using the Empire/Mountain Clans North ------------------------------ | F E | | M | | | | | | K P | West | | East | | | | | | | B A M | | | -------------------------------- South F: Frondburg city E: Empire capital M: Menkhaos city K: Kadrath's Fortress P: Baphomet city B: Babalon city A: Asmara city M: Mountain Clans capital I've had a real hard time here on this quest -wipes tears- besides the Greenskins, the enemy units are really tough to get rid of. =( Kadrath's minions spread throughout the whole map. Fighting them feels like fighting against 80% Legions and 20% Undead. Not to mention that they are not level 1 whiny weak units, most are at level 2 or 3. I hope I don't sound like a wimp, and I hope I don't demoralise you either. Please form your troops wisely...... ready? Alright! Here goes... Game starts and your advisor will inform you on the spread of chaos and destruction throughout the realm and that thieves and Greenskins have started to roam the lands. For the Empire: You will get to use an extra Scout unit(Rainon). He has two Squires and 1 Acolyte with him. All are at Level 1. For the Clans: You will get to use an extra Engineer unit(Baldaric). He has two Dwarves and 1 Axethrower with him. All are at Level 1. Some suggestions if you want, please remember to turn mana resources and mine under your rule as and when you get the chance. For the Empire, I suggest you let your Knights upgrade to Paladins, Paladins have Armor rating and it will prove to be very useful. Try to include apprentices in your troops, because as you know, some of the enemies are Undead, and the Undead have units that are immune to weapon. Archers will help too. Just remember though that Imperial assassins can't poison most of the Undead units(because they are immune to death attacks). For the Clans...erm well... Alchemists and Giants are what you don't want to do without. Yetis are okay just that I personally think that they don't do much damage. I let my dwarves upgrade into Hermits because it will take forever to reach Dwarf king or Runemaster. There are no important events going on, so you can go ahead and clear your way without worrying which unit to attack and which not to. Raid all the ruins because they give you items which will help a lot in facing those tough enemies. Before you decide to attack Kadrath's Fortress head-on without exploring the whole map, please look who's guarding the path to the fortress. You:"Okay, let's see..." You:"Oh, it's just a Demon, so he's the Guardian huh?" Me:"Yeah, that's him" You:"What? Then what do we have to be afraid of? a Demon has like only 270HP, even those with higher HP like 300 or a little more, I can kill it all too easily, with my best unit!" -attempt to fight Guardian- Me:"No...w-wait! d-don't!...STOPPPPP!" Ending: Your BEST unit dies and vanishes into thin air. To prevent the above scenario from happening, please KINDLY take the advice of your advisor when he say that you can't defeat the Guardian and that you'd better take over the three cities Babalon, Baphomet and Menkhaos. No, don't think twice about that, you are going to regret it deeply and greatly if you were to attack that Demon Guardian because he has 2056 HP, and his attack damage is rated at a maximum of 300. So please continue clearing the map. As you approach each of the 3 damned cities(they actually formed a triangle around Kadrath's Fortress), your advisor will appear to give you certain information on the city. Baphomet, Babalon and Menkhaos(the 3 spiritual children of Kadrath) are all cultists, just that they have different stats. Babalon has the highest with 400 over HP, but still a cultist really can't do much, so I believe you'll have no problems taking over the cities. Once all the three cities are under your rule(villagers will thank you), it's the time to strike! So your advisor says! and yeah, you'll see an Armageddon spell blasting the Guardian, and he's gone! Now you can attack Kadrath's Fortress with your best unit =) Good luck though, he's tough. Kadrath's Fortress- Lv 5 Kadrath(He's an Abyssal Devil..urgh looks really scary) HP : 720 Armor : 0+30 Damage : 140(can petrify as well) Initiative: 40 Demonologist HP : 105 Armor : 0+30 Damage : 45 to all 6 units Initiative: 40 Anti-Paladin HP : 220 Armor : 0+30 Damage : 75 Initiative: 50 IMPORTANT EVENTS(In this quest, the events for both Empire and Clans have NO difference at all): -As turns begin to pass, your advisor will inform you the findings of the Priests of the temple of Aptha. They believed that the Guardian of the tower gathers his power from the magical trigonal formed by the 3 damned cities- Babalon, Baphomet and Menkhaos. -A few turns later, he will pop up to remind you that only the one that controls the 3 sides of the trigonal can cast out the demon contained within. -Treasure above Asmara city- attempt to take it, and a unit consisting of a Deathdragon and a Skeleton Warrior warp in. -Elf messenger appear to inform you about the magical sites that Kadrath used to summon creatures. -Units of Kadrath's minions will continuously warp onto the map(most are demonologists) so, don't leave cities unguarded. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Cities Baphomet-Lv 2 Baphomet(Cultist), 1 Cultist, 2 Imps Gives: Imp Talisman Frondburg-Lv 1 1 Necromancer, 1 Skeleton Warrior Menkhaos- Lv 2 Menkhaos(Cultist), 1 Anti-Paladin, 1 Berzerker, 1 Incubus Gives: Incubus Talisman Babalon- Lv 3 Babalon(Cultist),1 Infernal Knight Gives: Infernal Talisman Asmara-Lv 1 Lich Unexplored Ruins Empire Castle Ruins 2 Fighters, 1 Ghost Loot: 1 Lightning Scroll Manbatha Temple 2 Zombies, 1 Warlock Loot: 1 Ring of Strength Temple of Thunder 2 Templar, 1 Warlock Loot: 1 Staff of Thunder Dark Temple 2 Templar, 1 Shade, 1 Wraith Loot: Boots of Speed Anthael's Garrison 2 Skeleton Warrior, 1 Vampire, 1 Shade Loot: Staff of Twilight Greenskins Hideout 2 Orcs, 2 Goblin Archers Loot: Treebark Potion Haunted Halls 1 Moloch(pretty tough) Loot: 1 Holy Chalice Anthael's Monastery 1 Zombie, 1 Death, 1 Shade, 1 Lich Loot: 1 Tome of Sorcery Enemies on map: Master Thug, Thug, Peasant, Ghost, Zombie, Initiate, Specter, Man at Arms, Goblin, Goblin Archer, Orc, Orc Champion, Centaur, Centaur Lancer, Sorcerer, Demon, Cultist, Imp, Fighter, Mermaid, Lich, Spearman, Necromancer, Berzerker, Doppleganger, Anti-Paladin, Devil, Gargoyle, Archer, Demonologist, Skeleton Warrior, Marble Gargoyle, Ghouls, Shade, Kraken, Doomdrake, Merman, Death, Skeleton Champion, Incubus, Ogre Shop/Mercenary/Tower Furren's Shop: Life Potion Potion of Healing Hunder's Shop: Life Potion Potion of Restoration Potion of Healing Potion of Speed Potion of Vigor Sallat's Shop: Life Potion Treebark Potion Potion of Vigor Potion of Restoration Werric's Shop: Life Potion Treebark Potion Potion of Restoration Potion of Healing Potion of Accuracy Potion of Invulnerability Jolan's Tower: Strength Ice Pillar Tempest Yggar's Tower: Holy Strength Strength Oro's Camp(hiring): Archer Man at Arms Spearman Items found in money bags/treasure chests, from enemies: 1 Potion of Healing 3 Bronze Ring 2 Ruby 5 Life Potion(only 5?? we need more :P) 1 Elven Boots 1 Potion of Striking 2 Sapphire 1 Potion of Accuracy 1 Spirit Staff 2 Boots of Traveling 1 Potion of Water Warding 2 Potion of Restoration 1 Diamond 1 Potion of Protection 1 Banner of Strength 1 Skull Bracers 1 Boots of Element 1 Potion of Fortune 1 Unholy Chalice ============================================================================== 9) Last Stand -The Mountain Clans have lived peacefully in their land for quite some time. However the High King Norric had thought of seeking out beyond the mountains where the Clans lived. Little did he know that there resides the Undead. For honor(the only thing that which the Clans know of), they must avenge the death of their fallen comrades. The Undead cannot carry on the battle without Mortis' heir, the Dark Lord Tace. Thus Norric decided to send his son, Prince Bjorn to destroy Tace. You can choose to use either the Undead or the Mountain Clans Map Size: 48 x 48 North ----------------------- | P| | U | | | | | West | M | East | | | | | | | H | ------------------------- South U: Undead Hordes capital P: Freedom Point city M: Mountain Clans capital H: Hg'unfy city ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ PART A: Using the Undead Hordes -At the start of the game, there will be a message on how Lord Tace had been placed head of the armies and that plans for expansion are coming along perfectly. However, before that, you must send Lord Tace to assassinate the Prince Bjorn of the Clans. You get to use Tace, he's a Death Knight(Lv 1) unit and has a Doomdrake(Lv 2) with him. This quest is very easy to complete, it is because all the enemies are so weak(as compared to the rest of the quests), even though there are a pair of Green Dragons here on the quest, but their stats are so different from those on the Ice-Mar quest. Take the chance to ENJOY fighting them :) From your capital, go east and you will spot an Elven settlement with a few Elven units. You might want to go exploring the map in a circle, this is because the Mountain Clans capital(where Bjorn is) is somewhere in the center, so you'll most probably reach it way before you clear the whole map. And since this is such a simple quest, and perhaps it has been a long time since you had such a nice time exploring and killing, so you might want to raid all the ruins as well as the cities. But still, the choice is yours. Bjorn is really nothing so you can even just go ahead and attack him. One event worth noting (because it makes me laugh for like 30 seconds) is the ambush wonderfully done by a group of Master Thug and Thugs at the most south-western end of the map(near the Thieves Forest Shop). Our dear Master Thug, left his job of guarding his treasure chest, chose to attack you when you approach the Thieves Forest Shop. "Ha-ha! This is an ambush, now you shall die by our hands!" He's pretty brave I must say, considering his PUNY minions, but totally stupid. Defeating Bjorn ends the quest. Have fun ;) Bjorn's unit: Bjorn(A King's Guard) HP : 270 Armor : 10+50 Damage : 66 Initiative: 40 Warrior HP : 200 Armor : 0+50 Damage : 55 Initiative: 40 Dwarf HP : 150 Armor : 0+50 Damage : 30 Initiative: 40 Novice: HP : 90 Armor : 0+50 Boosts : 50% Initiative: 70 Note: The above stats may not be uniform. Bjorn starts off with only 1 Novice and 1 Warrior with him, the Dwarf was put in later when he went into his capital. I attacked his unit pretty early, not allowing him to level up and so his unit is very weak(those above are the starting stats). One more thing to note is that the stats are taken when attacking him in the capital, and thus the Armor rating increases by 50. Original Armor Rating for Bjorn is only 10. So overall, just take the stats as a brief guide, but it may change in your quest because he might go around attacking and upgrading his unit. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ PART B: Using the Mountain Clans -Game starts and your advisor tells you that now is the time to take over the land, but first you must get rid of the Undead dark Lord Tace. Bjorn for your information, is at Level, and has 1 Lv 2 Novice and 1 Lv 2 Warrior with him. But it's still better than none. Enemies on this quest are mainly Human, Wolves and Marshdwellers. So you can guess that they are not too strong. Since your capital is in the middle of the map, you may get attacked pretty often. This is because those neutral units will move around quite a bit. Do not leave ruins unexplored, this is because they are usually guarded by weak enemies but give good items and GP. Your main purpose is to destroy Tace, and he is most probably located near the Undead capital or somewhere around there if you clear the map quickly. There are only two cities here on the map, one owned by the Humans and the other by the Marshdwellers, you should take over them quite easily. But as you go to the Marshdweller area, advisor will warn you about the danger and suggests that you turn back. Well, besides a Kraken there, there's nothing else to worry about, your advisor is being too paranoid. Once you have defeated Tace, quest is completed. Did I say hear you say it's no challenge at all? Hmm I think so too. :) Tace's unit: Tace(A Death Knight) HP : 180 Damage : 55 Armor : 0+50 Initiative: 50 Fighter HP : 120 Damage : 25 Armor : 0+50 Initiative: 50 DoomDrake HP : 300 Damage : 40 to all 6 units Armor : 0+50 Initiative: 35 Note: The above stats may not be uniform. Tace starts off with only 1 DoomDrake with him, the Fighter was put in later when he went into his capital. I attacked his unit pretty early, not allowing him to level up and so his unit is very weak(those above are the starting stats). One more thing to note is that the stats are taken when attacking him in the capital, and thus the Armor rating increases by 50. Original Armor Rating for Tace is only 10. So overall, just take the stats as a brief guide, but it may change in your quest because he might go around attacking and upgrading his unit. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Extra Information: The pair of Green Dragons One is located east and the other west on the map. Approach them, and they tell you to honor them and that is by letting them taste your flesh(Ahem!) then they will use a -30 HP spell on you. Do not worry though, they are not as strong as you thought of them to be. Three turns is all it takes to kill one of them with my lowest unit(at Lv 1) without giving it a chance to heal :) -Stats of Green Dragon( both of them have the same stats) HP: 198 Armor: 0 Damage: 60 to all 6 units Initiative: 40 Immune to Fire Cities Freedom Point-Lv 2 Moving Party unit: 1 Imperial Assassin, 2 Spearman City Defense unit: 1 Knight Hg'nufy-Lv 1 1 Medusa, 1 LizardMan Gives: 1 Life Potion, 1 Potion of Restoration, 1 Orb of Healing Unexplored Ruins Thieves Lair 1 Master Thug, 1 Thug, 1 Imperial Assassin Loot: Tiara of Purity Serpent's Temple 2 Medusa Loot: 1 Potion of Fire Warding Lyhjnak's Tower 1 White Wizard Loot: 1 Tome of Sorcery Old Freedom Church 1 Vampire Loot: 1 Unholy Chalice Enemies on map: Master Thug, Thug, Spearman, Man at Arms, Imperial Assassin, Peasant, Green Dragon, Wolf, Barbarian Chieftain, Medusa, LizardMan, Kraken, Merman, Mermaid, Dwarf, Squire, Knight, Archer, Marksman, Priest, Centaur, Forest Elf, Elf Lord, Elf Ranger, Centaur Lancer Shop/Mercenary/Tower(The shops on this quest sell some real good stuff) Tavern and Arms Shop: Talisman of Freezing Imp Orb Earth Ward Scroll Life Potion Potion of Healing Potion of Restoration Skull Bracers Thieves Forest Shop: Tome of Arcanum Banner of Striking Boots of Speed Life Potion Potion of Healing Potion of Restoration Valley Spell Shop: Mind Ward Incantare HellHound Summon II: Golem Golron's Camp(Provides training for your troops) Items found in money bags/treasure chests, from enemies: 2 Potion of Healing 1 Potion of Protection 1 Banner of Protection 7 Life Potion 7 Potion of Restoration 1 Potion of Accuracy 1 Elven boots 1 Runestone 1 Forestwalk Scroll 1 Dwarven Bracer 1 Silver Ring 1 Emerald 1 Summon I: Living Armor Scroll 2 Gold Ring 1 Potion of Vigor 2 Potion of Speed ============================================================================== 10) Lunnark's Travels && -Legends say of the Dwarven traveller Lunnark finding his home in a wonderful archipelago. The Sthlanken Barbarians found and settled in this area thousands of years ago. However, the expansion of races in the area was inevitable as the great empires struggle for the control of this land. Your Objective: Transform 60% of the land to your race's suiting. Map Size: 72 x 72 North ------------------------------ | D E| | A | | H R | | | | S | West | J| East | L U | | | | V C I| | | | | -------------------------------- South D: Legions of the Damned capital E: Empire capital A: Vattern city H: Henzador city R: Rock castle city S: Sthlanken Village city L: Lalinda city U: Undead capital V: Venusi city C: Cannon city I: Irkutsk city ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Using the Empire/Undead Hordes/Legions of the Damned This map is pretty large, so converting 60% of it to your race's suiting isn't that easy, be prepared to spend hours on this quest. When you have managed to convert 40% under your rule, there'll be a message popping up to inform you, I guess to comfort you as well :) Now the enemies are pretty easy to clear, except some Krakens. Upgrading your troops shouldn't be too much of a problem. However, enemy units do move around quite a bit, especially the Merfolk. Elves are located north of Lalinda city, and Merfolk occupy almost all the sea area. Babarians and Marshdwellers come in smaller groups though most of the cities are owned by them. You'll have no choice but to fight them all because you must OWN these lands by making them yours. One event to note: southeast of Cannon city stands a solo Barbarian. When you approach him, he will tell you of how his family was killed by a Kraken and asks for your help in avenging them, he's too sick and weak to fight it. Okay, he's right. When you've killed the Kraken just a little east of him, talk to him again, he will join your cause. He has only 176 HP( nearly 100 less than that of a normal Barbarian Chieftain) but you can still use him for killing weaker enemies. Even though this quest is not really that hard to complete, still I think I'd provide you with some recommendations. Points to note so you know what I'm talking about. 1) Converter units are units that convert the land. So, it's Archangels for the Empire, Baronesses for the Legions and Banshees for the Undead. 2) fighter(notice the small 'f') units. Squires for Empire, Possessed for Legions, and Fighters for Undead. 3) Knight units. Pegasus Knights for Empire, Dukes for Legions, and Death Knights for Undead. -The game will start off with your Knight telling you to take over the land in the name of your master(Highfather for Empire, Brethrezen for Legions, and Mortis for Undead). Right, you'll need your Converter units to help you isn't it? Assign fighter units to them because Converter units are always the FIRST units to get attacked, and you don't want to lose $$ when they get killed one after another. It's hard to win battles with them anyway, but you have to use them, but they've only leadership 1, and you can't avoid battles along the way. So how? My suggestion is to assign another unit to 'escort' them. Okay in the case where you get attacked/ambushed, you can choose to retreat. Well, retreating is only for when you KNOW FOR SURE you can't win the fight. Don't tell me you are going to retreat when your enemy is just a wolf, but of course you know :) One way to retreat in this case is selecting retreat for your fighter unit the enemy will most likely attack him , depleting his HP but unlikely to be able to kill him(since I presume your Converter unit is placed at the back row), then by the next turn he should be able to retreat fully from the fight, leaving only the Converter unit. Well she will most certainly get killed, but still, it's better than fighting your way out and getting both slaughtered. Another way of successful retreating is by placing your fighter unit at the back row and Converter unit in the front. Select retreat for fighter unit, since his initiative is rated at 50, you should be able to do so as soon as the fight starts. Enemy can only attack Converter unit(well besides those that can attack back row as well), and she should be able to take some damage for some time and by the start of the second turn, the fighter unit will retreat fully. Yup, your Converter unit will get killed again, but I'm sure you know the reason why I don't suggest choosing her to retreat instead. She has way too low an initiative, so...no way man. As you can see, this way seems more effective than that of above, but still it depends on quite a bit of luck here and there. So it's your call =) A) For the Empire: Cost of hiring an Archangel and a Squire: 350 GP Reviving an Archangel+Healing her completely: 299 GP B) For the Legions: Cost of hiring a Baroness and a Possessed: 350 GP Reviving a Baroness+Healing her completely: 299 GP C) For the Undead: Cost of hiring a Banshee and a Fighter: 350 GP Reviving a Banshee+Healing her completely: 299 GP As you can see, a difference of 50 GP may not be much, but it's considered quite crucial at the start of the game because it's usually then that you have problems gaining GP(only 25 GP per turn is pretty miserable) Alright, it's still really up to you, I'm just providing the analysis for you to make your decision. The Empire is at a great disadvantage because the Archangel can only heal 40HP and most enemies won't deal just 40 HP of damage. However, the Baroness's fear attack can cause the enemy to retreat on their own and that helps a bit. Banshee petrifies and may help too, especially if the enemy is just a solo unit. Fine, about the 'escort' thing, one thing I've noticed about playing against the computer is that whenever I had a Knight unit very close to my Converter unit, it will TEND to ignore the latter, when I say tend to I mean in most cases, of course there are still times when they would attack especially if they realized that you are eyeing at their resources. So you can try if this method worked for you, if it doesn't, I'm sorry but don't come arguing with me because all these are based on my opinion and experience in playing the game okay? Right, I tried two different methods in completing the quest. 1) Clear the map and convert land simultaneously. 2) Finish clearing the map, only then convert the land. Both have pros and cons. Using method 1 will help you finish the game in a less tedious way, and faster as well. But you'll meet with problems like what I have said so much about above. Converter units are constantly being attacked and it's tiring to retreat, revive, heal or hire. Quite a waste of money. Method 2 will make you take a whole lot more time to complete the quest, but you don't have to worry about wasting too much money as in method 1. But you may fall asleep waiting for those lands to transform while you end turns after turns. Having said so much, let me end off with: Once 60% of the land is yours, the quest is completed. Congratulations! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Cities Jungfru-Lv 1 1 Barbarian Warrior, 1 Barbarian Chieftain Gives: 1 Paraseus Scroll Sthlanken Village-Lv 1 1 Barbarian Chieftain, 1 LizardMan Gives: 1 Angel Orb(use it as and when you can!) Vattern-Lv 1 1 Squire Gives: 1 Icestorm Scroll Rock Castle-Lv 1 Moving Party unit: 2 Centaur Lancer, 1 Centaur City Defense unit: 1 Centaur Lancer Gives: 1 Haste Scroll Lalinda-Lv 4 2 Oracle Elf, 1 Griffin Gives: 1 Illudere Terra Scroll, 1 Orb of Healing Cannon-Lv1 2 Barbarian Chieftain Gives: 1 Tome of War Irkutsk-Lv 1 1 Barbarian Chieftain, 1 Barbarian Warrior Gives: Summon II: Valkyrie Scroll Henzador-Lv 2 1 Possessed Gives: 1 Cursa Demoneus Scroll Venusi-Lv 1 1 Fighter Gives: 1 Nightfall Scroll Unexplored Ruins: Barbarian Safehouse 1 LizardMan Loot: 1 Orb of Vampire Vampire's Tower 1 Vampire, 1 Imp Loot: 1 Unholy Dagger Wolves Den(east of Legions capital) 2 Wolves Loot: 1 Potion of Speed Wolves Den(west of Legions capital) 3 Wolves Loot: Orb of Witches Griffin Nesting Spot 1 Griffin Loot: 1 Mindward Scroll Dragon's Crypt 1 DeathDragon Loot: 1 Skull Bracers Barbarian Hut 2 Barbarian Warriors Loot: 1 Potion of Celerity Enemies on map: Master Thug, Thug, Wolf, Mermaid, Merman, LizardMan, Peasant, Man at Arms, Spearman, Barbarian Warrior, Barbarian Chieftain, Specter, Ghouls, Kraken, Centaur, Centaur Lancer, Forest Elf, Archer, Marksman, Oracle Elf, Griffin, Elf Ranger Shop/Mercenary/Tower Leaf Bigfoot's camp(hiring): Griffin Gerbert's Factory: Life Potion Treebark Potion Potion of Protection Potion of Healing Potion of Strength Potion of Restoration Orb of Regeneration Kaa'rath's Supplies: Life Potion Potion of Healing Potion of Restoration Potion of Vigor Potion of Water Warding Elphina's Shop: Potion of Protection Potion of Fire Warding Treebark Potion Life Potion Potion of Healing Potion of Invulnerability Potion of Restoration Jevell's Wares(You must visit it or else a LizardMan is gonna chop you to pieces!): Life Potion Potion of Healing Potion of Restoration Potion of Strength Thanatos Blade Galrifius's Magiks: Seafaring Chant of Hasting Winds of travel Incorruptible Hannah's Sanctuary Holy Armor Ice Shield Chant of Fortitude Holy Strength Healing Metaca's Camp(Provides training for your troops) Items found in money bags/treasure chests, from enemies: 4 Potion of Striking 1 Potion of Accuracy 3 Silver Ring 1 Potion of Speed 2 Potion of Protection 7 Potion of Healing 1 Banner of Might 1 Boots of Speed 2 Treebark Potion 1 Shadow Scroll 1 Highfather Staff 1 Staff of Travelling 1 Chant of Hasting Scroll 4 Bronze Ring 2 Ancient Relic 1 Incubus Orb 1 Squire Talisman 1 Banner of Battle 1 Seafaring Scroll 1 Potion of Strength 1 Tome of Water 1 Talisman of Freezing 1 Emerald 2 Life Potion 1 Boots of the Elements 2 Gold Ring 1 Royal Scepter 1 QuickSilver Potion 2 Sapphire 1 Boots of Travelling 1 Banner of Resistance 1 Ruby 1 Lightning Scroll 1 IronSkin Potion ============================================================================== 11) Power to Corrupt &&&&& -The four races have lived in their lands for many years. This includes the Elves and the Dragons as well. However, there are always things happening, such as a Duke being kidnapped(why would anyone want to kidnap a Duke??), a Warrior being poisoned, and all these aren't just coincidence. It's just so mystical... Your Objective: Capture 2 items: The Corrupted Rune and the Wotan's Scroll. (Alright you don't understand what's the connection, I don't either, but nevermind let's continue) You can choose to use one of the four races. Map Size: 96 x 96 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Using the Empire/Legions/Clans/Undead North --------------------------------------- | D B H E | | | | | | T K | | | | W | West | | East | Y L M | | | | | | U | | N A | | | --------------------------------------- South D: Legions of the Damned capital B: Burnt city H: Thief Hall city E: Empire capital T: Timoria city K: Khu'brah city W: West Eye city Y: East Eye city L: Lulea city M: Mountain Clans capital U: Undead Hordes capital N: Nepheris city A: Aragonia city Okay, this main purpose of this quest is to get the Corrupted Rune and Wotan's Scroll, and it so happens that there are no individual events for the four races except for the starting. Basically, the difference at the start of each quest for the four races lies in the enemies surrounding the capitals. Empire: Unfaithful humans teaming up with thugs. Legions: Unchained demons that are driven out from the Undead territory. Undead: Persistent weak humans who constantly put up a futile struggle. Clans: Hermits and Giants launching offensive attacks. Alright, HUGE map indeed. I took hours and hours to complete the quest on my first attempt, so if you want to finish it at one go, one personal advice from me: please let your eyes rest every 45 minutes. ;P This quest is tough, but it's a great opportunity to level up your troops. There are quite a number of Defender of Faiths spread around the map. Besides having Armor rating, they shouldn't be a problem for you. Enemies around capitals are pretty weak and so I won't talk about them. Let me elaborate more on those tough ones, their locations, as well as my way of fighting them. 1) Primitive Giants(P.Giants) -Okay, there are 5 of them all squeezed in the area where Khu'brah city is located(2 are in the city itself). There are P.Giants with 248 HP that deals 81HP damage as well as those with 310 HP dealing 100HP damage. Magicians or related units are not that useful in this case because they don't cause too much damage and at the same time these P.Giants fight individually so no point. Use units that do more damage on a single unit. Use potions when necessary but don't overdo it because P.Giants don't require you to waste too much resources on them. They have only initiative 30 anyway. 2) Elves -Yeah, I know what you wanna say, indeed elves are not really that strong, but some of them can be a little problematic. Elf Lords as well as Oracle Elves, you need to take them out first whenever you see them in any battle. Okay, the main problem is still the Griffins and Skylords. Griffins has only 200HP and damage is rated at 95, and there is only 1 Griffin on the map. Two Skylords though, 420HP, damage 140. Hmm use Summons to deplete their HP, some spells may help too. Increase your units' Armor rating and Damage value if you want to. They are located at the Aragonia city area. 3) Spiders: Giant Spider and Giant Black Spider -I hated them ever since they gave me problems during the Empire saga(the mission on Hubert De Layle), but put aside that, they are really hard to beat. Reason being they have high HP, high damage, and can paralyze too. Argh!!! And there are five of them on this map!!! Good thing is: they don't move around, they just stayed at their spider lair, yup and don't worry, this time no one is gonna set their lair on fire until they come chasing after you. I used Summons, spells, as well as some potions here and there. You need to heal of course so bring along some potions of restoration(please don't use potions of healing, they heal too little), or equip talisman/orbs that heals provided your leader has the Use Talisman/Use Orbs ability. Giant Spider: 420 HP, 130 damage, can paralyze. Giant Black Spider: 370HP, 120 damage, can poison. Both have rather low initiative: 35. Their lair is located just a little south of Burnt city. 4) Dragons -Ah-har! Our lovely and beautiful Dragons. 5 of them on the map. Two are in cities(look under Cities section for their info) another two are standing guard in the area(West Eye city and East Eye city). 1 more in one of the unexplored Ruin. The two guarding the way to the cities are both Green Dragons. 600HP, dealing 60 damage to all 6 units plus are immune to fire attacks. In my opinion, Spiders are a little harder, but Dragons can attack all 6 units so that's the bad thing. Nevertheless, you can use Summons(again), spells as well as some potions of strength and potions of protection, and the job should be done quickly. As for the city Dragons, they are much harder, the Red Dragon is guarding the Corrupted Rune anyway so it's expected. I suggest equipping orbs/talismans that heals, or whatever you can find that heals all your party members at one go. Equip artifacts that boosts attack and protection, if not, use potions of strength and potions of protection. You can't use spells on them but you can use Summons. There are some really good Summons available here on this quest at the shop Leia's Sanctuary. 1000 GP to buy one Summon(not to say you need all four mana resources to use it) but in my opinion, really worth it. The Stone Ancestor and Thanatos can give 150HP damage per attack, they have 350 HP too, so who knows, you can wait for turns to pass to earn mana and use Summons to kill the Dragons. Yes, it's possible! If you are really desperate, then try taking over East Eye first, you will get the Soul Crystal Artifact which can paralyze the enemy.(not 100% though) 5)Capital Guardians -Nope, no mistake here. You CAN take over the Capitals in this quest. I believe the reason is because you need to really level up your troops all because the enemies are really tough, especially since the Dragons are not random and you'll NEED to fight them to get the Rune. So even though your objective is not to take over Capitals, and usually in such cases the Capital Guardian has very high stats like 900 Hp, causes 250 damage and a lot more. But this time, all the Guardians are weakened, until they are easier to beat as compared to the Dragons. All the Guardians have the same stats. Myzrael/Ashkael/Ashgan/Vithar HP : 190 Damage : 110 Armor : 0+50 Initiative: 90 Yes, they have high initiative and Armor rating, but still if you increase the attack rating of your troops, you can take them down pretty easily. One thing to remember though if you are fighting against Vithar(Clans), they may include a tenderfoot which boosts the attack rating of Vithar. Again, why not use those strong Summons if you can? They will help a LOT. You will get very high XP when you defeat a Capital Guardian, and that means about 3 levels of upgrade when you take all three Capitals! ;o WOW! so use Summons to deplete their HP, then use your troops to deal the final blow and get those XP! Well that pretty much round things up. The Wotan's Scroll is with the Elves at city Aragonia. Oh yeah, 1 last thing, near Lulea city, there's a Defender of Faith by the name of Unfaithful. Talk to him and he will be yours to use. Once you have collected both the Rune and the Scroll, the quest comes to an end. Good job, buddy :) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Cities Thief Hall-Lv 1 1 Rogue Assassin(Imperial Assassin) Gives: 1 Orb of Poison, 1 Orb of Bane Burnt-Lv 1 2 Marksman, 1 Master Thug Gives: 1 Incorruptible Scroll, 1 Talisman of Thanatos Note: if the fog over these two cities have not been cleared, and if you explore the Crumbled Tower ruin first, a map will be found, then the fog over these two cities will be cleared, showing their location. Timoria-Lv 3 1 Defender of Faith, 1 Witch-Hunter Gives: 1 Orb of Witches, 1 Banner of Speed West Eye-Lv 5 1 Red Dragon HP: 800 Armor: 0+30 Damage: 125 to all 6 units Immune to Fire Gives: 1 Orb of Thunder, 1 Life Potion, 1 Potion of Restoration, Corrupted Rune East Eye-Lv 4 1 White Dragon HP: 700 Armor: 0+25 Damage: 100 to all 6 units Immune to Air Gives: 1 Summon II: Valkyrie Scroll, 1 Soul Crystal Lulea-Lv 3 3 Spearman, 1 Imperial Assassin, 1 Marksman Gives: Banner of Resistance Nepheris-Lv 3 Moving Party unit: 1 Spearman, 1 Marksman, 1 Peasant City Defense unit: 1 Marksman Gives: 1 Talisman of Restoration, 2 Potion of Restoration Khu'brah-Lv 2 2 Primitive Giants Gives: 1 Banner of War, 2 Life Potion, 2 Potion of Healing Aragonia-Lv 4 Moving Party unit: 2 Centaur, 1 Centaur Lancer City Defense unit: 2 Centaur Lancer, 1 Oracle Elf, 1 Elf Lord Gives: Wotan's Scroll Unexplored Ruins Human Hideout 3 Spearman Loot: 1 Staff of Protection Crumbled Tower 1 Master Thug, 2 Thugs Loot: 1 Dwarven Bracer Thieves Hideout 2 Master Thugs, 1 Thug Loot: Treebark Potion Inquisitorium 1 Inquisitor, 1 Witch-Hunter Loot: 1 Staff of Holiness Haunted Tower 1 Werewolf Loot: Banner of Speed Dragon's Spire 1 Black Dragon HP: 800 Armor: 0 Damage: 125 to all 6 units Immune to Death Loot: 1 Ring of the Ages Crypt 1 Werewolf Loot: 1 Unholy Chalice North Human Outpost 1 Squire, 1 Archer, 1 Spearman, 1 Witch-Hunter Loot: No loot, just 100 GP Ruined Prison Tower 3 Fighters, 2 Witches Loot: 1 Tome of Sorcery Howling Tower 1 Werewolf Loot: 1 Potion of Swiftness Old Farmhouse 6 Peasants Loot: 1 Bronze Ring Hermit's home 1 Wolf, 1 Hermit Loot: 1 Talisman of Freezing Elven Temple(north of Aragonia) 1 Centaur, 1 Elf Ranger Loot: Potion of Speed Elven Temple(east of Aragonia) 1 Forest Elf, 1 Elf Ranger, 1 Centaur, 1 Oracle Elf Loot: 1 Runic Blade Enemies on map: Specter, Imp, Cultist, Witch, Wolf, Lich Queen, Skeleton Champion, Fighter, Defender of Faith, Zombie, Ghouls, Initiate, Squire, Spearman, Titan, Angel, Witch-Hunter, Kraken, Giant Spider, Giant Black Spider, Master Thug, Thug, Archer, Marksman, Imperial Assassin, Dwarf, Axethrower, Tenderfoot, Apprentice, Peasant, Hermit, Orc, Goblin, Goblin Archer, Primitive Giant, Merman, Mermaid, Elf Ranger, Forest Elf, Griffin, Centaur, Centaur Lancer, SkyLord, Elf Lord Shop/Mercenary/Tower Furren's Shop: Life Potion Potion of Healing Potion of Restoration Potion of Strength Potion of Protection Death Ward Scroll Banner of Resistance Leia's Sanctuary(Buy all the Summons!): Summon III: Stone Ancestor Summon IV: Thanatos Summon II: Golem Incantare Avenger Thurin's Shop(near Inquisitorium ruin): Life Potion Potion of Healing Potion of Restoration Paraseus Scroll Staff of Invisibility Thurin's Shop(near North Human Outpost ruin) Life Potion Potion of Restoration Potion of Healing Staff of Paralyzing Potion of Protection Summon II: Golem Scroll Laetes Tavern: Life Potion Potion of Healing Potion of Restoration Leif's Magic Shoppe: Water Ward Fire Ward Death Ward Air Ward Earth Ward Mind Ward Damage Ward Chrulen's Shop: Life Potion Potion of Healing Potion of Restoration Potion of Accuracy Zombie Orb Potion of Fortune Potion of Vigor Dennar's Camp(hiring): Man at Arms Marksman Spearman Titan Draco Training Camp(Provides training for your troops) Items found in money bags/treasure chests, from enemies: 1 Ruby 1 Sapphire 1 Potion of Vigor 15 Potion of Healing 1 Potion of Protection 1 Airward Scroll 12 Life Potion 2 Silver Ring 1 Potion of Accuracy 1 Diamond 1 Gold Ring 1 Bronze Ring 9 Potion of Restoration 1 Winds of travel Scroll 1 Boots of the Elements 1 Tome of Air 4 Treebark Potion 1 Ring of Strength 1 Orb of Healing 1 Orb of Restoration 2 Summon I: Roc Scroll 1 Orb of Venom 1 Banner of Strength 1 Celerity Scroll 1 Boots of Speed 3 Potion of Striking 1 Summon I: Living Armor Scroll 1 Orb of Freezing 1 Orb of Life 1 Orb of Strength 1 Orb of Fear 1 Incantare Hellhound Scroll 1 Summon I: Skeleton Scroll 1 Potion of Speed 1 Potion of Strength 1 Banner of Celerity 1 Elven Boots ============================================================================== 12) Terror in Moonsong && -In the 4th month of the year, a group of inhabitants(Undead) entered the Valley of Moonsong and the people lived in fear as many family and friends have fallen victim. The Clans and the Empire desire to seek out and free the land from the dark menace. Your objective: Destroy the Vampire Bastel Royas In this quest, choose to use either the Empire or the Clans. Map Size: 72 x 72 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Using the Empire/Clans North ------------------------------ | T K M | | L | | | | R D | | C | West | S A | East | | | | | N E | | | | I | -------------------------------- South L: Koularia city T: Tesley city K: Kwelia city M: Mountain Clans capital R: Manris city D: Dimmel city C: Confluence city S: Sangelton city A: Canouria city N: Enthras city E: Empire capital I: Ithla city Hmm...it seems that after playing the Power to Corrupt quest, this quest becomes a little too simple for me... anyway let's get started. Your ultimate aim is to kill Bastel Royas, and for your information, he is located in the city Sangelton. You will be fighting against Undead units that are mostly immune to death attacks and some are immune to weapon attacks as well so take note of that. Be sure to include magicians or the like in your troops, you will need them a lot. The rest of the enemy units are basically human units, Barbarians, Elves and Clan Argihos(mountain clans) units and they WILL prove to be EASY to get rid of. When you take over Manris city, you will be given information on where Sangelton is located, but since you have my map to refer to, you don't really need that information. ;P Near Ithla city is an Elven unit called Gregon Centaur Lancer, he will ask you to free Ithla from those Undead creatures and if you do so, he will repay you. Yup, you will be able to use his unit which includes a Elf Ranger and a Forest Elf when you took over Ithla. Quite weak so you can't really use them for big fights. The rest is all up to you, just continue clearing your way and upgrading your troops by going to the training camp. Remember though that the enemy units can move around and attack you. Every now and then, units will warp in on the map so your cities should be guarded to avoid being taken over by them without even putting up a fight. Once you are ready, you can go ahead and take on Bastel Royas. There is a Vampire unit guarding his castle that consists of 2 Vampires and 1 Doomdrake. Attack again after you have killed them and Bastel Royas will introduce himself to you. For the Mountain Clans, he will add a -30 HP damage spell after that. Well I guess this Vampire hates Wotan more than the Highfather hoho =) Even though the map is quite big, the quest itself is pretty short. Quest is completed once Bastel Royas is killed. Congrats. Sangelton-Lv 5 Bastel Royas(a Vampire) HP: 185 Armor: 0+30 Damage: 50 to all 6 units Initiative: 40 Drain Life Immune to Death Phantom Warrior HP: 320 Armor: 0+30 Damage: 125 (may paralyze as well) Initiative: 50 Immune to Death Dracolich HP: 525 Armor: 0+30 Damage: 75 to all 6 units Initiative: 35 Immune to Death ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ P/S: Werewolves and Wight are immune to Weapon attacks Cities Canouria-Lv 1 Moving Party unit: Goblin, Orc, Goblin Archer City Defense unit: Goblin Dimmel-Lv 2 Moving Party unit: 1 Master Thug, 1 Thug, 1 Archer City Defense unit: 1 Master Thug, 1 Marksman Gives: 1 Orb of Poison Enthras-Lv 1 Moving Party unit: 2 Squires, 1 Apprentice City Defense unit: Spearman Gives: Boots of Speed Ithla-Lv 4 1 Vampire, 2 Phantom Warrior Gives: 1 Tome of War Kwelia-Lv 1 Moving Party unit: 1 Dwarf, 1 Axethrower City Defense unit: 1 Warrior Gives: 1 Summon I: Living Armor Scroll Tesley- Lv 3 1 Barbarian Chieftain, 2 Barbarian Warriors Gives: 1 Staff of Tempest Koularia-Lv 3 Moving Party unit: 1 Skeleton Warrior, 1 Specter, 1 Werewolf City Defense unit: 1 Archlich, 1 Darklord Manris-Lv 4 2 Vampire, 1 Phantom Warrior Gives: 1 Talisman of Vigor Confluence-Lv 3 Moving Party unit: 1 Werewolf, City Defense unit: 1 Fighter, 1 Skeleton Warrior, 1 Shade Gives: 1 Gold Ring Unexplored Ruins Western Gate 1 Spearman, 1 Peasant Loot: 1 Orc Orb Opanic Temple 1 Centaur Lancer, 1 Forest Elf, 1 Elf Ranger Loot: 1 Holy Chalice Norst Gate 1 Brown Bear Loot: 1 Orc Orb Terlon's Tower 1 Witch-Hunter, 1 Acolyte, 1 Elementalist Loot: Incubus Orb Aseena 1 Orc, 1 Orc Champion Loot: 1 Tome of Sorcery Socakia 1 Werewolf, 1 Darklord, 1 Archlich Loot: 1 Potion of Speed Kreeg's Temple 1 Werewolf, 1 Vampire, 1 Wight Loot: 1 Orb of Vampire Ispari 1 Orc, 3 Goblin Archers Loot: 1 Talisman of Vigor Speety 2 Barbarian Warriors Loot: 1 Potion of Accuracy Pethana 1 Specter, 1 Dreadwyrm Loot: 1 Banner of Resistance Enemies on map: Peasant, Man at Arms, Spearman, Squire, Archer, Master Thug, Thug, Orc, Orc Champion, Acolyte, Goblin, Goblin Archer, Dwarf, Flame Caster, Wolf, Axethrower, Hill Giant, Tenderfrost, Engineer, Warrior, Babarian Warrior, Barbarian Chieftain, Rock Giant, Ogre, King's Guard, Marksman, Cleric, Mage, Apprentice, Centaur, Elf LOrd, Forest Elf, Bone Lord, Elf Ranger, Centaur Lancer, Wizard, Totan, Orc Champion, Specter, Zombie, Darklord, Troll, Lich, ArchLich, Werewolf, Polar Bear, Skeleton Warrior, Vampire, Phantom Warrior, Ghost, Initiate, Wraith, Doomdrake, Ghouls, Wyvern, Lich, Templar, Fighter, Dracolich, Deathdragon, Shade, Archmage, Dwarf Champion, Loremaster Shops/Mercenary/Towers Neffin's Shop: Potion of Restoration Potion of Life Life Potion Potion of Striking Potion of Speed Chronos Scroll Ralar's Shop: Potion of Healing Potion of Restoration Life Potion Ilan's Tower: Call Decay Dragon Summon II: Evil Ent Han's Tower: Call Decay Dragon Summon II: Evil Ent Renman's camp(hiring): Cleric Novice Metars' Camp(Provides training for your troops) Items found in money bags/treasure chests, from enemies: 6 Potion of Healing 7 Life Potion 1 Bronze Ring 1 Sapphire 1 Gold Ring 5 Potion of Restoration 1 Wotan's blessing Scroll 1 Boots of Seven Leagues 1 Silver Ring 1 Staff of Travelling 1 Banner of Strength 1 Runestone Artifact 1 Quicksilver Potion 1 Talisman of Thanatos 1 Boots of the Elements 1 Diamond 1 Ancient Relic 1 Horn of Awareness 1 Rust Scroll 1 Banner of Speed ============================================================================== 13) Vaglan 1-The Highlands & -The Empire has long been wanting to expand its territory into the Highlands where the Legions reside. The Legions had many cities of which their location remains unknown to the Empire. In order for the Empire to find out the exact location of these cities, they need the help of Vaglan. But Vaglan seeks the Doragon's Eye and unless it is brought to him, he will not help anyone. Your Objective: The item Doragon's Eye must be brought to Vaglan's cave near the Legions capital. The race who delivers it and leads Vaglan to their capital wins. You can choose to use either the Legions or the Empire. Map Size: 48 x 48 North ----------------------- | G T L | | K | | | | N V | West | | East | D | | | | E | | | ------------------------- South G: Grubbery ruin T: Taura city L: Legions of the Damned capital K: Kanna city N: Nisseland city V: Vaglan's sanctuary D: Dullahan city E: Empire capital ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ PART A: Using the Empire -Small map, and not too much enemies. Get ready your troops and off we go. The Elf High Council messenger will inform you of how the ELves won't help you and stuff and your advisor will assure you of the plans to take over their cities. Your purpose is to obtain the Doragon's Eye and deliver it to Vaglan. The bad point is that both the Doragon's Eye and Vaglan are so much more nearer to the Legions capital. Since you are playing against the time(in the sense that you need to get the Eye before the Legions) I suggest you go up north from your capital to Grubbery ruin. Along the way, kill some Elf units for experience but do not detour. The Doragon's Eye is inside Grubbery ruin and it is considered quite heavily guarded by the Elves, but if your troops are not too weak, they should prove to be quite easy to kill. After you've obtained the Eye, then you can choose to go clear off the whole map, or go directly to Vaglan's sanctuary to give him the Eye. It's your choice. There are only Elf and Greenskin units spread throughout the map, and you can be sure that they aren't hard to beat but don't give too much XP, so in my opinion, you can do without killing all of them, unless of course you can't stand their arrogance and so on, but it's all up to you. Just make sure you have the Eye with your strongest unit, since the Legions can't get their hands on the Eye, they can't get to Vaglan and the victory is already yours. When you are ready, you can take the Eye to Vaglan at his sanctuary, but be sure to bring a few units along with you, Vaglan will agree to help you after you gave him the Eye. Now you've to escort Vaglan to your capital so use those troops of yours to protect him and lead him all the way back to the capital and the quest is completed. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ PART B: Using the Legions of the Damned -Alright, be glad you have an advantage over the Empire: Doragon's Eye is quite near to your capital, at Grubbery ruin and Vaglan's sanctuary-as you probably would have known when he appeared to you and tell you about his plans to help the Empire unless you bring him the Eye-is just a little south. Once you've formed your troops with whatever miserable GP you've got, go straight to Grubbery ruin to get the Eye. Leave exploring for later, the most important thing is to obtain the Eye so the Empire can't win. Grubbery ruin is guarded by Elves who will warn you when you approach them. Once you have taken the Eye, you can either go to Vaglan's sanctuary and give him the Eye or you can go off exploring. This is an exceptionally short quest if you are playing as the Legions. Once you have given the Eye to Vaglan, all you have to do is just use him and click on the way inside your capital and that's it. You don't even need to wait for another turn for his move points to recover. He's just too near to your capital :D But just in case you want to go clear the map, all of the enemies are Elves and Greenskins and you will still finish the quest in no time at all. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Cities Kanna-Lv 2 Orc Champion, Orc, Goblin Archer Gives: Orb of Fire Taura-Lv 2 2 Forest Elves, 2 Elf Rangers, 1 Griffin Gives: 1 Spirit Staff Nisseland- Lv 2 Moving Party unit: 1 Centaur Lancer, 1 Elf Ranger City Defense unit: Centaur Lancer, Centaur Gives: Ring of Strength Dullahan-Lv 4 Moving Party unit: 2 Centaur, 1 Centaur Lancer, 1 Elf Ranger City Defense unit: Griffin Gives: 1 Skull Bracers Unexplored Ruins Watch Tower(Go near it and the Elves will blast a -15 HP spell at you) 1 Centaur, 2 Elf Ranger Loot: 1 Tome of Air Grubbery 1 Elf Lord, 2 Centaur Lancer Loot: Doragon's Eye Cultists Temple 2 Orcs, 1 Goblin Archer Loot: 1 Tome of War Enemies on map: Elf Ranger, Forest Elf, Centaur, Centaur Lancer, Wolf, Griffin, Orc, Goblin Archer, Orc Champion, Goblin Shops/Mercenary/Towers Kammilar's Factory: Potion of Restoration Potion of Healing Life Potion Potion of Accuracy Potion of Swiftness Ironskin Potion Potion of Air Warding Reggen's Camp(Provides training for your troops) Nelly's Wares: Potion of Healing Potion of Striking Quicksilver Potion Wight Blade Items found in money bags/treasure chest, from enemies: 3 Potion of Protection 1 Potion of Celerity 3 Potion of Healing 1 Summon I: Roc Scroll 1 Talisman of Fear 1 Chant of Hasting Scroll 1 Treebark Potion 1 Orb of Earth 1 Potion of Striking 1 Psalm of Death Scroll 5 Life Potion 3 Potion of Restoration 1 Boots of Speed 1 Tome of Arcanum 1 Titan's Might Potion 1 Potion of Invulnerability ============================================================================== 14) Vaglan 2- The Betrayal &&&& - After Vaglan has given out on the locations of the Legions' cities to the Empire, the Legions fell into deep contemplation and argued on how to punish Vaglan should he be caught. The Empire are starting to build up their troops to expand their territory. Meanwhile the quiet Undead waited for the chance to strike. Control the cities that'll bring your race the greatest control Map Size: 72 x 72 North ------------------------------ | A C T | | | | N | | D | | R O | West | L | East | J | | K | | I | | E U | | | -------------------------------- South A: Allantyr city C: Dwarf city T: Troya city N: Khyllad city D: Dragon Vale city R: Turania city O: Ochsunder city L: Legions of the Damned J: Jerling city K: Kanna city I: Indrus Keep city E: Empire capital U: Undead Hordes capital ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ PART A: Using the Empire Your Objective: Take over Indrus Keep, Jerling city, Kanna, Khyllad, Ochsunder, Turania. -Wow, you sure had it easy on this quest. You have four trained soldiers on the front lines, all ready to take over the cities. Your four Pegasus Knights are placed near Jerling city, Khyllad, Turania and Indrus keep respectively. You will be pleased to see that their troops are pretty strong and there will be ABSOLUTELY no problems taking over the four cities mentioned above. As for Kanna city, it's near to Jerling city, and you will need just at most two turns to reach it and finish it off. Ochsunder is near Turania too, and after you have taken over Turania, you can go ahead and take over Ochsunder and that will complete the quest. So simple and fast isn't it? Yup! Of course, in the case whereby you want to make sure there are enough troops guarding the cities that you have taken over, you might want to hire some units as city defense units, but that's about all for playing as the Empire, you don't NEED to build up your troops or have a hard time building your capital. But if you WANT, go ahead. If you decided to clear off the whole map, then you had better be sure you build your troops well because the enemies are tough. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ PART B: Using the Legions of the Damned Your Objective: Take over Dragon Vale and Troya. -Hmm only two cities you think, but don't you smell something fishy about this objective as compared to the Empire's? Yeah, the enemies in these two cities are the HARDEST. Oh well, you have no choice but to go explore the map and level up your troops as well as get some items you can use or equip. There are all sorts of enemy units here on this map, as usual the human neutral units and some other weak ones. However, because of the internal dispute of the Legions, there are demons that no longer trust in the protection of the Legions and chose to segregate themselves and form their own Lesser Demons group. So you will be fighting against units similar to your own but with higher levels. Duh! Dwarves are on the map as well, but their cities(Allantyr and Dwarf city) need not be captured, so unless you want to gain more XP, otherwise just do them no harm, coz theirs already a hard lot(does that sounds familiar too? hoho) Two Spiders are located near Dragon Vale at their lair and they will ambush you when you attack them, so do not go near until you are ready to take them on. Once you have finished with your exploring, you can prepare your troops to attack Dragon Vale and Troya. Dragon Vale is guarded by four separate units of Deathdragons and that's a great opportunity to gain more XP. Once these two cities are yours, the quest is completed. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ PART C: Using the Undead Hordes Your Objective: Take over Dragon Vale, Troya, Indrus Keep and Ochsunder. -Yeah, it's gonna be hard to play as the Undead, first thing is: your capital is too far away from most of the cities. Second: by the time you managed to reach those cities, they will be occupied by either the Empire or the Legions. And you can be sure their units are strong. So you have only one choice and that's to kill every single enemy and get as much XP as you can. You start off with an extra Lich Queen unit and 5 Thieves. Your thieves will most likely die if you leave them the way they are, somehow they will get attacked by either the Empire or the Legions troops, so try to let them stay away. The neutral units tend to leave your thieves alone but don't go too near them anyway. Did I forget to tell you that Thieves remain at level 1? so no matter how hard you try using potions on them to strengthen them and fight solo enemies for the hope that they will become stronger, it's no use at all, well forget it. They won't level up. Basically the only use for them is finding out the stats of enemies and clear the fog of war so you know what is going on between the Empire and Legions. My suggestion to you is that you go capture the cities you need to take over as soon as you can, enemies are easier to beat at the start, don't wait for them to level up, and by then it will be tough for you. Now, if you are really that desperate, use Werewolves then. I know you need a lot of GP to build their keep as well as hire them(1000 GP per Werewolf... what the -!) but it will be worth the time and effort to get them in your troops, put them in the front line and go after strong enemies with weapon based attacks, kill them and get those XP! Dragon Vale is surrounded by four units of Deathdragons, so make sure you are prepared because if you don't kill them all in one turn, they will come after you the next turn. Use spells on them, and if you have, Summons as well. When you've taken over the four cities, it is finished. -gives you a pat on shoulders- Congratulations, you did well. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ P/S: The defenses in some of the cities may change due to it being taken over by other races. Cities Troya-Lv 4 Moving Party unit: 1 Abyssal Devil HP : 600 Damage : 140(may petrify as well) Armor : 0+25 Initiative: 40 City defense unit: 1 Moloch HP : 370 Damage : 110 Armor : 0+25 Initiative: 35 1 Marble Gargoyle HP : 150 Damage : 65 Armor : 60+25 Initiative: 60 Immune to poison, Ward Mind Gives: Orb of Lychanthropy Dragon Vale-Lv 4 1 Demon Lord HP : 470 Damage : 140 Armor : 0+25 Initiative: 40 1 Modeus HP : 170 Damage : 75 to all 6 units Armor : 0+25 Initiative: 40 Ward Fire Dwarf city-Lv 3 Moving Party unit: 1 Warrior, 1 Hill Giant, 1 Archdruidress City Defense unit: 1 Rock Giant, 1 Archdruidress Gives: Etched Circlet Allantyr-Lv 2 Moving Party unit: Hill Giant City Defense unit: 1 Warrior, 1 Forge Guardian Gives: 1 Wight Blade Indrus Keep- Lv 1 1 Devil Turania-Lv 1 1 Possessed Kanna-Lv 3 1 Possessed, 1 Devil Ochsunder-Lv 4 1 Doppleganger, 1 Devil, 1 Sorcerer Khyllad-Lv 3 Moving Party unit: 1 Devil, 1 Archdevil, 1 Demonologist City Defense unit: 1 Possessed, 1 Witch, 1 Berzerker Jerling city- Lv 1 2 Possessed, 1 Cultist Unexplored Ruins Lord Kyn's Manor 1 Mage, 1 Spearman Loot: 1 Ancient Relic Dwarf House 1 Veteran, 1 Warrior, 1 Alchemist Loot: 1 Elven Boots Alchemist's Lab 1 Warrior, 3 Alchemists Loot: 1 Venerable Warrior Orb Human Outpost 2 Man at Arms, 1 Spearman, 1 Wizard, 1 Archer, 1 Marksman Loot: 1 Healing Ointment Demon Den 2 Devils Loot: 1 Tome of Fire Infernal Dominion 1 Berzerker, 1 Incubus, 1 Succubus Loot: 1 Incubus Orb Dwarven Temple 1 Warrior, 1 Novice, 1 Tenderfoot, 1 Alchemist Loot: 1 Royal Scepter Tower of Occultism 1 Fighter, 1 Occultist Loot: 1 Life Potion Crossbowmens Hut 6 Crossbowman Loot: 1 Boots of Seven Leagues Werewolf Den 2 Werewolves Loot: 1 Potion of Restoration Enemies on map: Wolf, Peasant, Man at Arms, Archerm Spearman, Squire, Imp, Fat Imp, Cultist, Berzerker, Demon, Devil, Witch, Imperial Assassin, Master Thug, Thug, Zombie, Werewolf, Warlock, Fighter, Giant Black Spider, Mage, Titan, Deathdragon, Modeus, Demon Lord, Dwarf, Veteran, Yeti, Demonologist, Archdevil, Moloch, Incubus, Abyssal Devil, Marble Gargoyle, Sorcerer, Warrior, Crossbowman, Flame Caster, Rock Giant, Alchemist, Archdruidress, Hill Giant, Druidress, Wolflord, Forge Guardian, Hermit, Fiend, Hag, Mountaineer Shops/Mercenary/Towers Gunner's Tower: Forestwalk Ice Pillar Sybil's Vision Chant of Arms Chant of Hasting Chant of Fortitude Vengeance of Ymir Ancestor's call Yggar's Shop: Quicksilver Potion Life Potion Potion of Restoration Orb of Life Potion of Fire Warding Soul Crystal Lord Kyn's Supplies: Life Potion Potion of Restoration Highfather's Potion Potion of Fortune Treebark Potion Potion of Air Warding Luggen's Camp(hiring): Hill Giant Warrior Veteran Guther's Camp(hiring): Knight Man at Arms Spearman Lord Kyn's Camp(provides training for your troops) Reggen's Shop: Life Potion Potion of Restoration Potion of Strength Potion of Striking Potion of Fire Warding Allar's Shop: Potion of Striking Potion of Restoration Life Potion Potion of Invulnerability Ice Shield Scroll Items found in money bags/treasure chests, from enemies: 1 Highfather's blessing Scroll 1 Potion of Swiftness 1 Incantare Hellhound Illudere Scroll 1 Bronze Ring 3 Potion of Restoration 11 Life Potion 1 Potion of Celerity 1 Tormentio Scroll 1 Potion of Fortune 1 Orb of Healing 1 Potion of Strength 1 Tome of war 1 Banner of Might 1 Sapphire 1 Titan's Might Potion 2 Potion of Healing 1 Talisman of Regeneration 1 Stone Rain Scroll 1 Daylight Scroll 1 Zombie Orb 1 Ruby 1 Mjolnir's Crown 1 Banner of Battle 1 Boots of Speed 1 Banner of Celerity 1 Gold Ring ============================================================================== Miscellaneous ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ This section is a rather small section on miscellaneous stuff of Disciples II races and units. 1) The best race to use: Undead Hordes. Basically, they have really powerful units such as Death, Werewolves etc who/which are immune to weapon attacks. So in facing them it's almost impossible to beat them with low level units. Not to mention you can have strong fighters but it's of no use, units that uses magic attacks are the only ones who can hurt them and yeah we all know that magic attacks is around 35-45 HP damage range for the average unit level. And the bad thing is you need around three turns to kill them if you only have one magic using unit in your group. And Death, as everyone knows, gives the death attack to any unit of around 50HP, which is great because your magic unit can die immediately from that one attack, or at most last till the next turn. So just in case you want to know how to beat Death, actually there's no sure way, but try using potions that increase the attack and armor rating of your magic units... and because magic units usually have very low initiative and so potions that increase a certain percentage of their initiative are of little use because Death has very high initiative, much higher than your normal fighter unit. Obviously, if you can increase the number of magic units in your group, it will be better, but not too much of them, 2, at most 3 is enough. Then make sure your front row fighters are strong enough as well, the Undead enemy will usually group Death up with Werewolves as well as Lich Queen, so your front units must be powerful enough to protect your back magic units from further attacks. Lastly, if you get the chance and have the mana, try casting one spell on their unit before you attack them straight on. 2) The worst race to use: Do you even need me to tell you? The Mountain Clans of course. By worst, I don't mean their units aren't strong, but it all goes down to their low initiative value... The highest it can get it... 50. Great huh? And one thing I really dislike about playing as the Mountain Clans, or should I say find it so infuriating is that the order gets reverted. This means that I can have a Flame Caster cast his fire attack before my King's Guard weapon attack when the King's Guard has a higher initiative. I only met with this problem using the Mountain Clans... and it made me so furious because I had to heal and heal and heal which wastes time and resources. Now you don't need me to advise you on how to beat them do you? 3) Best magic user: In my opinion, is the ArchMage of the Empire. He can deal quite a fair deal of damage even at a low level, and I don't know why, but his magic attack is the magic attack that gives the best -wow, looks so powerful and very damaging- effect. 4) Best rod-planter: Baroness/Banshee. Reason: they can cast petrify and fear which is more useful than an Archangel that can only heal 40HP and a Dwarf Champion who doesn't even have the skills of a champion anyway. 5) Best thief: Okay this is a trick comparison, because all thieves are the same. But the Undead thief looks cooler, so he should be given credit for that. 6) Best leader: Death Knight from Undead. Flying ability is always a plus point, because there's no penalty on sea etc. Once he is of a considerable level, he can be devastating. He's very polite as well, which is an added bonus. 7) Most interesting quest: That will have to be Drega Zul. It is because Drega Zul is a character made especially for the Quests section...and it provided a lot more excitement playing using her. Almost like the feeling of being able to use Uther as in the Sagas. ============================================================================== Q&A ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Q: So is this game worth playing? A: Sure, look over the reviews on GameFAQs.com for more details. Q: What will you add in to this FAQ in the future? A: Most likely this will be the final version. I think I have put in enough stuff, I don't want to add in stuff which is already in other D2 FAQS because that would be unnecessary. But I may make changes should they be required. Q: How did you manage to complete these quests? They are hard! A: Yeah, but that's what makes this game challenging and interesting. No game is unbeatable, that's what I always say. Q: So is the Hierophant better than the Prophetess? A: It depends really, though many people say of how good and useful the Prophetess is, I almost always uses the Hierophant. In my opinion, both are as powerful as each other. Q: Why do you choose to use the Hierophant instead? A: I said almost always, I didn't say always, get it right. The reason being, Hierophant heals way more than Prophetess even though he only heals one unit at a time. Unless I'm facing an enemy that deals more than 100 HP damage to all six of my units at one go, I'll have to go with the Hierophant. But that's just my opinion. Q: I can't beat this quest! Should I use the cheat codes? A: Up to you, personally I'd say no. Why? Cheat codes helped you but doesn't satisfy you. You want the real challenge, do without cheats. Cheats aren't called cheats if they ain't cheats, got what I meant? Yup, beat the game with your own strategies! Q: Can I post your FAQ on my site? A: Is this even a question? OF COURSE NOT! You'll have to ask for my permission first. Q: So if I asked for your permission, you'll let me post it then? A: Since when did I say that? Asking doesn't mean having. Most likely no. I want to limit my contributions to as few hosts as possible. Q: So can I trust your FAQ to help me with any difficulties? A: I'm just trying to help. Don't pis* me off with such questions. Q: You sounded rude in the Q&A section, why is that so? A: It's not being rude, it's being serious because I hate it when people don't treat what I've said seriously and started asking me stupid questions. Q: So why do you like Myzrael? A: He's a he, I'm a she, got it? Q: So can I email you to ask you any questions about the game? A: Only if you really need help. No irrelevant questions please. Q: So that means you can give absolute answers then? A: If only isn't it? Then not exactly so. I can't give any promises, only that I'll try my best to help. Q: I really liked Disciples 2, should I get the expansions? A: Look up reviews or discussions before buying them. Credits Thanks to Strategy First for making this great game. Thanks to Strategy First Technical Support for their patience and politeness in helping me when I met with installation problems. Thanks to Mister Sinister for his wonderful and detailed FAQS on the sagas(on GameFAQs) which has helped me so much while I was having a hard time with them. Thanks to CjayC for his GameFAQs website that has given help to so many gamers out there.