+ ++++++ ++++++++ +++++++++ ++ ++ ++++++ + + + ++ ++ ++ ++ +++ ++ ++ + + + + ++++++ ++ ++ ++ ++ + ++ ++ + + +++++++ ++ ++ ++ ++ ++ + ++ ++ +++++++ + + ++ ++ ++ ++ ++ +++ ++ + + + + ++++++ ++ +++++++++ ++ ++ ++++++ + + +++++++++ ++ ++ +++++++++ ++ ++ +++++++++ Max Mods Written By Switchblade ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Revision History: Version 1 - 11/4/03 Version 1.1 - Copyright Info updated. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Copyright Info: This guide was written by Josh Luken, with help from many contributors to a long discussion on Astonia forums (In particular, v3_Jaded). This guide may be distributed as long as credit is given where it is due. Any questions, please email me at switchblade6892@hotmail.com ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Table of Contents: Section 1: Astonia III Section 2: What Are Mods Section 3: Mage Max Mods Section 4: Warrior Max Mods Section 5 Seyan Max Mods ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Section 1: Astonia III. Astonia III Is a MMORPG, also known as a Massive Multiplayer Online Role-Playing Game. Astonia III is pay-to-play. When you sign up you receive a free, one-month trial period. After the first month, you must pay $10 (U.S.) to continue playing on that account. Astonia's leveling system is based on kill experience that is received by killing different NPC's (Non Playable Characters) throughout the game. As you gain experience, you are able to spend it on different skills and spells, dependant on what class and race you are (Seyan, Warrior, and Mage). When you start the game, it will not be easy. The faster you start developing relationships with other players, the more likely you are to succeed. The game itself does not require you to be social, and it is possible to do well in it without being social; you will have a lot more fun, and go farther in the game if you have good friends. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Section II: What are Max Mods? Max mods in Astonia III represent the strength of a skill or spell. For expample, A mage may have 115/309 Lighting. The 1st number represents the base, or the number of times the person has raised that spell. The second number represents the mod, or the strength of the spell. Mods are achieved by raising the base, or wearing modifying equipment for the spell. There are two types of stats in Astonia. A skill/spell and a base stat. Base stats are intution, wisdom, agility, and strength. Almost everything else is a skill/spell and follow similar rules depending on what race the character is with a few exceptions. Mana, Hitpoints,and endurance all have a max mod of 50% of its max base. So if you have 100 mana, your max mod is 150 mod mana, if you are wearing +50 mana equipment. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Section III: Mage Max Mods Stats have a max mod of 2 x base! 50% from items, 50% from bless, +base itself = 200%! for instance: 1)you have 50 base intuition, max mod intuition is 100, if you have +25 intuition from items, and +25 intuition from bless (100 mod bless, when you are not blessed) you will have max mod. 2)you have 80 base intuition, max mod intuition is 160, if you have +40 intuition from items, and +40 intuition from bless (160 mod bless, when you are not blessed) you will have max mod. also, bless makes it hard to understand, as when you cast bless on yourself, bless mod is calculated without your bless already cast on you. for instance: 1)you have 50 base intuition, 75 mod from items. you have 50 base wis, 75 mod from items. bless is 50 base, no bless items, and 95 mod from adding stats. *50 base + (75 int + 75 int + 75 wis = 225 / 5 = **45**) = 95* 95/4 = 23, so you won't get max mod int quite yet, but also, after you bless yourself it will be 108 (98 int + 98 int + 98 wis = 294 / 5 = 58 + 50 = 108). 108 / 4 = 27, or more than enough to max mod int, but it will still be 98. despite your weakling bless. ***if you were following up until now, go back and skip this part about bless, forget you read it*** skills still have a max mod of 150% + stats (base + items + stats, whatever they may be) for instance: 1)you have 75 mod int and 75 mod wis, (no matter how you got it...) and 50 base bless. max mod for bless is 120 *50 base + 45 from stats (75 + 75 + 75 = 225 / 5 = 45) + 25 (50% of base) from items.* 2)you have 125 mod int and 125 mod wis and 100 base bless. max mod for bless is 225 *100 base + 75 from stats (125 + 125 + 125 = 375 / 5 = 75) + 50 (50% of base) from items* This concludes mages. the rest is somewhat the same and a piece of cake from here. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Section IV: Warrior Max Mods max mod stats are base + 50% for instance: 1)you have 50 base strength, you can have 75 mod strength, *50 base + 25 from items and/or mage's bless* max mod skills are base + 50% from items + stats for instance: 1)you have 75 mod strength and agility, 50 base two-hand skill. max mod two-hand is 120 *50 base + 25 from items + 45 from stats.(75+75+75 = 225 / 5 = 45)* and we're done: one last recap. For this recap: you have 50 base all skills and stats, you have items that max all of your mods and then some. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Section V: Seyan Max Mods max mod stats are 172%, why 172? I forget >.< I knew once but I forgot how I got to the conclusion... anyway! for instance: 1) int/wis are 100 base, you can get a total of 172 mod, 100 from base, and 72 from items and/or bless. no matter what, your max stats are 172. you have 36 in int equitpment, you can have +36 from bless (144 mod bless). max mod skills for seyan are base + 72% of base +stats for instance: 1)strength, agility, intuition are at 75 mod you have 50 base attack, max mod attack is 131 *50 base + 36 from items (72% of 50) + 45 from stats( 75+ 75 +75 = 225 / 5 = 45)* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Section VI: Recap of Max Mods MAGES: Stats: 200% base, 100 max mod in this example. Skills: 150% base + stats, 135 max mod in this example. SEYANS: Stats: 172% base, 86 max mod in this example. Skills: 172% base + stats, 138 max mod in this example. *Note: I recently found my previous note to be wrong, if you are completely maxed, before arching, you will have 138 max mod, as .5+ is rounded up* WARRIORS: Stats: 150% base, 75 max mod in this example. Skills: 150% base + stats, 120 max mod in this example.