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I decided to translate it because there were no secret guides on gamefaqs.com available. For those of you who don't know yet, finding every secret location in a level will give you an extra Jedi power star to spend at the end of the level. Very nice. Plus these secret locations usually yield a bunch of goodies, which are also quite helpful. Finding these secrets isn't always easy though. Sometimes you'll have to be a real stuntman to pull off the necessary maneuvers to reach one, so I suggest that you quicksave your game (F9 by default) before attempting anything dangerous. You will know that you have a found a secret area when you get the "You have entered a secret area!" message at the bottom of your screen. I know this sounds obvious, but sometimes a very hard to find hidden location with goodies will not be considered a secret by the game. This guide only lists the secret locations that "count". ====================== = THE GUIDE = ====================== LEVEL 1 Secret #1: Just before reaching the first door of the level, you can pass between the inclined bars on your right to drop down on a platform with an enemy and a couple of items. Right beside that platform there is a very steep slope that you can nevertheless climb. At the top, jump on the platform and drop into the hole you'll find. Secret #2: Right after the second door, there'll be a little narrow bridge. Stop in the middle of it, then look all the way down and to the right. You should see an enemy shooting at you. Kill it, then jump down where it was. You'll take some fall damage but there are plenty of medkits around. Secret #3: Past the little narrow bridge, you'll enter a room where you have to call a cargo lift with a switch to go up. During the ascent, about midway, there'll be a hole in the wall on your right. Drop into it. Secret #4: You'll eventually come up to a long bridge with a Tie Bomber taking off on your left. Backtrack a bit, but don't cross the little bridge again. Instead, look on your right. The terrain is slopped and has holes, but you can still run across it and reach secret #4 at the end. Secret #5: After activating the switch that opens the huge metal plates on the ground leading in a big cargo area, don't go down immediately. Instead, walk along the left edge (careful not to fall off, big fall damage), then turn around, and look down and a bit to your right. You should see a big pile of crates with 3 missing. Take a slight running start on the edge you're standing, jump off and try to land where the 3 crates are missing. It's hard, but feasible. Then jump on top of the pile, go all the way to the back and drop into the hole you'll find there. Secret #6: After "leaving" the last secret, you should be in front of another huge stack of crates. Go around it to right, up the slope behind it and into the room at the top. LEVEL 2 Secret #1: After navigating the level for a while, you'll arrive in a corridor with an opening on your right. From this opening, you should see something that looks like the backside of a spaceship with engine exhaust tubes. Approach the opening VERY slowly, then look all the way down (90 degrees). You should see a platform right below you. WALK slowly forward until you fall off, then hit the backpedal key and you should land on that platform. Secret #2: Later in the level, just after after passing the point where you had to use the red key to continue, you will end up in a room with a big grey crate, and a very big metal crate with a red outline. Go up the ramp in this room and jump down on the very big metal crate. From there, you can jump in a dark little niche inside the wall. Secret #3: This is probably the hardest secret to reach in the entire game. You should arrive soon enough in vast room with 2 big construction colored forks. DO NOT TOUCH THE SWITCH. What you have to do is run on the right prong and jump at the last second, then try to fall on the triangle shaped corner to your right on the lower level. Trust me you'll have to retry that jump a bunch of times. When you land on the lower level, run to the second fork you'll find there and run along its left prong and drop into a niche in the wall. Secret #4: Further into the level, you will pass through a big door and enter a small room filled with 2 stacks of crates. Drop down, then go to your left and jump from crate to crate to reach the top of the stack. From there, jump across the gap to the other stack. Secret #5: Near the room containing the previous secret, you'll find a big cargo lift. From where you are, you can already see an opening in the right side of the lift. When going up, try walking off the lift onto the small edge created by the opening. You can also try jumping. Follow the edge to a dark hole which is secret #5. Secret #6: After returning on the cargo lift and taking it all the way up, you will see a conveyor belt and a second cargo lift beyond it. Jump on this new lift but look down at the belt while going up. You should eventually see a crate emerge from one of the red opening and roll toward the next. Run off the lift and land on that crate, it'll allow you to jump to the platform above the second red opening. Secret #7: After returning to the second cargo lift, you should see a very small ledge around the walls just before it reaches the top. When the lift is at the right height, simply wall off the lift onto the ledge and collect the items at the end of it. Secret #8: After finally riding the second cargo lift all the way to the top, you will exit the building by going up a small slope. When you're done going up, turn around and walk along the left edge of the slope until you reach the wall, then turn to your right and you will see an opening in the wall. Jump. LEVEL 3 Secret #1: At the very beginning of the stage, when you'll try opening the main entrance of the house only to find it jammed, turn around 180 degrees and observe the rock wall. You'll notice that a section of the rock, close to where you start the level, is colored differently. Shoot it. Secret #2: Still outside the house, when you'll go around it to the left, you'll notice that there's another differently colored section of rock, behind the oddly planted pieces of wood in the slope. Secret #3: Inside the house, after falling underground when the wooden beam broke under your weight, open the door in front of you. After turning right, you'll face an enemy with an oddly colored wall behind him. Secret #4: A bit further inside the house, you'll find some sort of garden with vine-covered walls and a blocked passage. The left wall at the end of the passage is breakable. Secret #5: Right after the garden area, you will unlock a door and climb a set of stairs to the 2nd floor. On that floor, just before you arrive inside the "garage", there is a passage with windows on your right, and on your left one section of the wall is much darker that the rest. Secret #6: Later, you'll find a waterfall and a water basin. Jump into it. At the end of the basin, on the left, there is a dark passage going up. About midway, to the right, there is an opening in the wall. Secret #7: Past the water basin, you'll find another filled with some red electrified substance. As soon as you see it, fall into and turn around. Under"water", there will be an opening in front of you. Secret #8: Right after the last basin, you'll be in a dark passage with numerous flying beasts. About midway, there will be a sharp turn, as well as small niche into the wall to your right. LEVEL 4 Secret #1: Jump into the first stream of water that you see. Follow the current and break the grating with your lightsaber. Secret #2: After falling into the water torrent, break the grating with your lightsaber so you won't drown. The current is strong, so get out of the water as soon as you can by jumping on the catwalk. Once you're on it, turn your back to where you come from. In front of you, there is a fork. Go right. At the end, you'll see an opening into the wall in front of you. Activate Force Speed and jump into it, then turn around. Above the opening there is a slope that you can jump onto and ascend by running. Secret #3: You will soon find a water-filled half pipe and then drop down to find another. Follow the current for a while, and then jump down. You must do this BEFORE reaching the big water basin otherwise you'll miss this secret as well as the next one. Continue following the current, but this time, from the floor below. You will soon find a third, dry, half pipe perpendicular to the second one. Exiting through the opening of the 3rd counts as a secret. Secret #4: Right after the previous secret, fall onto the concrete platform in front of you and enter the room at the end, to the right. Secret #5: Immediately after getting the first "Mission Objective Complete", get out of the water half pipe you were in BEFORE you enter the water purification plant. Follow the left edge of the tube and you'll find a downward slope to your left. Pick up the items you find there. Secret #6: Later in the level, you'll find a long water basin containing several large creatures with tentacles. About midway underwater, there will be a passage to your right that leads to a small room. LEVEL 5 Secret #1: As soon as you start the level, you will face a circular water basin. In the very middle of the basin, underwater, you will find a big vertical tube. By swimming down into it for a short while, you should find an opening in the wall. Secret #2: After reaching the city (first Mission Objective Complete), enter the first house in front of you and climb the stairs. In the room to your left, a small portion of the wall looks damaged. Break it with your lightsaber. BONUS (Easter Egg): This one doesn't count as a secret, but it's still kinda fun. When you climbed the stairs to find the last secret, you saw another flight of stairs going down in front of you. Walking on the first step is the only way to open a special door, and it will only work once. Quicksave, then go down the stairs and find the only door that won't open normally, then reload and run to that door before it closes. Inside you'll find none other than Max wielding a souped up blaster. He'll follow you around and attack enemies if you touch it with your open/use key. Be careful not to accidentally shoot him though, or he'll kill you very quickly. Secret #3: Near the marketplace, you'll find a closed door with a canopy above it. Inside, you'll find a merchant woman being brutalized by 2 baddies. Behind the counter, a small portion of the left wall is damaged. Secret #4: At the back of the plaza, where numerous citizens are being attacked by baddies, you'll see a big panel tilted against the wall. Touching it with your open/use key will make it fall. Secret #5: Just before jumping onto the catwalk hugging the edge of the plaza, you will find a second closed door with a canopy. Inside, you'll find some sort of show room where citizens are waiting in line. Cut the line and jump on the stage. In front of you, to the left, there is a small piece of the back wall that is damaged. Secret #6: When you'll reach the end of the catwalk in the plaza, you'll have to choose between going through a closed door or going down a slope. Go down the slope. Below, to your right, you will see 2 concrete slabs and an upside down chair just below a window. It's possible to run and jump into the window with Force Speed. LEVEL 6 Secret #1: When nagivating the destroyed neighborhood, you'll eventually come across a stairway that goes underwater (watch for the mines). Underwater, you will notice that the stairs keep going down further, to your left. Follow them. Swim into the room to your right. There is a hole in the ceiling, to your left. LEVEL 7 No secrets. LEVEL 8 Secret #1: At the start of the stage, take the lift to go down to the room below. At the back of the room, to the left, you will find a small, dark passage. Secret #2: After getting on the roof, you'll see 2 possible ways of getting into an air duct. Inside the duck, in between the 2 entryways, you'll find a robot flying over a rusty metal panel. Break it. Secret #3: A bit further inside the same air duct, just before the rusty grating on the floor, there will be another rusty metal panel on your left. Secret #4: Later in the level, you will find a large wind tunnel. When the wind dies down, run into the back of tunnel and drop on the metal grating. By looking up, you should find a little niche in the wall. Wait for the wind to build up a little, and then jump into it. Secret #5: Just after the last secret, jump to the other building with the help of the powerful wind, but don't continue your way into the second tower just yet. Approach the huge gap you've just leaped across and look to your left. You should see a very thin ledge. Follow it around the tower until you find a grating on the wall. Be careful, the wind is tricky here. LEVEL 9 Secret #1: Not far from the beginning, you'll have to duck to pass under a big pipe. Once you've cleared the pipe, don't drop down just yet. Follow the edge to your right into an opening in the wall. Secret #2: After entering the refueling station (first Mission Objective complete), go around the huge main reservoir to the left. You will see a door with 2 small explosive barrels near it. Jump on the area over the door. Secret #3: After finding the last secret, take the door and inside, you should find a dark little hole which is in fact an elevator shaft. Call the elevator with the switch to the right and down down. As soon as you get off, immediately look to your left and up. You should see a little niche. Jump. Secret #4: You should eventually find some sort of stormtrooper bunker where there is a lift and a door where you must crouch to pass through. This bunker is located BEFORE you go through the main reservoir (second Mission Objective complete). As soon as you crouch and pass the door, go right and look up. There is an opening in the wall in front of you. Secret #5: Right after getting the second Mission Objective Complete message, take the lift in front of you. It will go down, but stay on it. It will go back up to where you came from. Don't move. It will move up a second time. Getting off the lift into this hidden room counts as a secret. Secret #6: Immediately after the last secret, you'll see a room with a lot of explosive barrels. Resist the urge to blow them up. Instead, jump from barrel to barrel all the way up to a small opening in the wall. Secret #7: Now get back and blow up all the barrels. When the room is empty, you'll find a second opening at the bottom of a wall. Secret #8: Near the last 3 secrets, you'll enter a vast room with 2 gigantic pipes. Immediately jump to the pipe on the right and run all the way across the room. There is a small opening in the wall, to the right of the pipe. Secret #9: In the same room, at the end of the left pipe where the pack of turrets is located, one of the orange panels is breakable. Secret #10: Later, after being inside the refueling pipes for a while, you will enter a huge, empty spherical reservoir where you must break the hatch in the middle of the floor to go onward. Fall down the shaft and continue until you get a "Mission Objective Complete" message, then stop and look to your left, a bit up. You'll see a small dark hole in the wall. LEVEL 10 Secret #1: Walk behind the first stairway you will find, near the beginning of the level. Secret #2: A bit further, you will come to 2 high speed elevators leading down next to small albeit very vertical room containing several crates and a few flying droids. The big red crate in the back of the room has a low roof over it, and there's a hole in that roof. Secret #3: When you'll be breaking the eletrical grid to the left of the huge fan with your lightsaber, you'll notice that the metal beam you're standing on leads to a dark little niche in the left wall. Secret #4: After disabling the aforementioned huge fan and entering the air ducts, you should soon find a small door leading to the reactor core (your next objective), but don't go there yet. Move forward past the door. At the next intersection, turn right and go all the way to the end. Secret #5: Return to the previous intersection and again, take a right and go all the way to the end. Secret #6: After disabling the reactor, fall down where the red particles were previously floating. Break the metal grid and active Force Speed. It should allow you to fight the powerful wind inside the tunnel and you'll be able to turn left right after entering, before the wind takes you further down the passage. LEVEL 11 No secrets. LEVEL 12 Secret #1: When going all the way down in the very vast room containing a conveyor belt and massive gray crates, go around the crates you'll find in front of you when getting off the elevator to the left and go all the way to the back. Secret #2: Afterward, deactivate the force field and take the conveyor belt to the next room. Look to your right, you should see a small strip of non-electrified floor along the wall. Jump on it and take the elevator at the end. Once you're up there, there is a big gray crate on your left. Somewhere along the back of this crate, you'll find a rusty panel. Secret #3: In front of the crate of the previous secret area, you'll notice several magnetically suspended crates. Simply jump from crate to crate in a straight line all the way to the wall, and fall in the large opening you'll find there. Secret #4: Take the same elevator and jump again from crate to crate, except that at the last crate from which you fell down to find the previous secret, jump to crate to your right, move forward a bit, and turn to your left. You should see a second large opening in the wall. LEVEL 13 Secret #1: If you jump in the river near the beginning of the level and let the current carry you, you'll eventually pass under a big piece of rock with a hole under it. Use Force Speed to fight the current and jump into the hole. Secret #2: Near the metal bridge, you'll find 2 turrets. There is a dark corner behind the one on the left. Secret #3: After slicing the metal grating to break into the stormtrooper bunker, fall onto the catwalk below and go all the way to the end, turning right just before reaching the elevator. Blow the barrels you'll find at the end which will create a hole in the floor. Secret #4: After deactivating the great force field and passing through it (second Mission Objective Complete), you'll find a small pool of water. Swim to the back and left of it, and go underwater. Follow the crack in front of you and turn right when you can. Get out of the water and climb the slope, then turn right. Fall onto the tiny platform right under you and use Force Speed to partially climb the steep slope to your left. There is a hole in the left wall of the slope. Secret #5: You will soon come to a second river much larger than the first one. Use Force Speed to be able to swim against the current, and go underwater. If you hug the rock wall to the left, you'll eventually find an small passage at about 2/3rd depth, near the waterfall. Secret #6: Let the current take you to the end of the river (you can use Force Speed to go even faster). Almost at the end, there will be a underwater passage on your right leading to a large basin containing water monsters, and flying droids and beasts outside. You will also notice a relatively high niche into the rock that you can nevertheless reach from the water with Force Jump. Secret #7: A bit further, you will enter into a stormtrooper bunker. Take the elevator and position yourself so you have the switch to your right. While you're going down, you will notice a small niche in the wall in front of you, just above the pile of 2 crates. LEVEL 14 No secrets. LEVEL 15 Secret #1: Right at the start of the level, turn around and walk toward the door. Up on the wall to your left, you'll see an air duct. Jump into it (which could prove to be difficult considering the conditions of the level), break the grating and go through it. This counts as a secret, the only one in the level, even though the air duct contains nothing and leads to nowhere interesting (in fact, I suggest you turn around and walk back to where you started and complete the stage normally). LEVEL 16 No secrets. LEVEL 17 Secret #1: In the imperial base at the beginning of the stage, take the lift all the way up to the last floor. Up on the catwalk, there is a room contaning large fuel barrels. Behind them you'll find a passage. Secret #2: Still on the last floor, enter the green colored zone. Here the gravity is reduced and you'll never take any fall damage no matter from how high you fall. Along the walls, there are ledges you can reach by doing Force Jumps, the highest counting as a secret. Note that if you have a hard time pulling the jumps, you can always come back later after activating the cargo convoy system (first Mission Objective Complete) and let a crate carry you all the way up. Secret #3: Later, you'll find a wind tunnel blowing over a catwalk hanging above a ravine. When the wind dies down, activate Force Speed and run to its source. Secret #4: A bit further, you'll find a room with numerous explosive barrels. There is a hole in the floor under one of the barrels. Secret #5: Just before the end of the level, in the second imperial base, you will find a huge column of strong, continous wind going upward. Jump into it, but don't go in the middle, stay near the edge. You'll eventually hit a ceiling of metal preventing you from being taken higher up by the wind. Don't let the wind pull you into the middle, instead move toward one of the openings in the rock wall. Secret #6: Go into the second opening in the rock wall, carefully going around the wind column. LEVEL 18 Secret #1: Right after the first Mission Objective Complete (which is rather early into the level), you will find a room with a single crate and a small, thin and steep ramp leading into a corridor. Stop in the middle of that room and look up. You should see a triangle-shaped elevated platform. Force Jump on it. Secret #2: Right after getting the last secret, drop down and enter the passage to the left of the ramp. Go all the way to end, then look high up to your right. There's a hole in the wall. Secret #3: Now take the ramp and go onward. Eventually you'll arrive into a room containing a hole with construction colored borders to your left. Look across the hole. You'll see a slightly elevated platform with a crate on it. Simply Force Jump up there. Secret #4: Now go behind the ramp from which you entered the room with the hole. The wall on the right is breakable, but also highly explosive, so be careful. This is the last secret before the second Mission Objective Complete. Secret #5: After the third Mission Objective Complete, you will eventually take an elevator going all the way down into a zone with rock walls. When you reach a curved corridor going down, turn around. The wall behind you is damaged and explosive. Secret #6: At the end of this corridor, you'll have to fall down onto a catwalk to go onward. Go left on the catwalk, and turn left when you see a ramp going up. On you right is another damaged explosive wall. Secret #7: Further, you'll have to walk on a very thin construction colored beam to cross a chasm. Follow the beam all the way to the end, and crouch into the opening on the left, under the floor. LEVEL 19 Secret #1: Take the first elevator and stop on the first floor that you can. In front of you, there is a barely elevated platform with a crate on it. Just jump behind the crate. Secret #2: Walk back on the elevator and go all the way down. You'll end up in a very vertical room with some sort of big "building" in the middle. Jump onto the building with Force Jump, go along the walkway and jump through the opening in the wall. Landing on the walkway on the other side counts as a secret. Secret #3: From secret #2, look up, a bit to your right. There is an inclined ledge in the rock wall. Jump on it. Secret #4: Fall back onto the walkway of secret #2, then fall on the rocky floor and go straight ahead. Just before reaching the stone "step" that forces you to do a little jump to go onward, look to your left and all the way up. There is a big opening in the metal wall. Jump. Secret #5: You will soon reach an elevator. The grating above it is an alternative route to secret #2 and 3. Activate it and go down. Then press the switch again to make it go back up but step off it. There are a couple of items under the elevator. Secret #6: After going past the big drill, you'll find yourself navigating ancient passages. After turning right twice (you don't have any choice), you will have to turn left to go on. The wall on the right, however, is explosive. Secret #7: A bit furhter, you'll enter a room with a slightly inclined ramp. The wall on your left when you enter the room is also explosive. Secret #8: Right after the second Mission Objective complete, manipulate the 2 ancient switches to move the 2 stone carvings blocking your path. Leave the first completely open, close the second one completely and run past it before it crushes you. Go all the way to the end and take the passage on your left. Ignore the rope and continue. When you turn right, the midway portion of the wall on the left will be explosive. LEVEL 20 No secrets. LEVEL 21 No secrets. ====================== = FINAL NOTES = ====================== - If you play on Easy or Medium, you wlil be missing one Jedi Power Star to have all Neutral and Light (or Dark) Powers at maximum. However, if you play on Hard, level 15 will give you 2 Jedi Power Stars instead of just one, allowing you to have all your powers at maximum. - That's it!! END OF FILE