Last update 26-7-01 Welcome to my Oni Battling Guide, This contains battle strategies for each type of bad guy in the game. Look for the bad guy you're having trouble with and zoom straight to their section using my handy doofercodes that use the find button to full potential. Please e-mail feedback to I suppose you know all of the legal crap. No making money. No putting on sites without my permission. Basically, you can't do ANYTHING except read this guide without my permission. Oh, you can save the page. I have absoultely no problems with that. Becuase I, Reid Wason, own this guide. So ner ner on you. I wrote another guide for the game Diablo II. It is nothing like Oni, but it is excellently excellent if you like that sort of thing. I have a collage of Konoko displaying all of her good moves. I'll send it to you if you e-mail me. Just ignore the bad-hair-day looking thing in the bottom right corner. That went slightly wrong. Revision History 26-7-01: Started guide. So that'll be the 1k mark I've broken. 4-8-01: Guide finished, unless I can think of something else to put in here. Oh, I know. A walkthrough. Yay. More work for me. I've done the first level in it. CONTENTS Number Name 1. Standard Bad Guys Strikers Furies Tankers TCTF Troopers Ninjas Elites Other 2. Boss Bad Guys Deadly Brain (Level 2) Barabas I (Level 3) Barabas II (Level 7) Mukade (Level 10) Muro (Level 12\14) Griffin (Level 12) Konoko's Clone (Level 12) Shinatama's Omega Chamber (Level 13) Muro's mutation (Level 14) 3. General Strategies (and clever tricks) 4. Weapon Usage 5. Walkthrough Level 1 (Syndicate Warehouse) Level 2 (Musashi Manufacturing) Level 3 (Bio-Research Lab) Level 4 (Airport Assault) Level 5 (Airport Hangers) Level 6 (TCTF HQ PartOne) Level 8 (Conversion Plant Interior) Level 9 (TCTF HQ PartTwo) Level 10 (Rooftops) Level 12 (Sci Prison) Level 13 (TCTF HQ PartThree) Level 14 (Syndicate Mountain Base) ----------------- STANDARD BAD GUYS ----------------- ----------------------- STRIKERS Strikerdoofers ----------------------- Green class: These are too easy. Give them a good Sledgehammer Heel (or possibly a Triple-Punch) and they're down. Don't forget to use low kick if they're floored but you're not sure they're dead. 1ST APPEARANCE: Syndicate Warehouse, Save Point 2. Blue class: This just adds the minor problem of some jumping attacks and, of course, the Striker Slam. For the Slam, use a skidding or low attack (or Willow Kick). For the jumps, either jump yourself and time the kick just rightto knock them out of the air, or Crescent Moon\ Rising Fury them while on the ground. 1ST APPEARANCE: Bio-Research Lab, on the roof. Red class: These guys have a Headbutt Dash move. Jump over it, or roll out of the way. For all else see the Blue Class guide. 1ST APPEARANCE: I _think_ its the Airport Level, but I can't be sure. --------------------- FURIES Furiousdoofers --------------------- Green class: A quicker but less strong version of a Blue Striker, these should be no problem to you. The Foot Stomp Special only works while you're down, so get up quickly. Willow Kick is noticably less effective on Furies, so don't go there. I'd use something like a Triple Punch or a Triple Kick on them. Blue class: They noticably have the Whirl Kick move. I'd reccomend a jump-kick followed by a low punch and a triple-punch till they drop. Red class: 10-shadow Punch is added here. It is basically Headbutt Dash, but faster. Watch out for this class, as they're quite tough and fast. Try and get behind them, or use the Van Der Backbreaker (as mentioned in the Strategy Section). ------------------- TANKERS Simdoofers ------------------- Green class: They say "Can't Top Tanker!" They're wrong. You can top tanker. Tankers are slower than Strikers but nearly as powerful as Elites. Kick moves take advantage of Tanker's poor speed and if you throw in a Rising Fury or Crescent Moon they'll be toast. The Nuclear Tackle should be avoided with a side roll followed by a kick while they're down. The first Lasers are easy. On the first platform, wait for the Lasers to come right back and then start running. Activate the computer then wait for the Lasers to get blocked by the comp. When this happens go go go to the next platform. Proceed until the second Lasers appear. The second Lasers are harder. After Shinatama stops talking you'll want a side-roll AWAY from the lasers at the sides followed by a backwards cartwheel escape and a roll back to near the computer. Activate it, then time it like the first and watch out for the above laser near the computer. Repeat until the third lot appear. The third Lasers are virtually impossible. You'll need to time it and have good hand-eye co-ordination to succeed. If not, make sure you've got plenty of health (if not top it up) and try to run through the lasers. You probably won't die if you did the first two laser sets correctly. Good luck on this as it is bloody hard. ---------------------------- MURO'S MUTATION Imagodoofers ---------------------------- APPEARS ON: Syndicate Mountain if you killed Griffin on TCTF 3 SPECIAL MOVES: Lightning Attract, Lightning Repel, Charging Punch, Earthquake Drop, Invincible until after he does a move. If you're going to make an invincible Daodan Chrysalis person then please make them not able to be defeated by little people like Konoko. You'll need to trick this guy into doing a charging punch before you can even start to backbreaker him, or run away so he has to use the lightning waves attack to bring you closer. If he does this then run straight at him and Rising Fury. Muro's mutation is bloody hard, but remember to use escape moves, dash lots, and always hit-and-run and you should be fine. If Muro hits you with anything too many times you're dead. Also, don't forget that you can't throw him, or even lariat him to my knowledge. Willow Kick won't work either. Crescent Moon is quite good here, as is Rising Fury, and the odd Devil Spin. Twister Kick might be useful but I can't use it so I wouldn't know. Good luck, and whatever you do DON'T SCREAMING CELL HIM!!! ---------------------------------- GENERAL STRATEGIES Tiberiandoofers ---------------------------------- The Van Der Backbreaker You know how its real hard to backbreaker an enemy unless they're standing still? Well, if you shoot them with the stungun (VDG Pis- tol) then run up behind them, you'll get them good and proper. Of course, practice this technique before you go using it on Mukade, but it works in theory. Falling Meteorite I've given this a cool name to make it sound better than it really is. If you can time a flying kick, Crescent Moon, or at best a Rising Fury right, you'll knock enemies out of the air simply. This does not work on Nuke-Tackling Tankers, but whaddayagonnado? With practice you probably won't ever be knocked down by a jumping twit ever again Silent Ninja A bit of sneakiness never hurts. Always sneak off ledges if you know that beneath you is a badguy. If you time it right you can backbreaker them without them even seeing you >:). Lariat Rope Bounce Run at the enemy and Lariat them. Keep running, double back, Lariat them again. Repeat until bored/convinced its cheating/enemy is dead. You could try this with the original Running Throw but don't place bets. Sliding Throw By far the best tactic when locked in a combo is to jump backwards, slide toward your enemy and use the basic punch+forward throw. No Guns If you don't like being shot at (like me) then try repeatedly jumping while moving towards an armed enemy. They won't hit you as much, and if you time a kick really well then who knows what'll happen. The Slayer If you watch Buffy, Angel, and the film Blade back to back, and then play Oni, you'll be amazed at how much better you've gotten. You'll have lots of adrenaline pumped up, you'll be excited, and you'll be in just the right kind of mood. This tactic sounds weird but it works. Trust in the freckled Onimaster. Willow Backbreaker If you're unarmed, use Willow Kick to stun the enemy and backbreaker them to take advantage of it. Amazingly powerful. --------------------------- WEAPON USAGE Handsupdoofers --------------------------- THE PISTOL (Campbell Mk4 Equaliser) The Pistol has a decent rate of fire, but does virtually no damage. They're common, and they're good for stopping enemies running toward you, but if there is any other weapon on offer then choose it. THE UZI (Hughes Blackadder SMG) The Uzi packs a powerful punch, but it runs out of ammo faster than my cupboards run out of peanuts on a Friday night in (That is what Tortilla Chips are for... mmm). This gun is a pain to have used on you, and worth carrying around, but if you think there are better guns that run on ballistic ammo (Grenade Launcher, Sniper Bow) then never reload it. They're like disposable nappies (thats diapers if you're American): put them on to do dirty work, but throw them away once emptied. THE PLASMA RIFLE (SML3 Plasma Rifle) I like this. It sets enmies on fire briefly, it has a decent rate of fire, and it kills after between 2 and 6 shots. Perfect for sniping until you get a Sniper Bow. But, it runs on different ammo! Bliss! Worth keeping unless you get something better. THE SCRAM CANNON >From afar, this is slightly useful. At medium range, it is more useful. At close range this defies all known physics: it sucks AND blows. I never saw the point in this gun; its nearly as bad as the pistol. Those warheads are SUPPOSED to do damage aren't they? Well I don't think they're doing their job. Avoid this unless you are unarmed. THE STUNGUN (Van Der Graaf Pistol) Ah! One of the two top guns IMO. It basically stuns an enemy, leaving them prone to... BACKBREAKER! This is known as the Van Der Backbreaker. Or you can throw them at their mates. Or off of a tall ledge. Or you can run off and use a hypo. The possibilities are endless. Wayhey for this gun. THE STREAM GUN (Phase Stream Projector) Nah. No damage here, but it is very ammo effective; knock them down, then commence beating. I can see few possible situations where this would be of any use at all. Sorry. THE GRENADE LAUNCHER (SBG Man-Portable Mortar) The ultimate weapon of mass destruction! It basically DESTROYS anything within a 10ft radius. But this is very dangerous for two reasons: 1. You'll hit yourself sometimes and 2. If you use this and the glassworld cheat you'll get so lagged up you'll be killed by the nearest enemy. Other than that, cool. Cool. Wicked. Cool. THE SNIPER BOW (Mercury Bow, Lightning Sniper) ARGH! I hate this gun... when its being used on me. Like on Level 9 with the sniper on the roof... near impossible not to be sniped. But when the shoe's on the other hand, then I love it. It will kill anything but an Elite or Blue+ Tanker instantly. It does severely weaken Tankers, but Elites are less affected by it (3/4 or a 1/2 will be taken). Now I'm hungry so I'll close this section. Mmm... peanut butter... THE BIG GREEN MONSTER CANNON (Screaming Cell) Its a right tricky one this. I don't personally like it all that much. The enemies often run towards you, attracting the Cell and then it'll damage you. I'd reccomend this for big situations with Elites involved somewhere, but otherwise STAY AWAY! BARABAS' GUN (Wave Motion Cannon) Press Punch and it'll charge up a good-damage, crap-speed plasma wave. Press Kick and it'll charge up a fair-damage, good-speed bomb like thing. So Kick is better for this. This weapon makes you so ...s...l...o...w... that I'd only reccomend using it on Barabas. If you carry it through half the level, it'll be out of ammo, and you'll have been a sitting duck for the Strikers. Only worth it on Barabas, then. ----------- WALKTHROUGH ----------- The only other guy who I know who has done a guide for Oni is Martin Gaston. He had a walkthrough as well. If you aren't satisfied with my walkthrough so far he has many more levels than me. Also, if you are so incompetent that you need a walkthrough for the training level he has that. Here is a guide to my guide. Every paragraph is a new room. Save Points are separated by small banners saying "SAVE POINT X". Levels have a row of dashes on top of them to separate them from the rest of the guide. I will do a level in my walkthrough every day (time permitting) and send it off on that day, so keep checking back! Here's a temporary solution. I'll do difficulty ratings for each level here. OK: TCTF Training: Syndicate Warehouse: Musashi Manufacturing: Quite easy BioResearch Lab: Moderately hard (with the special selection at this stage) Airport 1: Moderate (but very fun) Airport 2: Moderate (but not as much fun as Airport 1) TCTF Base: Not very hard (but cool) Conversion Plant 1: Moderate and fun Conversion Plant 2: Moderately hard TCTF Base 2: Quite hard, but fun Rooftops: Fun, not very hard, but not at all easy, especially the boss. Hasegawas Lab: Pretty hard, but I like it. Except those invisible ninjas TCTF Sci Prison: Very hard TCTF Base 3: Very very hard Mountain Base: Near f!!!ing impossible. ------------------------------------------------ LEVEL 1: TRIAL RUN. SETTING: SYNDICATE WAREHOUSE ------------------------------------------------ Save Point 1 At the start of this level Shinatama will tell Konoko some crap, then its off on Level 1. I suggest going to the edge of the balcony and shooting the guy at the computer. Use the console in this room and go to the next. There are some boxes here, use them as cover if needed.Go up the stairs to the next bit. On the second floor there is a roomwith a computer in it. Use the computer to open the door to the next room. You'll be ambushed by an engineer on the way back, but he's easy enough to take down. Go down the stairs that he came up and through the door marked with the yellow and white diamond. If you go up the stairs there will be an engineer with an Uzi. Shoot him, pick up the Uzi, and look off of the balcony. On the middle row of boxes there is a piece of ballistic ammo. Jump on to the middle boxes to get it. Drop down and go for the door currently on your left. Kill the engineer in here. When you pick up his hypo Shinatama tells you about the Daodan Overpower Mode. Worth knowing, listen up. Then activate the computer, climb the stairs to the second floor, and go to the next room through the door with the green and white diamond. Head forwards to find a body. You need to pick up the datapad, cos this is Chung, the dead agent Griffin told you about. I don't quite know how, but a Green Striker arrives on the scene for you to kill. Go up the stairs, and in one of the rooms is a Striker behind a box. Kill him for his hypo. Go back downstairs, and through the door at the opposite end of the green-diamond room. Save Point 2 In this room are two engineers. Kill them both, and go up the stairs. Along this corridor is a room with an enginner in it. Don't bother going in here, he'll just hurt you and he doesn't give you anything. Keep going along the corridor and a Striker will attack you. Kill him, and don't go into the room as it has a rewardless Striker in it. In the third room on the corridor is another rewardless engineer, so keep out and go through the door. At the bottom of the stairs meet a Striker and kill him, and his mate who shows up halfway through the fight. Go through this room and into the next. Save Point 3 A comm trooper will ambush you in this room, and if you hit him then he'll run to the alarm console upstairs. You need to go upstairs too, to activate the red-diamond console to get through the door, and the door is back downstairs. In this room is one engineer to kill. Do so. Then go through to the next room and save the guy from the Striker, who has a hypo on him. The innocent guy says the manager is upstairs, so go there (no bull, Sherlock). Save the manager from the Striker, and he'll open the doors for you. Go through. This room has one engineer on your level. Kill him. The second floor has one engineer and the ground floor has two. Go through the big door. Save Point 4 One engineer on ground floor, but there is someone shooting at you. Lead the guy on ground floor through to where the shooting guy can't get you. There is a guy with a plasma rifle by the truck as well. On the second floor on the left is one engineer, who is the guy with the Uzi. On the third floor is the computer you need, and a Striker with an Uzi, the toughest baddy on the level. Activate the computer, watch the video, and proceed to Level 2. --------------------------------------------------------- LEVEL 2: ENGINES OF EVIL. SETTING: MUSASHI MANUFACTURING --------------------------------------------------------- Watch the video, hahaha. Then three strikers come into the room. 1 of them has an uzi, and one of the TCTF troops with you will attack him. The other TCTF guy thinks he can take the other two at once. I personally kick the Uzi guy, take his gun, and go after the other 2, but you may see things differently. Try to keep the TCTF guys alive, as they're not all that useful but better than nothing. Follow them through the door. Kill the two engineers behind the glass, and activate the white |: computer to open the door. One of the engineers has a hypo. Pick it up and head through the now open door. There is a comm trooper in here. Kill him quick, as he'll run to an alarm console. Also kill the engineer. Head through the door and go past the alarm console and through the door on the other side. In this room is one striker. Kill him, then activate the console in here. It shouldn't take too long to find, just turn backwards from the exit door. You need to do this, even though it unleashes a Striker with a Plasma Gun. Head straight out of here, and through the next room, to get to a place with a Comm Trooper bullying a civilian. Kill the Comm Trooper quickly and don't hurt the woman. She'll give you ammo. Activate the green |: computer and head through the green |: door. Shinatama says something, then go through the door and up the stairs on the right. If you kept the TCTF Troops alive, they'll be dead by now. Kill the plasma rifle guy before you join them. Nick his gun and ammo, then go along the balcony and through the door. Keep going until some music starts, and you've been down one flight of stairs. Save Point 2 In this room is a Striker with a Scram Cannon and three engineers. Two of the engineers give a hypo, one gives a ballistic ammo clip, & the striker gives you a Scram Cannon. IMO, its crap, so don't pick it up, and keep the Plasma Gun. At the other end of the room go up some stairs and Griffin says some crap. Save Point 3 Two engineers in this room, one with an Uzi, one with a hypo. Its not strictly neccesary to kill them now, but if you want less trouble lat- er then do kill them, and head upstairs through the door. The first laser puzzle, this is pretty easy. Slide under one, then time then next one with a slide. Repeat this pattern for 3 and 4. Don't go through the door on the side (unless of course you WANT to kill yourself), instead head through the door at the end. In here are two strikers, one with an Uzi, one with a hypo. I chall- enge you to complete this room without killing either of them. It is near impossible, though. Behind the stairs and behind the box is a weird-looking computer. Activate it and head through the door which I said don't go through before. Do the computer in here. Head back across the lasers, and realise it is possible to jumpflip over two at a time. Go to the engineer room, and through the orange |: door. The civ in here will give you a hypo. Activate the blue |: computer. In the engineer room, kill the striker with the plasma gun, and head back into the laser room, and through the blue |: door. In the room is a Striker and a comm trooper. Neither are armed, and the striker gives you a hypo. The real reason you're here is because of the yellow |: computer. Activate it and head into the Striker room, and then through the yellow |: door. There is a striker Uzi-ing a doctor. KEEP THE DOC ALIVE! He gives you two hypos. Kill the striker and take the gun if you want. Then head downstairs to... Save Point 4 This is just a door with a boss on the other side. I can't be arsed to write the boss details again, so just head to the Deadly Brain section which is Organ Doofers (but without the space). ------------------------------------------------- LEVEL 3: PUZZLE PIECES. SETTING: BIO-RESEARCH LAB ------------------------------------------------- Save Point 1 Fight with Barabas. Doofer code: Cyborg. Note that the two dead TCTF troops have hypos, and one dead guy has an energy clip and Plasma Gun. Go into the building through the door on the right. Save Point 2 Two strikers. One has an Uzi. Kill them one at a time if you want to stand a remote chance. In the cubicle at the far end is the Red Wing computer. Activate it. Two Uzi-ed strikers are attack Scientists on either side. On the right, the woman gives a hypo. On theleft, the guy gives two hypos. Now head upstairs. In here are 3 strikers and a comm trooper, and someone in here has a SCRAM cannon. Kill Scram-man first, then start on the others, and go through the cubicle to the Opposite Triangle computer. On the left, the guy gives you a hypo. On the right you'll get an Energy Clip and a Force Field. Forcefields mean bullets damage the Shield and not your health. Which is nice. Head upstairs. Up here is one Striker and one Comm Trooper. Kill the Striker first, and then the Comm. Everyone on either side is dead, but have a Striker with an Uzi in each of them. One corpse has a hypo next to it, and one of the Strikers has an Energy Clip. Head upstairs. On the roof is the first Blue Striker in the game. Watch out for the Striker Slam, and kill him quick. On the next bit of roof is at least one Green Striker. There might be two. I fell off the roof at this point. Careful you don't do the same. Go in a door, then up some stairs, killing the green striker on your way. At the top of the stairs is another green striker in a room with 2 dead guys. Kill him. Go through the door on the left of the entrance to a room with a Bomb Trooper in. Beat him up, watch the video. Save Point 3 Talk to the TCTF peeps to get 2 hypos. The third guy that you can't see is in one of the rooms. Take cover before the strikers get there. In one room is a computer with a credit card symbol on it. Activate this, and kill the blue striker behind you. By now the strikers should definitely have arrived, so go upstairs and apply your favourite method of destruction to them. On 2nd floor, there are two green strikers armed with Uzis (hell) and on 3rd floor is a blue striker with a SCRAMCannon. On 2nd floor is also a room with another credit-card computer. Activate it and kill the blue striker that is behind you. On the 3rd floor there is a creditcard comp behind the huge room. At the opposite end of the floor is a door to a new room with a pool of sludge in it. Go in here. On the top floor are 2 strikers, one with an Uzi. On the 2nd floor, there is one striker. On the 3rd floor are 2 strikers, one with a Plasmagun. Go to the bottom floor, and activate the computer. Climb up the stairs, kill Bomberman, and jump down onto the gates. Through here is 1 Blue Striker and 1 Green Striker. Kill em both, then watch the movie with the truck. -------------------------------------------- LEVEL 4: TIGER BY THE TAIL. SETTING: AIRPORT -------------------------------------------- If Muro thinks he can kill you with 2 green strikers, he's very stupid. Go straight past\through the first one, cos the second one is attacking civilians. Kill the 2nd one, and then come back for the 1st one. In the first lot of rooms, the man and woman in blue and one woman in red give you hypos. Take em. Also in the first lot of rooms are 2 strikers (one with SCRAM, one with an Uzi) and a Comm Trooper. Kill these before they kill the civs. Now head back outside for a guy to give you 1 hypo, and you can find another out there. Then go back in, and into the final room of the first lot and activate the plane computer.