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Introduction...............................................[1000] 2. FAQ........................................................[2000] 3. HAWC List..................................................[3000] 3.1. The Darken........................................[3100] 3.2. The Union.........................................[3200] 3.3. The Merc..........................................[3300] 3.4. The Scorp.........................................[3400] 4. Version History............................................[4000] 5. Legal Disclaimers..........................................[5000] 6. Credits and Closing........................................[6000] To find a section quickly, press Ctrl-F and type in either the name of the section along with its content number (ie. 1., 2., 3., etc.) OR you can use the codes on the far right. Simply type in the brackets with the code number to get a jump. =============================================================================== ---- 1. Introduction ---- [1000] =============================================================================== I bet not too many of you have ever heard of the game producers, 7th Level let alone, probably there best contribution, G-Nome. Apparently, this particular company never really became known or popular. G-Nome is a mech-based shooter taking place in a world of conflict. The humans (Union) has discovered that one of their immediate enemies known as the Scorp is producing a creature based off the human G-Nome. These creatures are supposedly extremely dangerous and predicted to be used offensively against the humans. You of course, are the only one who can put a stop to this. This is a Vehicles FAQ in which I will describe the various vehicles as well as providing various strategies for them. Since none of the other FAQs have that much in-depth information on these HAWCs. I do hope you find this guide helpful. -- THIS IS NOT A MANUAL OR WALKTHROUGH! PLEASE DO NOT EMAIL ME ASKING FOR -- -- CONTROLS OR TIPS ON DEFEATING THE LEVELS. THIS FAQ DOES NOT SERVE THAT! -- =============================================================================== ---- 2. FAQ ---- [2000] =============================================================================== +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ [Q] What exactly does HAWC stand for? [A] A simple question. Luckily, I have it memorized. Heavy-Armor-Weapon- Chassis which fits it perfectly. +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ [Q] Is there anyone on network play anymore? [A] Apparently not. I checked out the listings and there really wasn't too much going on in network play. I suppose it was a little lively when G-Nome did first come out but it seems to have lost a bit of its luster. +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ [Q] How many levels are there? [A] There are 24 levels in all. Each one is very detailed though so don't worry about shortness. +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ [Q] I can't get past level [insert level name here]! [A] I suggest checking out the other walkthroughs. I've read through them and they seem fine. +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ [Q] Do you have any cheat codes? [A] Keep in mind that this is NOT a cheat guide. If you're looking for codes, why don't you check out the GameFAQs cheats section? Why do you think it's there if no one is going to use it. +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ =============================================================================== ---- 3. HAWC List ---- [3000] =============================================================================== Well, here we are. The actual content of this guide. I have split up the various races for easier reference. Before I continue however, I would like to make something clear before anyone starts emailing me. The weaponry listed for the HAWCs is the standard set. Obviously, in campaign, you might have different sets. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3.1. The Darken [3100] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Darken are a primitive group of rather dwarven people. They have a low number of different HAWCs and they aren't terribly effective. Darken Sentry HAWC ~ ------------------ Class: Bipedal Anti-Personnel Nickname: Talon Max Speed: 75 kph Shield Strength: 60 Energy Reservoir: 1000 Height: 6.3 m. Weight: 18 tons Weaponry: 2 Swivel/Pitch CHUM missile racks (50 count) 2 Swivel/Pitch RUPP lasers The Darken Sentry HAWC isn't the fastest, most heavily armed, or greatest HAWC I've ever played with but it does well. Armed with two RUPP laser cannons and two heavy CHUM rocket pods, the Darken Sentry HAWC can be pretty terrifying. It's not terribly fast either. But I do have to admit, the "Talon" does look pretty sweet from the outside. Really, my only strategy would be keep moving. You also should take advantage of the swiveling torso when making your passes. Fire lasers first to bring down shields and take them down with a combination of the rocket pods as well as the lasers. When your energy is low, avoid firing the lasers too rapidly or else you'll lose it which you need for your shields. You can always try to run away. Many HAWCs can't catch up to the Sentry HAWC but try not to especially when you're facing something like an Airborne Insurgance Platform. Darken Tactical Defense HAWC ~ ---------------------------- Class: Bipedal Anti-Personnel Nickname: Stalker Max Speed: 67.5 kph Shield Strength: 50 Energy Reservoir: 1500 Height: 7.9 m. Weight: 23 tons Weaponry: 2 Swivel/Pitch HOMP11 lasers 2 Swivel/Pitch DASY guns (200 count) Despite the fact that Darken Tactical Defense HAWC looks SWEET, it isn't that great of a HAWC. It has low shields and isn't terribly fast either. However, it can recharge its shields fairly quickly with its large energy generator but believe me, it still won't get too far. The "Stalker" is armed with two laser cannons and two anti-personnel machine gun. When these two arnaments are used correctly, you can take down an enemy HAWC much more efficiently. Both are fairly powerful. Use the HOMP11 long-range laser to take down enemy shields quickly and then switch to the DASY rounds to shred away at the opponent. With no shields to deflect the rounds, the HAWC will fall to its feet. Darken Airborne Insurgance Platform ~ ----------------------------------- Class: Hovercraft Nickname: Vulture Max Speed: 95 kph Shield Strength: 25 Energy Reservoir: 1600 Height: 2.9 m. Weight: 3.4 tons Weaponry: 1 Swivel/Pitch WART pulse laser 1 Swivel/Pitch DASY gun The Darken Airborne Insurgance Platform is a strange looking hovercraft indeed. In fact, I can barely tell the front from the back. It has weak shield strength but its energy resevoir easily makes up for that. Darken's fastest vehicle no doubt. When you're riding a hovercraft HAWC, the only way you can survive is if you keep moving. The turret can rotate all the way around 360 so you should be able to get a shot while avoiding your opponents fire. If you really suck at hitting your foe even with the swivel turret, press the "W" key to activate auto-tracking which does the aiming for you. Just remember you can not get hit rapidly unless you have a death wish. Darken Armored Support Vehicle ~ ------------------------------ Class: Treaded Assault Nickname: Boulder Max Speed: 68 kph Shield Strength: 35 Energy Reservoir: 1300 Height: 3.8 m. Weight: 6.2 tons Weaponry: 1 Swivel/Pitch CHUM missile launcher (30 count) 1 Swivel/Pitch DASY gun (400 count) Pretty awesome looking tank here. It for some reason, itreminds me of a Sphinx. Anyway, the Darken Armored Support Vehicle doesn't have very good shields which is kind of strange considering the fact that it is a tank. It's energy generator is pretty effective though and can recharge its shields quickly anyway. Like the hovercraft, the "Boulder" also has a full 360 degree turret which gives you a perfect view of the war-zone. The combination of CHUM rockets and the common DASY anti-personnel gun allows you to be able to cover both infantry and other HAWCs. I would suggest using the same strategy as the "Vulture" which is basically moving around constantly and firing upon your opponent by moving your turret to aim. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3.2. The Union [3200] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Union are simply the humans of this game. Of course, they are a bit more technological than the other races. Their HAWCs have variety with some being slow but extremely powerful and others fast but weak. Union Sentry HAWC ~ ----------------- Class: Bipedal Anti-Personnel Nickname: Prowler Max Speed: 70 kph Shield Strength: 35 Energy Reservoir: 1600 Height: 6.8 m. Weight: 19 tons Weaponry: 2 Swivel/Pitch FLECH guns (200 count) 2 Swivel/Pitch FIL30 lasers This strange HAWC doesn't have a torso but its cockpit hangs from its legs giving it an "M" pattern. Nevertheless, the Union Sentry HAWC is a nice alternative from the other HAWCs. Its fast, and has a good energy reservoir. Since the cockpit is hanging from the legs, how do you think the cockpit and twist with no torso? That might be a bit tough but the Union Sentry HAWC is so versatile, you might not even need to. Just run around and you should have the immediate advantage. Again, the weapon combination should be the laser cannons first and then the Flechette Gun. Union Tactical Defense HAWC ~ --------------------------- Class: Bipedal Anti-Armor Defense Nickname: Rampage Max Speed: 60 kph Shield Strength: 36 Energy Reservoir: 1200 Height: 7.5 m. Weight: 24.1 tons Weaponry: 2 Swivel/Pitch P2MEC laser cannons 2 Swivel/Pitch TCREAP guns (150 count) 1 TCROCK rocket rack (10 count) 1 SAG5T rocket rack (26 count) The "Rampage" has a wide variety of weapons which you can choose for the situation. The P2MEC plasma cannon is a powerful shield killer but its rate of fire is slow especially if you're moving fast. The TCREAP works more like a anti-infantry weapon but it is effective against HAWCs whose shields have already taken a beating. Now, there are two different rockets racks. The latter (SAG5T) is a guided missile which follows the target if you fire it close to it. The other (TCROCK), simply melts armor. I swear, it is powerful. Although it wasn't made for this, you can still use the "run around the target" strategy. The Union Tactical Defense HAWC has enough speed for it to be effective. Due to the Union Tactical Defense HAWC's swiveling torso, it makes for a great strafer when you need it. If you don't feel like doing that, you can just attack head-on ONLY if you have one or two foes to destroy. Also, keep your eye on your TCROCK count. Don't waste them as you might need them later on. Union Heavy Assault HAWC ~ ------------------------ Class: Multipedial Assault Nickname: Lion Max Speed: 90 kph Shield Strength: 90 Energy Reservoir: 2200 Height: 14.7 m. Weight: 57 tons Weaponry: 2 Swivel/Pitch P2MEC laser cannons 2 Swivel/Pitch TCREAP guns (1500 count) 1 Swivel/Pitch TCROCK rocket rack (50 count) 1 Swivel/Pitch VISOM missile rack (30 count) The Union Heavy Assault HAWC is similar to the Union Tactical Defense HAWC in weaponry but with its armor and energy generator, they simply cannot be compared. With its armor, shield, strength, and firepower, the "Lion" HAWC can easily fight a small war on its own. There's really no need to try to use any evasive maneuvers. After all, a HAWC of this size won't get too far trying to do those. The best approach would be to stand around in one area and shoot at every opponent that comes at you. However, even with the Union Heavy Assault HAWC's incredible shield and armor, you have to watch out for damage. The "Lion's" arnaments are very powerful. The VISOM missile is not something you'd see everyday however. You have the ability to guide it with the arrow keys which helps in destroying faraway targets. Watch your count though, don't waste them all! Union Airborne Insurgance Platform ~ ---------------------------------- Class: Hovercraft Nickname: Rapier Max Speed: 100 kph Shield Strength: 20 Energy Reservoir: 1900 Height: 2.7 m. Weight: 3 tons Weaponry: 1 Swivel/Pitch ARCM laser cannon 1 Swivel/Pitch TCREAP gun (220 count) The Union Airborne Insurgance Platform is not much different than the other hovercrafts. It's fast, quick, and makes a great scout. It's arnaments are fairly weak but the key is speed. When you're being challenged, you can take the "run around enemy" strategy which works for the "Rapier" due to it's 360 degree rotating turret. However, when up against a lot of opposition, it might be best to run and find a more suitable HAWC for the battle. After all, you can outrun almost anything. Union Armored Support Vehicle ~ ----------------------------- Class: Treaded Assault Nickname: Titan Max Speed: 72 kph Shield Strength: 30 Energy Reservoir: 800 Height: 3.1 m. Weight: 7 tons Weaponry: 1 Swivel/Pitch TCROCK rocket launcher 2 Swivel/Pitch TCREAP guns (800 count) The Union Armored Support Vehicle doesn't look that high-tech (it looks like a friggin' 1941 Sherman tank) but that apparently doesn't make that great of a difference. Shields and energy reservoir are fairly low but the armor is what counts. The "Titan" can take a nice beating before it goes down. However, even with it's durable hull, you'll have to watch your shield and energy meter. You never know when you will need it. Since the Union Armored Support Vehicle has a good base speed, you have a good advantage in battle. Not only can you avoid enemy fire MUCH more easily, but you can run away when you you must. The "Titan" can beat many others speed-wise but be sure you CAN outrun the enemy. Some HAWCs are still faster than 72 kph. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3.3. The Merc [3300] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Bendian Mercenaries are a group of outcasts who have come together and formed a fairly large civilization. There HAWCs are armed very well and they do hold responsible for developing some extremely powerful weapons. The Merc HAWCs use stolen weapons. The majority of them are fast and they do hold very powerful weapons. However, every one of their HAWCs does NOT hold an auto-ejection capability which can be life threatening at times. Merc Sentry HAWC ~ ---------------- Class: Bipedal Anti-Personnel Nickname: Ogre Max Speed: 85 kph Shield Strength: 22 Energy Reservoir: 1100 Height: 6.9 m. Weight: 17.9 tons Weaponry: 2 Swivel/Pitch RAID laser cannons 1 Swivel/Pitch CHUM rocket launcher (25 count) I just love the shade of blue on this HAWC. It gives it that "mercenary" look don't you think? Anyway, the Merc Sentry HAWC sure looks fairly intimidating but in fact, it isn't that great of a HAWC. For starters, The "Ogre" doesn't have a very good weapon scheme. It doesn't hold any form of machine guns or other projectile weapon that uses the brass. That disability automatically gives the Merc Sentry HAWC a lot lower effectiveness rating against other infantry. The CHUM rockets would take care of them but you only have a limited number. Luckily, you won't be forced to use this HAWC that much in the campaign. Merc Tactical Defense HAWC ~ -------------------------- Class: Bipedal Anti-Personnel Nickname: Minotaur Max Speed: 72 kph Shield Strength: 50 Energy Reservoir: 1700 Height: 9.5 m. Weight: 26 tons Weaponry: 1 Swivel/Pitch RAID laser cannon 2 Swivel/Pitch DASY guns (300 count) 2 Swivel/Pitch SAG5T missile racks (40 count) This HAWC sure looks badass! The Merc Tactical Defense HAWC is a weapon on all four (or in this case, two) being effective against infantry, other HAWCs, and buildings. The "Minotaur" doesn't have a swiveling turret or cockpit which kind of limits your ability to fight. However, if you use strategy while fighting, you'll still usually do well. First of all, you shouldn't stay near your enemy. When you find a suitable opponent, charge towards them with your single RAID laser ablaze. Just before you crash into your foe, immediately start backing up and rapidly fire away with guns and missiles. Usually, you can kill an enemy with two or three of these. Merc Cruiser HAWC ~ ----------------- Class: Multipedal Cruiser Nickname: WidowMaker Max Speed: 45 kph Shield Strength: 40 Energy Reservoir: 1000 Height: 12.4 m. Weight: 22.3 tons Weaponry: 2 Swivel/Pitch FLECH guns (150 count) 1 Swivel/Pitch GAUS20 laser cannon This strangely framed HAWC is the only HAWC which holds the GAUS20 cannon which is basically a slightly weaker knockoff of the weapon that every Meson Guard Tower holds. It's a devastating laser blast which takes down shields and rips away at armor rapidly. Obviously, you'd want to grab hold of the Merc Cruiser HAWC whenever you possibly can. Because of its many legs, the "WidowMaker" obviously can't travel too fast. And when it does walk, the cockpit shakes quite a bit. This is especially annoying when trying to twist or turn the HAWC the other way to avoid weaponry fire or something similar. The laser cannon is a powerful shield-killer but it should be used in conjunction with the flechette gun to rip apart at both shield and armor. Also, you should DEFINITELY not try to run from battle with the Merc Cruiser HAWC. The enemy will usually be able to catch up with you and then you'll probably be dead meat. It's just common sense. Merc Heavy Assault HAWC ~ ----------------------- Class: Multipedal Assault Nickname: Venom Max Speed: 31.5 kph Shield Strength: 70 Energy Reservoir: 1800 Height: 7.9 m. Weight: 27.3 tons Weaponry: 2 Swivel/Pitch RUPP laser cannons 2 Swivel/Pitch zWASP guns (500 count) 1 PUG missile rack (20 count) 1 VISOM missile rack (10 count) The Merc Heavy Assault HAWC resembles a spider in my opinion. Well, maybe that's where its nickname came from. Anyway, this is a good overall HAWC with no real weaknesses except for its speed which is pretty horrendous. Although the "Venom" is terribly slow, it makes up for that with its armor as well as its shields which is probably one of the highest points overall. Yep, the Merc Heavy Assault HAWC can take a great load of punishment. It's even fitted with a VISOM missile rack (stolen from the Union of course) which you can guide. RUPP laser cannons plus the Scorp zWASP machine guns make a great combo. Merc Airborne Insurgance Platform ~ --------------------------------- Class: Hovercraft Nickname: Razor Max Speed: 103.5 kph Shield Strength: 18 Energy Reservoir: 1400 Height: 3.7 m. Weight: 4.3 tons Weaponry: 1 Swivel/Pitch TAR12 laser cannon 1 Swivel/Pitch TCREAP gun (100 count) 1 Swivel/Pitch DASY gun (110 count) The Merc version of the Airborne Insurgance Platform (hovercraft) is undoubtably the single fastest HAWC there is putting all the other hovercrafts to shame. Also, it's the most heavily armed of the hovercrafts. The Merc Airborne Insurgance Platform is the "definitive" hovercraft no doubt. I've given this strategy before and I'll post it here yet again. When using this HAWC, simply defeat your enemies by flying around them in circles while rotating your turret to target them as you avoid their weapon fire. Because the "Razor" is that much more armed than other hovercrafts, you'll find your blood feud much easier. Merc Armored Support Vehicle ~ ---------------------------- Class: Treaded Assault Nickname: Legionnaire Max Speed: 90 kph Shield Strength: 25 Energy Reservoir: 1200 Height: 4.1 m. Weight: 12 tons Weaponry: 1 Swivel/Pitch CHUM missile launcher (40 count) 1 Swivel/Pitch FLECH gun (500 count) This HAWC seems to have a rather close resemblence to the Merc Airborne Insurgance Platform. I have even mistaken the two at one point... well make that two. ;) Anyway, here's your standard tank. Well, it is good in armor, and overall weaponry but it's also one of the fastest tanks as well. To beat enemies, simply ride around them and twist your turret to fire. It might seem silly but it's effective and annoys your opponent (considering they're carbon-based) greatly. Well, at least it's the strategy that the AI uses so I'm happy with that. :) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3.4. The Scorp [3400] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Scorp are one of the more powerful organizations around. They are rather aggressive foes who won't hesitate to die for their cause. Apparently, they are the ones to hold responsible for the development of the G-Nome. Scorp Sentry HAWC ~ ----------------- Class: Bipedal Anti-Personnel Nickname: Jinx Max Speed: 56.25 kph Shield Strength: 42 Energy Reservoir: 800 Height: 6.3 m. Weight: 17.2 tons Weaponry: 2 Pitch CETI laser cannons 2 Pitch zWASP guns (200 count) 1 SREM missile rack (20 count) Now this HAWC looks just plain awesome. The Scorp Sentry HAWC is mediocre in almost every category. Medium speed, medium shield, medium weaponry power, etc. Still, it's a good all around HAWC. There's no swiveling turret or anything of the like on the "Jinx," I hate to disappoint you. I don't have much for strategy. I guess the best you can do is charge and then back up immediately guns ablaze. Watch your shields though. Scorp Tactical Defense HAWC ~ --------------------------- Class: Bipedal Anti-Personnel Nickname: Predator Max Speed: 54 kph Shield Strength: 48 Energy Reservoir: 1700 Height: 8.9 m. Weight: 20.7 tons Weaponry: 2 Pitch RAID laser cannons 2 Pitch zWASP guns (500 count) 1 HSSO missile launcher (15 count) Man, this is one ugly HAWC. Then again, it's pretty effective in battle so I guess you can make that information irrelevant. One thing I like about the Scorp Tactical Defense HAWC is its ability to take on a variety of purposes or jobs. It can be used as a direct assault HAWC, anti-infantry HAWC, or even cannon fodder. Anyway, the "Predator" doesn't have a swiveling turret which limits your advantage in battle. However, when faced without a swiveling weapon, you can always use the charge strategy. It's always effective for me. ;) Scorp Heavy Assault HAWC ~ ------------------------ Class: Multipedal Cruiser Nickname: Scorpion Max Speed: 30 kph Shield Strength: 72 Energy Reservoir: 1900 Height: 8.6 m. Weight: 36.4 tons Weaponry: 2 Swivel/Pitch zWASP guns (1000 count) 2 Swivel/Pitch LRIP laser cannons 1 HSSO missile rack (10 count) 1 SREM missile rack (30 count) 1 VISOM rocket launcher (20 count) Ah, you notice there are three different rockets. If you understand G-Nome, you should be aware of the fact that each HAWC can only carry four DIFFERENT weapons. Well, I don't know the full explanation but the missiles you are armed with is simply randomized (in network play at least). Don't ask me why, I'm just describing it for you. The Scorp Heavy Assault HAWC is slow, no question. I guess it must be all those legs. I still don't see the point of more than two legs, what's wrong with having two legs, or even wheels. It sure will make you run a lot faster. Anyway, the "Scorpion" does have a slightly swiveling turret but it doesn't go around that far so you might do better with a direct assault. When you have the VISOM rockets, you'll automatically have an advantage over the same HAWC without the VISOM rockets so consider yourself lucky if you pick one up carrying them. Scorp Airborne Insurgance Platform ~ ---------------------------------- Class: Hovercraft Nickname: Wasp Max Speed: 90 kph Shield Strength: 24 Energy Reservoir: 1500 Height: 3.7 m. Weight: 4.1 tons Weaponry: 1 Swivel/Pitch TAR12 laser cannon 1 Swivel/Pitch zWASP gun (200 count) I don't know why I'm bringing this up but I just have to say, the Scorp have terrible aesthetic taste. This is the ugliest of all the HAWCs. I'm not kidding. The TAR12 laser cannon isn't that effective of a laser. Others are much more effective but it will do in your HAWC killing. Overall, I think the Scorp version of the Airborne Insurgance Platform is pretty much the worst. Its weapons are weak, its shields are weak (well, that's standard for all of them), its speed is mediocre (compared to the others), etc. Again, use the turret to fire at your opponent while avoiding fire. Scorp Armored Support Vehicle ~ ----------------------------- Class: Treaded Assault Nickname: Stinger Max Speed: 64 kph Shield Strength: 24 Energy Reservoir: 1200 Height: 4.2 m. Weight: 8.9 tons Weaponry: 1 Swivel/Pitch SREM missile launcher (20 count) 1 Swivel/Pitch UNKPA missile launcher (10 count) 2 Swivel/Pitch zWASP guns (800 count) Here's a mediocre tank. Its weapons are good, its shields are fine, but it's probably the slowest tank. Luckily, it's one of the more heavily armed tanks out there. I don't have much to say. The only strategy I could possibly give for this HAWC would be to ride around your foe and fire upon them by rotating the turret. Yeah yeah, I know, I've given this strategy for almost all the tanks and hovercrafts but there's not much you can do with a tank like the "Stinger." If you try any other approach, you'll probably get yourself killed. =============================================================================== ---- 4. Version History ---- [4000] =============================================================================== Version 1.0 - The first version of this guide. Everything is basically complete. Don't expect more updates unless I have some major information to add or I decide to go through a format change. (37 KB) =============================================================================== ---- 5. Legal Disclaimers ---- [5000] =============================================================================== This guide is under full copyright 2003-2004 Quan Jin. It shall not be altered, reproduced, published, sold for profit, etc. without the written and expressed permission from this guide's rightful owner. If you feel the need to violate copyright law and break these rules, I will be forced to perform legal matters on you. If you shall wish to use this guide on your site or use any non-opinionated tidbits of information, it is essential you contact the author. If I find that a site is hosting this document without recalling any permission given to them, I will take action against the offender. Currently, the below sites will not be granted permission no matter what (with thanks to Red_Pheonix's FAQ Theft Guide for the list): [http://911codes.com]-----------------------------------------------[911 Codes] [http://www.9lives.ru/eng/]-------------------------------------------[9 Lives] [http://www.bean.dk/psx/index.htm]---------------[Bean's PlayStation Dimension] [http://www.cheatcc.com]-----------------------------------[Cheat Code Central] [http://cheatindex.com]-------------------------------------------[Cheat Index] [http://cheatmatrix.com]-----------------------------------------[Cheat Matrix] [http://cheatsearch.com]-----------------------------------------[Cheat Search] [http://www.panstudio.com/cheatstop/]------------------------------[Cheat Stop] [http://games.netscape.com/Faqs/]-----------------------------[CNET Gamecenter] [http://www.consoledomain.co.uk]-------------------------------[Console Domain] [http://kirby.pokep.net]--------------------------------------------[Dreamland] [http://www.gamesdomain.com]-------------------------------------[Games Domain] [http://www.gameexpress.com]-------------------------------------[Game Express] [http://www.megagames.com]-----------------------------------------[Mega Games] [http://www.square-haven.net]------------------------------------[Square Haven] [http://www.flatbedexpress.com]-------------------------------[Ultimate System] [http://www.videogaming.net/]---------------------------------[VideoGaming.Net] Keep in mind that this list is not permanent. It will change every once in a while when action is taken. =============================================================================== ---- 6. Credits and Closing ---- [6000] =============================================================================== Hey, what do you know? The FAQ is officially over. There's not much here to say except enjoy the rest of G-Nome and of course, start worshipping the following. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- GameFAQs - The largest FAQ archive on the net. Thanks to CJayC for accepting this piece of work. They haven't failed us yet. 7th Level - Although your games don't have that much of a crowd, I still loved this. Thank you for creating this awesome piece. The FCSB - They didn't help too much but what can I say, where would I be without a few of them? Major props to these great board members who are also prized FAQ writers. Some examples being; Crazyreyn, Psycho Penguin, Gbness, Karpah, SinirothX, Meowthnum1, Joni Philips, War Doc, Merca, and last but definitely not least, Gobicamel1. You all rock! osvrevad - The creator of the wonderful ASCII you see at the beginning of this guide. If you want some ASCII for yourself, contact him at omohasiosrevad@hotmail.com or AIM: nahuwe. I'm sure he'll be happy to make it for you. =============================================================================== _______ __ |_ _|.----.--.--.|__|.-----.-----. _| |_ | _| | || || | _ | |_______||__| \___/ |__||__|__|___ | |_____| -=Game On Forever=-