This FAQ can be reposted on any site without permission in part or full, I don't care. Bill Lumbergh's Neverwinter Nights Cleric FAQ Updated for the SoU and HotU expansions (9/28/04) I've decided to get off my rear and udpate my cleric FAQ for the not so new expansions. I've copied the original and will add/change/remove as necessary. I've decided to use a similar layout to the Sorc FAQ posted by blah at GameFaqs. You can find his work at and look for the Sorc FAQ. Table of Contents - to skip to a section merely ctrl-f and search for the accompanying Greek letter (case specific) ----------------- 1.) Race ( Alpha ) 2.) Stats ( Beta ) 3.) Skills ( Gamma ) 4.) Feats ( Delta ) a.)Standard (Delta - Alpha) b.)Epic (Delta - Beta) 5.) Multiclassing ( Epsilon ) 6.) Equipment ( Zeta ) 7.) Spells ( Eta ) a.) Zeroeth Level Spells ( Theta ) b.) First Level Spells ( Iota ) c.) Second Level Spells ( Kappa ) d.) Third Level Spells ( Lambda ) e.) Fourth Level Spells ( Mu ) f.) Fifth Level Spells ( Nu ) g.) Sixth Level Spells ( Xi ) h.) Seventh Level Spells ( Omicron ) i.) Eighth Level Spells ( Pi ) j.) Ninth Level Spells ( Rho ) k.) Epic Spells ( Sigma ) l.) Domains ( Tau ) 1.) Air 2.) Animal 3.) Death 4.) Destruction 5.) Earth 6.) Evil 7.) Fire 8.) Good 9.) Healing 10.) Knowledge 11.) Magic 12.) Plant 13.) Protection 14.) Strength 15.) Sun 16.) Travel 17.) Trickery 18.) War 19.) Water 8.) Play Tips ( Upsilon ) Why use a cleric? ------------------- Fight in the name of your god. Call upon holy power to smite your enemies and help your allies. Crush the undead with your might. As a cleric, you are the closest thing to multiclassing a fighter and mage, without actually doing it. Thus you get decent attack bonuses, HP, and divine magic. You are one of the few classes that can turn undead. You are one of the few classes with 2 primary saves, fortitude and will, thus you can resist poisons and mind spells more easily. In addition to that, you get some of the most deadly spells in the game, Harm, and Destruction, as well as the most useful healing spells, Heal and Greater Restoration. These facts alone make you a class that is feared by enemies, and loved by allies. Keep in mind though, with divine magic, you are better suited toward healing and recovery, than you are causing damage. Yes you do have some very useful spells for attacking, but they are rather specialized.. you can't go blowing off Harm like sorcerers can fireballs. So be prepared to spend more of your time fighting, while throwing down some holy smack down or loving when needed. Class Stats Alignment Restrictions: None (though role players will need to be the same, or one step away from their deity) Hit Die per Level: d8 (1-6) Armor Proficiencies: All plus Shields Weapon Proficiencies: All Simple Weapons Saving Throws: Fortitude & Will (primary), Reflex (secondary) Skill Points Per Level: 2+Int Modifier (x4 at 1st character level) Class Skills: Concentration, Heal, Lore, Parry, Persuade, Spellcraft Class Features: Turn Undead, Divine Spellcasting, Domain Powers What is Turn Undead? You have the ability to rebuke or destroy undead by your faith. To put it simply, you can FEAR on undead in a colossal area. It's dependant on a skill roll, your level, and the level and HP of the undead you're trying to turn. It's an EXCELLENT skill, almost as valuable as your spell casting. What is Divine Spellcasting? Rather than learning magic through study, or having the gift like Arcane magic, you are granted power by your deity or religion. You don't need to scribe spells or pick from a list like a Wizard or Sorcerer, you know every spell available to you at that level, and you prepare what to cast like a wizard. Easy huh? The spells of divine magic are more focused on healing and helping rather than direct damage, but you can bring the pain.. so use them well. Why not be a druid? Probably the main reason would be role playing, or simply personal preference. While a serious role player as a cleric can play in the bounds of his particular faith, a serious druid must play in bounds of nature, always. That being said, the cleric offers a few advantages over the druid. One, and probably the largest, is turn undead. Two is heavy armor, and a wider selection of weapons. Also is spell selection. They both cast divine magic, and have many of the same spells. The druid's is slightly more targeted to the enemy than it is to the ally as with the cleric. However with proper domain selection, the cleric not only has a wider selection, but can be as targeted as he or she sees fit. Why stick with a cleric past 20? ---------------------------------------- In truth, there aren't that many reasons why you should stick with a cleric past 20. Being a fighter caster, the extra levels (assuming you make it that far) mean that you can multiclass a lot easier without worrying about losing spells in the end. A couple of extra levels of fighter for some feat goodness, is definately a good idea. However there are a couple legitiment reasons to keep going with cleric levels, which will in turn make your magic power greater than ever. 1. More spells slots per level. Up to level 30, at each level you will continue to gain extra spell slots. You will have quite the casting potential, being able to bust out as many as 8 Harms. Yeeowch. 2. Higher DC. DC meaning Difficulty Check, that's the number your oppenent must beat to resist or save against your spell. The higher the number, the more difficult it will be able for them to resist or save against your spell. Each level increases this number. 3. Higher spell power. Most spells have a limit on damage, but many do not for duration. Thus a spell that last 1 round per level or such, will continue to benefit from increased levels. Divine Power never seems to last long enough, but at level 40 it will last plenty long to be much more useful. 4. Increased domain abilities. Many domains like War and Strength have special abilities that are dependant on the clerics level. These abilities continue to benefit from additional cleric levels. 5. Rollplay. If your seriously into roleplaying and are wanting to be some kind of high priest or such, it would make sense to have additional clericy goodness. ******************************************************************************* 1.) Race ( Alpha ) ------------------ Though no race has a wisdom bonus or penalty, several do have other penalties that can hurt the usefulness of a Cleric. Though any race can be a cleric, Human, Half-Elves, Elves, and Dwarves offer the most. Human -extra feat gives you greater flexibility -extra skill point every level You can't go wrong with a Human. The extra feat is defiantly helpful, since the cleric only has the standard feats. The extra skill point allows you to leave your INT relatively low and still get enough skill points to max 2 skills, or raise 3 to a decent level. Also with a favored class of ANY, you can multiclass without worrying about XP penalties. With the extra choices of both skills and classes in the expansions, being a human continues to be the strongest choice. -I highly recommend a human player, especially if you are new to the game or this is your first cleric. Half-Elves +1 to Listen, Search, and Spot skill checks +2 saving throw versus Enchantment spells Like Humans, you receive no stat penalties, so Half-Elves make a valid choice for a cleric. The bonuses to search and saving throws to Enchantment spells are a plus. Other than that, however, the half-elf doesn't offer much. Something to consider if you want to break from the sea of humans. Elves +2 Dexterity, -2 Constitution +2 to Listen, Search, and Spot skill checks Longsword and bow proficiency. Unless you are building a high DEX character, then the elf is a poor choice. The -2 Constitution isn't that terrible, but does require some consideration. If you are building a high DEX character, then the elf is probably the best choice, even over a human. The skill proficiencies are fine, but not really critical to you as a cleric. The weapon proficiencies are probably the biggest plus (if not for the dex bonus), as they expand your limited weapon uses. Dwarves +2 Constitution, -2 Charisma +2 saving throw versus poison and versus spells +1 against Orcs and goblins and +4 against giants Though the dwarf isn't an obvious choice for a cleric, they are worth considering. Being a cleric means you'll often be in combat, so the +2 to CON will help out with the hit points and fortitude. The -2 t0 CHA hurts, a lot. It's really a kick in the junk. If you leave it at -6, you can only turn undead 1 time a day (without the Extra Turning feat). If you want to raise it to any respectable level, you'll lose whatever bonus you gained to CON. The +2 to saving throws vs. spells is great in of itself. This is a interesting choice for someone who wants to focus on more fighting than casting. Gnomes +2 Constitution, -2 Strength +2 saving throw versus illusions +1 attack against kobolds and goblins and +4 versus giants +2 to Listen and Alchemy skill checks Gnomes don't offer a lot to the cleric. The +2 Constitution is all right, but the -2 Strength hurts your ability to fight and carry stuff, doubly bad. The rest of his abilities are OK, but stuff you could live without. Plus he's small in size, further limiting your weapon selection. A valid choice if you want to focus more on casting than fighting, but you could do that with a human with more feats and skill points. Half-Orcs +2 Strength, -2 Intelligence, -2 Charisma Ouch. +2 Strength is good, but the cost is way to high. -2 to charisma reduces your undead fighting, -2 intelligence reduces your skill points, which you don't get many anyway. If you want to focus on fighting, be a fighter. A possible choice if you want to be a decent fighter with some backup buff spells, but really a poor choice for a serious cleric. Halflings +2 Dexterity, -2 Strength +1 to Armor Class and +1 to attack because of size +2 Listen, and Move Silently skill checks +1 to all saving throws and +2 versus fear checks Almost as bad as the Half-Orc, maybe even worse. +2 to Dex could be gained as an Elf, without the painful -2 STR. The skill bonuses aren't important to a cleric, and though the saving throws are always a bonus, the penalties are too taxing for a fighter caster. If you're looking for a challenge, or want to be REALLY different, then yeah go for it. But if you want to be the most useful cleric you can, then go with a different race. ******************************************************************************* 2.) Stats ( Beta ) ------------------ The stats that are important depend heavily on the type of cleric you want to be. You can choose to focus more on fighting, more on casting, or take the middle road. Either way, you'll always be decent at both. Keep in mind Wisdom is the stat that determines your spell casting abilities. To cast a spell, you need a wisdom of 10 + the spell level. So if you want to cast a level 2 spell, you must have a wisdom of 12. In order to cast 9th level spells, it must be 19. Any wisdom factor above that grants you extra spell slots. With the epic levels, you continue to gain a new stat point every 4 levels until 40. Before you usually wanted to add all your points in wisdom to get the most out of your magic, but with the extra points you can beef up your strength or charisma a little without sacrificing your magic. Ultimately it's a personal choice on where you want to go with your cleric. If you decide to put all your points into one particular stat, that will mean you get a +10 at level 40 instead of +5, so now you will want to make sure your start stat is an EVEN number, instead of ODD. This way you get the most out of your bonus. Keep in mind, with a wisdom of 18, you can end up with a wisdom of 28 at level 40, and with the +10 item bonus, 38. That will leave you with a whole crap load of spells, so definately a good caster cleric consideration. Overview- Strength: Use is obvious. The more you have, the harder you hit(damage bonus), and more often(attack bonus, unless you are using weapon finesse with the appropriate weapon). Being a cleric is a fighter/caster, you defiantly want some, but don't over do it, as you have spells to increase this. Dexterity: Dexterity adds a dodge bonus to your AC. It also adds a bonus to your reflex save. Usually, DEX is the least important stat for the cleric, as you will often have heavy armor, which negates most of that dodge bonus. Also, since your reflex is your secondary save, it will never be very high unless you pump a lot of points into dex. So you might think you should just leave it at 8 so you can increase something else, and this actually OK. But keep in mind, even full plate will allow a +1 AC bonus from DEX, and thus if you leave it at 8, you will receive a -1 to your AC. This isn't critical, but worth considering. You'll also receive a -1 to your reflex save, which are pitiful as it is. I really can't tell you if you should leave it at 8, put it at 10, or take it to 12. The choice is yours. If you do increase it, I suggest you sacrifice from Charisma first, then STR or CON. Keep in mind though, you lose that dodge bonus when casting, so don't rely on it to save your butt if you only have 10 HP and are praying for a Heal. Constitution: Better fortitude saves, and more HP. Putting more in this is never a bad idea, as any spell you cast to increase this will only be that much be better. Intelligence: The only benefit a cleric gets from this is skill points. Since you get little skill points, keep this at no lower than 10. While more is always good, sacrificing your other stats for it is not a good idea. If you must raise it, I suggest you sacrifice points from CON or CHA. Wisdom: The key factor for your magic. Also increases Will saves. Keep it high. You will need at least 19 to cast 9th level spells, and each modifier point you increase, adds another spell slot to each spell level, starting lowest and moving to an extra 8th level spell with a wisdom of 30. Charisma: It's not only how you look, but also the "force of your personality". For you, it's most important for your Turn undead ability. A powerful personality is needed for a powerful faith, and a powerful faith is needed to turn undead. It's also is a factor in several Domain spell abilities(will go into that later). For everybody, it's important for the Persuade skill. If you leave it at 10, you can turn 3 times a day (without extra turning feat). Each modifier point gives you an extra turn. Here are a few ideas on how to build your stats. I'm not going to go into every race. But will just give some ideas how the most common cleric races can be setup. The stats for Human also apply to Half-Elves. --Fighter Cleric-- You will focus more on your ability to bash stuff rather than spell casting or turning undead. Human: Focus on your strength on your con, with a bit if wisdom. Put about 3 points into wisdom so you can cast 5th level, to get all your good buffs. Then everything else should focus on strength and constitution. Or you can take example two, add an extra point into INT later, to be able to take some of the improved combat feats. Strength :16 or 16 or 17 Dexterity :10 8 8 Constitution :16 16 16 Intelligence :10 12 12 Wisdom :12 12 11 Charisma :10 10 8 Dwarf: Jack up your CON to righteous levels, to have a godlike amount of HP available. You will be quite effective as a tank, since you can take lots of blows, and still have some decent strength to dish it out. Later levels you can put either into STR or CON, your choice. You may also be tempted to just screw our charisma, and add it into INT for some combat feats, or WIS for better casting. Again, your call. Strength :16 or 16 or 14 Dexterity :8 8 8 Constitution :18 18 20 Intelligence :10 12 10 Wisdom :12 14 14 Charisma :10 6 6 Elf: Either ignore your DEX completely, or embrace it slightly, and only wear light or medium armor to gain an AC bonus. Careful though, as you generally won't have as high CON as you could. You'll enjoy the weapon bonuses most likely. Strength :16 Dexterity :10 Constitution :14 Intelligence :10 Wisdom :12 Charisma :12 --Dexterity/Finesse Cleric-- At first I shunned this idea completely, but after a little research (and a lot of arguing with Kozm0) I've come to believe this has potential. Instead of using strength to rely on your fighting abilities, you use your agility. What you lose is generally low stats elsewhere (duh), and potential lose of skill points in feats, which will be needed to best utilitize your high DEX, but would normally increase your overall clericness. What you gain however, is a very different style of playing, almost Druid like, yet still having access to the cleric spell layout, with as high level spells as you want, not to mention a needed boost to your weak reflex saves. Also take DEX dependant feats, like Dodge, Weapon Finesse and the such. Human: Do your best to give yourself great dexterity, while not completely abandoning your other stats. If you can sacrifice some of the other stats to boost it even higher, if that's absolutely necessary. Strength :12 or 14 or 12 or 10 Dexterity :16 16 17 17 Constitution :12 12 12 14 Intelligence :10 10 10 10 Wisdom :14 12 14 14 Charisma :12 10 9 9 Dwarf: The notion of a high dexterity dwarf is some what laughable... but non the less you can do it if you want. But since you're a dwarf, you might as well focus on his strength's, and don't even try to make up for his weaknesses. Strength :10 or 10 or 10 or 14 Dexterity :16 16 18 16 Constitution :16 18 16 16 Intelligence :10 10 10 10 Wisdom :14 14 12 14 Charisma :10 6 6 6 Elf: Use your DEX bonus to it's best, neglect strength and hits points. Take weapon finesse, and improved critical on your elf rapier, and be the ultimate cheeze. Add all your points to DEX, and enhance your meager strength with items. Strength :12 14 13 <-increase with item Dexterity :17 17 19 <-add points, weap finese and never miss Constitution :10 12 10 Intelligence :10 10 10 Wisdom :16 14 14 Charisma :10 10 8 --Caster Cleric-- You will focus on your ability to cast spells rather than fight or turn undead. Several of your spells do good damage .vs. undead, so you needn't worry about that. You also have several spells to enhance your fighting stats, and with your high wisdom, you can cast lots of them and often. All of stat points gained by leveling should go into wisdom, to increase your DC and number of spells. Wear wisdom enhancing equipment as well. Keep in mind, you are completely relying on your abilities to cast spells, and enhance yourself with those spells to do any worthwhile fighting. You must be really careful, as a greater dispel or similar spell can strip you of your buffs. **I would recommend this over the "fighter cleric" setup, but you must be a confident spell caster and micro manage yourself extremely well. The cleric doesn't have very many direct damage spells, and most of them aren't all that powerful. You can probably neglect DEX completely, as you lose your AC bonus from it when casting anyway. Human:Get your Wisdom ridiculously high, because you're going all out. With the 5 points going into wisdom, you'll have 23. With a Periapt of Wisdom +5, you're at 28. Toolset yourself a ring that gives you another +4, and you're at 32! You're DC for high level spells will be awesome, and you'll have extra spells across the board. Strength :12 or 14 Dexterity :10 9 Constitution :12 14 Intelligence :10 10 Wisdom :17 17 Charisma :12 10 Dwarf: If you're going to be a dwarf.. just forget about turning. You'll only get one time a day with this shot, but you'll be one tough Battle Caster. or you can go the CRAZY ROUTE and have UBER HP as a caster to fall back on if you are taking blows. Strength :14 or CRAZY 12 Dexterity :10 9 Constitution :16 18 Intelligence :10 10 Wisdom :17 17 Charisma :7 <-hahahah 6 Elf: Take a slightly high dex route for the AC and hit bonuses with weapon finese.. Note this makes a great Monk Cleric. Insane AC, not completely useless in a fight, and awesome casting abilities. Strength :13 Dexterity :16 Constitution :10 Intelligence :10 Wisdom :17 Charisma :8 --Balanced Cleric-- You give yourself decent base fighting stats, while leaving yourself open to good casting and turning abilities. You can enhance your fighting abilities with several spells, but you don't need to do so as often, and can still be some what effective if your buffs get dispelled. All of your additional stat bonuses from gaining levels should go into wisdom, to ensure you gain 9th level spells, and a few extra spells. You can choose freely which equipment you should wear, be it improving your fighting abilities, or wisdom for extra spells. You can turn undead 5 times a day, and more if you wear charisma enhancing equipment. **This is defiantly a good choice for a first time cleric. You won't suffer greatly in any area(except reflex saves, but those won't be great anyway), and still be able to fight and cast effectively. Human: The only thing that suffers is DEX, but that's pretty much how it goes except for a high DEX character. You'll be a decent fighter, a good spell caster, and decent at turning as well. Strength :14 Dexterity :10 Constitution :14 Intelligence :10 Wisdom :16 Charisma :12 Dwarf: Still focusing on the dwarf's strengths here, while neglecting charisma because of the penalty, but will be able to turn some what decent. Strength :14 Dexterity :10 Constitution :16 Intelligence :10 Wisdom :16 Charisma :10 ******************************************************************************* 3.) Skills ( Gamma ) -------------------- With so few skill points, you'll have to be really selective on what you pick. You can max out 3 class skills if you're human or max out one or two and get a few others to useable ranks, or get some of your non class skills up. Of course theseskill suggestions go right out the window if you multiclass. You'll need to take whatever points compliments the entire character, not just the cleric. Apprasial - This is only useful for NPC merchants, and the price reduction isn't that great. Ignore it. Bluff - This is only for scripted NPCs, which is used some in the expansions and maybe in some online modules. Since it's not a class skill, I'd advice against it. However if you play a lot of modules that give this option a lot, you may want to consider it. Concentration (class skill) - defiantly max this out if you are going to be a battle caster in any way (other than buffing). Most of your heal spells are touch, so you'll have to be right next to a fighter who's fighting to heal (duh). Your proximity to the enemy will cause you concentration checks, and puts you at risk of being hit as well. Craft Armor (class skill) - In a module where money is scarce, you might want to consider it, but in the official compaigns or any localvault really you will have lots of cash. I'd advice against it since you're already strapped for skills. Craft Weapon (class skill) - In a module where money is scarce, you might want to consider it, but in the official compaigns or any localvault really you will have lots of cash. I'd advice against it since you're already strapped for skills. Disable Trap - You won't be able to take enough points to make it worthwhile. Discipline - while you will be in combat quite a bit, you will never be able to take enough ranks for this to prove useful. Ignore it. Heal (class skill)- As a cleric, you're probably most associated with healing. How you go about that healing is up to you. You will have a large assortment of healing spells, but may not want to fill up many slots with them. You'll also have access to scrolls, especially the mighty Greater Restoration scroll, which replenishes full health, as well as most effects. However scrolls can be expensive, and you may not want to use a full blown Greater Restoration on a small heal job. Healing kits can cure poison and disease, and heal as much as you put points into. When not in combat and you take 20, the skill maxed out can cure the same as a "Cure Critical Wounds". It's really up to you if you want to invest in this or not. Don't feel bad or think you will be missing out if you take it, or if you don't. Hide - You'll likely be wearing heavy armor, and if not, you won't be able to take enough points in it. Intimidate - This is only for scripted NPCs, which is used some in the expansions and maybe in some online modules. Since it's not a class skill, I'd advice against it. However if you play a lot of modules that give this option a lot, you may want to consider it. Listen - If you multiclass into a rogue or something, you may want to. This will not only let you see hidden creatures, but let you "listen" behind closed doors and give you a better idea what to expect. Chances are you won't be able to take enough points into it though. Lore (class skill) - you may want to take a few ranks in this so you can ID stuff on the road, but with a lore potion and stores to identify, don't put more than 5-10 in it. Move Silently - You'll likely be wearing heavy armor, and if not, you won't be able to take enough points in it. Open Lock - You won't be able to take enough points to make it worthwhile. Parry (class skill) - Anything other than a dexterity/finesse cleric or multiclassing should ignore this. Normally, you won't have enough attacks to make this useful in anyway. By multiclassing or duel welding, you can fix that, but keep in mind Parry's limits. Persuade (class skill) - only useful for NPC's, but useful none the less. Take at least 6-10 ranks in this, your charisma bonus will add a few more to that, and you'll succeed 80% of the time. Use a potion to buff your CHA to add another 10%. There are only very few times you will fail, and those would require an extremely high rank... so don't sweat it. Pick pocket - no Search - yes. As a non class skill, you'll sacrifice quite a few points to get it up at all, but you'll only need to get it up to around 6-10. This will help against most random traps. Find a Watchmens helm and you're all the better. Not critical, but defiantly helpful. Set Trap - no Spellcraft (class skill) - if you're a caster, max it. This will let you counter spell, but also increase your saves vs. spells every 5 ranks. That alone is reason to max it... but at least put 10 points for a +2 save. Spot - If you multiclass into a rogue or something, you may want to. This will not only let you see hidden creatures, but let you "see" behind closed doors and give you a better idea what to expect. Chances are you won't be able to take enough points into it though. Taunt - Most non casters don't use precious skill points on concentration, but since it's not a class skill, you could put the points to better use. Tumble - tumble is cool because it helps you avoid attacks of opportunity when moving in combat. What's cooler about it though is you get a +1 to AC for every 5 ranks in it. However since it's not a class skill, you won't be able to put much into it and with heavy armor you'll recieve a penalty against it. However if you want you can put ranks into it for the AC bonus. ******************************************************************************* 4.) Feats ( Delta ) ------------------- As with stats, the feats you take depend on the character you want to build. Fighterish clerics(F) should take combat feats, Dexterity/Finesse fighters(D) should focus on duel welding and dodging feats, casters(C) should focus on metamagic, and the balances(B) should take some of both. Of course you can't take ALL of them, but this should give you an idea of some good ones to pick. With HotU we get a ton of new epic feats, thus I have seperated this part into 2 sections so you can see the standard feats and the epic ones, epic feats being those you can take after 21st level. Note that I don't list all the feats, just the ones a pure cleric may see at his choice. Any feat other class specific I didn't list, so it'll be up to you to decide if it's worthwhile or not for your character. Also note these are just my opinions, mostly for the powergaming aspect. Rollplayers will need to take whatever they feel comfortable with. **Feats marked with the (**) can only be taken at first level. a.) Standard Feats ( Delta - Alpha ) ---------------------------------------------- Alertness - If you're going to multiclass into something that needs it... otherwise don't bother with the +2 to spot and listen since you probably don't have the skills **Artist - Only a multiclassed bard would benefit from the +2 to Perform and Spot (D)Ambidexterity - If you are going to duel weld, this is a must for the penalty reduction Blind Fighting - you have spells to cure blindness or purge invisibility, so forget it. **Blooded - the +2 to initiative and spot isn't worth a precious feat Brew Potion - If you play on servers with few potions, this could be a real help, but otherwise forget it. **Bullheaded - The +2 to Taunt is worthless unless you've multiclassed to Paladin and invested in Taunt, the +1 to will is pointless since your will is great already Called Shot - While it's possible that you could weaken an attacker or slow him down, your only decent base attack rating will suffer greater form the penalty. Circle Kick - If you've multiclassed to monk, an extra attack is always nice, otherwise forget it. (F, B, maybe C)Cleave - Free attacks are always good (C, B) Combat Casting - defiantly for casters and balanced to increase your concentration check **Courteous Magocracy - the +2 to Lore and Spellcraft isn't worth a precious feat Craft Wand - Same with Brew Potion, only if your server doesn't have many Deflect arrows - I'd not waste a feat on this.. as you'll most likely not be able to deflect enough arrows to be worth it. Dirty Fighting - While the extra damage would be useful in early levels, later it'll be worthless. Rely on your AC instead. Disarm - Your INT won't be high enough, plus Knockdown is better (F, maybe B) Divine Might - Use a turn undead to add your CHA bonus to weapon damage, could be useful if your CHA is high enough (F, maybe B) Divine Shield - Use a turn undead to add your CHA bonus to armor class, coudl be ueful if it's high enough (maybe D)Dodge - Though not crucial, any extra bonus to AC is a good one. (C, maybe B)Empower Spell - The increase in power is noticable and useful, might as well get it if you're going to focus on casting, less useful to a balanced (C, maybe B)Extend Spell - for casters, extend your buffs. Useful for balanced for the same reason. (F, B, maybe C) Expertise - A +5 to AC in exchange for a -5 in attack rolls. A nice way to keep from taking melee damage, but only if you have some help to attack since you will probably miss more often with the penalty. (maybe C, B) Extra Turning - if you plan on fighting lots of undead, sure Great Fortitude - your fortitude saves are already good, forget it (maybe F) Great Cleave - no limit on the extra attacks from Cleave, but doubt you'll want to waste a feat on it. (maybe C) Greater Spell Focus - The +2 from spell focus becomes a +4 for that school. Nice but not critical. (C) Greater Spell Penetration - This increases the +2 bonus from Spell Penetration to a +4 bonus. Handy if you plan on using attack magic (F, D)Improved critical - if you're a fighter, sure Improved Disarm - Perhaps for a fighter cleric, but I wouldn't take it (maybe F) Imporoved Expertise - changes the bonus and penalty to +10 and -10, and requires an int of 13. Your choice if you can even take it. Improved Initiative - +4 to initiative check isn't worth the precious feat Improved Knockdown - chances are your INT won't be high enough Improved Parry - unless you took some Parry skill... forget it Improved Power Attack - your attack bonuses is only decent anyway... you don't need the penalty (D)Improved Two Weapon Fighting - If you are going to duel weld and parry.. you'll need it Improved Unarmed Strike - you're kidding me Iron Will - your will save should already be high, but go ahead if you can't think of anything else (F, B) Knockdown - A good feat to take for a fighter or balanced. Your attack bonus isn't that high, so it'll only work on the mobs, but it'll help out when you're the thick. (maybe all)Lightning Reflexes - your reflex saves aren't great.. so the +2 can help. (maybe all)Luck of Heros - +1 to all saving throws. Never a bad thing. (C)Maximize Spell - There's really only 2 spells worth maximizing. Flame Strike and Blade barrier. But boy do those hurt a lot maximized! (maybe D)Mobility - Since you tend to cast a lot, you'll provoke attacks of opportunity a lot. This could very well make up the difference in lost dodge bonus. (maybe F, maybe D) Point Blank Shot - maybe if you're a fighter cleric, but probably not (F, B) Power Attack - take it only for Cleave (maybe C) Quicken Spell - instant casting, invulnerable to counterspell and interruption.. a sure fire way to get off a Heal or Harm (maybe D)Rapid Reload - If you are relying on a crossbow, this will get you all your attacks at high level (maybe D)Rapid Shot - If you find yourself lacking for feats and can use a bow, this can't hurt Resist Disease - +4 bonus to fort save vs disease, but your fort saves are already good Resist Poison - +4 bonus to fort save vs poison, but your fort saves are already good Resistant to Energy - +5 resistance to chosen energy, but your feat selection is already limitied Scribe Scroll - Same with Brew Potion, only if your server doesn't have many (maybe C) Silence Spell - you really don't get silenced a lot, but could be useful **Silver Palm - +2 to Appraise and Persude, not worth it (maybe all) Skill Focus - beef up an area you're lacking, like Search of Persuade.. if you want **Snake Blood - +2 to fort save vs poison and +1 to reflex, not worth it since Luck of Heros is better and your fort save is already good (C, B) Spell Penetration - a must for casters of offensive spells (D) Spring Attack - only useful for a high dex character with no heavy armor, no attack of opportunity while moving is always good Still Spell - this would be most useful for a mage rather than a cleric, as you don't have any spell failure for wearing armor (maybe C) Spell Focus - useful, but not critical Stealthy - +2 to hide and move silently, maybe if you've multiclassed a rogue **Strong Soul - +1 bonus to fort and will and +1 save vs death. Luck of Heros is better Stunning Fist - you won't even see it on the list Superior Initiative - not worth it with your minimal feats Thug - the name is cool, but the +2 to initiative adn persude isn't (C, B, F, D) Toughness - an extra hit point per level... (D)Two Weapon Fighting - If you want to duel weld and parry, you'll need it (D)Weapon Finesse - if you took a high DEX route, you'll need this to offset your low STR. (F, maybe D) Weapon Focus - a +1 to attack, sure why not Weapon Proficiency Exotic - no (F) Weapon Proficiency Martial - if you want to be a fighter cleric, you may want access to more powerful weapons. You can optionally, or probably should, multiclass a level and get this for free. Whirlwind Attack - being able to attack multiple targets is cool, but you probably won't be able to meet the requirements (maybe all) Zen Archery - applies your wisdom modifier instead of dex modifier to ranged attacks. If you're using ranged weapons, get it if your wisdom is (or will be) higher. b.) Epic Feats ( Delta - Beta ) ---------------------------------------- (maybe all) Armor Skin - +2 to AC, never a bad thing (maybe C) Automatic Quicken Spell - free quickened spells cast at their own level, take 3 times to cast all spells that way. Instant casting with no counter. Automatic Still Spell - free still spells cast at their own level. But since divine casting has no penalty on armor, it's worthless Bane of Enemies - if you've multiclassed a ranger, sure Blinding Speed - cast haste once per day, doubt your DEX will be high enough Devastating Critical - if critical, fort save or die. While the feat kicks ass, it's requirements are simply out of reach for most clerics Energy Resistance - not worth the feat Epic Damage Reduction - while nice to be able shrug off damage, your con will probably not be high enough Epic Dodge - while avoiding the first attack would be nice, you probably won't meet the requirements Epic Fortitude - +4 to fort save, your is already good (all) Epic Prowess - +1 to all attacks, always nice (maybe all) Epic Reflexes - +4 to reflex save, which is probably low so this could help Epic Reputation - +4 to persuasion and taunt, not worth it (maybe all) Epic Skill Focus - +10 on all skill checks.. could really boost a high skill to uber levels (C) Epic Spell Focus - If you've bothered with spell focus and greater spell focus, this will increase the bonus to +6 (C) Epic Spell Penetration - If you've bothered with spell penetration and greater spell penetration, this will increase the bonus to +6 (maybe all) Epic Toughness - +20 hit points. Never a bad thing. (F, B, C) Epic Weapon Focus - +2 to chosen weapon, sweet. (maybe F) Epic Weapon SPecialization - If you've mutliclassed fighter and got weapon spec, get this too for the +4 damage Epic Will - +4 to will, which yours is already rocking (mabye all) Great Charisma, Constitution, yadd yadda - +1 to stat, can boost your wisdom to rediculous levels or increase another area you're lacking Great Smite - if you've multiclassed Paladin, this will increase the effectiveness of Smite Evil (C) - Improved Combat Casting - no more attacks of opportunity while casting.. yay Improved Spell Resistance - The +2 spell resistance is pointless since yours is 0 to begin with, plus you have a spell that increases it much higher. Improved Stunning Fist - If you've multiclassed a monk, might be worth it, otherwise you won't even see it. Improved Whirlwind Attack - Maybe on the off chance you got whirlwind attack, but the requirements are pretty high Overwhelming Critical - The extra damage per critical modifier is sweet, but the requirements are probably out of the cleric's range Perfect Health - Immunity to diseases and poisons isn't much to a cleric who can save against them almost all the time Planar Turning - Finally a feat for us clerics, turn outsiders like you turn undead. A nice addition if you didn't choose a domain that gives you this for free ******************************************************************************* 5.) Multiclassing ( Epsilon ) ----------------------------- With the additional levels and classes offered with the HotU expansion, multiclassing becomes more viable for a cleric. As a fighter, multiclassing can offer you several options, while still giving you access to fight enhancing buffs. Take into account any Domain abilities you have and want to use, as many are cleric level dependant. Keep in mind that every level you take that's not cleric, you lose not only spells, but several abilities that are effected by the number of cleric levels. Also note, you must be at least a level 17 cleric to cast a 9th level spell. From these stances, I'm assuming you are only taking a few levels of the other class, keeping Cleric as your primary. Also I'm only going to list the classes in which you can obtain with a cleric without having to multiclass to something else also (like multiclassing a sorceror or bard to get the Red Dragon Disciple or multiclassing a druid for the shifter). After all, you're reading a cleric faq... Barbarian/Cleric: You gain increased hitpoints and attack bonuses. Martial Weapons, more skill points, increased movement, rage. The more levels of barbarian you take, the better you're uncanny dodge will be. This offers a lot to a cleric who wants to do a lot more fighting than casting. Good choice. Bard/Cleric: You gain a slightly higher reflex save, more skill points, bardic knowledge and bard song, and arcane spellcasting. The spellcasting will be weak, with only a few buff spells that you already have. Bard song will be dependant on how many levels of bard you take and your perform skill. Not a good choice really. Druid/Cleric: More skill points, an animal companion, and nature sense. You offer to the druid your weapons and armor proficiencies. The druid has divine spellcasting, which you already have... though there are a few more direct damage spells, unless you invest several levels into druid, you won't be able to use them. Not a good choice really. Fighter/Cleric: Hitpoints, martial weapons, attack bonuses, and feats feats feats. If you take 2 levels of fighter, you get 2 extra feats. Take 4, one extra feat, as well as access to weapon specialization. Defiantly a solid choice for a more fighter focused cleric. Even a balanced may benefit from one or two levels for the feats alone. Good choice. Monk/Cleric: At first glance, the monk may seem like a poor choice. But with a longer look, the monk is actually a very powerful choice, even just one level can turn your cleric into something else entirely. For start, you gain the monk's unarmed attack bonus, with 1d6 fist. That's as powerful as most of the simple weapons, so you lose little by not arming yourself. Also, and probably the most attractive jewel, is AC bonus from Wisdom! Since you're wisdom will already be high, you can gain a +6, 7, maybe even 10 just from wisdom alone! A high dex, and it's even higher than some dork in full plate!!! The cost??? No Armor. Is that bad? It can anytime you lose your dodge bonus, you lose both bonuses, effectively cutting your AC in half. Also if you choose to go unarmed, you will use the monk's BAB, which means you'll have more attacks, but at a smaller bonus than if you go armed, so you'll miss more often. At least you can't be disamred. Be VERY careful. But this multiclass has a lot to offer, and has become a favorite character of mine. Paladin/Cleric: Hitpoints, martial weapons, attack bonuses, Divine Grace (+ saves based on CHA), and Divine Health (immune to disease). At level 2 you get Aura of courage (immune to fear). There is also Lay on Hands and Smite Evil, but those are dependant on your levels of Paladin... so not very useful to a multiclass. This is really best suited for a Balanced cleric, with a good CHA that will improve your saves by +2. Wear +CHA equipment, and you'll have excellent saves across the board. Good choice. Range/Cleric: hitpoints, martial weapons, skill points. You get Ambidexterity and Two Weapon fighting if you remain in light armor. That's basically an extra attack at the smallest penalty possible. An interesting choice if you choose to be a DEX based fighter cleric rather than a STR and armor based. This would be a very interesting to triple class with a Monk, to take advange of your uber AC with the WIS and DEX bonuses, plus an extra attack if you duel weld kamas. Interesting choice. Rogue/Cleric: skill points, skill points, skill points, and skill points. Oh, and sneak attack and evasion, but mainly skill points. Unless you devote some serious levels into the rogue, you won't be able to develop him well. So mainly a level for the skill points. Mildly useful choice. Sorcerer/Cleric: See wizard. Wizard/Cleric: Familiar, and arcane spellcasting. Unless you put a lot of levels, neither will be all that useful. However even one level of wizard will grant you access to all wizard only equipment, including arcane scrolls. Though you'll never be able to cast then, you CAN read the scrolls, which will be applied at their lowest level. So you probably won't want to go around trying to use fireballs and such, you'll have access to staves and other enhancing scrolls that you normally wouldn't. An interesting choice for a caster cleric. Arcane Archer/Cleric: Slightly more skill points and martial weapons. If you've made a bow using cleric, which I assume you have if you can take Arcane Archer, then the abilites are an added bonus to your fighting, but not sure how much it's worth the reduced spells. Certainly an unusual cleric. Assasign/Cleric: slightly more skill points, death attack, uncanny dodge. All his spells you can cast with the proper domains, and the fort save vs poison isn't so hot for a cleric. Death attack's DC won't be too high for you unless you put a lot of levels of assasign into it. Probably should just multiclass a rogue to get even more skill points. Blackguard/Cleric: hit points and martial weapons, smite good(add char to attack roll) and dark blessing (add char to saving throw). Basically an evil paladin. Only good to take for the dark blessing. You have most of his other skills (turn undead) and spells (inflict wounds). If you want a sneak attack, multiclass a rogue instead. Shadowdancer/Cleric: skill points, HIDE IN PLAIN SIGHT, Evasion, darkvision, uncanny dodge, lots of cool rogue feats past level 5. If you've actually managed to get your hide and move silently high enough that these skills would be useful, an interesting choice no doubt. Harper Scout/Cleric: slightly better skill points, harper knowledge, favored enemy, and a bunch of super natural abilities that increase saving throws. Probably should just take a paladin or blackguard for the char bonus to saving throws if you have it, otherwise these may come in handy slightly. Nothing particularly interesting though, probably not a great choice. Dwarven Defender/Cleric: hit points and martial weapons, defensive stance, a kind of uncanny dodge called defensive awareness, and damage reduction. That's all his bonuses, but those are really nice to help boost your fighting potential. Of course, you have to be a dwarf... Champion of Torm/Cleric: hit points and martial weapons, lay on hands, sacred defense, smite evil, and divine wrath. In addition, they get fighter like feats. Kind of paladin like abilities, nothing too special, but nothing bad either. A moderatly interesting choice. Weapon Master/Cleric: hit points and several really cool attack based abilities. Though it's highly unlikely you will be able to spend the feats required for this class, if you do, the abilities gained will certainly help your fighting ability. Moderate choice because of the cost. ******************************************************************************* 6.) Equipment ( Zeta ) ---------------------- As a cleric, you get to wear all armor plus shields without worrying about spell casting failure. So you should wear the heaviest armor you can afford (and carry), unless you took a higher DEX route. Beyond that, what you wear should depend on how you are playing your cleric. A more fighter oriented cleric should focus on equipment that will enhance that. Either +AC or +Strength stuff. You'll probably want to be on the lookout for the belts of (various) giant strength, and the gloves of ogre power. A Robe of Deflection wouldn't hurt, as well as a AC necklace. Also the biggest and badest weapon you can carry. A finesse type cleric will want to wear light armor, or even no armor, to gain the most AC bonus from their high DEX. Also, any DEX and AC enhancing equipment will be a MUST, as you're relying completely on that since you have weak armor. Rings of the rogue, an elf pendants come to mind. A caster should focus on wisdom bonuses, and spell slots. Beyond that, anything that adds to your AC is desirable. Suit up in the best armor and shield you can find to raise that precious AC. You'll also want to watch for a Girdle of Holy Might and a Ring of Holiness, for the spell slots. Also the Periapt of Wisdom, and an AC cloak. A balanced cleric should probably carry a lot of different stuff, and equip whatever it is to enhance what you are doing at the time. Fighting undead? Nymph cloak +5. Battling dragons? Belt of Fire Giant Strength and a AC +5 necklace. Throwing down multiple Flame Strikes? Periapt of Wisdom +5 and a Girdle of Holy Might for the spell slots and DC increase. You should also keep a few different types of equipment handy for different situations. If you're fighting enemy X, then you'll want to wear something that either protects you from that enemy, or makes it easy for you to kill it. ******************************************************************************* 7.) Spells ( Eta ) ------------------ Obvious casting spells is where it's at for the cleric. Even the fighter mangs want to cast spells, after all, that's why you picked cleric instead of a fighter mang! /\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\ AN IMPORTANT NOTE ABOUT THE CLERIC'S CURE x WOUNDS AND INFLICT x WOUNDS SPELLS! One thing you should know, and take into consideration with your spells, is the cleric can spontaneously cast cure and inflict spells at the sacrifice of another spell readied. Huh? you ask. Lets say you have a cure critical wounds, and a freedom of movement spell memorized at 4th level. In a battle, you cast your cure critical wounds on an ally, but now he's damaged again and you want to cast it on him a second time. YOU CAN! Just proceed to cast it on him normally, and you will use your freedom of movement spell to cast the cure critical wounds. You can do this with any "Cure xxx wounds" or "Inflict xxx wounds" spell, at the sacrifice of any prepared spell of same level or greater. Keep that in mind when building your spell list... It's usually better to keep only one or two cure spells, and more "just in case I might need this" spells, than it is to put a lot of cure spells. That way you have a lot more options available to you, but can still cast healing spells. Note you can't do this with Heal and Harm, unfortanently. ARRANGING YOUR SPELLS. Take a little care in what position you memorize your spells. You may think it unnecessary, but it's possible for you to get cursed, or energy drained and lose character levels, thus reducing the number of spells you can cast. It's also important to note that using spontaneous casting goes from left to right, meaning if you spontaneous cast a healing spell, it will use up the left most available spell and move to the right. To avoid losing important spells in a battle, keep your "good to have but not gotta have" spells to the left, mostly fixes, dispels, that sort of thing. Keep your healing and battle spells in the middle, and your buff spells to the right. If for some reason you lose levels (thus lose spell slots), the lose won't be so painful in battle, since you've probably already cast your buffage. \/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/ ----------------------------------- a.) Zeroeth Level Spells ( Theta ) ----------------------------------- Summary: SPELLS! You'll probably never use these Recommended Early Spell Choices: Cure Minor Wounds, Resistance, Virtue, Light Recommended Final Spell Choices: Resistance, Light Cure Minor Wounds: Heals 4 HP. When you only have 8, that's a lot. Inflict Minor Wounds: 1 point of damage. Your fist cause more damage. Resistance: +1 to all saves for 2 turns. Useful for "boss" fights. Virtue: temporary +1 HP. When you only have 8, that's useful. Light: The only purpose of light is to enhance your Spot check, or actually, decrease the hide check of nearby hiding creatures ----------------------------------- b.) First Level Spells ( Iota ) ----------------------------------- Summary: No direct damage spells, but a few buff and debuffers that are useful at low levels. Recommended Early Spell Choices: Cure Light Wounds, Bless, Protection From Alignment, Bane or Doom, Endure Elements Recommended Final Spell Choices: Protection From Alignment, Remove Fear, Summon Creature I Bane: -1 to attack rolls and saving throws vs fear to a colossal area. Not as good as Doom, but affects more people at once. Decent at low level. Bless: The small bonus is useful at low levels and a "might as well" at high levels. Probably should just use potions though. Cure Light Wounds: When you first get it.. the HP it heals is helpful. But like all low level spells, it becomes useless. Can be spontanously casted. Divine Favor: +1 to attack and damage rolls for every 3 caster levels up to +5. Only last 1 turn though (10 rounds), so only useful for a much needed umph on a boss enemy or something. Doom: a -2 to attack rolls, damage, saving throws, ability checks, and skill checks. Great against low level bosses, but high level creatures will make will saves. Endure Elements: 10/- damage resistance against all elements, up to 20 points of damage. Pretty minor but useful at low levels. Inflict Light Wounds: Opposite of cure light wounds. 1d8 +1 per level up to +5 of damage. Heals undead. Can be spontanously casted. Magic Weapon: Empower a touched weapon with a +1 enhancement. Decent on low magic servers. Protection From Alignment: Bonuses to AC and saves and immunity to mind spells from the chosen alignment. Last 1 Hour/Level. No reason not to throw one on. Remove Fear: Not only does it remove fear for 1 creature/4 levels in a large area, but they gain immunity to fear for 10 turns. Useful for dragon fights. Keep one handy to cast on your friends. Sanctuary: Mildly useful at first, but later level creatures can see through the effect. Scare: Might be handy if you're getting surrounded... but won't work on tough monsters Shield of Faith: +2 deflection bonus to AC, with +1 per 6 levels to a max of +5. Decent, pretty decent. Summon Creature I : The mighty badger. Most useful for casting across a floor trap, then letting him come to follow you, taking the blow. PETA hates me. ----------------------------------- c.) Second Level Spells ( Kappa ) ----------------------------------- Summary: Lots of stat buffs that you will use for the rest of the game, and your first direct damage spells. Even at later levels you'll find yourself leaving behind potentially useful spells. Recommended Early Spell Choices: Bulls Strength, Endurance, Silence, Summon Creature II Recommended Final Spell Choices: Bulls Strength, Endurance, Owls Insight, Lesser Dispel Aid: moderately useful, but doesn't last long enough. And no need to prepare it when you get a scabbard of blessing. Bulls Strength: Strength bonus with a 1 hour/level duration. Love it. Cure Moderate Wounds: Take it if you are eating damage, but by now you should have a healthy supply of potions. Can be spontanously casted. Darkness: Makes an area so dark enemies can't see you (nor you see them unless you are right up on them). Only way to see through it is with UltraVision. Note this spell effects you and your allies.. so use with care. Eagles Splendor: Charisma bonus. Cast it to buff your Persuade Endurance: Constitution bonus. Empowered will really jack up your HP Entropic Shield: Nearby enemies have a 20% chance to miss on a ranged attack. Certainly useful if it's becoming a problem. Find Traps: You'd think it would be useful, but it's only a one time effect spell... Fox's Cunning: Intelligence bonus. Cast it on rogues to help their disable trap Hold Person: Powerful enemies will save against it Inflict Moderate Wounds: Opposite of Cure Moderate Wounds. 2d8 +1 per level to +10 damage. Heals undead. Can be spontanously casted. Lesser Dispel: Not so useful at first, but later it'll be extremely helpful in counter spelling and getting rid of area effect spells Lesser Restoration: You'll probably have a few scrolls of this.. don't waste a spell slot on it Negative Energy Ray: A direct damage spell, but it's not all that great. It's most useful for cleaning up after using Harm. Owl's Insight. Wisdom bonus. Cast it on yourself to increase the DC of your spells Remove Paralysis: Take it if this is becoming a problem. Silence: Shut up enemy mages, but they'll often save against it. Instead, cast it on YOURSELF or ally, then run near the enemy mage... effectively shutting him up whether he likes it or not. Sound Burst: Another weak direct damage spell. Also stuns if they fail a will save. You'll probably have a scroll of this though. Summon Creature II: The great dire bore! ----------------------------------- d.) Third Level Spells ( Lambda ) ----------------------------------- Summary: A few more direct damage spells, some fix spells, and a few more buffs Recommended Early Spell Choices: Protection From Elements, Cure Serious Wounds, Animate Dead or Summon Creature III, Prayer,Glyph of Warding Recommended Final Spell Choices: Protection From Elements, Clarity, Prayer, Dispel Magic, Glyth of Warding Animate Dead: most useful once you reach a cleric level 6. While the skeleton doesn't have many hitpoints, he's almost immune to everything, so he'll survive a lot if you stick close to him. And you can summon him even if you are lawful good. Bestow Curse: Would be useful against a really tough enemy, but if he's that tough, he'll save against it. Blindness/Deafness: Blindless lowers their attack bonus and spot check, deafness lowers their listen check and makes mages have a 20% chance to miscast. Decent enough, but there are better spells to choose. Clarity: Remove sleep, confusion, stun and charm, and protect against it. Keep one handy, just in case Contagion: I've honestly never tried it, but I figure anything it'd be useful on will fort save against it. Continual Flame: A magic flame that burns as bright as a torch until dispelled. But.. why? Cure Serious Wounds: Use potions for yourself, keep this handy for your friends. If you pick up an item that will heal, (staff of holy) use the staff and free up a spell slot. Darkfire: Gives a non-magical weapon a fire property with 1d6 damage, +1 per two caster levels. With the availability of magic weapons on the official and many campaigns, it's not useful, but if you play on low magic servers, a nice bonus indeed. Dispel Magic: better than lesser dispel. Keep one or two handy at higher levels if you want to do some counter spelling Glyph of Warding: Almost like a castable trap, the damage is pretty low at 1d8 per two levels up to 5d8, but could be useful if you can draw your enemies to you. Inflict Serious Wounds: Opposite of Cure Serious Wounds. 3d8 +1 per level up to +15 damage. Heals undead. Can be spontanously casted. Invisibility Purge: Might be handy if you're running into invisible creatures a lot. Magic Circle Against Alignment: Might be useful, but it's hard staying close enough together to make it worth taking Magic Vestment: Empower armor with +1 AC bonus per 3 levels up to +5. Nice on low magic servers. Negative Energy Protection: If you're getting hit by it a lot, take it Prayer: Defiantly a good buff to throw down in the middle of a boss fight or huge mob, as it both helps your allies and hurts your enemies. Protection From Elements: You're first defense spell that you'll use constantly. It has OK damage protection from elemental attacks, be it spells or traps. Last 24 hours... so no reason not to cast it after a rest. Remove Blindness/Deafness: Buy a few scrolls of this, and save the spell slot. Remove Curse: Obviously, if you're getting cursed, them keep one or two of these handy. But it's usually not a problem, and not needed when you get a Greater Restoration scroll. Remove Disease: Your healing kit should take care of these, or a Remove Disease scroll. Searing Light: The divine version of Negative Energy Ray, the damage is decent against undead, but weak otherwise. Might as well turn instead and go beat on them. It doesn't have a save however, and may be worth considering. As with Negative Energy Ray, it's most useful for finishing a guy off after a Harm. Summon Creature III: The fearsome dire wolf. He has knockdown, so don't underestimate him if you're low level. ----------------------------------- e.) Fourth Level Spells ( Mu ) ----------------------------------- Summary: Better healing, and what will become you're favorite anti-mob spell Recommended Early Spell Choices: Cure Critical Wounds, Hammer of the Gods, Divine Power, Summon Creature IV Recommended Final Spell Choices: Cure Critical Wounds, Hammer of the Gods, Divine Power, Dismissal, Death Ward Cure Critical Wounds: Your best "cure xxx wounds" spell. 4d8 +1 per level up to +20 of healing goodness. Keep one or two handy to cast on allies. Can be spontanously casted. Dismissal: Unsummon enemy summons, animal companions, and familiars. Will can negate it, but it's usually not a problem. A great equalizer. Keep one handy in later levels for dismissing, or countering summons (as it will counter most summon spells) Death Ward: Immunity to death spells and abilities. Not needed if you're wearing equipment with that kind of immunity, but defiantly buff it if you aren't. Divine Power: The fighter equalizer. Gives you the attack bonuses of a fighter of the same level, 1 HP per level, and a STR of 18 if it's not already there. It's downside (or balance if you prefer) is it doesn't last very long, so use it wisely. Freedom of Movement: This counters paralysis, slow, and entanglement spells, as well as making you immune to them for a decent amount of time. Ready one if this is become a problem. Greater Magic Weapon: Empower of weapon with +1 enhancement per 3 caster levels up to +5. Nice on low magic servers. Hammer of the Gods: While the name is dramatic, keep in mind it is a 4th level spell. The damage is not impressive, same as Searing Light. What is cool is it has a "Huge" area of effect, and it stuns enemies who fail their will saves. Useful if you're getting mobbed, so keep one or two handy. Inflict Critical Wounds: The exact opposite of cure critical wounds. 4d8 +1 per level up to +20 worth of damage. Heals undead. Can be spontanously casted. Neutralize Poison: Healing kits, potions, and scrolls will accomplish this. Don't waste a spell slot. Poison: STR damage, but Fort negates it... and since most fighting classes have a Fort as their primary save... it won't do you much good. Restoration: Pick up a couple scrolls and save a spell slot. Summon Creature IV: The venomous dire spider. ----------------------------------- f.) Fifth Level Spells ( Nu ) ----------------------------------- Summary: Starting to pick up more on your direct damage, lighter on the healing and buffing Recommended Spell Choices: Flame Strike, Spell Resistance, Slay Living, Summon Creature V, Battletide Battletide: You've seen all those cool auras some monsters have, now you can get one. -2 penalty on saves, attack, and damage rolls. Plus a +2 to all those for you. While that's not uber, it has no save, so if they don't have spell resistance, they get hit with it. Spiffy. Circle of Doom: The exact opposite of Healing Circle. Damages enemies for about 30 HP at high levels at a "medium" distance. Healing Circle: Heal a few hit points to all allies in a "medium" distance from you. However, it will only max out about 30 HP at high levels, so it's very limited in it's usefulness. Flame Strike: Lay the smack down on enemies with half fire and half divine energy. Does 1d6 damage per level, up to 15d6.Throw one down to soften up the mobs, but don't rely on it. Monstrous Regeneration: 10 hp per round, last for 1 round per 2 caster levels. Though it last shorter, the amount of HP healed is better than the 7th level version... Raise Dead: Bring an ally back to life with 1 HP. Use a scroll instead. Slay Living: Your first death spell. Fort save or die, if save take 3d6 +1 hp per caster level of damage. Obviously, it only works on living creatures. Spell Resistance: Gain spell resistance 12 + 1 per cast level. At high levels you're talking a spell resistance of 25-30. It's better than 0, so throw it on if you're expecting fights with casters. True Seeing: I don't know how I feel about this spell. You're suppose to automatically see through Sanctuary and Invisibility, as well as spot traps and hidden creatures. However I haven't seen it do any unless it's a property on an item, so I dunno. Summon Creature V: Ph34r the dire bear. ----------------------------------- g.) Sixth Level Spells ( Xi ) ----------------------------------- Summary: HEAL! HARM! HEAL! HARM! HEAL! HARM! HEAL! HARM! In addition to those 2 spells that rock your socks off, you get a host of summoning spells, from creature to outsider to undead, and the ability to banish them. Sixth level spells just own. Recommended Early Spell Choices: Heal, Harm, Summon Creature VI Recommended Final Spell Choices: Heal, Harm, Blade Barrier, Greater Dispelling Banishment: Higher level version of Dismissal. The number of creaters equal to twice the caster's level in HD can be banished. Or you could just harm the damn thing. Blade Barrier: This is the cleric's equivalent to "Wall of Fire", except it's not elemental damage and it does much more damage. 1d6 per level with no set ceiling. It's bad point is.. it's very, very, oh so very noisy. It causes regular damage, with no save, so chances it'll hit... and hurt. One more thing, it's a 6th level spell, meaning it can be maximized. My 19th level cleric will cause 99 damage. That's a lot of umpf. Heal: Restore full hitpoints. Note that you can NOT spontaneous cast this spell, so keep as many handy as you think you need. Harm: Reduce target creature to 1d4 hitpoints with a successful melee touch attack. NO SAVE. That means it works on anything that can't counter spell, disrupt your concentration, avoid the touch, or immune to necromancy or negative energy attacks. You can end a dragon fight rather quickly, but your friends may think it's kind of cheap. Hell, YOU may think it's cheap. But remember you only get 5 level 6 spell slots, so it's not like you can do it all day. Greater Sanctuary: Kind of an invisibility, except can't be detected by things that normally see thru it. A nice upgrade if you need it. Control Undead: I've never tried this, but you can supposedly control a single undead creature with up to 2 Hit Dice. They can will save against it. Create Undead: Instead of summoning a creature, you summon an undead being. You can do this regardless of your alignment, which is kind of gay, but hey. Most of these undead creatures aren't all that hot though. Stick with the regular summons. Greater Dispelling: Obviously, a better version of dispel, and the best you get. At high levels, keep one or two memorized if you're going to do any counter spelling, or want to strip a caster of some buffs. Planar Ally: Summon outsider based on your alignment. Summon Creature VI: The terrible dire tiger! Undead to Death: Slays 1d4 HD worth of undead per cast level up to 20d4. Can be will negated and spell resisted. Might keep it handy if your turning ability sucks. ----------------------------------- h.) Seventh Level Spells ( Omicron ) ----------------------------------- Summary: Feel the power of faith Recommended Spell Choices: Destruction, Word of Faith, Regeneration Greater Restoration: I usually recommend scrolls, but scrolls for this spell can be quite expensive. If you're low on gold, keep one of these handy, as they heal most effects, as well as restore full hitpoints. Plus it's cool to hear the evil sounding cast chant. Resurrection: Raise ally corpse with full hit points. Use a scroll or rod of resurrection. Summon Creature VII: Now you start summoning elementals. Unfortunately you can't choose which one you want to summon. All are about equally useful though. Word of Faith: This spell is great.. but only if employed correctly. It's a very strategic spell, like most high level spells, but has the ability to throw a fight in your favor very quickly. First off.. the instruction booklet is WRONG. It doesn't work that way. It works like the spell "Holy Word" does in the Players Handbook D&D. To give the stats, target less than 4HD is killed, less than 8 is paralyzed, less than 12 is blinded, less than 14 is deafened. What does that mean? If the creature is blinded, it obviously can't see you, and won't attack. it also loses any Dexterity bonus to AC. If it's deafened, it gets a 20% chance to miscast a spell, and can't cast any spell with verbal component, as well as penalties to listen and initiative checks. Obviously, this spell has a lot to offer in turning a losing battle around. Destruction: Fort save or die, if save take 10d6 of damage. An excellent equalizer. Always keep one handy. Regenerate: 6 HP per round, for 1 round per caster level. Most peeps have a ring of power or some other regeneration item, plus it doesn't last very long. None the less, something to consider if you are expecting a long battle. ----------------------------------- i.) Eighth Level Spells ( Pi ) ----------------------------------- Summary: After Harm and Destruction, you might be a little disappointed, and wish you could trade these spell slots for more 6th and 7th level spells. But these are not to be underestimated. Recommended Spell Choices: Mass Heal, Aura Versus Alignment, Fire Storm, Summon Creature VIII or Create Greater Undead Create Greater Undead: Better than create undead, these creatures tend to be a bit more powerful, and sometimes use spells. Earthquake: 1d6 damage per level up to 10d6. While not as good as Fire Storm, if the enemy is resistant to fire, this may be all you got. Fire Storm: Flame strike's big brother. Damage is "OK", at 1d6 per level, maxing out at 20d6. Keep in mind, all creatures in 5 feet of the caster are not damaged, so use this if they are still far away to soften up a large mob. Mass Heal: All allies within a "large area" are healed to full. Defiantly keep it around for a large party. Also, remember healing spells damage undead, so it acts like Harm on a group of undead. Keep that in mind if you can't turn them. Summon Creature VIII: A greater random elemental. Sunbeam: I have mixed feelings about this. Against undead, it does 1d6 per caster level, to a max of 20d6. Against others, it does 3d6 and blinds them for 3 seconds. Reflex half the damage for undead, and voids the blindness for others. While you might think "that's great against undead", Fire Storm does 20d6 max regardless of enemy type, reflex only halves damage, so even non undead still take 10d6. The only consideration is the 5 feet not damaged thing for Fire Storm. For all out damage, use Fire Storm. If you want the blind effect, then keep a Sunbeam memorized, but don't waste too many spots on it. Aura Versus Alignment: The ultimate in buffing verses an alignment. Use Protect from alignment as general buff, and throw this thing on before battle. Why? You get a +4 deflection bonus to AC, immunity to all mind affecting and spell like abilities from chosen alignment, and a spell resistance of 25 against spells by that creature. While you my have items to do all that, creatures who successfully strike you take 6 + 1d8 damage. Unfortunately, it's caster only, and doesn't lastlong. ----------------------------------- j.) Ninth Level Spells ( Rho ) ----------------------------------- Summary: These are more situational spells. If you multiclass, you probably won't feel bad about ditching these, but if you're pure, you can defiantly put them to good use. Recommended Spell Choices: Implosion, Summon Creature IX and or Gate, Storm of Vengeance, Energy Drain Energy Drain: Target loses 2d4 character levels. With enough wisdom and a little luck, the DC may be high enough to make even tough enemies fail their fortitude save Gate: Summon a Balor for 1 round/level. You MUST be protected from evil by either Protection From Evil, Magic Circle verses Evil, or Aura versus Evil. Otherwise, the Balor will attack YOU. If you're protected, he's just like a summon. Cast it in a major battle (and hope he doesn't get countered or dismissed) and he can really tear it up. Implosion: Your mass death spell. While it's pretty weak compared to Weird and Wail of the Banshee, due to it's "medium" area of effect, it's none the less all you've got, so keep one handy for those "just in case" times. Storm of Vengeance: Colossal storm for 10 rounds. 3d6 of acid damage per round, and those who fail reflex save get another 3d6 of electrical damage. Throw it down during a big fight to help out, but don't rely on it to kill the enemy. Summon Creature IX: Elder elemental. Undeath's Eternal Foe: All allies gain immunity to negative damage, level/energy drain, ability score decreases, poisons and diseases. On a low magic server where this stuff isn't available, this spell well help your team make quick work of the undead. ----------------------------------- k.) Epic Spells ( Sigma ) ----------------------------------- Summary: These are spells you can gain from feats. You must meet a requirement of being 21st level, the ability to cast 9th level spells, and a rank in spellcraft that is different for each spell. Recommended Spell Choices: They all rock in their own way, so I won't recommend. Choose something that complements your character. Dragon Knight: Summon an adult red dragon. Who wouldn't want their own pet dragon? Rockin. Needs 22 ranks in spellcraft. Greater Ruin: 35d6 energy damage to single target. Yeowch. 25 ranks in spellcraft needed. Hellball: 10d6 pointsof acid, fire, electrical, and sonic damage to all targets in radius. 32 ranks in spellcraft needed. Mummy Dust: Summons a powerful mummy warrior, similar to create greater undead, but better. 15 ranks in spellcraft needed. **As Letthebulletsfly points out my laziness in checking the manual, Epic Mage Armor and Epic Warding are two Epic Spells that are only available to wizards, sorcerers, and bards. Sucks for us.** ----------------------------------- l.) Domains ( Tau ) ----------------------------------- DOMAIN SPELLS. As a cleric, you also get to focus on two "domains" to get extra abilities and spells. Normally you would pick the domains from a list that your deity has control over. However in NWN, you can pick any. Yes you can pick Evil and Good if you wanted too. Choose with they can really compliment your spell list and powers. 1.) Air Summary: If you want to focus on more direct damage, Air is a good pick for the lightning spells. Special ability- Elemental Turning: Able to turn elementals as if they were undead. Call Lighting(3rd level): Large area of effect, 1d6 per caster level, max at 10d6. Not great, but not bad either, and since it's 3rd level, you're not strapped for spell slots. Chain Lightning(6th level): Call Lightning's bigger brother. Colossal area of effect, with 1 target per caster level. Same damage, except it maxes at 20d6 to the first target, and half that to the rest. It can really hurt empowered or maximized. 2.) Animal Summary: The features aren't all that tempting, but might be a good choice for a multiclasser who's going to limit himself on spells. Special ability- More powerful summon creature spells. Basically, whatever summon creature spell you cast, it's actually the next level up's spell. So if you cast Summon Creature I, you actually get Summon Creature II, all the way up to VIII, which cast IX. Not a bad pick if you want to free up higher level spells without sacrificing a good summon. Cats Grace(2nd level): The DEX buff, the only stat buff you don't get naturally, now you do. True Seeing(3rd level): Was a 5th level spell, now a 3rd. Free up a slot for Slay Living, but not that important. Polymorph Self(5th level): Turn yourself into some interesting monsters, gaining their stats. While could be useful in limited situations, it screws up your stats, so you have to redo your spells when you're done. 3.) Death Summary: The ability might be interesting, the spells are nothing to write home about. Special ability- Negative Plane Avatar. Able to summon a shadow that scales according to the cleric's level. I've never tried it, so I don't know how good it is. Phantasmal Killer(4th level): A low level death spell. Has both a will save and a fortitude save, but still inflicts 3d6 if they make the fort save. Enveration(5th level): Energy Drain's little brother. Target loses 1d4 levels. Good luck with the save though. 4.) Destruction Summary: The name sounds cool. Special ability- Weaken Constructs: able to damage constructs with turning Stinking Cloud(3rd level): Fortitude or be dazed. What's cool is if they fail, they are dazed for as long as the cloud remains. Acid Fog(6th level): Stinking Cloud's dad. 4d6 per entry, plus 2d6 every round they stay in the cloud. Fort save or have movement reduced by half. Not sure if I'd want to lose a 6th level spot for it though. 5.) Earth Summary: An excellent choice. Elemental turning, with 2 great buffs that buff great together. Special ability- Turn Elementals: Able to turn elementals as if they were undead. Stoneskin(4th level): Damage reduction. Absorbs 10 points of melee damage per caster level, a max of 100. Defiantly a fighter friendly buff. Energy Buffer(5th level): This is a better version of protection from elements, but doesn't last as long. Keep it handy in case your protect from elements gets dispelled or runs out. 6.) Evil Summary: Negative spells. A 1st level direct damage spell, with Negative Energy Burst.. a excellent low level spell. Special ability- Turn Outsiders: Able to turn outsiders as if they were undead. (i.e. planear summons, balors) Negative Energy Ray(1st level): You normally get it at 2nd, now you get it at 1st and 2nd. Not any more useful though. Negative Energy Burst(3rd level): 1d8 + 1 point per caster level of negative damage with "huge" area of effect. Basically like Circle of Doom, except this also does 1 point of STR damage per 4 caster levels. Which makes it sextacular for a 3rd level spell. Enveration(5th level): Energy Drain's little brother. Target loses 1d4 levels. Good luck with the save though. 7.) Fire Summary: I wouldn't recommend fire. You can get elemental turning and energy buffer from another domain. Special ability- Turn Elementals: Able to turn elementals as if they were undead. Wall of Fire(4th level): 4d6 fire wall. Can sting empowered, but blade barrier is probably more effective. Energy Buffer(5th level): This is a better version of protection from elements, but doesn't last as long. Keep it handy in case your protect from elements gets dispelled or runs out. 8.) Good Summary: While turning outsiders is limited in it's usefulness, it's worth considering Special ability- Turn Outsider: Able to turn outsiders as if they were undead. (i.e. planear summons, balors) Stoneskin(4th level): Damage reduction. Absorbs 10 points of melee damage per caster level, a max of 100. Defiantly a fighter friendly buff. Lesser Planar Binding(5th level): This spell can be used two ways. Paralyzing a single outsider for 1 round per 2 caster levels, or summoning an ally. The ally sucks, and the outsider can will save against being paralyzed. 9.) Healing Summary: Empowered healing, and the cure spells in lower slots make it an attractive choice if you plan on playing with a party often Special ability- Empower Healing: The following healing spells are cast as if Empowered by the feat: Cure Light Wounds, Cure Moderate Wounds, Cure Serious Wounds, Cure Critical Wounds. Cure Serious Wounds(2nd): Now you get it at 2nd, though you probably don't want to sacrifice a stat buff for it Heal(5th): Free up more 6th level slots for Harm 10.) Knowledge Summary: I really don't recommend the spell domains, as the spells they offer don't compliment the cleric much Special ability- Extra spells Identify(1st level): adds 10 + 1 per caster level to your lore skill.. screw your lore skill and rely on this Knock(2nd level): unlock spell... sure why not Clairaudience and clairvoyance(3rd level): +10 to spot and listen... hmpf True Seeing(4th level): was 5th, now 4th too Legend Lore(5th level): adds 10 +1 per 2 caster levels to lore. WTF you ask? Why not use identify? Well this one last longer 11.) Magic Summary: Probably the only spell domain worth considering. 3 direct damage spells, and 2 buffs. Though you get no special abilities, the compliment to spells are nice, and would team up well with Air to round out a full set of elemental direct damage spells. Of course.. if that's what you are interested in.. you should probably be a mage, or druid. Special ability- Extra spells Mage Armor(1st level): a +1 to all your armor types. Dodge stacks, rest don't Melf's Acid Arrow(2nd level): 3d6, + 1d6 every round after as long as the spell last. Delayed damage kind of sucks. Negative Energy Burst(3rd level): 1d8 + 1 point per caster level of negative damage with "huge" area of effect. Basically like Circle of Doom, except this also does 1 point of STR damage per 4 caster levels. Stoneskin(4th level): Damage reduction. Absorbs 10 points of melee damage per caster level, a max of 100. Defiantly a fighter friendly buff. Ice Storm(5th level): "huge" area, 3d6 + 1d6 per 3 caster levels of cold damage, and 2d6 bludgeoning damage. At high levels it can cause some decent damage. 12.) Plant Summary: Interesting extra spells Special ability- Turn Vermin: Able to turn vermin as if they were undead. Barkskin(2nd level): Natural AC bonus, dependant on level. If you don't already have natural AC bonus items equipped, then it can allow you to wear something else and still have the bonus. Creeping Doom(7th level): This spell works kind of weird, but it has a lot of potential and no save, making it interesting. It does 1d6 points per damage, and any creature who remains in the area of effect receives additionally damage that is incremented. So 1d6 first round, 2d6 second round, 4d6 third, 7d6 forth, etc) all the way to 1000 points of damage. Could do some serious good in a long battle with lots of enemies. 13.) Protection Summary: Interesting for the special ability. Would have to pump lots of Charisma though. Special ability- Divine Protection: Available to Clerics of the Protection Domain. The cleric is able to cast an improved form of Sanctuary that sets the save DC at 10 + Charisma Modifier + Clerical Level. The effect has a duration of 1 round per caster level + Charisma modifier. Minor Globe of Invulnerability(4th level): Protection against 3rd level spells and lower. Energy Buffer(5th level): This is a better version of protection from elements, but doesn't last as long. Keep it handy in case your protect from elements gets dispelled or runs out. 14.) Strength Summary: While you'll have the potential to raise your strength incredibly high, it won't last long enough to be practical Special ability- Divine Strength: The cleric gains a bonus to Strength equal to 2 +1 per 3 cleric levels. The effect lasts for 5 rounds + Charisma modifier. Divine Power(3rd level): The fighter equalizer. Gives you the attack bonuses of a fighter of the same level, 1 HP per level, and a STR of 18 if it's not already there. It's downside (or balance if you prefer) is it doesn't last very long, so use it wisely. Stoneskin(4th level): Damage reduction. Absorbs 10 points of melee damage per caster level, a max of 100. Defiantly a fighter friendly buff. 15.) Sun Summary: If you start off a cleric with sun, then start a different one without it, you'll notice the difference in turning. You CAN live without it though Special ability- Exceptional Turning: Add 1d6 to all turning checks to determine the maximum HD of undead turned. Also add 1d4 to the number of undead Hit Dice turned. Helpful, but not the end of the world if you don't have it. Searing Light(2nd level): Now you can use it at 2nd, except that's where all your stat buffs are... Sunbeam(7th level): Get it at 7th now... probably don't want to sacrifice a D estruction or Word of Faith for it though 16.) Travel Summary: I really don't recommend the spell domains, as the spells they offer don't compliment the cleric much Special ability- Extra spells Entangle(1st level): basically a mass immobilization spell... though the people effected can still fight and cast spells. Reflex save reduces movement by half. Not a bad 1st level spell. Web(2nd level): similar to entangle, but being a 2nd level, you'd have to sacrifice your stat buffs Freedom of Movement(3rd level): This counters paralysis, slow, and entanglement spells, as well as making you immune to them for a decent amount of time. Ready one if this is become a problem. Slow(4th level): The name says it all. Reduces speed, and they lose an attack per round Haste(5th level): +4 to AC, an extra attack, and faster movement... but chances are most people wear the boots 17.) Trickery Summary: the spells could be useful, but the skill is questionable.. maybe if you multiclass rogue. Special ability- Divine Trickery: Bonus to Hide, Persuade, Search, Disable Trap, Move Silently, Open Lock, and Pick Pockets checks equal to 1 per 2 levels. This effect lasts for 5 turns + the cleric's Charisma modifier. That would be useful, but chances are all of those skills (except maybe Persuade) will suck anyway.. so having a +10 won't do you a lot of good. Invisibility(2nd level): Just like it says, you can't be seen with normal vision. Any attack or spell you cast cancels it. Invisibility Sphere(3rd level): Invisibility area of effect. Allies become invisible while in the sphere.. potential there Improved Invisibility(5th level): Same as invisibility, except if you cast or attack, you still get 50% concealment bonus. 18.) War Summary: If you have the Charisma... the special ability could be useful, and Aura of Vitality owns Special ability- Battle Master: The clerics gains a bonus of 1 + 1 per 5 levels to Dexterity, Constitution, Attack Rolls and Damage. As well this bonus modifier is used to grant the cleric damage reduction in the same amount. The effect will last for 5 rounds + Charisma modifier. Cats Grace(2nd level): The DEX buff, the only stat buff you don't get naturally, now you do. But of course, you don't have much use for DEX... Aura of Vitality(7th level): All allies within a colossal area get a +4 to STR, DEX, and CON. That's a +2 bonus to anything that uses those stats. This spell alone is reason enough to take War. 19.) Water Summary: spells aren't great, you can get elemental turning elsewhere with better spells. Only if you wanted a larger complement of elemental spells to use. Special ability- Turn Elementals: Able to turn elementals as if they were undead. Poison(3rd level): you get it at 3rd now, so with a lower DC it'll even be more useless Ice Storm(5th level): "huge" area, 3d6 + 1d6 per 3 caster levels of cold damage, and 2d6 bludgeoning damage. More of a softener ******************************************************************************* 8.) Play Tips ( Tau ) ---------------------- More often than not, the cleric is a team player. Yes you can do your own thing, but your strength comes in your ability to help others, not so much as kill things. Thus you'll likely find the most rewarding experience playing with friends, and getting to make the most of your spells. Keep one thing in mind though, most everybody online has dozens of healing potions and greater restoration scrolls... so they really don't NEED you that much. Of course when you are able to turn undead when they are surrounded by vampire mages... they'll be appreciative... but how much you are actually NEEDED is questionable. When you throw down Harm on an Ancient Black Dragon, you will either get much praise, or kicked from the server. Thus is the life of a religious zealot. Because you're not NEEDED, people aren't going to make it easy for you to heal them.. it'll be up to you to decide who needs healing, when, and figure out a way to get to them. Most people wear the Acme Boots of Speed, so you'll most defiantly need them as well so you can keep up. Here are a few tips that might make your playing more fun an interesting. 1. Unless you're investing lots of levels, don't multiclass more than 5 or 6 levels. You can live without the 9th level and 8th level spells, but giving up 7th level Destruction and Word of Faith is really not to be taken lightly. 2. Know how you want your character to end up before you build it. Know if you want to multiclass, and into what. Know what Domains you will want also, as this will probably affect your spell layout some. Knowing what to expect from your character will offer a much more rewarding experience, and less disappointment. 3. Always help attack unless you have pansied yourself out. Remember, you are always a Fighter/Caster, and thus if you're not immediately or preparing to cast, you should be helping fight. You'll probably be more wanted in that regard than in your casting abilities. You don't necessarily have to be in melee, even a ranged weapon will work if it's decent, just do something other than stand around. The exception is if the enemy is too hard to hit for you, or you are counter spelling. 4. Buff a few friends. In all honestly, when you get to higher levels, you don't have THAT MANY useful spells, and will probably end up taken 2 or even 3 of the same spell per level. So it won't hurt to give a buddy or 2 a protect from elements, or give your lead fighter a spell resistance, so he doesn't get creamed when he opens the door to those 4 war wizards. 5. Know when to heal, or IF to heal. If you are playing with new people, then you should wait until the last second to heal, or if you are currently engaged, neglect to heal them. Yes they might die, probably will, but they also may drink a heal potion or use a greater restoration scroll at the last minute too, and nothing is more annoying than casting heal on somebody who's drinking the potion at the same time. Thus if the people are going to use their potions and scrolls, let them. Save your spells for somebody who doesn't use the potions, or yourself. 6. That being said, if you do heal somebody, start doing it all the time. People will come to expect it from you, and you should be able to deliver. Stop and re-do your spell layout with more healing spells. Don't wait until the last minute to heal them either, as you never know when he might get whacked by a critical hit, or knocked down and lose his AC bonus. 7. If there are enough fighters in the group, then counter spell enemy mages. You should have a few dispels learned, and those will more often than not counter spell anything. This will free up your mages to killing rather than countering, and keep anybody from being damaged. Also, this will more than likely put you in closer proximity to your mages, and you can act as an extra line of defense should somebody make a break for them. Your whole team will love you for this. You should always try to counter enemy clerics first, as the last thing you need is to have one of your fighters Harmed. Also, you'll probably have more of the same spells, thus not wasting so many dispels against him. And that's that! I hope you learned a little about the cleric. If you see Trowa Barton on the servers, make sure to tell him Well Met! And if you see Calisto, laugh at her in the most degrading fashion possible.