The Curse of Monkey Island (PC) Walkthrough v1.0 Copyright (C) 2000-2004 by OutRider WARNING: This walkthrough (like the others) contains spoilers. Please use at your own risk, and don't say I didn't warn you. To see the other guides that I have written, please check out this link: Copyright notice: Don't plagiarize this guide, as legal action will be taken against you. Please don't reproduce this guide for profit. Please do not distribute this guide, and please don't email me requesting permission to add my guides to your site, as enough places already have them on their pages. If you would like to create a HTML version of this guide, please go ahead and do it without my permission, but I do ask that you let me know that you're doing it and where it'll be posted so that I can have the link posted on my website, and also be sure to give me credit. Other than that, have fun and I hope this guide helps you out. Just as a note, this guide is based on the regular Monkey mode, not Mega-Monkey. There will be slight differences between the two versions of the game. Part I - The Demise of the Zombie Pirate LeChuck: After watching the prologue, you'll find the hero, Guybrush Threepwood, trapped in the hold of LeChuck's ship. You'll see a short pirate firing off the cannon at Elaine's fortress. Start by taking the ramrod off the wall behind you and then start talking to the small pirate. Tell him who you are, ask him if he's wearing a fake beard, and then Guybrush will recognize him as Wally, someone he's met during his last adventure. Tell him you're not in the mood for sales hype and that he is a failure of a pirate. He'll threaten to shoot you, but don't worry, choose what you will and he'll break down and cry. Take the plastic hook that he dropped and then operate the cannon. Destroy all four boats and after that, look out the window to see a skull and some debris floating in the ocean. Go into your inventory and combine the hook with the ramrod to create a gaff. Use the gaff to snag the debris and you'll pull out Murray's arm which was holding a cutlass. Use the cutlass to cut the cannon restraint rope and then fire the cannon to watch the ship sink into the watery depths below. You'll find yourself in the treasure hold of the ship, so when you have control, take the bag of nickels that is lying near the portrait of LeChuck and then take the diamond ring you find underneath it. Use the ring to cut the glass out of the porthole and watch the sequence to end the first part. Part II - The Curse Gets Worse: Elaine has been turned into a golden statue, thanks to the cursed ring that Guybrush gave to her when he proposed. In the meantime, take some of the embers from the smoldering boat and then leave the area by walking off to the east until you find yourself on the map. Go to the misty area near Guybrush and then walk up the path. Murray, who has found himself on top of the archway, will try to scare Guybrush. Don't bother talking to him for right now and just head up into the hut. Inside, pull the alligator's tongue to summon the Voodoo lady. Compliment her on what she has done with the place and when she asks if you would like to see her children's pictures, choose any option and Guybrush will tell the Voodoo lady about what happened. When she asks where the statue is, choose any option to find yourself back at the beach. Watch as a pirate ship sails off with the statue in the distance and then Guybrush will automatically go back to the Voodoo lady. She'll tell you how to save Elaine, and afterwards, ask her where to find an uncursed ring. She'll tell you to go to Blood Island, the place where Guybrush will die. Ask her if there are any other uncursed rings and then ask how you're supposed to get to Blood Island. You will need a map, a ship, and a crew. Stop talking to the Voodoo lady and take a pin from one of the paper dolls on the floor. Use the bag of nickels on the gumball machine to get some gum and then leave. On the map, enter the town at the top-right of the map. Welcome to the beautiful city of Puerto Pollo. When you enter the city, go through the door that is on the left side of the clock tower to find yourself in a dressing room. Take the magic wand off of the table and then use it on the magic hat to make a book appear. Take the book and then take the dandruff you find on the coat hanging near the door, and you'll discover that it is actually head lice (ick!). Afterwards, take the glove and then you can leave. Our next stop is the Barbery Coast. It is in the lower right corner of the city and should be able to easily tell where it is by the sign above the door. Once you there, use the glove on the skinny pirate (Edward Van Helgen) to challenge him to a duel. When you have to choose a weapon, close the middle lid to uncover the banjo case. Choose the banjo as your weapon (dueling banjos, anyone?) and in order to win the duel, you'll have to match Edward string for string. If you mess up, Edward will allow you another chance to get it right. After a couple rounds, Edward will start to play the final round and Guybrush will be unable to keep up. While Edward is playing, take one of the pistols and use it on the dueling banjo to convince Edward that you are a pirate and he will decide to join you. Back in the barber shop, watch as the barber Haggis McMutton puts his comb down and while the comb is sitting there on the table, use the lice on it. Watch as Haggis picks the comb up and lops off Rottingham's hair. He'll then throw him out of the shop, freeing up the chair. Take a seat and then use the handle on the side of the chair. Guybrush will kick the paperweight off of the book and then Haggis will leave to go find another one. Use the handle to raise up to the ceiling and get the scissors that are stuck in the beam. Guybrush will lower the chair just as Haggis returns. Pick up the blue jawbreaker off of the floor and then leave the shop. Go to the far left side of town until you find some mysterious flowers next to a building. Use the scissors to get some of the flowers to find out that they are actually ipecac flowers. Use the scissors on the remaining undergrowth to cut out a path up to a cliff. Look at the nearby sign and watch as Guybrush is ambushed and swallowed by a large snake. While Guybrush is in the snake, pick up all the items you find inside and then go into your inventory. Combine the pancake syrup with the ipecac flower to get the ipecac syrup. Use the concoction on the snake and the snake will puke Guybrush out and off the cliff into some quicksand. While in the quicksand, take one of the reeds and then take a thorn off of the thorny brush. Go into your inventory and combine the two to make a pea shooter. After that, combine the paperweight with the balloons and then hit E to have Guybrush blow the paperweight over to where it's near the feral chicken. Use the pea shooter on it to pop the balloon and to snap the vine. Once Guybrush is out of the quicksand, leave the place and go back to Puerto Pollo. Enter Blondebeard's restaurant on the left side of town (it's right of the lemonade stand and the door is open). When he asks if you have a reservation, say that you do and Guybrush will show the reservation slip to him. Take a biscuit from the barrel next to the door and then take the club card that is on the quiet patron's table. Push the quiet patron to find out he was a part of LeChuck's skeleton horde. Take the knife out of his back and then give the jawbreaker to Blondebeard. The jawbreaker will loosen his golden tooth, so then give him the pack of gum. When Blondebeard blows a bubble, pop it with the pin and watch as the golden tooth flies to the floor. Take the golden tooth and then leave the restaurant. Go over to the clock tower and go through the archway to the right of it. Go over to the grassy knoll and use the knife on the sawhorse to cut off one of the legs, causing the barrel of rum to fall off and roll down the hill. A trail of rum will be left as the barrel crashes into the tree, so ignite the trail using the embers you got near the beginning of the game. Watch as the rubber tree blows up and falls over into the pile of logs. Go back to the Barbery Coast and show the gold tooth to Cutthroat Bill, the short and bald pirate. He'll agree to join your crew. You need to find one more member, so talk to Haggis and ask him if he would like to join your crew. Next, select any of the options and Haggis will challenge Guybrush to a caber toss. Agree to the challenge and watch as Guybrush wins the challenge. Now that you have your crew, leave Puerto Pollo and go to Danjer Cove on the opposite end of the island. When you arrive at Danjer Cove, hop into the rowboat and row to the pirate ship. Use the serrated knife to saw off the plank and then climb aboard. You'll be captured by the ship's first mate, Mr. Fossey. Choose any of the speech options and watch as Guybrush is tarred and feathered. You will soon find yourself back in Danjer Cove. Leave here and go back to Puerto Pollo. Enter Blondebeard's restaurant and when Blondebeard greets Guybrush, he'll mistake him for "El Pollo Diablo". Choose any of the speech options and Blondebeard will toss Guybrush into a pot and then you'll find yourself back aboard the pirate ship in Danjer Cove. Eavesdrop on the conversation and when you regain control, use the book of ventriloquism on Captain LeChimp and Mr. Fossey will eventually leave the room. Guybrush will take the map off of the table, and after that, open up the window and leave Danjer Cove. Go back to Puerto Pollo and go into the dressing room of the clock tower theater. Go up the stairs to the lighting area (the exit is at the top) and pull the switch to find where Elaine is buried. Watch as the actor juggles knives and when you can, use the chicken grease on the cannonballs near the door. When the actor goes to juggle cannonballs, he'll lose control of them and end up flinging himself off the stage. Go out onto the stage and use the shovel to uncover Elaine. You'll find yourself on the pirate ship. Leave the ship and paddle back to Danjer Cove. Leave the cove and go to the beach on the far right side of the island. This is Brimstone Beach. When you arrive, show the club card to the cabana boy and then take a towel out of the bin. Dip it in the ice bucket and then snap the cabana boy with the wet towel to make him leave. Take the cooking oil and then grab two more towels. Dip those in the ice bucket and head out onto the beach. Attempt to walk across the sand, but you'll find it's too hot to cross. Use the wet towels on the hot sand (once Guybrush lies a towel down, you must hurry up and place the other two or they will burn up, forcing you to get more wet towels). Once you're on the other side, take the mug from the sunbather and then open up the gate behind him to find an exit to the map. Go to the left side of Puerto Pollo to find a lemonade stand. Switch the sunbather's mug with Kenny's bottomless mug and then tell Kenny that you would like some lemonade. He'll run off once he realizes once you've done, but he did leave his pitcher behind. Take the pitcher and fill it up with some red dye that is in the vats to the right of the stand. Go back to the sunbather on Brimstone Beach and give him the bottomless mug. Use the dye on the mug and Palido will think that he is burning, causing him to turn over. He'll reveal a map, and in order to get it, use the cooking oil on it and then take the skin map (ick!). Now that you have everything you need, leave the beach and watch as you set sail on the pirate ship to end the second part. Part III - Three Sheets to the Wind: Watch the sequence as Rottingham boards the ship and steals the skin map. After a while, the crew will decide to sing a song. Once it gets to the fifth verse, say that you'll surely avoid scurvy if we all eat an orange. The crew will end the song once they figure out that they can't find any words to rhyme with orange. After that, Haggis will ask Guybrush what kind of captain he is. You can choose whichever speech option that you want, the only difference being is that your ship battles will be longer. When you're ready to start battling, just examine the navigational chart. Move your ship so that it runs into any ships marked '?'. You may see Captain Rottingham's ship roaming around, but don't challenge him just yet. Your ship isn't powerful enough to defeat him right now. When you first run into a ship, you will have to move around until you find the enemy. Navigate so that a side is facing towards the enemy and right-click to fire the cannons. Keep firing until they're defeated and then you'll hop aboard to challenge the captain to some insult sword fighting. Unlike other guides, I won't include an in-depth section containing all the insults and their responses, but I will tell you that if you don't know a response to the pirate's insult, then you'll be fighting towards the right. If the pirate doesn't know the answer to your insult, then you'll be fighting towards the left. If you win, you get some booty to put in the ship's hold as well as some new insults and responses. If you lose, you may lose treasure, but at least you'll have some new insults and responses. Save your game when you win, and when you lose, just keep fighting battles until you score another win. You will lose quite a few battles, but don't get too frustrated because losing will allow you to add new stuff to your repertoire and you can use them against other enemies to learn new responses. Every so often, go visit Kenny at the Plunder Town Harbor. You will see that he has gotten into selling ship weapons. Upgrade your cannons to whatever you can afford and then go back to battling. After a while, you will run out of ships to battle, so when that happens, go back to town and buy the Destructomatic T-47, the same cannon that Rottingham uses. Now you can challenge Rottingham. When you get to sword fighting, he'll always be offering the insults. What's different is that the insults are a bit different, but the responses are still the same. For example, he may offer the insult: "My skills with the sword are highly venerated" and you would respond with "Too bad they're all fabricated". You'll just have to pick what you think is the correct one and hope for the best. Once you've defeated Rottingham, you will get the map and then sail to Blood Island to end the third part. Part IV - The Bartender, The Thieves, His Aunt, and Her Lover: Watch the sequence and you'll find yourself shipwrecked on Blood Island. The crew then decides to mutiny and go back to being barbers. Talk to Haggis and talk to him about his bottle of lotion and ask if there's any way you could get at least a drop of lotion. He'll tell you that the ship needs some work done on it, and if you can find something that has the similar consistency as tar, then he'll let you have it. Let the crew get back to work and take the bottle you see laying in the sand. Guybrush will bite off the cork and then you can leave the scene. On the map, go to the hotel in the center of the map. Head inside the hotel and go to the far left of the counter. Take the recipe book off of the bar and then try to take the empty jar. The bartender won't let you take it right now because he has a horrible takeover. Go into your inventory and open the book to page 8 to find the cure for a hangover. You will need some dog hair, an egg, and a pepper. Take the worn cushion off of the stool and then leave the hotel. Follow the path north to enter the cemetery. In the cemetery, follow the path to the left until you see an old dog sleeping in his doghouse. Take the mallet and chisel that are laying up against the tombstone across from the dog and then give the biscuit to the dog. Take some dog hair and then you can leave the cemetery. Go back to the map and go to the beach that is south of the shipwreck. When you arrive, put the cushion on the rocks and then use the mallet on the rubber tree to knock the egg out of the nest. Take the egg and cushion and then go to the windmill on the far left side of the island. Take a pepper from the plant next to the windmill and go back to the hotel. Give the dog hair, egg, and pepper to the bartender and after he recovers, ask him for a drink. Choose what you will to get a drink as well as an umbrella, as well as some Head-B-Clear medicine. Take the empty jar from the counter now (Goodsoup will protest, but Guybrush will convince him to let him take it) and then go into your inventory and open the pill bottle with the chisel. Use the medicine to spike the drink and then drink it. Guybrush will die and that's the end of the game. Just kidding. Guybrush will wind up in the crypt inside a coffin. Use the chisel on Guybrush's coffin to open it and then take the coffin nails out of it. Open the center coffin and you'll free Stan, the salesman. After he hands you his card, he'll tell you how to get out of the crypt. Do so and go back to the hotel. Go inside the hotel and do you see that door in the background next to the poster? Open it to find a closet containing a large wheel of cheese. Use the chisel on the cheese and then take the refrigerator magnet off of the refrigerator. Leave the hotel and go back to the island map. Go to the village closest to the top of the volcano. Once there, take the large block of tofu off of the table and then go to the right and take the auger and the measuring cup off of the small table. Follow the path north and then go into your inventory. Use the auger on the tofu and then hit U to put on the tofu "mask". You will now be granted access to the volcano's caldera and watch as they make a sacrifice to their god. When you regain control, toss some cheese in and watch the sequence. You'll find yourself back in the village. Leave here and go back to the hotel. Stay outside this time and go to the far right until you see the cooking pot. Put some cheese into the pot and it'll melt. Take the pot and Guybrush will automatically drag it back to the shipwreck. Haggis will allow you to take the lotion, so do so. Leave here and go back to the hotel. Talk to the fortune teller and introduce yourself. Ask her what is in the cards for Guybrush and she'll show you the five death cards. After the conversation, take the cards and then go up to the second floor. Go through the nearest door to find a delapidated room full of portraits. Use the mallet on the nail that's sticking through the wall next to the door and you'll knock the portrait off on the other side. Leave the room and pick up the nail off of the floor. Go through the other door to find a bedroom. Pull the bed down to find a skeleton. Nail the bed to the floor using the coffin nails and the portrait nail and then take the book from the skeleton. Go downstairs and talk to Goodsoup. Ask him about the lost ring of Blood Island and then tell them that you've never met him. Tell him that you thought that if he died, he would be buried with his aunt. You'll soon realize that since Guybrush isn't a part of the family, he wouldn't be buried in the Goodsoup crypt. Next, say "Uncle Griswold! It's me! Don't you recognize me?" and choose whatever strikes your fancy when he asks for your name. Tell him you could talk about Goodsoup history all day and Goodsoup will finally be convinced that Guybrush is indeed a part of the family. Ask for a drink and then spike it with the Head-B- Clear and then drink it. You'll wind up in the Goodsoup crypt. Walk south from the tomb and past the widow's ghost. You'll overhear Murray plotting to scare Guybrush again. Take the crowbar out of the coffin and then walk over to the crack in the wall. Murray will drop down from the ceiling in attempt to scare Guybrush. Pick him up and then look through the crack. Use the skeleton arm on the lantern and then use Murray with the lantern. The crypt will be opened, allowing you to leave. Do so and go back to the hotel. Go into the closet and take the death certificate out of the cabinet near the wheel of cheese. Leave the hotel and go back to the cemetery. You'll see that Stan has started up a new office. Go into his office and give him the gold tooth to buy a life insurance policy. Show him the death certificate next to cash in on the policy. After you're done, leave the cemtery and go back to the map. Go to the windmill and enter the door to climb to the top. Use the empty jar on the barrel to fill it up with sugar water. Leave here and go to the clearing near the shipwreck to find the golden statue of Elaine. You will also see some fireflies swarming around as well. Put the water jar on the stump and the fireflies will become attracted to it and fly inside. Go into your inventory and use the chisel on the jar lid to poke some air holes. Use the lid on the fireflies to trap them inside the jar. Leave here and go to the lighthouse on the southern tip of the island. Put the lantern on the lantern post to shine some light over the sea. Climb down from the lighthouse and go back to the beach to find a mysterious hooded figure sitting in his boat. Talk to the figure to learn that he is the Flying Welshman. If you ask him if he'll take you to Skull Island, he'll tell you that in order for him to do that, he will need a compass. To get the compass, fill up the measuring cup with seawater. Combine the pin and the cork and then magnetize the pin by using the magnet on it. Use that on the cup and you'll have your compass. Give the compass to the Welshman and he'll take you to Skull Island. Once you arrive on Skull Island, Guybrush will automatically walk up to the top of the cliff. Here you'll meet Effete LaFoot. Have him lower you down the cliff, but Guybrush will fall as soon as he steps onto the dumbwaiter. As Guybrush is falling, hurry up and go into your inventory and use the umbrella to soften the fall. If you don't do it in time, Guybrush will bounce off the cliff and you'll have to start all over again. When you're inside the cave, tell the men that you have so much money that it's embarassing. When they ask for your name, choose any option as King Andre already knows who you are anyway. After he laughs, choose any option again and then try to make a deal with him. He'll challenge Guybrush to a game of poker. Have him deal you in and choose any option when he asks if you trust him. As the game is going, use the tarot cards on King Andre to end the game. LaFoot will come in from upstairs to ask if he could sign for a package. A gusty wind will come in and blow out the lights, allowing Guybrush to sneak off with the diamond. When you get back to Blood Island, go to the hotel. Go upstairs to the second floor and go into the bedroom. Use the crowbar on the boarded up hole to turn it into a gaping hole and then use it to remove the nails from the bed. Watch as the skeleton flies into the Goodsoup crypt and is reunited with his lost love. Guybrush will automatically go to the crypt, so when he arrives, pick up the engagement band and then leave the crypt. Go to the map and go back to the clearing where you found Elaine. Use the lotion on the cursed diamond ring and then pull it off. The ring will explode, but who cares? Go into your inventory and combine the diamond with the band and then use it on Elaine to break the curse. Their reunion doesn't last long as LeChuck's horde arrives and kidnaps them to end this part. Part V - The Kiss of the Spider Monkey: You'll wind up locked in a ferris wheel car with a bomb strapped to it. As LeChuck begins to talk to you, stick to the bottom speech options until he becomes annoyed and turns you into a child. After that, open the door of the car to enter the park. Talk to Dinghy Dog and ask him how you can win of the fabulous prizes. Have him guess your age and he'll get it wrong. Choose the anchor as your prize and then take it off of the left bottom shelf. Murray won't be pleased at all with your choice. Use the anchor on the nearby stack of pies and watch as the anchor pie knocks the mime out of the hole. Open the gate and look through the hole. The rat will shoot Guybrush in the face with a meringue pie, but Guybrush will wipe off the meringue and stuff it in his pockets. Go over to Dinghy Dog and push him until he bites you. Guybrush will swipe some hair. Walk over to the right until you find the snow cone cart. Take the pepper mill off of the cart and then talk to the soda jerk and ask for a plain snowcone. He'll give it to you, so go into your inventory and put some pepper, the dog hair, and the meringue on the snow cone. Eat the disgusting snow cone and watch as Guybrush is returned to his normal size to end this short part. Part VI - Guybrush Kicks Butt Once Again: You'll find yourself on a rollercoaster ride. You'll have to get off at each of the four parts, so you must be quick. As soon as you can, click on the platform so when Guybrush comes down, he'll jump out. Take the fallen rope and wait for another coaster to come down. Hurry up and get in and when you get to the second area, hurry up and jump out again. Take a keg of rum and get back into the coaster. LeChuck may show up here, and if he does, there's nothing to worry about. LeChuck will hurl a fireball at Guybrush, causing him to leap back into the coaster. Get out at the third area and take the flask of oil out of the lamp. Get back in and jump out at the fourth area. Walk up the snow covered path to find a rather large monkey. Go into your inventory and dip the fallen rope into the oil flask. Use the keg of rum on the monkey and then use the oil soaked rope on the keg. Walk back down the path and wait for LeChuck to show up. When he does, wait for him to put his arms up as if to throw a fireball, and use the pepper mill on him to win the game. Watch the ending sequence and the following credits and that'll be all she wrote...unless, that is, you want to go through and play the game on Mega-Monkey mode. This has been another one of OutRider's walkthroughs, and if you enjoyed using this one, I hope you'll use one of the many others that I have written.