H I L L S F A R (US Gold/SSI) PLAYING GUIDE CLERIC'S QUESTS Mission One A. Find the temple of Tempus and talk to the Master; he will inform you of your task and give you your first lead. B. Leave the town and head for the Trading Post. Talk to the Trader and he will inform you of the movements of certain characters. C. Ride to the Big Tree. Search the maze, opening chests as you go. You should find a dead body in one of the chests. D. Return to the Temple of Tempus. Once again, talk to the Master and inform him of your findings. E. Head back to the Trading Post and talk to the Trader. F. Ride to the Old Hermit's House. There you should search the maze collecting items as you go. Eventually, you will locate the Holy Scriptures. G. Return to the Temple of Tempus and talk with the Master. He will take the Scriptures and reward you for your efforts. Mission Two A. Having rested, talk to the Master of the Temple of Tempus. B. Locate and enter one of the Town's sewers. When opening one of the chests you will discover a small Thief. Do NOT report him to the town guards; instead show pity in order to receive your next clue. C. Find the Dragon's Lair Pub, treat yourself to a meal and listen to the local gossip, especially that concerning the Haunted Mansion. D. Walk to the Haunted Mansion and break in. Search the chests until you discover a note. E. Leave town and head for the Hut. Again, search the chests. Eventually, you will come across an Old Man who will give you your next clue. F. Locate the Old Ruins and open the various chests. You should find a bottle of Incense. G. Finally, return to the Temple and seek an audience with the Master. You will be rewarded for your help. Mission Three A. Having rested, leave the Temple and search directly outside it for your first clue. B. Re-enter the Temple and talk to the Master. Having donated some money you'll eventually be given your next clue. C. Head for the Mage's Tower. Enter it and search the chests. You should find a Wand with blue runes carved on it. D. Take the Wand to the Master of the Temple. E. Once again, search outside the Temple for a clue. F. During the hours between 8pm and 10pm visit the Rat's Nest Pub. While there, listen to the local gossip until you meet a Woman. G. Return to the Pub and listen to the gossip again. H. Return to the Temple and have another chat with the Master. I. Revisit the Pub and listen to yet more idle banter. J. Once more, return to the Master of the Temple for a quiet word. K. Make for the Rock Quarry; you can find it by using a secret path from the Hermit's House. Open the various chests until you find the dead woman and a new hint. L. Explore the Haunted Mansion and open the chest to find the missing Ring. M. Return to the Master of the Temple to end the third mission. FIGHTER'S QUESTS Mission One A. Locate the Fighter's Guild where you should approach the Master for your first hint. B. Attend the Archery Range where you'll need to improve your skills by two levels in order to gain another clue. C. Return to the Guild and have a word with the Master. D. Head for the Arena and defeat the Red Minotaur for a clue. E. Again, visit the Master at the Guild. F. Enter the Cemetery and open the chests until you receive another clue. G. Break into the Jail where you should search the chests until you uncover the Documents. H. Take the papers to the Master of the Guild where you'll be rewarded for your troubles. Mission Two A. Talk to the Master of the Guild. B. Search around the outside of the Great Castle. C. Visit the Rat's Nest Pub and listen to the gossip relating to the sewers. D. Descend into a sewer and open the chests until you meet a Beggar who will give you a hint about the Arena. E. Defeat the Orc in the Arena for a vital clue. F. Travel to the Hermit's House and open the chests in order to uncover a Poster. G. Freshen up at the Rat's Nest Pub and buy the Barmaid a beer while you're there. H. Enter the Haunted Mansion and search the TOP LEFT portion of the maze. Hidden in one of the LEFT HAND walls is a Secret Passage. Enter the Secret Room and locate Jared. Help this character to proceed. I. Enter the Fighter's Guild and talk to the Master to end the Second Mission. Mission Three A. Talk to the Master of the Guild. B. Search the building next door to the Stables, until you meet a character called Hector. C. Search the Cemetery and open the chests until you find a Map. D. Leave town and head for the Big Tree where you should open the chests in order to locate a dead body. E. Return to the Archery Range where you must reach the FIFTH level before getting another clue. F. Return to the Master of the Guild for a talk. G. Enter the Arena and fight until you've managed to defeat Taurus to get another clue. H. Freshen up at ANY Inn. While you're there, listen to local gossip, especially the information about the Healer. I. Walk to the Healers in the SOUTH of the town. There talk to the owner for yet another hint. J. Make for the Rock Quarry; you can find it by using a secret path from the Hermit's House. Open the various chests until you find a Bonnet. K. Return to the Guild and talk to the Master. L. Rest up at ANY Pub. Again, listen to the gossip until you hear something about the Guild. M. Confront the Master at the Guild. N. Leave town and head for the Ruins. Search there until you discover Ariana. O. Finally, return to the Master of the Guild. MAGE'S QUESTS Mission One A. Find the Mage's Guild and have a chat with the Master. B. Leave town and head for the Trading Post. C. Ride to the Shipwreck; once there, take the hidden trail to the Dead dragon where you must locate the Squid's remains. D. Return to Hillsfar and enter the Magic Shop where you should talk to the owner. E. Return to the Dead Dragon for a hint about the Hydra's Den Pub. F. Visit the Hydra's Den Pub and listen to the gossip about the Trader. G. Ride to the Trading Post and chat with the Trader. H. Return to the Magic Shop and, once again, talk with it's owner. I. Walk to the Guild and request an audience with the Master to finish the First Mission. Mission Two A. Have a word with the Master of the Guild. B. Leave town and ride to the Trading Post where you should have a chat with the Trader. C. Find the Bookstore and have a talk with the owner. D. Return to the Magic Shop and obtain a hint about the Archery Range from the owner. E. Attend the Archery Range and reach the THIRD level in order to obtain a new clue. F. Take a walk to the Hydra's Den Pub. There have a beer and listen to the gossip, especially that concerning the Ruins. G. Visit the Ruins where you must unlock the chests until you discover a Gold Pendant. H. Return to the Hydra's Den Pub where you should charm the Barmaid. I. Make sure that you have 500 Gold Pieces or more and stagger to the Dragon's Lair Tavern. When there charm the Barmaid. J. Finally, return to the Guild where you should talk to the Master in order to end the quest. Mission Three A. Rest up before talking to the Master. B. When it is closed, visit the Magic Shop and locate the Red Liquid. C. Make your way back to the Guild and have a word with the Master. D. Attend the Archery Range, where you will need to attain the FOURTH level in order to win a clue. E. Head for the Ruins and then take the hidden path to the Wizard's Lair. Open the chests taking all that you find. F. Head for the Mage's Tower. In the TOP LEFT portion of the maze, hidden in one of the LEFT-HAND walls is a Secret Passage. Enter the Secret Room and open the chests found there. G. Leave town for the Hermit's House; once there, open the chests in order to find the next clue. H. Return to town and enter the Arena. In order to get a clue, you must beat Taurus. I. Take a walk to the Cemetery. There open the chests in order to find a clue. J. Attend the Shipwreck and when there open the chests to obtain a clue. K. Locate and enter the Haunted Mansion. Find the Secret Room and open the chests found there to get the information you need. L. Finally, return to the Guild Master in order to complete the mission. THIEF'S QUESTS Mission One A. Ride to Hillsfar and locate the Rogue's Guild. When there, talk to the Master. B. Walk to the Magic Shop where you should chat to the owner. C. Descend into a sewer and when there open the chests in order to find a Fungus. D. Return to the Master of the Guild for a quiet word. E. Travel to the Hermit's House where, upon opening the chests, you should locate a White Liquid. F. Finally, return to the Guild and seek an audience with the Master. Mission Two A. Awake and talk with the Master. B. Enter a Pub and listen to the gossip concerning the loss of an Amulet. C. Descend into the sewers and search the chests until you find a Torn Note. D. Visit the Dragon's Lair Pub and listen to the gossip about the Hut. E. Travel to the Hut and obtain a useful hint. F. Return to Hillsfar and enter any pub. There you should listen to more tales. G. Walk to the NORTHWEST part of the city where you should enter the sewer. Open all the chests until you encounter a Dead Thief. H. Return to the Guild and talk with the Master. I. Walk to the Temple of Tempus. There, find the Secret Room and unlock all the chests. J. Head for the Healer's Shop in the SOUTHWEST part of the city. Once there, have a chat with the owner. K. Leave the city and ride to the Hermit's House, where you should uncover his Diary. L. Using the secret route, travel to the Quarry. There you must find a Rusty Old Pick. M. Ride back to Hillsfar and the Castle. Enter the Castle's Secret Room and locate the Amulet in a chest. N. Finally, return to the Guild and talk with the Master. Mission Three A. Talk to the Guild's Master. B. Visit the Magic Shop when it is closed and uncover a strange Pick. C. Enter a Pub and listen to the local gossip about the Trading Post. D. Ride to the Trading Post and talk to the Trader. E. Return to the city and visit one of the watering holes. There, listen to gossip about the Orc in the Arena. F. Take a walk to the Arena. You must beat the Orc to gain the next clue. G. Take a trip to the Bugbear's Cave Pub. Here you should hang around and listen to the chit-chat. H. Move to the Archery Range where you must improve by at least FOUR levels to get the next hint. I. Search the area outside the Guild. J. Enter the Secret Room in the Mage's Tower and recover the Book of Arcane Lore. K. At 4pm, search outside the Dragon's Lair Pub. L. Report to the Guild Master with your news. M. Duck into a local Pub to listen to the latest gossip. N. Ride to the Shipwreck and then, using the hidden trail, onto the Dead Dragon. Open the chests to uncover another strange Pick. O. Visit the outside of the Dragon's Lair Pub and search the immediate vicinity. P. To end the last mission, visit the Guild and have a private word with the Master.