UUU UUU RRRRRRRRRR UUU UUU UUU UUU RRRRRRRRRRR UUU UUU UUU UUU RRR RRRR UUU UUU UUU UUU RRR RRRR UUU UUU UUU UUU RRRRRRRRRRR UUU UUU UUU UUU RRRRRRRRRR UUU UUU UUU UUU RRR RRR UUU UUU UUUUUUUU RRR RRR UUUUUUUU UUUUUU RRR RRR UUUUUU URU: LIVE hints and tips Written by: Momruoy (Joel Webster) (Atrus KI# 04177160) ----------------------------- ***** Table of Contents ***** ----------------------------- -- Introduction -- Bonus Clothing -- Linking Stone locations -- Relto Page locations -- Great Zero Marker locations -- /look Sayings -- Credits ------------------------ ***** Introduction ***** ------------------------ This is simply a list of all the "extras" I have personally discovered while playing Uru: Live. It's my hope that these lists will make it easier for you to find these yourself and make the game that much more fun. I have included relavent maps to aid you in finding the GZMs, they can be found (normally) along with this FAQ on whichever site you got it on. -------------------------- ***** Bonus Clothing ***** -------------------------- Here are all of the bonus items of clothing that you can find to make yourself look better. If you have found anything more, please let me know! Yeesha's Sweater - obtained by completing the single-player version of the game Zandi's Shirt - found in the rainy cleft, hanging from his trailer's awning Pith Helmet - found in Eder Gira, beneath the Journey Cloth in the dark cave Hard Hat - found on the Takotah rooftop (RARE) Tie-dye Shirt - found in the office at the top of the ladder in Teledahn on a crate ----------------------------------- ***** Linking Stone locations ***** ----------------------------------- Here is a list of all the Linking Stones I have found myself so far. Most of these will have either a GZM or something else important in them, so go get them all! --There are two links in Gahreesen: 1. In the first room you enter with the lockers. As you enter, it is to your right on the wall behind you, all the way at the end. This link takes you to a balcony high above your neighborhood. There is a GZM here. 2. In the larger of the two buildings, in the conference room without a Journey Cloth. This link takes you to a balcony in Ae'Gura with a GZM on it. --There are two links in Teledahn: 1. In Douglas Sharper's office, there is a linking book in the safe under his aquarium that leads to his office in D'ni. The D'ni office has a linking stone to a mushroom stump back in Teledahn, as well as a link back to his office in Teledahn. This could possibly count as three links, as they provide you with three more linking points for your books, but only one is a linking stone, the others are books. There is a GZM in the office inside a painting. 2. Under the stairs leading to the Journey Door. This link puts you in one of the prison cells in Gahreesen. This link is crucial to the single-player game and has a Relto Page in it. --There is one link in Kadish Tolesa: Behind the second of the three circular devices making up the first puzzle of the age. This link takes you to another balcony in Ae'Gura with a good view and a GZM. --There is one stone in Eder Gera: Near the waterfall, perched nicely on a rock. This takes you to the Takotah rooftop, where you'll find notebooks and two GZMs. --There is one linking stone in Ae'Gura: At the Ferry Terminal, face the Arch of Kerath. Turn left and follow the path all the way to the end. The stone is placed to your left. This link takes you to a hidden area of Teledahn where you'll find a Relto Page. -------------------------------- ***** Relto Page locations ***** -------------------------------- I myself have found nine Relto Pages so far. You can activate and deactivate any of the pages at any time to customize Relto. If you make changes while in your age, you must link back into it to make them take effect. 1. In Gahreesen in the prison cell. This page transforms the mountain on Relto into a waterfall. 2. In Eder Kimo, on the ledge in the puffer section. This page puts designs on your hut and a rug inside. 3. In Teledahn, next to the crate in Douglas Sharper's office. This page changes the style of the roof on your hut. 4. In Gahreesen, at the bottom of the large crevice in the room after you get the KI. This page puts rocks and logs on Relto. 5. In Teledahn, through the link near the Ferry Terminal in Ae'Gura. This page puts a dock on Relto. 6. In the Neighborhood, stuck to the side of the yellow window facing the light garden. This puts other islands around Relto. 7. In the projector room in the cleft at the end of the game. This page makes it rain on Relto. 8. In Kadish Tolesa, on the ledge in the area with the spectacular view. This page makes your trees grow a little. 9. Inside the Great Zero, behind the stairs. This page puts an imager on your age where you can upload pictures you've taken. --------------------------------------- ***** Great Zero Marker locations ***** --------------------------------------- This is a list of all the Great Zero Markers you need to find to gain access to the Great Zero Calibration Room. Their positions are guaranteed or your money back. I made this list going around the areas in the most logical fashion, starting at the point you link in to the age and going around counter-clockwise. See the accompanying maps for approximate locations of all GZMs on this list. Unfortunately, I had no time to locate all the GZCMs (Great Zero Calibration Markers) before Uru: Live shut down. If it ever comes back, I'll make a list of those as well. Neighborhood Markers: 1 At the back of the Light Garden 2 In the Classroom, on the back wall 3 In the Egg Room, on the wall to the right as you enter 4 In front of the classroom, above the door (jump on a cone lodged in the doorway) 5 On the steps behind the Linking Chamber, near the waterfall 6 In the foyer of the amphitheater, on the leftmost wall as you enter 7 On the balcony above the neighborhood (accessed through a linking stone in Gahreesen) City of Ae'Gura Markers (without using Nexus): 8 On the Takotah rooftop, in the group of crates 9 On the Takotah rooftop, beneath the window without a telescope (this marker can also be found above the Takotah Alley Nexus link, but this way's easier) 10 On the balcony over the Great Plaza 11 On the balcony across from the strip mall 12 In the Kadish Gallery, forward and to the left of where you link in The marker in Douglas Sharper's office was removed for the final build City of Ae'Gura Markers (using Nexus): 13 Behind you as you link in at the Ferry Terminal 14 At the very far corner of the Ferry Terminal, past all the docks 15 At the very end of the bottom path, next to the linking stone 16 Halfway up the Great Stair, in the middle of the "rest area" 17 Across from the entrance to the Great Tree Pub 18 In the far back left corner of the Great Tree Pub 19 Above the Tokotah Alley Nexus Link 20 To the left of the Museum entrance 21 At the back of the barricaded road, straight back from the Great Stair 22 Past the Hall of Kings, along the right wall as you go down a flight of stairs 23 Off the path between the Hall of Kings and the Great Library, after the first stairs up 24 Off the path between the Hall of Kings and the Great Library, before the final stairs down 25 Behind the Great Library, off the cliff with the blockades 26 On the rope bridge spanning the gap in the old bridge to the Concert Hall 27 Halfway down the stairs after the Concert Hall going to the strip mall 28 At the bottom of the largest gap in front of the strip mall (REQUIRES LINKING OUT, GET LAST) Great Zero Markers: 29 In the Great Zero Observation Chamber 30 In the Great Zero, around the back of the stairs leading down (accessed after you get 15 markers) ------------------------- ***** /look Sayings ***** ------------------------- While playing Uru: Live, if you type in "/look" into your KI, you'll get some funny responses. Here are what you'll get from each age. The means a list of the closest players (those with the > and < marks on their name in the list). Relto: You see a small hut ... looks deserted. Standing next to you is . There are exits to the ... well, there are no exits. Cleft: (D'ni-Riltagamin) You see sand for as far as the eye can see. Gonna need a vehicle of some sort. Standing near you is an old man. Ok, maybe he's not standing. BTW, wasn't he on M*A*S*H? There are exits to the ... well, I don't know. Maybe you can ask the old man (if he ever stops listening to that music!). Gahreesen: Standing near you is . There are exits to the North and West. Teledahn: You see 'shrooms everywhere! Big ones, small ones. Are they edible? Standing near you is . There are exits to the East. Kadish Tolesa: Standing near you is . There are exits to the North and West. Eder Gira: Standing near you is . There are exits to the North and West. Eder Kemo: You see bugs. BUGS! I hate bugs. Standing near you is . There are exits to the North and South Bahro Cave: (D'ni-Rudenna) You see a darkly lit cavern. Strange images on the wall next to you, flikering in the subdued light. Be afraid. Be very afraid! Standing next to you is . There are exits to the North, West and East... but they are blocked by a large hole in the floor. Nexus: You see a jukebox like machine. Standing near you is . There are exits to the ... well, there are no exits. Great Zero: (D'ni-Rezeero) Standing near you is . There are exits to the North and West. The Neighborhood: Standing near you is . There are exits to the North and West. City of Ae'Gura: (D'ni-Ae'Gura) You see the remnants of a great civilization, ready to be rebuilt. Where are the flying monkeys? Standing near you is . There are exits to the North, West and South. ------------------- ***** Credits ***** ------------------- This entire walkthrough was produced by Joel Webster, and is only to be posted the following sites: www.guildofgreeters.com www.gamefaqs.com www.gamewinners.com www.neoseekers.com dlh.net All suggestions, improvements, corrections, questions, etc. should be sent to my email address: jiminy_jillikers161 at hotmail.com Please be sure to have the title of this walkthrough in the subject of your email or I'll ignore it. Or send me a KI-mail on the Atrus shard at KI# 04177160 Any reproduction of any part of this walkthrough, except for personal use, is strictly forbidden by U.S. copyright law. UruT, D'niT, Cyan©, and Myst© are trademarks of Cyan, Inc. and Cyan Worlds, Inc. under license to Ubisoft Entertainment. I'd like to thank the following: Cyan Worlds for creating such an incredible game. Ubisoft for developing and producing the game. My dad, for buying me all four games in the Myst series. That's it, game over, you win. Ok, go home now, I've got nothing more to say.