Welcome to the DEATH RALLY FAQ guide. Just so you are aware, I will include any info for both the SHAREWARE and REGISTERED version of this game. Hope this helps you out. Created By COOPERTEAM __ ____ _____ _______ __ __ ___ _____ __ __ __ __ /_ | /___/ / _ / /__ __/ / // / / _ | / _ / / / / / / // / // // //__ / _/ / / / / _/ / / // / / _/ / / / / / | // - // // /___/ / _ / / / / _ / / / / _ / / / / / | -" //_// //__ / // / / / / // / / /| | / // / / /__ / /__ / / /___/ /___/ /_//_/ /_/ /_//_/ /_/ /_/ /_//_/ /____/ /____/ /_/ ### # # # # # # # ## ### # # # # # ### #requently # #sked ###uestions VERSION 1.2/JANUARY 6, 1997 WHAT IS DEATH RALLY? (Obvious first question) ============================================= Death Rally is a top/down view racing game with the play style closely related to 2 games called Super Sprint and Super Off Road. In this game, you race up against 3 other race cars who will do anything to get their way to win. Just so you know, this game can be played normally or if you want some action, you can choose to race with weapons and blow away your opponents. A game like this will require skill, cunning, and the ability to stay alive and win at all costs. 1.) HOW DO I GET STARTED IN THIS RACE? ====================================== (I will automatically assume you have started a game and have put in your name at the start and have chosen a face for yourself.) Okay, now that you have your name, might as well give your car a color and choose either to have weapons or not. (I'll assume you chose YES on the weapons question.) Now, when you start off, you will get a "CRAPPY" car. (In other words you start out as the only one who has no upgrades and has a car that has poor handling.) I will say this, winning will not be easy, since you will start off with this car. Do pick the EASY race when you start, if you choose the other races, you will surely lose. Of course if you don't want to make this race count, when you are asked to select a race, just sit there until all the races are full or press the ESC key. This way, you can save your money, and you won't get credited for racing. This effect basically counts as a null race, meaning, you didn't participate. If you do decide to just let all the races get full and not participate, then skip to question 5. 2.) WHAT IF I DECIDE NOT TO USE WEAPONS? ======================================== Then you will race around the track without being able to do much damage to other cars. Yes, you can do damage if you don't use weapons, but just not as much. You would have to ram the opponent with your car in order to do some damage to other cars. It's your basic race game when you choose no weapons. 3.) OKAY, SO I HAVE SELECTED THE EASIEST RACE, WHAT NOW? ======================================================== Well, prey for a miracle and hope you win at LEAST 3rd place. Like I said, you start out with a crappy car, so don't expect to win all the time with your first race. If you don't win at all, (meaning you won last) you will not get any money for a reward. If you are a first racer, and during the race, you got a track that had a lot of twist and turns in the race, maybe you might want to start over and hope that you get a better race track. This is usually the best option if that happens. 4.) WELL, I DID MY BEST AFTER THE RACE, NOW I AM IN THE SHOPS, WHAT NOW? ======================================================================== Well, if you won at LEAST 3rd place, you will get $188 for that race and you got a point rating for getting a position higher than forth. You could also try to see if you can upgrade your car in the shops, or maybe get a new motor vehicle better than the one you have now. Or save up and try to see if you can win the next race. (For those of you who are first timers, play the EASY races for a while so you can stand a chance of winning. Just keep at it until you have gotten used to the game a while.) 5.) WHAT IF I DIDN'T PARTICIPATE IN ANY OF THE RACES AT THE START? ================================================================== Well, although you will not be counted for a win or lose, you will not get any money or anything else for that matter. You will then get a listing of who won what race. Then you will see your ranking at the moment, then you will be taken to the shops to upgrade your car. Unfortunately, if you didn't race the first time, then you don't have enough to make any upgrades except for your armor, which is useless at this point. 6.) WHAT IS A POINT RATING? =========================== If you win 3rd place or higher and depending on which race you chose, you get a certain amount of points. These points will give you a rank and you will be able to see what rank you are when you see the RANK listing after the race, and during the shops on the bottom right hand screen. The more points you have, the higher you will get in the rankings. 7.) FIRST OFF, HOW MANY POINTS WILL I RECIEVE IN ANY OF THE RACES? ================================================================== Okay, here is a list of rankings you will recieve if you enter any of the following races during the game and win either 1st, 2nd, or 3rd... EASY MEDIUM HARD ==== ====== ==== 1st = 3pts 5pts 10pts = (Manual says "8pts") 2nd = 2pts 3pts 7pts 3rd = 1pt 1pt 4pts As you can see, the points add up. Just so you know, yes, there is something special when you rank #1 in the rankings, but I'll save that question for last. 8.) YOU MENTIONED SOMETHING ABOUT MONEY, DO I WIN CERTAIN AMOUNTS OF MONEY TO? ============================================================================== Yes, again, it depends on what race you are in and what you place in the race. Here is a list of earnings you will get for each race... EASY MEDIUM HARD ==== ====== ==== 1st = $750 $3000 $12000 2nd = $375 $1500 $6000 3rd = $188 $375 $1500 As you can see, the tougher the race you are in, the more money you will get out of it. 9.) OKAY, LETS TALK ABOUT GETTING MORE MONEY, CAN THAT BE DONE? =============================================================== Yes, this is achieved several ways. Here is a list of how to get more money in this game... A.) Picking up "$" during the race will give you more money (money varies) B.) Win 1st place 3 times in a row will earn you money after the race C.) Taking only 2% damage or less will earn you some money after the race D.) Killing a racer for someone will earn you money E.) Getting the steroids for someone and winning 1st will earn you BIG BUCKS F.) Killing all the cars in the race you are in will earn you bucks G.) Ask the LOANSHARK for a loan, but you will have to pay it back soon If you want more info about some of the above, see question 24. As you can see, there are LOTS of ways of winning extra money for you if you don't like the winnings you get when you win 1st, 2nd, or 3rd place. Do remember that some of the above stuff can increase with new cars that you buy. 10.) OKAY, YOU WERE SAYING SOMETHING ABOUT GETTING BETTER CARS? =============================================================== Yes, you can get better cars in the game. I hope you have lots of dough with you, because you are gonna need it. New cars don't come cheap so you will need all the dough you can get. Here is a list of vehicles you can buy in the game. The names are what the game calls it, I will tell you what it looks like in reality... A.) VAGABOND = This what you start with, it looks like a VOLKS WAGON bug B.) DERVISH = This is a good vehicle to get next, it's a pickup truck C.) SENTINEL = Better than the Dervish, faster, it looks like a family car D.) SHRIEKER = This is a great car, 2 guns to fire, looks like camero E.) WRAITH = Awesome car, 2 guns and good speed, looks like porche F.) DELIVERATOR = Best car you can get, looks like MACH 5 from SPEED RACER Along with these cars comes much upgrading. What I will list now is the up- grades needed for each car that you buy. The rating I use is the amount of upgrades needed for that car to get max stats... A.) VAGABOND = ENGINE-1 TIRES-2 ARMOR-1 B.) DERVISH = ENGINE-2 TIRES-2 ARMOR-2 C.) SENTINEL = ENGINE-2 TIRES-3 ARMOR-2 D.) SHRIEKER = ENGINE-3 TIRES-3 ARMOR-3 E.) WRAITH = ENGINE-3 TIRES-4 ARMOR-3 F.) DELIVERATOR = ENGINE-4 TIRES-4 ARMOR-4 Now what follows is a list of the cars with their prices, keep in mind that the prices listed is for a new car without any upgrades to the new car. Also remember that you can get a refund with your old car to, including the prices for the upgrades you gave the car, the problem is that you get a 25% refund, so you basically get a little bit back from your old car. Prices are as follows... A.) VAGABOND = $500 B.) DERVISH = $2500 C.) SENTINEL = $6500 D.) SHRIEKER = $11500 E.) WRAITH = $25000 F.) DELIVERATOR = $45000 There is in fact another car, but this is the boss car. (As of now, there have been rumors about being able to play as the boss car, but if that is true, it is unknown to me at this time. For those of you who own the SHAREWARE version of this game, you are not able to select the SHRIEKER, WRAITH, or DELIVERATOR in the game, and you cannot play against the secret boss in SHAREWARE game.) Some things that you will need to remember when you want a new car is... A.) The next car you want to buy will always be more expensive than the one you have. B.) Prices for upgrading cars increase when you get a new vehicle. C.) The cars speed will also increase with each new car, that is why getting the tire upgrades is more important. 11.) ABOUT THESE UPGRADES, DO THEY HELP ME, AND DO THEY COST? ============================================================ First, yes, the upgrades do help you out a lot, especially if you want to control your vehicle more easily, move faster in the race, and be better protected during a race. If you are a first timer at this game, it would be best if you upgraded your tires first. Handling will play an important part in this game. Then upgrade your engines, then your armor. Second, yes, it will cost you some major bucks to do some serious upgrading, so save your money for upgrades, not weapon add ons. Also remember that once you buy an upgrade, the upgrade is permanent, you don't lose what you gain. Here is a list of the upgrade costs for all the cars in the game... VAGABOND DERVISH SENTINEL SHRIEKER WRAITH DELIVERATOR ======== ======= ======== ======== ====== =========== E1 = $1000 $1250 $2500 $2500 $5000 $7550 E2 = $2500 $3750 $3750 $7500 $11750 E3 = $5000 $10000 $15800 E4 = $22450 T1 = $500 $1000 $2500 $2500 $4000 $6000 T2 = $1000 $2000 $3000 $3000 $5500 $8500 T3 = $4000 $4000 $6000 $9750 T4 = $7500 $12500 A1 = $200 $200 $1000 $2025 $3200 $5525 A2 = $600 $1200 $3925 $4550 $7250 A3 = $5950 $6950 $12525 A4 = $15505 12.) WHAT ABOUT THE EXTRA WEAPONS THAT YOU CAN BUY AFTER THE SHOPS? =================================================================== Well, if you feel as though you want to give yourself an added advantage, then go ahead, but it will only last for one race, and certain items last for only a little while during the race. I'll go ahead and explain what each of the extra weapons mean while in the weapons shop... MINES = Only works when someone is behind you during a race SPIKES = These are great, they replace your front bumpers for rear attacks ROCKETS = This is a ROCKET nitro, when you use the nitro, you go much faster SABATAGE = This damages the most powerful racer when you choose a race LOANSHARK = It only increases your money, but you have to pay it back soon If you want to know the best buys, then that would be the SPIKES for being able to hit your opponent from the back side and does great damage, and the SABATAGE for at least getting ONE person weak and possibly out of the way. (For those of you who own the shareware version of this game, you can only get certain ones at certain times. It basically randomizes what you can buy, but if you have the registered version, you can get these weapons ANYTIME you want to. Keep in mind of course that these options are only available if you are playing a game with the weapons ability.) The LOAN SHARK can be good or bad for you. First off, please remember tha the LOAN SHARK will not give you any money until you have raced on a track, and have won at least third place when you did. It helps you get some money if you are short on funds, and you can try to purchase a better vehicle if you think you can get enough money for it. The problem with this is that you have to pay this money back after 3 races and there is an interest charge when you pay it back. If you don't pay it back, well, lets just say that you will be in deep trouble. Mines are okay, but the trouble is that they can effect you to if you are not careful. You see, mines are only used to slowdown as well as damage other cars, but if you planted a mine and none of the cars hit the mine, and you go around a lap to the area where the mine is, you can, if fact, take damage from your own mines. Please be wary of this. (Keep in mind that the extra weapons option is not available to you if you choose to race without weapons.) 13.) CAN THE CPU PLAYERS GET THESE WEAPONS TO? ============================================== Yes, they can get the same stuff as you can when you are racing, so do watch out for that. Just so you know, the only thing the CPU cannot do is SABATAGE your car. (Apparently, you have some good security on your car.) You can also tell when they have certain stuff during the race by watching their features when you are racing. If you see spikes on the bumpers of any vehicle, then they OBVIOUSLY have spiked bumpers, if you see a car shoot out flames on it's back side of the car, then they have rocket nitros, but if you see something come out of their rear and it explodes when you touch it, then they OBVIOUSLY have mines. Watch out if they have ANY of these abilities. 14.) IF THE CPU CAN BUY NEW WEAPONS, THEN SURELY THEY CAN BUY NEW VEHICLES? =========================================================================== Actually, no, they can't. For some ODD reason, the character that started with a car will still be driving the same car until the end of the game. You are the only person who can buy a new vehicle, no matter what. The reason for this is to make sure the CPU doesn't cheat and suddenly get rich and all the CPU opponents get the DELIVERATOR in one game. I mean think about it, do you want to race up against everybody who ALL have DELIVERATORs in ANY race you go in? Although I do have to admit that the game is rather easy if you are a highly experienced racer. 15.) WELL THEN, CAN YOU TELL ME WHO OWNS WHAT VEHICLE? ====================================================== Well, okay, I'll list who has what vehicle with their name next to the car name. This can be important to you if you know how to use the info... BOGUS BILL = VAGABOND FARMER TED = VAGABOND LIZ ARDEN = DERVISH DIESEL JOE = DERVISH MIC DAIR = DERVISH MORI SATO = SENTINEL SUZY STOCK = SENTINEL IRON JOHN = SENTINEL CHER STONE = SENTINEL LEE VICE = SHRIEKER DARK RYDER = SHRIEKER GREG PECK = SHRIEKER MAD MAC = WRAITH MOTOR MARY = WRAITH MATT MILER = WRAITH CLINT WEST = WRAITH NASTY NICK = DELIVERATOR JANE HONDA = DELIVERATOR SAM SPEED = DELIVERATOR DUKE NUKEM = DELIVERATOR As you can see, this game does have a wide range of racers. Plus, you can sort of tell who will drive in which race, just by watching who enters what race. Please also remember that you can knock out a racer when you choose a face at the beginning of the game that represents a character in the game. This can be very helpful if you want to get to the top by taking out, at least, one good driver. 16.) IF THAT IS THE CASE, WHO'S FACE SHOULD I USE TO TAKE THAT PERSON OUT? ========================================================================== DUKE NUKEM!!! (He looks like the one in blonde, buzzcut hair with shades, and has a silly grin on his face. That's the person to be as when you race in this game, and if you want to get to the top without any trouble from him.) The reason for this is that he has an armor rating that is higher than the game will allow you to have. He basically has an armor rating of 5 instead of the normal highest, which is 4. (I don't know why they made such a tough character since he is not the last boss in the game.) 17.) CAN DUKE NUKEM BE BEATEN IF YOU WERE TO RACE AGAINST HIM? ============================================================== Yes, but it will require a lot of skill and experience. It will take you the whole entire race to actually take him out if you were to use your guns and other weapons. As mentioned, he has an armor rating that is not possible for you to get. Beating him is possible, but it is going to be tough to do since he is so tough and will be just as fast as you if you have the same type of car he has. So, If you plan to choose a face, please choose this one to make the game a little easier or you. 18.) CAN THE CPU AMMO SUPPLY RUN OUT DURING A RACE? =================================================== Yes, they too can only fire their weapons for so long before they have to pick up more ammo during the race. This also includes nitros and mines. (Although I have noticed that sometimes the racers do have a way of catching up to you when you are way ahead of the race. How can that be?) 19.) HOW MANY RACE TRACKS ARE THERE IN THIS GAME? ================================================= There are 18 unique tracks to race on, and the secret track with the boss car on that track, so that makes 19 tracks. In the SHAREWARE, there is only 6 unique tracks available. 20.) WHAT'S SO SPECIAL ABOUT THESE TRACKS? ========================================== Really nothing, except that each track has is own UPs and DOWNs if you are not careful. What I mean is, some of the tracks are tricky if you don't know the track well. As mentioned before, if you race on a new track you have not seen before at all, practice on it on an easier level, then try to race in that track with the other bad boys/girls. 21.) IS THERE ANYTHING ELSE THAT IS INTERESTING ABOUT THESE TRACKS? =================================================================== Okay, here is the complete info that I can tell you about the tracks so far... A.) Some tracks have gaps or shortcuts which allow you to be able to get to the other side of the track, but you can get caught taking shortcuts when you do this. Please be very careful when using shortcuts. Sometimes the game will let you slip by once or twice, but once in a while, the game will not give you any winnings what so ever because you cheated by taking a shortcut through a gap you saw. So if for some reason you didn't win any money from a race, this is why. (Sometimes going backwards can cause the game to not give you money either.) B.) You can, in fact, shoot innocent people that stand near the road of this game. They are just your average local fans, cheering for their favorite racer. Another thing you can do is run over these people as well. Of course by doing so will slow you down, but the blood marks it make when you kill them, give the race track a nice color of BLOOD. (Talk about painting a town RED...LOL) C.) Some race tracks have some interesting 3-D effects. Like some of the race tracks that are in the city are rather interesting to see when you are racing. D.) Some tracks have some bonuses, and/or has some hazards that you need to watch out for. Like one race track has speed boost areas of the track. What I mean is on certain tracks, they have speed boosters that help you go faster for a short time. It's most used for if you have low nitros and you want to get a short boost for a short time. You will know the track has speed boosters if you see several arrows embedded in the road so you can drive over them and go faster. (Yes, there is another track with arrows on them, but those are WHITE arrows, they don't look like they are embedded on the road.) E.) Some race tracks have walls or corners which can sometimes slow you down to a halt if you are not careul of how you turn on the corners. Plus, hitting corners can damage your car by doing so, this is something you need to remember when you are making a turn near a wall or solid object. As you can see, tracks can be good for you, or bad for you if you are not careful on how to treat your car while racing, or the track for that matter. 22.) CAN YOU AT LEAST GIVE ME SOME TIPS ON BEING A GOOD DRIVER? =============================================================== Okay, I'll see what I can do, but keep in mind that everyone has their own strategy for playing this game, using this may not be the right thing for you or it may not work to your advantage, but some tips here will be rather useful when you are playing this game... A.) Always upgrade your tires first, handling is going to be important to you if you race with a new vehicle. Then upgrade your armor next, unless you plan to try to out run your opponent, then upgrade your engines. If you are playing without weapons, then upgrade your engines next, not armor. B.) If you are low on cash, ask LOANSHARK for some, but you better pay it back soon or you will be in a bad situation. C.) Do your best to take out the last driver if you are falling behind, being third is better than last. D.) When you are about to race, don't start out early, let the pack pass you, the reason is you want to be able to do some damage to the other cars so that you at least have a better chance of taking out a car or 2 or 3. Plus by doing this, you won't take damage, you will dish out damage. But do try to catch up to the pack so you don't fall behind. E.) During a race, do your best to collect the "$" symbols on the road to get yourself more money for yourself. The problem with this is that if you finish last, you do not get any of the money you collected during a race. This also applies if you took a shortcut through a wall or side road. F.) Try to keep up with your ammo supply. Collect the ammo icons when ever possible to make sure you don't run out of ammo to soon. Also try to spare your ammo so you can get some good hits in. (This is only important if you are playing a game with the weapons option on.) G.) If you are a first time racer, and you are stuck with the VAGABOND, maybe getting a loan from the LOADSHARK is not such a bad idea. You do get a nice some of money, but the money you get varies with the car you have, so remember this. Also remember that you have to pay it back, or else. Also remember that he will only give you the money if you have won some races. H.) If you do win a race, and you have enough money for it, REPAIR your car first. The damage you took can accumulate if you don't start to repair your car. As you can already tell, this will require some skill if you want some of these tips to work for you. It might be best if you played the game a few times to get to know the moves, vehicles, and other things before you try to actually play a real game. 23.) COULD YOU TELL ME WHAT EACH ICON MEANS WHEN YOU GET THEM DURING A RACE? ============================================================================ Okay, this is a list of ICONS you can pickup while you are racing in the game... SMALL "$" = The small "$" on the road give you some money. The money actually varies from race to race. The tougher the race, the more money the icons give you. LARGE "$" = These give you some good money, but these are hard to find. If you see the BIG "$" icon, pick it up, it will give you 10 times the amount of a small "$" for that race. Again, the money you earn from the BIG "$" varies form race to race. WRENCHES = These icons repair a little of the armor if you took damage. The amount of repairs done to your car varies, but not from race to race, the amount of damage repaired is chosen at random. Just like the "$" icons, there are 2 sizes of wrenches. There is a small and big wrench to pick up. Obviously the big wrench will repair a lot more than the small. (Manual says that the BIG wrench will give you 25% back, the highest I have seen was 20%.) LIGHTNING = The Bolt of Lightning icon helps you get more nitros back to your car. There are no 2 sizes for this, there is only one type of icon for this one. (Keep in mind of course that nitros can fill up by itself, but at a very slow rate.) AMMO = These icons look a little like shotgun shells. When you pick these up, you get some ammo back. There are no 2 sizes, there is only one size for this icon. (Keep in mind that ammo will not fill up by itself at all, you can only get ammo by picking these up. The ammo icons will only appear if you are racing with the weapons option selected.) MUSHROOMS = DO NOT PICK THESE UP, THEY ARE HARMFUL TO YOU!!! If you do pick these up, you will experience what it is like to do drugs. The screen will warp weirdly and will cause your vision to go bonkers. This can cost you a race if you are not careful. Although it is possible to still drive, you will have a hard time judging when to turn, shoot, and speedup or slowdown. Sometimes, some of these are hard to get, some are hard to avoid, and some are even hard to find while racing. Also remember that these items will not stay on the track for very long, so pick up what ever you can before they're gone. 24.) OKAY, SO TELL ME ABOUT THOSE PEOPLE WHO ASK ME TO DO SOMETHING FOR MONEY? ============================================================================== Okay, I'll explain in more detail about these guys... A.) One of the people will ask you to get the STEROIDS for him. This is how it works. When he asks you, you can say YES or NO. If you say YES, what you do is, during a race, look for the pills or steroids that he is asking for, and when you find them, get the pills and then HALL YOUR BUTT so you are first. You must win first place when you collect the steroids, or you won't get the money he offers you and he takes some of your money for not doing what he asked you to do. Money varies from the type of car you got. If you do the job right, he gives you the money at the end of the race. B.) The second type of person you will see will be a guy who places a bet with a friend that he believes that a certain car or person will not make it to the finish line. What he does is offers you a percentage of his winnings to you and tells you that you will get the winnings if you take a certain person out that he wants. You may say YES or NO to him, but saying YES means that you have to take him out and he must not reach the finish line no matter what. If you do, he offers you a large some of cash for doing your job. He gives you your money after the race is over. This will only happen if you select the weapons option ONLY. If you did not do your job when you excepted the offer, he takes some of your money. If you race without the weapons option, you will not get this guy to appear. C.) If you kill all the cars during one race, some strange looking guy comes to you and says that you can join his group or something like that. He also gives you some money for being the only person to survive that race. This will only happen after the race, and if you kill all the cars in that race you were in. D.) Some guy comes up to you and says that he was surprised to see you come out of that race with hardly any scratches to your paint job. He also says that his bet was on you and it paid him back big time and hands you some of his earnings that he won. This will only happen after the race, and if you have taken only 2% damage or less during a race. E.) If you win 1ST place 3 times in a row, some guy comes to you and says that your winning streak has earned you some bucks. He then hands you some money. This only happens after the race, and if you won 3 times in a row. It doesn't matter what races you have won, just win 1ST place 3 times in a row. Just so you know, no one in this game ever rips you off. You always get the money you deserve when you earn it properly. But as mentioned, if you do not fulfill your part of the bargain, then they will rip you off by taking some of your money. Another thing you must know is that the money earned is increased or decreased based on what type of car you have. 25.) GEEZ, SOME OF THE NAMES OF THESE CHARATCERS ARE FUNNY, WHY? ================================================================ That's APOGEE for you. (APOGEE is just a game company that helped make this game.) APOGEE is notorious for making games with funny and humorous people. Here is a list of the characters that they are making jokes about that I know of so far... Character name Name They Are Joking About ============== ========================== CHER STONE Sharen Stone (Actress) CLINT WEST Clint Eastwood (Actor/Director) MAD MAC Mad Maxx (Character from a movie) JANE HONDA Jane Fonda (Actress/Erobics Instructor) GREG PECK Gregory Peck (Actor) LEE VICE (Name is based on the MIAMI VICE series) SAM SPEED (Based on cartoon series SPEED RACER, note the car) DUKE NUKEM (An old character APOGEE came up with for a game) As you can see, some of the characters are closely related to real characters in real life, or characters that we are familar with. (Please keep in mind that the APOGEE name and all names mentioned, except of course the real actor names, are copyright and registered trademark.) 26.) IS THERE ANYTHING ELSE THAT I SHOULD BE AWARE OF? ====================================================== Hmmm, good question. Sometimes a person can only tell you so much, but the real question is, "Are you ready for this?". Also, part of the trick is seeing if you can use the info I have given you. Information is free, but it's putting the information to good use that costs you. I cannot tell you anymore than what I have told you. It's up to you if you are ready to use the info I have given you. I might do an update on this FAQ, but it all depends on if I find any new information on this game. I hope that you can put all this info to good use and good luck. 27.) WHAT CAN YOU TELL ME ABOUT THE LAST CAR...THE BOSS CAR? ============================================================ Well, here is a list of what you can expect from the secret boss car if you race against this person (Remember, you must rank #1 and you cannot tie with anyone if you want to race the boss car in the game. Also remember that you cannot race up against the boss car in the SHAREWARE version of this game.) A.) He is very fast, he has the fastest car in the game. I do not know if there is a way to play as this car, but I will add more info as it comes to me. B.) He will always have mines for extra weapons, so expect this from him. C.) His weapons are more powerful than yours and you will take a lot of damage from him if you get hit. D.) If you do have the ability to take him out, do so. You have plenty of time to do it. The race is 9 laps long, so you will have plenty of time to do anything to this guy. E.) In this race, you only race against him, no one else. It's a one-on-one race against time and speed. F.) There is nothing special when you beat this car in any difficulty. All you get is a cinematic of the boss car getting destroyed and then a closeup of the boss car in flames. Then the game is over. Then your name goes into the HIGHSCORE hall of fame. (WHOOPIDO!) G.) They call him the "ADVERSARY", as for why he is called that is beyond me, but it does fit his reputation. This race is gonna be a tough one and it will take all the skill of an experienced racer to win and/or take out this racer for good. One thing you need to know is that once you beat the boss car, the game is over. 28.) YOU MEAN TO TELL ME THAT THERE IS NO REAL ENDING TO THIS GAME? =================================================================== That's correct. There is nothing special to see when you beat the boss car at the end of the race. You just get the usual "GAME OVER" screen when you win. The people who made this game (I'm guessing at this) didn't want you to enjoy the ending, they wanted you to enjoy the game. 29.) HEY, WHY CAN'T I SABATAGE THE BOSS CAR? ============================================ Because he is the boss and he does what he wants. Also because they didn't want to make this game THAT easy for you. I mean, come on, if they gave you the SABATAGE option when you are about to race against this guy, you would be able to beat him NO PROBLEM, but since the game won't let you, you have to EARN your win, FAIR & SQUARE...(Yeah right, even the boss car plays dirty. See question 27 for more info.) Another thing could be is that he has the best security money can buy, so the boss doesn't let ANYONE mess with his car except him. (It's also possible that the programmers of this game decided to make a real game for once...[just kidding of course] ;) 30.) CAN I RACE UP AGAINST ANYONE ELSE IN THIS GAME? ==================================================== Well, that all depends, do you have a modem, network, or COMM connection? 31.) UMM, WHY DOES THAT MATTER? =============================== Well, if you want to race up against other or more interesting racers, having a modem, network, or COMM connection can help. If you are using a modem, you can call other people to have race with you. The best modem to use is a 28.8 or higher if you have one. (For those of you who own a 14.4 modem, you must know that most 14.4 modems have been known to be rather twitchy when using a game with modem support. If you are having trouble with your 14.4 due to a game that you have, call your local tech. support or computer store for help on this problem.) If you are using a network, it will most likely work when you are using multiple computers near or within the area of your network server. (If you are using network, please make sure you load the proper IPX and other network commands before you use the network option.) If you are using the COMM option, this is basically your COMM port connected to other computers around you. (If you use the COMM option, you will need to make sure you properly specify which COMM port you are using.) Just so you know, the SHAREWARE version of this game can do this to. Just so you know, you don't need to use ANY modem programs, there options are already in the game itself, it's in the main menu screen called "CONNECTION". Select that and you can then select the type of connection you have. (Keep in mind that both you and the person you want to race against must have his/her own copy of DEATH RALLY installed on the computer and both must have a connection of some sort.) 32.) HOW EXCATLY WOULD THIS WORK FOR EACH TYPE OF CONNECTION? ============================================================= Okay, I'll explain in more detail about each type of connection, but you must also realize that it would also help if you read your manuals more often, instead of trying to read FAQ guides... MODEM = With this option, one person must setup the computer to CALL someone and the other end must select the ANSWER option. When someone is CALLing, the other end must be ready to ANSWER your call, or else there will be no connection. The number you call is basically the phone number of a person, like a ragular phone number, but the modem programs in the game will make it so that it will set it up so you are racing with someone on the other end of the phone line. Unfortunely, it is only against you and the person you are calling, that's it. Another problem is that this will go on your phone bill as a regular phone call, so you might want to call someone that is local rather than long distance. NETWORK = This is a great feature to have and is a lot faster than a modem. This ability requires you to have a remote access to the server using cables instead of modems. Plus, using a network setup will allow you to race up against 3 other racers at one time. That means 4 racers to really pump you up. How it works is, one person sets up the game, while the other 3 people just join in on the race that you create. The person who sets it up will allow all racers to start with a certain amount of money and the person also can choose the race track to race on. You can also choose whether or not to use weapons or not. Plus, all racers can upgrade their cars in the shops, as though they were playing a real game. COMM port = This feature is very similar to the NETWORK option, but with this one, you have to have what's known as COMM ports. These COMM ports are located on the back of most computers. They use special COMM cables that connect to other computers near you. When using this feature, the game will go just as fast as network, but when you select this option, you have to select in which COMM port you have it connected to when you play, or the game will not work properly. Just like in network play, one person selects the options, while the rest just wait for the game to begin. Just so you know, when using modem play, you can set up the game just like in the NETWORK or COMM play. This really is a great feature to have. If you don't have a modem, then get what they call COMM cables. These cables can be baught in almost any computer store for about $5-$10 a piece. All you basically do is connect one COMM cable to one computer to another computer. Getting a NETWORK game is not that easy. You have to have a server machine or go to someone who has access to computers that have remote access to the server using NETWORK cables. Just so you know, anyone can get a server machine, but the price for one is very expensive. A server has a starting price of about $2000. These servers will give what's called a SITE LICENSE for 10 users or people. (Meaning that 10 computers can have access to the server at one time. A SITE LICENSE is a license that allows you to give a certain amount of people access to the server at your descretion, as long as you abide by the SITE LICENSE rules.) One more thing you should know is that this option is available in the SHAREWARE version of this game for you to test as well. 32.) ARE THERE ANY CHEAT CODES FOR THIS GAME? ============================================= Yes, there is. Some good cheat codes at that to. For those of you who don't want to lose the value of this game, do not read beyond this part. I will not be held responsible for people who suddenly hate this game when they beat it with these cheat codes. If you don't really care if you cheat or not, then read on. All these cheats are to be typed in during a part of the game, they will be explained below... Type these cheat codes in during the races or when you are about to race. ========================================================================= DRUB = Invincible DREAD = Unlimited ammo for all weapon DRAG = Unlimited nitros DRINK = Get the ROCKET NITRO without buying it in the shops. DRUG = This effect is the same as getting the MUSHROOMs Type these cheat codes in during the shops when you are buying stuff. ===================================================================== DROOL = Gives you $500,000 as your money. DRAW = Gives you $1,000 each time you type the code DRIVE = Gives you 10 points so you can get higher in the rankings DROP = Removes 10 points from your rankings Here is a little easter egg that you might like to know. ======================================================== When you are starting a new game, name yourself... DUKE NUKEM Make sure you type it in EXCATLY like I have it with the space between the 2 words. Make sure you do not hold the shift keys when you do this. (For some reason, using the shift keys will not make this cheat work properly.) When you use that name, you will get the armor factor of what ever DUKE NUKEM has in the game. (For some reason, as mentioned several times, DUKE NUKEM has an armor factor that is not possible of having in the game. Even though he is driving a DELIVERATOR, it is not possible to have an armor rating that good. If you are doubting my word, just try to take him out with your weapons and see how long it takes you to knock him out of the race.) This is very helpful if you are having trouble with cars that like to shoot at you. MENTAL NOTE =========== All cheats, except for the DRIVE cheat, will work for the SHAREWARE version of this game. 33.) IF YOU WERE TO RATE THIS GAME, WHAT WOULD YOU RATE IT? =========================================================== Well, I'll do my best to rate this game for you, but keep in mind that other people have their own opinions about games, so please do not take my rating as though you must trust me, just take as a warning and consideration. I rate the game from 1-5 on MY rating scale, 5 being the best, here is how I rate the game, the explainations will follow... GRAPHICS = 4 SOUND = ? CONTROL = 4 UNIQUENESS = 3 OVARALL = 4 DIFFICULTY = MEDIUM GRAPHICS = The graphics are rather good and smooth comparded to other race games that have the same gameplay feature. Although I am sure that, for a PC, they could have done this game in 640x480. Mostly because there is NOT that much background animation going on, so this could work well in that resolution for almost any PC system with a PENTIUM chip. I also like the fact that you can run over people and it will actually show the tire marks, even after you have gone a lap or more. The most recent games didn't leave this when you went around a lap again to see what you did. This has to do with new technology to manipulate the sprites controller when you are playing. This is also true when you leave tread marks on the road. When you skid or burn some rubber, the tread marks will still be in the exactly same location from when you first made the tread marks, even after you have gone more than a LAP around the track. This makes the game very realistic. Another thing that is very mind boggling is when you accidently get the MUSHROOM. The graphics warp very strangely, but it shows a very close likeness of what it's like to do drugs. (Not like I would know what drugs would look or feel like or anything ;) ) SOUND = My soundcard was not working at the time, will work on this. CONTROL = When you first start out, you get a crappy car. As with any race game where you can buy upgrades, it will take some patients, time, and skill to get the upgrades you need for your car. But, once you have gotten far in the game and have gotten a pretty good car, the control is very good and very easy to use when you are racing. Sometimes it is also best to test out the tracks, rather than just go all out and race on any track and hope to win. The key for you newbies is practice, for those of you who have played such games as the classic SUPER SPRINT or SUPER OFF ROAD, you people will catch on really fast. Another thing I do like is the fact that you can play HEAD-TO-HEAD with other people from around the world who have this game. If you do like to play up against other people for the pure pleasure of it, and you would like some style in a race game, then this is a must have for you HEAD-TO-HEAD players. (If you want more info on playing HEAD-TO-HEAD with other people, see question 30. 31. and 32 for more info on this.) UNIQUENESS = Hmmm, a racing game with guns, mines, nitros, money, and the ability to buy better and more controllable cars. Well, it is rather original, but all they did was just took the idea of SUPER SPRINT and SUPER OFF ROAD and made it more interesting to people who play these games. Although, I do like the idea of running over innocent people who stand on the side of the roads as you pass them by. I also like the fact that you can upgrade your car and the many ways of getting money. Personally, I think that the people who made this game could have made more cars for us to choose from. Plus, being able to upgrade to 5 or 6 points for the best car so you could stand a REAL chance with the secret boss car could have helped out to. And how about some sort of a track editor for us people to edit and create. Other than my usual NICK PICKINESS, this game is rather unique in it's own way. People who have kids or want to give their kids a good game with not that much violence, this would be a good game to give to them. If you are just an adult, then get it for the pleasure of being able to blow the smokes off of a car with guns, mines, and pounding them with your front spiked bumpers. (Of course you need to watch out for the CPU's tricky way of doing the same thing to you to.) Some other things that make this game interesting is the fact that you not only buy cars and upgrades, but choosing a face for yourself, and a color or your car make this game stand out a little from the other race games I have seen. Of course another thing that makes this one so unique is that you can play HEAD-TO-HEAD with other people using either the modem, network, or COMM play. This feature seems to be the FAD with most PC games, and great fun with someone you don't know. OVERALL = This game adds the fun style of SUPER SPRINT/SUPER OFF ROAD with an added twist of guns, mines, nitros, spikes, sabatage, and being able to get all the money you want (If you know how), plus the fact that the animation is very smooth and the playablity is very cool so that kids can play this game, all adds up to a great and interesting race game filled with lots of tracks to race on and racing up against 3 other racers at the same time. Plus the fact that you get to race against the secret boss car when you rank #1 in the game. There are also plenty of cheats (see question 25) to help you out while you are playing this game. DIFFICULTY = This game can be hard if you have not played such games as the classic SUPER SPRINT or SUPER OFF ROAD. If this is your first time to play with such a game, you will need to be very patient with this game. For those of you who have played such classic games, you will have a field day with this game. The game is not that difficult, but the opponents will sometimes play hard to get, and even down and dirty once in a while. The CPU's AI (Advanced Intelligence) is good. They know how to make sure you stay on their tale, and know how to plant the mines just right so you hit them almost everytime. Plus, some of the tracks are rather hard to master since the CPU is a master at taking the corners rather easily, but you get used to it after a few races on the same track over and over again. Although I will say that after beating this game for about the 5th-7th time, you will grow rather tired of it. The only replay I would get out of it would be to just be able to see how fast I could take out all the opponents on any track and to see how many times I can beat the time records on each track. If you play against someone over the modem, network, or COMM port, the difficulty is measured by who does play well and who doesn't play well. 34.) LAST QUESTION, WHO IS THE MAKER OF THIS FAQ AND HOW CAN I CONTACT THEM? ============================================================================ All you need to know is that the name of the person who wrote this is "COOPERTEAM". If you have anymore questions for me, or if you see something that I need to fix in this FAQ, you can contact me by this E-mail address... cooperteam@hotmail.com If you do have more info that you would like for me to add to this FAQ, and if I feel is very useful, I will give you the proper credit for doing so. Please let me know if you want credit for it or not, and whether or not you want me to post your E-mail on the next update to this FAQ. Please, only real, factual, and true info. No bogus info. I want to make this FAQ as real and as true as possible for ALL people to have. If you do send me a tip or something that you feel may be needed, I will test your tip out, I do happen to have this game, so please remember that. I know I will be doing an update, but it all depends on if I get the info I need for this game. I would also like to point out that no part of this FAQ may be reproduced or redone without properly asking the creator of this guide for permission, unless it is for personal use only. If you would like to contact me on a deal of any kind, I am sometimes a very good listener and would be happy to work out any deal that you might have for me. Thanks. ___________________________________ SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT FROM | | | WHY DOES THE DERVISH LOOK BETTER | THE WRITER OF THIS FAQ! / | ||||||| /\ THAN THE SENTINEL IN THIS GAME??? | | _ _ | / | | | o o | | IF IT LOOKS BETTER THAN ANOTHER | | U | | | \ _ / | VEHICLE, MAKE IT BETTER!!! | \_/ |___________________________________| ONE MORE ANNOUNCEMENT ===================== Along with this FAQ guide, I have made some other FAQ and solution guides. If you are wondering or interested in these solution guides, look for the following solution guides that I have made with my name on them... DARKSUN:SHATTERED LANDS = Solution Guide = PC STRONGHOLD = FAQ Guide = PC WAR GODS = Strategy Guide = Multi Platform DARK RIFT = Strategy Guide = N64 X-MEN VS STREET FIGHTER = Strategy Guide = Multi Platform CLAYFIGHTER 63 1/3 = Strategy Guide = N64