Welcome to the amazing world of Twinsen! This game is the best adventure game I've ever played. That's why i've finish it six times. The world of Twinsen is populated by all sorts of fantastic creatures. You'll see troughout the game. This is a quick view of the controls (the ones your going to use the most): F5 - Normal Mode F6 - Sporty Mode F7 - Agressive Mode F8 - Discret Mode Arrow Keys - Move around Space - Behavoir action Shift - Inventory Tab - See map Enter - Change camera view Alt - Use weapon Hold X + Arrow Keys - Strafe (when fighting) W - Use key (doesn't matter the behavior) Enough chit-chat. LET'S BEGIN THE WALKTROUGH!!! ======================================================================================================= ============== |INTRODUCTION| ============== After the beautiful introduction movie, Zoe (your wife) will tell you that Dino-Fly (Twinen's bestfriend since LBA) has just crashed behind your house and you need to go to the pharmacy to look for acure. Now you have control of the hero, Twinsen. You see a door that needs a key (near the big lamp).The key can de found in the drawer near the door. Open the door with the key and enter the room.Take theMagic Ball (on the barrel), your Holomap (on the selves) and the three darts (on the table). You can practice with the darts on the head statue of Dr. Funfrock. In the same room is picture of youand Dino-Fly and a testament to your future descendants (on the selves with the candle). Exit the room! Before exiting the house, you can take a look at the picture of Zoe and the picture of Sendel (bluecreature, very important) to find out were is your Ancestral Tunic and Sendel's Medallion (Miss Bloop'sPrivate Museum). Exit the house and go behind the house to check on Dino-Fly. After that go into thehouse south of yours to check on your neighbour. Talk to your neighbour. Look's like he' been working ona map of the sewers, but it can't be read because he needs a Vial Of Gallic Acid and there's none lefton the island. Just our luck! We'll get to that later. ================================= |GETING YOUR TUNIC AND MEDALLION| ================================= Okay, check your map and see where is the museum. Enter the museum and talk to the elephant and he willcharge you 15 Kashes. Unfortunately, you don't have any Kashes. How to get Kashes ? Check every house inNormal Mode for Kashes, Life or Mana (check everything - flowers, drawers, painting etc.). HINT!!! Check the houses, go out, re-enter and check them again for Kashes, Mana or Life hearts. When you have enough Kashes, talk to the elephant in the museum again, give him 15 Kashes to enterexhibition center. Hey, there's your Tunic and Medallion! You can check the exhibits for moreinformation. Talk with the elephant at the desk. She will tell that the door upstairs is jammed and youcan't take your Tunic and Medallion because the controls are in the room upstairs. Okay, exit themuseum. Go above the museum at the building with a window opened. Enter trough the window. Hey, the roomwith the controls. Push the lever and the red button on the console. Now be quick and run down thestairs, and get your Tunic and Medallion. Mission acomplished!!! ======================= |THE LIGHTHOUSE KEPPER| ======================= Now exit the museum and go to the pharmacy. Talk with the seller and she'll tell you that they don'thave any cure for Dino-Fly. DAMN!!! Wait, the old lady tells you that he has an idea of how to cureDino-Fly. A cutscene will appear and a thief steals the old lady's umbrella. Exit the pharmacy and talkto the old lady. She tells you to bring back her umbrella from the thief. The bad news is that he willrun if you walk normally to him. Use Discret Mode to sneak behind him and to take the umbrella from him. Once you have the umbrella take it to the old lady. She tells you to see Ker'aook The Healer. The badnews is that Ker'aook The Healer is on Desert Island and you can't reach it because it is raining andthe ferryboat won't travel anywere. Okay, now check the map and go to the tent (found in upper part ofthe island). Talk with the wizard Bersimon, oh, I mean, GREAT MASTER OF SEA WINDS AND TORNADOES. You can check his wizard diploma on the wall. The wizard will tell that he can't stop the rain if Raph,the lighthouse kepper, is found. Look's like you have to search for him. Go outside and talk to the cow.The cow tells you that she saw Raph going to the cliffs to practice with his guitare. To find Raph,there are two ways, the hard way or my way. First the HARD way: Check the signs. When you look at a sign that says something about the clifs, go in that direction. When you see a sign that says "Access to the cliffs", enter the cave found in that direction. Fight the giant spider and go depper into the cave until you find an exit. Once out, you have to jump tothe other side (two jumps). Enter the next cave. Now the EASY way: Check the edge of the cliffs until you see the cave down. Now jump down, make sure you jump right. The bad thing is that you lose some life, but hey it' worth it. Once you've entered the cave go up the stairs and take a left to find Raph locked in prison. He tellsyou that he have been captured by the Tralu. Okay, now go the other way. Stop near the barrels and aimwith your Magic Ball the lever on the other side. Continue along the path. Next room you'll see a brokenladder. Ignore it for now. Go straight and jump until you see a lever a floor up. Jump on the rock nearthe wall with the lever and aim with your Magic Ball the lever. Now go back and jump to grab the ladder. Continue along the path and Joey The Elf (a little wizard, the guy from LBA) will appear. Looks like hestill has problems with his magic powers. As soon as he disapears, enter the next room. In this roombeat the liitle Tralu, then jump to the other side and beat the other little Tralu. Take theyr keys. Nowyou must walk on the thin wall, jump over the spikes and open the two doors. Be careful, the crow willattack you. Enter the next room and fight the big Tralu, then take his key. Go down and enter Raphprison and he will give a clover. Open the cell door and make your way back to the exit. Oh, oh, Zoe ishere. Now she's going to beat the crap out fo you!!! Just kiding. A cutscene will appear and you'l seeTwinsen and Zoe walking around the town until you meet the wizard Bersimon. He says that you should joinhim at the lighthouse. Go with Zoe to the lighthouse, talk with the wizard and a movie will appear. ====================================== |THE CURE FOR DINO-FLY AND THE ALIENS| ====================================== WOW, that was a great movie, with the alien spacehips coming down, looked like they are prepared toattack and ... Oh, sorry. Just caught up in the moment! Okay, after the cutscene is over, go to theharbour area and enter the building with a sign that has a round thingie on it. Buy a feery ticket toDesert Island and take the ferry to Desert Island (open your inventory and show your ticket to theferryman). Once you arrived on Desert Island, check the map and go see Ker'aook The Healer. The oldlady, the one with the umbrella, tells you that Ker'aook is not home and she also tells you to try theSchool Of Magic. DAMN!!! Okay, before you leave, take the Vial Of Gallic Acid. Now buy a ferry ticket toCitadel Island (the building near the fence and light pole and the big rock). Once you arrive in CitadelIsland, go your neighbour house and give him the Vial Of Gallic Acid. He'll give a small pyramid. Beforeyou leave check the document on the table (map of the sewers). Go talk to Zoe and she'll tell you thatyou must go Baldino (your friend in Desert Island) to take the car part you need to fix your car. Nowyou must be an errand boy ? Danm, this sucks. Buy a ferry ticket and go to Desert Island. Baldino'shouse is the one with a big telescope on the roof. Enter the house. Enter and talk to Baldino. He'llgive you the steering wheel of the car. You can check the blackboard and the telescope. Go back toCitadel Island and give the steering wheel to Zoe. She'll tell that Baldino forgot to give you aportable phone. Go back to Desert Island and go Baldino's house. Talk to Baldino. Now you have aportable phone. As soon as you leave Baldino's house, Zoe will give a call. The car's fixed and shebrought to Desert Island. Now you can try your car at the racetrack. Ask around about The School OfMagic. Go to the only building in the far desert. Enter the building and talk to the two drunk budies.One of them will tell you to talk to the guy on the roof. To get to the roof you must talk to thebartender to find out that he's keeping an eye on women's sauna. Go into the next room and enter therightmost room. Uhhhh, women!!!Exit the room. Oh, oh, the bartender's here. Run past him and exit thisroom. Climb the ladder.Once on the roof, talk to the guy there and he'll tell that The School Of Magicis in the desert, having a cemetery as a coverup. Go to the cemetery. DAMN!!! Front door is locked.Don't panic!!! Search around the cemetery until you two brown trees. Go near them and turn around untilyou see a passage in the rocks. Yupeee, you've entered the cemetery. There a small creature on the rock.Talk to him, it's Joey The Elf. Poor Joey. The next door it's closed too. Search the cemetery until yousee an alternative route. Okay, enter the School Of Magic. Talk to the elephant if you want. Enter thenext door. The next room contains a door that needs a key and some tables with blue ghosts walkingbetwen them. Walk betwen the tables avoiding the blue ghosts. After you reach the end, choose DiscretMode and go to the chest and open it to get the key. Walk back, still in Discret Mode, and open theclosed door. Continue along, climb the stairs and The Grand Rector will appear. To help your Dino-Flyyou must join The School Of Magic. You'll need 120 Kashes. Hint!!! Go to the Temple Of Bu (the park near the trailer). Pay the fee or run past the guard. Play the duckshooting game. Win and you'll get some ballons and automatically fly above the temple and fall through ashaft. Get all mushrooms for Kashes, Mana and Life. Every Kashes will give you 30. Repeat the processuntil you have enough money. Even if you have enough Kashes for The Shcool Of Magic, get another 210. Once you've joined The School Of Magic, you have to pass three tests: 1.Blowgun Test 2.Test Of The Balsam 3.Test Of The Slate You can pass the tests in any order you want. 1.Blowgun Test This test is very simple. Go through the door and hit all the targets with your Magic Ball (you have alimited time). Once you pass the test, you'll receive a blowgun. 2.Test Of The Balsam Before exiting the School Of Magic, talk to sad elephant in the school. Hop in the car and look for aramp leading to a rocky area (near the two brown trees). Once you found it, climb it and drive your caron to the wooden ramp to jump to the other side. Look for a yellow flower on the other side, take it andjump back. Take the flower to the Grand Rector. You'll receive The Horn Of The Blue Triton. This makesyou a healer. 3.Test Of The Slate This test is difficult. You must go to the island called The Dome Of The Slate. Go and buy a ferryticket. Unfortunately, the ferry doesn't go there anymore. Buy a ticket to Citadel Island. Before takingthe ferry, enter the building near Ker'aook The Healer house and buy a Nitro-Meca Pingouin. Go toCitadel Island. Go to Dino-Fly and heal him with the horn. Fly Dino to the island of the Dome Of TheSlate. Near the entrance, is a board with the maze. Take a look. Enter the Dome. After you've reachedthe end, the wizard will appear and gives you a slate (you can store images with it). Also he says thatyou should come to the School Of Magic. After the cutscene, take the left path. Climb the wooden boards and talk to Dino-Fly to take you toDesert Island. Go to the School Of Magic and talk to the wizard. He'll give you a wizard diploma and youearned a level of magic (Green Magic Ball). He says that there is a peddler who can sell you a wizardcostume. He also has bad news, the wizards have dissapeared and you must find them. Exit the School OfMagic. Take the car and search for a wizard with a flying carpet (he ussualy flyes around the hotel -building with the sauna). Show your wizard diploma and buy a costume from him (it will cost you 50Kashes). Hop in your car and go to the building with the women sauna. This time aproach the alien ingreen and accept his invitation. He will take you to an underground base and get you aboard a ship. Onceyou have control of Twinsen go down and take the translator. Climb up and use the leftmost console. Itwill show information about Zeelich, home planet of the Esmers. ==================== |WELCOME TO ZEELICH| ==================== After you arrive to Zeelich, follow the two aliens and enter the building. A cutscene will appear whereJoe The Elf blows your cover. You'll get arrested and trown in jail without your wizard costume. Joe The Elf will come in to your cell telling you that the Esmers kidnapped the wizards and they aregoing to kidnapp the children of Twinsun. The guard will come and see the both of you in the same cell. The cell door will open. When this happens quickly exit the cell and kill the guard. Go left until yousee a fly in a cell. Go up the ramp, kill the guard and press the first lever. The fly will come out and stop in front of a laser door. Talk to him. A little north of your position there are two red buttons.Push them. Don't go through the door near the red buttons. Go through the other door down. Once outsidekill the robot. The robot will explode, creating a hole in the fence. Go through and go right until yousee a kennel where alien dogs are training. Jump into the kennel (the dogs won't attack you unless yournear them). Exit the kennel and go into the building with blue doors. Take the left passage, beat theguard and go down the hole. Once down, go straight, get out, run past the guards (or beat them) andenter the shuttle. In the shuttle, climb the stairs and check the console with a hole in it. You'll need some kind of a ignition key. Get out of the shuttle. Enter the control tower, beat the guards as you goup and climb the stairs. Once in the control tower, kill everyone inside, get the round thingie and youcan play with the controls to make ships crash. Get out of the tower and get inside the shuttle. Put theround thingie in the console. Now watch the movie. ================= |BACK TO TWINSUN| ================= After you crash with your shuttle, Zoe will call and tells you to come back home because she has badnews. Go back home, talk to Zoe and she will tell you that the Children Of Twinsun were kidnapped. Shesays that you should try the School Of Magic to find out more and you should also get the protopackBaldino left for you. Okay, first look at the map and go to the building marked with an arrow. Talk toelephant inside and continue trough the next door. Continue until you enter a big room. Use the arrowson the ground to move the round helicopter. Get the crate with a big picture on it. Bring it to theelevator. Once you've done that, climb the ladder and enter the door. Okay, there are two ways to getthe crate up. You can get the crate up yourself (I think its impossible) or you can pay the man lyingdown 102 Kashes to get it up for you. Your choice. Go back up and take the proto-pack. Exit thebuilding, go to the wizards tent and read the note on the table. Look's like you need one moreingredient to complete the lighting spell. You'll need a Pearl Of Incandescence. Get out and go talk toDino-Fly. Don't go Desert Island first, go to island across from the hacienda. Look for a cave. Onceyou've found it, put your proto-pack and float above the water to enter the cave. Once in, keep hoveringuntil you'll find a small ramp for safe landing. Jump over the spikes and kill the skeletons. Take thefirst box and put it on the elevator. Don't push the lever yet. Search for some stairs, jump on them andjump on the other side. From the other side trow your Magic Ball towards the lever on the side you wereoriginally. Move the crate over the other crate on the elevator. Jump down, push the lever, jump on thestairs again, push the lever, jump on the other side, trow your Magic Ball towards the lever and jump onthe crates (don't jump if you are near them, jump from two or tree steps away). Jump up and continueahead (beware of statue that spits yellow balls at you). In the next room, kill the two skeletons andkill the big boss. After he's dead, take the protective spell in the north cell. Put your proto-pack andhover out of the cave (use the protective spell with caution, it drains mana). Go with Dino-Fly toDesert Island.Take your car and go to the shuttle near the harbour (watch out for mines). Look for asmall ramp, drive on it and go trough the small passage found betwen the rocks and the big iron crate.Search for a pier with a bell. Ring the bell, jump on the turtles back and the trutle will take you in acave. Once in the cave, jump from the turtles back and hover across the spikes and take the pearl. Hoverback, jump on the turle and jump on the pier. Drive the car to the School Of Magic. Talk to the GrandRector. After that, drive the car to Dino-Fly. Go to Citadel Island. Go to the wizards tent and use thepearl on the pot to make the lighting spell. Go to the tavern (the building near the three trees). Killall the aliens in the tavern and take the key located in the barrel near the drunk soldier. Use the keyat the locked door. Enter, and search for a hole in the floor. Once down, put the pyramid key in to theslot located on the floor. Enter the next room and use the lighting spell. Get out. Baldino will calland tells you to come to the Emerald Moon. Wait for a log to come and jump on it. Next, jump on thestairs (not the ones with the box) and take the elevator up to the island. Go to Dino-Fly and tell himto take you to Desert Island. once on Desert Island drive to Temple Of Bu. Kill the guard, enter thefront door and kill the two alien dogs and the guard. Go straight and jump on the wagon. When you seethe first arrow change its position with the Magic Ball (every arrow has two postion). Leave the nexttwo arrows and change the next arrows position. Once you're in the next area, change position of thefirst arrow you see and the arrow near the door. Once you've done that, jump on the platform with a boxon it (watch out of the spiting statues). Take the key. Go down the ladder and open the door with thekey. Procced into the next area. Go into the area with the sleeping guards, kill them and search thehelmet for a key. Also take a look at the round thingie on the table to find out the password (operationGREEN MOON). Go up to find a locked door. Once you've opened, continue and kill the patroling guards forthe key. Enter the shuttle and you see that there is no token. Open the door, take the elevator up,hover above the ground and kill the guard. With the key you get from the guard open the big round thingin the corner. Go back and push the button and push the button again (when you see the guard comingtowards you). Push the button again. Enter the shuttle and put the token on the console. Watch themovie. ================== |THE EMERALD MOON| ================== After the movie, the control tower will ask you for the code. Enter Code Operation GREEN MOON. Go downand take the space suit. Go out and talk with the aliens in the space suits. Look like you'll need apass. Enter the welcoming building, the door with a green light above. Kill the guards and switch thebuttons to green. Take a look at the big monitor to get a map of the complex. Get out and enter the doorwith a triangle above it. Go straight and enter the right door. Kill the guards, turn the valve, returnin the previous room and enter the newly opened door.Kill the guard and take the key. Open the celldoor. Baldino is here with an traitor alien. The alien tells you that the Emperor is building somereactors on the moon and is planing to crash the Emerald Moon intoTwinsun. He also tells you that thecontrols are on Zeelich, on Island CX. After the cutscene, get back and turn the valve. Get out andenter the right door. Go up the stairs, kill the scientists and pull the red lever. Enter the newlyopened door. Get in the space suit and get out. Watch the movie. ================= |BACK TO ZEELICH| ================= When the cutscene is over head to the right side of the screen. Jump from island to island until youreach the kennel. Instead of entering the building with blue doors enter the building left. Take anelevator and look at the papers (near the alien woman). Looks like the gazogem tankers stoped supllyingOtringal (the island you are now). Leave the building and talk to the man near the gazogem station. Hetells you that he's expecting a tanker from the island of the Francos. Enter the casino (the buildingnear the alligator guard). You'll need 5 Zlitos for admission. Search the buildings for Zlitos (find atleast 40 Zlitos). Once in the casino play different games to earn more Zlitos. Go to the store near thesmall bridge and buy the imaging viewer located in the corner and the Nitro-Meca Pingouin. Exit and gonear the alien priest and listen to him, then talk with the alien in the coat. Cross the small bridgeand go to the left side of the screen and go down and talk to ferrymen. Ask them to take you to IslandCX. One of them will ask you to give him 100 Zlitos. Give him the money and he'll take you toCelebration Island to find a dude (sells souvenirs) who went to Island CX and returned. Once there theguard will notice that you are the Twinsunian they were looking for. Kill the guards and talk to thealien with the paper (near first guard). Then go up and talk to the guy with the box. He'll tell you tosee Rick (they are the only one with guts to go to Island CX). Rick owns a bar in Otringal. Enter thetemple and talk to the alien and look at the pergaments on the wall. But don't go to Rick yet. Go to theisland of the Francos. Talk to everybody and enter every building (talk with the aliens inside to). Inone building buy a pickaxe (it costs 20 Zlitos). In a building someone will tell you that he lost a keyto a safe. Go outside and search the dog house near the building.Once you've found the key, go backinside and open the safe (it's between the two stuffed animals). Read the note. Okay, now go into theback of the village (the area with the only tree). Pass the tree until you see a small patch of grass.In Sporty Mode use the pickaxe. You now have the Francos key fragment.Now jump on lowest pipe (near thebig fence) and jump on the bended fence. Jump down the fence, kill the guard near the entrance and enterthe building. Once in continue along the path and jump on the square things that spiting gas. Open thebox on the wall and take the key. Open the door. In the next section, jump on the elevator, kill theguard and jump on the platform with liquid gas. Go down, jump up and open the box on the wall. Take thekey and open the door. Kill the guard and take the key. Continue along and turn the two valves. Take themoving elevator and open the door on the other side. Kill the guard. Now be sure that you see thescientist when you use the Lighting Spell. Use the Magic Ball to get the key. Open the door, kill theguard, pass in Discret Mode the jet of gas, open the door upstairs, get the can of gazogem, open the boxon the wall, get the key and open the door. Once out jump on the barrels in the corner of the fence andjump over the fence. Go to Otringal. Make your way back to Baldino and give him the can of gazogem.Baldino tells you that will call you on the radio when the Super-Jetpack is finished. Meanwhile go toRick's Cafe. There are two ways to get to him. Short way or long way. The short way is to beat thebodyguard near the looked door and the get the key. Long way is to go backstage and move the two pillarsso that you could jump on them. Next you must turn the big wheels (there are three - the combination is2 3 1). Enter the shaft.Rick tells you to see Johnny Rocket (he lives at the Imperial Hotel in the uppercity). Unfortunately you can't get there directly. Go to Baldino and he will give the Super-Jetpack. Toget to Johnny Rocket there are two ways. Short way or long way. Long way is to go to the casino and wina key. Open the ring door, spin the wheel and kill the two alligators. Take the key, hover with thejetpack and open the door. Hover on the other side. Easy way is that you go near the river and stand onthe white platform (near the door you exit from the casino). Hover on the other side. Enter the hotel,kill the alien and the guard that enters,take the key and open ring line. Talk with the alien in thearmchair. Follow him to his apartement. Go to the building marked on the map. Show the ring to thesalesman. Enter the secret passage. Talk ti the aliens. One of them will give you a laser pistol (LaserPistol Of Zarnon). You'll need a crystal so that the pistol will work. Go to Celebration Island. Thereare two ways. Long way and short way. Long way is that take the dangerous route on the edge of thevolcano (WARNING!!! Really dangerous jumps). Short way is that you hover over the lava and land as closeas you can near the crystal field then jump down to the crystal field. After you've taken the crystal climb the ladder and take the ferry to the Island Of The Francos. Jump over the fence and enter the door near the two patroling guards. Kill the guard near you and use the laser pistol to switch the levers (combination UP-DOWN-UP-DOWN). Exit the building and take the big boat. Walk to the elevator entrance. Looks like someone's expecting you. Kill him using the laser pistol. Take the key and enter theelevator. =============== |THE UNDER-GAS| =============== Once in the Under-gas go near the wall and use your Magic Ball to switch the buttons (in Discret Mode).Exit the building. Now you must reach the Island Of The Mosquibees. Walk around the island (don't enterany caves) until you see a alien. Talk to him. It seems that you must call the ferryman. He tells youthat you should see The Monk. Enter the cave. You're now in the Village Of The Wannies. Enter the firstcave door. Talk to the kid and take a look at the note on the table. Exit and continue along. Talk tothe old man. You need to give him a slice of firefly tart so that he'll tell you a secret. Go down andenter the next cave door. Take the glove and talk to the Wannies. Take a slice of firefly tart and acutscene will appear. After the cutscene exit and give the old man the firefly tart. Take the key andopen the looked door. Make your way up and enter the chapel. Talk to the Monk. Exit the chapel. Go backand enter the first cave door (first room from the entrance to the village). Talk to the maid. You'llneed gems (4 gems) and the song to call him. Exit the village and enter the other caves and startsearching for gems (there are gems on the other islands to). While searching for gems, make sure youenter the looked door with a guard (has the key). Enter the door and take the Wannies fragment. Once youhave enough gems, read the postsigns until one postsign says something about the "ferryman lane". Crossthe bridge, stand in the hutlike thing, use the ferryman song and tell him to take you to the MosquibeesIsland. Once there hover over the water and talk to the bee (make sure to take every gem you see). Talkto the queen and show her the Ring Of The Dissidents. She'll put you to a test. This test is simple,destroy the balls, open the looked doors (until you've found the weapon - if the door is wrong a big beewill come to kick your ass - use your Magic Ball to get keys that you can't take normally). Once you'veopened the right door you'll receive the Blowtron (similar to the blowgun). Oh no the Imperials arehere, exit the room and make your way to an wall opening. Enter and continue along the path. Cross thebridge, enter the cave, head towards the next cave door, exit and climb the ladder. Once up put yourWannies glove and deflect the projectiles to the monster. Take his key and open the small chest to takethe Mosquibees fragment. Talk to the bee. Make your way back to the beach and call the ferryman. Tellhim to take you to the island of the Volacano. Hover to the other island, take the gem and hover to thesmall platforms on the lava (WARNING!!! The platforms dissapear). Jump on the white platforms. Jump onthe small rocky island on the river of lava then jump on the moving platform. After that jump on thewhite platform. Enter the cave and talk to to bees. Exit, hover and land between the two poles. Go tothe right of the island and jump on the white platform on the other side. Call the ferryman and tell himto take you to the Island Of The Wannies. Talk to the old lady (the one lying down). There are two waysof geting into the cell where the queen is. Long way and short way. Long way is that you enter thewarehouse near the Building Company and hide in a crate (you must switch some control) and once in thenew area you must jump towards a ladder (never completed). Easy way is that you go to the BuildingCompany (marked on the map) trough the front door. Kill the guards. Search the offices and just punchthe director. Take the key, move the statue and open the chest (you'll receive 150 Zlitos). Exit theoffices and once you cross the beping doorway, turn around and use a pingouin to go trough the doorway.Proceed killing the guard, switch the lever and talk to the bees. Search the caves again for aditionalgems (if you need) then take the ferryman to the Island Of The Mosquibees. Go to the throne room, killthe guards and the monster and use the key on the royal chair. Enter the secret passage. Take theelevator and you've reached Island CX. =========== |ISLAND CX| =========== Kill the guards. Take the key and open the door near the two guards. Hover across the water near thelever. Kill the monster and pull the lever. Now hurry up and hover across the water and enter the opened door. Kill the guards and take the key. Enter the control tower. Turn the wheel lever and enter theopened door. Wait for a moment then run past the the guards (you can't kill them yet). Run on the stairsand pull the wheel lever. Enter the newly opened door. Kill the machinegun alien and opened the box onthe wall. Take the key and open the door (the one near the entrance). Take the elevator down. Kick theemperors ass and kill the tehnician. Take the key and open the chest. You now have the emperors sword. You can kill the emperor guards. Make your way back to the room with the two Imperial guards. Kill themboth and take the key. Open the door, kill the guard and climb the ladder. Kill the guard inside andtake the token. Get out of the tower and enter the Emperors Shuttle. Talk to the lady and put the tokeninside. =============================================== |GETING THE LAST KEY FRAGMENT AND THE CEREMONY| =============================================== Get out of the shuttle. Kill the Imperial guards, take the key and enter the palace. Once in kill thealiens, open the chests. Doesn't matter you've got to get some keys to open the looked doors (one key inevery room). Okay take the left door until there aren't left doors anymore then the doors in the upperwall. The last room has a big door. Enter it, kill the Imperial guards. Once you've reached the end ofthe room the monster statue will bring itself to life. Kill it, take the key and open the chest that wasbeneath him. Now you have the last key fragment and you have the last level of magic (Fire Ball). Getout of the palace and take the ferry to Celebration Island. Go inside the temple and put the key in themiddle of those aliens statue. Dark Monk statue will emerge. Get out and watch the cutscene. Whatthe...? FunFrock! I thought I killed him in LBA. Looks like I have to kick his but again. Okay once thecutscene is over, talk to the aliens that arrived with the ferry then jump on the pillars that risennear Dark Monk statue until you reach the entrance into Dark Monk statue. Now you're ready for the ... ==================== |THE FINAL SHOWDOWN| ==================== Once in go left and you'll see the wizards and some monitor with the wizards faces. You must push thefour consoles in the right order (combination 2-1-4-3) then pull the lever (if you push the wrongconsole button push the button on the wall near the consoles). The wizards are free and they will createan entrance to the head of the statue. Take the elevator up to the statue. After the cutscene go backdown and drop in to the hole (near the mechanical elephant that's standing still). Go right then go down the stairs, kill the elephant with the rocket launcher to take his key. Open the locked door. Make surethat everyone near the entrance down is dead. Go down. Go down the stairs and kill the elephant. Takethe key and open the locked door. Go down the stairs (killing everyone in your way). Kill FunFrock andthen when everyone is dead head towards the lava and ... Congratulations!!! You've finished the game. Now sitback and watch the ending. Walktrough made by Beastly 18 August 2004 10:20