Dark Fall - Walkthrough by Allia - v1.0 ======================== Table of Contents I. Revision History II. Walkthrough A. "Train Tunnel" B. "Platform 1" C. "Foyer" D. "Platform 2" E. "Barn" F. "Cave of Song" G. "Buffet" H. "Reception" I. "Room 3A (Arther Johnston's studio)" J. "3rd Floor Bathroom" K. "3rd Floor Storage" L. "Attic" M. "Room 3F (George Crabtree's office)" N. "Room 3D (Betty Penfold's room)" O. "Room 2B (Matilda Fly's room)" P. "Room 2C (Arther Johnston's room)" Q. "Room 2D (Polly and Nigel's room)" R. "Room 2E (Andrew Verney's room)" S. "2nd Floor Bathroom" T. "Room 3B (George Crabtree's bedroom)" U. "Room 3E (Edith Penfold's room)" V. "1st Floor Bathroom" W. "Room 1E (Gloria Grable's room)" X. "Room 1A (Quilt room)" Y. "Station Hotel Bar" Z. "Cellar" 1. "The Trials" 2. "Dark Fall" III. Misc. I. Revision History ======================== v1.0 - 07.21.02 - Walkthrough complete. II. Walkthrough ======================== This walkthrough is a complete, step-by-step description of completing the game. If you only want general hints, consult Timothy in the game or check the "hintsand help.html" file on the CD. There are many letters and notes you can read and pictures you can view in the game. Most of these aren't necessary for advancing in the game and will not be mentioned in this walkthrough. However, feel free to enhance your gaming experience by exploring these optional items and areas. This game was created with Macromedia software. Not exactly the most common software used to create games. The game does not need to be installed like normal games. The only files placed on your computer are save game files. A note about loading saved games: if you cancel out of the Load Game screen, it will automatically load the last saved game. There are some parts in the game where you must wait for a dialogue or some other event to finish before you can take action. Also, I have noticed that cursor "hot spots" sometimes disappear and it takes moving the cursor over the left, right, or bottom part of the screen to make the "hot spot" work again. Subtitles can be turned on and off with the F1 key. They are turned off by default every time you exit the game. Important items will be highlighted throughout the walkthrough with asterisks, i.e. Pick up the *polka-dotted cow*. If you mess up on any puzzle, you can just zoom out, then back in to reset it. _______________ A. "Train Tunnel" _______________ After the intro of the message from your brother Pete, you awake to find yourself in a train tunnel. You will not be able to save your game until the middle of the next section. You are greeted by the voice of a young boy, Timothy Pike. Move forward down the tunnel. Turn right to face the wall with the newspaper on the ground, turn back left and continue forward down the tunnel. Here I found a game bug. If you do anything other than turn left and move forward, like turning right instead, you will not be able to continue forward down the tunnel. There will be no forward cursor. If you deviate from these steps, you must turn right to face the wall with the newspaper on the ground again to reset that part. Leave the tunnel, turn right, and climb up onto Platform 1. B. "Platform 1" _______________ Move forward through the alley. Turn right and open the door to the power shed. Pull the chain on the light bulb on the ceiling to turn it on. Open the cabinet in front of you. Pull the left lever, then the right. Power is now restored to the station and hotel. Leave the shed. Timothy leaves you and mentions you can find him and a note on the wooden footbridge if you need help. It's the white building above the train tunnel. You can now save your game if you want to. Turn around and move towards the cart. Turn left and enter the Gentlemen's bathroom. Inspect the toilet on the far left. Now inspect the hole in the wall inside the stall. Note the symbol on the wall and the word "LARSUS" written next to it. This is the first of 12 "lyrics" you must find. Leave the bathroom and go back to the train platform. Turn right, move forward, turn right again and open the door to enter the foyer. C. "Foyer" _______________ Turn right and inspect the ticket vending machine. Turn the handle on it and pick up the *coins* it dispenses. Zoom back out and go through the doorway to the left of the stairs. FYI, the stairs lead to Timothy and his note. Turn right and pick up the *lantern* sitting on top of the cubby-holes. Leave the office and return to the main foyer area. Go into the Waiting Room. Turn right and inspect the table. Pick up the PDA sitting on the blueprints. Turn it on by pressing the lower-right button. Choose the paper icon on the bottom to access Pete's journal. Select each page at the top, 1 through 8, to read it. Page 5 talks about a strange anomaly Pete encountered with the theodolite, his surveying device. It happened when he had it set at 271x632. He also mentions a name that just popped into his head when this was happening, "KARS". Close the PDA and return to the main foyer area. Turn left, move forward, and turn left again. Inspect the phone on the left. Pick up the receiver and use the coins in your inventory. Nigel tells you about he and Polly's locked room in the hotel. The room key is hidden in a silver teapot. Leave the foyer and return to Platform 1. Turn left, move forward, and turn right. Cross the tracks to Platform 2. D. "Platform 2" _______________ Turn right and move towards the surveying device. Inspect it and press the green button with the circle to turn it on. Press and hold the "+y" button until the left setting is at 271. Use the "-x" and "+x" buttons until the other setting is around 632. It will still work if you get near enough, like 630. The screen will distort and an image will fade in and out. This is the "KARS" symbol. Turn off the surveying device and continue forward along the platform. Turn left to face the fence. Go through the fence to the left of the Dowerton sign. Move forward through the bushes. Turn left and move towards the barn. Enter it. E. "Barn" _______________ Use your lantern. Move forward once, then turn around. Climb the ladder to enter the loft. Turn right and inspect the wooden box. Pick up the *screwdriver*. Climb back down the ladder and continue forward past the car. Turn left and inspect the floor by the car. Lift the hatch in the floor and enter. F. "Cave of Song" _______________ Move forward twice, turn left, and move forward again to the pillar. Click on your lantern to put it on the small rock on the right and light up the room. Number the holes in the pillar from top to bottom along the connecting line 1 through 12. Inspect the first hole at the top and sketch the symbol shown as #1. Continue until you have sketched all 12 symbols. We have already found the lyrics for two of these symbols, so go ahead and write "LARSUS" and "KARS" next to their appropriate symbols. "KARS" is symbol #2 and "LARSUS" is #8. Pick up your lantern and return to Platform 2. Turn right and move forward twice to the base of the footbridge stairs. Turn left and cross the tracks to Platform 1. Turn left and move to the other end of the platform. Turn right and open the door to the Buffet room. G. "Buffet" _______________ Move forward, turn left and inspect the lower part of the shelves. Pick up the *electromagnetic tracker*. This device can alert you to the presence of paranormal activity. Press the bottom-left green button on the tracker to put it on standby. The unit's display shrinks to a thin, green line. Press the green button again if you want to bring the unit back to full display. Turn right and go through the doors into the Reception area. H. "Reception" _______________ There is a phone ringing in the back office. It will ring many times throughout the game. Answering it is optional. Move forward twice, turn left and inspect the desk. (I noticed the calendar on the wall above the desk shows April with only 29 days, not 30.) Open the drawer and click on the "Etto self-raising Flour" ad to reveal a card. Inspect the card to find a unique safe code. Note the 6 positions on the cross shape, 5 of which are numbered with dots. Close the drawer, zoom back out, and turn left. Move forward once back into the reception area and turn around. Inspect the safe on the floor. Click the left side of the cross to move the ball to the first position. Then up, center, very bottom, then right. Turn the handle to open the safe door. Pick up the *bar key* on the top shelf. Remember, if you mess up on the puzzle, you can just zoom out, then back in to reset it. Turn left and inspect the ink blotter on the counter. Drag a blank sheet of paper from the left onto the center of the ink blotter. Click on the fountain pen. A series of numbers and lines appear on the paper. Move the paper so the "1" on the right is over the biggest ink spot on the blotter. If done correctly, you will hear a spirit complain about Betty wasting paper by doodling. The following pattern emerges from the ink spots on the blotter: 4 5 .---------. \ 3 | 1 \ O----------O \ \ | / \.6 \.7 / \ | / \ | / \ | / \ |2/ \O Turn left, move forward, turn right, climb the stairs to the 1st floor hall. Move forward once, turn right, climb the stairs to the 2nd floor hall. Move forward once and wait for the lights to each turn off, then on again. Don't wet yourself. Turn right and climb the stairs to the 3rd floor hall. Only one of the doors in this hall is labeled, so I will sketch the floor layout below and label each room for easier reference: _____________________________________________________________ | | | | | | storage | | 3F | 3D | 3B | |___________| |_____ ____|_____ ____|_____ ____|________________ | | stairs | down ____________| ______ __________ ____|_____ _____________________ | | | | | | | bathroom | | 3E | 3C | 3A | |_______________________|___________|___________|___________| Move forward and enter room 3A. I. "Room 3A (Arther Johnston's studio)" _______________ Turn right and inspect the table. Click on the red painting of George to reveal a piece of paper. Pick up the *paper*. Zoom out and turn right. Inspect the cups in the cabinet, not the stove above. Click the handle connected to the hose once to turn on the gas. Zoom back out and now inspect the stove on top of the cabinet. Press the second button from the left to turn on the gas, then the first button to light the stove. Click on the paper in your inventory to hold it near the flames. The following words appear: Betty: TYMA Fly: MORCANA Grable: FRENIC Edith: IXIAM Click on the paper to put it back in your inventory. Click the second button to turn off the stove. FYI, if you open the cabinet you will find a note with a cryptogram. You can find a clue later in room 2E on how to break the code, "I=R so D=W". It is created by substituting the letter from the top row with the letter below it, which is the alphabet backwards. A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z Z Y X W V U T S R Q P O N M L K J I H G F E D C B A Translated, it says: ARTHER, I THINK IT WOULD BE WISE TO WRITE OUR RECORDS AND DRAWINGS USING YOUR INVISIBLE INK. I DO NOT WANT THE OTHERS TO KNOW OF OUR PLANS JUST YET... YOURS GEORGE Leave the room and go into the bathroom at the end of the hall. J. "3rd Floor Bathroom" _______________ Turn around to face the door. Click the left side of the mirror mounted on the wall once so a purple lamp can be seen in its reflection. Turn left and inspect the spot of white light shining on the writing on the wall. Note the following numbers: _________ _________ | | | | | 00:20 | | 00:90 | |_______| |_______| _________ _________ | | | | | 00:5 | | 00:40 | |_______| |_______| These are the settings we will need for the thermoscanner later. Leave the bathroom and go into the storage room. K. "3rd Floor Storage" _______________ Turn left and move forward. Turn right and inspect the teapot on the left shelf. Zoom in close to find a key. Pick up the *Room 2D key*. Zoom out twice, turn right, move forward, and turn left. Climb the ladder to the attic. L. "Attic" _______________ Move forward and turn right. During my first play through of the game, the boiler tank was not turned on when I first visited the attic. However, while writing this walkthrough, the boiler tank was already heated up and I did not have to, could not, turn the wheel here. Inspect the slot in the tank on the right. If flames cannot be seen, turn the wheel on the pipe. Turn back right and move towards the ladder. Turn left and inspect the boiler tank controls. Turn the first wheel on the left, then press the handle on the left. This will turn on the hot water for the 1st floor bathroom. Zoom out and turn around. Move forward, turn right, move forward, turn right again. Inspect the suitcase sitting on the floor to the left. Use the screwdriver from your inventory to stick it in the keyhole. You can move the screwdriver left, right, or down by clicking to the left, right, or below the keyhole. Pick the lock by moving the screwdriver left, right, left, right, and then down. It may take a few tries to get it just right. When successful, the suitcase opens. Click on the book in the middle of the suitcase. Then click the piece of paper sticking out on the right. Read through the letter. At the end, you are rewarded with symbol #3 and its lyric, "OLIVIAK". If you like, you can play with an Ouija board at the other end of the attic. Activate the board by touching the planchette (triangle-shaped device). You can ask the spirit questions by typing them below and clicking the "Say" button. Ask it questions like: What is your name? Are you dead? Can you help me? What do you want? Sorry, the spirit will not respond to questions like "Who will win the World Soccer Cup?" Go back down to the 3rd floor hallway. Stand facing the door to room 3F. M. "Room 3F (George Crabtree's office)" _______________ This door is locked from the inside. Inspect the lower part of the door. Use the paper in your inventory to slide it under the door. Use the screwdriver to push the key out of the hole onto the floor inside. Click the paper to drag the key out. Pick up the *Room 3F key*. Use the key to open the door. It's the last key on the right in your inventory. Inside, move forward and turn left. Zoom in on the desk and open George's blue journal there. On page 21 he talks of trials he must solve. He says the solution to the first trial was recorded on a bed cover made by Edith. She wove the pattern as follows: _________ | | | | 1 | 2 | |___|___| | | | | 3 | 4 | |___|___| Turn around and face the other desk. Inspect the piece of paper on it. Notice George's sketch of the pillar in the Cave of Song and the numbered holes, just like we have them. Also note the Magic Lantern Slide Index. Zoom back out and open the box of slides. Push the button on the bottom left to turn on the Magic Lantern (projector). Insert slide number 5, top-right slide in the box. Zoom in on the man shown on the wall under the far-left framed picture. He is holding symbol #10. If we look back at the Magic Lantern Slide Index, slide number 5 is listed as "MORTYM". 4 lyrics down, 8 to go. Turn off the projector, turn right, move forward, turn left, and move forward again. Inspect the stereoscope. Turn it on by pressing the button on the table. Insert the bottom-right film tube, crank the handle, then look in the eyepiece. Watch the film called "Trial 2: Elements". Note the order in which the elements are shown. Fire, lightning, wind, and water. Let's leave this room now and go into room 3D. N. "Room 3D (Betty Penfold's room)" _______________ Turn left and move forward. Inspect the trumpet sitting on the floor. Click the top-right side of the trumpet twice to spin it around. Inspect the piece of paper wrapped around the middle of it. Notice the 5 notes circled and marked as "needs practice". C --------------- --------------- p ----------d---- d -d--d---------- --------------- These notes are G, G, A, B, C. Leave the room and go back down one flight of stairs to the 2nd floor hallway. Turn around and enter room 2B. O. "Room 2B (Matilda Fly's room)" _______________ Inspect the desk, then inspect the clock. Notice the 4 buttons on the base of the clock. Number the buttons 1 through 4 from left to right. Pressing button 1 results in a low-pitched click, while button 3 results in a high-pitched click. The high-pitch means you pressed the correct button in the correct order. To solve this puzzle press 3, 1, 2, then 4. Check the paper in the hidden compartment. It has symbol #5. Consulting the list of names and lyrics we found earlier, we can match the lyric "MORCANA" to this symbol because this is Matilda Fly's room. Leave the room and continue down the hall into room 2C. P. "Room 2C (Arther Johnston's room)" _______________ I'm not 100% sure this was Arther's room, but it seemed to be the logical choice. It makes no difference either way. Turn right and move towards the closet on the left. Open it and inspect the box on the shelf. Notice the pattern is identical to the one we found on the ink blotter. Press the buttons in the order shown: 4 5 .---------. \ 3 | 1 \ O----------O \ \ | / \.6 \.7 / \ | / \ | / \ | / \ |2/ \O Inspect the piece of paper on the left, then the paper on the right. They show us symbol #1, "LUSSA". Close the box and the closet, then leave the room. Use the key to the right of the coins in your inventory to enter room 2D. Q. "Room 2D (Polly and Nigel's room)" _______________ Inspect the corkboard directly in front of you. Notice the menus tacked onto it. Zoom out, turn left, move forward, and turn right. Inspect the corkboard here. Inspect the bottom-right note. Nigel mentions at the bottom that the password to access PC terminal 2 is the only thing he likes on one of the menus. Zoom out and return to the first corkboard. Did you notice the empty Chinese food containers on the desk? Check the Dragon Inn menu. Their phone number is 01622 643853. Go back in front of the computer monitors and inspect the box on the left side of the desk. Click on the cell phone. Enter Dragon Inn's number and press the green button to dial. An automated service answers the phone. It checks the number you are calling from and mentions you having a standing order with them. Press the star key (*) twice to order your usual order. The automated service confirms the order as a number 15 from their menu, but informs you they are closed for the night. Return to the Dragon Inn menu and look up number 15. The password is "chicky chow", without the quotes. Move back in front of the computer monitors, then turn left. Inspect the Hadden Industries box. Now inspect the area to the right of the stacked boxes. Pick up the *radivision goggles*. The goggles can be used in areas where you hear a spirit say "Here." Turn back to face the computer monitors. Click on the left monitor, PC terminal 1. This is Polly's terminal and is full of all kinds of good info. The icons on the left are: System Quit, Journal Entries, Sound Recordings, Image Cleaner, My Music, Case 0014 Personals, MetrolSat: Weather and Solar Updates, Browse Web Sites, and Hadden: Peripheral Help. In her journal entries, Polly mentions hearing a record player playing the song "As Time Goes By" somewhere in the hotel. The record keeps skipping and playing the same part over and over again, "and when two lovers woo, they still say I love...". Click on the Browse Web Sites icon. Choose the first Recent link on the top, http://www.learn_piano.co.uk. Notice the layout of keys A through G on the piano and where the C key is pointed out. After you're done exploring Polly's terminal, quit out of the system and click on the right computer monitor. Enter the password "chicky chow", without the quotes. Here you can view the rooms where Polly and Nigel placed digital cameras. Click on the far-right camera. This is the special thermoscanner that was placed in the cellar. Change the settings to those found in the 3rd floor bathroom. _________ _________ | | | | | 00:20 | | 00:90 | |_______| |_______| alpha beta _________ _________ | | | | | 00:5 | | 00:40 | |_______| |_______| particle density The thermoscanner detects a cavity in the wall and recommends a manual inspection. Leave the room and enter room 2E. R. "Room 2E (Andrew Verney's room)" _______________ Inspect the box on the floor. Pick up the orange astronomy book in the left box. Click it open and Andrew asks, "Are you interested in astronomy too?" Go back out into the hall, turn left, move forward, turn left and zoom in on the telescope. Inspect the eyepiece. Search the lower-left area for a constellation until Andrew comments, "Brighter than the rest! I don't recognize it at all..." . . . . . . . . Return to Andrew's room and inspect the closet on the right. Click on the tallest star chart leaning in the corner. Find this new constellation to be named "RAKA". Leave the closet and inspect the top drawer of the nightstand, not the box on top. Open the third drawer from the top and inspect the blue book inside. Open the book to find "RAKA"'s index number, 12/534/76. Zoom back out and now inspect the box on top of the nightstand. Number the small buttons on the edge of the lid 1 through 7. Press them in the order of "RAKA"'s index number listed above. 1st, 2nd, 5th, 3rd, 4th, 7th, and then 6th. Inside find symbol #12, "RAKA". Tucked under the box is another cryptogram. Translated, it says: ANDREW, GUARD THE SKIN WITH YOUR LIFE! I KNOW I SOUND LIKE A MADMAN. EDITH IS FEELING INCLINED TO PHONE THE POLICE... YOU MUST TRUST ME. THERE IS A GREAT EVIL WITH US HERE IN THE HOTEL. MY RESEARCH IS GOING WELL. I JUST NEED TIME. YOUR TRUSTING FRIEND, G.C. P.S. DO NOT OPEN YOUR DOOR THIS NIGHT TO ANYONE... Leave the room and return to the telescope. Open the door here to enter the 2nd floor bathroom. S. "2nd Floor Bathroom" _______________ Zoom in on the box under the sink. Open it and zoom in again. Click on the photo stuck to the bottom of the lid. Note the size of each rune and where they are placed around the circle. Leave the room and return to the 3rd floor hallway. Enter room 3B. T. "Room 3B (George Crabtree's bedroom)" _______________ Turn right and inspect the nightstand next to the bed. Open the cabinet below to reveal a box with pictures of three royal figures on the lid: Henry VIII, Henry V, and Elizabeth I. Click the golden dial below Henry VIII until it shows "VIII". Click the golden dial below Henry V until it shows "V". Click on the photo inside. Note the size of each rune and where they are placed around the circle. Zoom back out, then zoom in twice on the table next to the chair. Place the largest, reddish-brown rune on the right where the two chalk lines cross. Place the smallest, yellow rune on the lower-right where the two chalk lines cross. Place the medium-sized, white rune on the bottom where the two chalk lines cross. Place the medium-sized, yellow rune on the top-left where the two chalk lines cross. If done correctly, the runes will disappear and the center area shows symbol #9, "OLKAS". Leave the room and enter room 3E. U. "Room 3E (Edith Penfold's room)" _______________ Turn right and inspect the top shelf of the closet. Inspect the record to find the song "As Time Goes By" is listed as the 2nd song on the record. Zoom out and inspect the record player. Crank the handle on the front. Click the bottom-left switch to start the record spinning. Slide the bottom-right switch all the way to the right for maximum volume. Click on the far-left edge of the record to set the needle on the first song. Now click just to the right of the needle to set it on the 2nd song track. You'll know you have the right position if you hear "and when two lovers woo..." over and over again. Zoom out and turn left. A framed picture will fall off the wall and land on the bed. Inspect the fallen photo and click on the back of the frame to reveal two pieces of paper. The small piece shows symbol #11, and the large piece shows the associated lyric "IXIAM". Ok, we've neglected the 1st floor long enough. Head down to the 1st floor hallway. Turn right, go all the way to the end of the hall, turn left and enter the bathroom door on the right. V. "1st Floor Bathroom" _______________ Zoom in on the sink. Turn on the right faucet and wait for the boiler in the attic to kick in. The hot water's steam reveals symbol #7, "MALUS", in the mirror. Leave the room and enter room 1E. W. "Room 1E (Gloria Grable's room)" _______________ Turn right and you'll hear a spirit say "Here." Use the goggles in your inventory. You can chat with Gloria if you want. Inspect the loose board in the middle of the floor. Lift the board and zoom in on the hole. The small piece of paper shows symbol #4 and the note on the right shows the associated lyric "FRENIC". Zoom out and replace the loose board. Leave the room and enter room 1A. X. "Room 1A (Quilt room)" _______________ Turn right and use the goggles. Look in the lower-right part of the room to find the quilt Edith made. Note the colors are in the order of green, blue, purple, and orange. Leave the room and go down to the reception area. Turn around and move forward once to the right of the stairs. Turn right and use the bar key in your inventory. Y. "Station Hotel Bar" _______________ Move forward, turn right, move forward, turn left to face the piano. Zoom in on the piano twice. There are only 7 white keys on the piano you can actively press. They are situated towards the middle. Find the first key on the left you can press. This is the F key. So the scale is F, G, A, B, C, D, E. We need to play the notes G, G, A, B, and C, so press the 2nd key twice followed by the 3rd, 4th, and 5th keys. Click on the piece of paper that appears to find symbol #6. Turn right and use the goggles to find the associated lyric in the top-left corner, "TYMA". Leave the bar and turn right. Open the door next to the chair set in the stairs. Z. "Cellar" _______________ Turn left, move forward, turn right, move forward, turn around. Number the buttons on the post from top to bottom 1 through 6. Press 3, 2, 5, 1, 4. This unlocks the silver door ahead of you. Go open that door to enter the darkroom. FYI, the designs on the buttons are from the tables in the dining room, which we skipped since we have an inferior alphabet... and it wasn't necessary. ;) In the darkroom, inspect and open the doors on the bottom of the shelf ahead. Pick up the *piston key*. Go back out to the cellar. Move forward twice and turn left. Click on the sheet metal in the middle to reveal a hole. Climb inside and turn on your lantern. Inspect the numbered brick. Place the piston key into the hole and turn the key. Climb through the hole to face The Trials. 1. "The Trials" _______________ Try to move forward and you are confronted with the first trial. Click the runes in the following order: green, blue, purple, and orange. The barrier disappears. Move forward. Try to move forward and you are confronted with the second trial. Click the runes in the following order: top, left, right, and bottom. The barrier disappears. Move forward. Try to move forward and you are confronted with the third, and final, trial. Turn left and click on the glowing rune. Listen to the sounds as the engravings glow. Turn back right and match the order of the sounds by clicking the runes in the following order: top-right, lower-left, lower-right, center, and left. The barrier disappears. Move forward twice to enter the chamber of Dark Fall. 2. "Dark Fall" _______________ To seal away Dark Fall, we must say the 12 lyrics in their proper order. Type each lyric, pressing the "Say" button after each one. LUSSA, KARS, OLIVIAK, FRENIC, MORCANA, TYMA, MALUS, LARSUS, OLKAS, MORTYM, IXIAM, RAKA The trapped souls are freed. You and your brother Pete have a happy ending. III. Misc. ======================== If you find any corrections that need to be made in this FAQ, please email me at tremoir@rocketmail.com. I will gladly credit you in the FAQ. FAQ's written by me: ------------------------- Myst III: Exile Mystery Of The Nautilus, The Syberia Dark Fall ================= This document Copyright 2002 Allia ================= If you're gonna share this on any other sites, just give credit where credit is due by leaving this statement in. Look for these and future FAQ's of mine at: GameFAQs - http://www.gamefaqs.com Neoseeker.com - http://neoseeker.com Games Over - http://www.gamesover.com Gameguru - http://gameguru.box.sk DLH.Net - http://DLH.Net Cheat Code Central - http://www.cheatcc.com Just Adventure - http://www.justadventure.com