"The Ultimate Doom: Enemy/Weapon FAQ" + "Final Doom: Enemy/Weapon FAQ" --->v1.00 10/22/03<--- by ShadowDragon99 [E-Mail: x_dragon7k@hotmail.com] +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ - |оооооо\ |ооооо| |ооооо| |оо\ /оо| - - | |ооо\ \ | |о| | | |о| | | \/ | - - | | \ | | | | | | | | | | |\ /| | - - | | / | | | | | | | | | | | \/ | | - - | |___/ / | |_| | | |_| | | | | | - - |______/ |_____| |_____| |_| |_| - +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ TABLE OF CONTENTS ----------------- SECTION I -- Legal Propositions --- 1.1 - Copyrights 1.2 - About the FAQ --- SECTION II -- Mini-FAQ --- 2.1 - What is The Ultimate Doom? 2.2 - How can I get The Ultimate Doom? 2.3 - What is "DOOM Collector's Edition"? 2.4 - What is "The Depths of DOOM Trilogy"? 2.5 - What are the Episodes? 2.6 - What is Final Doom? 2.7 - How can I get Final Doom? 2.8 - What are WAD files? 2.9 - What is Deathmatch? --->MORE TO COME<--- --- SECTION III -- The Enemy --- 3.1 - Zombieman 3.2 - Shotgun Guy 3.3 - Imp 3.4 - Demon 3.5 - Spectre 3.6 - Lost Soul 3.7 - Cacodemon 3.8 - Baron of Hell 3.9 - Spider Mastermind 3.10- Cyberdemon 3.11- *Heavy Weapon Dude 3.12- *Ravenent 3.13- *Hell Knight 3.14- *Mancubus 3.15- *Arachnotron 3.16- *Pain Elemental 3.17- *Arch-Vile --- SECTION IV -- The Arsenal --- 4.1 - Fist 4.2 - Chainsaw 4.3 - Pistol 4.4 - Shotgun 4.5 - *Super Shotgun 4.6 - Chaingun 4.7 - Rocket Launcher 4.8 - Plasma Rifle 4.9 - BFG 9000 --- SECTION V -- Version History --- 5.1 - About v1.00 --->MORE TO COME<--- --- SECTION VI -- Know Your Author --- 6.1 - My GameFAQs History 6.2 - Contact Me --- SECTION VII -- Credits --- 7.1 - Credits ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ NOTE: If you do a "QuickSearch" [CTRL+F], you can quickly and easily find anything you may need to find in my FAQ. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ---------------This FAQ ё 2003 Seth Moon. All Rights Reserved.-------------- SECTION I -- Legal Propositions --- 1.1 - Copyrights --- This may not be reproduced under any circumstances except for personal, private use. It may not be placed on any website or otherwise publicly distributed without advance written permission. Use of this guide on any other website or as part of any public display is strictly prohibited, and a violation of copyright law. As of now, the only other place you will find this FAQ at is my own website: http://www.geocities.com/plasmadragonx7000. Should you find this FAQ anywhere else other than GameFAQs or my website, please contact me at my e-mail address: x_dragon7k@hotmail.com! --- 1.2 - About the FAQ --- This FAQ was written due to the lack of FAQs for The Ultimate Doom and Final Doom. Rather than having a full FAQ/Strategy Guide, however, I decided to focus on the enemies and weapons. This FAQ took me about a week to write, and I hope you find it helpful. It was written on an eMachines T1360 computer with WinXP access to Notepad. The font is Courier New, and the spacing is 79 characters, so any computer with Notepad should be able to read this FAQ easily and cleanly. Now then, with all of the legality out of the way, let's begin the FAQ!! SECTION II -- Mini-FAQ --- 2.1 - What is The Ultimate Doom? --- The Ultimate Doom was released by ID Software in 1994. It contained the following: the retail version of Doom (episodes 1-3) and Episode 4, Thy Flesh Consumed. --- 2.2 - Where can I get The Ultimate Doom? --- You can get The Ultimate Doom three ways. You can get it directly from ID Software, or you can get it in either "DOOM Collector's Edition" or "The Depths of DOOM Trilogy". --- 2.3 - What is "DOOM Collector's Edition"? --- DOOM Collector's Edition is a collection of three Doom games: The Ultimate Doom (v1.9), Doom II: Hell on Earth and Final Doom. As it was just recently released, this compilation pack should be easy to find in any retail store. --- 2.4 - What is "The Depths of DOOM Trilogy"? --- Like "DOOM Collector's Edition", The Depths of DOOM Trilogy features three Doom games: The Ultimate Doom (v1.9), Doom II: Hell on Earth and Doom II: Master Levels. --- 2.5 - What are the Episodes? --- The Ultimate Doom is divided into four episodes: Episode 1, Knee-Deep in the Dead; Episode 2, The Shores of Hell; Episode 3, Inferno; Episode 4, Thy Flesh Consumed. Each episode contains nine levels, although the ninth level is a "secret" level. The four episodes together give The Ultimate Doom 36 levels, which is actually more than Doom II. (NOTE: Episode 4 is only available on The Ultimate Doom, and Episodes 2 and 3 are not available on the shareware version of Doom.) --- 2.6 - What is Final Doom? --- Final Doom, released in 1996 by TeamTNT, is an un-official add-on to Doom II. Basically, it is made up of two 32-level megawads for Doom II. The two megawads are "The Plutonia Experiment" and "TNT: Evilution". --- 2.7 - Where can I get Final Doom? --- Currently, you can only get Final Doom via "DOOM Collector's Edition". And for those interested in TeamTNT, they have made two more megawads, "Icarus" and "Doom2000". Both are 32-level megawads for Doom II, and are available for download at their website, http://www.teamtnt.com --- 2.8 - What are WAD files? --- WAD files are the files that Doom uses to upload games. In other words, every saved game is a WAD file. Because of this, people have been able to create their own Doom games, or custom WAD files. Doom95 allows for this by giving you the ability to upload custom WADs. To make a long story short, you can download literally thousands and thousands of WAD files for Doom. --- 2.9 - What is Deathmatch? --- Deathmatch is a form of cooperative play where instead of working together, players try to kill each other, or earn "frags". Please note that you need a LAN to do this, and dial-up modems don't have the speed to do this. SECTION III -- The Enemy --- --->The following is a brief rundown of all the encountered enemies in both The Ultimate Doom and Final Doom. But since some enemies appear in Final Doom but not The Ultimate Doom, I have created a marking system, which is found below... * = found in Final Doom ONLY ...And since not all enemies are equal in strength and strategy, I have also created an opinionated "toughness scale". Again, this scale is SOLELY MY OPINION. You don't have to agree with me if you don't want to. The scale appears below... Type A = very easy, common enemy Type B = easy, common enemy Type C = medium, common enemy Type D = medium, uncommon enemy Type E = hard, uncommon enemy Type F = very hard, uncommon enemy ("BOSS") Okay, I think we have all of the general bases covered, so let's begin<--- --- 3.1 - Zombieman --TYPE A-- --- Zombiemen are the most common enemies in The Ultimate Doom and Final Doom. And they are incredibly easy to kill, too. A few pistol shots is all it takes to eliminate them. ATTACK: Pistol HIT FACTOR: 4-5 pistol shots REWARD: Clip --- 3.2 - Shotgun Guy --TYPE C-- --- Shotgun Guys are much like Zombiemen, only much meaner and tougher. And I mean that literally; these guys can really make the going that much tougher. Because of this, I put them into the Type C group. Common, but can be rather difficult to eliminate since they attack in pairs. The best way to eliminate them is with the Shotgun or Super Shotgun. ATTACK: Shotgun HIT FACTOR: 1-2 shotgun shells REWARD: Shotgun --- 3.3 - Imp --TYPE B-- --- The first non-human enemy you will encounter in Doom is also one of the most common annoyances. Imps are much tougher than any human, and they shoot fireballs, attack in packs and move rather quick. The best way to eliminate them is with the Shotgun. However, you may want to use the Chaingun to mow down large groups of them. ATTACK: Fireball, Scratch HIT FACTOR: 1-2 shotgun shells, 5-6 pistol shots REWARD: - --- 3.4 - Demon --TYPE B-- --- Attack of the pink monkeys! Demons are not the type of monsters you want to anger. Not only are they extremely fast, but they bite you nastily until you are dead! Plus, they almost always attack in packs, usually coupled with the Imps. The best weapon to use against a Demon is the Chainsaw. Since Demons can only attack you when they are right next to you, just let them run into the Chainsaw. You can actually take down a whole pack this way and sustain minimal damage! (NOTE: On "Nightmare" difficulty, Demons run twice as fast as normal!) ATTACK: Jaws HIT FACTOR: 3-4 shotgun shells, 1 super shotgun shell, chainsaw REWARD: - --- 3.5 - Spectre --TYPE B-- --- Spectres are nearly invisible Demons. Attack them the same way. (NOTE: On "Nightmare" difficulty, Spectres run twice as fast as normal!) ATTACK: Jaws HIT FACTOR: 3-4 shotgun shells, 1 super shotgun shell, chainsaw REWARD: - --- 3.6 - Lost Soul --TYPE C-- --- In The Ultimate Doom, Lost Souls randomly float about. But in Final Doom, Lost Souls are spit out by Pain Elementals. Either way, they are the same. Lost Souls ram into you and cause damage. Whatever you do, DO NOT use rockets! The best way to deal with Lost Souls is to use the Super Shotgun or Plasma Rifle from a distance. Destroy them before they destroy you! ATTACK: Ram Attack HIT FACTOR: 1 super shotgun shell, plasma rifle REWARD: - --- 3.7 - Cacodemon --TYPE C-- --- There are many things you can say about the Cacodemon. Some say it's a flying tomato, others say it is the ugliest thing they have ever seen. But whatever you say about it, it is dangerous and should be eliminated ASAP. Cacodemons float in the air and belch lightning at you, which is nearly twice as damaging as an Imp's fireball. Believe it or not, the Chainsaw is the easiest way to kill a Cacodemon. As soon as you saw it, it will run away. Simply pursue it until you saw it to death. And just a note here... Cacodemons make perhaps the coolest death animation ever! ATTACK: Lightning balls, Scratch HIT FACTOR: chainsaw, 8-10 shotgun, 5-6 rockets REWARD: a really cool death animation --- 3.8 - Baron of Hell --TYPE E-- --- WOAH! It's the infamous "you'll know 'em when you see 'em enemy"! And are they ever "unique". The giant goat-like pink things show no mercy! They hurl globs of green plasma at you, and are rather fast. Plus, they take a lot of shots to go down. Use the Rocket Launcher and Plasma Rifle for these twisted bastards; nothing else really cuts it. At least these suckers are rare... ATTACK: Green plasma, Scratch HIT FACTOR: 10-12 rockets, plasma rifle, 1 BFG shot REWARD: - --- 3.9 - Spider Mastermind --TYPE F-- --- Enter the Spider. The Spider Mastermind is, in a word... evil. Not only is it huge, but it is also a boss with killer firepower. And did I mention it can survive a BFG blast? She may be tough to take down, but she is also rather rare. In The Ultimate Doom, she is the boss of Episode 3 [E3M8] and Episode 4 [E4M8]. In The Ultimate Doom, the Spider Mastermind appears in the following levels... --- E3M8 -- DIS --- E4M8 -- Unto the Cruel ATTACK: Chaingun HIT FACTOR: 20-25 rockets, 1 BFG + Chaingun REWARD: Victory [in The Ultimate Doom] --- 3.10- Cyberdemon --TYPE F-- --- OMG!! It's a huge... huge... huge... thing... Okay, it's more like an armored skyscraper that shoots rockets. Anyhoo, the Cyberdemon is even rarer than the Spider Mastermind. It too, reigns as a boss in The Ultimate Doom [E2M8]. The best way to beat the Cyberdemon is with the BFG 9000. Good thing, too-- it takes over 5 BFG shots to kill it! In The Ultimate Doom, the Cyberdemon appears in the following levels... --- E2M8 -- Tower of Babel --- E4M2 -- Perfect Hatred ATTACK: Rockets HIT FACTOR: 5 BFG shots, God help you with any other weapon... REWARD: Victory [in Episode 2 of The Ultimate Doom] --- 3.11- *Heavy Weapon Dude --TYPE D-- --- These bastards are perhaps some of the toughest enemies in the entire game! Not only do they attack in hordes, but once they fire up their chaingun, they don't stop until you are dead! Plus, it takes several shots for them to go down. Be warned that these enemies are not to be toyed with. ATTACK: Chaingun HIT FACTOR: 1 super shotgun, 1 rocket REWARD: chaingun --- 3.12- *Ravenent --TYPE C-- --- These walking skeletons are tough! Like the Heavy Weapon Dude, they often attack in packs. Plus, they have two attacks; heat-seeking missiles and strong punches! The best way to kill these guys are either by using the Rocket Launcher or Plasma Rife. It only takes two rockets to kill them, so fire away! ATTACK: Homing missiles, Punch HIT FACTOR: 2 rockets, plasma rifle REWARD: - --- 3.13- *Hell Knight --TYPE C-- --- Hell Knights are tan-colored versions of the Barons of Hell. They are also easier to kill, and their attacks do less damage. But, you will encounter them much more often, and they almost always attack in packs or with other enemies. It only takes a few Super Shotgun shells to bring them down, so drop them ASAP! ATTACK: Green plasma, Scratch HIT FACTOR: 2 super shotgun, 4 rockets REWARD: - --- 3.14- *Mancubus --TYPE E-- --- Mancubus are huge, fat gluttonus creatures that pack a lot of firepower. They can also take a lot of shots. Often used as bodyguards or diversions to the real combat, Mancubus are very dangerous. They fire two rockets at you simultaneously. The best weapon to use is the Plasma Rifle. Its quick rate of fire will quickly and easily render the Mancubus harmless. ATTACK: Rockets HIT FACTOR: 15-20 plasma rifle blasts REWARD: Victory [on Map 7 of Doom II] --- 3.15- Arachnotron --TYPE D-- --- Since they are fairly uncommon, Arachnotrons make up for this via speed and firepower. They hurl plasma bullets at you from afar, making it difficult to destroy them. Therefore, counter attack with your own Plasma Rifle. Once you get closer, you can then use the Super Shotgun and/or the Rocket Launcher. ATTACK: Plasma HIT FACTOR: 3-5 rockets, 3-5 shotgun shells REWARD: a cool death noise --- 3.16- Pain Elemental --TYPE C-- --- Pain Elementals attack and look much like the Cacodemon. It's a floating ball with one eye. However, they are much more dangerous because they fire Lost Souls. As soon as you see one, focus all of your firepower on it. Otherwise, it will generate Lost Souls at an unbelievable rate. Fortunately, it doesn't take many shots to make it explode. Just a few Super Shotgun shells and rockets is all it takes. ATTACK: no direct attack, just Lost Souls HIT FACTOR: 5 rockets, 4 super shotgun shells REWARD: 3 Lost Souls (after it explodes) --- 3.17- Arch-Vile --TYPE E-- --- An Arch-Vile isn't incredibly powerful, but it has the ability to revive dead monsters. This alone makes them one of the most dangerous enemies around! The best way to destroy them is with the Super Shotgun or Chaingun. Fortunately, once they fall, they are gone for good. Just for the record, Arch-Viles can't revive Cyberdemons, Spider Masterminds and other Arch-Viles. ATTACK: Spiritual Fire HIT FACTOR: 7 Super Shotgun shells, Chaingun REWARD: - SECTION IV -- The Arsenal --- Now that the enemies have been covered, let's shift focus to the real stars of the game; the weapons, of course! --- 4.1 - Fist --- Your fist is the most basic weapon in Doom. However, it packs enough punch to take out some of the smaller enemies. (Actually, you could tackle a Cyberdemon with just your fists, but I wouldn't recommend it :) Only use your Fist as a last resort; even the Pistol is better. However, if you happen to run over a Berserk pack, you will automatically equip your Fist. --- 4.2 - Chainsaw --- The Chainsaw is sort of like a super Fist attack. But, it is much more practical and useful. The Chainsaw is absolutely perfect for Demons, Spectres and Cacodemons. The best part of the Chainsaw is that it doesn't use any Ammo! Don't forget about the Chainsaw when the going gets tough. --- 4.3 - Pistol --- You start the game with just a Pistol. As weak as it is, it is useful for taking out some of the weaker enemies; especially the Zombiemen. The Pistol uses bullets, and it has a slow rate of fire. AMMUNITION: Bullets MAXIMUM LIMIT: 200 Bullets MAXIMUM LIMIT [with Backpack]: 400 Bullets --- 4.4 - Shotgun --- The Shotgun is one of the best weapons in Doom. It can take out many enemies in one shot! Or you can use it from afar to weaken the offense. The Shotgun has a medium rate of fire, and it uses shells. AMMUNITION: Shells MAXIMUM LIMIT: 50 Shells MAXIMUM LIMIT [with Backpack]: 100 Shells --- 4.5 - Chaingun --- One of the most powerful weapons in the game, the Chaingun features a rate of fire to die for. However, this quickly eats up bullets. Therefore, save the Chaingun for tight situations or when you really need it. Note that it is most effective against enemies with a lot of strength, such as the Mancubus. AMMUNTION: Bullets MAXIMUM LIMIT: 200 Bullets MAXIMUM LIMIT [with Backpack]: 400 Bullets --- 4.6 - Rocket Launcher --- The Rocket Launcher, as the name implies, launches destructive rockets into your enemies. This is best in tight hallways, where a single rocket can decimate an entire enemy fleet! Unless you really need it, save your Rocket Launcher. Not only is it powerful, but some puzzles actually require it. For example, there is a secret exit in E3M6 that can only be accessed with a Rocket Launcher. AMMUNITION: Rockets MAXIMUM LIMIT: 50 Rockets MAXIMUM LIMIT [with Backpack]: 100 Bullets --- 4.7 - Plasma Rifle --- Quite possibly the best weapon in Doom, the Plasma Rifle has it all. A high rate of fire, a high storage amount, and high destruction. Use the Plasma Rifle whenever you can, as it will make quick work of your enemies. Plus, its unique line of fire allows you to fight from close or afar. The earliest you can pick up a Plasma Rifle in "The Ultimate Doom" is in E2M1. AMMUNITION: Cells MAXIMUM LIMIT: 300 Cells MAXIMUM LIMIT [with Backpack]: 600 Cells --- 4.8 - BFG 9000 --- Here it is; the most powerful weapon in Doom; the BFG 9000! Many a have wondered what BFG stands for... the most widely agreed translation is "Big Fraggin' Gun", although some like to call it the "Big ****ing Gun". Anyhoo, the BFG 9000 fires an ultra-powerful blast of plasma energy that can hit every enemy in the room. However, this awesome ability comes at the cost of 40 Cells; which means you should ONLY use when absolutely necessary. This is also the only gun you should use against a Cyberdemon. AMMUNTION: Cells [fires 40 at a time] MAXIMUM LIMIT: 300 Cells [7.5, if you factor in the depletion] MAXIMUM LIMIT [with Backpack]: 600 Cells [15, if you factor in the depletion] SECTION V -- Version History --- 5.1 - About v1.00 --- Here it is... the first version of the FAQ, appropiately known as "v1.00". As you can probably infer, this FAQ is far from finished. There are numerous spelling errors and mislabled info. What I plan to do is alphabetized each monster according to game, and then add a much more professional "Hit Factor" chart. By that I mean... I want to show where each monster appears in the game, how many times it appears, and I also want to finalize each strategy used against the monster. So just be patient... Once v2.00 rolls around, much should be corrected/edited. SECTION VI -- Know Your Author --- 6.1 - My GameFAQs History --- I've been coming to GameFAQs for over two years now, but I didn't really get active on it until May 2002, when I created my first account, "NeonDragon9000". That same month, I contributed my first contribution, which was a review for "Doom 64". Since then, my account has grown to over 400 Karma and I have greatly expanded my contributions. At the time of this writing, this FAQ/Strategy Guide is my latest contribution. --- 6.2 - Contact Me --- Before you contact me, go back and read the entire FAQ. Chances are, your question is already answered somewhere in the FAQ. If it isn't, then please send your question to: x_dragon7k@hotmail.com I check my e-mail about once a week, and sometimes less, so please don't expect a responce right away. I answer all questions received, though, so don't fret! You'll get a response. And if your question isn't in the FAQ, make a note of it, and I will add it to the next version update. For more direct help, you can post a question on either the GameFAQs message boards, or at my own message boards: http://nidoking.proboards7.com SECTION VII -- Credits --- 7.1 - Credits --- THANKS TO THE FOLLOWING: -ID Software (http://www.idsoftware.com) -TeamTNT (http://www.teamtnt.com) -GameFAQs (http://www.gamefaqs.com) -CJayC -MEGAMUR -Led Meister -Zak Pierce -David Valencia --- Now that you have a better hold on the weapons and enemies of The Ultimate Doom and Final Doom, why not get out there and kick some ass? Good luck! -ShadowDragon99