Hello cheaters! We are three cheaters from Bulgaria and we found a COOL bug in DarkStone (ver. the purpose is to clone items (stuff that the hero carries with him DOUBLES, when you have 1 potion, after applying the cheat you have 2 potions of the same kind) SO.. HERE GOES THE CHEAT -> In MULTIPLAYER (only) one PC is server and other PC is client. All of the following must be done by a CLiENT ! (it may be possible for the server to do it, experiment on your own ;-)) When you have items in the inventory of your hero, if you are located in the town, go out of the town and then come back in (we think that when the hero comes in the town his inventory and all is saved in the savegame, which we need for the bug to work). If you are not in the town just enter it, because of the same reason. (we have not tested the bug when outta town, you can experiment, we do it in the town because it's safe, there are no evil creatures you know). DROP the items you want to duplicate on the ground. THEN Alt+Tab to Windows THEN Ctrl+Alt+Del, END TASK DarkStone ! THEN Join the same multiplayer game the normal (usual) way. if you want to make duplicates of the items you should choose the same hero from who you dropped the items, if you want to transfer the items to another hero - choose it when joining. SO, you are in the town and the items you have dropped are in your inventory ;-) and on the ground at the sam time ! if someone else picks them up - no problem BUT if you pick a duplicated item and try to put it next to it's original the game will say "DUPLICATE OBJECT" and one of the two will disappear ! if the item (object) is a potion you can drink the original and then pick up the duplicate. IF you want to clone MONEY you'll need to deposit your ammount of cash in the bank and then do the same with the duplicates so that the cash doubles IN the bank. That's it (for now). Something like this happens in analogous way in Diablo II. You just need to make the savegames of your hero ReadOnly when he has the inventory items. Then drop the items, then quit then join again, then drop again... and pick everything up when you decide :-) The purpose of this message is to publish the cheat information in DLH, with our nicknames written of course :-) WE ARE: sTEPHAN gRAFFdRACULA Join or DiE this is all for now. PLEASE respond to this e-mail -> rb_sbu@iservice.bg , whatever you decide to do with it. THANK YOU.