Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne FAQ / Walkthrough By Aaron Busch Version 1.1 Created: Saturday, July 5th, 2004 Platform: PC E-mail: Undernet01@Shaw.ca (C) 2004 - Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne FAQ / Walkthrough by Aaron Busch. Created By: Aaron18 [ Table of Contents ] - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - [1] Version History - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - [2] Using This Guide - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - [3] Walkthrough NIGHT ELF CAMPAIGN [ C01S ] [ Chapter 1 ] [ AC01 ] [ Rise of the Naga ] [ C02S ] [ Chapter 2 ] [ AC02 ] [ The Broken Isles ] [ C03S ] [ Chapter 3 ] [ AC03 ] [ The Tomb of Sargeras ] [ C04S ] [ Chapter 4 ] [ AC04 ] [ Wrath of the Betrayer ] [ C05S ] [ Chapter 5 ] [ AC05 ] [ Unfinished Business ] [ AC5B ] [ Balancing the Scales ] [ C06S ] [ Chapter 6 ] [ AC06 ] [ Shards of Alliance ] [ C07S ] [ Chapter 7 ] [ AC07 ] [ Malfurion's Vision ] [ AC7B ] [ The Ruins of Dalaran ] [ C08S ] [ Chapter 8 ] [ AC08 ] [ The Brothers Stormrage ] NIGHT ELF CAMPAIGN FINALE - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - BLOOD ELF CAMPAIGN [ C09S ] [ Chapter 1 ] [ AC09 ] [ Misconceptions ] [ C10S ] [ Chapter 2 ] [ AC10 ] [ A Dark Covenant ] [ C11S ] [ Chapter 3 ] [ AC11 ] [ The Dungeons of Dalaran ] [ SL01 ] [ Secret Level ] [ AC12 ] [ The Crossing ] [ C12S ] [ Chapter 4 ] [ AC13 ] [ The Dusts of Outland ] [ A13B ] [ The Search for Illidan ] - - - [1] [ Version History ] [ Version 1.0 ] Updated: 7:31 PM 11/07/2004 - Finished the Night Elf Campaign Walkthrough Though there may be a few areas of the Night Elf Campaign which do not make sense, I assure you, that you can send me an e-mail with any suggestions or concerns you may have. - Started the Human Campaign Walkthrough It took me a few days, but I finally managed to get to the Human Campaign without cheating. - Added a 'Using This Guide' section This FAQ / Walkthrough is quite complex to follow, so if you want to skip all the information and get straigh to the strategy source, I suggest you read the 'Using This Guide' section to learn how to do this. [ Version 1.1 ] Updated: 6:31 PM 25/08/2004 - Started the Blood Elf Campaign Blood Elf Campaign has been added. Chapter Four has been started, but is still under construction. - Re-worked Chapter Three As you may be aware, there were certain parts of Chapter Three which needed to be modified, as it wasn't fully completed. - - - [2] [ Using This Guide ] Hello, and welcome to my FAQ / Walkthrough for Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne. I have created a thorough, step-by-step guide, to help you complete this game. There may be a few areas of this FAQ / Walkthrough that you may not quite understand. I will do my best to clarify some of this information for you. As you may notice in the Table of Contents, I have added a few letters and nunmbers next to each section of the Walkthrough. If you can't locate the section that you are looking for, please do the following. INTERNET EXPLORER USERS - Select 'Edit', located on the toolbar at the top of your screen. - Select 'Find', or simply hold Ctrl, then hit the F Key. - Input the four digit code that is shown next to the corresponding section into the search bar and select 'Find Next'. NETSCAPE USERS - Select 'Edit', located on the toolbar at the top of your screen. - Select 'Find in This Page', or simply hit Ctrl, then the F Key. - Input the four digit code that is shown next to the corresponding section into the search bar and select 'Find'. If there is something in this FAQ / Walkthrough that you do not understand, please don't hesistate to send me an e-mail. I will be glad to assist you as best I can. - - - [3] [ Walkthrough ] NIGHT ELF CAMPAIGN Terror of the Tides - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - [ C01S ] [ Chapter 1 ] - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - [ AC01 ] [ Rise of the Naga ] - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Though the demonlord, Archimonde, and the Burning Legion were finally defeated at the Battle of Mount Hyjal, much of Ashen vale Forest remains tainted by foul, demonic energies. The combined efforts of both the druid and the Sentinels have brought a tenuous peace to the northlands, but dark creatures still lurk within the shadowed woods. In this perilous time, Maiev Shadowsong, the warden who once guarded Illidan's barrow prison, has come forth to hunt her dangerous prey--and chain him once again beneath the cold earth. - - - MISSION OBJECTIVE Main Quest - Follow Illidan's trail - Maiev must survive Illidan has sewn a path of destruction along to coastline. Hunt the Demon down and recapture him before he harms any more innocent civilians. - - - You will begin with five Archers, one Huntress, and your hero, Maiev Shadowsong. Destroy the Elven Gate and enter the village. Defeat the surviving Naga inside the village. Once the Naga have been defeated, obtain the Rune of Lesser Healing. Bring Maiev east to the dock. Select Blink, then have Maiev transport herself to the island. Once on the island, defeat the Mur'gul Cliffrunner and break the crates. Bring Maiev southband and locate a Rune on a small rock, just off the coast. Use Blink to obtain the Rune. There's one more island, south-east of your current position. Transport to the island. Break the crate, defeat the Naga, then return to the village. Exit through the Elven Gate to the west. Proceed down the path and defeat the Furbolgs which stand in your way. Destroy the Furbolg Huts and Crates. You'll encounter another group of Night Elves, shortly after a Satyr ambush. - - - MISSION OBJECTIVE Optional Quest - Slay the Wildkin The animals of the wild have gone berserk due to Illidan's presence. Once animal in particular is causing a great deal of trouble--a fearsome Wildkin. Put the creature to rest so it can do no more harm. - - - After encountering the Wildkin, it will immediately attempt to make an escape. Follow the beast to another group of Wildkin. Defeat all three to complete this Quest. OPTIONAL QUEST COMPLETED Enraged Beast Destroy the Wildkin Nests, then proceed northbound, to another village, presently under attack by the Naga. Defeat the Naga, then locate an island to the east. Stand Use Blink to transport Maiev to the island. Once there, Remember to destroy any building which can be destroyed as they may contain some valuable items. When you're ready to continue with your Main Objective, proceed North. You'll eventually come across a village which is presently under attack by a group known as the Naga. Defeat the Naga, then have Maiev stand near the river, east of the village. Select Blink, then have Maiev transport herself across the river. Defeat the Naga Siren, then bring Maiev back across the river. Exit the village to the west. You'll eventually come across a Fountain of Health. Leave your units resting here, as the next series of events will only need Maiev. Stand before the three waterfalls to the west and use Blink to transport Maiev to the upper ledge. Obtain the Rune of Mana, then defeat the Spiders. Return to the Fountain of Health once you have finished. East of the Fountain of Health is a hilltop. You may spot a Spider off in the distance. Select Blink and have Maiev transport atop the hilltop. Obtain the Rune, defeat the Spiders, then return to the Fountain of Health below. East of the hilltop is a layer of rocks soaking in an over-flooded lake. Use Blink to transport Maiev into the area beyond. Break the crates in this area then return to the Fountain of Health. Now that your units are well rested, proceed northbound. Follow the lake northbound, use Blink to teleport east along the shore. You will eventually encounter another Furbolg. Defeat the Furbolg Hermit, obtain the Rune of Mana, then return to where your group of Night Elves await. Proceed north, where you will encounter more of your fellow Night Elves. Defeat the Satyrs which stand in your way. - - - MISSION OBJECTIVE Optional Quest - Search and Rescue The vile Satyrs have captured several members of Maiev's party. Find the Satyrs, and destroy the cages to free your sisters from the Satyrs' vile clutches. - - - Follow the Satyr into the Dungeon where your fellow Night Elves are being held. Defeat the Satyrs which stand in your way, then destroy the Dungeon Gates to release the Night Elves. OPTIONAL QUEST COMPLETED Search and Rescue Return to the main path. Eventually you'll come across a Demonic Gate. Destroy it and enter the Harbour. MAIN QUEST COMPLETED The Demon's Trail Before sailing off after Illidan, the Naga are attempting to destroy your only means of escape. Two vessels must remain intact to complete Chapter One. - - - MISSION OBJECTIVE Main Quest - Save at least two ships - Maiev must survive Illidan has taken to the sea, and you must follow. His Naga minions have begun to set fire to the few boats that are left. You must save at least 2 ships, or you will not have sufficient force to give chase. - - - Once you have defeated the Naga, Maiev and her remaining companions will set sail after Illidan. MAIN QUEST COMPLETED Burning Ships VICTORY - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - [ C02S ] [ Chapter 2 ] - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - [ AC02 ] [ The Broken Isles ] - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - The next day, on the shores of a mysterious island chain. Maiev and here Watchers inspect some ancient, yet strangely familiar ruins. - - - MISSION OBJECTIVE Main Quest - Locate Illidan Illidan and his forces are based somehwere on this chain of islands. Hunt him down and put an end to this cause. - - - You will first need to establish a base. Opinions for many different players may vary, so I will provide you with some helpful strategies, rather than direct instructions. This will give you freedom of building whatever you choose. The Wisps are your supporters. You can instruct Wisps to Create anything you choose. To do this, select the 'Create Building' option. - - - Consider creating an Ancient of Wonders. If Maiev runs low on supplies, use the Ancient of Wonders to restock. Ancient Protectors can be used to defend the village. If an Acient Protector sees an enemy in the distance, it will defend the village at all costs. Moon Wells must exist. If you do not have enough Moon Wells, you will not be able to train any more units until you have more Moon Wells. Purchase a Lesser Clarity Potion from the Ancient of Wonders. There may be an event in Chapter Two of which you may need to rely on Mana. Summon Archers or Huntresses from the Ancient of War. The more units you have, the greater your chances for survival. The Gold Mine can only support up to five Wisps. If your resources are low, consider an attempt to find another Gold Mine. If you require more Lumber, then consider training more Wisps to obtain Lumber. You have a Hunter's Hall already at your disposal. The Hunter's Hall will upgrade the Strength and Defence of your units. The enemy may also have defences against your attacks. Consider training a Glaive Thrower. Glaive Throwers can be used to attack structures from a distance without needing worry of being attacked. You can further your studies in units and upgrades by upgrading your Tree of Life into a Tree of Ages. A Tree of Ages can be upgraded to a Tree of Eternity. Night Elves can hide themselves during the night, but not during the Day. Consider purchasing a Moonstone at the Ancient of Wonders. This will allow you to make a quick escape. - - - Once you are ready to begin your Main Quest, you can start exploring the Ruins. Start by exploring the small lake, east of your Base Camp. Bring Maiev close to the water, then select Blink and have her transport across the lake to a Rune of Mana and a Pendant of Energy. Return you to your Base Camp, then head north to an Orc, Drak'Thul. - - - MISSION OBJECTIVE Optional Quest - Destroy all three Summoning Pits - Return the Skeletal Artifact to Drak'thul Drak'thul is haunted by the ghosts up his betrayed comrades. You must find and destroy the pits from which the ghosts spawn. Within one of them lies the artifact that first raised the Orc remains. Bring the artifact to Drak'thul to show him that the curse has ended. - - - Return to your base and use the Night Elf Transport Ships to sail to the island marked with the the orange beacons. Once there, defeat the Skeletal Orcs, destroy the Summoning Pits, then return to Drak'thul. OPTIONAL QUEST COMPLETED Silence the Ghosts After hearing Drak'thul's story, train a few Night Elf Transport Ships, then sail east to the Naga Camp. Destroy the Naga Camp to slow down the Naga's attacks. Return to the Transport Ship and sail north. You'll arrive at the Library of Izal-Shurah. Though there is nothing of importance at the Library of Izal-Shurah, you can defeat the fiends to gain experience, and obtain some useful items. Return to the Transport Ship and sail east, where you will find yet another Naga Camp to destroy. Destroy the Naga Camp, then proceed through the Ruined Gate. MAIN QUEST COMPLETED Locate Illidan After defeating the Naga Camps, Illidan will make a quick escape into the Tomb of Sargeras. - - - MISSION OBJECTIVE Main Quest - Kill the Naga guarding the Tomb of Sargeras The Betrayer has escaped into the Tomb of Sargeras, and you must follow. To gain entrance, you must eliminate Illidan's Naga minions from the Tomb's entrance. - - - Defeat the Naga who are guarding the entrance to the Tomb of Sargeras. MAIN QUEST COMPLETED Naga Guardians VICTORY - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - [ C03S ] [ Chapter 3 ] - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - [ AC03 ] [ The Tomb of Sargeras ] - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Moments later, just inside the entrance of the shadowed tomb, Maiev and her watchers brace themselves for an ambush. - - - MISSION OBJECTIVE Main Quest - Find Illidan - Maiev must survive Illidan's nefarious plans have led him deep into the tomb of Sargeras. You must find the Betrayer and discover what he's up to. - - - You will not start Chapter Three with your massive army from Chapter Two. Directly north, through the Demonic Gate are some Undead Orcs and Naga which can easily be defeated for some items and accessories. From the entrance, head east to a fountain. Look directly north to find a Rune of Mana and Tome of Intelligence. Use Maiev's Blink ability to obtain these two items. Because of the size of your army, Maiev's abilities should be used, if you want to escape from the Tomb of Salgeras alive. Follow the corridor south and defeat the two Overlords which stand in your way. Break through the Demonic Gates. Note the path which leads south. We will return to this location in a moment. Continue progressing west, defeat the Pit Lord, obtain the Manual of Health, then return to the area of which I just stated aboved and proceed south. Defeat the Tomb Guardians which stand in your way, while progressing up the flight of stairs. Have Maiev step on to the glowing beacon. This will open the sealed door, marked on your minimap. - - - MISSION OBJECTIVE Optional Quest - Destroy the rock barriers Your Night Elf brethren have found several passageways that lead into the Tomb of Sargeras. There are only a few rock barriers remaining between Maiev and her warriors. Destroy the rock barriers so she can rendezvous with her troops. - - - Keep this objective in mind. When you see a rock formation which looks like it can be torn down, you'll have a chance to add more Night Elves to your group. Return down the flight of stairs, then through the door which was marked on your minimap. Defeat the Tomb Guardian, then have Maiev transport onto the floating the platform directly ahead. A Rune of Mana and a Shadow Orb Fragment can be found directly west of your current position. - - - MISSION OBJECTIVE Optional Quest - Find the Shadow Orb Fragments (1 of 10 Found) As Gul'dan's wretched body was ripped to pieces by the Tomb's Demonic guardians, his most coveted artifact was shattered. The Shadow Orb, the artifact imbued by the Shadow Council itself, was broken into 10 Fragments. Locate the missing Fragments, and reassemble the Orb. With each remnant found, the Orb's power will increase. - - - Return up the flight of stairs and destroy the rock barrier, south to the beacon which was pressed earlier. Head down the path that has just been made accessible. Look for a Rune of Mana to the left. Progress down this narrow path to a Shadow Orb Fragment at the other end. OPTIONAL QUEST UPDATE The Shadow Orb - Find the Shadow Orb Fragments (2 of 10 Found) Proceed north and defeat the Skeletal Orcs. Look for a Rune of Mana to the left, while crossing the bridge. Further down this side path is another Shadow Orb Fragment. OPTIONAL QUEST UPDATE The Shadow Orb - Find the Shadow Orb Fragments (3 of 10 Found) Return to the bridge and proceed north to find more of Guldan's Glyphs. Continue through the corridors ahead, and into the underground river. Locate another rock formation shortly after discovering the statue of Azshara. Progress north, then follow the ramp out of the river to an upper ledge. South-east of your current position is a piece of land sticking out from the water. Crack the crates and barrels to find another Shadow Orb Fragment. OPTIONAL QUEST UPDATE The Shadow Orb - Find the Shadow Orb Fragments (4 of 10 Found) Progress east, through the river. Eventually there will come a point which looks only as though Maiev can cross. Have Maiev tansport across the river to a ledge directly east. Step on the glowing beacon to raise a bridge. Shortly after crossing the bridge, you'll encounter Lady Vashj. A Naga you will eventually have to fight. You'll learn a great deal from Lady Vashj in Chapter 3. Defeat Lady Vashj's minions, then exit the river, east of your current position. Proceed through the corridor ahead. Destroy the rock formation to find more of your fellow Night Elves. OPTIONAL QUEST COMPLETED Barriers North of your present location is a chamber which only Maiev will be able to enter. However, it rewards you with a Shadow Orb Fragment. OPTIONAL QUEST UPDATE The Shadow Orb - Find the Shadow Orb Fragments (5 of 10 Found) Break through the Demonic Gate and enter the chambers which lie ahead. You'll eventually find more of Gul'dan's Glyphs. Break through the Massive Ruined Gate into the Chamber ahead. As soon as you enter the chamber, head south to find a Rune of Mana lying in a puddle of water. Follow the water east to find another Shadow Orb Fragment. OPTIONAL QUEST UPDATE The Shadow Orb - Find the Shadow Orb Fragments (6 of 10 Found) North of the entrance is another Rune of Mana, which can only be reached by Maiev. North of this Rund of Man is another Rune. Beyond this is a Shadow Orb Fragment. OPTIONAL QUEST UPDATE The Shadow Orb - Find the Shadow Orb Fragments (7 of 10 Found) Return through the Massive Ruined Doors. Defeat the Naga which stand in your way, then break through the final Massive Ruined Gate. MAIN QUEST COMPLETED The Search for Illidan Unfortunately for Naisha and the rest of the Night Elves, they'll be buried underneath the sea. As for Maiev, guide her back to the entrance of the Tomb of Salgeras. - - - MISSION OBJECTIVE Main Quest - Bring Maiev to the tomb entrance - Maiev must survive With the walls of the tomb beginning to crumble, time is running out. Maiev must use her Blink ability to reach the surface and escape before the crumbling tomb becomes her own. - - - Retrace your steps back to the entrance of the tomb. Do not attack anything that gets in your way, as you do not have the time to take on anything which lies in your path. VICTORY Note, there are three Shadow Orb Fragments which were not listed in this walkthrough of Chapter 3. I couldn't find them. If anybody knows of a location of the last three Shadow Orb Fragments, please let me know. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - [ C04S ] [ Chapter 4 ] - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - [ AC04 ] [ Wrath of the Betrayer ] - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Hours later, suffering from grievous wounds and exhaustion, Maiev stumbles back to the relative safety of her base camp. - - - MISSION OBJECTIVE Main Quest - Rescue the Night Elf Transports - The Runner must survive - Your base must survive The pressure of Illidan's Naga forces bears down heavily on Maiev's base. You must get to the Night Elf Transports quickly so that you can bring the Runner through the next leg of the journey out to sea. Protect the Runner at all closts; she is your only hope. - - - You'll have a few more Buildings, Units, and Tech Upgrades in this Chapter. - - - New Tech Upgrades can now be accessed. These Tech Upgrades were not available in Chapter 2. Some new structures are now available. This will allow you to train new units, research new Tech Upgrades, and advance your camp to new heights. Spend an equal amount of time on the encampment as well as getting The Runner to the shore. Your Runner is safe for now, but your base is not. This is a very difficult campaign. Consider training Hippogryphs from the Ancient of Wind, and Talon of the Claws from the Ancient of Lore. - - - Protect The Runner at all costs. If The Runner is killed, you'll be forced to restart the mission. Your objective is to accompany The Runner to the Shipyard. Careful how this is done, as you cannot call for re-inforcements. From the starting location for Maiev and The Runner, proceed south and defeat the Naga. - - - MISSION OBJECTIVE Optional Quest - Kill the Naga Excavators (1 of 4 Slain) Your Watcher scouts have spotted several Naga excavation crews working on strange caves in the surrounding ruins. Kill the excavators to deny Illidan the use of any powerful artifacts that they might hold. - - - Proceed west, then up the temple steps. Follow the path to another group of Naga. OPTIONAL QUEST Naga Excavators - Kill the Naga Excavators (2 of 4 Slain) Return back down the temple steps and continue west. You'll encounter more Night Elves as you progress north. Cross over the bridge of land then head east to find more Naga Excavators. OPTIONAL QUEST Naga Excavators - Kill the Naga Excavators (3 of 4 Slain) MAIN QUEST COMPLETED The Runner's Transport - - - MISSION OBJECTIVE Main Quest - Bring the Runner in a Transport to the sea - The Runner must survive - Your base must survive Only a few Naga defenses lie between the Runner and the open sea. Protect the Transport vessels as they pass through the - - - Sail through the channel. The final Naga Excavator is south-west of the Shipyard. OPTIONAL QUEST COMPLETED Naga Excavators Progress further through the channel. Keep in mind, whenever you come to a Massive Ruined Gate, you will have to unload from the Transport Vessel to take it down. Sail north-west to the beacon marked in the sea, which should also be flashing on your minimap. MAIN QUEST COMPLETED Escape to Sea VICTORY - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - [ C05S ] [ Chapter 5 ] - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - [ AC05 ] [ Unfinished Business ] - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - INTERLUDE Late that evening, in the secluded Moonglade, Malfurion Stormrage and Tyrande Whisperwind discuss the aftermath of the Legion's invasion. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - [ AC5B ] [ Balancing the Scales ] - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - The next day, on the shores of the Broken Isles, Maiev and her Watchers attempt to hold the line against Illdan's final assault. - - - MISSION OBJECTIVE Main Quest - Reach Maiev's base - Tyrande and Malfurion must survive Maiev and her Night Elf forces have been holding off Illidan and the Naga for weeks. With he defenses weakened and her gold supply exhausted, she cannot last much longer. You must bring Malfurion and Tyrande to Maiev's base and crush the imminent Naga threat. - - - Both Tyrande and Malfurion are level ten, so they will be able to handle anything which comes in their way. Guide them both to Maiev's base. You can find many Gold Coins along the way, simply explore the paths. Though some may be an ambush, the reward will help in the long run. - - - MISSION OBJECTIVE Optional Quest - Reach the first ship - Reach the second ship - Reach the third ship The Night Elf fleet was seperated when crossing the perilous ocean. Now the three remaining ships are stranded offshore, unable to safely land. Reach all of the ships and clear a path for them to land upon the shore. - - - With the Naga present, the Night Elf Transport Ships will have no way of making it safely to the shore. Make your way to each of the three Night Elf Transport Ships to rescute the Night Elves. OPTIONAL QUEST COMPLETED Night Elf Fleet Defeat the Naga's Camp, next to Maiev's Base. This will slow down the Naga's attacks. Enter Maiev's Base. MAIN OBJECTIVE COMPLETED Maiev's Distress Bring your Tree of Ages north, to where the Naga Camp previously was. - - - MISSION OBJECTIVE Main Quest - Destroy Illidan's base The Naga's forces are still poised to attack. Destroy them and send Illidan's foolish minions back to the sea so that you can recapture Illidan. - - - You still have Illidan's encampment to defeat. After figuring out your attack plan, send what you have north-east to Illidan's Base. His base is heavily guarded. Attack as one, do not send your units two different sides of the base as this may result in heavy casualties. MAIN OBJECTIVE COMPLETED Illidan's Minons VICTORY - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - [ C06S ] [ Chapter 6 ] - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - [ AC06 ] [ Shards of the Alliance ] - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Three days later, on the western coast of Lordaeron, the night elves venture cautiously into the shifting shadows of Silverpine Forest. - - - MISSION OBJECTIVE Main Quest - Destroy Illidan's base The Naga's forces are still poised to attack. Destroy them and send Illidan's foolish minions back to the sea so that you can recapture Illidan. - - - MISSION OBJECTIVE Main Quest Escort Kael'thas and his Caravan - Lead the caravan across the river - At least two Supply Wagons must survive - Tyrande, Maiev, and Kael must survive Escort Kael'thas and his supply caravan across the River Arevass. - - - Wherever Maiev and Tyrande go, the Humans will follow. Be careful, as the Undead roam these parts of the woods. Do not roam too far ahead of the Carvans, as the undead will present ambushes, as well as attack from either side. Further down the path is a Mercenary Camp, but with the Gold you presently have you want be able to hire any mercenaries. - - - MISSION OBJECTIVE Optional Quest - Recover the gold caches Kael'thas has stashed some gold and lumber nearby. Retrieve the hidden resources to allow the purchase of mercenaries and other supplies. - - - The first cache can be found west of the mercenary camp, but you must destroy the Undead Encampment to get to it. OPTIONAL QUEST UPDATE Retrieve Supplies - Recove the hold caches (1 of 3 Found) Eventually, after following the path for some time, you'll come across another mercenary camp. Directly east of the mercenary camp is a slightly larger Undead Encampment. Behind it is another cache. OPTIONAL QUEST UPDATE Retrieve Supplies - Recove the hold caches (2 of 3 Found) As you may realize by now, the attacks on the caravans are becoming for frequent. Try not to wander too far away from the caravan. Eventually, you'll be forced to make a decision. If you want to finish this chapter quickly, proceed to the right. If you want to be safe, and take the longer path, proceed to the left. Either way, the final mercenary camp is down the path to the right. The cache can be found next to a group of Undead due west. OPTIONAL QUEST COMPLETED Retrieve Supplies Either way you went, fight your way toward the river to complete the Main Objective. MAIN QUEST COMPLETED Escort Kael'thas and his Caravan VICTORY - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - [ C07S ] [ Chapter 7 ] - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - [ AC07 ] [ Malfurion's Vision ] - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - INTERLUDE At that moment, deep within Silverpine Forest, Malfurion attempts to commune with the spirits of the wild. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - [ AC7B ] [ The Ruins of Dalaran ] - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Later that evening, at the night elves' base camp, Malfurion returns to warn Maiev and Tyrande of his brother's dangerous sorcery. - - - MISSION OBJECTIVE Main Quest - Destroy the Summoners before time ruins out - Spells and Magic attacks kill the Summoners - (Example - Chimeras have a magical attack) Illidan's Summoners have begun channeling a powerful spell through the Eye of Sargeras that threatens to tear the planet asunder. Time is running out as they come ever closer to finishing their diabolical chanting. You must slay all four Summoners before time runs out, but they turned ethereal and can only be harmed by magic. Use the following to damage the summoners. Faerie Dragon - Mana Flare Chimeras - Attack Druid of the Talon - Attack Maiev's Fan of Knives or Shadow Strike Spells Malfurion's Entangling Roots Spell - - - You'll only have thirty minutes to complete this difficult chapter. You can only use magic to destroy the Summoners. Though you may quite well be outnumbered in this scenario, a pack of Chimeras with Corrosive Breath, as well as a group of fully upgraded Rock Giants can quite easily destroy Illidan's Encampment. Shortly after this chapter begins, you'll be informed that a Paladin has been captured. It's a bit out of the way, but it will aid you on your quest. - - - MISSION OBJECTIVE Optional Quest - Free the Paladin There is a Paladin being held behind the Naga. Break him free of his cage, and he may aid you in the destruction of Illidan's forces. - - - Once you have your proper base built for the Naga's and Illidan's burial, it's time to press the attack. First, proceed north-east. There are only a few Naga which stand in your way, so it won't be hard to try and release the Paladin. OPTIONAL QUEST COMPLETED Save the Paladin Now it's time to save the planet from destruction. Take the plunge into the unknown and send your forces north- west to Illidan's Encampment. Illidan's defenses are substantially high. The amount of strength it will take to get to the Summoners is quite overwhelming, so don't take this battle lightly. Once you've made it to the Summoners, keep in mind, that only magic can defeat them. It's time to put a stop to Illidan's cause. MAIN QUEST COMPLETED Spell of Destruction VICTORY - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - [ C08S ] [ Chapter 8 ] - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - [ AC08 ] [ The Brothers Stormrage ] - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Hours later, along the banks of the River Arevass, Malfurion and Illidan work together to pick up Tyrande's trail. Moving quickly through the woods, their skills and senses start working in unison--their twin wills bent on finding their beloved priestess before it's too late. - - - MISSION OBJECTIVE Main Quest - Use Illidan's dorces to destroy the red Undead base - Use Malfurion's forces to defend the Night Elf base Illidan and Malfurion must work together to save the woman they love from the clutches of the Undead. Malfurion must hold out against the Undead forces, while Illidan must crush the massive Undead base sourrounded Tyrande. Only then can she be brought to safety. - - - It's time to take a break from controlling the Night Elves. This time, you'll take control of, Ugh... Illidan and his Naga forces. You control borth Malfurion's and Illidan's bases. Both bases are completely seperate, including their own resources and upkeep levels. Malfurion will start out with six treasures to hold in his inventory. This will help him defeat the Undead. As it's quite hard to control two bases simultaneously, you may want to consider deciding which base to spend more of your efforts on. Bringing Illidan and his Naga forces further downstream will trigger an Optional Quest, which may lead in a quicker route to Tyrande. - - - MISSION OBJECTIVE Optional Quest - Slay the Trolls and their Chieftain The Trolls have constructed several dams and set up homes up the river, blocking you from easily striking at the Undead army guarding Tyrande. Slay the Trolls and their Chieftain Krag'jin to open more paths for attacks on the Undead. - - - The Naga can quite easily crush the Trolls without even trying. It just depends on how large is the size of your army. Defeat the Chieftain to complete this Quest. OPTIONAL QUEST COMPLETED Dam Trolls the Red Undead Base is by far the most powerful base in this Chapter. Since only the Naga can attack the Undead, you may want to consider training many anti-air units, as you may become overwhelmed by Gargoyles and Frostbytes. Once you have crushed the Undead, take the path down into the water to Tyrande. MAIN QUEST COMPLETED Tyrande's Rescue VICTORY Night Elf Campaign Finale - - - BLOOD ELF CAMPAIGN Curse of the Blood Elves - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - [ C09S ] [ Chapter 1 ] - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - [ AC09 ] [ Misconceptions ] - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - At Grand Marshal Garithos' base camp, near the outskirts of Dalaran, Kael'than and his Warriors arrive bearing ill news. - - - MISSION OBJECTIVE Main Quest - Find and Repair the Observatories (0 of 3 Reapaired) The Observatories in this area served Lordaeron well when they were in operation. Repair them to reveal vision of the area to your army and comply with Garithos' command. - - - There's a peasant to the left who is currently repairing the Observation Tower. You'll have to wait until this Observation Tower has been repaired to work towards another. Meanwhile, have Kael explore the area to search for the next. You're not alone in this village. Demons currently roam the area and may overwhelm your forces if you're not careful. Keep the Priests out of harm's way. Eventually, Kael will inform the rest of the troop that several caches were buried in this area months ago. - - - MISSION OBJECTIVEE Optional Quest - Find the Hidden Caches (0 of 4 Found) There are several hidden caches of hold, lumber, and items hidden around this area. Find them all to bolster your resources and power. - - - The location of each cache will be displayed as an orange beacon on your minimap Cache 1: Directly south of the first Observation Tower. Cache 2: South of Cache #1. Near the south-east corner. Cache 3: On an island in the north-west corner. Cache 4: On an island in the south-west corner. MAIN QUEST UPDATE Observation Repairs - Find and Repair the Observatories (1 of 3 Repaired) By the time you reach the Fountain of Mana, the first Observation Tower should already be repaired. This should reveal a great deal of the surrounding area. You have a Tiny Barracks and a Tiny Altar of Kings. The Tiny Barracks can be used to train more forces. As for the Tiny Altar of Kings, if one does not exist, Kael will not be resurrected. You'll eventually come across Lady Vashj once more. But she doesn't wish to fight. Instead, she offers you two vessels which can be used to reach the shore on the other side. The second Observation Tower is in plain sign on an island north / east from the one you've just set sail. Once you've landed on the island, slay the fiends which are close to the Gold Mine, then set your Tiny Castle, your Tiny Altar of Kings, and your Tiny Barracks on to the sand. Before you can create any more units, you must first have your Peasant build a Farm. After this has been done you can begin training units to add to your army. You'll have almost everything there is to do with the Human Race. Your presence on this island is no secret. You will sometimes have to battle other forces which come your way, so be prepared to defend your base. The second Observation Tower is directly ahead of you. Select a group of Peasants to set off to reapair it. MAIN QUEST UPDATE Observatory Repair - Find and Repair the Observation Towers (2 of 3 Repaired) After repairing the second Observation Tower, you'll have an idea of what you're up against. You'll need a decent sized army if you wish to defeat the Undead. After defeating the Undead army, you can find the final Observation Tower, north- west. MAIN QUEST COMPLETED Observatory Repairs VICTORY - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - [ C10S ] [ Chapter 2 ] - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - [ AC10 ] [ A Dark Covenant ] - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - The next day, at the Alliance base camp, Prince Kael'thas and his men ready themselves to move out. - - - MISSION OBJECTIVE Main Quest - Destroy the green Undead base From the shadows, Dalvengyr commands his Undead Scourge to surround your encampment. Seek out Dalvengyr, destroy him, slay his troops, and raze every last one of his buildings to the ground. - - - Watch carefully how this mission plays out. At the beginning of this Chapter, the Undead will attempt to make a massive assult. It's impossible to save the first wave of attacks, as it happens moments after Chapter 2 begins. Just when it seems as though all is lost, Lady Vashj and her Naga minions arrive at the shore to offer you their services.\ You'll be completely surrounded by Undead Forces, as for each Gold Mine you lost from the Undead's assault, they reclaimed it as their own. - - - MISSION OBJECTIVE Optional Quest - Secure a gold mine and build a Town Hall The devastating Undead counterattack has left you in the precarious position of not having a ready supply of gold. You must secure an additional gold mine by destroying a nearby Undead base and establishing a Town Hall over the base's ashes. Dragonhawk Riders will prove valuable in this effort, as their Cloud spell can prevent enemy towers from attacking your troops. - - - Your Naga Royal Guards may prove useful in the battle against the Undead. The Naga Royal Guard is an incredibly powerful melee unit, with special abilities such as Submerge, Resistant Skin, Frost Bolt, Crushing Wave, and Summon Sea Elemental. Use these Guards to your advantage. Your builders are the comedic Workers, who can either be trained at the Castle, or found fetching lumber. You won't have a Gold Mine, so you'll have to defeat an Undead Base to claim back one of your Gold Mines. The Naga will not need a Human Transport Ship to cross the water, just target a seperate island and they will swim to that location. If you do not have enough Gold to reclaim a Gold Mine, you may be able to find crates or barrels nearby, which can be destroyed to find hidden treasures. OPTIONAL QUEST COMPLETED Acquire Gold Mine You can reclaim other Gold Mines in the vicinity as well. Just send a strike force to another Undead Base to recapture what you have lost. Your main target is green's Undead Base. Once you have destroyed this base, the Main Quest will be completed. MAIN QUEST COMPLETED Crush and Destroy VICTORY - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - [ C11S ] [ Chapter 3 ] - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - [ AC11 ] [ The Dungeons of Dalaran ] - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Two days later, within the magically shielded dungeons of Dalaran, Kael'thas and his blood elf brethren languish in their cells, awaiting their inevitable executions. - - - MISSION OBJECTIVE Main Quest - Free the Blood Elf Lieutenants (0 of 4 Free) - Kael and Vashj must survive Garithos has imprisoned your Blood Elf Lieutenants within special magical cages. Break them free so that they can release your brethren and prepare for the upcoming battle with Garithos. - - - There's a Stone Token which can be found in the underground channel. Use Kael's Flame Strike to take down the barricade of trees, then have Vashj swim into the deep waters to obtain the Stone Token. Use this Stone Token when you feel as though you have been outnumbered. It will summon a powerful Rock Golem to fight at your side for a duration of three minutes. Beyond the channel is a Magic Vault which can be destroyed to find a Tome of Knowledge. As you progress further into the Dalaran Dungeons you'll find another of your Blood Elf Lieutenants. Destroy the Masgical Pen Gate. MAIN QUEST UPDATE Blood Elf Lieutenants - Free the Blood Elf Lieutenants (1 of 4 Freed) - Kael and Vashj must survive Opposite of the Magical Pen Wall is a Dungeon Gate which contains three Imprisoned Workers. Destroy the Dungeon Gate to free the Imprisoned Workers. Once destroyed, the Imprisoned Workers will move to the Armoury on the opposite end of the room, where they will then change into two Spell Breakers and a Priest. The Workers will move to the Armoury on the other side of the room, where they will change into two Spell Breakers and a Priest. Further west, a Monstrous Spider guards what remains of your fellow Blood Elves. Destroy the Gates and the Egg Sacks once the Spiders have been destroyed. Retrace your steps back to the underground channel then proceed south-west to the Gate. A Guard quickly makes an attempt to sound the alarm. Use Kael's Banish on the Guard to stop this from happening. - - - MISSION OBJECTIVE Optional Quest - Slay the Ghostly Archmagi (0 of 4 Slain) The ghosts of the Archmagi slaughtered by Arthas during the destruction of Dalaran still haunt the decrepit ruins of the prison. Find their trapped spirits and slay them to release their tormented souls and give them peace. - - - Have Kael or Vashj obtain the Tome of Strength, then place two units on the green runes to open the gate to the first Ghost of Dalaran. OPTIONAL QUEST Ghosts of Dalaran - Slay the Ghostly Archmagi (1 of 4 Slain) Exit south to find the second Blood Elf Lieutenant. Defeat the Undead, then destroy the Magical Pen Gate to release the second Blood Elf Lieutenant. MAIN QUEST UPDATE Blood Elf Lieutenants - Free the Blood Elf Lieutenants (2 of 4 Freed) - Kael and Vashj must survive Left of the gate you've just destroyed is a Dungeon Gate which holds another Imprisoned Blood Elf. Destroy the Gundeon Gate to release the Blood Elf. Place a unit on the two purple runes in this area. This will reveal the second Ghost of Dalaran. OPTIONAL QUEST Ghosts of Dalaran - Slay the Ghostly Archmagi (2 of 4 Slain) The chamber to the left will show more Undead roam the vicinity. Defeat the Undead, then destroy the Dungeon Gates and Egg Sacks. Cross the bridge to the east, but do not destroy the Gate just yet. Instead, locate the lever on the other side of the Gate. Destroy it to release the creatures upon the Guards. Once the Guards have been slain, proceed through to the next chamber. Once you have destroyed the remaining creatures, place a unit on the two teal runes to reveal a Tome of Agility. North, in the same chamber is a Scroll of Mana. Through the next chamber you'll find two Guards. One of the Guards will make an attempt to sound the alarm. Cast Banish on the Guard, then slay the second. West of the Gate is another underground channel. One of the yellow runes can be found within the shallow waters. As for the other, send Vashj through the channel, then south once the waterway begins to split. There you will find the second yellow rune. Stepping on both the two runes will reveal a Tome of Intelligence. Within the next room are more of Garithos' Enforcers. East of the Enforcers is another Guard. Cast Banish on the Guard to stop him from setting off the alarm. Within the same chamber are two purple runes. once of the runes can be found enclosed in a a pile of crates. The second can be found in the flooded chamber, which can only be accessed with Vashj. This will reveal the third Ghost of Dalaran. OPTIONAL QUEST Ghosts of Dalaran - Slay the Ghostly Archmagi (3 of 4 Slain) North of this chamber is a Dungeon Gate. Behind this Dungeon Gate is a red rune. Remember the location of this first rune, as the second one remains to be seen. Break through the Gate to the next chamber. Defeat the Guards, destroy the crates. Within the same chamber is a blue rune. Remember the location of this first rune, as the second one remains to be seen. South of this chamber is a Gate. Destroy the Gate and proceed to the next chamber. Slay the Guards within this chamber. Destroy the Magical Pen Gate to release the third Blood Elf Lieutenant. MAIN QUEST UPDATE Blood Elf Lieutenants - Free the Blood Elf Lieutenants (3 of 4 Freed) - Kael and Vashj must survive Two more Blood Elves can be found within the same chamber. Destroy the Dungeon Gate to release them. Destroy the Crates within the same chamber, then exit south. A scourge of Guards and Undead roam the corridor ahead. You can either choose to join the battle, or creep slowly out of sight. Within the next chamber are three Sheep. The correct order in which to open the Iron Gate, is Cold Sheep, Blood Sheep, Inner Sheep. This may vary in different games. SECRET LEVEL FOUND You have unlocked a secret mission. Complete this mission to play. Return to the previous chamber. Locate the barricade of threes to the right. Use Kael's Flame Strike, then step in front of the now accessible tunnel to be taken to the top of a platform. Here you will find the second red rune. Keep a unit placed on this one and return to the first to open the Iron Gate to the fourth and final Ghost of Dalaran. OPTIONAL QUEST COMPLETED Ghosts of Dalaran Once the Guards have been defeated, use Kael's Flame Strike on the barricade of trees to obtain a Rune of Restoration. Underneath the Rune of Restoration is the second blue rune which can now unlock the Demonic Gate you came across earlier in the Dalaran Dungeons. Once past the Demonic Gate, defeat the Arcanite Golem and the crates inside to obtain some valuable treasures. After slaying Garithos' Enforcers, two Guards up the corridor will release a pack of Flesh Golems after you. After defeating the Flesh Golems, have Kael cast Flame Strike on the trees ahead. Place a Blood Elf on the Rune to open the Demonic Gate which you came across ealier. Inside is a massive Arcanite Golem. Defeat the Arcanite Golem, then break the crates to find some valuable accessories. Return to the chamber you were at previously and proceed up the corridor. Destroy the Magical Pen Gate to release the fourth and final Blood Elf Lieutenant. MAIN QUEST UPDATE Blood Elf Lieutenants - Free the Blood Elf Lieutenants (4 of 4 Freed) - Kael and Vashj must survive MAIN QUEST COMPLETED Blood Elf Lietenants - - - MISSION OBJECTIVE Main Quest - Slay the Jailor Kassan and his guards - Kael and Vashj must survive The old Jailor of the sewer prison of Dalaran block the final gate barring you from the surface. Kill him and those guarding the gate with him so that the wrongfully imprisoned Blood Elves can push the fight into the city. - - - Before heading through the Iron Gate, return to the Demonic Gate. Inside is another Blood Elf. Destroy the Gate to release the Blood Elf. Return to the previous chamber and destroy the Iron Gate. Slay the Jailor Kassan to complete this mission. MAIN QUEST COMPLETED Jailor Kassan VICTORY - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - [ SL01 ] [ Secret Level ] - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - [ AC12 ] [ The Crossing ] - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Moments later, as the allied blood elves and naga spill into the back alleys of Dalaran. - - - MISSION OBJECTIVE Main Quest - Build towers to stop Garithos' men - The Portal must survive Garithos is sending his men on a suicide mission to destroy the portal. You need only hold out long enough for all the Blood Elves to get through to Outland. Place defensive towers in strategic locations to stop Garithos' army from reaching and destroying the Portal. Defend the Portal from Garithos' troops while the rest of the Blood Elves escape. - - - Your Blood Elf Engineers can be used to build Towers to stop Garithos' troops from destroying the Portal. Garithos will send thirty waves of attackers to destroy the Portal. One wave at a time. You can keep track of how much Portal Life is remaining, or how many waves are remaining by looking at the status window in the upper-right hand corner of the screen. You'll have new Tower upgrades every few rounds. If Garithos manages to destroy the Portal, or if you withstand his attacks, it's Victory either way. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - [ C12S ] [ Chapter Four ] - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - [ AC13 ] [ The Dusts of Outland ] - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - INTERLUDE After hours of marching, Kael'thas and Lady Vashj stand on a high plateau overlooking the red, barren landscape of Outland. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - [ A13B ] [ The Search for Illidan ] - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - After three days of fruitless searching, Price Kael'thas and Lady Vashj realize they are lost in the barren wilderness of Hellfire Peninsula