Need for Speed Tips Class C: I drove both these races in the toyota. My first pick was the Acura, due to its top speed, but I found that it just couldn't handle the turns during the last two segments of the City course, and that tough turn on Rusty Springs. The key to these tracks is effective use of the accelerator. As they tend to be high-speed courses, you'll just want to make subtle speed changes around the corners merely to keep from sliding out. Don't be afraid to make use of the walls in Rusty Springs, and only downshift when absolutely necessary. The Toyota has good acceleration, which is what those two courses need. Class B: On these tracks I found the Corvette to be the most well-rounded car. It has good acceleration, and seemed very solid going around the very tight corners Coastal. In Autumn Valley, the hardest part was negotiating that last turn before the grandstands. The trick, however, is to take the turn wide and full speed, using the wall to guide you around. This gave me a big jump on those cars that would downshift to take it clean. You'll probably want to downshift coming out of the turn, but you won't lose all *that* much speed. In Coastal, it's crucial to establish a lead early on, as passing can be suicidal later on. Remember to block cars behind you, and hit them when necessary. :) Class A: I drove the Ferrari for these, as top speed isn't nearly as important as handling on these tracks. These are somewhat similar tracks, in that quick shifting makes all the difference. Downshift into the turns, and upshift when you feel the car slide. Don't be afraid to up and downshift frequently and quickly to maintain traction, *especially* on the ice in Alpine, and in the woods in Vertigo Ridge. There's a big speed penalty for hitting anything on the sides on these tracks, so concentrate on clean lines more than blazing speed. Be sure to establish a lead before things get icy on Alpine, and just use good shifting and blocking to cross the line. Well, that's about it. Vertigo Ridge was the hardest, IMO, but rest assured that you'll *love* the bonus track when you get to it. It's probably the coolest of all of 'em. Hope this helps....good luck! --Evan