Command & Conquer:Generals Zero Hour Generals Challenge Walkthrough by Brian Au,ver 0.5 from 17/11/2003 Table of Contents 1-Disclaimer 2-Guide buildup history 3-C&C:GZH History and Sides' Briefing 4-New Generals and Briefing -China -USA -GLA 5-Generals' Comparsion -China -USA -GLA -Overall 6-Generals Challenge-Briefing 7-Generals Challenge-Walkthrough 8-More stuffs on C&C:G/ZH 9-Feedback 10-Letters from readers 11-Credits ========= 1-Disclaimer ========= All trademarks and copyrights contained in this document are owned by their respective trademark and copyright holders.This may be not be reproduced under any circumstances except for personal, private use. It may not be placed on any web site or otherwise distributed publicly without advance written permission. Use of this guide on any other web site or as a part of any public display is strictly prohibited, and a violation of copyright. This document is Copyright of Brian Au(Brian General),2003;unauthorized reproduction of this document as same as it is or in part is forbidden;to ask authorization for copying or using this FAQ(NOT FOR MAKING PROFIT),please send a mail to OK,I'll talk something about me.My name is Brian Au Man Hon,a 15-year-old boy(or teenager?),living in Hong Kong.Why I wrote this Walkthrough?I played this for some times,and I wanted to tell others about my tactics.Also,I wanted to gain some good fame for Hong Kong.Yes,I am a HK cilivian.So,I hope that you will like it,under the threat of SARS' Returning;-) As I am a HK cilivian,so my grammar won't be as good as others in UK or US,or other westerns.Please let me say sorry for it. I play this game at Easy level.If you have any additional data for other levels,or you have any comments about this Guide are welcome.If you have any,please mail to,you can find me frequently at RuneScape(My username is BrianGeneral). And now,when I can use Internet at home,I sometimes will run MechWarrior4: Mercenaries to play games Online.If you see a guy named Hunter-Seeker(Kell Hounds-GeneralOfTheClanRebels),who usually use Longbow,Hamptmann,Daishi or Fafnie,that's me.I usually play online at Hong Kong's time 10am-3pm or/and 8:45pm-10:30pm. BUT,don't send any mail or messages about taking CD keys,talking about crimes or about all other illegal things.(But military is welcome.Haha) NOTE:Those comments I write below is my own opinion ONLY. ====================== 2-Guide buildup history ====================== 17/11/2003:Start writing this under a EXTREMELY BUSY time,like playing C&C:GZH, Homeworld 2,and also typing my own stories;)(ver 0.333......) 23/11/2003:Finished Generals' Briefing.Just done 1/4.......I promise I'll continue with it.(ver 0.5) ============================= 3-C&C:GZH History and Sides' Briefing ============================= Command & Conquer:Generals Zero Hour is the newest Expansion of Command & Conquer:Generals,the newest series of Command & Conquer series.In this Expansion,There are still 3 armies stand by for you to command:USA,China and GLA(Global Liberation Army).Like the normal Real-Time Strategy Games,they got their own advantages and weaknesses.You can see them below: we know,Computer Games,especially C&C series,is so "Greater-Americanism" and something like that,and there's no exception here.In the game,US relies on their SUPERIOR Air Forces,no kidding.You can imagine that what will happen when the present USAF asernal appears in the game,like F/A-22 Raptor,RAH-66 Comanache,F-117 Nighthawk,etc. Also,their technology is the best among the 3 rivalries,one simple example is,they can use radar automatically when the Command Center is built.Laser Defences against Missiles are also appears in the US Armoury,how hi-tech! However,their ground forces is their weakness,especially facing China. China:Our Homeland......China is strong enough to balance the power of US,both in real world and in the game!Wohohoho......China in the game,like that in real world,has the most advanced tanks,especially that MONSTEROUS Overlord!Using it,you will feel that it's really "One guy guards and no one can pass"! Also,if you know History well,you should know that China likes to use "Human Wave" attack,so,also referring to the large population of China,they can train two soldiers in the price of one;if using General Abilities,they can get Veterancy as well! Unfortunately,even with the help of Russia(Mig of China is Russian Mig-1.42),Chinese Air Force is pretty weak when facing US. GLA:From the name,you may not know what is it;but if I say "Terrtorists" or "Al Queda",can you know this?Well,GLA is those Terrtorists.They can use Toxic Weapons well,like that Toxin Tractor.Kill any infantries in buildings instantly! GLA also uses Demolition Weapons as well.Can you remember the Demolition Truck in Red Alert 2?It's back,and more powerful.You can arm it with both High Explosive Bomb and Bio Bomb on it!Nasty! Stealth Technology is also one of the benefits of GLA.Using the new General Abilities,you can hide some of your troops from enemy!That Bomb Truck can also disguise as ANY vehicles,so you can drive it into enemy base,and......Booooooom!! GLA got best troops in the game as well.Example:Angry Mob.Armed with Petrol Bomb and AK-47,they can toast ANYTHING on the map!As well as Jarman Kell,he can kill drivers on enemy vehicles instantly,and you can use it as yours! But,their Armoured Beasts are not so powerful,especially their Scopion Tank.You have to notice this.Also,they have NO Air Forces!Not even a helicopter!Too bad. ===================== 4-New Generals and Briefing ===================== Here's the main point of this Guide. In this Expansion,all 3 sides has included 3 new Generals.They have their own advantages and limitations,as well. To brief them,I will list all their benefits and limitations,and decide that advantage/limitation how much influence on their armies.Let's start! 4.1:China Generals. 4.1.1:General "Anvil" Shin Fai Early in his Career,he found that China,unlike others,had teeming hordes of people willing to fight and die.So,he puts his eyes on the Red Guards.He can mobilize up to four infantry divisions in less that one day.He ruled a number of unique infantry units in order to enforce the will of China. This guy REALLY uses the advantage of China------huge population.Is his army really powerful? 1-All infantry start at Veteran Level. Advantage to the army:6/10 The simple idea is:their Tank Hunters get higher firing rate and damage to kill tanks.Killing their infantry will be more difficult! 2-Nationalism upgrade avalidable at start. Advantage to the army:8/10 This will be more important to the army,especially the lacks of good Armour Beasts at first.Higher firing rate,killing more faster! 3-Horde Bonus increased. Advantage to the army:6/10 I actually don't know what will be the influence of this,but it may be have good benefits...... 4-Battlemaster,Overlord and Gattling tanks are unavailable. Affect on the army:10/10 NO Overlord!?NO Battlemaster!?NO Gattling Tanks as well?!How can we fight without these boys!How much Nuke Cannons,Dragon Tanks and Inferno Cannons can do!! 5-Fortified Bunkers replaces normal Bunker,and Land Mines are already placed. Advantage to the army:8.5/10 Hold 5 more men!BEST defense structure indeed.5 More Tank Hunters,your tanks can go to die! 6-Assault Troop Transport replaces normal Troop Crawler. Advantage to the army:8.5/10 May be it will be the best replacements for Battlemasters,Gattlings and Overlords.Men inside the Transport can fire inside the Transport.And it can heal infantry around!Good assault weapon. 7-MIni-Gunner replaces normal Red Guard. Advantage to the army:7.5/10 Probably the best infantry of the game except heroes.Though we can only train one at a time,it's more powerful:higher firing rate,higher firepower,and they can shoot planes!They only can't destroy tanks in a few shot!Burn them up ASAP! 8-Mini-Gunner Paradrop available as General Ability. Advantage to the army:7/10 Same as the Paradrop of USA,but drop more powerful men instead.The Transport Plane may be destroyed,remember. 9-Aircrafts are more expensive. Affect on the army:6/10 Not much affection to Chinese armies,but they may be the support units of your weak ground pounders. 10-Attack Outpost replaces normal Listening Outpost. Advantage to the army:6/10 Carries 10 Infantry.I've seen no use on it except detecting stealth units around. 11-Assault Helix replaces normal Helix. Advantage to the army:9/10 Come on!8-men bunker already installed?Use it to shoot the prideful Overlords!The bad thing is,we can't use Gattling Cannons or Speaker Tower now...... 12-Super Hacker replaces normal Hacker. Advantage to the army:8/10 Start at Veteran Level and get money faster at Supply Centers?Hmmm......I will get tons of money! 13-Super Lotus replaces normal Black Lotus. Advantage to the army:valuable,but normal 6.5 for myself Start as Veteran,steals more money,steals money faster,hack vehicles slower,still no use for me.I never use her. Total marks for modifications of Shin Fai:65/130,that means 50/100.Reasonable,but pretty weak against others. 4.1.2:General Tsing Shi Tao He was know as an impatient man who will get what he wants regardless of the costs of himself or others(selfish......).His usage of Nuclear power has brought lots of problems,but starts to get advantages.More stable isotopes and Tactical Nukes make his men needn't to go to frontline first,and makes his men more loyal and ready to fight. Using nuclear power to fight against others.Will it cause any serious problems? 1-All tanks starts with Uranium Shells and Nuclear Tanks upgrade. Advantage to the army:10/10 Unbeliviably strong!All tanks go faster,and more deadly than others even at the middle of the fight!Now,with this,even Battlemasters can fight Overlords!And Overlords,reasonably,become much stronger! 2-The Nuke Cannon is available from the start of the battle. Advantage to the army:9/10 Nuke Cannon is one of the best base defense deapons,except its thin skin and slow movement.With Neutron Shells,all tanks and men can go to hell! 3-The Advanced Nuclear Reactor replaces the standard one. Advantage to the army:8/10 Without this,your base will die soon.8 more power units can afford 8 Airfields!Nasty. 4-Nuke Bomber replaces normal Carpet Bombing. Advantage to the army:7/10 Can you think one of the reason it's hard to use,though it drops powerful Nuke Bombs?That is,that B-52 can be shot down. 5-Isotope Stability Upgrade is available at Propaganda Center. Advantage to the army:6.5/10 When Battlemasters and Overlords are destroyed,this can prevent that radioactivity harming your units.Not too useful,as Overlords are so tough. 6-Infantry and Aircraft are more expensive. Affect on the army:6/10 Using Helix and Migs to drop Nukes can really helps.When they are more expensive,your power will be lessened. 7-Helix gets a Nuke Bomb instead of a Napalm Bomb. Advantage to the army:7.5/10 Not much useful,but quite powerful.Tanks,farewell. 8-Nuclear Missile Silos are less expensive to build. Advantage to the army:9.5/10 Will anyone choose not to use Nuclear Missiles even you can only build 1?I can use 1 Missile to promote myself from 1 Star General to 5 Stars!1 Missiles ONLY! 9-Migs can arm Tactical Nukes. Advantage to the army:8/10 Its radioactivity will be left there,but those transporters probably get hit before attack.Still have its usage...... Total marks for modifications of Tsing Shi Tao:59.5/90,that means 66.1/100.Probably the most powerful General in China,or even in the WHOLE geme.I like Nuclear Overlords with Nuke Cannons plus lots of Missile Silo behind. 4.1.3:General Ta Hun Kwai General Ta believes that the real power of Chinese Military relies on its tanks(true),so he used all his lift to the improvements of the tanks and researching tactics in order to use them as effective as possible.Considered a part of old guard,he is one of the most successful General in the Chinese Army. All his most striking and dangerous forces are tanks.Can he help us much? 1-All tanks start at Veteran Level. Advantage to the army:10/10 Hey,even Dragon Tanks and Gattling Tanks ALL start at Veteran Level!You gotta surrender.You want them bite the dust?You can only use General Abilities and Superweapons!(Of course kidding......) 2-Tanks are cheaper to build. Advantage to the army:9/10 Somebody may want to use Air force instead,but it's so striking!Building the same-sized force,but you can saving up money to build an additional Helix!Right? 3-Infantry and Aircraft are more expensive. Affect on the army:7/10 In modern warfare,you'll die without Air support,especially your forces are ALL tanks!If enemy uses TONS of Anti-tank weapons,you may kiss them goodbye. 4-Nuke Cannons and Inferno Cannons are unavailable. Affect on the army:8/10 You may ask:why affects on General Tao about Aircraft is fewer to General Ta?Different to General Tao is,you will get NO artilleries to build!So without Air as Long- or Short-Range support,you can go to hell.Understand?Also,you CANNOT get enemy vehicles by Nuke Cannons now. 5-Emperor Tank replaces the normal Overlord. Advantage to the army:9.5/10 Can you think something better than an Overlord that gets both Speaker Tower AND Gattling Cannon at the same time?It's a pity that it can't mount Bunker on it.(From Lo Kai Yan Alasdair, has written some EXCELLENT guides about C&C:G/ZH!)If upgraded with Uranium Shells and Nuclear Tanks,it will be NEARLY INVINCIBLE!It ONLY lacks Long-Range Missiles. 6-Tank Drop is available as a General Ability. Advantage to the army:7/10 Same idea as Nuke Carpet Bombing,but if you can receive some more Battlemasters at ANYWHERE of the map,you can call your opponents to surrender! 7-Autoloader Upgrade available at Propaganda Center. Advantage to the army:6.5/10 This upgrade can let Battlemasters to fire more rapidly.Not much use,except you choose to use lots of Battlemasters instead of Emperors. 8-Battlemaster Training available as General Ability. Advantage to the army:7/10 Though I don't use Battlemasters,but I like to use Tank Drop.If they all appear as ELITE Level,what will you think?Really needn't to use a bull chopper to kill a chicken!No need to use Emperor!Wohohoho...... Total marks for modifications of Ta Hun Kwai:34/80,that means 42.5/100.He is an excellent General in real use(no kidding),but the loss of Nuke Cannons deducted lots of marks from me. 4.2:US Generals. 4.2.1:General Malcolm "Ace" Granger He was trained in the US Airforce.In the Iraq War(which one?),he knocked out 4 SAM sites in one afternoon(So strong......).He always believes in the airpower as the ultimate on the battlefield and has made his force in that image. He has the MOST powerful air forces in the game.Can air rules ground? 1-All Aircraft receive Laser Point Defense Systems. Advantage to the army:9/10 Upgrade of Countermeasures.Protect them from most rockets or missiles,like Averagers!How strong. 2-All Aircraft are cheaper. Advantage to the army:8.5/10 Using Granger,few people will use ground forces,right?You can just build more Aircrafts. 3-All vehicles are more expensive. Affect on the army:5/10 Not much affect to Granger,as his Air Units rule all the things!You just need to build Tomahawks or Averagers,or even needn't to build them. 4-Stealth Fighter can be built from the start of the bettle. Advantage to the army:6/10 Stealth Fighter are not much more useful than Comanches,or Aurora,or even the Raptor.Except it's stealthy,it's totally useless. 5-Crusaders and Paladins are unavailable. Affect on the army:7.5/10 No Main Attack Forces on the ground,your planes,especially fighting against Gattling Cannons or Quad Cannons,will be sitting ducks.It's too sad to hear that there's not even a Main Battle Tank to use,despite it may be much weaker. 6-King Raptors replace normal Raptors. Advantage to the army:9/10 KIng Raptors carry more powerful missiles,and it can carry 6 of these!1 King Raptor's attack can destroy 1 Overlord!Nasty unit.Use it to guard air will be very safe. 7-Combat Chinooks replace normal Chinooks. Advantage to the army:7.5/10 Chinooks are mainly collect resources.If they can self-guarding by 1 Pathfinder and the rest are Missile Defenders,your Supply Chain will be much safer. 8-Comanches can be upgraded to stealth unit. Advantage to the army:7.5/10 Do you think enemies are that foolish?They can detect your stealth Comanche and toast them.In addition,Comanche's defense are not so strong,and they're no match against Helix,or other Air-to-Air Combat Aircrafts. 9-Spectre Gunship requires fewer General ranks and divided into 3 levels. Advantage to the army:5.5/10 They can only work against stationary units.If enemy spotted it they will try to spread away the Tanks or other things,then those Spectres are stuck. 10-Granger's Carpet Bomb can be deployed from Strategy Center. Advantage to the army:7/10 Same as General Tao's Nuke Carpet Bomb,that plane will probably get shot.However,without Crusaders and Paladins,this will be your ground support. Total marks for modifications of Malcolm "Ace" Granger:47.5/100.In real uses,he's not much better than General Ta. 4.2.2:General Alexis Alexander She served as the US military logistics staffer after the Second Korean War(will it come?).Thanks to herability to acquire virtually anything in short order,she excelled in her duties.Her ability protecting her recources are unmatched.She believes that she will only use an overwhelming force to attack when she thinks counterattack is impossible. Basing on her superweapons,will she be a great leader? 1-Particle Cannons cost lesser to build. Advantage to the army:8.5/10 Same idea as General Tao,but as Particle Cannons are much weaker than Nuclear Missiles,it's hard to get more influence on using this hell. 2-All Vehicles and Comanches cost more. Affect on the army:7.5/10 If only vehicles cost more are reasonable,but if also Comanches?I can't think any reasons for me to use her. 3-Crusaders and Paladins are unavailable. Affect on the army:8/10 Even Granger got no Crusaders or Paladins,he also gets cheaper Comanches.But how about Alexander?Not even cheaper,but more expensive!Nearly no power towards ground units. 4-EMP Partiots replace normal Patriots. Advantage to the army:9/10 Pretty useless against Granger's Planes,but still have its usage.Nearly all Aircrafts won't able to rush into the base!They will also temporaily shut down buildings and vehicles!How tough. 5-Aurora Alpha replaces normal Auroras. Advantage to the army:6/10 Strong,but expensive.Its Fuel Air Bomb are tough,but the cost is 1 plane for 1 target.Does it worth it? 6-Advanced Control Rods replace normal Control Rods in Cold Fusion Reactor. Advantage to the army:9/10 Without this to support your tons of EMP Patriots,you'll die.Gives more power at the same price!It's worth it. 7-Spectre Gunship divides into 3 levels. Advantage to the army:5.5/10 Same as Granger.Nuff said. Total marks for modifications of Alexis Alexander:22.5/70,that means 32.2/100.I've seen no reason for me to use this General.I'll use Granger or Townes instead. 4.2.3:General "Pinpoint" Townes He's a visionary and has be an advocate for Laser Weaponary throughout his career.He was given a teaching post in 2008,but he found that it's so bored so he returned into active service 3 years later.He has continued to advance the cause of cheap,powerful Laser Weaponary for both offense and defense,and improve them whenever they possible. His Lasers are quite powerful.Want to judge him for usage? 1-Averagers are cheaper. Advantage to the army:6/10 Averagers can only stop missiles,rockets and Aircrafts,and that's it.It can't even harm any ground units without drones!Useless for offense,but does well in defense. 2-Tomahawks are unavailable. Affect on the army:8.5/10 Tomahawk is the only Long-Range Unit of US.Without this,how can your other units breakthrough enemy defenses even they are strong? 3-Laser Tanks replace Crusaders and Paladins. Advantage to the army:8.5/10 Laser Tanks are much stronger than Crusaders,but not so good as Paladins.Also,it eats power.If your base low on power all Laser Tanks are sitting ducks.Though,they are good units. 4-Laser Defense Turrets replaces normal Patriots. Advantage to the army:9/10 They are very tough.NO Aircraft can escape from this!When fighting ground units,they are tough too.But,they use LOTS of Power. Total marks for modifications of "Pinpoint" Townes:15/40,that means 37.5/100.Excellent at defense,but lacks striking force.Anyway,he's got only little adjustments from normal US forces. 4.3:GLA Generals. 4.3.1:Dr. Thrax Little is known about him.It is reported that he was an immunologist in Jordan,but disappeared in a PLO-run ghetto in Cairo.Since that time,hehas worked on perfecting his chemical and biological weapons,hooking up with GLA partly for ideological reasons(hate Israeli?)and partly because of GLA lack of compunction in using his creations.He never sleeps in the same bed two nights in a row and undergoes frequent plastic surgery change his appearance. His toxins are very deadly.Can he posion everyone to death? 1-All Tanks start with Toxin Shells. Advantage to the army:10/10 After those Tanks armed with Toxin Shells,all nearby infantry can easily become salamander man!And it won't affect them to attacking other Vehicles,even poisoning enemy Vehicles!The best upgrade of GLA,probably. 2-All Toxins start as Anthrax Beta. Advantage to the army:10/10 More deadly for Toxin Tractors and Tanks!You have to pray for yourself if you're not US!Even you're US,beware of Tanks' crash! 3-Some Missiles contain Toxins. Advantage to the army:7/10 I think it's just for Stinger Sites and RPG Troopers only,but that's enough.Even Stingers can now handle Infantry very well now. 4-All camoflage capabilities are unavailable except Jarmen Kell. Affect on the army:3/10 Forget GPS Scrambler.It's no much use.Bomb Trucks can still disguise into other Vehicles,so even without Camoflage,you can handle enemy well. 5-Toxin Networks replaces normal Tunnel Networks. Advantage to the army:4/10 Not much uses.The two RPG Trooper can be taken out easily,and the Short-Ranged Toxin Cannon can't harm Tanks much. 6-Toxin Rebels replace normal Rebels. Advantage to the army:6.5/10 They are much stronger against Infantry and Vehicles,but generates little damage to buildings.4 Rebels can toast 1 Rocket Buggy! 7-Thrax's Toxins can be upgraded to Anthrax Gamma at Palace. Advantage to the army:10/10 Much stronger than Anthrax Beta at the same cost:1000!I think no one will choose not to upgrade this.Infantry,Vehicles and Buildings can go to hell! 8-Vehicles are more expensive. Affect on the army:8/10 Thrax relies much on Tanks.If they become more expensive,how can we attack enemy swiftly? 9-Toxin Terrtorists replace normal Terrtorists. Advantage to the army:7/10 Just like Terrtorists,but much stronger against Vehicles and Infantry. Total marks for modifications of Dr. Thrax:43.5/90,that means 48.3/100.Quite strong,only a bit weaker than General Tao and General Ta.Recommended to use him. 4.3.2:General Rodall "Demo" Juhziz He earned his reputation by engineering devastating Terrtorist attacks.While it made hime "the wantest man" in most cilivized countries,his bold attacks had madehimself a hero among GLA,doawing more man to his cause. A guy who insanes about explosives.Can one man bomb away a city? 1-Bomb Trucks are cheaper. Advantage to the army:9/10 Bomb Trucks are most powerful unit in GLA.Cheaper for it?Then make more and disguise as other Vehicles and......BOOM! 2-Terrtoists do more damage. Advantage to the army:7.5/10 Though Terrtorists are weak,you can create a hell using them!I swear that if Terrtorist are much stronger,then will toast 1 Battlemaster for 1 man(untested)! 3-Booby Trap is available at the beginning of battle. Advantage to the army:5.5/10 Booby Traps,actually,not so strong as expected,and can be cleared away by Dozers or Workers.Not much use to me. 4-Combat Cycles has a Terrtorist already sat on it. Advantage to the army:9.5/10 Combat Cycles are GREATEST UNIT in GLA(no kidding),as they can be driven by any GLA Infantry(except Mobs)and can pass most Landforms easily!Drive some of them beyond enemy base and ride in,"What the hell those Terrtorist Cycles boomed my Command Center!" 5-Toxin Upgrades are unavailable. Affect on the army:8.5/10 No Toxins,for attacking US base may be good.However,they will lose more deadly Toxins to clear enemy units in buildings. 6-Stealth units and upgrades are unavailable except Jarmen Kell. Affect on the army:3/10 Same as Thrax.You can still use your Bomb Trucks. 7-Jarmen Kell has Demo Charges. Advantage to the army:7.5/10 Jarmen got Demo Charges?Then he can just clear one enemy base by himself!Nasty. 8-Advanced Demo Traps replace the normal Demo Trap. Advantage to the army:Valuable,but 8 for me Though pretty weak,using $200 to destroy tons of light vehicles are VERY worths!This thing can just destroy TONS of Humvees and some others. 9-Suicide Upgrade is available at Palace. Advantage to the army:Valuable,but 6.5 for me This "Suicide" attack is quite strong.1 Rebel's Suicide can just 1/3 or more damage to a Cold Fusion Reactor!Using Rebel Ambush Level 3 to boom enemy Command Center! 10-All other Vehicles not mensioned are more expensive. Affect on the army:7/10 More cost on other vehicles,you may only wanted to use Bomb Trucks only. Total marks for modifications of Rodall "Demo" Juhziz:42/100.Quite powerful in real usage(especially Suicide Rebels and Terrtorist Cycles),and just like Thrax,he just got minor changes from normal GLA.No much affect on using him. 4.3.3:Prince Kassad He is known who leads a double life.On one hand,he is known throughout the world as a playboy(can't see......);on the other hand,he is a leading figure in the Terrtorist underground.For a three-year period since 2013,Kassad is involved in every Terrtorist attack in the Mediterranean.Despite those rumours,no one ever connected Kassad to anything.He thrives on stealth and takes care never to be caught in anything that isn't above board. The only GLA General which can use stealth technology.Will he be spotted? 1-All structures can be upgraded with Camo-netting and it's available at the start of battle. Advantage to the army:7.5/10 You can keep your structures stealthy for a period of time,but it won't last long when enemy attacks your base. 2-Workers are camoflaged when the Supply Stash they working for is Camo-netted. Advantage to the army:7/10 No much use.Enemy can still spot them and kill them,especially when they use Superweapons. 3-Rebels come with camoflage upgrade at the start. Advantage to the army:8.5/10 Keeping hidden,attack enemy base at rear,and capture enemy buildings.Always keep stealthy.Use them to capture enemy's important structures. 4-All base defenses are built with Camo-netting. Advantage to the army:7.5/10 Just like upgraded structures.Nuff said. 5-Hijackers are available at the start. Advantage to the army:9.5/10 Hijackers are the most powerful unit in GLA.Capture ANY enemy Vehicles!Stop Emperor Rushes by them. 6-GPS Scrambler requires fewer General Points and recharges more quickly. Advantage to the army:8.5/10 They can hide your uncloaked units being cloaked!So strong. 7-Scropion Tanks,Marauder Tanks and Scud Launchers are unavailable. Affect on the army:12/10 Why I give -12 points out of -10?Because these three are the main-battle units in GLA.Without them,even without Scopions,you can't just fight any enemy well. Total marks for modifications of Prince Kassad:36.5/60,that means 60.83/100.Seems to have high marks,but using him without Scopions and Marauders are just like suicide. ================== 5-Generals' Comparsion ================== 5.1:Chinese Generals' Comparsion 5.1.1:Air Force. All 3 Generals just got the same planes. Fai's Helix had already installed 8-men Bunker!8 Tank Hunters!Go to hell. Ta's Plane reamins the same as normal Chinese forces,nothing special. Tao's Migs can be armed with Nukes and his Helix can be armed with nuke bombs. So,Tao's planes are more powerful than other two. Air Force: Fai:1 point;Tao:2 points;Ta:0 point. 5.1.2:Infantry. Tao and Ta got the same Infantrys. Fai got the BEST Infantry among the Chinese Generals.He got Minigunners(very effective against Infantrys and Aircrafts),Super Hackers and Super Lotus(No use for me except Hackers).And they ALL comes out with Veteran Level,including those Tank Hunters!Totally strong in mens. Infantry: Fai:1 point;Tao:0 point;Ta:0 point. 5.1.3:Ground Forces:Now I should spilt into some more parts. Vehicles. Tao and Ta got normal Vehicles as the same as normal Chinese forces. Fai has Assault Troop Transports(All 8 men can fire inside it and can heal nearby Infantry)and Attack Outposts(Carry 8 men and can fire inside).So great. Armoured Vehicles: Fai:1 points;Tao:0 point;Ta:0 point. Battle Tanks. Fai got ONLY Gattling Tanks and Dragons Tanks,and that's all of them. Tao got Nuclear-powered Overlords and Battlemasters. Ta AUTOMATICALLY had all Tanks with Veteran Level when producing.He can also upgrade all Battlemasters at Elite Level.He can also produce Emperor Tanks,much stronger Overlord. Now we compare Tao's Nuclear Tanks and Ta's Elite Battlemasters and Veteran Emperors. Tao got all Battlemasters and Overlords with Nuclear Tanks and Uranium Shells upgrade already,so their power attacking Infantry and moving speed increase. Ta's Elite Battlemasters can heal themselves,and they have Autoloader Upgrade,which can make them fires more faster. Veteran Emperors got Propaganda Towers already installed,and they can additionally mount a Gattling Cannon.These two can be upgraded with Uranium Shells and Nuclear Tanks,later. So Ta got all properties of Tao's Tanks,but Tao lacks Autoloader and Emperor. In conclusion,Ta's Main Battle Tanks are more powerful than Tao's. Main Battle Tanks: Fai:0 point;Tao:1 point;Ta:2 points. Ta got no Cannons to use. Both Fai and Tao got Cannons,but Fai need to use 1 General Point to Build Nuke Cannons,and Tao needn't. Artillery: Fai:1 point;Tao:2 points;Ta:0 point. 5.1.4:Special General Abilities. Fai can drop Minigunners. Tao has Nuke Carpet Bomb instead of normal Carpet Bomb,and they needn't to use a General Point to build Nuke Cannons. Ta can upgrade all his Battlemasters into Elite Level,and he can drop Battlemasters. All 3 kind of planes can be shot down.In spite of this, 1)Fai's Minigunner Drop is nearly useless. 2)Tao's Nuke Carpet Bomb and Nuke Cannon available at start are for attacking enemy bases. 3)Ta's Tank Drop can be lethal,especially when they have all Upgrades upgraded. Now,consider Tao versus Ta. Ta can drop Battlemasters anywhere at first,but Tao's early Nuke Cannons can easily clear them!If Tao got Neutron Shells,Ta can just "give" some Battlemasters to Tao! How about Ta uses Frenzy?They still can't kill Overlords easily,which armed with Uranium Shells.Also,Tao got Nuke Helix and Migs,can just rip you apart. So,if Ta's Battlemasters aren't in a large number,drop them into Tao's base is suicide. In conclusion,Tao's General Abilities are much stronger. Special General Abilities: Fai:0 point;Tao:2 points;Ta:1 point. 5.1.4:Defense Structures. Tao and Ta got the same Defense Structures. Fai got Extra-Large Bunker with Landmines placed. Defense Structures: Fai:1 point;Tao:0 point;Ta:0 point. 5.1.5:Chinese Overall. Fai:5 points;Tao:7 points;Ta:3 points. Winner:General Tao.Ta has been deducted many marks for the loss of Nuke Cannon.Fai only use strong Infantry and that's useless. 5.2:US Generals' Comparison 5.2.1:Air Force. Granger got King Raptor,Combat Chinook and can already build Stealth Fighter at the start of battle.In addition,he can upgrade all Comanches into stealth mode.Also,they all got Laser Point Defense,working like Paladin's one.And,all planes are cheaper. Alexander got Alpha Aurora,a stronger version of normal Aurora. Townes got the normal plane,only. Air Force: Granger:2 points;Alexander:1 point;Townes:0 point. 5.2.2:Infantry. All 3 Generals got the same Infantry.Nothing more or less. Infantry: Granger:0 point;Alexander:0 point;Townes:0 point. 5.2.3:Ground Forces.I'll spilt it into some more parts. Vehicles. All 3 Generals got the same Armoured Vehicles and much more expensive. Armoured Vehicles: Granger:0 point;Alexander:0 point;Townes:0 point. Battle Tanks. Granger and Alexander cannot build any tanks except Microwave Tanks. Townes can build Laser Tanks,which substitutes Crusaders and Paladins. Main Battle Tanks: Granger:0 point;Alexander:0 point;Townes:1 point. I should say,Long-Range Units) Granger and Alexander can still build Tomahawks,but Townes can't. Artillery: Granger:1 point;Alexander:1 point;Townes:0 point. 5.2.4:Special General Abilities. Granger needn't to use one point to build Stealth Fighter.Also,his Spectre Gunship ability requires fewer General ranks to obtain and are split into 3 levels. Alexander's Spectre Gunship also split into 3 level. Townes gets nothing new. Simply,Granger's General Abilities are better than other 2. Special General Abilities: Granger:2 points;Alexander:1 point;Townes:0 point. To be continued...... ====================== 6-Generals Challenge-Briefing ====================== Generals Challenge is a new single player mode in C&C:GZH.In this mode,you may choose one General from the 9 Generals,and fighting other Generals by commandering your General's force.After beating all other Generals,you'll face the ultimate General,"Tigress" Leiang Leong. In each game,you'll face only 1 enemy General,which is chosen randomly.The objective for each mission is simple:Destroy all enemy buildings by all means.There are no any limitations in the game;however,your enemy may send forces to attack your base.So,it's a real battle. Note:You needn't to deal with Shin Fai and Rodall "Demo" Juhziz in Generals Challenge. Before my Walkthrough,I'll raise some abbreviations,simplify my work. China: RG-Red Guard MG-Minigunner(Fai) TH-Tank Hunter SH-Super Hacker(Fai) H-Hacker BL-Black Lotus SL-Super Lotus(Fai) CD-Chinese Dozer TC-Troop Crawler ATT-Assault Troop Transport(Fai) ECM-ECM Tank LO-Listening Outpost AO-Attack Outpost(Fai) DT-Dragon Tank GT-Gattling Tank BT-Battlemaster Tank OT-Overlord Tank ET-Emperor Tank(Ta) Su-Supply Truck IC-Inferno Cannon NC-Nuke Cannon Mig-Mig Hel-Helix GC-Gattling Cannon BB-Battle Bunker FB-Fortified Bunker(Fai) NR-Nuclear Reactor ANR-Advanced Nuclear Reactor(Tao) CComm-Chinese Command Center CBar-Chinese Barracks CSC-Chinese Supply Center CWF-Chinese War Factory PC-Propaganda Center IntC-Internet Center NM-Nuclear MIssile PT-Propaganda Tower LM-Land Mine Neu-Neutron Mine USA: R-Ranger MD-Missile Defender P-Pathfinder CB-Colonel Burton CT-Crusader Tank PalT-Paladin Tank HV-Humvee AL-Ambulance TML-Tomahawk Missile Launcher Av-Averager LT-Laser Tank(Townes) SD-Sentry Drone GD-Gun Drone HD-Hellfire Drone Ra-Raptor KR-King Raptor(Granger) SF-Stealth Fighter Co-Comanche AB-Aurora Bomber AAB-Alpha Aurora Bomber(Alexander) Ck-Chinook CCk-Combat Chinook(Granger) PMS-Patriot Missile System PMS(emp)-EMP Patriot Missile System(Alexander) LPD-Laser Point Defense(Townes) SC-Straengy Center AComm-American Command Center ABar-American Barracks ASC-American Supply Center SDZ-Supply Drop Zone AWF-American War Factory ParC-Particle Cannon CFR-Cold Fusion Reactor FB-Fire Base GLA: Wo-Worker Re-Rebel TRe-Toxin Rebel RPG-RPG Trooper T-Terrtorist JK-Jarmen Kell Sabo-Saboteur Hij-Hijacker AM-Angry Mob Tec-Technicial RV-Radar Van QC-Quad Cannon Sco-Scopion Tank MT-Marauder Tank Scud-Scud Launcher RB-Rocket Buggy CC-Combat Cycle TT-Toxin Tractor Bomb-Bomb Truck GComm-GLA Command Center AD-Arms Dealer GBar-GLA Barracks GSS-GLA Supply Stash Pal-Palace BM-Black Market SS-Scud Storm Sting-Stinger Site TN-Tunnel Network ToN-Toxin Network(Thrax) Demo-Demo Trap If I missed something,please give me an E-mail. ========================== 7-Generals Challenge-Walkthrough ========================== Coming------for a period of time. ==================== 8-More stuffs on C&C:G/ZH ==================== As soon as Possible. ========= 9-Feedback ========= 29/11/2003:Well,if without noticed by's moderator,I won't know that somebody feels that this FAQ.I know that playing any game in the easiest level seems to be naive,but I have some personal reasons for me to play it at Easy first. Complaining others can make people improve,but too much won't do it. ================== 10-Letters from readers ================== This part is based on you!Yes,if you send any mail to me,either suggestions,comments,praises:) or complains :( are all welcome.Your letter will post here.Nothing more nor less. At first,here're three letters from Alasdair Lo .Thanks a lot! Actually,I had read his guide and started to communicate with each other via e-mail.For those details,you can refer to his Side Comparison Guide for Command & Conquer:Generals Zero Hour in guide is really nice:D I'll post my letter and his letter separately: Mine's first letter: ----------------- Alasdair Lo: Greetings.I also come from HK(so I support you view,"Chinese aren't idiots").Your FAQ are very nice,and I would have some opinion to you,from mine. Firstly about Superweapons.In damage,they can cause same terror,but remember,GLA NEED NOT TO USE ANY POWER.If you have enough money and space,you can build lots of Scud Storm,just cost $5000*no. of SS,when US and China need to build more power plants to support their Particle Cannon and Nuclear Silo.At a view of damage by 1 on 1,they are nearly the same;but when your enemy still building some more power plants for superweapons,you can already got 2 Scud Storm,or even 3 or more.So,I think threat of scud Storm is much more than other two. Secondly,China got Emperor Tank instead of Overlord if you're using General Ta of China.It's more powerful than Overlord,because it got Speaker Tower already,and you can upgrade it with also the Gattling Cannon.Such a havoc! Then,it's about Microwave Tank and ECM Tank.Their power are the same------can stop buildings and stop/hurt Vehicles,but Microwave is more stronger because it can addack Infantries,while ECM cannot. Also,it's about Mines.Demo Traps and Land/Neutron Mines can stop both men and vehicles well,but remember:Demo Traps are EXTREMELY VULNABLE to any attack.Like Overlord,if it has Gattling Cannon,it can detect and toast it.Land/Neutron Mines can regenerate and do a high damage to ANYTHING except those flying birds,and you need to boom that building to get rid of it.So,Land/Neutron Mines are more tougher. That's all for now.If I have some more opinions,I may send you another mail;)Hope these informations are useful to you for your FAQ. Your Truthly, Brian Au 6/11/2003 ----------------- Second one: ----------------- Alasdair Lo: It's nice to hear form you last time. Bunkers seemed like to be as same quality as Tunnel Networks,but from my opinion it isn't.Tunnel Networks are far much better.Firstly,Bunkers got no self defences,and Tunnels got some,even it's rather weak.Next,Bunkers can only deposit infantry inside,when Tunnels can hold anything and transport them to anywhere as you like.Lastly,as you said,Tunnels can heal units inside but Bunkers can't.In addition,with Bunker Busters,US Stealth Fighters can harm infantry inside the Bunkers but Tunnels won't(I think).So,I think Tunnels are much stronger than Bunkers. Why the MOAB will be called as Mother Of All Bombs?Because it suited all the words of the beginning;)This 21500 pound satellite-guided bomb is the most powerful bomb in US asernal,and the whole world.In English,its full name is Massive Ordnance Air Burst. For my General Abilities usage,I have some of my usage opinions(plain sides only): GLA:Marauder(1pt),Scud Launcher(1pt),Rebel Ambush lvl 3(3pt),Sneak Attack(1pt),Cash Bounty lvl 1(1pt)and sometimes may use Anthrax Bomb(1pt); US:Paladin(1pt),Pathfinder(1pt),Para drop lvl 3(3pt),Fuel Air Bomb(1pt),Spectre Gunship(1pt) and sometimes may add toA-10 Strike. China:Nuke Cannon(1pt),Artillery Training(1pt),Artillery Barrage lvl 3(3pt),Carpet Bomb(1pt),Cluster Mines(1pt)and EMP Bomb(1pt).Frenzy hav no much use. For Infiniate Cash,I'd prefer Black Market instead of Internet Center full of Hackers.Though Internet Center is more tough and gets more money,you can only build 1.In opposite,you can build as much Black Market as you like. Finally,I am writing a Guide about General Challenge and version 1.0 will be completed soon and posted at you read my work,can you give me some comment about it? I may write to you soon.Take Care. Your Truthly, Brian Au 20/11/2003 ----------------- My third letter: ----------------- Alasdair Lo: I am surprised that my new guide was being criticised by others,and I am so grateful that you helped me expalining my situation to others.I want to thank you first. And,I saw you said that my Giude has come problems and will send mail to me soon.Can I ask you:what are the problems and what are your suggestions towards them?I hope i can hear from you soon.Thank you so much. Your Truthly, Brian Au 1/12/2003 ----------------- His first reply: ----------------- Dear Brian, Yes, nice to hear from someone from the same city. Yes, to be precise, for 1 superweapon to be functional, USA has to spend $1300 + $5000 = $6300 to keep it online, China has to spend $1000 + $5000 = $6000. While GLA only has to build the building, and that is it. Of course, I have made an assumption in the comparison of these 3 things, it is that, 1 and only 1 superweapon is built per player. This is because, I think that all superweapons take the sport out of the game. Yes, and I did not give any score for any item in that section, to play safe and prevent anyone from flaming me, as this IS a controversial topic. What could be better than an Overlord that can have both a speaker tower AND a Gattling Cannon at the same time? It­Ýs just a pity that you cannot install a bunker onto them, otherwise, you can cause even more havoc. What does Ta Hwun Kwai mean? ¾L®šõ™? As for Microwave and ECM Tanks, I gave them a tie because they are effective against DIFFERENT THINGS. So, you cannot determine which thing is more important than another. Another thing, the Microwave Tanks fry only infantry. When they come close to the field, they slowly lose HP and eventually do the dying swan! Yes, and they can ding those infantry inside buildings to death as well! No comment about those 2 traps, I must say, however, Neutron Mines ARE very effective against those annoying Col. Burton and Saboteurs and any other stealth units that climb over mountains to your base. It would be nice to hear from you again. Yours, Lo Kai Yan Alasdair ----------------- His second reply: ----------------- Dear Brian Au, Nice to hear from you again. For you information, the Bunker Busters works both on Tunnel Networks and Bunkers. Any smart player would instantly evacuate the untis inside when a stealth fighter comes, then there will be an earthquake, but no one will be hurt. Of course, you can use this to clear garrisoned buildings as well, after all, it works better than the flashbang. Nuke Cannons loaded with Neutron Shells are also perfect for the tasks mentioned above. Not even the Hackers inside an Internet Centre can withstand the shell. You can also build Hackers as many as you like, but they become hot targets for Rebel Ambushes, so you should have them scattered round your base. If your GameFAQs board name is not Feeresh, then you should hurry up with your guide, as he is also planning to write one. Good luck with writing your guide. Yours faithfully, Lo Kai Yan Alasdair ----------------- His third reply: ----------------- Dear Brian Au, OK, I have just read your guide once, and I would simply give a few suggestions, that you can consider. Note that there is no need to change any of your scores, as they are your OWN views. Chinese Infantry General: 3-Horde Bonus increased. Advantage to the army:6/10 I actually don't know what will be the influence of this,but it may be have good benefits...... You should be more specific. You should say that the Patriotism Upgrade is available at the Propaganda Centre and that it further boosts the Hoard Bonus. 12-Super Hacker replaces normal Hacker. Advantage to the army:8/10 Start at Veteran Level and get money faster at Supply Centers? Hmmm......I will get tons of money! Hackers hack inside the internet Center. You should also mention their ability to disable vehicles. Chinese Nuke General: No need to change anything. Chinese Tank General: No need to change anything. USA Airforce General: 7-Combat Chinooks replace normal Chinooks. Advantage to the army:7.5/10 Chinooks are mainly collect resources.If they can self-guarding by 1 Pathfinder and the rest are Missile Defenders,your Supply Chain will be much safer. Note that Combat Chinooks cannot collect supplies with people inside. 5-Aurora Alpha replaces normal Auroras. Advantage to the army:6/10 Strong,but expensive.Its Fuel Air Bomb are tough,but the cost is 1 plane for 1 target.Does it worth it? Consider elaborating. That is, talk about its ­õdouble explosion­ù upon impact. After all, that­Ýs the only good thing about Alexis. USA Laser General: No need to change anything. GLA Toxin General: 1-All Tanks start with Toxin Shells. Advantage to the army:10/10 After those Tanks armed with Toxin Shells,all nearby infantry can easily become salamander man!And it won't affect them to attacking other Vehicles,even poisoning enemy Vehicles!The best upgrade of GLA,probably. Don't call those dead people salamander men. Think of something more original. GLA Demolitions General: No need to change anything. 7-Scropion Tanks, Marauder Tanks and Scud Launchers are unavailable. Affect on the army:12/10 Why I give -12 points out of -10?Because these three are the main-battle units in GLA.Without them,even without Scopions,you can't just fight any enemy well. Consider providing an alternate method of attack for Prince Kassad. That's all I got to offer, hope this helps. Yours, Lo Kai Yan Alasdair ----------------- Thanks you a lot Alasdair:Without your letters I can hardly write this guide!It will be happy to hear from you soon.Once again,thank you a lot! Here's three letters from Amir Yaghoubi .Thanks! First one: ----------------- Hi dude I have a question : me and my brother are playing ZH everyday , my side is usually China and his is GLA or USA , we play 50000$ from start game and unlimited superweapon , I always lose , because he uses hit and run scud lunchers on my overlords and quickly return them to tunnel and he use step by step tunnels I mean one behind other and so , so I cant use mig , also nutron shell is useless , because nuke cannon is very slow moving vechile and he uses bomb trucks.He also builds lots of scud storms and palaces full of rpg trooper , What I can I do to defeat him ? I want to smack him down , he always talk shit about his victories, help me please ! ----------------- Second one: ----------------- Hi Thanks 4 ur previous help , but It didnt really work out , 'cause he uses Demo general , his scud is very strong , its kills anything nearby its missile he always have at least 6 scud launcher by holding ctrl he shoots he shoots back and infront of my tanks leaving nothing but iron scraps, Due to nature of GLA Im always lagging behind him , and other thing is battle bus full of rocket soldier , even by use of ecm tank , it does what it should do and kills at least one of my apocalypses (overlord ! ) How can rush with Tao , because the china side is too slow for rush , destroy his multiple scudstorms ?Its very complicated situation , I dont wanna use USA because i want 2 prove to him I can win with china . And about my last message , go ahead , no problem 4 that Thanks Bye ----------------- Third one: ----------------- Hey There are some other problems , I dont know how to face it : its only about Demo geneal , due to less counter time his super weapon his always ahead of me in super weapon ( its really powerful much powerful than nuke ) he destroys at least half of nuke silo by scud storming and then by using suicide ability that is given to rebels he ambushes and destroys , the other one and the worst is he is using this abilty to destroy my overlord when Im attacking to him , destroying every tank , suddenly they appear and denotate I dont know how to prevent that thnx Bye 4 now ----------------- Well,some people may have the some problem.Though I answered him privately,I will post my 3 replies here. First reply: ----------------- On these,I'll prefer an attack force.For Tao,4-8 Overlords,1-2 Nuke Cannons plus tons of Gattling Tanks or Dragon Tanks.If you played last stage of China in C&C:Generals,you'll understand this force:Overlords as main strike force,Nuke Cannon as support,and Gattlings or Dragons can use their speed to toast those Scud Launchers.Also,you can use them to crash Rocket Buggies without great losses.Also,you may use Nuke Mig to blow up those Tunnel Networks. For General Kwai,I'll prefer you to use 4-8 Emperors,plus some Gattlings or Dragons.Same as above,but Emperors can withstand more damage,so your bro' may not destroy your Tanks. Also,I'll prefer you,if you're using USA,save up money for Paladins and Averagers.For normal US force,you will really need some Averager,or at least 1 Paladin.They can just destory those Scuds before they hit the ground.More efficient than China's method. ----------------- Second reply: ----------------- Well,if your bro' use Demo Scuds(I know its power),I suggest you using Helixes full of Tank Hunters to kill them out first,then let ground forces go.If your bro's Tunnel Networks aren't well protected by Anti-Air units,use them,coz Helixes can withstand quite a ton of damage.Kill those Quads by Napalm Bombs first,then go for Stingers.Remember to have at least 1 Helix got Speaker Tower to heal.Or,use Migs.They are efficient too;) For those Battle Buses,I'll suggest you using Nuke Cannons with Neutron Shells to kill them.If you can't,use 1 Overlord as lure,then use Helixes bombing them.If not,fastly move your Dragon Tanks Armada forward to burn them.Battle Buses' Armour aren't too thick(I think). For Tao rushes,I think you may not need to build tons of attacking force.Instead,use your General Abilities:Cashz Hack.Try to upgrade them to level 3 ASAP,then use them when they're ready.You can also get additional funds for building nasty Nukes for that.4500 instead of 5000 a piece;) The reason I suggest you using China because their Laser weaponary can clear out HUGE missiles(like Scuds)within 1 Laser shot.But not for Scud Storm of cox;) ----------------- Third one: ----------------- For Demo Rebel Ambushes,there's nearly no preventations,because you can't predict where will they appear,and what target they're going to bomb.But there's still some methods:If you got tons of money and power,try to surround your Nuke Silo with Neutron Mines(kill infantry instantly when step on it) and Gattling Cannons(keep laying Neutron Mines).This may help,but it's not for sure. To prevent your Overlords being destroyed,I can only suggest you to Build some Gattling Helix for air cover or,transport your Overlords by your Helixs.This may help.Man,Suicide Bombers can't bomb air units;) ----------------- Once again,thanks for your letter! Here's another one from Kenneth Loo .Thanks! ----------------- Hey~ i found ur guide on game faqs and it sounds right but i was wondering becuase i am challenging the generals and i am using the "Laser dude" and i beat Air, Thrax, Tank, Nuclear, Alexander and Kassad.......i assume i was going to get the infantry dude but i got this Female general called GENERAL LEANG and she china side...i mean she is just scary she controlls all the technology from i was wondering how did you beat her?? mail me back ----------------- Thanks for your letter!Though I replied him,I'll post my reply here.I know some people may long for it because I need this too at now;) ----------------- At first,Build tons of Laser Turret beside the bridge and the cliff at north because she will use tons of planes and tanks to strike at you.After you got at least 1 Particle Cannon,Start to build about 8-10 Laser Tanks,2-3 Averagers and some Comaches.If possible,Get 1 Mobile Sentry Drone and a Humvee full of Pathfinders,as well as some Rangers and Dozers. Start to move your force across the bridge,after you beat some enemies you will see some filled bunker,use Flash Bang to clear them.Use Dozer starting to build structures at the eastern flatland,and use Rangers to capture tech buildings nearby. Move your force north and when you see the first shown bunker guarded by some infantry,destroy it and it'll reset Superweapons' timer.move north,and when you see a building looks like a research center,start to aware.About 2-4 Overlords will come to welcome you.Concerntrate all firepower on 1 Overlord and tanke out the other.Use Ranger to capture the reinforcement pad and wait until the Superweapons' timers is near zero,capture the building and reset the timer. Mover your force westard(you probably need some rest),after seeing the last bunker,leave it away,and let Averagers mover accross the bridge first to destroy those Helix.Move your force onward and again,kill 4-6 Overlords there.After you dig out a road to her base,regroup your force and strike HARD!After you cleared all buildings inside,you win! Sidenote:In Generals Challenge,you won't face Fai or Juhziz. ----------------- Thanks for your letter again! And there's another one from Asteris Karassimos .Thanks! ----------------- Hi. Hope you are well in your health. Found your e-mail address from the FAQ you published about the expansion Zero Hour. Straight to the point: Have you managed to go through any of the challenges? I'm using the Air Force General Grange and I cannot find any way to survive the initial onslaught by General Alexander (3rd challenge). Right from the start she sends a trio of Apaches and, even if I manage to survive the initial fight (by quickly building barracks and Missile defenders) there's an A-10 strike soon thereafter to finish me off. Any suggestions? ----------------- Also,from Nitin .Thanks! ----------------- Hi! I'm Nitin from Mauritius. I've read your walkthrough on Command & Conquer Generals Zero Hour on the net and I need your help. I'm playing General Malcolm "Ace" Granger's 3rd mission against General Alexis Alexander on hard level. The problem is that as soon as the game starts, before I even build a single defence, Alexis sends 2 commanches and a wave of A10 on my base! And as if this was not enough, his particle cannon is charging up, leaving me only 4mins before the blast. Can u help plz? Thnx. ----------------- Thanks for your letter!Because they both asked the same question,I'll post one of my reply here. ----------------- As soon as you can build Patriot,build tons of them along the coast FIRST and ignore other structure first(but of course,build some more power plant if necessary).Then,start to build War Factory and make some Microwave Tank if you can,then go to the place where the Particle Cannon is(try to make enemy EMP Patriot malfuncional first) and freeze it,so you may gain some time. After that,start building Airfield and make TONS of King Raptors,or,build tons of Particle Cannons.Then,just use fighter flood to waste her base! ----------------- Once again,thanks for your letters! And also,a letter from Connor Hobby .Thanks! ----------------- Mr. Hon, Thank you for making such a great guide for Command and Conquer: Generals Zero Hour. It's really helped me decide which generals are best to use. I did find one mistake, though. While you said that stealth fighters are not good for much, it occured to me that you were not using them as they were intended. I agree that it really sucks against buildings, infantry, and tanks (although with bunker busters, they do fly quite nicely...), but against base defenses, they rule. It takes only two to dispatch a Gattling Cannon. And while playing as Ace Granger, you have a clear path through which your King Raptors can run rampant. I was just saying. I've always been an U.S. advocate, but that's rapidly changing (China all the way!). Thanks again, Connor Hobby ----------------- I can't bear the name "Mr Hon" should be "Mr Au";P And,I'm not old enough to bear the name "Mister"......Anyway,thanks for your letter! For that part,beacuse I seldom use Stealth Fighters,so it may have biased. Thanks for your letter again! If you send any mail to me,either suggestions,comments,praises:) or complains :( are all welcome.If you have it,please send to ======= 11-Credits ======= Credits? I posted this FAQ at at now,so first thanks are for them. In addition,thanks for Westwood Studios of EA Games,which had made this great game.Moreover,Prima's Manual are also helpful along my writing. Also,I have to thanks Alasdair Lo( his supports by words,I think I can't write this FAQ,or no potentials to write it. Then,I have to thank a few(?)of things:My computer,the game C&C:G and C&C:GZH(of course),my hard disk,my music soundtracks (From the band group Beyond,Roman Tam,Dandel on Love,The Power of Love,Soundtracks of Band of Borthers,Top Gun,Speed,etc.),RuneScape,and others that I can't list all out. In addition,I have to thank for my mother,sister(as they don't spot that I write this FAQ)and my uncles and aunts.Also,I have to thank you!Yes,the readers of this FAQ!There's some readers I want to thank for,because without your letters,this FAQ won't become perfect:Amir Yaghoubi,Kenneth Loo,Asteris Karassimos,Nitin,Connor Hobby,etc. To ask authorization for copying this FAQ,or you have any comments about this Walkthrough,please mail to,you can find me frequently at RuneScape(My username is BrianGeneral).BUT,don't send any mail or messages about taking CD keys,talking about crimes or about all other illegal things.(But military is welcome.Haha) Data Source:Prima's Official Strategy Guide on C&C:GZH (Part 6:General Challenge). All trademarks and copyrights contained in this document are owned by their respective trademark and copyright holders.Unauthorized reproduction of this document as same as it is or in part is forbidden. Copyright (c) Brian Au,2003.