Link mode: Choose game or solo mode and press Left, Left or Right, Right. Emi has no hat: Go to the selection screen and choose game mode, solo mode or workout mode. Hold Right and press X. Secret songs: Choose game or solo mode. You have to play 3 songs to get a secret song. Then play 2 different songs in another order and the secret song as the third. All of your songs must have a Grade B or higher. You can get 20 secret songs. The following are all the secret songs (in alphabetical order) you should have: 1. Absolute 2. AM-3P 303 Bass Mix tkz remixed by U1 3. Can't Stop Fallin' in Love 4. Dive 5. Drop Out 6. DXY! 7. Do It Right 8. Genom Screams 9. Healing Vision 10. Holic 11. Leading Cyber 12. La Senorita Virtual 13. Let the Beat Hit Em' (Classic R&B Style) 14. Matsuri JAPAN 15. Orion . 78 (AMeuro-MIX) 16. Paranoia Rebirth 17. R3 18. Superstar 19. Trip Machine (Luv Mix) 20. Era (Nostal Mix)