Eric The UnReady - Complete story (1000/1000 pts.) ================================================== >w Barn The barn is old, but clean. The floor has been swept and everything seems pretty much in its place. The cows are well groomed, and they are contentedly chewing on their cuds in a manner vaguely reminiscent of the farmer. Set into one wall is a closed medicine chest. A rope hangs on the wall, and the exit to the farmyard lies to the east. >open chest You open the medicine chest and discover a vial, a bottle and a flask. >take all vial: Taken. [Your score has just gone up by 2.] bottle: Taken. [Your score has just gone up by 2.] flask: Taken. rope: Taken. [Your score has just gone up by 2.] >e Farmyard You are standing in a tired looking farmyard that is in absolutely no danger of finding itself pictured on the cover of "Better Homes and Barnyards." An aging barn lies to the west, and to the northeast is a small shack with a crescent moon over the door. A weatherbeaten farmer is staring at you impassively, his expression vaguely reminiscent of a cow. >ne Privy The inside of the privy is small, cramped, and smelly. It has the requisite graffiti on the wall, as well as a few magazines that you hope are intended for reading. The bench is a one-holer, and through that hole you can see a pig happily rolling around in the muck below. There is a hook on the wall. The only way out is the small door to the southwest which leads back out to the farmyard. On the bench you see a newspaper. >read paper [Taking the newspaper first] [Your score has just gone up by 2.] *** Read all items *** >tie rope to hook You tie one end of the rope to the hook and throw the other end down into the privy. >down You grab the rope and squeeze yourself down through the narrow hole in the bench. Once through, you slide the rest of the way down the rope and fall into the muck below with a disgusting 'plop.' Up To Your Knees In It You are up to your knees in... stuff. A rope hanging from above provides the only exit. A startled pig is here, eyeing you warily. >eat shit A waiter appears out of nowhere, sets up an elegant table, and lays a place setting for one. He lights the candelabra and says, "Our specials today are shit pate, shit under glass, roast shit, broccoli, and shit florentine. For a wine we have... we have..." He stops in mid sentence and slaps himself on the forehead. "Oh my gods, we're all out of wine. You can't eat shit without wine! I'm so embarrassed." He packs up his materials and disappears. >kiss pig Nothing happens. Perhaps the enchantment will only be broken if the farmer is present. >give hog-wild to the pig The pig eagerly sucks down the contents of the bottle, which magically vanishes into thin air. A shiver passes through the sow's body and she suddenly seems much more interested in you than before. Without warning, she makes a leap for your leg, wraps her own stubby legs around it, and hangs on for dear life. [Your score has just gone up by 10.] >up You climb back up the rope, dragging the pig along with you. Privy The inside of the privy is small, cramped, and smelly. It has the requisite graffiti on the wall, as well as a few magazines that you hope are intended for reading. The bench is a one-holer. There is a hook on the wall, attached to which is a sturdy rope. The only way out is the small door to the southwest which leads back out to the farmyard. >sw Farmyard You are standing in a tired looking farmyard that is in absolutely no danger of finding itself pictured on the cover of "Better Homes and Barnyards." An aging barn lies to the west, and to the northeast is a small shack with a crescent moon over the door. A weatherbeaten farmer is staring at you impassively, his expression vaguely reminiscent of a cow. You stumble out of the privy, dragging the pig along with you. "I've done it," you announce to the farmer. "Here's your pig. If you'll just sign the work slip then I'll be on my way." The farmer remains expressionless. "You're not done yet, lad," he says. "That's still my only daughter, and you've got to kiss her to remove the enchantment. But remember - no tongues!" The pig bats her eyelashes, puckers her lips, and wiggles her haunches suggestively. >kiss pig Slowly your lips approach those of the slime-covered animal. Finally you close your eyes, take the plunge, and give the pig a resounding smack right on the lips. At that moment you hear a voice from beyond the gate, "Hullo, Daddy, I'm back. Did you miss me? I just popped over to Auntie Mae's to get some apples." She catches sight of your manure-covered figure. "Uck. Who's this?" The pig drops off your leg and trots over to the girl to investigate her apples. The farmer looks embarrassed for about a tenth of a second and then says, "Well, well. Sorry about that. No harm done, though. Why don't you go into the barn and wash up, and I'll fill out your work slip." >w Barn The barn is old, but clean. The floor has been swept and everything seems pretty much in its place. The cows are well groomed, and they are contentedly chewing on their cuds in a manner vaguely reminiscent of the farmer. Set into one wall is an open medicine chest, and the exit to the farmyard lies to the east. You walk into the barn covered head-to-toe with muck. To the cows, you look like a monster from "Return of the Swamp Thing." They bolt from their stalls and stampede for the door, knocking out the main strut that holds up the barn. As the barn begins to collapse around your ears, you hear a low rumble and realize from long experience that this is the time to make your exit. [Your score has just gone up by 25.] You awaken to a new day. You are lying on your bed in the castle barracks. You try to get up, but discover you can't. You recall that you were so tired last night that you tumbled into bed without removing your armour. After your excursion into the privy, that appears to have been a bad move - now the armour is rusted shut. Barracks, on the bed These are the spartan living quarters of those knights who don't earn enough money to have their own castle. Currently, you are the only resident. The only exit is to the east. On the bed you see a card. >read card It's a warranty card from Giovanni's House of Armour that guarantees that your armour will be rust free for one year after purchase. There is a sketch of a suit of armour on the card, with your measurements written in alongside it. Come to think of it, the sketch looks a lot like the one that's in your game manual. >wait Time passes... Your squire runs in and shouts, "Princess Lorealle the Worthy has been kidnapped. All knights must..." He stops in mid-sentence and wrinkles up his nose. "PHEW!! What's that smell?!?" He covers his nose and continues. "All knights must report to the Union Hall immediately!" He runs out. >wait Time passes... Your squire returns and says, "Let's go, Sir Eric! Everyone is waiting." Only then does he notice your predicament. He starts pulling bits of rusted armour off of you while breathlessly filling you in on the details. "The Princess returned from a carriage ride yesterday and she retired immediately to the royal baths - which nobody quite understands, because she had already bathed once that day. Anyway, when she finished, she went to bed early. When her handmaidens went to wake her up today, she had disappeared! Now they're going to assign the quest to rescue her, and we're going to miss it unless you get moving!" He pulls off the last piece of armour and races out the door. >take all helmet: Taken. card: Taken. >e [Getting off of the bed first.] Courtyard This is the courtyard of King Fudd's castle, a towering pile of towers and turrets that Fudd himself designed with the help of his court wizard. The entrance to the castle lies to the north, and next to it is a tall tower with a strange, dish-shaped collection of wires on the top. There is a window high up in the tower, and a garden at the base. The entrance to the barracks lies to the west, and the town itself lies to the south. You see a newspaper here. >read newspaper [Taking the newspaper first] *** Read all items *** >n A bleary-eyed porter appears and says, "Begging your pardon, sir. But we 'aven't recovered from last night's binge yet. Would you mind coming back a little later?" Before you can answer, the porter disappears. >s Village Square This is the village square. The courtyard lies to the north, the Union Hall to the east, the village green to the south, and the armoury to the west. The Sergeant-At-Arms appears out of nowhere and drags you to the Union Hall. Then he takes up a position in the entrance that makes it clear that no one is going to be able to get out until he steps aside. Union Hall The Union Hall is the place where all the knights come each morning hoping to be assigned one of the day's quests. It's a tired-looking room with a trophy case in one corner and pictures of famous knights lining the walls. >wait Time passes... You overhear the conversation of some fat old knights sitting in the back of the hall. "Soft, I calls 'em. Coddled. One good melee, a few severed limbs, and half of 'em would go running home to their mamas." >wait Time passes... "And look at that fancy equipment. In our day we didn't have lances. We had long sticks that we sharpened with our teeth. And helmets? We used kitchen pots on our heads and hoped for the best." >wait Time passes... "And what about those crossbows? In the old days all we had were long poles and bits of string. Half the time the thing would break in our hands and send the arrow flying into our stomachs. And then we'd die because we didn't have proper medicine. Not like today, with all them fancy leeches and such. In our day if we needed to bleed we'd gnaw a hole in our wrists until we hit an artery. After it drained for a while we'd tie a rag around it real tight and then wait for the hand to fall off." >wait Time passes... "Not to mention how they run sieges nowadays. Now it's catapult this and battering ram that. In my day we'd send five hundred screaming maniacs running up to the castle wall to form a human pyramid. Then some unlucky bastard would climb up to the top while the defenders poured boiling oil on his head. Then if by some chance he made it, they'd hack him to bits with their swords. But did that stop him? No. He'd run down to the inner gate and use what was left of his body as a counterweight so the rest of us could rush in to kill all the livestock and rape the women. Or was it the other way around? I'm a little fuzzy on the details." >wait Time passes... The room falls silent as the shop steward comes in. He faces the troops with a pained expression on his face and begins to speak. "ERIC?!?" shouts one knight. "That incompetent? Why our treasury still hasn't recovered from the cost of rebuilding Ulric's House of Torches." "Yes!" shouts another. "And Farmer Berthold the Cheap still hasn't figured out how to get that chicken out of his cow's butt. How can you pick Eric?" "SILENCE!" roars the shop steward. "The decision has been made and the decision is final." The knights start to file out of the hall, glowering at you as they pass. A few of the older ones are angrily gnawing at their greaves. Soon you are left alone. >w Village Square This is the village square. The courtyard lies to the north, the Union Hall to the east, the village green to the south, and the armoury to the west. While you were in the Union Hall, a crowd was gathering in the village square. You elbow your way to the front of the throng and learn that they have come to see Ponce, the most famous bard in all of Torus. Despite his fame, his prices are reasonable, as evidenced by the sign at his side. Someone tosses the bard a copper penny. He pockets the coin and says, "A man walks into a barber/surgeon's office. On his head is a bright green frog. The barber/surgeon asks, 'What's the problem.' The frog answers, 'I'd like to have this wart on my ass removed.'" >read sign "JOKES: One copper penny. SONGS: One silver penny. THE EPIC OF BALDUR: One gold coin." Someone tosses the bard a silver penny. He pockets the coin and launches into a long song about a knight and his chaste love for the wife of the king. >w Armoury Giovanni's House of Armour is a small, pleasant shop that specializes in tailor-made suits of armour. It is run by a small, pleasant man named Giovanni. The exit to the street lies to the east. Giovanni looks up as you come in and says, "Bonjourno Eric. Whatsamatta for you?" >give card to giovanni "You gotta da problem? I fix." He rummages behind the counter and says, "Whatta was your gauntlet style again?" [To learn the correct answer, you can either spend the rest of the day making a series of wild guesses, or you can consult the armour diagram in your game manual.] *** Answer the copy protection questions *** Giovanni pops back out from behind the counter and says, "Hokay. We got it now. Comma back nexta week and I gotta brand new suit for you. Untila then, weara dissa cloak. Isa finest quality. Last worna by wizard himself." He tosses you a cloak. >wear cloak You put on the cloak. >look in pocket Within the pocket you can see a packet. >take packet You take the packet from the pocket. >look at packet It's a small packet that reads, "Rapid grow beans. Just plant in the ground and add water." Inside the packet you see a single bean. >e Village Square This is the village square. The courtyard lies to the north, the Union Hall to the east, the village green to the south, and the armoury to the west. A crowd has gathered in the village square. You elbow your way to the front of the throng and learn that they have come to see Ponce, the most famous bard in all of Torus. Despite his fame, his prices are reasonable, as evidenced by the sign at his side. Someone tosses the bard a copper penny. He pockets the coin and says, "A knight attending a royal feast lets out a giant belch. The King looks at him and says angrily, 'How dare you belch before the Queen?' The knight says, 'I didn't know she wanted to go first.'" >s Village Green This is the village green. Ye Olde Ice Cream Shoppe is to the east, the village square lies to the north, and Ulric's House of Torches is to the west. The green runs down to the shore of the village duck pond. On Ulric's you see a torch. >take water with helmet You dip your helmet into the pond and fill it with water. [Your score has just gone up by 10.] >n Village Square This is the village square. The courtyard lies to the north, the Union Hall to the east, the village green to the south, and the armoury to the west. A crowd has gathered in the village square. You elbow your way to the front of the throng and learn that they have come to see Ponce, the most famous bard in all of Torus. Despite his fame, his prices are reasonable, as evidenced by the sign at his side. Someone tosses the bard a silver penny. He pockets the coin and launches into a long song about the mother of all jousts. >n Courtyard This is the courtyard of King Fudd's castle, a towering pile of towers and turrets that Fudd himself designed with the help of his court wizard. The entrance to the castle lies to the north, and next to it is a tall tower with a strange, dish-shaped collection of wires on the top. There is a window high up in the tower, and a garden at the base. The entrance to the barracks lies to the west, and the town itself lies to the south. >n Feasting Hall This is the fabled feasting hall of King Fudd. The Knights of the Rhomboid Table are rowdily cavorting. A doorway leads up to the queen's chambers, but it is guarded by an alert soldier. In the fireplace you see some kindling. >talk to guard *** Talk about everything *** >take kindling You take the kindling from the fireplace. [Your score has just gone up by 5.] >s Courtyard This is the courtyard of King Fudd's castle, a towering pile of towers and turrets that Fudd himself designed with the help of his court wizard. The entrance to the castle lies to the north, and next to it is a tall tower with a strange, dish-shaped collection of wires on the top. There is a window high up in the tower, and a garden at the base. The entrance to the barracks lies to the west, and the town itself lies to the south. >plant bean [Taking the bean first] You plant the bean in the garden. >water bean You pour the water out onto the bean. There is a flash of light, and suddenly a tall, thin beanstalk spirals up the side of the tower. [Your score has just gone up by 10.] >climb the beanstalk You clamber up the beanstalk. The beanstalk shrivels up and disappears. [Your score has just gone up by 5.] >s Village Square This is the village square. The courtyard lies to the north, the Union Hall to the east, the village green to the south, and the armoury to the west. A crowd has gathered in the village square. You elbow your way to the front of the throng and learn that they have come to see Ponce, the most famous bard in all of Torus. Despite his fame, his prices are reasonable, as evidenced by the sign at his side. Someone tosses the bard a silver penny. He pockets the coin and launches into a long song about the quest for the Holy Grill. >s Village Green This is the village green. Ye Olde Ice Cream Shoppe is to the east, the village square lies to the north, and Ulric's House of Torches is to the west. The green runs down to the shore of the village duck pond. On Ulric's you see a torch. >w Ulric rushes out to meet you and says nervously, "Sir Eric! What a pleasure to see you again! It's a pity that you caught me just as I was about to close. But here - why don't you take this torch. It's on the house!" The shopkeeper wrenches the torch free from the wall and presses it into your hands. Then he retreats into the building and flips over the sign so it now reads "Closed." [Your score has just gone up by 5.] >e Ice Cream Shoppe This is a small ice cream shop that is extremely cold and uncomfortable. A teenager stands behind the counter shivering almost uncontrollably, even though he is wearing lots of heavy clothes and some earmuffs. On the wall behind him is a sign. There is a fireplace in the corner. The only exit is to the west. "Welcome to Baskin' Bobbin's," says the boy. "It's a pleasure to meet you." >Put kindling in fireplace You put the kindling in the fireplace. >light kindling [With the torch] You hold the torch to the kindling. It catches fire immediately. A flame licks out and burns your hand, and you drop the torch itself into the fire, where it is quickly consumed. Soon the room is roasting hot. Bobbin says, "Thanks. I guess I won't be needing these anymore." He removes his earmuffs and tosses them to you. [Your score has just gone up by 10.] >w Village Green This is the village green. Ye Olde Ice Cream Shoppe is to the east, the village square lies to the north, and Ulric's House of Torches is to the west. The green runs down to the shore of the village duck pond. >n Village Square This is the village square. The courtyard lies to the north, the Union Hall to the east, the village green to the south, and the armoury to the west. A crowd has gathered in the village square. You elbow your way to the front of the throng and learn that they have come to see Ponce, the most famous bard in all of Torus. Despite his fame, his prices are reasonable, as evidenced by the sign at his side. Someone tosses the bard a silver penny. He pockets the coin and launches into a long song about seven castaways on a deserted island. >give gold coin to bard The bard abruptly stops singing and pockets the coin. He clears his throat and begins speaking: "'THE EPIC OF BALDUR'" he announces dramatically. "In the great days of Baldur, many years ago, when the land was dark, a brave knight ventured into the Forest of Doom..." Something about the bard's voice makes you want to close your eyes and drift off to sleep. Suddenly, you notice that another gold coin has appeared in your hand! >wear earmuffs You put on the earmuffs. You can still make out the bard's voice, but it doesn't put you to sleep like it did before. Everybody around you starts to get drowsy. >wait Time passes... Everyone around you seems to have fallen asleep. >wait Time passes... Ponce sees that you haven't fallen asleep. Then he notices the earmuffs and says, "What a great idea! This story is so boring that even I have to work hard to stay awake." "If it's so boring," you ask, "why do you keep it in your repertoire?" "Because if you're a bard, people expect you to know it. Besides, I've heard that it's a favorite of the Knights of the Rhomboid Table. Despite all the honors I've received in my career, I've still never performed in Fudd's Feasting Hall. The Epic of Baldur is my best chance to make that dream come true." "Well, if performing for the Knights of the Rhomboid Table is so important to you, I can arrange it. All you have to do is follow me. Are you interested?" "Most certainly! Just give me a moment..." The bard walks over to the sleeping crowd and shouts, "Wake up! Show's over! Go home!" The people climb groggily to their feet and then stumble away. Then the bard turns back to you and says, "Lead on, young man. Whither thou goest, thither shall I follow." >n Courtyard This is the courtyard of King Fudd's castle, a towering pile of towers and turrets that Fudd himself designed with the help of Bud the Wizard. The entrance to the castle lies to the north, and next to it is a tall tower with a strange, dish-shaped collection of wires on the top. There is a window high up in the tower, and a garden at the base. The entrance to the barracks lies to the west, and the town itself lies to the south. Ponce follows you. >n Feasting Hall This is the fabled feasting hall of King Fudd. The Knights of the Rhomboid Table are rowdily cavorting. A doorway leads up to the queen's chambers, but it is guarded by an alert soldier. Ponce launches into the Epic of Baldur. The hall instantly falls silent. "In the great days of Baldur..." You wait until the soldiers have all fallen asleep. >up As you reach the bottom of the stairs, you hear the bard say, "And thus endeth the Epic of Baldur." The revelers slowly begin to awaken from their slumber. A drunken knight looks up at you and yells, "Hey! Ish the mighty Sir Amric hishelf. How didja get that quesh, sonny. It shoulda been me." >wait Time passes... Another knight speaks up. "You? Hah! I'M the one who should have received the quest. My armour is the shiniest of anyone here." "Oh yeah?" replies the first knight. "Blow it out your pauldron, pal." >wait Time passes... The two warring knights leap to their feet. A third jumps between them and says, "Peace, brothers. This is no way for the Knights of the Rhomboid Table to behave." The two knights look at each other, lower their heads, and then simultaneously slug the interfering knight in the jaw. He staggers back into some other knights, who catch him and help him launch a counter-attack. Soon the entire room has become a chaotic melee of knights hacking and slashing at each other. Ponce looks at the warring behemoths and says, "That's good enough for me. I'm outta here." He gives you a copy of the commemorative book he gives all his clients, and then leaves. >s A drunken soldier blocks your path and says, "Where do you think YOU'RE going, shorty?" Suddenly a cold wind blows through the chamber and the knights suspend the fighting. Bud the Wizard appears in a shower of sparks and says, "Hold, Knights of Fudd! Know ye not that the rightful hero of this quest has been determined by the stars? Let us go to the village green, where the gods have prepared a sign that we might truly learn the identity of the knight who has been destined since the beginning of time to quest forth in search of the Princess Lorealle." Bud waves his hand, and suddenly the entire company is magically transported to the village green. Village Green This is the village green. Ye Olde Ice Cream Shoppe is to the east, the village square lies to the north, and Ulric's House of Torches is to the west. The green runs down to the shore of the village duck pond. You see a stone here. In the stone you see a banana. One after another, all the knights try to pull the banana from the stone. They all fail. Eventually a hush falls over the group and everyone looks at you expectantly. >take banana You grasp the banana and pull it effortlessly from the stone. You turn to face the assembled multitude and raise the banana high over your head. "Behold!" you cry. "EXCALIBANANA!" You pause for dramatic effect, and then continue, "Ye are all witness - I have pulled the sacred banana from the stone!" The knights stare at you for a moment, and then one of them says, "Stupid quest, anyway." "Probably get killed," another says. "I'd bet on it," says a third. "How much?" "Ten gold pieces." "Will you give odds?" "Thousand to one." The knights cluster around the oddsmaker, trying to get a bet down against your success, and they all wander off in a clump. Suddenly the air around you shimmers and Bud the Wizard appears once again. This time, he has brought the furnishings of his room with him. [Your score has just gone up by 15.] Bud disappears, and once again you are alone. >throw banana in pond An arm emerges from the water and catches the banana. It waves the fruit around three times and then slides back down into the water. As it disappears from sight, you hear a mighty thunderclap. The noise scares some horses that were grazing nearby. They bolt towards you. You catch a bridle, but can't control the horse. The herd thunders toward Ulric's House of Torches and levels the building completely. You lose your footing and get dragged several miles. By the time you work yourself free, you find yourself at the edge of the Enchanted Forest. Exhausted from your day's efforts, you lay down to rest. Cemetery This is a very spooky cemetery on the eastern edge of the Enchanted Forest. It is dotted with decrepit gravestones. One particularly large sepulchre is nearby looking like an oversized square bathtub with a lid on it. On the lid you see a newspaper. >read newspaper [Taking the newspaper first] *** Read all items *** >w Enchanted Forest You are deep in the heart of the enchanted forest. Sinister looking trees loom all around you, and every time you look away, you could swear you see them changing positions out of the corner of your eye. One tree in particular seems to be regarding you with evil intent, its gnarled roots look like they're just waiting for an opportunity to trip you up. The way back to the cemetery lies to the east, and the path continues on to the west. >give float to the tree [Removing the float from the backpack first.] The liquid seeps into the ground at the base of the tree. Suddenly all the roots spring straight up like the hair on the back of a scared cat. They start to quiver, and then they begin to weave around drunkenly. A few of the smaller ones start singing a song about their dear mother that they left behind in Ireland. [Your score has just gone up by 10.] >w You squeeze by the weaving roots and head deeper into the forest. Clearing You have arrived in a clearing at the very center of the forest. An enormous tree grows here, and the wizard's words immediately echo in your mind: "The Pitchfork of Damocles is entangled in the leaves of the tallest tree in the Enchanted Forest." Barely able to contain your excitement, you sight up along the tree. High above you, the trunk branches out - into roots! Slowly, even for you, comprehension dawns. The tree is growing upside down! Whatever leaves it may have must be hidden underground! At the base of the tree is an unruly pile of branches. The way back into the forest lies to the east. >move branches You push aside the pile of branches and discover an ancient trap door set into the ground. >open door You grasp the ring and pull. The door creaks open, creating yet another opportunity for a neat sound effect. You see a gloomy set of stairs leading underground. >down You start to feel your way down the stairs. As soon as you disappear below ground level, you hear a crash overhead. Looking up, you see the trap door quivering with satisfaction that it has lived up to its name. You continue down the stairs, and at the bottom you walk through a revolving spiked turnstile. On the other side of the door is a sign. West of House You are standing in an open field west of a white house, with a boarded front door. You see a small mailbox here. >open box You open the mailbox and discover some mail. >read mail [Taking the mail first.] [Your score has just gone up by 2.] It's a notice from the Dwarves' Clearing House: "Yes, FONDOR BINDLECRANK, you may have already won the GRAND PRIZE in the 115th annual MAKE-A-WISH SWEEPSTAKES. Soon you and all the little BINDLECRANKS could be enjoying the dream of a lifetime. Simply bring this winning notice to our headquarters in the great cavern, and our courteous and friendly staff will tell you which of our FABULOUS PRIZES you have won, with ABSOLUTELY NO SALES PRESSURE to buy one of our magazines or sit through an incredibly boring presentation on vacation real estate." >read sign "Do not back up. Severe hero damage!" >w Cavern This is a huge underground cavern. There are buildings to the northeast and south. High above you, the branches of a tree are sticking down from the roof of the cavern. In the branches, you see the Pitchfork of Damocles. The little white house lies somewhere out of sight to the east. >ne Fran's Rock Emporium You walk into a veritable showcase of rocks. Big rocks, little rocks, shiny rocks, dull rocks. Precious stones. Base metals. The only exit is to the southwest. Behind the counter is Fran, a plaid-clad dwarf. "Can I interest you in anything?" Fran asks. "I was looking for something in a rock," you reply. "Ah! Well you've come to the right place. Just look around and let me know if there's anything that catches your fancy. And remember - there's a free bungee cord with every purchase to lash the rock to your cart to help you get it home." In the counter you see a headrest special and a starter rock. >sw As you head for the door, Fran rushes up to you and says, "No first-time customer of Fran's ever leaves empty-handed." He thrusts a pickaxe into your hands. "This is a miner's starter kit, courtesy of the Torus Department of Public Works. Use it in good health, and next time you need a rock, be sure to come to Fran's." Cavern This is a huge underground cavern. There are buildings to the northeast and south. High above you, the branches of a tree are sticking down from the roof of the cavern. In the branches, you see the Pitchfork of Damocles. The little white house lies somewhere out of sight to the east. >e West of House You are standing in an open field west of a white house, with a boarded front door. A path winds off to the west, and to the north is the revolving spiked turnstile through which you entered. Next to the turnstile is a small, hand-lettered sign. You see a small mailbox here. >open door with pickaxe You slip the business end of the pickaxe under the board and give it a good heave. The board pops loose and you push it to one side. [Your score has just gone up by 5.] >e You squeeze through the opening in the door and find yourself in a kitchen that reeks of garlic. A quick survey of the room reveals nothing of interest. Holding your breath, you dash into the living room. Living Room This is a dark room with a trophy case along one wall and an ancient oriental rug on the floor. Stairs lead up to the second floor, and the kitchen lies to the west. In the trophy case you see a beard. >pull rug You roll back the rug and discover a trap door! [Your score has just gone up by 5.] >open trap door You struggle with the heavy door and manage to raise it a few inches. A muffled voice comes from somewhere down below: "Haven't you people bothered me enough already? Go away!" A frail white arm emerges and hands you a key. Then it disappears into the darkness again and pulls the door shut after it with a decisive "BANG!" [Your score has just gone up by 5.] >open case [With the key] You unlock the case with the key and it swings open. >take beard You take the beard from the trophy case. >up You race up the stairs. Bedroom This is a small bedroom on the second floor of the house. There is a pile of bones here that appears to have fallen through a hole in the ceiling that leads to the attic. >search bones You sift through the pile and discover a driver's license which you immediately pick up. [Your score has just gone up by 5.] >down You race back down the stairs. Living Room This is a dark room with a trophy case along one wall and an ancient oriental rug rolled up on the floor. Stairs lead up to the second floor, and the kitchen lies to the west. You see a trap door here. >w You dash through the kitchen and out the hole in the door. West of House You are standing in an open field west of a white house, with a boarded front door. A path winds off to the west, and to the north is the revolving spiked turnstile through which you entered. Next to the turnstile is a small, hand-lettered sign. You see a small mailbox here. >w Cavern This is a huge underground cavern. There are buildings to the northeast and south. High above you, the branches of a tree are sticking down from the roof of the cavern. In the branches, you see the Pitchfork of Damocles. The little white house lies somewhere out of sight to the east. >wear beard You put on the beard. >kneel You kneel down. >s You shuffle off painfully on your knees. Publishers Clearing House This is the lobby of a small building. There is a dwarf standing in front of a wall full of redwood clocks. The only way out is to the north. >give mail to ed The dwarf hauls out a redwood clock and starts to hand it to you, then he gives the ticket a bored glance. "My gods! An actual winner!" He quickly recovers his composure and says, "Ahem, that is to say, ANOTHER winner, among many in our fine, absolutely legal with no hanky-panky, sweepstakes." He compares your number to one on his list. "Well, MISTER BINDLECRANK, I'm happy to say that you've won an all-expenses paid..." He glances up at you and says. "Oh, I almost forgot. We've been getting some fraudulent claims recently. May I see some sort of ID please?" The beard begins to itch. >give license to ed He glances at the license and says, "Alright FONDOR BINDLECRANK. Let's see what you've won. It's an ALL-EXPENSES-PAID day at the magical DWARVES THEME PARK, courtesy of the Magic Construction Company." He takes you by the arm and walks you out into the great cavern. There, like high-speed time-lapse photography, a construction crew builds a huge theme park right before your eyes. The dwarf pats you on the arm and says, "Enjoy!" He disappears. Cavern You are standing on the midway of a crowded carnival. Right next to you is a huge ferrous wheel whose cars almost brush the leaves of the tree hanging down from the cavern roof. To the west is a game booth. To the southeast and southwest are rides. Fran's Rock Emporium can still be entered to the northeast, the Dwarves' Clearing House is still visible to the south, and the little white house lies somewhere to the east. One of the seats of the ferrous wheel dangles in front of you. You see a lever here. [Your score has just gone up by 10.] >w *** Win memmory game *** "You win, 12 pairs to 5. "Congratulations! " he says. "Here's your prize. It's a really great slingshot, but be careful - its magic is that it will hit whatever you shoot at." He hands you the slingshot. "Well, goodbye. I really enjoyed playing the game with you, but I don't have any more prizes. You can come back whenever you like, though, and we'll just play for fun. See you later." [Your score has just gone up by 10.] >sw You enter a maze of twisty passages, all alike. After about twenty minutes you stumble back out. You can't take the itching any longer. You rip off the beard. You tire of hobbling around on your knees and stand up again. A dwarf family wanders by. The father addresses your navel. "Great costume. The kids really go for that goofy looking human stuff. I worked my way through Rock U doing the same sort of thing." He presses a 20 zonkmid piece in your hand. "Good luck to you." The family wanders away. >ne Fran's Rock Emporium You walk into a veritable showcase of rocks. Big rocks, little rocks, shiny rocks, dull rocks. Precious stones. Base metals. The only exit is to the southwest. Behind the counter is Fran, a plaid-clad dwarf. "Can I interest you in anything?" Fran asks. "I was looking for something in a rock," you reply. "Ah! Well you've come to the right place. Just look around and let me know if there's anything that catches your fancy. And remember - there's a free bungee cord with every purchase to lash the rock to your cart to help you get it home." In the counter you see a headrest special and a starter rock. >buy starter rock Fran reaches below the counter and hands you a rock about half the size of a dwarf's fist. "For twenty zonkmids we have this fine starter rock. And with every sale a free bungee cord to lash the rock..." He stops in mid-sentence, looks first at the diminutive rock and then at the cord. "Oh well," he continues, "you might as well take the cord anyway. I got a deal on 'em." [Your score has just gone up by 10.] >sw Cavern You are standing on the midway of a crowded carnival. Right next to you is a huge ferrous wheel whose cars almost brush the leaves of the tree hanging down from the cavern roof. To the west is a game booth. To the southeast and southwest are rides. Fran's Rock Emporium can still be entered to the northeast, the Dwarves' Clearing House is still visible to the south, and the little white house lies somewhere to the east. One of the seats of the ferrous wheel dangles in front of you. You see a lever here. >push lever You throw the lever and hear a faint 'click'. >sit You sit down in the chair. Just outside the seat, but within easy reach, is a control box with two buttons on it, one green and one red. >put starter rock in sling The rock fits snugly into the slingshot. >press green button The wheel starts to spin. You climb higher and higher. Now you are almost to the very top, and you can see the pitchfork just ahead and above you. Far below, you can see the theme park laid out on the cavern floor. You can see Fran's Rock Emporium and the Dwarves' Clearing House. You can even see the lever, although it looks like a matchstick from this height. >shoot red button You take careful aim and fire away. The rock speeds through the air and strikes the button, halting the ferrous wheel. You are now directly below the pitchfork. [Your score has just gone up by 5.] >stand You stand up. >take pitchfork You stretch out and grab the pitchfork! [Your score has just gone up by 25.] >tie cord to branch You hook one end of the bungee cord to a sturdy branch, and the other to your clothing. The cord seems to relax and lengthen, as if it knows you are about to ask it to stretch a long distance. >jump You do a swan dive off the seat. Gaining speed as you approach the floor of the cavern, you wonder if you should have read the small print on the bungee cord - the part where the lawyers say that if the product doesn't work, it's not their fault. At least, you think, I'm not trying this at home. Then, just as you come face to face with an ant, the bungee reaches its limit and snaps you back. You bounce a few times and then come to rest a few feet above the ground. Just as you start congratulating yourself, the far end of the cord comes free and you fall the remaining few feet to land flat on your face in the dust. Dazed but unhurt, you struggle to your feet and pick up the bungee cord. You are immediately surrounded by a crowd of cheering dwarves. "Thank you for removing the dread pitchfork which has been hanging over our heads lo these many years. In gratitude, we would like to give you this rock." The crowd parts and Fran walks up carrying the headrest special. He gives it to you. The crowd disassembles the theme park, and then melts away. >e West of House You are standing in an open field west of a white house, with a boarded front door. A path winds off to the west, and to the north is the revolving spiked turnstile through which you entered. Next to the turnstile is a small, hand-lettered sign. You see a small mailbox here. >e You squeeze through the opening in the door and find yourself in a kitchen that reeks of garlic. A quick survey of the room reveals nothing of interest. Holding your breath, you dash into the living room. Living Room This is a dark room with a trophy case along one wall and an ancient oriental rug rolled up on the floor. Stairs lead up to the second floor, and the kitchen lies to the west. You see a trap door here. >up You race up the stairs. Bedroom This is a small bedroom on the second floor of the house. There is a pile of bones here that appears to have fallen through a hole in the ceiling that leads to the attic. >drop rock You drop the headrest special. >up You step onto the rock and pull yourself up into the attic. Attic You are in a very dark, musty room. The ceiling seems to be a stone slab. It is dark enough in here that you are likely to be eaten by a gnu. >up You push aside the slab and climb out. You are in the middle of a graveyard. Mystic types surround the sarcophagus you just climbed out of. They were in the middle of some ritual. They drop their torches in panic and flee. The underbrush catches fire quickly and the forest starts to vibrate with a low rumble. You recognize the symptoms of a completed quest and do a little fleeing yourself. You run for what seems like hours through the dark forest, tripping and falling over roots, and scattering all your possessions to the four winds. At last you emerge on the other side and collapse in exhaustion on the road near a tavern. Road You are standing on a road in front of a tavern that has an orange thatch roof. You can go north into the tavern, or west along the road. The smouldering ruins of the enchanted forest lie beyond a barricade to the east. >n Tavern You enter the tavern and take a seat at the bar. A waiter glides by. He waves a menu at you and says, "I'll be right with you." On the wall behind the bar is a display of a wide variety of keys and key blanks. In front of it, a young man stands reading a manual called "Keys to Success." There is a sign over the bar. On the counter you see a newspaper. >read newspaper [Taking the newspaper first] *** Read all items *** After several moments, the waiter comes and stands in front of you. "Hello," he says. "My name is Bruce and I'll be your waiter today. I'll just give you a moment here to settle in and then I'll be right back to let you look at the menu." He bustles off to wait on another customer. >talk to bruce *** Talk about everything *** A patron in one of the booths orders a Mead Lite. Someone in the next booth says, "I'll bet he ordered that because it has less taste than regular Mead." "No," says someone else, "He ordered it because it's more filling." "Less taste," replies the first. "More filling!" insists the second. The drink arrives and the customer takes it. "You're both wrong," he says, chewing off the top of the bottle. "I order it because I like the easy-opening bottles." He spits out some glass shards and drains the bottle, which then magically disappears. The other customers lapse into an uncomfortable silence. Bruce wanders by again and says, "Thank you for waiting. For today's specials we have..." He clears his throat and sings. "Fa-la-la-la-la, Mead Florentine, Mead Florentine, Mead Flo-o-o-o-o-rentine. And Smokey Tra-la-la, Smokey Tra-la-la, yes Smokey Tra-la-la-la Mountain Mead." He finishes with an exaggerated flourish and bows deeply from the waist. Then he says, "I'll be back in a minute to take your order." >talk to howard *** Talk about everything *** Bruce pauses briefly on his way to another table. "Everything all right here? Good!" He minces away. >read the sign "Howard Johnston's #1 Cross Keys Inn Keys made, drinks served." You catch Bruce's eye from across the room. He nods and waves his menu, but then he gets distracted and moves on to another customer. >read book As you open the book, a coupon flutters out and you grab it in midair. When you return your attention to the book, your eye falls on the lines, "In the great days of Baldur..." You immediately begin to feel sleepy, but you manage to snap the book shut before any serious damage is done. Bruce finally comes and stops in front of you. "Sorry for the delay," he says. "It's a madhouse in here today." He starts to hand you a menu, but just then you hear a rhythmic clapping start up in the kitchen. "My Gods!" squeals Bruce, "I'm on." He snatches back the menu and runs off to join a stream of waiters who are pouring out of the kitchen. They stop in front of another table and sing, "Happy, happy birthday From Cross Keys Inn to you Happy, happy birthday May all your dreams come true. Y-a-a-a-y!" The waiters file out, and Bruce wanders off to serve another customer, forgetting all about you. >read coupon "Good for 5 free acting lessons with the bard." Bruce floats by and says, "Have I told you about our specials? Good." He wanders off again. >give coupon to bruce Bruce's eyes pop out of his head. He absent-mindedly hands you a menu while he reads the coupon. "I would kiss you," he says, "but this isn't that kind of game." He stuffs the coupon into a private area of his clothing and moves on to help another customer. [Your score has just gone up by 5.] >read menu *** Order "Mead Lite" *** Bruce says, "Certainly." He disappears for a brief second and brings back the drink. You attempt to open the bottle, but the cap seems to be stuck. [Your score has just gone up by 10.] A patron in one of the booths orders a Mead Lite. Someone in the next booth says, "I'll bet he ordered that because it has less taste than regular Mead." "No," says someone else, "He ordered it because it's more filling." "Less taste," replies the first. "More filling!" insists the second. The drink arrives and the customer takes it. "You're both wrong," he says, chewing off the top of the bottle. "I order it because if I drink enough of this swill I might get to meet the Swedish bikini team." He spits out some glass shards and drains the bottle, which then magically disappears. The other customers lapse into an uncomfortable silence. >s Bruce floats over and plucks the menu from your grasp. "Can't have our customers walking off with our menus. But if you ever return, I'll be SURE to deliver one to you personally. Bye bye." Road You are standing on a road in front of a tavern that has an orange thatch roof. You can go north into the tavern, or west along the road. The smouldering ruins of the enchanted forest lie beyond a barricade to the east. >w As soon as you start off down the road, you hear a rumbling behind you. Turning around, you spy a huge ox-cart bearing down on you. You dive into a ditch on the side of the road while the cart passes. It is driven by a two-headed oaf who laughs at your misfortune. The cart is laden with still-smouldering wood from the enchanted forest. As the cart pulls away, you read a sign on the back that says, "How's my driving? Call 1-800-PISS-OFF." You pull yourself to your feet again. >w You trudge off down the road. Blicester Castle You trudge along for a while and eventually the road comes to an end in front of a castle. The castle looks well-nigh impenetrable. Soldiers patrol the parapet, and the huge gate is shut tight, but you see some iron rungs set into the wall near one corner next to a large prickly bush. Unfortunately, the rungs are situated directly below a pot of boiling pitch that is manned by an alert-looking soldier. It looks as if others before you have laid siege to the castle - you see a battering ram, a large wooden rabbit, and a broken catapult here. The road leads back east to the tavern. One of the soldiers catches sight of you and says, "Zees castle ees ze resting place of ze Crescent Wrench of Armageddon. Vous must go away toot suite or we shall empty our noses in ze air towards you." >n You start up the rungs. Another soldier runs to join the first and together they tip over the pot of flaming pitch. You leap to the ground just in time to avoid the fiery stream, but it strikes the bush below, setting it afire instantly. A few of the clumps of berries fall clear, but then the fire quickly consumes the bush, revealing a hitherto hidden path around the castle to the northwest. [Your score has just gone up by 10.] >take berries You take the berries. You hear laughter from above. "You shameless picker of small animals' noses." >nw You follow the path around the side of the castle. The wall here is just as well defended as the first one. You walk the length of it and turn the corner at the end, and suddenly discover that the rear wall of the castle is missing! You walk right into the keep and tap the owner on the shoulder. Keep The castle keep is dominated by a large, fortress-like central tower. A door is recessed into wall of the inner tower just to your north. On the wall hangs a key on a chain, below which is a bronze proclamation that has a large wax seal on it. A distinctive odor tells you that the stables lie to the east. A set of stairs leads south up to the parapet, and a path leads northwest back around to the front of the castle. The owner whirls around and says, "Oh! Figured that out, did you? We were hoping no one would discover our little secret until after we'd managed to build the fourth wall. That's why we put all that siege equipment out there - so people will waste all their time trying to break in through the front door. Still, here you are. Now I'm afraid I shall have to set the attack turtles on you." He blows a whistle, and all the soldiers leave their posts along the walls and retreat into the central tower. The owner drops some turtles on the ground, and then goes into the tower and closes the door. >give tort-ease to turtles [Removing the Tort-Ease from the backpack first.] You give the turtles a liberal dose of the Tort-Ease (TM). The vial magically disappears, and then one by one the turtles keel over until all you hear is the sound of little turtle snores. [Your score has just gone up by 10.] >read proclamation "Hear ye, Hear ye! Be it known to one and all That this key unlocks the door To the inner tower of Blicester Castle." >e Stables Your nose has lead you unerringly to the stables. Inside, you see the cart that nearly ran you over in front of the tavern. The two-headed oaf is still sitting inside, and the back of the cart is still loaded with wood from the enchanted forest. One of the branches looks like it could be one of the roots that tried to trip you on your way through the forest. The only way out of here is to the west. >give mead lite to oaf You give the Mead Lite to the oaf. Jake takes a long pull, followed by Elrod. Jake says, "I love this stuff. It sure has less taste than regular mead." Elrod shakes his head and grunts, "No. Is good because is more filling." "Less taste." "More filling." The heads square off against each other, intent upon their argument. >take branch While their attention is elsewhere, you manage to grab the branch. [Your score has just gone up by 5.] "Less taste," shouts one of the heads. >w Keep The castle keep is dominated by a large, fortress-like central tower. A door is recessed into wall of the inner tower just to your north. Between you and the door is a collection of the meanest, nastiest, most asleep killer attack turtles you have ever seen. On the wall hangs a key on a chain, below which is a bronze proclamation that has a large wax seal on it. A distinctive odor tells you that the stables lie to the east. A set of stairs leads south up to the parapet, and a path leads northwest back around to the front of the castle. >up Parapet You're standing high on the parapet that used to be occupied by the castle's defenders. There is a pot of flaming pitch here. A flight of stairs winds back down into the keep to the north, and a set of iron rungs leads down to the south. >light branch You dip the branch into the flaming pitch. It immediately bursts into flame and becomes a quite serviceable torch. [Your score has just gone up by 10.] >down Keep The castle keep is dominated by a large, fortress-like central tower. A door is recessed into wall of the inner tower just to your north. Between you and the door is a collection of the meanest, nastiest, most asleep killer attack turtles you have ever seen. On the wall hangs a key on a chain, below which is a bronze proclamation that has a large wax seal on it. A distinctive odor tells you that the stables lie to the east. A set of stairs leads south up to the parapet, and a path leads northwest back around to the front of the castle. >melt wax [With the torch] You hold the torch just under the seal. It begins to soften and then melt in little drops, until all that's left is a soft blob of wax on the ground. [Your score has just gone up by 10.] >put blob on key [Taking the blob of wax first.] You press the key into the wax, and when you remove it you are left with a perfect impression of it. [Your score has just gone up by 5.] >nw Blicester Castle You trot back around to the front of the castle. The huge gate is shut tight, but you see some iron rungs set into the wall near one corner. You see a battering ram, a large wooden rabbit, and a broken catapult here. The road leads back east to the tavern, and a path leads around the castle wall to the northwest. >e Road You are standing on a road in front of a tavern that has an orange thatch roof. You can go north into the tavern, or west along the road. The smouldering ruins of the enchanted forest lie beyond a barricade to the east. >n Tavern You enter the tavern and take a seat at the bar. On the wall behind the bar is a display of a wide variety of keys and key blanks. In front of it, a young man stands reading a manual called "Keys to Success." There is a sign over the bar. Bruce minces up to you. "A PLEASURE to see you again, sir," he says, handing you a menu. >give blob to howard "NOW we're talking!" Howard grabs the wax impression and leaps into action. Moments later, he hands you a shiny new key. [Your score has just gone up by 5.] >s Bruce floats over and plucks the menu from your grasp. "Can't have our customers walking off with our menus. But if you ever return, I'll be SURE to deliver one to you personally. Bye bye." Road You are standing on a road in front of a tavern that has an orange thatch roof. You can go north into the tavern, or west along the road. The smouldering ruins of the enchanted forest lie beyond a barricade to the east. >w You trudge off down the road. Blicester Castle You trudge along for a while and eventually the road comes to an end in front of a castle. The huge gate is shut tight, but you see some iron rungs set into the wall near one corner. You see a battering ram, a large wooden rabbit, and a broken catapult here. The road leads back east to the tavern, and a path leads around the castle wall to the northwest. >nw You follow the path around the side of the castle and back into the keep. Keep The castle keep is dominated by a large, fortress-like central tower. A door is recessed into wall of the inner tower just to your north. Between you and the door is a collection of the meanest, nastiest, most asleep killer attack turtles you have ever seen. On the wall hangs a key on a chain, below which is a bronze proclamation. A distinctive odor tells you that the stables lie to the east. A set of stairs leads south up to the parapet, and a path leads northwest back around to the front of the castle. >open the door [With the shiny key] You unlock the door and step inside. *** Win Jeopardy game *** Entrance Gaily dressed crowds of people stream past you into a meadow decorated with banners and pavilions. It is the St. Barchan's Day fair, renowned across Torus as the liveliest festival in the land. The entrance to the fair is to the north, and the road winds up into the hills to the west. A herald stands nearby, reading a proclamation from a scroll. You see a newspaper here. [Your score has just gone up by 25.] >read newspaper [Taking the newspaper first] *** Read all items *** >listen >n Fairgrounds You join the stream of people and soon come to the heart of the fair, a well-trampled meadow surrounded by food stalls, tents and pavilions. The crowds swirl around you, revealing occasional glimpses of strolling musicians, jugglers, sword-swallowers, jesters, and fire-eaters. In the very center of the field is a striped maypole that is topped by a long red scarf. Nearby, a whole boar is roasting on a spit that turns under the watchful eye of a burly cook. Gaming areas lie to the west and northeast. The stockade is to the east, and a path leads north to a natural amphitheatre. You can leave the fair by going south. >n Amphitheatre You are sitting on a hillside that makes a natural amphitheatre overlooking a stage. There is a sign here. Beyond it, a path leads around north to the stage entrance, and another leads off to the west. >read sign "TODAY'S EVENTS 11:00 am: The Story of the Dragon Noon: Lily 1:00 pm: The Jugglers Vain 2:00 pm: Lily 3:00 pm: The Jugglers Vain 4:00 pm: The Jugglers Vain" >wait 3 hours Time passes... The amphitheatre fills up. A storyteller comes out onto the stage. The storyteller leaves the stage and the amphitheatre empties, marking the end of the tale. Do you want to continue waiting? >>n >s Fairgrounds You return to the heart of the fair, a well-trampled meadow surrounded by food stalls, tents and pavilions. The crowds swirl around you, revealing occasional glimpses of strolling musicians, jugglers, sword-swallowers, jesters, and fire- eaters. In the very center of the field is a striped maypole that is topped by a long red scarf. Nearby, a whole boar is roasting on a spit that turns under the watchful eye of a burly cook. Gaming areas lie to the west and northeast. The stockade is to the east, and a path leads north to a natural amphitheatre. You can leave the fair by going south. >ne Shooting Gallery You have wandered into a shooting gallery manned by a friendly looking barker. The pavilion is long and narrow, with three rows of moving targets at the far end. The barker gives you a crossbow and says, "Shoot at any target you like." >shoot target You fire the crossbow, but the quarrel misses the targets. A good looking girl wanders by and the barker lets out a loud wolf whistle. >shoot target You fire the crossbow, but the quarrel misses the targets. >shoot target The crossbow strikes a target! "Congratulations!" says, the barker. He hands you a chicken. The barker calls out to a passing serving girl, "I've got the time, honey, if you have the beer." >shoot target The crossbow strikes a target! "Congratulations!" says, the barker. He tosses you a whoopee cushion. >shoot target You fire the crossbow, but the quarrel misses the targets. A shapely wench passes by. The barker ogles her and says, "Now THERE'S a nice little package. Know what I mean?" He gives you a nudge with his elbow >shoot target You fire the crossbow, but the quarrel misses the targets. >shoot target The crossbow strikes a target! "Congratulations!" says, the barker. He tosses you a noise maker. The barker spots two women in the crowd and says to you, "The blond one's mine. You can have the redhead." >shoot target You fire the crossbow, but the quarrel misses the targets. >shoot target The crossbow strikes a target! "Congratulations!" says, the barker. He gives you an apologetic glance and says, "You've already won one of everything I have, but you're welcome to keep practicing if you like." A pretty young woman comes up to the barker and asks him for directions. "You can go anywhere you want, baby," he says. "And I'm just the man to take you there." The woman leaves in a hurry. >sw The barker reaches out and grabs the crossbow. "Can't have people walking off with the equipment," he says. Fairgrounds You return to the heart of the fair, a well-trampled meadow surrounded by food stalls, tents and pavilions. The crowds swirl around you, revealing occasional glimpses of strolling musicians, jugglers, sword-swallowers, jesters, and fire- eaters. In the very center of the field is a striped maypole that is topped by a long red scarf. Nearby, a whole boar is roasting on a spit that turns under the watchful eye of a burly cook. Gaming areas lie to the west and northeast. The stockade is to the east, and a path leads north to a natural amphitheatre. You can leave the fair by going south. >w Shady Area This is a shady area just to the west of the meadow. There is a three-handed elf here. Ranged out in front of him are three shells - one red, one blue, and one green. He is constantly moving the shells around, lifting first one and then another, tossing a pea back and forth. On the tree behind him are some woodcuts. "Step right up, step right up. Who's next? Just a few minutes of your life against the chance to win some woodcuts of the lovely lady Lily. You, sir, would you like to play?" >look at woodcuts The elf has very shrewdly hung the woodcuts in such a way that you can see they are silhouettes of Lily, but not much else. The elf turns his attention elsewhere. >look at red shell It looks just like the other two, except it's red. One of the strolling musicians wanders by. He plays the game and wins, but turns down the prize. >talk to musician *** Talk about everything *** >e Fairgrounds You return to the heart of the fair, a well-trampled meadow surrounded by food stalls, tents and pavilions. The crowds swirl around you, revealing occasional glimpses of strolling musicians, jugglers, sword-swallowers, jesters, and fire- eaters. In the very center of the field is a striped maypole that is topped by a long red scarf. Nearby, a whole boar is roasting on a spit that turns under the watchful eye of a burly cook. Gaming areas lie to the west and northeast. The stockade is to the east, and a path leads north to a natural amphitheatre. You can leave the fair by going south. >n Amphitheatre You are sitting on a hillside that makes a natural amphitheatre overlooking a stage. There is a sign here. Beyond it, a path leads around north to the stage entrance, and another leads off to the west. >w Pavilion of Tomorrow The pavilion of tomorrow is packed with futuristic technology which sets out what life on Torus will be like in the not-too-distant future. On the main table are a hoop, a chamberpot, a rubber band, an odd-looking kitchen device, a viper's cage, a gong, a model of a catapult, and an aardvark. On a pedestal off to one side is a very large leech. The only exit lies to the east. In the cage you see a viper. >take band You take the rubber band from the table. >take leech Carefully, you pick up the giant slug, taking care to ensure that its sucker has no chance to attach itself to your skin. >close shade You lower the shade. >put band on viper Thinking very guilty thoughts, you put your hand inside the cage and slip the band over the viper's mouth. The snake tries to hiss at you, but it comes out, "Mmphmftk...." >put cord on aardvark [Removing the bungee cord from the backpack first.] You hook one end of the bungee cord to the aardvark's collar, and the other end to the edge of the table. >take marble As you reach for the marble, your fingers brush up against the Cat-Jet III launching mechanism. The hair-trigger on the catapult fires. The black marble arches through the air and hits the closed window shade. The marble drops down into the viper's cage and hits the viper square on the head. The marble rolls out of the cage. The aardvark mistakes the marble for a large, particularly juicy black bug and starts to give chase, but is soon pulled up short by the bungee. Not to be stopped, the aardvark unfurls his incredibly long tongue, which unfortunately gets entangled in the switch that activates the Crush-o-Matic. The huge weight falls to the floor and slams into a floorboard which immediately pivots up and crashes into the gong. A very large, very stupid troll lumbers into the room. "Display not touch!" he recites mechanically. He finds the marble and reloads the catapult, then he winds the Crush-o-Matic's weight back up to the top. Knuckles dragging against the floor, the troll lumbers away again. >stand on board You stand on the end of the board furthest away from the crusher. >take marble As you reach for the marble, your fingers brush up against the Cat-Jet III launching mechanism. The hair-trigger on the catapult fires. The black marble arches through the air and hits the closed window shade. The marble drops down into the viper's cage and hits the viper square on the head. The marble rolls out of the cage. The aardvark mistakes the marble for a large, particularly juicy black bug and starts to give chase, but is soon pulled up short by the bungee. Not to be stopped, the aardvark unfurls his incredibly long tongue, which unfortunately gets entangled in the switch that activates the Crush-o-Matic. The huge weight falls to the floor and slams into the loose floorboard, sending you flying up into the air. You do a double somersault in the air and land butt-first in the chamberpot. You stagger to your feet and tug at the pot, but it is now firmly attached to your backside. The marble seems to have disappeared, and the only positive note is that your activity doesn't seem to have alerted the troll. [Your score has just gone up by 15.] >e Amphitheatre You are sitting on a hillside that makes a natural amphitheatre overlooking a stage. There is a sign here. Beyond it, a path leads around north to the stage entrance, and another leads off to the west. >wait 2 hours Time passes... The auditorium fills with fairgoers eager to see the famous songstress, Lily. As you get ready to leave, an usher comes up to you and hands you a note. Do you want to continue waiting? >>y The amphitheatre fills. A troupe of jugglers comes on stage, and they begin tossing bizarre objects back and forth between them. After a while they challenge people in the audience to toss them something they can't juggle. Do you want to continue waiting? >>n >give leech to jugglers You toss the leech to the jugglers. As soon as one of their special gloves touches the huge sucker, the leech sticks fast. Another juggler comes over to try and help, but his glove gets stuck as well. It quickly becomes apparent to the crowd that the jugglers have failed the challenge, and they begin to boo. The performers sheepishly remove their gloves, drop them on the stage, and slink away. Once they are gone, the amphitheatre quickly empties and the leech crawls away. [Your score has just gone up by 15.] >take gloves You take the gloves from the stage. >s Fairgrounds You return to the heart of the fair, a well-trampled meadow surrounded by food stalls, tents and pavilions. The crowds swirl around you, revealing occasional glimpses of strolling musicians, jugglers, sword-swallowers, jesters, and fire- eaters. In the very center of the field is a striped maypole that is topped by a long red scarf. Nearby, a whole boar is roasting on a spit that turns under the watchful eye of a burly cook. Gaming areas lie to the west and northeast. The stockade is to the east, and a path leads north to a natural amphitheatre. You can leave the fair by going south. >wear gloves You put on the gloves. >climb maypole The gloves stick to the pole like jelly to a baby's face. You clamber up to the top of the pole and pluck the boa from its perch. You wave it over your head in triumph and then slide back down to the ground, where you are greeted with cheers from the assembled crowd. [Your score has just gone up by 15.] >n Amphitheatre You are sitting on a hillside that makes a natural amphitheatre overlooking a stage. There is a sign here. Beyond it, a path leads around north to the stage entrance, and another leads off to the west. >n The guard recognizes the boa and grudgingly ushers you into Lily's boudoir. Dwessing Woom Lily's boudoir is filled with feminine touches. It is oddly intimate for a room set in the middle of a fairground. In the vase you see a weed. Lily meets you as you come in and says, "Ewic! How thwilling!" She sits down and continues, "I hope you enjoyed my show. I noticed you in the cwowd and I couldn't help thinking to myself, 'Wow! What a guy!'" She leans forward a little and purrs, "I hope this will be the beginning of a beautiful fwiendship." >take weed "Bwing me the boa, big boy, and you can have anything you want." >give boa to lily "Oh Ewic! How thwilling!" She throws her arms around you and gives you a kiss. Then she wraps the boa around your neck and says, "You may weaw this as my champion, as you begin the second half of the quest to pwove that you love me." "SECOND part?" you cry. "But I did as you asked." "Wapelling up a gweased pole shows agility, Ewic," she replies. "And agility is nice, but it doesn't pwove that you have the stwength and dawing I cwave. To demonstwate that, I must ask you to bwing me the head of the Wavenous Waven of Wangoon." She hands you the weed from the vase. "The Waven will eat anything, as his name implies, but he especially loves this kind of weed. You can use it as bait to entwap him." [Your score has just gone up by 10.] >s Amphitheatre You are sitting on a hillside that makes a natural amphitheatre overlooking a stage. There is a sign here. Beyond it, a path leads around north to the stage entrance, and another leads off to the west. >s Fairgrounds You return to the heart of the fair, a well-trampled meadow surrounded by food stalls, tents and pavilions. The crowds swirl around you, revealing occasional glimpses of strolling musicians, jugglers, sword-swallowers, jesters, and fire- eaters. In the very center of the field is a striped maypole. Nearby, a whole boar is roasting on a spit that turns under the watchful eye of a burly cook. Gaming areas lie to the west and northeast. The stockade is to the east, and a path leads north to a natural amphitheatre. You can leave the fair by going south. >w Shady Area This is a shady area just to the west of the meadow. There is a three-handed elf here. Ranged out in front of him are three shells - one red, one blue, and one green. He is constantly moving the shells around, lifting first one and then another, tossing a pea back and forth. On the tree behind him are some woodcuts. "Step right up, step right up. Who's next? Just a few minutes of your life against the chance to win some woodcuts of the lovely lady Lily. You, sir, would you like to play?" >wait Time passes... The elf turns his attention elsewhere. >wait Time passes... One of the strolling musicians wanders by. He plays the game and wins, but turns down the prize. >give reed to musician The musician's eyes light up. "Oh Thank You!" he cries. "I'm back in business! Is there anything I can do to repay you?" "Well," you say. "Now that you mention it, I wouldn't mind having a look through those sunglasses." "You can keep 'em," the musician says. "It's a small enough reward for what you have done for me." He hands you the sunglasses and runs off to find the other members of his band. [Your score has just gone up by 15.] >wear glasses You put on the sunglasses. >play game "Certainly sir," says the elf. He puts the pea under the blue shell and starts moving the shells around. After a moment, he stops and says, "Alright. Where's the pea?" The magic glasses reveal that the pea is under the red shell. >turn red shell You turn over the red shell. The elf's face falls and he looks quite a bit older. "You win," he says. He gives you the woodcuts. "I've got to go find a spot where people don't have glasses like that. I'm not getting any younger, you know." He packs up his gear and leaves. [Your score has just gone up by 10.] >e Fairgrounds You return to the heart of the fair, a well-trampled meadow surrounded by food stalls, tents and pavilions. The crowds swirl around you, revealing occasional glimpses of strolling musicians, jugglers, sword-swallowers, jesters, and fire- eaters. In the very center of the field is a striped maypole. Nearby, a whole boar is roasting on a spit that turns under the watchful eye of a burly cook. Gaming areas lie to the west and northeast. The stockade is to the east, and a path leads north to a natural amphitheatre. You can leave the fair by going south. >e Stockade You push your way through a dense circle of people gathered around the stocks. The pillory is a clumsy wooden affair with holes for the neck and wrists. It is currently occupied, and the crowd is mercilessly taunting the man inside. A pavilion lies to the east and the meadow to the west. In the stocks you see a prisoner. The police nymph appears, frees the victim from the stocks, and escorts him away. >e Fool's Pavilion You have stumbled into a convention of fools. You see some scorecards here. A burly looking fool comes up to you, hits you with a pig's bladder and says, "Fool's auditions this way." He sits you down in front of three sour-faced judges. "Go ahead," one of them says. "Be funny." >sit on whoopee cushion You sit on the cushion. It emits a triple flutterblast of astounding resonance and quality. The judges crack up. You score a 9.6! One of the judges stands and intones, "By virtue of the power vested in me by the Fool's Guild, I hereby name you an apprentice fool. You are entitled to wear this hat at all times, and to return in one year to qualify for full membership in the guild." He gives you a fool's cap, and escorts you out of the pavilion to the stockade. "Now get out there and make a fool of yourself," he says. "Make us proud." Stockade You push your way through a dense circle of people gathered around the stocks. The pillory is a clumsy wooden affair with holes for the neck and wrists. It is currently empty, and the crowd eagerly awaits a new target of abuse. A pavilion lies to the east and the meadow to the west. [Your score has just gone up by 15.] >spit A police nymph appears out of nowhere. She grabs your ear and twists it like your first grade teacher used to do. Then she drags you off through the crowd to the stocks. Once there, she puts all your possessions in a pile, lowers the bar over your neck and wrists, and locks you in. Then she disappears. >wait Time passes... A dog comes up and licks you on the cheek. >wait Time passes... Someone comes up and tickles your nose with a feather. You are powerless to stop him. >wait Time passes... An angelic looking young boy toddles along next to his father. The father says to him, "You've been such a good boy, Percival. Here's a nice shiny apple." The father turns away for a moment and the boy sticks his tongue out at you. >spit at boy The boy throws the apple at you, striking you on the nose. The apple rolls into your pile of possessions. [Your score has just gone up by 5.] The boy makes a face at you. >wait Time passes... The father tugs on the boy's hand and says, "Come along now. It's time to leave." The boy starts to protest, but the father pulls him off into the crowd. >wait Time passes... A mosquito crawls into your ear and settles down to have lunch. >wait Time passes... A mosquito crawls into your ear and settles down to have lunch. >wait Time passes... An urchin steps forward and holds a dead stinking rat just under your nose. >wait Time passes... A mosquito crawls into your ear and settles down to have lunch. >wait Time passes... The nymph returns. She opens the stocks, restores all your possessions, and disappears. >w Fairgrounds You return to the heart of the fair, a well-trampled meadow surrounded by food stalls, tents and pavilions. The crowds swirl around you, revealing occasional glimpses of strolling musicians, jugglers, sword-swallowers, jesters, and fire- eaters. In the very center of the field is a striped maypole. Nearby, a whole boar is roasting on a spit that turns under the watchful eye of a burly cook. Gaming areas lie to the west and northeast. The stockade is to the east, and a path leads north to a natural amphitheatre. You can leave the fair by going south. >give apple to the chef The cook slaps himself on the forehead and says, "THAT'S what I've been missing." He puts out the fire and says, "Thank you. Now I can deliver this pig." He removes his apron and rolls up his sleeves. Then he calls his assistant and the two of them hoist the spit up onto their shoulders and carry away the boar. [Your score has just gone up by 5.] >take apron You take the apron. >look at woodcuts It's a collection of woodcuts that show silhouettes of Lily in a variety of poses that make your eyeballs sweat and your ears steam. >ne Shooting Gallery You have wandered into a shooting gallery manned by a friendly looking barker. The pavilion is long and narrow, with three rows of moving targets at the far end. You see a crossbow here. The barker gives you a crossbow and says, "Shoot at any target you like." >give woodcuts to barker "WOW! Wouldja getta loada them gams!" The barker grabs the woodcuts out of your hands and begins an intense study of them, losing all interest in you. >sw The barker pays you no attention as you leave. [Your score has just gone up by 15.] Fairgrounds You return to the heart of the fair, a well-trampled meadow surrounded by food stalls, tents and pavilions. The crowds swirl around you, revealing occasional glimpses of strolling musicians, jugglers, sword-swallowers, jesters, and fire- eaters. In the very center of the field is a striped maypole. Gaming areas lie to the west and northeast. The stockade is to the east, and a path leads north to a natural amphitheatre. You can leave the fair by going south. >s Entrance Gaily dressed crowds of people stream past you into a meadow decorated with banners and pavilions. It is the St. Barchan's Day fair, renowned across Torus as the liveliest festival in the land. The entrance to the fair is to the north, and the road winds up into the hills to the west. A herald stands nearby, reading a proclamation from a scroll. >wear apron You put on the apron. >wear cap You put on the fool's cap. >w You climb up the hill to the dragon's cave. Cave The dragon's lair is a huge, dark cavern ruled by the very dragon who now looms before you. The monster seems invulnerable to attack, (except, of course for the vulnerable spot on his talons revealed by your magic sunglasses). In the darkness of the cave behind the dragon is a magic ring. The object of today's quest, the Raw Steak of Eternity, is also visible in the shadows. The only exit is to the east. Suddenly, the dragon's vulnerable spot shifts to his breast. The dragon flames your eyes, but the sunglasses protect you from the attack. >shoot tail You fire the crossbow at the tail, but before the quarrel strikes, the vulnerable spot moves. The quarrel bounces off the now-invulnerable spot, and the dragon eats it. Suddenly, the dragon's vulnerable spot shifts to his head. The dragon flames your hands, but the gloves protect you from the attack. >shoot tail You fire the crossbow at the tail. Just before the quarrel strikes, the vulnerable spot moves, but not to where you are aiming. The quarrel bounces off the dragon and he eats it. Suddenly, the dragon's vulnerable spot shifts to his talons. The dragon flames your rear end, but the chamberpot protects you from the attack. >shoot tail You fire the crossbow at the tail. The vulnerable spot moves right over your targeted area. The quarrel strikes! The dragon shrieks and with a great hiss of escaping air he suddenly deflates before your eyes. Moments later he is scampering around on the ground at your feet - about the size of a cigarette lighter. [Your score has just gone up by 20.] >take all steak: You snatch both the steak and the ring. Suddenly you hear a low rumbling and the cave begins to crumble around you. You run for your life, but just as you reach the mouth of the cave, a cataclysmic explosion shoots you up into the air like a human cannonball, scattering your possessions to the four winds. You travel for miles in a high trajectory, and when you finally plummet towards the ground, your fall is broken by the branches of a large eucagum tree near the foot of the Mountain of the Gods. You tumble through the branches, fall to the ground, and are knocked unconscious. [Your score has just gone up by 25.] Pasture You are basking in the shade of a tall eucagum tree whose limbs are thick with juicy leaves. The tree is too big around to climb, but the lowest branch juts from the trunk just over your head, tantalizingly out of reach. Nearby, a lone unicorn grazes in the pasture. From time to time, he lifts his head and eyes you warily. To the west is the famed Temple of Virgins that rests in the shadow of Mount Spa - the Mountain of the Gods. You see a newspaper here. >read newspaper [Taking the newspaper first] *** Read all items *** >moon the unicorn You turn around, bend over, and bare your rear end at the beast. He lowers his horn and charges at the inviting target. You straighten up and try to jump out of harm's way, but you trip over your own feet, turning your leap into more of a feeble hop. The unicorn is quickly upon you. His horn passes through the gap between your legs and he gives his mighty neck a heave. You sail through the air and land unharmed on the branch of the eucagum tree. The force of your landing dislodges a dead leaf from somewhere overhead. It drifts slowly down through the air and lands on the branch. >take leaf You take the leaf from the branch. [Your score has just gone up by 5.] >w [Getting off of the branch first.] Portico This well-proportioned porch is a fitting entryway to the Temple of Virgins. A set of bells hangs under a sign, and a white robe lies folded next to the door. A niche in the wall contains a small carved stone bowl, presumably for offerings from passing pilgrims. The pasture lies behind you to the east. >take robe You take the robe. >wear robe You put on the robe. The thick folds should conceal your gender from casual eyes, and with luck you won't run into anyone who wants to make a more thorough examination. >look in pocket Within the pocket you can see a hanky. >ring forth bell The door opens and a comely young virgin takes you by the hand and leads you inside. Examination Chamber The room is done in muted earth tones, probably in a futile effort to calm the nerves of the women who are to be examined here. It is sparsely furnished, with a table and a small stool. The only exit leads north to the interior of the temple, and that is blocked by the virgin who has been set to guard you. The girl says, "Welcome to the Temple of Virgins. Naturally, we cannot admit you to our sisterhood without confirming that you are indeed a virgin. But do not worry, the test is quick and painless. It will begin in fifteen minutes." The girl settles in to wait. >give newspaper to girl She asks you to read the paper to her. As you begin to read the story to the girl, she begins to sniffle. Further on, she begins to cry. By the time you're done she is sobbing uncontrollably, her shoulders shaking, and tears streaming down her face like water down a flume. >give hanky to girl [Removing the hanky from the pocket first.] You give her the handkerchief and she presses it to her face. She continues to cry for a few moments, completely soaking the hanky. Then she gives it back to you and snuffles, "Thank you." [Your score has just gone up by 5.] >wait Time passes... >wait Time passes... Through the doorway comes another woman with a unicorn in tow. As soon as it sees you, the beast starts bucking and thrashing and trying to attack you with its hooves. After a moment, the woman manages to bring it under control and hauls it from the room. Your escort says, "I'm sorry, but you clearly fail the test. Perhaps you should try the Temple of Brazen Hussies on the other side of the meadow." She escorts you back to the pasture, and then she retreats back into the Temple. Pasture You are basking in the shade of a tall eucagum tree whose limbs are thick with juicy leaves. The tree is too big around to climb, but the lowest branch juts from the trunk just over your head, tantalizingly out of reach. Nearby, a lone unicorn grazes in the pasture. From time to time, he lifts his head and eyes you warily. To the west is the famed Temple of Virgins that rests in the shadow of Mount Spa - the Mountain of the Gods. >w Portico This well-proportioned porch is a fitting entryway to the Temple of Virgins. A set of bells hangs under a sign. A niche in the wall contains a small carved stone bowl, presumably for offerings from passing pilgrims. The pasture lies behind you to the east. >put leaf in bowl You put the leaf in the bowl. >put hanky in bowl The dried leaf immediately disintegrates into crumbs, which then absorb all the moisture from the handkerchief and recombine to form a gummy blob. [Your score has just gone up by 10.] >take chow You take the chow from the bowl. >ring forth bell The door opens and a comely young virgin takes you by the hand and leads you inside. Examination Chamber The room is done in muted earth tones, probably in a futile effort to calm the nerves of the women who are to be examined here. It is sparsely furnished, with a table and a small stool. The only exit leads north to the interior of the temple, and that is blocked by the virgin who has been set to guard you. The girl says, "Welcome to the Temple of Virgins. Naturally, we cannot admit you to our sisterhood without confirming that you are indeed a virgin. But do not worry, the test is quick and painless. It will begin in fifteen minutes." The girl settles in to wait. >wait Time passes... >wait Time passes... Through the doorway comes another woman with a unicorn in tow. As soon as it sees you, the beast calmly walks up to you and starts to nuzzle your hand. The girl exclaims, "You passed the test! Congratulations, and welcome to our sisterhood. You're really lucky - it's the Feast of the God of the Full Moon and we're sacrificing one virgin every hour on the hour. Maybe you'll get chosen, although they usually don't take girls on their first day." She leads you into the main part of the temple, kisses you on the cheek, and waves goodbye. [Your score has just gone up by 15.] Salon This is a spacious apartment that is awash in femininity. Everywhere you look there are stunningly beautiful young women, all dressed in gossamer blue robes. They seem unworried by the horrible fate that awaits them, although no one seems to linger near the open door that leads north into the sanctuary. Occasionally an individual voice rises above the general din and you catch an interesting snippet of conversation. "...haven't seen any unicorns walking up to HER recently..." >n Sanctuary The great and terrible visage of the god Molochi takes up the entire north wall of the sanctuary. The terrifying eyes seem to follow your every step. The lips are open in a horrible grimace, revealing sharp teeth that are clenched shut. Against one wall is a vat of sacrificial wine. The only exit is to the south. >wear ring You put on the ring and the upper half of your body disappears! >get in vat You climb into the vat. The dark wine comes up to around your waist, making you now completely invisible. >wait Time passes... >wait Time passes... You hear the priestess and her acolytes enter the salon. The acolytes enter the sanctuary, conduct a brief search, and then leave again. Moments later, a young girl is flung onto the sanctuary floor and the door slams shut behind her. >give book to girl You get out of the vat and give the book to the girl. At first, she is too hysterical at the sight of you to even notice that she is holding anything. Then, slowly, the book's tedium seems to reach out and start to calm her down. She glances at the cover and takes in the complete lack of anything interesting thereon. She listlessly opens to the table of contents and sits down on the floor. She turns the page and gazes at the preface for several moments, her eyelids drooping. By the time the girl gets to chapter one, she's lying on the floor. You see her lips form the words, "In the great days of Baldur..." and then the book falls from her hand and she's out like a light. [Your score has just gone up by 10.] >wait Time passes... Smoke starts to pour from Molochi's nostrils. >wait Time passes... Fire pours out of Molochi's eyes. >wait Time passes... Molochi's teeth slowly come apart. A low rumble comes from somewhere inside the mouth. >n Summoning up all your courage, you dive into the blackness. Expecting to die at any second, you pass through a wall of flame and then fall in space for what seems like forever. You land with a thud, which knocks you out for a second. When your head clears, you are aware of a sense of gradual upward motion. Cautiously, you open your eyes. Escalator You are slowly rising through the hollowed out core of Mount Spa - the famed Mountain of the Gods. A warm, steady breeze blows up from below, and it almost feels as if it, instead of the escalator, is carrying you higher. The escalator continues to carry you up into the mountain. A sign comes into view. >read sign "Please keep both hands inside the escalator. The gods will not be responsible for personal injury." You pass the sign, rising higher and higher all the time. >wait Time passes... As you near the top of the escalator, you glance up. High above your head, the walls of the mountain come together in an inverted cone, at the very tip of which seems to be a large cork. Before you have time to wonder about the significance of this discovery, you reach the top of the escalator and step off, passing through a wall of mist. Promontory Dense clouds swirl around you as you survey this rocky outcropping. Through the mist you see a lone figure with a shovel in his hands bent over a hole in the ground. A narrow path leads off around the mountain to the southwest. The figure straightens and says, "Hello. Welcome to the Mountain of the Gods. My name is Fred. I see you've got one of those magic rings. Can't have that up here, you know." He takes the ring away from you and then suddenly notices the shovel in his hand and seems surprised to find it there. After a moment he shrugs and fills in the hole he was just digging. >sw You cautiously pick your way along the level, but narrow path, following its treacherous course around the mountain. After a while the mists start to dissipate and the path broadens to become first a track and then a road that leads you to a sunny, open area near some classical buildings. Agora Warm sunshine splashes across this pleasant plaza, bathing everything around you in a golden glow. There is a grove of trees growing to the west, and to the south lies the fabled Palace of the Gods. It's a phantasmagorical building that is steeped in the mysterious aura of legend. The road on which you first arrived disappears northeast into the mists. Glancing upward, you see that you are nearly at the top of Mount Spa. From the very peak comes the glint of sunshine reflecting off something metal. >w Glade Man's imagination holds no lovelier sight than the Goddess of Beauty bathing in a woodland pool. And here she is, her flawless body immersed in sparkling water, her auburn hair floating around her like a halo. Warm sunlight filters down through the trees, striking a golden key hanging from a tree on the western shore of the pool. Not a single breeze disturbs the tranquility of the scene. As the goddess bathes, her languid movements send gentle ripples lapping against the shores of the pond, the quiet sound magnified in the still air of the glade. In the few moments you can tear your gaze from her, you notice that exits lead east and north into the woods. You see a golden key here. >talk to goddess *** Talk about everything *** >n Passing through the band of trees to the north, the weather quickly changes. Growing colder with every step, you climb up the mountainside and soon come to a cave. Nervously, you step inside. Windy Cave This is the home of the God of the North Wind. Icicles hang from the ceiling and snow lays scattered on the ground. The god himself is pacing back and forth, swinging his arms, stamping his feet, and mumbling to himself. >listen "Five years in this awful cave. FIVE YEARS. And every time I blow my nose or sneeze, one of those bronzed sun-bathing jerks complains that I'm making it too cold for everyone else. I'd like to see THEM try to live up here without sneezing. Well, at least I won't be up here much longer. Today's my birthday, and in two more weeks I'll be outta here." He sniffles. >listen "Some birthday. No cake. No presents. No party. Nobody ever sacrifices to the north wind any more - they save all the good stuff for the God of Spring or the Goddess of Fertility. What good does a virgin do HER, I'd like to know. Two more weeks, though. Two more weeks and I'm history." >s "Hey mortal!" the god calls. "Do me a favor and take this note to the Palace of the Gods and give it to Morty." He scrawls out a note and folds it in half, passing his fingers along the edge to seal it shut. Then he stuffs it in your hand. He turns away, but then looks back and says, "Oh, I almost forgot." He waves his hand and mumbles a phrase under his breath. "There. You'll be able to get into the palace now. We don't like people to just wander in. Once you've been inside, you'll understand why. It's an image thing. Anyway, thanks a million." Glade Man's imagination holds no lovelier sight than the Goddess of Beauty bathing in a woodland pool. And here she is, her flawless body immersed in sparkling water, her auburn hair floating around her like a halo. Warm sunlight filters down through the trees, striking a golden key hanging from a tree on the western shore of the pool. Not a single breeze disturbs the tranquility of the scene. As the goddess bathes, her languid movements send gentle ripples lapping against the shores of the pond, the quiet sound magnified in the still air of the glade. In the few moments you can tear your gaze from her, you notice that exits lead east and north into the woods. You see a golden key here. >e Agora Warm sunshine splashes across this pleasant plaza, bathing everything around you in a golden glow. There is a grove of trees growing to the west, and to the south lies the fabled Palace of the Gods. It's a phantasmagorical building that is steeped in the mysterious aura of legend. The road on which you first arrived disappears northeast into the mists. Glancing upward, you see that you are nearly at the top of Mount Spa. From the very peak comes the glint of sunshine reflecting off something metal. >s You walk up to the facade, and then keep walking right on through it. Lobby This is a sterile, fluorescent-lit office dominated by a very functional reception desk, behind which sits Clio, the Receptionist of the Gods. In the background you hear the suppressed hum of activity. Exits lead west, east, and north. Against one wall sits a large trophy case. As you cross the threshold into the palace, the seal on the note magically dissolves and the note falls open. >give note to clio Clio looks at the note and hands it back to you. Then she yells at the closed door, "MORTY! Someone ta see ya!" She turns back to you and says, "He'll be out in a few minutes." >read note "Morty: Ya gotta get me outta here! I've been up here in this cave every day for five years. I'm freezin' my BUNS off! Two more weeks and my contract's up. How 'bout it, Morty. You're my agent. Can't you get me a cushier gig? I hear God of Wine is gonna open up soon. I can handle it, I swear. Hangovers are nothin', compared to this frostbite! Yours, North." >wait Time passes... The door to Morty's office opens. Two grotesquely dressed characters emerge. "Remember, Morty," they chorus. "We are two Wild and Crazy Gods!" They do a slow shimmy out of the front entrance. Morty puts his arm around your shoulder and guides you into his office. Office Morty's office is cluttered with tacky bric-a-brac. The walls are crowded with mementos and autographed pictures of him with gods and goddesses. Morty plops into the leather chair behind his desk and says, "A mortal! Don't get many of 'em up here. Well, what can I do you for? Hah hah." >give note to morty Morty takes the note and tosses you a small wooden token. "Thanks, kid," he says. He glances at the note. Then he wads it up, throws it away, and bellows, "Clio!" The receptionist comes in and Morty says, "Take a letter. 'Dear North. I got two offers cooking for you right now. One is a two-year gig as God of the Moon. The other is six months as God of Volcanos. I'm guessing the moon's a little cold for you after this last job, so I'm trying for the volcanos. It's messy, but at least it's warm. Let me know what you think...'" Morty pauses and appears to think. [Your score has just gone up by 5.] >e Lobby This is a sterile, fluorescent-lit office dominated by a very functional reception desk. In the background you hear the suppressed hum of activity. Exits lead west, east, and north. Against one wall sits a large trophy case. >take all costume: Taken. [Your score has just gone up by 10.] Clio returns and takes her place behind the desk. She takes out some woad and puts it on the desk in front of her. >e Lounge The Lounge of the Gods is a worn-out room that could use a good coat of paint. A broken nectar machine stands in the middle of the room. Behind it, a nectar machine repairgod is sitting on a couch. The company bulletin board adorns the far wall. >read board The bulletin board is covered with notices. One of them reads: "Due to recent complaints, the automatic payroll deduction for life-insurance has been discontinued." >n Library This room is stacked floor to ceiling with books and scrolls and stone tablets of all shapes and sizes. Behind a small table is Emily, the diminutive Librarian of the Gods. You greet the librarian, "Hi! I'm new here. Got any good books?" "BROOKS? Of course we don't have any brooks! This is a library. We don't carry brooks, or streams, or rivulets, or anything like that. For that matter we don't have ponds or lakes either. All that water would spoil the paper. And besides, how could you borrow a brook? You can't pick one up and..." You break into her tirade. "'Books,' I said. Not brooks. BOOKS!" She stares at you blankly. "Oh. That's different. Well then. Never mind." >s Emily puts a hand on your arm and says, "Wait a minute." The librarian fusses around for a few moments and then says, "You know, we haven't had a mortal in here in eons. I know we have a few books meant for mortals, but I can't remember what they are. Perhaps I can find that reading list." She rummages in her desk. "Ah! Here it is." She blows the dust off of the piece of paper and hands it to you. "You can borrow any book you want, so long as it's on this list. I seem to have lost my glasses, so when you've made up your mind, just tell me the title of the book you want." >s The librarian snarfs the list away from you and says, "Sorry. Library property." Lounge The Lounge of the Gods is a worn-out room that could use a good coat of paint. A broken nectar machine stands in the middle of the room. Behind it, a nectar machine repairgod is sitting on a couch. The company bulletin board adorns the far wall. >talk to repairgod *** Talk about everything *** >give token to repairgod "Well would you look at that. A round tuit. I guess I'd better get to work." He stands up, opens the machine, and fiddles with its innards. Then he closes it up again. "Good as new," he says, tossing you a coin. "Give it a try." He packs up and leaves. [Your score has just gone up by 5.] >put penny in slot The penny falls into the machine with a satisfying, "Chink." A bottle of nectar appears below. You take the bottle, and suddenly you hear a grinding noise from inside the machine. Whatever gremlin was occupying the machine before has returned with a vengeance. [Your score has just gone up by 5.] >n Library This room is stacked floor to ceiling with books and scrolls and stone tablets of all shapes and sizes. Behind a small table is Emily, the diminutive Librarian of the Gods. The librarian hands you the reading list. >read list *** Choose: Setting up Sodom/Gomorrah: Priming the fountain *** You shout your request at the librarian. Emily wanders off, mumbling to herself as she goes. "Why is everyone so all-fired interested in climbing to the top of the mountain. No good can come of it, I say...." After a while she returns and hands you a book. "Remember," she says. "This is a lending library. I expect to see that book back here within ten minutes." [Your score has just gone up by 5.] >read book "Getting up Spa From Agora: Climbing the Mountain" The book jacket says that it contains a ritual that will make a golden stairway appear, thereby making it possible to ascend to the very peak of the Mountain of the Gods. Intrigued, you debate with yourself whether to continue reading. >s The librarian snarfs the list away from you and says, "Sorry. Library property." Lounge The Lounge of the Gods is a worn-out room that could use a good coat of paint. A broken nectar machine stands in the middle of the room. The company bulletin board adorns the far wall. >s Scriptorium This is a large room filled with robed figures bent over manuscripts that they are painstakingly copying. A thin young god greets you as you enter. There is a sign here. The attendant laughs. "The Rick-inator, comin' to see Richard." >give book to richard Richard disappears into the back. He returns moments later and hands you a perfect copy, presumably keeping the original somewhere in the back. [Your score has just gone up by 10.] Richard scratches his ear and intones, "Rickeee, solvin' the puzzle. Makin' points. Way to go. All ri-i-i-ght." >n A voice trails behind you. "The Rickster, leaving Richard behind." Lounge The Lounge of the Gods is a worn-out room that could use a good coat of paint. A broken nectar machine stands in the middle of the room. The company bulletin board adorns the far wall. >read book You flip past the opening pages and get right to the good stuff: "RITUAL FOR CAUSING THE GOLDEN STAIR TO APPEAR First, prepare thyself by wearing the sacred costume of Og and by smearing thy cheeks with woad, that thou might seemeth pleasing in the eyes of the great god Otis. Then, whilst holding a copy of this sacred ritual, shalt thou perform these actions in sequence, remembering all the while that a departure from the correct order shall taketh thee back to square one: Here, then, are the steps of the ritual: First, whilst in the Agora, stand upon the Holy Egg of Oblivion, so that memories of all gods other than the great god Otis shall be erased from thy mind. Second, partake of a live slimewig, the animal most sacred to the compassionate god Otis. Third, turn around, that thou might be seen from all sides by the all-seeing, all-knowing god Otis. Fourth, turn around again, in case Otis wasn't watching the first time. Fifth and finally, thou must squawk like a chicken, for this above all others is the noise most pleasing to Otis, the great and powerful." >e Laboratory This is a cluttered workshop full of odds and ends. In a sealed counter, you see a rock, a bush, some pills, a pair of sandals, and a trumpet. On the counter you see a machine. As you enter, a white-coated scientist looks up and says, "Welcome. I get so few visitors. Let me show you my latest project." He pats a large machine that is sitting on the counter. "This is a prototype of an all-in-one plague machine. Up until now, our operatives have had to carry a separate piece of equipment for each plague they wanted to invoke - a staff for snakes, the thigh bone of a sheep for locusts, etc. Now this prototype is too large to carry, but when the final model is finished, all those separate functions will be combined in one small, easy to use device. Let me show you how it works." Just then, an aide sticks his head in the room and says, "You're needed over in the New Worlds Lab. Johnson says he dropped a vial and there was a really big bang." "Drat!" says the scientist. He gives you an apologetic nod and leaves the room. >push crank You give the crank a turn and suddenly you are knee-deep in slimewigs. They immediately disappear through cracks in nearby walls, but one of them is slower than the rest and is left behind. >take slimewig You take the slimewig. [Your score has just gone up by 10.] >w Lounge The Lounge of the Gods is a worn-out room that could use a good coat of paint. A broken nectar machine stands in the middle of the room. The company bulletin board adorns the far wall. >w Lobby This is a sterile, fluorescent-lit office dominated by a very functional reception desk, behind which sits Clio, the Receptionist of the Gods. In the background you hear the suppressed hum of activity. Exits lead west, east, and north. Against one wall sits a large trophy case. On the desk you see some woad. The receptionist speaks into her headset. "No, you don't have to keep track of your good and bad deeds - our accounting department is quite good." >n Agora Warm sunshine splashes across this pleasant plaza, bathing everything around you in a golden glow. There is a grove of trees growing to the west, and to the south lies the fabled Palace of the Gods. It's a phantasmagorical building that somehow seems to be less magical than you first thought. The road on which you first arrived disappears northeast into the mists. Glancing upward, you see that you are nearly at the top of Mount Spa. From the very peak comes the glint of sunshine reflecting off something metal. A passenger pigeon flies over the Agora, drops a note and keeps on flying. >read note The note is written in an indecipherable foreign language. All you can tell is that it is addressed to Morty. >take note You take the note. >s You walk up to the facade, and then keep walking right on through it. Lobby This is a sterile, fluorescent-lit office dominated by a very functional reception desk, behind which sits Clio, the Receptionist of the Gods. In the background you hear the suppressed hum of activity. Exits lead west, east, and north. Against one wall sits a large trophy case. On the desk you see some woad. The receptionist speaks into her headset. "Let me see if I can explain. Every time a prayer comes in for a team to win, it goes onto a tote board. We keep a running tally until the event actually begins. Whichever side has the most prayers by halftime will win the game. That's why Notre Dame is so hard to beat - they've got a million nuns out there praying all week. By the time game day rolls around, the other team doesn't stand a chance." >give note to clio Clio looks at the note and hands it back to you. Then she yells at the closed door, "MORTY! Someone ta see ya!" She turns back to you and says, "He'll be out in a few minutes." The receptionist speaks into her headset. "Miracles is on vacation." >wait Time passes... The receptionist speaks into her headset. "I'm sorry. The Goddess of Beauty is in an important meeting and cannot be disturbed." >wait Time passes... The receptionist speaks into her headset. "Sorry, there's a new price list for direct divine intervention. You must not have received your copy yet. I'll send a pigeon out to you right away." >wait Time passes... The receptionist speaks into her headset. "No, there's not an entrance fee, exactly. It's a little more complicated than that." The door to Morty's office opens. Morty comes out with his arm around a blond goddess who is wearing her underwear outside her clothes. "Sure you can charge fifty bucks for the book, babe," he says. "Just make sure the pictures aren't too tame." The goddess licks his ear and then leaves. Morty puts his arm around your shoulder and guides you into his office. Office Morty's office is cluttered with tacky bric-a-brac. The walls are crowded with mementos and autographed pictures of him with gods and goddesses. Morty plops into the leather chair behind his desk and says, "A mortal! Don't get many of 'em up here. Well, what can I do you for? Hah hah." >give note to morty Morty glances at the note. Then he wads it up, throws it away, and bellows, "Clio!" The receptionist comes in and Morty says, "Take a memo. 'Atlas: I know you're getting tired, but try to hang on a little longer. I'm sending Hercules over to spell you for a while...'" Morty pauses and appears to think. >e Lobby This is a sterile, fluorescent-lit office dominated by a very functional reception desk. In the background you hear the suppressed hum of activity. Exits lead west, east, and north. Against one wall sits a large trophy case. On the desk you see some woad. >take woad You grab the woad off the desk. [Your score has just gone up by 10.] Clio returns and takes her place behind the desk. >e Lounge The Lounge of the Gods is a worn-out room that could use a good coat of paint. A broken nectar machine stands in the middle of the room. The company bulletin board adorns the far wall. >read board The bulletin board is covered with notices. One of them reads: "Fresh cakes for all occasions. Delivery in 30 eons or less Call 1-800-DOMINUS Remember - 'Dominus Delivers'." >w Lobby This is a sterile, fluorescent-lit office dominated by a very functional reception desk, behind which sits Clio, the Receptionist of the Gods. In the background you hear the suppressed hum of activity. Exits lead west, east, and north. Against one wall sits a large trophy case. The receptionist speaks into her headset. "Sorry, the oracles department is closed today. It was in last week's predictions. Didn't you get them?" >n Agora Warm sunshine splashes across this pleasant plaza, bathing everything around you in a golden glow. There is a grove of trees growing to the west, and to the south lies the fabled Palace of the Gods. It's a phantasmagorical building that somehow seems to be less magical than you first thought. The road on which you first arrived disappears northeast into the mists. Glancing upward, you see that you are nearly at the top of Mount Spa. From the very peak comes the glint of sunshine reflecting off something metal. A passenger pigeon flies over the Agora, drops a note and keeps on flying. >take note You take the note. >read note The note is written in an indecipherable foreign language. All you can tell is that it is addressed to Morty. >s You walk up to the facade, and then keep walking right on through it. Lobby This is a sterile, fluorescent-lit office dominated by a very functional reception desk, behind which sits Clio, the Receptionist of the Gods. In the background you hear the suppressed hum of activity. Exits lead west, east, and north. Against one wall sits a large trophy case. The receptionist speaks into her headset. "I'm sorry. We're not allowed to give out hints on this line. I suggest you call 1-900-PRO-KLUE." >give note to clio Clio looks at the note and hands it back to you. Then she yells at the closed door, "MORTY! Someone ta see ya!" She turns back to you and says, "He'll be out in a few minutes." The receptionist speaks into her headset. "No, you don't have to keep track of your good and bad deeds - our accounting department is quite good." >wait Time passes... The receptionist speaks into her headset. "Sorry, the oracles department is closed today. It was in last week's predictions. Didn't you get them?" >wait Time passes... The receptionist speaks into her headset. "Sorry, there's a new price list for direct divine intervention. You must not have received your copy yet. I'll send a pigeon out to you right away." >wait Time passes... The receptionist speaks into her headset. "No. This is Valhalla Industries. You must have the wrong number." The door to Morty's office opens. A severely overweight goddess with beautiful violet eyes comes out with Morty. "Just lose the weight, honey," he says. "They'll come running back in a heartbeat." He ushers her out the front door. "Love the muumuu," he calls after her. Morty puts his arm around your shoulder and guides you into his office. Office Morty's office is cluttered with tacky bric-a-brac. The walls are crowded with mementos and autographed pictures of him with gods and goddesses. Morty plops into the leather chair behind his desk and says, "A mortal! Don't get many of 'em up here. Well, what can I do you for? Hah hah." >give note to morty Morty glances at the note. Then he wads it up, throws it away, and bellows, "Clio!" The receptionist comes in and Morty says, "Take a memo. ' Quetzlcoatl: Look - it's a simple matter of numbers. You're up over ten thousand human sacrifices a day. If you keep that up, there won't be anyone left to worship you...'" Morty pauses and appears to think. >e Lobby This is a sterile, fluorescent-lit office dominated by a very functional reception desk. In the background you hear the suppressed hum of activity. Exits lead west, east, and north. Against one wall sits a large trophy case. >call 1-800-dominus "Thank you for calling Dominus. We'll be right over. Bye." Clio returns and takes her place behind the desk. >wait Time passes... >wait Time passes... >wait Time passes... >wait Time passes... An out-of-breath delivery boy shows up and says, "Sorry I'm late. It's halftime at the Ragnarok Bowl and we're flooded with orders." He hands you a cake and then leaves. [Your score has just gone up by 5.] >n Agora Warm sunshine splashes across this pleasant plaza, bathing everything around you in a golden glow. There is a grove of trees growing to the west, and to the south lies the fabled Palace of the Gods. It's a phantasmagorical building that somehow seems to be less magical than you first thought. The road on which you first arrived disappears northeast into the mists. Glancing upward, you see that you are nearly at the top of Mount Spa. From the very peak comes the glint of sunshine reflecting off something metal. A passenger pigeon flies over the Agora, drops a note and keeps on flying. >w Glade Man's imagination holds no lovelier sight than the Goddess of Beauty bathing in a woodland pool. And here she is, her flawless body immersed in sparkling water, her auburn hair floating around her like a halo. Warm sunlight filters down through the trees, striking a golden key hanging from a tree on the western shore of the pool. Not a single breeze disturbs the tranquility of the scene. As the goddess bathes, her languid movements send gentle ripples lapping against the shores of the pond, the quiet sound magnified in the still air of the glade. In the few moments you can tear your gaze from her, you notice that exits lead east and north into the woods. You see a golden key here. >n Passing through the band of trees to the north, the weather quickly changes. Growing colder with every step, you climb up the mountainside and soon come to a cave. Nervously, you step inside. Windy Cave This is the home of the God of the North Wind. Icicles hang from the ceiling and snow lays scattered on the ground. The god himself is pacing back and forth, swinging his arms, stamping his feet, and mumbling to himself. >pull dragon tail [Taking the dragon out of the backpack first.] When you pull on the dragon's tail, his mouth opens and a stream of fire comes out. >light candles [With the dragon] You hold the dragon up over the candles. The spray of fire ignites them all! The God of the North Wind grabs the offering and cries in delight, "For ME? How thoughtful of you!" He closes his eyes and makes a wish. Then he sucks in his breath and unleashes a blast of wind that not only extinguishes the candles, but uproots them from the cake and carries them flying down the hillside on a frigid stream of air that freezes everything in its path. [Your score has just gone up by 10.] The dragon's flame goes out. >s Glade A once-idyllic summer scene has been transformed into a hardbitten snowscape of ice and frost. The goddess has fled, and the pond has frozen into a solid sheet of ice. On the western shore of the pond, the golden key still hangs on the tree. Exits lead east and north into the snow-covered woods. You see a golden key here. >take key You race across the frozen pond, grab the key, and return again to the near shore. [Your score has just gone up by 5.] >e Agora Warm sunshine splashes across this pleasant plaza, although a cold breeze is blowing through from the north. There is a grove of trees growing to the west, and to the south lies the fabled Palace of the Gods. It's a phantasmagorical building that somehow seems to be less magical than you first thought. The road on which you first arrived disappears northeast into the mists. Glancing upward, you see that you are nearly at the top of Mount Spa. From the very peak comes the glint of sunshine reflecting off something metal. You see a note here. >ne Promontory Dense clouds swirl around you as you survey this rocky outcropping. Through the mist you see a lone figure with a shovel in his hands bent over a hole in the ground. A narrow path leads off around the mountain to the southwest. The figure straightens and says, "Hello. Welcome to the Mountain of the Gods. My name is Chuck." He suddenly notices the shovel in his hand and seems surprised to find it there. After a moment he shrugs and fills in the hole he was just digging. >give nectar to god "Thanks, but I can only have one sip. It makes me pee." He takes the bottle, opens it with the opener, and takes a swig. Then he closes it again and hands it back to you. The god looks up and says, "Hello. Welcome to the Mountain of the Gods. My name is Jim." He suddenly notices the shovel in his hand and seems surprised to find it there. After a moment he shrugs and starts digging again. >give nectar to god "Thanks, but I can only have one sip. It makes me pee." He takes the bottle, opens it with the opener, and takes a swig. Then he closes it again and hands it back to you. The god looks up and says, "Hello. Welcome to the Mountain of the Gods. My name is Chuck." He glances down at the shovel in his hand and seems surprised to find it there. After a moment he shrugs and fills in the hole he was just digging. >give nectar to god "Thanks, but I can only have one sip. It makes me pee." He takes the bottle, opens it with the opener, and takes a swig. Then he closes it again and hands it back to you. He digs the dirt out of the hole again, and then moments later, he suddenly gets a very strange expression on his face. "Excuse me," he says, and then he leaves very very quickly. >take egg You take the egg from the hole. >sw You cautiously pick your way along the level, but narrow path, following its treacherous course around the mountain. After a while the mists start to dissipate and the path broadens to become first a track and then a road that leads you to a sunny, open area near some classical buildings. Agora Warm sunshine splashes across this pleasant plaza, although a cold breeze is blowing through from the north. There is a grove of trees growing to the west, and to the south lies the fabled Palace of the Gods. It's a phantasmagorical building that somehow seems to be less magical than you first thought. The road on which you first arrived disappears northeast into the mists. Glancing upward, you see that you are nearly at the top of Mount Spa. From the very peak comes the glint of sunshine reflecting off something metal. You see a note here. >drop egg You drop the egg. >wear costume You put on the costume. >wear woad You smear the woad on your cheeks. A voice says, "Not THOSE cheeks!" Embarrassed, you fumble around in your pants. After a moment, the voice says, "That's better." >hold book You already have the book. >stand on egg You balance precariously on top of the egg. >eat slimewig You pop the disgusting thing into your mouth. You know how sometimes you eat something that you think is going to taste terrible, but it turns out to be OK? Well, such is not the case here. The instant you put the slimewig in your mouth, it attaches little suckers to the back of your teeth, so that while its rear end is halfway down your throat, its front end is hanging on for dear life. So now it's trying to crawl up, while you're trying to get it down. Finally you bite off its little pseudopods and it slides wriggling and screaming all the way down to your stomach, where it gives a couple of kicks, and then lies still. >turn around You do a quick pirouette. Very stylish. You feel a kick in your stomach. That slimewig isn't dead yet. >turn around You do a quick pirouette. Very stylish. You give a small, salty burp. >squawk You squawk like a chicken. Nothing happens. After a while, one of the gods wanders through the agora and catches sight of you wearing a silly costume, your cheeks bright blue, standing on an egg and looking like you've just swallowed a slimewig. He stops and says, "You're not performing the old 'golden stair' ritual, are you? Geez, that was replaced years ago - didn't you get the software upgrade? Well, never mind. I'll take care of it for you." He mumbles something under his breath, and a shining golden stair appears in the middle of the agora. "Take care," the god calls as he passes from sight. Moments after he leaves, you hear an explosion of laughter, as if someone had been trying to keep it in, but then simply couldn't hold on any longer. [Your score has just gone up by 20.] >up You climb the golden stairs, wishing all the while that you could get rid of that Led Zeppelin tune that keeps running through your head. Peak The view from the top of Mount Spa is breathtaking. You can see all of Torus laid out before you, except of course, for the places that you have already passed through, most of which are still obscured by a pall of smoke. Strangely enough, the ground up here is neither dirt nor rock - it's a circle of cork, roughly six feet in diameter. The Crowbar of the Apocalypse is lying in the middle of the circle, secured by a golden strap that runs right across the cork to a golden lock at the edge. The only exit from here is the golden stair that leads back down to the agora. >open lock [With the golden key] You put the key in the lock and give it a twist. The lock falls open and the strap comes loose. Suddenly, the golden staircase disappears. You hear a faint creak coming from the edges of the cork where it fits into the mountain. >take crowbar You take the crowbar. [Your score has just gone up by 25.] The creak turns into an ominous groan. The cork starts to tremble and shake, and you notice that there's more of it sticking up out of the mountain than there had been before. >wait Time passes... With a POP the approximate intensity of a sonic boom, the cork shoots up into the air, with you hanging on for dear life. The cork describes a graceful arc through the Torus air, taking you for what feels like a magic carpet ride - except you can steer magic carpets, and you usually have some say in where they come down. Behind you, the Mountain of the Gods deflates into the Large Wrinkled Land Formation of the Gods. Eventually, the cork lands with a splash. You interpret this as good news until you remember that the only water in this vicinity is the dreaded Swamp of Perdition. The impact of the landing throws you to the ground and knocks you out. Shore This is the south shore of a murky swamp. You see a raft populated by a strange looking crew here. You see a newspaper here. Out of the mists, a raft approaches. It is manned by a very unusual looking crew. The person who appears to be the captain is holding a sawed-off tree trunk, and you see him speak into it. "Captain's log. Swamp date 91692. We have encountered a strange life form who is peering at us through a transparent screen while manipulating an imaginary alter-ego through our world. We will offer assistance to this alter-ego while observing the character of its master." He lowers the log and says, "Hail traveller. We offer you passage across this swamp." >read newspaper [Taking the newspaper first] *** Read all items *** >n Cautiously, you board the raft. "Wampum factor 2, Scotty," says the captain. "Aye aye," replies the man in the kilt. "Plot your course, Mr Zulu," the captain says. The warrior hesitates for a moment, and then points his spear into the mists. The raft drifts away from the shore and slowly starts off in that direction. Soon you are lost in the mists of the swamp. Swamp, on the raft You are floating on a raft in the middle of a swamp. >give berries to zulu Zulu gobbles down the berries. He immediately straightens up and points his spear confidently in a new direction. The raft changes course, and everyone seems much happier than before. >wait Time passes... You start to hear an unusual noise coming from somewhere up ahead. >wait Time passes... The noise grows louder, and the raft starts to move more swiftly. "Shields up, Mr. Zulu!" barks the captain. >wait Time passes... The mists part and you discover that the raft is being drawn towards a great whirlpool. "Wampum Factor 4, Scotty!" shouts Smirk. "Aye, aye captain." The indians start paddling furiously. Whirlpool, on the raft You are on the edge of a giant whirlpool. The roiling waters are sucking the raft ever deeper into the maelstrom. >s You have to be sitting in the captain's chair to steer the raft. Despite the indians' frantic efforts, the raft gets caught in the current on the rim of the whirlpool. "Wampum Factor 6, Scotty! Give me all you've got!" "Captain, I dinna think the injuns can take much more!" >wait Time passes... The raft skims along the rim of the whirlpool but then the centrifugal force flings it out in an entirely new direction. After a while, the waters calm and the raft drifts up near the shore of a tropical island. Phantasy Island, on the raft This is a lush tropical island, overgrown with exotic bushes and trees that come right down to the beach. A small path winds up the hill to the east, ending in front of a large plantation house that looks as if it were constructed for the sole purpose of sitting out front and drinking mint juleps. You hear a high, small voice call out, "De raft, boss! De raft!" Eagerly, you splash up onto the shore. A man in a white suit is waiting to meet you. At his side stands a midget, who also wears a white suit. >nw You climb onto the raft and sit down in the captain's chair. Milligan's Island, on the captain's chair You have landed on a sandy beach next to a pleasure boat that appears to have a bashed-in hull. A large beach umbrella is stuck into the sand here, and you hear voices coming from the other side of the boat. You stand up and take a look around. "Why did they bring all these clothes? It was just supposed to be a three hour tour!" >take umbrella [Getting off the raft first.] You take the umbrella. [Your score has just gone up by 5.] >wait Time passes... A bottle floats into the water nearby. >take bottle You take the bottle. >look in bottle Within the bottle you can see a matchbook. >look at matchbook You're not holding the matchbook. "Lil' Buddy! The professor has built a flying machine out of some trees and a bunch of seashells. All he needs to make it work is two paper clips." "Sorry, skipper. I've only got one paper clip left. I used all the other ones making a necklace for Ginger, and she lost it." >take matchbook You take the matchbook from the bottle. >look at matchbook "In today's uncertain economic climate, do you long to return to a solid, old-fashioned occupation that offers financial security without tying you to a single location? Be a pirate! Do you like meeting new people and then robbing them at swordpoint? Do you like visiting exotic towns and villages and then putting them to the torch? Do you like blindfolding people and making them walk the plank into shark-infested waters? Then you, too, may have what it takes to be a pirate. Simply connect the dots on this matchbook to create an item of interest to pirates, and you'll be on your way to joining the exciting world of international piracy." In the small print below it continues: "The Columbia School of Piracy is an equal opportunity corrupter of youth. Not affiliated with the Columbia School of Abacus Training or any other institution. Allow fifteen minutes for round-trip bottle delivery. Your mileage may vary." You finish connecting the dots. *** Connect the dots *** >put matchbook in bottle You put the matchbook in the bottle. >put bottle in swamp The bottle floats away. >wait Time passes... "I've got it, skipper! We'll build a giant slingshot and shoot ourselves over the swamp. All we need is 25 yards of rubber." >wait Time passes... "Thurston, dear. Isn't there someone you can bribe to get us out of here?" >wait Time passes... "The Professor has developed a genetically altered strain of dolphin. They can talk, they can each carry two people on their back, and they're intelligent enough to find their way through the swamp. The only problem is that he's bred out their ability to swim." >wait Time passes... A bottle floats into the water nearby. >take bottle You take the bottle. "Maybe we could hollow out a giant tree, stuff a bunch of gunpowder in one end, and SHOOT ourselves off the island. Whaddya say, skip?" "Shut up, Milligan." >look in bottle Within the bottle you can see a certificate. >take certificate You take the certificate from the bottle. >read certificate "Congratulations! You have qualified to study at the Columbia School of Piracy. Simply bring this certificate to Treasure Island to enroll in your classes today!" >sit on raft You climb onto the raft and sit down in the captain's chair. Treasure Island, on the captain's chair This is Treasure Island, home of the renowned Columbia School of Piracy. The compound consists of several huts that huddle behind a makeshift fence. A Jolly Roger flies from atop one of the buildings, and the place has a generally illicit look about it. You see a sign here. You stand up and take a look around. >read sign The sign is a tasteful arrangement of a ship's wheel, a skull, and the words, "Columbia School of Piracy." >climb over fence A gnarly pirate comes up to you and says, "Har. If ye be wantin' to come ashore here, ye needs a certificate. Where be it?" You hand over the certificate and the bottle, and the pirate stands aside to let you off the raft. *** Pass the exam *** [Your score has just gone up by 10.] >sit on raft You sit down in the captain's chair. Monkey Island, on the captain's chair You have landed on a wide sandy beach that slopes up to an impenetrable jungle. The largest coconut you have ever seen is sitting here, guarded by a four-headed monkey. You stand up and take a look around. >call banana You hear a disembodied voice say, "To successfully complete a call, you must use the correct number of the party you wish to reach. If you need further assistance, please consult your users manual, as we never have operators standing by. Thank you for using Godsnet." >yoohoo An arm thrusts up from the surface of the swamp. It tosses you the banana and then sinks out of sight again. >give banana to monkey [Getting off the raft first.] You give the banana to the monkey and he immediately scampers off to one side and sits down on the beach. He peels one side of the banana, and then rotates it to get at the next side. As he does so, however, the strip that is dangling suddenly re-attaches itself to the banana. Puzzled, the monkey rotates the banana to peel the first side again, but then the second side pops back up. The monkey scratches his head and repeats the process. Then he does it again. It looks as if he's going to be here a long time. >take coconut You take the coconut. [Your score has just gone up by 10.] >sit You climb onto the raft and sit down in the captain's chair. Lilliput, on the captain's chair You are moored alongside a very small village. A conveyor belt runs in a large loop along the dock, through a customs shed, and back again. You see a tiny lever here. A tiny dockmaster boards the raft and says, "Welcome to our small island. For obvious safety reasons, we cannot allow you to come ashore. However, if you are here as a merchant, just put whatever you want to sell on the conveyor belt. When it comes out on the other side, it'll be shrunk down to a manageable size." The little man jumps off the raft and disappears into the shed. You stand up and take a look around. >put umbrella on belt You drop the umbrella on the belt. It winds through the customs shed and comes back to you much smaller than it was before. You pick it up again. >put coconut on belt You drop the coconut on the belt. It winds through the customs shed and comes back to you much smaller than it was before. You pick it up again. >flip lever You set the lever to 'export', and the belt reverses direction. >put dragon on belt You drop the dragon on the conveyor belt and it winds around into the shed. Moments later, you hear a loud scream, and then you see a full-sized dragon emerging from the other end. The dragon hops off the belt and settles down on the raft, as if to say that it's content to go wherever you're going. [Your score has just gone up by 5.] >sit You sit down in the captain's chair. Swamp, on the captain's chair You have encountered a small iceberg that blocks further passage to the southwest. On the raft you see a dragon. The dragon eyes the obstacle and then sucks in an enormous breath. When it exhales, a hot jet of fire plays across the surface of the iceberg, quickly reducing it to just a couple of ice cubes. Then the dragon gives a polite burp and even the cubes disappear. The dragon flies up into the air, dips its wings once in a salute, and then flies off over the horizon. You stand up and take a look around. >sit You sit down in the captain's chair. Gnoll Island, on the captain's chair The tall reeds on the southwestern shore of this small island are shielding you from some gnolls who are enjoying a quiet family meal. You are close enough that you can easily overhear bits of their conversation. A trail leads off to the east. You stand up and take a look around. "...And then you jam it in all the way?" "Yeah. I HATE it when that happens." >get off raft You step off the raft. "Mommy, what's for lunch tomorrow?" "Sauteed adventurer." "Oh boy! My favorite!" >e Playroom This is a bizarre playroom, stuffed to the gills with macabre pieces of equipment. Included among the child-sized instruments of death and torture are a gallows, a guillotine, a rack, and an electric chair. The only way out is back to the west. >put coconut on guillotine You place the coconut on the guillotine. The blade drops and takes a clean slice out of it. The top rolls away somewhere, and when you pick up the coconut, you see a clear white liquid inside. [Your score has just gone up by 15.] >put umbrella in coconut With the nonchalant flair of someone who has been tending a poolside bar for years, you drop the umbrella into the coconut. [Your score has just gone up by 10.] >put rum in coconut You pour the contents of the bottle into the coconut. Moments later, the bottle vanishes. [Your score has just gone up by 10.] >w Gnoll Island The tall reeds on the southwestern shore of this small island are shielding you from some gnolls who are enjoying a quiet family meal. You are close enough that you can easily overhear bits of their conversation. A trail leads off to the east. "...And if you do it real quick, its heart is still beating." "COOL!" >ne You climb onto the raft and sit down in the captain's chair. Phantasy Island, on the captain's chair This is a lush tropical island, overgrown with exotic bushes and trees that come right down to the beach. A small path winds up the hill to the east, ending in front of a large plantation house that looks as if it were constructed for the sole purpose of sitting out front and drinking mint juleps. You see Daddoo and a cage here. You stand up and take a look around. >give coconut to daddoo The midget takes the coconut and takes a small sip. "WOW!!! Now THAT'S a drink!" The midget produces a lime from his pocket and says, "You put de lime in de coconut, DEN you'll feel better..." Then he goes off into the house. Soon afterwards, he reappears with Mr. Dourke trailing after him. "Please accept my most profound apologies, Captain Smirk. I don't know what it is that came over me." Dourke produces the Bolt Cutters of Doom and hands them to you. "Here, my friend. Free your compatriots." You snip the bolt in half and the cage falls to the ground. "THE CHAIN!" Dourke yells. "You were supposed to cut the CHAIN! That bolt is the only thing that holds this island together. Run for your lives!" You hear a low rumble, which is quickly followed by a geyser of water that erupts below your feet, blasting you high into the air. You land on the mainland, with a tidal wave bearing down upon you. You race away from it, tripping and stumbling as you go. When its fury subsides, you collapse exhausted on the ground outside a black gate. [Your score has just gone up by 25.] Black Gate Even though it is daytime, this is still a gloomy place. A large black gate stands across the road that leads to the witch's castle. The ground here is littered with decaying grocery bags full of mouldering goods. A cobwebbed skeleton sits with its back to the gate, its bony hands still clutching a heart-shaped box. You see a newspaper here. >read newspaper [Taking the newspaper first] *** Read all items *** >put pitchfork in tar [Removing the pitchfork from the backpack first.] You plunge the pitchfork into the tar, bend your knees, and give it a good heave. The tar flies over your shoulder, wrenching the pitchfork from your hands as it goes. You hear a **splat** and a roar and you turn around just in time to see an enraged, tar-covered twelvephant lumbering out of sight. [Your score has just gone up by 15.] >throw crowbar at bird [Removing the crowbar from the backpack first.] The crow strikes at you, but the magic crowbar intercepts the slashing talons. The bird's claws involuntarily close around the bar, and the weight of it pulls him to the ground. Flapping his wings furiously, he manages to take off again, but he can only get a few feet into the air. Hopping and fluttering, he disappears slowly to the northwest, where suddenly a magic causeway appears, swallows him up, and disappears again. [Your score has just gone up by 15.] >put steak in eye [Removing the steak from the backpack first.] You slap the steak onto the black eye. Moments later the steak falls to the ground and vanishes. When you look up, you notice that the eye has also disappeared! [Your score has just gone up by 15.] >cut lightning with bolt cutters [Removing the bolt cutters from the backpack first.] The cutters slice through the lightning bolt like a hot knife through butter. There is a sudden flash and a clap of thunder, and not only has the bolt disappeared, but the bolt cutters are gone as well. [Your score has just gone up by 15.] >take candygram You take the candygram from the skeleton. [Your score has just gone up by 10.] >turn moon with wrench You give the crescent moon a little twist. It slides into alignment with the stars, and the gate swings open! [Your score has just gone up by 15.] Suddenly, a rush of ghostly shapes streams past you. You are knocked to the ground until the grey whirlwind passes. When you get up, you see the wicked witch standing in front of you. "At last!" she cries in triumph. "Those gates were sealed five thousand years ago by the great wizard Belsnout. He scattered the keys across Torus so that they could never be assembled again. But now you have found them and opened the gate so that all the evil of the Other Side shall be free to roam Torus for as long as my castle stands." She throws her head back and lets out a loud screaming cackle. The small voice in your head says, "Oops." The witch snaps her fingers, and you suddenly find yourself in a turret room of her castle. Turret The turret is cluttered with all kinds of occult paraphernalia. An open spell book lies on the table, flanked by a crystal ball and an hourglass. On the wall you see a skull, a stuffed owl, a jar containing some eyeballs, and several jars of gods-know-what. A full length mirror adorns the far wall. >turn hourglass You set the hourglass on its side. The sand stops draining and the curse is temporarily foiled. [Your score has just gone up by 5.] >take eyeballs You take the eyeballs from the jar. [Your score has just gone up by 10.] >put eyeballs in skull You put the eyeballs into the skull. They instantly light up, and the mirror turns opaque. [Your score has just gone up by 10.] >read book The page appears to be blank. >hoot The mirror goes dark and you hear a ghostly voice. "I am the spirit of the mirror. He who would enter my realm must first show he can see things as I do." The voice fades, and some symbols appear on the mirror. *** Type: IIIVX *** [Your score has just gone up by 10.] The mirror becomes clear and you can see through it to a dark passageway beyond. >w You step through the mirror to the room beyond. Passageway This is a secret passageway that runs between the turret and the witch's bedroom. The only thing you can make out here is a chain that is hooked to the ceiling and runs through a hole in the floor. [Your score has just gone up by 10.] >look in hole You peer down through the hole to the Great Hall below. The chandelier hangs directly above a small black circle that has been inscribed on the floor. Other than that, you can't see much. >w Bedroom The witch's bedroom looks like it belongs to a little girl. An innocent looking teddy bear sits on the bed, and everything seems to be three-quarters size. You see a small broomstick here, and nearby is a dressing table that stands against one wall. A closed window is set into the west wall, and the secret passageway leads back to the east. On the table you see some makeup. >take makeup You take the makeup from the table. [Your score has just gone up by 10.] >read makeup It's a pot of green makeup that says on the label, "WARNING: While it has been demonstrated that this product will eat through any known metal within thirty minutes, it is perfectly safe for personal use if used as directed. To apply, first seal your face with several layers of wax. Make sure you are wearing insulated gloves. If the makeup comes in contact with your eyes, flush immediately with cold water, then buy a white cane and a pair of dark glasses. If the product comes in direct contact with your skin, we recommend immediate amputation of the affected area. If you have any complaints about our products, call 1-800-747-7633. Operators are standing by." >e Passageway This is a secret passageway that runs between the turret and the witch's bedroom. The only thing you can make out here is a chain that is hooked to the ceiling and runs through a hole in the floor. >wait 1 hour Time passes... >wait 11 minutes Time passes... *** The time should be exactly 10:30 *** >put makeup on chain You smear the makeup on the chain. It immediately goes to work dissolving the metal. Moments later, the pot pops out of existence. [Your score has just gone up by 10.] >w Bedroom The witch's bedroom looks like it belongs to a little girl. An innocent looking teddy bear sits on the bed, and everything seems to be three-quarters size. You see a small broomstick here, and nearby is a dressing table that stands against one wall. A closed window is set into the west wall, and the secret passageway leads back to the east. >open window You open the window. >ride broom You hop on the broom, which immediately flies into the air, swirling and looping and bucking like an untamed horse. Suddenly the broom sails out the open window and you find yourself conducting aerial maneuvers several hundred feet above the ground. You somehow manage to hang on, and after a while you coast to a landing outside the black gate, where you promptly fall off the broom. Looking back, you see skywriting that traces your wild ride. You can just make out the words, "Surrender Dorothy" before the smoke fades away. Black Gate Even though it is daytime, this is still a gloomy place. The ground here is littered with decaying grocery bags full of mouldering goods. A cobwebbed skeleton sits with its back to the gate. >ride broom You hop on the broom, which immediately flies into the air, swirling and looping and bucking like an untamed horse. You sail high over the castle and then fly through a small window and get dumped off the broom onto the floor of a small, dark room. Crawlspace This is a small crawlspace below the Great Hall. There is a trap door in the ceiling, and a small window in the west wall. [Your score has just gone up by 15.] >open door You grasp the ring and pull. The door swings open. >up You squeeze yourself up through the door. You wriggle up through the trap door and get a face full of white gooey stuff. You wriggle up some more and discover that you are inside a giant cake! You nibble away enough of the cake to get a look at your surroundings. Great Hall (in the cake) You are in the Great Hall of the witch's castle, hiding in Princess Lorealle's wedding cake. This will give you an excellent vantage point from which to view the wedding ceremony. >read candygram It's a bright red, heart-shaped box that has the word "Candygram" written across it. Underneath the logo there is some fine print. >read fine print Knowing in your heart than only geeks read fine print, you nevertheless look at the small words. "WARNING: The Surgeon General of Torus has determined that this package contains massive explosive charges that will instantly kill whoever opens it. Therefore it should not be advertised in magazines, nor sold to minors, although the government will continue to subsidize its manufacture in the county of North Caroligna." >wait 30 [I assume you mean 30 minutes.] Time passes... A cheer goes up, and the Great Hall starts to fill with the most bizarre creatures you've ever seen. Eyestalks, tentacles, external gills, and other organs are randomly distributed among them, as if the guests had been created by a giant explosion in a body parts factory. After a few moments, the Beast enters and drags Lorealle down the aisle to stand in front of the minister. She still looks beautiful, despite her week in captivity. She is dressed in a pure white gown, and the Whistle of Elyrium still hangs around her throat. As a beaming witch looks on, the minister clears his throats and says, "Dearly beloved. We are gathered here today to witness the bondage of Lorealle to the Beast..." The minister scratches his horn with one of his fins and then continues reading the words of the ceremony... Suddenly the chandelier plummets down from the ceiling. It scores a direct hit on the beast, and deals Lorealle a glancing blow. The beast falls to the ground, dead. Lorealle falls as well, but she doesn't appear to be seriously wounded. The room erupts in chaos. Chaos is what you know best. You burst forth from the cake and cry, "Bejabbers!" "YOU!" The witch screams. Her goons close in around you. "Stay back," she commands. "I want to kill him myself." She pauses and strokes her chin. "But how to do it? These things must be done... delicately." [Your score has just gone up by 10.] Great Hall It is a moment frozen in time. Everyone in the crowd is staring either at you or at the fallen body of the beast. The lovely Lorealle has fainted once again. The witch appears to be coming to some kind of decision. Do you want to continue waiting? >>n >give candygram to witch "A candygram?!? For ME?!? How thoughtful of you." "Thanks," you reply. "You might want to read the fine print before you open it." "Don't be silly. Only geeks read fine print." She opens the box and the ten pounds of high-explosive chocolate detonates in her face. "I'M MELTING!" she screams while trying to lick the gooey stuff from her chin. "Who'd have thought my lovely wickedness could be destroyed by some caramel creams?" She suddenly disappears in a puff of smoke, and you hear a low rumble as the castle starts to shake. [Your score has just gone up by 30.] >take lorealle Ever so tenderly, you gather the unconscious girl into your arms. [Your score has just gone up by 20.] Pieces of the castle are falling all around you. >out You race out of the castle and make a mad dash for freedom. You are aided in this effort by an explosion from behind which picks you up as if you were a rag doll and then dumps you outside the Black Gate. Black Gate Even though it is daytime, this is still a gloomy place. The ground here is littered with decaying grocery bags full of mouldering goods. A cobwebbed skeleton sits with its back to the gate. Suddenly you are caught up in a whirlwind of grey shapes. All the evil creatures who had escaped earlier in the day are streaming past you, screeching madly as they are sucked against their will back into the castle. As the last of them disappears, the castle walls start to cave in. The towers and turrets seem to fall in slow motion, as if a giant hand was grinding them back into the earth. You hear one final cataclysmic explosion... and then silence. All that remains of the castle is a pile of smouldering ruins. >blow whistle You scan the horizon for the mighty Pegasus. After a while, you scan it again. Eventually, you see a small dot in the eastern sky. It grows larger and larger until suddenly it is upon you, landing in a flurry of wings and feathers. To your surprise, a large duck has appeared. "Where's Pegasus?" you ask. "Lunch break," replies the duck. "I'm covering for him. Well? Are youse gonna get on or not?" [Your score has just gone up by 10.] >get on duck You deposit Lorealle on the duck and climb up after her. [Your score has just gone up by 50.] [You have now achieved a score of 1000 out of 1000 points.] The magic bird takes off, and soon you are flying high over Torus. Lorealle awakens from her stupor and says, "Eric! I KNEW you would come." Before you can reply, the duck suddenly starts to lose altitude, and you start descending toward's Fudd's Castle. =============================================================================== This File have been written by Avi Machness. for corrections / additions / comments please contact me at: Note: if you have points lists for any quest, or can give me more points for this one, please contact me ASAP. Thanks, Avi