Level Passwords: Cemetery: SVZFKHGP Toonville: RVTCSHGP BXRFYHGP XVVBRHKP ZVTCYHGP Jungle: KXVKRHKP KungFu Land: YTCHPHKP CVHCSHKP ZTDHPHKP SVKLPHKP DXVGRHKP CVBLPHKP Rezopolis: GYVYRHKP Final Level Password PZYPRXYL Submission: Damian Gick (dgick@sun1.iusb.edu) Stage Select: While in the level selection dome hold R1 and press Select. Then hit ><, [], ><, R, U, L, (), (), D, D. ><, [], ><, R, U, L, (), (), D, D. Submission: Damian Gick (dgick@sun1.iusb.edu) Access All Levels: Go to any stage and hold R1 and press Select. Then hit (), Start, R, U, [], L, L, U, Start Codes Pause during the game, hold R1 while you enter the code. Submission: Damian Gick (dgick@sun1.iusb.edu) Ice Shot: (), (), L, D, (), U, R Super Jump: <, (), U, U, D, R, R><, (), U, U, D, R, R Instant Speed: D, P, R, R, D, U, P Flame Shot: <, U, R, U, R, R><, U, R, U, R, R Invincibility: <, [], D, D, U, D, R><, [], D, D, U, D, R 100 Lives: U, (), /\, D, R, [], D Electric Fire: R, L, R, (), /\, R, (), D, R Submission: Damian Gick (dgick@sun1.iusb.edu) Secret Web Site: In the level "www.dotcom.com" can be found a bonus cube that reveals a secret website address for codes. The address is http://www.crystald.com/secretgex.shtml. Submission: BEFAP@aol.com Unlimited lives: Press Start to pause game play and highlight the "Exit" option. Hold L2 and press Up(2), Down, Right, Triangle, Down. Submission: Al Amaloo Bonus Ending: Here's a password for anybody who is tired of trying to get all the remotes but wants to see the bonus ending. Just type in the following password at the "password" screen. ([]- square) R1,R2,X,L2,[] X,[],R2,R2,R2,X L2,[],X,R2,[],L2 R2,X,L2,[],X,R2 [],L2,R2,X,[] Invincibility: Press Start to pause game play and highlight the "Exit" option. Hold L2 and press Left, Right, Triangle, Down, Right, Left. Submission: Al Amaloo Gex quotes: Press Start to pause game play and highlight the "Exit" option. Hold L2 and press Triangle, Left, Circle, Up, Down. Resume game play and press Select to force Gex to make a comment. Submission: Al Amaloo Rambling Gex: Press Start to pause game play and highlight the "Exit" option. Hold L2 and press Down, Right, Up, South, Right, Left, Right, Down(2). Submission: Al Amaloo Level times: Press Start to pause game play and highlight the "Exit" option. Hold L2 and press Right, Triangle, Right, Left, Triangle, X. Resume game play and return to the Media Zone. Press Select to view the level statistics or Square for the fastest times. Submission: Al Amaloo All Remotes: Enter this password for all remotes collected: square,O,R1,triangle,L1, R1,L1,R1,O,O,R1, triangle,L1,R1,O,L1,triangle, O,R1,triangle,L1,R1,O, L1,triangle,O,R1,L1 Infinite Lives: First pause the game. Then press and HOLD the r1 button. Enter the following codes: up, circle, triangle, down, right, square, down. Fire Balls: First pause the game. Then press and HOLD the r1 button. Enter the following codes: X, up, right, up, right, right. Ice Balls: First pause the game. Then press and HOLD the r1 button. Enter the following codes: circle, circle, left, down, circle, up, right. Electricity: First pause the game. Then press and HOLD the r1 button. Enter the following codes: right, left, right, circle, triangle, right, circle, down, right. Instant Speed: First pause the game. Then press and HOLD the r1 button. Enter the following codes: down, pause, right, right, down , up, pause. Super Jump: First pause the game. Then press and HOLD the r1 button. Enter the following codes: X, cirle, up, up, down, right, right. Invincibility: First pause the game. Then press and HOLD the r1 button. Enter the following codes: X, square, down, down, up, down, right. Level Codes: New Toonland Stage One - BXRFYHGP New Toonland Stage 3 - RVTCSHGP In the stage Rock It! in New Toonland, right after the third camera, jump onto the rocket. There is an arrow made with flies that make a down arrow. Jump down and there should be a hole there. Once down in the hole hit the yellow thing to the left with your tail to make it purple. Now there is an opening to the right. Inside there is four extra lives and a remote control. Get them. Now jump into the spikes and die. You will start back at the camera. Jump back into the whole and repeat steps. Each time you die the lives reappear so you can get as many as you want. 99 Lives: In the first stage you can get 99 lives by going to the two secreat areas over and over .First you need to run through and get all the collectables and free men than go to the area above the camera and get the bonus area than run through and get everything again . than go to the area that you have to crawl through and get the collectables and get the free man by running and jumping whare the portal shows up than run and jump again above the moon thare you will find another portal but only go thare after you have gone through the level at least once than everything will be replaced....i have gotten up to 37 lives at a time running through this have some great gaming alll................. Submission: Henry and tree (tree@mail.one.net) Passwords: cemetary 1 SVZFKHGP cemetary 2 BXRFYHGP cemetary 3 ZVTCYHGP toonville 1 RVTCSHGP toonville 2 XVVBRHKP >Submsison: NICK REARDON [ilish98@ptd.net]