M O O R H U H N 3 || __||__ (__)(__) E S G I B T H U H N ! F A Q / W A L K T R O U G H ================================= .---------------------------------------------. | Written by Bostjan Cigan | |---------------------------------------------| | version 1.1 | |---------------------------------------------| | Copyright (c) 2000-2002 Bostjan Cigan | | All rights reserved worldwide. | '------====-----------====-----------====-----' ======== CONTENTS ======== I. AUTHOR & COPYRIGHT NOTICE II. WALKTROUGH INFO & CONTACT INFO III. WALKTROUGH IV. FINAL NOTES V. OTHER WALKTROUGHS I. A U T H O R & C O P Y R I G H T N O T I C E ======================================================== Author of this walktrough is Bostjan Cigan. This walktrough may only be published on sites, that are listed further down in this FAQ. DOCUMENT LICENSE AGREEMENT -------------------------- If you want to use this document, you must agree to the terms of this license agreement. a) You are allowed to look, copy (single-user copy only) this walktrough on your computer b) None of this walktrough may be copied, reproduced, changed, SOLD or maintained in any way without the explicit permission of the author. c) If you want to publish this walktrough to your website, please e-mail the author and ask for permission first otherwise you are breaking the terms of this license agreement. d) This walktrough may only be published on sites, that are listed further down in this section; if your site is not listed but you have asked for permission and have it, don't worry. The FAQ probably isn't updated yet. e) If you publish this walktrough on an other site, list the name of the author and updated the walktrough when a new version comes otherwise I will terminate the prohibition for publishing this walktrough. F) IF YOU DO NOT AGREE TO THE TERMS OF THIS LICENSE AGREEMENT YOU ARE NOT ALLOWED TO COPY THIS DOCUMENT ON YOUR COMPUTER OR USE IT IN ANY WAY. SITES THAT MAY PUBLISH THIS GUIDE WITHOUT ASKING: Gamefaqs (www.gamefaqs.com) Xcheater (www.xcheater.com) NeoSeeker (www.neoseeker.com) The Gamer (www.thegamer.com) Gaming Planet (www.gamingplanet.com) DLH (http://dlh.net) II. C O N T A C T & W A L K T R O U G H I N F O ========================================================= WALKTROUGH INFO --------------- This is the Moorhuhn 3 Es Gibt Huhn! full walktrough that contains Hints and tips on how to score more points. This walktrough is divided into chapters: Chapter I: Let's get started! Chapter II: Dasie fight! Chapter III: How to score more than 1000 points Chapter IV: How to score more than 2000 points Chapter V: How to get the treashure Chapter VI: How to shoot the frog Chapter VII: Moorhuhn Easter Eggs Chapter VIII: Conclusion WALKTROUGH HISTORY ------------------ version 0.2: some hints and tips version 0.6: some more hints version 0.9: changed copyright notice version 1.0: grammar mistakes fixed ----------------------------------------------------------- version 1.1/28.10.2002: FULL WALKTROUGH! + daisy walktrough STILL TO COME IN WALKTROUGH --------------------------- Some more hints and everything you want to add! CONTACT INFO ------------ If you have any questions about this walktrough or Moorhuhn 3 or if you want to add anything, e-mail me on: moorhuhn3walkc@yahoo.com I will try to publish them in this walktrough and reply back to you too. NOTE: YOU CAN ONLY E-MAIL ME QUESTIONS THAT ARE NOT LISTED IN THIS GUIDE. IF I SEE A QUESTION THAT IS ALREADY LISTED IN THIS GUIDE, I WILL AUTOMATICLY DELETE IT WITH NO REPLY. TRY THE CTRL+F BUTTON TO SEARCH THIS DOCUMENT FOR THE THINGS YOU NEED. III. W A L K T R O U G H ============================================== CHAPTER I: Let's get started! ----------------------------- How to play Moorhuhn 3? Well that's not very hard to play. The only thing you have to do is to shoot as many huhns as you can and reveal secrets that appear. But there are some rules too, you know. RULES 1. You are not allowed to shoot huhns with big noses! 2. Shoot as many as huhns you can, but watch your bulletmonitor 3. Every time you reload you loose 5 points CHAPTER II: Dasie Fight! ------------------------ In the first section of this walktrough we will see what all those daises on the screen mean and how to awoid bad ones. Here is a little table to help you with those annoying bad ones. --------------------------------------------------- | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | Legend: --------------------------------------------------- _ _ _ - Bullets | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | --------------------------------------------------- 1-15 - Parts of | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 _ _ _| screen --------------------------------------------------- Imagine that that table over there is the screen. The points from 1-15 are parts of the screen. Each daisy that is in that screen presents one effect that happend when you shoot him. Here is the legend. NOTE: The bad ones are marked **, good ones are *. --- 1. * SLOWMOTION - Huns fly slow for 10 seconds 2. * HEAVY METAL - For 15 seconds huns fly in iron vests, which means that with regular bullets you have to shoot them four times, with special bullets two times, for shooted huns you get twice as more points 3. ** STRANGE NEW WORLD - You move 30 seconds in the wrong way 4. * MOORTIME - You gain 10 seconds more time 5. ** HIT ME - You can't aim the huns for 10 seconds 6. ** HURRY UP - 5 seconds of time is taken from you 7. * MOORHUHN COUNT - All the huns you shoot score twice more points 8. ** HEBEL - You loose 100 points 9. * FIVE MORE - For every shooted hun you get five points more 10. * More seeds apear in the screen 11. ** JAM SESSION - You can't shoot for 10 seconds 12. ?? A mystery appears (even I don't know the answer??) 13. * EVERYTHING COUNTS - The hunter shoots for 10 seconds in your advantage 14. ** LESSMUN - You loose 2 bullets 15. * MOORMUN - You gain two more bullets CHAPTER III: How to score more than 1000 points ----------------------------------------------- If you want to score more than 1000 points, use the following procedure: 1. Shoot the picnic blanket (50 points) 2. Shoot the lighthouse 3 times and shoot all the huns that come from the right (after 20 seconds 10 huns come) 3. Sink the boat by shooting at it 5 times 4. Shoot the five rocks to get special bullets 5. Go left and shoot the shark and 8 fish 6. You've caused the ship to move. Shoot it 10 times (200 points) 7. Go right and shoot the green thing on the rocks (50 points) and all the huns. Stop shooting the huns after 31 seconds 8. Go to the shore and shoot the rabbit and the other animal (125 points) which activates RACE MODUS. You gain more time. 9. Shoot the cottage, you will loose 25 points but gain 10 seconds of time. Shoot all the little huns. 10. Cause you have 31 seconds of time shoot the rabbit and the hedgehog again. (50 points) 11. Till the end shoot all the huns. 12. Five seconds before the end shoot the animal on the tree (50 points) 13. Before the game ends you get the MOORHUHN KILLER bonus (100 points) if you have killed more than 50 huns in the game. CHAPTER IV: How to score more than 2000 points ---------------------------------------------- 1. Shoot at the tree and a map shows that you will need later. 2. In the first 5 seconds shoot the picnic blanket, shoot 3 times in the lighthouse and shoot all the huns that come from the right. 3. Shoot all the rocks to get special bullets, then go to the left, shoot at the shark and shoot 10 fish. 4. Shoot 3 huns very fast (triple kill) and you get extra bullets. Watch at those cause you only have 1 set of them. Shoot 6 times at the rock that was marked on the map and with this move you free the treashure. For more points shoot at the pine tree and with the eight bullet shoot at the turtles head. Now with regular bullets take the treashure that brings you 200 points (TREASHURE BONUS). 5. Go to the right and shoot at the seeds in field 10 (see the map above in chapter 2); by this move you get the bonus FIVE MORE (every hun gives you 5 points more). Shoot all the rocks And with the special bullets shoot at the green stuff on the Rocks, shoot at the hun that is hiding in the woods and shoot The seed on the field 15 (look above in chapter 2), to get The bonus MOREMUN (more bullets). 6. Go to the left and shoot all the huns that are left from the lighthouse and sink the fishing boat (200 points). 7. At 31 seconds of time shoot at the rabbit and hedgehog, shoot at the cottage, that brings you 10 seconds of extra time. With eight scores to the roof of the cottage to light the Light and with the next shot turn it off again (50 points). Shoot all the huns too. 8. You have 31 seconds again so shoot the hedgehog and the rabbit again then on the branch shoot the 18th leave (count them from the left down in the counter way of the clock) that brings you ANTILOCK and stops the time for 5 seconds. 9. Shoot the rabbit and the hedgehog again and in the field 4 shoot the seed to get the MORE TIME bonus (10 seconds). 10. You have 31 seconds available again, so shoot the rabbit and the hedgehog again. Go to the tree on the left and shoot at 8 leaves to get 100 points and a bonus FRANK LOVES U. Shoot all the branches on the tree to get two more bullets. 11. In the field 2 shoot the daisy to get the HEAVY METAL BONUS. Shoot at the huns but now don't aim at the hun but directly bellow it. For every hun you get 25 points but because it had a heart attack before you get twice as more points and because the HEAVY METAL BONUS is on you get +5 points because you have the FIVE MORE bonus. So 25?2?3+5=105 points for a hun that is worth 25 points. On this way you get 500-800 points. 12. 12 seconds of time left so fill the bullets in and shoot at the timer to gain 12 seconds of time. 13. Shoot the huns worth 25 points so they get a heart attack. 14. At 4 seconds of time shoot the animal on the tree and then the daisy in field 7 (see chapter 2) to get the MOORHUHN COUNT bonus which brings you 2 points more for every hun. 15. At the end of the game you should get a MOORHUHN KILLER bonus (100 points) if you shot more that 50 huns in the game. CHAPTER V: How to get the treashure ----------------------------------- Follow these steps to gain the treashure: 1. Shoot the tree on the left and there is a map under it. 2. Shoot all the rocks to get special bullets. 3. With them shoot the shark and 10 fish quickly then 3 huns (TRIPLE KILL) and you get extra 1A bullets. 4. Shoot at the rock 6 times that was marked on the map and then shoot the pine tree and the turtles head. With regular bullets shoot at the treashure to get 200 points. 5. If there is a left square there is a treashure in the big rock that is allocated right of the boat. If a middle square is shown, shoot at the rock under the cottage. Start shooting at the upper corner of the rock. If the right square is marked shoot at the small rock (SMALL ROCK!) right from the cavern. It matters how to shoot at the rock to break it. For the left rock you need 6 bullets, for the right and the small only 4 bullets. Your shooting must be accurate! CHAPTER VI: How to shoot the frog --------------------------------- WARNING! Between steps 1 and 7 you have to shoot 10 huns with long noses even if that brings you negative points. 1. Shoot five rocks (without the turtle) to get special bullets. 2. Right in the woods shoot the small hun that hides in it. 3. Shoot the shark. 4. Shoot 15 fish. 5. Shoot three huns fast (TRIPLE KILL BONUS) 6. Now you have extra 1A bullets and shoot the turtle in the head. 7. Shoot the animal on the tree. 8. Shoot 7 leaves from the tree your 3rd score must be leave nr. 23 (count them from left in the ground in the counter way of the clock) and with this you engage EXTRA GONE. 9. At 31 seconds of time shoot the rabbit and the hedgehog. 10. Now you can shoot the frog! CHAPTER VII: Moorhuhn Easter Eggs --------------------------------- Moorhuhn 3 Es Gibt Huhn! contains little easter eggs, but here are two. 1. How to play Moorhuhn Tetris? ============== -To play MOORTRIS you must do the following: * Shoot the logo of moorhuhn each letter one time and play. 2. Cloud easter ======== -To use the cloud easter do the following: * If you shoot with bullets 1A at the thunder clouds above the cottage, the lightning will kill all the huns that are on the screen. CHAPTER VIII: Conclusion ------------------------ Well, that's the end of my walktrough. I hope it will help you a lot on scoring the highest score. Still, you know that the highest score is about 8000 points. I've only managed to achieved 2000 points but never that high. Here is were you come. Beat the game yourself and try to win the highest score! IV. F I N A L N O T E S ============================= I think Moorhuhn 3 is a very good game and it is free! In Germany this game is the most playing game! And the high score is 8000 points! So try to beat that one. If you want to get the free full version of Moorhuhn 3 go to www.moorhuhn.de! V. O T H E R W A L K T R O U G H S ======================================== If you are interested, I am also the author of these walktroughs: - Gabriel Knight 3 Blood of the Sacred Blood of the Damned (items + full walktrough) - Unreal Tournament (all levels walktrough) - Gunman Chronicles (full walktrough + items, enemy and world description)