MECHCOMMANDER 2 WALKTHROUGH by Briareos Kerensky (, briareos_CWE), ver 3.X, 23/7/2003 Table of Contents 1-Update History 2-History Briefing 3-Houses Briefing 4-Weapons/Equipment Briefing 5-'Mechs Briefing 6-MechWarriors Briefing 7-Skills Briefing 8-Support Units 9-Vehicles Briefing 10-Turrets and Infantry Briefing 11-General Tactics 12-Multiplayer Tactics 13-How to costumize a 'Mech 14-How to balance your team 15-Walkthrough 16-FAQ Section 17-Bug Section 18-Submissions 19-Credits and misc **************** 1-UPDATE HISTORY **************** 23/7/2002-version 3.X. as with my HomeWorld: Cataclysm FAQ, the 3.X version will contain all your submissions (oh yes, they keep coming ;)). So, I added a new section, Submissions. 9/3/2002-version 3.0. Nothing really new. Just added two custom Blood Asps in the 'Mech Briefing section...officially, Wallace Chin is the first to send custom 'Mechs; I'll put everything legal in the appropriate section. 4/12/2001-version 2.5. Matther Shan...ehm, no...I added some infos throughout the document, starting from Rank averages (MechWarrior section), other tactics in the walkthrough section, corrected the Bug section a bit and updated the FAQ section. Will this be the last version of the document? I hope. BTW, 200 Kbs reached and passed :) 9/11/2001-version 2.3. Other additions from Matthew Shane and some other additional infos from Max Pritchard. 7/11/2001-version 2.2a. Matthew Shane noticed other mistakes... 29/10/2001-version 2.2. Just when I uploaded the 2.1 I recieved a mail from Matthew Shane with some mistakes I, here we go again... 28/10/2001-version 2.1. Probably the final version. In a desperate attempt to do something in a rainy day here, in Italy, with all friends gone, struck in their houses, noone on the net to talk with, no homeworks, nothing to study, no model kit to finish, I looked throughout the document and corrected typos, grammtical errors and other very small things that I've found. 10/10/2001-version 2.0a. Added a small description on a tip to get high Piloting Skills in the FAQ section. 07/10/2001-version 2.0. Added short description of Elite difficulty setting, some sections updated and for now completed, plus corrections throughtout the document. 07/10/2001-version 1.8. Rebel/Davion campaing completed and game ended. Added 'Mech Variants sub-section. General Tactics and other sections updated. Slightly revision of the FAQ section. Added Ace skills. Minor corrections throughout the document. Next update will be the last; I'm going to start an Elite campaign, let's see if something changes. 03/10/2001-version 1.6. Liao campaign completed. Introduced Skills section. Other sections started and/or updated. I wonder if the game has "only" three campaigns...I hope no, I want to extensively use a Blood Asp (which I have still to salvage...). 01/10/2001-version 1.4. How to Costumize a 'Mech section started. Walkthrough updated. Minor corrections. Already passed the 100 kbs. 28/09/2001-version 1.2. Corrected a stupid error in the first release date. First two missions. 'Mech datas completed. Added descriptions to weapons, 'Mechs and vehicles. First two missions. Some other updates. 25/09/2000-version 1.0. First sections available. ****************** 2-HISTORY BRIEFING ****************** Before the Inner Sphere known the atrocities of the Succession Wars, General Alexandr Kerensky, leader of the Star League army, left the know space to seek a place where men and women could live without racial or ideological hatreds. After hundres of years from its departure, the Inner Sphere, now divided between fighting Lords, gradually degenerated due to continue wars that these Lords unleashed to take control of the whole Inner Sphere. In 3049 this endless war seemed to its end, however, the Clans, the descendants of Kerensy returned to the Inner Sphere with one intention: conquer it. The Battle of Tukayyid, in 3052, momentarly stopped the Clans, but now, in 3060 the truce broguht by that battle was ending, so the Inner Sphere laucnhed a massive attack against of of the most ferocious and bloodlust Clans, the Clan Smoke Jaguar: led by Prince Victor Ian of the Federated Commonwealth the spherian task force, composed by troops from all the Inner Sphere, annihilated the Clan. But at their return in the Inner Spere Victor Davion found a totally different scenario... ***************** 3-HOUSES BRIEFING ***************** HOUSE DAVION: ruler of the Federated Commonwealth, led by Archon Prince Victor Ian Steiner-Davion, also the commander of Task Force Serpent, which annihilated Clan Smoke Jaguar. The Federated Commonwealth born in 3028, when the rulers of the Federated Suns and the Lyran Commonwealth married. However, during the fight against Clan Smoke Jaguar Katrina Steiner, sister of Victor, took control of the Lyran part of the Commonwealth, declared it independent and formed the Lyran Alliance. As Victor returned from Clan space, he took a large portion of salvaged Clan 'Mechs. HOUSE STEINER: ruler of the Lyran Alliance, former part of the Federated Commonwealth, led by Archon Princess Katrina (born Katherine, she renamed herself after the creation of the Alliance)Steiner-Davion. During the Clan invasion the Lyran part of the Commonwealth was under attack by Jade Falcon Clan, and most Commonwealth units were sent to protect it; however, after the separation of the two parts, the troops loyal to Victor returned in Federated space. House Steiner 'Mechs are configured for maximum firepower; Steiner commanders often deploy heavy and assault-class 'Mechs with light 'Mechs providing intelligence. HOUSE LIAO: ruler of the Capellan Confederation and part of the St.Ives Compact, led by Sun Tzu Liao. House Liao was well known for its previous leaders and their strange (if not mad) behaviors toward their territory. The creation of the Federated Commonwealth deprived the Confederation by most of its industrial worlds, and until Sun Tuz rise to leader the Capellan Confederation was the least-powerful realm of the Inner Sphere, both militarly and economically. However Sun Tzu is not mad as his parents, and showed great skills in the political arena and as a military commander: he reconquered part of the St.Ives Compact (the Compact declared itself independent and built a strong friendship with the Federated Commonwealth)and other territories lost to other houses. Their 'Mechs are primary fast and agile light and medium 'Mechs with ECM suites and specialized in reconaissance missions; Liao heavy 'Mechs tend to be somewhat faster than other 'Mechs, but they still pack a punch. CLANS: the Clans are the creation of Alexandr and Nicholas (Alexandr's son) Kerensky. There were 20 different Clans, but now only 14 Clans exists; two were absorbed by other Clans, one was annihilated by Clan Wolf, Clan Smoke Jaguar was annihilated by Inner Sphere troops, Clan Nova Cat left their homeworlds to become one with the Inner Sphere after the Jaguar annihilation. Not enough, part of Clan Wolf travelled to Arc-Royal (Lyran space)after the Refusal War (MW2 anyone?) and now Clan Wolf is divided into two factions. Currently, there are two lines of though within the Clans: the Wardens think they have to protect the Inner Sphere from outside and the Crusaders want to conquer it. Only the Jade Falcons, the Crusader part of the Wolves and the Ghost Bears conquered worlds in the Inner Sphere; other Clans (Hell's Horses have a small zone in the Wolf spherian territory as the Wolves lend that part) have no access to Inner Sphere goods if not by commerce. Clans are not present in this game as a "real" present force, only their 'Mechs (and weapons) are present ;_; (I want an other game where you can play as a Clanner! A Clan Wolf Clanner!) BANDITS:A bandit forces that begun assaulting Steiner and Davion bases. Apparently, they have no faction. They do not have too much 'Mechs, and most 'Mechs they have are light ones; they heavily rely on vehicles. **************************** 4-WEAPONS/EQUIPMENT BRIEFING **************************** ----------------------- --SHORT RANGE WEAPONS-- ----------------------- Short Range weapons are effective from 0 to 60 meters and are the only category that can fire within 0/30 meters. Any 'Mech should carry at least two of these weapons: like the first MechCommander, battle ranges decrease quickly, and long-range-only 'Mechs will find themselves overwhelmed. Type: CLAN HEAVY LASER Technology: Clan Sub-Type: energy Damage: 5 Rate Of Fire: 2.0 Heat: 7 Cost: 4700 Criticals Occupied: 1*1 BattleTech Equivalent: Clan Light/Medium Heavy Laser Awesome firepower for such a small weapon, but greatly offset by the large amount of heat generated. Type: CLAN PULSE LASER Technology: Clan Sub-type: energy Damage: 2 Rate Of Fire: 4.0 Heat: 4 Cost: 2400 Criticals Occupied: 1*1 BattleTech Equivalent: Clan Light/Medium Pulse Laser Pulse Lasers fires more constantly than standard lasers, effectively increasing the amount of damage that 'Mech can inflict; only slighlty hotter than standar lasers. Type: CLAN STREAK SRM PACK Technology: Clan Sub-type: missile Damage: 2 Rate Of Fire: 3.2 Heat: 2 Ammo: 73 Cost: 2200 Criticals Occupied: 1*1 BattleTech Equivalent: Clan Streak SRM 2 SRMs do not have the range of LRMs, but they cause more damage. This Clan variant has more salvos than the Inner Spere variant and has a slightly higher rate of fire. Type: CLAN ULTRA HEAVY AC Technology: Clan Sub-type: balistic Damage: 12 Rate Of Fire: 2.7 Heat: 8 Ammo: 61 Cost: 14200 Criticals Occupied: 2*4 BattleTech Equivalent: Clan Ultra AC/20 Awesome firepower at close range. This weapon has the third highest damage value of the game. The Clan version holds more ammo than the IS version. Type: FLAMER ARRAY Technology: both Sub-type: energy Damage: 3 Rate Of Fire: 1.7 Heat: 7 Cost: 1800 Criticals Occupied: 1*1 BattleTech Equivalent: Inner Sphere or Clan Flamer A cluster of flamers grouped together. Lasers are more effective, though it's better than the Machine Gun Array. However, it's cheap. Type: HEAVY AC Technology: Inner Sphere Sub-type: balistic Damage: 12 Rate Of Fire: 1.7 Heat: 7 Ammo: 38 Cost: 7100 Criticals Occupied: 2*4 BattleTech Equivalent: Inner Sphere AC/20 The Ultra Heavy AC is derived from this weapon. All standard ACs are slower than Ultra ACs, but costs less. They also hold less ammmo. Type: LASER Technology: Inner Sphere Sub-type: energy Damage: 2 Rate Of Fire: 2.4 Heat: 3 Cost: 1700 Criticals Occupied: 1*1 BattleTech Equivalent: Inner Sphere Light/Medium Laser Basic short-range weapon. Each 'Mech should always carry two of them. Type: MACHINE GUN ARRAY Technology: Inner Sphere Sub-type: balistic Damage: 1 Rate Of Fire: 4.0 Heat: 0 Cost: 900 Criticals Occupied: 1*1 BattleTech Equivalent: Inner Sphere of Clan Machine Gun Like the Flamer Array, the Machine Gun Array is composed by a group of machine guns. They even cost less that the Flamer Array, but are less effective as a Machine Gun Array has a lower rate of fire and damge value. Type: PULSE LASER Technology: Inner Sphere Sub-type: energy Damage: 2 Rate Of Fire: 3.5 Heat: 4 Cost: 2000 Criticals Occupied: 1*1 BattleTech Equivalent: Inner Sphere Light/Medium Pulse Laser More effective than the standard Laser, but also more expensive. Type: STREAK SRM PACK Technology: Inner Sphere Sub-type: missile Damage: 2 Rate Of Fire: 3.0 Heat: 2 Ammo: 68 Cost: 2000 Criticals Occupied: 1*1 BattleTech Equivalent: Inner Sphere Streak SRM 2 This Inner Sphere variant of the Streak SRM Pack holds less ammunition but fires more frequently and creates less heat. Type: ULTRA HEAVY AC Technology: Inner Sphere Sub-type: balistic Damage: 12 Rate Of Fire: 2.4 Heat: 8 Ammo: 54 Cost: 11800 Criticals Occupied: 2*4 BattleTech Equivalent: Inner Sphere Ultra AC/20 Inner Sphere equivalent of the Clan Ultra Heavy AC. It has less ammo but fires slightly faster. ------------------------ --MEDIUM RANGE WEAPONS-- ------------------------ Medium Weapons are effective from 31 to 121 meters; most non-advanced Inner Sphere weapons (Large Lasers, Medium ACs, PPCs) belongs to this category, like most Clan ER variants of short range weapons. Type: CLAN ER LASER Technology: Clan Sub-type: energy Damage: 2 Rate Of Fire: 3.0 Heat: 5 Cost: 4500 Criticals Occupied: 1*1 BattleTech Equivalent: Clan ER Medium Laser The Clans took the basic Laser and upgreded it to a Medium-Range weapon. As Clan 'Mechs have devastating long-range weapons are usually regarded as close-defense weapons, but it might be safer to mount at least one Streak SRM Pack or an other light close-range weapon. Type: CLAN LARGE HEAVY LASER Technology: Clan Sub-type: energy Damage: 9 Rate Of Fire: 1.8 Heat: 18 Cost: 15000 Criticals Occupied: 1*2 BattleTech Equivalent: Clan Large Heavy Laser Bigger version of the Heavy Laser: more range and more damage, but it generates an incredible amount of heat; it might substitute Heavy and Medium ACs in extended missions. Type: CLAN LARGE PULSE LASER Technology: Clan Sub-type: energy Damage: 2 Rate Of Fire: 6.2 Heat: 10 Cost: 6000 Criticals Occupied: 1*2 BattleTech Equivalent: Clan Large Pulse Laser The ultimate Medium-Range weapon: low damage compensated by an high rate of fire and bearable heat. Type: CLAN ULTRA MEDIUM AC Technology: Clan Sub-type: balistic Damage: 6 Rate Of Fire: 2.8 Heat: 3 Ammo: 64 Cost: 10200 Criticals Occupied: 2*3 BattleTech Equivalent: Clan Ultra AC/10 A long-range version of the Ultra Heavy AC, but with less damage potential. Holds more ammo too. Type: ER LASER Technology: Inner Sphere Sub-type: energy Damage: 2 Rate Of Fire: 2.4 Heat: 5 Cost: 3000 Criticals Occupied: 1*1 BattleTech Equivalent: Inner Sphere ER Medium Laser The Inner Sphere equivalent of the Clan ER Medium Laser. Type: LARGE LASER Technology: Inner Sphere Sub-type: energy Damage: 4 Rate Of Fire: 2.0 Heat: 8 Cost: 3800 Criticals Occupied: 1*2 BattleTech Equivalent: Inner Sphere Large Laser The main weapon of non-upgraded units, the Large Laser packs quite a punch at decent range. It is relatively cheap and has a good heat value for such weapon. Type: LARGE PULSE LASER Technology: Inner Sphere Sub-type: energy Damage: 2 Rate Of Fire: 5.6 Heat: 10 Cost: 5000 Criticals Occupied: 1*2 BattleTech Equivalent: Inner Sphere Large Pulse Laser Pulse version of the above weapon. Less damage, but with an higher rate of fire. More expensive and heat sink-taxing, but really efficent. Type: MEDIUM AC Technology: Inner Sphere Sub-type: balistic Damage: 6 Rate Of Fire: 1.8 Heat: 2 Ammo: 39 Cost: 5300 Criticals Occupied: 2*3 BattleTech Equivalent: Inner Sphere AC/10 Balistic version of the Large Laser. Higher damage value but ammo dependent. Type: PPC Technology: Inner Sphere Sub-type: energy Damage: 7 Rate Of Fire: 1.5 Heat: 10 Cost: 5700 Criticals Occupied: 1*3 BattleTech Equivalent: Inner Sphere PPC The PPC, what a wonderful weapon. Expensive and relatively rare, but really effective. Type: THUNDERBOLT MISSILE Technology: Inner Sphere Sub-type: missile Damage: 13 Rate Of Fire: 1.7 Heat: 8 Ammo: 30 Cost: 16400 Criticals Occupied: 2*4 BattleTech Equivalent: Thunderbolt 15 One of the most destructive weapons in the game, the Thunderbolt is a single missile with awesome firepower. Bulky and expensive, but powerful. Type: ULTRA MEDIUM AC Technology: Inner Sphere Sub-type: balistic Damage: 6 Rate Of Fire: 2.5 Heat: 4 Ammo: 56 Cost: 8000 Criticals Occupied: 2*3 BattleTech Equivalent: Inner Sphere Ultra AC/10 A faster (speaking about Rate Of Fore) version of the Medium AC. Carries more ammo, but creates more heat. ---------------------- --LONG RANGE WEAPONS-- ---------------------- Long range weapons include LRMs, ER weapons and Light ACs and can fire up to 180, but cannot aim anything under 61 meters. Heavy and Assault 'Mechs, of both technologies, carry at least one of these weapons, usually powerful, not just Ligh ACs. Type: CLAN ER LARGE LASER Technology: Clan Sub-type: energy Damage: 4 Rate Of Fire: 2.5 Heat: 12 Cost: 7700 Criticals Occupied: 1*2 BattleTech Equivalent: Clan ER Large Laser Cheaper version (in all fields) of the Clan ER PPC. Still highly recomended, however. Type: CLAN ER PPC Technology: Clan Sub-type: energy Damage: 7 Rate Of Fire: 2.2 Heat: 15 Cost: 14900 Criticals Occupied: 1*3 BattleTech Equivalent: Clan ER PPC The ultimate weapon, though the Clan Gauss Rifle can be a good equivalent. High heat values compensated by its limited bulkiness, long range and high damage value. Type: CLAN GAUSS RIFLE Technology: Clan Sub-type: balistic Damage: 10 Rate Of Fire: 1.6 Heat:1 Ammo: 36 Cost: 18500 Criticals Occupied: 2*4 BattleTech Equivalent: Clan Gauss Rifle The only weapon that can be considered equal to the PPC. Its low heat values and high damage values are compensated by its bulkiness and its balistic nature. Type: CLAN LRM RACK Technology: Clan Sub-type: missile Damage: 3 Rate Of Fire: 2.1 Heat: 4 Ammo: 47 Cost: 4500 Criticals Occupied: 1*1 BattleTech Equivalent: Clan LRM 5 Holds more rounds than the Inner Sphere variant and has the same damage value, but it has a lower Rate Of Fire and produces more heat. Type: CLAN ULTRA LIGHT AC Technology: Clan Sub-type: balistic Damage: 2 Rate Of Fire: 5.6 Ammo: 125 Heat: 1 Cost: 7500 Criticals Occupied: 2*2 BattleTech Equivalent: Clan Ultra AC/2 or /5 Small caliber AC with excellent range capabilities. Optimum for light 'Mechs designed for fast raid actions. Type: ER LARGE LASER Technology: Inner Sphere Sub-type: energy Damage: 4 Rate Of Fire: 2.0 Heat: 12 Cost: 5300 Criticals Occupied: 1*2 BattleTech Equivalent: Inner Sphere ER Large Laser Cheaper than the Clan counterpart. Lower Rate Of Fire Type: ER PPC Technology: Inner Sphere Sub-type: energy Damage: 7 Rate Of Fire: 1.5 Heat: 15 Cost: 8000 Criticals Occupied: 1*3 BattleTech Equivalent: Inner Sphere ER PPC Inner Sphere version of the Clan ER PPC; cheaper, but has a lower Rate Of Fire Type: GAUSS RIFLE Technology: Inner Sphere Sub-type: balistic Damage: 10 Rate Of Fire: 1.4 Heat: 1 Ammo: 32 Cost: 15300 Criticals Occupied: 2*4 BattleTech Equivalent: Inner Sphere Gauss Rifle Holds less ammo and has a lower Rate Of Fire than the Clan version. Type: LIGHT AC Technology: Inner Sphere Sub-type: balistic Damage: 2 Rate Of Fire: 3.3 Heat: 1 Ammo: 75 Cost: 3500 Criticals Occupied: 2*2 BattleTech Equivalent: Inner Sphere AC/2 or /5 Inner Sphere version of the Clan Light Ultra AC. Lower Rate Of Fire and holds less ammo. Type: LIGHT GAUSS RIFLE Technology: Inner Sphere Sub-type: balistic Damage: 6 Rate Of Fire: 1.5 Heat: 1 Ammo: 34 Cost: 7200 Criticals Occupied: 2*3 BattleTech Equivalent: Inner Sphere Light Gauss Rifle Less bulky than the Gauss Rifle, holds more ammunition (though they produce less damage and are always less than the Clan version) and has an higher Rate Of Fire. Type: LONG TOM CANNON Technology: Inner Sphere Sub-type: balistic Damage: 15 Rate Of Fire: 1.4 Heat: 20 Ammo: 50 Cost: 29300 Criticals Occupied: 2*5 BattleTech Equivalent: Long Tom Cannon, snub-nosed variant (Level 3) The most destructive weapon in the game; the Long Tom allocates 15 Damage Points to the target and the impact between the shell and the target creates a small explosion that can hit nearby unit. Bulky and expensive; to be used with intelligence. Deadly with slow-moving vehicles like LRM Carriers. Two Long Toms can be mounted on a single Atlas to create a moving artillery unit. Type: LRM RACK Technology: Inner Sphere Sub-type: missile Damage: 3 Rate Of Fire: 1.1 Heat: 2 Ammo: 24 Cost: 1700 Criticals Occupied: 1*1 BattleTech Equivalent: Inner Sphere LRM 5 Holds less ammo and fire less frequently than the Clan counterpart, but generates less heat. Type: SWARM LRM RACK Technology: Inner Sphere Sub-type: missile Damage: 3 Rate Of Fire: 1.1 Heat: 2 Ammo: 24 Cost: 2600 Criticals Occupied: 1*1 BattleTech Equivalent: Inner Sphere LRM 5; there is no equivalent in BT for the MC2 Swarm missiles (BT Swarm missiles have a different effect). Identical to the standard LRM Rack, but it carries Swarm missiles, useful to destroy units in tight formations. The Swarm missiles do not target a mobile unit, but the terrain where the units are (or were) standing when the missiles were fired, they can be easily dodged by any running 'Mech. As with the Long Tom, deadly against vehicles. Type: ULTRA LIGHT AC Technology: Inner Sphere Sub-type: balistic Damage: 2 Rate Of Fire: 4.5 Heat: 1 Ammo: 102 Cost: 5500 Criticals Occupied: 2*2 BattleTech Equivalent: Inner Sphere Ultra AC/2 or /5 Inner Sphere version of the Clan Ultra AC. ------------- --EQUIPMENT-- ------------- Heat Sinks, ECM suites, armor variants and everything else that do not allocate damage are listed here. Type: HEAT SINK Heat: 0 Cost: 2000 Criticals Occupied: 1*1 Effect: increases Heat Capacity by 4 points. Type: ARMOR Heat: 0 Cost: 3000 Criticals Occupied: 1*1 Effect: adds 32 armor points. Type: JUMP JETS Heat: 7 Cost: 6000 Criticals Occupied: all special Jump Jet Criticals. Effect: gives the ability to jump to carrying 'Mech. Type: Mk I ECM SUITE Heat: 0 Cost: 0 Criticals Occupied: none; only compatible 'Mechs can use ECM suites and cannot remove them. Effect: jams enemy sensors, by reducing by half their range. Type: SENSORS - BASIC Heat: 0 Cost: 0 Criticals Occupied: none; all 'Mechs come equipped with these Sensors Effect: standard Sensor suites; cannot detect units out of LOS and have no appreciable effect. Type: SENSORS - INTERMEDIATE Heat: 0 Cost: 0 Criticals Occupied: none; only compatible 'Mechs can use Sensors and cannot remove them. Effect: sensor suite with improved capabilities. Can detect units outside LOS but cannot detect what kind of contact is shown. Type: SENSORS - ADVANCED Heat: 0 Cost: 0 Criticals Occupied: none; only compatible 'Mechs can use Sensors and cannot remove them Effect: sensors with great range, that passes even before the range of the Intermediate Sensor Suite. Pilots with Sensor skill and this suite can determine the type of contact they detect. ***************** 5-'MECHS BRIEFING ***************** There are two kinds of technology. In the 'Mech area, Clan 'Mechs tend to have te same or even more amounts of armor at the same or even less weight than Inner Sphere 'Mechs and, in general, deadlier. As Clan weapons, Clan 'Mechs have to be salvaged from the battlefield. Not enough, Clan 'Mechs are modular (not all, only front-line 'Mechs; modular 'Mechs are referred as OmniMechs-this doesn't mean too much in the game -unfortunately- but background infos are always welcome, right? ;), meaning that they can switch weapon loads without being reprogrammed; the Inner Sphere posseses this technology but due to OmniMechs' high costs only few models are in service. ----------------------- --INNER SPHERE 'MECHS-- ----------------------- Model: ANUBIS Primary user: House Liao Weight: 30 tons Armor: light, 80 Internal Structure: 64 Total Protection Value: 144 Maximum Speed: 130 km/h Weapons: 1 Large Laser 4 LRM Racks Special Equipment: Jump Jets (125 meters) Sensor - Intermediate Jump Capacity: yes Heat Generated: 19 Heat Capacity: 22 Short Range Damage: 0 Medium Range Damage: 4 Long Range Damage: 12 Base Armor Value: 96 Base Heat Capacity: 26 Cost: 41600 Critical Space: 2*3 A small 'Mech dedicated to fire support. It is also agile and ideal for scouting missions thanks to its Jump Jets and Sensors, but leaves little space for modifications, which will mostly include energy weapons or small caliber ACs. Model: FIRE ANT Primary user: Bandits Weight: 30 tons Armor: very light, 80 Internal Structure: 32 Total Protection Value: 112 Maximum Speed: 97 km/h Weapons: 3 Flamer Arrays 3 Machine Gun Arrays Special Equipment: none Jump Capacity: no Heat Generated: 21 Heat Capacity: 22 Short Range Damage: 12 Medium Range Damage: 0 Long Range Damage: 0 Base Armor Value: 80 Base Heat Capacity: 22 Cost: 24600 Critical Space: 3*2 Agile and powerful at close range, but poorly armed. The Fire Ant is not suited for reconaissance as it lacks Jump Jets and Sensor support. Can support small-caliber ACs and medium to heavy lasers. Model: RAZORBACK Primary user: House Steiner Weight: 30 tons Armor: very light, 112 Internal Structure: 32 Total Protection Value: 144 Maximum Speed: 97 km/h Weapons: 2 Streak SRMs 3 Machine Gun Arrays 1 Large Laser Special Equipment: Jump Jets (125 meters) 1 Armor Sensor - Intermediate Jump Capacity: yes Heat Generated: 19 Heat Capacity: 22 Short Range Damage: 7 Medium Range Damage: 4 Long Range Damage: 0 Base Armor Value: 80 Base Heat Capacity: 22 Cost: 41750 Critical Space: 4*2 The first 'Mech you'll command with both Jump Jets and Sensors, and still packs quite a punch thanks to its close range weapons and the single Large Laser. The primary version of the Razorback is a good 'Mech, it doesn't really need alterations, thoughs excahanging Machine Guns for other Streak SRMs plus heat sinks may increase short-range firepower. Model: URBANMECH Primary user: Bandits Weight: 30 tons Armor: very light, 80 Internal Structure: 64 Total Protection Value: 144 Maximum Speed: 54 km/h Weapons: 2 Lasers 1 Medium AC Special Equipment: Jump Jets (125 meters) Jump Capacity: yes Heat Generated: 15 Heat Capacity: 22 Short Range Damage: 4 Medium Range Damage: 6 Long Range Damage: 0 Base Armor Value: 80 Base Heat Capacity: 22 Cost: 33700 Critical Space: 2*4 An other 30 ton 'Mech, this time totally unsuited for reconaissance due to its lack of Sensors, though it supports Jump Jets. The Urbanmech was built for firepower, so it supports a Medium AC; this weapon might be limited by its ammo supplies but it does more damage than other medium-range weapons like the IS Large Laser. The UrbanMech is relatively difficult to costumize: LRM or SRM carriers can be a good choice if combined with additional armor platings, though the 'Mech will lose most of its value. A PPC or ER PPC will be the best, though it might be a waste mounting such a weapon on this 'Mech. Model: HOLLANDER Primary user: House Steiner Weight: 35 tons Armor: very light, 96 Internal Structure: 64 Total Protection Value: 160 Maximum Speed: 86 km/h Weapons: 1 Gauss Rifle Special Equipment: none Jump Capacity: no Heat Generated: 1 Heat Capacity: 22 Short Range Damage: 0 Medium Range Damage: 0 Long Range Damage: 10 Base Armor Value: 96 Base Heat Capacity: 22 Cost: 36300 Critical Space: 2*4 One of the few 'Mechs that passed the BT->MC2 conversion intact, the Hollander was designed around the massive Gauss Rifle. Fast, but not jump capable, the Hollander is commonly used as a long range fire support 'Mech on relatively flat terrains. PPCs or Large Laser plus some medium or close range weapons for self defense can be a good modification, though you will eventually lose some firepower. Ultra Heavy ACs IMO are not good for this 'Mech because it has a very limited space available and low base armor. Model: WOLFHOUND Primary user: House Davion Weight: 35 tons Armor: very light, 112 Internal Structure: 64 Total Protection Value: 176 Maximum Speed: 97 km/h Weapons: 3 Lasers 3 Machine Gun Arrays 1 ER Large Laser Special Equipment: Jump Jets (125 meters) 1 Armor Jump Capacity: yes Heat Generated: 28 Heat Capacity: 28 Short Range Damage: 9 Medium Range Damage: 0 Long Range Damage: 4 Base Armor Value: 80 Base Heat Capacity: 28 Cost: 46850 Critical Space: 3*3 A light 'Mech built for firepower rather than reconaissance. The Wolfhound can easily destroy the other light 'Mechs at any range (well, except for the Hollander at long rane) and support heavier 'Mechs in combat. The Wolfhound is also jump capable, and its lack of Sensor capability is not a great drawback for a 'Mech intended for combat rather intelligence gathering. Model: RAVEN Primary user: House Liao Weight: 35 tons Armor: light, 96 Internal Structure: 64 Total Protection Value: 160 Maximum Speed: 97 km/h Weapons: 3 Streak SRM Packs 3 ER Lasers Special Equipment: Sensors - Advanced Mk I ECM Suite Jump Capacity: no Heat Generated: 21 Heat Capacity: 24 Short Range Damage: 6 Medium Range Damage: 6 Long Range Damage: 0 Base Armor Value: 96 Base Heat Capacity: 24 Cost: 37500 Critical Space: 3*2 If the Wolfhound was designed for combat, the Raven is clearly designed for reconaissance, with its advanced sensors and ECM suite. Its moderatley high speed is not increased by jump jets and its armor is low, but the Raven is not designed for combat, though it will be able to defend itself against other light 'Mechs in close comabt. Model: SHA YU Primary user: House Liao Weight: 40 tons Armor: light, 112 Internal Structure: 64 Total Protection Value: 176 Maximum Speed: 119 km/h Weapons: 1 Pulse Laser 1 Medium AC 1 Large Laser Special Equipment: Jump Jets (125 meters) Sensor - Intermediate Jump Capacity: yes Heat Generated: 21 Heat Capacity: 28 Short Range Damage: 2 Medium Range Damage: 10 Long Range Damage: 0 Base Armor Value: 112 Base Heat Capacity: 28 Cost: 46850 Critical Space: 3*3 Originally, the Sha Yu was designed to carry the new Stealth Armor, but in MC2 there isn't, so designers gave him Sensors and jump Jets. The Sha Yu is a fast and agile 'Mech, with good armor protection and awesome firepower at close ranges. Modifications can include ER Large Lasers in place of its medium range weapons and one other Pulse Laser. Model: ENFIELD Primary user: House Davion Weight: 50 tons Armor: very light, 176 Internal Structure: 64 Total Protection Value: 240 Maximum Speed: 65 km/h Weapons: 2 Lasers 1 Ultra Medium AC 1 Large Pulse Laser Special Equipment: 2 Armors Jump Capacity: no Heat Generated: 20 Heat Capacity: 30 Short Range Damage: 4 Medium Range Damage: 8 Long Range Damage: 0 Base Armor Value: 112 Base Heat Capacity: 30 Cost: 50400 Critical Space: 4*3 The first of the three 'Mechs belonging to the 50 tons weight class, suited for medium range attacks, but still able to defend itself at short ranges. Not a big 'Mech, however, as it doesn't support Jump Jets, thing that the other 'Mechs do, though its basic armor protection is good. Model: HUNCHBACK Primary user: House Steiner Weight: 50 tons Armor: very light, 144 Internal Structure: 96 Total Protection Value: 240 Maximum Speed: 65 km/h Weapons: 1 Heavy AC 2 Lasers Special Equipment: Jump Jets (125 meters) 2 Armors Jump Capacity: yes Heat Generated: 20 Heat Capacity: 24 Short Range Damage: 16 Medium Range Damage: 0 Long Range Damage: 0 Base Armor Value: 80 Base Heat Capacity: 24 Cost: 46750 Critical Space: 3*4 The Hunchback is clearly a close range fighter, armed only with three weapons, but these weapons have a devastating effect on every enemy that dares to close with a fully operational Hunchback. Has with the Hollander, the Hunchback can easily accept most balistic weapons with ease; Gauss Rifles and Thunderbolts can be a good choice for customizations. Model: STARSLAYER Primary user: House Liao Weight: 50 tons Armor: light, 176 Internal Structure: 64 Total Protection Value: 240 Maximum Speed: 86 km/h Weapons: 3 Lasers 3 Streak SRM Packs 2 Large Lasers Special Equipment: Jump Jets (125 meters) 2 Armors Jump Capacity: yes Heat Generated: 38 Heat Capacity: 42 Short Range Damage: 12 Medium Range Damage: 8 Long Range Damage: 0 Base Armor Value: 112 Base Heat Capacity: 42 Cost: 64450 Critical Space: 4*3 The third 'Mech of the 50 ton group, and probably the best, though it still doesn't have standard long-range weapons. The Starslayer main weapons are its lasers, that can hit at short and medium ranges. The Starslayer basic chassis allows you to use ER Large Lasers or a single ER PPC plus LRMs in place of the Large Lasers. Jump Jets can also be removed to make room for more heat-intesive weapons, thoug this will lower the 'Mech usefulness. Model: BUSHWACKER Primary user: House Steiner Weight: 55 tons Armor: light, 144 Internal Structure: 128 Total Protection Value: 272 Maximum Speed: 86 km/h Weapons: 3 Machine Gun Arrays 1 Medium AC 1 PPC 3 LRM Racks Special Equipment: 1 Armor Jump Capacity: no Heat Generated: 18 Heat Capacity: 27 Short Range Damage: 3 Medium Range Damage: 11 Long Range Damage: 9 Base Armor Value: 112 Base Heat Capacity: 27 Cost: 56550 Critical Space: 4*3 I really do not understand why the Bushwacker is so used in videogames as the main Inner Sphere medium 'Mech (give me a Centurion!). However, stupid questions aside, the Bushwacker is a good fighter especially at medium range thanks to its PPC and Medium AC, but also capable of some long-range firepower thanks to its LRM Racks. Two of my favoutite alternate configurations consist in dropping the Medium ACs for an additional PPC or dropping the Medium AC and the PPC for a Large Laser and additional LRM Racks. Model: MEN SHEN Primary user: House Liao Weight: 55 tons Armor: very light, 176 Internal Structure: 96 Total Protection Value: 272 Maximum Speed: 97 km/h Weapons: 4 Pulse Lasers 5 LRM Racks Special Equipment: 3 Armors Sensors - Advanced Mk I ECM Suite Jump Capacity: no Heat Generated: 26 Heat Capacity: 29 Short Range Damage: 8 Medium Range Damage: 0 Long Range Damage: 15 Base Armor Value: 80 Base Heat Capacity: 29 Cost: 56550 Critical Space: 6*2 An other scout 'Mech, always from House Liao, but this time beloning to the medium-weight class. Fast, agile, with Sensors and ECM suite but really difficult to costumized with anything different from Lasers or missile launchers due to its chassis. Model: CATAPULT Primary user: House Liao Weight: 65 tons Armor: very light, 176 Internal Structure: 96 Total Protection Value: 272 Maximum Speed: 65 km/h Weapons: 3 Lasers 10 LRM Racks Special Equipment: Jump Jets (125 meters) 3 Armors Jump Capacity: yes Heat Generated: 36 Heat Capacity: 40 Short Range Damage: 6 Medium Range Damage: 0 Long Range Damage: 30 Base Armor Value: 80 Base Heat Capacity: 40 Cost: 71350 Critical Space: 4*4 The Inner Sphere version of the Mad Dog, and probably the grandparent of the Clan 'Mech, the Catapult is pure long-range fire-support 'Mech, but agile has a close range 'Mech thanks to its Jump Jets. Twin Large Lasers or PPCs or a single Gauss Rifle will increase the 'Mech firepower but will lower its usefulness in sieges. Model: JAGERMECH Primary user: House Davion Weight: 65 tons Armor: medium, 130 Internal Structure: 160 Total Protection Value: 290 Maximum Speed: 65 km/h Weapons: 4 Ultra Light ACs Special Equipment: Jump Jets (125 meters) Jump Capacity: yes Heat Generated: 11 Heat Capacity: 27 Short Range Damage: 0 Medium Range Damage: 0 Long Range Damage: 8 Base Armor Value: 130 Base Heat Capacity: 27 Cost: 61000 Critical Space: 4*4 An other long-range fire-support 'Mech, this time armed with four fast firing, small caliber Ultra ACs, but no close or medium range weapons. The Jagermech has the same chassis of the Catapult, but instead of heat sinks it offers major basic armor protection, and both have Jump Jets. Model: SHOOTIST Primary user: House Steiner Weight: 70 tons Armor: medium, 226 Internal Structure: 64 Total Protection Value: 290 Maximum Speed: 65 km/h Weapons: 1 Heavy AC 3 Lasers 2 Machine Gun Arrays 1 Large Lasers Special Equipment: 3 Armors Jump Capacity: no Heat Generated: 24 Heat Capacity: 30 Short Range Damage: 20 Medium Range Damage: 4 Long Range Damage: 0 Base Armor Value: 130 Base Heat Capacity: 30 Cost: 63550 Critical Space: 3*6 The Shootists was designed in the Star League period and survived to modern days in the Comstar army. Designed for rude close-range firepower the Shootist is not well suited for long-range battles as it completely lacks those weapons, but has enough armor to close with the enemy. The Shootist basic chassis makes it well suited for balistic weapons. Model: LAO HU Primary user: House Liao Weight: 75 tons Armor: medium, 194 Internal Structure: 96 Total Protection Value: 290 Maximum Speed: 86 km/h Weapons: 1 Ultra Heavy AC 2 Streak SRM Packs 2 Large Pulse Lasers Special Equipment: Jump Jets (125 meters) 2 Armors Jump Capacity: yes Heat Generated: 39 Heat Capacity: 60 Short Range Damage: 16 Medium Range Damage: 4 Long Range Damage: 0 Base Armor Value: 130 Base Heat Capacity: 60 Cost: 84300 Critical Space: 5*4 The Lao Hu has been designed to quickly close with the enemy and destroy it at close ranges thanks to its massive Ultra Heavy AC and Streak SRM Packs. The Lao Hu is also capable of dealing some medium-range damage but totally ineffective against long range 'Mechs. Gauss Rifles and other bulky long-range weapons will fit really good into the Lao Hu chassis in place of the Heavy AC. Model: ZEUS Primary user: House Steiner Weight: 80 tons Armor: medium, 194 Internal Structure: 64 Total Protection Value: 258 Maximum Speed: 65 km/h Weapons: 3 Pulse Lasers 2 PPCs 2 Large Lasers 5 LRM Racks Special Equipment: 2 Armors Jump Capacity: no Heat Generated: 58 Heat Capacity: 72 Short Range Damage: 6 Medium Range Damage: 24 Long Range Damage: 15 Base Armor Value: 130 Base Heat Capacity: 72 Cost: 87500 Critical Space: 5*4 An impressive assault 'Mech. Its reactor allows the Zeus to reach a respectable speed for an assault 'Mech but it doesn't support neither jump jets nor sensors suites, which is not so bad for a pure assault 'Mech. Extremely destructive at long and medium ranges and capable of defending itself at close ranges; excellent heat capacity and armor protection. You can use the Zeus' heat dissipation rates to mount twin ER PPCs in place of the standard Particle Cannons or even install four PPCs, two standard range and two ER versions, sacrificing LRM Racks or Pulse Lasers. Model: CYCLOPS Primary user: House Liao Weight: 90 tons Armor: medium, 272 Internal Structure: 32 Total Protection Value: 304 Maximum Speed: 65 km/h Weapons: 2 Streak SRM Packs 2 ER Lasers 1 Gauss Rifle 4 LRM Racks Special Equipment: 4 Armors Sensors- Advanced Jump Capacity: no Heat Generated: 23 Heat Capacity: 29 Short Range Damage: 6 Medium Range Damage: 4 Long Range Damage: 22 Base Armor Value: 144 Base Heat Capacity: 29 Cost: 80100 Critical Space: 4*5 Impressive 'Mech the Cyclops. It is able to deal significat damage especially at long range and it is able to detect enemies thanks to its advanced Sensor suite, making it ideal for solo mission. Unfortunately most of the Cyclops weapons are ammunition-dependant, and this might limits its usefulness in prolonged combats. In place of the Gauss Rifle you can install an ER PPC or twin ER Large Lasers, though this will oblige you to install extra heat sinks or unistall the ER Lasers. Model: HIGHLANDER Primary user: House Steiner Weight: 90 tons Armor: medium, 276 Internal Structure: 96 Total Protection Value: 372 Maximum Speed: 54 km/h Weapons: 3 Streak SRM Packs 3 Lasers 2 Machine Gun Arrays 1 Guass Rifle 5 LRM Racks Special Equipment: Jump Jets (125 meters) 4 Armors Jump Capacity: yes Heat Generated: 33 Heat Capacity: 37 Short Range Damage: 14 Medium Range Damage: 0 Long Range Damage: 25 Base Armor Value: 148 Base Heat Capacity: 37 Cost: 100950 Critical Space: 5*5 Similar to the Cyclops for the weaponry, but extremely different role. The Highlander is a pure assault 'Mech, with Jump Jets, good basic armor protection and excellent heat dissipation. The Highlander is extremely destructive at long and close ranges but totally ineffective at medium ranges. IMO, the Highlander is already effective with this configuration and does not need any upgrade. Model: ATLAS Primary user: House Steiner Weight: 100 tons Armor: very light, 304 Internal Structure: 304 Total Protection Value: 432 Maximum Speed: 54 km/h Weapons: 1 Heavy AC 4 Streak SRM Racks 3 Machine Gun Array 4 ER Lasers 4 LRM Racks Special Equipment: 7 Armors Jump Capacity: no Heat Generated: 43 Heat Capacity: 43 Short Range Damage: 23 Medium Range Damage: 8 Long Range Damage: 12 Base Armor Value: 80 Base Heat Capacity: 43 Cost: 106600 Critical Space: 6*5 An excellent close and long range 'Mech that can say its own at medium range. This firepower reduced overall speed and prohibited the Atlas to mount Jump Jets or Sensors suites, but the Atlas is clearly a fighting machine. It chassis is the larger in the game, with excellent heat dissipation capabilities but with only a very small amount of basic armor that will force you to include additional armor platings for most variants, though a long-range fire-support 'Mech may sacrifice them for more LRMs or additional weapons, though this is extremely discouraged as the Atlas chassis is expensive and losing one for few lucky Critical hits would be a shame. --------------- --CLAN 'MECHS-- --------------- Model: KIT FOX (ULLER) Primary user: Clan Jade Falcon (House Davion) Weight: 30 tons Armor: light, 96 Internal Structure: 32 Total Protection Value: 128 Maximum Speed: 97 km/h Weapons: 1 Clan Pulse Laser 1 Clan Streak SRM Pack 1 Clan Ultra Light AC 1 Clan ER Large Laser Special Equipment: Sensor - Intermediate Jump Capacity: no Heat Generated: 19 Heat Capacity: 22 Short Range Damage: 4 Medium Range Damage: 0 Long Range Damage: 6 Base Armor Value: 80 Base Heat Capacity: 22 Cost: 41300 Critical Space: 4*2 Probably my favourite light Clan OmniMech. In MechCommander 2 the Kit Fox is an excellent all around 'Mech capable of scout mission thanks to its speed and Sensor Suite (noticeable that the Kit Fox is the only Clan 'Mech carrying sensors) and still capable of deliver serious damage at long and close ranges. Drawbacks? It is a light 'Mech, so it has limited Critical space and armor protection and it is not compatible with jump jets. IMO the Kit Fox is already a good 'Mech, though replacing the Ultra AC with some medium-range weapons might be a good modification. Model: COUGAR Primary user: Clan Jade Falcon Weight: 35 tons Armor: light, 96 Internal Structure: 64 Total Protection Value: 160 Maximum Speed: 86 km/h Weapons: 2 Clan Large Pulse Lasers 4 Clan LRM Racks Special Equipment: none Jump Capacity: no Heat Generated: 36 Heat Capacity: 36 Short Range Damage: 0 Medium Range Damage: 4 Long Range Damage: 12 Base Armor Value: 96 Base Heat Capacity: 36 Cost: 56000 Critical Space: 4*2 Small long range 'Mech that, in groups, can substitute the Mad Dog. Totally inefficent at close range and barely effective at medium range. The most noticeable thing about the Cougar is that it doesn't appear in any of the missions of the single player campaign. Model: SHADOW CAT Primary user: Clan Smoke Jaguar (House Davion) Weight: 45 tons Armor: light, 112 Internal Structure: 96 Total Protection Value: 208 Maximum Speed: 97 km/h Weapons: 2 Clan ER Lasers 1 Clan Gauss Rifle Special Equipment: Jump Jets (125 meters) Jump Capacity: yes Heat Generated: 18 Heat Capacity: 24 Short Range Damage: 0 Medium Range Damage: 4 Long Range Damage: 10 Base Armor Value: 112 Base Heat Capacity: 24 Cost: 6300 Critical Space: 2*5 Fast medium 'Mech with lot of long range firepower thanks to its Gauss Rifle. Totally inefficent at close range and barely capable of defending itself at medium ranges. Replacing the Gauss Rifle with an ER PPC or an ER Large Laser will somewhat reduce firepower but will elimiante the needing of munitions and allow to increase its medium and short range firepower. Model: STORMCROW (RYOKEN) Primary user: Clan Smoke Jaguar (House Davion) Weight: 55 tons Armor: light, 208 Internal Structure: 32 Total Protection Value: 240 Maximum Speed: 97 km/h Weapons: 2 Clan Streak SRM Packs 2 Clan Large Pulse Laser 2 Clan ER Laser 2 Clan LRM Racks Special Equipment: 3 Armors 2 Heat Sinks Jump Capacity: no Heat Generated: 42 Heat Capacity: 46 Short Range Damage: 4 Medium Range Damage: 14 Long Range Damage: 6 Base Armor Value: 112 Base Heat Capacity: 38 Cost: 84400 Critical Space: 5*3 A medium 'Mech surprisingly agile (however not jump capable) and powerful, and still capable of firing all of its weapons without overheating. Excellent at medium range thanks to its Large Pulse Lasers and capable of indirect fire at long ranges. Good armor protection and excellent heat dissipation capabilities. Using ER Large Lasers in place of the Pulse Lasers might transform the 'Mech into an excellent ranged fighter. Model: MAD DOG (VULTURE) Primary user: Clan Ghost Bear(House Davion) Weight: 60 tons Armor: medium, 162 Internal Structure: 128 Total Protection Value: 290 Maximum Speed: 86 km/h Weapons: 2 Clan Pulse Lasers 2 Machine Gun Arrays 2 Clan Large Pulse Lasers 6 Clan LRM Racks Special Equipment: 1 Armor Jump Capacity: no Heat Generated: 52 Heat Capacity: 52 Short Range Damage: 6 Medium Range Damage: 4 Long Range Damage: 18 Base Armor Value: 130 Base Heat Capacity: 52 Cost: 88350 Critical Space: 3*5 Long range, fire support 'Mech, but still capable of defending itself at close range, though it will be destroyed by brawlers like the Hunchback (if they escape the missile fire, however). Well suited for energy weapons. Model: SUMMONER (THOR) Primary user: Clan Jade Falcon (House Davion) Weight: 70 tons Armor: medium, 194 Internal Structure: 96 Total Protection Value: 290 Maximum Speed: 86 km/h Weapons: 1 Clan Ultra Heavy AC 3 Clan Streak SRM Packs 3 Clan ER Lasers 1 Clan ER PPC Special Equipment: Jump Jets (125 meters) Jump Capacity: yes Heat Generated: 46 Heat Capacity: 46 Short Range Damage: 18 Medium Range Damage: 6 Long Range Damage: 7 Base Armor Value: 130 Base Heat Capacity: 46 Cost: 100700 Critical Space: 3*6 One of the few jump capable Clan 'Mechs and the only heavy or assault 'Mech capable of this. It is a good 'Mech at any range, especially at close ranges thanks to its Ultra AC that can easily trouble heavier 'Mechs. As usual for Clan 'Mechs the basic armor and heat values are above the average. Model: TIMBER WOLF (MAD CAT) Primary user: Clan Wolf (House Davion) Weight: 75 tons Armor: medium, 226 Internal Structure: 96 Total Protection Value: 322 Maximum Speed: 86 km/h Weapons: 4 Machine Gun Arrays 2 Clan ER Lasers 2 Clan ER PPCs 4 Clan LRM Racks Special Equipment: 3 Armors Jump Capacity: no Heat Generated: 61 Heat Capacity: 61 Short Range Damage: 4 Medium Range Damage: 4 Long Range Damage: 38 Cost: 121650 Critical Space: 5*4 I think that there will no MW/MC game without a Timber Wolf. It is the main heavy 'Mech of Clan Wolf, and it prefectly describes the superior technology of the Clans. Excellent at long range and with some capabilities at shorter ranges. It has an excellent armor protection and it's a shame that it is not jump capable. Replacing the Machine Gun Arrays with normal Lasers or Flamers plus the adeguate amount of heat sinks is suggested, though Streak SRM Packs will still be a good addition to close range firepower with less need of additional heat sinks. Model: BLOOD ASP Primary user: Clan Star Adder(House Davion) Weight: 90 tons Armor: heavy, 240 Internal Structure: Total Protection Value: 368 Maximum Speed: 65 km/h Weapons: 2 Clan Heavy Lasers 3 Clan Streak SRM Racks 2 Clan Heavy Large Lasers 2 Gauss Rifles Special Equipment: none Jump Capacity: no Heat Generated: 58 Heat Capacity: 64 Short Range Damage: 16 Medium Range Damage: 18 Long Range Damage: 20 Base Armor Value: 240 Base Heat Capacity: 64 Cost: 132250 Critical Space: 5*5 The Blood Asp. Aaaah, the Blood Asp; the most powerful 'Mech in the game, thanks to its 90 tons of pure Clan technology, it is also the cover 'Mech of the game. Good at any range but especially at medium range thanks to its Heavy Lasers. Its chassis is very roomy and has a good base armor and heat values. A Bloos Asp can easily support 4 Clan ER PPCs plus four Lasers and additional armor platings. With such a configuration a PPC Specialist is a must and can spearhead assault to most enemy positions. If supported by adeguate intelligence this Blood Asp can destroy anything with few salvos. ------------------ --'MECH VARIANTS-- ------------------ Some 'Mechs have subvariants. They are different from the primary configuration only in the payload. Here's the variantions I've found so far. CATAPULT ELITE 10 Swarm LRM Racks 1 Laser 5 Armors Jump Jets Not really dangerous, the Swarm LRM can be evaded even by a running assault 'Mech as they smash on terrain rather than on target. SHOOTIST ELITE 1 Clan Ultra AC 3 Clan Pulse Lasers 3 Clan Streak SRM Packs 5 Armors (thanks to Matthew Shane) Useful only in close-range battles. Totally undefend in long-range battles. VONG'S LAO HU 2 ER PPCs 2 Large Lasers 2 LRM Racks 4 Armors Jump Jets A dangerous 'Mech, every Lao Hu I used was converted in this version. CHO'S CYCLOPS 1 Medium AC 2 ER PPCs 2 LRM Racks 2 Heat Sinks 4 Armors Jason Cho's customized Cyclops, a dedicated ranged fighter. It can be dangerous, but fortunately Cho is not a good pilot. HIGHLANDER ELITE 1 Thunderbolt missile 1 Clan Ultra Medium AC 2 Large Lasers 7 Armors Jump Jets Designed for medium-range fights; powerful but somewhat limited by dependency on ammunitions. BRIAREOS' BLOOD ASP 4 Clan ER PPCs 2 Clan Pulse Lasers 2 Clan Heavy Lasers 5 Heat Sinks 4 Armors My customized version of the Blood Asp. Extremely dangerous at long range but still able to deal some pain at close ranges. Also, the armor is maxed out, so it won't be easy to take it down. Why did I put it there? Simply because anyone who looked throughout all the previous parts of the document has the right to recieve a gift. WALLACE CHIN'S BLOOD APS v.1 2 Clan ER PPCs 2 Clan Heavy Large Lasers 4 Clan Heavy Lasers 3 Armors 8 Heat Sinks WALLACE CHIN'S BLOOD APS v.2 2 Light Gauss Rifles 2 Clan Heavy Lasers 4 Clan Heavy Lasers 4 Armors 1 Heat Sink Wallace is a Singapore guy that sent me a mail, and we begun to discuss about 'Mech variants. Those are its favourite variants, mostly devoted to medium and close range combat. CLAYMORE'S ATLAS 2 Large Pulse Lasers 3 Machine Guns 4 Streak SRM Packs 4 LRM Racks 7 Armors Short and medium range fighter; I do not particulary like this version. RENARD'S ATLAS 1 Clan Gauss Rifle 2 Clan ER PPCs 1 Clan Ultra Heavy AC A maximum of 8 Armors, probably 5 or 6 Jump Jets There's no typo here, this Atlas has jump jets and has only the top weapons available. Reneard's also an elite pilot. Deadly. It lacks only Sensors. Wallace Chin added: ----------------------------------------------------------------------- in your faq you wrote that renard's atlas has 5 or 6, maximum of 8 armors. it has i believe 8. i know this cause in the last mission if you salvage his atlas via salvage craft. when you load the aftergame file, you will have his atlas. take a look there...also its kinda a cheat character cause its heat is off the scale. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Well, it is possible. On GameFAQs, in the appropriate section, there is a small guide on how modifying 'Mechs through savegames...MC2 coders wanted something bad for the final enemy and cheated a bit...well, it is the only 'Mech in MC2 that can overheat! Congratulations! (ehm...ª_ª...) *********************** 6-MECHWARRIORS BRIEFING *********************** Important MechWarriors that should be preferred above other (IMO) have an asterisks (*) after their names. Name: FLASH Initial Rank: green Initial Gunnery Skill: 45 Initial Piloting Skill: 54 Initial Special Skills: none From: op1m1 Name: HACKSAW (*) Initial Rank: green Initial Gunnery Skill: 48 Initial Piloting Skill: 49 Initial Special Skills: none From: op1m1 Name: LONGSHOT (*) Initial Rank: green Initial Gunnery Skill: 55 Initial Piloting Skill: 39 Initial Special Skills: none From: op1m1 Name: MEAT Initial Rank: regular Initial Gunnery Skill: 56 Initial Piloting Skill: 47 Initial Special Skills: Medium AC From: op1m1 (I got him during the mission) Name: TWITCH (*) Initial Rank: regular Initial Gunnery Skill: 54 Initial Piloting Skill: 47 Initial Special Skills: Laser From: op1m1 (I got him during the mission) Name: PALERIDER (*) Initial Rank: regular Initial Gunnery Skill: 51 Initial Piloting Skill: 51 Initial Special Skills: Sensor From: op1m2 Name: WORM Initial Rank: regular Initial Gunnery Skill: 50 Initial Piloting Skill: 53 Initial Special Skills: Sensor From: op1m2 Name: PSYCHO Initial Rank: green Initial Gunnery Skill: 54 Initial Piloting Skill: 40 Initial Special Skills: none From: op1m2 Name: HAMMER Initial Rank: green Initial Gunnery Skill: 53 Initial Piloting Skill: 41 Initial Special Skills: none From: op1m2 Name: CHOPPER Initial Rank: green Initial Gunnery Skill: 51 Initial Piloting Skill: 45 Initial Special Skills: none From: op1m2 Name: DAGGER Initial Rank: green Initial Gunnery Skill: 50 Initial Piloting Skill: 48 Initial Special Skills: none From: op1m2 Name: GREEN Initial Rank: green Initial Gunnery Skill: 49 Initial Piloting Skill: 50 Initial Special Skills: none From: op1m2 Name: SHADOW Initial Rank: green Initial Gunnery Skill: 49 Initial Piloting Skill: 48 Initial Special Skills: none From: op1m2 Name: CREEP Initial Rank: green Initial Gunnery Skill: 46 Initial Piloting Skill: 52 Initial Special Skills: none From: op1m2 Name: JINX Initial Rank: green Initial Gunnery Skill: 44 Initial Piloting Skill: 55 Initial Special Skills: none From: op1m2 Name: STEEL (*) Initial Rank: regular Initial Gunnery Skill: 58 Initial Piloting Skill: 59 Initial Special Skills: Toughness From: op1m6 Name: CLAYMORE (*) Initial Rank: regular Initial Gunnery Skill: 53 Initial Piloting Skill: 51 Initial Special Skills: Toughness From: op1m6C Name: NUKE Initial Rank: regular Initial Gunnery Skill: 55 Initial Piloting Skill: 46 Initial Special Skills: SRM From: op2m3 Name: PAYBACK Initial Rank: regular Initial Gunnery Skill: 53 Initial Piloting Skill: 48 Initial Special Skills: Light AC From: op2m3 Name: WICKED Initial Rank: veteran Initial Gunnery Skill: 64 Initial Piloting Skill: 57 Initial Special Skills: Laser, LRM From: op3m2 Name: VENOM Initial Rank: veteran Initial Gunnery Skill: 62 Initial Piloting Skill: 60 Initial Special Skills: ER Laser, Jump Jet From: op3m2 Name: SCOOTER Initial Rank: veteran Initial Gunnery Skill: 58 Initial Piloting Skill: 66 Initial Special Skills: Sensor, Jump Jet From: op3m2 Name: MOTHER (*) Initial Rank: elite Initial Gunnery Skill: 76 Initial Piloting Skill: 65 Initial Special Skills: Laser, Medium 'Mech, Heavy AC From: op3m2 (at least two missions of the group) Name: GHOST Initial Rank: elite Initial Gunnery Skill: 65 Initial Piloting Skill: 76 Initial Special Skills: Sensor, Jump Jet, Long Range From: op3m1 Name: ROOSTER (*) Initial Rank: elite Initial Gunnery Skill: 73 Initial Piloting Skill: 71 Initial Special Skills: Toughness, LRM, PPC From: op3m2B ***************** 7-SKILLS BRIEFING ***************** For each rank they advance, MechWarriors can specialize in something you like. There are four ranks: Green (no skills), Regular (one skill), Veteran (two skills) and Elite (three skills). Each rank includes new skills, so a Regular pilot will not be able to immediately choose PPC Specialist, but will have to wait until the Elite rank. There is also a fifth rank; I do not know its name, nor the skills it can brings, but if someone will advance to this rank, I'll let you know. As Matthew Shane and Tim Lunnon pointed out, the fourth skill class is called Ace, and is represented by a black stripe with three golden stars. You need Gunnery Skill at 80 and Piloting Skill at 79 (or viceversa) to get an Ace pilot. ------------------ --REGULAR SKILLS-- ------------------ Regular Skill is awarded to MechWarriors with an average of 50 points (just add Piloting and Gunnery skill together and divide the result by 2). Name: LIGHT 'MECH Type: chassis Description: allows to dodge more shots when piloting light 'Mechs. Note that the aoumts of dodged shots will decrease when the weight class increases, so that a Light 'Mech will be able to dodge more shots than an Assault 'Mech if both pilots have the relative Skill. Name: LASER Type: weapons Description: it increases accurancy with Lasers, Large Lasers, Clan Heavy Lasers and Clan Heavy Large Lasers. Probably a skill that most pilots will have. Name: LIGHT AC Type: weapons Description: it increases accurancy with Light ACs, Ultra Light ACs and Clan Ultra Light ACs. Name: MEDIUM AC Type: weapons Description: it increases accurancy with Medium ACs, Ultra Medium ACs and Clan Ultra Medium ACs. Name: SRM Type: weapons Description: it increases accurancy with Streak SRM Packs and Clan Streak SRM Packs. Name: SMALL ARMS Type: weapons Description: it increases accurancy with Machine Gun and Flamer Arrays. Pretty useless. Name: SENSOR Type: general Description: the ability to determine the kind of contact with Sensors (Regular). As the MechWarrior will increase ranks, it will learn how to detect the weight of the contact (Veteran) and the exact type of the contact (Elite). Name: TOUGHNESS Type: general Description: It raises the chances that an ejecting pilot won't die. All MechWarriors obtained during mission will have this Skill (IMO pretty useless, however). ------------------ --VETERAN SKILLS-- ------------------ Veteran Skill is awarded to MechWarriors with an average of 60 points (just add Piloting and Gunnery skill together and divide the result by 2). Name: MEDIUM 'MECH Type: chassis Description: allows to dodge more shots when piloting medium 'Mechs. Name: PULSE LASER Type: weapons Description: it increases accurancy with Pulse Lasers, Large Pulse Lasers, Clan Pulse Lasers and Clan Large Pulse Lasers. Probably, this class is more used that the Laser Specialist, as the Pulse Lasers have an higher rate of fire and they can reach longer ranges. Name: ER LASER Type: weapons Description: it increases accurancy with ER Lasers, ER Large Lasers, Clan ER Lasers and Clan ER Large Lasers. Name: LRM Type: weapons Description: it increases accurancy with LRM Racks, Swarm LRM Racks and Clan LRM Racks. Name: JUMP JET Type: general Description: slightly increases the jump distances (from 125 to 130 meters). Name: SCOUTING Type: general Description: Increases the LOS of the trained MechWarrior. ---------------- --ELITE SKILLS-- ---------------- Elite Skill is awarded to MechWarriors with an average of 70 points (just add Piloting and Gunnery skill together and divide the result by 2). Name: HEAVY 'MECH Type: chassis Description: allows to dodge more shots when piloting heavy 'Mechs. Name: PPC Type: weapons Description: it increases accurancy with PPCs, ER PPCs and ClanR PPCs. Name: HEAVY AC Type: weapons Description: it increases accurancy with Heavy ACs, Ultra Heavy ACs and Clan Ultra Heavy ACs Name: SHORT RANGE Type: range Description: it increases accurancy for all shots from 0 to 60 meters Name: MEDIUM RANGE Type: range Description: it increases accurancy for all shots between 30 and 120 meters. Name: LONG RANGE Type: range Description: it increases accurancy for all shots from 60 meters. -------------- --ACE SKILLS-- -------------- Elite Skill is awarded to MechWarriors with an average of 79.5 points (just add Piloting and Gunnery skill together and divide the result by 2). Name: ASSAULT 'MECH Type: chassis Description: Allows a MechWarrior to evade more shots when piloting an assault 'Mech. Name: GAUSS Type: weapon Description: Allows to fire with Gauss Rifles with higher precision. Name: SHARPSHOOTER Type: general Description: Allows to more likely hit a specific location when "calling the shot". This skill is deadly. Trust me. The ideal thing is to have a MechWarrior with a PPC (or ER Lasers, or Heavy ACs, though I do not think the latter is as useful as the other two) Skill and put him/her into a 'Mech with four/five of these weapons (well, only one or two for Heavy ACs); order him/her to aim the head of an enemy 'Mech (num pad 8): 3 times on 5 the enemy 'Mech will be hit in the head, and if the shot was from a Clan ER PPC or an Heavy AC, it should result in the complete destruction of the enemy's head. The enemy 'Mech will be perfectly salvaged and with all weapons operation and full armor coverage (head aside). Simply deadly. For your information, all my Pilots have ER Laser, PPC and Sharpshooter as Skills. Basic skill might vary. *************** 8-SUPPORT UNITS *************** Support Units are ordere through the Support Palette, and even if they survive a mission, you won't have them at the start of the next. If you want to know how the Minelayer is used, read the appropriate section. AIRSTRIKE Executed by: Shilone Bomber RP Cost: 7000 Effect: after having selected the zone a maker will be shown, indicating how many seconds remains before the attack; after the countdown is finished a Shilone will saturate the small zone with its bombs. It is one of the only two Support Attacks that can be issued everywhere on the map, regardless of LOS. FIXED ARTILLERY Executed by: Planelifter plane (well, at least I think it is MC2 Planelifter version) RP Cost: 8000 Effect: a Planlifter will deploy a fixed Long Tom gun. Note that this is not like the first MC artillery, this Long Tom is equal to the Long Tom Cannon you can use on 'Mechs, though it is fixed. SENSOR PROBE Executed by: probe RP Cost: 2000 Effect: like the Air Strike you do not need direct line of sight for placing a Sensor Probe. The probe will provide sensor coverage roughly equal to a Advanced Sensor suite, but not forever. Graudally the Probe range will decrease, about 5 meters every 2/3 seconds. REPAIR TRUCK Executed by: Planelifter plane RP Cost: 6000 Effect: a Planelifter will deploy a fully operational Repair Truck. SCOUT 'COPTER Executed by: Planelifter plane RP Cost: 2000 Effect: a Planelifter will deploy a Scout 'Copter on the battlefield. It will become a comandable unit. MINELAYER Executed by: Planelifter plane RP Cost: 4000 Effect: drops a Minelayer on the battlefield. SALVAGE CRAFT Executed by: Karnov UR RP Cost: 10000 Effect: the Karnov will hover over (ª_ª...) a destroyed 'Mech (its reactor must be intact; 'Mechs without a working reactor cannot be salvaged) and will deploy a MechWarrior. The 'Mech will then become active, though the Karnov will NOT repair its armor or replenish its ammo bins. Note that even if the 'Mechs you salvaged exceed the Weight Limit of the mission you'll have to purchase them at the end of the mission. CANCEL Executed by: you RP Cost: none Effect: restores your normal cursor. ******************* 9-VEHICLES BRIEFING ******************* Little note about the Movement Type voice: hovercrafts can travel on water and terrain, while tracked and wheeled vehicles only on land. Tracked vehicles tend to be a little faster on rough terrains and wheeled more maneuverable. VTOLs (Vertical Take Off Landig) and airplanes can travel wherever they want, with no terrain restrcition. VTLOs can hover due to their construction (they are helicpoters or special planes like the existing V-22 Osprey). Model: AERO SPOTTER Weight: 20 tons Movement Type: tracked Armor: medium, 170 Maximum Speed: 54 km/h Weapons: 1 Large Laser The old MechCommander Aero Spotter. What does it do? It calls Shilone attacks, how delightful. And in MC2 it has a Large Laser, too. Seek and destroy. Model: APC Weight: 15 tons Movement Type: wheeled Armor: very light, 50 Maximum Speed: 86 km/h Weapons: none Though unarmed the APC carries infantry men. Model: ARMORED CAR Weight: 5 tons Movement Type: wheeled Armor: very light, 20 Maximum Speed: 65 km/h Weapons: 1 Machine Gun Array Nothing more than a Jeep with a Machine Gun. Model: ATTACK 'COPTER Weight: 35 tons Movement Type: VTOL Armor: very light, 77 Maximum Speed: 86 km/h Weapons: 1 Medium AC It might not be as powerful as the Heavy 'Copter, but this VTOL is still a dangerous opponent, especially for light 'Mechs. Model: CENTIPEDE Weight: 15 tons Movement Type: hovercraft Armor: very light, 35 Maximum Speed: 97 km/h Weapons: 1 Large Laser The cheapest and smallest hovercraft you'll encounter in the game. Take it out with long range weapons, though it won't be a great threat even at medium and close ranges. Model: DRILLSON Weight: 50 tons Movement Type: hovercraft Armor: light, 108 Maximum Speed: 65 km/h Weapons: 8 Streak SRM Packs A moderately fast and well armored hovercraft with a tremendous punch at close range. Model: HARASSER Weight: 20 tons Movement Type: hovercraft Armor: very light, 33 Maximum Speed: 86 km/h Weapons: 2 Streak SRM Packs Lighter, faster but less powerful version of the Drillson. As the previous vehicle, it should be took out from long range. Model: HEAVY 'COPTER Weight: 50 tons Movement Type: VTOL Armor: medium, 135 Maximum Speed: 65 km/h Weapons: 4 Streak SRM Packs 2 Pulse Lasers Here's the only 50 tons VTOL existing in the whole BT universe (note: in BattleTech VTOLs over 30 tons do not exists). Maybe not so fast, but well armored and has some serious medium and short range damage capabilities. Model: HETZER Weight: 40 tons Movement Type: wheeled Armor: very light, 50 Maximum Speed: 54 km/h Weapons: 1 Heavy AC Ooooh, the Battletech is a very useless vehicle, and there's no difference here in not close with it, pick it out with long range weapons. Model: HUNTER Weight: 25 tons Movement Type: tracked Armor: very light, 38 Maximum Speed: 86 km/h Weapons: 3 LRM Racks Faster and more armored than the LRM Carrier, but it may be less dangerous as it carries only 3 LRM Racks. Closing with Hunters with heavy and Assault 'Mechs might be difficult due to the Hunter's high top speed. Model: JEEP Weight: 5 tons Movement Type: wheeled Armor: very light, 10 Maximum Speed: 65 km/h Weapons: none Destroy these vehicles only if they are going to call reinforcments or when they are too much to walk on the terrain. Model: LRM CARRIER Weight: 50 tons Movement Type: wheeled Armor: very light, 32 Maximum Speed: 54 km/h Weapons: 5 LRM Racks Slow and lightly armored the LRM Carrier is designed to provide cheap but powerful long range support to any kind of unit. Dangerous, especially when sieging bases or in defense positions behind an heavy wall. Model: MINELAYER Weight: 30 tons Movement Type: tracked Armor: heavy, 225 Maximum Speed: 54 km/h Weapons: mines The Minelayer you'll get when ordered from the Support Palette. Not so slow and heavily armored. Model: PARTISAN Weight: 80 tons Movement Type: tracked Armor: medium, 137 Maximum Speed: 54 km/h Weapons: 4 Light ACs The Partisan should be the BT equivalent of the existing ZSU-23-4, a dedicated anti-aircraft tank. In fact, the upgraded 3058 version is powerful against aircrafts and 'Mechs. However, this version is armed only with 4 Light ACs and it doesn't pose a real threat to anything weighting more than 40 tons, especially if you close with the tank. Model: SCIMITAR Weight: 25 tons Movement Type: hovercraft Armor: very light, 45 Maximum Speed: 86 km/h Weapons: 2 Flamer Arrays Take it out at long range; lightly armored but decently fast. Model: SCOUT 'COPTER Weight: 5 tons Movement Type: VTOL Armor: very light, 40 Maximum Speed: 119 km/h Weapons: 1 Machine Gun Array A small VTOL used for reconaissance. Fast and lightly armored and armed. Model: STORM Weight: 60 tons Movement Type: tracked Armor: light, 111 Maximum Speed: 54 km/h Weapons: 2 PPCs A smaller version of the Shcrek PPC Carrier. This tank is armed with twin PPCs, is decently armored and is reasonabily fast. A threat even for medium 'Mechs. Take it out at long range with missiles, covering behind a wall. Model: SWARM LRM CARRIER Weight: 50 tons Movement Type: wheeled Armor: very light, 32 Maximum Speed: 54 km/h Weapons: 5 Swarm LRM Racks An LRM Carrier armed with Swarm munitions. Can be more deadly than its cousin, however. Model: TROOP CARRIER Weight: 25 tons Movement Type: tracked Armor: very light, 65 Maximum Speed: 54 km/h Weapons: none Heavier and more armored version of the APC. This vehicle can carry standard infantrymen and Powered Armors. Model: VEDETTE Weight: 50 tons Movement Type: tracked Armor: very light, 54 Maximum Speed: 65 km/h Weapons: 1 Light AC A long range, direct-fire support vehicle. You can take out a Vedette by rushing into close range or with heavy long range weapons if you are commanding medium to assault 'Mechs. Model: LEGION Weight: 100 tons Movement Type: tracked Armor: probably heavy, around 112 Maximum Speed: probably 54 km/h Weapons: 2 Gauss Rifle 2 Streak SRM Packs 2 Lasers A monstrous tank under development by House Steiner, the Legion is designed to match a 'Mech in firepower. Tick front and side armors, but thin rear one. You'll see this tank only twice during the game, and this will be enough. Model: SHILONE BOMBER Weight: 10 tons Movement Type: airplane Armor: very light, 15 tons Maximum Speed: 54 km/h Weapons: bombs Shilone bombers are used when you issue an Air Strike attack from the Support Palette. Virtually immune to decetion, it is not so fast and lightly armored, though no one is capable to strike back to a Shilone. Model: CARGO/EMPTY TRUCK Weight: 25 tons Movement Type: wheeled Armor: very light, 15 Maximum Speed: 54 km/h Weapons: none A normal truck. Not armed and lightly armored. Model: FUEL TRUCK Weight: 20 tons Movement Type: wheeled Armor: very light, 20 Maximum Speed: 54 km/h Weapons: none Just like the Cargo Truck, only that it carries volatile fuel that explodes when the vehicle is destroyed, generating a small explosion. Model: REPAIR TRUCK Weight: 20 tons Movement Type: tracked Armor: very light, 65 Maximum Speed: 54 km/h Weapons: none I do not know why the MFBs in MW3 had such a success, but, here they are heavy truck that will repair your armor and replenish the ammo bins, but will NOT replace lost limbs. Model: RESOURCE TRUCK Weight: 20 tons Movement Type: wheeled Armor: very light, 20 Maximum Speed: 54 km/h Weapons: none Like the Fuel and the Cargo Truck, only that this truck can be captured, and when it is captured it will give you some RPs. ******************************** 10-TURRETS AND INFANTRY BRIEFING ******************************** Model: AC TURRET Type: fixed turret Structure Points: 25 Weapons: 2 Medium ACs Similar to the Large Pulse Laser turret, though it packs more punch. Model: GAUSS TURRET Type: fixed turret Structure Points: 25 Weapons: 1 Gauss Rifle Exceptional at long ranges, but can be easily destroyed by rushing light 'Mechs. Only found in Davion territory. Model: LARGE PULSE LASER TURRET Type: fixed turret Structure Points: 25 Weapons: 3 Large Pulse Lasers Take them away with long range weapons: the Pulse Lasers have an high rate of fire and any 'Mech trying to close with it will suffer severe damage before destroying the turret. Only found in Liao territory. Model: LONG TOM TURRET Type: fixed turret Structure Points: 30 Weapons: 1 Long Tom Cannon Deadly. Usually positioned near high-value targets. The Log Tom produces a small explosion that can damage units near the target. Only deployed in Steiner territory. Model: LRM TURRET Type: fixed turret Structure Points: 25 Weapons: 4 LRM Racks They are armed with LRMs, so they can fire over heavy walls. Very dangerous, especially when you are commanding light 'Mechs. Try to close with them ASAP. Model: SRM TURRET Type: fixed turret Structure Points: 25 Weapons: 3 Streak SRM Packs The most common turret; it can be easily destroyed by long and medium range weapons. Pop Up turrets may pose a threat. Model: POP-UP TURRET Type: hidden fixed turret Structure Points: 25 Weapons: depends. Pop-Up turrets are normal turrets hidden inside a small bunker. Model: CAMO POP-UP TURRET Type: hidden fixed turret Structure Points: 25 Weapons: depends Similar to Pop-Up turrets, but they are totally independent (they do not rely on Power Generators or Control buildings), plus they are more difficult to spot. Model: GUN PLATFORM Type: fixed turret Structure Points: 1 Weapons: 1 Machine Gun Array Very small turret with one machine gun (smaller than 'Mechs' one); not very dangerous, try to avoid them (to save munitions). Model: INFANTRY MAN Type: conventional infantry Armor: very light, 18 Maximum Speed: 17 km/h Weapons: 1 Machine Gun Single, unarmored man. It wear only a light protection suit, but it is little and can still allocate damage to 'Mechs or vehicles if they engage in groups. Take them away with long range weapons. Model: POWERED ARMOR Type: armored infantry Armor: very light, 20 Maximum Speed: 34 km/h Weapons: 1 Laser 1 Streak SRM Pack Single man wearing a battlearmor. It is jump capable, small as a man and packs quite a punch. May pose threat to light 'Mechs and in large groups to everything. ****************** 11-GENERAL TACTICS ****************** The first thing to say is the difference between C-Bills and Resource Points (RPs). You accumulate C-Bills by succesfully complete a mission and are used to buy things BEFORE the mission begins (the so-called Logistic Phase) and the C-Bills you won't spend will remain for the next mission. Resource Points (or RPs) are collected directly on the battlefield by capturing Resource Bunkers or Resource Trucks; these points can be used to call Support Units (see the appropriate section) and if you do not spend them during the mission, you won't have them for the next mission. Note that your employer will always pay you all repairs and ammo reloads (BTW, these repairs would have been done with C-Bills). To capture weapons you have to capture Weapon Buildings or to salvage 'Mechs. A 'Mech can be salvaged only if its reactor does not explode. If the reactor explodes it damages all units nearby, so always keep your 'Mechs away from fallen 'Mechs (usually, a 'Mech explodes within 30 seconds from its destructions). A small section about salvaging: use of the Salvage Craft is not recomended. The Salvage Craft only put a pilot inside the 'Mech, do not repair armor, limbs, weapons or replenish ammo bins; the resulting 'Mech is a walking scrap, useful only if you want to use it as a bait; do not try to repair those 'Mechs in Repair Trucks or Bays, it will be a waste of Repir Resources. At the end of the mission you'll have to pay for every 'Mech you want, even if you salvaged it during mission; however, all 'Mechs salvaged with the Salvage Crafts that can be loaded into the initial drop weight (for example: 120 tons of maximum drop weight, used 50, 70 tons can be used for salvaged 'Mechs) are totally free (RPs excluded). I suggest you to salvage as many 'Mechs as possible (well, spend all your C-Bills during the debreifing), then sell everything you aren't interested after beginning the next mission. Why? Very simple: for example, a salvageable Atlas costs 85280 even if it has only one point of internal structure left (this cost probably represents repair costs); now go to the Buy/Sell 'Mech screen and you salvaged Atlas is evaluated as a brand-new Atlas, around 106000 C-Bills. A gain of 21000 C-Bills, not bad, isn't it? Then, weapons; newer weapons will be available only when you have captured them in-mission, then you'll have an unlimited stockpile of them; however, you'll have to pay for them during the customization of your 'Mech. Repairs and reloads are free. Now let's speak about Sensors, ECM, Line Of Sight (LOS) and Jump Jets, probably the greatest difference from the first MechCommander. All 'Mechs generate a LOS that allows them to see any unit (unit, not buildings or obstacles, which are always visible) within 180 meters (more or less...I think that 200 meters are the right value); however, if an obstacle (a wall, a building, a tree, the terrain, ...) is between your 'Mech and the target, LOS is lost and the target is no longer visible. Pilots with Scouting training have an increases LOS (around 250 meters) but no bonuses with Sensors or spotting targets when LOS is obstructed. On the other hand, Sensors will detect anything within their range and will represent the target with a wire-frame diamond if the pilot is unable to determine the nature of the target; vehicles are represented by a cilynder and 'Mechs by cubes. This kind of detection is only for Sensor Specialists with a Regular rank. As a Regular pilot with Sensor skill will increase rank, he will gain the ability to determine the weight class of any contact (Veteran) or even the exact type of the unit making contact (Elite). The main (and only) difference between Intermediate and Advanced Sensor is their range. 'Mechs with ECM Suites are invisible to any kind of Sensor/MechWarrior couple and any other kind of automated sensors (note: automated sensors -Sensor Towers- cannot determine anything, they only show you the contact), so if you are going to play a mission by stealthness rate than brute force, Ravens and Men Shens will be your 'Mechs; powered down 'Mechs cannot be detected but can be spotted by direct LOS. Jump Jets, an other equipment for only some 'Mechs are fairly more useful than in the first MechCommander: jumping 'Mechs can fire (though their precision is greatly reduced, and, in a totally different way from BT, they are an easy target during flight) and by increasing their altitude they can spot enemies behind buildings, for example, and fire to them. Not enough, they can climb ridges by simpling jumping; however all units withing 200 meters will have a direct LOS on jumping 'Mechs, so be careful. Then, Support Units. Air Strikes can be useful as you do not need a direct LOS on the target, but do not allocate too much damage and are somewhat inaccurate, plus they do not strike a large area; they can be useful with vehicles and against buildings, but I prefer Long Toms; plus, there is a 6 seconds delay between the order and the attack. Strangely enough Minelayers are not so useful in this game, mostly beacuse you have Long Toms; however, note that mines will set off for everything (that's it, even the minelayer that set them or friendly 'Mechs) over 35 tons. Long Toms can be used to set ambushes and strong defense lines where, for example, there is a bridge or a narrow canyon, so that the enemies will group in lines and will maximize the damage done by the Long Tom's explosive shell. As with the mines, the explosion will damage anything within its radius, so keep your 'Mechs behinf the Long Toms. The Long Toms will also fire a single shot until you order a Suppressive Fire order (V button), where they won't stop to fire on the target until it is destroyed, ordered to change target or the batteries destroyed. Scout 'Copters, that has only LOS to spot target, can be a great addition to Long Tom positions as you will able to decide before which target destroy first. The minelayer is not so useful as it was in the first MC, but it deserves a small paragraph; the minelayer has a limited supply of mines; a mine (though they are a group of mine, however this group counts as one mine for minelayer supplies) occupy an area roughly equivalent to the space required by a 'Mech. When layed the mines will explode only if a unit weighting 35 tons or more passes on them, and will allocate damage directly on the legs. I think the damage is around the 4 points per group of mines. Note that mines do not incorporate an IFF (Identify Friend or Foe), so they explode even if you posed them and your 'Mechs pass over them. Mine scan be destroyed; I usually order a "fire from current position" or a "save your ammo" command when destroying mines, though the forced fire might be useful. Usually minefields are enclosed by some few objects like barrels or small barricades, sometimes with trees. Now, movement types; your 'Mechs can walk, run or jump. In every movement type the 'Mech can fire, though moving at high speeds during combat will decrease the accurancy of your pilots, though the enemies will have to aim better to hit you. Jumping is an oddity in this way, jumping elements seldom miss a shot and seldom are missed if the fire moment is during the flight; if the a 'Mech starts jumping when a unit is firing to it, the shot will probably misses. Jumping enhaces your LOS during flight, however. In MC2 your MechWarriors tend to be more static than in MC, so be sure to order them short walk/run movements to make them slightly harder targets. Walls: there are three kinds of walls; light walls obstruct LOS from 'Mech to vehicle or viceversa, but not 'Mech to 'Mech; they don't obstruct sensors in any way; medium walls are similar to light walls, but are more heavily armored and taller and block LOS; they obstruct LOS but doesn't obstruct sensors. Heavy walls are the heavily armored and might obstruct sensors. For determining LOS, all walls except the light wall obstruct LOS for 'Mech to 'Mech, 'Mech to vehicle or viceversa and vehicle to vehicle and obstruct turrets and infantry LOS. Trees are similar to walls, though they are smaller. They obstruct LOS and especially in heavy woods units have to manuever a lot, but do not obstrcut sensors. When capturing Turret Controls, first examine the position of the turrets, their type, the position of the Control building and where the Power Generator is set. It is totally useless capturing Long Tom turrets on a ridge where you have already destroyed all enemies, with both buildings (Control and Power Generator) within their firing range. Turrets effectivness is also degraded by the destruction of the Lookout Towers, that extend LOS and allows them to prepare for your coming. When I thought that this section was complete, I remembered to explain how a 'Mech works: all 'Mechs have two layers of armor, called armor and internal structure. When a shot hits, it damages the armor and doesn't damage any internal component. When the armor on a single location is gone, the internal structure will take damage. Damages to the internal structure might result in internal components destroyed; in MC2, internal components are weapons, armors won't be damaged, nor will heat sinks, ECM or Sensor suites, or Jump Jets. There are three ways to destroy a 'Mech: destroy both legs, its head or center torso. By destroying I intend that all armor and internal structure has to be eliminated; destroying legs will make the 'Mech moving much slower (let's say 10 km/h); usually, only artillery and Swarm LRMs are able to destroy both legs, your MechWarriors will tend to strike the torso. Striking the head will wound the MechWarrior inside; skills in a wounded MechWarrior will decrease until the mission is finished; MechWarriors will automatically heal after the mission and before the other begins. Taking out the head is the quickest way to destroy (and surely salvage) a 'Mech but also the hardest, no weapon in MC2 is capable of destroying a head in a single blow, and the head is very tiny when compared to other 'Mech sections. 'Mechs with destroyed torsos will be the most common destroyed 'Mechs because it is the largest part of the 'Mech and because all MechWarriors will aim to torsos if there isn't any special order. 'Mechs are divided into several locations: head, torso, legs and arms. Each 'Mech has one head, 2 legs and 2 arms and three torso sections, left, central and right; each torso location has two armor values, front and rear; front torsos are more armored than rear torsos and there is no way to decide how many armor points will go to the rear or front, nor to split them between other locations. If a 'Mech is hit on its left arm, and the left arm has been already destroyed, the damge will transfer to the left torso, before on the armor and then on the internal structure; the damage will continue to transfer until the damage alue has been "spent" or the 'Mech destroyed. Leg and arm hits will transfer to the appropriate lateral torso section and all lateral torso hits will transfer to center torso; head hits won't transfer. If a 'Mech has no internal structure on a lateral torso, the relative arm will be considered destroyed. When configuring 'Mechs, the amount of internal structure points is the difference between the actual armor value and the maximum armor value. A 'Mech with its armor maxed out is not able to suffer Critical hits, it will be "simply" destroyed. Max Pritchard ( sent me some additional infos. As he was reading an old 1.4 version, some infos are already present, so I included only new ones. --------------------------------------------------------------------- Different mechs spend different amounts of time jumping. This is broadly based on Mech weight, with heavier mechs taking longer to land and get ready for the next jump, but there are some notable exceptions. Hunchbacks are one of the fastest jumping mechs in the game, taking very little time to set up between jumps. Starslayers are very slow and take a high arc, staying in the air longer and being an easier target. Although this does not affect the game that much, it can be important when attacking turrets or vehicles armed with Swarm or artillery weapons, which cannot harm a mech that is not on the ground. It is also important when tavelling a mixed group of mechs from one place to another using a sequence of jumps (useful for building piloting skills for the pilots). The line of mechs will become strung out and the heavier mechs will not be able to support the lighter ones. I would suggest using shorter jump sequences of a maximum of three jumps per sequence to keep the mechs together in case of opposition. Weapons that use ammunition do so at varying rates based on their rate of fire. In fact all weapons have the same endurance (i.e. ammo * rate of fire) and so there is no real theoretical difference between them in terms of which will run out of ammo first. However, weapons with a high ROF will fire more useless shots when combining with other mechs to destroy vehicles (which often only need a good whack with a PPC or medium autocannot to destroy them). A good tactic is to combine mechs with high ROF ammunition-based weapons to attack mechs, and energy-weapon based mechs to target vehicles when attacking a combined group.The only weapons that have different endurance values are the thunderbolt missile system (which has limited ammo capability) and the long tom artillery piece, which has a greater endurance. Mechs on higher ground have a higher chance of hitting attacking mechs in the head, thus disabling them quicker. It is not clear whether this applies to mechs that are jumping as they fire. The most powerful (damage per space used) weapons in order of acquisition based on range are: Short: Streak SRM -> Pulse Laser -> Clan Pulse Laser -> Clan Heavy Laser Medium: Large Laser -> Large Pulse Laser -> Clan Large Pulse Laser -> Clan Heavy Large Laser Long: LRM -> Extended Range Large Laser -> Clan Extended Range Large Laser -> Clan ERPPC -> Clan LRM The above are mostly "chewing weapons" which usually finish off an opponent only once they have stripped it of armour in all locations. It is often an advantage to base mechs primarily on these weapons, but have a few "large damage weapons" like medium autocannons, heavy autocannons or gauss rifles to make it more likely to get a lucky head shot, or take vehicles out quickly. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ********************** 12-MULTIPLAYER TACTICS ********************** I hope that the game won't result too unstable to play on the net a bit...just wait and hope for this section, it may be online some day. *************************** 13-HOW TO COSTUMIZE A 'MECH *************************** The first MechCommander had a very different way to costumize 'Mechs if compared to BT or MW2 and, in general all BT-related products before MW4. MechCommander 2 uses a brand new system, based on heat and Criticals available, instead of the weight-only way of its predecessor. Let's see how it works. Each 'Mech has a table composed of several slots, called Critical slots (or just Criticals) where weapons and equipment can be installed. Each of these tables has different row/colum disposition that can prevent weapon mountings; for example, the Men Shen has a table with 12 Criticals, composed of 6 columns and two rows, where, for example a PPC cannot be installed beacuse it requires three rows; also, special equipment like Jump Jets, Sensors and ECM Suites cannot be installed on any kind of 'Mech, but only compatible ones. In fact, 'Mechs with Sensors arrays or ECM Suites are quite rare and most of them are light 'Mechs; 'Mechs with Jump Jet capability are more common, but not all 'Mechs support them, so the MC2 imposes to choose your 'Mechs more wisely than MechCommander (which allowed to mount at least basic sensors on any 'Mech and all 'Mechs had a variant with Jump Jets). Not enough, the heat produced by Weapons and Jump Jets must not exceed the heat capability of the 'Mech. A 'Mech with no weapons and Jump Jets (if any) will still produce 2 heat points, largely dissipated by the basic heat sink capacity (all 'Mechs have at least 15 heat points without additional heat sinks). The Heat Capacity needs to be increased, each Heat Sink will provide additional 4 Heat Points. Also, a 'Mech that produces less heat points than its Heat Capacity can fire its weapons in a single salvo more than once consicutively, a feature that must not be forgotten. Let's talk about armor...MC2 has a very strange way to deal with armor protection, but it reflects the job done with Heat Capacity. Each 'Mech has a basic Armor Protection; each Armor slot will increase it by 32 points; it is not possible to drop below the basic value but, for example, an Atlas can sacrifice most of its armor (around the 70%) for additional weapons, a very dangerous way to improve firepower, but interesting. Returnign to special equipment, Sensors and ECM Suites cannot be unistalled but they don't occupy any normal Critical Slot. Jump Jets can be removed to lower the heat somewhat and requires a special Critical, so they use only Heat Capacity. Remeber that a 'Mech good at only one range (expecially long or short ranges only) can perform well with other 'Mechs that have an opposite capability, but are totally inadapt to solo or small units actions; if you are going to do a short-range brawler you can mount few LRM Racks or an ER Large Laser as they do not take up too much space and you will use the Heat Capacity that probably, for a short-range brawler, you'll have. Big 'Mechs like the Atlas or the Highlander are well suited to carry two Ultra Heavy ACs , few short-range lasers and additional armor platings, tough if they encounter a group of Catapults or Vultures or a single Bloos Asp, they won't be able to close and destroy their enemy. Always give at least one long (or short range, for ER PPC/ER Laser/Light AC/Gauss boats) to defend itself at the given range, or they will be sitting ducks. Also, try to figure out of to best use the fixed equipment of a 'Mech: a Men Shen, which features an ECM Suite, is well suited for mountin a large number of LRM Racks (which it does) beacuse the ECM suite allows it to fire from it range to targets that are unaware of its presence. 'Mechs with jump jets are good at anything: the can jump to the enemy's rear to use their short-range weapons or increase the LOS of their long range weapons. Wallace Chin ( and I were discussing on how an assault 'Mech should be used. He prefers close-range assaults, citing that an assault 'Mech is built to be big, heavy armored and carries a lot of armor to close in with the enemy and destroy it, while light 'Mechs should be prevalently long-range support units; as I told to him, this is purely a matter of taste, tactics you like, terrain, pilots, mission and enemies you are going to encounter; personally I like long-range fights because you can hit the enemy first before it is able to close, and assault 'Mechs aren't really good for brawls only because they aren't fast as other 'Mechs; IMO, medium 'Mechs are the best class to brawl with something, as they have decent speed, payload and armor, so they are fast enough to get close and retreat with most enemies, with other units supporting from afar. It is only a matter of tastes, though; any good commander should be able to judge which weapons (and/or 'Mechs)use on a certain mission (though long-range weapons rule ;)))))))))))))))). *************************** 14-HOW TO BALANCE YOUR TEAM *************************** In MC2 you do not pilot a single 'Mech, you COMMAND a unit of various 'Mechs; this means that your pilots (or MechWarriors) do not have your tastes regarding weapons, and, in fact, range rules in MC2 are pretty different from MW2/3/4 or BT. Your team should always contain a 'Mech good in short range battles, one in long range battles and the rest good in both, though advcing in the game will prove long range massed fire the best way to deal with an enemy, both becuase the AI will use most long-range capable 'Mechs (especially against Davion forces with Clan 'Mechs) and because it is the safest way to destroy short-range 'Mechs. In fact, on a Lance (a formation of four 'Mechs), two should be devoted to long-range fire, one to short-range melees and the last able to support both types of 'Mechs. In a Company (12 'Mechs) a Lance should consists of short/medium range fighters, 6 long-range 'Mechs and the remainig ones support 'Mechs. Also, MC2 has special MechWarrior Skills that can turn the tides of the battles. I suggest you to train at least one pilot as a Sensor/Scouting/LRM specialist to permanently assign to a Men Shen or a modified version of a Cyclops carrying a large number of LRM Racks ; one Laser/ER Laser/PPC specialist to assign to a Zeus or to a similar version of an Atlas or to a Blood Asp carrying four Clan ER PPCs; one Short Range/Heavy AC/Laser specialist(or exchange one of the last two with SRM specialist) to assign to an Atlas with Heavy AC and Clan Heavy Lasers or to a Hunchback. Such specialized pilots will find them selves in trouble if they do not have their specialized 'Mechs, so be sure to have average pilots to assign to non-specialized 'Mechs; however, if these pilots are place on the right 'Mechs and are cleverly directed, they will have no enemy. ************** 15-WALKTHROUGH ************** For cardinal directions, I assume that the map is always oriented as shown in your tactical display or in the briefing, so, north is the upper edge, south the lower, west the left and east the right one. You start the game with 2 Bushwackers and one Razorback, piloted by Hacksaw, Longshot (Bushwackers) and Flash (Razorback). The game has been finished with Regular difficult setting. I've also played few missions with an Elite setting and there aren't too much differencies between these two difficulty settings; they AI is pretty the same, the units deployed by the enemies, the C-Bills, tha maximum drop weight, the missions...the only real difference is that your weapons are less efficient: this is a roughly extimation, but the damage value is almost halved; enemy's weapons and armor protection (as your) are the same. I think that the Green difficulty setting multiplies your damage value 1.5 or 2 times, while the Veteran difficulty setting divides it 1.5 times. --------------------------- --FIRST CAMPAIGN: STEINER-- --------------------------- Mission 1: SCOUTING PATROL Primary Objectives: + Investigate abandoned airfield (4000 C-Bills) + Destroy hangar (7500 C-Bills) + Destroy bandit patrol (11000 C-Bills) + Repair and reload, then proceed to the extraction point (6500 C- Bills) + Locate and destroy all bandits (11000 C-Bills) + Move all 'Mechs to extraction point (3000 C-Bills) Weight Limit: 190 tons Intial RPs: 22000 Map description: there are four islands you can explore, plus three islands at the edges of the map, which are inacessible (and you won't need to go there, BTW). These four islands describe a (very) rough circle. You'll land in the east isle and the extraction marker is in the west. The airfield is near your starting position. You'll need to pass through all islands. The northern island contains a small wooded area. Logistic Phase: nothing much to say here. Command Phase: so, here's your first mission. I reccomend you to play the tutorial if you're new to the MechCommander universe, though this mission will be a decent training. Move all your 'Mechs into the airfield (do not bother yourself in destroying the fences or order your 'Mechs to pass through the entrance, just oreder them to enter, and they will step on the fences) and destroy the only hangar still intact. After you've done this an infantry unit will enter the airfield; they won't be a match for your 'Mechs, just like the two Centipedes. Now proceed to the northern island and destroy all vehicles you'll find (only few LRM Carriers and other Centipedes). At the west-most edge of the north isle there is a small wooded area and beyond this area there are 2 Urbanmechs and two Harassers; try to take out the Harassers first and then concentrate on the two Urbanmechs. You should be able to salvage at least one of these 'Mechs, but you'll may want to wait to spend your RPs for later. It is now time to go to the extraction point, on the west isle. As soon as you land on the isle 3 LRM Carriers, 2 Harassers and one Starslayer will powerup, engaging at close range. Destroy the LRM Carriers first, then concentrate on the Starslayer (I had enough luck to salvage this 'Mech, though it downed one of my Bushwackers. If this happen, salvage the Starslayer and the Bushwacker and ignore the previous Urbanmechs) and finally on the Harasser. Now reach the extraction marker. Mission 2: REACQUISITION: BASE GEMINI Primary Objectives: + Capture Resource Building (4500 C-Bills) + Destroy all units occupying Base Gemini (11000 C-Bills) + Capture Steiner Sensor Control (5000 C-Bills) + Destroy all bandits in Base Gemini South (11000 C-Bills) + Capture Steiner HQ (8000 C-Bills) + Destroy all units occupying Base Gemeni North (11000 C-Bills) Weight Limit: 170 tons Initial RPs: 6000 Map Description: Base Gemini is divided into two smaller bases: Base Gemini South is at the center of the map, on a small hill, sorrounded by smaller independent bases devoted to its defense and contains the Sensor Control building. Base Gemini North is in the upper part of the map and supports the Steiner HQ and it has full automated defenses. Always in the north there are several islands with some Resource Buildings. The remaining terrain is mainly composed by rolling hills. The two bases are linked by a small terrain strip. The whole map is covered by Sensor Towers. Logistic Phase: If you managed to capture the Starslayer and other 'Mechs and any of your 'Mechs have been destroyed deploy one Razorback (for sensors and jump jets) and two Bushwackers, though I reccomend one Bushwacker and one Starslayer. Choose at least one pilot with the Sensor Specialist skill and two other MechWarriors with high Gunnery Skills; if they have Laser or Medium 'Mech specialist is better. Command Phase: You will start in the east and directly in front of you there is a Resource Building (10000 RPS), which is also the first mission objective. Capture it and proceed toward the center of the map. Before you encounter the east defense station, the Razorback's sensors will detect one or two vehicle contacts. As soon as you close with them, a Fire Ant will power up. Use the Razorback to destroy the two vehicles (an LRM Carrier and one Harasser) while the other two 'Mechs destroy the Fire Ant. For now, wait to salvage the 'Mech. Now you should be able to see the first defense station; there are three different stations, each with its Power Generator and Turret Control; the first is placed to the east, the second to the west (directly opposite to the east one) and the last to the north-west, few meters above the west station. Use your Razorback to quickly circle the east defense station and enter it from the west, where there isn't any wall section and capture the Turret Control; alternatively you can use a Bushwacker and its LRM to destroy the Power Generator. Now destroy one wall section of Base Gemini South: some vehicles will try to intercept you and an LRM Carrier will probably start to fire. Enter the base, take out the LRM carrier and destroy all other vehicles present (two Centipedes and one Armored Car) and engage the Urbanmech that will power up and one other that will enter from the west. Just like the previous Fire Ant, do not salvage them now. Capture the Base Sensor Control and you'll notice several contacs showing up on your map; at the extreme north some hovercrafts are patrolling the zone, like the contacts in the north-west sector; Base Gemini North has several contacts. All other contacts are civilian Cargo Trucks. Your 'Mechs should be damaged, but there is no real need to call a Repair Truck; use your Razorback to locate two other Resource buildings in the west/south-west of the map; each contains 10000 RPs, enough to call Karnovs to salvage all 'Mechs downed so far, though it is better to ignore this possibility for now. Once the buildings are your control, move all your 'Mechs at the beginning of the strip of terrain that leads to Base Gemini North; an UrbaMech should power up on the nearest island and will immediately jump near you. No better chance to destroy it. A Centipede will also reach you, but it will be no match. Now use your Razorback or a Starslayer to jump from one island to the other; scattered across these isles there are two Resource Buildings, one guarded by and LRM Carrier and the second very near to the Base perimeter. If you used the Starslayer you should be able to destroy the wall section in front of the Power Generator and the Generator itslef from the island containg the Resource Building. Do not try to jump in the base as all 'Mechs and vehicles in it will attack you and you won't be able to capture the Turret Control because enemies are too near. Once the Turret Control is gone, regroup you 'Mechs; Base Gemini's gate is protected by a Partisan and two LRM Carriers, and the Base itself has two other Fire Ants inside, but are shutted down. Now the choice is yours: you can call an Air Strike or a Long Tom to help you in the siege or to use your 'Mechs to break all defenses; I usually choose the latter because the defenses are not too strong. Each 'Mech should take care of one vehicle at the gate, in order to dispatch them quickly enough that at least one 'Mech is free to engage the first Fire Ant that will inevitably come. Once all vehicles and 'Mechs are gone, you can salvage all salvageable 'Mechs you downed before taking control of the Steiner HQ. Mission 3: AMBUSH & ACQUIRE: MOBILE HQ Primary Objectives: + Destroy Fuel Tanks (7000 C-Bills) + Destroy all enemies at checkpoint (13000 C-Bills) + Capture Mobile HQ (13000 C-Bills) + Capture the Weapon Facility (10000 C-Bills) + Defeat bandit's counterattack (15000 C-Bills) Weight Limit: 190 tons Initial RPs: 16000 Map Description: This mission is played over a hilly country, where most roads are located at the bottom of canyons and sorruounded by high hills with few access points. There is a large water are in the north and other smaller area throughout the hole map. There are three paved areas, one in the north-west, one in the north and the last in the north-east. The highest hill of the map is just below the second paved area. Only the first has defense walls. The position from where you start has a friendly Lookout tower. Logistic Phase: Deploy at least one Razorback and fill the remaining weight with the heaviest 'Mechs you have, you'll need them in the last part of the mission. You should be also able to buy a Zeus and begin to costumize your 'Mechs. Command Phase: You'll start in the south, over a small hill. Proceed to north-east to climb the high hill in the area (the one at north-east) adn proceed on it until you find a good place where you can blow up the fuel tanks. The fuel tanks will explode and will destroy everything within the explosion range, so use a 'Mech with at least medium range weapons. Near the fuel tanks there are two Power Generators tat provide energy to all turrets protecting the area below; the Turret Controls are three or four, and each is guarded by at least three AC Turrets, plus vehicles and light 'Mechs, so it is safer to destroy the Generators, though friendly turrets might be useful. Once the Fuel Tanks are gone you will recieve visit by the defending units, namely 3 Fire Ants, an Urbanmech, a Vedette and a Harasser, though only two Fire Ants and the Harrasser are on patrol, so the most likely situation will be to destroy this group first, then destroying the second. The convoy will approach soon; meanwhile you can use your Razorback to scout the east part of the map and capture the two Resource Trucks in the base you just "captured". an third Resource Truck is positioned on the second paved area, and is without defenses. A Resource Building is built on the third paved area and it is protected by a Centipede. Ignore the large base in the north-west for now. Once the convoy shows up recall your Razorback to engage the defending units; the convoy itself is formed by a Cargo, a Resource, a Fuel Truck and a Mobile HQ and it is protected by two Fire Ants and two Vedettes. Place your 'Mech over a hill and wait until the first Fire Ant is within your range, then attack. Desttroy the 'Mechs first, then use your Razorback to capture the Mobile HQ and the Resource Truck while the other 'Mechs take out the Vedettes. It is now time to head for the Weapon Facility held in the large north-west base. You can use the ridges on the base lower-left side to know what kind of forces are defending it and to lure them outside. It is better to leave the Power Generator, the Turret and Gate Control buildings intact. The base is defended by 3 Fire Ant, an Urbanmech, two Harassers and one Vedette. Two Fire Ants the Urbanmech and the Harasser will try to intercept you outside the base, while the Vedette and the last Fire Ant will remain to guard the Weapon Facility and the various Control buildings. Once the first wave of defenders is gone, climb the ridge at base's lower-left corner and fire to the Fire Ant and try to down it there. If you didn't have downed it, it will exit the base attacking your 'Mechs, eventually bringing the Vedette with it. If not, leave the Vedette alone for now. Once the last 'Mech protecting the base is gone, jump one (or more, if you have) of your 'Mechs into the base and destroy the Vedette first, then conquer all Control buildings and the Weapons Facility (Pulse Lasers, both normal and large models). Now your tactical officer will inform you that the bandits have dispatched a small force to take the base back and suggest to capture as many RPs as possible, but I think you've already done it ;) Now you should have enough RPs to call down some Support Units; if your 'Mechs aren't in a good shape (let's say that most of them recieved 70 or more % of damage) call down a Repair Truck, if not, place thre Artillery station on the ridge near the base entrance and place your 'Mechs near the Weapons Facility or on the ridge near it. The enemy force is composed of 2 Fire Ants, one Starslayer, a LRM Carrier and one Vedette. Order you Artillery stations to concentrate fire on the LRM Carrier and on the Starslayer, then on the Fire Ants and on the Vedette. If the enemy overruns the Artilleries (probable), use your 'Mechs to finish them off, then call the Karnov to salvage all working 'Mechs (especially the Starslayer, I think you have already sold all the Urbanmechs and Fire Ants you previously salvaged). Mission 4: SEARCH & DESTROY: BANDIT CONVOY Primary Objectives: + Move to bandit convoy's last known location (14000 C-Bills) + Destroy the bandit convoy (21000 C-Bills) + Capture Weapons Facility (18000 C-Bills) + Extract (9500 C-Bills) Weight Limit: 205 tons Initial RPs: 16000 Map Description: The map has a large lake (or sea) at its bottom and a river cutting the terrain in half. There's only one bridge that links the two terrains and it is heavily protected on both sides. The terrain is pretty hilly. The first marker is set on a small valley with some debris and the other side of the map has three paved areas, each containing a small, but well-guarded, base. Logistic Phase: Your tactical officer suggests fast medium 'Mechs and at least one 'Mech with sensprs, and there's nothing against this proposal. Always deploy the Razorback backed up by two Bushwackers and a Starslayer. Adding LRMs to 'Mechs without them will also be a good modification for this mission. Command Phase: This mission takes place too near to the Liao territory, and if the bandit convoy is able to reach this territory you will recieve additional infos during the mission. Do not proceed straight toward the convoy's last known position: on a small hill there are several bandit vehicles (4 Centipede and 2 LRM Carriers) that will recieve reinforcments (a Fire Ant, two other LRM Carriers and a Centipede) if attacke. Instead, proceed coasting the lake (or sea) to avoid this patrol. Approaching the convoy's last known position you will detect several contacts; two of them are 'Mechs (both Fire Ants) and several vehicle contacts (the convoy). Use you heaviest 'Mech to take out the bandit 'Mechs while the remaing 'Mech (who said Razorback?) will take out the convoy; the convoy is formed by three Cargo Trucks, a Jeep, an empty Cargo Truck and a Fuel Truck and will start to travel toward the Liao position as soon any bandit unit will detect you, but will stop just outside the Liao's guns range. Once the convoy has been destroyed, your Tactical Officer will contact the Liao territory telling them that you are on a bandit chase and requests infos on any known bandit activity in their territory; the Liaos will reply that there is no bandit activity. Shortly after Renard will order you to capture the Weapon Facility placed in the northest Liao base, placed on the other half of the territory of course. Before attacking the bridge, however, take care of the Sha-Yu approaching from the north; having detected you with your sensors, two other 'Mechs, previously defending the bridge will attack you; ignore them until the Sha-Yu is gone (BTW, the 'Mechs are Urbanmechs). Now use your 'Mechs to destroy the Power Generator on ths side of the bridge and call down a Repair vehicle and be sure that all your 'Mechs are in perfect conditions. Use you fastest 'Mech to first lure the vehicles protecting the Turret Control and destroy them (they are 2 Harassers and 5 Centipedes), then take control of the Turret Control and prepare to destroy an other Sha-Yu approaching from the north. Try to salvage at least one of these 'Mechs, they are a good replacement for the Razorback. Now proceed to north and attack the base containing the Weapons Facility; it is guarded by an independent base with SRM turrets on the south, two Anubis (one is powered down) and one Centipede. Take outh the powered up Anubis first and then the Anubis that will power up, then the Centipede. Enter the base and capture the Weapons Facility (Gauss and Light Gauss Rifles). Now head toward the extraction point before Liao reinforcments arrive, and if it creates problems, the Anubis near the small depot (full of ammunition) near the extraction marker. Mission 5: NIGHT OPS: LIAO RAID Primary Objectives: + Destroy Fuel Tanks (16500 C-Bills) + Capture Weapon Facility (15500 C-Bills) + Capture Repair Bay (13000 C-Bills) + Capture Prison Complex (18000 C-Bills) + Extract (7000 C-Bills) Secondary Objectives: + Capture Resource Trucks (9000 C-Bills) Weight Limit: 200 tons Initial RPs: 7000 Map Description: The map has a river running throughout it from south-west to north-east and the two lands are linked by a bridge, which is protected; however, in the north, you can cross the river as the water is less deep. You'll start in the lower-right edge of the map, few meters beyond a small paved area which contains the Weapon Facility. Several Fuel Tanks are spread around the base. All paved areas are linked by a paved road; directly to the Weapons Facility's left there are two other paved areas, the lowest is on a hill and contains the Prison Complex; the highest has a Turret Control with few LRM turrets around it. Directly north to the bridge, on the leftmost terrain there is a Repair Bay, and even norther there is a small depot with the Resource Trucks. The terrain is pretty plain except for some high hills were the Liao installations are. Not enough, the zone is heavily patrolled. Logistic Phase: If you previously salvaged a Sha-Yu, replace the Razorback with it, so you that your scout 'Mech will be able to defend itself and partecipate in all attacks. As usual, use the Bushwackers and the Starslayer, though it would be possible to replace the medium 'Mechs with a single assault 'Mech and other light 'Mechs. Command Phase: From now on, the Steiner command will not recognize your actions in Liao territory, but will still direct you. And Renard's advisor will continue to protest :) First, ignore the good light effect that the 'Mechs' spotlights do and concentrate on the mission. Walk towar your first objective and take it out. Now try to scout the base defenses: you'll see two 'Mech contacts and several vehicle ones. Do not attack the base for now and wait: an Anubis will come toward the Fuel Tanks you blow up; destroy it and then go for the righmost contact, an other Anubis, then enter the base and take out the vehicles, 3 LRM Carriers (take these out first), one Vedette and 2 Partisans, the capture the Weapon Facility, which contains ER energy weapons. Now you have to cross the bridge; from your side, the bridge is protected by two AC Turrets and has no Control building, which is placed on the other side, protected by two other AC Turrets and some vehicles. You can assault the bridge, but it is better to go north to the small paved area with all your 'Mechs, destroy the five vehicles there and cross the river where the road ends; this place is protected by a Storm and four Centipedes: concentrate on the Storm first, then go for the Centipedes. After you had crosses the rived head for the north depot and capture the Resource Trucks (you won't need RPs for this mission, but the Davion will pay for them); however the depot is protected by two Sha-Yus and two LRM Carriers: with your lighest 'Mech take out the carriers while the other 'Mechs under your command will take care of the Sha-Yus. It is now time to head toward the Repair Bay, which is protected by a Storm and an Anubis; split you 'Mechs in two groups ato quickly dispatch these enemies, capture the Bay and use it to repair all your 'Mechs. Now take your fastest 'Mech near the etraction zone: you'll notice a Turret Control building with few LRM turrets around it, and if you have sensors, a vehicle contact near the Control building itself. Run toward the vehicle contact (an LRM Carrier) ignoring the LRM turrets and detroy it, then capture the Turret Control and watch the LRM turrets firing on an approaching Storm and destroy it. If you sustained damage, return to the Repair Bay and use it. Proceed towar the Prison Complex; it is heavily defend and several patrols are both in and outside the complex and it is placed on a hill. Use your fastest 'Mech with Jump Jets to jump into the complex and then immediately jump outside to lure as many enemies outside and destroy them; most probably, a Centipede, a Sha-Yu and a Storm will follow you, leaving other enemies inside. Once the first group has been eliminated, destroy the SRM turrets outside the west entrance and enter the complex: the remaining units (an LRM Carrier, an other Sha-Yu and two Centipedes will attack you. Destroy them and then capture the Prison Complex, which will give you a new regular pilot, Steel. Now proceed toward the extraction point. Henri Wiechers ( suggests an other way to play this mission: --------------------------------------------------------------------- After taking over the LRM turrets there is an easier way to finish the level than the one you describe. You simply move South form the turret control until you reach a road that leads to the rear entrance to the enemy base. Along that road you'll find a resource truck which you can acquire. Next to the rear entrance is a large fuel tank. As you approach this entrance an enemy mech and a several vehicles will come out to engage you. At this stage destroy the tank and (if correctly timed) all of those enemy units will be taken out by the explosion. Now enter the base and clean out the defending units that are left. Once inside the base you can simply take over the turrent controls without the turrets firing on you (since they will be out of range). Rescue the inprisoned pilot to complete the 4th objective then head out the West Entrance and move to the extraction zone. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Note that after this mission you will be able to choose between three missions, which I named 6A, 6B and 6C. You have to complete at least two of them, though it is possible (and highly recomended) complete all. The missions I sugget are 6B and 6C. Mission 6A: DEFENSIVE COUNTER: BASE ARIES Primary Objectives: + Protect Base HQ (25000 C-Bills) + Destroy All Attacking Forces (20000 C-Bills) Secondary Objectives: + Capture Sensor Control (12000 C-Bills) + Capture Turret Control (12000 C-Bills) Weight Limit: 260 tons Initial RPs: 25000 Map Description: the terrain here is pretty plain, with few small hills. There is a small lake at the center of the map, with a little peninsula with a Sensor Control. Left to the Sensor Control there is a small paved area with a Resource Building and a Sensor Tower. Right to the Sensor Control there is a paved area with a Tower Control and some AC Turrets, plus an other Sensor Tower. From there, in the south there is a third Sensor Tower. At the lower-left edge of the map there is the base you have to defend. The HQ is guarded by four independent AC Turrets and the perimeter is defended by LRM and AC Turrets; four additional independet defense stations (LRM Turrets) guard the north, west and east sides of the base. Logistic Phase: It is higly recomended to capture at least the Sensor Control and with it light 'Mechs with sensors are useless, so deploy the heaviest 'Mechs you have (an heavy or an assault one woulf be nice, but you'll have to heavily rely on Minelayers and stationary defenses). Command Phase: I went directly for the two secondary objectives and the Resource Building in the north. To capture these structures a medium 'Mech is enough, so place the other 'Mechs in the base, near the HQ; note that the base as two fully functional Repair Bays, so use them to repiar the 'Mech you sent to conquer the enemy buildings before the attack begins. The Turret Control is protected by a single Vedette and surely the AC turrets are deadlier, so destroy the tank first, then the gate and finally capture the Turret Control (jump capable 'Mechs can ignore the gate and jump directly near the Turret Control). Now head toward the lake: the Sensor Control is protected by two LRM Carriers, they won't be too dangerous. The Resource Building in the north-west is defenseless. Place the 'Mech(s) you used for these tasks in the base and repair it, then place four Long Tom cannons justy outside the base walls. Two will go to the east side, two in the north and one to the left. The attacking forces will arrive soon. The first wave is composed by two Sha-Yus, 7 LRM Carriers, 2 Drillsons, 3 Centipedes and 3 Hetzers.; they will come from the north-east and will attack the right side of the base. The artillery and LRM turrets should be enough to destroy this force. Some minutes after the second wave will attack from north-west, divided into two groups (4 LRM Carriers plus 2 Starslayers and 4 Attack 'Copters plus one Starslayer) and will attack the north side. This time your 'Mechs will have to destroy some units; have the artillery destroy the 'Mechs and the LRM Carriers and wait until the LRM turrets are gone to attack the 'Copters and any remaing unit. Now repair all of your 'Mechs; the two next waves, the last two, will attack at the same time, from west and east; the east side should have both artilleries working and the west side will be heavily attacked by 3 Storms, one Catapult and 2 Sha-Yus, so there will be a lot of work for your 'Mechs. The east side will fall under attack by three Sha-Yus and one Catapult. The westbound wave will arrive somewhat earlier than the east one, so concentrate your efforts there before proceding to eliminate the eastbound threats. Mission 6B: SECTOR OCCUPATION: GARRISON Primary Objectives: + Capture Liao HQ (18000 C-Bills) + Destroy Chemical Plant (18000 C-Bills) + Extract (11000 C-Bills) Secondary Objectives: + Destroy All Enemy Units (22000 C-Bills) Weight Limit: 200 tons Initial RPs: 6000 Map Description: this map is pretty mountanious and well guarded. The main obejctive, the Liao HQ is well defended by turrets and gives its back to a tall mountain. The Chemical Plant is protected by few Pulse Turrets and is in a valley. There are some Resource Buildings spread throughout the map; if you are going to achieve the secondary goal, remember to destroy ANY enemy contact, Cargo and Fuel Trucks included. Logistic Phase: The usual deployment of medium 'Mechs and one light with sensors and jump jets will work fine. However, prepare yourself for some surprises. Command Phase: Begin to follow the road and destroy the Vedette travelling along it. At the center of the map, where the three main roads link themselves there are 3 LRM Carriers protecting some civilian vehicles (I'm not sure if they count for the secondary objective, the first time I left them alone and destroyed only the military vehicles and the Fuel Trucks) and two Troop Transport. Take out the LRM Carriers first, then destroy all Troop Transport (probably they are headed toward the Liao HQ; I don't know if they carry something, but is better to destroy both cargo and carriers now); on the small hill in the west from your current position there is Resource Building with three units defending it, plus two Minelayers are mining the sorrounding terrain. Take them out and proceed to the small depot climbing the south slope; the Fire Ant and the two Vedettes protecting the building will attack you. Once these units are gone and the building captured move toward the Chemical Plant passing from the west: you'll find an other Resource Building, protected by a Catapult and a LRM Carrier. The Chemical Plant itself is defended by three Pulse Turrets, some infantry, a Storm and a Catapult; by attacking from the west you will be able to attract the Storm and the Catapult away from the turrets; the easiest way to fight these units is to close distances, especially with the Catapult. Once the are gone use one of your 'Mechs to capture the building controlling the Pulse Turrets and then destroy the Chemical Plant; the woods south to the plant contains the infantry I told you about (oh, I was missing something...near the Resource Building before the Plant there are two Fuel Trucks, that have to be eliminated to complete the secondary objective). It is now time to call for repairs, the assault to the Liao HQ can be difficult. Now head toward the Liao HQ, climbing the mountain at the north of the base; if you brought with you a 'Mech with sensors you'll notice that the base is very lightly defended, most vehicles are in the smaller bases in the south and the turrets are positioned there. That is why the most powerful units defending the HQ are two Men Shens, equipped with ECM suites; probably these 'Mechs will attack you single-headly, maximizing your chances of success even if your 'Mechs are damaged. Try to salvage at least one of these 'Mechs. Once the 'Mechs are gone, use one of your jump capable 'Mechs (you brought one, right?) to capture the Turret Control in the main base, capture the HQ and then destroy the remaining vehicles (2 LRM Carriers, one Centipede and 2 Vedetted). In the small base in the west there is a Repair Bay. Once you are tired of hunting down any other survivor for the secondary objective (or you destroyed them all, the solution has covered all of them) or the objectives have been completed, reach the Extraction marker. Mission 6C: COMPACT RESCUE: CLAYMORE Primary Objectives: + Destroy Air Traffic Control Tower (22000 C-Bills) + Link Up with Claymore's Atlas (14000 C-Bills) + Destroy Air Traffic Control Tower Beta (22000 C-Bills) + Extract (11000 C-Bills) Weight Limit: 160 tons Initial RPs: 0 Map Description: there is a wet area (water, NdB) in the south that occupies at least the 30% of the map. The north and east portions and mountanious, while the west area is pretty plain, except for the coast, which are moderately high hills. Roads are running throughout the map, leading to the Airbase and other paved areas in the east- Logistic Phase: a Men Shen will work fine in this mission. It is fast, has optimum Sensor coverage and has LRMs. Bushwackers and Starslayers will complete your team. Try to bring at least one jump capable 'Mech, however. Command Phase: both roads and coast hills are guarded, and if one "section" is under attack, it will recieve support from the other, so it is better to eliminate all forces along the road first (an Urbanmech, a Fire Ant, 3 Harassers and one Hetzer), then climb the hill and destroy the two Hezters. At the first road turn there is Resource Building guarded by 2 Harassers and 2 Fire Ants; you'll need these RPs. Shatter the defending forces and capture the building. It is now plan the attack to the Airbase. A frontal assault is madness, there are too many SRM Turrets and Hunters at the west side of the Airbase, and before them there is a group of Harassers. In the south, near the lake there is a smaller base which can be attacked by jumping units. Place all of your non-jumping units near the entrance of the base and use one or more 'Mechs to lure most of the defending forces away from the base by jumping on the two hills in the south; when the defending units (2 Hunters and 2 Fire Ants) will see the jumping unit they will begin the attack. Retreat your bait and use your remaining 'Mech to destroy from long and medium ranges the tow 'Mechs first while the jumping unit(s) will destroy the Hunters. Probably the Harassers will join the melee. Now the base is defended only by SRM Turrets. Use one of your jump-capable units to jump over the hills and then into the base and capture the Turret Control. An Harasser will enter from the east, destroy it with your jumping 'Mech and call the others inside the base and order a Repair Vehicle from the Support Palette and repair your 'Mechs. The Airbase should be more accessible now: a small valley leads directly behind to the Turret Control leading the perimetal SRM turrets; capture it and you'll see the tow Hunter near them destroyed. There is a second Turret Control building in the north, protected by a Starslayer and two Hunters; attack the Hunters first and then concentrate on the Starslayer, then capture the Turret Control and destroy the Air Tower. It is now time to link up with Claymore. Its Atlas is somewhere in the flooded base south to the airbase; the water here is shallow enough to let a 'Mech walk, so use of 'Mech to step some meters inside the base and the Atlas will power up, saying that there is a secondary Airbase in the north east. This base is more heavily defended than the first, but now you have an Atlas with you... Proceed to the east and destroy all units protecting the small base here (a Fire Ant and a Hunter), and expexct a Raven and some other vehicles to enter the battle. In this small base there is also a Resource Building that might become useful if you 'Mechs need repairs and the previous Repair Vehicle is gone (unprobable, however). The Beta Airbase is accessible from tow points: from this base and from a canyon in the west from your position. Both access points are lightly defended, so the choice is yours. By entering from the base, however you will immediately gain the possibility to capture a Turret Control that will help you in dealing with the Hunters and the Starslayer in this base. Once all enemies are gone, destroy the Air Control Tower and proceed toward the Extraction Point. If you want, you can destroy the Urbanmech protecting the west canyon. Mission 7: BREACH: BANDIT HEADQUARTERS Primary Objectives: + Capture Weapons Facility (14000 C-Bills) + Destroy Fule Tanks at Refinery (17000 C-Bills) + Destroy Bandit HQ in Spacecraft Nose (26000 C-Bills) + Eliminate Bandit Leader at Bandit's HQ (22000 C-Bills) + Extract (11000 C-Bills) Weight Limit: 300 tons Initial RPs: 30000 Map Description: Desertic map, so expect some rolling hills and few mountains, most located in the south (near your starting position), in the east (near the bandit's HQ) and less high mountans in the north. Aside the objectives there are few very small paved areas with Resource Buiildings in the south, west and north. Logistic Phase: Finally! Heavy and Assault 'Mechs only. I suggest a Men Shen, a Catapult, a Zeus and an Atlas, a full assault lance! Also, the high initial RP found will allow you to order several Suport Units. Try to configure your 'Mechs for ranged combat and install on the Atlas an Heavy AC to deal with enemies that get too close. Command Phase: Do not head straight toward the north or you'll find yourself sorrounded by enemy units and fixed enplacements; instead, climbe the mountain on your left and proceed until it ends. Descend from the mountain and destroy the Power Generator and the Fuel Tank. This will attract bandit units; I told you to destroy the Fuel Tank because if a 'Mech explodes there and your 'Mechs are near the Tank you'll end the mission too early. And in a very bad way. By the way, the enemy units attracted by the explosions should be 3 Fire Ants, plus an Urbanmech, a Vedette and a Partisan from near the turret. Once all of those enemies are gone proceed to the west and destroy the two Swarm LRM Carriers protecting a Resource Building; then head to the south and capture the unprotected Reosurce Building placed there. The Weapons Facilty is placed in a small base, protected by two Centipedes, two Fire Ants, 3 Hunters and one Hetzer. Take of the Hetzer first, then the Hunters, the Fire Ants and finally the Centipedes. Not far from the Facility (containing Ultra ACs) there is a Resource Building, protected by four Urbanmechs (all powered down) and 2 Hetzers. As the Hetzers are the only thing you can see for now, take them out with your long range weapons, then close and take out the Urbanmechs. South from the Resource Building there is the Extraction Marker, protected by two Swarm LRM Carriers and two Attack 'Copters, plus a Fuel and one Resource Truck. Now call down all Repair Trucks you need and fully repair you 'Mechs before the final assault; your Tactical Officer will also alert you that Renard wants you to kill the bandit leader. The bandit base is protected by three gruops of LRM Turrets, each with its Power Generator and Control building. Attacking from the west, it will be relatively easy to destroy the defense staion and to lure most units from the base, leaving it under-protected. Use an LRM-carrying 'Mech to destroy the turrets; probably, the Partisan stationed there will exit the perimeter and will attack. Now call all your 'Mechs and destroy the Partisan, the remaing turrets and the Partisan. Two Urbanmechs will probaly support the vehicle, you know what has to be done. Now step into the base and destroy the two Partisans and the two Hetzers before proceeding toward the Spacecraft nose: once you are near the Nose three 'Mechs will jump toard you: use your Atlas to engage the Lao Hu and order the other 'Mechs to destroy the two Starslayers. The Lao Hu is custom version, and it is piloted by the bandit leader. Try to salvage it too, I think this particular variant is a good one. Nw capture the south turrets and head toward the Fuel Tanks at the Refinery; this zone is protected by 3 Fire Ants, a Partisan and a LRM Carrier. Once all objectives have been completed, proceed to the etraction marker. ------------------------- --SECOND CAMPAIGN: LIAO-- ------------------------- The Steiner Command on Carver V called for more reinforcment probably to take control of the whole planet, and Davion forces replied with additional rienforcments, saying that this is only a defensive maneuver; however, Davion reinforcments consist of Clan 'Mechs captured during Operation Bulldog, which could give a decisive edge over the Steiner forces. Not enough, House Liao has hired you to contrast the growing enemy forces. Mission 1: LIBERATE: GULAG Primary Objectives: + Destroy All Gulag Defenses (22000 C-Bills) + Destroy Steiner Reinforcments (14500 C-Bills) + Destroy All Airfield Defenses (22000 C-Bills) + Extract (8000 C-Bills) Secondary Objectives: + Capture Steiner HQ (8000 C-Bills) Weight Limit: 280 tons Initial RPs: 6000 Map Description: the terrain is pretty hilly, with few valley, most of them in the north. Logistic Phase: heavy and assault 'Mechs. Light and medium 'Mechs will be easily destroyed in this mission. Command Phase: As soon as you start the mission, Colonel Renard will order to destroy the prison. I do not think that if the prison gets destroyed your mission will fail, when I arrived I saw the prison exploding and nothing happened...however, as soon as you start proceed toward the prison. A Razorback will attack you. After the Razorback you'll encounter an Hollander and a small depot with LRM turrets. Near the prison, in a small valley there is an Hunchback plus two Gun Platforms; destroy the Hunchback and ignore the platforms and continue heading toward the prison. The prison is under fire by 2 Hunters (take them out first), four Centipedes and a Razorback; plus a Zeus is closing in; once all enemies threating the prison are gone a civilian will inform you that they already dispatched a convoy to rescue the prisoners and Renard will order an airstrike plus some reinforcments; these reinforcments will arrive in two minutes. Now capture the HQ above the prison and the two Resource Buildings; order a Repair Truck and send every 'Mech you capture near the third objective, on a hill with some woods and place two Long Toms there. The first wave of reinforcments is composed by two Heavy 'Copters and one Attack 'Copter, so have your 'Mechs fire at them. The second wave is much more dangerous, formed by two Hunchbacks and two Hollanders. Order to the artilleries to destroy the nearest 'Mechs, eventaully splitting the targets. Your 'Mechs should only serve as fire support, no 'Mech will not able to close enough thanks to the Long Toms. Now head toward the north base, protected by an Atlas (attack it from long range before everything) and 3 Centipedes. The turrets protecting the base will be easily destroyed by hitting the Fuel Tanks near the Generators. Once all base defenders are gone, take some fun in destroying the HQ and the Slayer on the airstrip, then go to the Extraction point. After this mission you will be able to choose between two missions (2A and 2B). Both have to be completed, in whichever order you prefer. Mission 2A: MOBILE INTERCEPT: KILLDEER Primary Objectives: + Destroy Element A (18000 C-Bills) + Destroy Element B (18000 C-Bills) + Destroy Element C (18000 C-Bills) + Destroy Element D (18000 C-Bills) + Extract (7000 C-Bills) Weight Limit: 210 tons Initial RPs: 10000 Map Description: a river runs in the south and west part of the map, but only in the lower part, leaving a great amount of terrain, crossed by a paved road where the convoys will travel. The terrain is pretty plain except a large mountain in the east. There's a city nera this mountain, in the upper part of the map with a Resource Building inside. In the north, on the coast there is a small base with AC Turrets and one Resource Building. There's an other base in the south, with the Turret Control (controlling LRM Turrets) accessible from the river by jumping 'Mechs. The convoy will come from the north-east and will direct toward the south base, effectively crossing the city, the small base and finally the south base. Logistic Phase: Take with you a jumping 'Mech, though this shouldn't be too light (I took a Lao Hu). Use other heavy or assault 'Mechs, medium and therefore light will be pretty useless. Command Phase: Begin to jump from island to island to reach the Turret Control. Before you capture it, in the second isle you'll have to land there is an Heavy 'Copter and the Control building is protected by two Hunters. All turrets are controlled by this building; be sure to catpure the two Resurce Buildings inside this base, you'll need them. Meanwhile order the other 'Mechs to reach the city to capture the Resource Building inside; if you get too close to the mountain two Ullers will power up; destroy them but do not spend any RP for salvaging them. Once the south base is captured, move the jumping 'Mech on the starting shore and regroup with the others, then move all your 'Mechs to attack the small base in the north, which is protected by three Hunters (take them out first), one Jagermech and one Wolfhound (split your 'Mechs between these two 'Mechs. Once the 'Mechs are gone, capture the Turret Controls (AC Turrets). Now go south from the city, where the road forms a small chicane. Call down a Repair Vehicle and four Long Tom cannons, all near to avoid friendly fire. Keep your 'Mechs between the city and the Long Toms too. The first convoy will arrive shortly, and each part of the convoy will arrive about 30 seconds after the previous. The first convoy is composed of an Armored Car and 2 Troop Transports, protected by 2 Attack 'Copters (the first to arrive), 2 Harassers, 3 Hetzers (accompaning the vehicles) and two Wolfhounds (somewhat after the main group). Have the Long Toms destroy the first ground vehicles while your 'Mechs take out the 'Copters; as soon as the Wolfhounds closes within Long Toms' range, have them fire; concentrated Long Tom fire should take out one 'Mech with a single salvo, if not, order your 'Mechs to take them out, but try to stay outside the Long Toms' range. The second convoy is more heavily guarded: four Enforcers, two Partisans and two Vedettes will guard a Fuel and three Cargo Trucks. Immediately order your Long Toms to target the Enforcers while your 'Mechs take out the convoy and help the Long Toms finish off the Enforcers (the Long Toms WILL need some support). Strangely enough the military vehicles will stop just inside the artillery range, so do not bother ordering your 'Mechs to attack them; once the Enforcers are gone, the Long Toms will destroy them. Now you should need some repair, and probably the Repair Truck will be short in resources...however repair all you can, the third wave is on its way. This convoy is protected by 4 Jagermechs (absolutely take them out with the Long Toms) and nothing else; it contains a Troop Carrier, a Jeep, a Cargo and a Fuel Trucks. This wave is relatively easy, the Jagermechs are armed only with long range weapons and will hit the Long Toms from long range, but the Long Toms will be able to reply... The fourth and last wave is protected only by long range units, four Hunters and a Vulture. Order your artilleries to take out the Clan'Mech (this will probably ends in collateral damage for the Hunters too) while your 'Mechs take out the convoy. If some convoy civilian components escape from you, they will follow the road, passing through the two bases, so the turrets you have captured will destroy them; likewise, if your artilleries are overrun and destroyed, you can fall back to one of the two bases. As all Convoys are destroyed, go to the Extraction Point. Mission 2B: FACILITY ASSAULT: HIJACK Primary Objectives: + Capture Davion Weapons Facility (12000 C-Bills) + Capture Steiner Weapons Facility (12000 C-Bills) + Capture Steiner Headquarters (16000 C-Bills) + Extract (3000 C-Bills) Secondary Objectives: + Capture Resource Buildings at Davion Base (5000 C-Bills) + Salvage Davion 'Mechs at Salvage Yard (5000 C-Bills) Weight Limit: 160 tons Initial RPs: 0 Map Description: You'll start in a little peninsula in the south-east; this pensinsula is linked to the first half of the map, which features hilly terrain and some paved roads that links the two halves of the map. The east part has three main bases plus other independent defense positions, mostly armed with LRM Turrets. The west part (there's a river running from north to south) has two well-defended bases plus a small base near the central bridge. Every meter of land near the left edge of the map, as well the zone between the bases and the west entrance of the central bridge is mined; only the shores are not mined. There are three bridges: north, central and south. The central bridge is mined, the south one too near to the main base of the map while the north one is free. The peninsula has two Sensor Towers, controlled by a Sensor Control in the north-east. Logistic Phase: Deploy at least one 'Mech with ECM Suite (Men Shens are optimum) and one with Jump Jets. The other 'Mechs should be heavy. Command Phase: Use your Men Shen to destroy both Sensor Towers (if you try to introduce a 'Mech without ECM all the enemies in the east part of the map will attack you) and capture the LRM Turrets between the two Towers. Then use your jump capable 'Mech to take control of the Resource Building in the isle on your right. Probably you'll have to jump and during the flight fire on the two Drillsons protecting the Building as the isle is too small to circle the Building to have LOS to the Drillsons. Recall your 'Mech and carefully proceed towar the inland. Near the second Sensor Tower there is a small base with Pulse Laser Turrets and their Control building; it will be helpful in destroying the three vehicles that patrols this zone, though they are really easy to avoid, so do not bother fighting them. Continue toward the first objective, the Davion base containng the Weapons Facility; you will be able to easily conquer a series of Pulse Laser Turrets and lure a Wolfhound and an Enforcer near enough to have the Turrets help you. As you make contact with these two 'Mechs two Jagemechs will begin to travel toward your position; this time luring such long-range 'Mechs will be difficult, you'll have to close with them or rely on your long-range firepower to destroy them. After these threats are gone, capture the Turret Control just outside the base which will give you access to AC Turrets; now at least a 'Mech defending the base will exit to counter you (probably a second Wolfhound). Try to move the fight within the Turrets' range. Once the 'Mech is gone, destroy a wall section or the base gate and engage the three Enforcers in a long-range battle, where they will be otugunned; if they close too much, retreat to the turrets and let them help you in dealing with the Enforcers. The base has also three Centipedes, but they won't be a problem. Version 2.5 note: otherwise, after having destroyed the Sensor Towers with your Men Shen, you can sneak on the back of the main base by passing at the east edge of the map and reach the Davion 'Mechs before assaulting the base with the three Enforcers: salvage the Shadow Cat (you won't have any other RP to salvage any other 'Mech), then attack the base from the north: draw away one Enforcer per attack: this will save you from destroying the JagerMechs and the Wolfhounds in the south. Version 3.X note: if you do not want to deploy a "weak" 'Mech like a Raven or a Men Shen, do it; when your 'Mechs will enter the area scanned by the first antennae, the Drillsons on the right island will come toward you, plus two Jagermechs from the north (note that these two 'Mechs are only present if the sensor net is triggered, and entering in the second antennae's area won't alert any other unit). Once all defenses are gone, enter the base, capture the Weapons Facility (Clan ER Large/Lasers, ER PPCs and Large/Pulse Lasers) and the five Resource Buildings inside, plus any Gate and/or Turret Conrol. You'll notice that there is also the Sensor Control that controlled the now-destroyed Sensor Towers. It is now time to salvage the Davion 'Mechs in the extreme north; move all your 'Mechs in where the 'Mechs are and use your fastest 'Mech to capture the nearby defense outpost. The salvage yard contains a Repair Bay (repair all your 'Mechs) and five 'Mechs: a Shadow Cat, 2 Jagermechs and 2 Enforcers. Salvage them all (you have enough RPs) and proceed toward the bridge on the west and cross it. The base in the north is extremely well protected by two independent groups of Pop-Up LRM Turrets, one per side, plus other AC Turrets; not enough, the base has two Shootists inside. Have your fastest 'Mech to capture the north Turret Control; the turrets will begin to fire on the two 'Mechs and when they will exit have your 'Mechs attack them. For the south Turret Control, simply destroy the Turrets or the Generator, it is worthless capture the Control building. Enter the base and capture the Weapons Facility (containing Swarm LRMs), then move to the coast and begin to walk toward south. Do not try to attack the south base from the south if you do not want to spend an hour to destroy mines, nor to walk directly from the north base or the south one. The base protecting the central building can be captured to help you with the Zeus that will come to hunt you down. There is also a Razorback, but it will patrol the southern coast, it won't arm you. Now move all 'Mechs needing repairs to the Repair Bay at the salvage yard (DO NOT pass from the central bridge, it is mined), repair them and prepare for the final assault. The south base is lightly protected by turrets, but there are four 'Mechs, ranging from the medium to the assault weight class; the first half of the base, containing the Steiner HQ, is protected by a Zeus and a Hollander: destroy the latter first, then concentrate on the Zeus. Now destroy the gate dividing the base and prepare to destroy an Highlander (this will go down first; try to salvage it) and a Bushwacker, then exit the base from the south and reach the Extraction Marker. Mission 3: REMOTE ASSAULT: ECLIPSED Primary Objectives: + Destroy Both HPG Transmitters (30000 C-Bills) + Capture Weapons Facility A (12000 C-Bills) + Capture Weapons Facility B (12000 C-Bills) + Capture Weapons Facility C (12000 C-Bills) + Destroy Davion Dropship (20000 C-Bills) + Extract (6000 C-Bills) Weight Limit: 230 tons Initial RPs: 0 Map Description: This mission is set on Carver V's moon. Playing there means that you won't have any way to call Support Units; not enough the Davion forces set up several defense positions with Gauss Turrets. If you think this is not enough, most Davion units here are composed by Clan 'Mechs piloted by Clan warriors took bondsmen (it can be roughly translated as slave from the Clan language, but this translation negates all what the bondsman word means withing the Clans).— during Operation Bulldog. The map is full of craters and few highlands. The sout part is an highland and the central part has four craters, each linked by a canyon; these craters can be accessed only by jumping 'Mechs or from a small ramp. Note that each ramp is protected by two groups of three Gauss Rifles each, so it is better to enter and exit from one. Expect heavy resistance (side note: have you noticed that the craters are arranged to mimic the Fasa Interactive's logo? :). Logistic Phase: Deplyoing only jump capable 'Mechs can be a good idea, but you won't be able to carry too many of them or they will be inevitably too light. Two heavy 'Mechs will lead the force, with one or two medium 'Mechs as cover. Command Phase: It is better to go to the south and face the most powerful 'Mechs in the mission, a Thor and a Ryoken. You will encounter the Thor first, just entered the spaceport on the highland, so destroy it before the Ryoken (positioned near the Davion Dropship) shows up. Once these two 'Mechs are gone (try to salvage them after the mission) destroy the Davion Dropship and capture the Weapons Facility (it has Clan Gauss Rifles inside). Near the Control Tower there is a Repair Facility, be sure to use it when your 'Mechs are badly damaged (it will be very useful with a jump-only team); there is also the Sensor Control Tower here. Now return where you started and direct towar the west crater; one you reach it two Ullers will attack, followed by three Storms. If you deployed only jump-capable 'Mechs no you can simply jump in the crater and destroy the Enforcer guarding te Weapons Facility (Clan Streak SRMs). If not, order your 'Mechs toward the first Turret emplacement and destroy the Generator (or a wall section to capture the Control building), then repeat with the second emplacement, then destroy the Enforcer and capture the Weapons Facility (Clan LRM Racks). Now proceed toward the central crater: the two HPGs are protected by a high number of AC Turrets, controlled by the building near the north-east limit of the crater; probably two Wolfhounds and one Enforcer will come to attack you: destroy the Enforcer first and then concentrate on the Wolfhounds. Now destroy all AC Turrets around the HPGs and destroy the Transmitters (the Generators can be skipped, they do not control the Turrets). Now move to the southern crater to capture the third and last Weapon Facility (Clan Ultra ACs); it is protected by a Jagermech and some (I think 10 or 12) Powered Armors. Have one 'Mech take care of the Armors while the other destroy the Jagermech, then capture the Facility and return on your steps and exit from the western crater. Note that jumping from in the midst of the crater is not a good idea: the Powered Armors will be able to swarm you and will inflict heavy damage before taking the down. Probably Davion 'Mechs will have sorrounded the zone, but exiting from the western crater will grant you some moments of peace; if you'll have to fight, you'll probably fight Ullers. Return to the Liao Dropship and prepare for the next mission (on Carver V's surface). As with other missions, you will be able to choose which mission you'll have to play next from a group of three (4A, 4B, 4C). All of them have to be completed. After your actions, Carver V is isolated from the remaining universe. Steiner and Davion forces began to clash and the rest of the world thinks that House Liao has been drawn into the fight. Mission 4A: FACILITY ASSAULT: LEGION Primary Objectives: + Destroy All Legion Tanks (22000 C-Bills) + Destroy 3 Industrial Complexes (18000 C-Bills) + Extract (6000 C-Bills) Secondary Objectives: + Destroy Relay Station's Power Generator (9500 C-Bills) + Destroy 2 Medium Complexes (9500 C-Bills) + Rendezvous with Liao Operative (9500 C-Bills) Weight Limit: 320 tons Initial RPs: 6000 Map Description: There are mountains in the north, and the map itseflf is hilly with some high ridges. There are villages and cities in the south, near the coast (with the Liao operative) and in the north-west, in the north (with the Legion Tanks), plus few other small agglomerates of houses throughout the map. You'll also get some independet rebel support. Help them. Logistic Phase: Heavy and Assualt 'Mechs; now you should have enough money to buy a Cyclops and use it instead of the Men Shen, but I suggest you to save as many money you can, you'll need them later. Command Phase: As soon as you start you'll see three groups of rebel vehicles trying to assault a Steiner position, but that position is too well placed (on a mountain) and too well defended (some LRM Carriers, 2 Razorbacks, a Shootist and a Hollander); before heading toward the Liao operative in the southern city, help the badits: destroy the Hollander and the LRM Carriers first, then concentrate on the Shootist and finally take out the Razorbacks. The Steiner position is defended by LRM turrets and will not prove useful, so just destroy the turrets. Three other Razorbacks will travel to your position, trying to stop you or, at least, the rebels. Just destroy them with massed long-range fire, then proceed toward the southern city, capture the Town Hall and the operative will tell you that the Legion tanks has a very light rear armor. You will notice also that a group of vehicles coming toward the city; thse vehicles are mostly LRM Carriers, so just quickly close with them and destroy, though you can escape where the medium facilities to avoid them (these vehicles will patrol the city and won't go anywhere). Do whatever you like, but head toward the facilities. The facilty complex contains three Resource Buildings plus the medium facilities and it is heavily protected: a Storm is near the Resource Buildings and there is a Turret Control with two Pop-Up SRM Turrets which can be captured to repel the next attack, staged by an Highlander, two Storms and two Vedettes. After this attack a Bushwacker and four Razorbacks will attack from the north; take out the Bushwacker first, then concentrate on the Razorbacks. Now move your 'Mech to the west side of the map, possibly passing outside the south city if ou didn't destroyed the vehicles before and stop a moment to repair your 'Mechs. Head toward the small paved area before the Relay station: there are a Bushwacker, 2 Hunchbacks and 2 Hetzers; send one 'Mech to destroy the Bushwacker and the Hetzers while the others take out the Hunchbacks from long-range. The Relay Station is not defended, as it will be an easy target. Destroy the Power Generators and/or all towers, then head south of the main industrila complex, where a Pulse Laser and AC Turrets guard a Resource Building; destroy the turrets and capture the Building, then position your 'Mechs on the hill west to the main industrial complex; without sensor support the Legion tanks won't be able to spot you. Now call down one or two Long Tom cannons and try to lure the tanks and their escort toward them. There are 10 or 12 Legion Tanks (destroy them with the artilleries and use your 'Mechs only to lure them or to destroy whatever gets too close), plus an Hetzer. Once all tanks are gone, step into the industrial complex and reduce it to rubbles, then go to the Extraction Point. Mission 4B: COVERT OPS: ORBITAL Primary Objectives: + Capture Meeting Hall to Contact Operative (2500 C-Bills) + Destroy Orbital Gun Alpha (11000 C-Bills) + Destroy Orbital Gun Beta (11000 C-Bills) + Destroy Orbital Gun Gamma (11000 C-Bills) + Destroy Mobile Orbital Gun Omega (11000 C-Bills) + Extract (3000 C-Bills) Secondary Objectives: + Capture Airport Sensor Control (7500 C-Bills) + Destroy Fuel Tanks at Resupply Depot (7500 C-Bills) + Capture Relay Station (7500 C-Bills) + Destroy All Enemy Units (7500 C-Bills) Weight Limit: 75 tons Initial RPs: 0 Map Description: This map is pretty plain, with only a small mountain in the south-west. There is a river running from south to north-west, with three islands in its delta, which can be reached by crossing the shallow waters between them. There is an airport protected by three groups of AC Turrets in the south-east; the Resupply Depot is in the center of the map. There's a bse with an orbital gun in the north-east and a small depot with the Relay Station near it. In the south-west there is a mountain with a base on it, protected only by two AC Turrets. Near the delta, in the west, there is a depot with a Repair Bay. Logistic Phase: Sensors are useful, but not vital. Deploy a jump capable 'Mech; you can deploy one medium and one light 'Mech or a single 75 tons 'Mech like the Lao Hu with the configuration used by the bandit leader (first campaign, last mission). Command Phase: Before doing anything else, go to capture the Airport; the Turret Controls are easy to conquer, and there are only six vehicles (two Harassers, two Hunter and two Attack 'Copters). Conquer the Sensor Control and repair your 'Mech in the Repair Bay nearby. Now head toward the city hiding the operative; there's a Razorback inside but it won't be a great threat. Now head toward the bridge connecting the two terrains and destroy the LRM Carrier patrolling it. Do not bother to destroy the turrets; there are also two Hetzers in the area, be sure to destroy them. Now head to the Resupply Depot and destroy the Fuel Tanks and the two Scimitars inside. A single Hunter will come to see what's happening, destroy it. Head toward the base containing the first orbital gun, by heading to the extreme east; destroy one wall section directly behind the gun: a n Hunchback will show up, destroy it before taking care of the gun. After the gun has been destroy two Vedettes will try to engage you passing from the north and a Razorback and a Vedette from the south. The small depot in the extreme north is your next target; take the opportunity to destroy the two Scimitars west of the base where the orbital gun was. I've found the Mobile Gun there, near the Realy station, protected by two Harassers. The Relay Station is protected by Pop-Up AC Turrets, which can be easily disabled from long-range. Now cross the three islands in the north: on the second isle there are two Attack 'Copters and on the third island a Razorback plus a Turret Control with few AC Turrets. From this island you will be able to destroy the Fuel Tanks near the Power Generators feeding the base turrets. The base is also protected by an Hollander (the first to taek out), two Hetzers, a Scimitar and a Hunter. Once all enemies are gone capture the Repair Bay inside and repair (ª_ª...). Now head toward the last base. Jump on its first "story" and capture the Turret Control: an Hunchback will power up, take it out, then jump where the Orbital Gun is and destroy it, then extract. Mission 4C: ACQUISITION: BASE HERMES Primary Objectives: + Capture Sensor Control (6000 C-Bills) + Destroy All Base Defenders (13000 C-Bills) + Destroy All Base Reinforcments (20000 C-Bills) + Capture Davion Base HeadQuarters (16000 C-Bills) + Extract (5000 C-Bills) Secondary Objectives: + Capture All Main Base Turret Controls (9000 C-Bills) + Capture All Main Base Gate Controls (9000 C-Bills) Weight Limit: 320 tons Initial RPs: 16000 Map Description: A river divides the map into four sectors; the first one, is the biggest and contains the main base, some Turret Controls and Resource Buildings. The second area is in the east and features only a small depot with two Resource Buildings and is protected by SRM Turrets. The third are is in the south and features nothing. The fourth area is in the north-east and has nothing of your interest. Roads are running throughout the map and forms several bridges; the two main roads are from the south to the base and from the east to the base. All roads end frontally to the base, simplifying defense strategies. The south area of the whole map is covered by several Sensor Towers. Logistic Phase: Fast heavy 'Mechs and assault ones. Sensors will be useful in the first part of the mission, but are not vital. Command Phase: As soon as you begin head briefly north to destroy the group of vehicles protecting the Sensor Control. Concentrate on the Attack 'Copters first, then take out the Harassers and the Drillson. Now head toward east, to the paved area with AC Turrets. Capture the Turret Control and the Resource Building, then head back to the Sensor Control and capture it. Now head toward the north base. Be sure to destroy the Shadow Cat in the zone and capture the nearby Turret Control, which controls Gauss Turrets, and the Resource Building inside the same base. Ignore the Repair Bay. Capture the small position with AC Turrets, then attack the north base from the left side to avoid the lateral LRM and the frontal AC Turrets. The base is mainly protected by vehicles (2 LRM Carriers, a Drillson, a Centipede and a Harasser), but there are also two Ullers and a Vulture. Destroy as may vehicles you can first but when the Vulture begins to fire destroy it at once, then concentrate on the Ullers. Once all vehicles are gone capture all Turrets and Gate Controls, Repair Bais and HQs. You should have noticed that Davion troops are on their way; two convoys are heading toward your position; one is starting from the south and will encounter all Turret Controls you captured except for the one with AC Turrets near the main base; the second convoy will start from the east and will encounter the only defense position not encountered by the first convoy. You'll may want to fortify the base a little now. Place four Long Toms directly in front of the main gate, where the two roads end, near the Turret Control, and keep yur 'Mechs inside the base and do not use them as long as the artilleries are active. The first convoy is composed by only two Cargo Trucks, but it's heavily protected: in sequence, a Shadow Cat, a Hunter, 2 Wolfhounds, a Partisan, a LRM Carrier, a Vulture, a Timber Wolf and an other Hunter. They will arrive shortly delayed, and the first convoy will be destroyed (or will destroy you) before the second arrives. Be sure to concentrate your fire on the 'Mechs, the vehicles will be destroyed by the explosions produced by the Long Toms. The Vulture and the Timber Wolf will be primary targets, of course, but try to salvage at least the Timber Wolf. The second convoy is somewhat weaker but is excellent at long range; a Jagermech, two Shadow Cats and a Vulture will try to disable the artilleries from their long range, and will surely destroy most of them, so let your 'Mechs help them, especially with the Vulture. The vehicles forming the second convoy are 2 Troop Transports, a Hezter, a Storm, a Resource Truck and a Repair Truck. As you destroy the last vehicle or 'Mech head to the Extracton Marker. Mission 5: HONOR GUARDS Primary Objectives: + Escort Jason Cho to Rendezvous Location (0 C-Bills) + Destroy All Enemies (0 C-Bills) Secondary Objectives: + Move to Steiner Base (0 C-Bills) Weight Limit: 350 tons Initial RPs: 0 Map Description: There are several islands in this map, but only three are important: the northest, the western, where the Steiner forces are and the central island, the biggest, where a small base with LRM Turrets and Repair Bays, over a hill, near the north island. The terrain as some woods and it is pretty hilly. Logistic Phase: Heavy and assault 'Mechs only. You can ignore the Men Shen or other light/medium 'Mechs with sensors to deploy the heaviest 'Mechs possible. LRMs, Swarm LRMs and Heavy ACs will work fine, as well as any other hard-hitting weapon, like Thunderbolt missiles or Long Tom cannons. If you captured Clan 'Mechs, it is now time to deploy them. Command Phase: (Bug warning! Every time I Quick-saved this mission and then Quick-loaded again, I always got a Mission Failed because my 'Mechs disappeared, so you might want to play this mission without interruptions) Steiner and Liao forces agreed to form an alliance against House Davion; Colonel Renard personally met with Jason Cho (piloting a Cyclops), son of Mandrissa Cho, in his Atlas and brought a large contingent of Steiner 'Mechs. Both sides agree with no argues, but Renard wants a refund for the lifes of Steiner men dead: your and your MechWarriors' lifes. Colonel Renard will send two Zeuses and one Bushwacker to chase you. Immediately follow the suggestion of your Tactical Officer and run to the abandoned (but still active) Steiner base in the north-east. Place your 'Mechs near the coast until the LRM Turrets are under your control, then place them in the woods near the walls. To capture the two Control buildings use your fastest 'Mech and enter from the north-west side of the base, near the Repair Bays, and then run to the Controls and capture them, then repair your 'Mech. The first group of 'Mechs (the two Zeuses and the Bushwacker) will arrive soon. Take out the Zeuses first with massed fire, then the Bushwacker; once destroyed, enter the base and repair, then place your 'Mechs near the left Turret Control, within the base perimeter. The second wave will be there pretty soon, sometimes even with the first three 'Mechs; however, it is a single Highlander, not a group of 'Mechs. The third wave will be led by Cho personally and is composed of Cho's Highlander (the first to go down; it is not a great pilot, it will be easy to take him down; if do not have a Cyclops yet, it is time to salvage it) and five VTOLS (3 Attack 'Copters and 3 Heavy 'Copters); let the turrets take care of them and be sure to waste ammo with them. Take your time to repair your 'Mechs, the next wave will be here soon. The fourth wave is dangerous, composed of a series of light/medium and fast 'Mechs (2 Sha Yus, 2 Anubises and one Men Shen) and three Catapults. As soon as the Catapult will begin to fire exit the base and order to fire on the Sha Yus while you run toward the Catapults; as soon as these 'Mechs are within range, start to fire on them. When this wave is gone, return to the base and repair, then move your 'Mechs on the northern island as soon as the rebels will grant cooperation; place your 'Mechs on the small ridge on that island, behind the 4 LRM Carriers. You can also leave a fast and/or jump capable 'Mech in the base to let him fire on the Ammo Dumps when the enemy 'Mechs get near them, then retreat it where your 'Mechs are. I do not suggest to leave your 'Mechs in the base as you won't have rebel support. The rebels brought four LRM Carriers, 2 Partisan (they will stop near the coast), 4 Fuel Trucks (you can use them as bombs though probably the enemy will blow up as soon as they come into visual range) and a hovercraft group composed of two Drillsons and four Centipedes, probably to most dangerous group of vehicles the rebels brought. The last wave of 'Mechs consitst of 2 Ravens and 2 Starslayers as avantguarde, plus a Raven, two Starslayers and two Lao Hus as main hitting force. If you do not succeed in destroy the ammo dump or you choose to retreat to the north island, the LRM Turrets and the hovercrafts will heavily damage a Raven or a Starslayer; let the LRM Carriers take out this 'Mech while you concentrate your fire on the nearest 'Mech, and so on. --------------------------------- --THIRD CAMPAIGN: REBELS/DAVION-- --------------------------------- Rebellions exploded on all Carver V. As the rebels saved your life, you decided to help them, and their allies, House Davion, to destroy the two Houses that betrayed you. Mission 1: DEFENSIVE COUNTER: BANNIKBURG Primary Objectives: + Defend Bannikburg From Enemy Forces (24000 C-Bills) + Destroy All Liao and Steiner Forces (21000 C-Bills) Secondary Objectives: + Recapture Davion HQ (17000 C-Bills) + Recapture City's Power (17000 C-Bills) + Recapture Sensor Control (17000 C-Bills) Weight Limit: 320 tons Initial RPs: 16000 Map Description: There is a river running from west to east dividing the map into two halves; the river forms also a small lake in the west; there is a bridge protected by LRM and AC turrets near the center of the map and a crossable point near the right edge of the map. There are two cities in the map, but probably Bannickburg is the south one, or just the city most important part. The terrain is pretty hilly but plain in and around the cities. Logistic Phase: A 'Mech with sensors plus heavy and assault 'Mechs only. Command Phase: Head east and take control of the SRM Turrets; a Partisan is defending the zone and two Starslayers will intercept you when the Partisan is gone. Continue to head east, toward a small paved area: there is a Resource Building defended by a Vedette and a Hetzer. Also, a second Vedette will precede a Razorback (prevously powered down). Once the Resource Buildings are gone proceed to recapture Bannickburg's Power Generator, protected by a Partisan, a Harasser and a powered-down Starslayer. Now proceed north from your position, to take control of two clusters of LRM Turrets which will be useful later on; aside the turrets, there are two active Harassers and two powered down Catapults; try to lure them away from the turrets and destroy the Catapults first, or the rain of LRM will become too dangerous. Once you have captured the turrets head i the south part of Bannickburg, directly south to the bridge; the city is lightly defended (a Hetzer and a Shootist), but contains two Resource Buildings and a Repair Bay. Near the Control buildings on the other side of the bridge there are two Hollanders, which will attack you as soon as you come into their visual range. Try to take tham away from the Control buildings to avoid LRM fire from the turrets and destroy them, then use your fastest 'Mech to capture the Turret Control. There you'll have to defend the city from two attack (of three) waves, so place two or three Long Toms near the left side of the destroyed walls. Near the bridge 2 Harassers and 2 Drillsons patrol the area, be sure to have them destroyed. Shortly after a group of Liao units will approach your area from the west: two Attack 'Copters will announce the arrivel of 3 Sha Yus and 3 Lao Hus; be sure to take them out with artillery support to minimize collateral damage to your 'Mechs, then repair and replace any lost Long Tom. Now head north, to the Resource Building in the north-west; before this building you'll ecounter 2 LRM Carriers and 3 Vedettes, plus two LRM Carriers near the Building. Take all of them out and capture the Building, then head east. You'll encounter an Highlander and an Aero Spotter near the Sensor Control, plus a Harasser patrolling the area. After these enemies are gone an other Harasser and two Men Shens will come from the east, plus two Ravens from the river. Now you should have enough time to go to the Repair Bay or call down a Repair Truck to face the first wave, that will come from the north: I stopped it near the Sensor Control, without artillery support, so I'm not sure of what kind of path they have, though I suspect they will pass from the east LRM emplacement to strike Bannickburg-south from its right side. However, the first wave is composed of a Harasser, 2 Razorbacks, 2 Shootists, a Partisan and 4 LRM Carriers; use one or two (relatively) light 'Mechs to take care of the LRM Carriers and the other vehicles while the others take out the Shootist from long range, then concentrate on the Razorbacks. The second wave till come from north-east, and will pass from the east LRM emplacement and strike the right side of Bannickburg-south; though it miht be less dangerous of the first wave, do not engage directly: instead, run to where you placed the Long Toms and then head toward the LRM emplacements to have a slightly higher firepower; there are two Hunchbacks and four Sha Yus in this wave, be sure to take out the Hunchbacks first, then the Sha Yus. Now head toward the Long Toms and repair. The third wave is composed of an Atlas, 2 Hollanders and 2 Catapults; they will come from north-west and will head toward your position: be sure to take out the first 'Mech that come into range (should be the Atlas), then the Catapults with the Long Toms and use your 'Mechs to take out the Hollanders and/or any 'Mech that gets too close to the artillery cannons. This wave is the last; gnjdfzj zfgtnjj ( asked me if there are other waves after this one, but no, there aren't. Probably it is an other bug, however replaying the mission is the easiest way to get rid of this bug. After this mission you will be able to choose between three missions, 2A, 2B and 2C. At least two of them have to be completed, though I strongly reccomend to complete them all. However mission 2A is easy, 2B gives you an additional Elite Mechwarrior and 2C lots of C-Bills but it's difficult; I reccomend 2B and 2C if you are not willing to complete them all. Mission 2A: NIGHT OPS: SCORPIO Primary Objectives: + Extract (10000 C-Bills) Secondary Objectives: + Destroy Ammo Dump Alpha (20000 C-Bills) + Destroy Ammo Dump Beta (20000 C-Bills) + Destroy Power Generator Alpha (20000 C-Bills) + Destroy Power Generator Beta (20000 C-Bills) + Capture Weapons Facility (15000 C-Bills) + Destroy Industrial Complex (15000 C-Bills) Weight Limit: 200 tons Initial RPs: 23000 Time Limit: 18 minutes Map Description: The map is hilly, but not too much. The Ammo Dumps are set in two sinkholes that occupy most of the east part of the map, while a large base occupies the west one. There are some 'Mechs and vehicles in the area and the turrets are not so dangerous. Logistic Phase: Ignore assault 'Mechs and deploy only fast 'Mechs; Men Shens, Timber Wolves and Vultures are a good choice for this mission. Command Phase: There's a time limit in this mission but you should be able to do all objectives and still have some minutes after your extraction. However, do not waste time and head south-east, toward the first sinkhole; the first patrol is composed by a Hunchback ad a Hollander, split your group in two and destroy the 'Mechs ASAP, then destroy the nearby Industrial Complex. Near the sinkhole's border there are a Razorback and a Bushwacker patrolling it; take them down and descend into the sinkhole; the ammo dump is protected by three Partisans and one Razorback that can be easily destroyed by firing of the ammo depots. Note that you have to destroy both sections to accomplish the mission objective. Now go to the next sinkhole; between the there are 3 Partisan and a Storm and near the sinkhole's border a powered down Atlas and a Resource Building; there is also an other Razorback/Bushwacker group patrolling the border. The second ammo dump is more protected, by two groups, each composed of a Razorback and a Hunchback; destroying the ammo depots should take them off; now head toward the north side of the base, bypassing the Extraction Marker. Inside the base there is a Shootist and a Swarm LRM carrier, take out the wall section directly in front of them and destroy them at long range. The west side of the base is patrolled by a Hollander and two Partisans; destroy them now, then, if you need repairs, call down a Repair Truck. Take out the first Power Generator and keep your 'Mechs near the west border to avoid fire from the Pop-Up LRM turrets. Near the Second Generator you should be able to see a small paved area with small barracks around: there are 5 powered down Razorback there: you can saturate the area with Air strikes or call down one or two Long Tom cannons to take care of them. The Weapons Facility (containing Thunderbolt missiles) is near too. Once all objectives have been completed head toward the Extraction Marker. You'll may notice a Shootist coming to the Marker, but you should be there well before it reaches you, you can also destroy it if you have some spare time. Mission 2B: COMBAT RECOVERY: DROPSHIP Primary Objectives: + Move to Davion DropShip (10000 C-Bills) + Rescue DropShip Crew at Prison (14000 C-Bills) + Destroy Orbital Gun (15000 C-Bills) + Destroy Mobile Orbital Gun A (15000 C-Bills) + Destroy Mobile Orbital Gun B (15000 C-Bills) + Extract (5000 C-Bills) Secondary Objectives: + Destroy All Enemies (20000 C-Bills) Weight Limit: 320 tons Initial RPs: 12000 Map Description: This mission is set on a island, with two lakes in it; the norther lake has a small isle inside with the prison on it and it is almost crossable. In the second lake there is the Dropship. In the south-east corner there is a Repair Bay. The are is well protected. Logistic Phase: An other mission for heavy and assault 'Mechs only. Command Phase: Begin to head east and destroy the patrol composed by 2 Hollanders, a Catapult and three Anubis; keep going east to capture the Repair Bay, which is protected by an Anubis, three Swarm LRM Carriers and a Starslayer; plus a Zeus is patrolling the area, going from the repair bay to the nearby Turret Control; capture the Repair Bay and use it if you need, then head toward the Orbital Gun; destroy the Zeus if didn't it before and capture the Turret Control (LRM Turrets) and destroy the vehicles defending it (2 LRM Carriers); the fixed Orbital Gun is protected by a Zeus (take it out first), two Vedettes and one Storm. Continue heading north and destroy the two Hollanders and the three Men Shens patrollong the area, then be careful: there are few Perimeter Alarm that will alert the units patrolling the Prison of your presence; the Prison is protected by a Shadowcat and two groups of four Harassers each, plus a powered down Mad Cat and Vulture; be sure to take out any visible opponent before getting near to the prison and engaging the two Clan 'Mechs; do not capture the Prison now, continue to head north to destroy the first Mobile Orbital Gun, protected by two Highlanders plus a Scimitar and a Drillson. Now you'll surely need repairs, so head back to the Repair Bay; then head west, to your starting point, then head north: you'll find 3 Attack 'Copters. Now go to the DropShip: once you get near it 2 Hollanders and 2 Hunchbacks will power up, attacking you: destroy them at once and then head toward the north east, where you should find the last Mobile Orbital Gun with 3 LRM Carriers and 2 Starslayers as its escort; take the escort and the Gun out, then move to the Prison, capture it and head back to the Dropship. Mission 2C: MOBILE ASSAULT: Mt. CHO Primary Objectives: + Destroy 1/3 Of All Enemy Forces (18000 C-Bills) + Extract (4000 C-Bills) Secondary Objectives: + Destroy 2/3 Of All Enemy Forces (20000 C-Bills) + Destroy All Enemy Forces (28000 C-Bills) + Capture Liao HQ (18000 C-Bills) + Destroy All 3 Power Generators at Liao Base (15000 C-Bills) + Destroy Both Industrial Complexes (15000 C-Bills) + Destroy All 5 Slayer Bombers (15000 C-Bills) + Capture Weapons Facility (15000 C-Bills) Weight Limit: 330 tons Initial RPs: 12000 Map Description: Two rivers, from west and south, form a small island in the south-west and then join together and head in the north-east corner, dividing the remaining terrain into two other parts. Terrain strips and crossable points links all parts in several areas. The area is extremely well protected by 'Mechs, vehicles and several turret emplacements. Logistic Phase: As usual, forget light and medium 'Mechs; forget heavy 'Mechs too; for sensor support a Cyclops will be great; if you do not have one, use a Men Shen, but keep it away from battle. A Scouting specialist is also recomended. Command Phase: Head toward the north island; kepp your 'Mechs on the east coast and destroy the Camo AC Turrets you'll find near a small group of rocks. Circle the base and attack it from the south; be sure to capture the small area with the LRM turrets to have some support. They will immediately begin to fire on a Catapult, which will exit the base; the turrets alone cannot destroy the 'Mech, so use your 'Mechs to destroy it. Then destroy one wall section and the Power Generator for the west turrets. An Anubis should exit the base: destroy it, then enter the base and destroy the vehicles left and capture any building. Two Razorbacks and one Hunchback will come from the north and will head to the base. Destroy them , then head west, to the crossable point to the sout-west isle; a Razorback, coming from the west will intercept you. On the other island 2 Sha Yus and 3 Bushwackers are patrolling the coast; let the Sha Yus detect you and lure the entire group near friendly turrets to help you in destroying them all. Now cross, then head west; there are two other Sha Yus, destroy them before going where the Repair Bay, then carefully approach it: you should notice three powered down 'Mechs, two Razorbacks and one Highlander; once they are powered down, fire on them (especially on the Highlander). Near the Repair Bay there is also a powered down Atlas and three Vedettes. Take them out and repair, then destroy the three Hetzers (one patrolling the road and two in the ammo dump). Now head toward the eastmost edge of the island and destroy any vehic•e protecting the Turret Controls, and if you want, capture them. Reeturn to the Repair Bay if you need repairs and then head south, to the ammo dump; there's a Resource Building nearby, capture it, then continue to head south and destroy the two Catapults patrolling the area, then capture the two Turret Control; they should begin to fire on two Ravens; if not, engage them, then return to the Repair Bay (or call down a Repair Truck), then cross to the last island. A Starslayer, two Bushwackers and a Vedette are patrolling the coast, take them down and then head north; you should detect a Mobile Orbital Gun, with two Hunchbacks nearby; there are also two Catapults, but are powered down; call down two Long Toms and then lure the enemies within the Long Tom's range, and let them destroy it; now head east and place one or two Long Toms just outside the Airport and let them destroy anythin that closes too much; there are also explosive Tanks near the Airport you can use to quickly destroy a group of enemies; you should encounter 2 Hollander, a Zeus, 2 Aerospace Spotters and two LRM Carriers. Once these enemy units are gone enter the airfield and destroy the five Slayers. Head south and destroy the 2 Men Shens and the two Ravens. Continue to head south and engage the Anubis and the three Swarm LRM Carriers at the south-east corner of the map, then head west, destroy the 3 Storms and the two Swarm LRM Carriers, then capture the Weapons Facility (Long Toms) and the Resource Trucks, then head north: Near a Resource Building there is a Shootist, plus an other, which is powered down. North to this position there are five Hetzers left, plus two Sha Yus. Once these are gone, retreat to the Extraction Marker. Mission 3: BAXTER'S GAMBIT Primary Objectives: + Destroy the Liao Elite Guard (30000 C-Bills) + Destroy the Liao Palace (60000 C-Bills) + Extract (5000 C-Bills) Weight Limit: 380 tons Initial RPs: 16000 Map Description: The map is a good mixture of plains (near the barracks and the Palace) and mountains (west/north-west and east). There are three areas protected by high walls backed up by half walls. LRM and Pulse Laser turrets, Partisans, LRM Carriers and Catapults guard the perimeters and the gates. The central paved are has three Resource Buildings. The Palace is not enclosed by walls, but is divided from the rest of the map by a small river and linked by only one bridge. Logistic Phase: Blood Asps! You can buy Blood Asps! It is now time to spend your C-Bills for four of these 'Mechs and fully costumize them! Deploy three long-range fighters and 'Mech with sensors like a Cyclops or a Men Shen plus a Ryoken. Command Phase: Begin to scout the perimeter you're in: it is well prtotected by vehicles, 'Mechs and turrets: however, near the west edge of the map there anren't LRM Turrets, so you can destroy the nearby LRM Carriers, turrets and wall section with long-range weapons. Exit the perimeter: you'll encounter 2 Men Shens and two Starslayers; the whole area is full of these patrols; there are about 7 or 8 of these groups, near the walls, the central paved area, the Elite Barracks outside the Palace and on the mountain in the west, so be prepared to take them out when they show up. Now go to near the gates of the perimenter, capture the Resource Buildings and Trucks and then the Gate Control. If you want, you can take out the two Catapults there. Now head south, between the two perimeters, then head toward the paved area; you can place two Long Toms and use your fastest 'Mech to lure all enemies defending the zone within their range; there are two Partisan patrollong the edges of the area, a Catapult and a Lao Hu in the southern zone plus a Raven and 2 Anubis in the northern area, but are powered down. Destroy everything that moves, then capture the Resource Buildings and the Repair Bay inside. Head toward the mountain to face two Sha-Yus and two Ravens (I'm not sure if they are part of the Elite Guards, but they can be turned into salvage), the toward the Palace: near the Elite Barracks there should be the last Men Shen/Starslayer patrol; aside of these units, the barracks are undefended. It is now time to move siege to the Palace: capture the Pulse Laser Turrets on your side of the bridge, then take some moments to plan your attack. The Palace is protected by a Cyclops, 2 Lao Hus, 2 Catapults, 2 Anubis, other 3 Catapults and finally four Swarm LRM Carriers. The easiest way to destroy them is to place three or four Long Toms on your side of the bridge (so that the enemies will have to travel in line on the bridge maximizing the effectivness of the Long Toms) and lure one-by-one or two-by-two (that reminds me, no, I'm a MechCommander, not a Warlord)(only two people in the whole world would understand this NdB) the enemies away from their positions. Keep your 'Mechs behind the Long Toms, ready to intercept any unit that gets too close. This will work fine, but there is also the possibility that the bridge will be obstructed by the smoking hulls of your you might want to place those Long Toms on the Liao side of the bridge (I've got half of the bridge obstructed, when I saw that my 'Mechs were not able to pass I paniked...actually only one lane got obstructed, so the solution was to pass on the other lane of the bridge...I don't know if both lanes can be obstructed but I do not want to try). The Catapults are configured in the Elite variant, so it will be easy to dodge their Swarm missiles, just like the Swarm LRM Carriers...the Lao Hus are more difficult and I targeted the Cyclops from long range and it never moved nor fired back...once the defenders are gone, destroy the palace then head to the extraction point. Mission 4: LIBERATE STARPORT Primary Objectives: + Destroy All Steiner Units at Starport (45000 C-Bills) + Destroy Steiner Reinforcments (45000 C-Bills) Secondary Objectives: + Capture Sensor Control (15000 C-Bills) + Destroy Steiner Power Generators (12000 C-Bills) + Destroy Steiner Dropshisp (20000 C-Bills) + Capture Mobile HQ (10000 C-Bills) Weight Limit: 300 tons Initial RPs: 36000 Map Description: Deep canyon in the north west, near your start point, the remaining map is hilly but not too much. A river is set in the east and forms a small island with a base in the north-east; this base is protected by Long Tom and LRM Turrets with two different Turret Controls. There's the Sensor Control here, plus a Resource Building and a Repair Base; the island is linked to the main terrain by a bridge and a strip of shallow water. The starport is set in the south-east, and it is well protected; there are three Dropships inside, two Repair Bays, three Resource Trucks and one Resource Building. There are some vehicle patrols in the area. There are also several Sensor Towers, but only three (in the west) are functional. Logistic Phase: Assault 'Mechs only. You should have salvaged a Cyclops in the previous mission, so two Blood Asps and one Cyclops will be fine. Command Phase: Begin to head toward the several vontacts in the canyon, especially to the four LRM Carriers: destroy them at once and then engage the one in the canyon, then destroy the Razorbacks and the Hunchback ; head toward the first secondary objective and destroy the other Razorback/LRM Carrier couple, then destroy the sample couple protecting the bridge. Crossi it and destroy the Lookout Tower, or the Long Tom Cannons will begin to fire at you. The 'Mechs protecting the base will also exit to intercept you: 2 Razorback will try to circle you from west/south/east and a Zeus and a Hollander will directly face you. Destroy them both, then return on the main island and intercept the 2 Razorbacks and all units nearby (a Swarm LRM Carrier, a Harasser and a Storm), then cross the shallow water douth of the base with the Sensor Control and attack it from the south with the fastest 'Mech you have: destroy one or two wall sections and quickly capture the Sensor Control, then retreat before the Long Toms fire. There is also a Repair Bay and a Resource Building, but it is too dangerous trying to capture them with the turrets active. You can disable them with Air Strikes, but you'll need RPs later. Once the Sensor Control is under your Command, head toward the paved area at the center of the map, destroy any vehicle near it and the partisans will show up, telling you that when you'll attack the Starport they'll join in. For now, destroy the other vehicles south of your position and, if you need, call down a Repair Truck, then head to the Starport. The Starport is protected by a Zeus and a Hollander (which will attack from the north), an other Hollander and an Atlas (south), plus several LRM Carriers positioned between the buildings of the area; near the Repair Bays there are an Atlas and 2 Bushwackers. Destroy the first group first, then the second Hollander and finally the Atlas; the partisan should be here now, and will engage any remaining vehicle. While they do this, head toward the three Dropships: near the south one, a Hunchback and a Razorback will power up and will attack you: destroy them, then do the same with the Dropship they were guarding. Be sure to capture all nearby Resource Trucks. All other Dropships are defended in the same way: the second (east Dropship) is protected by a Highlander and a Razorback, the third (north Dropship) by a Hunchback and a Higlander. Once the defenders are gone, capture the Repair Bay and use them, then place four Long Tom cannons near each Bay: Steiner reinforcments will arrive soon. The first wave will come from the south and it is composed by a Hollander, a Hunchback and two Highlanders. Destroy them, if you can replace your Long Toms and repair. The second, and last, wave will come from east; it is composed by three Razorbacks, 2 Hunchbacks and one Highlander. Mission 5: OPERATION GOLIATH Primary Objectives: + Destroy Steiner High Command (100000 C-Bills) + Eliminate Renard (100000 C-Bills) + Extract (5000 C-Bills) Weight Limit: 450 tons Initial RPs: 10000 Map Description: There are two mountains in the east and in the north; the base occupies most of the upper area of the map and it is composed by several layers with minimum difference in height; several buildings, especially in the east part; the perimiter is well defended; the south and east entraces are defended by LRM Turrets and the two "horns" in the south both have 4 Long Tom turrets; the area is extremely well defended by medium to assault 'Mechs (mostly Hunchbacks, Bushwackers ad Highlanders) and vehicles (expect Legion Tanks). Logistic Phase: A Cyclops and four Blood Asps; if you want, one can be configured as an Ultra Heavy AC boat. The base do not offer a great LOS, so usefulness of long-range weapons is greatly reduced. Command Phase: The partisan will attack from the east in two waves: the first, 2 Swarm LRM Carriers, 3 Urbanmechs will destroy the wall and will fight the defenders while the second wave, two Jagermechs and two Swarm LRM Carriers will go for the Long Tom Turret Controls in the south; it is better to support their attack and enter from the wall they destroyed, the main entrance is too well defended (LRM Turrets, 2 Shootists, 2 Highlanders and 4 Bushwackers); immediately run toward the east, to stay do a large circle around the base: the first group (2 Bushwackers and 2 Hollanders) will show up, destroy them and continue your journey. Meanwhile the partisans should have destroyed the wall and engaged the nearby units, and probably destroyed them (4 Razorbacks and 2 Storms), though the first wave will surely have been wiped out. The second wave will capture the Long Tom turrets and the Turret Control of the LRM Turrets at the main gate and/or the Gate Controls and probably won't engage the Shootists or any other 'Mech, though you should arrive to support the two Jagermechs; keep your 'Mechs behind it and see what it will do and use it to draw fire away from your 'Mechs and attack from the longest range possible. The east part of the base should have a single Hunchback active, near the Resource Building. If you are tempted to destroy the Steiner Command now, desist, all remaining 'Mechs and vehicles will engage you, it is better to take them all out and then destroy the High Command. Head south, near the main gate and destroy any resistance you'll find, the proceed toward the west entrance: destroy thr Zeus and the Hunchbakc in the zone then capture the LRM Turret Controls and use them to support you in destroying the nearby 'Mechs (a Zeus and a Hunchback outside the walls) and the Legion tanks near the Repair Bay that will surely come to engage you. Now head to the Repair Bay, capture and use it, capture the nearby Resource Buildings then head to the Steiner High Command. Place four Long Toms on the plain below the Steiner Command and destroy the Powered Armors defending the building then destroy it. Shortly after you'll see that a small group of five 'Mechs will come from the north directly toward your position: there are two Highlanders, two Shootists and Renard's Atlas, which is jump capable. Let the Long Toms take care of the Highlanders first, then of the Shootists. You will have to take out Renard with your 'Mechs, as he will continue to jump and fire at you (or at the Long Tom batteries). Once he's gone, retreat to the extraction point. The end. Carver V has been liberated. Baxter and the inhabitants renamed the planet Liberty and are dealing with a Liao representetive for protection. You are their hero, but for the Lyran Alliance you are a murderer. As instructed, your Tactical Officer set a course for the Periphery. ************** 15-FAQ SECTION ************** Question - Where's the Minelayer/Long Tom/Air Strike/Repair Truck? Answer - There is no way to buy a Minelayer/etc etc etc before the mission starts. It can be only purchased from the Support Palette. It will be airdropped where you want (within your LOS, of course). Q - Then? A - You have a working Minelayer/etc etc etc, with a full load of ammo (if any) and brand-new armor. Q - But the Minelayer doesn't lay mines! A - This vehicle will lay mines only if you order it to do so. Normal move order will make the vehicle move. To lay mines, see p.55 of the MC2 instruction booklet. Q - Hey! It's not fair! A - OK...just press V and click where you want those mines. Q - Mines don't work! A - Only units weighting more than 35 tons will set off mines. Q - Just tell me why the Minelayer or the Repair Truck lays only some mines or it explodes after having repaired a 'Mech! A - Minelayers have a limited supply of mines; Repair Trucks can only support a certain number of armor platings, so when it finishes it, it explodes. After the Minelayer expended its cargo it can still be moved and used as a scout. Q - Why does the game makes me purchase the 'Mechs I salvaged with the Salvage Craft at the end of the mission? A - Because the 'Mechs you captured have to be divided between you and your hirer. Your contract assures you that you will be the first able to get the hands on salvageable 'Mechs, but for a price. Q - Though not a real FAQ, Enui ( asked me in which ways MechCommander 2 (MC2) is different from BattleTech (BT). A - In lots of ways. First of all, MechWarriors with lower points in Gunnery and Piloting skills are better, there aren't Specializations (expect for the optional rules in Level 3), 'Mechs have a different look and are differently armed and constructed (during construction you have to look at Critical Space and tonnage, a 'Mech can produce more heat than it can dissipates with certain drawbacks that appear in the MechWarrior series; also, all 'Mechs have sensors and can mount Jump Jets and ECMs) and several vehicles are totally different (for example the Scimitar is armed with a light AC, not flamers). There is no division in long, medium and short range weapons, each weapon has its own range (the division in ranges is used in BattleForce, a BT expansion where you can use large formations. In BT commanding 5 BattleMechs, each with its movement capabilites, heat scale, armor and internal structures, pilots etc etc, is very difficult). That's only the beginning, the differences are too much to be listed there, though the MechCommander series has proved to be much more accurate in recreating the BT universe, especially for 'Mechs usage. Oh, in MC and MC2 there aren't some weapons present in BT (for example standard SRMs, enhaced LRMs, various types of munitions for LRMs and SRMs, LB-X ACs) and other works in a different way (for example Pulse Lasers are more accurate than standard lasers, they do not have an higher rate of fire). BattleTech was created by Jordan Weisman for Fasa, Inc. However Fasa declared bankruptcy and sold BT rights to Wizkid (a new society formed by Weisman himself after he left Fasa), which divided the BT production in two separate timelines: the timeline we all know, the one with Clans and Inner Sphere and from where the MechWarrior and MechCommander series take their bases, will continue, but under production of a german Wizkid subsidiary (Fantasy Production, or FanPro); a new timeline that recalls more the first years of the BT universe, set 200 years after the actual timeline, with a totally different gameplay (partially based on Wizkid first, and only other product, MageKnights). For more informations on which rulebooks you have to buy to begin playing BT, read my MechWarrior 4: Vengeance FAQ (can be easily found at GameFAQs), or go to and Q - How is possible to make MechWarriors with low Piloting Skill advance to Ace? A - Before answering, I'd like to point out that Yeo Jia Tian ( reminded me of he points out, the Gunnery Skill increases by one point for every 'Mechs that the MechWarrior kills. He also pointed out that Piloting Skill increases in the same way, by one point per mission. This is both true and false. A 'MechWarrior piloting a 'Mech without Jump Jets or he didn't used them even if the 'Mech had will see his Piloting Skill increase one point per mission; however, if a MechWarrior extensively uses the Jump Jets on his/her 'Mech during a mission, he/she will get a maximum of four point per mission; I think that a MechWarrior gets one Piloting point for every three or four jumps he/she does, with a minimum of one point per mission. In fact, by extensively using Jump Jets you should be able to reach high ranks (Elite and Ace) from a Green pilot much faster than ignoring the existence of Jump Jets and/or using them only in special occasions. Currently, I have four Ace pilots (Longshot, Hacksaw, Twitch and Palerider); Longshot get her promotion during the first missions of Operation 2, like Hacksaw (though somewhat later) while Twitch and Palerider during Operation 3. Added in version 2.5: as with Piloting Skill, Gunnery Skill as a maximum increase rate per mission. Each 'Mech destroyed by the MechWarrior will provide one Gunnery point; every five Vehicles (I'm not sure of this value) will provide a Gunnery Point too. A MechWarrior will see his/her Gunnery Skill increase by at least one point per mission where he/she killed at least one vehicle/'Mech (not infantry or turrets). A MechWarrior will recieve a maximum of 4 Gunnery points per mission, unless he/she recieves an "Uncommon Valor" medal (worth 7 or more 'Mechs), where he/she will recieve 5 Gunnery Points. Q - Micro$oft released the mission editor! Can you explain how it works? A - I downloaded it too, even tried to do a map, but the editor is not exactly fact, I'm still trying to understand why I cannot execute it in full-screen mode and how the water tool works. However, no, I will not dedicate a document or a section thereof to the mission editor. Online there are several sites dedicated to MechCommander 2 modding. I strongly reccomend Mech Lab (, which has a complete set of additional multi and single player maps/campaigns. Q - Is it possible to extended Gunnery and/or Piloting Skill beyond 80 points? A - I don't think so. I'm currently replaying the game and Lonshot is very near to pass the 100 kills limit, however I do not think that an Ace pilot is capable of passing 80 points on any of his/her abilities, even if the sliders show other unused bars. And so is it. Longshot now has 106 kills but always at 80/80. ************** 17-BUG SECTION ************** 1) Extraction trigger: documented in all missions except op2m5, regular and elite difficulty settings. When 2 or more 'Mechs originally deployed at the start of the mission are destroyed or a MechWarrior has been killed, the Extraction Marker will not work, even if all primary and secondary objectives have been completed. This bug also shows when only one of your 'Mechs has been destroyed, or won't show at all. 2) Quick Save: documented in op2m5, regular difficulty setting. Quick Saving and then Loading in this mission will make the mission fail as after the Quick Load your 'Mechs will be considered destroyed. 3) No Sensor Contacts: documented in op1m6B, during/after you encounter with the Men Shens (also, any mission with ECM-equipped 'Mechs might be subject of this bug), all difficulty settings. After you destroyed the Men Shens near the Liao HQ (or destroyed any other ECM-equipped 'Mech), probably your sensors won't show any other sensor contact on the map. Powering down and Re-powering up 'Mechs with sensors should correct this bug. 4) No Jump Cursor: documented in few mission, might be present in any mission where you deployed jump-capable 'Mechs. It probable that the jump cursor will turn itself into a normal cursor, but with no other effect (you can still jump). I'm not sure of the source of the problem, but propably it happens when you order two 'Mechs (one with and one without Jump Jets) to jump somewhere. ************** 18-SUBMISSIONS ************** First of, ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Hello, I read your document on MechCommander 2. Very interesting, and nice. I enjoyed reading it, and I must comment on one particular part of your composition. When you were talking about the Bushwacker in your history/opinion, I noticed you put in parentheses "give me a Centurion"... I happen to agree with you 200%, GIVE ME BACK MY CENTURION! Lol. Health & Happiness, Khan Sean Kerensky, Clan Wolves In Exile ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Fellow clansmen with same ideas on 'Mechs. Great ;) Now, Roy Dane ( who sent two "short" mail with some corrections, ideas and whatever. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Greetings !! After several hours of searching the web, I stumbled onto your page. I found the information you present to be both interesting and helpful. There are however a few corrections and additions that I would like to bring to your attention. I just finished the entire Carver 5 campaign on the "Veteran" difficulty. Having played it through on Regular, I can tell you that the Veteran setting is at least twice as difficult as the Regular setting. Watching a little Razorback tear apart a Zeus in a one - on - one fight is a definite eye opener. If you want, I have some notes on some of the assignments ( especially the last 6 or 7 of the game ) that you might find useful. If you want, I can send them to you in a separate email. Here are a few other things that I noticed while working through the campaign and taking notes along the way. 1.) As you noted, it is impossible for a MechWarrior to "legally" ( without using any cheats, and I don't know if cheats would work ) get gunnery and/or piloting skill ratings above 80. By the way, if you pay careful attention to your mechwarriors during each assignment ( make notes of the number of kills they make, put the mechwarriors with low pilot scores in jump mechs and have them jump all over the place ) it is possible to have at least 6 mechwarriors achieve Ace status. In my case the 6 Aces were Flash ( 81 Mech kills ), Longshot ( 67 Mech Kills ), Twitch ( 52 Mech Kills ), Steel ( 39 Mech Kills ), Meat ( 43 Mech Kills ), and Rooster ( 13 Mech Kills ). 1a. The use of jump jets adds to the piloting skill pretty much as you describe, with 3 or 4 jumps equaling a 1 point increase in piloting, with a maximum increase of 4 points per mission. 1b. Increasing gunnery is little less precise. As a rule, a MechWarrior gets a one point increase in gunnery for each mech he or she kills, but not always. I think it depends on two things. I assume that the person who fires the shot that kills the mech ( or vehicle ) is the person who is awarded the kill. However, when it comes to determining the number of mechs each MechWarrior killed ( for purposes of calculating gunnery score improvements ) the game looks at how much damage the MechWarrior did to each of the mechs he or she killed. I actually had a case where Rooster was credited with killing two mechs, but was only given a one point increase in gunnery. I think the the same applies to vehicles also. The "normal" ratio is 1 point of gunnery for every five vehicles, but I have seen some cases where someone was given a gunnery point for killing just four vehicles and others where someone with six vehicle kills received no gunnery skill points at all. I think that ( for purposes of increasing gunnery scores ) the computer only counts those mechs and/or vehicles where the MechWarrior in question did more than half ( 50% ) of the damage. By the way, like piloting, gunnery only increases by a maximum of 4 points per mission. 2. ) Tactical / Skills notes a Your advice on MechWarrior skills was dead on. In the campaign I just finished, Longshot and Twitch were Laser/ER Laser/ PPC specialists. Flash ( the deadliest of them all ) was a Sensor/ Scout/ LRM specialist. Needless to say, they all had mechs that were customized to their skills. Flash for instance had a Cyclops with 9 Clan LRM Racks and two Lasers. Speaking of Sensor specialists until they reach Elite, they will incorrectly identify Attack and Heavy Copters. A regular sensor specialist will show a heavy/attack copter as a mech. A veteran sensor specialist will report an Attack Copter as a light mech, and a Heavy Copter as a medium mech. b There is only one skill to give a MechWarrior who is promoted to Ace Sharpshooter. The Sharpshooter skill works with any weapon, in any mech, at any range. Get it. Use it. The Sharpshooter skill wont help you much against light mechs, but it does decent work on medium mechs, and is incredibly powerful against heavy and assault mechs. Let me give you an example of how deadly sharpshooters in customized mechs can be. During the Combat Recovery Dropship mission ( Davion/ Baxter 2B ) my force of 4 mechs ( Madcat, Cyclops, Zeus, and Lau Hu ) engaged the forces guarding the orbital gun in the northeast corner of the map ( 2 Highlanders, 6 Powered Armor, 2 Scimitars and 3 Drillsons ). Flash ( Sharpshooter / LRM ) was in the Cyclops ( with 9 Clan LRM packs ) and Longshot ( Sharpshooter / Laser / ER Laser / PPC ) was in the Zeus ( 2 Clan ER PPCs, 2 Lasers, 2 ER Lasers ). Too make a long story short, the Highlanders got off two, maybe three shots ( which did hardly any damage at all ) before the Aces, literally ripped their heads off. The other thing about sharpshooting heavy and assault mechs is that you are able to salvage them with ALL their weapons intact ( assuming that you only have mechs shooting at the targeted mech, and all your mechs are shooting for the head hold down the 8 on the numeric keypad while clicking on the target ). This means you get heavy and assault mechs for cheap !! This brings me to my third point. 3.) Your notes on battlefield salvage are almost completely, totally wrong. You are correct in stating that the salvage craft doesn't do anything more than get the mech on its feet. If your mechwarriors were simply shooting steel and laserbeams anywhere in the direction of the target mech, chances are some ( or several ) of the weapons have been destroyed, and the mech probably won't be worth salvaging. On the other hand, if they were shooting for the head, most if not all of the weapons are still ok, and the amount of repairs to be made will be minimal. This is a very handy ( when you have the resource points available ) way of increasing the size of your force. In the Combat Recovery Op that I mentioned earlier, I ended up with a force of 8 mechs ( 2 Madcats, 2 Highlanders, 2 Zeus's, a Cyclops, and a Lau Hu ). Contrary to your report, I didn't have to "buy" any of the mechs that I had salvaged with the salvage craft. Granted when you start the NEXT mission, the game will slot in whatever mechs it feels like, within the load parameters, but if you carefully check your mech storage, you will find all the mechs that you salvaged. The way salvage works is this. At the end of each mission, any mech that has one of your mechwarriors in it is yours. Any mech that is laying on the battlefield ( even if it was yours at the start of the mission ) goes into the "After Op Mech Bazaar" ( the listing of mechs available for purchase after the mission is done, but before you find out if any of your mechwarriors got promoted ). By the way, this is the ONLY way to salvage the Starslayer in the very first mission, as the game does not present you with the "After Op Mech Bazaar" until after the second mission ( Base Gemini ). ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Op. 1 Mission 1 Your notes are fairly accurate. The only comments I can make are as follows.When you get to the north island and you detect the urbanmechs on your sensors, use the Razorback to lure them east of the trees, and away from the vehicles before engaging them. Keep the Razorback circling the Bushwackers, and they will be able to kill the urbanmechs ( which will be trying to kill the Razorback ) without getting scratched. Aftering killing the Urbanmechs and the Harassers on the North Island, move to the shore by where you cross to the extraction point. Send the Razorback across, and when the enemy starts to move out, retreat Flash to your side of the river. kill the harassers as they cross the riverand then fall back. Chances are the Starslayer and 1 Harasser will make it across the river. Take them out, salvage the Starslayer ( and an Urbanmech if you haven't already done so ), and cross the river and destroy the LRM carriers. Op 1, Mission 2 ( Base Gemini ) Other than suggesting that you try to lure as many bandits as possible away from Gemini North, your notes are correct. At the least, you should be able to lure the 3 vehicles at the gate, and 1 Fire Ant away from the base. Op. 1, Mission 3 ( Ambush Convoy, Capture Mobile HQ ) One minor correction. The largest Mech you can purchase at this point is a Shootist, not a Zeus ( at least on Veteran difficulty ). I also called in one Artillery unit on the northeast corner of the hill to the Southeast of the checkpoint, and lured the Fire Ants in the convoy to it. I also placed the Artillery that I called in to fight off the reinforcements inside the base itself. Op.1, Mission 4 ( Search and Destroy Bandit Convoy ) I usually settle for climbing the hill to the southwest of Objective 1, and calling in an artillery piece. Destroy the mechs and then go for the convoy. The convoy will only go to the Liao base to the northwest ( definate proof of Liao / Bandit collaboration ) and stop there. A few notes regarding the "end game" of the mission. Your notes are quite correct, but there are some options to consider. There is an island to the southwest of the Liao base that has a resource building gaurded by 1 Harasser and 2 Centipedes. Further west is a second resource building gaurded by 1 Sha Yu, 1 Anubis, 4 Harassers, and 2 LRM Carriers. Needless to say, this presents the opportunity to salvage more mechs and give your meechwarriors target practice at the same time. By the way the Liao "reinforcements" consist of 6 Attack Helicopters, which aren't a real threat if you captured the turret controls south of the weapons facility. Op. 1, Mission 5 ( Night Ops Liao Raid ) Only a few minor notes on this one. If possible, lure the Anubis mechs gaurding the weapons facility near the fuel tanks and kill them. The Sha Yu's gaurding the resource trucks will engage your forces between the river and the depot. Regarding the strategy for dealing with the prison gaurds, use both yours and Henri's plans. Just make sure that you wipe out everything that is outside the base one small group at a time, as the Liao troops might try to gang up on you. I think I will replay this one again, because, I seem to recall encountering a Men Shen or two south of the prison ( I was trying to sneak along the shore to the generator area) Op. 1, Mission 6A - 6C I personally recommend doing all three ops, as they give your mechwarriors more experience early in the game. I usually play them in the order of C, B, A ( Claymore, Garrison, Base Aries ), so I will give you my notes in the same order. Op 1, Mission 6C ( Combat Rescue Claymore ) Just a few minor notes. Because I play this one first, I don't have a Men Shen ( unless I find one somehow in Op. 1, Mission 5 ), so I use a Shootist, Starslayer, and a Sha Yu. Please note that there is an ungaurded resource building on an Island Northeast of the start point. I found that climbing the East - West ridge ( with the road on it ) to the southeast of the airbase usually draws out a fair number of defenders from both the airbase and the small base to the south. After taking the base to the south, I recommend linking up with Claymore before going after either base, as there are no enemy forces between the small base and Claymore. For your information, here is the listing of the bandits gaurding the base south of the second airbase. South Unit ( straight east of the extraction point ) 1 Urbanmech, 3 Fire Ants, 4 Hunters ( some of these units are stationed on the east -west ridge between the "South Unit" and the Main Unit Main Unit ( The "urban area surrounded by turrets ) 1 Urbanmech, 1 Raven, 1 Hetzer, 3 Harassers ( If you attack this area instead of the "South Unit" some of the ridgeline forces ( 2 Fire Ants, 2 Hunters ) will counterattack from the ridge. North Unit ( the area near the bridge to the airfield ) 1 Urbanmech, 3 Fire Ants, 1 Harasser Op. 1, Mission 6B ( Occupation Garrison ) I used one Highlander, one Shootist, and 1 Sha Yu, and things went pretty much as you described. Two notes When I attacked the LRM Carriers at the road intersection, 1 Men Shen and 1 Vedette came out of the HQ area. Secondly, regarding the chemical plant base, I recommend attacking the LRM carrier first. This will draw out one of the Catapults. Kill it with head shots and salvage it. Draw the second Catapult to the small fuel tanks and blow them up. This will either kill the catapult or seriously damage it. Op. 1, Mission 6A ( Defensive Counter Base Aries ) Forces Used 2 Highlanders, 2 Sha Yu's I sent the Sha Yu's out to capture all the buildings. In the end I had 4 Artillery pieces at the northwest corner of the western turret base that is straight north of the main base, and 3 Artillery pieces at the northeast corner of the Northeast turret base. Op. 1, Mission 7 ( Breach Bandit Headquarters ) Forces Used 2 Highlanders, 1 Catapult, 1 Men Shen I stay on the hill to the south of the first base, and when enough bandits are around the feul tanks, blow them up. At the west end of the "valley running to the west of the first base, is a small village with a resource building. There are two patrols going from this village to the weapons facility. One patrol has two Fire Ants and the other 2 Swarm LRM carriers. I usually send the Men Shen out to deal with both patrols, as this is the only good chance the Men Shen pilot has a chance of collecting kills for Gunnery Skill Points. To the west of the weapons facility is a base with 5 AutoCannon Turrets. Capture it and add an artillery piece. Lure the UrbanMechs from the weapons facility into range and shell them to pieces. Also note that there are two Partisans north of the weapons facility that might attack you. In the ruined village east of the weapons facility there are 2 Fire Ants and 3 Hunters. There is also a patrol of 1 Partisan and 2 Hetzers going from the Bandit HQ to the ruined village. The only other thing I did differently was to call in two artillery pieces just west of the mountaintop directly north of the extraction point. I had the artillery deal with the Starslayers and other small units, while my mechs took out the Lao Hu. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Roy Dane sent an other "short" mail on the Davion campaign. Great stuff. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Greetings Briareos I just finished running through the entire Carver 5 Campaign on Veteran Difficulty. Here are my notes on the Davion Campaign. For the most part, your walkthroughs work with little or no corrctions. I did notice one thing in your notes that got me thinking. You mention that the difference between the different levels is the amount of damage your weapons do. Forgive me for saying this, but I respectfully disagree. I think the difference is in the skill(s) of the enemy MechWarriors. I don't know for certain, but I think that on the "Green" setting, the enemy Mechwarriors have no special skills ( In other words they are Green Mechwarriors ), on the Regular setting they have a weapons skill, and on Veteran they have a weapons skill, plus specialization in whatever size mech they are in. The first time I played MC2 on Veteran ( after completing the campaign on Regular ), I couldn't believe how hard it was to kill a #$%@#$$ Fire Ant. The other thing I noticed is that, On Veteran difficulty, the enemy Mechwarriors seem to shoot a lot more accurately, and they seem to concentrate there fire on only 1 to 3 places on the mech, instead of all over the Mech. There is also some differences in the enemy forces on the map. For example, your walkthrough of Night Ops Scorpio ( Davion Mission 2A ) says that the northern power generator is guarded by a Shootist and a Swarm LRM Carrier. When I played the assignment on Veteran that generator was guarded by an Atlas and a Shootist, so I imagine there are a few other changes in other missions as well. At any rate here are my notes. After this I am going back in time to build a Stronghold in 12th Century England. Roy Davion / Partisan Campaign Notes Note These notes are based on Campaign play set on Veteran Difficulty The following missions are ok as written Mission 2B Combat Recovery Dropship ( Use a Light Mech for "Bait" See Below ) Mission 3 Baxter's Gambit ( Use a Light/ Medium Mech as "Bait" ) Notes on "Baiting" the enemy The principals of baiting the enemy are simple. Position a fast mech or scout copter between your main force and the enemy. Wait until the enemy makes visual contact ( in other words you actually see them rather than a sensor contact ) and pull your bait back. Make sure that the enemy is in visual contact of the bait at all times. Make sure to keep the bait out of range of the enemies weapons ( especially if using a scout copter ). The enemy will try to destroy the bait, completely ignoring your main force, allowing you to destroy them with little or no damage to your own mechs. The following Missions are ok with some minor revisions Mission 2C Mobile Assault Mt Cho At the start of the mission, it is not necessary to destroy the Autocannon Pop-up turrets north of the landing zone, as your mechs can bypass them without taking any fire. You can take out the Mobil Orbital Gun, and damage at least two of its defending mechs by calling an airstrike on the fuel trucks parked behind it. You can take out the two Hollanders at the airfield and possibly damage another mech and/or vehicle(s) by calling in an airstrike on the ammo dumps behind them. Mission 4 Liberate Starport At the start of the mission, ( especially if you are playing on Veteran or Elite Difficulty ) go north to the corner of the map and then follow the ridge to the enemy mechs. You will be able to destroy the mechs without taking any fire from the LRM Carriers. If you try to take out the LRM Carriers first, the mechs will join the fight before all the LRM Carriers are destroyed, and your mechs will take a pounding. If you are careful, after you have destroyed the observation tower East of the bridge, near the sensor control base, it is possible to destroy the Long Tom Turrets with long range fire, without receiving any fire from the Long Toms. One interesting note When I attacked the sensor control base, I lured the Zeus and the Hollander out towards the bridge. I destroyed them before the Razorbacks had finished circling around the base. For some reason, the Razorbacks took off and "hid" in the Northwest corner of the map ( almost exactly where you start the mission in fact ). I try to capture the Mobil HQ before attacking the Starport. Start by luring the two Bushwackers and 2 Heavy Copters out of the base and destroy them. Next do a two ( or three if you wish to capture the resource truck ) pronged "attack" on the base. Send one mech ( well armored ) to capture the Mobil HQ from the East, a second Mech to capture the Resource Truck, and a third Mech to capture the turret control building. Be advised that the Mech(s) capturing the vehicle(s) are going to get a little shot up. DO NOT CAPTURE THE TURRET CONTROL UNTIL YOU HAVE CAPTURED THE VEHICLE(S) !! One other interesting note There is another resource building next to the sensor tower that is furthest south. Mission 5 Operation Goliath This op played well as written. One minor note With Sharpshooter Aces in Customized Mechs, the artillery pieces you mention for the battle with Renard are unnecessary. I just finished the entire campaign on Veteran, and the only things I used Resource Points for in this mission were two refit trucks and a Salvage Craft to Salvage Renard's Atlas. In the final battle, I was able to take out 1 Highlander and both Shootists before Renard jumped in. Renard got off one shot before one of my sharpshooters ripped his head off. After that, it was a simple chore to take out the remaining Highlander and destroy the Steiner Command Building. Major Revisions Mission 1 Defensive Counter Bannikburg Forces Used Madcat, Lao Hu, Thor, Vulture, SHA YU I start as you describe, capturing the Davion HQ and the nearby turret control. Use the Sha Yu to bait the Starslayers and Partisan away from the buildings. After capturing the HQ and turret control, Run east to the small paved area with the Resource Building. Destroy the Vedettes and the Hetzer and capture the Resource Building. Try to avoid causing the Razorback to power up ( stay away from the fuel depot ). Then proceed ( at a run ) to power generator, destroy the Harasser, Partisan, and powered down ( don't worry it will power up soon enough ) Starslayer there, and capture the generator. Run north from the generator and destroy the ammo dump as soon as you are in range. This will destroy 2 Catapults and a Harasser nearby, leaving you a second Harasser and a LRM Carrier to fight. Kill them quickly and capture the turret controls for the two sets of LRM turrets along the ridge. Cross the river and proceed to the Sensor Control building, capturing a Resource Building along the way. Stay away ( for now ) from the village in the Northeast corner of the map. Destroy the Partisan and two Harassers guarding the Sensor Control and capture the building. Move your Heavy Mechs southeast of the Sensor Control, and have the Sha Yu Run towards the village. Have the Sha Yu stop when the village is inside the range of it's sensors. Wait until you hear "Mech Power-up Detected" TWICE. Wait another five seconds, and then run the Sha Yu west of your Heavy Mechs. The two Ravens and two Men Shens hiding in the village will follow the Sha Yu, and your heavies will be able to destroy them while taking little, or no damage. Approach the fuel depot north of the river, and use the Sha Yu to lure out the Aerospotter and Highlander hiding there, and quickly destroy them. Then send the Sha Yu to capture the two Resource Buildings in the Northeast Village. Cross the river at the bridge, and proceed to the city. Destroy the Shootist and the Hetzer in the city, and run towards the base north of the river. Destroy the two Hollanders near the turret control and the two Harassers and two Drillsons patrolling the river. Capture the Mech Repair Bay, Turret Control Building, and all Resource Buildings and Vehicles in the city. Repair your Mechs and run North to the base. Place three Artillery pieces in the Northwest corner of the base. About this time a small patrol of vehicles ( 2 LRM Carriers and 3 Vedettes ) will approach your base. Take them out quickly because right behind them is the first wave of the Liao / Steiner Assault force ( 2 Attack Copters, 3 Sha Yus, and 1 Lao Hu ). Use the artillery to destroy the Sha Yus, while your mechs take out the Lao Hu from Long Range, then destroy the Attack Copters. Send the Sha Yu and another mech towards the Small Base in the Northwest with the Resource Building guarded by two LRM Carriers. Use the Sha Yu to "bait" the LRM Carriers out so the other mech can kill them. Meanwhile, send the rest of your forces to the open area South of the Sensor Control. Once they have destroyed the LRM Carriers and captured the Resource Building, have the Sha Yu and second mech rejoin you main force near the Sensor Tower. Call in a refit truck if needed, and repair your mechs. When the second wave ( 1 Harasser, 1 Partisan, 4 LRM Carriers, 2 Razorbacks, and 2 Shootists ) arrives, use the Sha Yu to bait them into range of the Heavy Mechs, and destroy them. Once they are gone, repair your mechs and send the Sha Yu towards the Northeast Village. The Third Wave ( 2 Hunchbacks and 4 Sha Yus ) will approach the Village from the North. Use the Sha Yu to bait them to your Heavy Mechs. It doesn't really matter which Mechs you kill first in this case, but it would probably be wise to take out the Hunchbacks first. Repair your Mechs and return to the base north of the city. Call in one or two extra artillery pieces if you want and wait for the final wave of enemy mechs ( 1 Atlas, 2 Hollanders, 2 Catapults ). Use the Artillery to destroy ( or at least soften up ) as many enemy mechs as possible, while your mechs deal with any enemies that survive the artillery barrage. After the final wave is dealt with ( assuming you didn't tangle with the Razorback Southeast of the city ), repair your mechs, salvage whatever Enemy Mechs you want, and go take out the Razorback to end the mission. After this mission, you are given three choices A.) Night Ops Scorpio B.) Combat Recovery Dropship C) Mobile Assault Mt. Cho I usually play them in the order of B, A, C. This gives me quick access to three Elite MechWarriors, and enough mission time to build them all into Aces. Granted it does take some effort to get Ghost to Ace Status, but it can be done. Mission 2A Night Ops Scorpio Forces Used Madcat, Thor, Men Shen There are two problems that you encounter in this mission. First there is a "shortage" of space in the drop bay. 200 Tons is not a lot of combat firepower, so you are going to have to pick your fights carefully. Secondly, there is a shortage of time, which means that, in addition to being able to take a small number of mechs, the mechs you take have to be fast. Start by running the Mechs West and North until you are west of the southern power generator ( but still outside the walls ). Call down a Scout Copter for bait. Have the Scout Copter bait the Hollander and two Partisans on patrol outside the walls. After taking out the outer patrol, blast a hole in the west wall of the base and have the Scout Copter bait the vehicles ( 2 Partisans, 2 Vedettes, 2 Harassers ). After the vehicles are gone, use the Scout Copter to bait the 5 Razorbacks ( they are powered down as long as your forces stay west of the power generator. Once the Razorbacks are gone, capture the weapons facility and destroy the power generator. At some point in the mission, call in an airstrike on the fueltanks near the north power generator. This will destroy the generator and probably the Atlas, and maybe the Shootist nearby. Exit the base and head towards the "city" to the Southeast. Use the Scout Copter to bait the Hollander and Hunchback on Patrol ( take out the Hollander first ) and destroy the industrial complex. Go South and then East ( try to avoid the Razorback / Bushwacker patrol )to the first Ammo Dump, approaching it from the south. Destroy the south "bay" of the dump, which should at least damage the Razorback and a Partisan. Kill them quickly and then proceed to destroy the rest of the ammo dump and the other two Partisans. Proceed North, avoiding the Razorback / Bushwacker patrols if possible, to the second ammo dump. If you have enough Resource Points left, call in an airstrike on the East half of the dump when the patrolling mechs ( 1 Hunchback and 1 Razorback ) are nearby. The resulting exploding should at least damage them, if not kill them. Destroy the west half of the dump and destroy the second Hunchback / Razorback patrol that will power up as you approach. After destroying the dump and any mechs in the area, proceed to the extraction point to end the mission. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Here's an other mail by Chris Jericho ( ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Dear Briareos Kerensky, Would like to add some comments concerning Swarm LRMs. From my observations, the Swarm LRM is the cheapest, sneakiest weapon in MC2. True, it doesn't inflict concentrated damage, since it's an area affect weapon. However, the interesting thing about this is that since the damage is spread throughout the Mech, the head will often receive damage as well! All it takes is some backtracking and salvoes of Swarm LRMs, and you can eliminate a whole group of Mechs together quickly with more or less everything intact! I have been exploiting this "bug" since I first noticed rhe amount of head damage my Mechs received when fired upon by Swarm LRM carriers. Not only did their cockpits turn yellow to red, the pilots got injured as well. That got my attention! Also, remember those Elite Catapults in the Destroy Liao Palace Mission? Evil weren't they? I did some experiments, and noticed that Mechs running received a lot more head damage than Mechs standing still. Sounds contradictory? I thought so too, but that's how it works. It took a while for Swarm LRMs to inflict enough damage to destroy a stationery Mech's cockpit. But take that Mech and move it around, make it run away or rush the guy launching the Swarm, and your head gets hit more. On defensive missions, I've found using support Mechs loaded with nothing but Swarm LRMs can easily take out entire groups of Mechs. It may not work so well on combat missions, since Swarm LRMs hit anything and everything, and you don't want to accidently damage or destroy any of your own Mechs engaging the enemy at close quarters. Combine mines with Swarm LRMs for maximum random head damage! There is a downside when using Swarm LRMs. The kills don't register. That's right. It's like destroying a Mech by shooting a gas tank next to it. The kill doesn't register. This definately won't help the gunnery skills of your pilots. When using Swarm LRMs in the campaign missions, especially defensive ones, it'll make your life much easier in the sense that you can "headshot" groups of enemies with your Regular or Veteran pilots without LRM or Long-Range specialisations. However, in the later missions, ammunition shortages can be a big problem, and by that time your pilots should be skilled enough in certain weapons and at certain ranges to take out targets at will. That's all I have to say about Swarm LRMs. Anyway, just for the heck of showing off, here is my top score for completing MC2 at Regular level. C-Bills 6773210 (after selling everything off, not including my Mech teams) Zeus 1MGA, 1 CUMAC, 4 CHVLL, 5 Armour, 1 Heatsink Ace Steel MAC, Toughness, MRange, Sharpshooter Bushwacker 1 CUHVAC, 2 CHVL, 1 CERL, 5 Armour Elite Mother L, Medium Mech, HAC Ryoken 9 CERL, 2 Armour, 2 Heatsinks Elite Claymore Toughness MRange ERL Madcat 2 C Strk SRM, 4 CERPPC, 5 Armour, 1 Heatsink Elite Rooster Toughness, LRM, ER PPC Menshen 2 CULAC, 4 Armour Ace Worm LAC, Sensor, LRange, Sharpshooter Thor 1 CUMAC, 7 ERL, Jumpjets, 5 Armour, 1 Heatsink Elite Meat MAC, ERL, MRange Vulture 1 CPL, 12 CLRM. 2 Armour Ace Flash Sensor, LRm, LRange, Sharpshooter 450 tons exactly. Other pilots EliteTwitch L, LAC, LRange Elite Ghost Sensor, JJ, LRange All Mechs were salvaged, didn't buy a single one. Have to agree with Roy Dane totally, all Mechs salvaged using resource points during a mission are yours, period. The list of Mechs at the mission debriefing simply shows all the Mechs which you have not totally destroyed, and you get the option of buying them. Who knows, maybe you missed salvaging something good, it's a nice way of letting you have it first, at a price. Just for fun, played the final battle with Renard at Elite setting. (I used the Regular setting at first, got to the point when Renard and his escort showed up, carefully eliminated his goons only without attracting Renard's attention, quick saved that part, changed to Elite setting, then quick loaded.) It took FIVE minutes of CONSTANT HEADSHOT FIRING from my ENTIRE TEAM before Renard went down! By that time, he had headshot five of my Mechs. Sheesh... Don't ever play Veteran or Elite if you want a fair fight. Your weapons do half as much damage as your enemies, and they will always, ALWAYS headshot you. In the final mission, I used a Thor to jump onto the hill where the administration building I was supposed to destroy sat, and it promptly got headshot to death by the powered armour! Sheeeeeeeeeeeesh... ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ******************* 19-CREDITS and MISC ******************* First credit? To Fasa for the old BattleTech continuum (I prefer to see how WizKid will manage to "evolve" BT with the new timeline before thanking them...especially because most of the things I've seen weren't good -IMO-), then to M...Mic...Micrrrr...hell...I'm not able to thank M....$..t, even for this game; and last, but not least (absolutely not) the third credit goes to me for this document! (that's the last time I write something at 3:42 in the morning, this paragraph is getting totally senseless...) Here's the list of the sites currently showing my document with my permission: 1) WolfArt (my site;;) 2) GameFAQs ( 3) GameSpot ( 4) Cheat Code Central ( 5) Gaming Planet ( 6) Game's Over ( 7) Action Trip ( 8) Game Guru ( 9) Cheat Portal ( 10) 911 Codes ( 11) 911 Cheats ( 12) Fast Cheater( 13) 2500 Cheats ( 14) Trainers City ( 15) NeoSeeker ( 16) Mech Lab ( - note: this site has not my FAQ, but it is surely a great site for everyone interested in MW4 and MC2; it contains new maps, single player missions and more; I'd be honored to have my FAQ on their site, but, that's it, just to mention it for the great works the guys there are doing) 17) IGN FAQs ( If someone sees a site with my document (or part of it) on a site listed above, let me know. Special thanks to: All italian MW/MC/BT/BF2/AT2 players, Thanatos (my PC)and whoever for letting the game run on my computer (I think the lead programmer, or the beta testers and the QA people in general...damned MW4, too unstable, and I want to finish it at least once...version 2.5 note: Patch 2.0 works! Read my walkthrough!) and Lionhead for Black&White; well, I'd like to thank FireGlow/CDV for Sudden Strike, Gundam Century to exist and Aliens Vs. Predator 1&2 to be so frightening, but these are other stories... Many many many thanks to: + Matthew Shane (, for letting me note that I missed the C-Bills values in op1m2 and that I told you to destroy an HQ that have to be captured in op1m6B and the infos on the Ace skill, plus what the Weapons Facility contained in the first missions, which I increbibly skipped and other minor mistakes... + Henri Wiechers (, for his suggestions in op1m5. + Time Tunnon (, for the infos on the Ace skill. + Enui (, for letting me talk about BT a bit ;). + Yeo Jia Tian ( , for remembering me of the small Piloting Skill tip. + Max Pritchard (, for the additional misc infos. + Jacob Pearson (, for some nitpicking. + Wallace Chin (, for his 'Mech configs, the clever and friendly debate over tactics and the infos on Renard's Atlas. + Roy Dane ( for his great work in suggesting new tactics, correcting mistakes and everything else he did. To ask permission to post this document, send a mail gently asking permission and with the URL. To contact me, write at; ICQ UIN is 40534369; Odigo ID is 264286, though you won't recieve answer to such messages (I'm just bored of all the ICQ crap and Odigo's tendency of cutting to half your effective speed 'cause it has to check if the world is still working). Write only about this FAQ or if you have a cute (female)friend/sister to introduce. Copyright (c) Briareos Kerensky 2001/2003. Reproduction and translation of this document (as a whole or parts of its) in any mode without permission is strictly forbidden. All names and marks are proprieties of respective owners.