Concise Guide to Kidou Senshi Gundam: Renpou VS Zion (Version 1.0) By Don "Gamera" Chan ( Current Update: Wednesday, 11 July 2001 Previous Update: Thursday, 24 May 2001 Created: Sunday, 20 May 2001 0. Wanted 1. Acknowledgement 2. Nutrition Information 3. Commands 3.1 Basic Commands 3.2 Advanced Commands 3.3 Hidden Commands 4. Specifications 4.1 Mobile Suit Specifications 4.2 Weapon Specifications 5. Links Disclaimer: I send the newest version of this file to only three Websites: - - - http://DLH.Net/ If you downloaded or read this file at other Websites, the SysOps of the other Websites probably leeched it from one of the above Websites. Dementi: J'ai envoye la plus recente version de ce fichier a seulement trois sites webs. - - - http://DLH.Net/ Si vous avez telecharge ou lu ce fichier a partir d'autres sites, les responsables de ces sites l'auront probablement pompe a partir de l'un des sites ci-dessus. "Setsunasa!" (*1) 0. WANTED I'm looking for: - A complete list of all mecha in this game. (Aircraft, ground vehicles, Mobile Armours, Mobile Suits, war ships, &c.) - A complete seiyuu (voice actors) list of this game. - Strategies, general or Mobile Suit-specific. 1. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT Thanks to these sierra hotel persons/organisations: - Jean-Luc Barbera of France, for the French translation of the Disclaimer. (After all, Canada's official languages are English and French.) No thanks to these lima delta persons/organisations: - Banpresto of Japan. (_ _) Zzz... 2. NUTRITION INFORMATION (Introduction) Title: Kidou Senshi Gundam: Renpou VS Zion (Mobile Suit Gundam: Federation VS Zion) Genre: Team battle action Rating: - OS: Arcade, Dreamcast (announced) Maker: Bandai, Banpresto, Capcom On Sale: - (Warning: As I'm a Gundam fan since First Gundam, I use the old and possibly political incorrect spelling of "Zion", instead of the current "Zeon". In SD Gundam war games, I always chose one or more of the Zion forces: Old Zion, Delaz Fleet, Axis, and Neo Zion. I of course knew the One-Week War in UC 0079.01 wiped out half of the human population on Earth and in space, before the Federation and the Zion governments signed the historic South Antarctica Treaty, moderated by the neutral Side 6 government, on UC 0079.01.31. Sieg Zion!) 3. COMMANDS (Disclaimer II: Correct me if I'm wrong.) [?] means hold the stick or button. 3.1 BASIC COMMANDS STICK [u] Walk forwards. [ul] Walk forwards and left. [ur] Walk forwards and right. [l] Walk left. [r] Walk right. [dl] Walk backwards and left. [dr] Walk backwards and right. [d] Walk backwards. u,u Dash forwards, to dodge linear attacks from the player's left or right. l,l Dash left, to dodge linear attacks from the player's front or back. r,r Dash right, to dodge linear attacks from the player's front or back. d,d Dash backwards, to dodge linear attacks from the player's left or right. BUTTONS T Choose the target (enemy unit) that the player tries to lock-on. S Shoot at the target with the player's primary weapon, such as beam rifle. [S] Shoot a burst of shots at the target with the player's primary weapon, such as Zaku machine gun. F Fight (attack) with the player's melee weapon, such as beam sabre. S+F Shoot at the target with the player's secondary weapon (sub weapon), such as Vulcan. [J] Jump. Beware the Boost guage. 3.2 ADVANCED COMMANDS (Note: This section is incomplete.) GOUF After the Gouf launches its heat rod (whip)... (stick)+Shoot or (stick)+Fight causes the Gouf to whirl its heat rod. ZIONG As the Ziong launches its (supposedly wire-guided) forearm... (stick) defines the forearm's direction of attack. 3.3 HIDDEN COMMANDS When the player inputs the pilot's name, instead of pressing Omakase to choose a Gundam chara's name, when the player inputs an original name, the game normally doesn't display the pilot's appearance or quotes. But... If the player inputs "Kyasubaru" as the pilot's name: Char Aznable becomes the pilot. The game displays "Kyasubaru" as the pilot's name ("Kyasubaru" is Char's real name "Casval" in katakana), but his appearance and quotes are the same as the regular Char's (he still wears his helmet and mask). If the player inputs "Aruteishia" as the pilot's name: Sayla Mass similarly becomes the pilot. (I don't know if this allows Kyasubaru to pilot a Federation MS, or Aruteishia to pilot a Zion MS?) Reportedly, inputting shortened forms of the name of a chara already in the game also causes the existing chara to become the pilot. 4. SPECIFICATIONS The following specifications are from the magazine Shuukan The PlayStation 2, Vol.240 (2001.04.20). 4.1 MOBILE SUIT SPECIFICATIONS Mobile Suit: Self-explanatory. Terrain: E = Earth. S = Space. Cost: In the upper left corner of the screen, each side has a budget of 600 points. In a two-player VS one-player game, the one-player side gets 750 points. HP: Hit Points. Armour: Self-explanatory. Lock-On Range: Self-explanatory. Speed: Self-explanatory. ZION Mobile Suit Terrain Cost HP Armour Lock-On Speed Range (m/s) Zaku E,S 150 400 B 480 35 Zaku II E,S 160 440 B 500/800 35 Zaku II, Char E,S 175 400 C 510 35 Gouf E 200 480 B 490 45.5 Dom E 225 480 B 630 54 Rick Dom S 225 480 B 630 54 Gelgoog E,S 300 520 B 590 40.4 Gelgoog, Char E,S 325 480 C 600 42.5 Gyan E,S 245 520 B 600 39.6 Gog E 200 640 B 550 24 Agguy E 170 440 B 550 42.5 Zogg E 200 600 A 700/1400 36 Zgok E 200 520 B 580 36 Zgok, Char E 220 480 C 580 42.5 Ziong S 375 520 A 600 49.2 (I should verify the MSs' specs at some Kidou Senshi Gundam: Renpou VS Zion HPs, because Char's MSs have better speed, but worse HP and armour, than normal MSs.) FEDERATION Mobile Suit Terrain Cost HP Armour Lock-On Speed Range (m/s) Guntank E,S 200 640 A 760/1400 39 Guncannon E,S 250 560 B 650/800 35.4 Gundam E,S 375 520 B 600 43.4 GM E,S 195 400 D 540 38.6 4.2 WEAPON SPECIFICATIONS ZION Mobile Suit Weapon Damage Ammo Range MS-05 Zaku Shoot Zaku Machine Gun 16x5 Burst 120 300 Zaku Bazooka 80/40 20 380 Fight Fight 40-100 - - Sub Cracker 16/16x6/16x6 50 150 Note: Zaku Bazooka damage is hit/blast. Cracker damage is hit/fragmentation/blast. MS-06 Zaku II Shoot Zaku Machine Gun 16x5 Burst 120 300 Zaku Bazooka 80/40 20 380 Mazera Top Cannon 100 30 800 Fight Heat Hawk 80-100 - - Sub Cracker 16/16x6/16x6 2 200 Missile Pod (60/40)x3-x6 6 525 Note: Zaku Bazooka damage is hit/blast. Cracker damage is hit/fragmentation/blast. Missile Pod damage is hit/blast. MS-06S Zaku II, Char Shoot Zaku Machine Gun 16x5 Burst 180 300 Zaku Bazooka 80/40 20 380 Fight Heat Hawk 80-120 - - Sub Cracker 16/16x6/16x6 2 200 Note: Zaku Bazooka damage is hit/blast. Cracker damage is hit/fragmentation/blast. MS-07B Gouf Shoot Multiple Machine 8x5 Burst 80 490 Gun Fight Heat Sword 80-120 - - Sub Heat Rod 64x? - - MS-09 Dom Shoot Giant Bazoo 60/40 10 525 Fight Heat Sword 80-120 - - Sub Spread Beam 40 2 - Note: Giant Bazoo damage is hit/blast. MS-09R Rick Dom Shoot Giant Bazoo 60/40 10 525 Fight Heat Sword 80-120 - - Sub Spread Beam 40 2 - Note: Giant Bazoo damage is hit/blast. MS-14 Gelgoog Shoot Beam Rifle 120 10 600 Fight Beam Naginata 80-120 - - Sub Naginata Spin 80 - - Note: The Gelgoog's spinning Beam Naginata, like a shield, protects the Gelgoog from most shooting weapons, except shooting weapons that cause blast damage. MS-14S Gelgoog, Char Shoot Beam Rifle 120 10 600 Fight Beam Naginata 80-120 - - Sub Naginata Spin 80 - - MS-15 Gyan Shoot Needle Missile 8x5 10 600 Fight Beam Sabre 90-130 - - Sub Hide Bomb 20x5/20x5 10 - Note: Hide Bomb damage is hit/blast. 6-7 seconds pass before Hide Bombs explode. The Gyan's shield cannot be destroyed. MSM-03 Gog Shoot Mega Particle Gun 20x12 2 200 Fight Claw 100-140 - - Sub Torpedo 60x2/40x2 12 300 Note: Torpedo damage is hit/blast. MSM-04 Agguy Shoot Head Vulcan 10x8 Burst 20 300 Fight Claw 40-120 - - Sub Rocket Cannon 55 10 300 MSM-05 Zogg Shoot Mega Particle Gun 48x4 8 1000 Fight Claw 40-60 - - Sub Head Mega Particle 120 1 1000 Gun MSM-07 Zgok Shoot Beam Cannon 80 10 400 Fight Claw 85-120 - - Sub Head Rocket Cannon 16x6 48 400 MSM-07S Zgok, Char Shoot Beam Cannon 80 10 400 Fight Claw 85-120 - - Sub Head Rocket Cannon 16x6 48 400 MSN-02 Ziong Shoot Hand Beam Cannon 42x5 50 700 Fight Head Beam Cannon 80 1 600 Sub All Range Attack 42x5 50 700 FEDERATION Mobile Suit Weapon Damage Ammo Range RX-76 Guntank Shoot Cannon 60x2 6 1000 Fight Bob Missile 8x8 Burst 90 150 Sub - - - - Note: The Guntank cannot be knocked down. RX-77 Guncannon Shoot Beam Rifle 100 4 600 Fight Fight 60-80 - - Sub Guncannon Cannon 60x2 6 800 RX-78-2 Gundam Shoot Beam Rifle 120 10 700 Hyper Bazooka 100/40 15 600 Gundam Hammer 200 - - Fight Beam Sabre 80-120 - - Sub Vulcan 8 50 150 Note: Hyper Bazooka damage is hit/blast. "Renpou no Mobile Suit ha bakemono ka!?" - Char Aznable RGM-79 GM Shoot Beam Spray Gun 75 12 600 Fight Beam Sabre 70-90 - - Sub Vulcan 6 50 150 5. LINKS - - - Some HPs with hints, info, reviews, screen shots, strategies, and urawaza of this game. - Selios' Lairs, by Jean-Luc Barbera of France. "Selios' Lairs is primary a fan site on different things I enjoy a lot, some of which are not well known outside Japan or by rare fans worldwide. "Les Antres de Selios sont avant tout un site de fan sur differentes choses que j'apprecie beaucoup, dont certaines sont tres meconnues en dehors du Japon hormis de rares fans de part le monde." __ Don "Quess Paraya haters unite!" Chan *1 "Sakuretsu!"